#keep shining misha
lookforsomeoneelse · 3 months
Can we get some more sahsrau? Does not have to be a long one-shot, I just really like how you write! And I would love to hear more of your ideas!
Maybe about how specific characters show that they interact with the reader? For example, how they act before reader is in HSR, and once reader is in HSR? As for characters, you can choose who ever you want! You're the one writing it after all.
As for writing, you asked if writing gets better if you do it often? And well, for me what works is writing, doesn't matter if it not good, just enjoy yourself. Plus reading books, fanfics, or whatever you like once again, and this time try to pay attention to how things are worded in your favorite books/fanfics.
Anyway, take good care of yourself cause there are always people who care about you, and stay hydrated!
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Alright! First ask. Only gonna be headcanons because I’m a procrastinator. Reader discretion is advised, because I have no idea what to put for the content warning. I think it only goes for Kafka though.
I touched on her briefly in another post, but know that despite her arrogance and apathy towards most, she’s just as down bad for you as the rest of the cast.
She gives her absolute best when it comes to you.
Also in Simulated Universe, your word is absolute law. If the simulated you decides that the project is a bad idea or something, Herta will absolutely stop, regardless of the resources she put into its creation.
I imagine her to be with you the exact opposite of how she treats everybody else- with the utmost respect and attention.
Once you actually do make it inside of the game for whatever reason, Herta is absolutely ecstatic.
When you’re actually around her though…
Let’s say that her IQ drops by a significant amount.
Combined with her intense faith, this can lead to a lot of misunderstandings and false assumptions.
You can legit just be sitting down or something and herta will be in the background like “WRITE THAT DOWN, WRITE THAT DOWN!”
Born as a reincarnation(?) of the Watchmaker, I’m not actually going to discuss him. Rather, I wanna talk about who he originally was, and (technically) his creation.
Mikhail Char Legwork, aka The Watchmaker, was also a devout follower of yours.
All throughout his travels on the Express, he never lost sight of your mercy, which allowed him to survive on his long journeys.
Thanks to this, you end up as a “character” in the Clockie cartoon, who the writers show as a mysterious figure who gave Clockie his powers.
There’s also a LOT of propaganda surrounding you in basically every piece of media, (in the game) including Clockie.
Speaking of media…
ah yes, the shining popstar of the universe herself, Robin!
Robin’s no doubt another faithful follower of yours.
She believes that her amazing voice and innate talent came from you (it actually came from Chevy, holy cow is she a good singer) and she gives many praises to you for that.
In fact, do you want to know what her best selling single is?
It’s not Sway to my Beat in Cosmos, nor Hope is The Thing with Feathers, and it’s not even If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking!
It’s actually a song- a hymn, rather, composed and sung specifically just for you.
Ask basically anybody who is a fan of hers and I can bet that they know the lyrics by heart and can absolutely sing it backwards.
Make it into their reality, and you’ll get free access to front seats to any and all of her concerts. And when I say “front seat” I mean you get a whole ass throne specifically built for your comfort.
She will die of joy if you ask her for an autograph. Keep that in mind.
last but most certainly not least, it’s our mom, but more commonly known as Kafka, the charismatic and beautiful Stellaron Hunter with a big bounty and big boobies. (I’m f#cking ashamed of myself for writing that)
She’s the one character on this list that we haven’t been given a backstory for- except some voice lines, but they really don’t tell us anything.
As such, the only real thing I can tell you is that she’s faithful to you, just like everyone else.
It becomes a completely different song and dance if you come to them, though.
She’s essentially a glorified wine aunt, and she will treat you out for whatever you wish.
She’s also very very defensive of you.
That guy over looks stole a glance? Dead next morning.
That girl goes even within 50 meters of you without your permission? Her fate is sealed.
Kafka is by no means like this to you, however.
She’s probably gonna lick your shoes free of charge.
(A/N: I, uh, really like asks. please send more. you probably won’t get anything good, but least you’ll get what you requested.)
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kreumiya · 7 months
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★・fever dream part 2
Fever Dream Part 1
The dreaded day was here — well, not entirely dreaded as you would be able to be by Sunday’s side <i>publicly </i>. You let yourself get dressed in your fanciest of clothing and it seemed that Sunday’s fever had come down quite a lot.
“I told you I’d be fine,” he sighed, “you worry too much.” He appeared in his signature suit, which you thought definitely needed a change once in a while. “Plus, <i>even</i> if I still had a fever, I’d have to appear in front of the masses, wouldn’t I?”
You agreed, being a part of The Family meant that you had to keep control of the masses and make sure that there weren’t any cracks in the facade they had built up. But that really wasn’t any of your business, you were just an assistant… <i>right?</i> 
“Yeah, it’s a shame how you can’t take any breaks,” you mumbled. “Well at least you can go to the banquet with me, that’s a positive.” You flashed him a grin, hoping it’d uplift the mood between you two. 
“At least I do,” he smiled. 
You didn’t know it’d be <I>this</i> nerve wracking. Well of course Sunday had told you many times that “it’ll be alright” and that “it’s just a banquet” but it didn’t stop your heart from beating faster than ever as you walked into the hall, filled to the brim with esteemed guests from all across the universe. It seemed as if you were just a drop of water in the ocean as you trailed behind Sunday. 
After seeing some familiar faces in the crowd like the Nameless, which you had seen across the news despite not knowing anything about them. What seemed to be Misha – and a purple haired woman next to him. The Iris family had seemed to be putting on an interesting performance on the stage and it seemed that the roar and bustle of the entire galaxy seemed to be gathered in the banquet hall. Servants with large trays of champagne and appetisers roamed the spaces between crowds and you seemed to almost walk directly into Sunday when you turned to make your way to your table.
“Hm?” he said, turning around to get a good look at you. “Care for a dance?” You smiled, who could decline an offer to dance by <i>the</i> Sunday himself? He took you by the hand, pulling you to the centre of the ballroom. Illuminated by the lights shining down on you both. It was oddly romantic and the whole world seemed to be spinning just for you, at least tonight anyway. Step by step you two waltzed across the ballroom, with you occasionally stepping on his foot, not like he seemed to mind anyway. You gripped his hand tightly, noticing how the light emitted by the chandelier accentuated his features. His blue hair and wings fluttered as you two moved. 
Sunday finished off the short-lived waltz, saving himself from any more toe-stepping, by taking your hand and pressed a kiss on it. It really felt like you were in a dream – well you technically <I>were</i> but it all seemed so unreal, too unreal. But it was oh so very real and you felt your face getting noticeably redder and hotter. You felt like you were the one having a fever now instead of Sunday. He gave you a soft grin, and you definitely could see that he knew the effect he could have on you. Soon he disappeared into the crowd, swarmed by visitors and some members of the Bloodhound and Alfalfa families. You went to join Misha at the table and soon fell into deep conversation, the encounter from earlier never truly leaving your mind. 
highkey this doesn't even relate to having a fever i just wanted to make wordplay!!!! anyways when will sunday leaks come out im actually in need of them 😭 😭  enjoy this for now!!!!!
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funkytownwinchester · 2 months
SPN Gif Masterlist
Jack and Cas - "I love you. I love you all."
Sam and Dean - "I can't do this alone."
Dean - S01 vs. S12
Misc (Actors)
Jensen and Jared pose for the camera
Jensen and Jared dancing/striking poses in blooper reels
Jensen's smile
Jensen winks at the camera
Jensen laughing in bloopers - part 1
Jensen laughing in bloopers - part 2
Jared laughing in bloopers
Misha laughing in bloopers
Jared looking good
Dancing in the cage
"I've got dialogue."
Jared's social media joke
Jensen squishing Jared's arm
Jensen throws a bottle at Jared's head
Misc (Characters)
Out of context reaction images
Sam helping Dean through moments of anxiety
Dean cradling Sam's face
Dean's nicknames for Cas
Crowley poses
Dean opens Sam's beer
Cas flirts with the camera
Dean's little wiggle
Cas and Dean dancing
Smiling family
Dean fights a pillow
"Why were you praying to him?" / "'cause he's my friend."
Dean eating a powdered donut
Dean clings to Sam
Dean's knees stop working
Dean in a vest
Dean tackles Sam
Click 'keep reading' for a list of all my gifs, separated by seasons.
Season 1
S01E01 - "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole."
S01E01 - Sam and Dean interview two girls in a cafe
S01E01 - Dean's boobs
S01E05 - Dean smashes the mirror terrorising Sam
S01E14 - Dean being a big brother to Sam
Season 2
S02E03 - "Lighten up, Sammy!"
S02E04 - Sam and Dean, the grief counselors
S02E09 - Dean refuses to let anyone hurt Sam
S02E10 - Ava attends therapy
S02E15 - Conjoined twins
S02E19 - Dean gets his mugshot taken
S02E19 - Dean and Sam bicker in front of Deacon
S02E20 - Dean escapes his djinn-cursed reality
S02E22 - "You're my big brother. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."
Season 3
S03E03 - Sam loses his shoe
S03E06 - Dean loses it when Bella has his car towed
S03E07 - Dean gets fed on and tossed around
S03E11 - "Rise 'n' shine, Sammy!"
S03E11 - Dean asks if a bra he found is Sam's
S03E11 - Sam makes it to Wednesday for the last time
S03E14 - Dean's little eyebrow wiggle
Season 4
S04E08 - Dean says 'please'.
S04E10 - Alistair chokes Cas
Season 5
S05E03 - Cas calls Raphael a little bitch
S05E07 - Dean's happy dance
S05E08 - Son of a bitch
S05E14 - Endverse!Cas laughing at everything that pisses endverse!Dean off
S05E17 - "Don't ask stupid questions."
S05E22 - Cas, the little angel
S05E22 - Dean's not gonna let Sam die alone
Season 6
S06E03 - Dean prays to Cas
S06E11 - Bobby's suicide joke
Season 7
S07E02 - Dean talking Sam down during hallucinations
S07E09 - Dean gets drugged by a sandwich
S07E21 - Cas giggles
S07E21 - The aftermath of Cas taking on Sam's trauma
Season 8
S08E04 - "Do I really say awesome a lot?"
S08E05 - Benny bickering with Cas
S08E10 - Cas is tormented
S08E20 -Dean asks Sam to punch him
Season 9
S09E05 - Dean hopes to interrogate a canine witness using a spell that lets him speak with animals
S09E11 - Sam the guinea pig
S09E11 - "It's the bloody mark of Cain!"
S09E15 - Thinman tries to kill Dean
S09E16 - "You don't know what it's like to be human!"
S09E22 - "I got this."
S09E22 - Cas and word play
Season 10
S10E02 - Demon!Dean looking hot.
S10E05 - "I'm gonna Barbra Streisand this bitch."
