#keenan writings
calicohyde · 10 months
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me when i'm struggling to write a scene with sexualized violence
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alchemisoul · 3 months
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"Anything done chemically can be done by other means."
- William S. Burroughs
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borderlinemediocre · 5 months
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Pig mask les claypool hugs local 60 year old and gets boner
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edenstwiilight · 9 months
I am back from my hiatus to request a Jerin Topeka one-shot…I desperately need it 😭
hello my friend welcome back!!
i wasn’t entirely sure what to do to with this, just because we’ve never seen what happened in Topeka, but i wanted to do my best!
i hope you enjoy, jerin makes me. so mf soft, okay.
(consider reading my other stuff on ao3! malibu1410)
jamie knew. she knew this was a bad idea, and did it anyways.
falling for erin, that is.
sitting in the back of their van, after picking up kate, while listening to her yell and tear charlie a new one for dropping her with no car and no phone in the middle of nowhere where, jamie looked at erin.
erin, with her beautiful smile and soft skin and endlessly warm energy.
she had her head down, her headphones on, seeming to be checking if they could save any of the audio from their recording session. from the purse of her lips, it didn’t seem anything was saveable.
but jamie didn’t want her to stop trying. she wanted to watch her a little longer.
it was weird, at that moment, that jamie was happy. this was the worst job they’d done, having lost kate at the recording spot, the audio they recorded was basically unusable, and charlie wouldn’t stop talking about how ‘it could’ve been great! if you guys would take it more seriously!’ kate yelling really accentuated her point.
but jamie was staring, as much as she didn’t want to, at the girl sat beside her. she leaned into erin’s bubble, their fingers brushing together as she asked how it was going.
and erin’s smile, well. jamie would hold it close as she replied, ‘not well.’
maybe topeka was the worst job they’d had with lonnit entertainment, and maybe it would be the best they’d had in a while.
but the light of the streetlights was shining on erin’s soft skin. in her shining hair, on her leggings, on every part of her.
maybe jamie could afford a little bit of staring.
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Wouldn't You Rather Be a Widow Than a Divorcee?
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Even years later, despite the variety of cases he’d taken, defending Victoria Keenan still haunts Bobby. He'd searched for information about her, but she’d seemingly disappeared off the face of the Earth. But when he stumbles upon a photo of Audrey Raines, he realises that maybe she hasn’t hidden her tracks after all.
Chapter 1
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kiastirling-fanfic · 2 months
kia kia kia! for Keenan Trevelyan this week: You attempt merely power, you accomplish merely suffering.
*Mer* what the fuck
Yeah it's perfect
Rating: Teen CW: anti-mage rhetoric, allusions to trauma from IHW Words: 597 @dadrunkwriting
Keenan was still trying to hide the giddy smile on his face as he made to leave the library. Dorian had definitely reacted positively to him flirting, right? He'd laughed and said something that Keenan thought was him flirting back anyway.
Maybe next time he'd have the guts to ask more directly. But for today he had to maintain some kind of decorum.
It was a high he'd thought to ride all day, but a familiar face waited for him at the top of the stairs and all the butterflies quit their fluttering. It was Grand Enchanter Fiona.
Former. Former Grand Enchanter Fiona.
"Inquisitor. A moment of your time?"
Keenan was disinclined to follow her, in truth. It was hard to look her in the eye and not see red. Hard not to hear her voice and nor recall her begging him for death. Hard to forget her blood on his hands.
But he hadn't spoken to her since conscripting the mages. He'd foisted her on his advisors and not faced her himself in over a month now.
"Lead on."
She took him to the battlements. Solas was blessedly absent from his rotunda, so at least Keenan wouldn't have to bear whatever commentary he might have on the pair of them.
Keenan knew he had changed since Redcliffe. He didn't need Solas to point it out yet again.
"You have my thanks," Fiona began, once they were isolated on the stone walkway overlooking the soldier training in the mud. "Without your aid, I expect it would not have been only the red templars at your doorstep in Haven, but my mages as well. And if not, we would still be in chains. So you have my thanks."
"I'm sensing a 'but' coming."
