#kennedy biggs
yakumtsaki · 8 months
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-Oh Sunset, I'm so lucky to be in a loving relationship with such a kind, loyal and non-criminally insane person such as yourself!
You're so on the money, buddy, the only thing you missed was 'sexually repelled by cousins'.
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She's right, Ty, and to top it off your last name isn't Union, it's like you're not even trying!
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Bruh.. This chain of interactions from the hugging to the insulting to the making out took place in about 1 minute, I can't believe Stacy and Julian of all couples produced Sunset. Why can't you be more like your parents?? They were my cutest, healthiest couple ever!!
-They only thing they cared about having sex 50 a times a day! Aunt June basically raised me!!
Omg I'm looking at the pics of the spare updates I never posted because I suck and YA SHE DID, that explains so much, June is truly the platonic ideal of the hot-batshit combo.
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Speaking of batshit-
-And hot!
If you say so, Barth is putting the moves on Marla Biggs, whomst we last saw when June (there she is again) used her to dump Erik-
-Yes, and that one wolf whistle from June turned me gay for all eternity, so don't even bother!
-UGH. So I guess I have no choice..
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-..but to sleep with another one of my second cousins! -Oh Barth, I can't believe this is finally happening!!! -I know, Cyan, it took way too long!
We've been here for a week.
-Don't worry, nothing will interrupt this magical moment-WHAT THE FUCK I'M BEING CHEATED ON GOTTA RUN SORRY CYAN CATCH YOU LATER
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Ok apparently I was laughing too hard to take a decent pic, but yes, BARTHOLOMEW CAUGHT HIS COUSIN 'CHEATING' ON HIM AS HE WAS HOOKING UP WITH HIS OTHER COUSIN. I HATE MY GAME.
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I gotta hand it to Ty, he's in it to win it, whatever it is one could possibly 'win' when it comes to Sunset.
-Oh Sunset, you're the queen of my heart! -Gross!🥰
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-Aw baby, I love spending all our awake time woohooing and doing nothing interesting, huhu!🌞 -It really is the best, thanks to your horrific LTW we don't even have to try! It's so awful people are bound to vote for us just to watch the trainwreck!
Ya I wish I had a counter-argument but you two really have this thing figured out, even I wanna watch me have a mental breakdown trying to raise your 6 asshole kids.
-Our kids are not gonna be assholes!🌞
LOL YA OK MEADOW, whatever helps you sleep at night.
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-Meadow and Felina are not the only ones with a perfect relationship! Britannicus and I are also deeply in love!! I'm writing a novel about it as we speak!!!
Jimmy no offense but I literally forgot you live here and I can barely remember who Britannicus is half the time.
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Oh Britannicus here you are, thank God, you're so indispensable to this legacy!
-All you main-houser bitches look down on me but I have a lot to offer!! I'm grandpa Gunther's heir!!!
Of course you are, now give us the pizza so the people who matter don't die.
-I'll show you! I'll show you all!! >:(
Yes yes, it's been lovely catching up-
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-and now it's time to get serious and break Cyan and Barth up! Hit us with your best shot, Marg, we've been on a winning streak lately with those matches, please don't go back to Cyn's leftovers.
-Got you, say no more..
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-Here's Kennedy Cox!
-Well it's very hard to find someone Cyneswith hasn't banged!
Ok ya that's very true but Cyan is understandably like 😬 so let's try this again, here's another dollar.
-Alright, you didn't want Cyneswith leftovers..
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-How about Sandy the Zombie leftovers??
I hope I don't have to explain to you why that's SO MUCH WORSE
-And I hope I don't have to explain to you that you get what you pay for when you give a dollar for a date!
Fucking touche, Marg, get out of here.
And now for another sequence of events so absolutely ridic I'm just gonna describe it with no dialogue:
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So I send Cyan inside to check the college directory thing and see what available bachelors we might booty call up, but there's no one that I like for her so I send her back out to ask Margaret for another dollar date-
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-once outside, we find BRITANNICUS SERENADING BARTHOLOMEW, to which Cyan has no reaction as she's probably too shocked-
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-poor dumbass loved up Jimmy has no clue and is inside getting high-
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-Cyan asks Marg for another date as Barth is performing the Second Cousin Vagina Monologues-
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-Margaret gives us Neon Vest Zomb AGAIN and I'm like wtf-
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-at which point Britannicus, who just one moment ago was serenading Barth, WOLF WHISTLES AT CYAN-
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-I told you! >:D
Ok you know what, at least with this I feel we have peaked and there is simply no way the situation in this house can get more insane and degenerate-
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-Think again!
-I know but there's something almost genetically inherited drawing me to Cyan! -Yes, It's almost like our parents were into each other but there was some invisible force separating them!
-Oh please, it was the extended family mod and we no longer have to function under its oppression!
NOTHING IN THIS HOUSE IS REMOTELY FUNCTIONING. You know what, enjoy this while it lasts because I'm breaking every single one of you mofos up, istg I feel like I'm fighting the Hydra, I chop one semi-incestuous head off and two others pop up. WELL I'LL WIN LIKE HERACLES
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I'd like to end this disgusting update with this image of the rose Ty left for Sunset next to the flaming shitbag Neon Vest Zombie left for Cyan. What is this world coming to that men no longer appreciate you cheating on them with 2 of your cousins during a date?? Chivalry is dead!
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zoomzooomfast · 2 months
Random Veronaville Headcanons
I have been Veronapilled so now I have HC's to share with the class :)
-Titania started a tradition within the upper-class society of the Sims world ( besides the Capps think the Goths, Altos, Vanderburgs, Villareals) where for her and Oberon's anniversary she hosts a ball where all other Sims families travel out to Veronaville for a month in the summer and they have small social events throughout the month where they can socialize and set up business deals and their kids can become friends or like date. but on the last night, Tatiana has this huge Ball where all the guests and Tatiana's family dress up in white except Tatiana who wears a colored animal print
-The Monty's own a restaurant that is very successful and Romeo is set to own. Which Romeo very much tries to push on to Mercutio because Romeo likes to cook and all but he does not want to own a restaurant and neither does Mercutio. This is a common fight till one dinner when Antonio is sick of listening to them fight so he tells them the restaurant will be his till they figure it out. Romeo and Mercutio never figure it out.
- Consort constantly calls Kent, Kenny or Kennedy. Because Consort swears that he has 4 daughters. Not because he hates Kent just because he swears that when Kent was born in Roaring Heights he was a girl but when they moved to Veronaville Kent was male(This is based on the fact that when I played the Capps in Roaring Heights baby Capp was female)
-Consort has a very much once it's 9:30 I don't care what goes on in my house because I am in my nice soundproof room. Consort got his and Contessa room sound proofed after her realized he was going to have 4 teenagers at once
-The Capp grandkids take advantage of the fact that Consort doesn't care after 9:30 way more than Consorts kids ever did
-Tybalt and Juliette are the worst offenders. They both sneak out and sneak people in constantly, Even worse there has been times where Tybalt was trying to leave at night and Juliette took his car to do the same
-It's also bad because several time they have both ran into each other sneaking in the Monty Brother and they start fighting about if we are going to the same place don't take both cars and then its weird and all four of then just watch a movie
-Tybalt just doesn't like Romeo. not even in the way of the feud. He just doesn't like him as a person
-Juliette and Romeo get married really young. Like too young, Like they lied about their birthdays and went to Tartosa over the summer and got legally married at 15 before there sophomore year of high school
-Tybalt and Marla Biggs graduated in the same year and are best friends
-Tybalt and Hermia Share a birthday
-Juliette is really only called Juliette by Consort and her Aunts. She prefers to go by Jules.
