#kenny miller x reader
mackjlee9 · 8 months
|Part 2|Kenny Rossmore x Male!Reader [Lime&Fluff]
Warning; the lime part is a wet dream.
part 1. «««
We're the Millers.
After those kisses, Kenny was feeling greatly confused. He had found himself with conflicted feelings.
Did he like Melissa? Did he like (M/n)? Or did he just like how his kisses made him feel?
He didn't know, but he knew he had been thinking more and more about kissing (M/n) again rather than kissing Melissa. That thought scared him.
The rest of the trip had felt like a blur to him, he just remembered feeling flustered around his best friend, a guy he had seen naked plenty of times before, so... Why was he feeling like this? Whatever it was, he needed to find out and solve it, quickly.
But well... With all that occurred, he was able to think about it just now, in the house they were provided by the Witness Protection Program. Kenny wasn't sure he would ever see Melissa again and... He wasn't sure he wanted to either. He had been missing (M/n) as he had never missed him before, and only now was he able to text him the address of his new house.
"Yeah, alright, I'll be there tomorrow for lunch, Kenny," he nodded at (M/n)'s words, until he remembered they were on a call, so he couldn't see him, he almost wanted to hit himself.
"Great! I'll... See you tomorrow then..." He said in a quiet voice, unknowingly making (M/n) frown. He had noticed Kenny had been behaving weirdly lately.
He didn't respond to his texts like usual, and it felt like he was always on edge when they called like they were doing now, more than once he thought it was because they kissed, but Kenny had agreed to pretend it never happened, so they hadn't said a word about it.
Even so, (M/n) knew Kenny would just avoid the issue if he asked, so he decided to not bring it up, "See ya, Kenny, dream of me~," he said teasingly, just like how he was used to doing for years on end, and Kenny would tease him back, it was their usual banter.
"That would be nice, I-I mean..." (M/n) froze, speechless for a few seconds, did he hear what he thought he heard? "Have a good night!" And he hung up.
He released a breathy chuckle and a sigh, leaning back until he fell on the soft mattress. The sound of the shower stopping next to the room caught his attention, and he sat up, putting his boots and shirt back on, buttoning his jeans and grabbing his stuff, phone, wallet, jacket and keys.
Right as he finished fixing his clothes, the bathroom door opened, and the guy he was planning on sleeping with walked out with a wide smile on his face, one that faded when he saw (M/n) fully dressed.
"Where are you going?" (M/n) looked up at him and opened his wallet, walking closer to the guy and handing him three hundred dollars, "What-?"
"For the room, and... I don't know, you can buy something nice for yourself, sorry," and he left the room, leaving his date frozen in shock and anger.
Heavy breathing filled the silence of Kenny's room, quiet gasps and small moans escaping past his lips. He squirmed on his bed and his hands gripped the sheets, a frown appearing on his brow.
"(M/n)..." He whispered into the quietness of the night, images flashing behind his closed eyelids, "(M/n)," He mumbled with more urgency, his hips lifting slightly off the bed, "Pl-please..."
The image of (M/n) sucking his cock and humming around it in content was making Kenny's mind spin, his sight glossy with tears and his body covered in goosebumps. He couldn't look away from (M/n), who easily took every inch of his hard cock down his throat, the stimulation making him whimper pathetically, forcing him to cover his mouth.
"Mhm, don't do that..." (M/n) took his dripping cock out of his mouth, his hand wrapping around it and slowly stroking him, "I wanna hear you, Kenny, does my mouth feel good?"
Kenny bit his lip, and held back a whimper, nodding without breaking eye contact with (M/n), but he wasn't content with that.
"Use your words, love, I can't understand you otherwise," Kenny whined as (M/n)'s thumb rubbed around his slit and covered it, making shivers run down his spine, "You want to cum in my mouth, don't you?" He whined louder in response, his hips stuttering as he thrusted up against (M/n)'s hand, "Then say it."
Kenny closed his eyes tightly for a few seconds, tears fell down his red cheeks as he looked at (M/n) again, "Y-your mouth fe-feels so good, (M/n)... I wanna- I wanna c-cum in your mouth, p-please."
(M/n) smirked at Kenny's words and moved closer to his throbbing, oozing cock, "Good boy."
His body trembled on his bed, his mind going numb as he came, catching the smallest glimpse of his cum filling (M/n)'s mouth before his eyes closed due to the pleasure that made his whole body tingle. But when his eyes opened again he was all alone in his room, and (M/n) was nowhere to be seen. Then he realized.
He had a wet dream about his best friend. And... He came, in real life.
While Kenny was busy washing his dirty underwear, he couldn't help but wonder. Was he gay? Or did he just like (M/n)? He didn't know and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.
And after hanging his underwear to dry, he went back to bed but was unable to sleep at all after that, scared that he might have another dream, but even being awake was proving to be difficult, seeing how those images would randomly appear and remind him of what happened less than an hour ago.
How was he gonna look at (M/n) when he comes tomorrow? He's probably gonna stay a few days over as well-
"What is wrong with me?" Kenny dropped his arm over his eyes and released a deep sigh. Guess he'll just have to pretend nothing happened and ignore that dream, act as if it never happened. Like he had to do with anything related to (M/n) lately.
He just hoped he would be able to act as if nothing was going on with him, but then again, (M/n) had always been able to read him like an open book.
And wondering about what he should do, Kenny ended up falling asleep for a few hours, and no weird dreams plagued his unconscious mind this time around.
Although Casey made sure he was awake with all the noise she was making with her music.
"Casey! Turn that shit off!" He heard David yelling from the first floor, and the volume of the music lowered, which made them sigh in relief as they were, once again, able to hear their own thoughts.
Afternoon came around, and Kenny was impatiently waiting in the living room close to the door, (M/n) should be coming any minute now-
"Kenny, aren't you going to eat with us?" He heard Rose's voice calling for him from the kitchen door, and he hesitated, glancing at the door and then down at his phone before nodding, he didn't get to answer verbally because Casey got the words out first.
"He's waiting for his boyfriend~!" Kenny felt his whole body heating up and tingling with anxiety, his nerves spiking to unreasonable levels.
"Uh- no- we-"
"Oh! You two are already dating? Why didn't you tell me?" Rose sounded way too happy about this "news", and Kenny wasn't sure how to react to that, "I'm so happy for you!" She hugged him and he was even more speechless than before.
"You never know until you know," David added while taking a sip of his beer, and before Kenny could refute their words, he received a text, "Well, don't make that little shithead wait."
Casey chuckled at David's words, while Rose looked at him with a serious look, to which David shrugged and acted as if he hadn't said anything, "I'll get another plate ready for (M/n)."
Kenny sighed and turned around, heading to the front door and opening it. (M/n) was there, staring off into the street, frowning at the sound of kids playing outside, only for his frown to turn into a smile when he turned to look at Kenny.
"Hey, we haven't seen each other in so long," (M/n) greeted Kenny with their usual 'bro-hug' and walked in.
"Yeah... It's been a while..."
Both of them walked to the kitchen, but before they could cross the door frame, Kenny held (M/n)'s hand and prevented him from walking in. He turned to look at Kenny in silence for a few seconds, "What?" He asked quietly.
"Listen, uh... Casey said you were my bo-boyfriend, and Rose..." (M/n) blinked a few times, enjoying how the red of Kenny's blush made his eyes brighter, and he nodded a few times.
"You want us to pretend? Good, let's go," Kenny didn't get to say anything else, about how he actually wanted (M/n) to explain they were, in fact, not dating, but he had already let go of his hand and walked into the kitchen by himself, "Hello, everyone!"
His words received a 'hello, (M/n)' in return and Kenny tilted his head down in defeat, "Kenny, don't just stand there! Come in."
This was gonna be awkward...
"Well... No more fake parents annoying us..." Kenny said as walked to his desk and sat on his chair, turning on his computer to get ready to play, "Here," he tossed the extra controller to (M/n) who effortlessly caught it and sat at the end of Kenny's bed, "Whatcha wanna play?"
(M/n) sighed and shrugged, "Surprise me~"
Kenny thought about it for a few minutes before deciding on a game they could enjoy together, and began playing the day away, focused on the screen and nothing else.
They were locked in Kenny's rooms for a long time, only ever getting out to go to the bathroom or get something to eat, and for a moment, everything felt like it once did. The air was light and relaxed between them, no weird thoughts going on in his head and he liked that, he could enjoy (M/n)'s company without thinking of how much he wanted to kiss him-.
Oh, he's thinking about it now...
"Haha! I win!" (M/n) exclaimed with a victorious grin on his face, catching Kenny's attention. His eyes immediately landed on (M/n)'s lips and everything he had managed to forget came back to him.
The kiss, his dream... Wanting to do more than that and make it real...
He abruptly stood up from his chair and rushed to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. (M/n) blinked confused, wondering if Kenny knew he had been way too obvious about what his "problem" was right as he left.
He sighed and walked out of the room, heading downstairs and sitting next to Casey on the couch. "So?"
(M/n) chuckled and looked up at the ceiling, "Haven't even started and I got enough proof, Cass."
"Told you, you just have to be you, he's outing himself." They sat together and talked for a while, discussing what (M/n) should do next, "Well, you're staying a few days, right?" He nodded with a 'yep', "Then you'll find a good opportunity by yourself, just... Keep being you."
The sound of footsteps coming down the stairs caught their attention, and there was Kenny, looking confused and with a cute pink blush on his face.
"Had fun by yourself?" Casey asked in a teasing tone as she stood up and walked past him, enjoying how Kenny's face turned darker as he stuttered, trying to find anything he could say in his defence, "Anyway, don't make too much noise, guys~, remember my room is next yours Kenny!"
And with that, even (M/n) was speechless.
The next few days were spent pretty much the same way, Kenny and (M/n) would spend time together and then Casey would tease the ever-living hell out of Kenny whenever she saw him blushing the slightest bit. Usually, (M/n) would have stopped her, and told her to not make fun of Kenny, but he actually enjoyed watching him all nervous and flustered when anyone, and not just Casey, would make a comment about them being together.
(M/n) especially liked when Kenny would take his hand and drag him upstairs to his room, apologizing for how annoying they were being.
Sometimes, the Millers felt and looked like a real family, and under the eyes of the law, they were, although not legally nor officially, something that Don Fitzgerald let slip by.
And now, they were playing video games again, Kenny was on his gamer chair and (M/n) was on the bed, he was currently dead and waiting for his respawn, so he took this time to start telling these little white lies to his best friend.
"Y'know, there's this person I've met that I really like," Kenny stopped moving and completely lost focus, turning to look at (M/n), who had unlocked his phone to mindlessly scroll through his apps, "It's been a while since I've dated anyone, maybe I should try asking-"
(M/n) was unaware of how Kenny had stood up from his chair, completely dismissing the game running in the background, and walked until he was standing in front of him, leaning down while holding (M/n)'s face with both of his hands like that day in the RV, and cut him off with a kiss.
It's safe to say he was pleasantly caught off guard, he wasn't expecting that reaction or outcome when he said that lie, but he genuinely didn't mind, however, he didn't get to enjoy their kiss because Kenny backed away all too soon.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Fuck, I don't know why I did that, I'm so sorry..." Kenny felt a sudden regretful feeling after kissing (M/n) without his permission, he had no idea what came over him nor why he did it, "I'm sorry, so sorry..." He kept babbling while tears began to gather in his eyes, something that (M/n) noticed, and he wasn't gonna let Kenny feel like he did something wrong for kissing him.
(M/n) knew how anything he said wouldn't help calm Kenny down, so he decided to let his actions do the speaking instead.
He stood up and held Kenny's hand in his, looking into his eyes before showing him a tiny smile and leaning closer to kiss him, his free hand moving to gently touch Kenny's face. At first, their kiss was tense, until Kenny let himself relax and wrapped his arms around (M/n)'s neck, feeling how his hand moved from his face to hold onto his hips.
They kissed for what felt like an eternity, enjoying the closeness they had with each other and their warmth, until Kenny gently pushed (M/n) away due to the lack of air.
Their eyes opened and (M/n) saw Kenny's face flushed red, his eyes glossy with tears and pupils were blown as they stared at each other, "Why... Why did you...?" He smiled and held onto the waistband of Kenny's pants, bringing him closer while maintaining eye contact.
"Because I like you, Kenny, that's why," he watched as a smile began to grow on Kenny's face, which didn't last long since Kenny decided to cover his face with his hands. At first, (M/n) thought he was just so overwhelmed and happy that he didn't want to be seen all red and flushed, but he frowned and got worried as he heard him start to sob, "Kenny? Are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"
A shake of his head was his response and he was somehow put at ease, but his worry didn't lessen.
"I thought... You wo-would hate me or... Or find me d-disgusting if you found out I li-liked you, (M/n)..." Well, who would've thought that they were worrying about the same thing?
It didn't matter to (M/n) whether he had been in love with Kenny for longer than Kenny had been in love with him, he just cared about finally, after so many years, having his love be reciprocated.
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joelhoney · 7 months
#1 girl
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pairing: dbf joel miller x afab/sorority sister reader
kenny here... tumblr Blipped me u guys. but i loved this too much to let it waste into nothingness. so here we go again take two using an ancient blog i never even used (from 2016 mind u...) enjoy!
You're too wrapped up in sorority duties to remember somebody's supposed to pick you up and drive you home tonight. One pissed-off Joel, curious conversation, and cowboy hat later, your evening takes an unexpected turn.
warnings: no outbreak au, dbf!joel, self gratuitous age gap (21/51), shy reader w/ some bursts of confidence, blowjob (m receiving), handjob (f receiving), dirty talk, praise, degradation too..., overuse of pet names... must b all
Of all the ways you imagined spending your fifth day of spring break, the last was in your dad’s best friend’s pickup truck with lame rock playing dryly through the console radio. In fact, last is generous—the idea itself had never even been conjured in your head.
The reason why is because you and your dad’s best friend—Mr. Miller—don’t typically interact beyond the confines of dinners, mandatory laughter, and the occasional one-on-one about something like boys in college, or classes in college, or the drive to college. Nothing much had changed when you moved the brief drive away to UT Austin, and between you everything’s remained the same, even now in your senior year.
