#keep the cask of amontillado references coming
museaway · 5 months
I'm not ignoring my WIPs. they're ripening in my mental cellar
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2 June
And here we have the second half of The Cask of Amontillado!
Poor Fortunato remains oblivious, despite Montresor continuing to give off very blatantly shady vibes, which brings us to this:
“I forget your arms.”
“A huge human foot d‘or, in a field azure; the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel.”
“And the motto?”
“Nemo me impune lacessit.”
This is...quite the image. I do enjoy that use of that motto as the Montresors’ house motto is a reference to Poe’s real life family-”No one attacks me with impunity” was used by the Royal Stuart dynasty, and Poe was adopted by a Scottish merchant. In-story, it’s a suitably (melo)dramatic motto for the house of a man who decides that bricking someone up in a wall for eternity for being kind of an asshole is a reasonable and proportionate response.
Honestly, though, Fortunato dying dressed as a fool is pretty fitting. Montresor just keeps going with the nefarious vibes, grabbing his arm and going “Look, this place sucks, are you suuuure you want to keep going? You can totally turn back now, it’s fine”, knowing damn well that Fortunato’s ego is just going to have him pushing forward.
“You? Impossible! A mason?”
“A mason,” I replied.
“A sign,” he said.
“It is this,” I answered, producing a trowel from beneath the folds of my roquelaire.
“You jest,” he exclaimed, recoiling a few paces. “But let us proceed to the Amontillado.”
This is so funny. My guy Montresor just casually walking around with the trowel he’s going to use to brick Fortunato up tucked under his cloak and using it for a joke. And Fortunato, fool that he is, apparently just kind of goes “uh, okay, then” and keeps moving deeper and deeper into the catacombs full of bad air and bones.
And here we reach the thrilling conclusion! Fortunato has found himself in quite the pickle, far past any attempt to turn back and escape, and still not really understanding what’s going on. That ego is still on display, even as he’s peering around an obviously empty hole in a wall. “Proceed,” I said; “herein is the Amontillado. As for Luchesi ——”“He is an ignoramus,” interrupted my friend, as he stepped unsteadily forward, while I followed immediately at his heels.
...I’m kind of starting to understand where our narrator is coming from tbh.
Again, there’s something darkly funny about chaining a guy up and then going “I’m giving you one last chance here, do you want to leave? No? ‘K, suit yourself, broseph, see ya. Just let me take a minute here... ”, and then just uncovering his supplies and casually setting to work bricking up the hole. This is, of course, when Fortunato’s so far absent self-preservation instincts finally kick in and he sobers up, but it’s too little, too late. Sorry dude :( All the screaming in the world can’t do much against the guy walling you up alive.
That last paragraph is, if you will excuse any potential punnage there, stone cold. Montresor has absolutely zero regrets about walling Fortunato up and hasn’t in the fifty years that have passed since then. An extra as hell bit of revenge, probably, but a deeply satisfying one nonetheless. 
(Side note, this story inspired one of my favourite easter eggs in one of my favourite video games, Fallout 4. In the basement of the Castle (AKA Fort Independence to us pre-apocalypse folks) there’s a section of wall with stones broken out, and a skeleton chained to the wall in the space between the inner and outer walls with a crate of Amontillado bottles nearby. I was absolutely not expecting it the first time I ran across it and had a moment of “Wait, is that-? Did they-?”, and then I saw the Amontillado bottles and went “Yep, they absolutely did.”)
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ash-and-books · 2 years
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Rating: 5/5
Book Blurb: Welcome to Amontillado, Ohio, where your last name is worth more than money, and secrets can be kept… for a price. Tress Montor knows that her family used to mean something—until she didn’t have a family anymore. When her parents disappeared seven years ago while driving her best friend home, Tress lost everything. She might still be a Montor, but the entire town shuns her now that she lives with her drunken, one-eyed grandfather at what locals refer to as the “White Trash Zoo,” – a wild animal attraction featuring a zebra, a chimpanzee, and a panther, among other things. Felicity Turnado has it all – looks, money, and a secret that she’s kept hidden. She knows that one misstep could send her tumbling from the top of the social ladder, and she’s worked hard to make everyone forget that she was with the Montors the night they disappeared. Felicity has buried what she knows so deeply that she can’t even remember what it is… only that she can’t look at Tress without having a panic attack. But she’ll have to. Tress has a plan. A Halloween costume party at an abandoned house provides the ideal situation for Tress to pry the truth from Felicity – brick by brick – as she slowly seals her former best friend into a coal chute. With a drunken party above them, and a loose panther on the prowl, Tress will have her answers – or settle for revenge. In the first book of this duology, award-winning author Mindy McGinnis draws inspiration from Edgar Allan Poe and masterfully delivers a dark, propulsive mystery in alternating points of view that unravels a friendship... forevermore.
A Edgar Allan Poe inspired story filled with revenge, betrayal, death, and secrets. In the town of Amontillado, Ohio, your last name dictates what your worth and who you are. Tress Montor knows her family used to mean something... until her parents disappearance and suddenly she is left with nothing and everyone has turned their back on her, but the biggest betrayal came in the form of her former best friend, Felicity Turnado, the last person seen with her parents before their disappearance. Felicity claims that she doesn’t remember anything from that night by Tress knows she’s hiding something. Tress’s life now revolves around the animals that her grandfather keeps at their wild animal attraction, her grandfather who is a drunk and doesn’t even care for her, and as long as she doesn’t die taking care of the animals he doesn’t care what happens to her. Tress has lost everything, and someone who has lost everything has nothing to lose. After her dog, the last thing she loves, is killed, thats the last straw. She makes a plan, a plan to finally confront Felicity and get the answers she wants, and if she doesn’t well... Felicity will be too walled up to do anything about it, literally. Felicity Turnado has it all, she’s popular, beautiful, rich, and has a deep dark secret. She has seizures that she’s been hiding and her “fake” boyfriend has been helping her through them. she also knows more than she is letting on about what happened to Tress’s parents. After years of hurt, betrayal, and secrets, all of that comes to a head as these two former best friends face each other, to finally let all the secrets out. This book was the perfect read for fans of Edgar Allan Poe, there were so many little things inspired and even the story itself was a unique and thrilling take on his classic story of The Cask of Amontillado! I was at the edge of my seat throughout this book and cant wait to see how the next book ends.
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writeraquamarinara · 4 years
as with everything else in life, I’m late to making this post. I tend to make one around Jan 1st every year, but it’s now a few days after that, and all i can say for myself is that time is non-consequential during a pandemic, right? right.
anywho, this is my usual “thank you for keeping me going this year” post, but with even more fervor. 2020 would not have been nearly as tolerable without you all in it. and when i say all i really do mean all. thank you to anyone who follows me here or has read and supported my work on AO3 or has sent me a message or an ask or even just likes my posts. you can never know how many people’s hearts you’ve touched, lives you’ve made better, but i’m telling you now: you made me smile and laugh and feel love in a year that could have easily stolen all that. thank you for sticking around.
a few more specific shoutouts are under the cut to keep from flooding your dashes. i hope you’re all having a wonderful start to the new year.
much love, mari
to @anniemurphys: ria, i cannot thank you enough, for so many things. you played such a vital role in turning this year around for me. your friendship, and the friendships you’ve helped me make through book club, kept me smiling from week to week. i never wanted to leave our meetings, no matter how long they’d already gone. I could listen to your literary analyses and life advice for days on end. you’re such a kind, patient, loving person, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. here’s to another year of freaking out over taylor swift albums and the power inherent in voluntarily turning oneself into vegetation.
to @bigdsgirl: heidi, you’re one of the sweetest, most hard-working people i know. you amaze me, and you graciously humor my latest hyper fixations—somehow always knowing, always reblogging content related to what i’m obsessing over at the moment. you give such great advice and have such a calming presence that i love being in chats and on calls with you. i cannot wait for more zoom movie nights in 2021.
to @hellodinoflower: raptor, you’ve supported me for so many years now, and whenever i feel down about my writing i’ll go back through the comments on some of my old fics and yours always make me tear up. you’re so thoughtful and kind and excited about my work that i cannot help but be the same. i hope you enjoyed the little dino reference in pride & publishing—i tried my best, i really did—and i hope you’re doing well. sending you so much love.
to @soyforramen: soy, i promise i’ll get to your head canon asks some day. i promise i haven’t forgotten them; i’m just uncreative and uninspired, but what else is new. you, however, are brilliant and kind and thoughtful, and your guidance in making both life and fic-writing decisions has been so important to me this year. wishing you so much luck with school this year, and even more happiness.
to @ithoughtyoulikedmereckless: rach, where to even begin? you’re the person i talk to when i’m feeling happy or sad or annoyed or angry or pretty much anything, really. our FaceTime convos are my favourite, no matter what time of day we have them at (somehow, the ones at 10pm are just as crazy as the ones at 3am, and i don’t really understand how or why, but i love that for us). i’ve learned so much about myself through my conversations with you, and you keep me level headed when i start doubting myself too much. you understand me on such an amazing level and i’m so lucky that you reached out to me so many years ago. i’m so lucky that we just happened to find each other on here and just so happened to move near each other this year. i still cannot believe i get to see you in person and go on walks in the woods with you. you’re such a talented photographer, writer, painter, baker, and all around artist; an incredibly kind and funny person; and i aspire to be you. i’m rambling now, but just know that i love you.
to @catthecoder: lav, my light, my love. seeing your icon and username on my dash makes me smile so hard. you just give off the best vibes and chatting with you always leaves me feeling like i’ve been basking in the sunlight for the past few hours. we need to make a resolution to sprint with each other more often this year, even if 2021 is going to be as hectic as ever, as i find so much joy in reading your snippets as we go along. you’re such a wonderful writer, and i often read your gift to me from years ago for inspiration and comfort. i hope you’re doing well and am sending so much love.
to @stirringsofconsciousness: stirrings!! i know you’ve had a super busy year, but you still made time to chat with me and i’ll be forever grateful. i often think about the advice you’ve left for me and the thoughtful responses you’ve given to my personal posts and find so much inspiration in your own words and actions. i also still cannot get over the time when you sent me a post of artful vases because you thought of me when you saw them. mortifying ordeal of being known who? anyways lol, i just wanted to thank you for being in my life and wish you a happy 2021.
to @heavy-lies-the-crown: alex, i just wanted to thank you for putting your time and energy towards answering my incessant questions this year. you’ve been an inspiration to me as a writer ever since i first found your work, but you’re also an inspiration to me as a person, and i’m always thinking about the advice you’ve given me. i hope you had a wonderful end to 2020, and that 2021 brings you even more joy than seeing your posts on my dash brings me. much love.
to @stonerbughead: maria, you brought so much happiness to my 2020. your support for my work took my breath away every time, and I swear I nearly cried when I saw your latest comments on pride and publishing. you put so much time and energy into this fandom, and into supporting the people in it, and I hope you know that it doesn’t go unnoticed. we all love you, and we’re so lucky to have you; your fics are brilliant, your podcast highlights are a joy to read, and your disdain for ras is hilarious. thank you for being you. sending lots of love.
to @sullypants: sully, it’s been years and i still marvel at how lucky i am to know you. you’ve taught me so much, from how to be more thoughtful to how to navigate therapy and self-love to how to be a kinder person in the world. you introduced me to ask polly and you send me really nice asks and you’re one of like four people who interacts with my posts on a consistent basis, which makes me feel a little less alone in the world, if that makes any sense. i’m going to stop myself from rambling on or else i might cry, but i just wanted to thank you for—here comes the cliche—changing my life (doesn’t everyone we meet change our lives, in some way or another? but you’ve changed mine considerably, and for the better). sending you so much love (in the form of both yellow and blue heart emojis)
to @justcourbeau: mel, our paths cross less frequently now than they used to, but that doesn’t mean i don’t think about you and the conversations we’ve had, or smile when i come across your posts on my dash, or when i happen to open up instagram once in a blue moon and see you’ve posted on your story. please never stop sending me sparknotes memes—especially cask of amontillado ones. your words of advice from the night i called you, distraught, a few years ago live in my brain rent free, and i will continue to carry them into 2021 with me. i hope 2021 treats you well, and that you achieve all you want and more. sending you an immense amount of love.
to @protectorofthesmoll: your string of comments on pride and publishing made me cry multiple times, i swear. i still read them back every so often, when i’m trying to muster the courage to start up on the new chapter. your support means so much to me, and it amazes me how far back it goes: I’m pretty sure I have at least two asks of yours sitting in my inbox, from back in 2018 when I had barely any followers or supporters, both of them writing prompts that I never filled. i promise i’ll get to them one day. anywho, i just wanted to thank you for your support this year, and every year before that. wishing you so much love and happiness in 2021.
to @panalegs27: 2020 was the year of figuring out that we have so much in common: a hatred of dating apps, confusion over tumblr’s obsession with the raven cycle, and an attraction to logan lerman with gray hair. thank you for chatting about all of these things, and more, with me; seeing that you’ve sent me a post always makes me smile, and our conversations make me laugh. wishing you even more love and laughter in 2021.
to @indiebughead: maria, it’s been so lovely getting to know you more over the course of this year. i love listening to your stories and living vicariously through you, lol. (i want updates on new neighbor boy, asap!) thank you for listening to my petty rants and for encouraging me to make bad decisions and be salty on main when i want to be. i couldn’t have asked for a more supportive conspirer ;) sending lots of love.
to @redundantoxymorons: iz, you’re one of the smartest, most eloquent, most supportive people i know. i know 2021 will be both stressful and exciting in many ways, and i wish you all the best. i know you’re going to thrive wherever you end up, and i’ll cheer you on as you navigate this new world, just as you’ve done for me all these years. i’m so lucky to have you as a friend, supporter, and beta, and all of our conversations bring me so much joy. pls continue to gush about taylor swift and rec books and send uquizzes with results that make me feel Known in 2021. i love you very much <3
to @cracklr: leda, i’ve missed your passive aggressive smiley faces, but your gushing insta comment more than made up for that, i promise :) sending you so much love and happiness in this new year <3
to @dottie-wan-kenobi: dottie, the posts we send each other make me so upset, but in a good way—the “if i just had to see this nasty shit then so do you” kind of way—and i love that about our relationship. who else would understand how disgustingly hilarious something is other than my wife? no one, that’s who. i often think about how you were the first friend i made in fandom, and i’ll be forever grateful for that: i couldn’t have found a better person. i love you so much, and am sending you all my love.
this list of shoutouts is really much shorter than it should be, but my brain is currently friend and i cannot seem to think properly anymore. therefore, i’m going to call it a day and reiterate my above statements that I love you all, and I hope you have a fucking amazing 2021.