-Puck lowkey hates Veronaville and moves out to travel and only visits for holidays and his mom's month-long party
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schraubd · 1 year
Things People Blame the Jews For Volume LXV: The Titanic (Again)
This series has, perhaps unsurprisingly, already covered the Titanic (twice). But given the recent news, it's perhaps equally unsurprising that this conspiracy has gained new life. Now, we can blame the Jews for sinking the Titan (to prevent people from learning that the Jews sunk the Titanic, naturally).
Far-right conspiracy theorist Stew Peters is pushing a conspiracy theory that the OceanGate submarine was purposely sunk “to keep people from visiting the Titanic wreckage” because doing so would supposedly reveal that the Titanic “was sunk by a newly created” Rothschilds-connected Federal Reserve and not an iceberg. Numerous Republican politicians and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have appeared on Peters’ program.  
Peters is a white nationalist who frequently encourages violence against his perceived enemies. He has pushed a multitude of conspiracy theories, including those related to QAnon, COVID-19, Pizzagate, flat Earth, the moon landing, and the Uvalde and Sandy Hook mass shootings. 
Despite his toxic history, numerous politicians have appeared on his program, including Reps. Paul Gosar, Bob Good, Pete Sessions, and Andy Biggs; and Kennedy. 
It's always the people you most suspect. And you just know that any list which can be summarized as "numerous Republican politicians and Robert F. Kennedy Jr." is going to be for something amazing.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/6D2zwHF
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
I thought I'd heard just about every bizarre far right conspiracy theory.
The goofiest was probably the one about Obama storing 30,000 guillotines in Montana and Georgia to be used in FEMA concentration camps after Sharia Law is introduced in the US.
The recent unfortunate incident regarding Titanic tourism brought to the surface a wacko contention about the Federal Reserve System.
Far-right conspiracy theorist Stew Peters is pushing a conspiracy theory that the OceanGate submarine was purposely sunk “to keep people from visiting the Titanic wreckage” because doing so would supposedly reveal that the Titanic “was sunk by a newly created” Rothschilds-connected Federal Reserve and not an iceberg. Numerous Republican politicians and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. have appeared on Peters’ program.   Peters is a white nationalist who frequently encourages violence against his perceived enemies. He has pushed a multitude of conspiracy theories, including those related to QAnon, COVID-19, Pizzagate, flat Earth, the moon landing, and the Uvalde and Sandy Hook mass shootings.  Despite his toxic history, numerous politicians have appeared on his program, including Reps. Paul Gosar, Bob Good, Pete Sessions, and Andy Biggs; and Kennedy.  Peters is now pushing the bizarre conspiracy theory that the Titanic was actually sunk by the Rothschilds-connected Federal Reserve — not an iceberg — and the OceanGate submarine was sunk to discourage people from ever visiting the Titanic to find out the truth.
Yep, the Fed will stop at nothing to hide its diabolical secrets! 😂😱
There is a major chronological problem with this particular conspiracy theory. The RMS Titanic sunk on 15 April 1912 while the Federal Reserve System wasn't founded until 23 December 1913. But conspiracy theorists never let the facts get in the way of their derangement.
Conspiracy theories have been around for ages. But the internet makes them easier to circulate and to draw unlikely connections between totally unrelated events.
And the conspiracy nuts are seldom content believing in just one. Stew Peters is all over the genre with QAnon, vaccines, the Apollo moon landings, and topically the Fed/Titanic. He's a waterfall of far right fabulism. And his racism and antisemitism don't prevent extremist Republicans and RFK Jr. from kissing up to him.
People like that are often close to the psychological spot where deep gullibility and paranoia intersect. Though some know it's all a load of bullshit but continue to spew it for personal or political gain.
People like Stew Peters give us a good reason why nobody should get a high school diploma without first passing a course in baloney detection.
Use Carl Sagan's "Baloney Detection Kit" to Combat Fake News
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kp777 · 2 years
By Jennifer Bendery
Huffington Post
Nov 12, 2022
As the dust settles from Tuesday’s midterm elections, a disturbing trend in the GOP is coming into focus: More than 160 Republicans will be in Congress in 2023 who have either denied or cast doubts on Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential win in 2020.
Some will be at the highest levels of House leadership, setting the agenda for the chamber for the next two years. Some are seasoned U.S. senators with presidential ambitions. Some will be brand new to Capitol Hill.
But what these people all have in common is that they made the political calculation that it benefited their career to fuel the lie that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump because of widespread voter fraud.
They’ve done it in different ways. Some have bluntly claimed the election was stolen. Some joined lawsuits to try to throw out the results of the 2020 election. Some have tried to have it both ways, by saying, of course, Biden is the president ― while refusing to address the validity of the election, a common dog whistle among Republicans afraid of upsetting Trump’s base of supporters by admitting Biden beat him in 2020, fair and square.
A preemptive note: Some Republicans on this list will probably deny that they belong here (like, say, Sen. Rick Scott) and insist, perhaps with annoyance, that they have long said that Biden is the president. Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) has clashed with fellow Republicans who have falsely said that Democrats stole the 2020 presidential election, and he recently called out election deniers for privately admitting that they know what they say in public is a lie. But he’s on this list, too.
HuffPost is using the term “election denier” to refer to Republicans who claimed the 2020 presidential election was stolen or alleged widespread voter fraud; who voted to object to certifying Biden’s Electoral College votes (hi, Sen. Scott); who supported partisan reviews of ballots in 2020 swing states; who signed a bogus lawsuit alleging “an unprecedented number of serious allegations of fraud and irregularities” in the 2020 election in a brief to the Supreme Court; or who attended or expressed support for the Jan. 6, 2021, “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington that led to an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
Taking it to a new level, one incoming member of Congress, Republican Rich McCormick of Georgia, lamented earlier this year that “no one was hurt by voter fraud more than myself” when he lost his congressional bid in 2020. There was no evidence of fraud in his election. He just lost ― by more than 10,000 votes.
Below is a running list of all of the election deniers who will be in the House and Senate starting in January. Italicized names mean they are new to Congress. This list will be regularly updated until it is final.
Election deniers in the Senate:
Ted Cruz (R-Texas)
Josh Hawley (R-Mo.)
Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.)
John Kennedy (R-La.)
Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.)
Roger Marshall (R-Kan.)
Rick Scott (R-Fla.)
Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)
Ted Budd (R-N.C.)
Katie Britt (R-Ala.)
Markwayne Mullin (R-Okla.)
Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.)
J.D. Vance (R-Ohio)
Election deniers in the House:
Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.)
Mark Alford (R-Mo.)
Rick Allen (R-Ga.)
Jodey Arrington (R-Texas)
Brian Babin (R-Texas)
Jim Baird (R-Ind.)
Jim Banks (R-Ind.)
Cliff Bentz (R-Ore.)
Jack Bergman (R-Mich.)
Stephanie Bice (R-Okla.)
Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.)
Gus Bilirakis (R-Fla.)
Dan Bishop (R-N.C.)
Mike Bost (R-Ill.)
Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.)
Michael Burgess (R-Texas)
Eric Burlison (R-Mo.)
Kat Cammack (R-Fla.)
Jerry Carl (R-Ala.)
Buddy Carter (R-Ga.)
John Carter (R-Texas)
Ben Cline (R-Va.)
Michael Cloud (R-Texas)
Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.)
Tom Cole (R-Okla.)
Mike Collins (R-Ga.)
Eli Crane (R-Ariz.)
Rick Crawford (R-Ark.)
Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas)
Warren Davidson (R-Ohio)
Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.)
Monica De La Cruz (R-Texas)
Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.)
Byron Donalds (R-Fla.)
Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.)
Neal Dunn (R-Fla.)
Jake Ellzey (R-Texas)
Tom Emmer (R-Minn.)
Ron Estes (R-Kan.)
Pat Fallon (R-Texas)
Drew Ferguson (R-Ga.)
Michelle Fischbach (R-Minn.)
Scott Fitzgerald (R-Wis.)
Chuck Fleischmann (R-Tenn.)
Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.)
Scott Franklin (R-Fla.)
Russell Fry (R-S.C.)
Russ Fulcher (R-Idaho)
Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.)
Carlos Gimenez (R-Fla.)
Bob Good (R-Va.)
Lance Gooden (R-Texas)
Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.)
Garret Graves (R-La.)
Sam Graves (R-Mo.)
Mark Green (R-Tenn.)
Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)
Morgan Griffith (R-Va.)
Michael Guest (R-Miss.)
Harriet Hageman (R-Wyo.)
Andy Harris (R-Md.)
Diana Harshbarger (R-Tenn.)
Kevin Hern (R-Okla.)
Clay Higgins (R-La.)
Richard Hudson (R-N.C.)
Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.)
Darrell Issa (R-Calif.)
Ronny Jackson (R-Texas)
Bill Johnson (R-Ohio)
Mike Johnson (R-La.)
Jim Jordan (R-Ohio)
John Joyce (R-Pa.)
Mike Kelly (R-Pa.)
Trent Kelly (R-Miss.)
Jen Kiggans (R-Va.)
David Kustoff (R-Tenn.)
Darin LaHood (R-Ill.)
Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.)
Doug Lamborn (R-Colo.)
Bob Latta (R-Ohio)
Jake LaTurner (R-Kan.)
Debbie Lesko (R-Ariz.)
Barry Loudermilk (R-Ga.)
Frank Lucas (R-Okla.)
Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-Mo.)
Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.)
Morgan Luttrell (R-Texas)
Nicole Malliotakis (R-N.Y.)
Tracey Mann (R-Kan.)
Brian Mast (R-Fla.)
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.)
Lisa McClain (R-Mich.)
Tom McClintock (R-Calif.)
Rich McCormick (R-Ga.)
Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.)
Daniel Meuser (R-Pa.)
Carol Miller (R-W.Va.)
Mary Miller (R-Ill.)
Max Miller (R-Ohio)
Cory Mills (R-Fla.)
John Moolenaar (R-Ind.)
Alex Mooney (R-W.Va.)
Barry Moore (R-Ala.)
Greg Murphy (R-N.C.)
Troy Nehls (R-Texas)
Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.)
Ralph Norman (R-S.C.)
Jay Obernolte (R-Calif.)
Andy Ogles (R-Tenn.)
Burgess Owens (R-Utah)
Gary Palmer (R-Ala.)
Greg Pence (R-Ind.)
Scott Perry (R-Pa.)
August Pfluger (R-Texas)
Bill Posey (R-Fla.)
Guy Reschenthaler (R-Pa.)
Harold Rogers (R-Ky.)
Mike Rogers (R-Ala.)
John Rose (R-Tenn.)
Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.)
David Rouzer (R-N.C.)
John Rutherford (R-Fla.)
Maria Elvira Salazar (R-Fla.)
House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.)
Pete Sessions (R-Texas)
Austin Scott (R-Ga.)
Keith Self (R-Texas)
Adrian Smith (R-Neb.)
Jason Smith (R-Mo.)
Lloyd Smucker (R-Pa.)
Pete Stauber (R-Minn.)
House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.)
Gregory Steube (R-Fla.)
Chris Stewart (R-Utah)
Dale Strong (R-Ala.)
Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.)
Thomas Tiffany (R-Wis.)
Glenn Thompson (R-Pa.)
William Timmons (R-S.C.)
Jeff Van Drew (R-N.J.)
Beth Van Duyne (R-Texas)
Derrick Van Orden (R-Wis.)
Ann Wagner (R-Mo.)
Tim Walberg (R-Mich.)
Michael Waltz (R-Fla.)
Randy Weber (R-Texas)
Daniel Webster (R-Fla.)
Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio)
Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.)
Roger Williams (R-Texas)
Joe Wilson (R-S.C.)
Robert Wittman (R-Va.)
Ryan Zinke (R-Mont.)
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spacenutspod · 3 months
On March 24, 1979, space shuttle Columbia arrived at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) for the very first time. Following Presidential direction to build the space shuttle in 1972, Congress quickly approved and funded the program later that year. Construction of the first orbital vehicle, later named Columbia, began in 1975. Four years later, Columbia completed its first transcontinental flight, arriving at KSC to begin preparations for its first mission. The first shuttle flight in April 1981 ushered in an era of reusable space transportation. Left: NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher, left, presents a model of the space shuttle to President Richard M. Nixon in January 1972. Right: Apollo 16 astronauts John W. Young, left, and Charles M. Duke on the Moon in April 1972. On Jan. 5, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon directed NASA to build the space shuttle, formally called the Space Transportation System (STS), stating that “it would revolutionize transportation into near space.” NASA Administrator James C. Fletcher hailed the President’s decision as “an historic step in the nation’s space program,” adding that it would change what humans can accomplish in space. Apollo 16 astronauts John W. Young and Charles M. Duke learned of the space shuttle’s approval while exploring the Moon in April 1972. Mission Control informed them that Congress had authorized the development of the space shuttle. Young and Duke both enthusiastically responded to the positive news with “Beautiful! Wonderful! Beautiful!” Young added with some foresight, “The country needs that shuttle mighty bad. You’ll see.” He had no way of knowing that nine years later, he would command the first ship of the space shuttle fleet, Columbia, on its maiden voyage. Left: Columbia’s crew compartment during assembly in 1976. Middle: Columbia’s aft fuselage and wings during assembly in November 1977. Right: Columbia just prior to rollout from Rockwell’s plant in Palmdale in March 1979. Once Congress authorized the funds, on July 26, 1972, NASA awarded the contract to the North American Rockwell Corporation of Downey, California, to begin construction of the first orbital vehicle. Officially known as Orbital Vehicle-102 (OV-102), in January 1979 NASA named it Columbia after Captain Robert Gary’s sloop that explored the Pacific Northwest in the 1790s and took the honor as the first American ship to circumnavigate the globe, as well as after the Apollo 11 Command Module. Construction of Columbia’s first components at Rockwell’s Palmdale, California, plant began on March 25, 1975. Left: Workers roll Columbia out from its hangar at Rockwell’s Palmdale, California, plant. Middle: Workers transport Columbia from Rockwell’s Palmdale facility to NASA’s Dryden, now Armstrong, Flight Research Center. Right: Columbia atop the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft takes off from Dryden to begin the cross-country ferry flight.  Nearly four years later, on March 8, 1979, Columbia rolled out of the Palmdale facility to begin its multi-day transcontinental journey to KSC. For the first step of the journey, workers towed Columbia from Palmdale overland to NASA’s Dryden, now Armstrong, Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) 36 miles away. Two days later, workers there hoisted Columbia onto the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA), a Boeing 747 aircraft modified to transport space shuttle orbiters. During a test flight, thousands of the orbiter’s thermal protection system tiles fell off. Workers returned Columbia to a hangar where over 100 men and women worked for nine days reapplying the tiles. Weather then delayed Columbia’s departure until March 20, when the SCA/shuttle duo flew from Dryden to Biggs AFB in El Paso, Texas. Left: Space shuttle Columbia atop its Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) touches down at Kelly Air Force Base (AFB) in San Antonio for an overnight stop. Middle: Head on view of Columbia atop the SCA. Right: Tina Aguilar, age nine, an aspiring young reporter, interviews astronaut Donald K. “Deke” Slayton in front of Columbia and the SCA at Kelly AFB. Weather delayed Columbia’s departure for the planned refueling stop at Kelly AFB in San Antonio, until the next day. About 200,000 people went to view the shuttle during its overnight layover in San Antonio prior to its departure on March 23. Left: The past meets the future, as space shuttle Columbia atop its Shuttle Carrier Aircraft (SCA) flies over the Saturn V display at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Middle: Columbia atop the SCA touches down at KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF), with