#well meet ugly tbh
Keith doesn’t leave his apartment a lot.
Despite all of Shiro’s urging, Keith tends to stay home. His apartment is really nice, once he gets over the occasional mouse and entirely broken heating. Plus, the water is mostly potable, so it’s all good.
Look. It’s $500 a month.
But, y’know. Every once in a while Keith actually can’t study over the sounds of his neighbours having extremely loud and largely disturbing sex — why on Earth would cheetos ever be mentioned in regards to anyone’s hole is something Keith wish remained a mystery to him — so he makes his way down to the campus library. It’s admittedly kind of nice down there. He’s currently sitting at a table that’s decently clean, and the wifi connection is certainly better than it is at home. He’s actually able to get some stuff done —
Keith jumps out of his skin as the hottie a couple seats in front of him slams his hands on the table. Hottie whips his head up, catching Keith’s eye. His hair is wildly curly, sticking up off his head so intensely that it almost defies gravity. His eyes are big and brown and a little crazed. His expression can only be described as ‘intense’, or perhaps ‘unstable’.
“You,” he snarls.
Keith points at himself with wide eyes.
“Have you ever heard of a mountain chicken,” Hottie says, still staring at Keith with the same crazed intensity.
“Please don’t hurt me,” Keith squeaks. Hottie may be one of the most attractive people he has ever seen, but Keith has learned his lesson about pretty people. They tend to be the most dangerous and likely to maim (looking at you, Allura).
Hottie stalks towards Keith’s table, deliberately placing his hands on the surface and leaning very, very close.
“Have you ever heard,” he says again, voice very low, “of a mountain chicken.”
“No,” Keith says, because he hasn’t and he’s a little (a lot) intimidated.
And attracted.
There’s admittedly a lot of attraction there.
Suddenly the crazed air shifts from Hottie’s face, but the intensity remains.
“Whaddaya think it looks like?”
He sounds almost curious. Almost.
Keith blinks. “Like a really big chicken?”
The crazed looks is back as soon as it left.
“That’s what I thought, but it’s this mother fucker!” Hottie yells, reaching over to grab his laptop and slam it in front of Keith. It’s open to a picture of a strange little frog.
Keith squints at the picture.
“…Huh,” he says, because that is strange, and he can kind of understand why Hottie is going a little nutty about it.
“Exactly,” Hottie says emphatically. “Fuckin’ taxonomists.”
Keith raises an amused eyebrow. “You sound like you have beef with taxonomists. I’ve never known anyone who has a personally problem with them before.”
“Okay, listen,” Hottie says, pulling out a chair and sitting down properly. “They’re really bad at their jobs. All of ‘em. Why are watermelons berries? No. That’s bullshit. And you know who’s fault it is? Taxonomists.”
Keith bursts out laughing. “I see,” he manages between wheezes.
Hottie sniffs. “I’m allowing your laughter because you’re stupid hot.”
“Are you.”
“Mhm. Also, because I couldn’t stop you if I wanted to. I’m about three seconds away from passing out.”
Hottie says it pleasantly, but not in the way that sounds like he’s joking, which sobers Keith up quickly.
“Wait, what —”
The words don’t even leave his mouth before Hottie’s eyes roll back into his head and his forehead smacks the table.
“Thank you, again,” the man says.
Keith shoots him a small smile. “It’s really not a problem.”
The man — who Keith has learnt is named Hunk, and is the best friend of the aforementioned Hottie, who’s name is apparently Lance — sighs. “It kind of is. He’s — I would like to say that this is not a regular occurrence. But he’s fuckin’ allergic to a proper sleep schedule. And peanuts. But the sleeping thing is a bigger issue. He’s given himself four concussions because he’s passed out mid-sentence and brained himself on a random surface hard enough to make an impact on his thick fucking skull.”
Hunk is clearly exasperated, and annoyed, but his words are so fond that Keith can’t help the smile that pulls across his face. He sounds just like Shiro, after Keith has managed to land himself squarely into one of his many Shenanigans. Loving and also five seconds away from throttling you.
It’s nice.
“You his brother?”
Hunk snorts, readjusting Lance’s floppy arm over his shoulder. Keith does the same, hefting him up — he’s surprisingly heavy for someone who’s about as thick as a toothbrush, but what does Keith know — and keeping on in the direction of the off-campus apartments. (The decently nice ones, that you can only afford with at least two roommates and a part-time job. Keith knows. He checked.)
“Nah, not really. I mean, I’m basically his brother in that he’s the annoyance who’s been latched on to my person for the last several years and who I love too much to murder, but you know. He has enough siblings without me thrown into the mix. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious,” Keith says. “You remind me of me and my brother, is all. He’s also the one who’s usually dragging my dumb ass to safety.”
Laughing, Hunk digs his key out of his pocket, opening up the door.
“I see.”
He struggles for a moment, trying to both keep Lance from falling — who is firmly unconscious, although Hunk has assured him that he’s not injured and it’s just been six days since he last slept and he’s just kind of Like This — and get the door open.
Keith isn’t sure how to help, so he just kind of stands there awkwardly, still holding half of Lance’s weight.
“Thank you,” Hunk says, once Lance has been transferred to his arms and he’s standing just inside the doors to their apartment complex. “I appreciate your help.”
“No problem.”
Keith forces himself to take a step back, shoving the random wistfulness deep down in his gut.
He’s not lonely. He’s not.
(He does kind of miss his brother, though. Ugh.)
“I’ll see you around, Keith.”
“Yeah. You, too.”
Keith stands there for a full ten seconds after Hunk turns around and heads down the hallway, and then he shakes himself, blushing, before speedwalking back to his own shitty apartment.
God, he needs a fucking hobby.
“What do you mean, I can’t get eight shots of espresso? It’s not like it’ll kill me. You need 76 shots to kill you. I checked.”
“Sir…it’s company policy. I’m not allowed to put more than eight shots in one cup. Sorry.”
“No, no, don’t apologise. It’s not your fault. Hm.” The man — who is he kidding, Keith recognised Lance as soon as he saw that poofy hair in the Starbucks line, as embarrassing as it is — rocks back on his heels, tapping a finger to his chin. “Can I order two drinks, with eight shots each?”
Jesus Christ.
The barista blinks at him. “I mean, I guess so. I think you’re going to die, but that’s not my problem, I guess.”
Lance laughs, and the sound is so bright and musical that it actually makes Keith sigh.
Like, out loud.
Jesus fucking Christ.
“That works! Let’s do that.”
“…If you’re sure. That’ll be $7.29.”
Lance pays, then heads over to the other end of the counter, humming as he waits. As soon as his eyes land on Keith, they narrow.
“Hey, wait a minute. I know you. Obviously. I would never forget a face so flawlessly beautiful. Why do I know you?”
Keith goes so red he can actually feel his heart pounding through the capillaries under his skin, which is humiliating.
Lance giggles, which makes the blush worse.
Oh, God, Keith is losing any and all game he possesses by the minute. Fuck, isn’t he usually good at this? He usually is! He’s usually a pretty decent flirt! What the fuck!
“Oh!” Lance says, snapping his fingers. “You’re the hot guy from the library! The one who called Hunk when I passed out! Keith, right?”
Keith can only nod. Holy shit, the force of those brown doe eyes at full intensity on his face is going to fry his brain.
He clears his throat. “Uh, yeah. I’m Keith. You — obviously, you knew that.” Keith resists the urge to slam his head through the nearest wall.
Lance giggles again. Keith wonders if the fuckin’ sweat is actually dripping from his palms, or it just feels like it is.
“You’re cute. You should take me on a date. I have class until five, room A112 in the biology building. Pick me up, and we’ll go to dinner?”
Keith can only nod. Frantically. So quickly his hair escapes from his ponytail and smacks him in the face.
“Great,” Lance says, grinning. He grabs Keith hand — Keith offers absolutely no resistance and only prays that his palms aren’t actually as disgusting as he thinks they are — and takes out a pen, scrawling down a number and then drawing a big heart around it.
Lord above, Lance is the cutest boy Keith has ever seen in his entire life. He’s going to explode.
“That’s my number,” Lance says, and he’s still holding onto Keith’s forearm.
His fingers are freezing, and that’s the only rational thought Keith’s brain manages to form.
“2 coffees with more caffeine than I’ve ever seen one person consume?” the barista calls. She looks at them warily.
“Coming!” Lance chirps, and Keith mourns the loss of those cold fingers on his skin as Lance steps over to grab his coffee.
(Well. ‘Coffee’.)
Lance skips to the doors, pausing to smile and wiggle his fingers in a wave. “I’ll see you after class, okay, Keith?”
“See you,” Keith says, and his voice cracks so many times that the barista winces on his behalf.
Lance grins wider, then disappears out the door.
“That was the most romcom shit I’ve ever seen,” the barista informs him bluntly, and Keith can only nod.
Keith is buzzing out of his skin, he thinks.
So he does what he always does when he’s feeling Big Boy Feelings™️.
He bothers his brother.
to: takashit
shiro oh my god it’s almost five his class is almost done what do i do.
to: takashit
what if he was joking? it didn’t seem like a joke. but what if?
to: takashit
fuck, what if i screw it up? what if i’m a lame loser who says lame loser things? oh my god i’m so nervous
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
to: takashit
🥺🥺🥺 worst brother ever
to: takashit
🥺🥺 you don’t love me. you don’t care about me or my anxiety 💔
Keith can actually hear his brother’s guilt complex acting up through the phone.
It’s hilarious.
to: keith kardashian
the worst part about that is i know you’re manipulating me.
to: takashit
😔 😔
to: takashit
⬆️ my face rn as i realise my brother whom i look up to and adore wishes he left me on the street corner where i was standing 😔😔😔
to: keith kardashian
i should have, you little motherfucker.
There’s a solid minute of angry typing before Shiro continues.
to: keith kardashian
fuck you. call me.
Keith does. Shiro picks up immediately.
“You are a rat bastard,” he growls.
Keith pretends to sniffle, fully fighting back a laugh.
“I just thought you promised to always be there for me,” he says, as pitifully as he can manage.
Shiro makes a vague screaming noise.
“Fuck! Fine. Fuck. Tell me why you’re nervous.”
“It’s a cute boy with a lot of confidence and social grace, Shiro! Fucking obviously I’m nervous!”
“Didn’t y’all meet because he yelled at you about taxonomists and then brained himself on a library table when he passed out from sleep deprivation?”
“That doesn’t sound very socially graceful to me.”
“Okay, fair, but he asked me out this morning like it was the smoothest thing ever. I blushed so hard I thought my heart was going to explode. I swear to God my voice cracked at least twelve times.”
Shiro sniggers. “It does that all the time, so no big thing there.”
“Fuck off,” Keith says, scowling, because hey. Being the shithead is Keith’s job.
“Anyway, you big nerd,” Shiro continues, “you’re going to be fine. In five minutes this ridiculously confident cute boy is going to waltz out of class and then you two are going to go on what’s probably the cringiest date of all time, but he will be charmed by your earnest nature and geek tendencies, and then you’ll get married and adopt every dog in the world. Okay?”
Honestly, yeah. Okay. That did make him feel better.
But Keith is the younger brother, and as such is contractually obligated to be a pain in the ass, so.
“Yeah, yeah. At least I didn’t trip and, in a desperate attempt to not land face-first on the pavement, pants my future husband.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Shiro says venomously, as is par for the course when Keith brings up his and Adam’s disastrous first meeting.
Keith smirks to himself.
“My bad.”
“Ugh. You’re so annoying. Do you feel better now, you stupid dweeb?”
Keith started feeling better the second he started pestering Shiro, but he supposes he can be grateful for a change.
“Yeah. I guess your dorky pep talk helped. I can’t do any worse than you did, anyway.”
“I’m hanging up and blocking your number. Goodbye.”
Keith snickers as the call drops. It’s 4:59, and Lance still has another minute of class.
to: takashit
you didn’t say u love me :(((
to: takashit
u just hung up without any care in the world :((
to: takashit
i’m telling adam he’s my new favourite brother now
to: takashit
adam would never hang up without saying i love you
to: keith kardashian
oh my GOD
to: takashit
to: keith kardashian
fine. fuck.
to: keith kardashian
i love you, you booger. tell me how your stupid date goes.
to: takashit
Keith puts his phone away, grinning, and the second he does, the door to room A112 pushes open and students start spilling out. He waits, scanning everyone as they pass, but there’s no sign of Lance until the very last person walks out.
He beams when he sees Keith leaning on the wall.
“Keith! Hi!”
Keith grins back.
“Hi, Lance.”
“Ready to go on a date?” Lance says, strolling up and tangling his free hand in Keith’s, like it’s the easiest thing in the world.
It might be.
“Yeah. I’m excited, really.”
“Awesome! Did you pick a place?”
Keith was a little stressed about that, to be real, because he wasn’t sure if he was supposed to pick somewhere or if Lance already had something picked.
The he remembered he had Hunk’s number “in case my dumbass best friend passed out in your vicinity again, because neither of us can afford an ambulance in this economy”, so he texted him in what could not be technically called a panic.
Maybe a light anxiety.
Hunk had sent back several laughing emojis, and then told him to take Lance for an ice cream dinner and then to the park on campus for him to get very excited about beetles.
“I figured I’d take you to Coran’s ice cream parlour,” Keith says. “You seem like an ice cream guy.”
Lance lights up, and then narrows his eyes in playful suspicion. “You asked Hunk, huh?”
Keith shrugs, cheeks warming. “I’ll be honest with you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since the library incident, and you’re so pretty you kind of make my brain go mushy. I panicked.”
Shockingly, that makes Lance’s jaw drop. He’s quiet for several moments, before his ears go read and he looks away.
Holy shit. Did Keith make Lance all blushy?
“Point to Keith,” Lance says eventually.
Keith laughs, scratching the back of his neck with one hand. The other is still firmly clamped in Lance’s. “Didn’t know it was a competition.”
Lance winks. “Everything’s a competition with me.”
Ice cream is fun. Keith shouldn’t be eating it, not really, and there will be Consequences with his digestive system later, but he’s not afraid of hell and mint chip is delicious.
“You are eating frozen toothpaste.”
“I can only assume that you’ve never tried mint chip or you’ve never brushed your teeth, Lance, because mint chip does not taste like toothpaste. It’s delicious. Besides, you are having cotton candy. That’s essentially frozen blue food colouring! Besides, what flavour is cotton candy even supposed to be? Like, what does cotton candy taste like?”
Turns out that Keith had no reason to be nervous. He and Lance just… click. And, besides, Lance thinks Keith is funny when he’s not trying, which is excellent.
They go to the park, just as Hunk suggested, after they finish their ice cream. They spend the whole time just chatting, talking about nothing and everything, interspersed with Lance’s regular mini-lectures whenever he spots something particularly cool. Which is a lot of things, because Lance seems to be endlessly fascinated with the world at large.
It’s adorable. And also enlightening. Did you know one tree can be home to over 2.3 million life forms at one time? Keith didn’t. That’s dope as hell.