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ambr-eesh · 3 years
The Cask of Amontillado
By Edgar Allan Poe
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The story begins with the narration of Montresor's memory. He describes what Fortunato had done to him several times and got filled up when Fortunato insulted him. With all of the offense he received from Fortunato, he decided to plan of taking revenge, but he doesn't know how. Montresor encounters Fortunato at the carnival. He greeted him and acted as if he doesn't have a dark plan. He invited Fortunato to taste Amontillado, knowing that Fortunato is a connoisseur. Fortunato agrees to go with Montresor to taste the wine, which was kept in Montresor's palazzo, which also happens to be the catacombs where the bones of Montresor's ancestors are buried. They went to catacombs, where Montressor is about to execute the plan. They enjoy the wine, and a moment passed. Montressor successfully chains Fortunato to the wall where he cannot escape. Montresor gradually bricks up the wall. At first, Fortunato thought that Montresor is joking. But when the wall is about to close, Fortunato became sober and told Montressor to go back to the carnival. Fortunato continues to scream, “For the love of God, Montresor,” he said. But Montressor did not bother and buried him alive. The narration ended as Montressor stated that it happened 50 years ago and ask for Fortunato's rest in peace.
The story is full of questions, mysteries, lessons, and realizations. Analyzing the story in different aspects and views bring out to reader's complexity of thinking. The following are the opinion and observed points and realization upon reading the story.
Biased. The story is one-sided. Of course, Montressor starts the story by describing Fortunato negatively to get the sympathy of a reader. He even did not mention the reasons behind the "thousand of injuries" he experienced from Fortunato. Thousands of injuries is too much description without mentioning any of these. He did not also state the last insult that pushed him to take revenge. It is not that Montressor is a liar, but the story must include the experiences to justify Fortunato's evilness that led Montressor to kill him. Nevertheless, Montressor's narration may true or not, but the story is trying to remind us not to harm anyone in any way because there is such thing as revenge.
Irony. The irony is a technique where the author uses the characters or even plot to imply an actual opposite of what is stated. The story depicts various contrasts. How come Fortunato's name from the word fortunate, but obviously, he is not. The two main characters met at the carnival that symbolizes colors, fun, adventure, and the enjoyment of life, but contrastingly the story led to the tragedy of murder/death. Ridiculously, Montressor keeps calling Fortunato his friend in the story even he sees Fortunato as an enemy. Montressor reminds Fortunato that his health is precious, yet he keeps on giving Fortunato alcohol. It is also confusing why Montressor wishes for Fortunato's rest in peace, given that he's the killer. These ironies remind the reader who to trust with the friends they consider, when to believe in what they are saying, and not to rely on what things used to be.
Danger of Alcohol. The story shows how alcohol can lead to danger in many ways. One of the most known dangers of alcohol is the fact that it's a threat to human health since alcohol can kill liver cells, but the story did not focus on that risk. The story flows with the existence of the wine in the life of Fortunato as it is his favorite and expertise and how it led him to the dark plan of Montressor. First, Fortunato joins the invitation of Montressor because he wanted to try amontillado and, he was excited because Montressor said he has a lot f it. Second, Fortunato was trapped in the hole in the wall when he is searching for more wine. His thirst for alcohol puts him in a situation where Montressor will execute his dark plan. Lastly, Montressor was carried by alcohol and lose out of his control. Due to the influence of alcohol, he became ruthless and did not bother even Fortunato please to let him go and mentioned the love of God. This sense for the readers that too much alcohol has no good for someone. Aside from its negative effect on the body, being greedy for this can lead to a situation that someone never wishes. Also, alcohol can lead someone to evil.
There is more analysis in this story, but these are extracted points as a first-time reader of this story. The story will always be relevant with all the implied moral lessons for life.
Poe, E. A. (1846). The Cask of Amontillado. American English State Gov. Retrieved May 23, 2021, from https://americanenglish.state.gov/files/ae/resource_files/the_cask_of_amontillado.pdf
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lucillebarker · 4 years
The section of Sister Golden Hair beginning with "Okay, maybe asking him to brush her hair was that shocking." and ending with “Hard to imagine you with a Mia Farrow cut.”
Wheeeeeeee! This will be fun. This was also pretty long, so go under the cut for the details.
Okay, maybe asking him to brush her hair was that shocking.
I know I mentioned this in the comments on AO3 and elsewhere, but the inspiration for Sister Golden Hair is that never once do you see Jimmy touch Kim’s hair. He doesn’t push it out of her eyes, he doesn’t play with the ends, none of it. I touched on it during lines we cross, but I wanted to delve a little bit deeper into why he wouldn’t do that.
Then on top of that, there are the commentaries for Season 4 where Rhea talked about how the makeup and hair team decided that it would make sense that Jimmy could maybe brush her hair or maybe put it up in a clip or barrette. Hairstyles that were simple, whereas her usual ponytail would have to be done by a professional until her cast was off.
“Are you sure?” Jimmy asked.
No, I’m not sure, Kim thought.
🎵 Trust issues that I wish you saw... 🎵 
This section is one of the reasons that I wrote the sex scene before. So the scene preceding this was a challenging thing and a big risk. When writing M or E fics, the sex scenes tend to go fairly well. (As they should.) So because I was dealing with childhood trauma connected to Kim’s hair, I wanted to write something that moment early in a relationship when someone accidentally forgets the boundaries that were set up. It’s not on purpose—”[Jimmy] would do anything for Kim”—but it’s easy to forget yourself and go back into a routine that had been built with other partners.
But I really wanted to emphasize on how big a step this was for Kim. How she can go from fighting off panic in what is meant to be an intimate moment, to confronting it head on in a new form of intimacy.
The pain medication barely numbed the excruciating pain in her arm, so the muscles in her neck and back were doing their best to tense up. The acid in her stomach felt like it was boiling. It was not always painful experience when her mother stroked her hair. That was the problem. She couldn’t predict what her mother would do. Her mother was capable of kissing the tail of the braid she had made in Kim’s hair. She was also capable of screaming at Kim, slurring her words as she dragged Kim out of multiple homes before multiple landlords called the police. 
Kim is in literal and emotional pain, and she is trying to numb it in anyway she can. And the worst thing about pain and emotions is that they are unpredictable. So Kim can take all of the medication she needs, but there will be nausea. She can stave off these memories, but they are built into her body as protective reactions. And it all comes from this unpredictable, chaotic nature of her mom. 
Kim buried Nebraska away like Edgar Allan Poe’s Cask of Amontillado. Her past was always screaming at her and banging against the stone wall she had encased it in. She’d be stupid not to notice that it was finding it’s way out, blood-stained chips of rock on the floor of her mind.
This is a reference to the Kim that we’ve started to see over the course of Season 4 and 5. She’s starting to get more emotional and she can’t keep everything locked away as tightly anymore. Also, I loved the Cask of Amontillado as a kid, and I love that horrific image of someone or something desperate enough to scratch at stone to get out.
Kim waved her hairbrush like a little white flag. If this was giving up, at least it was on her terms.
Again, a woman that hates giving up control deems asking for help as defeat. Definitely not relatable. At all. Who would ever—?
Jimmy stepped behind her and took hold of the handle. His gaze flicked between the brush and her gaze in the mirror.
“Just to be clear,” he warned, “I don't know what I'm doing.”
As I mentioned in one of my other writing asks, Jimmy and Kim deflect with humor. Honest humor, but still humor.
He placed it against her head and it immediately snagged in a mess of hair, causing her to hiss as he pulled the brush out.
“Sorry,” he grimaced.
Kim shook her head. “It’s okay. Start at the ends first and then work your way up.”
There’s plenty of media showing cisgender men with sisters or daughters knowing how to brush hair. Jimmy McGill does not know how to do that. Growing up in Cicero during the 70′s as one of two boys? Oh no. And Mama McGill never had long hair because she is a Gwen Verdon lookalike.
Jimmy tried again, following her instructions and combing through the the ends of her hair. Kim closed her eyes as the brush moved upwards. The bristles gently scraped against her scalp in slow movements. A quiet moan escaped her, and Kim breathed in. She could not fully let go of her tension, but her muscles relaxed bit by bit with every soft exhale. 
Writing description isn’t my favorite because my standards are too high, but I loved writing this. There is something so soothing about brushing your hair. Then I had to have Kim deal with these dueling emotions of enjoying it and waiting for the other shoe to drop. Breathing steadily and focusing on that allows her to relax and trust Jimmy a little more.
She had to admit it. This was pretty nice.
“Is it?”
Kim opened one eye. Jimmy was smirking at her. “I said that out loud, huh?”
Distracted + drugged up on Vicodin = romantic comedy. 👍🏻 
She shrugged. “Yeah, it feels nice.”
“Glad I’m doing something right.”
This is a great reminder that this happens after Chuck told Jimmy that he was just going to keep hurting people and that he “didn’t matter all that much” to Chuck. So compound that with all of that guilt about Kim’s car accident, what he did to Mrs. Landry, and you’ve got a nice loaded statement under the surface of a joke.
For all of his bluster and showboating, Jimmy was tender with her. His touch on her shoulder was soft, as if a firmer grip could break her. As if anything could break her after all she’d been through.
Another loaded statement, this is both about Kim’s past and the fact that she almost died in a car accident. It’s not necessarily that she thinks she’s invincible—she’s just experienced at gluing the pieces back together. And Jimmy treating her with the tenderness of something that he could have lost is also a great contrast for the chaos tornado that is Saul Goodman.
“Did you ever have short hair?” Jimmy asked. “Or have you always kept it long?”
This was inspired by one of Rhea’s older headshots. I couldn’t not write it into this story, but I wanted to make it a little more extreme.
“I cut it once. I was sixteen. I didn’t even go to the local beauty school, I did it myself. I went nuts and cut it super short...” Kim raised her eyebrows as she clarified, “Rosemary’s Baby short.”
As soon as I wrote this, I had to write the flashback that followed it. I didn’t plan to write another Red Cloud flashback, but I wanted to see Kim rebel. And that’s how you got Kim saw off a hair sprayed ponytail at her high school. ❤️ 
Jimmy’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding.”
Kim chuckled. “My mom was pretty mad.”
“Hard to imagine you with a Mia Farrow cut.”
I don’t like this idea of Jimmy wondering “Who is Kim?” I mean, obviously there’s gotta be some mystery there. But he at least knows some things. I can’t imagine Kim not mentioning her mom ever, or growing up in Nebraska ever. He’s been her only friend and he’s the love of her life. That said, there are some questions that do slip through the cracks and result in surprise—short hair cuts, telling drunk dudes to howl at the moon during sex, cello practice, pinky rings from Cicero, etc.
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Book Rants
The night air was cool, and the street clear of most foot traffic and normal traffic.  His tea was warm in the thermos against his hand, papers graded in his briefcase, and Edward found himself feeling rather content that Thursday evening.  So, when he heard a vaguely familiar voice proclaim, “most ridiculous book I’ve ever read,” he decided that he might as well fill the time between now and his heading to bed with a bit of conversation.  Freshmen English papers weren’t exactly the most exciting things to keep one up at night after all.
Heading in the direction of the voice, Edward found himself catching the moonlight glow of Danny Phantom’s aura casting odd shadows and lights across the grass and trees of the park while he hovered in the air and glared at a book.  “I don’t get it, what’s the damn point of it?  Aren’t stories about petty revenge supposed to come with a moral?”
“Not necessarily, Mr. Phantom.”  Phantom spun around in a fluid motion that had his face sliding into place where the back of his head was before the rest of him turned and Edward did his best to quell the shiver that ran down his spine at the sight.  Being a ghost must’ve dulled Phantom’s awareness of body horror. “Sorry to startle you.”
“That’s ok,” he said quietly, chuckling.  “I don’t typically spook so easily.”
“I’m certain you don’t,” Edward sighed.  “If I may ask, Mr. Phantom, what story were you referring to?”
Phantom blinked a few times and tilted his head, then held up a book slowly.  “The Cask of Amontillado.  I don’t get what the point is.”  Phantom huffed, shaking the book as though doing so would intimidate meaning from its contents.  “A guy starves his friend to death by tricking him into thinking he’s gonna taste test a bunch of wine because he thinks he was insulted.  There’s no lesson I can think of besides ‘don’t trust rich people’ which anyone should know anyways.”
