#kendall is baby girl and roman is baby boy
hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Gossamer Pt. 1 (Roman Roy Oneshot)
Character/s: Roman
Word Count: 1,404
Inspired By: Running Away by Genevieve Stokes
A/N: He is so baby boy!!!!! I love him!!!! Anyways, I'm really happy with this fic. I've been itching to write for him and I am so glad with how this turned out. It takes place at Shiv and Tom's wedding btw! 💞 Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Gossamer Pt. 2 / Gossamer Pt. 3
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He isn’t sure where to put his hands. They’re jittery, unsure, grazing the fabric of your best clothes, your back, your waist, hips, until you settle them at your sides. No words are passed between you. This, like everything, goes unspoken between you. Light, warm, his thumb rubbing back and forth. Be still, you want to urge him, no one is going to hurt you. But you don’t say a thing. Instead your head rests on his shoulder, taking in him. His scent (rich, sharp, something he must have stolen from his brother - unlike his warm, comforting self), the beat of his heart (frantic, like the wings of a hummingbird), his breathing (shallow, trying not to take up space). You sway as one, the dance floor almost empty. Everyone has gone or is going, grabbing their purses, their dates, one last drink. The groom and bride, along with the rest of the party, have retreated to their rooms, a loved one on their arm, buzzing with bourbon and business as usual. Forbidding that kind of talk, even for one night, would be sacrilegious.  Scandalous, as is this dance. Instead, you ask that he give it a rest for just one song. No trades, no deals, no patricide, nothing, just you and him. His features melted at your request, words leaving him in that moment, nothing but a small nod and a hand held out to guide you in response. Slowly you rocked, side to side, your hands clasped around his back. Beneath the suit, the wealth, the spokes of his spine welcome you with open arms. You want to see his face, read what he’s thinking about, but you don’t move a muscle. Too rarely do you get to do this: slow down. Be with him. Get him all to yourself. 
You know, if your father, one of his many wives, saw you, they’d go straight to Logan. Or worse, weaponize it at a later date. Blackmail you, or him, both. As if he can hear your thoughts, his grip gets harder. Needier. Not a lot, not a lot, but enough to notice, as if he’s scared you’ll flee. As if you’ll take off any second and leave him standing there all alone, his arms still outstretched around a ghost. You squeeze him, just a bit, before easing up. I’m not going anywhere. You made sure they had gone long before, escorting your father yourself, unsteady on his own feet. An army of empty glasses sat in front of him. Get him to bed, Wife #4 whispered, as if this was the first time you’d done this. Leading him out, not before thanking the bride and her father for inviting you. What was the saying? Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Logan acknowledged the situation very little, but kept an eye on you all the way to the door. Ammunition. Your siblings off on their own, in their own collective worlds, leaving you to clean up the mess. The drink in his hand smashing against the wall, a fit of rage passing in seconds, mumbling a slur of words before closing his eyes, laying his head back against the pillow. In the midst of this, a part of you was glad you warned him not to follow. Too many eyes, too many to take notice. Besides, it was humiliating, picking up shards of glass from the carpet. His wife pulled off his shoes, not daring to look at you. It wasn’t until you’d found your way back did you notice a line of red pooling in your palm. Blood. You must’ve cut yourself on the glass. Fuck. He wasn’t supposed to be watching, waiting, but those puppy-dog eyes widened and you knew it was too late. Quietly, you walked to the bathroom, he just a few paces behind. It doesn’t hurt, the first thing you say, and then, it’s not even that bad. Reassure him. He works nervously, delicately, holding your hand under running water. 
It aches now though, only slightly, the more you flex it against his back. Anyone could have seen him, anyone could have mentioned it to your fathers or siblings. Anyone could have done anything, but that wouldn’t have stopped him. The sight of blood made him queasy, you knew that, and yet as the red blotted the white towel, running pink under the water, he was nothing but steady. Dads, am I right? You could hear him saying it now, that little chuckle of his added at the end, masking the shake of fear in his voice. You just shook your head, feeling stupid, silly. Childish. Had he aimed the drink at you? Missing only because he was seeing double. Had that anger been reserved for anyone or was it a general meanness? You shrug at the thought now, only hours old. It’s not worth it to fret. You rub your cheek against his shoulder, letting your head fall to the side. Back and forth, the world slows only for you. The chairs, the tables, the waiters cleaning up spilled drinks and dirty dishes. You shouldn’t be out in the open like this. Not where there are still wandering eyes. And yet, you don’t care enough to stop. Let them say whatever they want, this dangerous thought sits heavy in your mind. It won’t make him like you. It won’t make Logan like him. It won’t change anything, not really. They have their favorites, their toy soldiers. You’re extra. Spare parts. A scapegoat. Neither would let either of you take over, be daddy's favorite, so why put up with it? You know why, you think. For those few passing seconds of love and admiration that feel so violent it leaves a proverbial bruise. Oh, yeah. 