S10E06 - Murphy's law
S10E08 - Dean's pretend job
S10E14 - Dean collapses on Sam's shoulder
Season 11
S11E03 - Cas collapses from the attack dog spell
S11E16 - Bobby asks if Rufus has ever been nice
S11E16 - Sam holds Dean
S11E19 - Dean teases Sam for smoking in college
S11E21 - Dean informs Sam that he's babbling
Season 12
S12E09 - Cas doesn't regret saving the Winchesters (part 1)
S12E10 - Cas doesn't regret saving the Winchesters (part 2)
Season 13
S13E08 - Someone insults Sam in front of Dean
S13E18 - Ketch cares for Dean
S13E16 - "Be like Elsa; let it go."
Season 14
S14E03 - Dean makes fun of Sam's beard.
S14E04 - Sam's messed up childhood.
Season 15
S15E01 - Dean tells a joke while cleaning Sam's wound
S15E08 - Cas being sarcastic
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angelsdean · 1 year
can't be on my dash rn bc everyone is still talking abt misha collins meanwhile i'm like. can we pls talk abt how angels collapsed by grief are black holes ??? in fact, perhaps angels who experience any intense human emotion (anger, love, desire) have the ability to be collapsed by the sheer force of those emotions. and they become beings of chaos and consumption with the power to eat the world. to eat all of existence. every angel is terrifying etc etc. and god created the order and structure and Rules or heaven to keep them in line once he realize, oh no, they could overpower me if they ever learn to Feel. and cas. oh cas. he learned to FEEL alright. and he became the one being in all of creation god could not control. and just imagine ! imagine cas widower's arc. imagine his grief. imagine how he'd become supermassive in his grief. a single tear would drown the world. a scream would tear it in two. he swallows up whole galaxies to fill the void dean left and it's not enough, it'll never be enough. he just wants him back. his star, his shining light, they were meant to be twin stars orbiting each other and then he was left alone and he went supernova over it. it collapsed him into a black hole and he's swallowing up all the light but it's never enough, it's not right, nothing will ever be brighter than dean winchester's soul. anyways. we should be talking abt that
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Dean and Sam. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 5,854
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural, the boys being mean to y/n, love spells
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Chapter seven: Sex and violence
Y/n's POV
I was on my way back from getting some coffee and doughnuts for my brothers and I because there was no way that we wouldn't stop for these anyway. So, I thought I might as well get it out of the way and save some time and let my brothers sleep as much as they could considering the last few weeks. I was also wondering how Cas was doing. I haven't seen him these last few weeks. I kind of wished I had, just being around him somehow makes me be calmer and that's important with the stressful job I have. I hope he didn't get in trouble for when he hesitated to knock me out or that he's not hurt when Alastair almost pulled a uno reverse on him. I wish he could have a damn phone so I'm not worrying half of the time. 
As I open the motel room door, I make sure to be extra quiet to not wake Sam and Dean. I look to the beds and see Dean in one but not Sam. Then I hear his voice from the bathroom. “Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing.” Demon signs? Who was he talking to this early in the morning? I was sure it was not Bobby because I knew he just got done with a pretty nasty werewolf case and was properly sleeping off the beer and coffee along with exhaustion. I try to stand still to not warn Sam then I hear sheets moving and look to see Dean awake listening to the same interesting conversation. “Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, OK? All right. Talk soon.” 
Sam finished and was coming out of the bathroom. I ran back to the door to make it look like I had just got back and slammed the door loud. “Hey guys I got coffee and doughnuts for us.” I said placing the drinks and food down on the table trying to sound normal. They both kind of looked at it like I had just gotten a five-star steak meal. They both come over grabbing some joe and a pastry. “Thanks Y/n/n” Dean said, stuffing his face with sprinkles falling out as a result. “Yes, thank you Y/n” Sam replied, grabbing a cup of joe and got a half of a doughnut with him being a health nut and all. “So, were you both sleeping?” I asked, trying not to seem obvious. “Dean was, I was in the can.” “Really” Dean and I both replied. 
“Yeah guys, you want me to draw you a picture?” “Nah We’ll pass I think.” I said sitting on the bed trying not to think about the secret convo in the bathroom. “Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer.” Sam said, handing us a newspaper about the story. “Oh my gosh.” “And get this. Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married.” “Once is sad and disturbing but three is a pattern.” I said looking at the man in the picture looking very happy with his now very dead wife. “Ahh. Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet.” Dean said, grabbing the newspaper from me. “More like The Shining.” Sam replied with a smirk. “All right, well I guess we'd better have a look.” Dean said moving to the bathroom to get ready for the day and me failing to not think about who the Hell was Sam talking to.
Currently we were sitting in the integration room with the man of the hour. He kept on ignoring eye contact like he was ashamed to look at us. “Why does the PD keep sending you guys? I already said I don't want a lawyer.” “They're lining up the firing squad.” Dean replied, staring the man in the eyes. “I'm pleading guilty.” He said back to us. “All right, look, you don't want us to represent you, that's fine. In fact it's probably not a bad idea, between you and me. We just wanna understand what happened, that's all.” “Mr. Benson. Please.” I said trying a softer approach with him. “What happened was, I killed my wife. You wanna know why? Because she made plans without asking me.” Well, there is another reason to not to date. “Now when it happened, how did you feel? Disoriented, out of control?” Sam asked. “Like something was telling you or possessed you to do it?” I said. “I knew exactly what I was doing. I was crystal clear.” He replied with no stuttering, it was chilling. “Then why'd you, do it?” Dean asked. “I don't know. I loved her. We were happy.” I brought some papers out on the table of his bank statements and tapped on them. “For a man who loved his wife you were sure spending a lot of secret money on 'M & C Entertainment'.” “I don't know what you're talking about.” Come on dude you murdered your wife the least you can do is tell the truth. 
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“It means you were dropping fifties on some nude entertainment.” “We just wanna know the truth, Mr. Benson.” Sam added in. “Her name was Jasmine.” Like the Disney princess? “She was a stripper?” Sam questioned. “Dude, her name was Jasmine.” Dean said matter of factly. “I didn't mean for it to happen, I don't like to go to strip bars. My buddy was having a bachelor party, and there she was. She came right up to me. And...I dunno, she was just...perfect. Everything that I wanted.” “Well, you pay enough, and anybody will be anything.” Dean said and he was not wrong. “It wasn't about the money. It wasn't even about the sex. It was...I dunno. I....I don't know what it was. It's hard to explain.” It sounds like this man was down bad for this princess. “And your wife found out?” I asked curious. “No, she never had a clue.” “Then why'd you kill her?” “For Jasmine. She said we would be together forever. If...if only Vicki was…” Dead, damn whatever this is it really wants to be the only woman. “Afterwards, me and Jasmine were supposed to meet, and she never showed. I don't know where she lives, I don't know her last name, I don't even know her real first name! I'm an idiot.” He is but this was not all his fault I have inkling that something else was at play than good sex. “And you didn't think to tell this to the cops?” Sam questioned. “What for? The stripper didn't do it, I did it. And I know what I deserve. The judge doesn't give me the death sentence, I'll just do it myself.”
Sam and I are going to go talk to the head doctor to hopefully get some answers while Dean was finding if the other men had matched with Bensen’s spending. As we walked in the office the doctor was taking some Advil. “Rough night?” Sam questioned. “Fun night. Rough morning.” She said while rubbing her forehead. “Can I help you?” She asked us and I replied. “Ahhh...yes. Um, I'm Special Agent Ross, Agent Stiles, FBI. You Doctor Cara Roberts?” “Far as I know.” “You do some work with the Sheriff's department?” Sam asked. “Yeah, when I'm not slogging it through the ER. It's a small town. We multi-task.” “We have some questions about a case. About several cases actually. Do you mind if we sit?” Sam asked for us. “Great. Adam Benson, Jim Wylie, and Steve Snyder.” I said, referring to the men. “Oh yeah, the men who killed their wives?” “You handled their work-ups, right?” She nodded her head. “Autopsies for the wives and tox screens for the perps. Two-for-one special.” “Fun right” I said, trying to add to the conversation because I sensed that the doctor and Sam were giving each other the look.
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“He he I’m sorry. Did you find anything?” I asked moving away from my awkward moment. “Not really. I mean, c.o.d. on the women was pretty clear. There was nothing unusual in their systems.” That would make sense. “What about the husbands?” “Can I....see your badges again?” she asked, and we both pull them out again. She gives Sam’s a real good hard look while she barely glances at mine. “There was one thing, um, an anomaly in the blood work. And I remember thinking how strange it was that it showed up in all three of the men.” She said as she pulled out their files. “What showed?” I asked while looking at the file. “Oxytocin. And their levels were crazy high.” “Ahh. Oxytocin?” “Mm-hmm, it's a hormone that's produced during childbirth, lactation and sex.” 
“People call it the love hormone. Um, you know how it feels when you first fall in love. The whole weak in the knees, tattoo you on my chest thing? That's oxytocin. Of course, it eventually fades and then you're stuck with every relationship ever. That and the painful regime of tattoo removal.” I wouldn't know but Sam would. As I looked up from the file Sam and Cara were smiling at each other with that look while they kind of forgot that I was right next to them. Then Dean entered which is good because it was getting awkward for me. “What'd I miss?” “Um Doctor this is our other partner, Agent Murdoch.” I said introducing them. Then Dean went into his Dean flirt mode. “Please, "Agent" sounds so formal. You can call me Dean.” He said holding out his hand and she took his hand and held it for like two seconds and let go. Wow I don't think I have ever seen this before. Usually, women are all over him and even sometimes get mad at me for being next to him. 
“I'm Doctor Roberts.” Then she turned back to Sam. “So, um, can I help you with anything else?” “Uhh, sure, just one more thing. This chemical, this…” “Oxytocin.” “Oxytocin. What would cause those high levels that you found?” “Nothing that I've ever seen.” “OK. That's it. Thanks Doc.” As he finishes, we go to leave the office and Sam stops to tell her. “By the way...try a greasy breakfast. Best thing for a hangover.” Sammy going for it, good for him. “Watch it buddy, I'm the only M.D. here.” She replied back smiling. “Dude, you totally C-blocked me.” Dean told Sam. yeah sure Dean let's go with that.
The three of us are now going to the car. “So Whylie and Snyder totally fessed up, huh?” Sam asked Dean about the others. “One emptied his IRA, the other, his kids' college fund, all on the same day.” Now that's what I call commitment. “Nude girls?” I questioned. “A club called 'The Honey Wagon'.” Very on the nose I see. “These guys have affairs too, with a stripper also known as Jasmine?” “Yes and no. This is where it gets interesting. Each guy hooked up with a different chick.” “So, is there a secret princess stripper operation going on?” “Well, they all described their stripper in the same way, the exact same way. Perfect, and everything that they wanted.” Like build your own sex doll factory. “Yeah, at least until dream Barbie convinced them to murder their wives.” Sam said being right and a little bit funny. “You know, it's almost like they were under some kind of love spell.” “Exactly what I was thinking I mean usually girls will just take the money and be happy with that but whatever this is it wants devotion that comes from love and for them that means murdering that woman containing the man's life.” I agreed with Sam. “Sure seems that way.” Dean replied back. “Which caused them to become totally psychotic.” “Absolutely.” 