For instance, a break—summer, spring, winter—would begin with your parents picking you up and shuttling off to the house, and end with an affair of the similar sort. Quickly into your first year, though, you learned to always insist you either leave school late or leave home early for spring break to take advantage of campus parties, especially because your senior year had cemented your shiny new position as President of Alpha Phi.
Any officer position in a sorority already came with a good deal of responsibility, let alone the presidency; and in addition to having recently turned twenty-one, the role required you to exhaust every drop of social battery, every ounce of skill you had at party hosting and alcohol obtaining without the use of a flimsy fake.
The eliminated nerves of using fakes made you much less nervous during parties, which often led to you letting more loose than usual. This party you’re in was thrown by some frat on campus, but this house is your last place of four; first two pregames, then a bar, then here. At some point at the bar your sisters had surprised you with a fun gift for the night, so you’re also wearing a pink sash, onto which rhinestones spelling out #1 Girl have been glued with precision.
Already you’re dizzy, wiping clammy fingers on the stiff cotton of your tight tank top, the curve of your tits spilling over the Alpha Phi logo. It’s small on you, the hem high above your navel and higher above the loose, low hem of your denim shorts. If they fell low enough on your hips, the high arch of your pink thong would’ve shown itself—maybe it did at some point, you’re too loopy to care.
“Oh, no,” you’re saying, but you can barely hear yourself over the rap song playing and everyone singing along, “no, I hate Jäger.” You’re shaking your head at your best friend and Vice President, Lia, who raises two handfuls of the opaque liquid. She shakes her head, sets them down on the table you’re leaning against.
“Lighten up, duuude. We’re taking them to celebrate your first and last spring break as President.”
“Aw, fine,” you muse loudly, giving in. “Only this once.” Out of obligation and genuine gratitude, you allow yourself to stomach your least favorite drink—then another, and another, a bit of each shot dribbling down the column of your throat and stickily onto your chest.
Lia snaps at the red bra strap that peeks out of your tank strap, laughing. “Settle down, Prez.” A partygoer, rowdy as they come, roughly deposits a sweaty cowboy hat onto your head and you yelp in surprise, steadying it. Whoever gave this, I’m keeping it! you holler, laughing as you feed yourself a shot of something your tongue enjoys more.
Absolut crowds the inside of your mouth when you take it back, interrupted only when a hand comes to shake at your shoulder. In your rush to turn, you nearly hit them with your hat.
It’s Cole, a good friend and member of the frat whose house you’re currently getting tipsy in. His eyes are rimmed and the whole air of him smells like weed. He offers one greeting: “Yo.” His eyes slide down to your chest, where your tugged-down tank has exposed a few inches of your red bra’s lacy cups.
“Hey,” you say, the syllable sounding sticky. “Up here, you ass. Jägerbomb?” You offer a smile.
“‘M a’ight. Listen, some…” He shakes his head, like he’s trying to place what he’s here to tell you. Then he nods, having remembered—“Right. Some old guy’s out front asking for you.”
“Asking for me? Old… guy?” Your eyebrows scrunch together, mind foggy. “My dad?” Shit. You’d completely forgotten they’d be picking you up today or tomorrow. Maybe they’d been waiting for hours—it’s one-thirty, the clock on the living room mantel reads. 
“Nah, man, not your dad, this guy’s… he’s got a red pickup truck, um, he’s, like, he’s old looking.” He raises a hand above his own head. “Tall.” His voice is drawly with the weed high, but as soon as he said red pickup, you knew exactly who he was talking about. One look at your phone confirms it—five missed calls and a message, 11PM, sent by your dad: Joel’s in the area for work. He’s going out with buddies but can swing by the house to pick you up. I’m giving him your #.
“Fuck.” You blink. “Fuck! I gotta go.” 
You never usually have to pack shit to go home, considering the drive isn’t too far. Briefly you consider making a detour to collect things from your sorority house, but you decide to sacrifice the laptop and the few important chargers. So, armed with only your phone, you wrench your way out of the crowd, a few goodbyes thrown in your direction and back.
The front door is open so the partygoers spill onto the front yard, intermittent conversation littering the area. Along the pavement, frat guys’ Civics and and Priuses are parked beside an old looking red pickup truck; leaned against it is—
“Mr. Miller,” you blurt out when you’re closer to him, voice steady (your mind is just as well, shocked back to lucidity from his presence). “I’m sorry. I had no idea you’d be picking me up today—tonight—” You heave a sigh, apologetic, refusing to meet his eyes. “Sorry.”
His arms are crossed over his chest, the sleeves of his button-up rolled up to his elbows. Even from a few feet away you can make out the shape, the lines of muscle on his forearms. He looks tired, moody—more than usual—and your heart pangs with guilt at the idea that you could be the reason behind it. But despite your best—really, your best—efforts, your stomach still swoops the same way it did when you were seventeen and naive, enough to find next-door-neighbor Mr. Miller extremely handsome. Hell, extremely hot.
It didn’t make sense. You’d suspected your little crush would be that—an adolescent, childish thing, evaporating more and more into thin air with every drive made to campus. But he never stopped being handsome, never stopped his corny jokes and the pet names that got you warm every time you visited over break. You had plenty of eye candy on campus, athletes and gamers alike, and yes you’d been picky, but had managed to sleep with a select few—despite all of it, only the remnants of your fantasies of Mr. Miller satiated you when your hand creeps into the apex of your thighs late at night, lust wrangling shame into silence for a few minutes.
You blink and the train of thought is over—the real thing is here, eyebrows set low, mouth frowning.
“Kiddo,” he starts, his voice thin with exhaustion, “look, I’ve done my share of… drinkin’, and that. I get it. But you gotta…” He clicks his tongue, eyes looking your outfit up and down. “You gotta let me know, let your parents know, where you are, and if you’re okay. ‘Cause I really did not want to spend tonight drivin’ from house to bar, to bar to house, feelin’ like I was lookin’ all over Austin for you.”
“I know,” you supply quickly, nodding. Your hands, fidgety, find purchase on the fibres of the silk sash strung along your figure. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Miller. I didn’t check my phone the entire evening, and—”
“It’s okay.” He says, nonchalant, lifting himself off the side of the car to walk to the drivers’ side. Gruffly, he adds, “Car.”
You’re quick to tug the door open, settling yourself on the passenger seat and breathing nervously. Your legs are littered with body glitter, your chest with the tack of Jäger. You spot him outside, his walk slow. He’s annoyed—rightfully so—stopping just shy of the door to pinch at the bridge of his nose, his lips miming a slow exhale. When he finally wrangles himself to sit, it’s quiet for a minute, then another.
“Y’have fun?” He starts the car, thrumming it to life. You nod, then offer a verbal answer—yeah. He nods, wiping a palm over his face. “What were you up to?” 
“I, um… I organized a pregame for my sorority.” You toy with the rogue strands of denim of your shorts. “We went to a bar, after… then another… then, well.” You gulp. “Here.” The last question escapes you in a shaky, breathy squeak. “And you?”
“Hah, sure, kid. Had some contractor thing, half an hour from here. Then drinks with a coupl’a buddies from work. Could’ve been home by eleven-thirty,” he says roughly, driving through the still-vibrant streets of campus, “but it’s nearin’ two and I’m on a college campus.” The urge to apologize bubbles at your lips, high in your stomach, but you remain quiet. After a few stretches of dry silence, he asks again. “That party must’ve been real fun for you to leave your old man—and me—on radio silence, wun’nit?”
“Sure,” you manage, stammering. “We were celebrating my sorority presidency.” The dark scenery of Austin blurs past. 
“Oh, sorority presidency,” he repeats, both teasing and genuinely curious. “I did hear your dad mention you were in Alpha Phi, s’that right?” You nod. “What’s that, then? Do presidents get cowboy hats?”
Your face grows hot, hands reaching up to clutch at the rim of the hat atop your head. “No, this—somebody put it—it was a joke, Mr. Miller.” A huffy laugh escapes you. “Sorry.”
“Sweetheart,” he says, and you wrench the reminder he’s 51 he’s 51 he’s 51 through your head while he pauses, “‘m drivin’ you around Austin late at night, and I’ve known you for your whole life. How ‘bout we drop the Mr. Miller act, alright?”
“Oh. Okay,” you say. His hands grip the steering wheel firmly, and your eyes wander to his arms, to how he’s basically stuffed into the shirt he’s wearing, big and broad and bulky. His eyes remain focused ahead, so you let yourself indulge a tad bit more—lower, to the material of his jeans. It’s dark in the truck, so you can’t see much, just the flex of his thighs. “Joel.”
“Attagirl.” You chew at the inside of your cheek, already feeling arousal simmering in you, low and dirty. You’re going to soak through this godforsaken thong. “Mind if I make a pit stop?” You shake your head profusely, watch as he pulls into a gas station parking lot. “Want anythin’, girl?”
“N—” your lips form, but you scrap your original answer. “Gum, if they have it.”
“Be damned if they don’t.” He slams the door shut and you watch him enter the store, watch him through the glass panels. He’s so broad. You’d nearly completely forgotten how stupidly you liked him, and now it’s coming, throttling back full-force, especially with the thrilling aspect of it possibly coming to fruition. You are, after all, an adult. And so is he, paying for his shit with a tight-lipped expression, arms crossed again, arms big and—Jesus.
You squeeze your thighs together, willing yourself to get your shit in place when he pulls the door open again, his eyes scanning your seated figure. He tosses you the packet of gum, and you respond with a sweet thank you, Mr. M—Joel, and you fiddle with the packaging as he starts the car again, driving until scenery grows more and more familiar, closer to home.
“By the way,” he says, voice husky with the unuse of not talking for a while. “Think it’s best you spend the night at my house tonight, kid. It’s late. Later than late.” 2:44, the console digital clock reads in blinky red text. “Your parents don't want the door rattlin’ open at this hour, so I’ll let you in the guest room.”
“Oh,” you say. “Sure.”
“D’you have a change of clothes?” He asks, even if he knows you climbed into the seat with nothing but your phone and a cowboy hat. You shake your head and he tsks. “You’re barely covered, sweetheart. Best be careful walkin’ around when the night’s this chilly.”
Barely covered. You think of every possible response, but what leaves your glossed lips is the riskiest: “What do you mean, barely covered?”
You figure if he starts saying shit like what are you insinuatin’, kiddo? You better sleep at yours tonight instead, it’s an easy out—you’re turning the corner onto your street now, and your stomach is boiling with nerves, sticky and anticipatory. “I jus’ mean… it shows a lotta skin.” 
“It’s sorority merch, Joel,” you reply, half-amused and half-defensive.
“No, I”—he sighs, like he wants to backtrack what he’s just said—“I know, but… always worth somethin’ to be careful. Might catch a cold with all that leg… all that—you—showin’.” He parks in front of his house, this sizey, homey thing, and your heart flips knowing how familiar this place has been to you your entire life.
“I’m not going to wear winter gear to a spring break frat party.” You’re bolder, suddenly, but even if the statement is, your voice is level, meek, even. Joel nods, as if admitting defeat, and gets out of the car first; you follow, sneakers crunching against the asphalt as you follow him into the house.
“I hope,” he starts when you’re stationed beside him at the door, “I didn’t… offend you. I was jus’ concerned, is all.” Then he’s stoic again, slipping inside, straight to the kitchen to pour you a glass of water. He flicks a yellow light on and you squint when you get there, rubbing at your eyes to prevent them from aching.
You’re still rubbing at them when his gaze drops from your fussed-up hair and askew hat down to the shiny surface of your chest. Your goddamn top leaves him nothing to the imagination, your tits spilling out of it scandalously. The low cut even lets your bra peek through, red and bright and hey, you show up from college wearing these large university shirts and sweatpants—not this, never this. And your shorts, the way they’re really just a fucking belt, starting low on your hips and cut off high above your thighs.
Alpha Phi, the pink text on your white top reads on the left chest area. Right where your tits curve into the top, the slogan is printed: Union hand in hand. God, sororities and their fucking… quotable bullshit. And don’t get him started on the sash, this cutesy, frilly thing he wants to loop around your wrists so he can fuck you over the counter. He knows he can’t—it’s so wrong, so wrong. He’s known your dad for ages. 
But you… you're so tempting, a little minx, chirping Mr. Miller all sweet and apologetic, chest out on full display. He blinks when he hears your voice filter through the fog in his head. “—off?”
“What was that, sweetheart?” His eyes meet yours again and he feels a twinge of embarrassment at the way your bashfulness has somewhat melted to give way to the clear amusement on your face. You must’ve spotted the way he ogled you; he wasn’t exactly trying his hardest to be subtle, unfortunately. 
“D’you have something I can use to wipe myself off?” You gesture to your sticky collarbone area. “I got Jäger all over myself. Can’t handle the stuff.” You grimace at the memory, and he goes to grab a wet wipe; while waiting, you hoist yourself up onto the counter, bare legs swinging.
Joel turns to toss you the packet of wipes, but his throat dries before he can even call your name out. Your back is to him, and clearly you’re waiting for his return—you’ve busied yourself by sitting on his counter and letting the hot pink lace of your thong rise above the waistline of your shorts. Lord have mercy, he thinks to himself, adjusting his jeans as he walks back over to you.
“Wipes,” he says roughly, not anything else.
You accept the packet and smile shyly. “Can you…” you pause, the implication hovering over both of you, heavy. “Wait for me?” He nods, inviting. Warm. And he watches, inviting but not very warm anymore, the way you wipe over the expanse of your chest, over the curve of your tits, every other part of you dusted in glitter.
“So,” you say again. “Since we’re on first name basis now, Joel, I, um—I hope it’s okay to ask questions.”
“Sounds reasonable. Go for it,” he accepts. 
“When’s the last time you went to a party?” Your smile is mischievous. 
He chuckles, a huff of air. “...Long, long ago, kid. Back in my day, partyin’ meant beer, maybe a little weed… not that I'm complaining there, you understand.” He nods resolutely. “These days, a quiet home-cooked meal with just the people I really care about… is a party.”
“Wow, what an old guy answer,” you giggle. “Back in youuuur day.” Your raspy, honeyed voice wraps around the your with a teasing lilt.
“Oh, I’m old now, am I?” His stoic demeanor chips away when he laughs. “That makes you what, sweetheart? You’re barely a pup.”
At his words—at the utterance of pup—you roll your eyes and try to shift your seating so your thong doesn’t stick to your folds. “Okay, fine, next.” You’re not even wiping anymore, the material wrung into your fingers, which lay in a fist by your side. “When’s the last time you got shitfaced?”
