#kazoo vine
Goo: Hey, I'm a lesbian. Bloo: ...I thought you were American.
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dashynyan · 2 years
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eveningalchemist · 4 months
Black Sails ended in 2017. Vine died in 2017.
Coincidence?? I think NOT!!!
[Video Description: a compilation of clips from Black Sails, with the audio replaced by Vines. transitions are a ship, the Walrus, exploding. a full description of each Vine is written beneath the cut. end ID]
I think we're gonna be friends kazoo kid vine over Silver and Flint in the we might be friends by then scene.
Screaming kid good morning vine over Joshua trying to jump scare Gates.
Don't fuck with me vine over Jack Rackham fighting for his first prize with another pirate captain.
The fuck this shit I'm out song over Silver watching Flint beat Singleton to death. Silver jumps overboard after.
The when will you learn vine over Max shouting at Eleanor during their break-up scene.
The yeet vine over Flint tossing Richard Guthrie's wig off the boat.
The free your mind vine over Vane's speech before he fights the logging camp leader. Fast-forward though the fight to Vane getting his face kicked in.
Sail! vine over a beautiful opening shot of the Walrus. A crew member shouts. Cut to the Walrus being blasted apart with cannon-fire.
Today I will be playing Mozart vine over Miranda about to play on her clavichord before being interrupted by Flint collapsing at her door.
Kitty! I want to sing you a song vine over various scenes of Randall and Betsy, the ship cat.
Do you ever want to talk about your emotions vine over Gates chastising Flint outside in Nassau, cut with Billy interrupting.
Gimme your fucking money vine over Eleanor arguing with a pirate crew, followed by Vane throwing Ned Lowe across his cabin, cutting to his warning sign that reads, I angered Charles Vane
Saw you hanging out with Katelyn yesterday vine over Billy confronting Dufresne about his betrayal, with pirates reacting in the background.
I am the sand guardian vine over Flint and Silver on the beach after the Walrus is wrecked, cutting to Dufresne walking away from them.
It is Wednesday my dudes vine over the island's Puritan priest practicing his sermon in a field looking distressed, overlaid with the scene of Miranda seducing him.
Barbecue sauce on my tittles vine over the scene of Gates and Flint drinking during the storm, with Gates giving a solemn speech. Cutting to Flint laughing drunkenly.
Welcome to Chili's vine over Anne going to Max's room, interrupted by Jack appearing while they are in bed.
Harry what's for dindin vine over a crew member walking up to Silver while he's giving his goings-on report. He punches Silver in the gut and Flint makes an 'oh' face.
Bop-It! vine over quick cut scenes of Jack, Anne, and Vane, including various fuck-you jack moments.
Welcome to my meet or greet vine over Colonel Rhett of Charlestown welcoming Flint into the city, unfriendly.
Dad look, it's the good kush! vine over Vane rolling a cigar, cutting to Blackbeard standing in his tent looking tired.
It's an avocado vine over Woodes Rogers receiving Eleanor's embroidery attempt.
Do you have any ice? vine over Thomas Hamilton explaining his plan to pardon the pirates to Flint, who looks baffled.
Somebody left an ice cube on the ground vine over Silver walking into Nassau's tavern to call-out the pirates for taking pardons. He hits Dufresne with a mug.
Get on top of the fridge vine over Flint yelling at Billy during the storm. Cut to Billy clinging onto a yard as the ship nearly capsizes.
Look at this graph vine over Silver trying to use navigation instruments and explaining them to Madi. Madi looks increasingly concerned.
Road work ahead? vine over Jack in Roger's carriage as they are approached by pirates on horseback. The carriage crashes.
You should get the orange soda vine over Eleanor and Max talking in her office after Eleanor's return from London. Eleanor is the orange soda woman and Rogers is the waiter.
Two bros chillin' in the hot tub vine over quick cuts of scenes of Silver and Flint, including sitting on the beach after the doldrums, staring at each other across a gap, and Madi in between them giving Silver a pointed look.