“…and oh, hey, an incipient hornet nest! Cool! Did you know wasp larvae can spin silk?”
Keith did not know that. He is also not fond of wasps, nor has he ever felt any sort of inclination to be near them. But he is becoming increasingly fond of Lance. Also, Lance seems to be some sort of animal whisperer. They’d been swarmed by yellowjackets outside of the ice cream parlour, but before Keith could even panic Lance had stood very still and said “no” in a firm, calm voice, and they all flew away immediately.
It did make Lance hotter, truly.
“I did not,” Keith says magnanimously, peering over Lance’s shoulder to look at the nest. Luckily, it’s empty. “That is pretty cool, though.”
Lance turns back to him and grins; a big, beaming smile that makes him glow.
God, he’s beautiful.
Keith can’t stop staring at him.
“You should kiss me,” Lance says bluntly, after a moment of them just softly looking at each other.
Keith blinks. “Okay.”
He lets go of Lance’s hand, reaching over to cup his face. He stays there for a moment, gently cradling Lance’s face in his arms, stroking his thumbs over sharp cheekbones, cataloguing the splash of freckles on his nose and the curve of his cupid’s bow.
Lance reaches up, after a few seconds, sliding careful fingers across the skin of Keith’s neck to tangle in his hair. He doesn’t pull, just — holds it, carefully.
“You going to kiss me now?”
Keith swallows. “I’m nervous. I don’t want to mess it up.”
Lance’s eyes flutter shut, and he sighs. “You don’t need to be. I want — I really want you to kiss me. I like you.”
“I like you too.”
And that’s all it takes. The ‘okay’, breathy and quick and soft and maybe a little nervous, too, like for all his straightforward brazenness Lance is a little scared of messing this up as well.
He leans forward, faster than he thought he would, and presses his lips to Lance’s. The air is warm but Lance’s lips are still chilly from the ice cream, and his cheeks are hot beneath Keith’s hands, blushing. His lips curve into a smile that’s pressed firmly to Keith’s mirroring grin and he sighs again, a little, a happy sound, and tilts his head so their mouths fit together even better. And then his fingers are tracing little circles at the back of Keith’s neck and he makes a little humming noise on the back of his throat and Keith leans the tiniest little bit closer.
It’s good. It’s great.
It’s everything, really, and Keith doesn’t want it to end.
“You’re a good kisser,” Lance mumbles, not moving away even an inch.
“I like kissing you,” Keith says, pressing just as close.
Keith doesn’t remember why he was nervous.
to: keith kardashian
how did it go????
to: takashit
i beat your mess by a mile
to: keith kardashian
low bar, boogerbrain. also, shut up.
to: takashit
no :)
to: takashit
but it went REALLY well. we went for ice cream and then walked around the park for hours and then we kissed and he is so fucking cute, shiro. oh my god. seriously.
to: keith kardashian
good, kiddo. really. are y’all gonna go out again?
to: takashit
to: takashit
tomorrow night actually
to: keith kardashian
that’s awesome! i have a really good feeling about you guys.
to: takashit
to: takashit
me too :)
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mydollsaregay · 1 year
why must all of maryellen’s cutest outfits be retired and expensive secondhand??? 😭😭😭
let’s go over the state of things:
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maryellen’s vacation playsuit. a totally adorable summer outfit, leaning into the 50’s trend of a playsuit - a romper with a matching detachable skirt. so darling! naturally, it was retired after only one year, and the cheapest it’s currently being sold for on mercari is ninety dollars (missing the shoes, so it’s not even complete). okay, that’s sad, but every collection has one or two poor gems like this.
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maryellen’s strawberry outfit! I love this one - I think the colors are just the right combination of cute and garish, which gives it a really fun retro vibe. This one was out for three years so I’m sure the secondhand prices are more reasonable - oh wait, no. they tend to be listed for around a hundred dollars. 😞
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maryellen’s rockin’ roller skating outfit is a *little* better. but the dress on its own is still being listed for about fifty five dollars so it feels weird to celebrate that as an improvement. it was out for two years, so I get it being a *bit* more pricey. but the full outfit is being listed for about a hundred dollars so like. still way too much for me.
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maryellen’s flamingo swim set is super cute, but it’s only a swim suit. surely people can’t be asking that much for - oh. the swimsuit alone tends to be listed for about 70 and the whole set I seems to be listed for mostly around 150 at the low end. bro.
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maryellen’s play outfit. look, at this point I’m getting a bit desperate. I don’t even really like this one all that much (I think it’s cute but it looks weirdly cheap to me?). but this was out for three years, and looks like the kind of outfit that would have good sales! surely I can find it at a decently low price. oh - no, it looks like that will be $70 without the shoes. okay then.
honestly, i get the prices a bit. clearly people are buying them occasionally at those prices, as the sold listings were in those ballparks. however, I AM annoyed at ag. they rotated her collection so quickly that they burned through a bunch of cute designs super fast.
i wish ag would bring back some of these! I feel like her playsuit especially got the short end of the stick. it’s such a cute design and a really cool bit of fashion history.
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#agblr#american girl#american girl dolls#maryellen larkin#dollblr#my posts#maryellen#I had to write the end of this post three times 😫 tumblr crashed after the first time. and then a stupid pop up about blaze#closed my post for no reason.#ANYWAY.#I love Maryellen. but I’m not a big fan of much of her current collection tbh. especially her meet outfit.#I just personally REALLY don’t like the greenish teal in her meet and it ruins the fit for me 😭#I don’t think it’s a bad design or even ugly. I’m just a hater. and I don’t like that specific color.#I actually wasn’t interested in her at all until one day I was browsing and I saw her in her sledding outfit#which is actually my all-time fav outfit for her and imo one of the best current ag outfits.#and she totally captured my heart#however. I don’t really have a summer fit for her that I like.#(her meet would be fine but well. I don’t like it.)#I’d love to have something for her that looks like something she could run around and play in and none of her current collection looks that#way to me.#her school outfit is cute I guess but I don’t love it. her pink dress is cute but very fancy and also doesn’t scream 50s to me#her pjs are fine but they’re pjs.#(and I like her old ones better tbh)#her halloween costume is cute but not seasonally appropriate. and her poodle skirt is cute as hell but too fancy for running around#and honestly seems fancier than it actually would have been? from what I’ve read it seems like she would have diy’d it using felt and would#have worn a normal white blouse most likely. but I’m not actually mad bc it’s adorable as is lol#all this to say - poor girl has nothing other than her winter clothes that looks like something she could actually play in.#and I’m sad abt it :(#and I wasn’t able to find any repros of her old stuff either.
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imo everyone on earth should be talking about Him (don't want this showing up in the tag even though it's not a diss) but everytime i go to the tag and there's only like 3 new posts i'm like. oh yeah almost no one cares except me and like 5 other ppl on here
i ran out of tags KFHSJENNXN i don't think that's literally ever happened to me before anyways don't read them because it's just me being insane as per usual
#most of his indirects on twitter are from people in diff asian countries as well and ik he's doing an asia tour soon(?)#bruh he's never coming back to the usa is he 😭😭😭 i need him in chicago i miss him so bad#i feel very ugly emotionally rn still bc i was reading all of the rando ass dating rumors of him last night LMAO and it pissed me off#i know i have no right to get mad and i'm being irrational but at the same time like. everyone is just like 'omg he's so in love rn'#bc his music has been very angsty and like. idk... conflicted? but his new song was very happy and sweet and very In Love Sounding#and i already know all his music is about one person bc he always talks about the same shit (he's very predictable i see right thru him)#and he's putting out a new song called 'shining' and he has been talking abt a person being his light/shining on him for the last 7yrs atp#so like. that's how i know it's about one specific person and i don't think he has moved on LMAOOO so unless he was dating the same random#7yrs ago i don't think he's dating any of the people they bring up tbh... i pay attention to these things not to brag or anything but like#being attentive to the people i love and noticing inconsistincies in their behavior and when they act diff is like. the only skill i have#at least irt other people LMAO like honestly i wrote all the lyrics he ever wrote down in a google doc and it shows a clear trajectory#that starts like... innocently and just gets more fucked up and toxic as it goes. and ppl say he's one of the most sane ppl they know#meanwhile he's been writing songs about 1 person for nearly 10 years and they get progressively more desperate and insane#I'M JUST SAYING. i completely forgot what my original point was but i guess it was most likely that. no one pays attention to him like i do#the songs started being about this person at the same time i started liking him and having dreams about meeting him btw#and they got progessively more uh. spiteful and desperate and weird as the years went on. did i mention i cast a spell on him 😐#and he literally says shit like 'it's impossible for me to move on' 'i don't care about anyone else' 'it's like i'm possessed' etc#and after we met at his concert he got really into saying shit like 'that one night wasn't enough' and 'the spotlight between us'#&the ever-famous 'i like the way you look at me' 'my eyes are on you' 'focus on me just look at me' when all i did was look at him all night#if you're reading this right now and thinking 'celeste do you seriously believe a kpop guy has been writing songs about you for 7 years?'#you should remember who i am and how i reacted to ***** having a gf (that i guessed exactly right months before he revealed it)#i'm schizophrenic 🤷‍♀️ but the guy i'm into was the one who started my fascination with soulmates and destiny and fate and shit like that#you know it's funny i mention that because he also started writing about that!!!!! in his songs!!! crazy#and he talks about the person making it hard for him to sleep and wanting to meet them in his dreams again and whathaveyou#i mean even in his two newest title tracks he says 'i'm frustrated in the studio the only melody that comes out is for you' and#'i want to turn everything about you into a song' in the newest one... hm.#and btw he announced his album right when i admitted i was in love with him again to my family (they know my insanity LMAO)#and he releases a song about being happy and in love and listening for someone's voice from far away to reach him/vice versa?????#right when i get back into him???#it's my fave color & his fave color & he's releasing it in my birth month like. i know billions of coincidences are a thing but it's crazy
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Judy Garland:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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azsazz · 4 months
Glitz, Glam & Grand Prix
Formula One!Azriel x Reader
Summary: Set at the Las Vegas Grand Prix, you, as Ferrari's team Media Trainer, struggle with keeping both drivers in line.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,887
Notes: Back again with another F1 AU 💙 so obsessed with this trope tbh
Belongs to the Off Grid collection.
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“I am not wearing this,” Azriel says flatly, staring at the garment in his hand in horror. He’s holding the hanger hook between a pinched thumb and forefinger, like the newly designed sequined bomber jacket might jump off the holder and strangle him.
He might prefer that.
“Yes, you are,” you answer, distractedly. Your phone buzzes in your hand, another email coming through. Something about a calendar change with the scheduled interviews for the two drivers you’re in charge of for media training. “You’re going to put that jacket on, just like all of the other drivers are doing, and you’re going to march your ass over to the social media team and do what they ask without complaint.”
You cut your—secret—boyfriend a harsh look that matches your no-nonsense tone. He holds your look for all of four seconds before giving in, returning to his glower to the garment in his hand instead. It’s smart of him, choosing not to start with you while you’re in Media Training mode, not secret girlfriend mode where you shoot him teasing grins and cheeky glances behind everyone’s backs.
“Give it here, old man,” Dorian Havilliard says, swiping the coat from him. You cringe, offering Azriel an apologetic smile that looks more like a grimace when his hazel gaze swings wildly to meet yours. As if you can do something about the driver tasing him. Azriel looks like he’s about two seconds from trying to lay Dorian—Ferrari’s newest recruit—out flat.
“I’m not even that old,” Azriel mutters, giving up before the arguing can even begin. The drivers haven’t started off on a good foot, Azriel upset about the realization that he’s getting older in this sport, and the looming fear that the rookie is going to replace him for his Driver 1 spot. For Dorian, he’s too naive yet to understand that he can learn a thing or two from the veteran driver. “Can I fake a stomach bug to get out of this one, ba—(Y/N)?” Azriel stutters, quickly catching his mistake.
Your eyes widen, but thankfully, Dorian doesn’t seem to notice, too enraptured with the design on the back of the bomber. Three dice line the back in white sequins, and instead of regular pips, the black of the dice spells out the acronym F1LVGP: Formula 1 Las Vegas Grand Prix.
It is pretty ugly, but you cannot wait to see your boyfriend in it.
Both drivers are set to shoot media in the very jackets that fans received with their purchase of tickets months ago. It’s going to be as gimmicky and cheesy as Azriel thinks it’s going to be, which is why you refrained from mentioning this specific part of the media tour to him this weekend.
“The fans are going to want to see you both in that jacket,” you explain, biting your lip at Dorian, who has zipped it up to his collarbones. It does look horrid, and there’s a part of you that wishes you could warn the social team about Azriel’s reluctant attitude. Hopefully, they don’t give him any props that might make him look even sillier. “It’s good for the team and the race. Plus, interaction gets us all paid, boys.”
Your phone pings with another important message, a call-in meeting with the Ferrari Public Relations team managers to develop key messages that align with the brand values, sponsor commitments, and team ethos.
With the two stubborn-minded drivers on your team, that part might prove to be difficult.
After that it’s crisis meetings with said drivers, training both Dorian and Azriel on how to efficiently deflect the potential damaging and sensitive questions about what happened in Brazil two weeks ago. Azriel is used to it, and as much as he hates the interview portion of his job, is trained well in answering these types of questions with tact and confidence.
Dorian, on the other hand, is still young and new to the team. The interviewers will no doubt single him out, sniffing out his fresh blood because he’s more likely to make a mistake. You already know that he’s a touch hot-headed when it comes to the obvious rift between the two Ferrari drivers, and if the interviewers pose a question that gives him room to get a word in about Azriel, you have no doubt that he’ll take it, even without realizing exactly how it could impact the team image.
You’re going to make sure that that doesn’t happen.
The rest of the weekend is planned out down to the minute. You’re not even sure you have a single free second to spend with Azriel.
Las Vegas is always exhausting.
“Hey, boss? When do we have some down time this weekend?” Dorian asks, as if he’s somehow reading your mind. You’re dreading this, having to tell a freshly turned twenty-one-year-old in Las Vegas for the first time that he’s not going to be able to go buck-wild. He’ll have to save that for a bye-week or a break. You’re here for business and racing this weekend, not strip-shows and high-hollers tables.
And while he may have an appearance at Omnia night club post-race on Sunday, you’ve tasked yourself with keeping an eye on the rookie, this weekend more so than during the rest of the races this season.
“Unlikely, Havilliard,” you answer, finally looking up from the calendar on your phone. He should really know by now how this all works—it’s race 22 for Mother’s sake—that everything is all work and no play until after the race, but as it’s Dorian’s first year in the big leagues, you have to give him the benefit of the doubt.
It’s been years since you worked with a rookie. You’ve been on Ferrari’s team for a while now, working with Azriel and veteran driver Rowan Whitethorn who accepted an offer from McLaren at the end of last season. It had been bliss, the both of them the most unproblematic drivers on the grid, letting their racing do the talking for them.