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As we entered the strip club, I felt I had at least a dozen pair of eyes landing on me, half of them wanting to see me up on the stage and the other half seeing if I was here to bust them for cheating. “We’re looking for three girls. Jasmine, Aurora and Ariel.” Dean said to the manager as his eyes wandered to the stage. “You seriously think those names mean anything to me?” He said almost annoyed also he was eyeing me up and down. “One's a redhead about 5'9". The other one's Asian, about…” I said getting his memory going hopefully. “You have any idea how many girls I deal with? Fake names, fake hair, fake…” He said, referring to the chest area. “You gotta have some sort of paperwork. Cheque stubs. Some way to keep track of the strippers.” Dean said to him. “Please, exotic dancers. Independent contractors working for cash. I stay out of their hair, they stay out of what little I have left.” “Sir, three of your customers murdered their wives. You don't think that that's weird? Or at least to raise a little concern.” I said to him. 
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“Sweetheart, I think that's super-friggin' weird. But you know what it ain't? My problem. And if it turns out one of my employees is a murderer coordinator, I’ll have a spot open. You could have it, you know, if the FBI doesn't work out. I know it's a lot of work for women.” I almost pulled out my gun right there, but I held myself back and Dean looked the same. “Agent, could you go get us some drinks? I got this.” I said turning to Dean and he gave me a look of are you sure and I looked back, yes. “Sir I am just fine in my job, and I will take on more weight in my life then you will ever do in your long single life. Your workers work hard for themselves, and their families and they deserve respect as does anyone and they aren't just objects that you can talk about so carelessly. Next time you want to make a comment like that in front of me I just want you to remember I have a Glock on my side.” I finished walking away leaving him shocked and a little afraid. I walk over to the boys getting to the table and downing my drink I needed to after dealing with that little gremlin.
“Y/n I think he peed himself a little … good job!” Dean said high fiving me. “Just another day another mean person taken down any luck with Bobby?” I asked Sam. “A little. We officially have a theory.” “What’s that?” Dean and I both ask. “Siren.” Ohh that makes sense. “Like Greek myth siren, the Odessy?” Dean said surprising Sam but not me. I knew Dean was smarter than he let people know. “Hey, I read!” He said offended at Sam's look. “Yeah, actually. But the siren's not actually a myth, it's more of a beautiful creature that preys on men, enticing them with their siren song.” “Let me guess, 'Welcome to the Jungle?' No, no. Warrant's 'Cherry Pie.'” Dean responded. “Ha good one but I think Sam means more of allure like a promise of perfection.” “
So, they shake their thing and the guy's zombie out.” “Basically, yeah. Sirens lived on islands, sailors would chase 'em, completely ignoring the rocky shores...and dash themselves to pieces.” Sam added back in. “Sounds like Adam and his buddies.” Dean said back. “exactly” “Yeah. If you were a siren in '09 looking to ruin a bunch of morons, where would you set up shop?” “So whatever floats the guy's boat, that's what they look like?” Dean said confirming it. “Like Disney princesses” I said back. “Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion.” “So, it could all be the same chick? Morphing into, uh, to different dream girls?” “Yeah, actually. Probably. Sirens are usually pretty solitary.” “So, uh how do we kill it?” I ask. “Bobby's working on it. Even if we figure that out…” “How the hell are we gunna find it? It could be anybody.” 
Dean and I were waiting in the motel room for Sam getting info on the new guy and looks like he left his phone. Dean picks it up. “Dean, come on, maybe we should ask him.” “Y/n with everything that has been going on this past year do you think he would tell the truth.” He doesn’t let me answer and dials the number anyway and puts the phone on speaker. “Hey, Sam.....Sam?... You there...?” Guess who was on the other line my best friend Ruby. We both look at each other in disbelief and he quickly hangs up the phone as Sam comes back in. “Lenny Bristol was definitely another siren vic.” He said walking in the room. “You get in to see him?” Dean asked him, sounding like he was trying not to punch him. “Yep. He brought home a stripper named Belle. Couple hours later he offed his mother. Belle, of course, went MIA.” “Wait, he killed his mom?” “The woman he was closest too.” Then Sams phone rang. “Yeah, you, uh, forgot your cell phone.” I said handing it to him. He gave me weird look. “Hey Bobby.” “Ahhh, no. And, uh, it doesn't seem like she's slowing down any. You got anything?” 
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“Hold on a sec, I'll put you on speaker.” He puts the phone on the table for all of us to hear. "It says you need "a bronze dagger, covered in the blood of a sailor, under the spell of the song". “What the hell does that mean?” I ask. “You got me. We're dealing with 3000 years of the telephone game here.” “Best guess?” “Well, the siren's spell ain't got nothing to do with any song. It's most likely some kind of toxin or venom. Something she gets in the vic's blood.” “And makes them go all Manchurian Candidate. Uh, what do you think, she infects the men during sex?” I asked. “Maybe.” “Supernatural STD.” “Well, however it happens, once it's done the siren's gotta watch her back. She gets a dose of her own medicine…” “It will kill her.” I said finishing Bobby’s sentence. “Like a snake getting iced by its own venom.” “So, we just gotta find a way to juice one of the OJs in jail?” Dean said thinking it was going to be that easy. “Not that easy. None of those guys are under the spell anymore. Haven't got a clue where you're going to get the blood you need.” Sam looked like he was thinking. “I think I might have an idea.” He said talking about the blood if we could see it and maybe he could see the doctor again. “Be careful. These things are tricky bitches. Wrap you up in knots before you know what hit ya.” We left ready to go to the hospital and me wanting to talk to Sam about Ruby before Dean would blow up about it. 
“Dr. Roberts.” Sam said to Cara. “Agent Stiles. Can't stay away, huh?” Yup they are definitely feeling each other out. “Actually, uh, we're here on business. About the blood samples. The ones with the high...you know...oxytocin?” “Do you still have them?” I ask. “Mm-hmm.” “Good, we need them.” Dean replied a little rude there. “What for?” She asked. I was about to answer when this handsome man walked up to us in a suit and tie. “Excuse me, Dr. Roberts?” “Yeah?” “Excuse me, uh, we're a little busy here, buddy.” Dean said, pulling out his FBI badge and then so did the man. “Yeah, so am I, pal.” Oh, shit it was a real agent and a cute one at that. “Doc, can you give us a sec, please?” Sam said to Cara. “Sure.” She said backing away. “What's your name?” Dean asked very rudely you know if you're going to fake being an FBI agent you should probably not be a dick to a real one.
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“Nick Munroe. What's yours?” I answered before they started to pull out to measure. “I am special agent Y/n Ross, and these are my partners Sam Stiles, Dean Murdoch.�� “Y/n that's a pretty name.” Damn it am I blushing I think I’m blushing. “Thanks, I like yours too” What is going on with me? “What office are you from?” Sam stepped in. “Omaha, Violent Crimes Unit. My SAC sent me down here to see about the murders.” “You?” He asked and felt like he was looking at me when he said it. I felt like I was in middle school again.”D.C. Our Assistant Director assigned us.” Dean answered. “Oh, which AD?” “Mike Kaiser.” “What are your badge numbers?” He asked. “You're kidding, right?” “Dean he's just doing his job here you can call our AD and we can sort this out maybe we can even work together.” I said the words before I could even register them. No, I don't want Nick to be around us to find out that we’re not real FBI agents, but I can't stop talking. 
I handed him the card and he took it out of my hand, but he also grabbed it slowly and I got pulled a little with it. He went over to the corner to call our “AD” aka Bobby cooking. While they both turned to me. “Y/n are you serious right now?”  Sam said to me. I get upset at that. “What you Dean are the only ones allowed to date. Is it because he's a real agent and that he's threatening your power.” I said to them, and they were both shocked I was a little too. “No of course not-” “Good then he can help us and don't worry I won't let him really know what's really going on I'm not Dean of how he bangs a girl for a couple months and then tells the family secret to.” I finished referring to Cassie from a couple years ago who Dean really did love. I knew that was a bitch thing to say but for some reason I didn't really care at that moment. “Y/n -” “I'm sorry, guys.” Nick said, walking back to us. “That's okay Nick you were just doing your job.” I said, smiling softly. As my brothers stood there both were wondering what was going with their sister. “Where are you at with this?” He asked us. 
“Where are you at with this?” Dean asked trying to suss out how much Nick really knew. “Well, I was just about to run the, uh, perps' bloodwork.” I jumped again at the opportunity to talk to him. “We we’re too great minds think alike huh? But it turns out to be a dead end sadly.” “Oh yeah? But get this. I feel like I found something that, uh, connects all the murderers.” “Oh my gosh, that is so smart Nick.” “Thank you Y/n. Get this they were all banging strippers.... from the same club.” “You don't say!” Dean said with a sarcastic undertone. “What do you say we, uh, go down there and check it out?” “YES, I mean yes we definitely should investigate.” I said getting closer to him. “Well, here's the thing, Nick. See, we're kinda lone wolves…” Dean starts to say but Sam stops him. “You know what, that sounds like an excellent idea. Just... just give me a second with my partner and we'll, uh...one sec. Come here.” Sam brings Dean over to the corner. While Nick and I talk.
“Dude, you gotta stay with him.” Dean did not want to do that. “What?” “Keep him outta the way. Also, to keep an eye on Y/n there is something wrong with her.” They both look to Nick and I giggling up a storm and as I kept on touching Nick on the shoulder which if I do like guy, I don't do that. “Yeah, okay what are you going to do?” “I'm gonna do the blood samples.” “What the hell am I supposed to do with him?” “Just take him to the strip club...keep an eye out for the siren. Come on, Dean, just... just focus on the naked girls. You'll forget he's even there! And try to keep Y/n away from him.” Dean thought if I can as he looked over to me just staring at Nick like he was the messiah. 
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Dean, Nick and I were back at the strip club and the two men currently are going off on each other of music knowledge. “Nobody's Fault But Mine.” Dean questioned. “Zeppelin recorded it in '75. It was a cover of a Blind Willie Johnson tune.” “Good job Nick” I winked at him and grabbed his hand a bit. “You Shook Me.” Nick questioned back and I answered this one. “'69, debut album, written by Willie Dixon and J.B. Lenoir.” “Nice Y/n, pretty and brains your boyfriend is a lucky man.” He said, staring at me. “Well maybe lucky for you I don't have one.” I said getting closer. Dean saw us getting closer and realized he was dropping the ball on watching me. “You know dude, for a fed you're not a totally dick.” Dean said stopping Nick and I. Nick was confused. "Aren't all of us feds?” He asked. 