the Vehicle Assembly Building visible in the background. Right: At the SLF, NASA Administrator Robert A. Frosch addresses the crowd assembled to welcome Columbia to KSC, as other dignitaries listen. After another overnight stop at Eglin AFB in Florida, Columbia atop the SCA touched down at KSC’s Shuttle Landing Facility (SLF) on March 24, a crowd of about 3,000 cheering its arrival. Dignitaries in attendance at a brief welcoming ceremony at the SLF included NASA Administrator Robert A. Frosch, KSC Director Lee R. Scherer, SCA pilots Joseph S. Algranti and Fitzhugh L. Fulton, program manager for Shuttle Flight Test Operations NASA astronaut Donald K. “Deke” Slayton, and astronauts John W. Young and Robert L. Crippen, designated as the commander and pilot for STS-1, the first space shuttle mission. Also in attendance, U.S. Congressman C. William “Bill” Nelson whose district included KSC and now serves as NASA’s 14th administrator, and Florida Lieutenant Governor J. Wayne Mixson. Left: Columbia in the Orbiter Processing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Middle: Workers hoist Columbia in KSC’s Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) for mating with its external tank and solid rocket boosters. Right: Columbia rolls out of the VAB on its way to Launch Pad 39A. The next day, after removing Columbia from the back of the SCA, workers towed it into the Orbiter Processing Facility, where the orbiter spent the next 19 months preparing for its first flight. Rollover to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) for mating with its External Tank and the two Solid Rocket Boosters took place Nov. 24, 1980. After a series of integrated tests, the shuttle stack rolled out of the VAB and made the 3.5-mile trip to Launch Pad 39A on Dec. 29, 1980. Young and Crippen flew Columbia’s historic first mission, STS-1, in April 1981, ushering in an era of reusable space transportation. Share Details Last Updated Mar 21, 2024 Related TermsNASA HistorySpace Shuttle Explore More 21 min read 55 Years Ago: Four Months Until the Moon Landing Article 1 day ago 11 min read 20 Years Ago: First Image of Earth from Mars and Other Postcards of Home Article 2 weeks ago 4 min read More Planets than Stars: Kepler’s Legacy Article 2 weeks ago
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musicarenagh · 7 months
Ko-Jo Cue Celebrates The Essence of Hip-Hop With I’M Back After serving hip-hop fans with "Free Throw" and an unforgettable BET Hip-Hop Awards Cypher, Ko-Jo Cue has returned with an EP. Titled I'M Back, the seven-track project, released on November 16, marks his first project after a two-year hiatus. It also signifies a bold return to the roots of hip-hop, built around rhymes, flows, and technical ability.  The rollout for "I'M Back" borrows a lot of imagery from basketball and sports and features Ghanaian rap stars like Joey B, Kwaku DMC, Tulenkey, Strongman, YPee, Kweku Smoke, and Ria Boss. The themes dance around self-expression, celebration, hustle, and seizing the day. Fortune Dane, iPappi, Retro, Kobe Norths, and others handle production. Notably, Peewezel, a long-term collaborator of Cue, makes a return after being absent from his last three projects.  From the EP's opening number, "Mac Tontoh," Ko-Jo Cue pays homage to the individuals who've played a pivotal role in his journey. The track features Bigg Homie Flee, who spices up the track with his spoken words. On the next song, "Someway," Ko-Jo Cue takes a swipe at individuals leading phony lives and seeking validation from strangers.   The next single, "Free Throw," which features a verse from Ghanaian rapper Joey B, is a celebratory trap banger, highlighting his triumph against all odds. Ko-Jo Cue teams up with Kweku Smoke and Kwaku DMC on "32," a drill anthem emphasizing the urgency of living life to the fullest.   For the EP's fifth track, "OKAY OKAY," Ko-Jo Cue talks about ambition, resilience, and hard work with hard-hitting verses from fellow Kumasi rappers Strongman and YPee. He maintains his determination discourse in "Cedi Kasa" while offering insightful social commentary on the nation's challenges. For a change of tempo, Ko-Jo Cue ends I'M Back with the Ria Boss-assisted "Happy Endings," which delves into the unpredictability of life and death, personal tragedies, and the futility of chasing fairytales.   "I've been gone for a bit, and I started feeling a lot of the energy that made me fall in love with hip-hop," says Ko-Jo Cue. "So before I get back to regular scheduled programming, I felt like putting the glasses down and stepping into the booth again." "I'M Back" is not just an album—it's a statement. It's a celebration of authentic hip-hop, a nod to the sports that have inspired Ko-Jo Cue, and a tribute to the artists who have helped him along the way. Additionally, it showcases Ko-Jo Cue's storytelling prowess and dedication to addressing societal issues in his music.  Listen to I'M Back on your preferred platform.  About Ko-Jo Cue Raised in the energetic rhythms of West Africa, Linford Kennedy Amankwaa, known to the world as Ko-Jo Cue, is a Ghanaian hip-hop artist who continues the legacy of the region's revered griots. As a songwriter and lyricist, he weaves tales of African life through a lens both introspective and socially aware. His fusion of Hip-Hop, Highlife, and Afrobeats, paired with his philosophically tinged narrative style, mirrors the creative forces behind rap titans like Jay Z, Nas, J. Cole, and Obrafour.  His collaboration with Ghanaian rapper Shaker on the album "Pen & Paper" in 2017 garnered accolades and caught the eye of Lauryn Hill. This earned him an opening slot on her tour. Similarly, his 2019 debut album, "For My Brothers," was hailed as a landmark in the Ghanaian rap scene, dominated the Apple Music Charts, and gained a nomination for Album of the Year at the 3 Music Video Awards. Since 2019, he has accrued several awards, including the Adinkra Poetry Prize and an Artlink grant, for which he converted his album "For My Brothers" into a radio show aired across Europe. Follow Ko-Jo Cue on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more updates on the rapper.
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kpagrandtour · 1 year
Blakely Biggs
Today we explored Boston, Massachusetts. It was our first official glimpse of the city, because yesterday we arrived at 1am-ish (due to a 5 hour delay at DFW), and we were all half asleep. I found the architecture of Boston to be very interesting and somewhat surprising, especially because it was a weird mixture between new, shiny, geometrical buildings and old, historical, mostly-brick buildings. We started off the day by following the freedom trail to multiple historical spots in Boston. My favorite spots were probably the Boston Commons (a historical park) and two cemeteries that we visited. At the cemeteries we saw the tombstones of Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, and the 5 victims of the Boston Massacre. We were then free to explore the part of Boston that we were in. We went to the Quincy Market and had some VERY good food, and I tried clam chowder for the first time. I also ate some overpriced chocolate strawberries. After that we walked down to the Boston Harbor to see the view. We also visited the site of the oldest public school in America, the oldest restraunt in America, and the Holocaust memorial. Across from the Holocaust memorial, we found a very impressive park with huge slides, but upon approaching said park, we saw a sign that said it was for 2-12 year olds and turned around. We had dinner at a place called “Fire and Ice,” where they offered a wide variety of foods, then grilled it all right in front of you. After dinner, we went to the JFK Memorial Library, where we learned about John F. Kennedy’s life and presidency. There was also a big glass room where we could see out onto the Boston Harbor, which was really cool. Finally, we concluded the day with a Boston Ghost Tour, where we walked around many of the same sights as before, but they told us both historical and modern ghost stories about each spot. Overall, it was a very busy but also very interesting and fun day. I enjoyed exploring this fascinating city with all of my friends and I cannot wait for what the rest of this trip will bring. 