“Mmm.”  Edward chuckled and shook his head at the pout on the powerful ghostly hero that protected the town.  “Have you considered, Mr. Phantom, that the story’s point is just how messed up it’d be if that happened?”  Phantom stared at him, perplexed, and Edward laughed.  “Have you ever seen the Twilight Zone?”
“A few episodes, yeah.”
“Are there morals to those stories?”
“Uh… some of them?”  That was an interesting piece of information to have about their resident guardian.  As was the fact that he read in his spare time.
“The majority, however, those have a very simple moral to them, which is that they have no moral.”
“I- yeah, there’s a few that are just ‘wouldn’t that be fucked up’ but I didn’t think some ‘classic literature’ would be like that.  Or that an English teacher would ever admit that there wasn’t any real hidden meaning to it all in a book.  Isn’t that your job, to find something that’s not really there?”
Edward snorted and shook his head.  “A common misconception amount students, I assure you.”  He took a sip of his tea and Phantom flicked his wrist.  A chair woven out of ectoplasm and light appeared beside the vice principal and Phantom did a little fist pump.
“Feel free to convince me otherwise.”  Well, a chance to chat with the resident hero was hardly something most people got.  So he did.
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tallstales · 4 years
Day 4 Books (13 Days of Halloween)
There are so many books perfect for reading in the fall. Many people read with Halloween in mind at this time of year and I happen to be one of them from about July through mid November. At this time of year, we gravitate towards Stephen King and now Joe Hill or the latest big name. Sometimes we forget about the classics that started it all or we don’t think to look in our own backyard for new favorites.
Today I’m going to share a list of 13 of my favorite spooky classics mixed in with brand new hits on my to read list. And as a bonus, I’m including a list of Rhode Island authors of Supernatural fiction, Mysteries, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller, and more to keep you enthralled as we get closer to Halloween.
Let’s check them out!
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson
For those who know me well, they know the special love I have for The haunting of Hill House. Last year I even got the crazy opportunity to direct the play at the Rhode Island Stage Ensemble because they knew of my crazy obsession. I might talk about this book too much. That being said, I will keep it brief today. Read it! Go! No, you have not experienced it through Netflix or even the play. They’re wonderful, amazing interpretations, but they are very different.
To truly know Hill House and the people staying there to study it, you need to read this book and get trapped in the mind of its not quite reliable narrator.
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James
Speaking of Netflix, on this list is another psychological haunted house thriller that has just been made into a streaming hit in The Haunting of Bly Manor.
The Turn of the Screw is a short but not so sweet story with an atmosphere of slowly growing tension. This is a great quick read for a rainy day home alone to get your nerves just the right amount of frayed for when the trick or treaters start knocking.
Dracula by Bram Stoker
Another classic is the travelogue Dracula! With any other title, people would question how a travel journal could be scary, but Dracula needs no introduction. If anything, time and popular culture has added so much to this story that when we go back and look at the original tale we are terrified all over again by the simplicity of atmosphere and characterization over props, costumes, and all the other added layers.
There’s a scary bit of truth to this tale as well, one that even connects back to Rhode Island! Did you know that Bram Stoker was inspired by the story of Mercy Brown? Yes, news of her tragedy and horrific exhumation made it all the way to London! Stay tuned this week for our 13 Haunted RI Tales for more on Mercy.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
While we’re in the Victorian Era and talking about classic monsters, we can’t forget about Frankenstein’s monster! This is another one that’s been taken apart and put back together by so many different writers, directors, and actors that we forget how terrifying the original is.
What really makes this story stand the test of time even past the language changes that can make other stories written in the same period slog along, is Shelley’s understanding of human nature.
We all question the meaning of life and death and Frankenstein has a way of helping our imagination come up with the most terrifying answers.
Edgar Allan Poe
How could we discuss Horror classics without the twisted tales of Edgar Allan Poe? I can’t even pick a single story to discuss for this list, just trust me and get a collection of his stories if you don’t already own one. You won’t be disappointed.
Haunted houses? Evil animals? Disease? Death? Human Nature? Poe has covered all of the best horror tropes and even invented a few himself. If I had to choose a favorite to start with… one that sticks with me and makes me shudder to even think about is The Lighthouse. It’s the rats. They get me everytime and unlike the suspense they bring in The Pit and the Pendulum, the rats in The Lighthouse just bring terror and an overall sense of disgust. Happy reading!
His Hideous Heart Edited by Dahlia Adler
While we’re on the subject of the laste, great E.A.P. I bring you a fairly recent edition to his fandom.
His Hideous Heart is an anthology put together by 13 well known YA authors for a new, contemporary audience. Edgar Allan Poe may be gone, but his works and their themes have stayed with us and in our classrooms with a love their surprising and unsettling nature.
Contributors include Dahlia Adler (reimagining “Ligeia”), Kendare Blake (“Metzengerstein”), Rin Chupeco (“The Murders in the Rue Morgue”), Lamar Giles (“The Oval Portrait”), Tessa Gratton (“Annabel Lee”), Tiffany D. Jackson (“The Cask of Amontillado”), Stephanie Kuehn (“The Tell-Tale Heart”), Emily Lloyd-Jones (“The Purloined Letter”), amanda lovelace (“The Raven”), Hillary Monahan (“The Masque of the Red Death”), Marieke Nijkamp (“Hop-Frog”), Caleb Roehrig (“The Pit and the Pendulum”), and Fran Wilde (“The Fall of the House of Usher”).
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
Continuing to move forward in time, I find myself thinking of Ray Bradbury. Bradbury has a wonderful way of slowly seeping discontent into the reader but with Something Wicked he seems to put pedal to the metal.
This is the only book on my list to feature a nightmarish carnival and Bradbury might be why. I somehow walked away without a fear of clowns or carnivals but reading about them… still gives me the heebie jeebies. Now that I think about it, this book might have something to do with why mirrors creep me out too.
Readers be warned. Something Wicked This Way Comes has all the marks of a beautifully written coming of age tale, but the themes stick with you like a shadow well into adulthood.
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
If you haven’t read this book, you have definitely heard of it. That book with the weird typography, with the backwards words and print in the margins and all that weird stuff? Yes, it’s House of Leaves and “all that weird stuff” makes for one exciting and unsettling ride. People I give this book two either firmly LOVE it or HATE it, but I recommend it today because 8 out of 10 are on the love side and passing around their copies to others because it’s hard not too.
As you read, you follow two stories. The main story is about the Navidson family moving into a new home where some very strange things begin to happen. The second story takes place in the footnotes where we follow a man named Johnny as he finds, reads and obsesses over the first story which is referred to in the book as The Navidson Record. Now, I have set out with the mission of not spoiling anything for anyone today, especially since most the books on this list are of the thriller or suspense genre so I will stop here, but know I really, really want to tell you everything that happens and everything I think of it! Go read this crazy work of art and message me. We’ll talk.
Twelve Nights at Rotter House by J.W. Ocker
I said it earlier and I’ll say it again, I have a soft spot for a good haunted house. Now, haunted by people or haunted by spirits… I think both are the best kind. Those who have started reading my series The Monsters Within can probably guess that I love the “Humans are the Monsters” horror trope. And, well, nothing brings out the monsters in humans faster than the particular fear that comes with staying in a haunted house. Or at least, a house perceived to be haunted where your mind can play such glorious tricks on you.
Twelve Nights at Rotter House is admittedly slow to start, but I like and recommend this title because that slow pace is there for a reason. We get comfortable when nothing much is happening, when the pace is slow and friendly. I think it makes everything that comes next that much more exciting. Give it a chance and let me know what you think.
The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher
The Twisted Ones is a delicious cocktail of Suspense, Thriller, Horror fiction, Psychological Fiction, Occult Fiction. It’s everything I wanted M. Night Shyamalan’s The Village to be when the trailers came out back in 2004 and everything it wasn’t for me. Add into it the the main character is cleaning a hoarder’s house in the woods… yeah! Sold, this is creepy and gross and sets off all my alarms, I’m reading it with ALL the lights on.
And somehow, through not being able to put it down and finding myself breathlessly speed reading , I still found time to laugh. There are these little gems in the main character’s personality and the story telling that are so relatable and likeable that it adds an effortless humor on top of the effortless horror. This is the only work I’ve read by this author, but she is absolutely on my follow list and I hope she makes yours as well.
Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
Some might recognise the name Leigh Bardugo from popular YA fantasies but fear not (or do for that matter) Bardugo can write the hell out of terrifying adult themes. Ninth House is almost impossible to out down in its fast paced, constantly twisting and turning mystery and terrifying ghost story.
[Now, I feel the need to mention before we move on that this is an award winning piece and it is loved by too many to count, BUT if you are on my blog then you may be here because I write about mental health and mental illness and all the emotions dark and light that come with psychology. I try my best to do so in an educated and realistic way that relates back to what I’m going through with good intentions. I try my absolute best to write realistically without including triggers. That being said, as someone who has mental health issues, this story did trigger me. Did I still enjoy the read and do I think you would too, absolutely! I wouldn’t have it on my list otherwise. But if you have anxiety, depression, ptsd, or are overcoming assault you may want to do some further research into the adult topics of this novel before reading. Please feel free to ask questions or leave comments regarding this topic. Thank you.]
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
Moving into this year’s releases there is the ever popular The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires. This is another one that seamlessly works in some brilliant comedy into the spooky plot.
Some have compared this to Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias meet Dracula and I’d just like to throw in Buffy the Vampire Slayer as the cherry on that brilliant summary sundae.
Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M. Danforth
I had the pleasure of studying under Emily Danforth while going after my BA in Writing at Rhode Island College. At that point, she had just published The Miseducation of Cameron Post and I was completely enamored. That being said, I have kept up with her writing and oh man am I glad because Plain Bad Heroines was GREAT!
There are so few great additions to their horror genre that I just want to paste gold stars all over this beautifully written, funny, sexy, and utterly disturbing coming of age hit. I hope you love it as much as I did and if you do, be sure to review! This book is brand spanking new and new book sales depend on reviews to help audiences find them. Get out there and post what you liked or even what you didn’t about everything you read. In the end, even negative reviews help new readers find something they will enjoy.
Lorne J. Therrian Sr.
Jeanine Duval Spikes
Alexander Smith
Elizabeth Splaine
D. R. Perry
Sheryl Lynn Kimball
Lisa Jacob
Paul & Ben Eno
Christine Depetrillo
Roland Comtois
Daniel Cano
J. C. Brown
Alexander Smith 
H.P. Lovecraft Lisa Jacob
Christa Carmen
Science Fiction
Rachel Menard
Tabitha Lord
R. K. Bentley
J. Michael Squatrito, Jr.
Lorne J. Therrian Sr.
Angelina Singer
Scott William Simmons
C. K. Sholly
Heather Rigney
Rachel Menard
Paul Magnan
M. A. Guglielmo
Heather Dunn
Susan Catalano
A. Keith Carreiro
Daniel Cano
Noel Anne Brennan
Tim Baird
Anne-Marie Sutton
Elizabeth Splaine
Dusty Pembroke
Risa Nyman
Rick Marchetti
Jean Kelly
Sam Kafrissen
Daniel Currier
Judy Boss
Julien Ayotte
Heather Rigney
Glede Browne
Judy Boss
David Boiani
David Aiello
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falloutglow · 4 years
3 and 10
3.  Something you wish a commenter had called attention to, but got ignored.
...well I would...like to get comments in the first place alsdfhdshfdf still too used to folks asking when I’d update and those comments have uh ruined me a bit over the years *sighs* Currently my uh fics are glossed over so like getting ANY comment just sends me to the moon! that isn’t about updating please never fuckin ask that.
I guess like for Flicker “Hm, how does the ghost know Echo’s name?” or “did you really just put a Cask of Amontillado reference in here?” (granted its very blunt but I’m still happy folks like nick & echo’s banter in that fic HAHA) I doooo wanna like...say some foreshadowing pieces I’ve been squeezing into these fics...mainly On Top of Sanctuary Hills & Far Away salfsdhf I’d love for folks to like question some more things I’ve been dropping hints at, buuut its crammed packed full of stuff so its understandable XD Still...nobody asked about the weird hat guy with the static face in ch2 and its like “aight. I’mma keep my secrets I guess”
10.  What's your least favorite part about posting?
gooooooooood there are several. One reason why I haven’t made posts on tumblrs outside of like links lately is cause like editing to make sure italics and bold got through cause I fuckin LOVE italics and tumblr strips that...so gotta goooooo back thru and find where the bits that didnt get translated over and fix them before posting.
Another is like...the wait period between folks seeing and either hitting a kudos or commenting is...so long... It’s a bit painful how uh little my work gets seen, but like I do not try to think about that too much. I’m a slow writer and I put a lot of thought into my work. I don’t know how to like get my shit seen just yet cause like...
I’m also like on the newer uh spectrum of this fandom esp writing wise. And...coming from a tiny af fandom where content was scarce as fuck and I HAD to write my own content to have the content I wanted... (in turn ended up as a bit of a fic juggernaut in that fandom for a while lol) and then walking into a LARGE fandom where turns out there are SEVERAL HUGE slowburn fics and some niche aus that cater to my interest already exist and I didn’t have to make the content I craved... Yea needless to say I’m still getting used to it haha
[fic writer asks]
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yszarin · 5 years
see below for screaming and hopes for one day a whole bread on Panopticon
- as a general thing - please bear with me, early access delays mean that I have had no time to stew in this (well, I’ve had lunch, if you can call it that, and that’s it) and may thus be even less coherent than normal, if you can believe that
- ... so, Martin Won’t Let Monsters Talk About Tim? way to shatter my little Tim/Martin heart while also sticky-taping it back together, I love it so much.
