#kazuya is not in control of his devil as people think he is
yuzuna123 · 6 months
"Kazuya has been in charge of his Devil since Tekken 4! he's an irredeemable asshole kazujun shippers are delusional blah blah blah"
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acequeenking · 5 months
Does Kazuya Mishima have full control of his powers?
I keep seeing this everywhere, and for the life of me, I cannot find a source for it beyond one Harada tweet*. When did this happen?
I know, in his T4 ending he's able to merge with Devil and reawaken Jin, but Kazuya's Tekken 4 ending isn't canon. Heihachi officially won the tournament (note to Namco: dumb), and then Jin's ending is canon, but Jin's ending only makes sense if Kazuya's ending is also canon to a point, because it starts in media res during Kazuya's ending.
So I guess people are assuming Kazuya's T4 ending is fully canon up to the point Jin wakes up?
But...Kazuya has both eyes turn brown in his ending as he takes control over Devil. And in every Tekken since (T5-T8) he's consistently kept the demon-inflicted heterochromia he's had since Tekken 4. So I don't think his T4 ending actually happened at all? (Or happened differently.)
And in Tekken 5, I don't know what to call the bit in his ending movie where he does this if it's not Kazuya getting his tight little booty butt completely possessed:
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And then Devil! Jin's encounter with Kaz in T6 Scenario Mode also suggests he's not (entirely) in control one way or another: 
Kazuya Mishima: Look at you. So you've given yourself over entirely to the power of the devil. You weren't half the man I thought you were, Jin Kazama. Devil Jin: I'm surprised you've been able to resist it so long.
And Kazuya, who is unquestionably the most pro-demonic power person in canon, doubles down on that disappointment with Jin in T8. He encourages Jin to "bring out his Devil" and clearly enjoys the fight when they're both demonically powered and keeps edging Jin on, but when Jin lets the Devil fully take over, he's pretty vocally disappointed in him.
Kazuya: Pathetic. Your resolve, your tenancy. All of it, for naught!
(Notable I think, because resolve/tenancy are kind of Kazuya's biggest character attributes. Dude has a sheer will to live that's absolutely bonkers and has survived, to date: being thrown off a cliff, multiple blood-sport competitions, being dipped in a volcano, being psychologically experimented on, several assassination attempts, fighting Akuma -- twice, fighting Heihachi - ??? times, and won against Heihachi two out of three times in a fight to the death. And then when you add in the impressive amount of physical control he must have had to keep Devil subordinate to his personality at least some of the time? Jeez. You see why the man is a little control freak.)
And then he goes on to make a speech about humans have...relied on ordinance too long, which is a real interesting thing for a dude who's literally grown up in/owned a leading weapon conglomerate for a while to say! Almost like it's not him saying it!
And worth noting that his wording has switched to something considerably more archaic in this part than he usually has? Which sounds a lot more like Devil (who has always spoken kind of archaically; Kaz's speech in T4 with him around gets more ornate: "I am what you refer to as Devil"). The gleeful and wonton destruction is a lot more Devil, too.... and, you know, he's gigantically purple, walkin' around shooting frickin' eye lasers on the battlefield. Big Devil energy there. Less so Kaz, whose been shown to a pretty good strategist several times in the series.
And then there's Jin's Tekken 5 prologue, which has this fun bit in it:
After fighting Kazuya and Heihachi, an evil spirit swelled within Jin. Awakened by an unknown voice, Jin looked around at a forest completely destroyed. And he knew he was the one who did it.
Returning to Yakushima, Jin was plagued with nightmares triggering the devil gene.
"If this keeps eating away at me, I don't know how long I can hold on" says Jin.
Which kinda suggests to me that Jin and Kazuya actually become more demonic the more times they meet...? Which would explain why the Devil keeps wanting them to dual to the death, so he can reunify his physical form with whichever party is stronger. D! Jin and Jinpachi's encounter in Tekken 5 suggests this too, with Jinpachi saying that if Jin has full control of his demon, then Jinpachi has to absorb him.
And then there's this in T7 Jin's profile:
Jin, whose spirit had gradually been invaded and dominated by the blood of the devil, took over as the head of the Mishima Zaibatsu, and declared independence from and war on the world.
Which makes him sound exactly like his father in Tekken 2... and Tekken 8:
Using the full extent of his devil power and G Corporation, Kazuya Mishima went on a conquest for world domination.
Like...the more I look into this, it really sounds like Kazuya is actually pretty Lost in the Devil Sauce in Tekken 8.
But every wiki says that Kazuya's the only one in control, because they can switch at will.
...Except that was also true in Tekken 1 and 2, because nobody knew Kazuya was a demon back then (except Jun) so Kaz has to be able to use Devil's abilities even when not transformed. Not even Heihachi knew the full extent of Kazuya's possession, judging by how surprised he was in Tekken 4 to see Kazuya's demonic eyes. And dude saw Kazumi, so dude certainly knew what a demon looked like.
....And Jin and D! Jin can also switch at will in the (granted, non-canon) tag games. So that isn't that compelling to me. There really isn't a lot of room for Devil! Jin and Devil! Kazuya on the roster, and Devil! Jin is a lot more different, move-set wise, than Jin, so I can see why they made D! Jin the extra character and D! Kaz got down-modded to a stance change.
Also, we know they're more vulnerable to change when they're emotional. And man, Kaz is going through some shit emotionally the last couple of games. Dude just finally killed off his abusive dad. Found out his mom, one of two people in his life who seemed to want him, actually wanted him to die. And his son keeps trying to kill him from the moment they met (with the feeling being, granted, at least semi-mutual). And now world has just seen he's a demon, and there's no going back from that.
And while he's a Mishima, Tekken 7 illustrates he's a Hachijo, too. He knows better than anyone else what the world does to monsters.
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I know Harada is the main story dude and I respect the man, but I'm not giving a tweet more weight than what's shown in canon, and what's shown in canon kinda suggests Kazuya doesn't have full control. If anything, it seems to indicate he has less than he thinks he has?
Also Kazuya can be a complete evil shit even without the Devil gene, my point is his actions sound a lot more like Devil than what has previously been his MO (a personal desire for power, control). And tbh I think it's hard to separate him from Devil because we've never seen him not possessed after the age of 5; I think the jury is still out as far as what Kazuya actually wants, because he seems to have consented to letting Jun repress the demon for a while in Tekken 2.
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demonsfate · 7 months
Some Kazuya stans really strike me as the type to justify Kaz's actions but when it comes to Jin he's the real villain or something bc he started the war, therefore Kaz "isn't as bad". We all know the terrible damage Tek 6 did to Jin's character yet it's like they fail to acknowledge that. And then they say Jin has no care for anyone, when the entirety of the games say otherwise (I hope that with 8 the Jin slander will be less). They do not know Jin as well as their fave and it shows
This exactly! The thing with Jin is that we had quite a few games to know what his character was before Tek6. He didn't transition like Kaz where he was the protag in one game, then a villain in the rest. No, Jin was a protag in all his appearances up until Tek6, then he's the protag again in Tek8. SO, that's to take into consideration as to why Jin's the current protagonist, and why Jin fans feel a certain way.
When Kazuya kills people, kidnaps people and coerces them into doing jobs, smuggles animals and other illegal things, do inhumane experimentation on animals... it's okay because he was influenced by the devil. But if a fan dare suggests that maybe T8 could retcon T6 by saying Jin was taken over by the devil, then it's "NOPE, NOPE!! JIN WAS IN FULL CONTROL. HE DID THOSE EVIL ACTIONS ALL ON HIS OWN. HE IS IRREDEEMABLE!" When Kazuya kills the G-Corp employees, it's okay because they tried to kill him and therefore they were the evil ones. (Even if not all of t hem were bad). When Jin tries to kill Heihachi and Kazuya for being evil pieces of shits, then that was EVIDENCE that Jin was "evil" all along because a protagonist would never kill anyone no matter how evil they are. When Kazuya kills Heihachi, it's a good thing because Heihachi was evil. When Kazuya continues the war and conquers nations and kills innocents, it's okay because... Jin did it first, so Kaz isn't as bad????? That, or they just straight up ignore Kazuya's actions like that Reddit post did by essentially insinuating that Kazuya has only ever opposed Jin and Heihachi LMAO.