Gerri found you. His hand rests on your cheek, wiping a tear away. A stupid, fragile tear. You would have wiped it away, but you hadn’t noticed it had fallen. You could feel the warmth of his skin, cool of the bathroom air when it left. She managed something you couldn’t hear. He froze, not wanting to leave you, not wanting to disobey his father. Go on, you insisted, I’m okay. I’m just being sensitive, you wanted to add, though it wasn’t in your voice, but someone far angrier. Too sensitive. How many times had you heard that growing up? How many times had that been thrown in your face? He wouldn’t have agreed. He would have fought you on the matter, the only time he would have raised his voice at you. Gerri stayed back a second, looking you up and down. You came from a long line of cheaters, liars, drunks - worse. The only thing you had was your bloodline, your family name. That kind of thing bought you respect. Everyone expected someone different when they looked at you, as if they knew you weren’t one of them. A fluke, maybe. A disappointment. You could see her thinking it before she left, the door slamming behind her. 
His breathing has slowed, at least a little his thumb has stopped. He’s leaned into you more, letting himself relax. How badly you wanted to bottle this moment up, collect it, put it on a shelf to collect dust. Years down the line you’d reach for it again, reliving it as if it never stopped. As if the song never stopped. But of course, it did. And he was the first to pull away. Not unkindly. Softly, his grasp lowered until his arms were at his side. Then a small step back, until you were face to face with him. Those bright, sad brown eyes watching you, waiting for a reaction. You were the only two left. You gave him a small smile, a thank you, before quickly wishing him a goodbye. It was awkward, you were awkward. Too attached. Whatever you had, or thought you had, couldn’t happen. You could try to pretend it wasn’t important, that your fathers acceptance wouldn’t matter, but it did. You sensed that Roman felt the same way. So, you left. One quick glance back and there he stood, stooped shoulders, the last one left. How he wished you knew how badly he wanted to chase after you, make you stay with him forever, regardless of what anyone thought. Vow never to leave him again. But this was life, and no one ever said it was fair.
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hunzzzzz · 7 months
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This was my Roman Empire. Their reaction to Logan laughing. I’m a ball on the ground right now sobbing🥺🥺
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takemyhand-justice · 1 year
I love Kendall a lot, he’s my number one boy, but gang it’s ok to not shit on Roman every twelve seconds to make a point about how great he is. They are all abused children AND terrible people AND I love them all ok ok
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myplasticadversary · 1 year
In what fucking way was Kendall being a prick? Fucking pathetic 🖕🏻
Uh??? Ok aside from the bizarre unnecessarily confrontational tone here, Kendall was charging in trying to strongarm Roman into voting with him when he was in a vulnerable state and clearly didn't want to do all this or be around him right now, and it also probably stirred up unpleasant memories for Caroline as well of how Logan used to act around the house. Makes sense though that an asshole wouldn't recognize when an asshole is being an asshole perhaps 🤷
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richeeduvie · 1 month
I love to stir the pot… imagine if when Logan and baby came out about her being pregnant, Kendall or Roman made some snarky remark about her getting an abortion
Roman's looking like he's about to say something filled with blood, that it's about to burst on the tip of his tongue with his head low. His finger presses against his glass. You think he's been getting drunk, or...you know so.
You can't stop yourself from knowing him, even after all this time.
You don't catch Kendall's look or two at your bump. It's there, even in all it's slightness. You roll your head. Logan takes a bite of his meal. It's been a hard day for everyone. The pregnancy, perfectly difficult and cryptic means you're away from Waystar more often. So, you don't have all the details of what went down in the offices, but the tense, Roy routine silence and smooth but snarked banter tells you enough about the day. Logan's gone into another fight with his children.
"So, Pop - are we going to find out if Roy number five is a girl or boy or we'll they pop out as a genital-less surprise?"
Connor smiles sheepishly. You smile at him, taking Logan's hand.
"I've left it up to the patriarch of the house to decide."
"Each one of you were left up to chance, the next one will be no different."
"Abortion at the gender reveal would be fun."
Roman's soft and standard humor hits your heart like a baseball bat. Things clink and go quiet.
Except for your baby, who kicks - it would be something to celebrate and your muscles feel it so, but not with the silence. Not at this moment.
You turn over your fork, looking at the way Roman doesn't look at you.
"Let's not talk about abortion when the pregnant party is very willing to give this family another little member, Rome-"
Connor tries, turned to Roman. Roman clicks his head to the right as he scratches his cheek.
"You have a lot of material. Throw yourself a gender reveal party and when you and Dad cut into a cake - I mean, just imagine it, a coat hanger and baby bits in black and red icing-"
Before Roman's words can really hit you, his words are broken by the way glass crashes and cracks against the wall - just past him and his curled up upper body.
Clinking and yelling and everything else ensues. You realize your hand isn't holding Logan's anymore.
"Dad! What the fuck?"
"Jesus Christ."
