#kendall x reader
mxdimitrescu · 2 months
Drunken Night
Synopsis: Remy and Kendall has a drunken nightstand which ends in a surprising way.
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Kendall Jenner x GP!Remy Fields
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"Hey Kylie, did you invite Remy to spend the summer with us?" I asked her trying to hide the hopefulness.
I had a crush on Remy ever since middle school when she became friends with Kylie. She's different from other guys that I've dated and that's good because she isn't fake like others. I adore her thick framed glasses that enhanced her beautiful blue eyes her braces that makes her smile adorable.
"Nope, I'll call her now," Kylie said as she took out her phone and dialed Remy and put it on speaker.
It was a few minutes until she answered.
"Hello?" Remy asked.
"Remy, it's Kylie. Listen, the family and I are going to my grandma's house for the summer and I was wondering if you want to go with us?"
"Ah, I can't, I'm sorry. I'm actually going to stay with my dad for the summer," Remy said sadly causing me to frown in sadness that I couldn't spend time with her.
Remy's parents are divorced. Her mom lives here while her dad lives in Miami and her mom has the sole custody of her.
"Ah no worries. Anyways, have fun with your dad and I'll see you later," Kylie said and they hung up.
"Looks like she's busy," she shrugged and went to her room to start packing for the trip.
Soon, summer has slowly passed as my family and I had fun doing many activities. We went surfing, bowling, went swimming in the lake behind my grandma's house and many things. It was fun until it was the last day before school starts.
I'm currently laying on bed wondering how Remy's summer went and couldn't wait to see her at school. I closed my eyes as I started to succumb to sleep with the thought of Remy on my mind.
Soon, I was awaken by Kylie entering my room loudly and went into my closet to pick out clothes for me. I got out of the bed and started my morning routine then put on my school clothes that Kylie picked out and headed downstairs.
"Hurry up, Ken," Kylie whined as I took a bite out of my toasted bread that mom handed me.
"Why are you in a rush?" I asked.
"I want to see Remy duh."
At the mention of Remy, I stuffed the toast in my mouth and rushed out of the kitchen, grabbing my backpack along the way.
"Hurry up! Why're you standing there!?" I called out getting Kylie into action and we both got into the car and started off to school.
We arrived at the school and got out of the car and waited on the hood for our friends to arrive. Few minutes later, Hailey, Justin, Taylor, Bella, Gigi has arrived and we're just waiting for Remy.
"How's summer?" Hailey asked as she leaned into Justin's arms.
"It was good, did lots of things," Kylie said as I looked at Instagram on my phone.
"That's go—"
Justin stopped in the middle of his sentence causing me to look up to see Remy walking this way. She looked completely different. She's no longer wearing glasses or braces. Her hair was now shoulder-length curly with her sides shaved off. She's wearing a baggy cream shirt with black loose shorts that shows off her muscular legs.
"Holy shit, she glowed up," Gigi announced to the group who murmured in agreement as Remy reached to us.
"Hi guys! I missed you guys," Remy cheerfully said as she hugged each one of us.
I couldn't keep my eyes off her as she talked to the Hadid twins. Kylie noticed and leaned in to whisper.
"She's off limits. I don't need her to be one of your fuck girls and dump her," she said harshly.
I frowned at her and gave no attention to her as the bell rang letting us know that school's in session. As we walked to our home rooms, Justin let us know that there's a back to school party at his house later tonight.
After seven hours of learning, we finally left school and went home to get dressed for the party. I got dressed in my party outfit which consisted of red crop top, ripped short jeans, and brown sandals.
Kylie and I arrived at the party and it was filled with bunch of teenagers from school. We went inside and found the group in the backyard. I immediately noticed Remy dressed up handsomely.
We all chatted for a while until everyone went off on their own ways until I was in the kitchen nursing a beer when Remy walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Kendall, what are you doing in here by yourself?" She asked as she filled up her cup.
"Just hangin'" I shrugged.
"Well come dance with me," I told her as I took her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor and she turned around to grind herself into my front body.
I put my hands on her hips and grind against her, my member slowly waking up. At one particular grind, she gasped at the feeling of my now hard member pressed against her ass.
She moaned and twisted her head to capture my lips with hers causing me to moan. We continued to dance and kiss on the floor until we broke it from the lack of air.
"Let's get out of here," she breathed out making me nod and her to grab my hand and lead us outside where her car was.
We got in the car and drove to her house which was a block away from mine and exited the car and entered the house. As soon I closed the front door, she slammed her lips on mine and jumped causing me to grab her legs and hold her as I walked to her room. I put her down on the floor and we tore our clothes off and got in the bed.
She wrapped her hand around my neck to pull me in for a kiss as her other hand went to my boxer briefs and slowly took my member out of it causing me to moan at the cold air hitting my member. She slowly stroke me and pulled me to place it at her panty clad pussy and pulled the panty to the side and placed it at the clenching entrance.
I broke from the kiss and panted as I asked her, "Are you sure?"
She just simply smirked and wrapped her legs around my butt and thrust myself into her causing her to moan at the slight pain and pleasure when my thick member was slowly devoured by her entrance. I moaned at her walls clenching tightly around my member and began thrusting inside her.
She wrapped her arms around my upper body with her nails dug inside my shoulders. I captured her lips with mine as my hips began thrusting deeply until I could feel her walls twitching. I knew she was close so I moved my hand down between us and began rubbing her clit causing her to go in an orgasm, effectively stopping my thrusts making me shoot streams of cum inside her, painting her walls.
She passed out from the sheer pleasure as I panted heavily and slowly untangled myself from her. I got off the bed and went into her bathroom to clean myself off from the sweat and our combined cum then went back into her room to put on my clothes.
As I was about to leave the room, I turned back to see Kendall laying down on the bed with a satisfied smile on her face and left the room and her house, walking to my house.
After that night, I never went back to my normal way, going after girls and fuck them. It just felt wrong, like I was betraying Kendall. Because of that, I completely avoided Kendall in fear that it was a mistake and it won't happen again.
After two weeks of avoiding Kendall, I was finally cornered by Kylie who was confused and angry at the same time.
"Why the fuck are you avoiding Kendall?" She asked annoyed.
I bit my lip, debating whether to tell her or not then decided.
"Kendall and I had...sex on the night of the party. I was afraid that she'll say that it was a one time thing and that she regrets it."
Kylie rolled her eyes, "I already knew. Kendall told me and was excited about it. Next thing you know, she came to me crying on how you been avoiding her."
I could feel my heart pang at the mention of Kendall crying.
"Kendall is in love with you, and definitely doesn't regret sleeping with you," Kylie finished off and walked away, leaving me in the hallway alone.
She's in love with me?
I knew I messed things up and went in search for Kendall. It took me a while until I found her under the bleachers outside on the football field.
Kendall turned around quickly, her tearful eyes met mine. She wiped her eyes and stood up to face me.
"What do you want?" She asked with no emotions in her voice causing me to flinch at the usually happy person.
"I-I came to apologize for my actions for the past two weeks for avoiding you," I regretfully said as I shoved my hands into my pockets.
"It's fine. It was a one night thing," she shortly said.
"I was afraid that you regretted the sex so I kinda shielded myself from the pain and avoided you. I didn't meant to hurt you, I really like you, like a lot," I confessed.
Kendall studied me for a moment and spoke, "Did Kylie tell you anything else?"
I shook my head.
She sighed, "I'm pregnant."
I stared at her in silence, "With my baby?"
"Yes, I found out after throwing up for the past two weeks and went to the doctor yesterday," she told me.
"Well," I started as I walked toward to her until we were facing from to front with an inch between us, "I want to make it up to you..."
I trailed off while looking into her eyes to see anything but nothing.
"How would you make it up to me?" She asked, crossing her arms with eyebrow raised.
"Well, I would like to start off with asking you out on a date? Say Friday at 6?" I suggested.
She studied me for a moment then hesitantly nodded causing me to grin slightly.
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bubblyani · 2 years
Never Going Anywhere
(Kendall Roy x Reader)
A Kendall Roy (Succession) One Shot
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1.1k+
Author’s Note: That pool incident in S3 made me come up with this scenario one fine day a while back but couldn’t write it then. Finally did. Make sure to enter this with some feels cause its full of em. Enjoy y’all!
My Kendall Roy Masterlist
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What on earth, did you expect yourself to do? when that dreaded news reached your ears? A news so dreaded, that a breakup seemed almost relieving in comparison.
It would, wouldn’t it? When you heard the love of your life almost died. 
Or seemed to have attempted to take his own life.
Yes, a breakup would have been better. Kinder even.
That phone call from Roman Roy replayed in your head in continuation. “Hey…look, don’t fuckin’ freak out ,okay? But it’s about Kendall…”
Not just anyone. But Kendall Roy.
Was your face turning pale as a ghost too dramatic? Was it sheer exaggeration when life almost left your own body in the process? Or was it nothing in comparison to you heading to the airport to fly to Italy at once?
That Roman. Was HE exaggerating? Was this his version of a cruel prank on you and his brother? Not by the tone of his voice, though. To his credit, he always approved of your relationship with Ken. A sigh left your lips as your foot kept tapping away throughout the entire 8 hour and 30 minute flight. At least until exhaustion and sleep took you over in between.
The disheveled expression felt sufficient to render you an uninvited guest at Lady Caroline’s Wedding. Not to mention your rushed pacing under the Tuscan sun with one question posed at any waiter around: 
 Scusami, Excuse me
dov'è il Signor Kendall? Where is Mr Kendall?
Signor Kendall…sì. Dov’è? per favore Mr Kendall…yes. Where? Please
“Hey, what are you doing here?” Shiv’s soft, concerned query broke your incessant and broken Italian.
“I -uh!” you panted, holding her hand on your shoulder as you looked around frantic “Here for Ken-I” “Okay, WHAT the fuck?” Roman’s hushed tone and appearance made you jump. “Right? for a minute I thought I was seeing things.” Shiv said, “I thought you had a deal making thing today”
“It’s done already” blunt and straight was your reply, for your eyes were busy scanning around.
“Look, I called you… to let you know what happened to your lover boy, and that everything was OKAY. Not for you to make a grand fucking romantic gesture and come all the way here and make a scene.” Roman went on, “Like-is she even invited?” he looked at Shiv, point at you for certain. Yet that did not matter to you.  
 “I won’t ruin anyone’s wedding Rome, I-”
You froze.
Life suddenly returned to your body by the mere sight of Kendall Roy even a few feet away. Hands on his waist, his eyes squinted in disbelief and widened upon realization. The pacing of your heart increased as the pacing of his footsteps towards you did the very same. At last, the Tuscan heat was made aware. At last the sound of the beautiful music in the background found clarity in your ears. Kendall was safe and sound.
If everyone began to murmur and notice your presence even more, you would not blame them. Especially when your eyes began to well up with tears that your vision blurred. You felt your cheeks grow hot as you were overcome with emotion. Overcome with thoughts of what if. What if you never had that chance to see him again alive and well? What if you were too late? What if they were too late? What if the last time you ever saw him was when he left your apartment to go pack for Italy? Why was your embrace not tight enough? long enough? Why did you not kiss him long enough?
Your spiral dissipated when you felt Kendall gently pull you by the hand. Looking down you followed him in the midst of Shiv and Roman’s queries joined by Tom and Greg’s voices. The two pairs of footsteps traveled over green grass and stone rubble until your heels finally clicked inside the villa.
Silence has been your chaperone until Kendall finally shut the bedroom door behind him and released his hand from yours. He paced around.
It took 3 seconds. Until, “It wasn’t an OD, I swear”
Until He spoke. Finally.
No Hello, Hey, or even What are you doing here. For he knew what the  biggest question you possibly could have had. And you will not lie, even after months of familiarizing it in your ears, heart and mind, his deep voice never failed to resonate through your soul.
“I uh-I was in the pool…” he began, “…and just fell out of the floaty. I-I was drunk” anxiety rife in his tone, Kendall looked up to face you with remorse.
Eyes watery and full, you said nothing. How surprising to see you managed to create more tears after all that you shed a few hours ago. After all the inaudible bawling and weeping your heart out at the window seat.
When your silence exceeded 2 seconds, it worried Ken. It seemed from the manner in which his brows furrowed.
“It-It wasn’t a suicide attempt either. Babe you gotta trus-”
Until you spoke. Finally.
And it was a herculean task, when there was a knot in your throat.
“Whenever-” clearing your throat, you continued “Whenever I see you, I see you...growing old.”
Despite Kendall’s shocked expression, you went ahead:
“I see you at the Hamptons , watching your grandkids play in the garden. While you feel the sun on your face, feeling so content”
The mere image of a smiling Kendall, did not fail to bring your own smile out. And you swore you could sense your heart bloom a little when Kendall himself let out a soft smile. On that beautiful face of his. A tear trickled down your cheek at last.
