#kaz is amazing oh my god
suuho · 1 year
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we need this man in the exo comeback
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suffermaze · 7 months
play pretend | joseph quinn
summary: Stranger Things comes to its last season and Joseph is your co-star. It's the last scene of the day, you were doing fine until now. But it was a pretty intense moment and it's hard to keep focus when the boy's lips are close to your neck. 2k.
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It was the last scene of the day. And you were pretty exhausted. Even though it was easy and actually fun to share the screen with Joseph, who turned everything lighter and enjoyable, all you wanted to do was go home and get some sleep. But you needed to hold on just a little bit more.
It was pretty intense, this last scene, and you needed to stay focused just a little more, but it started to get harder and harder due to your tiredness and Eddie characterization. At this point, he “came back to life” as Kaz, confirming all the fan theories and headcanons. That meant he was like some kind of vampire. Everytime he smiled you could see his fangs and scars covering his chest.
You couldn’t help thinking it was... hot. Like, so, so hot.
You needed to act scared, and thank god you were a really good actress, because you couldn’t think of anything else other than how stunning he was. Your eyes travelling through his whole body.
“Hey… you ok?” his raspy voice takes you out of your own thoughts, and only then you notice how long you've been staring at him with a stupid face.
“What? nothing.” you swallow hard, giggling out of nervousness, and he doesn't believe you, not even for a second “I’m just… trying to remember my part.”
“oh, don't worry, you're doing amazing darling.” he says with a warm smile and a soft voice that almost feels like it's hugging you, and all you can do is nod as you smile back, your cheeks getting warm too, not sure if he was just being nice, cause he was actually a gentleman, or if there was something… more.
You don't have much time to think deeply about it, though. Or saty anything back to him. Because the director gets back to his seat and shouts to everyone to get to their places.
You were ready to go on your own when Joseph takes your hand and guides you to your marks, and suddenly you get embarrassed of the camera, because you feel everyone was looking at the way your hands were intertwined. And he notices how you seemed away, that's why he squeezes your palm as an attempt to reassure you one more time, before you hear the directors voice's loudly again.
“And ACTION! Whenever you’re ready.” 
You take a deep breath and look into those big chocolate puppy eyes. And you feel safe. He’s waiting for you to be prepared, waiting for you to lead the scene, he wouldn't start until you said so, and you nod as a sign. 
It’s almost scary the way he turns so fast to something else. You knew he was good at his job, for real, but witnessing it so close was completely different. His eyes getting darker. You weren’t aware that was something actually real, that someone could actually do that kind of thing, and it seems so easy for him to do so.
Then it’s just easy to get along, to get into character and go with him, following his pace now, like you were someone else too. 
“Eddie? W-what are you doing?” Your voice cracks a little, and you take a step back, frightened. He looked just like your best friend but something was off. 
“Don’t call me that, princess. You know I’m not that freak.” He growls back at you, with a sick smirk on his lips.
A step closer to you, and even though your instincts beg for you to run, you feel frozen, paralyzed. He looks at you up and down, almost like he’s enjoying seeing you so afraid, so vulnerable. 
“That’s not funny Eddie, stop. Please.” You beg one more time, your eyes getting cloudy due the tears. 
“You know what? You’re starting to piss me off…” He’s close enough now, his breathe against your own, and he looks at you, at every detail of your face, every mole that draws your skin, and he hushs. “Too bad I have to do this to such a pretty, pretty girl…”
He caresses your cheek, tracing his fingers down to your neck and getting your hair out of the way. 
And for a second, his eyes slipper to yours and turn soft again, a glance of your sweet boy there once more, a shred of hope. 
“Eddie?” you ask one more time, agonizing, praying he could hear you.
“Run.” He says, with his last glance of consciousness, but it’s too late. 
His fingers dive into the waves of your hair and he holds tight, pulling it back so your neck gets more exposed. 
“Who... who a-are you?” You don’t have any strength to scream or try to escape. You’re horrified, your eyes bursting desperate tears. He smiles, his fangs actually shining when the light hits them, and he dives his teeth to your skin.
And you giggle. 
Automatically flinching, you try to hide your neck, and it takes a second for you to notice what just happened. Your eyes get wide open and your cheeks burst into flames.
“CUT! What the heck was that?” You hear the scream, and Joseph lays his forehead on your shoulder as you cover your mouth out of embarrassment. You were so tired you couldn’t control yourself as his touch tickled your skin. And now your swearing every bad word you could think of inside your head, wanting to desapear to the ground.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry…” you repeated that over and over but when you hear Joseph chuckle, all you can do is laugh too. 
“You got to be kidding me…” he shushes, nodding as he raises his eyebrows and looks at you with some joy on his face. He thought it was cute, because, to be honest, what could you do?
“I’m extremely sorry. I… I don’t know what happened to me… can we… can we take five? Please?” 
You don’t even wait for a confirmation and just run to your dressing room, praying that you could turn invisible for a moment.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” you repeat uninterruptedly, taking deep breaths and opening your restroom sink, throwing some water to your face with the hope that could wake you up and get you to your senses again. And it seems to be working until you hear the knock at your door. 
“I’m almost done, give me just a sec!” You shout through the room, looking your reflex at the mirror as you recompose yourself, but the knock doesn’t go away, and this time it comes accompanied with a sweet voice.
“It’s me, can I come inside?” he asks, seeming a little worried, and you just couldn't say no to him, so you shush a “yes” almost inaudible and he opens the door slowly, entering the room, and immediately closing it behind him. 
It takes a sec to any of you to say something. He just stares at you, concerned.
“… you ok?” his voice is so warm that it feels like a cloud envolves your body. Even though you weren't actually ok, he makes you feel better just by saying that.
“Oh, yes, it’s just… I can’t believe myself, we really had it and I ruined it all…” you sigh, disappointed, and pinch the bridge of your nose with your two fingers.
“Hey, hey! Don’t say that. everyone is tired and we understand... you were doing amazing and, you know, we can shoot it over and over again… you don’t have any idea of how many bloopers of me we’re gonna have to watch after the season releases” he laughs, leaning in your direction and looking at you with those big chocolate orbes. You know he’s only saying this to reassure you, to make you feel better, and it works. Actually, he didn’t even need to say anything to make you feel better, but he could always manage to do more.