But it had been more difficult to get them to talk than you thought. The pair hadn’t been as personable to the world because of their stoic behavior, but when you were hired on, you whipped them into tip-top shape, both drivers the perfect media trained racers within all of Formula 1.
“We’re here for work. You’ll have some time after practice and the race, but Saturday night you’re not to be spotted in any clubs or casinos too late,” you explain, shoving your phone into your back pocket to give him your full attention when you say this. You watch your words settle within Dorian, his shoulders falling more and more as you continue. “You’re not to go overboard. That means no drinking, no gambling, no—”
You sigh at his disheartened look. Maybe it would be alright if he spent some time with some of the veteran drivers, maneuvering Las Vegas along with them. He’ll find that he can still find fun in moderation. Too bad you know Azriel will cut that idea off at the neck.
“I know it sounds boring, Dorian,” you try easily, giving the young driver a sympathetic look. “It’s your first time in Las Vegas and that’s very exciting, but you really need to think hard about what you’re doing here because there are temptations, but there are so many cameras and eyes on you. If you can handle how things might be construed, you don’t have my blessing, but I can’t force you to sit in your hotel all weekend.”
Something sparks in those deep blue eyes at your hidden message. You’ve warned him and you’re not flat-out telling him that you’ll look the other way, that you’ll clean up a mess for him if he makes it, but he should get to live a little, at least.
You know that he’s unlikely to listen to you anyway, friends with a lot of the other young drivers who are just as excited to be in Las Vegas as Dorian is; Ruhn Danaan, Ithan Holstrom, and Tharion Ketos to name a few, with veteran driver Cassian Bailey taking them all under their wing.
That tiny detail means that you’re going to have your work cut out for you this season.
“You got it, boss,” Dorian salutes, shooting you the most innocent look he can muster.
Behind him, Azriel rolls his eyes, and you’re pretty sure you hear him mutter, “Kiss ass,” under his breath, which both you and Dorian effectively ignore.
You’re proud, he’s already learning.
“Alright, Dorian. You’re up first for bomber jacket media, I have something to talk about with Azriel, but we’ll be down soon. You know where you’re going?” You ask, even though his security detail is awaiting him in the hall outside of the suite.
“Of course,” Dorian nods, passing you with his phone already out in his hand. You give him all of three seconds before he begins posting Instagram stories about the hotel. “Thank you for everything, (Y/N).”
“My pleasure,” you answer, waiting until the door shuts behind him before spinning towards your boyfriend and pinning him with a stern look. “You need to stop being so negative, Az. Dorian is on your team and he’s here to stay, at least for the next two seasons until your contract ends. If you want Ferrari to keep you, the both of you will have to start getting along sooner rather than later, and Dorian is a sweetheart.”
“Not you too,” Azriel groans. “Come on, babe, no one can be that charming.”
You hum, stepping into your boyfriend’s warm body. If this is all the time you’re allowed this weekend, you’re going to take advantage of it. Azriel’s hands find your hips easily, a firm, comforting weight against your skin. “I seem to remember someone else that was quite charming when we met,” you tease, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him into a kiss that makes your heart race faster than the speed of his car.
“I was pretty charming, wasn’t I?” Azriel grins, waggling his eyebrows, and you love looking at him like this, happy, when his eyes crinkle in the corners with his smile, the slight dimple in his cheek deepening. He’s so handsome. “Want to go down to the Little White Chapel later and make this official?” Azriel teases and your heart fucking soars, even if he is only poking fun.
Someday the man in your arms won’t be a secret anymore. You’ll be able to flaunt him all over the world, build a life with him, love him not just in the shadows.
“Without a ring?” You joke right back, pinching his side. “I don’t think so, Az.”
“Baby, I’ll get you the biggest ring I can find,” Azriel’s words are husky, his breath hot against the shell of your ear as he dips his chin. “I’ll give you the whole damn world, (Y/N). I love you.”
“I love you too,” you respond breathlessly, and begin rethinking your refusal to marry him on the strip in Las Vegas without a ring. You’ll take him now, hell, you’ll even marry him in the sequined bomber jacket, you don’t care.
You just want to be his, not in secret anymore.
Tagging people from the last F1 fic. If you don't want to be tagged just lmk 🥰
@iambored24601 @secretlyhers @kylaisra @daily-dose-of-sass @moosemahboi @devilsfoodcake22 @blackthorngirl @brieflyclassymortal @starsdoulikedem @cami26cami @justasillylittlegoofyguy @milswrites @navyblue-eternity @kennedy-brooke @mimsie95 @shadowsingersmate24 @piceous21 @skyjasper @soulessjourney @despoinasstuff @weasleyreidstyles @marrass @favfantasyreads @fairywriter-oracle @georgiastars13 @blueblondi @namelesssav @tothestarsandwhateverend @brekkershadowsinger
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moonlinos · 7 months
Hi love 💖
Which romance trope do you associate each skz member with?
For eg: enemies to lovers, forbidden, friends to lovers, boy next door etc
Tbh, from your perspective what relates to them....
Bye, keep writing more 🥰🤗☺️
Ahh I loved writing this, thank you for asking. I got a bit carried away, but it’s not proofread since it’s a drabble so I tried to be less annoying with myself 🙃 Basically a trope for each member + a small blurb 🩷
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Chan - Second chance love Maybe it’s because I just wrote about this, but it fits Chan well.
He was your college sweetheart, the one boyfriend you could never truly forget. After he moves to a different country due to a job offer, you’re left to reminisce about the amazing relationship you foolishly let slip through your fingers. You unknowingly compare every boyfriend you have to him, and they all fall short. No guy is as caring as Chan — he missed out on his own birthday party to console you after failing a test. No guy is as romantic as Chan — he was too broke for flowers during your relationship, so he made you paper roses every day until you broke up. No guy would ever live up to what Chan meant to you. Although you want nothing more than to look for him, your falling out wasn’t quite amicable. When you meet again, it’s by pure coincidence. He’s been transferred back to Seoul, where his company is located across the street from the building where you work. You’re completely different from who you were when you were together. Somehow, that’s exactly what you needed, and you find yourselves wanting to give your old romance a second try.
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Minho - Friends to lovers This is so strange to me because this is actually my least favorite trope, and this man is my bias.
Minho is the one person at your job who you can stand to be around. You always joked about how his hidden talent is making you laugh even while you’re crying. Having worked together for three years now, you two have your little routine: going out to eat cheap street food after work and getting drunk at your favorite bar on weekends. He’s nothing but a friend to you, but he’s secretly pining after you, just waiting for that right moment to confess his feelings. But that moment never comes — you’re always too focused on work, or whining about yet another failed blind date. It takes one drunken night, when he’s carrying you from your car up to your apartment, for just how sweet, caring, and handsome Minho truly is to dawn on you. From there, you begin to subtly show him your feelings — which would totally make him flustered and maybe even a little annoyed that you could do it so effortlessly while he just waited around like an idiot. When you’re asked why you had a change of heart after being his friend for so long, you simply answer that you had no choice but to fall for him. He’s your best friend and the love of your life all wrapped up into one, how could you not want him?
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Changbin - Holiday romance He just screams hot, funny dude you meet on a holiday.
You’re a bit down as you walk into the luau; the beautiful beach does little to distract you from the ugly jealousy inside your chest. Your friends are finding their perfect partners one by one, getting married, and leaving you to be the single friend. Your last friend from your little group is set to get married in two days, her wealthy fiance flying all the guests out to Hawaii for a dream beach wedding. You’re happy for her, but being her bridesmaid was almost like rubbing salt in your wound. Changbin’s loud voice is the first thing you hear after sitting down at the bar. You two get to talking, and his contagious laughter and constant jokes have you enthralled the entire night, and the way the sleeves of his shirt strained against his biceps certainly helped. You end up hooking up that night, leaving you hopeful you won’t be so lonely during yet another wedding. Except he simply disappears when morning comes, a small note explaining he had to catch his flight left on the pillow beside you. He didn’t know if adding his number would be too much — maybe you were just looking to de-stress and have a good time at your friend’s bachelorette party. So he doesn’t, simply signing his name and telling you he had an amazing time with you.
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Hyunjin - Forbidden love In so many different ways. A crown prince set to be king, your bodyguard who really shouldn’t have fallen for you because it puts his life at risk, your best friend who’s already in a relationship. A love you know is unattainable, but you pursue it anyway.
The crown prince has a soft spot for you, even though you’re only a village girl who runs your family’s bakery. Despite his guards surrounding him and his cold appearance, he treats you as an equal whenever he visits your shop — which happens frequently, seeing as his mother cannot live without your strawberry pound cake, a recipe that’s been passed down to you by your late father. Hyunjin’s love starts shyly, without him noticing. His father often berates him for being too soft on the help, too kind to people below him — he simply assumes it’s his seemingly too-kind nature that makes him want to befriend you. He begins escaping from the palace under the pretense of fetching his mother’s favorite treat himself, until he finds himself escaping simply to see you. You spend your days teaching him how to bake various treats while he revels in feeling so normal for the first time in his life. Hidden inside your little bakery, he’s not expected to be gracious and courteous, or to be ruthless and calculating. He can simply be himself around you. Only problem is his parents announce he will be marrying a princess from a neighboring kingdom in less than six months.
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Jisung - Fake relationship Jisung screams early 2000s romcom for me, you can’t change my mind. The real chaotic ones like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Wedding Planner, and of course, The Proposal.
You were certainly not his first option, given his love for tormenting you and your history of bickering at office get-togethers. But Jisung is left with no choice as Christmas is quickly approaching, and his entire family expects to meet his fiance when he visits. In all fairness, he did have one, but she broke off the engagement with no real explanation, leaving him heartbroken and in a huge predicament. He could either come clean to his family and endure two weeks of nagging or find someone to act as his fiance. Unfortunately for him, you’re the only single woman in his department he knows would accept this crazy deal — that’s enough ammo for a year of teasing, and you can’t pass up on that.
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Felix - Sunshine/grumpy I know this is the most obvious choice but hear me out, it’s for good reason.
Felix moves back to Australia to get away from the corporate world he’s been sucked into, missing his carefree days at the beach when he was a kid. You move in next door after a year and a half of enduring a terrible writer’s block that threatens your career as a writer. You have no time for futile things, seeing as your livelihood depends on you sitting down and finishing your book before summer ends. Except your neighbor is unrelenting, determined to help you find your lost passion through his carefully curated list of days at his favorite childhood fair and late-night ocean trips to teach you how to swim. It’s irritating at first, and you want nothing more than to get through his silly list as fast as possible lest you drown him during one of your swimming lessons. Only Felix’s outlook on life slowly wins you over, and you find yourself with more than just your forgotten love for writing filling your heart.
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Seungmin - Enemies to lovers He also screams romantic comedy. His handsome face hiding his chaotic need to pester everyone he loves makes this the obvious choice to me.
As a lawyer just starting her career, you expect to be faced with the usual issues: overworking, your boss being an asshole, and dealing with cases that make you question your own morals. A co-worker who makes every second of your day unbearable was not on your bingo card. Seungmin is assigned to the same team as you, working under the supervision of the firm’s most prestigious lawyers. His need to be the best drives you up the wall, his competitiveness possibly being the worst trait you’ve seen on a man, only rivaled by his cockiness. If that wasn’t enough, he’s seemingly determined to make your life a living hell, constantly engaging in petty fights and teasing you every chance he gets. When a particular case proves too much for you to handle — hitting too close to home — Seungmin trades his unwelcome jokes for words of encouragement, keeping you company after work hours simply to help you. You see him take a step back from his beloved spotlight for the first time just to watch you shine. You find it odd, to say the least, but you can’t bring yourself to question it in your situation. Little do you know he’s been falling for you since he was first introduced to the team, and his need to rile you up is simply a desperate attempt to make you pay attention to him.
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Jeongin - Boy next door I read this one in your message and I just knew it was Jeongin.
He moves next door after a heartbreak, which makes him want nothing more than to run away from the bustling city of Seoul and its cold residents. Jeongin intrigues you from the first day — having lived in that small town your whole life had you desperate for excitement, for what adventures the city could provide you. You have a happy, albeit quite monotonous life. Running the only bookshop in town provides countless stories from your nosy neighbors’ chaotic lives that keep you entertained throughout your days. Still, you’ve grown tired of only hearing about these experiences. Jeongin begins frequenting your bookshop, walking you home, and coming inside for a piece of cake every day. During your talks, you always complain about your dull life in the town, while he swears you wouldn’t trade the tranquility of your little life if you knew how ruthless and lonely the city can be. You fall first, his bright smile and gentle nature capturing your lonely heart. But he falls harder, vowing to help you find the excitement you yearn for in life, even if it means losing you to the city he hates so much.
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♡ taglist: @bloom-ings, @linocz, @farahia, @mirbokk, @jisunglyricist, @jazziwritesthings, @seungseung-minmin, @yourcvndx, @hynjinnnnnnnie, @vlctorriaa, @yongbokkiesworld, @kiensecent, @redstayrosie
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milaisreading · 1 year
Good day~
Sorry for sending you my request during submission box, Tumblr glitched. So I resend this. As I said, I reeeeeally like your blue lock headcanons! Bullock manager is such an adorable idea. So if you don't mind, can I as you for some more headcanons about blue lock boys simping for their manager?
Have a great day, I wish you a lot of inspiration!~
Thanks for the request! No need to apologize, also sorry in advance I can usually only write HCs with scenarios, soo this might be long. Hope u enjoy it🩷
Pairing: Blue Lock x Reader
Warning ⚠️: none in particular tbh. Reader uses she/her here and manga spoilers Ig
⚽️Blue Lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Today was like any other at Blue Lock, you had Ego roasting everyone, (Y/n) and Anri trying to get him to eat something healthy and the boys doing their own thing with training. By now it was lunch time and the players along with (Y/n) were sent to eat as Anri and Ego went through some papers and plans for the upcoming trainings, as well as the match with the U-20 team.
'I am so hungry... Bachira kept me away from eating the whole morning. Why did he ask me to watch his dribbling even?!'
The girl blinked as she walked towards the cafeteria, cringing as she heard loud screaming from her friends.
"I am not dealing with this today. I think Ego-san has left some unattended yakisoba in the fridge." The girl said with a bittersweet smile. As much as they were annoying at times, she held the team close to her heart.
'They are good guys... but I am not dealing with their shenanigans today.'
Now the cafeteria wasn't like this the whole time, since 20 minutes ago it was very quiet and the boys were honestly minding their own business. Well that was until Nagi logged into his phone and saw a rather peculiar post. He raised his eyebrow in disgust as he read the caption on the post.
'Going to meet this cutie soon🩷'
"How did Oliver Aiku get a picture of our manager?" Nagi whispered to Reo, who was sitting next to him. The question caused his friend to spit out his drink and look at Nagi in shock and confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"He posted this... now that I look at the picture more, it could be the one when she went to help out during a JFU press conference."