Also actively ignoring all the tragedy Jin went through, too. They'll never bring up how Jin was literally abused and then murdered by Heihachi - no, Kazuya endured that as a child, so it doesn't matter if Jin endured it as a teenager because abuse doesn't affect you once you're that old. Or, how, unlike Kaz, Jin refuses to give into his devil because he doesn't want to go down a dark path.
And like. If Jin doesn't care about anyone making him the True Bad Guy... then what about Kazuya? Kazuya has only been shown to care about 3 people in the series. His grandfather, Jun, and his mother. That's it. (Maaybe Bruce? But I'm unsure). So, what makes either of them "better" in this aspect?
I think the funniest thing is, these fans don't wanna buy that "Jin is good" just because the game told them so (Tek8) but they will quickly eat up "Jin is bad" just because the game told them so (Tek6) despite how Jin being bad makes as little sense as him suddenly being good again. Like the writing is atrocious, yet they pick one atrocious writing over the other.
I AM hoping Tek8 will clear up the slander a bit. I think it will if it writes Jin well enough, which... it's already doing imo. The only bad thing we see so far is the story often bringing up Tek6 again to Remind Everyone. But who knows, we'll see once the game comes out - maybe they'll do something good with it. But regardless, I think the slander will become less. Just because when fans see Jin being Good and actually Caring and not like his Tek6 self, many ppl (especially new fans) will forget about Tek6. Especially when they compare Tek8 Jin to the other Tek games that aren't 6.
Finally, I just don't really understand it. Like a character can be your fav, and you can even wish they were the protag or want to see them be redeem. But actively putting down a character just to prop them up, all while ignoring that your fav has done just as bad of actions. Like yeah, I do acknowledge what Jin did in 6, and no, canonically, I don't really think he can be fully redeemed unless they retcon it. However, I still acknowledge 6 was poorly written and Jin was obviously out of character when comparing him to his behavior in other games. I still acknowledge that Jin being a villain was a creative difference amongst the director and writers, with the writers being the one who didn't want to make Jin a villain, because obviously that's redundant and not the point of the character. And on my blog, I just write the story differently so that it's more coherent with the characters and their motives, by saying the Devil did it, and not the human. But in the end, I'm still not denying what happened, and I'm not gonna go on a discussion board acting like my headcanons are Truth.
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narhinafan · 2 months
I find it funny to see old comments that Jin Kazama is like Sasuke since both are brooding characters, some even called Jin an emo when in reality, he's actually reserved. Sasuke is more emo than him. Both were betrayed but the big difference is, Jin was shot to death by Heihachi but was revived by the Devil Gene and Itachi spared Sasuke. Both disappeared but again, not the same. Jin disappeared due to the Devil Gene, which makes him a ticking timebomb when the devil appears, in order to protect those he cares about and to hide from the Mishimas. Sasuke left Konoha to gain more power to kill Itachi. Lastly, the looks. Jin's hairstyle from child to adult is clearly a combination of both parents (Jun's bangs and Kazuya's hair). His face is clearly Jun's with Kazuya's bangs. Sasuke's hairstyle changed significantly during the blank period, deviating away from the hairstyle some Naruto fans say similar to Jin's.
I find it annoying that Sakura fans compare Xiaoyu to their princess when they are not the same. They say Xiaoyu is the same since she has a crush on Jin, much like their princess with Sasuke but again, that's a very shallow reason. Xiaoyu does have a crush on Jin but from what we learned from the series, both Jin and Xiaoyu are classmates and close friends. They're close enough to refer to each other by their first names, with Jin calling her with her pet name "Xiao" and he uses "kimi" on her, while informal, is often used by people who are close. Xiaoyu just call her Jin. On the other hand, Sakura has a crush on Sasuke but he didn't care about her during their academy days and even when they are in Team 7 already. Jin, on the other hand, cares for Xiaoyu and it's shown all throughout the Tekken series.
Man, I'm really tired of seeing people compare Jin and Xiaoyu with Sasuke and Sakura without knowing them from their respective series. It's really important that you're familiar with the series when comparing characters or else you'll look like a fool.
P.S. - Xiaoyu endeared to her fans since she could fight and the reason why Heihachi took her in as a ward since she knocked out his bodyguards alone when she accidentally sneaked into his yacht prior to Tekken 3. Sakura, she got one-shotted by Omoi and the only time she could be competent in Taijutsu is when Chiyo controlled her or the target is large enough for her to smack.
I do think their designs have some similarities though I haven't played enough of Tekken to know Jin's personality. A lot of people tend to group up all brooding characters under the same archtypes.
Sakura's crush on Sasuke is an obsession with no reason to actually like him. Even during their team 7 days their relationship never went past teammates.
Agreed I've seen SasuSaku compare their ship to many others and it was total BS they just want to leech off other good ships reputation cause they know how bad SasuSaku is as a ship.
Exactly fact is Sakura is not that competent a fighter, her Taijutsu skill wise is only the bare minimal to defend herself, but even then it has to rely on CES which can't be properly utilised without proper time to concentrate and build up chakra so can't be used effectively in an actual taijutsu clash. Hence why we never see her go toe to toe with anyone in taijutsu in part 2 she lacks both the skill, but also her signature moves can't be used.
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devilgene · 5 months
For the question meme: What do you think Kazuya would be like if his mother survived?
► send me questions you have about my character!
For one, he wouldn't be such a warped, cruel, vindictive bastard. At least not to the extreme extent we've seen out of him.
Kazuya is a product of his environment, largely moulded by Heihachi. For the longest while Kazuya was frozen in time almost. Stuck at the moment he confronted Heihachi on the cliff, trapped in a hopeless situation, a struggle for survival. Everything about him - personality, beliefs, fears, desires, motivations - is about the obsessive need for control, power, and revenge against his father. It stems from an need for personal freedom and maintaining it no matter the cost. Kazuya looks out for number one and kills any who gets in his way for power. He's never grown much into a person beyond Heihachi's influence. Even with Heihachi gone for real (hopefully), he's too set in his ways to renege on everything he's fought for until now. There are those who would still try to control and defy him and a chance of that happening cannot be allowed to stand. Once he has control of the world no one will ever be able to dictate his life again.
Regarding Kazumi, the whole reason she was with the Mishima family was to end Heihachi one way or another as part of her duty. The Hachijo clan worked use their devil to safeguard the world in their own way by eliminating those who were deemed a global threat and he was one of them. I can't imagine Kazumi being complicit to Heihachi's crimes and staying with him when her purpose was protecting the world. Either she takes Kazuya and escapes, abandoning her duty and going into hiding, or she deals with Heihachi like she was supposed to, despite the difficulties of such a challenge and how much it hurts her. I do in fact have a verse where Kazumi survived. She beats Heihachi, but she can't bring herself to deal the final blow. What she does instead is she severely cripples him, forcing him into a coma. With him in that state, he's not a present danger. Afterwards she takes Kazuya and Lee back with her to the Hachijo clan, raising them there. I'm basing this theoretical personality on this scenario.
I believe Kazuya would a standoffish, pragmatic individual that can be calculating, but he's still prideful and arrogant, especially when it comes to his fighting skills. Confrontational and direct but has an overall quiet, if not indifferent attitude towards other people. He is big on loyalty and respect. He doesn't take kindly to having his trust breached, and is merciless to those who betray him. He retains his interest in biological studies, his own personal code of honour, some of his slightly erratic tendencies from the early Tekken days, and his traits of amassing things like his shoe collection. He harbours a hatred for Heihachi for what he did - the man's actions have irrevocably changed him from the boy he once was and shattered that illusion of childhood innocence forever - but with Kazumi around in his life instead of him, he has a chance to to deal with it in a healthier outlet. His father's imperialistic teachings isn't being imparted to him, he isn't constantly exposed to cruelty and abuse, and he's not fuelled by hate and rage at a situation he can't escape. Heihachi is out of the picture for now, so there's no one to foster those feelings of revenge towards and his obsessive need for power isn't as overt in this life since he has more control over it. He's still wary, but he's more capable of trusting others and allowing himself to take in positive influences.