Release all of those sounds that are trapped in your mind vine over Vane talking to Eleanor while he's in prison. Cut to Eleanor screaming in the corner.
The fuck is in the air vine over Jack arriving in Boston and complaining about the snow.
I love you, bitch, vine over Vane getting punched by Eleanor, then getting a noose slipping around his neck as she watches.
It's finals week vine over Silver scenes across all seasons, from pleading his innocence in season 1, to getting his leg removed, to trying to save Muldoon from drowning, and then pulling a gun on Flint in the final episode.
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mxnster-soul · 3 days
Has bill's condition gotten any better??? If so, maybe you guys should do something fun. Like go outside for some fresh air. Or post misinformation online (I think bill would like a distraction from his current predicament)
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Real shiz
Meme aside, Bill's doing better (I think)
A bit wary of me for some reason, keeps calling me a 'weirdly convincing fleshbag'
No clue what he means by 'he can't even see me face'.
BTW, he likes the sonic snapcubes dubs, as well as vines.
We started this dumb thing where one of us says 'road work ahead?'
And the other says 'yeah, i sure hope it does'
Happens at random. Also gave him a kazoo in case he has another panic attack and he wants to spice it up
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somfte · 2 years
Uhh, things got a little rowdy on the server tonight. @asterofthevoid and @eveningalchemist made me do it...
[video description: a clip from episode 1.03 of Black Sails set to audio from the kazoo kid vine. Silver is telling Flint they “might be friends by then,” and Flint responds with a predatory smile. The audio is the voice of a child saying, “You know what? I think we’re gonna be friends,” followed by cheerful kazoo music.
/end description]
Bonus devastating version:
[video description: clips from episodes 1.03 and 4.10 of Black Sails set to audio from the kazoo kid vine. Silver tells Flint they “might be friends by then,” then the video cuts to Silver raising his gun to Flint and Flint’s devastated reaction. The audio is the voice of a child saying, “You know what? I think we’re gonna be friends,” followed by cheerful kazoo music.
/end description]
All inspired, of course, by aster’s original post.
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golby-moon · 1 year
oh no I made more fakemon for people. went more with madlibs-esque prompts this time in the form of asking for a few nouns of things people like and here are the results
starting off with @wofiepyxie, who unwittingly started this round of fakemon by consistently having an insane word count in bang sprints (and daring to mention the word 'candy')
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I pictured an admittedly more spidery spider at first but a request to not make it creepy and to go for more of a wholesome Joltik vibe made me rethink, because there are enough creepy bugs (not that spiders are bugs despite my use of the computer bug pun) in this world. candy entering my brain made me try to just make the thing look like candy, which accidentally developed a weird and probably overly complicated backstory thing for it where it's a popular Halloween decoration due to being mistaken as a piece of candy which is partly because of its eye-searing poison dart frog-y colors but mostly because that's its weird defense mechanism. it eats computer data ig idk where the typing aspect really comes in it's just a weird little guy. random thought but I think it'd be hilarious if its shiny form was just like...all black, nothing noteworthy about it at all because it's just a regular color. nobody would have any idea what it even is by looking at it
next is @hectatess, who had a prompt including things ranging from witches to Rottweilers
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when people think of Rottweilers, they think dangerous and aggressive and like basically a hellhound (wassup Houndour line?), so naturally I had to go with the complete opposite and oh no it's baby, like just personified 🥺 with lilypads. really tried to go for a sad wet puppy vibe with this one, starting with sad pleading eyes with the wet lilypad hat just dropping down its face and ending with the ends of the darker fur that vaguely follows the pattern of a Rottweiler looking sort of weighed down with water (though it's also supposed to allude to a hanging witch robe, which it does not convey). carrying on that witch vibe is the lilypad hat, with the flower made to look like the pointy part of a witch hat though I know that it really doesn't look like that. the psychic typing was mostly inspired by the vibrant color of the flowers along with the fact that it's supposed to be witch-y. idk I don't name them but my brain is saying wetweiler which is really just a perfect summation of why I don't name the fakemon lol
and finally @very-offkey-kazoo, who gave me a wide range of ideas from bees to Greek mythology to vines to snakes to knives... so lots of creative freedom here which is fun in a chaotic sort of way
