#keith kogane is a mess
apprentice-s · 1 year
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some princes don’t become kings x
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dr11ft · 5 months
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artblock vs trying to get keith's face right for the 193778645th time and failing again
79 notes · View notes
r1ch13-tv · 4 months
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59 notes · View notes
sundropcass · 4 months
there is something that can be so intensely personal about keith from voltron
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keithkog · 1 month
Lance called me salty after I lost a Monopoly game… What does salty mean??
33 notes · View notes
Keith doesn’t leave his apartment a lot.
Despite all of Shiro’s urging, Keith tends to stay home. His apartment is really nice, once he gets over the occasional mouse and entirely broken heating. Plus, the water is mostly potable, so it’s all good.
Look. It’s $500 a month.
But, y’know. Every once in a while Keith actually can’t study over the sounds of his neighbours having extremely loud and largely disturbing sex — why on Earth would cheetos ever be mentioned in regards to anyone’s hole is something Keith wish remained a mystery to him — so he makes his way down to the campus library. It’s admittedly kind of nice down there. He’s currently sitting at a table that’s decently clean, and the wifi connection is certainly better than it is at home. He’s actually able to get some stuff done —
Keith jumps out of his skin as the hottie a couple seats in front of him slams his hands on the table. Hottie whips his head up, catching Keith’s eye. His hair is wildly curly, sticking up off his head so intensely that it almost defies gravity. His eyes are big and brown and a little crazed. His expression can only be described as ‘intense’, or perhaps ‘unstable’.
“You,” he snarls.
Keith points at himself with wide eyes.
“Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken,” Hottie says, still staring at Keith with the same crazed intensity.
“Please don’t hurt me,” Keith squeaks. Hottie may be one of the most attractive people he has ever seen, but Keith has learned his lesson about pretty people. They tend to be the most dangerous and likely to maim (looking at you, Allura).
Hottie stalks towards Keith’s table, deliberately placing his hands on the surface and leaning very, very close.
“Have you ever heard,” he says again, voice very low, “of a mountain chicken.”
“No,” Keith says, because he hasn’t and he’s a little (a lot) intimidated.
And attracted.
There’s admittedly a lot of attraction there.
Suddenly the crazed air shifts from Hottie’s face, but the intensity remains.
“Whaddaya think it looks like?”
He sounds almost curious. Almost.
Keith blinks. “Like a really big chicken?”
The crazed looks is back as soon as it left.
“That’s what I thought, but it’s this mother fucker!” Hottie yells, reaching over to grab his laptop and slam it in front of Keith. It’s open to a picture of a strange little frog.
Keith squints at the picture.
“…Huh,” he says, because that is strange, and he can kind of understand why Hottie is going a little nutty about it.
“Exactly,” Hottie says emphatically. “Fuckin’ taxonomists.”
Keith raises an amused eyebrow. “You sound like you have beef with taxonomists. I’ve never known anyone who has a personally problem with them before.”
“Okay, listen,” Hottie says, pulling out a chair and sitting down properly. “They’re really bad at their jobs. All of ‘em. Why are watermelons berries? No. That’s bullshit. And you know who’s fault it is? Taxonomists.”
Keith bursts out laughing. “I see,” he manages between wheezes.
Hottie sniffs. “I’m allowing your laughter because you’re stupid hot.”
“Are you.”
“Mhm. Also, because I couldn’t stop you if I wanted to. I’m about three seconds away from passing out.”
Hottie says it pleasantly, but not in the way that sounds like he’s joking, which sobers Keith up quickly.
“Wait, what —”
The words don’t even leave his mouth before Hottie’s eyes roll back into his head and his forehead smacks the table.
“Thank you, again,” the man says.
Keith shoots him a small smile. “It’s really not a problem.”
The man — who Keith has learnt is named Hunk, and is the best friend of the aforementioned Hottie, who’s name is apparently Lance — sighs. “It kind of is. He’s — I would like to say that this is not a regular occurrence. But he’s fuckin’ allergic to a proper sleep schedule. And peanuts. But the sleeping thing is a bigger issue. He’s given himself four concussions because he’s passed out mid-sentence and brained himself on a random surface hard enough to make an impact on his thick fucking skull.”
Hunk is clearly exasperated, and annoyed, but his words are so fond that Keith can’t help the smile that pulls across his face. He sounds just like Shiro, after Keith has managed to land himself squarely into one of his many Shenanigans. Loving and also five seconds away from throttling you.
It’s nice.
“You his brother?”
Hunk snorts, readjusting Lance’s floppy arm over his shoulder. Keith does the same, hefting him up — he’s surprisingly heavy for someone who’s about as thick as a toothbrush, but what does Keith know — and keeping on in the direction of the off-campus apartments. (The decently nice ones, that you can only afford with at least two roommates and a part-time job. Keith knows. He checked.)
“Nah, not really. I mean, I’m basically his brother in that he’s the annoyance who’s been latched on to my person for the last several years and who I love too much to murder, but you know. He has enough siblings without me thrown into the mix. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” Keith says. “You remind me of me and my brother, is all. He’s also the one who’s usually dragging my dumb ass to safety.”
Laughing, Hunk digs his key out of his pocket, opening up the door.
“I see.”
He struggles for a moment, trying to both keep Lance from falling — who is firmly unconscious, although Hunk has assured him that he’s not injured and it’s just been six days since he last slept and he’s just kind of Like This — and get the door open.
Keith isn’t sure how to help, so he just kind of stands there awkwardly, still holding half of Lance’s weight.
“Thank you,” Hunk says, once Lance has been transferred to his arms and he’s standing just inside the doors to their apartment complex. “I appreciate your help.”