"Just so. You have saved us from chains, but the terms of our... service... to the Inquisition..."
"Are more than you deserve, frankly." Keenan couldn't keep the harsh turn to his voice. Of course this would be what Fiona would ask to see him about. "You sold your mages to Tevinter as little more than slaves, you ousted the rightful lord from his land, you-" Don't say they destroyed the world. That hadn't happened. Not anymore. "You ask me to loosen your leash when the only achievement to your name is being banished from Ferelden!"
"We sealed the Breach! Without the aid of the mages the Inquisition would still be looking for ways to seal it, or be dead without us to help fight off the red templars!" Her ire was a flame, bright and quickly extinguished. "Has that earned us nothing?"
Where the Inquisition might be without the aid of the mages, Keenan did not know. But where the mages would be without the Inquisition was inarguable.
Abominations. Blood mages. Demons. Incubators for red lyrium.
He'd seen what happened when mages as a group did as they pleased.
"You attempt merely power," he scoffed. "And you accomplish merely suffering. If you wanted your freedom, you shouldn't have gotten involved with a magister to begin with."
Keenan turned on his heel. His good mood was long since ruined. He'd have to speak with his advisors, make sure they were all on the same page regarding the Inquisition's relationship with the former Rebel Mages.
"You are not the same man I met in the Gull and Lantern." Fiona's call struck his back like a lead weight.
I know, he didn't say. Of course he wasn't the same man anymore.
"And you aren't the same woman I met in Val Royeaux." If such a woman ever existed.
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guys there's been just an onslaught of Jerin content today so I hereby declare July 20th Jerin day.
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anneangel · 1 year
A digression about Gareth Keenan, Tim Canterbury and Dawn Tinsley — The Office UK
Gareth Keenan has feelings of superiority over others, he pretends to have a higher position than Tim Canterbury when he really doesn't, he appears to be someone mature and serious when he really isn't (and he simply doesn't fool anyone around), and tries to make seem like being in the army made him tough (except it didn't). He makes terrible gaffes, and making racist, sexist, misogynistic, xenophobic and homophobic quotes (whether he does it consciously or not). On the other hand he is very literal and naive, has no real social skills and is very direct, so that he comes across as rude at times (which makes some people assume that he has neurodivergent, which I don't know if it really fits complete in him, or if he's just "clueless". Considering his friends, when they appear on the Show, it looks like they all came out of a psychiatric hospital, the question remains as to where Gareth knows them).
But see that he says he will fire Tim and Dawn in an episode where he doesn't really have the power to do so, but later he becomes the leader of that department, and even though he has the power to fire employees, he doesn't fire Tim (even though Tim keeps messing around him). And Gareth offers Dawn a job again. In other words, he claims to be averse to Tim (and Dawn) but he really isn't, because he keeps them around in the end.
Gareth and Tim don't hate each other, Tim plays the childish younger brother and Gareth pretends to be the best and most mature (when he really isn't). They look like don't understand each other, that will strangle each other at any moment, but in fact Gareth tolerates and even "likes" Tim. Gareth doesn't seem overwhelmed by Tim, he is irritated by Tim's childish pranks and sense of humor, but after all this mockery its helps Gareth really feel more mature, as Gareth exercises his (false) superiority through Tim's (childish) figure. Without Tim, Gareth would just be the boss who isn't really respected, a puppet, as seen in the special of Christmas.
Tim Canterbury, on the other hand, is a 30 year old man, but in reality he seems like a very young and childish teenager, I wouldn't give more than 13 years for his personality. And Tim is not really mean and prone to bully guy (actually he is kind and sociable, someone who likes to joke, only), but he is also small, he has no prospects for the future, he is a "loser" who still lives with his mother and works in a boring office. Tim left college out of fear, and preferred to stay in the office where everything is easier, he makes it look like he's going to leave the office but when he receives a small (and irrelevant) promotion he stays, pretends he wants to grow and move up in the company, but that's also him lying to himself because when he's given the job of David Brent (the Boss) he just turns it down and recommends Gareth!