"Give me that!"
Nagi let Reo take his phone, while he was seething on the inside.
'Now I regret not sneaking off that day. With my frame nobody would have gotten a picture of her.'
"This can't be for real... Oliver Aiku, the biggest player Japan witnessed!" Reo groaned, catching the attention of Aryu and the former Team Z members.
"What is it with Oliver Aiku?" Aryu asked, walking over to the table.
"Don't tell me you are afraid of playing against him." Chigiri teased.
"It's not that... just look." Reo groaned, showing Aryu the post. The boy stopped playing with the ends of his hair when he read the post, looking in horror at the pro-player's post.
"Not him of all people! We need to keep (Y/n) as far away as possible! He is too ugly to be in her presence. "
"I know! But how?"
"This is such a hassle... can I just hit him in the head with the ball or something?"
"What is this about (Y/n)? And what does Aiku have to do with her?" Baro questioned, the cafeteria now completely silent when they mentioned the girl's name.
"Oliver Aiku seems to have some interest in her. Look." Aryu sighed, giving Baro the phone. The long haired boy sat down as what was left of Team Z approached them.
"What do you mean? How does he even know about her?" Bachira pouted, while Kunigami and Gagamaru were on high alert.
"This isn't good, we can't let that bastard near her." Isagi added as Chigiri nodded his head.
"Especially with his history with women... Yeah, (Y/n) is way better off not knowing him." Otoya added, a little annoyed that the pro-player knew of their manager.
"So what's the plan? It's not like all of us can stay around her all the time."
"Are we fighting?" Kurona and Karasu came, curious as to what they are supposed to do.
"We can't really do that. There will be a lot of cameras, and with Oliver Aiku being as popular as he is, they will follow every move." Yukimiya said, adjusting his glasses as the rest groaned. Rin kept quiet as he searched for the said post to see it with his own eyes, and sure enough it was there. What made it worse in Rin's eyes was that even his own brother, Itoshi Sae liked it. That pretty much set a blaze of anger off and Rin got up from his seat.
"Well that's the only option we have. Some of us will be on the bench or be called for a switch. We need to keep that guy away from (Y/n)." Rin said to the group, who all nodded their heads.
"Alright then! It's settled, we are doing our best to win against the U-20 and keep Aiku away." Isagi said after he finally calmed Bachira down.
"Of course. Can you imagine that asshole near (Y/n)?" Baro tsked, not liking that image in the slightest.
"Right! (Y/n) is so sweet and kind, Aiku is totally not for her." Aryu sighed as the others nodded along.
"Right, she is suited for someone like me." Otoya added suddenly, earning glares from his fellow teammates.
"Hell no! (Y/n) doesn't even know you that well! I am more her type, she is so calm and collected, perfect for me!" Bachira said, sending a warning glare to the white/green-haired boy.
"Her type? Bachira you are rough and wild, there is no way (Y/n) will want to be with you. Me on the other hand, I am the perfect gentleman." Chigiri said smugly. Kunigami rolled his eyes at the redhead's comment along with Gagamaru.
"Then I am the perfect candidate, also physically I am superior too, who else will protect her when it's necessary."
"Now when we talk about physique, I am far superior than you are. My queen would be much happier with me." Baro said, getting into Kunigami's face.
"Well, (Y/n) might not be into muscles. Besides, with the way she is always so kind and sweet to me, I am sure I am winning."
Isagi's comment irritated Rin and the younger Itoshi got into his face now.
"You winning next to me? We all know the best striker wins here, and that is me. Keep your hands off of her."
"You all are acting as if I am not in the clear win here, after all I am the richest. I could offer (Y/n) anything her heart desires." Reo added with a pout as Nagi shook his head.
"I think she would prefere a calm and quiet life. So I am the ideal partner there, you lose."
"Nagi, shut up!"
"I think (Y/n) and I would be a good match too. She looks happy when talking to me." Gagamaru commented while his face turned red.
"That's in her glamorous nature, Gagamaru." Aryu added while sighing.
By now the whole cafeteria was in total chaos, a mix of arguments over who the better match for (Y/n) was or singing praises about the girl.
Outside, (Y/n) and Hiori were playing rock, paper, scissors on who will yell at them to stop.
"What even started the argument?" (Y/n) asked, sighing at her loss as the boy shook his head.
"I don't know. I was practicing my dribbling and then came to you." Hiori said, blushing a little at the closeness.
'She smells really sweet today~'
As the day of the U-20 and Blue Lock 11 match approached, (Y/n) grew more and more anxious, hoping the boys will be able to handle the pressure. The whole of Japan was watching and she did her best to be on the call as soon as one of her friends needed help. Barely paying attention to anyone outside of her team, (Y/n) never noticed how every time Aiku tried to approach her or how one of the boys, usually Baro or Kunigami would whisk her away or glare at the player.
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Yandere Platonic Batfam x Trans Masc Autistic Reader
Hello! A bit of an authors note. This particular series will be dealing with transphobia, all of which stems from personal experience. Be advised when reading!
Warning: This is a yandere work, and as such, has themes of obsession , violence, stalking, conditioning and manipulation. Trigger warning for this particular one include the above warnings. They’re all pretty mild tbh.
Looking back on it, you knew there was nothing you could have done. That Dad Bruce had planned and pre-planned every meeting since your first interaction to draw you in, to learn more, before he had finally just taken you to the Manor. That there was absolutely nothing you could of done to outsmart the World’s Greatest Detective, who had become inexplicably obsessed with you, alongside all of his kids.
That didn’t make it any easier. It didn’t get rid of the guilt, or the frustration, or the fact you had been so close to doing what you wanted to do with your life. It didn’t help the ugly knot in your chest that would well up, tight and complex and full of emotion, and it didn’t help the bitter rage that would sit heavy in your belly some days.
You sigh, gently scratching behind Titus’ ear, and his tail thumps against the hardwood as he wiggles closer, nose snuffling for any treats. Finding none, he continues to preen under your petting and you laugh, pressing a kiss to his forehead with a smile.
“I had wondered where Titus had gone.” Damian comments, sitting next to you. Out of all of your “siblings”, Damian never really.. set of that anger in your chest. He was younger than you, still a child, and even though it sucked it made sense that he would follow in the behaviors others had set out for him. It made you sad, sometimes, but not angry.
“Me and him are just chilling. Isn’t that right, Titus?” He woofs softly at the sound of his name, and you laugh, scratching behind his ear again.
“You are going to spoil him, one of these days. I hope you know that.” Damian scolds, like he had a leg to stand on. You had seen him sneak the dog treats and snacks every now and then, something you were all explicitly banned from doing to prevent the dog from trying to get into the trash or on the countertops. “Are you watching Star Wars again?”
He sounded far too judgmental for your tastes, and you frown, reaching for the remote.
“I didn’t say to change it. Todd had simple remarked the other day that you watched it often.” He interjects, and you feel your shoulders unwind. You were.. defensive, of your interests, and it always upset you when someone mocked you for having them, no matter how much you wished it didn’t.
“Jason hardly knows how to mind his business half the time.” You grumble, then stretch. Damian slots into the seat beside you like he had been planning to all along, and you sigh tiredly. Despite the fact that you heavily suspected Damian was touch-starved to all hell, he would never outright ask for a hug, or go for one, instead slotting himself into a position where it would be very easy for you to hug or cuddle him.
Sometimes, it made you too sad not to. This time was one of those times.
You wrap an arm around your little brother Damian, letting him decide whether or not he actually wanted the affection. He sinks into your side easily, and you shift, eyes fixated on the screen.
You try not to wonder how much of his hesitance came from genuine trauma and how much came from the careful calculation he inherited from his father. It would only upset you.
You watch as the characters on the screen argue, the lines familiar enough that you mouth along, and the sky darkens outside, time passing in that strange, crawling way it did when you were totally relaxed and falling asleep. Part of you is glad Damian sought you out, the soft sounds of his breathing lulling you to sleep. Your eyes droop, and you sigh, letting your head fall back against the cushions.
“Awww.” The sound of a quiet coo makes you nearly jump up, arms tightening around Damian, and you only stiffen further when you see Dick leaning against the door, a broad grin on his features. He watches the two of you, Damian, who was no doubt awake, and yourself, and his eyes are sharp and piercing enough that your stomach turns.
“No one told me you’d come out of your room, baby bat.” He huffs, and moves toward you both on silent feet.
“Perhaps they simply wanted to spend time alone, Grayson.” Damian sniffs, but does nothing to prevent Dick from clambering onto the couch, wrapping an arm around you and Damian both. Despite not being even close to the youngest, Dick always treated you as a younger sibling, something that drove you insane and made rage bubble up whenever you thought of it too much.
“Nah. They’ll typically sneak off to the library if they want time alone.” He wasn’t wrong, per se, but the flippant way he says it makes you send him a tired glare. “What’re you watching?”
“Star Wars. The fifth one.”
“That’s the one with the Vader reveal, right? When he’s like “I am your father” and all that?” He questions, and you send him a tired glare.
“You’re older than me, how are you not more familiar with Star Wars.” You complain, and he laughs, settling further into the seat next to you. There was no escaping it now, unfortunately. You were stuck in the cuddle pile until he either let you go, the movie ended, or Alfred came to your rescue. Given that there was nearly an hour of movie left, you really hoped the third option would happen.
“Hey! I spent most of my childhood running around fighting crime, you don’t really get super into sci-fi after meeting actual aliens!” He defends, grinning.
“I feel like that would only increase the interest more, but okay.” You snort, and he laughs.
For the most part, the three of you are silent. Dick has a running commentary throughout the movie that you ignore, only pausing to correct him when he is simply just outright wrong, and Damian doesn’t say anything at all except to remark on how stupid the two of you were.
Then the scene on Cloud City comes on. The reveal.
It makes you.. uncomfortable, seeing how desperate Luke is to get away. It makes something tighten in your chest as you watch the screen, and Dick must realize because his eyes cut to you and suddenly the remote is in his hands, turning off the show.
“Not in the mood for all the dramatics.” He lies with an easy grin, even though you know that the reason he changed it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with you. “Let’s just sit and watch this, yeah?”
You weren’t even sure what show he had put on, and so you shake your head, pushing yourself up.
A strong arm pushes you back. Your heart starts hammering in your throat, an awful mix of anxiety and something else, and you glance over at Dick, trying not to think about the way Damian had eased back with a frown and how your fingers were wrapped tightly around Dick’s arm in alarm.
“Dick. Let me up, I have to use the restroom.” You lie, even as you hear your heartbeat thundering away in your ears. Dick was in a mood today, and you had no clue why or who had put him in that mood. Either way, it had your stomach churning and the hair on the back of your neck standing up.
“Yeah, no problem.” He lets you go easily, at that, and you slip away, trying to make it look like you weren’t running.
The door to your room shuts quietly behind you. The hinges are well-oiled and silent, another precaution they had taken when they had moved you in, so that you couldn’t hear them coming and going. For once, you’re grateful for their never ending paranoia. Now that you had picked up their silent hair, it made it easier for you to slip in and out of your room without detection.
You curl up on the bedspread, not bothering to go under the covers. You felt.. unwell. Hurt and angry and anxious. You felt confused and upset and a million other emotions you couldn’t name.
You had been bickering with Dick before the scene. Acting like siblings, behaving like a family. It was a harsh dose of reality in that no matter how much you cling to your anger, they were steadily working their way into your life, casting you in a role you had never wanted to play.
Or, actually, you had. You had wanted to be a part of their family, but not like this. You had wanted all of it, the loving father, the siblings, the unwavering support. But not at the cost of your freedom.
There’s a soft knock on your door, and you swallow. You hope it’s not Dick, because you didn’t feel like being yelled at and you didn’t feel like being guilt-tripped.
“Come in.” You croak, and the door opens with a whisper of air. Jason or Bruce, maybe? They were always careful to announce their presence when they were upset, although Cass also showed that same level of care when she comforted you.
The bed dips under their weight, and your body slides toward them, even when you don’t turn your head. Not Cass, she was too light. Bruce or Jason, then.
“Dick said you got upset, earlier.” A warm hand buries itself in your hair gently, and your lip trembles, even though you refuse to look at your Dad Bruce. He doesn’t demand that you do, thankfully. “Wanna tell me what you set you off?”
“What do you think?” You snap, teeth bared at nothing, and he continues stroking your hair, gently detangling the strands the best he can.
“I won’t know unless you tell me.” He comments neutrally, and you know that he’s playing you for a fool and it makes you so mad that you push yourself up, twisting around to face him.
“Really?! What have all of our conflicts been about so far, Bruce?” Your shoulders are hiked up. Angry. Defensive. You know you’re mad and you don’t care.
“(Y/N), I know you don’t understand just yet but it was for the best-“
“For you!! I didn’t get a choice, you didn’t give me a choice, and that’s the worst part!!” You shriek, and the bubbling anger that had been locked up and hidden away is finally escaping, in hot tears running down your face and your enraged shrieking. “I never had a choice! I just wanted- I wanted-!”
Sobs tear themselves from your throat, ugly and raw, and when his hand lands on your shoulder you shrug it off, pushing yourself away from him to stand on your own to feet.
The worst part is expression. Guilt and sympathy and sadness make an awful combination, and you grip the desk, rage pulsing in your veins. How dare he be sad when he did this. How dare he be sad when you were the one who had been ripped from your life.
“You wanted someone to take care of you, (Y/N). You needed help.” He says slowly, standing up. His posture is open, gentle, a non-threat. You aren’t fooled, and shuffle back.
“I had it under control! I was fine!” You snarl back, and he shakes his head, his face gentle.
“You didn’t. You weren’t sleeping, barely eating, you were constantly stressed because of your family… that’s not under control. It’s unhealthy.”
“And this is?! Ripping someone from their home, their family, because what-?! You wanted to? You’re awful! You’re selfish! I want to go home, take me home, let me go-!”
Warm arms wrap around you, pressing you into a broad chest, and you shriek against the fabric, trying your best to thrash. Despite being entirely human, his arms are like warm steel around you, unmoving, and eventually, your struggles cease, and you go still.
“I know what I did was selfish. I know it was cruel, (Y/N). But I just… I couldn’t bear losing another son. Your siblings, they can defend themselves. They have the training, the skills. But you were a civilian, struggling to stay alive and get through school, and I could only do so much to help you.”
His voice is thick, and you refuse to look up at him. He had the annoying habit of being painfully genuine when he knew it would rip your heart out.
He leans back, and begins to gently wipe your face, brushing the tears of your cheeks. Despite the screaming, he don’t look angry, but there’s a heavy, awful sorrow in his shoulders that makes you want to cry. Which makes more angry tears spill down your cheeks because how dare he make you feel guilty for upsetting him.
“I can’t lose another son.” He admits, voice cracking, and you swallow. Hearing him call you his son was.. it was a mixed bag. Old hurts and new ones creating something new. “And I knew, if I let it continue on, something terrible would have happened.”