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0 notes
college-girl199328 · 1 year
This Tuesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell warned members of the Senate Banking Committee that the consequences "could be extraordinarily adverse and could do long-standing harm" if Congress does not agree on a deal by the Treasury Department's estimated summer deadline.
Later that day, the Senate Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy led by Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Republican Senator John Neely Kennedy of Louisiana held a hearing on the issue in which Mark Zandi, chief economist at the economic research firm Moody's Analytics, warned that it is "absolutely critical that lawmakers either increase, suspend, or verbally do away with the debt limit," adding that not doing so "would push us into a recession."
Warren echoed calls that have been made by Senate Democrats. She said that it is economically untenable to make cuts to current federal spending programs. She also said that the debt limit should not be held hostage by House Republicans eager to do so.
While Kennedy acknowledged that the debt limit provides an "opportunity to talk about our rate of growth and spending," he also said it is "unthinkable" that Congress would not extend the debt limit, saying "if you're gonna have a party, you got to pay the band, and it's time for us to pay the band."
Newsweek spoke with Warren about Kennedy's position following the meeting. Warren also spoke about the signs of bipartisanship apparent in Congress' upper chamber. This is when it comes to the issue of America providing the funds necessary to pay for the spending it has authorized.
"I think that Senator Kennedy took a position that was both smart and courageous," Warren said. "It is critical to raise the debt ceiling, no strings attached, and he's acknowledged that."
Newsweek spoke with Kennedy after hearing about his takeaways and Warren's comments.
"I'm not gonna disagree with the senator," the Louisiana Republican said, "but I'd substitute the word 'obvious' in place of smart. The United States of America cannot default on its debt. Now, I may not agree with how that debt was accumulated, and in fact, I voted against a lot of it. But, spending passed, and we have to borrow money to pay the bills."
Senator Steve Daines of Montana, chair of the GOP Senate campaign arm, told Newsweek "we cannot default."
The sentiment that Congress is committed to paying off its debts and avoiding a catastrophic default may be shared by many Senate Republicans. However, it seems to be much less prevalent among their fellow conservatives in the House.
The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that House Republicans are drafting a proposal that would prepare the U.S. for a default. The House Way and Means Committee announced it would consider a measure that would prioritize some federal payments over others. This is to protect U.S. credit if a debt limit deal is not reached and America proves unable to pay its bills.
"I don't know why I should care what [Senate Republicans] think about all this when we've got a job here in the House to do with the majority to try to get somewhere," Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, a member of the Budget Committee and policy chair of the hard-right Freedom Caucus, told Newsweek. "When the Senate does something useful, then they can come to talk to us."
Roy's sentiment is shared by others in the Freedom Caucus, including Arizona's Andy Biggs and Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene. The individuals said they would not accept a raising of the limit without significant cuts. However, despite their desire for cuts and an appetite on both sides of the aisle to reduce the deficit, lowering the national debt within the confines of current GOP commitments presents an uphill challenge.
House Republicans have largely expressed that they would not support cuts to Social Security and Medicare. A significant number within the Conference have also said they would not accept cuts to defense spending. The conference is also against creating additional revenue through tax hikes.
Given these stipulations, The New York Times reports that the government would have to cut 70% of the funding that goes toward programs such as Medicaid, food assistance, farm subsidies, military retirement, anti-poverty programs, veterans' health, transportation, education, law enforcement, research, and foreign affairs.
During Tuesday's Banking subcommittee hearing, Zandi addressed the findings of the March 2023 Moody's report, which predicted that drastic spending cuts, like those estimated in the Times, would spark a "recession in 2024, costing the economy 2.6 million jobs," while also harming the country's "long-term" economic growth.
"Republican cuts would plunge us into a recession and cost about two and a half million jobs," she told Newsweek. "The Republicans need to back off from this."
While senators may be aligned with Warren when it comes to the importance of extending the debt ceiling, Republicans in both chambers remain intent on utilizing this moment to ensure a curbing of the national debt.
Daines spoke directly to this issue in comments to Newsweek, saying, "we also should be able to come up with a bipartisan agreement on some kind of spending reform because the debt is out of control, not sustainable."
Kennedy similarly said that when it comes to the debt ceiling it's about "asking the president to do what we've always done, and that is to negotiate it." He emphasized that he would like to see both parties come together and figure out how they can "reduce the rate of spending and reduce the rate of debt accumulation."
Republican Congressman Buddy Carter of Georgia, a member of the Budget Committee, shared similar sentiments to those of his Senate colleagues. He told Newsweek that while the threats associated with a default "are true," that doesn't mean "we shouldn't negotiate, and we should."
"We pay our bills—there's no question about that," Carter said. "We're not willing to default on anything. We never have, and we're not inclined to accept that, but we need to have some spending restrictions."
0 notes
loosekraken · 2 years
Wyoming U.S. Senator > Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) .....says ‘there are not enough Democrats’ to help Liz Cheney win primary , Hummmm John.......I'm not real sure about that one....in light of what will go down right before mid-terms I find it hard to believe that there will be enough Republicans left in Congress in the numbers permitting them to do a darn thing , literally ..with the numbers left why would the Repubs even show up for work ?.......As Close to Mid-Terms as possible , allowing time for a response but no time for an repub party electoral rescue mission , Plaintiffs will file a Federal Complaint which shall remove B4 the Mid-Term Elctions a TOTAL of One Hundred & Fifty-Three Congresspersons from Congress Fourteen (14) Current Congressional SENATORS ........................... **** Ted Cruz (TX) **** **** Josh Hawley (MO) **** Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS) Cynthia Lummis (WY) **** John Kennedy (LA) **** ( "must really suck to be that dumb ! " ) Roger Marshall (KS) **** Rick Scott (FL) **** **** Tommy Tuberville (AL) **** Bill Hagerty (TN) **** Kelly Loeffler (GA) **** James Lankford (OK) Steve Daines (MT) Mike Braun (IND) **** Marsha Blackburn (TN) ****
And One Hundred & Thirty-Nine (139) Current Congressional Representatives from Office on a permanent basis with referrals to the DOJ for Criminal Prosecutions , Violation of Oath of Office at a min (federal felony 1 yr prison & removal from office & bar/ban from any & all federal employment , ever ............