Kazuya would at least be a better person. Maybe not heroic or conventionally "good" or the type to make the world a better place, but he is better.
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scalproie · 1 year
Haha. Kazuya. You understand.
one aspect about them i love
but fr he has his whole aesthetic on point. and I will say. him face. nice
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
- hes still alive in the tekken:tmp timeline since jun successfully "saved" him, and while the familial situation isnt the best it could be, its still far better than you'd expect with jun and jin
- he doesnt even consider himself fully human anymore but hes truly at his core Just A Guy. take the morning coffee. collect shoes. eat boring food. hes a very plain guy and its hilarious. what does he even do all day, the role of a ceo is to make connections and relationships and hes a shadow ceo. he is so painfully A Man In His Fifties that if you remove the tekken context he could grill a mean steak I know this in my heart, what do japanese dads even do for a bbq equivalent.
- kazumi styled his hair Like That back in the day and so he will wear that hairstyle for life
one character i love seeing them interact with
Apparently in bruce's t6 ending, hes speaking to his superior(?) about a mission well done but it's said he's reporting directly to kazuya, so even if who hes talking to is speaking in english I have to wonder if it was meant to be kaz at one point. Anyway if it is I love the casualness of this interaction.
Also jin! people say theyre tired of the mishima focus but NOT ME bc those dudes only interacted ONCE until t8 finally drops. Anyway their hostility toward each other is sooo obviously fabricated bc if the writers REALLY wanted to get into it, this father&son relationship would be so much more complex than that. Also in the first project x zone, devil kazuya is a boss fight and at one point devil and kazuya are fighting for control and for one (1) second, jin sounds concerned for his dad in the way that he wont be able to kill him while kazuya is himself. fun stuff. Their more neutral interactions as a tag team in pxz2 are a lot of fun too, especially when they team up to tear verbally into heihachi. Anyway like everything about kaz, his relationship with his son isnt explored enough.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Harada For The Love Of God Don't Fuck Up Kazuya's Interactions With Jun In Tekken 8.
I want to see fucking flashbacks man, how did it fucking happen. They had to have exchanged AT LEAST a couple words before getting to jin's conception and I WANNA KNOW. ITS THE MOST MYSTERIOUS AND INTERESTING RELATIONSHIP IN TEKKEN.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
I feel like. if you stripped kazuya and jun of status and general opposite moral stances, theyre very very similar. I will wait for official t8 confirmation oh what they thought of the other but I feel they are two side of a same coin. People usually speak of jun making kazuya better but I like the other side of kazuya making jun a bit worse. In a very indulgent way I often wonder what it wouldve been like if they tried at all to make it work long term and I dont think it wouldve been that bad, especially compared to how the previous main mishima relationship ended up.
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Okay..people perpetuating hate for Kazumi. You're wrong. Here's the thing: Kazumi was sent to the Mishima dojo by the Hachijo clan because they told her the Mishimas would pose a threat to the world. She went there to kill, but she ended up falling in love with Heihachi. They married. They had a son. She hoped their life as a family would curb Heihachi's ambitions for more power.
Unfortunately, it didn't.
Heihachi overthrew his father Jinpachi and took control of the Mishima Zaibatsu for his own purposes.
So she took the next logical step.
She came to terms with the Hachijo clan being right and decided to do what she was first sent there to do. Kill Heihachi.
But she failed.
And he killed her.
But she didn't stay dead because of the Devil Gene.
A trait she unfortunately passed to her son Kazuya.
And the feud of the Mishimas continues and continues.
It's really sad when you think about it.
Sometimes love just isn't strong enough.
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djdeviljin · 2 years
I personally theorize that it's why Jin was actually in a coma for damn near the entirety of Tekken 7. Not because he was just recovering from the battle with Azazel, but also having a mental struggle with Devil Jin. Hence why when he got out of the coma, he can use the powers now. It'd be cool if Tekken 8 elaborated on that - perhaps having a "flashback" be an actual fight against Jin vs Devil Jin in the story mode!
I honestly hope DJ is still a separate character! Because he's my second main, and very fun!
Yes! I think so too! It'd make a lot sense if that was the case, especially since he just seemingly wakes up and can control it at the end of Tekken 7.
But yeah, I totally agree that a flashback or something would be a good way to explain it and not just something they tell us. We need a proper explanation to this and I'd personally like to see this inner struggle as this has been something Jin has been fighting for such a long time that it'd feel really anticlimactic to just say "oh yeah Jin has full control over his devil gene now btw." Also it's been implied that "giving in" to the devil gene would make Jin a bad person so it feels really wierd to me if he just has full control with no consequences or anything. Like, what was the point of fighting it for so long then? But I guess we'll have to wait and see how they handle it in the game. (also I'm fully aware that many people already see Jin as a bad person after Tekken 6 but I feel like making him merge with his devil gene isn't exactly doing anything good in the case of redeeming him which I guess this is what they're going for here? Unless they want to make Kazuya the good guy again but I really doubt that's the case.) My biggest concern is that Devil Jin has been such a huge driving point for Jin's character for so long that it just won't be the same if he's just gone now.
I've also mentioned this in another post, but what I hope they do is that they make it so Jin can only be in control when he partially transform, like how we see him in the trailer. If he transforms fully, Devil Jin could take over and Jin would have to struggle to regain control. Also, the more Jin partially transforms, the easier it would be for Devil Jin to take over. That way Devil Jin would still be a threat and Jin would have to use his powers sparingly as to not lose control. That way we can also keep Devil Jin as his own character.
Jin's struggle with his devil gene is one of my favorite aspects of the game's story and I can't help but feel sad if they're just gonna remove that completely in Tekken 8, but until it's confirmed I still have hope that Devil Jin will return.
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mana-sputachu · 2 years
A lot of people keep saying that T9 will have a large time skip similar to T3 and will focus on Jin and Xiaoyu's kid/s (imagine where a thirty-something Xiaoyu gonna be) but… it doesn't make much sense. Yes, I see it in the future maybe but not so early on? Jin's storyline is nowhere near finished and it would be sad to see him rendered to nothing more than the new protagonist's dad after so many years of struggle. He's always been an iconic character but I feel like we never truly saw him shine, if you get what I mean? When he's the sole focus of the story, he's either the cool Kazuya replacement with too much package (so just Kazuya replacement), or he was basically the villain. I want to see him heal. I know Tekken is a story not about good vs evil but evil vs another, maybe lesser evil, but damn it I want to see him a little happy. And it isn't about what I want to see, it also doesn't make sense to move so fast when so much of the story is still unraveled or needs to be told, and I doubt everything will be resolved in T8. They had the ability to do large time skip back in T3 days because people weren't as attached to the characters as we are now. A time-skip will change most of the roster (again, no older females in Tekken hah ha h a :/). And the fact that the last 57 Tekkens all happened in the same year? They are clearly drawing this out. Am I talking nonsense?? I've seen this theory way too much now i just… argh sorry for talking so much about this
Okay, first of all do not apologize for your message! It's been ages since I've got so many nice and interesting messages here on tumblr, and I'm having a blast responding and brainstorming (or just fangirling) with ya all! And Tekken is one of my fave things ever that is now taking over my brain (together with KoF) again, so it's all good here! If ya all want to keep message me, please feel free to do so!❤️
And I agree with your point of view, such a sudden time skip wouldn't make sense. Jin stated multiple times ingame that he wants to eradicate his remaining family members before killing himself (JIN NO), so having such a big time skip with a new Mishima, possibly his son/daughter seems... nonsensical. Jin wants to end his bloodline as of now, so I'd put that idea aside. And we're not even sure he'll be able to really kill/beat Kazuya this time.... hell, since it's Harada we're talking about, we're not even sure Heihachi is really dead. You know he's more than capable to revive him just because the old fart has tons of fans (especially among professional/semi professional players). When the trailer dropped, me and @askkrisachan were speculating about it, thinking Harada would be more than capable to revive him a la Jinpachi. ANYWAY. You're right in saying Jin's story is yet to be done. Even if he manages to win against his clan, there's still the Devil Gene. He seems to be somewhat in control of it in that trailer but... is that true? He seemed vaguely in control even in his T4 ending, managing to summon his wings only, but we know he wasn't thanks to his T5 prologue. He also seemed somewhat able to control it at the end of T7 (after that long ass beauty sleep) but again... how much of that is true? It's something worth exploring imho... and Claudio could be used for that. Something along the line of: with Kazuya and Heihachi gone for good, Jin is trying to do something good and restoring peace helped by Lee (and Lars, reclutantly), but Claudio helds a new tournament cause he's still interested in the Devil gene. Not the most brilliant plot BUT a step away from the whole Mishima saga and villain!Jin, and towards Jin's redemption arc, fighting once again for the good reasons... and still struggling with his inner demon, because we love angst and makes sense with his character and growth. And yeah, given how they're spreading 989882332 tournaments in the span of a few months, I doubt there will be a big time skip with T9. Maybe 2-3 years, but nothing like T2/3- As you said, at the time people weren't so attached to the characters yet, they weren't fully developed yet, ending were very short and the story felt more like a puzzle to put together. Probably it was like that for the team too, testing waters while deciding in what direction they wanted to go.