“You could have asked me.” You croak, and he shakes his head.
“You wouldn’t have said yes. You had put everyone’s needs above your own, you would’ve self-destructed if I had left you there.”
The worst part was, he was right. You had been feeling so small and trapped that even if he had offered, you wouldn’t have accepted. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
“I know this isn’t fair. But you’ll get through this. And we’ll help you, every step of the way.” A gentle kiss to your forehead, as he smoothed back your hair, and he smiles down at you.
“Dinner is going to be in thirty minutes. Would you like to join me downstairs or stay up here until then?”
Your mouth is dry. Your face is red and teary and upset. Your eyes are puffy from crying.
You don’t want to be alone, either.
“I’ll come downstairs.” You whisper, and he smiles, kneeling to grab your weighted blanket. When you both sit on the couch, he ticks it around your shoulder, sits next to you, and puts on some show or another you don’t recognize.
He is warm and solid against you, and eventually you fall asleep, exhausted.
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t00muchheart · 6 months
As I do when I am hyperfixating on something, I have read a LOT of supernatural fanfiction in the last few months, and I get a lot of the titles I read from other peoples’ recommendations or collections on ao3, so I figured I’d share some of my favorites in case anyone else is looking for recs :)
Spirit of the West by teen_dean
This is a shock to literally no one who follows me because I regularly bring it up, but it honestly is one of the best things I’ve ever read. The 90s horse girl AU of your dreams (or, if you haven’t dreamed of one, that you never knew you needed). The storytelling is immaculate, the symbolism rich, and it only improves on re-reading
And this, your living kiss by opal_bullets
Poet Dean AU featuring genuinely beautiful comments on language and writing and how we encounter stories and words and what they can do, and also some honestly incredible poetry
where there is darkness by quiettewandering
Lighthouse keepers AU! this one is a bit mysterious and I did scream into a pillow after finishing it. If you know the story of the Flannan Isles lighthouse keepers, it is loosely inspired by that.
Phantasma by thisisapaige
Messy Dean, my beloved. Messy, Stanford-Era Dean, my beloved. Dean breaks off from John and buys a haunted house, and things sort of escalate.
For All You Young Hockey Players Out There, Pay Attention by thursdaysfallenangel
I don’t even watch hockey, but this AU kind of made me want to start. Rivals to friends to lovers all while dealing with the homophobia in the NHL
time has come today series by teen_dean
Team Free Will brings in teen Dean Winchester to help with a case, parallel worlds come into play; every version of Dean Winchester falls in love with Castiel & all the good stuff like that
What Baking Can Do by cowlovely
Baker & Dad Dean fic and Doctor Cas? What more could you ask for?
Everyone’s a Critic by Englandwouldfall
Food Critic Cas and Chef Dean meet in a truly unfortunate way. This is worth it for Cas’s reviews alone, but also the Dean-Gabriel dynamic
FROTUS by kathscradle
A President Cas, Restaurant Owner Dean romance that was honestly just a good time
take the bones, begin anew by JustStandingHere
This was one of the first fics I read and it is sort of peak disaster™ Dean Winchester. I love a good “I fixed up a house for you and didn’t realize it meant I was in love” fic and this one is iconic
i want to do with you (what spring does with cherry trees) by sobsicles
I ugly cry every time I read this fic. It is a run of Cas and Dean’s relationship in seasons 13-15 and has Dean making a friend and it hurts but also it’s so good. Maybe my favorite Sam line of any fic comes from this fic ("If he thinks what you two do is friendship, then I must just be some guy he happens to speak to sometimes.”)
break the skin (to break the barriers) by sobsicles
Dean gets tattoos, and as he does, he tells the tattoo artist his life story. This is a post-15x19 fic told from an outside perspective and it is so well-done
Dumbassery, Denial, Doing by sobsicles
Listen tbh this list could be dominated by sobsicles and so I am showing restraint by only including three of their works. Their Dean characterization is everything to me and this fic really highlights Dean growing to understand himself better when given the freedom to
Revisions by bizarrestars
THEE what if Dean and Cas got together earlier and Chuck just wrote it out? fic.
a turn of the earth by microcomets
I love a work that explores pre-series Dean, and this one is great. Basically, think what-if later seasons Cas and pre-series Dean met (Strandlines by aeli_kindara is another good example of this premise, but in Strandlines, it is pre-series Cas as well as pre-series Dean).
psalm 40:2 by unicornpoe
On a similar note, psalm 40:2 is a great pre-series Dean, future-Cas fic. I am a bi Dean believer but this fic did sway me toward the gay Dean camp because it’s simply so good.
You Belong Among the Wildflowers by ImYourHoneyBee
Dean fixing his relationship with Jack? You got it. Dean trying to work through losing Cas? Yep. Dean getting Cas back by being stubborn? It’s there.
Who You Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel
Dean has a ghost following him around as he tries to start a life post-series, and for a while, he can’t figure out what’s happening. I love nothing more than Dean telling people he and Cas were married because he doesn’t know how else to explain and this fic delivers so hard
quilts by fleeceframe
A “Cas didn’t confess before getting taken to the Empty” fic. Soft things all around
Fathers & Daughters by sinnabonka
On a different note, this is one of my favorite Claire fics. It looks at Claire’s relationship with Cas and the impossibility of it, and it’s so artfully done.
Bus Loop Madness by batz_in_blue
Literally just a “what if everyone lived, Jack was a toddler, and they all picked him up from school?” AU. I audibly laughed while reading this, and it’s an essential pick-me-up from the heavier fics.
More of my favorite sobsicles fics include: gorging myself on you, still can’t get full (insatiable), and he’s back (with a mind of his own), six hundred sundays (and many more), oh sooner or later it all comes down to faith, things happen (they do, they do, and they do), according to all known laws of life, and profoundly bonded (by law)
Also, honorable mentions to Ninety One Whiskey, which is such a good fic, and Make a Believer Outta Me, which is a Hocus Pocus AU that is honestly just a fun time.
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highlordofkrypton · 2 months
Re: romantic affection
@peoplesidk, I'm gonna reply to your question here instead of reblogging bc I prefer just having mutuals see. This got long, I'm so sorry, you don't have to read the whole things.
I don't mind expanding on my second point, I'm not sure if it's relatable because it's 100% my personal issues that I am working through slowly but surely. I just hope that if anyone sees this (since it's public, and esp if they're not my mutuals!), they have the empathy to understand that it's not a debate, it's personal, if you know what I mean. BUT if it does help someone, then this is why I'm reblogging!!
tw: trauma dump? kind of?
So, I was raised in an environment that I didn't even know was considered "abusive" and or "neglectful" until much later in life when I found out I was depressed and sought help at school w/ their free therapy. Also, I still don't think it was that abusive or neglectful, some of it was just two people doing the best they can with the tools they had in an unfamiliar place.
I have no siblings, I am the eldest child born in a 'first world country' to the 'eldest child' of my mother's family (and my father was the first of his family to come here as well). Both of them achieved amazing things in helping their numerous siblings get a better life, etc. That said, not only was I parentified (bc they did not speak the main language here well enough to understand any official documents) as a child, but I was held to a standard that I needed to lead the cohort, achieve more and do it alone.
My parents raised me from a young age telling me 'you are alone, you have no siblings, we will not be around to help you' in the sense that anything can happen. Plus, they were generally absent, working multiple jobs to make ends meet and I was... alone. Most of my childhood memories is being alone, tbh.
Add in the fact that I think my mother was bullied most of her life, and took that out on me (and still does, but eh, I can take care of myself I don't listen anymore). It kind of fucked up the way my brain works.
I have certain beliefs about myself that are very contradictory to the way I move in the world.
I'm a shitty and nasty person vs. many people in my life, and even people I cross on a day to day basis, think I'm genuinely wonderful, positive and appreciate having me around. I do go out of my way to be kind, but I don't feel kind.
I'm fat, ugly, disgusting vs. literally nobody I know thinks that, and many of my close friends think I'm super in shape, I'm just not leaned out (think curvy and strong)
I cannot trust anyone to take care of me vs. I'm allowed to pause and not have to manage everything -- I only learned this year that I can ask my girlfriends to plan brunch, it doesn't have to be me all the time.
I have not earned the right to be loved (and the counter of 'merit of love' is reset with each interaction) vs. I don't have to do anything to be worthy of affection, I can just ... exist?
On the same point, I do not know how to exist in a way that isn't fearing that anyone in my life can turn on me at any moment, so I have learned not to bother being vulnerable + being vulnerable makes me a burden. I am not accomplishing my task of exceeding, accomplishing, leading the way.
(Also, my first and last relationship was super traumatic, so I don't think love is real at this point.)
THAT SAID, sorry for the long trauma dump, there's a point, I swear. In the examples above, you'll see that my negative and toxic thoughts are invalidated by the wonderful people in my life. I'm not relying on them to 'fix me' or combat my toxic thought processes, but ever since I moved out (and I work from home), I'm alone more often than not. I don't want to always rely on my friends to have to reset my brain.
I am told I do fantastic things, but I do not believe it. I am programmed to exceed, or perform well enough in a lot of things I do, but I seek validation, so it comes off as me begging for attention when 'I already know I'm good'. So, I can't help but wonder if a part of me longing for anyone who is kind, and who's interests align with mine, is just me kind of... wanting that 'peace of mind' because someone does love me enough to want to spend a lot of time with me.
I just think it'd be really nice to feel like someone cares enough about me (as a person and not the things I can do for them), but I don't think that's romantic attraction at all. It's just one soul yearning not to be lonely? Do I even have the capacity anymore to let someone in like that? Who knows.
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thebottomfromhell · 1 year
In regards to the post about reader dying in their arms, could I request something along the lines of once the upper moons die, reader was waiting for them so they could go to hell together?
Thank you!
Got it. This is also an interesting one since there would be [mentioned in some, to make my life easier] interactions with Koyuki, Daki and Shinobu. I would like to add that this last one wouldn't be a positive one, so sorry if you are a fan of Shinobu, but she is not liking reader so reader is not liking her neither.
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Uppermoon meets their male (tbh in this one is more GN, I just say male bc the other prev. ask was more explicit in the gender) demon S/O reader after dying before going to hell. Previous ask here. Also an incorrect quote inspired in the Douma hc.
Warnings: Manga Spoilers, A bit of angst (pk, maybe a tad more than a bit, but still), Mentioned dead/murder, Akaza and Douma have things going on with female characters, Gyokko and Douma are their own warnings, and Karaku starts making out with you the second he sees you.
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Gyutaro + Daki:
"Y/N! What is this place?! It's awful! Where is onii-chan?!" You hear a well known high pitched voice first, but the girl in front of you... you knew Daki was young, still a girl rather than a woman, when she was transformed, but this? She can't be older than fourteen. She looks so similar, and yet so different. Unlike you, she looks human and doesn't even seem aware of it. "Daki... stay close, we will find your brother." You say as you turn around, offering your hand whish she takes, feeling the light following you, almost heating up your back, as if telling you to hand over the girl to it. You only fix your grip as you look for Gyutaro in the nothing, and it doesn't take you that much to find him.
"Onii-chan!" Daki screams as she speeds up, still holding your hand to force you to do the same. It's a relief that Gyutaro looks the same as always, you missed that ugly face of his, as he puts his attention on his little sister as she complains and orders him to fix things. Then he looks at you. "Y/N... what are you doing here, ne?" You smile at him gently, he doesn't seem good, beyond the fact that he is dead. He looks... sad. "I was waiting for you, Gyutaro." You answer honestly as he turns around. "Make Ume go towards the light." Ume? Who is U- "What?! What do you mean?!" Oh......... oh...
You are still processing everything as the siblings fight, Gyutaro trying to scare Daki... Ume towards the light, saying hurtful things as she begs to not be left behind. Daki begging? It's just so wrong, but again... this is Ume, just a little girl that has the chance to not pay for more than a century of murder, in between other crimes. And she is the little sister of a young man who is nothing but willing to let her go in order to protect her, the same way he didn't hesitate to become nothing but an extension to her so she could get the lives she wanted and with him only there when she actually needs him. "You and I are not siblings anymore, you are nothing to me." "Gyutaro! We both know you don't mean that!" You have to shut him up after that, but he just sounds so defeated... "Daki, your Onii-chan wants to protect you, to have a better chance that we will. Do you want to go towards the light?" There is little to no people that asks them what they want, you were always the one to fix that.
Ume shakes her head as tears still fall from her face. "NO! I WON'T GO! IF ONII-CHAN DOESN'T GO THEN I DON'T WANT TO! HE PROMISED! HE PROMISED ME WE WOULD ALWAYS BE TOGETHER! HE PROMISED!" When Gyutaro turns around you already have her in your back, shutting her up by the surprise. "Take her hand, she will need her big brother by her side. I will take her there so you don't have to." So he doesn't have to feel the weight of being the one to bring his little sister, his beautiful child, to hell only because he doesn't have the strengh nor the ability to get her something better. "Ne... thank you, Y/N, for everything." He says as he takes her hand, and you step into the fire as she cries.
She probably doesn't even know why she is crying, but she is. You also tear a bit and when you look at your side, Gyutaro is crying too. It's the end, but at least you are together.
You don't have to say anything, just smirk as you arch one eyebrow as Gyokko's head appears in your hands. "Hey, Gyokko. So you died too, huh?" He barely showed any sympathy towards you when you were dying, and honestly... this is karma. "Urg. Y/N, you will not believe the night I just had!" He inmediately starts complaining, just like the good old times. Honestly, you don't know how much time you spent sitting in the... ground? Is this even a ground? Still, it's nice, you even massage his scalp with your fingers as he goes on. Alive, he could do this for hours, but now there is no time, no real worries, not even the damned sun.
"And everything has been so stressful since you left. Everyone else lacks taste and talent, don't know how to do anything! For the enlightened, I really should have protected you better..." he remains in silence after that, making eye contact with you, as you atill process how to take it. It's a confession or regret? An apology? An "I love you"? None of them? All of them? It still manage to turn your smirk into a brave smile. "I missed you a lot, I didn't really expect you to die but... I guess I really hoped we could be like this once again." He also smiles at that, probably remembering your last conversation when you were dying.
"I also missed you, don't ever go on your own again." "Will you miss me?" You asked that day, and you got the answer you hoped for a second time. "I'm also glad you haven't changed a bit, you are the same as always. The demon I fell in love with." "I love you, Gyokko. Never change" you told him, and he still remembers, you can see that by his facial expressions. Did he think about you the same way you thought about him, you want to ask but at the same time... you know exactly where you are. "Your body is not regenerating." You point out and he sighs in frustration. "I will probably have a full body again the second we step into hell... " there is a pause there, Gyokko is probably as scared as you are to get in that place.