See how he doesn't hate Gareth, he gives him the leadership role even though he knows Gareth could become insufferable at that job (since being superior was all Gareth wanted to make it look like).
Tim is like a teenager who doesn't want any responsibility, he just wants to play and have fun. He's not really mean in his pranks, see how he annoys and teases Gareth, but Tim doesn't humiliate or intimidate him (that's no fun for Tim). He wants to have fun, but he doesn't really want to hurt anyone, in the party episode he's the only one talking about dignity, that even a joke has to have a limit, and that's when his co-workers rip off another employee's pants showing his private parts to the camera and making fun of it, even against the man's will (THIS is bullying and it's really humiliating). In the Christmas special, when David asks the office to go out with him for drinks and nobody cares, Tim is the only one who (on seeing Brent's humiliation) says he's going to. Tim is just a nice, playful and irresponsible little boy trapped in an adult's body.
And in the end, who is David talking to? With Gareth and Tim.
Gareth and Tim are possibly the only two people in the office who don't look down David. Gareth always respected David and imitated him to some extent (copying his lines), Gareth never wanted to steal Brent's job, he supports Brent and keeps him around even after Brent was fired, Gareth possibly thinks David Brent is amazing and friendly, they get along well. Tim, on the other hand, certainly realized that David was actually an attention-seeking, lonely and goofy guy who was trying to make himself look like he was awesome (only he wasn't). Tim didn't really take David seriously, but on the other hand Tim was nice enough to be the only one in the office (with the exception of Gareth) who was NOT OK with seeing Brent humiliated. Then Tim is sympathetic to Brent, when he realizes the man is really in need.
Tim is someone who likes to tease and tease his peers and have a laugh, but he doesn't really like to see people down, sad and out. Tim knows how to make fun of his peers without really going too far, without crossing the line from teasing into cruelty. Tim is possibly the most "socially intelligent" out of everyone around him, although he doesn't really do anything productive with it in his life.
Dawn Tinsley initially seems like a tragic victim, she wants to be an illustrator but is stuck in a bad relationship and a boring job. But look at how she keeps both even though are bad for her, and even at the end of season two she claims to like funny guys (Tim), she knows her boyfriend Lee is an asshole who doesn't really care like her, but they will to the United States, so she rejects Tim and goes with Lee, who is a terrible boyfriend, but she believes that her life can change in the US, so she goes with him.
She puts Tim and the United States on avaliable and realizes that the United States has more to offer for her future, possibly.
But when she returns three years later, her life hasn't changed, Lee doesn't support her dream of being an illustrator, he's still a jerk who doesn't really care about her and treats her like an object, so there's Tim, he still in love with her, he is single and supports her dream. So she stays with him.
Gareth has offered her a job there at the office again, so we know where she will be staying. And see how Dawn and Tim have similar personalities, they communicate with their eyes (which is almost like reading minds), she agrees with his jokes (she helps him make fun of Gareth). And in that scene where Lee and his friends make fun of the pregnant girl (the girl who shares the table with Tim), neither Tim nor Dawn defend the girl, they don't think that Lee was right, but on the other hand both are silent and don't care with the girl.
Dawn is not a poor victim, she is just like Tim. Both "losers". She won't be an illustrator for the same reason that Tim won't be a Psychologist, they don't have the courage to face these challenges, as Dawn said: "you don't become an illustrator overnight". Dawn and Tim don't have the courage to face the real battles and responsibilities of life and a successful career. So they stay there in the office together, supporting each other and playing pranks. Because they want an easy life.
Dawn treats Tim like a step up in the heirarchy, Tim has been promoted to boyfriend, Dawn only stays with him when Lee is no longer useful to her. Tim is not someone with a bright future, but at least Dawn and he get along, they understand each other through the eyes, he is fun and friendly and she sympathizes with his sense of humor, Tim does not treat her like an object, and supports her, her dreams and feelings, he waited for her for three years in a dedicated and humble way. So she stays with him, because he's a better option than Lee.
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The Office UK is comic and tragic at the same time because the characters are painfully real. They are ALL flawed. There isn't even one character who is morally perfect. Nobody. Neither the main characters nor the supporting ones. All are morally questionable. They are good people, good-natured, to "some extent". And that's what makes them so human.