You felt like you could run away and jump over the highest cliff, because he would catch you, you would be safe. It’s the first time someone made you feel like this in your entire life. You always knew there was something special about that boy. 
And the way he was looking at you now, getting closer and closer, just to caress your hair and make you relax, was really… really special… 
“It’s ok, really…” he says one more time, and you smile softly, starting to believe him. “I have an idea… we could practice, you know, rehearse that scene so you’ll be prepared to shoot it. what do you think?” For a moment, just a second, he seems shy, vulnerable, and then you are finally sure of what that meant. The way he said it faltering, and looked at you with those big wondering eyes.
All those months shooting together, getting to know each other. The way he looked at you, without hesitation, without looking away not even a single time. And the way he smiled when you always looked back. How he was always close, always joking with you, just to make you laugh, just so he could see your smile.
“yeah, that’s a… that’s a pretty good idea.” you chuckle shyly too, your face heating up, the butterflies dancing inside you. Because you felt the same way.
He smiles, wide open, his face almost shining, and he gets even closer, getting his hand to your neck again, now with a really soft touch, making you shiver, feeling so electric that it seemed like a lightning had just hit you within his skin, through his fingertips.
“Whenever you’re ready.” he jokes, trying the best imitation he could do of the director’s voice, and you roll your eyes at his stupidity. you know he was trying to make you relax, but the way every inch of your body is desiring him make it almost ache. 
“Eddie?” you say, your voice sounding a little raspy and aerated because you couldn’t breathe normally, your eyes looking at his under your lashes.
“Don’t run.” Joseph answers, and he smiles at you, his orbes pulling you to him like magnets.
You can’t even say your line back, you just couldn’t breathe properly to your voice to come out. You feel his body getting closer, his face getting closer and closer to yours, the almost nonexistent between you two evaporating.
You stare at him for how long you could, analyzing every single detail that made him himself, just so you could mark the way he was looking at you forever in your head until his lips get to your neck with a gentle kiss. It’s a shock, and you flinch a bit, just because it confirms to you this is real.
You don’t want to laugh this time. On the contrary, you let out a tiny gasp and close your eyes, feeling his warm skin touching yours. His lips tracing its way up your neck, to your jaw, and he stops, just so he could stare at you again, cause he wanted to fix this moment in his mind too.
He holds your face, so carefully you feel you were made of porcelain. Like someone holding the most beautiful flower to ever exist, too afraid to damage its fragile petals. And he kisses you, finally. His lips fit yours so perfectly it almost feels surreal, because it felt like you were designed for each other, like you couldn’t belong to anybody else. It is so soft, the perfect texture, pressure, warmth… Everything was just… perfect. 
You’ve waited for this for so long, and you feel so light, almost flying. It sounds cliche, but you’re pretty sure you could hear the fireworks, the ones that you feel exploding inside your chest, like they were actually around you, almost too close… too real…
“Guys? are you there? we need to keep recording!” you hear a muffled voice behind the door, and someone knocking again and again, louder and louder. “guys?”
It takes you two out of that trance, back to reality, and you look into each other’s eyes with such joy you could see the sparkles.
Joseph laughs through the kiss, and hides his face into your neck again. When he looks at you, his face is red like a tomato, and it’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, making you giggle as you bite your lower lip, attempting to hide your smile. 
“We’re coming!” You answer, looking away when you start to blush, trying to recompose yourself as you fix your hair and your clothes, even though they remained intact.
“We can do it.” He says, holding your chin with his thumb and making you look at him, raising his eyebrows to emphasize his words. “You can do it. And I’ll be with you the whole time.”
You nod, holding his hand and squeezing it a little, just to make sure that was real, that it actually happened. 
And you knew, no matter what, from that day on, he would be with you the whole time. 
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hello! this is my first time writing in another language and posting something here, so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes and I hope you guys understand... anyway, it would be awesome to hear your opnions and I really hope you've enjoyed it!! <3
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achillesleftheel · 2 years
some of my personal headcannons for the crows!
That man can SING (i don't know it felt right)
He has freckles all over his arms and back
Can play the violin
Remembers everyone's birthdays or he doesn't remember them at all
Can play the Viola (Kanej duets perhaps??)
Writes her own songs (seashanties!!!)
Her knifes have birthdays (the day she got them is their birthday and Kaz remembers them, because of course he does)
He's a cat person, the 'OH MY GOD A CAT' friend, the reason why is because he had loads on the farm as a child
He cannot sing for the life of him, but because he's Jesper he sings ALL the time
Cracks his joints constantly (drives Kaz up the wall)
Knee bounce™
Has an overbite and teeth that stick out
Plays with his hair a lot, like ruffles it and stuff
He has really frizzy hair, it's literally untameable
Burns everything he cooks
Writes songs with Inej (flute and viola duets!!!!)
Helps Jes with Grisha things (grisha power 1 on 1 lessons with Ms Zenik)
Has a personal journal
Amazing listener!!!