A deep breath later, you spoke once more, “And after all that you went through and learnt, I see you being free. Feeling free. Completely free”
Free. A word worth more than a billion dollars. A word that caused Ken’s smile to grow bigger, to the point your tears broke free from the invisible constraints around your eyes. And you broke in to a sob: “Ken, Y-Your life, your soul. It’s not meant to disappear so fast” you sobbed, feeling the shortness of your breath in between, “Not this fast, Ken. And I-I won’t know what I will do if it does. I honestly don’t know how I'll cope if it does. I can’t see it happen, Ken. I just can’t-”
“Hey-hey…” Ken’s soothing voice engulfed your soul, as his physical frame engulfed your own in the form of a complete embrace.
“Please! Don’t go. Don’t leave me like that. Don’t do that to me-“ Like a child, you bawled, staining his white, cotton linen shirt with your tears.
“Hey…Shhh” He continued to soothe, while his embrace grew tighter. As if he needed this.
“I’m so sorry-I just-“ you said, struggling for air, “I just love you so much-I-”
“I know-i know” He replied, holding you even tighter, following up with the words you longed to hear:
“I’m not going anywhere. I won't leave you like that. Never”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My Kendall Roy Masterlist
Tagged: @tammykelly​​ @loveandthings11​ Lemme know if you wanna get tagged.
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rosieofcorona · 4 months
songfic tag game
thank you to the legendary @rowanisawriter for the tag!! as a chronic playlister, this lil tag game was so delightful to me. 🙂
ended up doing five fics, so i’ll tag @lewdisescariot, @eelqueen, @lavenderfluorite14, @kcwriter-blog, and @galacticgraffiti (as always, no pressure 💕) 
Rules: Pick a song to accompany each of your fics or as many as you like. This might be the fic's inspiration or just pure vibes that you'd like to share with readers. Tag as many people as fics you feature (or do as you please!)
the merling queen: some pre-asoiaf scenes of cersei’s relationship with her lady mother. a little bitter, a little sweet. 
new york, i love you, but you’re bringing me down: a(n unfinished) kendall and reader story. experimental. smutty with a side of melancholy. 
all we do not say: gale and tav in the underdark. a bit of sentimentality, a bunch of yearning (my specialty). 
any man’s bride: pre-asoiaf tywin and joanna lannister. joanna is matched with another suitor. tywin won’t allow it. 
a light to break all shadows: halsin and tav in the shadowlands. nightmares, comfort, more yearning. the usual.
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beebeetheclown · 6 days
OKAY can I request Kendall x reader angst/smut/fluff where Ken doesn’t realize he loves reader until he sees her with someone else and gets all types of jealous
Hey there anon☺️ sorry this took me literal decades to write. I seem to only be able to write Kendall and reader smut when I’m really depressed and horny.
I seemed to love your idea that it ended up being pretty lengthy haha. I was originally going to post it on tumblr but since it’s 5k words, it’s on my Kendall Roy Request Collection on ao3💕
Happy reading!😏🥰
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epochem · 1 year
Exception Part III
Pairing: Kendall Roy x Reader
It was already getting dark when you finished your last mail. Kendall was off to the gala. It got more and more quiet in the office. You loved this time of the day. The light changed and with it your whole mood. There was something superior to watch the changing scenery of the city from high above. You often stayed much later than needed, there was no one waiting for you anyway, just to take in this mood. It made you feel strangely alive.   What nobody knew, sometimes you took it one step further and borrowed something from Kendall’s office to get an even nicer view.  There was a terrace on top of the building. One needed a special access card to get up there. When you started the job one of your colleagues told you about it. Days later you overheard Kendall wondering “where the fucking terrace card” was - of course he had one, you thought to yourself. But you never noticed him making use of it.  One evening, you had just placed some documents on his desk, you saw the card laying there like a tease. Kendall was not in the office anymore. Actually the whole floor was nearly empty.  It felt like you did something incredibly forbidden when you took his card.  “Just one look. No one will notice” you promised yourself.  But once you had started, it became somewhat of a bad habit. The view was way too spectacular to enjoy it only once. You loved sitting there, directly under the night sky and feeling somewhat untouchable. And the more you thought about it you realized that it was never just about the view itself but about having your own secret. It felt somewhat powerful, like no one had control but yourself.  It kind of became your happy place and now being back in the office, you decided to make another visit to the top of the building. You deserved it after all. You grabbed your phone and headphones and entered his office. Second drawer on the left, the card was still there. You smiled and took it.  There were still some people in the office but no one seemed to notice you anyway. You were alone in the elevator up and when you stepped on the terrace it was as beautiful as ever. New York was laying beneath you and above you the sky turned into the darkest shade while welcoming the night. You took a deep breath, put your headphones on and took a seat.   Being above it all for a moment - what a relieve it was.  You let your mind wander.  “Was he ever able to enjoy moments like this” you thought to yourself. It’s strange to think that he had access to all of this and so much more but still he seemed like the most miserable, the most depressed person there ever was.  The sky turned even darker but the city itself was full of light. You had lost track of time but it got chilly up there. You should probably get back to the office, grab your things and make your way home.  While entering the hallway you noticed that your office was the only one with light on. You shut down your PC and entered Kendall’s office to return the card.  You had just opened the drawer of his desk when you heard something behind you.
“Wrong office huh?”
“Fuuuuuuuck. Fuck. Fuck.”
You turned around. It was Kendall. Leaning on the window. You couldn’t see his face. It was too dark. Then he moved towards you. He came very close. You were between him and his desk. He looked you straight in the eyes. You couldn’t breath. 
“Wrong office” he repeated. He was angry. No doubt about that. “What were you looking for huh? Who gave you the order? My dad? Some fucking journalist, who is it?” “Nothing. No. I’m looking for nothing. I actually wanted to return this” you hold the card up so he can see it.  He paused. Slightly surprised, he is looking at you again. “Were you up there?”
“Yes. I... I like the view. It’s nice, you know.” Your voice is shaky. You feel weak.  “Yeah I know the view. Nice indeed.” His face is directly in front of yours. You can feel his breath while you still barely breath. Kendall’s hand grabs your wrist. His grip is getting firmer while still looking at you. 
“It’s not your card is it?”
“No. Don’t have one. It’s... it’s yours.” 
“It’s mine.” He nods his head. “So you were kind of stealing were you?” You look at him. Is he teasing you? Is he really angry? Is there a slight smirk on his face?  Deep breath. You find your voice again. Louder than you actually wanted.
“It’s not stealing, Kendall. It’s borrowing. I was borrowing your fucking card ok?”
He let’s go of your wrist. His eyes still fixing you. He takes a few steps back. 
“Where is that attitude now coming from huh? What’s next? Is it also YOUR fucking office with me just serving in it?” 
This was going out of hand. He never talked to you like that and yes, you had never before talked with him the way you just did.
“Listen Kendall, I’m sorry. It was all a bit much for me. I overstepped the line. Yes, I took your card but I promise you I have always returned it. So it was never my intention to steal from you.”
“Always? So this is not the first time?” Shit. Now. It is out of hand.  “No. It’s not the first time... I sometimes go up there in the evening. It’s... I just really like it there. Helps me to calm my nerves I guess.” You finally find your breath again. “Kendall, I’m sorry. I will place the card right here, ok?” You put it on his desk. 
No response from him. He is still starring. You are not sure what to do. Waiting for him to do something?  Leaving the office and never coming back?
“Ok.” He finally moves. “How do you come home now or are you not going home?” “No. I guess I’m going home. I will order an Uber. It’s late.”  “The driver is still waiting. He can bring you home.”
“That’s not necessary. Really. You also need him right?” He is starring at you. “No need to worry about me. I will go down with you. Wanted to get out of here anyways.” You both leave the office together. Waiting for the elevator.  “I’m sorry Kendall. I am really sorry.”  “Stop it. It’s ok. We don’t need to talk about all this again. I’m tired. You are tired. We are both fucked up. Let’s leave it there.” The elevator finally arrives. You both get in. Silence. Awkward silence. You don’t know what to say. It’s a long way down.  Outside the car is already waiting. 
“You need to bring her home” Kendall says to the driver. 
“Thanks Kendall.” You say looking at him.  “Get in the car.” And just before moving away he grabs your wrist. So your facing him again. He leans forward, his mouth close to your ear. “And don’t forget whose fucking car it is. It’s MINE. My fucking car, bringing you home.” He let’s go of you without waiting for a response.  “See you tomorrow” and then he walks away. 
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strawberrystepmom · 26 days
“you only like me for my body.”
the comment is tongue in cheek, delivered with a grin by the man whose lap you straddle, his starlight locks falling across your patterned bedsheets. satoru always jokes like this. half truths hidden behind the smile that nearly puts all of the lights in shinjuku to shame.
“no,” you answer back quickly, sliding your hands up his torso and gently grabbing the sides of his head. your fingers reflexively weave through his hair, nails gently massaging his scalp just the way he likes. his mouth parts slightly and you lean downward to kiss him, pressing your chest against him.
“i love this.” you gently shake his head in your grasp. he smiles softly up at you, large hands finding the small of your back to rest there. “your mind. your imagination.”
chuckling, he rubs slow circles into your skin with his thumbs. you’re in such an intimate and compromising position he could easily do what he always does, dissuade you from discussing the things you really love about him using his fingers and tongue and the bulge your ass is cradling.
maybe he doesn’t want your gentle reassurances. maybe all he wants to be good for is his body, his power, his looks. maybe he decided a long time ago he didn’t desire to seek more than pleasure and polite distance but that was before he realized his life loses color when you aren’t around.
before you began dragging one of your hands away from his head, leaving one there to massage and care for him, pressing the flat of your palm against his chest.
“i love this too. your heart.” you smile but don’t meet his eyes, staring instead at the back of your hand. “how you pretend you don’t care but really care more than anyone i’ve ever met. about the kids, the future.”
his skin warms and his chest turns a shade of pink that matches the dusting across his cheeks and nose thanks to your affirming words. you finally look up at him, half smiling.
“about me.”
how can he deny that? satoru squeezes you in his palms and you lean forward, nuzzling into his neck.
“i love you, satoru gojo.” you kiss his jaw, fingers still massaging his scalp, one hand pressed against his rapidly beating heart. “the body is just a bonus.”
before you can take a full breath, your positions have switched and he now hovers above of you. your arm is stretched, fingers still wound through his hair, and his arms still cradle your lower back. entangled, his body and yours, merely the current vessels for two souls that were meant to spend all of space and time together.
“thanks, i like you too.”
you giggle and he lowers himself to trap you against his chest, kissing your lips with a laugh of his own.
maybe the whole vulnerability thing needs some work in this lifetime but thankfully, you both have a while to figure it out.
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inknopewetrust · 2 months
BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM [he’s a fictional character that doesn’t exist]
IM HAVING HIS BABY [no I’m not because he’s a fictional character]
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salbei-141 · 6 months
Be honest with me (Roman Roy x reader)
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: 18+, pure fluff and comfort, mentions of verbal abuse
a/n: Inactivity who? A rare update I know lol. Anyway y’all I’m so in love with him - honestly in love with all the Roy siblings, but Romulus got a special place in my heart <3
I love how late I jump onto writing trends for characters, but in my defence I've had this in the drafts for MONTHS. Anyway, hope you enjoy my loves <3
The apartment was silent, it felt too out of character, especially for Roman. The both of you lay in silence on his bed, still in today's clothes.
You move your hand slowly - scared that a sudden movement would cause him to suddenly get up and leave without warning. Tentatively, you inch your fingers onto his own - he said nothing, nor did he move. Gaining more confidence and desperate to comfort him knowing how loud his mind must be right now - you encapsulate his hand within your own. They’re soft and warm - Roman was always warm to touch. You feel his hand squeeze your own back - still no words being said.
You take a deep breath, feeling the need to break the silence finally, but before you can, Roman cuts you off.
“Please don’t,” his voice came out weak - he was usually so quick witted…he just sounded tired.
“Okay,” your voice was soft - a complete dichotomy to the tone he was used to from his father and siblings.
Another 30 minutes went by in complete silence - the both of your steady breaths being the only thing heard. Your hand still lay in his - he hadn't moved an inch unless it was to gently squeeze your hand every so often.
You turn on your side, slipping your hand out of his - he still didn't move. You decided to move closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder and draping your right arm across his chest that rose up and down with each breath he took.
You studied his face - he looked like he wanted to push you off of him, and yet simultaneously he was aching to pull you closer to him. Your touch was the only touch he felt safe feeling - you'd never hurt him, and he never doubted that thought for a second, but he was just so used to being alone and pushing people away.