Kendall's up and in Logan's face, Shiv's wide eyed with Tom's arm around her shoulders. Pissed, everyone's pissed or in panic.
"You okay, sweetheart?"
It's Frank's hand on your shoulder. "It wasn't me who was almost glassed. I'm fine, you okay?"
"I'm fine! I'm fine, not the worst thing Dad, I'm fine, Dad. But not the worst thing I've ever said either. That gets a glass?"
It takes a one-second glance at his father, at your low-browed husband who still sits in his chair.
"Sorry, sorry - enough with the snaps. Fuck."
"What business is it of yours to defend his words, you want to stare down at me?"
"Throwing a glass during fucking dinner? Are you-"
"Everyone, just calm down!"
"I'm going, I've got chips in my ear."
Roman's himself when this type of thing happens to him. And it has, over and over and over. He pulls on his ear on the way out. You forget, with a hand to your stomach, that it's not Caroline or Marcia that has to settle Logan.
It's you. But you just swallow instead.
"I have to-I have to use the bathroom."
Logan barely listens with all his redden eyes baring into his second eldest son. You move out quickly, heels clicking against the floor.
You make your way to the bathroom. Your heart beats against little kicks.
Somehow, this is where you're the small one out of the two of you. The white and gold-trimmed door creaks and puts the sight of Roman dabbing his ear in front of you.
"Fuck your baby. Look what your baby did. If I was the one that stuffed you, it would've gotten my humor, but it'll probably get Dad's aim. It was better when we were younger, right?"
"...I think they found it funny. Do you wanna feel?"
Anything to make him feel better. It's instinctual.
You swallow. Roman looks at you through the mirror. He blinks and holds his bloodied tissue up.
"Wanna lick?"
"This is the second time they've kicked. They know how to take a joke, I think."
Then he's not looking at you and you would know what he thinks, even then - but the moment where both of you exist, unfortunately...you just want him to touch you.
Platonically, to feel his sibling kick. To feel him.
You watch Roman's throat bob and turn. His eyes follow your hand to your bump.
His throat bobs again as he kneels. He presses the red of his ear to your stomach.
He presses in. You watch his quick, uneven blinking at each kick - each flutter.
"At least someone can get that I'm the only one that says what we're all thinking."
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autisticandroids · 1 year
list of succession end states i've contemplated
kendall suicide (by drowning. obviously) <- honestly a lot less likely these days
kendall winning everything and totally betraying his siblings and burning all his relationship followed by seemingly "accidental" drowning death/ambiguous suicide <- ideal ending. for me
tom jail for election tampering crimes <- boring on account of we've already tried to send tom to jail
kendall jail for election tampering crimes
kendall sole ceo. worst ending
shiv totally cut off from waystar but also tossed out of liberal politics because she helped win the election for mencken, no career just trapped at home with the baby forever
roman tossed out and just hanging around being a wastrel <- boring because we've already seen this
romangerri reconciliation <- would make me insane. honestly not sure if i would be enraged or popping bottles. it's a pipe dream but also what if it happens
tomshiv reconciliation <- despite recent tomshiv insanity, less interesting than romangerri tbh
tom fired specifically because kendall (sole ceo) thinks he's shiv's puppet and wants to keep his sibs out
sibs out of waystar completely but tom somehow stays at atn
tomstar wambsco (american ceo plan curveball)
kendall stands up in front of a press conference and fully confesses to killing that kid <- less likely these days i think
kendall killing the kid comes out some other way and kendall goes to fancy rich boy jail <- this is honestly too positive and nice an ending for kendall to actually happen. he needs this therefore it cannot work
shiv ceo <- no way
shiv limps back to politics <- this would be too sane and normal
shiv pregnant suicide <- NOT happening but a girl can dream. heart eyes emoji
roman/shiv blab about kendall killing the kid to fuck kendall. which backfires and gets them all tossed out on their asses
roman massive internal injuries from trampling; spends entire episode barely moving in hospital bed; gets used to stir up anti-riot/anti-progressive sentiment by atn while lying there unable to move which paradoxically pushes him to lose his taste for fascism
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secondhand-snow · 3 months
What do you imagine Lukas is like as a girl dad? 😭
lukas is totally girl dad in my head. ik we’ve talked about him having like 10 kids but i still just know he would love it having only girls. i see him as having like 5 girls and just fully committing to the girl dad role, never ever complaining about wanting sons or trying for a boy.
as a dad he’s the exact opposite of mencken. super soft and supportive and extremely involved in all his kids lives. they’re still absolutely going to be attending an insanely prestigious private school and enrolled in a ton of different activities, but the difference is that he lets his kids choose what they want to do instead of forcing them. one of his girls wants to play rugby? absolutely they’re getting signed up. another one wants to learn to play the electric guitar? he’s already ordered the best one money can buy.