“No problem.”
Keith forces himself to take a step back, shoving the random wistfulness deep down in his gut.
He’s not lonely. He’s not.
(He does kind of miss his brother, though. Ugh.)
“I’ll see you around, Keith.”
“Yeah. You, too.”
Keith stands there for a full ten seconds after Hunk turns around and heads down the hallway, and then he shakes himself, blushing, before speedwalking back to his own shitty apartment.
God, he needs a fucking hobby.
“What do you mean, I can’t get eight shots of espresso? It’s not like it’ll kill me. You need 76 shots to kill you. I checked.”
“Sir…it’s company policy. I’m not allowed to put more than eight shots in one cup. Sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologise. It’s not your fault. Hm.” The man — who is he kidding, Keith recognised Lance as soon as he saw that poofy hair in the Starbucks line, as embarrassing as it is — rocks back on his heels, tapping a finger to his chin. “Can I order two drinks, with eight shots each?”
Jesus Christ.
The barista blinks at him. “I mean, I guess so. I think you’re going to die, but that’s not my problem, I guess.”
Lance laughs, and the sound is so bright and musical that it actually makes Keith sigh.
Like, out loud.
Jesus fucking Christ.
“That works! Let’s do that.”
“…If you’re sure. That’ll be $7.29.”
Lance pays, then heads over to the other end of the counter, humming as he waits. As soon as his eyes land on Keith, they narrow.
“Hey, wait a minute. I know you. Obviously. I would never forget a face so flawlessly beautiful. Why do I know you?”
Keith goes so red he can actually feel his heart pounding through the capillaries under his skin, which is humiliating.
Lance giggles, which makes the blush worse.
Oh, God, Keith is losing any and all game he possesses by the minute. Fuck, isn’t he usually good at this? He usually is! He’s usually a pretty decent flirt! What the fuck!
“Oh!” Lance says, snapping his fingers. “You’re the hot guy from the library! The one who called Hunk when I passed out! Keith, right?”
Keith can only nod. Holy shit, the force of those brown doe eyes at full intensity on his face is going to fry his brain.
He clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. I’m Keith. You — obviously, you knew that.” Keith resists the urge to slam his head through the nearest wall.
Lance giggles again. Keith wonders if the fuckin’ sweat is actually dripping from his palms, or it just feels like it is.
“You’re cute. You should take me on a date. I have class until five, room A112 in the biology building. Pick me up, and we’ll go to dinner?”
Keith can only nod. Frantically. So quickly his hair escapes from his ponytail and smacks him in the face.
“Great,” Lance says, grinning. He grabs Keith hand — Keith offers absolutely no resistance and only prays that his palms aren’t actually as disgusting as he thinks they are — and takes out a pen, scrawling down a number and then drawing a big heart around it.
Lord above, Lance is the cutest boy Keith has ever seen in his entire life. He’s going to explode.
“That’s my number,” Lance says, and he’s still holding onto Keith’s forearm.
His fingers are freezing, and that’s the only rational thought Keith’s brain manages to form.
“2 coffees with more caffeine than I’ve ever seen one person consume?” the barista calls. She looks at them warily.
“Coming!” Lance chirps, and Keith mourns the loss of those cold fingers on his skin as Lance steps over to grab his coffee.
(Well. ‘Coffee’.)
Lance skips to the doors, pausing to smile and wiggle his fingers in a wave. “I’ll see you after class, okay, Keith?”
“See you,” Keith says, and his voice cracks so many times that the barista winces on his behalf.
Lance grins wider, then disappears out the door.
“That was the most romcom shit I’ve ever seen,” the barista informs him bluntly, and Keith can only nod.
Keith is buzzing out of his skin, he thinks.
So he does what he always does when he’s feeling Big Boy Feelings™️.
He bothers his brother.
to: takashit
shiro oh my god it’s almost five his class is almost done what do i do.
to: takashit
what if he was joking? it didn’t seem like a joke. but what if?
to: takashit
fuck, what if i screw it up? what if i’m a lame loser who says lame loser things? oh my god i’m so nervous
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
to: takashit
🥺🥺🥺 worst brother ever
to: takashit
🥺🥺 you don’t love me. you don’t care about me or my anxiety 💔
Keith can actually hear his brother’s guilt complex acting up through the phone.
It’s hilarious.
to: keith kardashian
the worst part about that is i know you’re manipulating me.
to: takashit
😔 😔
to: takashit
⬆️ my face rn as i realise my brother whom i look up to and adore wishes he left me on the street corner where i was standing 😔😔😔
to: keith kardashian
i should have, you little motherfucker.
There’s a solid minute of angry typing before Shiro continues.
to: keith kardashian
fuck you. call me.
Keith does. Shiro picks up immediately.
“You are a rat bastard,” he growls.
Keith pretends to sniffle, fully fighting back a laugh.
“I just thought you promised to always be there for me,” he says, as pitifully as he can manage.
Shiro makes a vague screaming noise.
“Fuck! Fine. Fuck. Tell me why you’re nervous.”
“It’s a cute boy with a lot of confidence and social grace, Shiro! Fucking obviously I’m nervous!”
“Didn’t y’all meet because he yelled at you about taxonomists and then brained himself on a library table when he passed out from sleep deprivation?”
“That doesn’t sound very socially graceful to me.”
“Okay, fair, but he asked me out this morning like it was the smoothest thing ever. I blushed so hard I thought my heart was going to explode. I swear to God my voice cracked at least twelve times.”
Shiro sniggers. “It does that all the time, so no big thing there.”
“Fuck off,” Keith says, scowling, because hey. Being the shithead is Keith’s job.