Granted, it's also Harada we're talking about, the man who once in a video intervew told that the creation of Alisa and Lars was basically "here's some random words, create two new characters based on those", so he might pull something like that if he's drunk enough... but I sincerely hope not.
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naniwagusto · 2 months
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Ok adding on and giving evidence for something I said in this post. I said if she does get her holy powers it has to come from wanting for someone else. I say that because it was directly shown in her 5 ending which is presented as a hypothetical scenario aside from the shitty boobs gag where nobody laughed, nobody clapped, boo we hate your pussy Team Tekken etc.
It was only because she saw someone completely helpless with no obvious solutions to help that triggered her anxiety, but also her desire to take action, to genuinely be the help no self interest attached. It was in that state of mind letting go of ego to want to do the right thing for others because it's a good thing to do that her powers responded to her desires.
I LOVE Asuka's selfishness. I love her egotism. I love that she wants to do good things while only making them terrifying for everyone else, even the people she thinks she's helping. Selfishness alone doesn't mean evil and being egocentric alone doesn't condemn someone to being evil either (I know it's one of the most unserious for the most part idol anime ever but Honoka from Love Live! is comparative here as a great example for egocentric characters being fundamentally good just misguided in approach). But it is true she leans into these traits to the point of denial and self ignorance. Asuka waves her selfishness around so she can avoid feeling hurt and instead feel in control. And while in moderation that's actually a healthy thing to have because it allows you to stick by your boundaries, by indulging her ego too deep it's only disconnecting her from realities of the world around her, and from wanting to think about herself and who she is, about the consequences and responsibility of whatever she does or choices she makes. About how she affects others (the most obvious being how she hurt Lili enough that Lili keeps wanting revenge and yet Asuka brushes her off as if she's silly for how she felt hurt)
She simply isn't in the mindset it takes to have holy powers. Look at Jun, who is merciful and wise and compassionate toward all life, from the smallest ant to Kazuya himself. A person so mastered at fighting she doesn't project the desire to hurt, which draws animals to her as a being of safety. Who only uses violence as the last resort of desperate measures, never without sure reasons.
Look at what Jin went through to get his angel form in 8. Once he had actualized himself and reconciled his pain with Devil Jin in the spirit world, he was calm, focused, free form. He saw his mother and felt at peace. He finally let go of all the negatives dragging him down, let go of his ego that came from holding it in putting everything on himself, and he wanted to heal not just himself but his father by removing the one thing that has equally given them both pain.
Asuka just can't do that yet. She is capable of it I fully believe she is, aside from the tease in her 5 ending. But she has to define the boundary of when she should be selfish, and when she needs to stop using her anger and selfishness to shut out anything difficult and others wanting genuine connection from her. She has to be at peace with herself and let in the vulnerability of being selfless more easily than she currently can.
It doesn't mean she gives up what makes her, her, it's about self acceptance and comfort in showing weakness and compassion for their own sakes.
* it's like this, being selfless is always a gamble where you put yourself at a disadvantage because you're open, you're being vulnerable in lowering your guard for no reason that would benefit you. Asuka doesn't like taking gambles that lead to her being hurt; we can see this even in the way she used to fight. When before 8 and Naniwa Gusto all her fighting was focused on being like a cactus, she needs you to close the gaps in order to feel safe doing anything back. She needs the opponent to come in towards her because dead close means she can't miss. It's like she's afraid to take the leap of proactive attacking even in the way she redirects others energy.
She has to be fully willing to accept when she wants to take gambles, knowing she might get hurt or get nothing at all in return
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terareflection · 2 years
I did like this one, but reading it over certain things make little sense in the canon of both series. 
I have quite an extensive head canon for a Tekken x KOF crossover lol.
Fandons: Tekken, King of Fighters
Pairing: Iori Yagami/Jin Kazama
Summary: You could say Iori and Jin have a strange out of body experience. And this is the aftermath.  There’s probably errors.
Warnings: BL. crossover ship. 
Jin Kazama slowly eased back into consciousness and saw a demon. 
He leaped out of bed and took a stance. A low laugh came from the demon on the bed. 
"Jesus, you really gotta see your face." The ugly mask came off and revealed a pretty face. That face contrasted with the deep baritone voice that came out of it. 
It could be only one person. 
Jin relaxed when he recognized Iori, his troubled partner throughout this "tournament" their parents were hosting. They won the last event somehow, but now the gods were coming for them for "defying fate" or whatever bullshit reason they made for sending their armies after them. 
He remembers being sealed away though...
"What did you do, Iori?"
The pretty redhead just rolled his eyes and shifted in the bed. It was a little small for his height. "Will you just relax? I had to look like a good little boy for the elders ok? They really don't like you... or your mom." 
Jin looked around, he was in his old room. They were in the little cottage where he grew up. 
He had an idea of what Iori did, but he had no idea how he managed to conjure up this memory. 
"I just plucked you out of your body before it was sealed, you did this all on your own", Iori said. 
In spite of the small bed, Iori looked quite comfortable with his long legs bent to fit in the bed. He lay in the bed with his arms behind his head. 
"So I have no body, and I am in the broom closet of your mind. And you wanna make yourself comfortable in my bed."
"Kazuya's gonna make you a new body, while you're waiting you might as well get comfy too." He padded the space next to him. 
That bed was meant for one person, so there would be very little space between them. 
But Jin was sure Iori was thinking exactly that. Didn't he warn the redhead not to get too close?
"You know damn well that I don't like to be teased. I take that very seriously Iori." Jin wasn't in the mood for Iori to reject him yet again once it got too uncomfortable for him. His expression was serious. 
Iori turned towards him with a matching expression. "Who's teasing?"
It was Jin's turn to roll his eyes, "Don't pretend like you don't woo me to bed only to throw me out the next minute."
"Only because you seem to demand afterward that we should get married, and you're actually 100% serious about it."
"That's a gross exaggeration, I just want you to stay. But you just don't like commitment."
"It's a big commitment to be your friend. I think."
That right, Iori considers him to be a friend. But nothing more.
The redhead started again, "You're right,, I can't give you fully what you looking for, but I still want you around."
Iori patted the bed again. "So can we just enjoy it please?"
Jin just stared for a moment. He slowly laid down next to Iori, they both laid on their sides facing one another. 
"That's better." Jin could feel Iori's breath on him. There were only inches between them. 
"This bed's too small."
Iori bit back a laugh, "You wanna fuck that bad huh?"
"If it was really that bad, I would have you bent over and bound already."
Jin didn't know where that came from. Maybe Devil still had some influence over him from that battle. 
Iori just smiled. "Duly noted."
Iori was correct to an extent, Jin did want him.
"I want to kiss you."
The other man smirked. "You really have to ask permission?"
"I definitely do with you."
