#keg king
see-me-in-a-cr0wn · 2 years
—- ℬ𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖞 ℋ𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖗𝖔𝖛𝖊. –—
Seasson 2.
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irrcdeemable · 3 months
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I haven't done a positivity post in awhile so I figure now is a time for shoutouts to some lovely people! Thank you all for being so sweet, kind, wonderful, and for gracing my dash with your presence {and for putting up with Billy which goes without saying}. If you aren't following these amazing blogs then you really should be. I am sending each and every one of you the biggest internet hugs right now!!! Please don't ever change! <3 @hauntedxwritings, @nanlanmo, @filmdesque, @ruinedmyself, @lupaeus, @greedaeye, @snnydcys, @little-elena, @multi-royalty, @zoomingupthathill, @righteouslysin, @hairoic, @havvkinsqueen, @obscurebelief, @xxhushedandhauntedxx, @lxvefrxmthextherside, @rebelliousfamily, and @qapsiel
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thestobingirlie · 6 months
“king steve” is literally just a reference to the keg king title. please, guys i’m begging you. it’s not an alter ego. it’s literally just a smarmy name billy calls steve to make fun of him.
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billyharringson · 1 year
Early upload because I'm driving tonight for a little weekend holiday. The next chapter of 'Let me be what I am, and seek not to alter me' is now up.
Tags: Steve Harrington's King Steve Persona, s1 Steve Harrington, S1 Tommy Hagan, Slice of Life, Nerd Billy Hargrove, Virgin Billy Hargrove, Flower Child Billy Hargrove, Possessive Behavior, Possessive Steve Harrington, Possessive Tommy Hagan, Innocent Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove is a Sweetheart, Genderfluid Billy Hargrove, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, bullying as flirting, Latino Billy Hargrove, Yeah no one is straight in this one, Corruption Kink, kind of, Car Sex, Accidental Voyeurism, Daddy Kink, Feminization, Switch Steve Harrington, Switch Tommy Hagan, They take it in turns, Bottom Billy Hargrove, because of course it will be
Billy escapes to Hawkins with his mother and her girlfriend for his sophomore year of high school where he meets the King and Prince of Hawkins high.
Steve and Tommy have grown up sharing everything with each other, so when they lay eyes on the sweet new kid it's a no brainer. They're going to share him.
The problem with hitting on an innocent hottie who hasn't even had his first kiss yet is that sometimes they don't realise they're being hit on.
Chapter Summary: Billy and Tracy go for ice cream. Tommy and Steve go to the lake.
Read it on AO3
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havvkinsqueen · 5 months
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---☁︎。⋆。 Chrissy had trouble voicing her thoughts and this? She knew it wasn't going to make any sense to @hargrove . "In fairy tales sometimes people step into a fairy circle and go to the faerealm. And if they get back... They're all. Strange and different. I relate to those people, sometimes."
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biillys · 2 years
love the idea of billy being able to approach anyone at school and it just being accepted. him not necessarily being apart of the popular crowd but anytime he chooses to grace them with his presence, they're all over him, offering him a seat and the latest hottest gossip. him talking to some nerd in class, asking for a pen becos he doesn't believe in bringing his own school supplies, and said nerd internally rolling their eyes but still handing over a pen. him talking to the drama kids, asking where they got that sick as fuck leather jacket for their musical, getting confused and lowkey alarmed looks but still an answer.
love the idea of there being only a select few people that can approach him and have him actually respond and acknowledge them, everyone else not even getting a glance.
eddie being one of them.
eddie and billy seeming to become eddie and billy overnight, like one day they were strangers and the next they were basically inseparable.
eddie walking up behind billy in the hallway and swinging an arm over his shoulder, fucking with his hair, before dumping half the shit he was carrying in billy’s basically unused satchel. billy giving him a what the fuck look but still holding it open for him, and eddie rolling his eyes and saying it was fucking empty anyway, billy shoving his satchel onto eddie's shoulder cos he’s not carrying around eddie's shit for him all day.
eddie being able to lean against billy's car, jump in the passenger seat without an invitation or even a comment, cos billy does the same thing to eddie's van just as often.
they have one class together, and their teacher’s given up on separating them, cos eddie’s just gonna talk to billy from across the room anyway, and billy’s gonna throw notes back to him, ripping up the piece of paper he borrowed from the guy beside him and throwing them at eddie's hair.
they have fun in detention together.
heathers another one.