An excellent cook
Writes a shit tone of love letters to Nina
Big softie to any kind of dog (baby voice)
Best at gift giving (somehow manages to get the best giftsnfor everyone and no one knows how)
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Here for your daily dose of heartbreaking: some Grishaverse folks as sad song lyrics
Kanej: “The past is a presence, The future is pretend. And the present is a pastor, trying to make it all make sense. Will I ever leave this place? This world that I am trying to break? The mind is such a funny space, with all these spectres centre stage” - Three Spectres by J. Maya (aka the most Kanej coded song I have heard in my entire life, it’s absolutely beautiful)
Helnik: “Because brick by brick you built us, and I filled in the cracks, nothing quite prepared you for when they don’t come back. I wish I’d done things different, I wish that I’d been brave, I wish I’d known these stones were something I could save” - Ruin by The Amazing Devil
Inej: “When I decided to wage holy war, it looked very much like staring at my bedroom floor but oh god you’re going to get it, you’ll be sorry that you messed with me. And I know I may not look like much, just another screaming speck of dust, but oh god you’re going to get it, you’ll be sorry that you messed with us” - Girls Against God by Florence + the Machine
Zoya: “And I stare, at the soldiers before me. All my blossoms, waiting to fall. And I walk, and I walk, and I walk, and I walk - Knowing every last one of them is painted in light as I make myself aquatinted with the Saint of never getting it right” - Blossoms by The Amazing Devil (aka the most Zoya of the Garden song you have ever heard, tears-worthy)
Nina: “I saw a piece of heaven waiting for me, And I was running far away would I run off the world some day? Nobody knows, nobody knows, and I was dancing in the rain and I felt alive and I can’t complain - But, no take me home. Take me home where I belong, I can’t take it anymore” - Runaway, AURORA
Kaz: “‘Cause I’ve been here, so many times before, don’t you think I look pretty curled up on this bathroom floor? Where you see weakness, I see wit, sometimes I fall to piece just to see what bits of me don’t fit. And when I stand, oh those folks will run, and tell the tales of what I’ve become. And they’ll speak of me, oh I’m whispered tones, and say my name like it shakes their bones” - The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace by The Amazing Devil
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star-burst365 · 2 years
We’re all sleeping on the gem that is Matthias Helvar: an essay
Crooked Kingdom spoilers!!
We’re all in denial about Matthias’s death in ck but also he had some bangers lines and scenes even before chapter 40 such as:
finding out his full name was Matthias Benedik Helvar omg why are we sleeping on this
“how about i bite your lip”
“don’t eat the snow” i dont think they were planning to 💀
his constant feud with kaz
kaz could breathe and matthias would already be fetching the holy water
any demjin moment ever
“you’re all horrible”
“they all seem like practical choices 😀”
the grandpa energy
nothing but respect and admiration for inej “the little bronze girl” ghafa
the big brooding yellow tulip
nina handed him a gun during the ambush of soc and he fr would’ve killed her if they weren’t being shot at
“I can drink your poison no longer” was so powerful. he went from extreme prejudices against grisha after being raised and literally brainwashed by hatred to bashing his ex-commander in the head to free Nina omg
friendly reminder his entire family was killed by inferni but he still moves past it
something nobody talks about: he combined his hateful past of serving as a drukelle, something made to hunt grisha to lead two of them (Jesper and Kuwei) out of a corner and get them back to the rest of the crows in ck.
he used military tactics made to kill grisha to save grisha
this was so important for his development i swear
and don’t forget Nina either
“little red bird” please im not okay
him and nina squeezing in the littlest places just to cuddle together and rest together is so dvfnjkvsfnks
him just wanting to be there for Nina for every step of the way as she recovers from parem
his wet dreams consist of three things:
her “glorious thighs”
a traditional fjerdan life and the domestic lifestyle Fr
literally just vibing in a field of flowers
he saw a nameless husband help a nameless wife with her hair in ketterdam and wished that could be him and nina that’s too sweet help
all he wants is a domestic little life filled with love
but then there’s “he considered brushing it off with his lips, then told himself he should take a walk”
he just told himself to touch grass my god
but also the enemies to lovers lingers, my one of my favorite quotes being:
”you’d flirt with a date palm if it paid you any attention” the shade
also his family? the way he still has memories? so much so he foot massages a pregnant woman?
friendly reminder this man is built like a giant and looks the most threatening out of the group
and he fr lets a girl sing her heart out AND OFFERS TO TAKE HER ON A WALK BY THE LAKE HES SO PRECIOUS
”sing. by all means, sing” famous last words
him complimenting nina on her hair and how she styles it??
the toffee on the boat in soc
constantly regretting his life decisions in soc but willing to die for the crows in ck
the found family trope is killing me
“trickery isn’t my native tongue but I can still learn to speak it” the demjin and crows influence
his lil commander voice to silence the prisoners when they were getting in the truck made inej, someone with the posture of a knifes edge, stand straighter like wtf
he went from saying meaningful and encouraging things to nina and then when she said she wanted to cry in a corner he switched in 0.2 seconds and said “but…this room is round” oh my god
made out with nina in front of two thirds of the grisha triumvirate
nina and him being twin soldiers sdnnnojnididoskc
him and Jesper’s scenes are honestly amazing, we were robbed
he’s literally kaz’s bodyguard when trading for inej
learned a language while in prison I mean that’s pretty impressive
eats honor for breakfast lunch and dinner
”i. Should. Let. You. Die.” He says while trying to desperately save kaz
ran to nina with a bullet in his stomach for one last kiss, for one final goodbye
”save some mercy for my people” that hurts oh my god
the grisha are the favored and children of Djel was so important because that’s him connecting both his past and his much better present together in an actuslly good way
he doesn’t associate his religion with witches and tree handshakes anymore, now he considers those witches blessed by his tree god
in conclusion: I sobbed for weeks over his death and will never recover. thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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desidarling123 · 2 years
On why Certain Events for the Crows were adapted for SAB Season 2
Spoilers for SAB S2 below and an interview from Eric Heiserrer:
The link is above but the pertinent question that gets answered (brilliantly, imo) is this: why did they choose to adapt so many elements of 'Crooked Kingdom'?
Heisserer explained that using the storyline was "the result of hundreds of hours of discussion with the writer's room," and was not a decision they came to lightly.
"I don't think I can really properly encapsulate all those hours of intense discussion and debate," he said. "But I can give you the highlights, which is that we knew that they needed to face the consequences of betraying Pekka Rollins in Season 1 and we also knew that they'd be in trouble with Dreesen [Sean Gilder], and so all of that sort of gave us the ingredients going into Season 2 of the type of consequences they had to face.
"For the kind of stories that we explored that pitted Kaz against Pekka Rollins, what we discovered after a lot of trial and error was we were essentially just treading water. We were sort of just running in place for those characters, because we were worried about changing something later on that got us too late to, or too early, in their development.
"We also realized that holding them in place so that they were essentially on pause to jump into a Six of Crows storyline meant that the characters didn't grow at all. There were no arcs and our poor actors would be like, 'Why? I'm the same person I am at the end of the season and at the start,' and you never want to hear that."