- whoop half my OTP is... kayaking, in Egypt, so I really am easily pleased with my tiny breadcrumbs, apparently. @ canon pls more breadcrumbs. one day I may be able to assemble a modest loaf. (actually what is the minimum size of bread? how many crumbs will I need?)
- “that’s Leitner too!” Peter oh my god
- ohhhhhh! I was wondering a while ago about Not!Sasha being all Cask of Amontillado-ed in the basement and I’m so happy she’s finally out! doesn’t sound good for literally anyone but I am living.
- noooo Martin at least send a text
- oh dear Elias is back on his bullshit. not that he was ever off it, I suppose.
- oooooh will it explode heads? without an Eye connection? how is it messy, exactly? and how does Peter know it’s messy if Jonah’s been in there the whole time, I assume Peter is not as old? though I guess he could be.
- ahhhhhhh confirmation on the Jonah!Elias theory at last. and Elias and Peter can apparently bond over enjoying startling Martin.
- wow I cannot wait to find out how this happened. It sounds like Jonah’s eyes are in Elias’ body and that’s how the possession works, so - I don’t imagine they involved a surgeon? mechanically, how did they do that? was it like Operation?
- and this is Gertrude’s last stand, apparently - wow we are getting so much this episode. I hope this won’t be an end to hearing her statements - it feels like we still have a lot to learn from that era.
- I adore the way she’s saying Elias’ name right now, it’s so stabby
- I thought she was shot more than that? According to the transcript for Human Remains, she was shot three times, so... when did that happen, if it wasn’t then? did Elias decide later, “you know what, I’m still pissed, I’m going to go and do some overkill”?
- I really hope Martin does care about them still, somewhere. Or at least that the caring can be stapled back in at some point. I’m rather fond of the caring. I believe I’ve said before.
- Peter, did you read a book on villain speeches? “we’re the same” I swear. I guess being Lonely he’s not had much practice at them? but you’d think he could have put some work in with Martin, and Brian, and that.
- “I think I would” okay I am putting a lot of my emotions into that would, it’s a hypothetical not a certainty, come on Martin, don’t do it - YES WELL DONE GOOD BOY
- oh no the poor Institute staff! I hope Rosie’s okay, and Sonja, I’m not sure we have many other names but honestly, Trevor and Julia that is just rude.
- “YOU NEVER TAUGHT ME” I really was not expecting to laugh out loud in this episode but here were are I guess.
- and another very well-deserved fuck for Jon
- Not!Sasha and the Hunters is my new band name (love their various ways of calling for Jon). I really want to know who’s going to win and how. 
- noooo Daisy! just leave it a minute! they might kill each other really hard! Daisy please
- I love that she’s the scarier though, listen to that growl that is excellent
- !!!YES MARTIN!!!
- “I mostly just said what I thought you wanted to here” please please mean that he’s not as far along as he implied
- god, Martin really is that “all my friends are dead” thing, isn’t he? someone get this man a dog.
- “trapped me into spreading evil” oh he did listen to Tim <3 </3
- also I like the acknowledgement of the Institute being evil - Martin describing it as that now actually gives me more hope for him not going full monster. at least, I can’t see him having said that and then wilfully becoming an avatar of evil, if that makes sense?
- hhhhh he did it for Jon my heart is all over the place
- I love that Martin’s outfoxed Peter Lukas through his special superpowers of being a disaster mlm with some real nasty self-worth issues. what an icon.
- oh no. bad static. D:
- and they’re talking about Jon so Jon going after Martin is clearly part of the plannnnn and I mean that bit I’m on board with I’ll never not be on board with Jon going after Martin but *squints* what are you doing Elias
- what a lovely evil laugh, I wonder if Ben practised (if so do recordings of it exist?) or if he can just do them?
- “I called you” was that the point of the Gertrude tape being left? to get Jon there? (“How do I summon my current Archivist? With a recording of me murdering the last one, works every time.”) Maybe the information about him being Jonah acted as a tie thing for him. and putting Peter in charge, has been all some sort of scheme to get Jon into the panopticon? feels like a Lot, I’d prefer if at least some of it was improv.
- “for Martin” oh just leave me here. “you want you to follow him” ugh.
- I mean I assume someone is going to make it out, we do still have two episodes. but this is presumably Doing Something for Elias. still vaguely concerned that this might be an attempt to actualise an entity - it’s as I say, vague, and a wild guess again, but if the Beholding and the Lonely aren’t that far apart then maybe Jon trying to bring Martin back will let something else (large, unblinking) through too? or maybe Elias just needs him to keep getting stronger.
- so, looking at the episode description - they’re referred to as having disappeared, which feels to me like a “won’t be back in the very near future, so is the next episode just going to be Basira on her own sighing a lot? can we have some of the other Institute staff? I’d really like to hear Rosie again. and from Sonja for the first time. then there’s Helen and Elias, still monsters on campus. Helen was doing a lot less spectating than I thought.
- are we allowed to have tape recorders in the Lonely? iirc we did hear a bit from Brian after he was whooshed, so it must be possible. I expect Jon’ll have one with him, they just tend to happen around him. just hope it turns on, I really really want Jon to finally get to yell at Peter and I want to hear it.
- anyway! I love this episode so much, it had so many things in it and they were wonderful, kudos to cast & crew as ever, RQ... very good. we knew that.
- also I’m still not over Martin Won’t Let Monsters Talk About Tim. I’m not going to be over it. I’m very short I can’t get over things.
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halloween special 2019
(Or, Halloween Special 2027, because this is set immediately after Turnabout Academy but contains no reference to it besides the fact that Juniper exists.)
A Fae AU side story. A classic meme of the autumnal season gets a cannibal joke twist, and the real horror story is the friends we made along the way. Written with the profoundest apologies to the professor from whom I took an entire semester course on Edgar Allan Poe. 
It still feels like the crack of dawn, after the week they’ve had, but dawn is admittedly later in late October, and the sun is already risen, so it’s not early at all. It’s no one’s problem but Phoenix’s own that his brain is still zombified. Trucy woke him up, flinging her things all around the apartment to get ready to head out: Juniper has joined her trick-or-treating group that already consisted of Trucy, Vera, Jinxie, Athena, and Pearl, and Pearl still doesn’t have a costume, and now neither does Juniper, and Vera hasn’t finished making hers, and it’s T-minus two days until Halloween.
So he scrambled some eggs for his daughter and ushered her out the door after making her promise to say hi to all of the other girls for him, and then he crawled back into bed. Barely three minutes after, his phone rang. That was marginally better than his phone ringing once he had fallen back asleep, but this deprives him of the chance of going back to sleep at all, probably, and actually it’s not better. Phoenix doesn’t know why he thought that. He squints at the tiny screen on his phone to see that an impossible amount of symbols, including what looks like some Japanese characters, a pentagram, and a simplified pixel art hand making a middle finger. 
“Hello, Maya.”
“Niiick! I need you to settle a dispute!”
Phoenix groans. “Between who?”
“Hello.” Iris’ voice comes through as clear as Maya’s, clearer than humans ever are on phone calls. Magical speakerphone. Phoenix drops his face into his pillow. 
“Iris says that the only one of Edgar Allan Poe’s stories to involve cannibalism was his one weird-ass novel that he never finished. But he’s gotta have had more than that right? He strikes me as a cannibalism kinda dude.”
“I don’t know,” Phoenix mumbles into his pillow, and then, resigned to his fate, he lifts his head and repeats clearly, “I don’t know. I’m not the literature guy.” He knows Shakespeare, and what he knows about Shakespeare is that he needs to keep Maya away from it, else she might decide that Puck is a role model. “Iris would have more of an idea than me.”
“Nick! You can’t take your ex’s side over me!”
Iris giggles in the background. “This is an argument about objective facts, Maya,” Phoenix says. “I’m not ‘taking sides’ personally.”
“Okay, but, Montressor was definitely saving Fortunado down there to chill him to a good eating temperature and then have him as a snack with the Amontillado. Like that’s gotta be why he killed him that way.”
That’s one of the few Poe stories Phoenix knows. He can answer this one. “There was no Amontillado,” he says wearily. “That was the whole point of the story, Maya. He lied about having the fancy wine to get Fortunado down to the catacombs because that was the best place to kill him quietly. There wasn’t any cask of Amontillado.”
Maya gasps. “What?” She sounds so betrayed that Phoenix almost laughs and almost feels bad. “He lied? He can’t lie!”
Now Phoenix does laugh. “What, did you think he was fae because elaborately killing someone for some unmentioned slights is a fae thing to do?” She sounds more scandalized at the lie part that the murder part, which, for anyone even slightly versed in fae culture, does make sense. 
“Well—” Maya sputters. “Yeah!” She heaves an exaggeratedly loud sigh. “I guess The Cask of Amontillado really isn’t a story that implies cannibalism.”
“There was other wine in the wine cellar where he walled up Fortunado,” Iris says. “Perhaps one of those would pair with him just as well for Montressor’s meal as you imagine the Amontillado would.”
“You don’t need to patronize me,” Maya says, sounding less irritable than Phoenix expects. “But, oh, Nick, other question! Why would the narrator, obviously possessing greater strength and no morals, not simply eat the old man so as to get rid of his creepy staring eye and better muffle the treacherous tattletale heart?”
“Telltale,” Iris says. Maya groans at the correction.
“Bitch-ass snitch,” Phoenix says.
“No,” Iris says. “Definitely not. Now, to return to the heart of your question, Mystic—”
Maya and Phoenix both snicker. What follows is not a long silence, but it is a loaded one, and then Iris resumes speaking, her clipped tone betraying her annoyance with the inadvertent pun. “The heartbeat was not a real sound,” she explains, “but rather the psychological manifestation of his guilt at committing the murder.”
“Oh,” Maya says. “So it’s like when you want to get coffee you have to have a barista make it and hand you the cup because if you tried to serve yourself from a machine it always explodes back in your face. It’s not the machine that hates you, it’s you who hates you, and the machine is the expression of it!”
“That is…” Iris trails off, clicking her tongue in thought. “Actually, yes, similar, though no one but the narrator could hear the sound of the heart.”
“So he wasn’t fae either,” Maya says. “Otherwise the whole house would’ve been, ba-dum! That they all felt it! And then probably it would explode.”
“Y’know, if he had eaten the old man,” Phoenix says, because sometimes it is fun, a flex of creative muscles he doesn’t usually get to stretch, to play along with Maya when she has her inane musings, “he still would’ve heard the heart beating, right, because it was just in his head. But instead of yelling at the cops that it was under the floorboards—”
Maya knows where he’s going with it immediately; either he knows the way she thinks too well, or she knows him. “—dude woulda been yelling about hearing it in his own stomach. Man, can you imagine? You’re just some beat cop coming in to investigate and then the guy starts shrieking about killing a dude but instead of starting to tear up the floorboards to show you the body he starts trying to claw open his own stomach?”
Phoenix considers that. He decides that yeah, it would be pretty far over on the scale of fucked-up things he’s seen as a lawyer. Sort of like Matt Engarde tearing up his own face in despair and fury, but also way worse because it would involve definite cannibalism and possible disembowelment, depending on how far the narrator got in his attempts. “Yep,” he says. “That’d be fucked up.”
“You could write it,” Iris says. “Poe is public domain, is he not, and you an adult man who could get away with it under the name of ‘literary reimagining’ rather than it being called ‘fanfiction’.”
“No thanks,” Phoenix says. “I’m not gonna be the man who messes with the classics.” He’d pitch the idea to Larry if Larry made his name on literally anything other than wholesome life-affirming picture books. Actually, he still wouldn’t, because Larry is an artist as well as a writer and there’d be a chance that he’d turn it into painting rather than prose and that is a level of horror Phoenix doesn’t want to go to. Better just to stay on the level of Maya reading cannibalism into every horror story that crosses her path. 
(Would Athena call that projection? He is not going to think about that any longer.)
“Glad anyway you could help with our dispute,” Maya says. “Cuz” - she’s never settled on one nickname for Iris, but cousin or a derivation usually means she’s not angry with her - “was getting wistful when Pearly went off to talk shop with all your daughters, so she wanted to get in the holiday spirit and it spiraled. I made it spiral.”
As tends to happen around there. As Maya is wont to do. Phoenix isn’t surprised. He also decides to ignore the “daughters” remark. It’s not worth arguing that Trucy is his only daughter, and okay maybe Vera half counts, but on the other end of the spectrum, he’s known Juniper for not even a week. 
So instead he voices the matter that is bothering him. He’s afraid to speak it into the world lest she hadn’t thought about it, but he also needs to be prepared. “So, Maya,” he begins warily, “you planning on venturing out for Halloween?” 
He’s dreaded this holiday ever since that first year, when she figured out what trick-or-treat meant and decided that this was the most fae of holidays, what with one being allowed to threaten and extort strangers for goodies. It’s more blatant than the fae usually are, even. That first year, he had to keep her entertained and distracted all night, with candy and other sugary sweets and campy movies, so she couldn’t go and fulfill her suggestion of egging Edgeworth’s car as revenge for him being “a huge douchebag to us in court”. She had gotten the eggs ahead of time and stashed them in his fridge so at eleven they made a run to the corner store for other ingredients to teach her how to make omelets. 