they’re coworkers, yeah, but heather was probably the first person that billy ever truly gave a shit about in this shithole of a town. heathers been a cheerleader since becoming a cheerleader was an option, but somehow, like billy these days, always seems to just do her own thing.
she can sit on billy’s lap at lunch if they both bother with the cafeteria and the most billy will do is wrap an arm around her waist and move around 'til their more comfortable.
she can go through his shit to find his car keys to make a quick run to his car at lunch to find some spare hairbands and bobby-pins cos her’s broke and billy’s got spare shit everywhere in his car ever since he basically started being everyone’s personal chauffeur.
she can drag his notes across and copy everything he's written cos she was too busy texting chrissy under the table to pay attention and the most billy will do is ask what the plans were for that night. his notes half the time are basically illegible but billy's more or less somehow got mostly straight A's so heather'll take it.
sometimes she wears his jacket. rips him off about the lip stain. billy tells her to do a better one since she gives so much of a fuck.
chrissy joins billy’s inner-circle slowly, then instantly.
billy knows of her, has probably even spoke to her, but it’s not until they meet in eddie's trailer and all smoke up together - eddie and billy fucking around on eddie's guitars, heather with her feet swung over the back of the couch, chrissy sitting tense on the single armchair before slowly loosening up - that billy feels like he actually meets her.
suddenly, she’s pulling away from jason, from the other basketball players, from all her cheer friends, and slowly she’s hanging out with heather under the bleachers, she’s meeting up with eddie in the woods, and she’s waiting around the camaro at the end of the day to catch a ride home.
suddenly billy’s waiting around after basketball/cheer practice until chrissy’s ready to leave, cos jason's been talking a lot of shit lately, and billy doesn’t really think he’s got it in him to do something reckless, but he’s also not stupid enough to underestimate a guy like jason carver.
chrissy getting nervous when she sees jason loitering around but then she sees billy waiting just behind him, and she’s feeling brave suddenly, so she practically dances her way over to billy, grabs his hand before leaning into his side, and billy’s leaning right back and dropping her hand so he can wrap his arm around her shoulder, and she leaves without looking back. billy flips jason the bird over his shoulder.
max, obviously, when she starts going to the same high school. they’ve spent the previous summer working so much shit out, and it doesn’t mean they’re not still at each others throats over the stupidest shit, but it does mean that when billy bitches about having to wait around after her stupid nerd clubs, he does it without that much heat, and when max bitches about having to deal with the fact that every single person and teacher in this damn school has an opinion on her just becos she’s billy hargrove’s little sister, she sometimes sounds kind of proud to have that label. most of the time, she’s just annoyed.
max sometimes shoves her shit in billy’s locker, becos her locker’s full of dustin’s science shit, and sometimes when she’s carrying her board around at the end of the day, billy’ll come up behind her and smack it out of her grasp before skating down the hallway. she always feels vindicated when billy gets caught though, cos she never does. 
shaking billy down for lunch money, cos susan seems to think max actually likes tunafish sandwiches, when she rly truly fucking hates them. billy usually telling her to fucking scram, but occasionally giving in and passing her some change.
max sometimes tracking him down at the start of her lunch period and holding a hand out for his car keys, a pissed off look on his face, and billy takes one look behind he to see her lil gang looking all shifty, and billy - having been on the receiving end of her attitude fucking constantly in the past - just sighing before handing his keys over. more often than not, trailing behind her, even when she tells him to fuck off, just throwing a shit eating grin her way with an aww, so little maxine can have a pity party for one? fuck no. what'd the fuckers do this time?
lucas, becos he’s max’s boyfriend, and also becos he’s on the team, and he seems to be sneaking over every other weekend, and things may still be rocky between them, but since billy make his apology, they’ve been getting better. they’re not exactly besties, but sometimes they play a one on one game after practice ends and no one’s in a rush to get home, and most times lucas will win becos he’s honestly just better than billy at basketball, and each time billy will ask for best out of three, then best out of five, cos he fucking sucks at losing.
when jason and some of the other basketball dickheads start trying to drag lucas in, pulling their fake shit only to split whenever it’s convenient, billy just watches on before rolling his eyes and pulling lucas’ gear closer to his in the locker room and gives him the worlds shittest pep talk. jason carver ain’t shit, trust me. fuck that guy.