"You know? I remembered that my parents died when I was a kid, their corpses were just in front of me, but I could only feel fascinated by them. I wanted to keep them in the hallways to always be able to contemplate them, but I wasn't allowed. People don't understand the beauty of death, if you had left something behind I would have kept it." It makes sense, maybe because you are still like a demon, but it makes sense. Keeping those you hold dear close even after death, if you need a corpse to do so, so be it. So be it... you stand up, holding Gyokko's head against your chest, protecting it with your arms as you walk into hell. "You will also need a body for me to keep you around." He looks at you a bit surprised, but relaxes and laughes "Well then, I trust you."
Hantengu inmediately starts a tantrum, throwing himself at the ground (can you even call it ground?) when he saw he was in front of the gates of hell, crying and screaming, trying to gain sympathy of beings that were not around. Just you, but he is so scared he hasn't noticed you yet. "Hantengu." You call him, making him turn around to see you before running straight towards you, hiding his hace in your chest as he wraps he arms around you to keep crying. "Y/N! Y/N! Oh, thank the gods you are here! Why are you in this awful place? It's so scary!" You pat his hunched back to comfort him as you smile, he hasn't changed one bit. "Hello to you too, Hantengu."
It's hard to say how long did you stay like this, Hantengu holds into you as if you were his last chance of salvation, but you were not able to even save yourself. The best you did was stay in this place, awful as he called it, to avoid stepping into hell. You know Hantegu's sanity, if there is any left, won't be able to handle the darkness and emptyness of this place. He is the first being you have seen in what it feels ages, and while you know having a dear face should make it easier... maybe the best is to keep going. Still, you only try to help him to feel better, not knowing how to voice out your opinion. "Please talk to me... say something, anything..."
So you talk, not of anything in particular, you tell him how much you missed him, how much you thought about him, how much you love him, as he rubs his face against you, looking for both physical and emotional comfort. You talk for an even longer time than he was crying, being listenes as he uses your voice as a medium to scape reality, to relax against you and pretend everything is fine. "And... Hantengu, I think we can't really stay here. Nobody is meant to be here." He sighs against you, keeping quiet before answering weakly. "I know, but it's so scary. Why must this happen to us? What did we do to deserve this?" You both know what you did.
You smile, ignoring Hantengu's attempt to fool everyone, himself included, that he's innocent. You only take one of his hands and put yourself behind him, covering his eyes with your free hand. "Do you trust me?" You asks as he trembles against your touch as you blind him, he has always been so paranoid... "I do." But you have always been his safespace, and so he leans on your hand as you guide him to hell, both of you together. There isn't much left to say, but it's ok... it's ok as long as you have your beloved by your side.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Sekido?" You aske before recieving a hit in the face that makes you fall down, Sekido is clearly angry at you still. "YOU! YOU DIED! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE! HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE AFTER ALL YOU PUT ME THROUGH?! YOU LITTLE SHIT! FUCKING BASTARD!" He is still the one to grab you to help force you to stand up before hugging you. "Fuck you, Y/N.... fuck you.... I'm so fucking pissed with you. I told you to not leave." You start to feel the tears in your shoulder, there are so many questions of how this is possible, but for you, the only important thing is that you have Sekido in your arms as you hug him back tightly. "Why did you have to leave?"
You pat his back to comfort him, you didn't want to leave him neither. You genuinely thought you would never see him again and didn't want to go to hell until you came in terms with that. But Sekido is here, so you grab his face softly, tears still falling off his eyes as you go for a kiss. "I missed you too, Sekido. I'm glad I was able to see you again." You smile at him as he begins to curse and avoid looking at you, trying to hide his crying face. "I'm sorry for hurting you" you say even though you know he won't say it back, but your priority is to make him feel better, or at least good enough so he won't hit you again. "Whatever.... I missed you too."
There is a lot going on in your mind right now. Is Sekido real? Or will he turn back into Hantengu the second you both step into hell? The idea scares you, and a lot. You just got him back and you don't want to lose him just now, not yet. You don't even dare to ask, you just want to spend a bit more with Sekido. He notices eventually as you just hug him in silence, he inhales deeply before pulling apart. "You have been here long enough." He takes your hand to guide you to hell, but you refuse to follow. "We will go.... later.... right now can we stay together? Just cuddle?" He sighs tired before hugging you "Fine, we will stay here for a while, but we have to go to hell sooner or later. I'll just wait for you... to feel better about it. But we can avoid it forever." and you say everything you wanted back then but couldn't because of time. You will go to hell eventually, but right now you just want your Sekido in your arms.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Karaku?" You ask before he takes softly the sides of you face to kiss you in this same position. He sucks into hour mouth as if he was a drunk with his favorite drink, hugging you as he wraps his free hand through tha back of your neck. He doens't pull apart for a while, but grins in a just so wholesome way when ge does. "Hey, hot-stuff~. It's been a while, hasn't it?" There are some tears accumulated in his eyes as he stands up and lunges forward to hug you again. "I missed you so much. You have no idea how glad I am to see you again." You really never thought you would see him again.
"I missed you too." He breathes in by the side of your neck before kissing you again, hungry for you as his arms remains wraped around your neck. There are slurping sounds as he slips his tongue in, making this as messy as he can, and you let him. As if you need this to prove that this is real, that Karaku is really here with you and is not leaving anytime soon. Maybe he also needs to convince himself that this is real, but the trail of saliva joining your tongues together definetely is. "Your kisses are still the sweatest." He says rubbing the liquids of both tears and saliva off his face before using his thumbs to do the same to you as you were to numb to do it yourself.
"What now?" You find yourself asking, because everything is so new and so scary. You don't want to lose Karaku again, and he seems to notice your fear, so he grins with confidence. "Well, Sekido would tell us to hurry up and go to hell, as we are supposed to be doing... but I'm not Sekido. I say we stay here for as long as you need, together." He kisses you again as be both start openly crying, none of you really know what you will do. Or if you even will ever be ready to go to hell... but you are together, chasing for a good time as always. There is no hurry, just enjoy the present if you think the future will take said gift away. Karaku will support you, so stay with him a little more.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Urogi?" You barely manage to ask before he jumps over you, making you fall down in your ass, wraping his arms and legs around you (around your neck and around your waist, like he used to do), using his wings to shield you both from everything. "Y/N! Y/N! YOU'RE HERE! YOU ARE ACTUALLY HERE!" He digs his talons into your skin as he digs his face in your neck, just under you jaw so you are careful with his head, speacially his horns. You can feel him smelling you as if yo make sure you are... there? That you are you? It's hard to tell, but you hug him back, just relieved you got to see him again. "Hey birdie. It's nice to see you. I missed you a lot."
He pull apart slightly to look at you, his face is full of tears as he keeps smiling. "I really missed you too. I missed you a lot. I missed you a million times!" He rambles, repeating phrases and making some expressions he probably doesn't understand as much. He is really all over you, crying and with knots in his nose, not caring of how he looks or if he gets any fluid over you, just that you are finally there after you left. "I love you so much. I don't want you to go like that again, ever. Promise me you won't leave again. Promise!" You can't help but chuckle, it's almost like a child making a tantrum. He is not behaving that different from a dog welcoming it's owner back home after this one left for more than a day. It's cute, but Urogi has always been cute to you.
But you can't help but fear... will you be able to keep that promise, if you make it, once you cross the path into hell? You are just so happy that you have Urogi right here, right now, and Urogi clearly feels the same way about you. But... will it end? Do you want to risk it? Of couse no, you know that you will have to go to hell eventually... "Baby bird... fill me up with what happened since the last time we have seen each other. I want to hear you talk and make up for lost time. Here and now..." he giggles as you rub the liquids off his face, nuzzling against your hands. You kiss his cheek "And once we are ready... will you fly me to hell?" His wings stand up at that, if he realized your fears you have no idea. "Yeah, we have a lot to make up. Specially that las flight! I'll give you the best flight ever after we finish!" He cuddles with you, and you hope it takes the longest time for him to give you what could be again the last flight.... just a little more, you want him for yourself... a little more.
{You didn't say anything to Hantengu when you saw him and he doesn't notice you are there. What were you supposed to say? You were not with him, you were with one of his clones, who were just that. Clones, not their own individual, so none of them should have an existence besides Hantengu's Blood Demon Art. But he was not just a clone for you, he was the one you fell in love with, with his defects and quirks. The main body shrieks and cries, trying to hug the ground or whatever this is, not wanting to move on the same way you don't. The black smoke starts to cover him as you only think about your beloved, then you notice said smoke is actually covering him instead of passing as air. When you can hear Hantengu anymore you go where he was and manage to grab his arm to pull him up, only to find him instead.}
"Aizetsu?" "Y/N?" He just makes eye conctact with you for some seconds before standing up properly. "Hi... It's good to see you.... it's been a long time..." He says shyly, playing with his sleeves, and you just have to wrap your arms around him and dig your face on the side of his neck. "Aizetsu!" He instantly husg you back tightly, none of you let the other go, Aizetsu even lets some tears fall down into your shoulder. "I missed you so much. What happened? Are you ok? How are you here?"
Aizetsu doesn't answer for a while, he lets some more tears fall before rubbing them off his face, calming down, before speaking back to you. "I don't know how, we fused into Zohakuten when it happened, but... we died. Please don't feel... bad about it, I wasn't even aware it happened until I woke uo here. I do feel sad for Zohakuten and Hantengu, though..." he explains as sensible as he can, as always. "I just know my last thoughts, even if I couldn't physically have them, were about you, and suddenly you were actually there, pulling me from... I don't even know from what." That only leave one question. "Will you dissapear back into Hantengu once we cross hell?"
There are some minutes of silence before he answers "I don't know, sorry." He looks away, clearly uncomfortable with his own answer, wishing it was different. "Don't apologize. Maybe we could just... stay here... for a little longer." You cup his face in your hand as you offer the idea, having Aizetsu nodding. He closes his eyes and makes a pout with his lips, clearly asking for attention, so you give him a soft kiss. You can stay together for a little longer, hopefully you won't separate in hell... but your now you both just want each other, before the chance of never seeing the other again, this time for real. "Please more. Kiss the sadness away." You were never able to say "no" to Aizetsu.
After Nakime, you knew a thing or two about patience. For her, for music, for goals... you knew how to be patient. But now you were not being patient, with her Infinity Castle and her role on his (still scary to even think it out loud, even if you are already dead) side, you just never thought she would die. You were just... lost, not knowing what to do anymore, not really wanting to step into hell of all places, when she arrived. "Oh my- Nakime? Wha- How are you here?!" She looks at you, just as surpirsed, when you run to her side.
"I..." she starts softly, still as elegant as ever, even when she looks... defeated. "I'va lost..." How? Against who? No matter how hard you try, you can't even phantom how anyone would survive a fight against her interdimentional fortress. She can control it as her will, smashing anyone against walls and rooms, locking up others for as long as she wants, get the ones around to the other side of the castle with one note... nobody us supposed to defeat that. That is why he prefered her as his right hand instead of making her an Uppermoon the second he stablished the Kizuki. Because she was too important, too powerful, to something else to be put with his best fight hounds. It takes you a little to calm down before talking to her. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You give the most gentle and soft voice you have, just like you she never thought she would be able to die. Nakime looks so lost, so confused, maybe even scared without her fortress shifting at her will, protecting from everything and anything. You take her hands in yours as she slowly regains confidence to tell you everything, how the Hashira got into the castle the same time she got careless as he gave her his favor after she was the one to find their base. She became confident as she managed something not even Kokushibou and Akaza could do after more than two hundred years of searching. "I could... should have killed them with one cord.... but I let them sneak into me with the help of some.... random traitor..." You kiss tha back of her hands to comfort her.
You stay like this for a while, both of you knowing you must go to hell right now. You can feel the itch to move on, nothing compared to the crave od hacing her near that you felt since you fell in love with Nakime. "You did your best. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." She only shakes her head, clearly not wanting to talk about your own death. You just smile at her "Do you want to finish the journey? Or would you like to stay here a little longer?" She only looks at you for some seconds before walking to hell, still holding one of your hands. Even now you are the one following her, and you wouldn't want it any other way. "I love you, Nakime." Ypu day as you both step into the fire, she answers after a while. "I love you too, Y/N."
Just after you died you stayed in the fine line in between heaven and hell, not being properly able to move on, just like Akaza never did. The surprising part was that there was already someone there, waiting for him. A petite young girl, no older than 16 when she died, Koyuki. She was Akaza's, Hakuji's fiance, and wants to see him again. "Do you really think he will get here? He is Uppermoon Three and the reason there is a Kizuki system. There is no way he will die to the hands of slayers." You were partially right, he didn't die at the hand of slayers. He died at his and Koyuki's.
"Akaza?" You found him crying in her arms. You didn't take part in his defeat, you never would, no matter how much you wanted to see him again. You also wanted him to live. Maybe that is why Koyuki didn't, because the one alive was Akaza instead of Hakuji. "Y/N... you still look like a demon..." he looks torn between both of us, and you can't help but glance at his fiance. She won't go to hell like you both will, and even if she could sneak to it, she would not survive as good as you both could. You are his demon love and she is his human love, one was meant for heaven and another for hell. "I am a demon Akaza, or should I call you Hakuji?"
He looks at his human arms. In the end he chose to die for her instead of living for you. "I will head over to the dark, go when you are ready. I will be waiting, but she has already waited enough for you." You don't want to accept he is dead yet, he had long road to go. What about defeating Douma? Kokushibou? To be the stronger? That was his goal, a simple one but a goal you always supported him with, and that support was everything you left to him. But it doesn't matter anymore, as always, you just want his happiness. "Ok... ok... I'll meet you there.... I love you."
You smile at him and nod, you will say it back after you meet again. If you do... for now, you walk into hell by your own, as you should have all those years ago. Maybe it would be the best if he stayed as Hakuji, maybe is he stays here enough time he could. "Take your time." You are not saying goodbye, even if it feels like one. But you know by Koyuki he was already forcefully taken away from his human life and love, and you always supported him. No stopping now. You love him too much for that, so again, you will wait for something that is not meant to come. "Akaza..."
"Who the fuck are you?" You really need to curse right now. You stayed to be able to watch over Douma, sooner or later you should be able to have a glimpse lf something, and you knew he would kill a lot of people, but this is the first time anyone just pops out of nowhere in front of you. A Hashira of all humans, a short and young woman with a fake smile and a venomous gentleness. You can tell inmediately she despises you, and honestly? You are on the same page. Such a polite tone for sarcastic insults and toying with you, parts of you wants to kill her. "What the FUCK?!" You curse again when Douma's head also suddenly appears.... in front of her.
"Oh, hi Y/N!" It's all he says with those fake smiles of his and what- Why- HOW the FUCK is he here? He is Upper Two! Did he eat too much human food?! Did he step on the sun because he was bored?! You can't phantom what happened as that gets you worked up as you take his head away from her as the damn Hashira starts a monologue you don't give a damn about. "Douma WHAT happened?!" To what he smiles sheepishly "Oh, I was poisoned by that lovely woman over there and beheaded by a talented girl and Kotoha's son, Inosuke. Do you remember them? She was extrmely dumb but a sweetheart, and his son was just adorable, he has her face and eyes. But let me tell you, the girl was very rude." Inosuke? You barely remember him, it has been 14 years, but you do remember Kotoha. Douma adored her and she was a sweetheart. From the fact that that baby is alive to that Douma got decapitated, it's all too much to sink in at once.