“Nah, don’t worry, I’m staying right here. Pearly can have her fun. But you and I are totally on for our post-Halloween bargain bin on-sale candy shopping spree. You’re buying! It’s tradition.”
“Huh?” It happening three years in a row, and then not for the next seven years, does not a tradition make. “Objection!”
“Nope!” She sounds positively gleeful; he can picture exactly what her smile looks like, how wide and toothy. “Ignored! What’s it that judges say again - overruled! You are overruled! And your penalty is reading Poe for a refresher so we can talk about it more! We need to talk about the one with the cat because I can’t decide if the cat is fae! Or even if it’s one cat! I want everyone’s input!”
His phone display shows a pixel jack-o-lantern with a grin in a probable approximation of Maya’s. He drops his head back onto his pillow. “Goodbye, Maya.” 
The second Halloween, they carved pumpkins in the office; Pearl demanded they not have scary faces, Maya ate half of the seeds even before they roasted them, and Phoenix tried not to think about how last year at that time Edgeworth was around that they could consider the prospect of egging his car. When they dropped pumpkin guts on the floor, Mia flung it right back at them to get it stuck in their hair. The third year, they brought Pearl along for candy shopping, too, and she sat in the cart atop a throne of bagged sweets and pointed out clearance decorations she wanted for next year. They’re boxed up somewhere. He should find them for her and the other girls. For next year, or seven years later, it’s not that much of a difference, is it?
“And,” he adds, “I’ll see you in November.” Start anew. “Tradition, right?”
17 notes · View notes
blood: a level-by-level breakdown
episode 1: the way of all flesh
the first episode, and the one included in the shareware version. like a lot of shareware episodes, it's generally a sort of mishmash of themes and ideas to provide a reasonable cross section of what a potential buyer could expect from the full game, introducing a small selection of enemies (zombies, the basic cultist and his tommygun counterpart, gargoyles, as well as minor menaces such as rats, the zombie fish, bats and a single grasping hand) as well as about half of the arsenal (up to and including the napalm launcher.) the name is a euphemism (actually a mistranslation from hebrew) for dying.
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E1M1: cradle to grave (james wilson) almost every classic FPS game's first level is iconic and the subject of many remakes in other games. let's face it, there's few things a mapper covets more than the E1M1 slot. so here we are with caleb RISING FROM HIS GRAVE. the level is a cemetary and associated funeral home, rather short compared to the immediate next level, but twisting nicely in on itself. the opening room is surprisingly non-descript, just a simple, small crypt. duke nukem 3D in contrast might have dumped you on a fairly blank rooftop but it was a much more dynamic introduction to the game.
after a short couple of encounters in a cemetary you enter the funeral home proper. the chapel is where you get your first taste of the game's tendency to have enemies ambush you from above. up the stairs, past the organ, and through the mortuary, eventually winding up in a small crypt behind the building that leads to the exit. short and simple, but introducing some of the basics -- combat, enemies, secrets, while also showcasing a bit of the game's blackly morbid humor. by 1997 standards it's a gorgeously realized opener, with excellent use of texturing to create a gloomy, creepy setting to shoot zombies in.
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E1M2: wrong side of the tracks (craig hubbard) this is where the game really starts to pick up. flowing smartly from the first level -- you start in the same spot you ended the last level, only now the way you came in is sealed off -- you start the level working your way down some train tracks; zombies and cultists stand in your way, and they've been offloading barrels with corpses in them, visible through the glass pane in the side (a reference to the classic zombie film "return of the living dead.") eventually you wind your way around to the front of 'miskatonic station' (heh) and it's lousy with tchernobog troops. they're not just gunning for you either, the zombies are swarming the nameless sadsack innocents that the cult has enslaved.
shoot your way through the station to the incoherent sound of announcements over the PA speaker, answer obscene calls on the public phones, check out pickman's bookshop and stop in for a bit at cask of amontillado. some really good moments here, such as the swarm of zombies breaking through the walls in the foreman's office and the bats flying out of the access tunnel leading off the tracks. it's also one of the best examples of the build engine era's attempts at creating realistic, every-day places to shoot things in.
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E1M3: phantom express (james wilson) you've boarded a train and now you have to find a way to get into the engine car. a great opener as the train runs over some hapless folk stuck on the tracks. while the level is literally linear by necessity, it's still a rip-roaring good time as you clear out the cars one by one, culminating in an all-out shootout in the dining car in the back. for 1997 this level was extremely technically impressive; using a conveyor belt effect, they've created the impressive illusion that you're on a fast-moving train across the country. if you fall off, you die, so don't fall off. the conclusion of the level is quite dynamic, as you overload the engine and it explodes, ending the level.
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E1M4: dark carnival (kevin kilstrom with revisions by james wilson) blood's pitch black sense of humor is on full display here. after the train derails you pick your way through the ruins until you reach a dark carnival full of wonders. a ghastly ticket collector sics zombies on you after you jump the line, and more zombies and cultists (and mimes) crowd the carnival from end to end. the midway has games of chance -- a shooting gallery, or the opportunity to field goal some severed heads for a prize. in the big tent is the tightrope over a pit of snakes, the big act of everyone's favorite circus freak, jojo the idiot boy. this is also where you meet your first gargoyles, when the carousel comes to life -- a good scare, there. on the way out, you have your options of where to go, even though the bridge collapsed: take a dive and swim to the exit, or cross the remains of the bridge to the secret level, provided you've found and remember the passcode. also: a delightfully vicious secret duke nukem cameo.
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E1M8: house of horrors (james wilson) in case you weren't done with the carnival theme, E1M8 provides you with the ultimate carnival ride. the opener is pretty great, with a big horrible clown mouth you have to climb through; the walls are fleshy and gross, giving you the sense that maybe this might be more than just a carnival ride... it's an extremely linear affair as the water ride ferries you down a long winding tunnel, complete with ambushes and a few hilariously ineffectual jumpscares. the finale has you jumping out a window into a back lot for a big showdown before finding your way back to the regular ending of E1M4.
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E1M5: hallowed grounds (nick newhard, craig hubbard, terry hamel) a major thematic change, one taking more after doom or quake than the usual "duke nukem for goths" that this game is. on rare occasion (well, half of episode four does it) the game decides music isn't necessary and turns it off for a level. deep, gutteral chanting, wind and thunder are your only soundtrack as you blast your way through a creepy temple. the cult's armies are out in full force here, lurking around every corner and coming at you in packs, with lots of ambushes from above and below. it's a long, winding nightmare that repeatedly loops in on itself. there are a few hints on how to complete the level, and you'd better heed them, because choosing the wrong door at the finale means fiery death. it's all burning torches and glowing candles, making this level a dark, moody affair, and one of the best-looking in the game.
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E1M6: the great temple (terry hamel with revisions by james wilson) the climax of the episode is a big quake-style temple in the mountain, initially a linear affair as you work your way through some caverns up into the temple proper, only to switch back on itself several times. zombies, cultists and gargoyles are absolutely freaking everywhere. the level is highly reminiscent of quake in both layout and aesthetic, though as you near the upper areas and get a good look at just how high up you are it takes on a different vibe. plenty of traps, indiana jones style; plenty of firefights too, the best one being a huge shitshow in a room with a ramp that lines the walls, every inch of it covered in assholes to blow up -- and there's a dual akimbo powerup right there for you to grab.
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E1M7: altar of stone (james wilson) the grand finale is just a simple boss level, though it'd make a good bloodbath level with its round shape, height variations and small dimensions. other than a couple of trash mobs nothing much happens until you step onto the central platform, at which point the biggest enemy you've seen yet, the huge stone gargoyle cheogh, comes after you. he doesn't have much in the way of attacks -- mostly just flies around and shoots electric blasts out of his eyes -- but he takes an enormous amount of punishment, shrugging off even your napalm launcher. upon prevailing, you're treated to a CGI cutscene that's far darker than its goofy early-90s models give it credit for.
final thoughts: for a shareware episode this is a fairly eclectic offering. the cemetary level sets the tone for the rest of the episode, but it's the train station that most ties in with the game's roots as a horror-themed response to duke3D. the train level is a technical marvel by 1997 standards, but it's probably the carnival levels (which are a clear reference to "something wicked this way comes") that give the episode its most iconic images, as carnival themes keep popping up. the back half of the episode with its sprawling temples really drive home the gothic horror vibe that the game goes for, as well as showcasing some of the more creative level design. if you're in 1997 and you're trying to decide if this game is right for you, this grab bag of a shareware episode should give you a good idea of what you're in for.
episode two: even death may die
while E1M1 is iconic, the entirety of episode 2 is equally so. set in the frigid north, with whole-level references to some of the most iconic horror tales ever written ("frankenstein," "the shining,") it's a departure from the first episode in that the theming is consistent throughout. even the haunted house level is surrounded by snow and cold. it also introduces several new enemies: the bloated zombie, the giant fish monsters, spiders, and most notably, the phantasm, a terrifying ghost that's only able to be hurt when it's about to attack you. the arsenal gets filled out a bit as well -- you now can use the special dynamite types as well as the ever-popular aerosol can flamethrower, plus the voodoo doll.
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E2M1: shipwrecked (craig hubbard) the frozen north theme hits you like cold wind in the face, starting you out on a tiny boat heading towards a big wooden ship, locked in the ice (and named the HMS victor, in keeping with the obvious frankenstein ref.) while there's a few treats in the water, most of the level is spent exploring the relatively small ship, moving from fore to aft and back again as you collect keys and open up new rooms. your first encounter with gillbeasts will probably be in the small, flooded room at the fore, a nasty place to meet such a dangerous enemy. the finale is nonsensical, but kinda cool, and a quick swim later you're at the entrance to the next level.
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E2M2: the lumber mill (craig hubbard) a quick little romp around a lumber mill, as the title suggests. mostly a small compound of small buildings, you'll be working your way around and through them, visiting each one in turn and clearing them out. first introduction of "bloated butchers" -- fat zombies with toxic puke and big cleavers that they throw at you. these guys can take a hell of a beating before going down. fun, short little level that exemplifies the exploratory focus a lot of these older FPS games had. good bit of humor to be had by the outhouses.
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E2M3: rest for the wicked (kevin kilstrom and craig hubbard) it took me a long time to figure out what the hell this was supposed to be. essentially it's a prelude to the next level, a small hedge maze and resort complete with pool, hot tub, and the like -- all frozen over, of course. it's very restful with between 43 to 105 enemies running around. the hedge maze makes up most of the first part of the level, before switching over to the resort area, and then looping back around, finally sending you back to the start of the level, where you unlock a gate that leads to the exit. looming in the distance is a big old house, with one light on upstairs, and something in the window watching you...
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E2M4: the overlooked hotel (kevin kilstrom with revisions by craig hubbard) zero points for guessing what this level is a reference to -- especially with that frozen guy in the hedge maze. the hedges aren't all that interesting otherwise, but once you get into the hotel proper the level really opens up, with an extremely non-linear layout for you to explore. not only that, but a series of very obvious secret passages basically connect the entire hotel, making it possible to duck in and out of rooms at will. this is also another example of the game making secret exits require a little bit of thought -- you need to find five tomes hidden around the hotel to unlock a portal. some good scares and creepy moments in this level, mostly based on "the shining," but my favorite is the library, the stacks illuminated by suspended lanterns, except for one in the far back, the chain swinging uselessly, with phantasms lurking in the shadow.
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E2M9: thin ice (james wilson) if you liked the frozen sea from E2M1, you'll like this level, a big twisting network of caverns and cliffs overlooking a frozen lake. not much in the way of civilization here, but plenty of goons to shoot through. not a very visually interesting level, but it's fun to throw a dynamite plunger and watch chunks of ice break off and float to the other side of the lake. towards the end things get treacherous as you have to make some daring jumps from one jagged ice peak to the next.
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E2M5: the haunting (james wilson and kevin kilstrom) while blood is primarily an action game, the developers did not at all forget that this is a loving pastiche of the horror genre, and as such have crafted one of the creepiest levels in the game, and my personal favorite of this episode. a sprawling old manor with a detached guest house, the enemy count is surprisingly low for the most part, allowing for a slow buildup of tension as you first work your way through a creepy hedgemaze, past the guest house (the same house you saw at the end of E2M3 in fact) and eventually into the mansion proper. it's all dark tunnels and cobwebs everywhere, most of the windows boarded up. phantasms lurk about upstairs, you can hear what sounds like hundreds of rats in the walls of the basement, and when you finally access that mysterious guest house...
if there's a level that most exemplifies what a creative mapper can do to scare people with the limited technology of the mid-90s, this is it.
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E2M6: the cold rush (james wilson) after the open-ended nightmare that was E2M5, E2M6's little mining compound nestled in the cliffs is a refreshingly short little jaunt that's somewhat reminiscent of E2M9. at first the camp building (the sole structure) is inaccessible, requiring an extended detour of hopping from ledge to ledge around some perilously steep cliffs, eventually finding the key in a cave, which allows you to access the building proper. lots of gargoyles flying about to irritate you, along with the usual zombie/cultist trash. fun little surprise flamethrower trap when you go to look in a mirror, complete with crawling hands coming out of the walls to choke the life out of you. opening up the locked gate to the mine proper offers a real sense of forboding for such a simple effect -- but we're nearing the end, now.