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I was originally gonna go for a rock type that's like idk inspired by Greek something and is covered in vines but the brain said stabby wasp thing so stabby wasp thing it is. no but I definitely overused the knife motif (and the sharp lines in general to kinda imply speed as well as sharpness) I think between the gradually sharper arms and the needle-like antennae and then the legit just knife-shaped wings but ehhh. surprisingly I actually took more inspiration from the Pawniard line than the Scyther one which is probably the cause of the repeating knife shapes, but more than that, I went for a knight vibe almost and gave it chitin not unlike a weirdly overly shiny suit of armor that's pinched off in the middle to resemble the way the abdomen and thorax of a lot of bugs are connected. as for the Greek part...idk maybe think gladiator like I didn't until two seconds ago? either way, this thing could probably protect a labyrinth or something regardless of its unspecified size, since small bugs are creepy and big bugs are horrifying. do what you want with that thought ig (side note but the color reminds me of honey mustard and I can think of nothing else now)
I think these at least look like pokemon so they turned out okay. I learned from last time (stained glass skirt thing I'm talking about you) and didn't over complicate the designs this time and did try to make their typing more obvious through colors and shapes like the official pokemon do
(for anyone that didn't notice, the first round of fakemon is linked up at the top of this post)
I apparently make fakemon now so uh idk anybody that wants one can message me I guess yay
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itstimeforstarwars · 8 months
I cannot remember rn if "It’s a mental breakdown! *bad kazoo version of 'final countdown'*" was a vine or a textpost but it certainly is a vibe tonight.
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silverspleen · 1 year
So Artoria died again, possibly permanently.
Basically we had to get an NPC (Zathrian) to talk to another NPC (The Lady of the Wood/Witherfang) about curing the werewolf curse in the forest, we were uh, trying to be a little sketchy and sus on the DL about it and he caught on and as a show of power basically blasted our assess with a level 8 meteor shower, and well… Art did not have great health at this time. And the meteor shower just charred her to oblivion in one shot. Insta-kill. Varand went ballistic and charged him as a werewolf and mauled him so strongly that he was at death's door, but still weirdly unfazed. Sethlos and Bhalkam negotiated with him on better terms (I'm not sure how, I know Sethlos must have been hurting), including Sethlos grilling him at weaponpoint about if he could bring Art back.
We pressed on and Sethlos did some incredibly intense negotiating between the two NPCs and managed to get Zathrian to feel a little tiny bit of remorse due to the fact that more dalish were being harmed from the curse (from one dalish to another, from one person who has lost a loved one to another), and they got together and removed the curse.
Except Witherfang asked Varand if he wanted to stay a werewolf, and he sort of reflexively said yes (he was still a werewolf at the time, just in case). She was like "it is a curse, you can control it but remember, everyone will vilify you" and whatever and Varand was like "ah yeah no one likes me anyway" (untrue! but his life already megasucks, so also being a werewolf is no big deal).
She also asked Sethlos if he wanted to revive Art, and asked him if she would really want to come back, or if she was resting with their gods. And Sethlos basically said that he couldn't forgive himself if he didn't try. It was a luck roll. The gm publicly rolled and failed. Sethlos' player activated one of his insane abilities that lets him rewind time and reroll any roll (at a "third time's the charm" risk of summoning something if he does it three times between long rests, it's his sentient magic book's thing, don't ask) and the GM failed the roll again. He did not summon any demons or spirits though. But still. Art is still dead. :(
I was wondering why Varand would choose to stay a werewolf, but I realized that being a werewolf probably reminds him of Art, since it was the last thing they experienced together and now every time he turns he'll think of her and I made myself sad. He managed not to go crazy the entire time he was traveling with her and Morrigan (only afterwards when Sethlos and Bhalkam showed up), and he probably credits that to their friendship, and now that he's completely lucid it's like, his way of permanently remembering her even if she can't get revived a second time. He'll carry that curse forever and he'll use it to help people if he can, for her. (and also like it does feel a little good to go nuts, to just maul a guy)
We're going to try to revive Art, our GM will give us options, but it'll also be harder since this is a more grounded setting, being Dragon Age and all. Meanwhile Art's player is going to roll a new character and hop in after next session (which he will have to miss anyway).