The Hashira doesn't seem too happy to be ignored, so clears her throat and you let her finish her monologue, mostly because you are still processing everything Douma just told you. Then you snap out of it when you hear "I think I'm in love with you.", you turn and see he meant the Hashira... really? This woman? He didn't say this to Kotoha, but to her he does? "How about you come to hell with me?" Now you press his face against your chest as you turn to dhoield it with your body in disgust "No!" Thankfully, she looks as she hates the idea as much as you and sends Douma to fuck himself before leaving, if to heaven or hell, you have no idea, but she leaves you both alone.
"Douma?" You move his head, holding it gently, to your face level to make eye contact. "You have never been jealous before, did I make you uncomfortable?" You just chuckle as you shake your head. "You did make me uncomfortable." You admit, making him lose his smile, showing an empty face, just like the last time you saw him. "Sorry, it wasn't my intention. But what are you doing here? Don't tell me you were waiting for me." You can only nod at that, making him sigh as he laughs "Wow, you are as dumb as Kotoha. You could have stayed waiting forever like an idiot. That sounds boring, and you should now I wouldn't want that for you." You laugh with him, you are an idiot, you know that as you walk him to hell as you both talk. This is a better way to go down. "A lot has happened since you left, things have been emptier since that... I'll fill you up."
You will be honest, even though you were waiting... you really didn't expect Kokushibou to die, much less so soon. And yet the familiar three pair of eyes make tou freeze. What is he doing here? There is no way he actually died, is it? Uppermoon One? The most powerful Demon after the first one to exist? You don't even know what to say, if you should say something, more convinced this is an illusion caused by how much you miss Kokushibou that the chance that he is actually here. It's just not possible, that is why you are here instead of hell, because it wouldn't make a difference since in neither case you would see him again. You were not waiting, yearning yes, but not waiting. "Y/N." He is the dirst one to say anything after a while of uncomfortable eye contact.
It is his voice, but you still can't react. It's. Not. Possible. You rub your eyes thinking Kokushibou will dissapear, getting frustrated as he doesn't, on the opposite, Kokushibou walks closer to you. You tense as he is just three steps away from you, then holds your head, just the same way he did to secure you in his lap as you were dying. "Kokushibou?" You have to ask, and he seems pleased to be recognized by you. "What happened?" You really have to ask, because you still can't phantom how did he get here, with you, to the dead ones. He evades your gaze, clearly not wanting to talk about it. "It doesn't matter, I'm glad of seeing you again." You still don't know how to react. Kokushibou died, he actually died.
"Are you ok?" Is all you can ask after some moments of silence, usually you were the one talking between the two, and for the first time since you started your relationship, you don't know what else to say. He looks at you firmly after you asked, also not saying anything, just giving a deep sigh. "Yes... I wanted this." He says, but you know better than to believe that. "Don't lie to me, or even try to lie to yourself in front of me." You can tell, he never wanted any of this. He didn't want to die, he never wanted to die, even as demons you could tell, he feared death, but it was something none of you had to worry about. Until you died, and until now.
"I still need... time to think. I have been doing everything wrong for a long time... I will be better... maybe." Maybe... you really don't know what to make of that, but he offers his hand to you. "We should get going." You can see Kokushibou trembling, he is actually scared to cross... whatever this is. Only because of that is that you actually take his hands and walk before him, guiding him to hell. There is still a lot to think about... but you will have time later. "I missed you." You say as you fix your hold as you both walk through the flames, when you turn around Kokushibou seems fixated by them, to the point you don't know who is he talking to. "I missed you too."
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
For the writing game darling - meet ugly + time travel + PERO ❤️ Thank you!
Thank you for requesting bby!!! I'm not sure if the meet was ugly enough, but hopefully you'll enjoy luv u ❤️❤️❤️ this could be way longer tbh but i stopped myself since it was meant to be a drabble lmaosvfd
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pairing: pero tovar x fem!reader
genre: meet ugly + time travel, romance, a bit of angst
word count: 536
summary: Three times in Pero's lifetime, fate intertwined your paths. Once in his twenties, then in his thirties, and yet again in his forties, you were brought together, your lives intersecting in ways you couldn't predict.
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You just appear in front of him. Just like that. No warning. No puff of smoke. Pero was younger back then, a troublemaker. He was thrown out of the tavern, bat drunk, leaning against the dirty wall. 
Then he saw you. 
You just stood there, confused, shaking, wearing clothes he couldn't quite understand. He couldn't focus. One moment he was looking up at you, the second he was hurling, bile burning his throat as he crouched towards the ground. 
When he looked back up again you were gone. A cold wind blew. Your scent still lingered in the air. 
The next time Pero met you was ten years later. You’re looking less confused, more curious. You spotted him through the busy street and waved. Pero raised an eyebrow. His suspicion grew. His first instinct was to move away and disappear from your eyesight. But against his better judgment, he stood there. You approached him. 
“I remember you,” you said. “You’re the guy that puked ten years ago.” 
“You have quite the memory,” he grunted. “And an odd way of speech.” 
“Oh…well,” you cleared your throat. “I’m new.” 
“Where are you from?” 
“Uh…a town close to hear.” 
Pero grinned then. He leaned forward, crowding your space. He enjoyed the way your eyes widened, a slight fear swirling in them. You licked your bottom lip, and touched something on your waist. He didn’t bother to look down at it. His smile was wide and mocking. 
“You lie,” he answered. “I can tell.” 
The silence that followed was amusing to him. Your body locked up, eyes flitting between his. Enjoying the way you didn’t avert your eyes, Pero lets out a chuck. Crossing his arms over his chest, he backed away. 
“Come with me,” he said, pointing to a tavern with his head. “I wish to learn more about the woman that is riddled with mystery.” 
You appeared in a field this time. Pero, now older in age, made his way to you in haste. His home was riddled with memories of you. The stuff you bough, the books you chose. Only to not be touched for years. His eyes become wet as he wrapped his arms around you. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling you, etching you into his memory before you were lost to him again. 
“Pero,” you sighed, fingers toying with the soft curls that dance over his name. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you too, amor,” he whispered, warm breath fanning your skin. He felt the way your hands trembled. His knees buckled, both of you falling promptly to the field. His smile widened as you giggled, your face hovering an inch above his. You stroke his beard, gently pinching his chin. 
“You’ve grown handsome with old age.” 
“Does that mean you found me ugly before? I am hurt, rosa.” 
“No silly,” you leaned in, pressing your lips tenderly into his. “I’ve always found you handsome.” 
“Whereas you haven’t aged a day,” he answered, licking your bottom lips. “Stay. Don’t go.” 
You let out a sigh, and his heart sunk into his chest. After a silence that stretches, you kiss his neck. 
“Okay,” you whispered. “I will.” 
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presidenthades · 4 months
What would be the fatal flaw of the main characters in your stories please include the parents and grandparents as well
*puts on my “humanities major analysis” hat*
Viserys, like Rhaegar down the line, is obsessed with the idea that he has a divine purpose in helping produce the Prince That Was Promised. His pursuit of the son he dreamed about kills Aemma, and he rambles about the prophecy when he’s delirious on his deathbed. Why did he never tell the prophecy to Daemon, who was his default heir for years? Because Viserys was convinced he would one day have a son who would supplant Daemon, and maybe also because Daemon is a non-believer. After Aemma dies, Viserys transfers his hope of fulfilling the prophecy to Rhaenyra. At the end of The Golds, we see how his obsession with prophecy screws over his family yet again.
Corlys and Otto are more similar than they admit (what an unholy alliance this would be). They’re both determined to cement a legacy on the Iron Throne, but their ambition is their own undoing. If Otto was less pushy about Aegon’s claim, I think he could’ve been more successful in the long run: less antagonism with Rhaenyra, less likely to be fired, more time to persuade Viserys (this is the route I explore in Lavender). Meanwhile, Corlys’s ambition arguably leads to his children’s death. It’s uncertain if Laena would’ve survived if she married someone else, but Rhaenys blames Daemon for keeping Laena from home. In canon, Laenor’s “death” is attributed to Rhaenyra and Daemon, although I’ve left it a mystery in my fics…
Rhaenys claims she doesn’t care anymore about being passed over for the throne, but she really is still upset about it. She’s judgmental about how Viserys rules (she’s right, he sucks), and she seems bitter during her conversation with young Rhaenyra (she should be bitter, it’s hypocritical). I think this chip on her shoulder makes her want to cement her own legacy too, so all the humiliation she suffered means something in the end. In my fics, she sees the greatest potential for this legacy in Jace, who is also her favorite grandkid.
I’ll include Laena and Laenor because I love them, though their lesser screen time requires some extrapolation. Laena is a headstrong girl and beloved daughter who grows up in a stable nuclear family, and her role (noble lady who will marry to her house’s advantage) is never in question. This gives Laena much self-confidence, which emboldens her to pursue the Rogue Prince. Later in life, however, she realizes she wasn’t his first choice. 😞
Laenor grows up in the same setting but he suffers from a lot more self-doubt. Laenor unfairly blames his sexuality for his failure to meet expectations (“I hate the gods for making me this way”), but TBH I think Corlys is one of those parents with super-high, impossible expectations for his kids, especially with his only son and heir. When Laenor tries, it’s never good enough, so he gives up and blames a factor he can’t control (and he definitely has unresolved trauma from watching Joffrey die violently at his wedding). In my fics, Laenor has biological kids, which gives him a sense of “Hey, I did something right! I met one of the expectations of a Westerosi lord/heir!” But he still shies away from responsibility because he expects to fail.
Daemon has…many flaws. If I had to pick one, it’s his belief that he’s the only one willing to do what’s necessary. So far in my fics, his actions are less ugly than in canon, but it’s this belief which leads him to do things like spy on the girls’ mail and send The Letter to Aemond. By the end of the Handbook, he no longer believes it’s necessary to sabotage the girls’ relationships with the Targbros, but there are other schemes he can get into in the future.
Rhaenyra sees a lot of herself in all her daughters. She realizes she’s made big mistakes in the past, and she wants to prevent her daughters from making the same mistakes. But her actions are based on what she would do in their stead, when her daughters are very different people from herself. So they don’t appreciate her efforts, because it’s not what they want, and sometimes that drives them further away from her.
Alicent is caught in the belief that there should be divine/karmic justice. People who act virtuously are rewarded, people who do wrong are punished. But that isn’t how the world works, and her view of right and wrong isn’t necessarily what everyone else thinks. This helps explain her attitude toward her potential daughters-in-law. She likes Jace because, like Alicent, she is “good” and does the right thing. She has complicated feelings about Luce in large part because of Aemond’s eye and how Luce wronged him in that regard (we’ll see more of Alicent’s reaction in the next chapter of Compromised). Alicent is weirded out by Joff, but Joff hasn’t really done anything (to Alicent’s knowledge) to make Alicent truly dislike her. Yet.
And finally, the children.
Aegon is led by emotion/instinct. He’s rabid for anything that makes him feel good, and he runs from anything uncomfortable. This usually works out well when he’s around Jace, but if he’s left to his own devices, he starts doing reckless shit like fighting crime and buying brothels without thinking of the danger/consequences. Also it’s obvious that his weak spot is Jace. The Tyroshi took advantage of that, and other people will also try in the future. In a world where he loses Jace, he would be 1000% wrecked.
Jace is obsessed with appearing like the ideal heir, which leads to her perfectionist tendencies and attempts to take on A L L the work/responsibilities. She’s keenly aware that a second ruling queen in a row is unappealing to many people, but whereas Rhaenyra tries to minimize her femininity, Jace goes the other way and tries to be a paragon of womanhood: fashion, conduct, reputation, etc. It makes her very prone to burnout, and sometimes she hesitates because she worries about appearing too harsh.
Aemond is pride all the way. All his other qualities can be traced back to pride: determination to be the best, competitiveness with Aegon, difficulty apologizing, not asking for help. He’s just as emotional/instinctive as Aegon, but he tries to keep super tight control over himself. When he inevitably puts too much tension on himself, he snaps. Sometimes this leads him to lash out at people who don’t deserve it, like what happened at Driftmark, and then he doubles down instead of de-escalating.
Luce starts with childish optimism. She believes that all knights are gallant, her family is happy and perfect, and it’s totally OK to climb out the window with a sheet rope. Then life curb-stomps her a lot, and she gets more cynical as she grows up. But she still clings to those childish dreams, so she has a lot of inner conflict between idealism and pragmatism. She ends up with strong ideas of what she wants (e.g. marry Aemond) but hesitates over the potential drawbacks (e.g. constant fighting, king’s disapproval). Might cause her some relationship trouble down the line. 👀
Daeron also possesses childish optimism, but it’ll be a while before he grows out of it. He still believes the best in people, even Daemon. 😇 But I think one day there will be a big triggering event, and Daeron will go berserk.
There is a very good chance that Joff’s interest in magic/sorcery is going to be her doom one day. It’s already come back to bite her, like with Elenar’s birth. But she sees it as her duty and birthright to keep the more occult Valyrian traditions alive…and that’s all I’ll say about it for now.
I debated writing Helaena, Baela, and Rhaena, but this post is already really long and I’m tired so I’ll stop now. ✌🏼
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hello, i’m the anon who asked about san fs reading! asking about him and his fs in bed is gross tbh are there questions like this?? 😭 honestly all these tarot readings (from tarot readers i like!) made me like his fs a lot! seems like his fs is a good person and they’ll have a love like in movies (that’s what san said he wants to have) so im pretty happy about it! i saw some of your readings and i find them exciting that’s why i wanted to ask about your take/perspective for his fs! like how would they meet, how would they treat each other, how would his fs’s personality be? personality, work, age or looks? like general things we would see when they confirm their relationship, not the too private stuffs. tho you can choose what makes you comfortable! 
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San’s FS
Body (Outward appearance)
Alright, so, right off the bat (I may or may not have giggled when I saw this) I’m getting “emotional baggage”. Mind you this is for looks. So Atiny will probably see them (Though they most likely won’t since this is their current state BUT IF THEY DID) and immediately be like “Aww, poor baby, they looks like they have so much emotional baggage.” So right off the bat I kind of feel bad.
So yeah. Definitely seeing his FS is currently either underweight or overweight. Not in an extreme way, and more so because of what’s happening. Definitely looks like they’re on their last leg, with eye bags and such. But not necessarily bad-looking.
However, his FS still has this brightness about them. Like this joyful aura and demeanor that’s infectious. Like bright eyes that seem to shine and easy to make smile. They’re definitely confident in their appearance regardless right now. Getting slight Leo vibes but I dunno, may just be me associating that aspect of them with Leo placements.