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E2M7: bowels of the earth (james wilson) the penultimate level of the episode is appropriately epic in scope: a long, mostly linear journey through a dark, seemingly abandoned mine that's already partially collapsed. while abandoned mining equipment has been left lying around here and there, for the most part this is a generally featureless series of tunnels and chambers, though towards the end it starts taking on a more concrete identity with a big underground waterfall as a major setpiece and some long-abandoned temple ruins. trash mobs are everywhere, including a great ambush early on where the tunnel collapses and zombies break out of the walls to surround you. at the end of your journey you're rewarded with what looks like a huge temple, with a swarm of spiders (and a stone gargoyle) crawling out of the darkened entryway. the lair of shial is near...
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E2M8: the lair of shial (james wilson) like E1M7, the final level of the episode is just a small arena, though in this case it's a much more convoluted knot of twisting tunnels and chambers, with a huge spider nest in a small chamber that overlooks the bigger starting room. in that nest is shial, mother of spiders, and your boss for this episode. compared to cheogh she's much easier to deal with -- she moves slower and mostly sends swarms of spiders after you. and unlike cheogh, it's much easier to send her bouncing around with napalm launcher fire, thanks to her much smaller size. once she's been squashed, you're treated to another CGI cutscene, caleb cracking wise with an andrew dice clay reference of all things.
final thoughts: episode 2 is probably my favorite of the four original episodes. it's a gorgeously realized trek through varied settings that fit very well into the far north/winter theme. while craig and kevin's early levels are all great, it's james' later levels where the episode truly shines. hinting at the guest house of E2M5 as far back as E2M3 with two, if not three levels in between, was a great touch, and the way it teases you throughout E2M5 until you finally find the house key adds a little bit of power to a scene that otherwise might have been just another grisly moment in a game full of them.
episode 3: farewell to arms
episode 2 might have been cold and dark, but episode 3, in contrast, is positively explosive. this is probably where the game comes closest to its roots as a horror take on duke nukem 3D. set predominantly in a town somewhere in france, you'll spend a lot of time fighting in and around the streets, working your way through commercial businesses and other things you would expect to find in a small city. the cabal have come for war, and with them they've brought a dangerous new enemy: hellhounds, whose flaming breath can sap your health in seconds. fortunately, you also get to use the tesla cannon for the first time, and it puts them down right quick.
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E3M1: ghost town (james wilson) right off the bat you know this isn't the typical blood level. you're dumped unceremoniously in a small section of the city, with a number of the shirtless innocents running away from you in the distance. tall buildings surround you, and the streets seem clear of cabal. this all changes once you start poking around in buildings, as cultists and zombies start coming out of the woodwork and stuff starts blowing up. in true duke3D style, after surviving a shootout in a small office room, you get to watch from the window as the building across the street is reduced to rubble in an impressive explosion. the biggest challenge, however, is clearing the hotel lobby, which is just lousy with armed cultists, who've put up couches as barricades. if you're savvy and quick, a reflecting shots powerup will make this encounter a breeze. some other neat moments are the elevator that collapses with a super secret at the top of the shaft if you can climb to it, and the secret room modeled after the sloth murder scene from the film se7en, complete with air fresheners.
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E3M2: the seige (craig hubbard with additional work by terry hamel) craig hubbard has pulled out all the stops for what's one of the most creative and brilliant levels ever devised. judging by the development notes, craig really enjoyed himself with this level, and it shows. right off the bat you get to watch as literal actual airplanes bomb the streets below (using some cool design tricks to make it look good,) followed by room-to-room fighting, shooting your way through the city as air raid sirens scream non-stop and explosions and gunfire ring out in the distance. it's a brilliant piece of work, atmospheric as hell and fitting right in with blood's overall theme as caleb's all-out war on the cabal escalates into full-scale mayhem. probably my single favorite level in the whole game.
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E3M3: raw sewage (james wilson) obligatory sewer level. seems like almost every early FPS game had to have one, going at least as far back as doom 2's second level in 1994. in any case, this is a fairly linear but twisting shootout through a rather modern sewer system. the usual trash mobs are here, including plenty of zombies, but little in the way of higher-level enemies save a few bloated butchers and a poorly placed mother spider. not a lot to really write home about, though some neat build engine tricks like opening the machine that protects the eye key provide some nice visuals to an otherwise non-descript series of tunnels.
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E3M4: the sick ward (craig hubbard and james wilson) probably the very first use of a hospital in an FPS game (or second, if you count system shock's medical deck) and it continues with episode 3's rip-roaring urban warfare setting. it's a sprawling, thoroughly modern (and anachronistic) medical facility, filled with the usual goons and ghouls for you to gun down. most encounters aren't too tough, though a surprise pair of hellhounds can catch you off guard as you round a corner. some good laughs with the "assisted suicide ward" being a torture room and some good creepy moments with zombies rising from their beds to come after you, among others. eagle-eyed players (or just anyone who played duke nukem 3D) can spot the button in the chapel that opens up the secret exit. all in all, a solid, well-rounded level that offers a decent challenge and takes a setting that's already kind of creepy and ramps it up.
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E3M8: catacombs (james wilson and craig hubbard) normally you would expect a secret level to have some kind of gimmick or whatever, but unfortunately E3M8 offers very little of interest save for a few cool encounters (mostly tons of zombies crowding some of the back corridors, and a prominently-placed guns akimbo powerup to mow them down with.) it doesn't even really look like much of a catacomb, just a series of poorly-lit, underground corridors filled with enemies to mow down. feeling more like a doom level, it's the kind of abstract nowhere that games like duke 3D were intended to move away from with their focus on realism. a fairly weak outing, all the more annoying that it's a secret level. the end has some neat rotating sector tricks to lead into the far more industrial E3M5.
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E3M5: spare parts (james wilson and craig hubbard) and now for something completely different. wilson and hubbard have crafted a convincing industrial nightmare here, some sort of foundry perhaps -- it's hard to tell as it seems to be generally a series of big rooms full of molten material, and most of your time will be spent traversing the catwalks and side passages surrounding it. good use of textures enforces a consistent theme, and there's a subtle style to the architectural detailing that makes it more than just a series of boxes. some fun encounters here, especially the security scanner which detects you as an intruder and first sets flamethrowers on you, then some zombies.
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E3M6: monster bait (james wilson and terry hamel) continuing in the industrial theme of E3M5 we have a sprawling dam complex reminiscent of duke 3D's water treatment plant level. it's a little anachronistic, but it works within the context of the episode. like E3M3 and E3M5 it's a mostly linear affair with you blasting your way through a horde of trash mobs (including a ton of cultists) and the occasional hellhound or butcher. the turbine room isn't the most intense encounter, but it's certainly the most visually arresting. though you do get a cool vista from the dam.
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E3M7: the pit of cerberus (james wilson and craig hubbard) it's fitting that an episode so focused on fire and explosions should end in an underground temple crumbling under lava flows. it's a bit less interesting, design-wise, than shial's lair; first you have to find four switches to start the battle against cerberus, who announces his arrival with cool collapsing walls and explosions. cerby is dangerous when his AI works, spitting fireballs at you that do incredible damage (and set you on fire.) when he gets stuck on architecture is when he's most vulnerable. other than that, it's a pretty straightforward fight, especially since he's relatively slow, so it's easy to lure him down one of the side paths for a breather.
final thoughts: episode three is, if nothing else, a showcase for the build engine. all kinds of little tricks are at work here to give the episode its look and feel; take a look at how the airstrike in E3M2 works sometime. while it's a bit more varied in its theming -- moving from urban warfare to industrial carnage, with a decidedly out-of-place secret level -- it's still a generally coherent trip, moving away from the grotesqueries of the first episode and the frigid nightmares of the second towards a modernist city setting. with a little creativity one could run with this theme for some interesting horror-noir stuff, but the all-out action we get for this outing is perfectly fine too.
episode 4: dead reckoning
the final episode of the original retail version, "dead reckoning" is like episode 1 in that it's a bit of a grab bag of themes, feeling overall like where the leftover levels and dregs of the design team's ideas went. the first half is a weird mix of mad science and a few whole-level references to classic slasher flicks, only to switch to a hellish setting out of doom for the back half. the hellstaff makes its appearance at last in this episode, proving itself a devastating top-tier weapon.
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E4M1: butchery loves company (james wilson) starting episode 4 off right with a classic frankenstein-style mad scientist's castle. based on development notes this was one of the very earliest maps to be created, and it shows, as it's very small and doesn't really come up to the standards of, say, E2M5. at best we can see a few sights like what might be frankenstein's main lab, brain storage (no zombies allowed), a ritual and/or book club meeting in the front hall, and a lot of timing-based secrets that reveal themselves without the player even trying. despite its short length, you'll have to manage your ammo carefully, as the level is a bit stingy with weaponry while throwing a few high-level enemies at you like hellhounds. eventually you find your way into a back room and the exit, all too soon.
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E4M2: breeding grounds (james wilson, craig hubbard, terry hamel) but wait! there's more! apparently not satisfied with the tiny mad scientist level, wilson et al. went on to create a much larger level that, thanks to the level transition, is very clearly part of the castle proper, despite its much more modern look. oriented around a pair of huge flooded fish tanks full of angry gillbeasts and bone eels, the level is a mostly linear affair that loops in on itself, with locked gates and doors eventually being reached from the other side. it's a visually striking level at times, with scenes such as the curved observation hallway with a view into the big round tank, or the forboding gate to the spider habitat that you must clear. combat is a steady drip with occasional hellhound encounters as well as a mother spider and stone gargoyle to block your way.
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E4M3: charnel house (craig hubbard and james wilson) of course, if you're running an evil mad scientist lab and you're going through a lot of bodies you're going to need a place to deal with the leftover cadavers, right? the actual corpse-disposal facility is but a small part of the overall level, and much of your time is spent blasting your way through the tunnels and corridors of an aqueduct system the charnel house sits atop. fairly low-key for the most part, save for a few intense moments where gillbeasts come after you when you're in the water, though there is a moment where part of the map is repopulated by a troop of zombies. a decent little maze but nothing to write home about.
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E4M4: crystal lake (kevin kilstrom and james wilson) ki ki ki ma ma ma
i mean, what else do you want me to say about an obvious friday the 13th reference? you can even find jason's mask and knife in a barn. in any case, this is one of those build-cute type levels that's mostly a series of tunnels and corridors where all the walls are plastered with a forest texture to give the impression that you're in an actual forest, punctuated by a disjointed collection of buildings to give the impression of camp grounds. it's largely very linear, your path through the woods eventually terminating at an outhouse, beneath which is a flooded tunnel that leads to the exit as well as to the infamous crystal lake, which is home to a school of gillbeasts. the lake itself has very little to distinguish itself from any big water-filled hole, though there's a hellstaff on a raft if you need it. also, though the secret exits of the first two episodes required a little thinking to work out, in this case they don't even make you look for a button. you basically have to know exactly what wall to blow up, because the classic cracked-wall sprite that indicates a destructable wall is almost invisible against the cave texture it's on, and the chamber is dark anyway. it's worth it, though...
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E4M9: mall of the dead (craig hubbard) craig's solo act returns for a level that's easily as memorable as E3M2, if only for that goofy-ass mall music. no prize for guessing what movie *this* is based on... though there's curiously not as many zombies as you'd expect. it's not super huge, but there's some good encounters (including a twofer stone gargoyle bout in the fountain room) and there's a few laughs with the store names. a sudden swarm of zombies as you turn a corner reminds you of this level's inspiration, and to escape the mall you climb up onto the roof. it's anachronistic, but who cares?
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E4M5: fire and brimstone (james wilson) the back half of the episode begins in earnest with james wilson offering a taste of hell in this jarring thematic departure from the early levels. (there's a possibility the regular ending of E4M4 naturally leads to this level, but it's not the cleanest transition.) essentially a big volcanic pit honeycombed by cavern tunnels and ancient ruins, your path winds through the caves, hopping over lava flows, through the upper rooms of a central tower and finally on to an underground temple of sorts. pretty steady drip of combat, though lots of hellhounds and an inordinate amount of gargoyles to blow up. not a long level, nor particularly intense, but thematically stands out a bit from the other ancient ruins of evil this game features.
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E4M6: the ganglion depths (james wilson and terry hamel) while it's not the penultimate level before the final boss, it very much feels like one, reminiscent of E1M6 with its mostly linear traversal, high-above-the-clouds setting and sinister ancient ruins set into steep cliffs. lots of tough encounters here, including several spider mommas (notably a twofer in a tomb) and a nasty fight right at the start with gargoyles (including a stone one) and some goons with only a bridge and some ledges to fight on. lots of generic evil chambers as sinister chanting fills the air, but some creative encounters and setpieces help salvage what's largely a lot of narrow corridors.
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E4M7: in the flesh (craig hubbard and james wilson) the penultimate level is by far the weirdest one, thematically. no ancient temples, no crumbling cities. just a huge cavern of flesh, filled with the sound of slow breathing. a shockingly low enemy count for the final non-boss level, but devoid of the usual trash mobs, instead throwing gargoyles and gillbeasts and hellhounds at you. a few distinct areas evoke actual internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, and, amusingly enough, the stomach. combat is either trivial or a pain, the latter especially when dealing with the stone gargoyle in the stomach area.