The three of us were walking to the car and Nick saw the car. “All right, we're taking my ride, no complaining about the tunes.” Dean said. “No way. You drive an Impala?” I knew Nick was a cool guy and it looks like Dean is about to find out too. “It's a '67, right? It's a 327 four barrel.” wow spot on. “Yeah, actually.” Dean said confirming it surprised that Nick knew about it. “It's a thing of beauty.” When he said that he also looked at me and winked. “How the hell did you talk the Bureau into letting you drive your own wheels? “Maybe because we're fake. But Nick doesn't need to know that.
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“Yeah, I know, I just...you know, not a lot of feds are as cool as us, huh?” Smooth Dean smooth. “So, what the hell with this case, man? How does a girl talk four different johns into murder?” Nick asked Dean and not really me. “It's a crazy world.” “I guess. Hey, can I level with you?” He asked. “I found something kinda weird.” “Well. You have bought your weird to the right spot. Lay it on me.” “I went to the crime scene this morning. Saw them bagging this up.” He showed us this evidence bag with flower petals in it. “So, I went back, uh, through all the files. It turns out a flower just like that was found at every crime scene.” It looked familiar. “Like it was left on purpose?” Dean questioned. “You know, sometimes a serial killer will leave an object behind, like a calling card. But with this case? Tell you the truth, I got no idea what's going on.” “I think I might. I've seen a flower like this before.” He said getting up to go into Cara, but I didn't care all I cared about was Nick at that moment. 
“Why don't we get out of here.” Nick said, standing up holding out his hand for me to take. We ended up in this little cafe and we talked fully for those two hours, and he seemed really into the same things I like. He started to lean closer and closer and was looking at my lips, but my nerves got in the way. “Uh sorry Nick I will be right back.” As I walked to the restroom, I did not see his expression change from a smile to an annoyed one. I walked to the restroom and locked it and went to the mirror. “You got this y/n you are amazing.” 
“Y/n? Let's go” “You got this it's just research and plus Nick might need help right Nick?” “Most definitely I could use the help.” I giggled at him again. Dean didn't have time to deal with this.”Alright you know what Y/n meet us at the room in two hours okay.” “Okay” I answered not even looking at him. 
As I finished my sentence, I saw something I was not expecting. “Cas?’” I turned around to say something instead he came up close and suddenly I was in a random field. “CAS WHAT THE HELL?” I yelled at him. He didn't say anything as he came close and touched my forehead and it was like a fog had lifted. “Oh my gosh what happened to me?” He replied. “You were under a pre love spell.” He said so casually. “A pre-love spell, what does that even mean?” “It means the siren that you were so close to almost had you completely under his control.” “Nick?” I asked and he nodded his head. “That scaly Motherfucker.” “Wait, how did you know?” I asked him. “Were you following me?”  “I was” “Why?” “I sensed you were in trouble.” I couldn't even figure that out because I was covered in that love fog. “Thanks, you really are a guardian angel.” “I was just doing my job.” 
“Yeah, Cas for a job that's pretty amazing. I guess I'm pretty lucky to have an angel as a friend.” I said finishing and smiling. “Friend?” “Well to me you are, you keep saving me and listening to me that's what friends do Cas.” “Right friends” He said and looked happy? “The siren! I have to worn Sam and Dean.” “Send me back.” He hesitated not wanting to send me back to danger, but he knew I would get there one way or another. He came up to me and before holding up his fingers and said, “Just be careful” That made me happy that he cared to tell me that. “Don't worry I always am.” He then put his fingers back on my forehead and I was back at the motel.  
I went straight to our room calling Dean and then Sam because they were not answering. “Dean, pick up your damn phone, the siren is Nick! Be careful.” I walked in the room and as soon as the door closed, I had a pair of arms run into me. “Daaa!” I was struggling to see you had me pinned then I saw Nick walk in front of me. “Y/n where did you go? We were about to get to the fun part of our date.” I looked to the side and just saw Sam standing there. “Sam! Help!” Nick laughs at me. “Ohh Y/n your brothers won't lift a finger unless I tell them to” I then looked behind me and it was Dean who was holding me back. “So, you just come in and home wreck everyone into murdering their loved ones.” “I give those guys what they want. I just lift the blind and give them permission to do what they always wanted to do. And I got what I wanted, your brothers.” “Sam why don't you give your sister a nice punch not on the face though I don't want it too damaged.” Sam walked in front of me and punched me in the stomach as Dean held me.
“Uhhh” I wanted to fall from the impact, but I couldn't. “Your brothers are mine Y/n” “You poisoned them.” “No Y/n I gave them what they wanted as it looks different for each person. What you want no crave is love. I mean I have never seen a person fall harder for me. You must not never have been in love don't worry you will be in a minute. Dean hold her up right and Sam hold her mouth open.” They did without being told twice. I try to fight it but it's impossible because of how strong my brothers were put together. Nick opens his mouth wide and squirts his toxin in mine. I am let go and drop to the ground. “Now why don't we get back to that kiss sweetheart.” Nick said getting closer as I punched him right in his kisser. “You can take that kiss and shove it up your ass sweetheart.” He goes to touch his face and finds blood.
“Okay bitch how did you do that you not human or something?” “As far as I'm concerned One hundred percent.” “Ha okay that was some good entertainment thanks. Boys, why don't you kill her and then you two will fight to the death and whoever wins gets to be with me forever.” Wait what? Oh shit. They start to circle me. “Little Y/n/n the bane of our existence. I mean Sam and I have always had to hold your hand through everything. It's pathetic right Sammy.” “Yeah, Dean I mean we would have such a better life if she wasn't here.” “Then let's take care of her.” Dean said running at me. I dodge it good thing they taught me to fight men two times their size. Somehow, I got knocked out by one of them. “Y/n Y/n!!!” I was being shaken awake. It was Bobby. I was confused. “Bobby what happened?” I said and standing behind Bobby were my two brothers looking Sad.
It was the next day, and no one was really talking. Bobby came from his car handing us sodas as in telling us he was happy that we were okay well physically. “Thanks, Bobby. You know, if you hadn't shown up when you did…” Sam said not wanting to finish his sentence. “Done the same for me, more than once. Course, you coulda picked up the phone. Only took one call to figure out that Agent Nick Munroe wasn't real.” Yeah, not real neither was he liking me. “You guys gunna be, OK?” I didn't say anything. I was hurt not just from the fight. “Y/n?”
“Mmhh of course always am.” I was lying to myself, and everyone knew it. “See ya.  You know, those sirens are nasty things. That it got to you, that's no reason to feel bad.” He got in his car and drove away wishing I was with him. “You gunna say goodbye to Cara?” Dean asked Sam apparently, they had got into a different type of research. “What's the point?” “Well, look at you. Love 'em and leave 'em.” “Y/n, look, you know we didn't mean the things we said back there, right? That it was just the siren's spell talking?” “Yeah, me too.” It was more silence like we knew we were all lying. “'Kay. So... so we're all good?” Sam said, looking at both of us because he and Dean had their own nasty fight. “Yeah, we're good.” Another lie. 
That was it, I hoped you liked it! Wow this chapter was a lot more intense than my others and we didn't get much Cas because I thought it should be a more sibling relationship chapter, but I still got a scene of him caring and maybe a little jealous because CAS. The name I used for the fake agent's name was ode to Diana Ross like how Sam and Dean do classic singers all the time. I'm trying to progress Y/n’s and Cas’s relationship not too fast and not too slow so hopefully I'm dealing with that okay. I'm so excited we are just getting closer and closer to the season finale which is crazy. As always thank you for reading and the likes. If anyone wants to be added to the tag list, just ask nicely in the commits.
@vfandom hope you liked it!
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fa-dubu · 5 months
hsr 2.2 braindump (spoilers included)
hope is a thing with wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
where did acheron fuck off to after she cut embryo aeon-emanator sunday down? i get that she accomplished what she set out to penacony for, but (and i can't even say 'leave without saying goodbye' bc she did lol) she couldn't even hang around for the post-boss battle celebrations?
love acheron. i get that on one hand she's hoyo milking raiden mei nostalgia and fondness but there's just something about an avatar of nihility that actually believes in trying. even if it's meaningless, even if everything leads to the same murky place, it's the attempt, it's the walking forward, it's the 'i was here, i dreamed, i loved, and i lived' that counts, however short-lived that momentary burst of life is.
'i was here and i fucking mattered'
fucking love this space ronin
especially in combination with the 2.0-2.2 theme of 'shining like a short-lived shooting star (or firefly)' vs 'following the tracks someone laid for you with your eyes closed'.
sure our lives might be tied to one track or another but the freedom lies in having the ability to choose - choose to leave the track, move to another, choose to come back
goddamn, misha was a non-entity for me for 2.0-2.1 though i knew something was up with him. didn't even notice the trailblaze tag on his tie until we see him for the first time in 2.2.
cycles and circles != it's meaningless.
firefly.... something something undertale screenshot 'in the end it's still you' something something 'you are filled with DETERMINATION'
i know her banner is coming up so i'm not TOO stressed about her status but.... *glances at misha and gallagher*
also gallagher. admittedly i dismissed him as manbait, but damn... the loyal hound character. unlike misha, i'm 30% the history fictionologist behind this lie is still alive; just that 'gallagher's' story ended
i love harmony!trailblazer's style so fucking much. not looking forward to building it though since i still want to save that energy for robin (pls come home)
black swan: "To use such a method to document the past is interesting. It reminds me of a Memokeeper who also loves to record their memories on the camera..." - hint that march was a memokeeper???
did march do something that crossed her path/fuli and had her memories removed as punishment? or did she do it to herself for some reason?
2.2 ended on the ultimate boss showdown but now penacony is suffering from a power vacuum: the ipc is coming to make moves while the ruling parties are still trying to sort out what the hell happened/who was responsible/who they can throw under the bus/who can consolidate power/who's taking over now.
without the Order keeping things forcibly smooth, the structure of the dreamscape is now insecure. like robin mentioned, dreamers are now at risk of dying in the dream.
and we don't know what the deal is with sparkle's doomsday buttons. i've seen people theorizing her whole deal is a red herring which is in line with elation M.O.
but she knew from 2.0 what was going on. her interactions with aventurine in 2.0 hinted that she knew something was up and that the people who knew the truth couldn't share it for whatever reason while she wouldn't share it bc aha(hahaha).
unless she was biding her time, waiting for the penacony power vacuum? with everything up in the air, elation has the opportunity to mess with multiple parties.
hope this isn't the last we see of acheron because i enjoyed the conversation she had with sam. i'd like to see her interact with firefly in the same capacity.
also i want to see acheron and black swan dance again. we womenlikers deserve such eyecandy.