He went on: "When we realized that we did need to pay off something and advance the story with Pekka and Kaz, and have it mean something—and we also had to explore for a thematic unity Kaz's trauma [and] his back story, which is also deeply tied to Pekka— it felt the best for us to use a canonical story that happens in Crooked Kingdom.
"But we only made that move after we knew what we were going to do in both the Crows and Crooked Kingdom stories, were we to ever get the privilege to explore those."
It may not have been a decision the writers came to easily, but they have already thought of how it could shape the characters' future in the franchise.
Heisserer admitted: "There was, of course, the little small panic in the back of our brains of 'will we ever get to Crooked Kingdom? Maybe, maybe not.' So, this may be our one go to explore that.
"But if we do get there, oh my god, The Wrath of Kahn level [story of] Pekka out of Hellgate [prison] and on a f****** bender to kill all the Crows is going to be amazing."
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not-a-big-slay · 2 years
The Crows as Brooklyn Nine Nine quotes
part 1
Inej: What kind of woman doesnt owe an axe
matthias: okay. everyone, i have good news and a bad news
jesper:my nana always said the bad news first because the good news are probably a lie
jesper:fun fact-she made me cry a lot
wylan: ...and worst of all, i had nina greet him
kaz: what did you have her do
wylan: be herself
kaz: poor son of a bitch
nina: retire? jesper, we're supposed to die on a job together
nina: me in a big explosion and you commiting suicide on my funeral out of respect
jesper: if you get killed, what happens to all your debts?
jesper: aaaaa loopholeeee
nina: ok who are we killin. i wont do kids thats a rule, but that rule is negotiable if the kid's a dick
inej: are you really playing a gay card right now?
wylan: yas queen
wylan: oh no, thats the look my mom gave me right before she told me my dad left-
wylan: oh god, did my dad leave my mom again?-
wylan: how do you know my mom and dad
kaz,crying: my son is a basic bitch
jesper: so let me get this straight, all that water park money i've been saving you wanna spend it on kids now?!
matthias: now i get why you reffer to this as a suicide squad, jesper, because i already wanna kill myself
inej: very nice man
kaz: yes he is
kaz: now lets figure out how to destroy him
jesper: i didnt wanna do this, but i do know one way we could get the money
wylan: you'd make a decent prostitute
jesper: i'd make an amazing prostitute, but thats not what i was thinking
kaz: Jesper, i want you to do nothing, just stand next to me and say 'yes, boss'
jesper: okay, boss
kaz: come on, man
kaz:look at this place- half eaten food, crumpled tissues, pictures of your families
matthias: what's wrong with pictures?
kaz: if you love someone, you will remember what they look like
nina: as god said when ones tried to sneak past the gates into heaven "it aint happenin honey"
kaz: well done people
kaz: that is if you were trying to dissapoint me
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
[Tag game] Nine people you want to get to know better
Tagged by the lovely @artbyeloquent and the amazing @vivrune, thank you both so much!
Rules: Answer all the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Three Ships: I'm not a massive fandom shipper, I mostly just ship my original characters but hmmm, what ships have I been more than passively interested in... Kala and Wolfgang from Sense8, Kaz and Inej from Six of Crows, and currently, Shionne and Alphen from Tales of Arise.
First Ship: Oh god I don't even know. Probably Link and Zelda from the Legend of Zelda, or Jessica and Angelo from Dragon Quest VIII?? That's the earliest I can remember rooting for as a small child, at least.
Last Song I Listened To: Paper Mache Planes by Nova & The Experience
Last Movie I Watched: Probably Avatar: The Way of Water.
Currently Reading: Truthfully, a very big book for work. In terms of on my reading list for enjoyable books: A Lady's Formula for Love by Elizabeth Everett.
Currently Watching: Rewatching Lockwood and Co., weekly episodes of My Hero Academia, and Masterchef Season 12 just while I'm cooking. Recently finished the new season of Way of the Househusband.
Currently Consuming: Leftover vegetarian chili and vegan cornbread. Personally not vegetarian, but my partner is! (it was our first attempt at making it together and we didn't follow a recipe for the chili. And it was just so good).
Currently Craving: Like I was telling @ls-daydreams in this post Korean fried chicken.
Tagging with very little pressure or expectation: @mecharose @thewriterghost @thewriteflame @sarahlizziewrites @brick-a-doodle-do @writernopal @scorpiolight-madd @royal1asset-if @wordsforarmor
If you see this and want to do it too, please do! Feel free to say that I tagged you, I’d love to see.
If you want to be tagged by me for tag games, click here!
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tremendouskoalachild · 5 months
Hottest star war woman but it's just a bunch of ladies I'm particularly into
2. Cinta Kaz vs Qi'ra
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why are there so few stills of cinta oh my god
They can knife a guy. They're survivors. They look fucking amazing in black, as you can see.
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inkpot-winters · 1 year
a the amazing devil song each for the shadow and bone characters *this is based off of the netflix series versions of the characters
Kaz Brekker - The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace 'Cause when I stand, oh all those folks will run And tell the tales of what I've become They'll speak of me in whispered tones And say my name like it shakes their bones
Inej Ghafa - The Calling And I promise you I'll write I love you With my fingers on your sleeping hand And when that fox howls I'll howl with it, in its cries I'll find an end And when I think I'm fine you'll visit And then you happen to me, you happen to me all over again
Nina Zenik - Ruin I will bring you ruin in everything I do It's never my intention but it happens all the same It starts with love and comfort Becomes a strength of will But all that strength made rubble of those towers we built
Matthias Helvar - Blossoms And my saint she is dancing As every step I choose to take begins to set the world aflame And the soldiers march behind me I can hear them beat their spears And for the first time in all my life I know I'm more than what I fear
Alina Starkov - Inkpot Gods Oh what these? These aren't tears It's just the rain that wasn't brave enough to fall And what they hear isn't laughter after all It's just your voice learning for once to stand up tall
Aleksander Morozova - The Horror and The Wild Think of all the horrors that I promised you I'd bring I promise you, they'll sing of every Time you passed your fingers through my hair and called me child Witness me old man, I am the Wild
Malyen Oretsev - Farewell Wanderlust Because farewell wanderlust, you've ever ever so kind You brought me through this darkness but you left me here behind And so long to the person you begged me to be He's down, he's dead Now take a good long look at what you've done to me
Nikolai Lantsov - That Unwanted Animal And you rip my ribcage open And devour what's truly yours And our screaming joins in unison I cry out to the lord 'Cause if we join our hands in prayer enough to God I imagine it all starts to sound like applause
Genya Saffin - Fair "'Cause outwardly," he says, "I try so hard to make you laugh at me" And she, she does, she laughs as though she's not heard the joke ten thousand times before And he adores her, he watches her get dressed as though she's hurtling through time "Oh darling, please be mine"
Jesper Fahey - Welly Boots And when you scream that it's not fair It's like I've gone off to the coast Left you behind just standing there Pretending not to see your ghost
Wylan Van Eck - Secret Worlds 'Cause I will suffer silence for the strings you tune And I'll withstand what's written for the writer in you Write me well my love, write me weird Write me willing, write me well
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thelunadiviner · 2 months
i was tagged by @renegadeem DAYS ago (sowwy for how late this is!) so... it is time!