He gives a grimace of a smile. “Aw… boy, it's been a while.” He comes closer, going from leaning on the opposite drawers to right beside you on the counter. You’re sitting and he’s leaning but still he’s taller, just a bit level. “But there was that one time back in my more adventurous days, when I was younger. A bachelor party wh… well, the details don't really bear talkin’ ‘bout in polite conversation.” He raises his eyebrows. “Why ya askin’ all this? What’s will all the last times?”
“I’m curious, is all.” You smile, leaning back; if his eyes drop just a bit, he’ll see right through your top, maybe even underneath the cup of your bra. “Okay, fine one last… last time.” You giggle, breathy. “When’s the last time you… had sex?”
The air shifts, and Joel clears his throat before chuckling. “S’none of your business, young lady. A gentleman is not raised to kiss and tell.”
“Oh, but he gets shitfaced n’ tells?” You test, pouting and leaning closer toward him so you can quiet your voice. “Come on. I won’t tell anyone I even asked.”
He sighs, contemplating. “Well… it’s been a while.” He gets his fair share of lays, when he goes out to bars with friends or the rare date, but nothing too drastic. It has been a few months. “But you didn’t hear that from me, understood? Now, let’s drop it.”
But you don’t drop it, you brat. “You’re like the born again 40-year-old virgin,” you tease smoothly.
“Try 51, honey,” he grunts out, depositing your dry wipes at the disposal across you. He turns back around, restrained. 
“And what, you don’t wanna change that?” No, he thinks—what he wants is to take you over the counter ’til you’re sobbing and sore.
“Hey now, don’t think I don’t think about it sometimes. But I jus’—I don't wanna get involved with no one, even though... Hell, if I met the right person, I might just change my mind. Ain’t that the way it goes?”
“That’s such an antiquated view of sex,” you quip boldly, pressing your arms to your sides. “What happened to just having one good fuck?”
His eyes flicker down then up. “Well, hey. Slow down with the cursin’, sweetheart. And what in the hell makes you think I don’t do that?” He crosses his arms, offering a raised eyebrow and an insufferably smug smile.
“You didn’t necessarily object when I called you a twice-over virgin.”
He chuckles. “There’s more than one way to let it all out, my girl. You don’t have to just go all in to hit the spot.” The thought of him using his own—or some girl’s, actually, hand, throat… to get off, gets you all hot. You want to be that girl. His girl.
“Like how?” You ask, tilting your head to the side.
“Old man like myself probably can’t offer tricks you’ll find… useful.” He grunts, prepares to go upstairs. He reaches over you for the packet of wipes and your proximity urges him to stop, savor the closeness before the rational part of him reminds him you’re his best mate’s daughter.
“Okay, fine,” you say sweetly, voice much quieter—reserved just for the space between you two. “One last, then.”
Mmm, he huffs affirmatively, greenlighting your request. Impatient.
“Since when did old men do that?” You ask, inquisitive, placing emphasis on his self-proclaimed old man title.
“What? Entertain l’il minxes like yourself?” He responds, intending to break your newly-built façade of smugness.
“No,” you respond coolly. “Pack nine inches.” Then you’re clambering off the counter and walking to the stairs. He inhales sharply at the sudden vulgarity of your words, watches every move, every little bounce of your pert ass under the tiny shorts, the wave of your hair, every flex of the ridden-up lace thong against your back.
You turn briefly. “Coming or what?” And then you slip upstairs.
He hears the pad of your footsteps grow quiet and shuts his eyes, letting his composure waver in your absence.
Had he known Harold’s little girl would turn out to be the world’s biggest fucking tease—Jesus Christ. “Lord,” he rasps under his breath, repeating a mantra, holding back the urge to palm himself through his jeans. “Lord, have mercy.” Then he follows you, already spotting something different—the open door at the end of the hall.
His open door. It’s the one that directly mirrors your parents’, a revelation they all had a good laugh at. Sometimes if a matter was so pressing, a well-aimed pebble to the glass window would get Joel’s attention well enough. The lights are flicked on, cool-warm, in his bedroom. You’re in his bedroom. 
Or you’re not. He walks in to find no trace of you, save for the scuffed white sneakers by the doorframe. He toes off his own boots and spots the walk-in closet light’s also been flicked on. 
“Christ, you’re quick. You’re s’posed to be in the guest room.” He gestures vaguely to the one on the left side of the hall, even if you can’t see him.
“I had to pee. And I needed something to sleep in,” you say politely from inside. He grunts softly to himself at the thought of you undressing in there, the thought of you pulling on something of his. 
“Get out of there,” he orders. “I’ll get you somethin’.” Under his breath he mutters, “S’my goddamn closet.”
You chirp okay but he adds anyway: “Hurry, out.”
So you do follow him, even follow the order to hurry, because you’re hasty in your exit, clutching the cowboy hat to your chest. “Sit.” He points to the bed, watches you set the hat next to yourself gingerly. And one last time he asks the Lord for mercy, quietly and in his head, before shutting off every other rational thought that had stopped him tonight. 
You follow suit, hat still clutched to your torso, and he slowly comes to stand just in front of you, your face level with the buckle of his leather belt. When you shift he catches sight of the side of your bra, the lace of it. Eyes cast to your bare thighs, you pipe up.
“By the way, Mr. Miller—Joel, I didn’t mean to say any of—I mean, I thought we could talk comfortably about it… that… stuff, but I took it too f—” 
“You’re damn fuckin’ right you took it too far.”
He spits it out roughly, harshly. Like he’s scolding you. A zip of shock goes through you—you hadn’t heard him swear so loud before. Maybe he is. “I give you a free ride home at half past one, give you water, give you a place to sleep for the night knowin’ damn well your momma n’ dad would both have killed ya if you stepped foot in that house wearin’ next to nothing. What do I get in return?” He looks down at you, two rough fingers jerking your chin to look up at him.
“I—” you squeak, your voice and confidence betraying you. You’ve soaked through your panties at his sudden switch in behavior. Like you’d broken a dam.
“I get a brat… whorin’ herself out to me like I’m not over twice her age.” He tuts, like he really is disappointed, and your heart almost drops. “I get all these damn questions about sex, like you think I’ll break and fuck you on my kitchen counter.” He was considering it. “All the teasin’, all the skirtin’ around in a thong and a fuckin’…” He shakes your chin. “S’there even anythin’ in that head of yours, honey?”
Your mouth’d been open. You shut it and lick over your lips. “Yeah,” you defend weakly. His hand lowers to stroke at the column of your throat, then to hook under the tight strap of your bra, peeking out under the white of your top. He sidles it back and forth.
“S’this why you asked me all those dumb questions downstairs, huh, sweetheart? ‘Cause you wanted me to pull your top open and fawn over this”—he yanks the hat away, revealing your torso underneath—“little show o’yours?” Your cleavage is sinful, downright—perfect, perky, inviting him to mouth at your tits. Your sash sits prettily above them and he can’t help but pull at it, too, jolting you toward him. 
“N—” you inhale sharply, letting him pull and push you around as he pleases. He observes the blinding glittery writing on the pink material and lets out a humorless, self-satisfied huff of laughter.
“Number… one… girl.” His rough thumb grazes over the divots of the rhinestones. “That’s jus’ about right, ain’t it?”
“Yes,” you reply, voice small. 
“I’m not sure I agree, baby girl,” he drawls. His touch is precise—he knows exactly where to go, what he’s doing—but rough, dirty, almost, and the huge size of his hands don’t help to support otherwise. He tugs down your tank top so it’s tucked underneath your bra, and you yelp, making a move to cover yourself. He laughs again—“Sure, go all shy on me like you haven’t been showin’ yourself off to me all night. Knees.”
You get off quick, so quick you’re dizzy when you steady yourself on two knees. Two lithe hands make their way to his belt but he steps backward, revels in your evident confusion, clumsiness, the flush high on your cheekbones. “Buckle down, sweetheart.”
“No goddamn buts. Listen to me.” He ends up being the one to make work of his belt, and while he talks you have to bite your lip to keep from going slack-jawed at the sight of him. You’d been kidding about the nine inches thing, but Christ he’s huge, strained against the tight denim. He’s thick even under the layers of clothing, and all you want to do is choke on him. “You’re gonna let me use that mouth t’get off, first thing,” he grunts, like this is all some chore to him, “because I am not goin’ to put my cock in my best mate’s daughter.”
“How about,” you croak lightly, “your fingers, then?”
“Jesu—we’ll see.” He tugs his cock out then, and he’s fucking huge, he really is, his tip angry and flushed and being rubbed along your lips, sticking them up with his precum. He sighs contentedly, humming low, the vibration sent straight to your half-open mouth. You suck on the tip of him, watch a slow smile form on his face. “That sash oughta say somethin’ else.”
Your silence grants elaboration. “Number one slut, maybe.” You shift on your thighs, trying to hide how aroused you are at his mean behavior. But he can tell, he can watch the way your blinking slows, the way your eyes glazed over, glassy and teary from trying to take more of him. He doesn’t tell you to slow down, or go faster; he just watches, eyebrows knitted, focused. “Budge up.” 
A hand, big and calloused, threads through your hair and gives a tug, goading your mouth open so more of his cock slips past. Your jaw aches from the attempt alone, so you pull off before you start choking too much, tonguing at the parts of him you can’t reach—lower, until you’re laving at his balls. He grunts, pleasured, simmered down. Attagirl. Then you’re back, bobbing up and down, trying despite yourself to take all of him, until your eyes are watery and you’re spluttering, choked.
“Now this is…” He says, and it comes out in a contented little sigh, “a number one throat. Keep those pretty lips open, honey, ‘m gonna fuck them.”
You do, your achy jaw slacked as he begins bucking into your mouth, the sounds of your choking only spurring him on. He’s dominant, taking and taking, and you’re humiliated to find how wet you are, soaked through the lace of your thong and darkening the denim of your shorts.  The tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat only gets him to thrust even faster, watching tears fall from your eyes, streaky with mascara. His best friend’s daughter, taking dick like a fucking champ.
He thrusts harder, each sound emitting a nasty, incoherent noise out of you, choked little gasps that have him harder each time. Gonna fuck this throat raw, he mutters. Since that’s what you wan’ed, ain’t it? You reach up, light fingers massaging his balls, and then his hips stutter, and with barely any warning, you feel his hot seed shoot into your throat, little satisfied groans leaving the man above you.
You swallow what you can, limited by his dick still in your mouth. When he pulls out you lap at the cum left behind, circle your tongue around your lips, make a whole show of it. You speak again, your voice raspy and spent: “Please, my turn?”
He lifts you up and smirks at the way you yelp in surprise, tossing you onto the bed and pulling you back onto your knees, your back to his chest. He wrangles your shorts off, gives your ass a smack as he pulls them down, enough to expose what’s underneath. The stiff material gathers just above your bent knees, restraining you from moving much.
“D’you know what,” he says, still sounding angry—like he’s lecturing you, stern, “I could’ve been in bed, wakin’ up at six to work… instead I gotta teach this little brat a fuckin’ lesson. Your old man not teach y’enough manners?” He tugs your bra down, thumbs roughly at your pebbled nipples, wrenching a moan out of you. He’s hard again, dick poking into your ass, and fuck you want him in you.
“He didn’t,” you sniffle, pitiful. “Y’gotta teach me, Daddy.”
“Oh, she likes that, don’t she?” He grumbles, like the title is annoying, juvenile. The way his cock twitches tells you otherwise. “Shut up, baby honey. I got this.” He reaches up your thighs and the ticklish, pleasurable sensation gets you hot.
Joel, you whimper, seizing in on yourself. He grabs your other arm, pulls it back toward him so you remain open and pliant. Please, wait.
“No time for waitin’, not when you spend hours prancin’ around like a little whore, sweetheart.” Without preamble, he’s running his fingers up your thighs again, not stopping this time until his fingers are pressing into your clit, rubbing over the thin, soaked fabric of your panties. “And you’re so fucking wet for me. My number one girl, ain’t you?”
“Yea,” you babble dumbly. “Your number one girl.”
“Thaaat’s right. My girl needs her needy cunt filled up, don’t she? By Daddy’s fat fingers.” You nod along, drawn in by the vulgarity of his words, the way he spits them out. You’ve spent several nights fantasizing how his big, rough hands would feel on you—and you’ve been outproven. He’s so fast, so skilled with his fingers; they feel delicious in you. And you can’t stop thinking about all of those girls he implied he’s slept with, the way they probably got to this first. Lucky bitches.
He’s gotten you so wet the entire night, even moreso now, that your pussy is making obscene squelching noises with each pump of his fingers, these nastily loud noises that humiliate you, that turn you on even more, that make you drip all onto Joel’s linen sheets. Fuck, you whimper. He swats at your ass. No swearing, he’s saying.
“Look up for me, honey. Up at the window.” Outside, the sun’s beginning to crawl over Austin, just the faint blues and yellows of early morning. You realize you know this because his curtain’s been pulled open—by him, earlier, before any of this even started, you assume. And the only other thing you can see other than the sky and the sliver of the neighborhood is your parents’ window.
“No,” you plead, looking down. He doesn’t let you, tugs you back up to look by your hair. He knows your parents won’t be up ’til seven-thirty latest. But you don’t know that, and for now, you don’t have to.
“What then, huh, sweetheart? When they go to check on the weather n’ they see their best friend poundin’ their young daughter? What’d they think?” You jerk away, overcome with pleasure and embarrassment at the imaginary situation. You feel his fingers pump in and out of you, filling you up. They’re probably thick and hot, glistening each time they come out. You’re tightening up; you’ll cum soon, make a mess on his hand, which already drips with slick. “So you better hurry. Better make a mess on me soon.”
“I am, I’m—I’m gonna,” you moan. You’re wrapped up in the way his fingers play you just the right way. You’re so close to the surface, and you’ve been wanting this for way too long, so you nod, let yourself get carried away by his words, let yourself give in, spreading your legs as wide as they can go as he fingerfucks you, working out the tension that’s been building up for forever. 
“That’s my number one girl,” he grins into your neck, and you’re convulsing release onto his hand, wetting it even further. He wraps a hand around your waist, keeps you close to his figure, his erection at the small of your back. “That’s it, honey. Did so well for me.”
“I want it,” you say meekly. “Even if they see.”
He groans. “Sweetheart, you must think real low of me to believe I’d put my cock anywhere near Harold’s daughter’s pussy.”
You tug your panties fully down, just enough so they fall off on their own the rest of the way, and guide his slick hand behind yourself, pressing his finger first into your folds again, sensitive, and then up toward your tighter hole.