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taylorshope · 2 years
Sick Day
A tiny Jerin oneshot.
Erin woke up to the sunlight filtering through the windows. It was supposed to be a nice day. She planned on doing things she needed, running errands, cleaning, maybe even taking a walk. The whole day was ahead of her, and she intended to make the most of it.
That is, until she heard the sniffles.
Erin turned worriedly to the lump under the blankets next to her. A box of tissues sat on the bedside table next to it, and a collection of snotty tissues already littered the table and floor.
"Jamie?" Erin called, sitting up. The lump moved and the blankets were pushed aside to reveal the bleary-eyed face of her girlfriend, dyed red hair catching the light of the sun.
Jamie opened her mouth to speak, instead reaching urgently for another tissue and nearly falling off the bed. One sneeze and some nose-blowing later, the older girl finally was able to speak.
"Hey, Erin. How ar-are you this morning?"
"Jamie! How long have you been up?"
"Oh, you know. I don-don't *achoo!* Don't actually know. The plague woke me up."
Erin stood and rushed over to her girlfriend's side of the bed and placed her hand on her forehead. "How long have you been sick? Were you okay yester- Oh my god, you're burning up."
"It's fine. It's jus a cold."
"You have a fever."
"It'll pass."
Jamie tried her best to sit up but Erin gently laid her back down, making sure her pillows were nice and fluffy. "I'm sure it will but for now you're sick. I'll take care of you."
Jamie choked out a laugh that turned into a short coughing fit. "I'm fine, Erin. Please."
"I'm not leaving you to be miserable all by yourself."
Erin stared Jamie down until she gave in. She may be shy but boy was she stubborn.
"Alright, alright. Through sickness and health, right?"
Erin turned away, flustered. "We're not- we're not married."
"Give it time." Jamie gave a pathetic excuse for a wink, which looked ridiculous given that she currently had a tissue stuffed up her nose.
"I'll go get you some water." Erin left the room only to return a minute later with a glass of water and some Tylenol. She set the glass on the nightstand and shook out two pills from the bottle, holding out her hand.
Jamie groaned and turned away.
"Jamie, come on."
"Not even the good stuff," Jamie murmured, half asleep. She grumbled and choked down the pills as Erin gently placed a wet washcloth on her feverish face.
"Do you want some Gatorade? Ginger ale? Soup?"
"No," Jamie croaked. "I just want you to stay with me."
"O-okay." Erin sat back down and turned on the TV. She put on an old Disney movie and laid back. Jamie settled down into the nest of blankets.
Jamie snorted. Well. It was supposed to be a snort. "The Aristocats? Really?"
"What? My mom used to always put on old Disney movies when I was sick. It's comforting."
Jamie grunted.
"What? More of a Barbie girl?"
Jamie sniffed and rolled her eyes. "Oh yes. I was a Barbie girl in a *cough* Barbie world. It's fan-fucking-tastic." She broke into a fit of coughing.
Erin soothed her, stroking her hair. "Calm down, Jame. You need to rest."
"I th- I thought you had things to do today."
"Some people are more important than a nice day."
Jamie grew quiet, and Erin realized she had fallen asleep. The brunette held her and fixed the cloth on her forehead. She chuckled softly under her breath.
"I love you," she whispered minutes before she too fell asleep, head resting on her girl's curly head.
If she knew Jamie was awake then she would never stop blushing.
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qusok · 11 months
Everyone wants a silly Jerin fic right?
Have the first chapter:
So, Jerin are in love, but don't know it's mutual yet, and Kate is a menace
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sargeantsarmy · 2 years
The Devil in Me brain rot is real my man😫
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I had so much fun playing(even though Jamie and Charlie died, and Erin technically died twice but I couldn’t live with myself)!! I’m now on play through #2 and it’s going alright
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borderlinemediocre · 1 year
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Maynard with Tool in Florida May 21, 2023
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kdkeenan · 5 months
My Big Fat Weight Loss Campaign: Part 1—How It Began
I gave up on losing weight a long time ago. I have all my life found the subject of my weight a huge embarrassment. I was not fat as a child, but I was plump, and bullies discovered early on that they could make me miserable by singing “Fatty Fatty Two-By-Four” on every occasion. My father harped on my weight all the time. He was thin as a blade without making any effort, and couldn’t understand…
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devilinlittlehope · 1 year
I am here to request a little Jerin fic…it doesn’t have to be NSFW, but I don’t really have a preference…thank you for providing for the fandom :)
Hi, thanks for the support🫶🏻 here’s a little Jerin ficlet as requested!