Iori's expression seemed relaxed. He had none of the usual angry scowl to keep people away. It was a horrible habit from his days when he could become a bloodthirsty monster at any moment. 
The Orochi blood, before it tormented him. Now it's under his complete control. He didn't have to put up wall after wall to keep others safe. He didn't have to be afraid anymore. 
So why was he so afraid of him?
"I am not scared of anyone, especially not you Jin Kazama." He smiled. 
"Oh, tough guy." Jin smiled back. "Then a kiss shouldn't bother you."
"I didn't say no."
"But you haven't given me permission."
Iori sprang into a sitting position. The bed shook. "Fuck, Jin. You just kiss some..."
Jin pulled the other man down onto the bed and straddled him. He gripped Iori's wrists firmly above him. 
The devil definitely still had some hold over him. Jin growled furiously as he impatiently pressed his lips against the other man's.
The other man didn't resist. A dark voice. "Fool. He should have listened."
Jin disagreed. He wanted Iori to foolishly get close. He and Chizuru. They were the only two people he ever connected with. He was determined not to lose them.
He saved them after all. They owed him their lives and of course their bodies. 
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erenaeoth · 2 years
If you’re accepting asks about Tekken Lore, I was curious to hear your take on why Heihachi has always been so much nicer (well, “nicer” by Heihachi standards) to Xiaoyu than he was with any of his children or his grandson
Heihachi, Power, Legacy, & Xiaoyu
Hello! Yes, I am always open for Tekken lore asks :)
I think key to understanding Heihachi is looking at his main motivations and his main fears. His main motivations concern power, strength, wealth, and legacy. His main fears are threats to his motivations, and death/old age/weakness.
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Quite possibly the best picture of Heihachi
Xiaoyu, as someone outside Heihachi's family, does not pose a threat to any of his motivations, and neither does she exacerbate any of his fears. She falls into a category with most of the rest of the world where, up until Heihachi needs something from them, it serves him to be nice to people. This is an important part of his motivations towards legacy and power. Manipulation of his image (so to be seen as someone generous, magnanimous, funny, gracious, kind etc.) is an important part of the legacy he wants for himself, but also a form of power and control over others.
We know in fact that for a while Jin also appeared to fit into this bracket. Due to being obedient and respectful towards his grandfather, he was treated kindly enough for him to like his grandfather up until he was betrayed (as stated in his TK3 profiles). Unlike Xiaoyu whom Heihachi never considered a threat however, Heihachi likely always was aware Jin might have a Devil, and certainly used Jin to lure out Ogre, so needed Jin compliant up until the point where he was no longer useful. So it really comes down to who is a threat and who is not.
On top of this, Heihachi has a very complicated relationship with his children and by extension Jin. He genuinely wants the heirs of his family and fighting style to be strong and powerful physically, mentally, and economically. It’s important to him that he raises his family in his image, and he seems to take a warped pride in how strong he raises his family to be. He both wants them to be the best and to always be subordinate to him. He wants a challenge but also absolute obedience. He wants them to rebel and would consider them weak if they didn’t, but also considers rebellion against him a betrayal of parental honour and guardianship. He enjoys mind games, and his sons seem easily emotionally worn down and wary around him (or at least Kazuya and Lee do, I’m talking less about Lars in this whole post since he didn’t grow up under Heihachi) as they know Heihachi is unpredictable and knows their personal weaknesses, even if they might rival him in martial prowess. (Lars has a lot less time for this manipulative nonsense, and Heihachi doesn’t seem to know how to control him from their brief encounter. Heihachi assumes Lars wants to be a part of his family and legacy (because who wouldn’t, in Heihachi’s eyes), but by the time Lars gets to him, he’s apparently abandoned any interest in becoming a son to Heihachi).
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In his TK6 PSP prologue it's implied Lars did originally join Tekken Force to discover more about his father.
So to be a part of Heihachi’s family (adopted or blood, it doesn’t matter), is to buy in to something he has tight control over and calls all the shots in. It’s to sign yourself up to challenging him on his own ground, and he will show his true face around such people. There’s a kind of ‘honourable honesty’ he affords the people he’s brought into his family legacy. It also means you’re a target he’s likely going to want to break down to size (kill in Kazuya and Jin’s cases, humiliate in Lee’s).
In contrast, if you’re outside all this nonsense and not immediately useful to Heihachi (if you’re useful you get pummeled and brought to heel, eg. Nina and Claudio in TK7), you get to see either business Heihachi, buffoon Heihachi, or you’re ignored. Business Heihachi sweetens deals for you, and if you refuse, does some underhand media manipulation, or resorts to ruthless practices of some sort to get what he wishes.
If Heihachi does not need to manipulate you for his own ends, he will likely take no interest in you (see TK7 journalist up until Heihachi believes he can write his legacy through him). Buffoon Heihachi, however, is for people who are close but not a threat, but also people whom Heihachi just likes. This is what Xiaoyu gets. Xiaoyu shares a lot of traits with Heihachi. She’s audacious, outgoing, unafraid to demand what she wants, animal loving, dedicated to her martial arts, and, at least on the surface (in Heihachi’s case), easy to get along with. Like pre-TK3 Jin, Xiaoyu will always see Heihachi as a benefactor, who’s given her lots of opportunities, and his generosity in itself is a power relationship in his favour that brings him her adoration. Being seen as magnanimous is a part of Heihachi’s power trip and he enjoys the affections of others and being seen as a patron and a philanthropist, especially as it helps deflect away from other rumours of his underhand tactics (eg. see Heihachi’s TK3 profiles, especially on the use of Tekken Force to manipulate the Zaibatsu’s image). Xiaoyu is actually carefully controlled – the fact that Heihachi took her as a pupil when she trespassed on his ship as a stowaway, gave her a personally-trained panda bodyguard, enrolled her in his school, taught her in his dojo etc. - these are all one way power relationships that ensure he is always perceived as a benefactor. This is so effective that even after Jin warns Xiaoyu about Heihachi’s duplicitousness and Yoshimitsu (who for some reason knows all Mishima secrets) explains Mishima recent history to her, Xiaoyu still has trouble believing that Heihachi could be an unpleasant person, and mourns Heihachi’s apparent death after the Hon Maru explosion.
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Xiaoyu somehow sympathetic even after learning that Heihachi yeeted a 5yo.
One last thing is that none of this takes away from the fact that Heihachi genuinely likes Xiaoyu. He’s only able to like her because of all of the above. In the same way that Kazuya’s ‘friendships’ are all with subordinates who answer to him in the workplace, so can Heihachi only ‘like’ someone who isn’t a threat to his power and legacy. But Heihachi doesn’t need to be nice to Xiaoyu, there are plenty of other, more useful people he can charm for his self-image if he wanted to. So a part of it does come down to just liking her bubbly personality. Worth also bearing in mind that he does routinely slip over into mocking her as well, or at least gently laughing at her expense, which I think is a testament to how he cannot really have a close friendship with anyone, because he’s just fundamentally not a nice guy. He enjoys causing others suffering, and the closer you get, the more likely you are to fall afoul of some of his toxic personality, however mild a manifestation that may be.
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Thanks for the ask! I think Heihachi is one of the most well developed characters in the Tekken series and I really love what a complicated insidious villain he is and could write about him all day!
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demonsfate · 10 months
Ah yes the (or some i guess) Kazuya stans wanting Jin to be treated like Kazuya AS IF Jin is meant to be the bad guy villain of the story. Have we played the games??? Tek6 was an outlier he never acted like that before, and I blame Harada for that mess. Isn't it obvious they want to fix that disaster with Tek8? Like I understand people disliking Jin, but let's be real, it was out of character and just plain bad writing. It's very different from Kazuya's development, you know the guy who gradually became the villain??? I'm sorry but I will defend Jin as well. People just say anything these days lol
"Jin knew full well what he was doing/was in control" lmao. Yeah, at the time, "he was." But the point the fans are making is that it's a poorly written game, and Jin doesn't behave like Jin in it, hence why we want it to be retconned. Like bad writing, it exists. It would be like if you were playing Mario and Mario suddenly told Peach he wasn't going to save her because he got tired of constantly doing it, and then laughing at her situation with Bowser right in her face, and now he's actually helping Bowser terrorize Mushroom Kingdom and shit. Like yeah, Mario knows what he's doing in the context of this story, but it doesn't mean fans won't call it out for being drastically out of character and saying it makes no sense for the character to make such a sudden turn in personality.