"9 people you want to get to know better"
3 ships:
valenwind--i mean... come on LOL this one has been with me since i was 11 or 12 (over a decade now!). extremely foundational and, even when i wasn't actively into FF7, has been on my mind ever since i played the game years ago. something something red and blue gays, something something dark hair and blonde hair, something something short and tall. they just fulfill so many good "tropes" and also god i just like these characters SO much its unbelievable. i cannot wait for (what i hope is) the sheer amount of screenshots and screen records of the third part of FF7:R when they are PLAYABLE. the party banter... oh lord...
VKaz--ok... so i am actually a massive Metal Gear Solid fan. i got into it around-ish the same time as i got into FF7 and wow did it change my brain chemistry. there are a few MGS ships that are bone deep in me, but VKaz does something else to me. its blinding. its visceral. its like... wow. it doesn't help that Kaz is probably my favorite character in the game and Venom is sooooo. yeah. cute... idk! but i could probably talk about these guys for literally hours. and it would be incomprehensible. ik this is my squeenix blog but if anyone ever wants to talk MGS with me...
tie (sorry LOL) between akusai and stakhemy--those are so so so different but whatever LOL. akusai is also ages old, one of my first ships. i actually used to be much more into xemsai but akusai has taken the reins. KH is also a decade+ interest of mine (my late childhood/early teen trifecta was KH, FF7, and MGS) so i have so much to say... also i think i am in love with Saix lowkey. now, stakhemy is a new one and much more niche (any Pathologic fans?). i made one of the best character/ship spotify playlists ever for those guys. whenever i think of Rubin i become a little ill. i just find them so fascinating (Patho is super interesting on its own anyways).
first ship: whoooo boy. probably Link/Sheik? LoZ was like. my first ever THING i got into. i used to play pretend in my yard wearing a green tunic and a green santa hat i cut the puff off of to live out my Twilight Princess Link dreams. if not Link/Sheik, then probably xemsai.
last song: Respite On The Spitalfields by Ghost (on a massive Ghost kick because of a friend, its all ive been listening to... my favorite by them is Twenties and/or I Believe)
last TV show: i just watched the 5th episode of Interview with the Vampire this morning with a bestie, but the last show i finished was True Detective season 1 (for the 2nd time... i'm obsessed.. i have a sideblog...)
currently reading: i have been trying to finish Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman for over a year atp but 1. i am a slow ass reader, 2. i started it over already, 3. something sad happened so i got discouraged, 4. im so busy and am trying to learn to get better about reading (ADHD moment)
currently eating: nothing atm but i did have a creme brulee cream puff from one of my fav bakeries (shouldn't have spent the money but my name change court hearing was a success so i celebrated <3)
currently craving: im always craving something i love food LOL honestly the first thing that came into my head was a smoothie... but i also love all Asian cuisine and there's this amazing place nearby that has a bomb Pad See-Ew
thank you sm for tagging me!! i cannot think of anyone really to tag atm so i'll probably come back and do that later when i'm less busy.
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fala-alfredo-pasta · 1 year
What's your thoughts on Kazuichi/Mukuro?
(I once heard someone that they could be similar to Kaito x Maki, and that was their interpretation from a fanart of Kazuichi noticing her looking at a book with picture of a tank, with him saying "Tanks are so cool!"with a smile on his face, and Mukuro having a shocked and flustered face)
Oh my god Kaz and Mukuro bonding over tanks is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard of. I’m just imagining Kazuchi walking in on Mukuro disassembling/cleaning/reassembling her guns and being absolutely entranced by the whole thing—asking her questions about certain parts and what they do, asking if he could try disassembling/reassembling one himself. And Mukuro is hesitant at first because these are her precious life lines, but no ones ever shown any interest in them (or her) like this before and surely the Ultimate Mechanic would know how to handle these properly without breaking them right? So for the first time Mukuro places her precious tools into someone’s else’s care, and I think that pretty much opens the gates to Mukuro being more than happy to talk whatever weaponry/military machinery Kazuichi wants to spiel about any day.
And spiel he does because Mukuro is one of the few people he can ramble mechanics with who actually listens and responds and it’s AMAZING. Mukuro usually fixes her own tools, but since Kazuichi has been learning a lot about military weaponry, and again he IS the Ultimate Mechanic, it would be best if she took it to him to repair right? Leaves her more time to…train. Yes. This was not an excuse to chat with him more, this is a strictly professional transaction. If Mukuro stuck around to trade a few (many) words with him while he took a look at her rifle then that’s just how life goes you know. And if Kaz makes this really adorable face whenever she gives him a chance to be able to work on machines he hasn’t had a chance to before then that’s just life too.
They would definitely have the same vibes as Kaito/Maki! Himbo 4 Quiet Can-Murder-You-And-Needs-Better-Social-Skills Girl.  A double date would consist of Kaito and Kazuchi nerding out over spaceships while Maki and Mukuro discuss the most effective way to complete an assassination mission with only a rubber chicken in their arsenal (and other convoluted missions they make up to test their strategic abilities).
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20 Questions For Fic Writers!