"heads up!!!! the wheels are spinning across the plains in valleys deep to dawn! the wheels that sing an unending dream/ heads up!!! the tracks are running across the plains where shadows hide/ we run, we stride"
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wh0lemilk0vich · 7 months
misha, i have been thinking about this post of yours the entire day and i have no clue if it's gonna float your boat, but i've been reading some of my local folklore on like, mermen the last couple days and how there's this myth around my area about how their king lures young women in by promising them to care for them and give them all the riches they desire. and then earlier my mind catapulted back to a post of yours i believe it was where ian caring for mickey has been mentioned in a way that indicates he just likes to know mickey is not going hungry anymore - and just imagine ian as one of these mermen [which is funny because he's often depicted as the sun or fire, anyway] finding mickey drinking water from his creek or something, and he's obviously not the best of and ian just wants to care of him and ends up taking him with him.
aaand this was a wall of text [sorry i'm out and about and had to be fast] and probably likely not at all what you've been getting at, but i also already typed it soo i'm sending it in anyway. because i also just generally love to read you talk about them. thanksokaybye i'm also hugging you.
Ahhh Nosho I'm IN LOVE with this, this is exactly what I meant too!!
It could be so fairytale which I absolutely love
Underwater realms and underwater kings seem so important cross culturally, like immediately I think of the Erlking (which I think is also fantastic in translation, there's a great Irish translation), Sadko and the Undersea Tsar, nymphs, and spirits. I'm such a slut for fae and spirits.
I can absolutely picture Mickey escaping Terry to the woods. And he's tired and starving, wild and angry and sad, finally breaking down at his brook to rest and sleep, and hopefully be safe for a minute. And so here he is drinking from Ian's creek and Ian is immediately enamored, obsessed. Ian is this eternal, powerful, playful and capricious thing but if there's one thing he values it's beauty and seeing Mickey just takes his breath away, he wants him so badly because he's so pretty, and he can't entertain a scenario where he doesn't get what he wants, where he doesn't get to keep Mickey.
I have this image in my head of Mickey waking up in the glade with this creek and Ian's there in his nature taking a humanoid shape and he's just naked and glistening and enjoying the warmth of the sun dappling through the leaves. I can't decide whether he's sunning himself on a warm flat stone in the middle of the creek, or bathing under a little waterfall (imagine him with thick long curly hair), or laying next to Mickey on the shore just staring at him and his beauty.
And regardless Mickey wakes up eventually and he's surprised because he's not alone, and he's scared because Ian's a stranger, and he's embarrassed because Ian's... beautiful. He shouldn't think that, shouldn't notice that; that's why he had to run away in the first place...
His eyes snap back to Ian because he hears laughter, and it's like the twinkling of little bells. Ian's looking at him and he wants to get smaller, doesn't want to be perceived, doesn't want to betray himself. Ian wades over to him through the water, naked with a naturality and confidence, almost indifference, that Mickey could never imagine possessing.
"Thou'rt beautiful," Ian says.
Mickey's eyes go wide because how could he know that, he hadn't said it out loud. But then he saw Ian's eyes and he realized those weren't just his own thoughts.
"Thou'rt beautiful," Ian says again.
And there's a strangeness to it because when he says it, Mickey hears it like it's true. Like stating a state of nature. Putting a name to the weather. As if Ian had said 'The sun is shining.' It's not what he'd ever been told, and would not otherwise think.
"Thou'rt frightened. Thou need'st be not. Pray, Beauty, what desirest Thou most, that I may give it Thee?"
"I hunger..." he doesn't know whether he should add a title. He's never met someone like this. He doesn't want to cause offense. But he laughs again. Like Mickey's request is trivial. Like he would do far more.
"Then Thou shallt eat, and Thou shallt have thy fill, and Thou shallt want for naught," and his words were the promise of rain in spring.
Mickey readied himself to speak, but Ian does first.
"Bathe in my waters, and while Thou makest Thine ablutions, mine shall be to fulfill thy whim."
And Mickey watches Ian walk from the banks to the edge of the wood, watching him the whole time. When Mickey hops up and tries to follow he's gone.
Mickey feels odd, he feels happy and it makes him feel ashamed. He doesn't want to, but he undresses, it takes him a long time to allow himself to be bare, to allow himself the kind of confident vulnerability that Ian had. But he does it and he enters the water and it's... just...so...warm. It's like being hugged at home, a feeling of protection he'd never known before. And he bathed and he swam and he actually smiled. And then he heard from the bank
"Thou'rt beautiful."
Mickey stills, covers himself, tries to hide himself in the water. Ian laughs.
"Come. Thou hunger'st."
THIS IS GETTING SO FAR AWAY FROM ME but like I just imagine Mickey eats roasted venison and game and berries and he eats so joyously and deliciously that Ian can see him shining and he wants Mickey to feel like that always. And he wants there to be evidence of him of his love on Mickey and he grows so beautiful and loved and soft and cared for when he comes with Ian and allows himself to know fully and loved and filled like ugh. I don't know if any of this makes sense?
Oh my God haha
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eisforeidolon · 1 year
maybe i'm still stuck on the question of why misha thought he could poll an audience on their sexuality if he had no interest/intention/comfort sharing his own in the first place, but i don't get how his latest spin that the wb didn't want him to clear up the misunderstanding makes him any more sympathetic. if the wb asked him to "drop it" after the people article, i'd honestly assume they were talking about all the baiting rather than legit asking him to pick up a ruse he's trying to pretend he never meant to start in the first place
"stop feeding the rumor frenzy" is a legit media pr strategy that misha would probably benefit from learning about, but he's too desperate for validation
Well, like so much of what Misha says? It's specifically tailored to gain the sympathy of his sycophants in particular.
As you say, WB or no WB, Misha was the one who told the original "joke" specifically to bring up sexuality with his audience. Misha was the one who decided to compound it with an additional "joke" about his own sexuality. Nothing anyone did after he made those choices mitigates HIM being the one to MAKE THOSE CHOICES. Not for most people, anyway.
To a heller/minion, though? Well, they already believe the sun shines out of Misha's ass and he can do no wrong. He was the poor homophobically abused real star of SPN! He's the only one who ever told them The Truth™ detestiel was totes real! They're in it together with him as poor, oppressed little victims the evil network took advantage of!!! This plays so exactly into that, it's farcical. Look at how horrible the WB is, they don't respect sexuality! So evil! Poor Misha, how could they?! Hellers were already insisting he either just made a perfectly understandable mistake (lol) or was *gasp* being forced out of the closet! Oh, look, now they have someone else to be mad at and see as "victimizing" Misha. It doesn't matter Misha stuck his entire leg into his mouth of his own accord, just like it never mattered HE was the one baiting them detestiel was going to happen when it never did.
And yeah, IF the WB legit actually said anything at all to him about it, the likelihood is that it was a plea for him to just STFU and let it blow over for a while instead of any kind of suggestion he pretend to be bisexual. He probably figures this won't get back to the WB, and even if it does? He can say, "Oh, I only said you told me to 'let it go', I never SAID you tried to get me to pretend to be bisexual!" Which ... is the kind of stupid thinking that got him into a situation where he had to come out as straight in the first place.
He never seems to think this shit through, but then again, why would he learn? His audience doesn't care and keeps coming back to give him more money, happy to be lied to and manipulated.
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lightofraye · 2 days
You should actually check the account of any of the bullies. all celebrities have them. And if you have even checked the accounts of the people that bully Jared you would see that they are trolls. They are doing it to want attention. If you block, report and ignore them and not make a huge fuss, the trolls will eventually move on. The ONLY reason why Jared hating Trolls are LOUD is because YOU ARE GIVING THEM ATTTENTION. Don't engage with them , just report, block and ignore and then they will go away. You guys are a bunch of stupid idiots.
Hi anon.
Not all of them are trolls. And far too many of them are getting support from other hellers.
You do realize that we are reporting them, blocking them? That we're sharing the word to get others to report and block them? Twitter is a joke half the time, even before Musk took over.
We're also pointing out the bullshit lies that Misha's said that have gotten Jared death threats and worse. Jensen's even gotten death threats from hellers and destiel fanatics. Hell, Jensen nearly got his reputation destroyed by hellers and destiel fanatics claiming he was homophobic. That's why Google keeps having that drop down when you search his name.
This kind of mindset of "just ignore them and they'll go away" is actually potentially dangerous. It's almost like... you think if you cover your eyes and plug your ears, the problem will stop.
That's not how life works.
That's not how fanaticism works. Misha knows this too. He has fanatics without any sense following him, worshipping him.
The only way to stop someone like that is to shine a light on the issue and make it clear such behavior is unacceptable.
Can't do that if we're not talking about it.
Now, you've said your piece, anon. This is my answer.
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feastonkings · 9 days
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elliot fletcher / he/him ——— no way is that MISHA KUČERA.. they’re a 26-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being FORGETFUL & BITTER but there are some people who have seen them being PROACTIVE & CARING. if you ask me, they remind me a lot of the rupture of your heart, a pencil riddled with teeth marks, burying your youth in a casket inside of you, lining pens up by color, and a voice yelling above a protesting crowd, but that could just be because they’re considered the VOICE OF RESISTANCE around town. just keep an eye on them & see if their true colors shine through..
full name: misha milan kučera nicknames: mish, mi classification: human gender / pronouns: trans man, he/him age / birthday: 26, july 1st orientations: pansexual, demiromantic occupation: reporter at the daily independent, advocate at citizens uprising location: lower district status: single, open family: antosha kučera (sibling), younger sibling (npc), lio harker (cousin), quill harker (cousin) strengths: proactive, caring, outspoken, friendly, empathetic weaknesses: forgetful, bitter, verbose, insecure, morose character inspo: tba
tw: neglect, implied transphobia, gender dysphoria
a miracle baby is what the doctors had called misha. his parents tried so long to get pregnant and once they did it ended up being a difficult ride. as it was, misha was born premature and spent the first six weeks of his life in the nicu until he was able to eat, breathe, and maintain body weight and temperature on his own.
however, he was mostly healthy from there on out. a couple years after he was born, his parents chose to make his first sibling as to not risk his mother's health with another pregnancy. misha doesn't remember if he was excited to have a sibling, but later he knows he was happy to have them there.
the earliest memory he has is looking in the mirror and not recognizing the reflection. misha constantly looked for ways to distract themselves from what they later discovered was his gender identity crisis.
the main way of doing that was making and spending time with friends, helping people when he could despite their privilege, and hanging out with antosha.
at fourteen, with the help of his therapist, he came out to his parents and they didn't take it well. it took a year of begging, pleading and meetings with his therapist and doctors to get them to agree to let him start hormone replacement treatments.
misha was fifteen when his parents brought home another sibling. he remembered telling his therapist about being worried it was another effort to make the perfect child. he never thought he would be right, though.
it was just before graduation when he came home to find antosha missing. misha had hoped it was because they'd brought them to go get help for the reprogramming mishap, which he knew was only done to appease their parents.
when he found out they'd not only sent the sibling they grew up with, their first friend, away and wiped their existence from his existence from his youngest siblings memory, he lost it. what kind of people just toss aside their child for being different? and more importantly, how was that legal?
misha left home and moved out to the lower district. he got a job at the daily independent as a reporter and spent a large amount of his free time advocating for synths, like his siblings, to be protected from being tossed to the side like christmas puppies and abused.
he still keeps a relationship with his siblings and he tolerates his parents so he can continue seeing the youngest, along with his cousins.
other than that he is fighting for change and writing about atrocities, weird conspiracy theories, and spending time with his friends to unwind whenever he can.
coming soon....