“Anyway, you big nerd,” Shiro continues, “you’re going to be fine. In five minutes this ridiculously confident cute boy is going to waltz out of class and then you two are going to go on what’s probably the cringiest date of all time, but he will be charmed by your earnest nature and geek tendencies, and then you’ll get married and adopt every dog in the world. Okay?”
Honestly, yeah. Okay. That did make him feel better.
But Keith is the younger brother, and as such is contractually obligated to be a pain in the ass, so.
“Yeah, yeah. At least I didn’t trip and, in a desperate attempt to not land face-first on the pavement, pants my future husband.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Shiro says venomously, as is par for the course when Keith brings up his and Adam’s disastrous first meeting.
Keith smirks to himself.
“My bad.”
“Ugh. You’re so annoying. Do you feel better now, you stupid dweeb?”
Keith started feeling better the second he started pestering Shiro, but he supposes he can be grateful for a change.
“Yeah. I guess your dorky pep talk helped. I can’t do any worse than you did, anyway.”
“I’m hanging up and blocking your number. Goodbye.”
Keith snickers as the call drops. It’s 4:59, and Lance still has another minute of class.
to: takashit
you didn’t say u love me :(((
to: takashit
u just hung up without any care in the world :((
to: takashit
i’m telling adam he’s my new favourite brother now
to: takashit
adam would never hang up without saying i love you
to: keith kardashian
oh my GOD
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
fine. fuck.
to: keith kardashian
i love you, you booger. tell me how your stupid date goes.
to: takashit
Keith puts his phone away, grinning, and the second he does, the door to room A112 pushes open and students start spilling out. He waits, scanning everyone as they pass, but there’s no sign of Lance until the very last person walks out.
He beams when he sees Keith leaning on the wall.
“Keith! Hi!”
Keith grins back.
“Hi, Lance.”
“Ready to go on a date?” Lance says, strolling up and tangling his free hand in Keith’s, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
It might be.
“Yeah. I’m excited, really.”
“Awesome! Did you pick a place?”
Keith was a little stressed about that, to be real, because he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to pick somewhere or if Lance already had something picked.
The he remembered he had Hunk’s number “in case my dumbass best friend passed out in your vicinity again, because neither of us can afford an ambulance in this economy”, so he texted him in what could not be technically called a panic.
Maybe a light anxiety.
Hunk had sent back several laughing emojis, and then told him to take Lance for an ice cream dinner and then to the park on campus for him to get very excited about beetles.
“I figured I’d take you to Coran’s ice cream parlour,” Keith says. “You seem like an ice cream guy.”
Lance lights up, and then narrows his eyes in playful suspicion. “You asked Hunk, huh?”
Keith shrugs, cheeks warming. “I’ll be honest with you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the library incident, and you’re so pretty you kind of make my brain go mushy. I panicked.”
Shockingly, that makes Lance’s jaw drop. He’s quiet for several moments, before his ears go read and he looks away.
Holy shit. Did Keith make Lance all blushy?
“Point to Keith,” Lance says eventually.
Keith laughs, scratching the back of his neck with one hand. The other is still firmly clamped in Lance’s. “Didn’t know it was a competition.”
Lance winks. “Everything’s a competition with me.”
Ice cream is fun. Keith shouldn’t be eating it, not really, and there will be Consequences with his digestive system later, but he’s not afraid of hell and mint chip is delicious.
“You are eating frozen toothpaste.”
“I can only assume that you’ve never tried mint chip or you’ve never brushed your teeth, Lance, because mint chip does not taste like toothpaste. It’s delicious. Besides, you are having cotton candy. That’s essentially frozen blue food colouring! Besides, what flavour is cotton candy even supposed to be? Like, what does cotton candy taste like?”
Turns out that Keith had no reason to be nervous. He and Lance just… click. And, besides, Lance thinks Keith is funny when he’s not trying, which is excellent.
They go to the park, just as Hunk suggested, after they finish their ice cream. They spend the whole time just chatting, talking about nothing and everything, interspersed with Lance’s regular mini-lectures whenever he spots something particularly cool. Which is a lot of things, because Lance seems to be endlessly fascinated with the world at large.
It’s adorable. And also enlightening. Did you know one tree can be home to over 2.3 million life forms at one time? Keith didn’t. That’s dope as hell.
“…and oh, hey, an incipient hornet nest! Cool! Did you know wasp larvae can spin silk?”
Keith did not know that. He is also not fond of wasps, nor has he ever felt any sort of inclination to be near them. But he is becoming increasingly fond of Lance. Also, Lance seems to be some sort of animal whisperer. They’d been swarmed by yellowjackets outside of the ice cream parlour, but before Keith could even panic Lance had stood very still and said “no” in a firm, calm voice, and they all flew away immediately.
It did make Lance hotter, truly.
“I did not,” Keith says magnanimously, peering over Lance’s shoulder to look at the nest. Luckily, it’s empty. “That is pretty cool, though.”
Lance turns back to him and grins; a big, beaming smile that makes him glow.
God, he’s beautiful.
Keith can’t stop staring at him.
“You should kiss me,” Lance says bluntly, after a moment of them just softly looking at each other.
Keith blinks. “Okay.”
He lets go of Lance’s hand, reaching over to cup his face. He stays there for a moment, gently cradling Lance’s face in his arms, stroking his thumbs over sharp cheekbones, cataloguing the splash of freckles on his nose and the curve of his cupid’s bow.
Lance reaches up, after a few seconds, sliding careful fingers across the skin of Keith’s neck to tangle in his hair. He doesn’t pull, just — holds it, carefully.
“You going to kiss me now?”
Keith swallows. “I’m nervous. I don’t want to mess it up.”