Thank you so much for the tag, @honeyteacakes!! I loved reading your responses. This was so much fun to do.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
35! Some of them are locked to attempt to minimise AI scraping.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
44,236 holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m pretty deeply embedded in the Sandman-verse. But I’ve also written an AC Odyssey fic recently.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m skipping this one because I embedded so many links in this post and I don’t wanna do it anymore. 😂 And people can just filter by kudos on AO3 if they’re interested.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond EXTREMELY slowly, but I make every effort to reply to comments when I have the energy to spare. It means a lot to me when people take the time to tell me what they liked about my stories.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oooh. Good question. It’s either “pour the dirt into our bed” (Ranger’s Apprentice, referencing homophobia faced in a queerplatonic relationship) or “if you want voices in the dark, listen to mine” (Good Omens, after a temptation gone wrong.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I write a fair amount of tender stories, so there are a lot of possible answers to this one! Potentially it’s “our place in the sun” (Sandman, Lucienne/Calliope domestic fluff) which is all about coming to rest and settling into love. Another option is “throw down that spade and dig up the garden” (Good Omens, Ineffable Husbands) which is about…pretty much the same thing, now that I think about it. 😂
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully not. I genuinely can’t understand why people leave hate comments on fics. Sure, there’s a lot of things I take issue with in certain fandoms, but I bitch about that stuff strictly IN MY OWN SPACE, I absolutely do not barge into other people’s spaces to do it. I never will and you can hold me to that.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I WANT TO. I’m working on it!! I actually have a smut prompt ask game queued up for next year, when I’ll have fewer writing obligations. As for what kind, I want to write so much femslash smut. There is devastatingly little in the Sandman fandom.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
OHOHOHO. I have written a Los Simuladores/Good Omens crossover and it is genuinely one of my favorite stories that I’ve ever written. “every morning the same big and little words all spelling out desire” is appropriately zany, hopefully sexy, and seasoned with a dash of angst to balance the flavors.
(Shout out to @jlemonster for writing such a glowing post about it, it makes me happy just remembering it.)
Another crossover I’m working on is Johanna Constantine/Mary Poppins. I PROMISE it will make sense when it’s written. …well, maybe. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! As part of Fandom Trumps Hate this year I had two fics of mine wonderfully translated into Spanish by @yourneighborhoodneighbor and it was an amazing experience.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope. I don’t know if that would work with my writing habits, tbh. Maybe someday though, if the right idea and right person come along!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Oh GOD. Complicated question!! There are ships I’m currently enamored of, obviously, but who knows if they’ll stand the test of time? I know that Kaz/Inej (Six of Crows) and Irina/Jack (Alias) did something to my adolescent brain that may never be undone, but that’s the closest I can get to an answer to this question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I’ve got a Good Omens Ineffable Wives AU inspired by Anne of Green Gables that is very dear to me, and has many aspects I’m extremely proud of, but I don’t know if I’ll ever finish it. My interest in Good Omens has flagged of late and unfortunately I don’t know if I’ll complete many of my WIPs for that fandom!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have a good grasp on characters’ voices! Also, I think I write tactile and descriptive details well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have done it once!!! For the aforementioned Los Simus fic. It was so much fun, and a good challenge for me. The dialogue was in Spanish (with very valuable help from @thisisnotjuli) and I loved writing how the two characters spoke in somewhat differing dialects.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Oh, lord. Probably Harry Potter? By hand, in a notebook from the dollar store. I was probably about eight or nine.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
They’re my children. My babies. My beloved frogspawn. I can’t give a definite answer, but…two of the stories that I worried my lip over the most for dread of failing to do them justice, the ones I think I put the most heart and consideration and care into, are “it’s an old song (and we’re gonna sing it again)” (Sandman, Calliope & Dream + healing and rediscovery and intimacy and changed but no less important relationships) and “sister dear, bear me away” (Good Omens, a human AU about gender discovery).
No pressure tags: the usual suspects <3 @pyrocephalus-rubinus @fatcatgospel and Juli, as well as @zorawitch @azi-sings-calliope @cosmictapestry, and anyone else who reads this and wants to talk about their creations!!
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theboysfromaustin · 3 months
May 4, 2007
Gav was getting used to this.
He was warm, fed, and tomorrow, he'd be starting work, which was a bit scary.  Living with Ian and Kazuo was a change, but it was a good change - he loved them, and he loved Anders.  He was becoming very comfortable around them, showering and sleeping with Ian and Kazuo.
He hadn't been kissed yet.
Sure, they'd lavished his face and neck with gentle kisses, but not real kisses, like he'd read about in the bawdy romance novels he'd found in abandoned houses.  Just the thought made his stomach feel fluttery, and…he flushed red.  
Romantic kisses led to sex.
Or so the books said, but that was always between a man and a woman, not between three men, and he pondered the workings of that.
Ian and Kazuo were very gentle with him, letting him interact and give affection at his own pace, but he'd had so little human interaction in his life that he was curious about things.  He knew romance basics, he supposed, or at least an idea from those books and also from the gay magazines he'd swiped from corner stores, though he'd decided that they had to be embellished at least somewhat.
Hell, Gav didn't even know who the first one to kiss him would be.  Ian was sweet and gentle, and Kazuo was spicy and tended towards lewdness.  They were both excellent options.  He flopped into a chair, staring at the ceiling.  He didn't know a damn thing about sex - the romance novels were a bust, and the magazines were mostly photos of buff men in sultry positions, but he had some idea.  He flushed red.  These thoughts still sometimes put fear into him, even though his parents could no longer get to him.  Kazuo came out of the kitchen with a box of crackers and a brick of cheese, “Hey, you want some?”
“Didn’t Ian tell you not to eat cheese?”
“He said not to eat all of it.  And he ran to FreshPlus.”  Gav grinned, taking a seat on the ratty couch next to him.  Kazuo started slicing cheese while Gav opened the crackers.  “Hey, Kazuo…” “Yeah?” “Who was your first kiss?  Real kiss.” Kazuo popped a cracker into his mouth, “It was Ian.  First relationship, first kiss.” Gav picked up a cracker, “What was it like?” Kazuo smiled, blush coloring his cheeks, “It was very sweet.  We were outside, I was pretty much in his lap, and he…I’m still surprised he initiated it, he was so shy back then.”