The last thing she did with her brother was have a genuine, heartfelt moment where she laughed at a song that Sethlos sang (in character, Sethlos' player actually sang a song with a kazoo horn and had us sign a very silly, not legally binding document that gave us all fancy titles) and it's very narratively impactful that she would die again at this moment but oough I am still gonna be sad about this for days.
Sethlos has Art's charred corpse, which he wrapped in spare clothing and vines and will carry with him probably forever.
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sadsongsandwaltzes · 2 years
Was there a vine or something that went like “ITS THE FINAL COUNTDOWN *kazoo*” or did I just dream this?
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You are my BEST FRIEND! If I’m dying, you dying with me. Ain’t no choice!
Bloo, to Mac
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sol1loqu1st · 1 year
it's a mental breakdown (skateboarding crab kazoo vine)
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fukounaboy · 9 days
Kayden Kai Amia Angel Duckie Sal Sy Ant James Sophie Charles Ford Wade Bella Rogue Cassie Hannah Erik Dirt Sal Carnage Catalyst Skulk Hush Vine Moss Puddle Cove Fern Panda Admin Program Observer Fero Randy Pool Monty Sovereign Amonaly Levi Josh John Kenny Luna Lunair Spider Pyro Nuke Ronan Aurora Kazoo Vesper Apostolis Atlas Vayu Icarus Phoenix Voxxine Inferno Ghost Adrasteia Diwata Swan Celestina Atreus Light Nicholas Kumaz Vivian Zack Rin Ray Dove Feather Maxwell Solar Alex Mason Benadryl Elisa Ezio Ignis Ivy Lyxan Lucas Sal Tank Chalk Mako Sharkbite Xember String Cheese Breen Styrofoam Koncrete Concrete Marker Salad Bleebo Flumble Scarf Knife Hologram Maggot Ribs Illusion Cringe Soap Fridge Toast Cigarette Sockit Milk Duck Trinket Oddity Rascal Tragedy Bean Glitch Bottlecap Bugs Lemon Sprout Pigeon Pitch Tuesday Soup Skittles Squeaker Mittens Cedar Yoyo Kazoo Ezra Sodapop Dotcom Lust Prey Disc Sacrifice Censor Crisp Basil Fishy Ivea Sprinkles Selfishness Ealsile Elsarine Sharkie Silly Mutt Forgotten Hollow Twix Ram Bear Bee Jamba Aikshal Asphodel Azriel Delirium Stair Zip Ducky Faun Kiwi Swan Tsunami Vortex Socks Aspect Jasper Celain Eden Velki KitKat Bookworm Lite Forrest Enigma Pod Ronnie Theo Wiggly Firecracker Semicolon Glaze Bonz Scarlett Cloud Dagur Azalea Theseus Anth Perla December Krow Acrobat Dash Hero Kael Qwerty X Nemesis Critter Bullet Crayon Yogurt Melon Microbe Bats Stone Rye Casket Wilt Roan Puddle Hunter Clown Voss Prince Mallard Egg Tawny Eggplant Doe Knife Tony King Fizzy Fluff Amdromeda Sait Serotonin Splatter Scrap Cannon Razor Paw Silly Ant Mist Twig Conan Nuke 01 Solitaire Patience Torrent Quake Puppy Jester Bloodmoon Pluto Leviathan Void Spirit Oats Blaze Astro Harbor Lexi Lizzie Quill Sunny Harper Enox Branch Breeze Chrlorine Cyanide Flippy Dreamer Dazy Limbo Scooter Starlight Void Saturn Neptune Honey Zodia Vigilantis Dell Zody Zeta Teddy Steven Alastair Eddie Max Pezzy Entity Fenrir Forest Kalvin Blaz 
here you go :3
I thought there'd be like. 20 or something WOAGH.