Lance’s eyes flutter shut, and he sighs. “You don’t need to be. I want — I really want you to kiss me. I like you.”
“I like you too.”
And that’s all it takes. The ‘okay’, breathy and quick and soft and maybe a little nervous, too, like for all his straightforward brazenness Lance is a little scared of messing this up as well.
He leans forward, faster than he thought he would, and presses his lips to Lance’s. The air is warm but Lance’s lips are still chilly from the ice cream, and his cheeks are hot beneath Keith’s hands, blushing. His lips curve into a smile that’s pressed firmly to Keith’s mirroring grin and he sighs again, a little, a happy sound, and tilts his head so their mouths fit together even better. And then his fingers are tracing little circles at the back of Keith’s neck and he makes a little humming noise on the back of his throat and Keith leans the tiniest little bit closer.
It’s good. It’s great.
It’s everything, really, and Keith doesn’t want it to end.
“You’re a good kisser,” Lance mumbles, not moving away even an inch.
“I like kissing you,” Keith says, pressing just as close.
Keith doesn’t remember why he was nervous.
to: keith kardashian
how did it go????
to: takashit
i beat your mess by a mile
to: keith kardashian
low bar, boogerbrain. also, shut up.
to: takashit
no :)
to: takashit
but it went REALLY well. we went for ice cream and then walked around the park for hours and then we kissed and he is so fucking cute, shiro. oh my god. seriously.
to: keith kardashian
good, kiddo. really. are y’all gonna go out again?
to: takashit
to: takashit
tomorrow night actually
to: keith kardashian
that’s awesome! i have a really good feeling about you guys.
to: takashit
to: takashit
me too :)
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2myheart · 1 year
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ah the good old garrison au....
55 notes · View notes
Voltrom Ghost Whisperer AU - Part 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Allura wanted when she got home was to pop open a bottle of wine, order take out and binge trash tv on Netflix. What she actually got was a sad looking Keith sitting morosely on her couch. She sent a small prayer to whoever was up there making her life difficult to please, please cut her some slack.
"You're back," Keith said, and his face lit up.
"I am," Allura replied, "you remember me this time?"
Keith nodded.
"Good, so what can I do for you?" She asked.
"I... I don't know?" Keith answered, "I remember the fire, now. And my pa. And... and Lance. Are they...? Did they...?"
Allura couldn't help but feel her heart break a little. It wasn't fair, she thought, for he'd been so young and full of promise. And even though he'd just realized he was dead, he was still mostly worried about his father and his best friend. She sat down next to him and made sure to hold his gaze.
"Lance is okay," she said, and it was heartbreaking how Keith's shoulders relaxed and a small smile appeared on his face, "I saw him today. His family moved a few months after the fire."
"Did they move because of me?" Keith asked, his smile turning into a frown.
"I don't know," she admitted, "to be honest, I didn't get to speak with him a lot. He ran out before I could."
Keith snorted, "Sounds like him."
"Yeah. He was always a scaredy cat."
Allura snorted, "I'm sure you know all about it."
Then Keith sobered up again, and turned his big, violet, doe-like eyes on her and asked, "And my pa?"
Allura sobered up, too, "According to the firefighters, he also died in the fire."
Keith's eyes lit up and he asked, excited, and began looking around as is Allura had him hidden somewhere, "Where is he?"
"Keith, your dad... have you ever seen a light calling you to it?" Allura said, at loss of how to explain it, "you see, when people die, they don't usually stay here. They go to a different place, a better place, full of light and people who love them."
"So he's gone? He left me?" Keith asked, and his voice wobbled, and Allura panicked for a bit.
"I'm sure he thought you were already there, waiting for him," Allura quickly replied, "I would like to help you cross over, so you can be together again."
Keith didn't answer for a long, long time. He was frowning, but the lights weren't flickering nor were the doors slamming. Allura knew better than to rush him, so she waited quietly.
"I think I'd like to go," Keith finally said, "but I've never seen anything like what you said."
"That may be because you feel you still have something to take care of in here."
Again, Keith went quiet. Allura was very willing to wait it out, but then there was a knock on the door. Keith startled, but didn't leave. Allura sighed, but went to open the door.
Much to her surprise, there stood Lance McClain. And his two friends. He also seemed surprised to see her.
"Wow, so you weren't lying," he said.
"Why would I lie?" Allura replied, mildly offended. Lance shrugged and refused to answer, "What do you want?"
"I came to see if what you said was true," Lance answered. His small friend elbowed him hard enough that Lance flinched, so he glared at his friend, "sorry, we came to see if what you said was true."
"Well, if you want to come into my home, you might as well tell me your names."
The three friends shared a look that screamed that they thought Allura might kidnap and sell their organs in the black market. The larger one was the first to answer.
Allura raised an eyebrow, "Allura."
She didn't know if she believed those were their actual names but she wasn't going to fight them on it. She stepped aside and led them to her living room, where Keith had stood up and now stared apprehensively at the arch that separated the foyer from the living room.
"Lance?" He asked in a whisper, and the lights then flickered.
The three teens looked up. Allura tried to warn Keith with a look, but he wasn't looking at her.
"Could be faulty wiring," Pidge whispered to Lance. Subtle, Allura thought and rolled her eyes.
"Is that K-him?" Lance asked. Allura observed him. He seemed genuined enough. She looked at Keith, who was frowning now.
"Why isn't he saying my name? Has he forgotten me?" Keith asked.
"Yes, that's Keith," Allura answered, "he wants to know why you didn't say his name."
Lance opened his mouth to answer, but Pidge beat him to it.
"How do we know you're not lying?"
Allura looked at Keith, who didn't seem to know how to react.