and you better bet he’s going to every single event of theirs. he will never miss a sports game, a recital, a graduation, or anything else. lukas will put his entire company on pause just to see his 3 year old daughter clumsily twirl around on stage in a tutu. if two events are going on at the same time and he can only make it to one, he will absolutely bribe the person in charge to push one activity back a few hours so he can get to both.
when his girls grow up, he’s definitely a little overprotective of them but in a goofy way. like if his daughter brings home her boyfriend, he’s intimidating him but doing so with bizarre jokes and references. lukas just love playing into that unhinged genius billionaire stereotype that the media portrays him as.
i think he also weirdly takes some pride in only having girls? with the roys the men of the family were always always always put before the women and seen as superior. like shiv was never seriously considered for ceo because of the fact that she is a woman. and lukas just despises that because his wife is the most intelligent person he’s ever known and she was always seen as less than in her family because of her gender. so at every family reunion he absolutely talks about how amazing his girls are going to be when they take over the company as they grow up. if kendall or roman ever ask if they’re going to try again for a boy he’s like “why would we do that? if we try again, it’ll be for a healthy baby, not a boy.”
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jaebeomsbitch · 1 year
Romulus's Sea of Turmoil (R.R.)
Summary: Leading you through the path of Roman's trauma. Roman learning to accept your help and love even though he's been conditioned to do the opposite. Roman doesn't fuck it :).
Paring: Roman Roy X Genderless! Reader
Warnings: childhood abuse, physical abuse, psychological abuse, self harm, emotional hurt, men crying, mentions of injuries, crying, father's death, funeral.
AN: probably the heaviest piece of work I've ever written. I just needed a piece where Roman is comforted like he deserved. Not edited, I wrote this at 1 AM.
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Proceed with heavy caution
Roman was used to his father yelling at him. Used to the cadence in his voice when he tells him to shut up, that he was doing something important. He eventually loses Kendall, who goes off to join his father. Silently taking notes after being asked by his father. Roman grows accustomed to playing with Shiv, running through the halls, gleeful laughs following. 
Until one day he’s invited into the room, his father deciding he’s old enough to have a taste of his business. He doesn’t know when the hatred begins. Was his father’s hate always there, looming over him only becoming apparent when the sun had finally filtered through?
The beatings begin, bruised lips and swollen eyes. Kendall silently watches as Shiv has her face buried in the sleeve of his jacket. Her tears blotted against the fabric. His father grunting, “The world is tough, you have to learn from early on how difficult life is.” His eyes with a gleam he’s never seen before. At first he begs, like a child, pleading his father to take it easy on him; this only makes him angrier. 
Roman used to know why he was struck. Usually to teach him a lesson, like after spilling ice cream in his father’s new expensive car. Another after fighting with Kendall over steak night. Eventually the beatings turn frequent, explanations and lessons lost. Roman tries to justify it, tries to fit explanations into his little head. His father was annoyed by the way he swung his feet, mad that he whispered something to Kendall, angry as he was playing with a bottle when his boredom took over. He spends nights crying silently, mumbling justifications, snot noses frequent as he rubs his face into his pillow. 
One day his father discovers him in a cage, eating ‘dog food’ as his siblings surround him. He shakes in fear seeing his father. The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him. His father sends him to military school to ‘toughen’ him up just like his uncle did. How could he be so weak? To be laughed at by the little girl, paraded around by his older brother? “There was something wrong with that boy and some discipline would fix him,” his father would say. 
He learns the routine, accepts his situation until he is released. He comes back home, Kendall now a foot taller, Shivy up to his chest. He’s a ‘military’ man now, shoulder’s squared out, stance stoic as his father inspects him. He’d learned to hide his emotion after hours of grueling training. He learns to numb the pain in his hands and knees from crawling on the floor. How ironic that his father sent him away for crawling only to spend hours learning the fastest way to crawl across the floor.
Kendall started as an intern at Royco, then moved to management training. He begins to look more like a man, an unhinged gleam in his eye that is new to Roman. Roman is sent away again to the LA offices to “learn” about the business. It was more like adult baby sitting, they set him up in an office flooding him with paperwork he doesn’t really understand. This is better though, he doesn’t have to live under the scrutiny of his father, only ever reporting back with phone calls. 
The few times he sees his father he once again makes mistakes. His witty remark passing his lips before his mind catches up as he’s struck in the face. He remembers this, remembers why he hates the walls of this house. Remembers why he was grateful for the distance. Nonetheless he mumbles excuses to himself. You’re an idiot, you’re annoying, your father hates you. 
He moves back to New York, his father gets sick and then better. Roman continues to berate himself, whispering insults. Relishing in self inflicted wounds. He learns to live with the pain, learns to seek the words from his father’s mouth. Until he meets you, you tell him his words are too harsh. You don’t like the way he treats himself but he tells you to fuck off. 