“What does it feel like?” “Soft, warm, you can feel the love coursing through your partner.  Why are you asking?  Wait, you’ve never had a proper kiss, have you?” “N-no…” Kazuo cocked his head, watching the redhead.  He loved Gav, but he also knew Gav was a bit…innocent, definitely inexperienced.  Gav looked away, before his gaze flicked back up, his green eyes meeting Kazuo’s amber.
Kazuo’s fingers brushed his cheek, and his heart sped up.
Gav raised his head, leaning forward, Kazuo’s hand moving to his chin, fingers intertwining with his goatee.  “C’mere…” Kazuo’s lips brushed his, his piercings cold against Gav’s skin, mouths meeting fully.  Gav shut his eyes, leaning into it.  It was soft and warm, and he could feel how much Kazuo loved him.  The black-haired man gently bit his lower lip as they parted, “How was that, sweet?” “A-a-amazing…wow…my first…” “There’s more when you’re ready.  No rush.  We want you to be comfortable.” “Thank you,” Gav leaned on Kazuo with a happy sigh, “I’m very happy here.” “Oh my god, you’re cute.”  They both looked up as Ian came in the front door.
“What are you two up to?”
“Snacking and getting to know each other.” “I just had my first kiss…” Ian grinned, “Did he treat you right?” “Oh, yes.” “Good man.  Are you doing okay?” “Amazingly,” Gav grinned.  “Ah, Kaz, I’m about to make dinner!” “I can eat this and dinner.” “You’re a menace.” “Love you!” Ian shook his head, heading for the kitchen.  “Hey…” “Mm?” Kazuo paused, cheese and crackers in hand.
“I think I’ll be ready?” “It’s okay if you’re not, it’s a big step.” Gav snuggled into Kazuo, “I love you guys.” “We love you, too, Gav.”  Gav sighed, shutting his eyes.
He was happy with how things had gone.
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belle-keys · 2 years
my thoughts on shadow & bone season 2
okay, i finished late last night and had a blast watching this. we'll see if it gets canceled or not (it might). but oh my god i had so much fun even though i was like hmm at some things. here's some of my thoughts and impressions in case you would like to feel #seen.
don't @ me about dark!alina. i like it. i love it. i've always wanted a corrupt alina. i've been a darklina shipper for a hot minute and while that wouldn't have made sense to do in the show, a dark!alina does make sense and it deepens her character imo. the use of the merzost had major consequences for her and i love that. aleksander and baghra did warn her, and she didn't listen. and now we get payoff. this is how you write powerful characters!!!
paddy gibson was a great nikolai like come @ me and i will defend this man. alina’s interactions with him, tolya, and tamar were awesome like it felt very natural.
the spirit of cillian murphy possessed my man freddy carter in episode 4 like idk mans was giving me the kaz i had expected from season 1 ong he was not playing in that pekka rollins scene, like he stole so much of the show for me i loved it and i just got chills seeing the kaz we know and tolerate clearly living deep down under freddy's skin.
matthias spent the whole season in jail to simply remain in jail for the whole season and not end the season out of jail despite spending a whole season in jail despite jail being all he did for the season despite-
when aleksander was choking alina and telling her how much he wanted to destroy her and had her pressed up against that table and was muttering evil nothings into her ear? i felt that.
ben was excellent as well in this season as we expected, but as i previously noted, this entire season was identical in both fundamental and superficial ways to billy russo’s season 2 in the punisher like i can’t make this shit up. as soon as daddie darkie opened his mouth to speak, i immediately knew via osmosis what the speech’s delivery would sound like. it's just hilarious i'm sorry i'm not mad but it's just so unserious.
when zoya said "that one's a mess. i can fix him"??? i felt that shit so hard like meee finally a female character to represent meee
we did not need reminders that tolya loves poems 100 times we get it like cmon do more with your side characters if you're gonna make them quip every two seconds.
i will not lie, i’m so happy with how they incorporated the crows into the main story like it really felt like a fun epic fantasy series with different levels you gotta beat until you fight the boss (daddy darkie), like there’s so many interwoven plots and arcs and every time a scene switched i’d be like the leondardo dicaprio pointing at his tv meme i got chills watching everything come together the way it did, i think they really succeeded in making you (me) ooh and ahh this season.
the fight scenes gave me chills like the grisha powers being brought to life like that? slayed. the musical score and the special effects and the cinematography? popped off. the crows bringing guns to a grisha fight? never before seen. inej slicing up daddy darkie monsters? extraordinary. shit had me breaking out in chills.
i think besides kaz's face-off with pekka rollins in ep4, aleksander's death scene and his death monologue was the high point of the season for me. the whole "you need my darkness to balance your light thing"? the whole "let me be your monster so you don't have to" thing? literally took my breath away. he encapsulated every thing i loved about the darkling's character so well and his relationship with alina. he did warn her that she needed him for balance within herself and she just couldn't accept that. now she'll get what he was on to the whole time. it's amazing. it shows the darkling isn't just a character in alina's life.
i feel like splitting mal and alina up at the end wasn't... right? idk, the whole point of malina was supposed to be childhood friends-to-lovers-to-soulmates and her making this huge sacrifice for mal and then have him go away while she stays to... rule ravka??? that fell flat for me as an ending like what was the reason for that change cus i have no idea??? it makes sense from an irl perspective but idk what the showrunners were going for with that.
jessie mei li cannot act. i am not some tv and film expert. but this girl just cannot act. i dare you to change my mind.
oh I absolutely hate how they changed wylan and jesper's relationship. idk what was the reason for the whole "we once hooked up and forgot about each other" thing like WHAT WAS THAT HOW DID THEY MISS THE PLOT OF THE MOVIE SO BADLY IDC I CAN'T VIBE WITH IT NO-
i'm sorry on-screen kanej is still just as dry as book kanej for me like i felt nothing at all during their interactions this season, even the hallucination ones. as individuals they're great, but they made me feel absolutely nothing. not a single tingle.
if i had to cut something from the show, i'd probably either cut matthias' entire presence since he did nothing this season, or, i would cut genya and david's relationship because i do not and never did care about that pairing (or either of them as individuals tbh)
alina doing the darkling's shadow cut at the end??? i was cackling in joy like a maniac. yeah. that was a moment in time.