And maybe some fans do say Kazuya did all his evil wevil things and Jin didn't. But that may be because of Kazuya's downward spiral and how many can still debate Kazuya's struggles in Tekken 2. The main thing being that Kazuya was kinda on a tight rope that was leaning toward the bad side (he was already doing tons of criminal activities. But Angel and Devil were supposed to represent the good versus the bad in him) and he just happened to fall off the rope to the bad side. Other than some parts where he acts cartoonishly evil, there isn't a noticeably major change in Kazuya's personality / behavior. Meanwhile, there's a VERY noticeable change in Jin's behavior, especially when he's never been established as a bad person, or even much of a potentially bad person.
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You can't look at these and tell me this is the same guy. It's not. This isn't Jin. He goes against everything his character was in the previous games. Also, idgaf if some try to use the excuse "well he was just PRETENDING to be bad 'cos the war needed it!!!111!!" It's like I think the whole world's in enough despair to awaken Azazel that he doesn't need to be cruel to a couple of his friends, or people who were on his side (Alisa). Like he was unnecessarily cruel, to the point where I think the Pre-6 Jin would literally cringe at it LOL.
Harada is also to blame because yeah he was the only one who wanted this, upon realizing it wasn't just the writers who didn't - but also the fans, they're finally getting back to Jin's roots and making him the rightful good hearted man he was and God I fucking hope they retcon Tek6 to oblivion (at least Jin's characterization, y'know)
I guess I'll end with this note: You can absolutely dislike a character, and you can be annoyed by their fans. But you can still acknowledge when a character you dislike is being written poorly and is behaving out of character. I don't care for Ganryu, but if he's skinny and suddenly acts like he hates Julia with no given reason in the next game, I'm definitely gonna question it and say "that's not how Ganryu would act wtf"
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25. Seido Christmas
Oop this is a day late.  Gangbangs are incredibly hard to write, I hope this is okay.
“Merry Christmas.  I think everyone will really enjoy my gift this year.”  Ryousuke smirked.
You were unceremoniously dumped on the floor, in the center of the club room.  The colorful lights on the Christmas tree were searing themselves into your eyes.  Finally, your senses were starting to come back to you, but an indescribable heat still burned through your body.  
"mmm, ryou….  please…." you groaned, arms starting to feel a little numb from the numerous ribbons binding you.  
“Hush y/n.  Now I think our beloved captain should start us off, yes?”  he teased, with a disconcerting lilt to his voice.  
Yuki Tetsuya wasted no time tugging at the bow on your neck, unwrapping length after length of ribbon.  Since your body was still recovering from all the drugs Ryou fed you earlier, you really couldn't defend yourself.  All you could do was desperately meet the eyes of the other team members, begging someone, anyone to help you.  But the more you looked, the more you realized that nobody was going to help you.  Every single member had pinpricks of lust in their eyes, pupils dilated.  Kuramochi was already starting to unbuckle his pants.
 “No… Tetsu.. Captain…”  The final ribbon was pulled off your body, exposing yourself fully to their greedy eyes.  Tears started to well in your eyes, as the room collectively inhaled; a flurry of movement filled the room while everyone started to undress.   
“I think I deserve a nice Christmas present for being such a good captain, no?”  Tetsu’s calloused hands ran over your body, as he situated himself between your legs.  The edge of his belt buckle pressed against your cunt, and your shoulders dug into the hard tile floor.  
“Hurry it up Tetsu, we all want a turn.”  Jun spoke up, shucking off his shirt to the side.   
Needing no further encouragement, Tetsu pinned your neck to the floor with one hand while tugging off his pants with the other.  The sudden loss of air made your body hypersensitive, pussy dripping even without direct stimulation.  A whimper left your throat involuntarily, as his cock sprung out, tip pressing insistently at your entrance.  
You could hear several people behind you stroking themselves to the sight of you getting swallowed up by Tetsu’s chiseled body.  His calloused hands came down to wrench your thighs apart as he slowly pushed himself inside of you, knocking the air out of you again.  
Now this, this is what you needed.  This is what you were aching for ever since you drank that eggnog.  This is what you were waiting for, the delicious stretch as you accommodated him, the satisfaction of being full.  Your back arched off the floor as he snapped his hips back and forth, toes curling and muscles tensing.  A sudden gush of cum splattering across your face and chest brought your attention back to the other boys, all stroking their cocks to the sight of you being impaled by their captain.  Without missing a beat, Tetsu flipped you onto all fours and slammed himself back inside of you, inviting someone to claim your mouth. 
“Damn it, I can’t wait anymore.”  Isashiki Jun stepped up to the plate and shoved his long cock down your throat.  When the tip hit the back of your throat you whined a bit, but he just kept on pushing.  Drool spilled out the corners of your mouth as you slobbered all over him.  Tetsu’s fingers left imprints on your hips as his pace grew increasingly erratic, finally spilling inside you with one last shaky thrust.  
“Man, you really made a mess, captain.”  Miyuki Kazuya, the devil himself.  Just the sound of his voice alone made you clench and pulse with anticipation.  He took Tetsu’s place, sinking himself into you.  He set your nerves alight, reaching deep enough to hit your cervix.  You moaned around Jun’s cock, as he came down your throat, hands fisting your hair.  Before you could catch a breath though, Sawamura took his place, making you swallow his cock.  As if to remind you of his presence, Miyuki reached over and pinched your clit, which made you cum instantly.  The aphrodisiac coursing through your veins made it impossible to think clearly.  He fucked you through your orgasm, pace synching with Sawamura.  Both seemed to be hell bent on destroying your body.  
“Oi, Sawamura!  Who said you could go before your senpais, huh?”  Kuramochi growled, angrily fisting his own cock beside Sawamura, who was too busy getting off to respond.  However, Sawamura Eijun clearly had no idea what he was doing, merely using your throat as a hole to fuck.  He battered your throat, overenthusiastically shoving himself down as far as he could go.  At least he came quick though.  Your arms gave out after him, front half collapsing onto the drool covered tiles, wrists aching from supporting your weight.  But the new angle let Miyuki reach even deeper inside, and you creamed all over his cock yet again.  The pleasure overloaded your mind, as Miyuki fucked your brains out.  More cum splattered on you, this time coating your back.  
“S-sorry, y/n.”  Kawakami stuttered, too embarrassed to look you in the eye.  
“Miyuki you bastard, you’ve had enough!”  Kuramochi pushed him off of you, mounting you in his place.  Although your body was exhausted, you couldn’t control the pulsing need for more coursing through your veins.  Kuramochi was thick; thicker than the rest of the boys by far, and it took a moment to fully work himself inside you, the stretch too painful to be pleasurable.  But just a few thrusts had you pushing your hips back into him, searching for more.  Another shattering orgasm took over your body, and you lost yourself in the high, passing out in a puddle of your drool and tears.     
You woke up to Ryousuke gently bathing you.  The bath was warm, water washing over your limp body.  
“Oh?  Look who’s finally awake.  Furuya took a turn while you were out and Kawakami came all over you again.  But don’t worry, I’ll get you all cleaned up.”
“O-okay ryou…  can I please go home after this?”  Your voice hurt, throat scraped raw from all the brutal fuckings.  His fingers massaged shampoo into your scalp, and you leaned into his touch, desperate for any crumb of affection after you were thoroughly debauched.  
“Oh no, that was just the appetizer.  It’s my turn now, and I promise I’ll be much worse than those simple minded idiots.  They can break your body, but only I can break your mind.”  