You were desperate to hear his voice, to understand what was running through his head. You knew he was probably going to say some stupid quip to hide how he really felt, but you'd see straight through him; he knew this and it was the scariest thing to him - that you actually saw him.
"Ro...," you were gentle - a part of him just wanted you to shout at him and tell him he was a waste of space just like his father had - it was all he knew. However, you were just too kind, you actually cared for him, and not in the way his father cared for him - if you could call it that - but in a way that was so genuine and pure that it felt wrong to him, but he craved every second of it.
His gaze moved from the ceiling to your worried face - you looked beautiful he thought, he had always thought you were the most beautiful person he knew. "Yeah," his voice sounded small and tired.
"Are you okay?" the question was stupid, you knew he wasn't, but you wondered if he'd answer you honestly - if for once he'd be vulnerable with you, and truly let you into what was going through his mind.
"What? Pfft yeah I'm fine, real fucking good...just thinking about who has bigger tits - you or Gerri...I think Gerri does," there it was...he couldn't be honest with you for a minute if he tried - he'd rather say some crude shit and hope you'd be weirded out enough like everyone else and just leave him so he could avoid sharing his emotions.
You sat up, leaning on one hand as you stared down at him while he tried to avoid your gaze which was slowly glazing over with unshed tears. "Roman...please I-...can you just be honest with me?" your voice had a slight shake - scared that you were going to push him over the edge and he'd run.
He made eye contact with you, his heart clenching in his chest, no one had made him feel the way you could make him feel, and that scared him. He didn't know what to do - his mind was screaming so many things at him all at once that he couldn't really make a decision, so he stayed silent.
Several minutes passed of you both just holding each other's gaze then he opened his mouth tentatively, "Why do you care about me? Why can't you just call me a freak or a perv and leave?" You watched as his eyes reddened and glazed over as he tried his hardest not to cry in front of you. Had you cracked him? It felt bittersweet that he might finally just be honest with you, but the pain in his eyes was tearing at your heart.
You smiled, giggling softly as you lifted a hand to his cheek and wiped away a singular tear that had managed to fall, watching as he turned his face to meet your caress - he trusted you. "Because I fucking love you Roman".
"But why?" he interrupted you like a child would trying to understand such a foreign concept that you were trying to explain.
"There's no reason - I mean there is, you're...you. I love you Roman." You were so soft with him, it felt alien to him. It broke you that he couldn't fathom the concept of someone genuinely loving him, and in such a pure way too. This love wasn't like the love from his father, nor from his siblings - it was something so foreign that he couldn't understand it, but he liked it...he liked this.
You laid back down beside him, "Come here Ro...please" your eyes had such a soft stare - they were so warm and inviting, he couldn't object to the embrace you were offering him.
Roman inched across the bed over into your arms, wrapping his arm around your waist and burying his face in your chest, while you wrapped an arm around his back, holding him close to you. You fell into a comfortable silence, holding each other without a care in the world - it was just the both of you.
"I love you too, you know?" he muttered it so quietly that it almost went unheard, but a smile spread across your face at his confession. You knew that he had probably been having an internal argument with himself on whether or not he was actually going to say it to you; without any sarcasm too.
You felt your heart fluttering in your chest and you pulled him closer to you, "Yeah I know". You tilted your head down slightly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. He went to open his mouth to say some sarky comment, but immediately shut it - he didn't need to feel defensive around you, not now, and not ever.
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bowieandqueen11 · 1 year
Kissing Roman Roy Would Include...
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Request: oh my god! your kendall roy kissing headcanons were adorable! would it be possible to get some for roman as well? i just know that man is touch starved and definitely had an awkward time kissing the reader early on in their relationship. obviously, you can choose to ignore but thank you!
Awww yes of course you can get some my love this man is 100% touch starved you’re so right <3
LADS OKAY I’M COMING BACK TO SAY THIS IS NEARLY 7K AND MY LONGEST FIC BY FAR LMAOO BABYGIRL CODED anyway comments are much appreciated because I am so tired lol ty ty ily all! :)
Warning: mentions of injuries/ blood, childhood abuse, and some swearing! Also MAJOR spoilers for Season 4!!
(I do not own Succession or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @xihatiancai.)
We all really took one look at Roman Roy and went wet pathetic disgusting meow meow man I love you, and I really love and appreciate that for all of us. Because like... if not babygirl, why babygirl coded?
The first time you guys ‘kissed’, you were both around seven years old: on the tennis court, Shiv had sent a ball flying at Roman that had bent his hand backwards, and left quite a nasty gash of blood running down his arm. Instead of comforting the brother she had just bruised for the umpteenth time, the set of Roman crawling down to sit on the grass while cradling his arm just made her furious, and she went storming off towards the kitchen for some chocolate milk to cool down. You had been watching from the doubles side line, dropping your own racket as soon as Roman began to snivel, squeezing his skin back together and wincing as warm blood gushed out onto the grass. You run over to kneel in front of him, the harsh rays of light blushing across your head like a halo as you grab onto his elbow. You press the back of your shirt against it, hoping it will do until a nurse or one of the waiters comes running out with a first aid kit; as you glance up, the furious face of his father comes pacing past the balcony doors, and so you turn Roman’s head to look at you instead, praying that he won’t spot him. It will only make him whine more. It surprises you when he curses curtly instead at the feel of your fingers pressing down hard against his wound, but when you mumble an apology he finally stops scowling down at the ground and looks up: it’s as if he’s seeing you properly for the first time. His eyes light up as you gently lean down and press a kiss against the bloodstains; just the slightest hint of pressure, and tingling warmth of your your lips is enough to send a flourish through his body and make Roman Roy feel nourished. No longer withered, no longer left to rot. Roman gazes up at you: past the dappled sunlight, past the dotted clouds, past the earth and skies and heavens, and past it all he sees you. 
You’re the first and last person he’s ever wanted to kiss. Like craving poison, he knows it will pass through and destroy him if he allows himself to indulge. But by god, if it wouldn’t taste so sweet as it pours down his throat and overwhelms every dilapidated part of his body.
The first time he works up the nerves to kiss you back, is in one of the pool storage huts just past the outer boundaries of his father’s estate. Shiv had finally convinced her father to allow her out into the city to go shopping for some new suits, and Ken had been chained into a business meeting to take notes for Logan, so Roman had been left all alone to wander around the ostentatious shadows and lonely halls of the house he hated to call home. Feeling trapped, like he couldn’t breathe, he wanders towards the ‘safe space’ the two of you had created a couple of years ago: a small nook you and Roman had spent the day nestling out (and nearly breaking his arm shoving unused surfboards and pool cleaning chemical boxes) in the dim, and slightly damp room. Finally feeling at home as he stepped into the mildew-steeped scent cloud that enveloped the square box stuffed full of things his father had wanted out of his sight, his heart is allieved to spot you already there. You don’t even have to look up from your book as he comes dawdling towards you like a puppy afraid it’s about to be kicked. When you open your arm up to him willingly, the true him comes leaping forth: like a darting hummingbird, he comes flying  into your side, nestling his chin on the hard part of your shoulder so he can scan the words lazily past your head. After about half an hour of him gripping onto your shirt, as sweet and softly as infant spring, he glances up towards your face and an overwhelming urge overtakes him. Before he can stop himself, before he can make sense of his decision, before he can chide himself for his weakness, he lifts his head up and presses his lips firmly, if a little harshly, against the side of your cheek. Your book crashes to the floor with a thunderous slap, lifting a small cloud of dust as you raise your fingers to the wet spot in surprise. He immediately shuffles backwards at the noise, before making an awkward, fumbling excuse and running out the door.
He never brings it up again, but whenever you’re round at the Roy residence after that you can feel the intensity of his eyes land on you far more often. He blinks away and scratches the back of his neck nonchalantly whenever you catch him, or sometimes scrunches his nose up and starts biting the edges of his fingernails if he’s really nervous. But the love is there. He just can’t say it yet.
Once, when you were the only person in the house besides Connor and Logan, you were asked by the second-born eldest son to help him find Romie. With a concerned sigh, Connor wanders off to check behind the bathroom door off the living room, his lips forming a tight line as he disappears off down the corridor. Turns out, Logan had found out that Roman had been the one to spill his ice cream cone in the car on the way back from his fencing lesson, and Roman had run off cursing and crying when he heard the roar reverberate out from his father’s office at the news. You know where he is, instinctively. Of course you do: you don’t even need to think as your feet guide you towards his bedroom, and your body shrinks down to scoot under the bed and lie on the pristinely clean floorboards. He’s hiding behind the tendril weeds of his fear, making himself as small a target as possible as he balls himself up, trembling like heavy branches when lanced with frost. From behind his raised elbows that protect his face, he’s sniffling, his feet leaving the ground every few seconds from how harshly they shake. You lie down carefully on your side beside him, so hyperaware of any part of yourself brushing against him, in case the wounded creature decides to bolt. Thankfully, he comes sliding towards you, only stopping when your chest does the job for him; being as physically close as he can get to you, he huddles into your embrace while you stroke back the few curls by his ear. Once you’ve finally managed to choke back your own tears, your lips latch onto the spot of skin by the lobe of his ear, eyes closing and ticking his skin. He warbles against you, shivering, and the kiss just makes him whine more harrowingly against your chest.
Romie’s always around you. Always. He finds it difficult to actually be physically intimate, so it says quite plainly (even if you can’t understand it yet) that you’re the love of his life when he comes barrelling down the front stairs of the veranda and straight into your hug whenever your first foot falls onto the estate. It also means that during family dinners, when he’s finally mastering the skill of slouching back in his wishbone chair and tuning out all the horrible and spiteful things wrapped up in faux sincerity his family are saying about each other, he turns instead to kick your feet under the table. The brush of his ankle against your shoe is soon followed by the heavy pressure of his fingers reaching over onto your lap and entangling with your own. When the two of you are finally excused, you decide not to go back inside straight away. Instead, the two of you go for a dander around some of the verdant fields around the edges of the property: a few green patches here there that are filled with the scent of honeysuckle and freshly blooming rainbows splattered amongst the dirt. You decide to stop and sit for a while on the edge of a cobbled stone wall, laughing as Roman nearly falls off the uneven patch as he settles down beside you. He shrugs you off with a wave of his hand, but he’s smiling as you pluck a daisy from between the blades and tuck it behind his ear. For a while, the two of you just exist: watching the sunset brew violet and lilac gleams across your eyeline, talking shite and poking fun at each other, until Roman shyly takes a break from his rapid talking to blink slowly. He leans his torso forward, and after a bashful burn flickers over his cheeks, he squeezes his eyes shut and plants a wet kiss against your cheek, just like he had done all those years before.
He climbs into your room later that night, and you nearly hit him with a baseball bat when you come strolling out of your bathroom to see a teenager laying splayed out in a heap on your rug, a few pages of your homework flying over your desk from where he had banged his knee and tripped. With a lopsided grin, he decides to just stay lying there (once you had convinced him that you weren’t going to actually hit him). Sometimes Roman just likes to watch what you’re doing: to observe as an outsider what normality, what contentment should and could feel like. As you sit by your lamp and finish off your english essay for the next morning, you notice with furrowed eyebrows that Roman is moochier than normal tonight: he keeps squirming, rolling about and whining as if he’s debating something in his mind. That’s why when he’s gripping onto the ivy and finally climbing back down into the darkness later that night, you grab onto the collar of his sherpa jacket and heave him up through the air like a flustered bird towards you. After his initial surprise at the feeling of you pounding your lips against his own, he melts into you: clumsily, messily, desperately, but with one hand gripping so hard onto your window frame that he splinters the wood. His top lip refuses to let you go: capturing onto your bottom lip over and over and over again, the sweet taste of cherry flooding your senses as you bite down on the lip forcing its way into your mouth. When he pulls away, he looks so uncharacteristically serious for a moment as he hovers a few inches away from your face. His eyes never break from your lips, as if he he looks away the miracle he’s been graced with might fly away and he’ll be left with the hellish nightmare of his normal reality. But it doesn’t, and so you let him go.
He burns a crimson red and starts muttering incoherently as his feet work their way back down the garden lattice, but he’s got this giddy smile and a spring in his swishing walk the whole way home.