Also also some of these names are so silly i love them all sm. I'm gonna look through all them soon... :3
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mindcool25 · 5 months
Shuffle your favourite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favourite mutuals <3
ohh, thanks for the ask! Here goes my chaotic main playlist:
This year - The Mountain Goats, gotta be my mantra at this point
Death to the Holy - Zeal & Ardor, its fine the religious trauma is fine
Belong - Venjent, I love this dude. Always has good vines, and this song slaps hard. Would recommend checking him out
A Terrible Fate - Andrew Prahlow, Kazoos.
The Senselessness of Endlessness: Returning to an Empty Apartment with a Grocery Store Guardian Angel - Hakita, good breakcore song from the creator of ultrakill. Would recommend.
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sneakyfox55 · 7 months
30, 32, 33, 34, 35 for ask game
30. places that you find sacred?
32. top five favorite vines?
33. most used phrase in your phone?
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
35. average time you fall asleep?
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pendragon1400 · 8 months
Even more BG3 Vines (Gale edition)
Gale: No that is incorrect bc acording to the encyclopedia of thosdfahifh!
Gale: Is there anything better than p*** Yes! A really good book (You know the book if you romanced Gale. You know).
Gale after Mystra cast him out: It's the mental break down (Sad kazoo noises)
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jessiarts · 2 years
Mobile-Friendly YOD Art List
Made this to help my Pinned Masterlist pages be accessible on mobile. Placing under cut for now to spare my follower’s dashes lol
Honorable mentions to that one year I thought I’d do a year-long drawing challenge and didn’t finish.
Some drawings towards the end (and throughout) never got posted to this tumblr, but largely the reason a drawing may be missing is because I either didn’t draw it, or I hated it so much I eventually deleted it forever lol
Sunrise | Baby of Grinch and Martha May | Meatball | Stonehenge | Tadpoles | Houseplant | Caterpillar | Puddle | Waterlily | Bubble Bath | Dragon Egg | 3D Candle | 3D Hole | 3D Grapes | Peter Pan | Wolf | Dandelion Seeds | Awl | Clock | Kazoo | 3D Rubiks Cube | Vintage Phone | Useless Superhero Comic
Piano | Orchids | Storm | Steampunk Heart | Penny | Candle | Odd Candy | Deadpool | Statue of Puberty | Undine | Mermaid | Chocolate Monster
Peach Blossom | Gold In Shoe | Celtic Knotwork | Grass Terror | Grumpy Cat | Snek | ET | Ded Egg | Crow Moon | Pine cones | Gandalf | Mirror
Fool | Scrabble | Titanic | Willow | Garlic | Puzzle Box | Impossible Astronaut | Pig | Compass | Earthquake |
Magic Carpet | Yoda | Venus Fly Trap | Angel Teddy Bear | Orchid | Darth Vader Flower | Hawthorn Flower | Cookie Tragedy | Stinking Corpse Lilly | Pitcher Plant | Artifact | Succulent
Octopus | Sunbathing Ice Cream | 
(Including only because it’s art I made. However, this blog does not support JKRowlings transphobic views.) > Snape x Dumbledore Sandbox Comic - You might have seen this before. It went semi-viral a few years ago… everywhere but on this blog of course because someone stole/reposted it and it took off without me 😭 (“Snape, Snape, Severus Snape-” “DUMBLEDORE!”) (2016)
Bean Dean Winchester - Speedpaint here
Lily Singh Smile
Scarecrow | Egg Fry | Potato Cry | Sharkpeo | Hotdog | Stitch | Dorito | Garfield
Tree Frog | Monocle | Old Radio | Venomoth | Oregon
Vines: X1, X2 | Buildings | Old Age Makeup: X1, X2
Polar Bear in a Snow Storm
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