It isn’t until his father is gone that he begins to question himself. He had put himself through years of turmoil for his father, lived in the shadows of his older brother to not attract attention. Was it all worth it? Was it ever worth it? Was it worth starving? Did he even love his father? He asks Tom if he told Logan he loved him. Tom, confused, doesn't know how to respond. Did he truly love his father? His guilt begins to eat away at him. The words would’ve slipped out if they were real. If somewhere deep in the cavity of his chest he felt for his father a shred of love he would’ve uttered those three words. He begins berating himself in his father's absence, unused to the void of pain he’s accustomed to. 
He’s lost. He pushes you away, pushes away the one person who tries to help. He doesn’t deserve you, he’s a piece of shit. He practically killed his father with that voicemail. The memories replaying in his head. He punches himself in the thigh wanting to feel the familiarity, closing his eyes and pretending his father once again looms over him. You stop him once you hear the noise, you’d heard him some nights but you couldn’t bear the thought of him hurting himself once again. 
He shoves you out of the room yelling obscenities at you in a joking manner. “It’s almost like you caught me with my dick in my hand. You’d love it wouldn’t you?” he laughs, slamming the door. He tries to hold it in, tries to bury the emotion but you hear his sobs through the walls. You spend countless nights on his couch, just waiting for him to be ready. For him to want just a shred of help. It isn’t until the day before the funeral that he leaves the door unlocked. 
Perhaps his guilt for letting you sleep on the couch when he knew you had back problems. He tried, tried to keep you at an arm's distance because anyone who crossed his path was destined to a horrible fate. They were tied to a monster, unable to escape. So he gives you the out, leaves his door unlocked as a last ditch effort to let you leave him but you don’t. You approach the bed as you hear his sniffles. You climb into the sheets, cradling him into your chest as he lets the sobs rip through the room. You whisper comforting words until his cries die down. 
He didn’t deserve you. Didn’t deserve this, he was as much a killer as his brother was. He never deserved your patience, your worried glances, or your reassuring touches. He’s not allowed to have a happily ever after because he is broken. Broken beyond repair, just a pile of tiny shards on the ground. 
He stands on the podium, hundreds of eyes on him. He can’t do this, he can’t be like his father, can’t even fathom his cold body in that casket. He calls for help, motioning with his hands as you hear the beginning of those familiar sniffles. You reach around Kendall, whispering something into his ear that they can’t hear. He shakes his head at his siblings, glancing over at you worriedly. You give him a kiss on the temple before patting his chest. He delivers his speech, Roman the Showman lighting up the sky. The church claps at his ridiculous speech.
Mencken gives him a knowing smile, cracking a rude remark about your assistance. Roman holds it in, he grips onto your hand to tether him to the ground. Lets you do most of the thanking, until he can finally breathe again. He’s shaking in the car, withered away to that scared little boy he once was. You hold him again, brushing the tears from his face as the wet patches grow on your coat. He needs pain, he wants it, he craves it. He begs you to hit him, trying to provoke a reaction from you. Please bring him back down to earth, his soul felt like it was floating away from his body. You hold his eyes open squeezing eye drops into his red streaked eyes as you peck him on the forehead. 
You remind him that he’s not allowed to inflict pain and although it’s difficult you’re there. You’ll stage a break up to justify his fallen tears if you have to. He no longer has to bear the crushing pain alone. He nods, following you out of the car. He’s still unable to step in the mausoleum. Afraid he’ll be trapped with his father’s vengeful spirit. You crack jokes with Shiv, breaking to place a kiss on the top of his hand that’s intertwined with yours. In that moment Kendall and Shiv have never felt more alone.
Just like Logan wanted, he looms over the children like a deity. Watching their every move scrutinizing their stupid business decisions. Roman leads you around the room, his shoulders feeling a little lighter as you whisper a joke in his ear. Then he remembers, his dad is dead. Forever trapped in a discount pet supply box. You remind him that it’s okay that he’s gone, he no longer has to lose teeth, no longer has to sit on the counter as you patch his face up and hand him an ice pack. You watch as he flirts with Mencken, you weren’t happy about it but you knew the crowd ATN attracted. 
You don’t let him watch the protestors, you shove him into the car. You lead him by the elbow up to his penthouse as he jokes about how hot it is to see you pull him around like a rag doll. He laughs at his own joke about how riled up you are at his father’s death as you guide him to his bedroom.
He lets you undress him and tuck him into the sheets. His jokes die down as he lays in your arms, tears slipping through his closed eyes as his tiredness catches up to him. He falls asleep hearing your voice praise his courage, praise him for letting you take care of him, and more importantly how proud of him you are. He��d never heard that before, at least not genuinely. Only used to hearing it after he’d been whored out to another potential business partner.
He is nowhere near healing but just for now you are enough.
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Okay now I have to ask, glee crossovers 👀👀
Okay okay I was waiting for this!! I will not give you the lists bc it would take ages (it would just be everyone with everyone lol) so I will give you the "most vibes".