I mean, like, of course Connor invited you on the camping trip. And man, I mean the tension that had been expanding between you and Roman over the last few years was becoming more and more obvious to his brothers, and it pierced Roman’s heart with a stroke of fear when he realised it was to him as well. Connor’s little fishing expedition by the river turned out a little differently than he expected: instead of a placid moment between family, learning and teaching new skills together and bonding over one activity they could all share in, it was more of a ‘watch little gremlin Roman flirt obnoxiously with Y/n and, once again, ignore everyone else’ fest. Kendall sat on the shore, itchy against the reeds of grass and sighing every time he looked down at his watch. Connor was still having fun, though, from where he was wading his brand new, and never worn again wellies into the shallow end of the creek. It was just that every now and then he would have to trip over his fishing line and scoot to the right to avoid large splashes of weedy water landing on him; Roman had decided a much better use of his time was to try and pull up handful of mud and chase you around the river side with it. Your squeals, as you ran around the tamarack trees and peered around the sides like a meerkat, could be heard from the campsite. So, too, could Roman’s hyena laugh as he went laughing around the bend after you, and Connor had to spend half the night ignoring your shared snickers as he apologies to camper after camper. 
I don’t even know how, but somehow the two of you managed to convince Connor that it was a great idea for you and Roman to share a tent. Thanks to Kendall’s pointed warning for the two of you to behave and ‘not embarrass the family name anymore’, you were both surprisingly well behaved during the night. Mainly due to the fact that before you fell asleep, you leant over and left a chaste kiss against Roman’s cold forehead, before turning onto your side facing him and wishing him a goodnight. He wiggled down into his sleeping bag like a little worm as the electricity from your touch spread down like firebolts through his body. That man did not sleep one wink that night. Not one. Instead he rolled onto his left side, and chose to spend his time contemplating you: taking you in. The milky buzz of twilight flooded through the loose zip, the chirp of bouncing crickets on the darkened rocks outside match the intense thudding of his heart. Fumbling his fingers up so they rested underneath the side of his jaw, he made himself comfortable as he observed the way your chest rose and fall: the way your nose crinkled up in disgust when you were in the throes of a weird dream, the way your mouth mushed as you turned more into the stony ground. How much he loved you. How happy he could be if he could just summon the bravery to tell you. How fucked he was. How, if he did, his father would immediately utilise it, weaponize his love against him.
Roman wasn’t stupid, but he was. He didn’t know if he could find a way to escape this cage. Deep in his heart, he knew there was no key to this dog kennel, to this bird cage, to this leash. But he lay there, still, dreaming of freedom.
You get invited along on their family holidays a lot, mainly because Logan spends his whole time on phone calls and not mentally being present so he doesn’t really notice you’re there. If you and Roman aren’t spending the afternoons sitting together on a sun lounger, reading aloud softly to him by the pool side, it’s spent actually in the pool. A freshly seventeen year old Roman had seemed nervous, besides the usual annoyance at having to wear nothing but swimming shorts: shaken all day; when you touch his pinkie finger and grip onto it, silently asking him with your stern expression if you were okay, only the most miniscule of grins could cross his face in response. He still seemed unsettled in the water, besides the fact that Shiv’s foot nearly thwacked him up the face as she and Kendall wrestled each other under the water, both unrelenting in their accusation that the other had lost their splashing match. While you watched on in horrified curiosity, you nearly jumped when you felt Roman softly touch your elbow and lead you away from the affray. You think he’s trying to guide you towards the Jacuzzis as you bob across the water, or perhaps back to his room to escape the antics of his family. Instead, Roman leads you further into the deep end for a moment; after a sharp turn right, you’re surrounded by a small well, a shallow area just out of sight of the main swimming area. The imposing walls loom over your head as you take a perched seat on the brick bench that runs around the semi-circle, and Roman’s breath trembles as he follows suit, sitting maddingly close to you. You open your mouth to ask him what’s going on, but before you can get a squeak out he’s lunged at you, fervently enough to make you nearly bite your tongue. It’s not super romantic, and it’s incredibly clumsy as an inexperienced Roman Roy mashes his lips against your bottom one until he can feel his teeth clash against yours. You can taste a touch of pineapple from the inside of his mouth as he sloppily raises his cupid’s bow, and soon after the tang of chlorine as he falls too far forward and sends you both tumbling backwards into the water. But when you come back up for air, heaving him up by his underarms and staring dumbstruck at him as he pants heavily and tries to look anywhere else, you burst out giggling. Roman’s smile grows brightly enough to blight the sun as he looks incredulously at you, the laughter only stopping short on his lips when he catches the squinting look of his sister watching the two of you from the boundary edge.
It’s the first and last time Roman Roy kisses you for a while, terrified that one of his siblings will go squealing to daddy and he’ll take you away from him. And then, suddenly, the two of you have grown up. Roman’s still stuck to you like glue, but the repression festers away in his stomach until he feels as if some kind of scaly tooth monster is gnawing away at his insides. He feels the leather tighten around his neck whenever he’s standing like an affronted ostrich in that office with his father, his master, his demise, his ghost, him. 
So, Roman starts to try and avoid you whenever he’s at Waystar, worried that the grief that never seems to leave his mind will strangle you if he lets you in. Terrified that his father will die, but also that his father will never die. That this is just another cage. Eventually, after weeks of him turning on his heels with a manic jolt and running out of every board room he spots you in: after months of the child dressed up as a man putting his phone to his ear and having nonsensical phone calls every time he passes you in the corridors, you manage to nab him when he’s walking out of the break room. Even though a stuttering cousin Greg thinks you’re trying to kidnap him when you grab Roman by the collar and start dragging him to the elevator, you refuse to let go until Greg’s waving hand is firmly shut behind the metal sheets. You let go, and he fumbles backwards onto the hand-rail that runs around the small rectangle with a bemused ‘what the actual fuck’, but you just cross your arms and stare at him, refusing to talk first. 
Your austere façade quickly drops, and you’re quick to slam your first into the emergency button on the panel, gripping onto Roman’s sleeve as the elevator lurches to a stop between the twenty-second and twenty-third floors. A kind of acceptance has washed over Roman, some kind of known and familiar claustrophobia from having spent his whole life locked up, his whole life thrown about sets in. He picks at his fingernails as his eyes dart about, wild and brutal and crushing as he looks around for an escape route. It’s only when you put a hand on his shoulder and draw him in for a hug that he breaks down; he squats down so the two of you are resting a few inches off the floor, his face buried just atop of your heart as he shakes and he cries and he allows himself the security to just crumble. To melt down. To kick his feet and hope his father feels the wring of the shackles against his own ankles. He hopes for the first time in his life, as you stroke the back of his head and shush him comfortingly, that they hurt him. 
Something changes between the two of you that day. You’re kinder to each other, and slowly to yourselves. It’s not outspoken, or rushed, or ravenous, but it begins to grow and grow and grow until it’s not only confusion and anguish that lies at the pit of Roman’s rotting core.
It starts with him becoming more comfortable showing affection to you around his family. Like you sitting on Roman’s lap at Shiv’s wedding reception, not listening to the speeches but trying to hide your giggles in Roman’s palms as he’s busy trying to take roses out of the centre piece and pin them through your hair. Or his full weight against you during the professional photos out on the balcony, and not even Shiv flicking her brother or Tom waving his hand at Roman to try and get him to behave could stop him from leaning backwards and planting a kiss underneath your jawline once the man said he was taking the final photograph. The two of you go out into the gardens later that night, trying to escape the ear-hammering loud beats of the D.J., and to try and make an early escape from the growing fight that seemed to be coming between Tom and Shiv’s old work acquaintance. With two beers and slightly tipsy heads, you sit down and talk on the dew-ridden grass, shoulders swaying against the other’s in time with the falling pine leaves. You felt like children again, and against the smouldering clash of fireworks that brandished the sky in bursts of red and gold, you both felt undying as well. He kisses you then, his hand reaching up to brush against the side of your cheek, his bottom lip teasingly tugging at your bottom lip and making you swat him away with a laugh. As you take his hand in your own and press a promise filled kiss against his middle knuckle, he hopes that one day he’ll be able to kiss you at your own wedding.
When you know he’s having a rough day at work, you like to try and sneak into his office and wrap your arm around his stomach, peppering kisses up and down his spine. Although he tries to shake you off like a startled starling at first, when he realises that you also managed to close the blinds on your way in without him noticing, he quickly relinquishes himself onto your barrage of adoration. He becomes all whiny, and soft, and needy, and all the things he’ll never allow himself to be outside of the security blanket of this closed off room. Although he still isn’t comfortable with anything too sexual, you won’t find him complaining as he wrestles you to the sofa. Once you’ve had the wind knocked out of your lungs, and Roman’s satisfied with how fully you’re splayed out on your back before him, he’ll go scuttling over to the end of the sofa and kneel down beside it. With a mischievous glimmer in his eye, he’ll swish his hips from side to side and come crawling up the sides of his body like a wolf slinking towards its dinner. Then he attacks: his tongue heavy and slick as he draws a hickey out just under the pulse point on your neck, pressing him firmly against you if you try to squirm away, chiding you with a warning. When it becomes too much, he lets you grip him up by his tie and walk him backwards until his thighs hit his desk. He jumps up to perch on it, and you stand between his legs as they tighten around you. You’re slow and careful as you loosen the material between your fingers, opening the first button of his shirt, and only the first so he doesn’t become too uncomfortable, with a satisfying loud pop. He whimpers as you lean over to scrape your teeth against the exposed skin, working your way up until your lips are tantalisingly hovering over the stubble on his jaw. He can feel your breath, hot and unsteady as it pants against him, but he still can’t stop the shiver that racks through him as he takes your hand and guides them under his shirt. With your hands firmly planted against his abdomen, you look at him quizzically, worried, but he just keeps his fingers on top of your own and answers you by sweetly pressing his top lip over his own. Just once, he wanted to feel safe, to feel okay with the love of his life touching his body.
The two of you have this game where you try to steal kisses from each other during the most inappropriate and annoying times possible. Oh, Shiv’s trying to talk to you in her kitchen about how her trip to England went? Roman barges in between the two of you, nearly making Shiv chop her thumb off, just so he can interrupt his sister by smirking against your mouth. Kendall wants to run through a presentation the two of them have to give the next morning? You’re grabbing onto Roman’s head as you run through the office, nearly giving him a heart attack as he scrambles backwards and allows you to drop his head back onto the cushion. With a full plant landing on his already pliant lips, Kendall’s left with a fed-up ‘hey’, yet unsurprised look of disappointment on his face as you run off back to your own desk.
When his father called Romie a moron in Prague, the look of desolation that crossed through his teary eyes was enough to make an angel weep. But it broke you even more when he pattered out of the dining area, walking shoulder to shoulder with you, but not saying anything. He was just staring down at his hands as if they were blotted: stained with specks of blood, and he would have to spend another sleepless night scrubbing them out of his skin. It wasn’t the first time he heard it, but it was the first time you were there to hear it too, and you weren’t going to let him get comfortable wallowing in that fearful acceptance. You grip onto his shoulder and steer him away from the milling crowd of sheep, stuffing him into a bathroom stall of the east wing of the hotel. Crowded together, Roman’s hamstring bumps against the porcelain as the two of you scoot about until you’re standing facing each other as best as you could. He looks at you, bleary eyed, and you look at him, bleary eyed. He breaks. Choking, gasping, breathless sobs, drowning in his misery. He grabs onto your shirt, clawing into the meat of your shoulders as if he’ll sink if he lets go. He keeps babbling through bubbles of spit about how he just wants to make his father proud, how he wants to be just like him, how he wants to prove that he can rule all this too. How he can never replace him. But he can. He wants it all to burn, but he wants to stand on the ruins and be the one to plant the foundations again. To make a better world, in honour of his father: in honour of the god of war that rages within his head. You press quick kisses on his sweaty forehead whenever you can, doing your best to dodge the quick turns of his head and wiping away the trails of tears with your thumb. All you can do in that moment, as you press your lips against the side of his ear and whisper it to the most intimate, lost parts of himself, is to let him know that you’re proud of him, no matter what happens next. You always have been, and even the ghost of Logan that possess Roman can’t stop that.
The sloppy kisses he gives you the next morning omg. When the two of you are sitting on your bedroom steps, and you’re biting your bottom lip in concentration as you try to do up the buttons of his dress shirt and make him look presentable in front of his family. Like a feral dog, he uses all of his leftover energy trying to nip and bite your fingertips, catching them on his tongue and pursing them against the roof of his mouth whenever he can.
You cannot convince me that Roman isn’t a jealous bitch. Like at Kendall’s fortieth birthday party, when he finally gives up trying to get up into his special little secret treehouse club, and Shiv has left him to go ham on the dance floor instead. You finally manage to convince him into relaxing for a fricking minute, making him join you at the bar. If someone tries to grab your waist, though, or butt into your conversation while the two of you are hyena giggling and seeing who can spurt more beer into the other’s face, Roman will full on goad them into fighting him. I mean, chest puffed out, crazed look in his face, hands up by his side until they send a weak shove in their general direction. It only ends when Roman either: near topples you to press a bracing kiss against your lips, or you dragging him off and having to hold him through the brackets of his arms. In the corner of the room, over by the sheets of warbling fire that seems to be coming from a central room, you stand behind his feet and wrap your arms up his chest. You can feel the fury roll off him, allowing him a moment to blow off the steam, until his head finally falls like putty and begins to synchronise his breathing to yours again after you hold your lips against the nape of his neck.