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a-s-levynn · 7 months
3-7 for the art asks please 😁
Hey there, thank you so much for dropping by! I hope you have a beautiful day today! 🫶🏻😚
Is 3-7 seven mean 3 and 7 or 3 to 7? 😱 I'm going with the latter, just to be safe.
3. What ideas come from when you were little
Fhuh not exactly ideas, but there has been a lot of mention on Misha's part before -and absolutely rightly so- that my stuff looks remisiscent of the style older fantasy books used for illustrations. So in the sense of style i think a lot has roots in there, because fantasy was what i read the most. Also looked at pictures in a lot of tabletop rpg rulebooks because i loved the creatures. I drew a lot of creatures when i was little.. so yeah i don't think many ideas are coming from back than but the the things i loved definitely shine through in a way.
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Water. Specifically high waves. I know i just included them in a "how i do stuff" post but i still have not fully figured out a way to execute how i want them to look. But i'll keep you posted when it finally happens. Also hands. I don't do weird or fun stuff with them (yet) but i love drawing them. But they are hard. Also hair. It's tedious at best but i love it so much. I should do it more. Oh yeah and ivy. I mean the plant. I love it but man.. my love for details makes me to do individual leaves. Every. Single. Time. Uhhh.
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
95 : 5 ratio sounds about right. Currently i share almost everything i do because it's either a small offerings, tiny token or something sleep token related but i have a thing or two that i've yet to share which are unrelated to ST. They'll come sooner or later.
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
There has to be a lot of things probably but that's the magic of the subconscious. You are not conscious about it. (And i'm not sure the question is phrased in the best manner because i think getting inspired by something is vastly different from having stylistic influences.)
So stylistically -besides the aformentioned old school fantasy style- to be honest, i'm not entirely sure. Probably the last thing i've seen in any given time somehow get's reflected, even if not always overtly.
As for inspiration, i usually find much more inspiration behind ideas and concepts rather than other art currently. Or small details that spark an idea which will spiral into some other idea, etc.
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Basically everything. I love art in all it's forms. There is really no medium i can't appreaciate in some ways.
But as for a specific medium i'll never touch is charcoal. I love it. Probably one of the best looking things come from it. I just.. i can't do it. Nope. Never. Also collages. I never really had the eye for it. But. I love them. I even have one on my wall back at home. But i can't do them justice.
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justyoursicanon · 2 years
Table For Two Please
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. . _________________________________________________ . .
After a rather stressful mission that was on the verge of a close call, Mick decides that maybe getting a coffee at his favorite café would just fix up his mood. It was all just for the coffee, and definitely not the chance to talk to Jeremy again. He is a professional after all, isn't he?
. . _________________________________________________ . .
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You may start reading! ^^
"Bloody hell.." Sniper muttered, dragged breaths escaping his lips as he leaned onto the wall. He knocked over his hat and quickly brushed his hair with his finger, and places hit hat back on. He takes one more glance out the window where security had already arrived at the scene and he sighed in relief.
He could have lost everything if one of them saw him in the window in the distance.
He quickly places his rifle behind his back strap, and packs everything else in his bag. Then, quietly runs out the building.
Bristly walking down the street, Mick checks his phone one more time.
"A very close call earlier today Mundy. Make sure it doesn't happen again."
Mick repeatedly reads the last message from the Admin, and finally lets out a sigh. He keeps his phone back in his pocket and looks around the familiar street. Finally, with the morning sun glaring onto his sunglasses, he spots the eye catching color of red, as well as lanterns and a neon sign near by. A smile tugs onto his lips, and he walks over to the café.
Pushing open the door, he's greeted with the sound of the familiar bell ringing above his head. Letting go of the door to close by itself, he looks around the all comfortable and familiar shop. A soft feeling crawling onto his chest. He looks over in the short distance to see Tavish, the man who had been playing the piano ever since his first visit, was talking to another man with a bright yellow hardhat and paired with goggles on his forehead.
'Must be the bloke Tav's mentioned a few times.' Mick thought as he continued to glance at the two. Tavish turns his head to Mick's direction and spots him, giving him a wave and a smile before turning back to the conversation with the man. Mick nods and give the other a smile back, and he turns to look around for an empty seat.
He spots an empty chair that was in front of the built in table attached to the brick wall, he drops his bag on the smooth wood and sits onto the high chair, elbow on the table while his cheek leans onto his fist as he continues to look around.
Near the cages was the same man from his first visit, who Mick found out was named Ludwig, and was quite the dear friend of Misha. Although, even from a sniping distance, Mick could tell there was a little more in their dynamic. Ludwig was as always, casually talking and feeding the lovely pearl white doves. Well, except the one on top of his head, the dove had noticeable red splotches on its feathers, but nonetheless, made the feathered creature pleasing to the eye.
His eyes drift from the cages, to the cashier. And he felt himself smile, just a little bit.
There on the counter as always, was Jeremy. Happily chatting away with the last customer in the line as he continued to scribble on their order in his notepad.
The smile the barista had was blinding, his eyes shining along made him look stunning then ever. Mick couldn't help but watch as the other moved, his movements always so smooth, quick, and cartoon-ish. But Mick could care less, it was Jeremy. It made him.. Well, Jeremy.
He shook his head to break the trance, quickly looking away and gluing his eyes onto the wooden table, hoping those blue alluring eyes hadn't caught him staring.
"Hey there hot shot, see something cool on that wood there?"
Mick snapped his head towards the voice in surprise, while Jeremy just let out a confused laugh, leaning on the hanging table.
"Woah you alright man? Thought I heard a crack once ya faced me." He joked again, jumping behind and onto the seat. Mick cleared his throat and looked down, feeling a warmth rush from his neck to the tip of his ears fast.
"'M alright mate, just caught me off guard there." Another laugh, God that laugh is gonna be the death of him. "Awh sorry bud, didn't mean to scare my favorite customer." He winked and Mick just knows he's red as the cafe's paint job.
"But anyways, how was work man? Looked like you were about to pass out when ya came in." The concern wasn't left on noticed. In fact, it was the first thing Mick noticed once he registered the question. Jeremy cared about him?
Mick scratched his neck as he looked down onto his lap. "Erm.. Work was aces mate. Just the usual." He replied, copying Jeremy's position on the table and tried to relax. But the worried gaze that Jeremy had while staring at him made it impossible to.
Jeremy didn't reply, but instead starts humming. Mick takes a quick glance at the others face, and immediately notices the worried glint in his delightful eyes.
"Hold on I got an idea, stay here it'll take like 20 seconds." Before Mick could even give a proper reply, Scout dashed away from his seat and jumping behind the counter and runs into the back kitchen. Mick stares at the swinging doors in confusion but doesn't question it.
He closes his eyes as his body finally looses tension, the music growing louder from somehow decreasing in the background of their conversation.
It wasn't even a minute before Jeremy came back to his side, placing a fresh cup of black coffee on the table, along with a small plate with a cinnamon bread on top. Jeremy panted slightly, a finger up as he tried to catch his breath.
"Here.." A few more pants. "It's on.. The house.." Another few more pants, before he drops onto the chair. "I swear I ain't always this tired when I'm running back and forth. One of the Ludwig's birds got in the kitchen somehow and I had to shoo them away from the food. Damn things don't listen sometimes." He mutters the last part in annoyance, said annoyance covering his face.
Mick chuckles as he slides the coffee and plate towards him, carefully grabbing the cup into his gloved hands and lightly blowing the steam away. He glances back at Jeremy, and was greeted by ocean blue eyes curiously watching him.
Mick almost sputtered out the sip of his coffee, but subtly swallowed it and cleared his throat. The coffee definitely helped, and Jeremy's gaze was... Somehow helping as well.
He lets go of the warm mug, and drags the plate closer to him, and carefully grabs the baked good, and takes a bite.
His eye's widened under his sunglasses as he processes the taste. Strawberry filling with cinnamon on top. Mick loved it when Jeremy introduces him to new sweets, how did he even know Mick secretly had a sweet tooth?
"Good right? It was my idea last month and Miss Pauling wasn't sure of giving it to the public yet. But your face proves I was right!" He exclaims proudly, the buck tooth grin beaming brightly from the cafe's lights.
Mick chuckled, swallowing the small bit, and takes another bite. He turns to look back at Jeremy when he falls slightly silent.
Their eyes met.
And Mick almost choked.
Scratch that, he did.
'Stay Professional ya wanker!' He thought to himself as he lightly punched his chest, luckily swallowing the bit.
Another laugh from the barista. "Dude, for real are you alright? You've been choking on me ever since I sat down." He joked, gently patting the others back.
The heat on his skin returned, and he desperately hoped it didn't show.
"I'm alright mate. Today got me too bloody tense then usual." He coughed lightly, but took a sip of the warm coffee to hopefully wash it down.
The glint of worry flashed through those baby blue eyes, but Jeremy's smile didn't drop, nor falter.
"In that case, would some talking ease ya down?"
Mick took a long sip of his coffee, then gives the slightest nod.
And Jeremy's smile brightened.
"Yo Tav! Filled table for two over here! Mind playing something?"
The End ^^
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linasofia · 2 years
Into The Woods
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Part 3
Fandom: Uncle Vanya (2020)
Relationship: Dr Mikhail ”Misha” Astrov x OC
Words: 3K
Warnings: 18+
A/N: This is the third part of this fic. You can read the previous parts here.
@legolasbadass & @lathalea thanks again for your help. 💚💚💚
With a longing look in his expressive eyes, Misha asked me to stay another night. When all other guests left, and while my dear brother kissed my cheek and wished me a pleasant day, I blushed at the indecent insinuation in his words. I have no doubt in my heart when it comes to Nikolay’s approval of my choice, for he has always been honest with me. He wants me to be happy and as we left childhood behind, he slowly learned that I am fully capable of taking care of myself and that my judgment when it comes to people’s characters often is even better than his. While he always takes time to calculate situations by facts, I rely more on my gut feeling. Maybe it was my imagination but his hug felt even warmer than usual and I silently blessed our mother for raising my brother and me alike, so we both know the value of showing feelings instead of hiding them on the inside.