carol! and tommy! except billy’s a dick and he thinks it’s funny to fuck with tommy, so when carol comes up to him and catches him up to date with the latest wild happenings from the party he couldn’t be fucked to attend the night before, crashing at eddie’s with the others instead, and tommy tries to go in for a simple bro-handshake, billy gives him a blank stare and holds his hand out limply, not participating, watches the look on tommy’s face go from excited to confused, before finally grabbing him by the hand and pulling him close, hand on his shoulder, ‘i’m fucking with you’, then doing the stupid bro-shake thing. tommy laughing it off but turning to carol with wide eyes, every fucking time, like ‘shit, are we cool? are we friends?’ and carol just patting him on the shoulder before tucking herself into his side, all ‘yeah, babe, you're good.’
#anyway au where when billy first rolled into town; he truly did feel the need to like. make himself big. surround himself with crowds#fit in with the popular kids. attend every party. but then s3 happened#or like the non-upsidedown version but still a major critical life changing event. and when hes as healed as hes gonna get#and finally standing on his own two feet; trying to get his life back on track#he just. cant be fucked with keeping up appearances anymore. fuck being basketball captain fuck being the keg king fuck being That Guy#instead all he needs is his sister and his few people. that's literally all that matters.#anyway i think its be FUN if eddie can't understand shit in class so he's like 'billy what the fucks this mean'#but the teacher DID separate them so billy - from the literal other side of class - tries to explain it in terms eddie will click with#much to the teachers surprise; eddies grades actually improve#also. heather and chrissy wearing the guys jackets. its THAT simple#but also consider: chrissy wearing eddies jacket but eddies kinda chilly so billy offers him his leather jacket#that happens to be in the car. while heathers got his denim one. and billys just walking around in sleeves in a hawkins winter like a tool#max gives him SO much shit#also billy tommy and carol is like. billy was Faking it Til he Could Make it when he first met them so he keeps them at a distance#but then when he's in hospital and recovering; before eddie and chrissy are rly on his radar#and its just max and heather sitting by his side; tommy and carol come through#they're the only ones from billys Friend Group that reach out and visit; that check in; that fucking care#so when billy does stroll back into school. he just - walks straight pass jason and all his fake ass sympathies; straight past the girls#that use to hang all over him; gives tommy and carol a two finger salute as he walks by but completely ignores everyone else#and meets up w heather at his locker#m#nqff
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notallmight18 · 1 year
Has anyone written/seen a harringrove fanfic set between s2 and 3? Like after Tina's Halloween party but pre starcourt?? Cos I'd like to see that...
Maybe where steve sees Billy with one too many unexplained bruises and wont keeps asking Billy what happened ??
*Bonus points If Steve's parents are actually good people..
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munsontm · 2 years
honestly, i’d like to see steve or billy try to outdo eddie at a keg stand. he’s been drinking since he was like 12 fjfjfjjvjn
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louderthanbombsus · 2 years
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irrcdeemable · 2 months
[[ I just have to give a big loving shoutout to @ahccy for being such a lovely bean and being such a huge influence on Billy. We’ve already done so much development behind the scenes for these boys and I couldn’t be luckier to have them as a friend and writing partner. If you’re looking for a great Steve to follow then I 100000/10 recommend that you give them a follow. You will not regret it. ]]
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thestobingirlie · 1 year
some of the shovel talk stuff is so dumb. like ppl really expect me to believe joyce and hopper are giving steve shovel talks on eddie's behalf? really? i don't think joyce knows who eddie is and i can buy hopper giving eddie a shovel talk if it's a fic where they explore the steve/hopper relationship but generally i think hopper would rather gouge his own eyes out than think about teenage relationships.
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these are two different asks, but they touch on the same topic, so i’m answering them together!!
yeah, joyce and hopper would never give steve the shovel talk for eddie. they do not know that man. i can’t imagine joyce giving anyone a shovel talk tbh.
i love fatherly hopper and steve, and yeah, i think him attempting to give any kind of talk to either of them would be hilarious, especially considering he’s talking to a drug dealer, and ‘keg king’ steve harrington. but i also totally agree that hopper would hate every second of it. he tried to have one rational convo with mike and el and he ended up threatening mike!
i think he would just want to remain blissfully ignorant. he doesn’t need to know about the drug dealing boyfriend. i think at most he’d just have a convo with steve about how if eddie did something to hurt him, to remember that hopper has a gun. but i don’t think he’d actually give eddie a shovel talk.