Robert Aderholt (AL) Rick Allen (GA) Jodey Arrington (TX) Brian Babin (TX) Jim Baird (IN) Jim Banks (IN) Cliff Bentz (OR) Jack Bergman (MI) Stephanie Bice (OK) **** Andy Biggs (AZ) **** Dan Bishop (NC) **** Lauren Boebert (CO) **** Mike Bost (IL) **** Mo Brooks (AL) **** Ted Budd (NC) Tim Burchett (TN) Michael Burgess (TX) Ken Calvert (CA) Kat Cammack (FL) Jerry Carl (AL) Buddy Carter (GA) John Carter (TX) **** Madison Cawthorn (NC) **** Steve Chabot (OH) Ben Cline (VA) Michael Cloud (TX) Andrew Clyde (GA) Tom Cole (OK) Rick Crawford (AR) Warren Davidson (OH) Scott DesJarlais (TN) Mario Diaz-Balart (FL) Byron Donalds (FL) Jeff Duncan (SC) Neal Dunn (FL) Ron Estes (KS) Pat Fallon (TX) Michelle Fischbach (MN) Scott Fitzgerald (WI) Chuck Fleischmann (TN) Virginia Foxx (NC) Scott Franklin (FL) Russ Fulcher (ID) **** Matt Gaetz (FL) **** Mike Garcia (CA) Bob Gibbs (OH) Carlos Gimenez (FL) **** Louie Gohmert (TX) **** Bob Good (VA) Lance Gooden (TX) **** Paul Gosar (AZ) **** Garret Graves (LA) Sam Graves (MO) Mark Green (TN) **** Marjorie Greene (GA) **** Morgan Griffith (VA) Michael Guest (MS) Jim Hagedorn (MN) Andy Harris (MD) Diana Harshbarger (TN) Vicky Hartzler (MO) Kevin Hern (OK) Yvette Herrell (NM) Jody Hice (GA) **** Clay Higgins (LA) **** Richard Hudson (NC) Darrell Issa (CA) **** Ronny Jackson (TX) **** Chris Jacobs (NY) Mike Johnson (LA) Bill Johnson (OH) **** Jim Jordan (OH) **** John Joyce (PA) Fred Keller (PA) Trent Kelly (MS) Mike Kelly (PA) David Kustoff (TN) Doug LaMalfa (CA) Doug Lamborn (CO) Jacob LaTurner (KS) Debbie Lesko (AZ) Billy Long (MO) Barry Loudermilk (GA) Frank Lucas (OK) Blaine Luetkemeyer (MO) Nicole Malliotakis (NY) Tracey Mann (KS) Brian Mast (FL) **** Kevin McCarthy (CA) **** Lisa McClain (MI) Daniel Meuser (PA) Mary Miller (IL) Carol Miller (WV) Alex Mooney (WV) Barry Moore (AL) Markwayne Mullin (OK) Gregory Murphy (NC) Troy Nehls (TX) Ralph Norman (SC) **** Devin Nunes (CA) **** Jay Obernolte (CA) Burgess Owens (UT) Steven Palazzo (MS) Gary Palmer (AL) Greg Pence (IN) **** Scott Perry (PA) **** August Pfluger (TX) Bill Posey (FL) Guy Reschenthaler (PA) Tom Rice (SC) Mike Rogers (AL) Hal Rogers (KY) John Rose (TN) Matt Rosendale (MT) David Rouzer (NC) John Rutherford (FL) **** Steve Scalise (LA) **** David Schweikert (AZ) **** Pete Sessions (TX) **** Jason Smith (MO) Adrian Smith (NE) Lloyd Smucker (PA) Elise Stefanik (NY) Greg Steube (FL) Chris Stewart (UT) Glenn Thompson (PA) Tom Tiffany (WI) William Timmons (SC) Jefferson Van Drew (NJ) Beth Van Duyne (TX) Tim Walberg (MI) Jackie Walorski (IN) Randy Weber (TX) Daniel Webster (FL) Roger Williams (TX) Joe Wilson (SC) Rob Wittman (VA) Ron Wright (TX) Lee Zeldin (NY)
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pufferville · 5 years
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cherry women.
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Updated 11/22/2021
Leon Kennedy (RE2Make)
Survivor’s guilt
Lover boy
Rookie (In the middle of a rewrite!) - Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7 Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch. 11, Ch. 12, Ch.13 p1, Ch.13 p2, Ch.13 p3
Beautiful art a fan made for Rookie!
Carlos Oliveira (RE3Make)
Desperate Measures
Billy Coen (RE0)
Late Night
(There’s more coming for him!)
Biggs (FFVIIr)
Plenty Part 1 Part 2
Lipstick Marks
Creep (in progress) Ch. 1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8, Ch.9, Ch.10, Ch.11, Ch.12, Ch.13, Ch.14, Ch.15, Ch.16
Zack Fair (FFVIICC)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Let it snow
(My first fic that doesn’t go with the rest of the blog but I’m too attached to it to delete it)
Kevin Levin (Ben 10 AF, UA)
Night terrors
Dating Headcanons
Things I will eventually get to:
- Rookie’s rewrite and multi-chapter epilogue
- RE4 Leon x Reader Series
- RE0 Billy Coen x Reader Series
- RE3 Carlos Oliveira x reader Series
- Kevin Levin X Reader Series or mini series
- Jin from Samurai Champloo X Reader series
- Spike Spiegel X Reader Series
- One-Shots for hella FF7 and FF7CC characters, Balthier from FF12, Thancred Waters from FF14, prince Zuko, Iroh II, Mako?, BOTW link, Tadashi Hamada, Until Dawn Gang, Kaim Argonar, Sonan Kusakube, Rick Flag, Jin Samurai Champloo, Spike Spiegel, and hella JJK men.
- More oneshots for Biggs, Carlos Oliveira, Billy Coen, and Zack Fair, and Kevin Levin.
Don’t expect these for another 5 years because it’s gonna be a HOT minute before you see anything more than the occasional one-shot.
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necromancer-mango · 3 years
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[image description: A digital drawing of the Chicago Firefighters from the game Blaseball. This particular team is from one of the short circuits. The players are Lancelot Frost, Ava Chimney, Hugh Buck, Arianna Zebulon, Hops Drink, Dominic Kugel, Russ Wobin, Kennedy Moyo, Ice Biggs, Kid Lister, Wolf Calathea, Evangelina Ball, Calliope Cooper, and Mel Tarcher. They are all standing in stacked rows and intermingling with each other. /end image description]
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germvity · 3 years
hello! im germ and i own this multifandom blog.
im mainly a writer but i like drawing and editing things too ☺️
my reader is gender neutral unless stated otherwise.
blog name was: enavity
this blog will contain swearing! if that's something you don't like feel free to leave!
don't repost any of my stuff please
reblogs > likes (but idm!)
personal writing tag: #germvity writing
personal random talk tag: #germvity venting
don't use my personal tags pls and ty
i do not tolerate: racism, pedoph!lia, death threats/r@pe threats/r@pe jokes (they were never funny and never will be) (will write dub-con but nothing else!), su!c!de baiting, threats of s*lf h*rm/sh baiting, homophobia/transphobia/anti-lgbt, abuse giving people shit for their religion, posting hate for a fandom i write in: i.e i write for slashers sometimes and ik people think we condone their actions even tho we don't + they're fictional soo chill.
i'm uncomfortable with some kinks such as:
feet, scat!!!, ageplay (fucking gross), snuff, heavy bondage, extreme bdsm, spanking/cropping, slave/owner (more maybe added idk)
(fandoms and stories below cut)
• ENA - joel g:
ena, moony
• DBD:
surv: feng min, yui kimura, jake park, elódie rakoto, quentin smith, felix richter, yun-jin lee, cheryl mason, leon s. kennedy, steve harrington (more may be added)
killer: danny johnson (ghostface), demogorgon (pls don't judge me 😭), michael myers (shape), sally smithson (nurse), anna (huntress), rin yamaoka (spirit aka best girl who deserved so much better), f.j.s.j (legion - seperate ownly), adiris (plague), caleb quinn (deathslinger), talbot grimes (blight), charlotte deshay (twins), ji-woon hak (trickster) (more may be added)
max, nikki, neil, nerris, harrison, preston, sasha, erin, jasper (aged up only!), david, gwen, daniel
kaeya, amber, venti, albedo, diluc, childe, razor (more may be added)
(more may be added)
requests closed atm!