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E4M8: the hall of the epiphany (kevin kilstrom) the game's finale, and the place you've been trying to get back to since E1M1. after a brief cutscene, you're treated to a tiny map that opens up in sections as you first have to fight another stone gargoyle, another mother spider, and another cerberus, in order, before finally confronting tchernobog himself. the battle is not as straightforward as you'd expect; aside from a hitscan attack that sets you on fire, he also shoots out devastating fireballs akin to a cyberdemon rocket in doom. it's largely down to who kills who first, though utilizing the high-level weaponry such as the hellstaff will help. a bit of a disappointing fight altogether.
final thoughts: for what's essentially the finale of the game, episode four is dissapointingly the weakest part of the game. while the final few levels have a coherent theme and transition among them, the first half feels like the design team had too many ideas they really wanted to put into the game and had nowhere else to put them. it's not to say they're bad, but E4M1 especially feels like a wasted opportunity and probably deserved to have been cut, or at the very least merged with E4M2. the mall level is truly great, though. the final boss was also disappointing, with a poorly-designed arena making matters worse. as a whole it's simply not as memorable as the rest of the game.
h/t to the blood wiki for the screenscreamshots
5 notes · View notes
simplyselicia · 6 years
BTS Analysis Part 4: Fake Love
Hey! I’m so in love with the new album. Heavy rotation 24/7. As you can tell, this is the fourth installment of my analysis series. I’ve stated in the past to keep in mind I’m not much of a theorist, I’m just really talking about things I noticed and what certain symbolism might mean. I will link the Part 3 about Singularity post here since I’ll probably reference back to it: 
BTS Analysis Part 3: Singularity
This is my first comeback as an ARMY, so when I tell you I was so hype that it hurt I am telling the truth. I am so beyond blown away, I’m not sure if any of this is about to make sense. This gif explains what was going on in my mind while watching Fake Love. 
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First, I’ll talk about Fake Love Teaser 1. In the teaser we got call backs to Wings and the Love Yourself Highlight Reels. The boys come in to exchange their fears for a positive so to say. If I had to take an educated guess, based on album notes I’d say Yoongi handed in a piano key. That would leave our intertwined characters. We don’t what Jin was given, if anything. We don’t know what V exchanged. Jungkook never gave over anything, but received a key in return.
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When I went back to the highlight reels to research part of the narration really stuck out to me: “Looking back, I had known all along that underneath the glittering world before my eyes lay my deception, that everything was to collapse with a breath of wind. I turned away, I’d side stepped, simply closed my eyes. Afraid I was, afraid to be loved for who I am.”
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Fake Love opens with our Smeraldo flower being protected. Very Beauty and the Beast. This is the untold truth that Jin has been asked about. Jin is alone in the room with this untold truth, looking through the window. We see him closing the curtain, and this is followed with doors being shut on Jungkook, leaving him in darkness. Could Jin trying to be shut him out of the truth? Is Jungkook sacrificing himself to be like the child of Omelas? I personally don’t think that Jin knows that Jungkook is looking into his window. 
I’m not sure what else we’ll see, but I think it’s safe to say that Jungkook has entered Jin and V’s tangled web. 
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I love the background of this scene. It reflects the choreography, it brings me back to BS&T, AND kind of looks like a variant of “hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil”. They consistently cover their eyes, mouth, or ears during the choreography in the music video. It’s a quick and easy way to convey the mental anguish and struggle within the song. There are a couple other choreography cues that I will refer to later. 
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I’d like to get the color theory part of my explanation out of the way here. If you look at the scenes, they range from a plain almost sepia look to a psychedelic technicolor adjacent style. I think this is because we are passing the euphoric fated love of DNA and into the breaking point in Fake Love. The vibrant colors evoke a feeling of being in a dreamlike wonderland while the faded pastels/sepia tones give specific points of focus. We are being guided into their inner darkness. There is a lot to say for muted tones reflecting the mental state of the characters in a film. What comes to mind for me are films like: “Girl, Interrupted”, “Taxi Driver”, and “Fight Club”. Please note, all these examples have a plot that revolve around psychological themes.  
Going back to the first teaser, I’ll explain why I don’t think Jin is aware that Jungkook was watching him through one of his windows. When Jungkook got to the magic shop (styled as a confessional if you noticed) it wasn’t by his choice. He is the only member that really seems to be pushed in. He also doesn’t have anything to exchange on him, but he is given a key. Keys are a symbol of of opening and closing things of course. It can be used to lock something away or set something free. Keys also give us a feeling of security. 
However, looking past the keys for a second I wanted to pose the question of if this seems a little like a nod to Pandora’s box to anyone else? Pandora’s box is a Greek myth that essentially has grown to mean getting into a situation that involves big and unexpected troubles. Older more detailed texts explain it as Pandora opening a jar that released sickness, death, and many other evils into the world. Pandora tried to quickly close the jar, but when she did so the only thing she kept in the jar was a flicker of hope. It was meant to be a way to explain why bad things happen in the world.  Jungkook had no idea what troubles he is going to see moving forward. Is the key the last bit of hope to uncovering the truth and setting everyone free? Since he came empty handed will he be the traded object for everyone else to gain peace?
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Alright, from here we start diving deeper into the member’s individual fears. We’ve seen Jin trying to change the outcome of member’s story lines in Euphoria by looking through windows. I think this scene reflects Jin’s fear that some of these things might remain out of his control. There is only so much tampering that can be done, and not only is it stressful to not know if what you’ve changed is right, it’s hard to predict if your moves will make everything fall apart. In the center of it all, is the untold truth. Would it have been easier to face this truth if it was going to come to this anyway?
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RM’s scene contains rings and a mirror. The mirror comes from his song Reflection and writing “you need to survive” on the glass. The rings clearly resemble the hand grips that you would see passengers holding onto when standing on a bus. He is still caught between his old self, and the attraction to the girl on the bus in the Love Yourself Highlight Reel. It doesn’t matter how much he likes her. If he can’t accept himself, then it won’t last. The cinematography of Fake Love also flips between of nice parallel lines and then “dutch angles”. A dutch angle is a technique of tilting the camera so none of the angles in the scene are parallel with the bottom of the screen and is used to show psychological unrest/heavy tension in a scene. 
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J-Hope is locked in a room full of childish carnival themed props. If you go back in his story line you will find that his mother abandoned him as a child, only leaving him with a Snickers bar. As the music video goes on, we see Snickers bars falling coming through around where the key hole would be and eventually filling up most of the room. That is a very traumatic experience and of course it would result in some type of fear of abandonment. I’ve seen most people saying that the fake love for J-Hope is from his mother, and I think that’s very interesting. Side note that doesn’t really have much to do with anything in particular, but we’ve really entered a time where carnival gear like this is really haunting. Part of that for me is because I always relate carnivals to “The Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. Although maybe I actually have something there. As with Poe’s short story, there’s no way to know if Jungkook isn’t leading himself to his own doom. Our setting certainly is one of a type of madness after all. Okay, off this tangent, I’m just a Poe fan.
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Jungkook has moved on from J-Hope’s scene to Jimin. We can see that he’s in the studio from the Love Yourself Highlight Reel. If you look even closer, the wall he’s in front of is his paradise picture of the trees. I also thought it was interesting that Jimin is interacting with a sink here. I looked up the symbolism for this one, and in dreams it is said that sinks show how our feelings are retained and turned on and off. A bathroom sink in particular signifies a personal desire to be more intimate and revealing of yourself. I spoke about the symbolism of water in Part 3 for Singularity. If we pair those ideas with the sink symbolism, essentially his emotions have been pent up for too long and will come rushing forward in an overwhelming way. I also recognize that this nods back to the time where Jimin was by himself in the bathtub or in the fish tank in the case of the Japanese version of songs. I also talked about in my Part 2 for Euphoria how he’s been left on his own in the hospital. Jimin has no feeling of freedom there, and the person he was closest to (J-Hope) has also left now. 
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Jungkook rises from this scene, and once again he and Jin’s movements mirror each other like they did in Euphoria. We also get a glimpse of the object Jin was protecting that held the Smeraldo flower. The flower has turned to sand. Sand is often a symbol meaning the passage of time, but it can also mean eventual destruction or elude to moments that are easily wiped away. Have we already seen the untold truth? Does it mean that everything is already falling apart? Maybe it’s a reference to Jin’s ability to alter things and that this too is just a moment that will be wiped away and changed?
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I’d also like to note that the closer Jungkook gets to his destination, the harder it is for him. This is a case of dutch angles being used to build tension in a scene. I also want to take a moment to note the pattern on the floor. This pattern is definitely from the DNA MV just based on the color choices and style. We see it in the hallway Jungkook runs down, and on the floor in Jimin and J-Hope’s sections of Fake Love.    
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From there we are brought into V’s scene. He is in this sort of tunnel hallway that is full of phones and empty pictures frames on the walls, but the back wall says “save me”. I saw somewhere that black picture frames symbolize an obsession of being perfect or a fear of not being perfect. I just think that’s an interesting tidbit of info, not sure it really sways the story line in any direction nor gives us much we didn’t already expect. 
V is holding a phone, which calls back (pun intended, please insert a windshield wiper laugh here) to the moment that he was trying to get a hold of RM who couldn’t answer the phone. The hallway is then lit up by the phones twinkling all around him. I’m guessing this is just exaggerating his fear of the call not going through by showing all the phones malfunctioning. 
It might be a reach, but I want to point out that these types of archways remind me of trains, as does the railing to the sides. In Spring Day, V was shown first at the train station.
I want to bring up Jimin a little here as well. Since the boys are exchanging their fears for something positive in the magic shop, I didn’t quite understand why Jimin got the umbrella. I know it shows up in the Highlight Reels, but that didn’t feel to me like a hopeful moment. No matter what Jimin does, he is always getting wet, and the umbrella has never protected him from water/his emotions. I honestly expected him to get a phone because that’s what he used to record J-Hope and the other girl’s practices to recreate the dances. It’s even mentioned in his album notes. Does it mean that no matter the outcome, Jimin is always at a disadvantage? Let me know what you think. 
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There is a moment where we cut back to RM, and Jungkook is on the other side of the mirror mimicking his movements. This isn’t the first time Jungkook acted as a mirror, in the choreography he also follows J-Hope’s movements during his segment.  This will eventually bring us to Suga. In his scene, he has a piano and a guitar in the room. The piano dates back through Wings, and the guitar has to do with the girl that gave him the lollipop. There is a lot about piano between Jungkook and Suga’s notes, and of course their story lines are intertwined throughout the music videos. There comes a point where Suga sets fire to his hotel room, but in Euphoria Jin sent Jungkook to save him. 
Fire is often linked to power and passion. Fire has the ability to cause both destruction and transformation. Much like water, it’s symbolism is pretty straight forward. 
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Now we’re at the part I wanted to bring up the choreography again. I talked about this for the Singularity analysis, and I see it here as well. The movements they are making are very much like puppetry. The arm movements when they step out side to side with their hands down is certainly like they are being controlled by string. I think it’s interesting that Jin is in the center here and they move according to his hand movements on either side of him as well. 
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Jungkook is almost at his destination now, this room is very peaceful despite the events that have been going on. I’ll bring up here that the only members that have had contact/reference with sand in this MV are Jin, V, and Jungkook. I’d like to expand the idea that sand is also a symbol that might mean the foundation you stand on is unstable. The basis of the way you think etc might not be set in reality, and something that you have buried in your subconscious is moving forward. The smeraldo has already turned to sand, but when Jungkook lets it spill from his hand there are remnants of the petals in the shadows on the wall. 
I call this part opening The Chamber of Secrets (I mean he probably knows parseltongue, he is the golden maknae). This is the point where everything begins to come foward: water, fire, snickers (lol). 
He enters the room with the hooded figure, who is standing in front of 6 coat racks (a nod to Singularity I’m sure). From there, we’re left unknowing what decisions will be made.
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I think it’s clear enough to see that a tie of some kind has been broken. We’ve certainly gone from the members lacing all of their hands together in DNA to perform a wave to falling apart. I can’t wait to see what comes next. 
BTS Analysis Part 1: Spring Day
BTS Analysis Part 2: Euphoria
BTS Analysis Part 3: Singularity
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thoughtsofkurt · 3 years
The Cask of Amontillado
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by Edgar Allan Poe
This is a story about a man called Montresor who wants to kill another man. He doesn't want to kill him with a sword or a pistol, though. Instead, he lets Fortunato kill himself in a way.
When the man sees Fortunato, he welcomes him and tells him that he just purchased some Amontillado, a fine wine, but that he isn't sure whether he got a good price. Fortunato is a self-proclaimed wine specialist who wants to make sure the wine is genuine. The man demands that Fortunato go about his business, but Fortunato insists on assisting him.
The two men make their way to the  catacombs where the wine is stored. Even though Fortunato has a terrible cough, he keeps on continuing.
When they arrive at the vault with the Amontillado, the man uses a chain and lock to bind Fortunato to the wall. Fortunato, who is inebriated, lies motionless while the man starts to surround him with bricks
Slowly but steadily, the man constructs the barrier that will keep Fortunato out. Fortunato starts to suffer, but the man continues to erect the wall. Before locking Fortunato up for good, he puts in a torch.