"I don't know how to convince you that he's really here," Allura said, "I do think, however, that it would be best for Lance to do it on his own."
"Dream on, lady," Pidge replied.
"Yeah, he's our best friend and we won't leave him alone!" Hunk reiterated.
Just then the light above them exploded and the windows shattered around them. Cabinets began to open and close seemingly without rhyme or reason and Allura knew that now they were all potentially in danger. The three teens yelped and screamed and huddled together, trying to protect each other.
"Keith! You've got to calm down!" Allura yelled above the noise.
"He replaced me," Keith said and his features were now contorted in anger, "I died, and he left and got shiny new friends. He left me, just like my pa."
"No, Keith, I'm sure that's not true," Allura replied, "tell him, Lance, that you didn't forget him nor replaced him."
Lance was shocked to hear Allura address him after seemingly talking to the air. He looked at the place where she looked at, hoping that K-Keith was looking at him, too.
"K-Keith," Lance said, "I... I'm sorry."
He was apologizing for so many things he couldn't name, but clearly that was the wrong thing to say because the cabinets all slammed at once before the house was plunged into complete silence. Slowly, Lance picked himself off the ground and helped Hunk and Pidge up, who seemed very shaken.
"He's gone," Allura pipped up, shaking herself off.
"Gone?" Lance asked, feeling dread pull in his stomach.
"For now," Allura replied, "ghosts are emotional beings. Seeing Lance, so different, was already difficult for him without you two making it worse."
"Hey! We didn't do anything!" Pidge exclaimed.
"You set him off!" Allura retorted, took a deep breath to collect herself and turned to Lance, "can I talk to you in private?"
"Like hell..."
"Pidge!" Lance exclaimed, looking angry for the first time, "this is not about you, alright? K-Keith was there before I met you and I believe Allura when she says he was here and I want to hear what she has to say. I don't need you to act as if I can't make my own decisions, so cut it out!"
Pidge took a step back, shock and hurt taking over her features, before she stormed out of the house. Hunk hesitated between the two, but ultimately followed Pidge. Immediately, Lance felt guilty and he rubbed his hands over his face.
"What just happened?" He asked.
"There's a lot of anger for now, and it was mostly focused on you, so you probably reacted to that," Allura explained.
"No, not about... with K-Keith. What happened with Keith?"
"At first he was shocked to see you, and then he got upset you couldn't say his name," Allura answered, "but really, what angered him was hearing you have new best friends."
Lance snorted, "He was always the jealous sort."
Allura bit back her own.
"What now?" Lance asked.
"Well, we could try to go to the school to see if he's there, or wait until he finds us again," Allura replied, "usually, spirits this upset don't want to be found."
Lance looked around the room quietly for a few moments, and then said, "Do you think he hates me?"
"I know for a fact he doesn't."
"Well, maybe he should."
Allura frowned, "What makes you think so?"
"He'd still be alive if it wasn't for me."
"I don't think Keith sees it that way at all," Allura countered.
"But I do," Lance said, "maybe this is for the best."
"Do you know what you'll be condemning Keith to if we don't help him move on?" Allura asked, losing her patience, "he'd be stuck forever between two worlds, never belonging to either, always roaming and lost. Is that what you want?"
"Then I suggest you find a way to deal with your survivor's guilt in a different way and get your head out of your ass," Allura replied, "as you said, this is not about you. This is about Keith."
Lance contemplated her words for a moment. Then, he nodded to himself and squared his shoulders. Helping Keith came first; he could feel sorry for himself after.
I need your help: This was meant to be a short fic of only 10 to 11 parts. It was also supposed to be self-contained.
But then my brain remembered that there are ghosts who refuse to move on and gather strength, and I thought "hmm, those could be the Galra/druids," and little things like that and so I would like to hear from you.
Option 1: short, self-contained fic of 10-11 parts. I already have an idea for the ending of this one. (Think of it as one episode of Ghost Whisperer)
Option 2: an elaborate fic, who knows how many parts long, with world building, more VLD characters, plot twists and turns, angsty and dark in themes and probably adapting the source material to match. (Think of it as the overarching plot of Ghost Whisperer seasons 1 and/or 2)
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v-tired-queer · 10 months
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Not shown are their matching internal monologs of "Holy fuck holy fuck h o l y FUCK she's so cute shit shit shit--"
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Keith is a lightweight
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0xy--m0r0n · 1 year
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i couldn't help myself. i had to design my own THUNDERSTORM DARKNESS teehee
for those who (somehow) don't know, thunderstorm is keith's dnd (m&m???) character that was scrapped by the writers (they didn't have a design tho, only an idea for his name and role, so the design is fully mine)
okay so i made up a little bit of lore (if you can call it that) with this one
so this is obviously thunderstorm darkness, he's a half-orc barbarian that is lawful neutral, and his backstory is that his home was raided by a thief (ahem, pike, ahem) and while he didn't take much, he did take his family heirloom (it's a scythe that will be important later in the story if i ever decide to write the fic yippee)
and so thunderstorm pretty much devoted most of his time looking for this prick who stole his only connection to his mother's side of the family, and eventually picked up the job of being a sort of bounty hunter (look idk how dnd works that well so idk if that's a thing don't @ me)
ofc that could also give us the potential of pike returning the scythe to thunderstorm, and then ofc enemies to lovers yippee
((im going insane istg))
also i forgot thunderstorm's name for a little while and was like. imagine keith was just like "yeah, danger. his name can be danger."