(human versions/animal!reader only i don't do animal/human (ironic isn't it bc i write for demo-))
ash, kris, agnes (aged up), mr fox aka red bc he canonically doesn't have a first name (aka dilf 😩), stan weasel, felicity fox, franklin bean (please his voice is perfect)
jeff, ben, toby, tim/masky, brian/hoodie, helen/bloody painter, jane 😍, eyeless jack, laughing jack, isaac grossman, sally (PLATONICALLY), (more may be added)
asra, julian, portia, nadi 💜, muriel, lucio, valdemar, vulgora, volta, vlastomil, valerius
adrien, chat noir, luka, nathaniel, chloe, alya, marinette, alix, félix, kagami
brian stells, sophie walten (fem only), jack walten, felix kranken
william afton (fnaf series), michael afton/schmidt (fnaf series), jeremy fitzgerald (fnaf series)
cloud strife <3, biggs, jessie, reno, leslie kyle <3
edward richtofen, tank dempsey, nikolai belinski, takeo masaki, marlton johnson, abigail “misty” briarton, michael “finn” o’leary, albert “weasel” arlington, billy handsome, sal deluca, scarlett rhodes, bruno delacroix, diego necalli, stanton shaw
rises the moon // leon kennedy x reader
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15
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Video Game One-Shots and Drabbles Master List.
 -Drabbles are up to 300 words and less than 1000
 -One-Shots are more than 1000 words
- ✦ means it is a drabble
- ★ means it is a one-shot.
- ♥ means it has sexual content or implied smut
-💔means it is an angst fic.
-★ means it is a Headcanon.
-⚜ means it is a Mini Series.
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Assassin’s Creed:
Uncanny || Jacob Frye ||-✦
Smooth Talk || Deimos!Alexios ||- ✦ + - ♥ 
Marry me || Jacob Frye ||- ✦ + - ♥ 
Patching up a wound || Edward Kenway ||
Beautiful Music || Jacob Frye ||
A Scared Kiss || Ezio Auditore ||
Fierce Moon || Jacob Frye || - ♥ 
Bang Bang || Jacob Frye ||  - ♥ 
tall buff characters opening pickle jars (◕‿◕✿) || Jacob Frye ||
Tall Buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Connor Kenway ||
tall buff characters that are afraid of breaking their lovers || Shay Cormac ||
The Five Senses-Hearing || Alexios ||
Did you hear? I’m going to be a dad! || Samuel Drake || ✦
You can call me Daddy Drake || Nathan Drake ||- ✦
Snowball Fight || Nathan Drake ||-✦
It’s just an Epilogue || Nathan Drake ||-✦
Mr. Wonderful || Nathan Drake || *Rewrite*-✦
Mr. Wonderful || Nathan Drake ||
Raging Storm || Sam Drake ||.
Being Pregnant has it quirks || Sam Drake ||
Turkey Trouble || Sam Drake ||
What if I'm a bad dad? || Sam Drake ||
Red Dead Redemption:
Tonight We Dance|| Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
I’m Crazy About You || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
I’m Gonna Be A Daddy? || Arthur Morgan |||- ✦
I’ll Be The Best Father Around || Arthur Morgan |||- ✦
Stage 1 — The Meeting || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Stage 2 — Courting || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Let Me Stay Here By Your Side || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦
Mistletoe kisses || Modern!Charles Smith ||- ✦
Just Some fun in the camp || Arthur Morgan ||- ✦-♥
Arthur Morgan’s 25 Day’s of Christmas {{ Full List }}- ✦
A Bambi Kiss || Arthur Morgan ||
Arthur Morgan  Sex Headcanon.- ♥ -✨
Resident Evil / Day’s Gone:
To The Man Who Let Her Go || Chris Redfield ||
So Many Kisses || Carlos Oliveira ||
I’ll never stop living you ||  James O'Brian || 
So many kisses || Carlos Oliveira ||
First Kiss || Carlos Oliveira || 
Sleepy Hug || Carlos Oliveira ||
The Little Things || Carlos Oliveira ||
She Wouldn’t Be Gone || Leon S. Kennedy ||.
The Lift hug || Carlos Oliveira ||
A Forehead Kiss || Carlos Oliveira ||
My Life ; My Princess || Carlos Oliveira ||
I’m going to hug you now || Carlos Oliveira ||
Fuck IKEA || Leon S.Kennedy ||
You look! I’m to Nervous || Rookie!Leon ||
Get your dad jokes ready || Rookie!Leon ||
Get your dad jokes ready || Leon S. Kennedy ||
Silent Comfort || Rookie!Leon ||
A kiss…. in relief || Billy Coen ||
Jealousy || Leon S. Kennedy ||
A kiss … …to pretend.|| Leon S. Kennedy ||.
an adrenaline kiss || Rookie!Leon ||
Summer Bike Rides and Picnics || Deacon St. John ||.
Hallway Sex is the best kind of sex || Deacon St. John ||
Supermassive Games: { Little Hope / Until Dawn / Men Of Medan }
Forget-me-not’s & Foxglove’s || Mike Munroe ||-✦.
Don’t You dare throw that snow ba-” || Mike Munore ||- ✦
First Date || Mike Munroe ||- ✦
I think I might be Pregnant || Josh Washington ||- ✦
It’s Not Just Make Believe || David Milton || - ✦.
He’s One Of The Good One’s || Anthony Clark ||-✦.
Keep Bleeding Love || Abraham Alastor || Pt I-✦.
Keep Bleeding Love || Abraham Alastor || Pt II-✦.
I’m so sorry || Daniel ||-✦.
Just kiss already || Abraham Alastor ||-✦
Love In The Mountains || Josh Washington ||
Lovin In The Forest || Wendigo Josh Washington ||
You’re Safe Now || Mike Munore ||
Take it off || Josh Washington ||
I think i might be pregnant || Josh Washington ||
Devil May Cry-
Baby Hog || Dante Sparda || - ✦
Please Don’t Cry || Nero ||
Baby’s First Kicks || Nero ||
What a wonderful Christmas Surprise. || Dante Sparda ||
Silent Night || V ||
Just this once || Dante ||
I said a book…not a poem || V ||
Leave it To Dante || Dante ||
Do you think they’ll have your eyes?|| Vergil ||
Expecting || Nero ||
Miscellaneous Games: { Wolf Among Us / Detroit Become Human }
Ralph likes to kiss! || Ralph x Reader ||- ✦
“Am I too old to go trick-or-treating?”|| Connor ||- ✦
It’s getting hot in here || Connor ||-✦
Romantic Kiss || Connor ||-✦
You want me to what? || Hank Anderson ||-✦
Sweet Boy || Connor ||- ✦
December 3rd: Snow || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Morning Kisses || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Cuddles || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
Christmas Morning || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦
First Snow || Bigby Wolf ||- ✦.
Amortentia Bigby-★.