You feel his breath tighten behind you when you say: “How ‘bout there?”
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earthchica · 1 year
fool for you
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pairing: joel miller x black f! reader
summary: joel pushes you away after your love confession towards him.
warning: smut, little angst of fluff, oral (female & male receiving) dirty talking, doggystyle & sideways, unprotected sex.
a/n: my second joel miller fic, it's a little short but I hope you enjoy it and this is unedited.
You took a deep breath before heading downstairs to greet your date for the party.
Maria begged you to come, bring a date, and have some fun. She even hinted that Joel was gonna be there with his date.
So that is how Kenny came along, he was a nice, decent guy and I decided why not ask him if he wanted to go.
"Wow, Y/N! You look beautiful," He says, looking you up and down with a smile.
You were wearing an off the shoulders long-sleeve crop top, dark high-waist jeans, and your favorite pair of brown boots.
Your natural locs fall beautifully down your lovely dark brown moisturized shoulders.
"You ready?" Kenny asked and you nodded, walking alongside him as you both left.
You both arrived at the party which was in full swing. Maria waved you over to the bar.
Your eyes wander through until they meet the ones you came to love so much.
Joel’s dark brown eyes could hypnotize you from afar. Your eyes moved for a second to see a woman with loose curly hair sitting beside him.
It kinda hurt you seeing him with someone else but you didn't let that show.
You and Joel were close once until you went gone and confessed your feelings for him.
That was when things changed quickly. You and Ellie still were close but not you and joel.
After chatting and drinking with friends, your date dragged you to the dance floor as they were playing a song he liked.
Kenny was so sweet, he could tell something was wrong with you. He swirls you around while making you laugh like crazy.
You didn't even know Joel was watching you the whole time, practically ignoring his date.
After the dance, you felt a little dizzy, so you excuse yourself for a second to go get some fresh air.
You walked outside on the balcony and when that cool breeze hit your face, it felt so amazing.
"What are you doing with this guy?" You quickly turn around at the booming voice.
"Well! Hello to you too, Joel" You waved at him with a slight, amused smirk. 
"I asked a question, darling and I need an answer," Joel says with a low growl.
"I'm having fun, Joel, and why do you care? The last time we talked you said you didn't want anything to do with me," You asked, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
His whole attitude changed quickly when you repeated what he said to you, knowing it hurt you badly.
"I just want to make sure you're being careful, darling." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.
"I can tell that's bullshit, Joel. Now tell me the real reason because you and I both know I can take care of myself" You challenged him, trying to understand.
You were waiting for an answer while looking deeply into his beautiful brown eyes when he didn't say anything.
You scoffed, about to walk away but he stopped you with his hand on your arm.
"I lied okay. I'm in love with you Y/N I love you, I fucking love you and it scares the shit out of me okay"
Silence caved in on the balcony and things became a reality to you when the words came out of his mouth.
"I'm sorry, Y/N for the way I've been treating you. You've always been there for me, bring your sweet self and when you confessed your love. I panicked and pushed you away, I-I'm sorry, darling." Joel began to ramble, you've never seen him like this before.
You cut him off by placing your hand on his cheek which made him close his eyes and take a breath slowly.
"I forgive you, Joel but just know if you ever push me away again I'll kick your ass"
"Yes, ma'am! I hear ya" He paused for a second looking between your eyes and lips.
"Are you just gonna stare or are you gonna kiss me?" You asked and he grinned, wrapped his arms around your waist, and pulled you into the most intense kiss ever.
You pulled away, placing your hand on his chest, and asked, "you want to get out of here?"
"Ahh, Joel." You moaned, ruffing your hand through his hair. You felt so hot and turned on.
Joel looks up for a second with those lustful brown eyes before diving back between your legs.
Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as he sucked harder, feeling yourself getting close.
"Joel, oh my goodness-I'm-" You didn't finish because it was too good.
"So good, baby," Joel says, propping your legs upward and resting his hands on your legs to keep them in place.
He continues to suck the soul out of you as your moans grow louder, and before you knew you felt yourself orgasm hard.
You lay there quietly, trying to get yourself together. Your body was shaking a little bit from the great climax.
"You okay, darling?" He murmurs, placing his hand on your face, and looking into your eyes.
"Yes, shit. That was so fucking good, Joel!" You manage to say with a smile.
He grins, begins to take his clothes off before moving up, and plants a gentle kiss on your lips.
You flipped onto his back and grasped hold of his length. "My turn,"
You begin to kiss and lick the tip with no warning, you wrapped your lips around his thickness and took it deep.
Joel groans, trying to push your locs away from your face, so he can see your eyes.
You began bobbing your head up and down slowly while stroking him.
You take him out of your mouth and lather your saliva on it before going back in.
"Fuck...." He moans your name while meeting your gaze. You picked up the pace as you felt him getting closer to bust.
Joel moans, and starts thrusting up hard into your mouth, making you moan too.
You let him fuck your mouth until you had to tap his thigh, telling him to stop.
He pulls himself out, leaving you gasping for air, looking up at him.
"Fuck, darling," He says, grinning while staring at the drool dripping down from your chin.
He wipes it off with his thumb before pulling you up and making you get on all fours.
Joel slaps your ass a few times, before lining himself to your entrance and thrusting in slowly.
He leaves small kisses all down your neck to my back.
"Joel!" You moaned his name as his lovely dick fills you up perfectly. He groans at the feeling of you wrapped around him.
"Shit, darling you feel so fucking good" He moans, leaning his forehead against your back.
He pulls out a little bit before thrusting back in.
You bite your lip, feeling him grip the roundness of your cheeks while pumping into your faster and harder.
He pushes you down to have your ass up, so he could hit your g-spot.
You gripped the bed sheets tight while looking back at Joel.
"Shit" Joel moans, throwing his head for a second. He thrusts a few more times before rearranging the position sideways.
"Fuck, Y/N" He moans, leaning his forehead against your cheek. He picks the pace again, setting a steady rhythm.
"Ahhh Joel. Oh, I'm gonna cum" You moaned, feeling your pussy clenching around his dick.
He buried his face in your neck, diving deep, and sliding down to rapidly rub your clit.
"Yes, cum baby. I'm right there with you" He whispers in your ear, still rubbing at your clit fast.
"JOEL!" You screamed, orgasming hard again and he was right behind.
Your walls were covered with streams of his hot cum and he did while moaning out your name.
Joel slowly pulls out of you and drops down on his back lovingly looking at your sweaty dark brown back.
"I love you so much, darling," He says with a smile. You smiled, sat up, and placed a kiss on his lips.
"I love you, more, Joel. Now come here you got alot of making up to do, Texas" You said with a giggle, pulling him to be on top of you.
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castielli · 2 years
How to request:
Send your request featuring the character you want, the plot (+ANGST, FLUFF…) and anything I need to know about the reader. I write MALE READER only
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Fandoms I write for under the cut!
Timothy McGee
Jimmy Palmer
Nicholas Torres
Spencer Reid
Penelope Garcia (platonic🫶)
Luke Alvez
John Price
Soap MacTavish
Ghost Riley
Gaz Garrick
Alex Keller
Alejandro Vargas
Phillip Graves
Vladimir Makarov
Rudy Parra
Red Daniels
William Pierson
Joseph Turner
Robert Zussman
Frank Aiello
Drew Stiles
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Rick Grimes
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Negan Smith
Shane Walsh
Lee Everett
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Robin Buckley (platonic)
Eddie Munson
Jim Hopper
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY (I still need to finish the last season😊)
Viktor Hargreeves
Klaus Hargreeves
Diego Hargreeves
Number Five
Luther Hargreeves
Ben Hargreeves
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Bobby (platonic)
Jack Wilder
J. Daniel Atlas
Merritt McKinney
Dylan Rhodes
Chase McKinney
MARVEL (Avengers/X-men)
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Steve Rogers
Stephen Strange
Peter Parker (Tom/Andrew/Tobey)
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Peter Quill
Quentin Beck/Mysterio
Eddie Brock/Venom
Charles Xavier
Erik Lehnsherr
Peter Maximoff
Scott Summers
Hank McCoy
Bobby Drake
Alex Summers
Phil Coulson
Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockey
Scott Lang
Pietro Maximoff
Mobius M. Mobius
Matt Murdock
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Poe Dameron
Stiles Stilinski
Scott McCall
Derek Hale
Isaac Lahey
Jackson Whittemore
Peter Hale
Theo Raeken
Liam Dunbar
Jordan Parrish
Mason Hewitt
Danny Mahealani
Aiden Steiner
Ethan Steiner
Corey Bryant
Alan McCarthy
Neal Caffrey
Peter Burke
Mozzie (platonic)
Clinton Jones
Caleb Prior
Neville Longbottom
Sirius Black
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Viktor Krum
Remus Lupin
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Charlie Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Percy Weasley
Ron Weasley
Oliver Wood
Gellert Grindelwald (Mads Mikkelsen)
Newt Scamander
Credence Barebone
Theseus Scamander
Albus Dumbledore (Jude Law)
Peeta Mellark
Coriolanus Snow
Sejanus Plinth
911 (and LONE STAR)
Evan Buckley (Buck)
Howie Han (Chimney)
Bobby Nash
Eddie Diaz
TK Strand
Carlos Reyes
Paul Strickland
Owen Strand
Jud Ryder
Mateo Chavez
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Hiram Lodge
Sweet Pea
Kevin Keller
Reggie Mantle
Moose Mason
Jake Peralta
Terry Jeffords
All the others (platonic only)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Joel Miller (TLOU)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian)
Javi Gutierrez (The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent)
Javier Peña (Narcos)
Oberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)
Agent Whiskey (Kingsman)
Silva (Strange Way of Life)
Francisco Morales (Triple Frontier)
Marcus Moreno (We Can Be Heroes)
Dieter Bravo (The Bubble)
Ken (Ryan)
Ken (Simu)
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Jim Moriarty
Mycroft Holmes
FNAF (movie)
Mike Schmidt
Steve Raglan
Harvey Specter
Mike Ross
El Profesor
-Smut (for anyone)
-Female readers/GN readers
-Romantic/Suggestive stories for underage characters (only platonic, basically)
If the character you wanted to request is not on the list, you can try and ask me anyways.
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my-soupy-brain · 9 months
Bestie… can I get a David Clark please??? Like I will give you my first born child for it.
Also do you do emoji anons? If so can I be 🧶?
🧶 I am answering this rather quickly because it'll be a fun challenge to write for a character I haven't done before. And it's nice to shift gears sometimes. This might skew close to the movie but here we go!
Relationship: David Clark x reader (f)
Warnings: Drug references, smut
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You were thrilled to walk up to your apartment's mailbox at the same time as David.
You could see his shaggy hair, his flannel, his backpack. You weren't sure he thought much of you, but you couldn't help but smile and greet him.
"Hi there, David. How's it goin'?" you asked brightly, opening your own mailbox locker.
He looked up from the pile of mail in his hand and smiled. His dimple in his cheek, his hair brushing over his forehead.
"Oh, hey. I'm OK. I mean, I got robbed yesterday, so that's cool. Things are great!"
You can tell he's sarcastic and feels ashamed of what happened.
"Oh, my God! Are you OK? Did you get hurt?" you ask concerned, your eyes trained on him. He shrugs his shoulder.
"Not really, just my back trying to run them off."
You know that David deals marijuana. You're not sure for whom, but you've been a customer a couple times when you needed an escape.
Before you can think any more of it, you ask him: "Do you need a place to stay? Somewhere safe? You can crash at my apartment."
He smiles, his eyes softening.
'That's really nice of you, but I don't want to be a burden. It's OK, I'll figure it out. I gotta go outta town in a couple days anyway."
Your heart broke a little. Yeah, probably shouldn't date a drug dealer but you sure love flirting with him. Or your version of flirting anyway.
As you two depart to your respective apartments, you can't stop thinking about him. Is he moving away? Is he in danger? As you nervously chew your fingernails, you have a knock on your door.
David stands behind it, his hands nervously in his pocket.
"David, hi. Are you...do you wanna come in?"
You move aside and he nods, entering your apartment.
"Listen, I don't need to stay with you but I have a favor to ask..."
Over the course of about an hour, he outlines the plan: He needs to get to Mexico and back with some marijuana for his dealer. He needs a family to go with him in the RV, so it feels less suspicious.
Why you say yes, you'll never know.
"Who are the kids?"
He chuckles. "I got Kenny from downstairs. And maybe this girl Casey who's been hanging around here. She seems to be a couch drifter so..."
You nod and smile. "I can't believe I'm saying yes to this, but sure. Why not. An adventure."
David gives you your airline ticket two days before you need to leave, and when you find him at the airport, he's...
Oh, God.
His hair is cut shorter, wearing a clean polo and khakis. He's...trimmer than he lets on with all those baggy clothes. His polo is slightly unbuttoned at the top and you can see his chest hair...
Is it hot in here?
The "kids" are cleaned up and the picture of American youth. And you've opted for a short sundress and a sunhat to make the whole "Arizona vacation" seem more believable.
"Hi, honey," you offer, leaning in to kiss David's cheek, his eyes taking you in.
"Hi, sweetheart. Glad you could make it," he says, his hands going down your waist before letting go.
"Hey kids," you offer gently. Casey gives you a half-hearted wave, and Kenny gives you a naive, earnest smile.
On the plane, everyone takes their seats, David next to you. You open your book to read, and David reads a magazine, but he's casually glancing at you every few seconds.
"You OK?" you ask, not looking up from your pages.
"Ye-yeah, I just... um...you're...," he answers back, stuttering. Nervous for once in his life. His breath is hot against your skin.
You blush wildly and try to keep cool. "You clean up pretty well too, there, Mr. Miller."
When the plane hits a bout of turbulence, David instinctively grabs your thigh to protect you, and it sends a jolt of electricity through you. It's like David can sense it because he looks over at you with dark eyes, smirking a little.
"I've got ya," he whispers, his hand still on your thigh, climbing a little higher, making you bite your bottom lip.
When you lean back in your seat and take a shuddering breath, you place your hand over his, moving it up even a little higher, flashing him a grin.
Good afternoon, folks. Please fasten your seatbelts as we begin our descent into Phoenix.
David shakes himself out of his trance, placing his magazine over the growing bulge in his lap. You're a shaking mess from the electricity.
The RV rolls up quick and easily, a massive machine on multiple wheels. The kids climb in and take a seat in the back, David instructs everyone what the plan is, once again.