It’s mostly sfw but gets a little nsfw at the end so 18+ warning!!
Jerin is one of my favorite couples and what I love is that if you keep both alive the two talk about how their relationship will progress in the outside world. It was great to see that representation and it meant a lot to me! I wanted to continue to explore that in this fic. I love Jamie and Erin so much and am so happy that supermassive games gave us this wonderful couple❤️❤️ let’s go lesbians!!
This mini fic takes place after Jamie chooses to save Erin over Kate. Kate and mark have are off having some alone time and Jamie and Erin are together and recovering:
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jamie asks. She takes Erin’s hand in hers, squeezing it gently.
Erin has already used her inhaler and has been quiet since. Jamie can’t imagine what she’s feeling right now. The thought of her air being cut off sends an imagined burning feeling in her throat that tears. That’s probably not half as bad as what it actually felt like.
“I am now,” Erin says. “Thank you for saving me.”
“It felt terrible to choose, but I’m glad you’re both safe,” Jamie says. Briefly, she thinks about what might’ve happened if Kate's window hadn't been faulty. For all her jokes, she never really hated Kate at all. If things had been different, would she have blood on her hands? She shivers, ridding herself of the thought. A flash of anger seizes her. Fuck Du’Met and his stupid games.
For now, they’re all alive. Jamie will do anything to make sure Erin stays that way.
“If it’s not too personal, why did you choose me?” Erin asks. Her big brown eyes shyly meet Jamie’s. She looks so goddamn adorable.
“You’re a good kisser,” Jamie jokes. Then, she sighs. It’s been so hard to open up to other people in the past. Anytime it got serious, her mind wanted to push them away before they got to know the real her. But with Erin, it’s different. She wants to share herself with Erin, all her strengths, all her flaws. She’s tired of being alone, but it’s more than that. Erin is not some hookup, and adrenaline isn’t dictating the way she feels. When Jamie thinks about Erin, all she feels is extreme happiness. Jamie has a desire to impress her, to charm her, to take care of her, to do everything in her power to make Erin hers. It’s funny how it’s taken a life or death experience to give her the courage to admit these feelings.
“I chose to save you because I want there to be a future where we’re together. I don’t want to live in a world without you in it. I’m kind of falling in love with you, and if you feel the same, I’d love to be with you if we make it out alive,” Jamie says. There are tears in her eyes, and her heart is beating out of her chest.
Erin surprises Jamie with her boldness. She cups the other girl's face in her hand, looking into her eyes. Her gaze is lovely and intense, and Jamie melts under it. “When we make it out alive, not if,” she says. “We’re making it out of this, no matter how scary it might seem. We’re going to have a future together.”
A surge of love overtakes Jamie as she leans over and kisses Erin passionately. As their mouths collide, Jamie realizes she’s backed Erin against the wall, and she’s sitting on a ledge where she can slot perfectly between her legs.
It gives her an idea.
She decides that she wants to take Erin’s breath away, in a way of her own choosing.
As Jamie emerges from the kissing, both women are breathless and excited.
Jamie grins a bit mischievously, full lips in a smirk, as she drops to her knees and settles between Erin’s legs. Her skirt is easy to lift up, thankfully. Jamie plays with the hem of it, considering her options.
“I want to help you relax in the way I know best,” she offers.
“Oh Jamie-“ Erin says, breath hitching as the other girl plays with the hem of her underwear. “I’m new to this,” Erin admits.
Jamie beams up at her. “You’re doing great. Just follow my lead. I want to make you feel good.”
“I trust you,” Erin says, nodding her assent.