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claudioseraph · 4 years
Yall wanna see my very rough rewrite of the tekken story where things remain mainly the same but I try to keep it sensible jk I’m posting it now and you have no choice but to witness Keep in mind a lot of characters are yet to be mentioned or expounded upon and I also started it with the mood of a youtube vid where you’d be listening to someone but it’s slowly turning into more of a wiki page. I’m at tekken 3 so far and I’ve been bouncing back and forth on the actual Tekken wiki page trying to get my info straight. Also trying to create the illusion that Heihachi MIGHT be a good guy like the series seemed to play with every now and again, or he might just want people to think he’s a good guy.
Let’s start at the beginning; with the young Heihachi and Kazumi meeting for the first time as she enrolls in Jinpachi’s dojo. Jinpachi and Heihachi are impressed by her ability to adapt to both her own Hachijo style Karate and Mishima style fighting arts. From here, Kazumi is but a carefully-placed plant, her current objective being to watch over Heihachi because of the risk of him causing destruction to the world. Kazumi does eventually begin to harbor real, genuine feelings for him, though, and as such the two get married. It’s from here that the warning signs really start to show, though Kazumi tries to ignore them despite her original purpose. Heihachi insists his father end his focus on fighting arts to instead focus the Mishima Zaibatsu on producing weapons and engaging in matters of warfare so that their name continues to have strength when what he sees as outdated fighting techniques are no longer relevant. Jinpachi refuses, and as such asserts that Heihachi will never inherit the Mishima Zaibatsu. By now, Kazumi is even more hesitant as she is pregnant with Kazuya and understands that if Heihachi does become a threat as foretold, so too will Kazuya. She does her best to persuade Heihachi to change his mind about the direction of the zaibatsu, doing her best to change his ways while dancing around the whole “my family foretold you would bring death and destruction to the world” angle. Heihachi assures her that he’s only concerned with his family’s name and status, not being a war monger. Kazumi “believes” him. Things calm down for a time, enough for Kazuya to be born and live a normal life until age 5. Heihachi still harbors outward resentment towards Jinpachi, and the two are all but estranged. Heihachi still keeps an eye on the company as Jinpachi’s health begins to decline and it becomes clear he’s nearing his end. Around this time, Kazumi’s devil gene is beginning to activate, seeing as the chance of Heihachi gaining ownership of the zaibatsu and enacting his plans for it is still very prominent. She does her best to fight it off but is overtaken by a fever one night which leads to the events shown in Tekken 7 of her transforming and revealing her true purpose to him before being killed. Kazuya witnesses only her death, and is understandably confused and angry. Heihachi is in no place to console Kazuya and instead responds in kind with anger. After Kazuya isolates himself Heihachi recalls that Kazumi revealed that she was not only sent to kill Heihachi, but would have to kill Kazuya as well, and wonders where that puts Kazuya in all of this. Did he inherit the same abilities? Would he stand against Heihachi in the future? Or would they work together? Rather than immediately casting Kazuya out, Heihachi intends to see what path Kazuya takes. He still lacks the emotional availability/complexity to properly raise Kazuya after the rift in their relationship and things are rocky between them to say the least. Kazuya doesn’t believe any excuse Heihachi gives him for killing his mother, but as he’s only a child there isn’t much he can do to retaliate. Jinpachi dies a year later and is burred under Hon Maru. Heihachi forcibly takes control of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Knowing this was against Jinpachi’s wishes and having been close to his grandfather, this only widens the rift between Kazuya and Heihachi. [Heihachi swiftly begins to use the zaibatsu to investigate a god of fighting rumored to be lying dormant somewhere in the world. This sends Mr. Chang to America where he falls in love with Mrs. Chang and Michelle is born.] Heihachi still intends to raise Kazuya to be a formidable fighter, and adopts Lee into the family specifically for the purpose of giving Kazuya a rival. Thinking it over, Heihachi decides that even if Lee isn’t a fitting rival, he’d raise him to stand against Kazuya alongside him should things go that way. Lee is more receptive to the ins and outs of business, to manipulation for the sake of his own gain, and Heihachi uses that to give him an edge against Kazuya. Understanding Lee and Kazuya’s seperate skill sets, Heihachi sends Lee to America on business while he sends Kazuya out to participate in  tournaments across the world. Lee meets Paul and Law while in America and trains alongside them. After Lee has returned to Japan, Kazuya meets with and fights to a draw against Paul in America. [Mr. Chang dies when, under threat of death, he begins to unearth Ancient Ogre. His death is covered up by the zaibatsu and when Michelle, 18, learns of this she joins the tournament to exact revenge against Heihachi.] In their 20s, Lee and Kazuya begin to conspire against Heihachi to wrest control of the Mishima Zaibatsu. Their union is shaky at best as both plan to head the zaibatsu in spite of the other, but they unify long enough to participate in the Tekken tournament Heihachi organizes with the intention of defeating him. (The tradition of fighting tournaments initially began as a smaller ordeal under Jinpachi, and Heihachi is only currently organizing a fighting tournament to keep the Mishima name in the spotlight). Lee, Paul, and Law meet again (outside of matches) and Lee learns that Paul has faced Kazuya before. Kazuya eliminates Paul from the tournament but in a show of good naturedness the two stay on good terms as rivals as Kazuya appreciates Paul’s strength. Eventually, Lee and Kazuya are pitted against one another. Kazuya emerges victorious and reveals to no one’s surprise that he never intended to share control of the zaibatsu with Lee. He does, however, offer Lee a lesser position. Lee finds that his pride is more damaged from losing to his brother than he’d expected, and he declines Kazuya’s offer. [Nina joins the tournament under orders to assassinate Heihachi but is defeated by Anna, who is then defeated by Paul.] Kazuya continues to the final stage against Heihachi, who is equal parts pleased with his son’s strength and cautious of it. Kazuya is nearly overwhelmed by Heihachi, who is fighting with his all, until the devil gene within him is activated and grants him immense power. Heihachi is overwhelmed both by Kazuya’s strength and by the revelation that he has inherited his mother’s ability. Feeling truly paternal for only a moment, Heihachi attempts to console Kazuya and explain to him the origin of this new power, intending to help and protect him the way he failed to with Kazumi. Kazuya, on the other hand, quickly abates his confusion and realizes that his power means he can no longer be subjected to feeling helpless the way he had as a child and under Heihachi’s strict and oftentimes cruel “parenting”. This power goes to Kazuya’s head, and he quickly dispatches Heihachi, disposing of his body off of a cliff near his childhood home in a mostly symbolic gesture. [Kazuya meets Ganryu in this tournament after the sumo is defeated by Yoshimitsu. He recognizes his strength (despite not seeing him as an equal) and appoints him as his body guard after taking control of the Zaibatsu. Kazuya extends the same offer to Paul but Paul respectfully declines in favor of traveling the world in order to become stronger. Kazuya learns of Heihachi’s search for Ancient Ogre and continues where he’d left off, sending Ganryu to attain an amulet currently in possesion of Michelle Chang that has some connection to the fighting god. Ganryu fails, falls in love with Michelle, and never returns. Ganryu’s abandonment is no great loss to Kazuya.] As Kazuya gains power of the Mishima Zaibatsu, Lee isolates himself in the wilderness to train. It is here that he meets Wang Jinrei, a skilled martial artist who knows of Lee’s connection to the Mishima family. Wang offers to train Lee in exchange for Lee bringing about the end of the Mishima clan as he, like Jinpachi and the Hachijo family, foresees the destruction they will bring to the world. When Lee tells Wang that Heihachi is already dead by Kazuya’s hands, Wang reveals that he can still feel Heihachi’s energy and that he has not yet been killed. Lee agrees to do what he must so long as it means becoming stronger than Kazuya, unaware of how Heihachi’s intentions of creating a division between the two had deeply affected his psyche. As leader of the zaibatsu, Kazuya organizes another tournament two years later to test his ability in battle. His power has gone to his head and he has become even more millitaristic than Heihachi, planning to seize control over all of Japan after he has ascertained the limits of his strength. He has also ordered genetic experiments on living creatures to understand the effects of the Devil Gene. His