Mikhail Astrov, the man who makes my heart beat faster than anything or anyone else, is walking beside me with his long fingers intertwined with mine and he squeezes my hand gently as we walk deeper into the forest. I love being in the forest on a warm summer day. Not on a humid, sticky day, but a comfortable warm day when the soil gives away that special scent and the tall pines provide shelter from the blinding light of the sun. When the air is filled with all of the forest’s smallest winged inhabitants, but they are too busy to bother you. Misha carries a large basket in his other hand and a blanket is thrown over his shoulder. I have already tried to convince him that I can carry the blanket but he refuses to let me take it and keeps telling me it is no burden.
We take another path today and as soon as the cottage is out of sight, the calming feeling of being one with nature surrounds me again. All the birds seem awake and their different singing and drilling create the forest’s own symphonic orchestra. As we walk further away, the forest changes from dark pine to mixed woods, with trees spreading their long leaf-covered branches like a green ceiling over us. Eventually we reach a beautiful meadow, covered in grass and tiny islands of white and yellow flowers. A small, glittering brook runs along the meadow and its sandy banks are full of traces of animals. We have clearly entered one of the forest’s most popular places for refreshment. I do not see any of the animals Misha talks about, but he assures me that even the shyest of them can be seen on some days, if you are lucky enough. When he speaks about the forest, his passion for nature shines through. Something about Misha feels so genuine, as if he is not a man, but a creature of the wood, aiming to seduce me to stay in his green kingdom.
Misha selects a spot under a tree with a huge crown of leaves and spreads the large blanket over the grass. When I sit down, the fabric feels soft and cool, almost like bed sheets, and far from the usual thick old wool picnic blankets I am used to. I take off my sandals and bury my feet in the grass, enjoying the way it tickles against my skin. Misha sits down beside me and runs his hand through his hair, making it even more unruly than it was. If he only knew what that slightly rougher look does to me. But his hair is not the only thing catching my attention. His linen shirt has three buttons open and when he sits down it allows me to glance at the dark hair on his chest, which he generously exposes. A pair of grey shorts hug his hips and his tanned legs come to rest next to mine. As he pulls off his shoes and socks, I giggle to myself; It is true what they say about men with big feet… And Misha's feet look enormous next to mine. Thankfully he is, as I learned the previous night, well-proportioned.
”Are you hungry?” His deep voice pulls my attention back to his face.
”A little,” I tell him honestly. ”But you only had coffee for breakfast so I can imagine you must be starving.”
”Keeping an eye on me already? I like that.” He winks at me and it makes his eyes sparkle brighter than the brook. It was not so much that I kept an eye on him, but it was hard to miss that he made an effort for me and everybody else. And after the guests had left, he prepared the food for the basket with great enthusiasm and we left for our picnic shortly after. There was no time for him to eat. Misha leans in and kisses me tenderly. His lips are warm against mine and I lift my hand to caress his bearded cheek. When he breaks the kiss I let out a displeased sigh and he gives me a teasing smile.
”We have all day,” he murmurs with his gaze on my lips. ”And all night if we want.”
The thought of sleeping together in the cabin is beyond exciting but I save that thought for later as Misha turns his attention to the large basket. Small packages with different sandwiches and biscuits soon appear on the blanket and I pick one of them and start unwrapping it while Misha pulls out a bottle of wine. ”Is it too soon for more wine? Or would you like some water?” He looks at me and tilts his head to the side while I consider his offer, and when I nod at the wine bottle in his hand, he smiles. ”You can have both, you know.”
The cork leaves the bottle with a characteristic pop, and while Misha fills our glasses my gaze falls on his capable hands and strong wrists. He wears his shirt with the sleeves rolled up, exposing his toned forearms, and again I wonder how it is possible to feel so much attraction as I do just by watching his arms move in the warm light. When he hands me a glass, I take a sip, only to find that the wine is light and a perfect match together for the food he brought. Not that I am surprised, for as far as I remember it was the same result at my brother's party, and Nikolay told me that Misha was very involved in combining the food and wine.
We eat and talk about both the small and larger things in life as if we have known each other far longer than we have. I feel incredibly relaxed and comfortable in his company, but every time his gaze falls on my lips, my heart beats faster. When the food is eaten and only a little wine remains in the bottle, Misha lays down on his back and stretches his tall body with his arms over his head. His shirt glides up a little and exposes some skin and the alluring dark trail of hair disappearing under the waistline of his shorts. I want to kiss his skin but Misha holds out his arm and offers it as if it was a pillow. ”Come and rest with me.” A radiant smile spreads on his face when I lay down beside him and when I look up into the green ceiling of leaves, the rays of sunlight find a way to shine through when the wind rustles the tree. For a long time words are not needed and I feel how my body becomes heavy and relaxed.
”I used to come here when I was a boy.” Misha breaks the silence. ”Always alone. And I could stay until the shadows grew long, and with no perception oftime, I often missed dinner. My mother was never mad, but she thought I was a dreamer and I used to sneak into the kitchen to take leftovers or a sandwich after everybody went to bed. She must have noticed of course, but she never said anything. But even back then I dreamed about sharing this place with someone special.”
I turn my head to look at Misha, who rests with his eyes closed. ”I am glad you decided to show it to me.” Suddenly, I feel almost shy. I did not realize the significance of this little hidden meadow when we entered and I certainly was not prepared for the feelings of love that overwhelm me when I think of Misha as a young boy, running away from the cabin and hiding in his secret place in the forest, to be alone with his thoughts and dreams. Misha turns to me and his sapphire eyes are warm as the sun when I meet his gaze. ”So am I.”
I roll over to the side so I can be even closer to him and he welcomes me by folding his arm around me. He holds me tight and I listen to all the sounds of the forest as I move my hand over his shirt. The rippling brook, the birds and the wind blend together with his breathing and the sound of my own pulse. My fingers wander to the opening in his shirt and I trace the hem of the fabric, feeling his skin under my fingertips. When I reach the first button I pause at first, unsure if I should continue. But his small approving hum makes me unbutton it and move on to the next. Button by button I reveal his well-defined chest and once again I marvel at the natural strength his body possesses. I pull his shirt open as much I can, only limited by the fact that he is laying on his back. Satisfied with the exposed skin, I caress him gently, run my hand over his firm muscles and play with the dark curls under my fingertips. A pleased smile rests on his lips and when I meet his gaze, he reaches for my chin and urges me closer.
“I love the way your hands feel on my body,” he murmurs huskily before he presses his lips against mine. With a soft moan I kiss him back and he slips his tongue between my lips in the most sensual way. Lost in the feeling of our kiss, I vaguely feel him shift so he rests on his side, allowing his free hand to explore my body. As he intensifies the kiss, his hand gently squeezes my waist and then moves to caress my hip. When his large hand slowly travels down the outer side of my thigh to the hem of my dress, I let out a pleading moan. His hand finds its way under the fabric and he strokes my thigh all the way up to my hip, leaving the dress pulled up to my waist. Then he gently grabs my leg at the back of my knee and pulls it up so I rest my leg on his. His breathing changes and I can hear that he is just as affected as I am.
”I want to touch you. Feel your warmth and give you pleasure. Will you let me?” he rasps as he moves his hand closer to my undergarment.
”Please,” I breathe, unable to think of anything but his hand which moves agonizingly slowly closer to where I want him the most. When he reaches the fabric covering my heated skin, he slips his fingers underneath without the slightest hesitation and I whimper against his lips. I can feel how our intense kissing has woken my body, and when Misha feels it, too, he gives me praise that fuels my needs endlessly. The way his voice thickens as he moans my name sets my body on fire and his efficient experiments with his skilled fingers give me the sweetest sensation I long for much sooner than I ever thought possible. Afraid to embarrass all living things in the forest, I hold back my cry as I clench around his fingers.
When my body starts to relax again, Misha kisses me deeply. The language he speaks is the one of passion and I am overwhelmed by the feelings he showers me in. Never could I have guessed that the brooding doctor was such a passionate man.
”I adore the way you look when you let go like that. If your blissful face is the last thing I see before I leave this earth, I will go as a lucky man.”
I would probably blush if he had uttered those words under other circumstances, but now, as I bask in the heat of his gaze, I just smile back at him and run my hand over his hair to bring him even closer. Then I tug at his shirt, desperate to feel more of his skin against mine and he lets out a few grunts when I pull the shirt off his body. Growing impatient, I turn my attention to his shorts, take full advantage of his horizontal position, and let his underwear follow his shorts as I pull them both down his thighs. His thick shaft rises with glitter at its top, as if it had already been dipped in my hot spring.
Eager to return the favor, he pulls my dress over my head and slips my underwear down my thighs. When we are both equally naked under the protecting branches, he gives me another warm smile and my body kindly reminds me that there is more to receive from the wonderful creature beside me. I return his smile and allow him to grab my leg again, but this time I gently lift it over him and push myself up. My knees land on each side of him and he murmurs something I cannot really discern as I adjust myself to sit right over his throbbing hardness. When I lean down to kiss him he lets out a longing moan and buries his hands in my locks.
His kiss is filled with steaming passion and when I repeatedly grind against him, he lets out the most incredible raw noises. My breasts press against his warm chest and without feeling careless, he seems to cover all of my body with his hands at once. I cannot deny that the growing desperation shown in his face triggers my own desire but I try not to give in and sink down on him too soon.
”Woman, are you aiming to drive me crazy?” His hands land on my waist, gripping me tightly and the way he looks at me, with his mouth half open and lust dripping from his words, makes it impossible to resist doing what we both need more than anything in this moment. I glide down on him, and I have to steady myself when I feel him reaching the bottom deep within me. He lets out a ragged moan but does not move, allowing my body to adjust to his size and I feel my whole core pulsate around him. Misha wraps his arms around me and holds me still.
”You feel so wonderful, I—” his words turn to moans when I start to slowly move my hips. I free myself from his embrace, allowing me to move more and as I find the right rhythm Misha lovingly caresses my thighs and waist. In his sapphire eyes, I read more than just lust; tenderness and amazement. The need to belong with me beyond our carnal needs.
The green heaven around us soon disappears from my field of view and only the man beneath me remains. His fingers dig into the softness of my hips as he supports my movements, and when I increase the pace, he grabs me tighter to press me harder down on him. My breathing becomes uneven and the heat that threatens to consume me ignites under my skin. Misha senses how close I am and finds a way to let his thumb aid me in my desperate state. My sensitive bud bursts into bloom, my moans blend with his praise, and this time I do not care if the mythical spirit of the forest itself can hear me. With a low groan Misha follows me, and the way he buckles his hips as he does only adds to my own pleasure.
I collapse on top of him and once again he wraps his strong arms around me. His breathing is almost as heavy as mine and I wonder if he can feel my racing heart beating against his chest. His chest heaves with every breath, and since none of us are keen on letting go, I rest on him. Eventually I feel how we both relax and our bodies start to regain their usual strength. Around us, the birds begin to sing again, or maybe they never stopped.