Nate already have so much sisters and he definitely needs more but, just saying, him and Cole would be great boyfriends 👀 (we already talked about this? I really can't remember lol) Also, about sisters... Demi, Dolly & Barbie, Jaci, Kendall, Lilibeth, Perrie, Sandy, Satine, Savannah, Zoe... Carla!! Oh! And Nate would be the best big brother for Jeremy 🥺
Coming Of Age and SOWK crossover 👀 Like, Christine and Aurora, Garreth (& Ellie ovb) and Josh (they would be the best parents to all the kids lmao) Christine and Carla would also get along great ngl (They're the sweetest, they deserve the world and they would hate Rachel Berry together lol)
Also Chrissy (she is Blaine's bestie so her and Aurora would be so close I just know it) and Cosette, Cosette especially with all the older main group (Roman, Amelie, Ash...)
For Ronnie and the girls, I need to go with Betty & the boys bc yes. But also more specifically for Ronnie, Toni, no vibes at all, just the st content lmao.
All the Berry/Corcoran crossover obviously, but more specifically: Linda & Barbie & Dolly Jake & Jo Jake & Sadie Dorothy & Sadie Dorothy & Leonard Linda & Oz Dorothy & Oz (Also Toni but Idk her vibes rip)
Benjamin and Carla are ofc the best babies, I love them so much and they're my everything. But! Savannah bc she's her older sister and we need to talk about this way more, Jeremy bc they're the babies of the group and Kath and Oz for no reason at all just vibes.
Jean and Betty, half bc of the Sabrina&Olivia vibes, half bc they would totally understand each other for the "shitty boyfriends and shitty parents" situation.
Connie with Betty and the Band for obvious reasons, but also they would just be so cute, they're like, the sweetest.
Lia and Charlie bc the best cousins that are actually sister bc they were raised together (Also any Schuester crossover but Lia and Charlie would be everything)
Mack and Kendall for the sibiling vibe, just like Dahlia and Jaci (they're both Mercedes' cousins so... sisters?) and Luka and Betty.
Maya and Hillary just for the Euphoria sources ngl.
Also more generally, any combo of the Schuester / St.James / Sylvester would be the best.
Anyone, LITERALLY ANYONE, with Colton and Cece bc they're my weakness, I can't choose, I love them too much.
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tyranasauruslex · 1 year
Do you think the outcome would have been the same if Lukas was female? Her buying WayCo etc... Girl Lukas would still be Romans type as well - tall and blonde.
omg I love this! 
The Roy’s could barely handle boy Lukas, girl Lukas would be an absolute menace.
I can’t see Logan taking a female CEO of any company seriously, let alone one that wants to buy him out, so we'd have to go with Luka Matsson being misspelled to Lukas Matsson in a magazine article early on in GoJo’s history and because she doesn't do interviews, it never got corrected. Everyone outside of Scandinavia assumes Luka is a guys name anyway so the myth rumbles on and she uses it to her advantage whenever anyone is caught off guard by the revelation that GoJo's CEO is a woman.
Enter the Roy’s with none of them doing their due diligence properly so Logan rolls up to meet the son he wished he’d had but instead of a six foot four Viking CEO, it's a six foot four Valkyrie CEO. It's awkward to say the least, especially when it quickly becomes apparent that Luka isn't some dumb blonde bimbo or just a pretty figure head - she's got them by the balls by the time Logan is casket ready.
Because men are pigs they’d all try and fuck her, including Logan, and Kendall would attempt to convince her to do some sort of marriage of convenience with the idea that he could screw her over for the company at a later date. Shiv enters the chat with her "Boss Girl" energy and tries to make an alliance which also ends up falling flat. Team Sweden has a good giggle about this whilst they’re waiting for the deal to go through, although Luka is a bit miffed that the little brunette she had her eye on yelled at her whilst standing on a rock.
Tom still gets the CEO role which pisses Shiv off because what about women supporting women? And girl power? Luka flits off back to Europe once the dust has settled with Roman in tow. They’re married within a year with Roman fully embracing his role as a trophy husband. Not long after there's a baby on the way and nobody would have guessed that Roman would have been the one to provide Logan with a true born grandchild.
Girl Lukas and girl Roman would make me go absolutely feral. Thats the AU we need!