and on that note i came up with a conversation that probably won't be written but i'm proud of for no reason
NPC: "are you sure you want to go on this quest? it's incredibly dangerous." Pike: "pffft, danger's my middle name." Thunderstorm: "no, it's mine." *cue the team turning to look at keith, and he just turns around his character sheet to show them "Thunderstorm Danger Darkness"*
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feyravenchatter · 2 years
I actually forgot about this one. Found the notes for it and had to read through them since I couldn't remember what it was. It's the prequel bit to a reverse fake relationship. Instead of faking a relationship, they have to prove they really are together
(omegaverse, alpha Keith/omega Lance)
Klance have been mated since just before leaving Earth
it was the only thing that kept Keith from being expelled after Kerberos
Lance had made the mistake of telling his mother about the alpha friend in his class who protected him from the others
it got particularly bad when he told her that Keith would get aggressive with those other alphas
she asked if Lance was being properly courted, and when he tried to explain that it wasn't like that and that they were just friends, her mom brain immediately jumped to asking if he was pregnant and not telling her
Lance just about had a stroke at that one, practically screeching that of course he wasn't, was still a virgin, etc
she decided that she needed to meet this alpha and see for herself, and told Lance that he needed to set up a time for a call with her and his father to talk to Keith
Lance tried to warn him about his catholic parents, and it ended up being both better and far worse than he could have imagined
his parents never accused Keith of anything, but were thorough with their questioning
this is where it got even worse - Keith answered all of their questions, politely, and while he told them the truth, their questions had been phrased in a way that made his answers sound like he and Lance were at least dating if not formally courting
to Lance's absolute horror, his parents were thrilled with Keith's answers and signed off quite happily
Lance was well aware of just how bad his parents could be, but didn't realize how far they'd go
as soon as the call was over, he went over the entire conversation, telling Keith all of the things he'd needed to bite his tongue over, and concludes with the fact that they may be fucked, bc his parents now absolutely believe that they're at least dating
they were thoroughly fucked - Lance's parents had gotten the idea that not only were they dating, but courting, and wanted them mated as soon as possible
neither of them know this of course, until Lance's parents show up to sign off on the mating, despite the fact that Lance is 18 and doesn't need their consent
Keith is also 18, and even though Shiro and Adam had been fostering him, they never got to make the adoption formal, but that doesn't stop Lance's parents
in between the call and Lance's parents appearing without preamble, they talk and decide that they both would actually like a relationship, and begin dating for real, quickly realizing that they should have done it a long time ago
Kerberos happens before the mating, but Lance's parents are convinced that formalizing their relationship will help …somehow
it was true that about the only thing holding Keith together was Lance, but going through with the mating is about the furthest thing from his mind at that point
his inability to process the loss has him acting erratically, and he's only able to calm down around Lance, something that Lance points out, saying that maybe mating isn't the worst idea
Keith finally agrees and Lance's parents are delighted
Keith asks Adam to come as he's the only family Keith has left
Adam's still angry with Shiro, but has never taken that out on Keith and says that he wouldn't miss it
Veronica's only told at the last minute, but she still shows up, only to have to wait in the hall
the legal side of the mating goes quickly and quietly, Lance and his parents getting emotional over using the bonding cuff that had been left to him by his grandmother, just as Keith and Adam are emotional over the cuff Adam gives him that he had been planning to give to Shiro
the cuff exchange is the most emotional part, Keith fumbling getting Lance's abuela's cuff on his wrist, and Lance actually dropping Keith's, but they get through it, the whole thing turning a little awkward when Lance's parents say that they're not leaving until the next day and expect to see their mating marks in the morning
Adam tries to step in for them, saying that they still have class, newly mated or not
Lance's parents wave him off as the door opens, saying that they'll only be stopping by and not staying for long since they have to get back home
Lance doesn't get to object bc Veronica decides this is the best time to crush her baby brother in a hug while also threatening Keith
they do get the entire day off from class to move out of their respective dorms and into a new one together, it's one of the few for mated pairs, and is infinitely more comfortable than the normal dorms, and they end up not leaving it until the next morning, meeting up with Lance's parents with fresh mating marks
two years later in space, and they're meeting with an independent race to hopefully convince them to join the coalition
these people are either naturally suspicious and confrontational, or they're trying to decide who has the better deal
as such, they're looking for any cracks in the team so that if there's anything the team is holding back, they might spill it
they're instantly suspicious of the only matepair on the team, hinting not so subtly that it's an act meant to put the race's leaders at ease
klance now have to convince these people that they are actually mated and have been for over two years
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plutonify · 1 year
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My older Keith design
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iloveboysinred · 5 months
Hiii, your keith hc where absolutely perfect, and I wanted to ask would it be able to get some fluffy hc or one-shot (whatever you prefer more) of keith kogane please ?, have a lovely day or night 💓💓
Hi anon! Thank you so much for your ask. I think i’ll make this a one shot if you dont mind, I’ve been writing lots of hcs lately and i’m already planning fluffy HCs for Keith to be posted later on this week! Hope you enjoy 💕
My home is with you[Keith Kogane]
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Vld Keith x Gn reader
Synopsis: Keith has been gone for two weeks. You start to feel his absence, and the team feels it too. Soon enough, he comes back and takes you away to spend time with you in his own special way
Cw; fluffy Keith, brief and i mean briefff mention of intercourse. Sorta angst but not really? Just you being sad and missing Keith. Happy ending. Kinda lengthy i hope you dont mind. Not a lot of dialect!
To say you missed Keith was an understatement. Between saving conquered planets, keeping the castle stable, and even Keith’s marmora training, you had barely gotten the chance to really sit down and have a nice, quiet night with your boyfriend. Everything felt tense all the time. There was always a lingering sense of panic, never being able to fully relax while Zarkon, and now, Lotor still lurked. They were an ever present danger you never knew when they would strike next.