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polycrowtruther · 5 months
AHHHHHHH i just read two of the works in your shadow of yotsuya collection ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD OH MY GOD i dont think ive ever read a SOC fic that i've loved quite THIS MUCH AHHHHHH AHHHHHH its got me kicking my legs and giggling. first off the whump is amazing i love it its beautiful and your WRITING i need to pull specific quotes but i'll get those later AHHHHH the fact that its polycrowstoo?!!? YESSSS!!! YES!!!! YES!!!!! the OCS you write are so so like fleshed out its beautiful usually-sometimes im like "okk watever im not like emotionally tethered to their wellbeing" when people add ocs because i want to read about the characters from the canon and stuff but all the characters you've introduced are SO SO SO SO so so so so so so amazing.. obv oiwa is amazing and having the sibling bond between her and kaz shot and killed me and the 3 sisters were so SO good, (also ms. able was so cute she reminds me of the woman who owns a crafts store near where i live who lets me take free buttons sometimes) ,, AAAAaaa even the villian whos name i forgot how to spell, , mr. v something? like him being coocoo bananas is cool and having the connections with nina.. ugh oh my god kaz not wanting to tell them stuff because he doesnt watn them to be paranoid.. SCREAMS!!!! its so good ITS SO GOOD AHHHH this is one of those fics i wanna print out and get a hardcover copy of so i can annotate it and sleep with it under my pillow etc ok now i gotta show u the parts i loved the mostest (but there was NOT A SINGLE PART i didnt like bcuz all of it is amazing10/10 beautiful showstopping): -ok 1stly the DICTION the ADJECTIVES YOU USE ahhhh okay "A haunting image she had supposedly made, her dead eyes staring at the heavens as if she would tear them from the sky for what had been done to her." GAH DAMN!!! this is such a beautiful line its so poetic
-also "Stray cats, slow doves," and the rest of that paragraph is pretty too but i really liked that line its so like.. not quaint but i cant think of another word.. i love your descriptions of kaz's childhood with jordie D: heartbreaking at the same time tho -"He dashed the thought of it against the stones." -OH AND the hollow beings paragraph part Hollow beings filled themselves with whatever they could get a hold of, and they were both so very hollow in the wake of what they had been through. YES YES uguahfUAEGDUHB this part especially aaaaaa -ALSO all the dog references reminds me of that other soc poster who writes about the dog metaphors.. yesssss yesss!!! YESSSS aegsfgbdsnfibvdddr -He rapped his knuckles against the door twice, and it opened to reveal two girls pushing a large cart, with a third girl trailing behind them. <-- i hadnt noticed it before but that must be waynoka..rip (and The ghost shook her head sadly, “It’s no use, they can’t see me. Haven’t been able to since I got out of the basement.” OWWWW my soul. it hurts in my heart) -the gorier parts where kaz was being tortured were SO GOOD too ahhhhhhh the 'decaying' and 'carving' i felt like i was reading ummm what was that book. we have always lived in this castle or like.. the castle of otranto. verygoth lit vibes it was really fluid.. yssss that and the descriptions of the basement and the corpses definitely were giving edgar allen poe
-also kkaz's drugged speech was so funny. and also sad but mostly funny "Such a ‘powerful’ Grisha he had made. He couldn’t even withstand a kid who bent spoons and talked to ghosts. "
-"“The Shadow of Yotsuya was a vegetarian,” Kaz snarked, “But the Butcher’s Blade on the East Stave loves to chew up his victims. He prefers them stubborn and skeptical, too, I hear.”" Oomgg i didnt catch the reference to the 2nd part when i read it the first time,,,
OH ALSO i loved that you had kaz like translate/interpret what she was saying that KILLED me but also i reallyliked that it wasnt an exact copy of what waynoka said,, ""Kaz pursed his lips at that. “I’m not good at being strong or happy.”" i love that all the dialouge had to be like...filtered through kaz's fucked up lense from the barge, esp cuz the sisters relationship is such a close mirror to his and jordiessss HHsfadfbgfgdghtrfgbhgtr i loved that it was so similar u write SO WELL aeugsbfiefrgrerfgrtghjmhgfdrghygfSAFDGUISEDGVRSIUONGSN
i just realized how much i typed D: sorry for lowkey rambling but i LOVE THIS FIC!!! i also saw in the authors note thing at the beginning of the spirit of grief that you just had surgery and ur in pain :( i hope you feel better soon
Ahh! Thank you so so much! I am truly honored to hear you like the story so far! Shadow of Yotsuya was a lot more of my own personal brand of brain rot compared to some of my other fics (I am such a horror fan, and I couldn't help but sprinkle some horror into the GV), so every time I hear people like it I giggle and kick my feet and scream and chew at the walls. Ahh! Thank you, I don't think I could ever really articulate how happy this makes me to read!
My sisters were the inspiration for the trio, so hearing they aren't boring ocs makes me feel a little less self conscious haha! I get that feeling sometimes too, where I care more about the pre-established characters than the OCs, so I really tried extra hard to make them feel like they'd naturally be a part of the Grishaverse - even though I lie awake at night knowing full well I have taken so many creative liberties with the extended lore and cultures that Leigh created! I'm so happy they don't feel out of place!
I really enjoy delving into perspective and how each Crow is technically an unreliable narrator because their own past experiences skew how they are interpreting what's going on - once I finish the series I was even considering going back and writing a bonus little ficlet where we see the Verzamelaar mansion indecent from Jaya and Kishori's perspective to show just how scary Kaz can be sometimes, but I have to actually finish the story first haha! And trust me, we are going to get a LOT more polycrow content now that the crows are starting to catch up on what has been happening
Please never apologize for being enthusiastic - this literally made my month reading it and I'm not even exaggerating. Plus I know I can't be the only one who gets excited when people comment on their fics! Seriously, you are far too kind, I really can't stress how cool it is to see quotes of my own writing analyzed and talked about back with me. Like. That is my literal dream right there! This is super sweet! Ah!
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