The Cask of Amontillado was a one-sided story and was written through the first point of view of Montresor. The story revolves around revenge, manipulation, and murder – something that a reader would find creepy or interesting. In this analysis, I would focus on the characters’ motives, and symbolisms both in words and a few scenes. Even though that the story only provided Montresor’s thoughts and view, I would still include Fortunato’s side in a way that I understood it. Upon reading the story, I can conclude that Psychoanalytical approach is the best fitting to analyze it.
           In the story, the two main characters are friends – or so one of them thought. It turned to be Fortunato being the victim and Montresor being his killer. What prompted this to happen? In this analysis, I will start first with the victim, Fortunato. He had no idea what was coming to him. Despite his name, he suffered an unfortunate death. He was killed because he insulted his so-called friend, Montresor a thousand times. Because Fortunato’s reasons were not disclosed, I can only assume that he is the kind of friend that will insult you and will get away with it, since it was stated that he is a strong man, a man to be feared. Therefore, he might think that he is above anyone.
           “Montresor! Good evening, my friend.”
           In Fortunato’s statement, he considers Montresor as his friend which clearly indicates that he doesn’t think deeply about the bunch of insults that he said towards his friend.
           On the other hand, Montresor was something else. He looks into details, he knows what he is doing, and planned everything. Firstly, he made sure that his servants were not there. Then, his plan was only successful because he completely manipulated Fortunato by using his weakness, the wine, as the main instrument to make him fall into his trap. Also, he made up stories and faked his expressions to make Fortunato believe him.
           “I gave Fortunato no cause to doubt me. I continued to smile in his face..”
           “As I could not find you, I was just going to talk to Luchresi. If anyone understands wines it is Luchresi. He will tell me….”
           Luchresi is Fortunato’s rival in knowledge about wines. Montresor clearly used this strategy in order to trigger Fortunato and eventually make him go with him inside his vaults. In this scene, I thought that Fortunato’s pride lead him to his death. But of course, it wasn’t his fault that he was killed.  
           “And I, Fortunato — I drink to your long life.”
           Montresor’s ironic comments kept on coming. During their toast, he even stated that he drank for his friend’s long life, even though he has planned on killing him in just a few minutes.
           I get it, Montresor was hurt. His hurt grew into anger to the extent that he wants revenge through the most gruesome way possible, which is murder. He let his emotions consume him. Acknowledging your emotions is perfectly normal and understandable but ending someone else’s life in order to give justice to your emotions is immoral and unreasonable.
           In conclusion, I can say things ended that way because of the lack of communication in their friendship. Montresor should have put an end to Fortunato’s insults by confronting him and telling him what he truly feels towards his words. On the other hand, I also thought that maybe the reason why he wasn’t able to do this is because the foundation of their friendship is not established enough. The story was dark and twisted but overall, it was definitely a good read.
Poe, B. E. A. (2021, May 24). Poe’s Short Stories The Cask of Amontillado Summary and Analysis. Copyright GradeSaver, 1999 - 2021. https://www.gradesaver.com/poes-short-stories/study-guide/summary-the-cask-of-amontillado
Poe’s Short Stories: “The Cask of Amontillado” (1846). (1846). SparkNotes. https://www.sparknotes.com/lit/poestories/section11/
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ellismorris0 · 6 years
Sherry Casks: Retaining the Custom Alive in Scotland
For hundreds of years sherry and scotch were a fit made in heaven, however the marriage has no doubt advanced. However earlier than we speak about sherry casks, we will have to in short touch upon ex-bourbon barrels and Scotch whisky. Via regulation, barrels can best be used as soon as to mature bourbon—or for that topic, Tennessee whiskey. Because of this those used American whiskey barrels are to be had through the boatload, at an inexpensive value. That works out fantastically for the Scots, who know a just right deal after they see one.
While a used bourbon barrel may set you again $150, sherry casks at the moment are tenfold that value. This explains the scarce use of sherry casks in lately’s whisky business. On the other hand, this wasn’t all the time the case. Within the 19th century, Scotland used to be suffering from unused sherry casks. Again then, now not a bourbon barrel, however a sherry cask would’ve been the cut price possibility. So why has that modified? Let’s to find out.
Sherry Triangle
However first a handy guide a rough introductory lesson on sherry. Sherry is a fortified wine this is completely produced within the sherry triangle within the area of Andalusia in southern Spain. There are several types of sherry, a couple of of which you could’ve observed discussed at the label of your whisky.
Fino casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
Oloroso casks are essentially the most extensively used sherry casks within the whisky business. Oloroso is a dry sherry wine, oxidatively elderly—that means the wine comes into touch with oxygen—and in consequence is complete and darkish in colour. Different sherry kinds similar to fino and amontillado are elderly with flor, a layer of yeast that paperwork on best of a few sherry wines all the way through maturation and helps to keep oxygen out. Pedro Ximénez, or PX, is every other commonplace taste. On the other hand, opposite to oloroso, the grapes in a PX are dried within the solar to pay attention the sugars, which ends up in a naturally candy wine.
Solera Growing older
Sherry is elderly in a so-called solera machine: a number of picket casks organized through the age of the sherry inside the ones casks. When sherry is bottled, it’s taken from the crowd of oldest casks (that are by no means utterly emptied). Those are then crowned up with wine from the following oldest age crew, and so forth down the road.
Sherry casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
Maximum whisky drinkers suppose that the sherry casks used to mature their whisky are taken from this solera machine. That’s now not the case although. Solera casks are a long time, steadily even centuries previous. The wooden is drained, which is precisely the best way sherry manufacturers adore it. Solera casks are extremely valuable. More often than not, the one explanation why one can be got rid of from the machine is as it used to be damaged.
Spanish Regulation Will get In The Manner
Opposite to sherry manufacturers, whisky distillers do need additive results from oak casks. Subsequently, solera casks aren’t any just right to them. The sherry casks utilized in lately’s whisky business are as a substitute modeled after delivery casks: the barrels up to now used to send sherry from Spain. Those casks in most cases best held sherry for a couple of weeks or months, and have been emptied upon arrival in the UK.
Sherry casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
This can be a follow that began within the 16th century, and it wasn’t lengthy after that some industrious distillers began storing their scotch inside of those empty delivery barrels. As sherry used to be a shockingly fashionable drink in the United Kingdom, former sherry delivery casks weren’t exhausting to come back through. Till 1981 this is, when Spanish regulation ensured that every one wines needed to be bottled regionally, in consequence finishing the usage of delivery casks.
Seasoned Sherry Casks
Because of this, scotch whisky manufacturers have been compelled to redesign their barrel provide chain. One resolution, as mentioned up to now, used to be the transfer to bourbon barrels. However some whisky corporations sought after to give protection to that distinctive sherry cask taste profile, so they’d no selection however to get into the sherry cask industry themselves.
Sherry casks at The Macallan / Photograph Credit score: The Macallan
Edrington as an example, the landlord of The Macallan and Highland Park, has agreements with Spanish cooperages and sherry manufacturers, who create bespoke sherry casks for them. Those are extensively referred to as seasoned sherry casks, steadily constituted of American oak. The casks are seasoned with sherry for any place from two to once in a while 5 years earlier than being shipped to Scotland.
The large distinction between the previous delivery casks and the trendy seasoned sherry casks is the kind of sherry. Mature, ready-for-bottling sherry would’ve been within the delivery casks. The sherry used to season fashionable casks is moderately younger, and steadily distilled into brandy or used to make sherry vinegar.
Sherry = Custom
Shipping casks are a factor of the previous; as a substitute now there’s a burgeoning business in Spain specialised in generating seasoned sherry casks for the whisky business. Bourbon matured whisky is the brand new norm, with possibly best ten p.c of scotch maturing in sherry casks. Certainly, bourbon-aged whisky can also be of a in a similar way top quality. On the other hand, custom and heritage are essential, making sure sherry will all the time play a component in scotch.
With Distiller, you’ll all the time know what’s within the bottle earlier than you spend a cent. Fee, Overview and Uncover spirits! Head on over to Distiller, or obtain the app for iOS and Android lately!
The submit Sherry Casks: Keeping the Tradition Alive in Scotland gave the impression first on The Distiller Blog.
The post Sherry Casks: Retaining the Custom Alive in Scotland appeared first on Liquor Gift Baskets.
from http://liquorgiftbaskets.net/2018/11/02/sherry-casks-keeping-the-tradition-alive-in-scotland/
0 notes
gailmalooft · 6 years
Sherry Casks: Retaining the Custom Alive in Scotland
For hundreds of years sherry and scotch were a fit made in heaven, however the marriage has no doubt advanced. However earlier than we speak about sherry casks, we will have to in short touch upon ex-bourbon barrels and Scotch whisky. Via regulation, barrels can best be used as soon as to mature bourbon—or for that topic, Tennessee whiskey. Because of this those used American whiskey barrels are to be had through the boatload, at an inexpensive value. That works out fantastically for the Scots, who know a just right deal after they see one.
While a used bourbon barrel may set you again $150, sherry casks at the moment are tenfold that value. This explains the scarce use of sherry casks in lately’s whisky business. On the other hand, this wasn’t all the time the case. Within the 19th century, Scotland used to be suffering from unused sherry casks. Again then, now not a bourbon barrel, however a sherry cask would’ve been the cut price possibility. So why has that modified? Let’s to find out.
Sherry Triangle
However first a handy guide a rough introductory lesson on sherry. Sherry is a fortified wine this is completely produced within the sherry triangle within the area of Andalusia in southern Spain. There are several types of sherry, a couple of of which you could’ve observed discussed at the label of your whisky.
Fino casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
Oloroso casks are essentially the most extensively used sherry casks within the whisky business. Oloroso is a dry sherry wine, oxidatively elderly—that means the wine comes into touch with oxygen—and in consequence is complete and darkish in colour. Different sherry kinds similar to fino and amontillado are elderly with flor, a layer of yeast that paperwork on best of a few sherry wines all the way through maturation and helps to keep oxygen out. Pedro Ximénez, or PX, is every other commonplace taste. On the other hand, opposite to oloroso, the grapes in a PX are dried within the solar to pay attention the sugars, which ends up in a naturally candy wine.
Solera Growing older
Sherry is elderly in a so-called solera machine: a number of picket casks organized through the age of the sherry inside the ones casks. When sherry is bottled, it’s taken from the crowd of oldest casks (that are by no means utterly emptied). Those are then crowned up with wine from the following oldest age crew, and so forth down the road.
Sherry casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
Maximum whisky drinkers suppose that the sherry casks used to mature their whisky are taken from this solera machine. That’s now not the case although. Solera casks are a long time, steadily even centuries previous. The wooden is drained, which is precisely the best way sherry manufacturers adore it. Solera casks are extremely valuable. More often than not, the one explanation why one can be got rid of from the machine is as it used to be damaged.
Spanish Regulation Will get In The Manner
Opposite to sherry manufacturers, whisky distillers do need additive results from oak casks. Subsequently, solera casks aren’t any just right to them. The sherry casks utilized in lately’s whisky business are as a substitute modeled after delivery casks: the barrels up to now used to send sherry from Spain. Those casks in most cases best held sherry for a couple of weeks or months, and have been emptied upon arrival in the UK.
Sherry casks at Bodegas Lustau / Photograph Credit score: Bodegas Lustau
This can be a follow that began within the 16th century, and it wasn’t lengthy after that some industrious distillers began storing their scotch inside of those empty delivery barrels. As sherry used to be a shockingly fashionable drink in the United Kingdom, former sherry delivery casks weren’t exhausting to come back through. Till 1981 this is, when Spanish regulation ensured that every one wines needed to be bottled regionally, in consequence finishing the usage of delivery casks.
Seasoned Sherry Casks
Because of this, scotch whisky manufacturers have been compelled to redesign their barrel provide chain. One resolution, as mentioned up to now, used to be the transfer to bourbon barrels. However some whisky corporations sought after to give protection to that distinctive sherry cask taste profile, so they’d no selection however to get into the sherry cask industry themselves.
Sherry casks at The Macallan / Photograph Credit score: The Macallan
Edrington as an example, the landlord of The Macallan and Highland Park, has agreements with Spanish cooperages and sherry manufacturers, who create bespoke sherry casks for them. Those are extensively referred to as seasoned sherry casks, steadily constituted of American oak. The casks are seasoned with sherry for any place from two to once in a while 5 years earlier than being shipped to Scotland.
The large distinction between the previous delivery casks and the trendy seasoned sherry casks is the kind of sherry. Mature, ready-for-bottling sherry would’ve been within the delivery casks. The sherry used to season fashionable casks is moderately younger, and steadily distilled into brandy or used to make sherry vinegar.
Sherry = Custom
Shipping casks are a factor of the previous; as a substitute now there’s a burgeoning business in Spain specialised in generating seasoned sherry casks for the whisky business. Bourbon matured whisky is the brand new norm, with possibly best ten p.c of scotch maturing in sherry casks. Certainly, bourbon-aged whisky can also be of a in a similar way top quality. On the other hand, custom and heritage are essential, making sure sherry will all the time play a component in scotch.
With Distiller, you’ll all the time know what’s within the bottle earlier than you spend a cent. Fee, Overview and Uncover spirits! Head on over to Distiller, or obtain the app for iOS and Android lately!
The submit Sherry Casks: Keeping the Tradition Alive in Scotland gave the impression first on The Distiller Blog.
The post Sherry Casks: Retaining the Custom Alive in Scotland appeared first on Liquor Gift Baskets.
from http://liquorgiftbaskets.net/2018/11/02/sherry-casks-keeping-the-tradition-alive-in-scotland/
0 notes