The kisses when he comes back after being held hostage (I am doing this so out of order apologies) omg??? He clambers sombrely to sit beside you on the deck of the boat, looking so out of place and serious as he leans back against the cushions. His siblings make fun of him, and tease him, and although he realises it’s harmless and he’ll see it as a key bonding moment a couple of years down the line, in the inside the typical Roy storm is brewing. He can’t say anything: just hides behind the jokes and snide comments so the words don’t choke him. You just feel his weight fall against yours little by little, until his hand reaches out and takes your own so tightly you know it’s going to bruise. The muscle in his jaw tightens and he squeezes his eye shut in an enduring pain at the sight of his father’s helicopter coming in to land. So, for that kind second before his life comes crashing back down around him again and he has to revert back, to hide behind the brick wall again, you take him over to the railings. It’s just the two of you, the warm sea salt stinging against your grimacing faces, and the ungodly sight of a near-naked Cousin Greg lying stretched out beside the slide below you. After a few goes, you manage to unlatch his claws from the white metal and replace them with your soothing palm, rubbing semi-circles against the back of his hand. You’re here. You’re here, with him. You’re not going to let him go it alone again, if he wants.
And he does. He could cry, he so desperately does. Some of the tension falls from his shoulders as he raises your joint hands to his lips and kisses them, gracing over every inch of skin his mouth can latch onto. 
You both know, in that moment, that it’s enough. It’s a promise. You’ll stick together, no matter what. You’ll love each other through everything, no matter what. You’ll stay around, no matter what or who he becomes.
Which brings me to... kissing him when you find out about the passing of his father. Standing on that boat, on the most joyous of occasions, feeling as if the whole world is shattering around you. Feeling miserable at the knowledge that deep down, some part of you is overjoyed by the news. Feeling even more downtrodden to realise, as the streaky eyes and thousand-stare faces of the Roy siblings flash back and forth in your line of sight as they pass the phone to each other, that Logan will never really be gone. They’re talking to his lifeless, empty shell through the speakers, but it doesn’t matter, because he’s here in this room. He’s staring through their eyes. Talking in their quivering, harsh voices. Pounding through their feet. Tearing them apart as they try to cling onto each other. In their accusations that burst through their mouths innately. In the ordered instructions hurled out to keep business running smoothly. Hidden between the cracks of their voices as they sharpen their words and seethe them out between clenched teeth when the slightest chance of Logan even being dead is raised. He’s here, right now, as you let go of the death grip Kendall and Shiv have on both of your hands and catch sight of Roman rocking backwards and forth on the floor.
Giving a final squeeze of apology to Connor’s arm, you take Roman out of the room before he combusts. The whole air seems to be chilled: still, like something’s lurking unspoken between the threads of air. Like you’re leading Roman through the cold remains of a morgue. He wanders around for a minute, not even hearing the click of the door as you close it behind you. Not even crying. Not even speaking. For the first time in his life, he looks so much like his father. Too much. It scares you. Until eventually he just closes his eyes and trods over to the wall, thumping his forehead down on the cool metal until it burns. He holds his hand out to you, cufflinks gleaming like the edge of a knife past the ceiling lights, as if he’s offering a contract out to you. Apprehensively, your tentative hand creeps out and places itself gingerly on top of his own. He takes it, his dry lips latching onto you until the bridge of his nose is resting now upon your hand. The deal is done.
When you get back to your apartment though, and Romie finds out that Matsson wants him to fly out and meet him in Norway... that’s when Roman gets weird. Devastated. Freaks out. Grieves. You come out from your shower, wearing one of his suit shirts as your pyjama top, and he doesn’t even give a whistle of appreciation. Instead he’s crumpled on the floor by the canopy of your bed, cradling his knees to his chest, swearing into his kneecaps furiously. But you - you, oh god, you’re the only thing that can stop him from being swallowed up by Logan’s fury. You tilt his chin up during a tangled rush of expletives I don’t dare to copy down here, a scowl setting itself into his face like stone. It begins to soften when he realises you’re touching him, when he can feel the scrape of your nail around his jugular. You do your best to warble an unconvincing smile as you turn his head to the side, so you can better wipe your bottom lip against the edge of his throbbing mouth. You mould yourself to him, working at his pace as he winces at first, before slowly falling more and more easily into your grip. His hands loosen from his arms and fall onto your triceps as he deliriously tries to come back to himself through searching through the velvety warmness of your mouth: by swiping against your tongue and choking back his grievances as you pant into his open, waiting mouth.
You wake him up the next day with a fond kiss against the tip of his nose, and for the first time in a long while he smiles before he wakes fully up. The morning light cradles his bleary face as he sleepily runs a few fingers over the edge of your cheek, before cradling himself into your side again. He feels safe, weary, anguished, loved enough to fall asleep again, after pressing a few gentle licks behind your earlobes to try and hear you laugh again. Even through it all, his main concern is you. 
You trace his features while he restlessly dreams, although he squirms from time to time and alludes you to the fact that he’s secretly awake. A kiss here, between the junctions of wrinkles on his furrowed forehead. A kiss there, on the patchy stubble just underneath his left ear. A few there on the dark circles underneath his eyes, until you’re balancing over him and holding yourself up by the hands splayed over his pillow. He just needs to be reminded he’s beautiful from time to time. That he’s perfect. That he doesn’t need to try and be someone else. To encapsulate his father. 
But also like, Roman fucking hates Matsson. The way he looks at you during the whole field trip, like a hunter about to swallow its prey whole. Although the continuous comments about his family, and the two new Co-Ceo’s, and the legacy of his father make him burn down to the pit of his stomach with a white hot fury, he can deal with them if he would just leave you the fuck alone. He doesn’t take kindly to anyone but him looking at his soulmate with such adoration and lust in their eyes, so if that overgrown yeti gives you the up and down check out one more time he might actually just deck him in the middle of the retreat. He bites down on his tongue so harshly that his taste buds begin to bubble and prickle with blood, deciding it best to storm off and collect his thoughts before he lashes out and does something he can’t take back. You finally manage to track him down a little way off the beaten track, winding your way over some cobbled steps to find a branched alcove with nothing but a bench and a breath taking view of the gushing river down below. He’s hunched over with his fingers knotted over his knees, his lips so tightly drawn together that at first you don’t even spot the droplets of blood until he turns with a raised eye to look at you.
He knows it’s not your fault, so there’s no convincing or apologies when you join him. Just Roman finally getting all of that pent up sorrow and distress out. After an awkward moment of bouncing your foot up and down, you decide your best course of action is to just open your arm up to him again, like you used to do when you were children. At first he raises a confused eyebrow, before the realisation dawns over his face, and his features crumble. His lips purse, his throat bobbing as he heaves the tears back down, but he can’t stop his lips from trembling as he falls into your side. That kiss was the sweetest, as he leans his chin familiarly against your shoulder and bumps noses with your own. He frowns, sobbing at the knowledge that he can kiss you, finally, in the way he’s been yearning for all his life, and yet it all feels so wrong. So upside down. So far away from what he had dreaming. The freedom feels like a tether, and yet he juts his chin out and latches placidly onto your bottom lip anyway, the tears trickling down and falling between your mouths. 
It’s an act of defiance. A key sliding into the lock. He still can’t say it, but he won’t allow himself to smother the feeling anymore. The first sip of poison gliding down his throat, and Roman prays as he presses his forehead tearfully against your own, that it would kill the Logan part of him first.
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mxdimitrescu · 2 months
Green-Eyed Monster
Synopsis: Kendall being the jealous girlfriend stakes her claim.
Genre: Fluff/Smut
Pairing: Kendall Jenner x GP!Kai Daniels
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I growled as I eyed Kai who was at the bar getting drinks and chatting with other girls. She was laughing and threw her head back as if like one of those hoes said something funny. I groaned as I looked at the time and it's been 10 minutes since she left to the bar.
It was supposed to be our vacation, just me and her and well the family too. And the skanky hoes should know that Kai is mine.
I was knocked out of my thoughts when Kylie sat down besides me, holding True in her arms.
"So, you look like you're about to murder those girls," Kylie teased.
"I should. Those hoes are all over my girlfriend," I fumed.
"Then claim her," Kylie bluntly stated which made me whip my head to look at her in confusion.
Kylie noticed my expression and sighed while rolling her eyes and said, "Mark her. Go up there and show them that she's yours."
I smirked at the idea and stood up while leaning down to kiss True on the head, "Hi, baby girl, and thanks for the idea, Ky."
I soothed out my dark blue bathing suit and fixed my black cap and strutted toward to Kai and the hoes. In mid way, Kai turned and noticed me causing her jaw to drop at the sight of me, making me smirk. The other girls turned to see what Kai was looking at and glared at me.
I reached to Kai and put on a pout, "I've been waiting for you babe."
Kai sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck and said, "Sorry, Kenny. I was caught up in a conversation."
I smiled at her and moved to sit on her lap sideways with my arms wrapped around her neck.
I leaned in to kiss her on the cheek, "No worries, babe."
One of the hoes cleared her throat and glared at me, "Uh, who are you?"
I turned to look at her and gave her one of my fakest smile and asked, "Who are you?"
"I'm Ana Winters," She smirked at me while laying her hand on Kai's bicep, making me narrow my eyes at her hand.
"Well, I'm Kendall Jenner and keep your grubby paws off her now," I growled out.
"Why? She doesn't mind it," She shrugged like it was nothing.
"Well, she's my girlfriend so fuck off," I huffed.
"Yeah right," Ana scoffed and rolled her eyes while crossing her arms.
I smirked when an idea popped into my head and went into plan. I turned my position where I was now straddling Kai's waist and my arms were around her neck. I was taller than her in this position so I grabbed her face and pulled it upwards and leaned down to kiss her passionately.
I heard whistles and cheering Kylie who was shouting, "Yes! You go girl!" from couple feet away.
I smiled into the kiss as Kai moved her hands to palm my ass and gripped it tight as her tongue swiped my bottom lip to gain access. I granted her and her tongue immediately slithered inside my mouth and I moaned at the feeling of her. I heard a huff behind me but I couldn't be bothered to check to see if Ana was still there.
Soon, we broke the kiss to breath again and I leaned my forehead against hers with my eyes closed and a smile playing on my lips.
I felt Kai breathed on my lip and whispered, "So, what was that? Not that I don't mind it."
I opened my eyes to meet hers and growled slightly, "Well, you're mine and mine only. No girl should be talking to you."
Kai gave me one of her adorable crooked grin, "Don't worry, babe. I'm yours no matter what."
I grinned and started moving my hips against her causing her eyes to flutter and put her hands on my waist.
"Babygirl, what are you doing?" She husked out.
I leaned in and took her earlobe in my mouth and bit on it slightly, "Well, I'm horny, babe, and I want you to do something about it."
I felt Kai's member in her shorts started to harden making me grin and grind on her harder. She moaned and her eyes darkened with lust.
"Let's go, babygirl. I want to fuck you long and hard in our room," She huskily whispered into my ear causing me to whimper and nodded shakily.
I got off her lap while Kai stood up and adjusted her shorts to make sure her hard member was hidden. She grabbed my hand and we started walking toward to the hotel.
Along the way, I noticed that the rest of the family were with Kylie and True and we both waved at them.
"Where are you guys going?" Kris asked as she moved her sunglasses to the top of her head.
"I'm tired so me and Kai are going back to our room," I lied and she nodded.
"Well, remember that we're having dinner at 8 tonight," Kris said.
"Alright, bye Kris, bye guys," Kai spoke out as we walked to the hotel.
As we walked, I looked back to see Kylie smirking and mouthed, 'Have fun.'
I shook my head at her while grinning as we entered the hotel and got onto an available elevator. When the elevator doors closed, Kai suddenly pushed me into the wall and attacked my neck and collarbone with her lips causing me release a loud moan.
I can feel the developing of hickies on my neck as I tangled my hands in her hair and pulled slightly causing her to groan into my neck.
"God babygirl, I just want to stretch you out and fuck you nice and long and choke you hard baby," She growled into my ear which made me to moan at her statement as wetness began to pool in my bottom bathing suit.
