#kengan incorrect quotes
hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Kure Patriach Demands are Flipped?!
Erioh Kure: Excuse me, young man?
Emilio: Yes, do you need something sir?
Erioh Kure: Well, I heard you defeated one of my family members and a proposition.
Emilio: I believe you’ll have to be more specific. *raising a brow*
Erioh Kure: Well, how would you like to marry into the Kure family?
Emilio: Um, I don’t know- wait, you’re related to the persistent assassin? God, what the hell?!
Erioh Kure: Now now, I come baring peace, and you seem keen on war.
Emilio, nerves: W-well, she won’t leave me alone and it’s not as if she isn’t attractive, however…
Erioh Kure: “However?” Boy, don’t get wishy washy with me, or my family. It’s either you join the family or we-
Emilio: Kill me? That’s not selling me.
Erioh Kure: What do you want?
Emilio: Uninterrupted sleep for a week, proper training partners, and a proper introduction instead of sexually harassment. In writing.
Erioh Kure: *sigh* Very well, considered it done.
Emilio: Pleasure doing business. *leaves Erioh Kure*
Erioh Kure, angry: That arrogant bastard!
Emilio in his first year of being a Kengan low level fighter would be introduced the Kure family after two years of steady training with the Kure would reach super human strength in addition to marrying a female member of the Kure family.
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spahhzy · 1 year
Jaune and Bleiss (or whatever Jaune ship you want),daily interaction:
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fandom-drables · 1 year
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I made some more :)
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(Adam smacks a book out of Cosmo's hands)
Adam: Why you reading bitch?
Cosmo: Because I like to read and it's a really good book.
Adam: You're a really good bitch... bitch.
Cosmo: Why you gotta bother me man?
Adam: Because... I'm doing very well at school. I read at a fourth grade level and I really don't want to get left back. So when I see people reading for fun it just makes me feel that much more stupid! And then I get mad!
Cosmo: I... I didn't know that thanks so much for opening up to m-
Adam: Shut up queer!
Cosmo: I don't get it, why you gotta go there?
Adam: I've been having sexual fantasies about some of the other guys.
Cosmo: Wha?
Adam: Shut up! I'm afraid of these feelings. It's like I hate myself so much, I gotta point that hate outward... towards you.
Cosmo: You understand this on such a deep level that-
Adam: I don't understand shit! Now I'm going to punish you physically for acknowledging my emotional problems!
Cosmo: Wait! I was going to say if you understand yourself so well, then maybe you should try working on changing it!
Adam: Of course I want to change it! But it's the only defense mechanism I have against deeper more terrifying problems buried inside of me!
(Stan Dudley pulls up)
Adam: You're lucky my dad's here...
Stan Dudley: Get in the damn truck son! I need to take you home and beat on you cause I hate myself, and you look like your mother who left me. Then I'm gonna block out the guilt I feel with a river of vodka.
Adam: I'm going to internalize that then unknowingly take it out on you tomorrow. (Picks up his bags) coming reluctantly...
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Saw Paing: *Screams*
Raian: *Screams louder to assert dominance*
Retsudo: Should we do something?
Sayaka: No, I wanna see who wins.
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gwynlovesdrum · 4 years
Koga: *sneezes* Ryuki: Love you Koga: Koga: Did you mean bless you? Ryuki: I said what I said.
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cruger2984 · 4 years
HiMERU: Toodles, bitches!
Kohaku: Not that I give a shit.
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arundhati-shah4 · 4 years
I disguise myself as the cook and keep cooking.
Brynne during a heist/sneak attack
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Ren: Toodles, bitches!
Takeru: Not that I give a shit. (continues to write his boxing journal)
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fandom-drables · 1 year
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I haven't seen one of these for kengan yet, so here we go!
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hotpotrandomfics · 1 year
Kure choosing the “hard way”
Emilio: You wanna explain what you’re doing in my home?
Female Kure: I came looking for booty.
Emilio: Booty?
Female Kure: A man’s butt. You see to the Kure Clan, strong booty is more important than food. It’s more important than water.
Emilio: Uh huh.
Female Kure: I know who you are Mr. Emilio Shen, I watch your fights all the time. Now I’m gonna tell you like this: I like ya and I want ya. So we can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choices is yours.
Emilio: Well we aren’t going to do anything any kind of way.
Female Kure: I see you’re choosing the hard way. *activates Kure Clan secret technique: Removal*
Emilio: Alright, get out of my home!
Female Kure: I want that booty, Emilio Shen! I’m a warrior! *leaps at Emilio*
Emilio: AAAAAAAAAH! *jumps out the window*
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Mokichi Robinson: I think of all the things that I've been holding inside me that I've wanted to say to you, but [puts up fists] I'm gonna let St. Patrick and St. Michael do my talking for me!
Raian: [puts up fists] You'll have to get through Tip O'Neill and Bobby Sands first!
Rihito: You call those fist names? [puts up fists] Say hello to Bono and Sandra Day O'Connor!
Raian: Those are the stupidest fist names I've ever heard.
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Rihito: I have good news and I have bad news.
Kuroki: What's the bad news?
Rihito: The kangaroo pooped in the tub.
Kuroki: Ichiro, we don't have a kangaroo.
Rihito: Now for the good news.
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Kokomi: Do you even remember the ABCs of healing?
Hanafusa: A…. Bone…. Coming out of the skin is very bad.
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Kuroki: Do not say a word.
Rihito: ...Fergalicious.
Kuroki: Ichiro!
Rihito: Oh, so now it's a word, but 3 weeks ago when we played scrabble it wasn't!
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Ohma: Just promise me you'll do one thing if something goes wrong during the surgery.
Karla: Anything.
Ohma: Blow up the hospital.
Karla: Well... I said I would.
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