When he turns in his seat to start driving, he smiles at you again.
Hours go by. How many, you're not sure. You get in and out of Mexico as fast as you can, dodging a slip-up at the border thank God. Because you're hauling a lot more marijuana than you were led to believe.
A campsite in southern Arizona is a perfect place to stop for the night. The kids run off when they see some teenagers at a bonfire. You stand to tidy up the RV a little, wiping down the small counters, when you feel two large, warm hands on your hips.
"I can't stop thinking about our plane ride here," David whispers to you, sending a shiver through your body.
"I know," you answer, not yet turning around but still blushing.
"You know, I've always had a bit of a crush on you," he admits.
Your cheeks heat further. "Really? I've had a crush on you too!"
He smiles and blushes now. "Seriously? Why? I'm just some low-level weed dealer."
You smile and turn in his arms. "There's more to ya than that, David."
He can't wait anymore, leaning forward and capturing your lips with his, roping his arms around you. You fall into a rhythmic kiss, slowly making your way to the queen bed in the back of the RV.
You sit on the bed, pulling him over with you, scooting back toward the pillows. Your hands run through his shorter hair, and you smile...
"I kinda miss your longer hair," you mumble, and he smiles against your neck.
"Maybe I'll grow it back," he whispers, kissing your neck, your chest, sliding your sundress down and helping you wiggle it off your hips.
Wasting no time, he takes off his own shirt, and your eyes nearly fall out of your head; his fairly trim physique and immaculate, masculine chest hair going down his pants.
"I need you to fuck me, David," you murmur, your eyes dark as you watch him approach you.
"Oh fuck, that's hot," he says, falling into bed, crawling between your legs, waiting no more to loop his fingers around your panties and pull them down your legs, which he kisses from ankle to hip before settling between them.
He kisses you again, slowly but sensually. Like you both have had practice with each other. When he wiggles his boxers off and sheaths on a condom, he meets you with a gentle push and you could die right there.
"Oh, fuck," he murmurs, closing his eyes. "You're so fucking tight."
You blush. "It's been a while, I'm sor--"
But before you can finish he captures your lips again. "Don't you dare apologize for that," he says with a smile, his hips starting to rock slowly with you.
Your legs wrap around his waist and your fingernails rake down his back gently and he's moaning your name in moments.
The pace increases, his lips soft with yours, his tongue brushing into your mouth. When he leans up to change his angle, you nearly shout.
"Oh, right there?" he asks, a sly smirk on his face. "That feel good, baby? Why don't you tell me..."
Your head tilts back, sweat on yoru temples, your hair wild on the pillow, as you whimper.
"God, David, your cock..." you sigh, and he's watching you closely while your eyes are closed. "Feels so goddamn good... oh my God..."
He loves watching what he's doing to you.
As he sits up a bit, he brings you over him, keeping you on his lap and deep inside you, the bed squeaking lewdly underneath you as he helps you bounce against him.
"Oh, God, oh fuck," you chant, your body tensing and tingling, the climax climbing up your thighs.
"Yeah, baby, fuck yeah. Make it feel good, show me," he murmurs, his voice low against your ear as you unravel. Your pussy clenches around him in rhythm.
"Oh God, fuck, you're milking me," he says, making your body arch again and with that, his thighs tremble and he gasps your name, holding you while his hips stutter.
He lays you down gently, coming down with you, your chests catching air, your faces smiling.
"Jesus." is all you can mutter.
He smiles. "I really should've asked you out sooner," David says, propping himself up on one elbow, his hand dragging down your body and over your hips.
You roll into his chest and he smiles, tucking you beneath his chin.
When the door to the RV swings open and Kenny and Casey step inside, they laugh.
"About fucking time, Jesus," she says, smiling through her attitude.
"I'm really...uh, happy for you both!" Kenney says, smiling and waving awkwardly.
"How was the fire," you shout from the bedroom, not leaving the sheets.
"Good! Fun. Probably not as fun as you two had, clearly," Casey answers, getting out her handheld video game.
David looks at you and smirks.
That was WAY longer and WAY more intense than I thought it would be but omg it's so fun! I feel like deep down David is a big softy. Maybe we'll see where the rest of this road trip goes? Thanks for the prompt, friend!
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imsuchagoddamnnerd · 3 months
*.✧ Requests ✧.*
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I have no clue how to make the request button so for now please just comment on this post
I’ve never in my life used tumblr to post on. I can barely work a cell phone and I’m supposed to be from the more tech savvy generation. I apologize if this looks like shit. If anyone has tips to make it look good that would be real appreciated.
Also. There will eventually be smut on here so if you ain’t matte enough to read it. Just don’t. There will be fluff too but if you’re too young. Don’t read the smut.
When requesting it would be greatly appreciated if you gave a small plot summary/idea or prompt. It makes it easier for me and I feel it makes it more interactive for you all :)
Will do:
Most things including, Fluff, Smut, angst, fantasy, modern, horror(I’ll try), soul mates, oc stuff , x reader, canon x canon. All gender pairings, slashers, monsters, etc.
Will not:
underage characters, incest, pedophilia, homophobia, racism, abuse, scat/urine, infantilism.
Even if something isn’t on this list, I still have a right to decline writing something if it makes me uncomfortable.
Life is strange
Chloe Price, Rachel Amber, Kate Marsh, Nathan Prescott, Victoria Chase, Warren Graham, Mark Jefferson, Frank Bowers. Sean Diaz, Cassidy, Finn McNamara, Penny. Skip Matthews. Alex Chen, Gabe Chen, Ryan Lucan, Steph Gingrich. Others if requested.
Detroit: Become Human
Connor, Kara, Markus. Hank Anderson, Elijah Kamski, Gavin Reed, Rose Chapman, Josh, Lucy, Luther, Simon, Leo Manfred, North, Perkins, RK900, Ralph.
Fallout 4
Cait, Nick Valentine, Paladin Danse, Robert MacReady, Curie, John Hancock, Deacon, Piper Wright, Preston Garvey, Sturges, Strong.
Resident Evil 8
Alcina Dimitrescu, Karl Heisenberg, Donna Benneviento, Salvatore Moreau.
The Last of Us
Joel Miller, Ellie Williams(pt2), Tommy Miller, Bill(MxM only), Tess, Henry. Haven’t played much of Part 2 yet.
The Walking Dead Game
Lee, Clem(aged up), Kenny, Doug, Carley, Lilly, Ben. Nick, Luke, Bonnie, Jane, Mike. Javier, David, Kate, Eleanor, Tripp, Ava, Paul aka “Jesus”. Louis, Violet, Ruby, Mitch, Marlon, James.
The Walking Dead TV Series
Too many to list. I’ll do the main cast. Any others will be by request.
This is taking a long time. I’m not listing all the characters from here on. Just assume I’ll know them on request. I’ve been working on this for like three hours.
Red Dead Redemption
Legend of Zelda
Botw, Totk, others on request
Stardew Valley
The Hobbit
Avatar(James Cameron)
Avatar(The Last Airbender)
FrostBite, John Doe, etc.
Slashers(Michael Myers, Ghostface, Leatherface, Brahms, etc)
Demon Slayer
Doctor Who
OC Content:
Fantasy(modern or medieval). Zombie apocalypse. Cryptids. I might even do some OC design requests and stuff eventually.
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Please I’m begging y’all to request something. Anything. Please. I’m not 100% sure how commenting or whatever works, but please just request anything. Idk how to set up a request button so just commenting works
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starwarmth · 1 year
Books Read In 2023
Beowulf: A New Translation by Maria Dahvana Headley (1/3/23)
East by Edith Pattou (1/4/23)
Midnight on the Moon by Mary Pope Osbourn (1/16/23)
The Lady or The Tiger?, and The Discourager of Hesitancy by Frank R. Stockton (1/17/23)
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1/21/23)
Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti (1/22/23)
Tiger Queen by Annie Sullivan (1/22/23)
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis (1/26/23)
Batgirl, vol. 1: The Silent Knight (1/27/23)
Batgirl, vol. 2: To The Death (1/27/23)
Batgirl, vol. 3: Point Blank (1/28/23)
The Female of the Species by Rudyard Kipling (2/17/23)
Batgirl: Stephanie Brown, vol. 1 by Bryan Q. Miller (2/19/23)
Batgirl, Stephanie Brown, vol. 2 by Bryan Q. Miller (3/4/23)
Christmas in Noisy Village by Astrid Lindgren (3/4/23)
The Queen’s Blade by T C Southwell (3/5/23)
Sacrifice, The Queen’s Blade #2 by T C Southwell (3/9/23)
The Invisible Assassin, The Queen’s Blade #3 by T C Southwell (3/13/23)
Mermaids by Patty Dann (3/14/23) X
The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám translated by Edward FitzGerald (3/19/23)
The Mirror Visitor by Christelle Dabos (3/21/23) X
The Missing of Clairedelune by Christelle Dabos (3/22/23) X
I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jeannette McCurdy (3/24/23) X
Ronia, The Robber’s Daughter by Astrid Lindgren (3/27/23)
Kiki’s Delivery Service by Eiko Kadono (3/30/23)
Brine and Bone by Kate Stradling (4/10/23)
Green Arrow: Quiver by Kevin Smith (4/17/23) X
Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin, translated by Stanley Mitchell (4/22/23)
When Patty Went to College by Jean Webster (4/23/23)
The Princess and The Pea by Hans Christian Anderson (4/23/23)
Deathmark by Kate Stradling (4/25/23)
Without Blood by Alessandro Baricco (5/5/23)
River Secrets by Shannon Hale (5/6/23)
The Fairy’s Return and Other Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine (5/8/22)
Batman Adventures: Cat Got Your Tongue? by Steve Vance (5/14/23)
Batman Adventures: Batgirl — A League of Her Own by Paul Dini (5/17/23)
The Girl From The Other Side: Siúil a Rún, Vol. 1 by Nagabe (5/19/23)
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda. Translated by W. S. Merwin (5/26/23)
Other-Wordly: Words Both Strange and Lovely from Around the World by Yee-Lum Mak (6/21/23)
A Bride’s Story, vol. 1 by Kaoru Mori (6/25/23) X
La Dame aux Camélias by Alexandre Dumas fils (7/17/2023)
Storefront Church by William Waring Cuney (7/24/23)
Golden Slippers: An Anthology of Negro Poetry for Young Readers (1941), compiled by Arnas Bontemps (7/28/23)
Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo (7/29/23)
Strawberry’s New Friend (Flower Fairy Friends series) by Pippa Le Quesne (7/29/23)
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker (8/11/23)
The Whipping Boy by Sid Fleischman (8/18/23)
Convent Boarding School by Virginia Arville Kenny (9/05/23)
The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis (09/18/23)
The Betsy Tacy Treasury by Maud Hart Lovelace (09/27/23)
Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Skylark (Sarah, Plain and Tall #2) by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Caleb’s Story (Sarah, Plain and Tall #3) by Patricia MacLachlan (09/27/23)
Maelyn by Anita Halle (10/06/23)
Imani All Mine by Connie Porter (10/15/23)
The Perilous Gard (10/22/23)
Enemy Brothers by Constance Savery (10/29/23)
Sadako and the 1000 Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr (11/19/23)
Gone By Nightfall by Dee Garretson (12/02/23)
The Dragon’s Promise by Elizabeth Lim (12/08/23)
A Lion to Guard Us by Clyde Robert Bulla (12/10/23)
The Thirteenth Princess by Diane Zahler (12/23/23)
The Hollow Kingdom by Clare B. Dunkle (12/26/23
The Wasteland by T. S. Eliot (12/31/23)
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Coming Up This Week - WC: 1/1/2023
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Sunday 1st Jan: High!Joe Part 3 - Joe Velasco x Reader - Joe finds his feelings are reciprocated. (NSFW)
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Monday 2nd Jan: Sidelines Part 3 - Mike Duarte x Reader - Mike blames himself for what happened.
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Tuesday 3rd Jan: Chasing Fires Chapter 22 - Brian Zvonecek x OC - Brian and Kenny get into it over Kat.
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Wednesday 4th Jan: Past Mistakes Part 5: Choices - Mike Duarte x Reader - Mike confronts a face from the past and discovers information that changes everything.
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Thursday 5th Jan: Bad Day (Sub!Will) Will Halstead x Reader - You take care of Will after a bad day. (NSFW)
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Friday 6th Jan: Inferno - Mike Duarte x Reader - Mike tries to shield you from a horrific crime scene.
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Saturday 7th Jan: Wild Fire - Rodrigo Sanchez x Reader - Sanchez realises he doesn't want to see other people.
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Sunday 8th Jan: Breathe - Benny Miller x Reader - Benny is still haunted by what happened to Tom.
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okayy!! i have a request for Kenny (We’re the Millers)
so instead of Melisa being Edie and Dons kid, the reader is their child and she obviously runs into the Miller family when they’re on the road and Kenny and the reader hang out all the time and they hang out at the fair (when the drug dealer gets caught by Don) and Kenny admits his feelings when he realizes he may never see her again
(and if you don’t mind it being overly long then maybe a part where they both get put into witness protection together and just go on cute dates together and just soft boy Kenny!! <33)
Oh god, I am so not good at fluff but I tried!! I love Kenny, but he's so hard to write for lmao
3.4K Words🤙🏻
"Time to hop on the super dandy party motorhome! Vamanos!" You cringed as your mother's high pitched voice echoed throughout the area, severely mispronouncing the Spanish word.
"Mom, please, stop trying to pretend like you know Spanish."
"Hey," Your father cut in, "your mother is the only one who thought to bring a Spanish dictionary on the road. She definitely knows more Spanish than you, sweetheart. Last time I checked, you don't know how to ask where the bathroom is."
"Alright, alright." You pouted, crossing your arms and burying your face in your phone. You loved your parents, but they could sure be annoying sometimes. You rarely ever got to go on vacations, much less with your own parents, so you tried to make the most of it. You would feel too guilty if you acted like a spoiled brat, plus, your parents would nip that in the bud as soon as you started to show sass.
Coming up to the border to cross back into the States, you jumped when you heard your father and mother taking turns honking the vehicle's horn, making a fool out of themselves. They were waving and shouting excitedly to the next motorhome over, making motions for them to roll their window down. Because of course, they had to introduce themselves just because they had a motorhome as well.
Sighing in embarrassment as your parents called you up front to say hi to the family in the next motorhome, your heart almost skipped a beat when you saw him: a handsome, green eyed, blond haired boy, his eyes glazed over as he looked at you with the same expression that must've been on your face. He was the most gorgeous human being you ever did see. You both waved awkwardly to each other, offering up small timid smiles. But that moment was too short-lived, they pulled up in front of the motorhome and after some inspection, they were on their way down the road.
It was just a fleeting moment, but it was enough to make you think about it for the rest of the trip, but you knew you'd never see him again; that is, until you soon found their motorhome of the side of the road with smoke rising out of the hood of the engine. "Oh my, Don, look who it is!" Your mother screeched, frantically pointing her finger. "Oh, we gotta help them!"
"What seems to be the problem here, fellas?" Your father asked once he exited the motorhome.
"Uh, smoke started rising from our engine." The father of the Millers said, nervously scratching behind his head, his son looking just as awkward.
"Well, there just so happens to be a garage nearby a ways. You're in luck, we have just the tool to hook y'all up to our motorhome so we can take ya there? How's that sound?"