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thebrewshop · 29 days
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billyharringson · 11 months
More of my Keg Boys AU
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havvkinsqueen · 8 months
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*/ @kegk1ng left a note;
"Hey Legs. You got a date for the Halloween party?"
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---☁︎。⋆。 “Billy, hi! I-“ Chrissy paused as what Billy said seemed to register in her brain. Brows furrowed slightly as blue eyes darted down to her legs and then back up to the other. “Hey….. -Arms? Uh, no I don’t.” A pause. “Are you going to dress up?” She wasn’t quite sure she’s seen Billy do, well, anything for Halloween. Certainly no costumes.
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kokonoko84 · 4 months
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The ruler of Reptilia, King Bokra and his assistant Keg.
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thagantm · 11 months
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@kinghaargrove ; ❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ ( x )
“ YOU  LISTENED  TO  WHAT  OTHER  PEOPLE  SAID ? ” the  straight  sip  from  a  bottle  of  tequila  comes  with  a  minimal  tilt  of  his  head ; curiosity  mixed  with  amusement  mixed  with  something  else .  .  . something  very  much  alive  and  attentive , even  visible  in  the  low  lights  around  them . headlights  and  cheap  ass  fairy  lights  are  all  they  got  to  work  with  at  tailgate  parties  -  in  Tommy’s  mind  the  one  reason  why  those  kinds  of  parties  are  the  most  popular  ones : nobody  could  truly  tell  how  ugly  some  of  the  motherfuckers  around  look  like  in  broad  daylight . some  of  them , he  notices , have  already  started  to  flock  around  the  new  addition  at  school . a  bunch  of  fucking  hyenas , greedy  for  any  kind  of  attention  from  someone  who  might  boost  them  on  the  popularity  ladder . frankly , he’s  not  surprised  that  they’re  drawn  to  Billy . the  guy  serves  up  everything  that’s  intriguing  to  a  bunch  of  highschoolers  from  goddamn  Hicksville  -  looks , attitude , and  just  enough  exotic  energy  to  be  fascinating  but  not  off – putting . he’s  from  California , which  apparently  is  wildly  inappropriate  already . he  also  smokes  and  drinks  and  dresses  like  a  male  hooker  and  apparently  enters  every  space  as  if  he  already  owned  it  all . he’s  the  shiny  new  thing  from  some  far – away  place , and  if  Tommy  hadn’t  already  met  Billy  earlier  that  summer , he  may  have  fallen  into  the  trap  of  allure , too .
(  maybe  he  had . a  little . back  on  the  beach , when  he’d  first  seen  him  in  the  light  of  the  fire  they’d  set  up , drink  in  hand  and  some  cute  brunette  on  his  arm . last  thing  he’d  expected , honestly , would  be  to  see  him  again  so  soon . and  in  fucking  Hawkins  of  all  places .  )
“ that’s  almost  disappointing . ” Tommy  flashes  a  grin  that  screams  audacious , even  in  the  dim  lights , and  heaves  himself  up  off  the  hood  of  the  Alfa . he  can  only  imagine  what  Billy  may  have  heard  about  him . resident  troublemaker ; better  not  mess  with  Tommy  H , he’ll  put  you  in  the  hospital . a  joker , but  short – fused , oh , and  he  and  his  girlfriend  used  to  be  so  pretty  together . shame  she  broke  it  off .  .  . he  hopes  Billy  is  telling  the  truth  -  that  he  really  hadn’t  paid  too  much  attention  to  whatever’s  being  said  about  him  at  school , or  had , at  least  figured  that  most  of  it  was  utter  bullshit . “ c’mon . you  can  help  me  out  here . ”  he  presses  the  bottle  in  Billy’s  hands  and  rounds  the  car  to  pop  open  the  trunk , revealing  two  perfectly  shiny  kegs . water  condensation  promises  they’re  still  cool  and  ready  to  tap . “ one  goes  to  the  coolers  over  there , the  other  goes  into  the  lake . ” a  nod  of  the  freckled  head  towards  the  shallow  shoreline  of  lover’s  lake . the  water  barely  heats  up  during  the  day , and  is  almost  freezing  cold  at  night . Tommy  reaches  into  his  back  pocket  for  a  zippo , lighting  a  cigarette  -  and  pauses . “ how  would  you  know  I’m  not  as  bad ? ”  the  grin  around  the  cigarette  returns . “ you  know  jack  shit  about  me . ”
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