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seoafin · 1 year
when it comes to shiv i’m like in between thinking what happened was a better outcome for her or the shittiest one for her. sorry this is random. but like shiv didn’t intend to free kendall n roman she just did the younger sibiling thing (at least how i interpreted) and realized she couldn’t stand the idea of kendall getting it. when she rlly fucking wanted it. like she wanted it to be her or no one. especially as the only girl in a family full of boys you are never not competing like i so get her. so i think she’d rather tom have it cause it would mean by association she’d have it too. something how the only times she allowed power is through the men in her proximity idk. and i do think this in some sense is better for her cause kendall would’ve been a lose fucking cannon we constantly see him promise his sibilings stuff then rip it away from them. at least when tom is talking to hugo n asking for karolina we get a sense that they’re somehow aligned. especially knowing that hugo is kendalls dog and even tho if she just asked kendall to get rid of hugo he wouldn’t done so in a heartbeat. but that’s the thing she didn’t wanna ask. it just fucjing sucks that it HAD to be tom like i hate his ass. it sucks that the dynamic in her relationship ultimately changed like someone said she’s always gonna have an angry man in her house now. idk if tom yet is this amalgamation of her father that the general public has saddled her with cause he still has to answer to lukas n lukas told her point blank he wanted to fuck shiv n my mans just said sure dude whatver u want no it doesn’t bother me at all!! like i still tom is a pussy but i also know that money corrupts n chnages u so that very well could chnage. which is smt i think succesion banks a lot on the idea of giving u the now and letting u guess what happens in the future. i know i just sent a whole essay so i definitely care about shiv but i am to my core a roman girlie so it is kinda nice not to have a dog in this fight idk!!
i actually disagree! i think shiv DID want to free kendall and also roman from the cycle of abuse and she did exactly that. i think the phrase that really sticks to mind is the i love you but i cannot stomach you quote from shiv to kendall. i think the saddest thing about it all is the fact that shiv is in the exact position she spent the entire show trying to avoid: being the wife and giving birth to a baby that will probably continue the cycle of abuse (and i think what hints at this is when roman says that shiv is the TRUE bloodline not kendall because kendall's kids aren't his). i honestly think it's a mix of the fact that she didn't want to give the position up to anyone AND she saw what it had done to the three of them. like i'm not going to say she was being entirely selfless but also i do think she loves kendall and roman. and in the ending you could say she's in a position in closest proximity to power in contrast to kendall and roman but it's not an enviable position. she's a mother and wife and that's all she'll ever be. tom is the man she wanted him to be. the man she tried to shape into. i think in a way it's a self fulfilling prophecy in regards to her and tom. also she was never going to escape unfortunately.
and YEAH i don't like tom i might even hate him but i can't even fault him every single person in this show absolutely sucks balls. Except Gerri. I forgive her crimes. She's so hot. like i can't even blame him for doing everything he could do rise to power. he's no different from kendall shiv or roman. he just didn't have nepo baby power. but yeah i think he and greg are two spineless pussies but so is everyone else LMAO
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hunzzzzz · 7 months
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POV you’re Logan Roy: your son has just performed a rap song to commemorate 50 years of you running Waystar Royco. He killed it. You go home and underline his name. He has what it takes. He’s a killer.
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romulussy · 2 years
what made you a middle child roman supporter because i still can't see it
i'll admit after my first watch i was like c'mon... roman has to be the youngest... but imo i think it was because i was so focused specifically on him. when i started looking at the sibs/the family as a whole the hc kind of dissolved around me.
i talked about it a bit here but i fully believe that after the failure of his first marriage logan was hoping to get that picture perfect family with caroline. like he wants a son and a daughter and an aristocratic wife and a heir that’s worthy, and to me having another child after he achieves that goal feels unplausible. but also i think a lot of roman’s immaturity and the way the other sibs treat him gets labelled as youngest sibling behaviour when imo it’s more than that. like (1) shiv’s status as a woman within the hierarchy logan has created means she’d never get away with half of the shit roman pulls* and (2) to me a lot of roman’s behaviour can be attributed to him being the overlooked child. imo he and connor have a certain level of freedom that kendall and shiv don’t; connor because he’s already a write-off in logan’s eyes and roman because in the grand scheme of things he’s a plan b to kendall.  beyond the usual nonsense re: what he thinks it means to be his child, i think logan sees his kids as having specific roles. like kendall’s the golden boy and shiv’s daddy’s little girl but there’s no specific box for roman to fit in. he’s logan’s spare and he no doubt grew up knowing it and like. not only is that going to lead to some outlandish behaviour on roman’s part but it all just screams middle child to me.
also x2 i'm an only daughter + the youngest (to a brother and half-brother lmao) and on my second watch i did feel a certain kinship with shiv re: that role so now in my mind she's the certified Baby and i can't see her as anything else.
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wychelm · 1 year
nobody cares but succ thoughts
#succession spoilers i'm not putting it in the tag i don't trust like that
firstly babygirl shiv my girl my number one boy don't you worry baby i am airlifting you out of that haunted house you hear me i'm literally on my way with a helicopter don't even worry we're getting you out of there.... secondly roman.... i feel .... i am not sure. it feels ominous. i'm not sure he won guys. the alcohol. the pills earlier in the season. i'm not sure it's agood thing..... i've always been ambivalent about kendall but it's good he lost and the fucking bodyguard in the background following him the water... it's so over it really is over i'm sorry ken but also it was perfect
the scene of them being happy and giggily and finally all getting along and it's SOOO... IT'S SOOOOOO... siblings... the way when you're getting along sometimes it's because one of you got their way and the others just kind of have to swallow it. actually not even siblings just like families where to get on and be happy it kind of requires someone to fucking sit on a whole bunch of shit that they want to die about for the sake of unity. it's crazy
anyway stewy boykisser i won i literally won i'm ceo. i am a shiv roman stewy girl first and a boyhuman second and i feel on top of da world baaaybyyyyyy. shiv lost. but she had agency of losing her agency. she got to choose that life. she did it to herself. but i will still be rescuing her just so you know
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disregardcanon · 1 year
thinking about different ways to gender bend the roy siblings and like, SQUEE the possibilities.