"T-that sounds amazing. Thank you so much!"
Your eyes widened and a rush of heat quickly came to your face as the boy you had seen before entered your motorhome, your father insisting that they ride in yours as he drove them to the garage. "Hi." The boy stuttered, wearing a nervous smile. "Uh, is that seat taken?" He pointed on the small couch you were sitting on.
"Uh, no. Go ahead." You patted the seat next to you, trying to control your rapidly beating heart. "Sorry, what was your name again?"
"Kenny." He smiled, a very beautiful smile; and you gave his yours as well. "Nice to meet you, well, I guess it would be the second time technically."
After a little bit of small talk and picking up the rest of his family, you settled into a comfortable atmosphere with Kenny, playing on each of your own separate Nintendo DS. "So, you take trips with your family often?" You asked.
"Oh no, this is the first time we've ever traveled together." His eyes quickly widened as you gave him a confused look. "In a while!" He added. "First time in a while." He chuckled nervously. "We don't get out often."
"Us either. My parents usually have to take days off of work to even go out to dinner, so I understand that."
"Well, your parents seem cool." To that you scoffed. "Are they not?"
"They can be...eccentric."
"Rather that then no parents at all, I guess." He frowned.
"They have their moments, for sure. But you know how it is, the teenager always has to be rebellious in some way. At least, that's how most teenagers are. You don't seem like the type though. I mean, you look like you'd be really nice to yours parents. Make them coffee or breakfast in bed, that type of thing." You giggled, causing Kenny to blush and cast his gaze downwards. "I didn't mean that as a bad thing, it's sweet."
Kenny shrugged. "I've been picked on too many times to know that I'd never want to treat anyone else that way, no matter what. So, I guess that's sweet."
"Yeah, me too."
"You've been picked on too? A pretty girl like you? No way."
You blushed furiously, not used to compliments from someone other than your parents. "No one else seemed to think that in school. But I was picked on for more than my looks, just my interests seemed to bother people. It was mostly nerd or geek that got thrown at me in the hallways, even in classrooms when the teacher was teaching, sometimes they'd even laugh."
Kenny frowned. "It seems like we have a lot in common." He chuckled bitterly, but it made you smile.
You and Kenny talked a lot during the ride, getting to know each other and sharing interests, which the two of you happened to share most of them. You felt a little bad that the garage was closed for the day because of how happy you felt that you'd get to spend more time with this boy. You lived a very sheltered life, your parents being the way that they are; you knew you probably didn't have a realistic idea of romance, but man, you felt like you were in one of those cheesy romance movies. The way you both blushed when you caught each other's eye, or the way sparks seemed to fly at every accidental touch. It felt magical, if that kind of thing even existed.
Pulling in to one of the campsites that wasn't too far away from the garage, you started to get nervous as you knew what came with camping with your parents. Campfire songs, making up ghost stories, Pictionary, those were the tame ones. But thankfully, it was a simple game of Pictionary.
You eagerly waited for Kenny to start his drawing, finding yourself to start actually having fun even with your parents forcing all of you to play the game. He started off by drawing thick, black lines and everyone started shouting out their guesses, but your head snapped in the direction of his mother who started shouting, "A dick! Big, black dick! Black cock!" You had to hide your look of shock, but felt even more bad once you saw Kenny's embarrassed face.
Taking your time to really analyze the drawing, it finally clicked. "A skateboard?" You spoke over Rose's obscene guesses.
Kenny looked to you with a startled but thankful expression, allowing a small timid smile to adorn his face. "Yeah. Exactly." He chuckled breathlessly.
You felt heat quickly rise to your face as you noticed everyone around you was looking at you in shock, it's like you just figured out rocket science. "I suck at drawing, obviously." Kenny sat down beside you, the game coming to an abrupt end after his parents went off to talk in private.
You gave him a sympathetic smile. "You tried your best, that's all that matters. Sorry about my parents, forcing you all to play this silly game." You chuckled.
"Oh, no, I had fun. I wish I had parents like yours. Well, uh, not that they're bad or anything. We just don't really have those family game nights too often."
"You talk like your parents are gone all the time. Rose and David seem nice enough, but I don't have to live with them, of course. So, I shouldn't say anything, sorry."
"No, it's okay! I just wouldn't take your parents for granted."
You smiled. "I don't. I just feel like I need breathing space, is all." You started to blush when Kenny didn't respond, simply looking over your face like he was trying to memorize ever detail, the soft expression making the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. You were thinking about leaning in before he spoke again.
"Well, it's getting late, isn't it?" Kenny blurted, quickly standing up and you following his actions. "Sleep is important, you know!" He giggled nervously, giving you a friendly pat on the shoulder before walking away to your motorhome, stumbling slightly.
Was it something you said?
To say you were disappointed would've been an understatement. You really thought Kenny would go for the kiss, you wanted him to so very badly. But then again, you realized he wasn't the type to just go for it and neither were you, which complicated things. Your feelings for him were clear to you, even for the very short time you had gotten to know him, but your insecurity told you that maybe he didn't feel the same. Needless to say, you didn't get much sleep that night.
It was a bit awkward when you both had to part ways the next morning. Honestly, you didn't really want to even be seen because of your embarrassment, but your mother wouldn't let you be rude. You gave polite smiles and waves to the Miller family, not making eye contact with Kenny just to spare yourself from the ache you knew you'd feel if you did.
Over the course of the next couple days, you were still stuck in this funk that you couldn't seem to shake. All your thoughts were of Kenny. You spent most of the time sulking, much to your parents' dismay. They would try to get you to sing along with them whenever they burst out into song from various musicals, saying that you'd feel better after singing a song. But you just weren't up to it, it was annoying, and you rarely could ever turn down a sing-a-long. But alas, even when you stopped at the fairgrounds one of your last stops on the road trip, you didn't feel as excited as you normally would be. That was, until, you spotted Kenny in the crowd.
You didn't really believe in fate or destiny, but you couldn't deny some sort of force wanting you two to be drawn together. You felt your face heat up quickly once he spotted you yourself, a large goofy grin plastered on his face and making his way towards you. "Y/n, wow! Didn't think I'd see you here." Kenny laughed breathlessly, the beautiful sound making your heart beat rapidly.
"I didn't think I'd see you here either. A coincidence, huh?" You replied, wearing a weak smile. You weren’t the type to be petty, but your ego was still bruised from the other night. You honestly just felt like you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. “So, what are you doing here?” You quickly noticed the gauze taped to the inside of his elbow. “Are you okay?” You asked, your concern overpowering your pettiness.
Kenny looked down at his arm with wide eyes, almost forgetting that the gauze was still even there. “Oh, that!” He chuckled nervously. “I, uh, had to go to the emergency room…”
“What? Why?”
Kenny’s face reddened, the thought of retelling the story making a coil of embarrassment tighten in his gut. But with your face so deeply etched in concern, he couldn’t not tell you. “Nothing too serious, just got bit by a spider. But I’m okay now!”
“Goodness, glad you’re okay. I hate spiders. Where were you bitten?”
Kenny waved you off quickly. “Ah, that’s not important. Anyway, I’ve got some time to kill, wanna walk around together or something?”
“You…want to hang out?”
“Only if you’re up to it!” Kenny stuttered. Man, he was so cute. The hopeful smile on his face made you forget why you were even upset with him in the first place, so of course you agreed.
And just like how you and Kenny were those couple days ago, you both easily slipped back into that comfortable awkwardness with each other, sharing nervous smiles and giggles and terrible jokes that no one else would find funny but the two of you. You both rode the various rides that the fair had to offer, admiring the way everything lit up as the sun started to descend on the horizon. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket, a text from your mother saying that you had to come back to them soon so you could watch the fireworks as a family. You frowned, your day that turned perfect as soon as Kenny found you had to come to a close when all you wanted was for it to last forever.
“What’s the matter?” Kenny asked.
“I have to go soon. The fireworks are gonna start soon and my mom wants us to watch them together. Then it’s back on the road to head home.” You sighed, tucking your phone back in your pocket. “How about we ride the Ferris wheel before I leave?”
The seats in the Ferris wheel weren’t that spacious, the seat only holding two people at a time, so you had to fight the blush when you and Kenny had to sit side by side, your knees touching each other. But thankfully, even if you were blushing, the red lights would hide it. And Kenny, he was full on blushing, but you didn’t notice. He never thought knees touching each other could be so intimate, and yet… “I really wish you didn’t have to leave after this.” He whispered, barely audible over the carnival music and wind in your ears, but you heard, and it made your heart thump violently in your chest.
“Me too.” You admitted, causing Kenny to look at you with a sad smile, all the bright colorful lights in the fair collecting in his bluish green eyes, making them shine brilliantly. God, you wanted to kiss him so badly, but the Ferris wheel stopped and you both had to leave the seat. “Walk me back?” You asked with a hopeful expression, smiling when he agreed.
“Kenny? Where’ve you been, bud?” A voice called out, quickly recognizing the man as Kenny’s father, David. “Come on, we gotta go drop off these drugs before-” His eyes widened as he only just noticed you standing behind Kenny, the rest of his family coming to stand behind David.
“Drugs?” You looked at Kenny in confusion. “What’s he talking about?”
Kenny looked back and forth between you and David, his mouth agape and unable to speak. “Okay, I’ll just spit it out. They’re not my real family. We’re drug smugglers, Y/n, I am so sorry-”
“What?” You jumped as you heard your mother screech from behind you. “You all are drug dealers?”
“No, no, no, drug smugglers. There’s a difference!”
David quickly shushed everyone. “Look, he’s just been in the hospital, he’s all loopy from whatever they gave him. He doesn’t even know what drugs are, okay?” In the middle of his rant, a tall muscular man stood behind the fake family, his expression angry and it scared you. It only took a couple seconds for him to realize you and your mother were staring behind them in shock, and they all jumped back in surprise when they finally turned around to see the scary man. “Oh, you’re not dead. Thank God.”
The large man only responded by holding up his pistol, cocking the hammer. “He’s got a gun!” Your mother cried out, holding onto you tightly. He started to point the barrel at all of you until the door to your motorhome suddenly opened, your father quickly intercepting and knocking the man unconscious. 
“Y/n, go find a police officer.” Your father ordered as he ziptied the man.
You ran off immediately, but you didn’t get very far. Another man, significantly smaller than the other one, grabbed you by the forearm, trying to twist you around but you struggled and fought against him. But his grip only tightened painfully and you froze in place as he placed his own gun to your head, “Fight or make a sound, and I’ll pump you full of lead, girl.” You could only nod silently as he brought you back to the scene, tears in your eyes as you looked to your parents in fear, glancing over to see Kenny looking at you with almost the same amount of fear.
“Please don’t hurt her.” Your father begged after he gave up the gun he took from the fallen man, and his coffee mug. To your immense relief, the man holding you pushed you away and back into the arms of your parents.And after some back and forth between the Millers and the drug dealer, the fireworks finally started. Lucky for you all, the drug dealer got distracted and allowed for David to knock the gun out of his hand. But it felt like it was all over when the man pulled out another gun, aimed straight at David and about to pull the trigger, until Kenny punched him in the face.
You stared in shock as your father immediately went to tie up the man, unable to help yourself in thinking about how impressed you were with Kenny. 
With a soft smile, Kenny walked back to you with a confident stance. “Kenny-” You were quickly interrupted as he pushed his lips against yours in a passionate kiss, very unexpected coming from sweet and timid Kenny. You made no effort to pull away, you didn’t want to, not when this was what you wanted for half a week now. He moved his lips against yours with expertise, but you didn’t even think to wonder how he learned how to kiss so well. Your eyes briefly opened in shock as he rolled his tongue against yours, you didn’t even know what he did, but you couldn’t help the quiet moan you let out as he made that pleasant move. “Oh…” You sighed as he finally pulled away, your eyes glazed over as you stared into his with admiration.
“God, I’ve wanted to do that for so long.” Kenny chuckled breathlessly.
“Why didn’t you do that sooner?” You asked.
“Didn’t think you felt the same way, and I was scared. But considering you didn’t slap me, I guess that means you do feel the same. If you want to, I’d love to take you out on a proper date. You know, without the threat of death.”
“Of course.” You smiled, leaning up to place a quick kiss on his lips. But that smile quickly left your face as you saw your father’s disapproving stare. “Dad-” He brought his hand up and gave you that parent look, making you shut your mouth.
Your father looked Kenny up and down, sizing him up before speaking. “Now,” He started, “I normally wouldn’t allow my precious daughter to date a criminal, especially a drug smuggler…but, you helped save my family and that makes you alright in my book.”
He gave you and Kenny a small smile, barely seen under his thick mustache. “But unfortunately, I’m gonna have to place you under arrest…or, you could be a witness and testify against who made you do this. You’d all have to be placed under witness protection, but better that than a jail cell, right?”
It wasn’t an ideal circumstance, but you and Kenny made it work. After a few months, you were finally allowed to see him again. He finally took you on that date like he promised, and it was almost normal, like he wasn’t under witness protection. But that didn’t matter to you. All that mattered was that you got to spend time with him. He was the perfect boyfriend, even with all his endearing quirks, but it just made you care for him even more. 
Despite the odd way the two of you met and the illegal situation, you couldn’t have been happier.
kenny is baby
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yeswillxpoulter · 5 years
A-Z List NSFW (Kenny)
I might’ve been a little biased, because  I love me Kenny. But reminder, these are my opinions and you don’t have to agree with me. 
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A = Aftercare 