”I never thought I could be with someone like you.” Misha lifts his hand to gently caress my cheek. ”I still wait for that moment when I wake up lonely in my bed and realize that this is just a beautiful, vivid dream.”
An insecure smile graces his lips but his gaze is steady. The soft lines around his eyes are very telling, like annual rings on an old oak, and when he lets me see his vulnerability, my heart swells.
”If this is a dream, then we are both dreaming.”
I seal my words with a reassuring kiss. It is true. He is like a dream. And I never want to wake up.
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preacherhannes · 6 months
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[ misha collins | he/him ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome HANNES DAYMON to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are an 48 year old FAIRY , who is one of the RETURNED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be ANXIOUS, but that’s all a façade to cover up their CARING nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to TOO SWEET by HOZIER, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
FULL NAME :  Hannes Andrew Daymon
DATE OF BIRTH : July 24th
RELIGION : Catholic
HEIGHT : 5'10
EYE COLOUR : Blue (almost grey)
TATTOO(S) :  ‘Shine Until Tomorrow’ on his left wrist
SCAR(S) : Multiple from childhood incidents
GLASSES : Yes, Rectangular black rimmed
CURRENT RESIDENCE : New Orleans, Louisiana
LANGUAGE(S) :English and some German
PARENT #1 : Anne Davis
PARENT #2 : Daniel Daymon
PET(S) : Blue Bay Shepherd named Obsidian
DRUGS? : Nope
VIOLENT? : Not unless he has to be
SELF-DESTRUCTIVE? : Not particularly
HABIT(S) : Rubbing hands on face when stressed, rubbing hands together, knee bounce for days, rubbing back of neck when anxious. Tends to touch people without asking
HOBBIES : Singing, listening to music, being around people and playing.
LIKES : Family, mysteries, intimacy, tattoos, urban exploring, road trips, snow, movies/books, crystals, runes, tarot cards, baking
DISLIKES : Pain, being inured, heartache, rain, closed spaces, crowds, escape rooms, getting lost, talking during movies.
MEDICAL HISTORY : Anxiety, depression.
July 24th, 1974, Hannes Daymon was brought into the world, kicking and screaming. He wasn’t exactly a planned child, as his parents didn’t really have the funds for another human in the world, but they did their best with what they had. He began his first few years in a small, one bedroom trailer home. While it was cramped, Hannes never really minded too much. In fact, he loved how cramped they were, because that meant he was always getting attention from his parents when they weren’t asleep, or working. Things changed for the better when Hannes' father became a preacher when Edward was 5 years old. They were able to exchange the trailer for a real, normal two bedroom house. To say that little Hannes was excited would have been an understatement at that time. Sure, he would miss the closeness and always having his parents at least two feet away from him at all times, but he finally has his own room and enough space to put a swing set and maybe a small above ground pool. What more could a boy want? Growing up, Hannes became the popular kid in high school and even college. But he wasn’t the typical ‘plastic’ boy. He was just way too kind to others (and got taken advantage of multiple times) and that made him popular with just about everyone. Graduating highschool with straight A’s and B’s, he entered college with the hopes of getting a certification to become a veteranarian. But that almost immediately switched when he found out what he would have to witness on the way to being a vet. So, he switched to his second option; becoming a preacher just like his father. Luckily, the college offered all the classes he needed to be certified and Hannes passed them with flying colors. Skipping ahead to his adult years, he met a woman who he thought he loved. He gave his whole world to her, even married her, but it just didn’t work. There was something else he needed in his life that his wife just couldn’t give him. He’d started to fall for one of his male coworkers, but the coworker soon broke his heart in two when he chose another person to be with. He soon figured that it probably wasn’t too fair to his wife to be leading her on, so with a mutual agreement for a divorce, the preacher moved into New Orleans in hopes of finding true, unadulterated love.
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Oh my good I’m terrible at writing anything but I have one I think! For my favourite serial killer and/or Antoni pretty please if you would 🙏🥺
Hold on to a ghost, or live your life with an aching loneliness that you can share with no one…. What choice did he have?
Artyom watches his brother call home and wonders how long it can last.
"Da, Mama," Misha says, tone soft and soothing. "My poshli na progulku. YA otvloksya i zabyl pro vremya." He looks over at Artyom and rolls his eyes, smiling a little with only one side of his mouth.
It's a thin excuse - a walk, losing track of time, forgetting they are wanted at home for dinner. If Artyom had given that sort of nonsense, she'd have blistered more than his ear in response. He leans back against the tree and waits. He knows that won't be the response Misha gets.
Sure enough, a second later Misha murmurs his love to their mother and hangs up the call, looking over at Artyom with what might have been, in others, a winning smile. But something about smiling never shows in Misha's eyes. His little brother always looks like there is something missing, behind them. Something dark where a light should be.
"She says she keeps the soup warm for us," Misha says, looking over at the hole they've been digging in the underbrush, only half the size it needs to be. There's a camp light hung in the branches of one of the surrounding trees, shining a flat light, throwing oddly living shadows over every silent shape. "We cannot finish this in enough time."
"It must be done right, Misha," Artyom chides, but he doesn't move from his place, back leaning against a tree. The forest is dense and dark around them. If there are stars, the leaves overhead ensure the brothers - and the lump wrapped in tarp lying next to the hole they've been working on - can't see them. "The more shallow a grave, the easier to find, da?"
"We are in the woods." Misha gestures around, and something skitters away, the dying, decaying leaves beneath their feet rustling with its flight. "Who will look here, huh? This man, he drives here from Kansas. Who will think he has gone to the woods?"
"True. He did not go to the woods. We brought him here."
Artyom swallows, watching the motionless roll of blue tarp. The shadows from the light make him nervous, they look like the body moves. He knows it doesn't, but what if it did?
What if the man were still alive, and dug from his shallow grave? What if he found someone, found a river, walked to a road... or what if, maybe, some hiker comes this way and sees a little blue beneath the sticks and the dirt...
Maybe this time some blood was left somewhere visible. A hair, a fingernail, a bit of shoelace. Maybe a fingerprint will tie them to this one.
Maybe it will end...
But he must take care of his brother until it does.
"Hey." Misha frowns, and Artyom looks back up to see those odd glittering empty eyes focused on him. Not angry, no... Not yet.
Artyom swallows against a cold shiver. "What?"
"We must dig faster. To go home to Mama before the soup is too cold. Come on, pick up your shovel." Misha grabs his own, and Artyom moves slowly. He feels sick, sometimes, but only during the digging. Once the body is gone, he feels better.
Once he has made sure, once more, that Misha can keep killing, and their mother can keep her sons both at home.
"We need to start going further away to put the bodies in the ground," He says, even as he jams the edge of the shovel down, shoulders working as he scoops dirt, throws it onto the growing pile near the tarp. Misha starts working beside him. The hole gets deeper, but there is no time to make it deep enough to be safe. "This place... They are too close together now, Misha. Find one, find more than one."
Misha smiles. "But I like to see them, the many. I like to have one place to go and see, Tyoma."
"See what?"
"All of them." Misha breathes it with more genuine passion than he ever seems to feel for anything else. Artyom doesn't look up from his digging.
How many will there be, before someone stops what goes on in the dark? When the itch gets under Misha's skin?
How many more?
He and Misha roll the body in the tarp until it falls into the shallow hole with a thump, and cover it again. Misha is quiet, but Artyom feels those empty eyes on him, again and again.
Misha is a spirit, something evil that kills good men and bad. Artyom would say he has chosen between life alone and life with such a spirit...
But really, he has chosen both.
He is never so alone as he is shoulder-to-shoulder with Misha, digging yet another grave.
One day, he thinks, he will dig his own.
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thanksforthedinosaur · 10 months
december 2023
brye - recover
addison grace - pessimistic
ixaras - sprouts
rosie tucker - unending bliss
hana eid - between your teeth
marika hackman - slime
katy kirby - table
michelle - agnostic
klee - mutual symbiotic relationship
tinyumbrellas - zombies
madds buckley - paper and ink
rainbow frog biscuits - clean
julia cooper - sweet n sour
bel - read the room
holly humberstone - lauren
elio - sorority
devon again - still can't dress myself
savana santos - idk the title of this cause i’m not calling it ‘vibin’
exxy - afternoon depression
king mala - bug
emei - 711
towa bird - drain me!
lia lia - angst
madge - tall grass
zoe ko - baby teeth
ko aka koala - sorry in advance
griff - vertigo
chloe george - outward
dounia - space (528hz)
quinn xcii - georgia peach
emily vaughn - invented it
misha - keep on
julia wolf - burning house (i wanna kiss you)
raffaella - rowan
searows - collector
laura veirs - swan dive
madilyn mei - cryptid
isabel pless - practice erotic
gregory and the hawk - for now
sun june - get enough
alice phoebe lou - shine
eliza mclamb - anything you want
the beatles - now and then
penelope scott - over the moon
meljii - frog and toad
savoir adore - when it rains
mini trees - push and pull
blond in car - short hello and a long goodbye
hazel english - heartbreaker
ellis - forever
middle kids - dramamine
ian sweet - emergency contact
drizzly. - bitter to see you
pearly drops - get well
los campesinos! - avocado, baby
hovvdy - jean
chloë doucet - stormy blue
momma - sunday
pony - peach
time spent driving - milligrams
hot mulligan - shouldn’t have a leg hole but i do
teenage halloween - lights out
weakened friends - awkward
blink-182 - anthem part 3
nai harvest - missing summer
awakebutstillinbed - adapt
alkaline trio - blood, hair, and eyeballs
tigers jaw - constant headache
eyedress - separate ways (feat. the marías)
sunmi - 덕질 (call my name)
oohyo - i give you love
yaeji - easy breezy
sumin - human theater (feat.sunwoojunga)
baek a yeon - lime (i'm so) (english ver.)
seventeen - god of music
talitha. - apple pie
slayyyter - makeup (feat. lolo zouaï)
tkay maidza - out of luck
satica - show up
loony - counting thunder
kennie - cool with your girlfriend
trella - taxi driver
aurora - your blood
perc%nt - roller coaster
caroline polachek - dang
vtss - steady pace
vacationer - resemblance
tusks - artifical flame
alaina castillo - running water
venbee - messy in heaven
ivri - inversion
nia archives - that's tha way life goes
juliet ivy - bestfriend
piri - bluetooth
pinkpantheress - another life (feat. rema)
elley duhé - reborn
baby tate - lollipop
l.ucas - l(in)ve
love-sadkid - out of body
r u off - jordan
enny - charge it remix (feat. smino)
sampha - suspended
mxmtoon - cliché - revisited
emhahee - time travel
august greenwood - taroko
laufey - from the start
sushisingz - dissociated
tiffi - lucky (bonus track)
justin nozuka - twyn https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3iyQUu7rpOvkTdnW8pOuaF?si=c887c6eeb415481a
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