Definitely dresses to impress. Stylish clothing that’s not luxury but definitely high-end. Like someone who looks well-off, but not rich in the way they present themself.
So, definitely just exudes that successful aura. Gives off those responsible office siren vibes (If San’s FS is a woman I know for a fact in the future she’ll be my woman crush in the most respectful way possible like she seems like THAT GIRL.)
So…She definitely looks like she’s on her last leg though, all things considered. She’s probably very physically tired, and going through some things right now. Health-wise also.
She’s very resilient though. Not letting that get to her, and powering through regardless.
Her appearance (I’m not saying she’s ugly here) is definitely unique. Not quite fitting into the box whether it’s features, style, piercings, hair color, Korean beauty standards, etc. but still absolutely owning it like the icon she is. (As you can tell I already adore this woman I will ride for her)
She’s probably someone who’s isolated because of her appearance though. She’s unique and people don’t like that, and are intimidated by her demeanor and her aura.
Definitely has a traditional feel even with the uniqueness.
She’s definitely responsible. She’s accomplished a lot and knows how to deal with heavy burdens in life. Probably the oldest daughter if his FS is a woman just from these vibes, since I have a feeling she had to take care of younger siblings for most of her early life, making her have to bear certain burdens and responsibilities. Almost like a second mother from a young age.
There’s a lot of passion that’s been sparked in her from many different things that have happened to her in her lifetime.
She may be the type of person who fears failure, and is pessimistic by nature. She’s afraid everything she works for will come apart and while she tries to mask it, she’s deeply insecure. Probably one of those people whose mothers had always seen them as competition if she’s a woman, and that’s really gotten to her.
Definitely the type of person who feels she always needs to succeed and cannot fail or be defeated no matter what.
She’s a person with immense courage and determination. She’s a very joyful person by nature despite everything. Definitely getting slight Pisces/Leo moon vibes here, but again, I didn’t pull for that it’s more of that’s what those traits are giving me. She’s individualistic and lights to fit outside the box. She’s determined and courageous but not overly so. She knows balance.
She’s definitely a competitive person. She strives to be the best at everything and trust she will do whatever it takes (As long as it doesn’t go against her morals) to get what she wants.
She’s not the type of person who avoids conflict either. If she feels something is unjust she’ll speak up about it, though I don’t see her stirring anything up herself. It’s more like she won’t let herself be pushed around.
She’s a prideful person, but in the sense of her ego is so fragile that one small crack will shatter her, so she masks that weakness with pride so that no one can be able to tell. But it’s still very easy to break her confidence and get in her head, even if she doesn’t let that show. She falls apart very swiftly, and it’s always catastrophic.
She’s someone who believes in fate. She believes everything will end up how it is destined to be, and someone that intimately knows change. Someone who has accepted change and adapts well to it. Someone who strives for change and pushes towards it. She definitely is intimately aware that life is just one change after another. But she can see that it all leads to one big picture being complete.
She’s perceptive. She’s observant and picks up on things quickly with a sharp mind. She’s a complex person, and her personality is definitely one of those ones that fluctuates a lot throughout her life. Loving and knowing her is definitely loving and knowing every version of her that comes along as she changes, and it happens fairly often, though not in a bad way. She’s constantly growing and adapting, sometimes faster than others can keep up with.
She’s someone who succeeds a lot in life. I’ve noticed that many in her situations do, because she wants to be sure she’ll be alright no matter what. I see her being someone who can easily make the public love her if she works hard because that’s who she is.
She’s definitely a stingy person. She’s the type who’s so used to having nothing and scared of being there again, so she pinches every penny possible. She’s a greedy person because she knows what it’s like to have nothing and never wants to have nothing again. It scares her more than anything.
She’s also a possessive person by nature in many aspects, though not in an inherently toxic manner. “What’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours, so keep it that way” type of mentality.
She’s a quick thinker and very assertive. She knows how to take action.
In regards to her age compared to San’s I’m not getting much of an answer. It’s more, “we love one another and we’re happy, so what is the problem?” But there’s also that aspect of…Playing it safe? It might be an age gap that’s not BAD, but more so something they may get hate for.
They’ll probably meet after some period of loss for both of them, and bring with them joy for one another. They both have their own assets, so there’s no worry of “Oh this person is using me for money/status”, so that’s not something they have to truly worry about.
They were definitely going through a rollercoaster ride in life but everything settled and they found one another.
This will definitely be a time that releases them from some pains they were both facing.
So, in regards to work, San’s FS is a perfectionist to an obsessive degree, and prone to overworking. But they also get burnt out very easily. They’re the type who can work on a project for days but get little done, or they can finish a project in four hours and get a masterpiece. They often find themselves with the brunt of their coworker’s work and reaping none of the benefits of it.
I have a feeling San’s FS may be considering switching jobs which is why there’s no strong direction of career paths. San’s FS is probably fed up with ending up with everyone else’s work.
So, in terms of their relationship, they were both looking for someone willing to do what it takes to make it worth. They’ve probably both been in relationships with people who haven’t tried their hardest for the relationship.
They want joy, and for the relationship to be successful. They want something positive that’s worth celebrating when those anniversaries come around.
But there’s still some things where they can’t make decisions. Their opinions clash and they reach a stalemate in those aspects. Because of that, they don’t broach such subjects, and they hang over them.
They’re both people who have strong ties to legacies for entirely different reasons. San has mentioned he has a very loving family who has made him want to show others the love he has been shown, but I think for his FS it’s the opposite. She comes from a family that’s far from loving and because of that she wants to show others the love she craves.
Emotionally, they inspire one another. They give each other more willpower, and they push each other to get the things they want. I definitely believe San’s FS will inspire a song one day. They help make each other better.
Physically, they find comfort in one another. I can see them just laying together in each other’s arms. They feel at ease when the other is near, and they feel strong compassion for each other.
Mentally, they’re also both compatible. They’re very self-aware people who spend time contemplating things about each other and themselves. The type who can walk away from an argument to cool off then talk about it later with level heads and come to a conclusion quickly. They’re both very mentally mature in those aspects.
More on his FS (As established in other pulls based on asks):
Im not getting “Female version of Wooyoung” vibes.
They’ll probably have a small little petty rivalry because they both think the other is monopolizing San’s time
They also have similar trauma so that’s another issue that makes them unable to really…Like one another?
But they’ll be civil
I get more Gemini Sun, underdeveloped Leo Moon/5th house moon from her. Maybe Sagittarius mars. Confirmed by cards. Some water sign influencs, possibly a water sign 6th house/9th house. Maybe a Scorpio placement somewhere, or scorpio for one of those houses.
Her hair is a source of insecurity for her and it stands out
Her eyes stand out
Brown hair WOULD fit her vibes but not something I pulled on
Im not necessarily getting she’s spiritual. I think she may have come from a hyper-religious household who hate things that have to do with our particular font of spirituality. She herself doesn’t hate it, she doesn’t have a strong opinion on it. Though I’m getting one day she may stumble upon the spiritual community and become part of it
Once everything that’s been happening in their lives come to a head, they’ll meet. But that’s not something that’s set in stone to happen at any time. It may be weeks or years. Though I’m getting ten vibes. Ten of what? I don’t know
she’s ENTJ
Probable long-distance relationship
Can in fact fight and can fight well
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Machiko Kyō (Rashomon, Floating Weeds, Older Brother Younger Sister)— Considered an early sex symbol in Japanese cinema. Also just an ethereal beauty who can also go feral/unhinged in a glorious way.
Judy Garland (Meet Me In St. Louis, A Star is Born, Summer Stock)— Judy is the GOAT when it comes to classic movie musicals. The voice of an angel who deserved so much better than she got. She can sing she can dance she can act she's a triple threat. Though she had a turbulent personal life (her treatment as a child star by the studio system makes me mad as hell like Louis b Mayer fight me ((she was made to believe that she was physically unattractive by the constant criticism of film executives who made her feel ugly and who manipulated her onscreen appearance by capping her teeth and using discs in her nose to change its shape and Mayer called her "my little hunchback" like imagine hearing that as a child and not having damage)) she always goddamn delivered on screen and in any performance she gave. She began in vaudeville performing with her sisters and was signed to MGM at 13. Starting out in supporting parts especially paired with mickey Rooney in a bunch of films (she's the best part tbh) she eventually transferred to the lead role. She is best known for her starring role in movie musicals like the iconic Wizard of Oz (somewhere over the rainbow still hits hard and is ranked the top film song of all time), meet me in St. Louis (Judy singing have your self a merry little Christmas brings tears to the eyes she is that powerful), the Harvey girls (she looks like a technicolor dream and sings a catchy af song about trains), Easter parade ( dancing and singing with Fred Astaire), for me and my gal, the pirate, and summer stock ( with pal Gene Kelly who she helped when he was starting out and he helped her when she was struggling). But she also does non- singing just as well like the clock ( her first movie where she sings no songs and is an underrated ww2 era romance), her Oscar nominated a star is born ( like the man that got away she put her whole soul in that and I have beef with the fact she lost to grace kelly ((whom I love but like still not even her best work)), and judgement at Nuremberg (a courtroom drama about the nazi war criminal trials). Outside of film she made concert appearances to record-breaking audiences, released 8 studio albums, and had her own Emmy-nominated tv series. She was the youngest (39) and first female recipient of the Cecil B DeMille award for lifetime achievement in the film industry. Girl was a lifelong democrat and was a financial and moral supporter of many causes including the civil rights movement (she was at the March on Washington and held a press conference to protest the 16th street Baptist church bombings). She was a friend of the Kennedy family and would call jfk weekly often ending the calls by singing the first few lines of somewhere over the rainbow (she thought of them as Gemini twins).She was a member of the committee for the first amendment which was formed in response to the HUAC investigations. Though she died far too young and tragically she remains an icon for her work and her life. As a girl who didn't feel like i was as pretty as everyone else I have always felt a connection to Judy and I just really love her.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Machiko Kyō:
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Judy's voice alone qualifies her for at least top ten hottest HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMEN. She was a truly incredible swing singer, with a stunning voice on top of her technique. Her short dark hair looked incredible in just about any style. Have I mentioned her swagger? I can’t do it justice with words. She had swagger. She was funny as hell, and clever too. Incredibly charming and cool. I adore her.
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Her eyes, her voice have bewitched me
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I mean how can you beat the one and only Judy? She's beautiful, her smile is contagious, the way she sings with her whole body. You can't help but love her.
Beautiful woman, love her singing voice. And she can do everything between happy or silly and angry or heartbroken
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redphlox · 6 months
"No matter how fucked up his father is and what he puts him through, he still wants that love to be reciprocated. Nothing Endeavor can do can make his family not love him" how... how is this a good thing and a good storytelling from a family friendly positive manga going for a positive message for kids/teens?? also it is arguable if Endeavors writting is good and well done. just saying.
I can definitely see how "No matter how fucked up his father is and what he puts him through, he still wants that love to be reciprocated. Nothing Endeavor can do can make his family not love him" might initially seem problematic and can be misconstrued, so let's talk nuance.
I feel like you read that from a place of fear and mistrust that grants Endeavor a power imbalance to continue abusing his kids and that Touya will put up with the abuse because he loves his dad.
That's not what I meant, and that's not what's happening in the story. To be clear, Touya and his siblings love their father but NOT his father's actions. They DON'T love the abuse, nor did they want it. Touya loves Enji because Enji is his and he is Enji's, and that's it. There's no explanation, no reason, no logic, and there doesn't need to be. That's what makes the love unconditional. "You are my father, and I am your son."
Let's define unconditional love, what that is, and what it's not.
Unconditional love means that you care deeply about someone with no strings attached. There aren't any qualifications the other person has to meet, no ulterior motives, no benefits/favors you're seeking, no treaties, etc. They don't have to be perfect for you to care about them, and they don't have to offer you anything.
Unconditional love DOES NOT mean you must, should, or are supposed to endure abuse, mistreatment, etc from someone. You can love someone and still lay boundaries and limitations, criticize them, and even cut off contact.
So, back to what I said: "No matter how fucked up his father is and what he puts him through, he still wants that love to be reciprocated. Nothing Endeavor can do can make his family not love him."
I'm NOT saying that Touya or the other Todoroki kids should, can, or need to put up with their father's abusive bullshit. I'm NOT saying that Endeavor needs to become even more unhinged and push his family to see what he can get away with. I'm NOT saying that the children should/need to be/are submissive to their father's actions and how he treats them.
I AM saying his children love him despite his deep flaws (his ugly heart, his blind ambition, his impatience, his anger issues, his envy, his ego, his failures as a parent) and that's powerful because they're giving unconditional love they were deprived of by him. They're giving HIM what THEY needed, what HE was incapable of giving. They're keeping their hearts open despite it all... And that's beautiful for the kids! Enji doesn't know how lucky he is, and the irony probably stings his ego, tbh.
What I'm NOT saying is that it's good that Endeavor can do no wrong so he can keep abusing his kids. I'm NOT saying that the kids are passive about enduring his mistreatment. I'm NOT saying he's entitled to this love, or deserves it. And on the topic of deserving, I feel like many readers think Dabi should be of the "if you don't love me, then I won't love you" mentality, which is exactly the type of conditional love they criticize Enji for, so it's powerful for Touya to love his father unconditionally. But he's not passive and welcoming or allowing the abuse, either.
What I AM saying is that the Todoroki's children's ability to give unconditional love is their strength, and that's beautiful because love is a beautiful thing. Why shouldn't Touya love who he loves? The love he (or anyone else) chooses to give isn't a reflection on that person, but of themselves, just like Enji being unable to love his children unconditionally speaks volumes about his feelings about himself and his view of love and relationships.
At its core, BNHA is a story about the power of love. I have a longer meta about this that's been sitting in my drafts for months but, these are actually really positive, healthy messages:
1. Continue loving others even if your heart is broken. Don't shut others out because someone broke your heart. You have the power to love people unconditionally, and that's a strength. When you fight with your parents, when you fight with your friends, when you fight with your significant other or y'all break up, don't let this heartbreak make you close your heart or mute your love. Don't let it hinder or discourage you from loving others. Even if you never get that unconditional love from the parent that you so crave, does that mean that you turn to the world and say "fuck you" and be cold and never open your heart to others? No. That doesn't come from a place of healing and it's actually an escape and defense mechanism that will make your loneliness worse. Continue loving!!!!
2. Even if you love someone to the fullest of your capability, you might not have that love returned. That doesn't speak to your worthiness. That's a reflection of the person whose love you didn't receive. So, still, continue loving others.
3. You have power in your relationship with your abusive parent. You can choose if you want them in your life, if you want to accept their apology if they ever apologize, if you want to keep loving them despite their deep flaws as a human and a parent. You get to choose how to feel and how you deal with those feelings. There's a lot of power in choice. This is explored through each Todoroki child's relationship with and feelings about their dad.
Horikoshi is writing about a realistically complex, messy, and nuanced father-son relationship, but the positives are there. BNHA is a manga with hopeful themes.
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