Kenny is excellent at aftercare. He’ll run you a nice warm bath with your favorite candles. You want a massage? He’ll do it. You craving pizza? He’ll order it. Anything you want, he will be glad to provide. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) 

His favorite body part of you is your hips. He always has his hands on them regardless of where you are. If you’re at dinner, one hand is on your hip. At the house, hands on. In bed, definitely hands on.  
C = Cum 

He likes to cum anywhere tbh, he has more of a habit of doing it on your stomach though.
D = Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) 

He really wants you to blindfold him. He wants to feel the stimulation from it and oh boy, does he want it bad.  
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kenny has no experience whatsoever. He’s just a shy little bean that struggles interacting with girls. (But that’s why we love him) 

F = Favorite position

Kenny loves missionary. He loves the intimacy, and craves the eye contact. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)

Kenny is a very goofy boy in my general, but he gets very serious when it comes down to sex. 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
He’s not bald, but he keeps it all nice and trimmed.. 

I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)

Kenny is a very romantic boy, so he gets in to the moment heavily. Like gets so lost in the moment, sometimes he forgets his own name, all he knows is yours. And it comes out like a scripture, only sacred for you to hear. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation)

Kenny loves masturbating. Well since because before you came around, that’s all he did. 
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I have a feeling he may having a mommy kink, but I could be wrong. Either that or roleplay. He’s really into roleplay. You in a school girl outfit? He’ll nut on site.

L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)

He keeps it simple and just stays in the bedroom. (Just like Gally) Sometimes he’ll be willing to have sex in the shower but that’s the farthest he’ll go.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)

Really anything gets him going, especially anything you do. Just you yourself turns the boy on, even when you think you don’t. (Just like Gally again :3)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)

nO public sex. Like none, period.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves giving and receiving. But he LOVES receiving more.

P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)

Kenny likes to take things slow with you, he basically wants to spoil you and make you feel good. If you want him to go fast, then he’ll go fast. Whatever you want, you shall receive.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)

Kenny likes the occasional quickie, but just not too often. Maybe every once in a while.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)

Kenny is a shy and timid boy, but he’ll be willing to experiment as long as it stays in the bedroom.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Kenny could last maybe a good 30 minutes. Boys have a high stamina in general, but Kenny is an exception to some ;)

T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He’ll use toys sometimes, like the occasional vibartor or dildo on his partner. All he wants is for them to feel good.

U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He doesn’t tease much, he wants it all to be fair for both of you. BUt he will tease back if you teased him first ;)

V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Kenny I believe has like, two switches. One where he’s just breathing heavily or he’s just a moaning mess. The first time around he started out with heavy pants then as he got the hang of it, he got more comfortable moaning. (Not like any of us would complain am I right? ;) )

W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
You and Kenny were hanging out in his room, you watching him while he was playing a video game he just bought. He hasn’t really been paying attention to you but you knew how to get his attention. You slowly caressed his thigh, still nothing. You inched your hand higher and he tensed up. “Y-Y/N, what are you d-doing?” He asked, eyes still glued to the TV. “Don’t worry about it..I’m just having some fun.” You purred in his ear as his breath hitched.

X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Kenny is pretty average, just practically the perfect length and width. 

Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)