Then you kissed me || Bigby Wolf ||
Little Red Ridin’ Hood || Bigby Wolf ||
Everyone Needs a little lovin || Bigby Wolf ||
'So... Hypothetically, if we were to have a baby, how would you react? || Bigby Wolf || 
tall buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Bigby Wolf ||
What A Handsome Wolf || Bigby Wolf ||
Miscellaneous Games 2: {OverWatch / Mortal Kombat  / Far Cry 5}
Heelllloooo || Johnny Cage x Reader |||- ✦
Vampire!Gabriel Reyes - ✦
Bats || Jesse McCree ||- ✦
Laughter || Gabriel Reyes ||- ✦
First Kiss || Sub-Zero ||- ✦
Oh My God || Kenshi ||- ✦
You’re Alive || Eli Palmer || -✦
I’ve Missed you || Sharky Boshaw ||-✦
The Dragon’s Nest || Hanzo || 
Miscellaneous Games 3: {Call Of Duty / Marvel Avengers  / Ghost  Of  Tsushima}
Bambi Kiss || Steve Rogers ||
Tall buff characters that are actually gentle giants || Daniels ||
I’m so sorry. || Steve Rogers ||
When I am dead || Taka ||-💔
but it’s all coming back to me || Jin Sakai ||
Friendship is the Best Medicine. || Jin Sakai / Ryuzo ||
Pure love. || Jin Sakai ||  
It’s Just A Kiss || Jin Sakai ||
I’ll make you feel better || Jin Sakai ||
Be The One You Need || Joseph Turner ||
The Ghost & The Kitsune. || Jin Sakai ||
The Last Of Us:
Amortentia Joel-★
A kiss to bruised skin || Joel Miller ||
Baby’s First Kicks || Joel Miller ||
You’re My Light || Joel Miller ||
tall buff characters || Joel Miller ||
Final Fantasy:
A kiss on the nose || Tseng ||
You’re glowing || Cloud Strife ||
The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife || The Date-⚜
A Kiss…Out Of Love.|| Biggs ||
Just a little confession of love || Biggs ||
The SOLDIER and The Baker || Cloud Strife ||-⚜ Part 1 || Part 2. || Part 3 || Part 4. || Part 5.
I’m Scared || Cloud Strife ||
Cheiloproclitic || Cloud Strife ||
Sleepy Kiss|| Cloud Strife ||.
403 notes · View notes
meganwhalenturner · 3 years
Please never vote for any of these people again
Sorry, St Bluebell isn’t here today.  Besides how much I hate Hobby Lobby, the one potentially rage inducing issue I bring up on this site is voting.  After I have encouraged all of you to register and cast your votes, these people voted to nullify the election results in states where their candidate didn’t win.  They did so *after* the assault on the Capitol Building, after they had seen the consequences of their attempt to undermine the peaceful transfer of power in this country.
Every year our government becomes more powerful, gains more power over the daily lives of its citizens.  Its knows where you live, it knows who you talk to on the phone, it knows what library books you checked out, it knows what you had for breakfast.  The most important issue facing us today is whether we, the people, will ensure that we have a government we can trust before we lose all control of it.  Every single one of these people should be primaried by their own party and never allowed to hold any public office again.
Tommy Tuberville, Ala.
Rick Scott, Fla.
Roger Marshall, Kan.
John Kennedy, La.
Cindy Hyde-Smith, Miss.
Josh Hawley, Mo.
Ted Cruz, Texas
Cynthia Lummis, Wyo.
Robert B. Aderholt, Ala.
Mo Brooks, Ala.
Jerry Carl, Ala.
Barry Moore, Ala.
Gary Palmer, Ala.
Mike Rogers, Ala.
Andy Biggs, Ariz.
Paul Gosar, Ariz.
Debbie Lesko, Ariz.
David Schweikert, Ariz.
Rick Crawford, Ark.
Ken Calvert, Calif.
Mike Garcia, Calif.
Darrell Issa, Calif.
Doug LaMalfa, Calif.
Kevin McCarthy, Calif.
Devin Nunes, Calif.
Jay Obernolte, Calif.
Lauren Boebert, Colo.
Doug Lamborn, Colo.
Kat Cammack, Fla.
Mario Diaz-Balart, Fla.
Byron Donalds, Fla.
Neal Dunn, Fla.
Scott Franklin, Fla.
Matt Gaetz, Fla.
Carlos Gimenez, Fla.
Brian Mast, Fla.
Bill Posey, Fla.
John Rutherford, Fla.
Greg Steube, Fla.
Daniel Webster, Fla.
Rick Allen, Ga.
Earl L. "Buddy" Carter, Ga.
Andrew Clyde, Ga.
Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ga.
Jody Hice, Ga.
Barry Loudermilk, Ga.
Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Mike Bost, Ill.
Mary Miller, Ill.
Jim Baird, Ind.
Jim Banks, Ind.
Greg Pence, Ind.
Jackie Walorski, Ind.
Ron Estes, Kan.
Jacob LaTurner, Kan.
Tracey Mann, Kan.
Harold Rogers, Ky.
Garret Graves, La.
Clay Higgins, La.
Mike Johnson, La.
Steve Scalise, La.
Andy Harris, Md.
Jack Bergman, Mich.
Lisa McClain, Mich.
Tim Walberg, Mich.
Michelle Fischbach, Minn.
Jim Hagedorn, Minn.
Michael Guest, Miss.
Trent Kelly, Miss.
Steven Palazzo, Miss.
Sam Graves, Mo.
Vicky Hartzler, Mo.
Billy Long, Mo.
Blaine Luetkemeyer, Mo.
Jason Smith, Mo.
Matt Rosendale, Mont.
Dan Bishop, N.C.
Ted Budd, N.C.
Madison Cawthorn, N.C.
Virginia Foxx, N.C.
Richard Hudson, N.C.
Gregory F. Murphy, N.C.
David Rouzer, N.C.
Jeff Van Drew, N.J.
Yvette Herrell, N.M.
Chris Jacobs, N.Y.
Nicole Malliotakis, N.Y.
Elise M. Stefanik, N.Y.
Lee Zeldin, N.Y.
Adrian Smith, Neb.
Steve Chabot, Ohio
Warren Davidson, Ohio
Bob Gibbs, Ohio
Bill Johnson, Ohio
Jim Jordan, Ohio
Stephanie Bice, Okla.
Tom Cole, Okla.
Kevin Hern, Okla.
Frank Lucas, Okla.
Markwayne Mullin, Okla.
Cliff Bentz, Ore.
John Joyce, Pa.
Fred Keller, Pa.
Mike Kelly, Pa.
Daniel Meuser, Pa.
Scott Perry, Pa.
Guy Reschenthaler, Pa.
Lloyd Smucker, Pa.
Glenn Thompson, Pa.
Jeff Duncan, S.C.
Ralph Norman, S.C.
Tom Rice, S.C.
William Timmons, S.C.
Joe Wilson, S.C.
Tim Burchett, Tenn.
Scott DesJarlais, Tenn.
Chuck Fleischmann, Tenn.
Mark E. Green, Tenn.
Diana Harshbarger, Tenn.
David Kustoff, Tenn.
John Rose, Tenn.
Jodey Arrington, Texas
Brian Babin, Texas
Michael C. Burgess, Texas
John R. Carter, Texas
Michael Cloud, Texas
Pat Fallon, Texas
Louie Gohmert, Texas
Lance Gooden, Texas
Ronny Jackson, Texas
Troy Nehls, Texas
August Pfluger, Texas
Pete Sessions, Texas
Beth Van Duyne, Texas
Randy Weber, Texas
Roger Williams, Texas
Ron Wright, Texas
Burgess Owens, Utah
Chris Stewart, Utah
Ben Cline, Va.
Bob Good, Va.
Morgan Griffith, Va.
Robert J. Wittman, Va.
Carol Miller, W.Va.
Alexander X. Mooney, W.Va.
Scott Fitzgerald, Wis.
Tom Tiffany, Wis.
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