The elevator dinged signaling us that we were on our floor so we got off and went straight for our room. Kai pushed me against our door and began kissing my neck while I fumbled the key to open the door. I finally managed to get the key inside while Kai tapped my thighs for me to wrap around her waist.
She wrapped her hand around my thighs as I opened the door behind me. She grinned at me, "Let's have fun."
I nodded at her with a smile on my face as we entered the room while kissing her and slammed the door behind her.
Soon, our bathing suits were strewn all over the room as we entered the bedroom where she laid me on the bed and she crawled in between my legs. I was impatient so I grabbed her member and placed it at my entrance.
"No foreplay. Just fuck me. Hard," I ordered her.
She just smirked at me and snapped her hips, effectively burrowing her member deep inside me. I shrieked then moaned at the feeling of her inside me. She began thrusting in and out while she placed her hand on my throat and closed slightly. I moaned at the feeling and dug my nails on her arm that held my neck.
I shrieked when Kai's member hit the spongy spot that doubled the pleasure. I started feeling my walls began to flutter around her member and began to whimper slightly.
"K-Kai, I'm almost close," I moaned quietly.
"Mmh baby, I'm close too," She whispered back while began rubbing my clit in a slow tight circle.
I can feel her member twitching, letting me know that she was close to release and my walls began to tighten. She increased the pace and with that and the clit simulation and hit my g-spot, it was enough for me to cum hard on her member.
"KAIII I shrieked as my back arched up as she grunted and filled me up with her jets of white cum.
She slowed the pace until she emptied everything inside me and fully stopped and laid herself on top of me which I don't mind. We stayed in that position until we felt like moving. I ran my hand through her hair as she nuzzled her face into my neck, giving pecks time from time.
After a while, she rolled off me onto her back which I moved to lay my head on her chest while she stroke my hair. I traced my finger against  her abs, drawing different designs and I spoke quietly, "D-do you love me?"
She stopped stroking my hair for a moment and moved to on her side to face me. She moved her hand to trace my jaw, "Babe, I'm in love with you. With your smile, your eyes, your personality, and most definitely your hot amazing body."
I rolled my eyes while smiling and pushed her affectionately causing her to chuckle and wrapped her arm around my waist to pull me in closer.
"Besides, I should be the one worried about you loving me. I mean, you're a model while I'm just an artist."
I soften at her admission and put my hand on her jaw and leaned in to peck her lips.
"Kai, you are an amazing artist. Your creativity is what drawn me to you plus it helped that your body is amazing," I teased causing Kai to laugh and pulled me close against her.
We stayed in bed, occasionally talking, giving kisses, and just staring in each other's eyes until it was 7pm and we have dinner at 8. So we got showered and dressed for the dinner with the family. We had fun with the family and soon time passed and it was 10pm.
We went to bed without our clothes on due to our laziness and tiredness. I cuddled into her and fell asleep to her loud snoring with a smile on my face.
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wambsgansshoelaces · 4 months
maybe general dating headcanons of the succession characters? like the type of partners/lovers they are? thx 😸
hi anon!! so sorry this is late AKDJSJF hopefully you like it x love u thank u for requesting <3
listened to “i see the light” on loop while I wrote this so now it’s the size of a oneshot
dating them (succession main cast)
ᝰ idc what you have to say, words of affirmation is his TOP love language
ᝰ all the others apply to him but like
ᝰ that one is his favorite
ᝰ both to give and to receive
ᝰ he’s always making sure you’re happy
ᝰ in the moment and just in general
ᝰ and it’s like his world comes crashing down when you express you’re feeling insecure
ᝰ he’s your #1 supporter in self love
ᝰ once you’ve moved in together, he starts leaving you notes where he know’s you’ll find them
ᝰ things like “you’re loved” with crappy doodles of hearts and two stick figures that you think are supposed to be the both of you
ᝰ he likes treating you to nice things whenever he can
ᝰ fancy dinners, jewelry, watches, vacations
ᝰ he has the money; it’s not like he’s just going to NOT spend it on you
ᝰ and he’s your biggest advocate in everything
ᝰ sometime’s he’s lowkey rude about it
ᝰ like if your order comes out wrong at a restaurant
ᝰ he’s all “um, actually, no, this isn’t right”
ᝰ and you’re just “ken calm down”
ᝰ “no, you deserve the best, which is what you’re going to get.”
ᝰ maybe he’s not so much into kissing in public, but he’s always touching you one way or another
ᝰ he’s always holding your hand, or you’ve taken his bicep or elbow, or he has his hand on the small of your back, your hip, your shoulder
ᝰ the paparazzi is always around, and he wants you close and safe
ᝰ and he also likes that everyone can see that the two of you are involved
ᝰ committed to each other
ᝰ at the end of the day, he’s just happy you’re his
ᝰ you make him a better man
ᝰ and he’s eternally grateful that he has you
ᝰ he’s your big ol softie
ᝰ physical touch and quality time
ᝰ you spend all of your evenings together cuddled up and murmuring to each other about your days
ᝰ can’t cook for the life of him, but when he can, he makes you breakfast
ᝰ if your hair is long, he’ll learn to braid just so he can spend mor time with you
ᝰ under all the jokes he’s really just soft and sapp
ᝰ he treats you with so much car
ᝰ everything he does is thought out as to how you’ll receive i
ᝰ he only takes you out to dinner when he knows you’ll be able to have your favorite table
ᝰ he learns how to make different kinds of soup for you when you’re sick
ᝰ subtle pda king
ᝰ if you’re at dinner with his family, his hand’s on your thigh
ᝰ if you’re out walking in the street, he’s holding your hand
ᝰ if you’re lounging around on his dad’s yacht, his head’s on your stomach
ᝰ and he’s snoring but that’s not the point
ᝰ he loves just being with you
ᝰ he sits right up against you when you’re on the couch
ᝰ he lets you sit in his lap whenever you want
ᝰ his arm’s around you in every picture you take
ᝰ your cheeks smushed together in a bunch of selfies
ᝰ you’re his phone wallpaper
ᝰ work and home
ᝰ he loves talking about you
ᝰ at work galas he absolutely adores introducing you as his spouse
ᝰ or if you’re not there he asks “oh, do you happen to know my partner?”
ᝰ and then talks about you nonstop
ᝰ at a dinner you leave him to go get something for you both to drink
ᝰ before you make your way back, you spot him talking to a colleague
ᝰ he has his wallet out, and he’s showing the colleague something
ᝰ you get closer and realize it’s a picture of you
ᝰ she treats you like a queen
ᝰ she’s a physical touch girl
ᝰ but really she loves words of affirmation
ᝰ and gift giving
ᝰ giving you gifts, specifically
ᝰ her favorite part of life after meeting you is spending lazy mornings in, cuddled up, kissing, touching
ᝰ she particularly enjoys going on long walks with you
ᝰ down piers, beaches, whatever
ᝰ her hand in yours, her eyes towards the sky
ᝰ she loves bringing things back for you from work trips
ᝰ or any trip she takes
ᝰ chocolates, matching bracelets, trinkets that remind you of her
ᝰ she makes all your days brighter
ᝰ one day on a visit to her office to bring her lunch, you find out there's literally seven framed pictures of you on her desk
ᝰ you are her phone wallpaper
ᝰ but she has it so it changes every time her phone closes
ᝰ so it's really thirty different photos of you are her wallpaper
ᝰ most mornings, she’s tucked up against you
ᝰ face buried in your neck
ᝰ it’s her favorite place to be
ᝰ just with you
ᝰ despite all of her peacocking and chest puffery, she just needs your support
ᝰ she needs you
ᝰ she needs her rock
ᝰ your love
ᝰ she tends to overthink and stress herself out
ᝰ but when things look like they’re going bad, she knows she can come to you
ᝰ and you’ll kiss her, tell her she’s beautiful, coo to her with that perfect voice of yours
ᝰ and suddenly everything is okay again
ᝰ for that, she knows you deserve the world
ᝰ she pampers you
ᝰ spoils you
ᝰ a tradition between the two of you is an annual trip down to the caribbean
ᝰ you both spend all your time out on the beach
ᝰ either splashing each other in the water
ᝰ or her curled up on top of you, skin pressed to yours
ᝰ she loves doing your hair and picking out outfits when you let her
ᝰ she loves doting on you when you’re sick
ᝰ she can’t bear it when you’re hurt
ᝰ but obviously won’t ever show it
ᝰ what she will show is how much she loves you
ᝰ everywhere you go, you feel loved
ᝰ she’ll never stop loving you
ᝰ mr. quality time
ᝰ literally does not care what you’re doing; he’s with you
ᝰ all he wants is to be with you
ᝰ you bring him peace
ᝰ his favorite pastime is cuddling with you in bed
ᝰ specifically with your jaw cupped in his hand, anchoring your head to his chest
ᝰ along with quality time, he’s huge on gift giving
ᝰ every week, he comes home with flowers
ᝰ and there’s always a fresh vase on your work desk
ᝰ he LOVES writing you notes
ᝰ love letters, even
ᝰ every new bouquet of flowers that show up at your work come with a heartfelt note
ᝰ in every single one, he tells you he loves you
ᝰ then writes about whatever it is he has going on in his day and how he’s thinking of you
ᝰ while he’ll never admit it, he loves pda
ᝰ specifically when you initiate it
ᝰ it makes him all smiley and happy
ᝰ he especially loves it when you’re hanging off of his arm at work things and he gets to show you off
ᝰ he just thinks you’re the most gorgeous person to exist ever
ᝰ he can never go to sleep without his arms around you
ᝰ he started wearing those nasal strips because he knows he snores and doesn’t want to keep you awake
ᝰ this man loves him a good restaurant
ᝰ but only if you’re there with him
ᝰ he can never get behind sitting across from you unless you’re in a booth
ᝰ he says that it’s more intimate when you’re sitting next to each other at a square table
ᝰ ALWAYS lets you eat from his plate
ᝰ if he ever ‘stoops as low’ (his words) as to go to a fast food place, he always asks if you want fries
ᝰ he knows to get you an order regardless otherwise you’ll just steal from him
ᝰ not that he cares anyway
ᝰ he also particularly loves watching the sun set with you
ᝰ something poetic about the sky almost being as beautiful as you
ᝰ you both try to watch it whenever you can
ᝰ because you only have so many days on this earth
ᝰ he wants to spend as many of them as physically possible with you
ᝰ you’ve noticed, though, over the sunsets, he doesn’t really pay attention to them after a certain amount of time
ᝰ he just stares at you
ᝰ and whenever you catch his eyes, they’re so full of love
ᝰ just for you
ᝰ only for you
ᝰ acts of service warrior
ᝰ LOVES doing things for you
ᝰ whether it be chores or bringing you coffee at work
ᝰ he likes feeling useful
ᝰ especially if he feels useful to you
ᝰ it’s a different sort of ecstasy for him
ᝰ you like buying him bracelets
ᝰ he wears them everywhere
ᝰ you’d gotten him an “i love my partner” (those like i <3 my gf) pin as a joke and he unironically wears it around on his waystar lanyard
ᝰ "yeah, my partner got that for me!"