She gasps as Jamie’s fingers circle her entrance, plunging the warm depths of her. As Jamie’s fingers pump in and out of Erin in a slow, sensual rhythm, her legs open wider and she whispers her praise.
Jamie dips her head so she can taste Erin, and she savors the feel of her clit beneath her tongue and the other girl’s moans of pleasure. She’ll look forward to doing this as often as she can once they’re far away from the island. She can’t wait until they’re safe. Jamie wants to wake up beside Erin every morning and fall asleep beside her every night.
“I’m falling in love with you too,” Erin whispers once they’ve finished, and are cuddling together, in the warmth of each other’s arms. Jamie has never felt so alive.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! This was fun to write and the first Jerin piece I’ve done, but not the last I’ll write. I hope you’ve enjoyed your request, anon :)
If y’all liked this, feel free to comment or reblog! I’m definitely writing more supermassive games/dark pictures content 🥰💕
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Small(?) update on the Du'met!Erin au.
ok, so it's been what? a month since TDiM community chose the Du'met and Erin role/character swap AU and the bad news is: No, I haven't started writing it yet(disappointing I know and I am so sorry I have never written anything before so I will be slow with it :') BUUUT I do have some information about it! the brain has been storming the past month!
Ok, so first of all I would like to clear up some things before people start to question it.
1(and probably the most important at least imo): With Erin and Hector being swapped I would like to clear up that Jamie and Hector are NOT LOVE INTERESTS!!!! They are BFFs instead and Jamie's room scene will be slightly different and not at all romantic(at least between Jamie and Hector). And now that I'm writing that I feel like that was probably obvious since I did put it in a JERIN fic poll but JUST IN CASE.
2: The whole Manny Sherman and Hector being in the FBI thing will be sliiiightly different. Without giving too much away, Hector was still in the FBI and worked on the Sherman case but was able to catch himself before Sherman brainwashed him basically and resigned shortly after. However~ This time he had a partner investigating the Sherman case with him and let's just say maybe taking the tapes home with you (illegally btw) and stuffing them in your attic for someone to possibly find later on wasn't a good idea...
3: Erin still has asthma. That doesn't change and it actually has plot relevance.
So yeah! that's the "clear ups" if you can call them that?
now, time for plot stuff
ok so basically, for plot reasons I am swapping Charlie and Jamie's placements in the story, and by that I mean, Jamie falls down the trap door instead of Charlie in the freezer and she goes through most of the stuff he goes through in the actual game and vice versa with Charlie and what Jamie goes through, and I am debating if I should do the same with Mark and Kate. There's no reason to do that really, but I think it would be fun!
I am also now realizing(not really now I have thought about it for like 2 weeks) that with position swaps also means death swaps👀👀👀👀
also just some fun facts about this au ig?:
Hector and Kate PTSD twins😍✌️
Erin and Hector do maintain their canon personality to an extent with some parts of their personality obviously swapped.
Yes, Erin having asthma does take a blow on the crew's egos.
---- Oh! and if I may give you a littlleeee sneak peek of what is to come, without any context:
Also side note: I have been debating if I should do little one-shots for all of my Jerin AUs to give people a basic kind of plot or story for all of them. Obviously, I'm going to make and finish the Du'met!Erin au first before going into any of my other AUs for them. Some of them (HoA AU and Ultimatum) won't be getting one-shots since they are one-shots in and of themselves, but my other AUs(Like the 1980s murder wives, Deadpool x Spiderman, and my many(by many I mean 4 XD) werewolf AUs. Oh! And by the way, I forgot to mention that the Vampire x Werewolf AU is also an 1800s AU I know I should have included that in the poll but I completely forgot :')) That have actual storylines and plots to them that would be more than a simple one-shot. Like for the murder wives, I have an idea for a one-shot that is kind of like a prequel to the actual fic.
Please let me know if you'd like for me to make little one-shots for them first! Also sorry if this is a hard read grammar is not a very good skill of mine and I'm from the South so my English is kind of broken to begin with XD
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janamensch · 1 year
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Spidersonas for my beloved OCs June and Keenan!
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