cis fem kendall who never really thought about the indignities of not being considered a candidate for Heir TM alongside connor and roman until her baby sister points it out, and then vying for it becomes a compulsion along with the rest of them, with her NEVER being properly considered vs connor roman shiv because not only is she a girl, she’s not like logan in the ways shiv is. (connor is promoted to candidate here because logan’s only got two sons and just having roman and shiv duke it out isn’t really in his nature. he needs three)
transmasc shiv who faces not only the typical misogyny of Being Shiv TM but also the backlash of her “trying to be a man” to “win daddy’s approval”, whereas the transition just brings more abuse without any of the sweetness that sometimes came with being “daddy’s little girl” and sharpens it all into an even sharper knife
cis fem connor actually getting a lot more consideration and kindness because Girl TM but also being more thoroughly sibling-parentified, as well having “female hysteria” brandished against her and her mother’s institutionalization used more thoroughly whenever she so much as Has an Emotion. also: “where are my grandkids. where is the husband?” while femcon is an entire lesbian who’s just living in denial about only wanting “female friendships” and having to buy them
transfem connor like trying to be caitlyn jenner and logan just refusing to acknowledge that connor even exists any longer 
enby kendall who is very Kendall TM about it all but it’s a very real thing that is very important to him, even if he keeps going back and forth about whether or not he’ll embrace himself. like he finds out that you can be Not a Boy and Not a Girl and he’s like I Am An Experience TM. and everyone’s like oh my god shut UP kendall. and he never ends up exploring his gender much further, except in the context of when he’s trying to be The Most Progressive, but it actually weighs on him a lot that everyone in his life thinks something that important to him is “stupid” and “made up”. number one boy is both a source of comfort and intense pain because his dad brings it up most when kendall is going into one of his “weird genderfluid bullshit phases”
not doing roman because i really feel uncomfortable delving too deeply into roman. sorry babes
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richeeduvie · 3 months
Wait what? baby Jr married?!? I can’t even imagine Roman when she starts dating let alone getting married and having 3 whole children that’s so funny to imagine Roman wants to die the moment she’s like 16 and tells her parents she’s going out on a date. At 22 when she brings home her first “serious” bf and Roman picks out his eyebrows and god only knows how he didn’t jump off a window when she announced she was pregnant.
He gets in a mood for about a day when she goes out on a date at like...17. I think it would be cute if Baby Jr's malewife nervous partner was her highschool sweetheart! I've always said she has like three friends and then her parents. A Roy through and through. But really, he just gets whiny.
He's not exactly disappointed in his daughter or scared. He's just sad. This is his baby, even when she's 80. She's like...theirs. She's Mommy and Daddy's and she doesn't need anyone else? He doesn't need anyone else but Baby Jr and her mother.
It's weird. It's sad, but it's his version of being a parent.
"Roman, please - make some small talk with him."
"I fucking hate his chin. He's going to knock her up and their babies will have his chin. He's going to take her away for chinny babies."
"Don't think that far ahead. Also, that's weird to think about. It's just one date."
Roman turns over on the bed, pillow in his arms.
"Have you fucking seen him? He wants to eat her."
"I think all fathers think every man is not good enough for their daughter."
He shifts a bit. Sits up. "No, I mean-he's fucking obsessed with her. He's probably a stalker. We should call security, hire Collin. Steal him away from Kendall. It's been years past the need for glorified suicide watch."
Baby raises a brow. "You haven't even given him more than ten words."
"You're a baby. Actual child. I don't have to. I know. He wants her badly and it's fucking disgusting. Have you seen the way he looks at her? He's going to babytrap her. That was my plan b if you weren't going to USC-I don't know what I'm saying. What the fuck?"
Baby sighs.
It's so funny. Come time, it's known the pregnancy was planned. Life was stable. She's a grown adult.
"Why did you do this to her?"
He's staring daggers into the malewife.
He pulls at his hair. "I was fucking-it's a joke. No, not really. I want to kill myself. My baby is pregnant. Can you just have a girl please? Please please? And name it Ramona? Romana. Thank you."
He sighs, hugging Baby Jr. She's accepted her Dad enough to know this is him supportive, that he will adore this child.
"I am happy. I'm older! Signs of life means I'm dying and getting older and I'll be a fucking grandpa. I'll only actually like...try so I can beat out Frank in that department."
Baby smiles and kisses his cheek.
"Good boy."
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