ᝰ he’s a bit panicky and overthinks too much
ᝰ but he just has to look at you and his anxieties come under control
ᝰ he’s always running around, so he really enjoys just laying with you in bed
ᝰ he sleeps like a dying victorian child
ᝰ slumped over on you like the life was sucked from him
ᝰ he likes going on miniature adventures with you
ᝰ they’re nothing crazy; just dates that push him out of his comfort zone
ᝰ like kayaking
ᝰ you had to force him into the boat to go kayaking with you
ᝰ like physically
ᝰ yeah he’s scared, he doesn’t want to get hurt
ᝰ he doesn’t want you to get hurt
ᝰ but he hears you laughing and sees your gorgeous smile
ᝰ and that’s when he realizes he can just suck it up
ᝰ because he wants you happy
ᝰ he learns how to make those braided bracelets for you
ᝰ it’s a calming hobby, and he likes seeing them on your wrists
ᝰ he made something for you
ᝰ and you like it
ᝰ that’s all he could ever need in life
ᝰ he learns how to cook your favorite meals for you
ᝰ and he’s a surprisingly good cook
ᝰ his hyper vigilance over the food makes it come out almost perfectly every time
ᝰ unless he’s having a breakdown
ᝰ which happens less now that he’s gotten with you
ᝰ you make things calm
ᝰ he loves calm
ᝰ he loves you
ᝰ he’s so extra
ᝰ literally every single love language under the sun is his favorite one
ᝰ showers you with little trinkets that just remind him of you
ᝰ if you collect something, he’s constantly gifting you specifically that
ᝰ he spends as much time as he can with you
ᝰ as long as he’s not working, he’s perfectly content just sitting in silence with you
ᝰ he’s a massive fan of the water
ᝰ may it be yachts, jetskiis, floating gazebos
ᝰ he likes making special dates out of things like that
ᝰ he wants you to feel like everything you do together is new
ᝰ he doesn’t want you getting bored
ᝰ he’s worried you will, actually
ᝰ if he buys you jewelry, it’s hella expensive
ᝰ and diamond studded
ᝰ if you’re a watch person, he’s even worse
ᝰ he buys you every watch you ever look at
ᝰ goes the most bananas over pda out of everyone
ᝰ internally, anyway
ᝰ he doesn’t make it kown, but his some of his favorite moments with you are when you’re both bustling through a crowd in italy or something
ᝰ but you’re clinging to each other so neither of you get lost
ᝰ did i mention he likes traveling
ᝰ he likes traveling
ᝰ and you’re the only person he’d ever even consider traveling with
ᝰ at night in greece, he discovers he likes the pinky holding thing
ᝰ he saw it on tiktok
ᝰ so when you’re walking back to your hotel, he hooks his pinky with yours
ᝰ and it becomes a thing between you two
ᝰ also is for some reason obsessed with giving you his jacket when you’re cold
ᝰ it could be below freezing and you already have a jacket on
ᝰ and he’d give you his blazer or coat anyway
ᝰ and he’ll stand there shivering with this dumb grin on his face
ᝰ it always ends with you two sharing a scarf
ᝰ you think he does it on purpose, just do be close
ᝰ just to have an excuse to have an arm around you
ᝰ and really, you’re right
ᝰ he just needs you
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kirbyskisses · 1 year
i wrote that geto likes eating you out so:
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“sugu— ‘s-sen.. sensitive…” you whine, and suguru simply does nothing but look up at you, keeping his sharp eyes focused on your face to watch for any hints of discomfort or pain on your end. his mouth detaches from your clit, strings of clear saliva still connecting his heated mouth to the twitching little bud.
“what was that, beloved?” he purrs, smooth hands rolling across your thighs as he licks a stripe up your trembling slit.
“too sensitive!” you repeat, crying out in response to his tongue.
he snickers and raises an eyebrow. “oh? is it too much for you?”
you whimper with a nod, eyes watering as even forming words takes all your effort.
“mhm… gotta s-stop…”
geto sighs with that ever charming smile and gives your clit another kiss before trailing his lips up your body, delicate affection placed inch by inch from your stomach to your ribs to your breasts, shoulders, neck, chin and finally your lips.
you hum able to taste your clear fluids on him as he coos, one hand stroking your face in reassurance.
“you need to stop, precious?”
“yes…” you feel the knot in your stomach tighten as his other free hand massages your midsection, biting your lip.
“okay. okay, sweetheart. we can stop.” he nods as you stroke his dark hair. his voice is soft as he starts to gently kiss his path back down to soothe your shaking body as you sigh in content.
“we can stop…” he breaths against your core.
“just give me a few more.” you barely register his words, seizing up as his mouth hungrily starts again and his rhythm speeds up.
“no… no, no, no, no, no - suguru!!” you yelp and trail off, mind going blank as your brains get tongue-fucked out of you.
he practically says a prayer of thanks at how good you taste. at the warm, tight vice-grip of your thighs around his head as you try to squeeze him out - his clean, short cut nails digging in and pulling your messy core closer and closer. he really could happily die here, eyes looking at your crying form, ears enveloped by the sound of your incoherent babbles.
“too much!” you heave as your lover pulls back to sloppily kiss and nip the inner skin of your thighs, marks from his teeth and fingers making his heart race - proof that you’re his and his and his.
“i know, my jewel. just relax. just let it happen again.”
“i can’t! i can’t - i can’t-!” you practically shriek, and suguru smirks because you do. your hole spasms as his tongue finally pulls away, squirting a nice, cute mess on his face that he’s all too eager to lick up - and maybe make it happen again (and again and again) while he does.
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@theabyss444 and @strawberrystepmom inspired this:
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kendall and everyone else who reblogged that post, (@gojoest, @messilymiscellaneous, @heavenlyevil, @if-dreams-do-come-true and @fangirlings-world) this one is for you!
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Welcome to my Masterlist 💌
hi, i'm murphy. my requests are always open - feel free to send any ideas or thoughts you have - i'll always read them all.
note - all of my fics are reader insert. no use of y/n. i don't write for real people, only characters <3
Last Updated - June 16th
❁ - over 1k notes
✯ - a series
Characters I Write For.
500 Follower Celebration Masterlist. 3k Celebration Masterlist. Valentines Masterlist. 5k Celebration Masterlist.
Moodboard Masterlist. My Ao3.
 ⊹   ✫    ·    ✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵   .  ✦ *   ⋆    .  ✵    
Top Gun: Maverick
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
The Orange. ❁
You and Jake share an orange. He's in love with you.
For Eternity. (Part 2 of The Orange.)
You and Jake share an orange. He's never loved you more.
North Star. ❁
It's New Year's Eve. Jake is tired of waiting.
I Know Places.
Jake always joked that he'd kill for you. One fateful day, he does just that.
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin & Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Why Choose?
A drunken game of spin the bottle gets a little heated. Why choose, when you can have both?
Mickey 'Fanboy' Garcia
Dr Cupid.
Mickey Garcia passes out in hospitals. Luckily, this time there's a pretty nurse there to catch him.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Bucky Barnes
Lessons in Love. ❁
Bucky didn't believe in love at first sight. Then he met you.
Honey Girl. ✯❁
The Universe shows you your soulmate when it feels like you need them most. When you least expect it, you're given yours - Bucky Barnes. Your dad's best friend. You can try to refuse it all you like; but the universe wants what it wants. There's no denying fate.
Trick or Treat.
You love Halloween. Bucky loves you.
Rest Had Seemed The Sweetest Thing.
Bucky's slowly learning that love isn't a finite resource. aka, Bucky's first Christmas.
Letters to the Moon.
Steve is gone. The love you and Bucky have for him isn't.
You meet Bucky and Steve while on the run. The three of you quickly learn that nothing is more violent than love.
Frank Castle
There's Always Tomorrow.
Frank knows you better than you know yourself. It's a blessing and a curse.
Multi Talented. ❁
Frank shows you exactly what you deserve.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Criminal Minds
Luke Alvez
Wherever You Are. That's Where Home Is.
Luke might be a mind reader. Only with you, though.
Vice. ❁
Everyone on the team has their vices. It just so happens that yours is sat across the table looking at you.
Spencer Reid
Web of Lies. ✯
Spencer Reid has always been good at keeping secrets. You just never thought he'd keep one from you.
Cowboy!Spencer ✯
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Javier Peña
Self Control. ❁
Javi keeps refusing himself what he wants. One night puts everything into perspective.
Yes, Mr President.
There's an endless amount of things you shouldn't do as the President of the United States. Defiling the Oval Office is definitely one of them.
Western Nights. ✯
You don't expect to bump into your dad's best friend Javier in a church basement on the outskirts of town. You also didn't expect to fall in love with him. Life seems to be full of surprises - and Javier was the biggest surprise of all.
Jealousy, Jealousy. ❁
Javier Peña doesn't share.
Two Murphy's and a Peña.
Javier knows Steve's sister is off limits. He's never been one to follow the rules.
After Hours.
You and Javier are stuck in the office in the middle of a heatwave. You're hot in more ways than one.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Triple Frontier
Time. ❁
You get shot in Colombia. Frankie, Benny, Santiago and Will each have their own ways of helping you heal.
Tethered. ❁
The lines of friendship blur when you’re this close. Also known as - each of the times you’ve kissed Benny, Frankie, Santiago and Will.
You're not good at keeping secrets from the boys. Turns out, Will isn't either.
Home Is Where The Heart Is.
They say home is where the heart is. Your heart belongs to the four boys you call your best friends. Also known as - four important times the guys told you they loved you.
Will Miller
Champagne Fuelled Confessions.
You come home drunk, and have something burning you need to tell Will.
Best Friend's Brother.
You've known Benny for years. You've had a crush on his brother Will for years, too.
Frankie Morales
Find You.
A bad date brings Frankie Morales to your door at the perfect time.
Rain Soaked Romantic.
Frankie will run across town in the rain if it means finally telling you how he feels.
Santiago Garcia
This Is The Way It Always Goes.
Santiago always comes crawling back. You convince yourself this is the last time - but you both know that's not true.
Precious Girl.
A chance meeting with your Dad's best friend at 2am.
Benny Miller
Ben needs a way to work off his post match energy. You.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Last of Us
Joel Miller
Pretty When You Cry. ❁
Joel realises his morals are fucked. You realise you like it.
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Stewy Hosseini
Clandestine. ✯
You and Stewy know it's wrong. So why, pray tell, does it feel so right?
Fully Clothed.
Being Stewy's assistant has its perks.
Stewy's actions have unexpected consequences.
You've been waiting all day for Stewy to get home. He loves it.
Play Pretend.
The classic fake dating trope, with a twist.
The Place Where It All Began.
You reunite with Stewy at your high school reunion. Turns out, he's been waiting for you, all this time.
The thrill of being caught makes it all the more exciting.
Kendall Roy
Me and You.
You quit as Kendall's assistant. He's been waiting for this day.
Illicit Affair.
You're Matssons wife. You're also in love with Kendall Roy.
Forced Proximity.
The classic only one bed trope, this time with your emotionally unavailable boss.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
The Bear
Carmen Berzatto
The Roommate Collection. ✯❁
A collection of fics based on being roommates with Carmen.
Everything is the same. Nothing has changed. Everything has changed. Nothing is the same.
Carmen. ❁
Carmen. Your Carmen.
Denial. ❁
Carmy can’t keep pretending.
Inspired by that picture of JAW in a crop top.
Perfectionist. ❁
Your boyfriend being a professional chef has its perks. Especially when it comes to gingerbread houses.
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Evan Buckley
Lightning Strike. ❁
The two of you deal with the aftermath of Bucks trauma.
Fire Hazard. ❁
The story of your firehouse nickname - and Buck unable to handle you in a sundress.
Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz
The Look of Love. ❁
You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Sons of Anarchy
Jax Teller
Heatwave. ❁
You cut Jax's hair. He can't keep his hands to himself.
Sundress Season.
It’s sundress season. Jax can’t keep his hands to himself (again).
Filip 'Chibs' Telford
Teach Me How to Ride.
Chibs is teaching you how to ride (in more ways than one).
You and Chibs have been walking the line for a little too long.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
Steve Harrington
Cherry. ✯❁
The lines of friendship get a little blurry, one unassuming Friday night in December.
Someone Borrowed, Someone Blue.
An engagement party, your childhood best friend, one too many glasses of champagne. What could go wrong?
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beebeetheclown · 29 days
Please and thank you ☺️🙏🏼
Hello anon! Thank you for this request💕 I feel like I haven’t done this in so long lol!
But here is the request written out special for you! Happy reading❤️
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Request from: Bee’s 2k followers special
Kendall x reader | wc: 1.8k | contains smut
“Did you drive here? Where is your car?” Kendall asked.
“It’s in the parking garage.” You replied.
You and Kendall Roy had a weird relationship. You worked with him, or rather, you worked for him. The sex was on and off and it was private, no one else knew about it. You didn’t really remember how it all started, you just knew that Kendall came onto you first, commenting something awfully stupid and corny but you fell for it.
You were like the drug he would take when there wasn’t any actual drug available for him. That being said, he would mostly fuck you at work. In his office, an empty conference room, anywhere where he could get you alone. He told you that he wanted no one else to know because it would make him and the company look bad. It was all kind of toxic really, he’d never invite you out for dinner or for a drink, you’d only see each other at work.
Tired of waiting around for him to ask you out on a date, you asked him out yourself but he declined, telling you again that it would look bad. You were annoyed and he could tell. He tried to tell you that what you were doing together, sneaking around in the office, was fine how it was and he didn’t want to change anything about it. That’s when you told him that you didn’t want to sneak around anymore. You said you were never going to do anything for him if it wasn’t work related. Hearing you say so made him grow a little furious.
He’d tell you that he’d fire you if you didn’t do as you were told and you thought that was ridiculous. Kendall Roy was ridiculous, but maybe that’s what made it so hard for you to decline him. He got into your head and he fucked you better than any other man had before.
After an argument between the two of you, an argument about you wanting to not go on with him anymore and him threatening to fire you, you both stood in his office and he had asked you where your car was.
“Why? Are you going to take my car keys away if I leave?” You asked, half joking.
“I don’t know. Maybe.”
“You seriously think you can fire me over this? Over me not wanting to bend over for you anymore?”
“I can do anything you want. You work under me. I have the power to do anything I desire to you.”