collective actions draw the ire of wildlife conservationalist Jun Kazama, and she joins the tournament in order to stop Kazuya. Jun is also able to sense the evil habituated within Kazuya, and intends to dispell it from his body to keep he and the world around him safe. Meanwhile, Heihachi has recovered and healed, sharpening his skills before the tournament in order to stop Kazuya, whom he no longer sees as his son but as a demon. Lee joins the tournament only to be defeated by Heihachi, whom he is still surprised to find alive despite Wang Jinrei’s words. Lee is then officially expelled from the Mishima clan. Jun meets with Kazuya outside of matches to arrest him, but instead convinces him to end his experiments on animals. While Kazuya initially intends to cast her aside he is drawn in by her strength and bravery, as well as the strange calm that overcomes him whenever she’s near him. Jun is then able to see that there is some good in Kazuya still, and takes an interest in him as well. Kazuya becomes compelled to act on her wishes and ends the animal experimentation. He never vocalizes it but Jun knows that Kazuya has the intention of changing his ways and as such Jun forfeits the tournament, seeing no need to proceed. [Nina is again sent to assassinate Kazuya and fails due to Anna’s intervention after she became his body guard (alongside Bruce*) for the sole purpose of stopping her sister. Nina is captured and used in Dr. Bosconovitch’s* experiments which would put her into a deep cryosleep. Seeing no fun in living without her rival around for years, Anna volunteers to also take part in the experiments.] Any intention Kazuya had of changing is swiftly brought to an end once Heihachi reveals himself to still be alive. Kazuya is defeated and Heihachi regains control over the Zaibatsu. In an attempt to assure Kazuya’s demise, Heihachi throws his body into an active volcano. Lee distances himself from Mishima matters. Jin is born months later after a tumultuous pregnancy wherin Jun had to ward off the influence of the devil gene. Jun recieves word of Kazuya’s demise but senses that he may still be alive. She believes that Heihachi was only acting for what he believed to be the greater good and harbors no ill will towards him. To protect Jin and reconnect with her spiritual energy she raises him in semi-seclusion, teaching him Kazama-style fighting arts in an attempt to continue protecting his soul from the devil presence. When Jin turns 15 Jun has a premonition of her own demise and as such instructs Jin to seek out Heihachi should anything happen to her, being estranged from her own family after her father’s death and unable to reach out to them. Her premonition comes true as a newly-awakened Ancient Ogre attacks them and presumably kills her. Jin assumes as much when he awakens after the attack, their home burned to the ground and neither Jun nor Ogre anywhere in sight. [Ogre’s appearance awakens Anna and Nina, Nina having lost all her memories of Anna and their rivalry. Anna, as such, attempts to remake their relationship to avoid becoming rivals with her again, realizing that they only really have each other. Nina is unfortunately possesed and controlled by Ogre, making that impossible.] With some difficulty, Jin does find Heihachi who takes him in with minimal questions. Having been mostly isolated Jin is ill prepared for city life and instead spends most of his time training, which Heihachi is unopposed to. Jin knows nothing about Kazuya and Heihachi’s falling out and is subsequently unsuspicious of Heihachi’s possible response to the devil gene dormant within him. Heihachi does consider raising Jin properly, but remembers how Kazuya had easily turned on him once his devil gene was activated. Heihachi properly enrolls Jin into Mishima Polytechnic and Jin is very receptive to his lessons. Heihachi sends Jin on small business trips once Jin is old enough in order to test his business savvy, and on one of these trips Jin meets and fights to a draw against Hwoarang. In the years after the second tournament, Heihachi had been using the zaibatsu to regain the support of the public by way of creating the Tekken Force which was sent worldwide on good will missions to provide aid to impoverished nations. This force was, at the same time, searching for any evidence of Ancient Ogre. It isn’t until 15 years later that one of their expeditions properly unearths Ogre, who wipes out the team. Word reaches Heihachi of Ogre’s appearance just before Jin is sent to him. For the next four years Heihachi trains Jin as a possible weapon to use against Ogre while trying to again ascertain the monster’s whereabouts. He sees the pattern of Ogre’s appearances; only appearing to face strong fighters, and organizes the third Tekken tournament in order to draw Ogre out and obtain his power. [Baek was one of the fighters to have been unfortunately confronted by Ogre, and this pushes Hwoarang to join the third tournament to obtain his revenge and settle the score against Jin.] [Paul receives an invitation to the third tournament and joins to test his mettle against his rival’s son and father. While he never meets with Jin or Heihachi, he does defeat Kuma and Ancient Ogre. He leaves the tournament prematurely to find more challenges, not realizing Ancient Ogre had been revitalized as True Ogre.] Jin and Hwoarang meet at the third tournament and once again fight to a draw. Jin is allowed to continue on through the next stages and Hwoarang is forced to return to Korea for his mandatory military service. Jin meets with Heihachi next, who claims to want to test his strength before Jin continues. In reality, he wishes to fight in order to draw out Ogre. This plan works, as a weakened Ogre appears and is swiftly defeated by an enraged Jin. At his second defeat, Ogre takes Heihachi’s power and becomes True Ogre, whom Jin also defeats with terrifying power. Regaining consciousness just long enough to see this, Heihachi then knows that Jin has inherited the same devil power as Kazuya. As he’s calming himself from the fight, Heihachi takes the chance to shoot Jin, then calls in the Tekken Force soldiers to retrieve his body. However, Jin reawakens as Devil Jin and
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thetimelessdreams · 3 years
Part of the Khaos & Katharsis stories.
Kath and I found Edward in a cave in today's Spain. I screamed to Kath, I found a guy in a frozen parallelepiped! Come here now! Seemed like people were scared of it, just like Devil's Throat. It's not like we found something scary there. We called Connor to help us with his fire abilities. Finally to be useful.
Had to wait for Connor a little until Khaos teleported him to us. Meanwhile, I tried to figure what era the frozen guy came from. I concluded it was near the 100-year war. Maybe a little after it even. It was bigger than what we have ever seen. After thinking and explaining, lastly, I told Kazuya, I sense strong magic in it. It would be weird having magic in time they would burn you for being a witch/er.
When I came to the cave, Kazuya greeted me and hurried to get me to the place I had to reach. I haven't seen Kazuya so tense before. Then he showed me the biggest ice block I have ever witnessed. It was so huge that made me question whether it was real or not. I told Kazuya, Mate, that can't be real ice, whaddya mean by calling me for April fools!?
Connor, it's December...just melt it, you son of a-!
Sheesh, Kaz, you are pissed today, how come?
Shut up, Connor, do your job, Kazuya-san had a hard week.
Yes, sorry, buddy.
It's alright. I should've controlled my anger.
I did my work as I was told. Kaz and Kath looked at the person inside of the ice, it was a boy.
Where am I? - he asked in English.
You are in the XXI century, you must be coming from the XIII or the XIV, don't worry, we won't hurt you. We even saved you from that huge ice block.
Mom...WHERE IS MY MOM? The last thing I remember is the king coming and seeing her freezing me. He screamed she is a witch!
Just by saying witch, you can suspect what had happened.
He looked at me scared and frustrated. Then he grabbed me by the collar. The guy was huge, a 6'4 man was standing in front of me. I am barely 5'11.
Kazuya and Connor are taller than me, so both of them tried to remove him from me.
She was not a witch, she was a magician, a strong one, she never dies and will not-
Alright, he seems to be a little crazy, maybe it's a side effect from being frozen for 700 years.
Kath, that was rude. What if he says the truth?
Okay then, I will apologize to the man, but I need to learn things about you. Firstly, how is your name, how old are you, how was the name of your mother and your birthplace.
I can't remember my name, my mother's was Meredith of Westminster and I was born there. I am 17.
Alright, we deal with a British kid, even more, we found you in a cave associated with the old kingdom of Castile. Which is in Spain. Not Britain. I might call you Don Castellio. It sounds appropriate.
Sounds pleasant. Thanks!
We are so rude, we never introduced ourselves. I am Kazuya, the rude guy next to me whose collar got pulled is Katharsis and the other gentleman is Connor.
Welcome to the team, Castellio! We are part of a team hunting demonic creatures named Belialhuntrs.
We later learnt his name from his mother. She is an immortal creature...
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