The one thing you missed the most about earth besides your family and friends was the sense of normalcy you once had. The routine you had set for your life. When you would come over to Keith’s house, an old, isolated and broken down shack in the desert, with creaky floors and dusty broken windows. The place needed some work, but that never mattered to you or Keith. The love that was brewing inside every single time you would pay him a visit is all you and Keith could care about. You missed the cool, quiet nights where you and Keith would sit on his roof, staring up at the very same constellations you’ve now flown by and seen up close. Talking about your dreams, sharing secrets. He would hold you close and you would kiss him, running your fingers through his dark hair, whispering soft words of affection to each other.
You loved waking up next to him after a night of passion, your body aching from the love you had made, every bite and mark on your skin fresh and still stinging. You would glance down at him, sleeping peacefully, hair a mess and adorning matching marks of his own, before getting up and fixing breakfast with whatever he had in the fridge, making a mental note to tell Shiro to take you grocery shopping for Keith later that day. While you cooked he would come up behind you, wearing an old, warn out pair of sweats, hair disheveled, eyes blinking tiredly, still low and half lidded from sleep, but he still looked as handsome as ever. You would sink into his embrace, swaying side to side as you tended to the food cooking on the stove.
Now you sat cold and alone in his room. You’d see Keith less and less as time went on, The Blade of Marmora taking up almost all his time. You understood how important this was to him, you were happy he found a group to belong to, and you know what he was doing was bigger than yourselves. But you’d also began to feel his absence, and it was taking its toll on you. You slept in his room and wore his clothes, those being the only comfort you had whenever Keith was gone for days, sometimes weeks on a mission. It was nothing compared to the feeling in your stomach when he would wrap his arms around you and bring you down to bed with him, the washed out smell of him on his clothes dulled in comparison to the lingering familiar scent of his shampoo, surrounding you every time he embraced you. Nothing could fill in for Keith, and everyone in the castle could see how much you missed him.
So when Keith came back to the castle (unbeknownst to you) Shiro sat him down to have a talk.
Shiro explained that he has known you for as long as he’s been taking care of him. He could tell you werent being yourself and he was concerned with Keith’s frequent absences. “The team needs you, Keith.” Shiro sighed, placing his hand on Keith’s shoulder. “But Y/n needs you the most. You’re the only piece of home they’ve got. Try to be here some more. If not for Voltron then do it for them.” Keith nodded to himself, looking down in shame. He missed you too, but he had been so wrapped up with the Blades that he barely had time to worry about how he felt, or even about how you felt. Guilt fell in his stomach as if he’d swallowed a stone. “I know Shiro, i’m gonna make it up to them, and you guys. I promise.”
You had been sitting in the dining hall chit chatting with Allura and Lance when he came in, you didnt notice at first, picking at your food goo and nodding here and there when Lance would try to include you in the conversation. Keith took your lack of awareness as a chance to study you. Your hair was messily tossed into a hair tie, just as he always loved it, and you were wearing one of his plain black shirts. Keith felt a swell of emotion in his chest when he’d seen your face. Uninterested and blank, missing the spark he’d always search for. He could see from here how he’s impacted you, and his heart felt like it would shatter into a million pieces.
“And then i was like what the quiznak- oh hey Keith! Youre back” Lance chirped, exchanging a knowing look with Allura. But Keith didnt respond, his eyes locked with yours as you whipped around, eyebrows almost raising into your hairline. “Keith! You’re here!” You cried as you launched yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face into him. Keith smiled wrapping his arms around you to steady you. “Yeah I am..sorry I was gone for so-“ you didnt let him finish, pressing your lips to his and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down to meet you. You kissed sweetly, melting into each other.
You barely noticed Allura and Lance snickering at you while they exited the room. Too concerned with eating your boyfriend’s face to care about the teasing you’re probably going to deal with later. After a few moments Keith pulled away, he held your wrists gently in his as he looked into your eyes with all the love he had for you, smiling softly at you. “I missed you so much. All I could think about was you. I- I brought you this.” He handed you a necklace, a small dog tag with your initials carved in the thin piece of metal, the other side had a messy shape you assumed was supposed to be a heart. “I engraved it myself. I found it while we were on a stake out mission. I hope you like it” he sounded so shy and nervous, it made your heart swell with emotion as you handed it back to him. “Can you help me put it on?” “Yeah” you turned your back towards him, beaming as he clicked the hatch for the necklace into place, pressing a soft kiss to the nape of your neck. “I love it baby, thank you” you turned back around to hold grab his hand, eagerly dragging him down the hall. “Cmon, I dont want to waste a second with you- i’m not gonna lie i’ve made a mess of your room but I hope you don’t mind!” “Actually, I want to take you out somewhere.” You stopped in your tracks and looked back at Keith. “Where?” “You’ll see it when we go. Cmon, put on a suit and meet me at the black lion’s hangar.” You nodded before walking into his room anyway, quickly getting changed and running down to meet him.
You held on to his seat as he took off, telling you to hold on tight as you flew out of the castle. You flew for about an hour, passing by vibrant planets and constellations. Pointing out meteors and stars as you passed by. Keith still wouldn’t tell you where you were going until you entered a big, green planet’s atmosphere. You looked over at him quizzically as you landed, the planet had nothing but short, green grass. You couldn’t hear the sounds of any creature or civilization. It was almost as if you were here completely alone. “Keith, where are we?” “This is planet Ogoria. Me and the blades made camp here when i was on that mission. It’s completely unhabited. & I brought you here to see something.” He explained, leading you off the black lion and into the open. “Cmon, lets find somewhere to sit.” Keith had brought with him a big blanket and two pillows, walking a few feet away from the lion before setting the blanket down on a particularly soft patch of grass. He threw the pillows on before sitting down. You followed suit, sitting down next to him, leaning into his body as he wrapped an arm around your waist.