“Well, you’re not as powerful as you think. I’m quitting.”
“I’m quitting.”
“You can’t just do that.”
“I can. I’m not just going to keep letting you use me like this.”
“I’m not using you.”
“But you are. You won’t even go and get one drink with me.”
“I already told you, it’d look bad for me and the company. It’d look bad for you too you know? I’m just trying to protect you.”
“I’m leaving Kendall.”
“No you’re not. I need you.”
“That’s pathetic-”
“You need me.”
“Goodbye Kendall, I no longer work for you.”
You make your way out of his office. You grab your things off your desk and take your purse and head towards the elevator. Kendall’s voice behind you, “Stop.”
You ignored it, pressing the elevator button and waiting. Kendall came to stand next to you, tugging on your purse a little, “You can’t leave. I’m your boss and you do as I say.” He spoke quietly, not wanting to cause a scene.
“You’re not my boss anymore. Find someone new to toy around with.” The elevator door opened and you stepped inside. Kendall followed you in and the doors closed.
“You are not leaving me. You need this.”
“I don’t need anything you give me.”
“That’s bullshit. Every time I fuck you, you enjoy it. Calling out my name and shit, you need me.”
You were about to slap him, about to tell him to shut up, but the elevator doors opened and a couple people stepped in. There was now an awkward silence. Kendall’s hands were balled into fists and you gripped your purse tightly out of annoyance.
As soon as the elevator door opened and was at the lobby, you walked out and he followed you. You spoke quietly and walked fast, “Kendall, stop following me. You look like a fucking dog and all the cameras will see.”
He continued to follow you, all the way out to the parking garage. When you made it to your car and no one else was around, that’s when you turned around to confront him, “Kendall, fuck off.”
He kissed you suddenly. You pulled away quickly and slapped him across the face. You stared at him for a moment and he stared back. You kissed again but this time, nobody pulled away. Cameras were on every corner of the parking garage but neither of you were even thinking about it. The kiss was messy. Your tongues were in each other’s mouths, hands were moving everywhere, and hair was already being messed with.
He pulled his lips away an inch, his breathing was quick and heavy, “Unlock the door. The back doors, unlock them.”
You kissed again and you unzipped your purse, digging your one hand around to try and feel your keys. When you found them, you unlocked the doors immediately and opened the back door. He leans weight on you, pushing you so your back falls down on the seat. On the one security camera, the view is the bottom half of his body overtop of you and your legs peeking out of the backseat of the car.
You soon shuffled your positions so that you could both fit in the car. He shut the door behind him then quickly went back down to kiss you and put his hands all over you, “You need me.”
“Shut up.” You moaned as you felt his fingers rub up against your clothed pussy. He chuckled at that then slipped his tongue in your mouth.
He started to undress you, taking your bottoms off first. It was so squishy in the car, there was hardly any room, but that didn’t stop him. He needed you so badly. He needed you and he needed to show you why you couldn’t leave.
You soon were sitting up and he was kneeling on the floor in front of you. Your bottoms were off but your top stayed on half unbuttoned because he lost his patience and didn’t take it off all the way. He held onto your hips and began to work you with his tongue. You threw your head back and moaned out loud. With you grabbing onto the back of his head, gripping his hair, it only made him work you harder. He took your bud in between his lips then continued with his tongue, laying it flat before curling it upward. The tip of his nose was nudging at your clit and that’s when you burst. You couldn’t hold back. You came and called his name out before saying a breathy, “Fuck you.”
“I’m going to fuck you in this fucking car.”
“Kendall, no you’re not.”
“Yes I am.”
“Yes.” He kissed you again. You could taste yourself on his lips, “You’ll have to ride me. Any other position is too hard to do.”
“I’m not doing that.”
You chuckled at his plea, “You’re not my boss anymore. You can’t boss me around.”
“I can.”
There was a smug grin on his face, “You want it just as much as I do. Admit it. I fuck you so good, you can’t even keep quiet when we do it in the office. I have to use my hand to keep you quiet-”
“Ride me.”
“Asking for it like that is so unattractive.”
“Okay, but I wasn’t asking.”
“Ride me.” He came to sit next to you and he leaned in to kiss your neck, “Please.” His hand rested on your bare thigh. You just couldn’t stay away. You gave into his orders.
You kissed him then began to unzip his dress pants. He watched as you did so then looked into your eyes when you climbed on top of him. He was so hard, aching to be inside you. A grunt came through his fitted teeth as soon as you slid down onto him. You let out a soft yelp and he grabbed onto your hips, his fingers dug into your behind. After you both got used to the feeling, he started to guide you how he wanted you to move. He thrusted his own hips upward so he could get himself even deeper inside you.
“You’re lucky we aren’t in my office, with all that space, I would have fucked you so much harder.” A moan left you and you buried your face in the crook of his neck, “I would have made you regret ever saying that you were leaving.”
“Why didn’t you then?” You challenged.
He groaned, “Because you would have been so loud, everyone would have heard.”
“Well you’ll never have to worry about people hearing me ever again. I’m still leaving.”
“No you’re fucking not.”
“Yes I am.”
“No!” He jerked his hips upward roughly which made you yelp again. “Tell me you’re not leaving and I’ll let you come.”
“Kendall.” A whine escaped you. You didn’t want to give into him, but he was making it so hard.
“Say it.”
“I don’t want to.” Another rough jerk, another one of his groans and you let him win, “Okay, okay.”
“Okay what? I want to hear you say it.”
“I’ll stay.”
“And you won’t leave me? You’ll stay working for me?”
“Yes Kendall.” Your reply came out as a moan.
He moaned after you, satisfied with your answer. He was close to his own release, “I’m right there. Fuck- say you’ll always be here with me.”
“I’ll be here for you.”
“Yes, fuck-”
You came together., both letting such loud moans and curses fall from your lips. He held onto you for a moment, resting his head on your shoulder. His chest was rising and falling quickly as he was breathing heavily.
“Put your clothes back on and fix your hair. Your shift doesn’t end for another three hours.” Just as you thought it would go back to the same old thing, he spoke again as you both dressed again, “Are you free Friday after work?”
“I asked if you were free on-”
“I know, I heard you, I’m just confused on why you ask.”
“I wanted to invite you over for a drink.” You smiled. Finally, Kendall was showing you some decency, “I mean, like, maybe I should just stop being such an asshole. And if it’s at my place, we’d still be sneaking around. It’s not like we’d be in the public or anything.”
“I’m free Kendall.”
He smiled, “Yeah?”
I hope it was enough for you🥰 bear with me here I haven’t written ken x reader in a long while haha.
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epochem · 1 year
Exception Part I
Pairing: Kendall Roy x Reader
Warnings: Mentioning of drugs - nothing really yet ;)
First thing I’ve written in a while. I hope some enjoy reading it. English is not my first language so please bear with me. Not sure yet how long it will be but probably pretty smut soon. 
It was September. School had started again. And the pace of the city slowly went back to normal.  For you it was the first working day after your summer holiday.  The alarm woke you up at 6 AM.  “Let’s to this” you thought to yourself. “It’s going to be ok. He might not even be there”. You hadn’t seen your boss in over a month. The time before that - somewhat blurry. It escalated. Somehow. At some point.  He was doing more cocaine than ever before. Went out every night. You had to plan everything around his next escapade, just to make the next one possible.  And then he was gone. No one knew exactly what had happened.  Family intervention was all you heard. No further information. 
The following days at Waystar were nothing other than a shit show. Complete strangers invited you out for lunch in the hope to get some more information about the fallen son. Investigative journalists contacted the office non-stop until somehow they were stopped like it always stops thanks to money and legal threats. 
Then a deceptive calm returned. Most people had left the city over the summer anyway and you, for the first time since working for Kendall Roy, had somewhat of a free time. 
Finally you were able to take a few days off and leave the city which felt like the only possible way to survive the heat but also life itself. You knew yourself just too well, the last few months drained you. You were on the edge. Your sleep was fucked up again and you could literally feel the panic attacks creeping up.  Getting away from it all was really the only way to somehow stay sane at least that’s what you hoped. 
But right now, on this Monday in September, the lightness of summer was gone. You looked in your bathroom mirror and despite the sun-tanned skin you looked and felt like a ghost. And you hated yourself for already being fed up with everything before even entering the office building, before even knowing if he would show up. 
“Enough already. He is not going to destroy you. No one in this office will.” 
You took a deep breath before finishing your make up.  One last check in the mirror before leaving the apartment. Your are wearing a black blazer with your favorite belt on top, white linen trousers (summer relict) and some black heels. You were good to go. You snatched your favorite bag, threw your keys in and closed the door.
The blazing heat had disappeared. Gloomy sky greeted you outside on the street. It was still early morning and you decided to get off the subway a few blocks earlier to walk the rest of the way to the office. 
Moving closer and closer towards the building you noticed the changing dynamics around you. More and more people were on the streets, hectically making their way towards the towering glass facades. Sometimes it still seemed unreal to you that you were one of them, that nobody noticed you or thought it was strange that someone like you was here, living a normal life.  Grabbing a coffee, going into an office, sitting at a desk, writing mails, answering phone calls, eating lunch, working more, going home and so on.  There was a time in your past where this kind of life seemed like the most distant dream - it was a synonym for having your shit together, for not just breathing but also for living. After all. You made it happen.  You finally arrived and entered the building through the revolving door.  Your whole body was tense but you played it cool. 
“You’ve got this.”
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
gojo x f!reader. woke up tender don’t look at me.
“Stop looking at me.”
The statement comes from your side of the bed, your half of the duvet you share with Satoru pulled over your chin, your eyes still closed and your lashes resting against your soft cheek. Your voice is raspy, throat dry from sleeping, and he simply chuckles next to you.
“How do you know what I’m looking at? Your eyes are closed.”
They are but the fact he has rolled over onto his side facing you and has been that way for at least ten minutes makes whatever point he’s been trying to make moot. You felt him shift when he first moved and you snuggled further into the bedding covering you, refusing to allow him to interrupt the last bits of sleep you’re entitled to.
Despite this, you can’t just go back to sleep and let him have the last word.
“You aren’t the only one with great perception around here, genius.” One of your arms slips over the top of your covers and reaches out to lightly flick the tip of his nose but he stops you halfway, capturing your hand in his and pressing your palm to his puckered lips.
You may be grumpy before 9 am but it’s hard to remain that way when he presses another kiss into your palm, this one accompanied by an exaggerated smack which makes you giggle. He does it again and takes a deep breath, again dramatic and grand, and continues the process until your giggle becomes a full blown laugh. Sleepy eyes open, blinking and watery, and meet his that are already crinkling at the corners from how hard he’s smiling looking at you.
“I’m up, are you happy?”
He hums and kisses your palm again, grin spreading across his face.
Morning suits you so well it’s a mystery to him why you hate it so much, warm light pouring over your face and body from the bedroom window and illuminating someone he’s already certain is an angel with a heavenly glow. How can he not stare until he has had his fill? The unfortunate thing about Satoru is that he doesn’t think he ever will, as gluttonous and greedy when it comes to you as he is those cream and strawberry filled sweets he brings home.
“Yes. I was lonely.”
You groan and roll your eyes but roll over onto your side to face him anyway. He will never tell you outright when he’s feeling wrong - sad or lonely or tired - but you are good at reading between the lines considering how often you speak in riddles yourself. The truth between these lines? He likely tossed and turned all night and has spent far longer than the last quarter of an hour staring at you and pondering what it means to love you, the divine gift he feels unworthy of receiving but is far too selfish to allow another to take.
Reaching out, you cup his cheek in your warm palm and his eyes shut reflexively. You rub your thumb over the skin of his cheek and while he’s distracted you lift your other arm from beneath the blanket and reach across your body to flick the tip of his nose playfully.
“You should be thanking me for being here to save the day,” you joke and he chuckles, unable to find the drama to react to you flicking his nose because of how happy he feels for the first time in hours.
The small gap between your bodies closes and he pulls you to his chest, kissing the top of your head. You nuzzle against him and he gently rocks you.
“Yeah, thanks or whatever. Not like I needed you or anything.”
You giggle, wrapping your arms around his waist and squeezing him.
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Another kiss to your forehead. Satoru begins giggling wildly and you unbury your face from his chest, slightly concerned about what you’re going to look up to see but all you’re met with is a grin and eyes as clear as a cloudless sky.
“Just kidding,” he whispers, dragging the last syllable of the word for dramatic effect. He extends it for as long as he can until you shake your head and press your palm against his mouth.
“Good morning!” His greeting is muffled by your palm and you laugh when he takes liberties to keep kissing the soft skin through his own fit of giggles.
You may not be a morning person but every morning is easier when it is spent by his side.
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