“Look y/n, i’m really sorry i’ve been gone so much lately. The blades and I- well we’re getting close to finding something great” he muttered, glancing over at you. You looked away from him for a second, thinking over your next words. “ I know Keith. I’m not upset with you- I just miss how things used to be you know? I miss home. I miss our life together.” You sighed, gaze locked on your intertwined hands. “ I know, hun. I miss earth too. But we’re here now and we gotta try to make the best of it. This will be over sooner than we think. I feel it.” You looked up into his eyes, and he never looked so assured. You gave him a weak smile, scooting closer to him and pressing a peck to his lips. “Well, you’d better be right about that, Keith. Or i’ll drag us all back to Earth by force.” You giggled at the snort he let out, burrowing yourself deeper into his side, closing your eyes and relishing in his warmth.
“Y/n, look up at the sky”
You blinked your eyes open, having begun to nod off on Keith. When you looked up you let out a gasp. The sky was full of stars, it was as if the whole galaxy was displayed right In front of you in one place. “Keith its..its beautiful!” You whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from the scenery. “I know its nothing like the roof back home, but i figured it’s pretty close.” You tore your gaze away just to meet his, your eyes shining. “Keith I- i dont know what to say…I mean this is incredible!” you saw him smile, glancing up at the stars himself. “Lets get comfortable.” You both leaned down, lying on the pillows and drinking in the sight before you in comfortable silence. “Y/n..” you turned to look at him, his eyes were soft, full of adoration as he looked you over, burning every feature on your face into his mind. “I love you.. thank you for sticking with me.” You brought your hand up to his cheek, pressing a soft kiss to his nose. “I love you too Keith. I’ll always be with you, no matter what.” And so there you laid. Holding onto each other, catching up and telling each other dreams and secrets you harbored. It was nothing like how’d you been on Earth. But Keith made it special, and thats all that mattered to you.
Hopefully you enjoyed Anon! Thank you again for your submission. :> Notes and reblogs appreciated, asks and submissions welcome!! 💗💗
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theghoulgirl · 7 months
Keith Kogane/Reader Headcannons- Section I
For these headcanons, this is specifically for Keith after the war. Therefore, I am going to make this an 18+ post because it would be super fucking weird if someone under that age read this. This is also the first part to an (currently) endless headcannons that I have.
Otherwise, enjoy! And please feel free to comment about any challenges against them or to apply your own for others to read! 
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In a friendship…
Would befriend someone who is either affiliated to the group or would be in ‘forced’ proximity with, such as work
He would connect well with someone who is a little bit of a goober, like Hunk or Lance.
Keith would also most definitely befriend a stoner and connect to them through trauma bonding
Home dude lost a lot throughout his life, he would absolutely use drugs and alcohol recreationally. 
He also connects really well with individuals who are intelligent in ways that contrast his own. 
Keith does not befriend someone based on physicality, but whether it’s on how much of an asshole you are. The less judgemental you are, the closer he will want to befriend you 
It takes a looong time to break down his walls. Before you are able to, he’s generally awkward and aloof. But once you either prove or he can see you are trustworthy, he’ll start to occasionally drop a hot piece of trauma to see your reaction to it. If you react well and don’t judge him, he’ll open up more. But if you become uncomfortable with it, he will probably keep you an arms distance away. 
Once you two are closer, most likely through quality time together (ex. Studying while he trains), he would get more and more playful with you. 
Specifically also slowly reveal more and more of his silly side. 
Poking you when he wants your attention and then pretending he didn’t poke you. Blames it on the air. 
Keith would absolutely spar with you in the kitchen using utensils 
He would occasionally crack a joke here and there as well
I also fully believe that Keith has ADHD, and if you have ADHD too, then it would just ricochet between the two of you. This would drive everyone absolutely insane. 
One moment Keith could be discussing battle plans and then you walk into the room and make a random noise, and he would repeat it back thus losing all sense of authority and seriousness. 
Eventually, as you two grow closer, Keith might also develop some feelings…
In a relationship…
He would not be the first person to confess. 
Unless someone were to give him confirmation, then he’d contemplate it. Otherwise, the other party would have to approach him 
Once y’all talk it out and are officially an item, he is going to be a little awkward and aloof again.
This man did not engage in courting behavior when he was in highschool. Sure, I’ll entertain the idea that some of his peers were infatuated with him, but he never actually pursued those relationships since he was focused on his own life problems and emotions. 
Therefore, he does not know how to flirt or how to date someone. 
But that does not mean he is not willing to try, especially for you. 
But in other news, Keith has matured with time and is an amazing communicator. 
He will let you know when he is uncomfortable with something, such as PDA. 
Speaking of PDA, he would prefer to keep most physical touches in private. 
Especially kissing.
But he does not mind holding your hand or resting his on your back
He would also let you know when he is getting nervous over not messing up the relationship. But all he needs is a little assurance that he is doing amazing and all he needs to do is be himself. 
Once he relaxes more into the relationship and gets more comfortable, he would be unabashedly affectionate towards you. In private though. Outside of seclusion ? He would mostly stick to teasing you or light touches. 
Section II coming soon!
Please also feel free to comment on more head cannons that you have! Or to give a contradicting thought!
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keithkog · 29 days
A kid asked if he could ride Kosmo and I instantly said no, here’s why:
He is my friend, and he can fucking teleport anywhere. I am not paying for a random kids hospital bills. I told him if he was willing to pay hospital bills he could, and he uh ran away? Did I say something wrong?
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