Kenny’s sex drive is a bit higher than most, he has a lot of built up sexual tension that he has to get rid of ;)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kenny falls asleep like directly after sex, especially after the first couple times. 
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mackjlee9 · 8 months
Kenny Rossmore x Male!Reader [Fluff]
part 2. »»»
We're the Millers
Being the last one to get in, (M/n) closed the door and found a comfortable spot near Kenny, not really interested in anything else other than taking care of his best friend for the whole duration of this trip.
He almost couldn't believe he found himself involved in David's problems just because Kenny wanted to be part of the plan, and then that girl, Casey, joined in as well. She was -somewhat responsible- for everything that happened, at least in the way (M/n) viewed it.
If she had been getting robbed somewhere else, Kenny wouldn't have gone out to help her, and then it comes to the part where, if she hadn't run away from her parents' house, nothing would've happened.
But oh well, it was too late and useless to put the blame on everyone other than David. He was the drug dealer in the first place, he should've known better than to get between the robbers and the girl getting robbed.
In all honesty, he just didn't want to get Kenny into anything dangerous, perhaps he tried too hard. But no way was he gonna let Kenny go, all by himself, with someone like David Clark. Rose might be nice at times, but (M/n) never got along with her... And that was probably because Kenny was, somewhat, attracted to the older woman.
Well, there's no point in dwelling in the past, they're already wrapped in this whole mess. And he's winning fifty thousand dollars out of this job.
David was freaking mad when he heard him, "50k?! What do you need so much money for?! You're just a kid!"
"I need to pay for my and Kenny's university fees, David, so you pay me... Or I'll tell your boss and... The DEA," in the end, they made a deal.
And now, he was stuck in a situation that could've easily been avoided, but Kenny always had that "hero complex", he wanted to help and save everyone but alas it rarely ever worked, he might be over 6 feet tall, but he looks too innocent and naive still, so no one finds him intimidating.
"See? Even this loser here wants to see them!" The sound of Casey's voice caught his attention, and he looked up to glare at her. He was about to get up and make her apologize for calling Kenny "loser", but she started chanting 'fireworks!' over and over again.
And David didn't like that, at all. He stopped the trailer and turned on his seat to look at every one. He didn't pay much attention to what was happening, and ultimately, decided to turn back to his phone, and his music.
After that, they continued with their way, but not without lighting up a single firework that (M/n) didn't bother coming out to watch.
The four of them looked around the place, seeing all the drugs that had to be loaded in the trailer. It was definitely more than just a smidge... They were fucked, genuinely.
"Kenny, (M/n)... Watch the pot," and David left, along with Rose and Casey. (M/n) huffed and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm gonna kill that stupid old man..." (M/n) mumbled to himself as they left and got in the RV again, along with a basket of fresh fruit brought in by Kenny, ready to cross the border back to the country. But of course, things weren't going to go smoothly when you had someone like David driving.
They were stopped by a cop, who thankfully accepted bribery but... They didn't have that money, at least not yet, but the officer was open to taking another kind of bribery. And of course, David saw his way out of this whole ordeal, only to have his dreams crushed when he was informed that...
The officer wasn't straight.
"Serves you right, asshole," (M/n) felt Kenny lightly tapping his shoulder, in a way to tell him to stay quiet or not say that about Mr.Clark, but he couldn't care less.
Ever since (M/n) found out Kenny had a drug dealer as a neighbour, he's made it his duty to stay with him and protect him from David, Kenny was too nice to see the bad in others, hence why he got picked on a lot in school, however, (M/n) was always there to stand up for him. It's been that way since they were kids, and he wasn't gonna stop now.
"Alright, Kenny... You're up," David stood up from his seat and took Kenny out of the RV, of course, (M/n) panicked and followed after them.
"Are you fucking serious, David?!" He walked out, screaming in rage, and David rolled his eyes, done with (M/n)'s attitude.
"Yes, I am serious, he can get us out of this mess-" (M/n) stood in front of Kenny, standing up to protect him.
"The mess that you got yourself involved in, so maybe you should go suck mister officer off yourself, instead of asking a kid to do it for you!" Kenny looked back and forth between his best friend and his fake dad, unsure of what to do, "He's not gonna do it."
"I'm not a kid-"
"Then I'm sure you can take his place," (M/n) stayed silent for a few seconds, his jaw clenched as he glared at David, glancing over his shoulder to stare at the police officer, waiting at a safe distance from them, "I doubt you would want Kenny to get arrested because you couldn't do something he could've done easily."
He took a few deep breaths, closing his hands tight in fists, "Fine... I'll do it."
"No, (M/n), you don't have to-" Kenny held (M/n)'s wrist, trying to pull him back, making the (h/c) haired male turn toward him.
"It's okay, Kenny, go back inside-" he glanced at David and saw him tapping his wristwatch, mouthing 'tic, tac' at him, "Just go back inside, please... Casey!" He called for the teen girl who stood by the open door next to Rose, "Don't let him out," while he dragged Kenny back into the RV, he ignored the blond's complaining, saying he could do it, that he didn't have to do this for him, but (M/n) ignored him and turned back to look at David, who had a smirk on his face.
He walked closer to him until they were face to face, and he glared at the old man.
"Make sure you add 10k to the fifty you owe me, asshole," and his smirk was gone, replaced by a frown.
"Depends on how good you do, kid," they began walking closer to the officer, and he could faintly hear Kenny calling for him from inside the RV, "Now, this what you're gonna do-."
"I know what I have to do old man," David looked at him with raised eyebrows but (M/n) didn't realize.
"Hey! What's going on?" The officer came by and stopped in front of them, "Somebody sucking my dick or am I getting a thousand pesos?"
(M/n) looked at the officer and then back at David, who looked baffled at the new word he heard, "Pesos? You are a fucking idiot!"
(M/n) paced around annoyed, watching how David gave a hundred bucks to the officer, who left them be after blowing him a kiss. He felt shivers down his spine and turned around, stumping his way back to the RV, where Casey and Rose had been waiting for them to come back.
He opened the door and walked past Kenny, heading to the back of the trailer and finding a comfortable spot to sit on. A few minutes later, he got bored of his phone and Kenny came in, sitting next to him.
"Thank you for... Taking my spot, you didn't have to do that, (M/n)," he looked at Kenny from the corner of his eye, slowly turning to look at him, shrugging it off as if it was nothing, "Were you really going to...? Y'know, suck him off?"
Kenny's question almost made (M/n) laugh, "Well, my plan was to punch him hard enough until he passed out so we could escape but... Didn't have to do that after all."
(M/n) and Kenny were having fun in the back playing games on their phones together, when Casey came up to them with the Mexican sombreros.
And apparently, there was another RV right next to them, so she was ushering them to come out and be together.
"We're David and Rose Miller," he looked back and saw the three teens behind them, "My daughter, Casey," she leaned over to wave 'hello', "My son, Kenny, and his best friend, (M/n)."
Both of them leaned too, one less enthusiastic than the other, (M/n) wasn't good at meeting new people, he closed off easily in public so he hoped this was the only interaction they were gonna have with this family.
"Oh, it's so nice that you brought your son's best friend! I'm sure they are having fun together!" The lady in the other trailer exclaimed, as if moved by David's kindness, but judging by the smirk on his face, (M/n) knew he was gonna say something irrelevant.
"Well, his parents hate him and they're never home, so we took that role for them," David glanced back at him, ignoring how awkward he made the atmosphere with the unknown family next to them.
"Fuck you," he whispered in response and sat back down in one of the empty seats at the front.
Finally, it seemed like things were going by smoothly, but the car at the front was found with a pot, so now they had to wear their sombreros and smile wide like idiots just to pass as a nice family who came back from their vacation in Mexico.
But well, not everything seemed to be going to shit, seeing how illegal immigrants were crossing the border so the guards had more important stuff to worry about at the moment, so they made their way back into the RV and continued their way.
(M/n) put his phone to charge and sat next to Kenny, thinking of maybe taking a nap until they arrived, when David turned on the radio and Waterfalls began playing. He fixed his sitting position and looked at Kenny, knowing it was his favourite song, and he waited patiently to hear him sing and rap along with it.
Moments like this with Kenny, chill and lighthearted, never failed to enhance his feelings for him. Despite knowing how wrong it was to like his best friend as something more, (M/n) didn't really mind it, he could take the unrequited love any day if it was Kenny.
(M/n) was looking out the window of the RV, lost in thought, completely unaware of how Rose, Casey and David were talking about Kenny, watching him talking to Melissa, the only child of the Fitzgerald family they found themselves camping with.
"She would be the luckiest girl..." The three of them stopped talking when they heard (M/n), watching Kenny with a sad look in his eyes, "He just has to be brave and say it."
David made eye contact with Casey and Rose, who shrugged and remained quiet, "I thought you liked Kenny?"
(M/n) scoffed a humourless laugh, trying to sound cheerful but failing, "Yeah... He's not into guys, believe me, I've tried, so..." He took a deep breath and looked down at his hands, "I don't know, kinda gave up."
After that, the air got a little tense, until Rose convinced David to go out there and talk to Kenny, help him a little and (M/n) stood up, sitting on the steps of the RV as the door remained open, staring up at the night sky.
"Count to three and then do it, because you're gonna overthink it and that... Will drive you crazy," well, that wasn't a half bad advice coming from someone like David. (M/n) watched how the old man got up and Rose walked next to him, stepping out of the RV.
And there was Kenny, making his way back inside.
"Hey, you good?" He stood up and walked in, closing the door behind them and sitting on the empty sofa. Casey was sitting across from them, blasting her music and staring at her phone, "I saw... What happened with Melissa."
Kenny shifted awkwardly, but he noticed (M/n) wasn't looking at him, he was staring at the floor. Then he remembered how (M/n) had dated quite a few people so maybe he could explain to him what he could do, even if he got advice from David, someone his age, and his best friend, would give better advice. Or so he thought.
"Can you help me, (M/n)?" Kenny watched how he froze in place and slowly looked up at him, making eye contact, "Teach me how to kiss-"
He hurried to cover Kenny's mouth before he could keep talking, glancing over at Casey who was still minding her business, even so, (M/n) decided to drag Kenny to the back room of the RV, he didn't want her to hear and make fun of his best friend just because he hadn't had his first kiss yet.
They sat together and after making sure no one was coming with them, he looked at Kenny, a serious expression on his face.
"You want me... To teach you how to kiss?" (M/n) watched how he nodded frantically, licking his lips nervously, something that he didn't miss, although he tried to not make it obvious that he was staring at Kenny's glossy lips, "You know there's nothing I can teach you unless... I physically teach you, right?"
At that, Kenny seemed a little more hesitant, and (M/n) wanted to smack himself because he might've ruined his only chance to ever kiss Kenny, so he decided he was gonna count to three, and then say it. One... Two... Three.
"If you really wanna kiss Melissa I can teach you, it... Doesn't have to mean anything," (M/n) shrugged in a way to appear more nonchalant, but the truth is, his heart felt ready to burst, "We've been best friends for over ten years, a kiss is not gonna change that, Kenny."
"But... I don't want my first kiss to be with a guy," okay, that was kinda painful, but at least he didn't say he didn't want to do it because it was him.
(M/n) tried to come up with an excuse, something easy that could ease Kenny's nerves... Oh, he got it, "Well, we can just pretend it never happened, that way your first real kiss will be with Melissa," he chuckled in a way that seemed real, and he was glad Kenny bought his excuse and was convinced.
"If you put it like that..." Kenny looked at (M/n), seeing how he was patiently waiting for his response, "Okay," he sighed and fixed his sitting position, feeling incredibly tense.
(M/n) noticed and laughed, a real laugh, and turned to slightly face Kenny, placing his hands on the blond's shoulders, "Hey, relax, kissing a guy is no different than kissing a girl, alright?" Kenny nodded and took a deep, shaky breath, his body loosing up and shifting around to face (M/n) as well, "We'll stop when you feel like stopping, okay? Don't wanna scare you too bad."
He didn't want to admit that, in reality, (M/n) was trying to calm himself, he was beyond excited and scared shitless, he felt like he was gonna throw up from how much his stomach was tingling, and it felt like it was stuck in his throat, and he could only hear the sound of his heart pounding in his ears. He was getting dizzy, the thought of getting to kiss Kenny, his best friend, and one-sided love made him extremely happy.
But it won't mean anything to Kenny, while it will be a dream come true for (M/n).
Despite all the experience he's had kissing girls and guys alike for the past few years, nothing could compare to this moment in time, he never felt his way, not even when he had his first kiss.
"Alright, first of... Close your eyes," Kenny squirmed while mumbling 'ah, yes', and closed his eyes. (M/n) could see how much he was shaking, whether it was because he was nervous or scared, he didn't know, all (M/n) knew was what he was feeling as he slowly leaned closer to Kenny, "You ready?" He whispered so as to not scare him, and he watched how he slowly nodded.
(M/n) leaned in and pressed his lips on Kenny's, his eyes closing as he closed his hands tightly, resisting the urge to hold his face and kiss him over and over again.
After a few seconds, Kenny backed away, and (M/n) was scared he might've done something wrong, "That's it?" He couldn't hold back his chuckle.
"Well, that was a peck, not really a kiss..." Kenny nodded and shifted closer to (M/n), "Kenny?"
"Can we do it? A kiss?" Oh my- the way Kenny's voice sounded and how he was looking at him with those green eyes almost made (M/n)'s brain short-circuit.
"S-sure, this is... Me teaching you how to kiss after all, you have to learn..." (M/n) felt himself getting more nervous when he realized Kenny was the one leaning in now.
"Can I try something?" Feeling Kenny's hand gently holding his face sent shivers down his spine, even if his touch was warm against his skin.
Scared of stuttering and letting Kenny know how this whole situation actually affected him, (M/n) nodded, feeling proud that Kenny would want to take the initiative this time around, even if it was at the expense of his poor heart.
And he soon felt Kenny's lips pressed on his again. He took a deep breath through his nose and closed his eyes, relaxing under Kenny's hold and letting him take the lead and set the pace. Although, as he was still learning, it was getting a little messy, so (M/n) couldn't help but let a small smile grow on his face, reaching his hand up to hold to Kenny's wrist, pulling away the slightest bit, their lips gracing and breaths mixing.
"Easy, no need to rush..." (M/n) noticed how rapid Kenny's breath was, and he pressed their foreheads together, "Breath slowly and through your nose, okay? You're doing good."
"Really?" Kenny's voice trembled and for a moment (M/n) thought there might be a possibility of him enjoying his kisses, but he didn't let that thought last, pushing it away where it wouldn't cause hope to rise.
"Really," and with that, Kenny held (M/n)'s face in both his hands, leaned in the few inches keeping them apart, and kissed again.
Their lips moved slowly against each other, and (M/n) tried to prevent his body from trembling at the sensation of Kenny's lips and touch on him, keeping his breathing as steady and levelled as he could while his mind and heart were racing against each other. His mind told him this was wrong and it would only cause him more pain when Kenny got together with Melissa. But his heart...
His heart told him to enjoy this moment they were having together, treasure it and never forget how gentle and sweet Kenny's kisses felt like.
After a few minutes, they pulled away, trying to steady their breathing the best they could, "Was that good?" (M/n) whispered, slightly pulling back to look into Kenny's eyes.
"Yeah..." He mumbled, as if he was in a daze, his sight stuck staring at (M/n)'s lips, "Can we keep going...?"
He almost choked with his spit, but he managed to hide it, and he nodded, "I told you... We'll stop when you feel like it, Kenny."
"Good, 'cause I don't want to stop."
The kisses that followed were more intense, more needy, filled with want and... Perhaps desire, maybe even a spark of love.
Kenny almost didn't want to admit it, but (M/n) was an amazing kisser, and he found himself just wanting more of him- of his best friend, completely unaware of how his thoughts regarding Melissa had completely abandoned his mind long ago. He could only think about continuing to make out with (M/n), enjoying their time without "parents" around.
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tricksters-captain · 5 years
Will Poulter Imagine - Broken Locks
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AN:  I don’t normally write for real life people, I usually write about their characters when they’re in something as I’m best at character writing however this imagine came to me whilst I was in the shower and I wanted to write it. I know some people get funny about writers writing imagine for the real life people however this is purely fiction and for entertainment purposes. 
Summary: You and Will are flat mates and when the bathroom lock breaks. What happens when boundaries are broken...
Pairings: Will Poulter x reader
Word Count: 2,159
Warnings: Strong language, lots of fluff at the beginning, smut at the end. Unprotected shower smut (use protection kids) 
Will had been very kind to offer you a place to stay when you needed it. 
Recently, you had to suddenly leave your flat and being good friends with Will after filming together last year, he kindly offered for you to move in with him. He had a spare bedroom which you quickly moved into and that’s where it all started. 
You and Will hadn’t been flatmates very long when the bathroom door lock broke. You two soon had to set some boundaries after that happened. You both became very good at being aware of when the other was in the bathroom at which time since you were both too lazy or too busy to get the locked fixed. 
Things seemed to be going well until one day when Will had gone out and had a bit too much to drink... Which ended with him at the door of the bathroom whilst you were in the shower, begging to be let in...
“(Y/n), come on. I’m dying out here.” Will begged as he knocked on the door again. 
“I’m almost finished.” You said as you massaged the shampoo into your hair. 
“(Y/n), please.” Will didn’t know how much longer he could hold it. Silently wishing he had peed before he left the bar downtown. 
You continued to ignore him, when suddenly, you heard a frustrated grunt outside followed by the unlatching of the door. 
“William Jack Poulter!” You shrieked in protest as you poked your head out from the shower curtain to see him stood by the toilet. 
You grimaced and quickly ducked back behind the curtain. 
“Thank fu...” Will exhaled as he tipped his head back in relief. 
“I can’t believe you just did that.” You knew he’d be drinking so he was much ballsier than normal, however, he still just barged into the bathroom whilst you were naked.
“I’m sorry but in my defence there’s a curtain and I was about to piss myself.” Will’s words began to slew together. 
“Bloody hell... Fine. Now hurry up.” You rolled your eyes as you heard him flush the loo then run his hands under the tap. 
That may have been the first time he intruded on your ‘very important’ shower time but it most definitely wasn't the last. 
The next time he had let himself break the bathroom boundary was after you broke up with your boyfriend. 
He had walked past the bathroom door to hear your usual Sunday night shower, however, it wasn’t the usual out of tune singing or mumbling lines to yourself but instead something much different. 
You were crying.
He felt his chest go heavy when he realised. 
He rested his head against the bathroom door and contemplated going in to check on you... It didn’t take him long to cave in to the concern pulling at his heart strings. 
You tried to stop crying as you heard the latch of the bathroom door go slowly. 
“(Y/n)?” Will called your name softly as he opened the door a fraction. 
You squeezed your eyes shut and sucked in your lower lip to try and stop the tears but it didn’t help. 
Will let himself in once he knew you were behind the shower curtain. 
“(Y/n)? Do you wanna talk about it?” Will asked. 
The only response he got was you breaking down again. He took the hint. 
He picked up your towel and opened it wide as he approached the curtain. Pulling back the curtain slowly, he draped the towel over you as you immediately stepped into his embrace. 
Will took a step backwards, hauling you over the edge of the bathtub before settling on his knees hugging you close to his chest as you cried. 
You gripped tight onto his t-shirt as he rested his chin on top of your head, stroking circles over the towel covering your back. 
“It’s alright.” Will muttered, “It’s alright.” 
From that day, you two became even closer than before. 
Even though Will wasn’t quite okay with breaking the bathroom boundaries you figured that if Will could lift you from the shower and hold you crying on the bathroom floor then he could definitely help you run lines. 
That was the third time you forced him to break the bathroom boundary. 
“(Y/n), I’d much rather do this after you shower.” Will tried to back out of helping you with your lines once you told him you needed him whilst in the shower. 
“No, I practise best in the shower.” You were stubborn, he had to admit that. 
“I can’t believe you’re making me do this.” Will grumbled as he scratched the back of his neck, making his way from the door of the bathroom to the sink.
“Will you just please read the script and make sure I don’t fuck up? I need this job.” You pleaded. 
“Alright, alright.” Will leant on the edge of the basin as he looked down at the script in his hand.
Fortunately, you did get the job and you teased Will by saying it was clearly all down to him and that shower. 
Weirdly enough, after that shower, if Will was bored it wasn’t unusual for him to just sit in the bathroom with you. 
He liked your company and even just being in your presence was calming to him. 
He sat on the toilet lid with his feet on the sink as he flicked through a sample script. You liked the little furrow in his brow as he studied new material to see whether it was any good. 
Your music was playing as you sang along quietly but then all of a sudden a very familiar tune started to play. 
“You’re joking?” Will looked up from his script and towards the closed shower curtain. You laughed and poked your head out from behind the curtain.
“It’s a random playlist on Spotify and it’s on shuffle!” You told him innocently before you started to sing along, swaying slightly to tease him. 
Will went to pick up your phone to skip but you yelped in protest. 
“.... Don't go chasing waterfalls Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all But I think you're moving too fast...” You sang whilst ducking back into the shower. 
Will shook his head and reluctantly sat through the song until it got to the famous moment. 
“If you don’t do the rap I’m moving out.” You said childishly over the water. 
“Perfect. Means I’ll finally have my bathroom back.” Will smiled. 
“Do the rap, William!” You demanded, ignoring his comment. 
Will sighed and closed the script as he put on his American accent from ‘We’re the Millers’.
You squealed in happiness as he started to do the rap, forgetting a word here and there as it had been 5 years since the movie. 
You both then erupted in song and laughter as it came to the chorus. 
That was the moment Will knew he had a little more than just platonic feelings towards you, however, it took you a little longer to realise your own feelings... 
When you did finally realise your feelings it wasn’t surprising it was in that exact bathroom. 
However, the roles were reversed for once. 
Will stood in the shower as you sat crossed legged on the toilet seat, waiting for a face mask to dry. You had a bowl of crisps on the sink which Will voiced ‘was so weird’ as you were basically sat on the toilet but you didn’t care. 
“I like Fionn. We should have him round more.” You said as you munched on your crisps. 
“Yeah, he’s a great guy. I knew you’d like him.” Will raised his voice over the water. 
“What are we doing this evening?” You asked. 
For the past couple evenings Will had had his friends round and with the upcoming release of Bandersnatch. 
Fionn Whitehead had visited last night. 
“Movie?” Will suggested as he turned off the water. 
“Only if I get to pick.” You retorted, passing the boy his towel. 
Will rolled his eyes as he climbed out the shower with a towel around his waist. You sank back down onto the toilet lid but as you looked up, your eyes caught his bare back. You watched the water roll down his shoulder blade and you felt the air catch in your lungs.
“If you’re picking the film then I’m picking the food.” Will negotiated. 
As he turned around, you snapped yourself out of the sudden dirty thoughts running through your head and your eyes to his face. 
“Yeah?” He asked, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“Yeah.” You nodded, putting the crisps in your hand back into the bowl and watching Will exit the bathroom. 
It drove you both crazy thinking that the other probably didn’t reciprocate your feelings and to save the rejection, you both kept them to yourselves. 
But, of course, the first one to crack was you due to your terrible habit of being impatient. 
You were in the shower one evening when you called Will in. 
You then realised it was a ‘now-or-never’ kind of moment since you didn’t actually have any other reason for calling him into the bathroom other than to confess your attraction towards him. 
“What’s up?” Will asked from the other side of the shower. 
You closed your eyes to try and calm yourself down. Your heart was beating so fast in your chest you were pretty sure Will could hear it. 
“(Y/n)? Is everything alright?” He asked as he stepped closer to the shower curtain. 
What you did next seemed to happen in a flash of a second. 
You pulled the shower curtain slightly to the side and gripped tight onto Will’s t-shirt as you tugged him towards your face, capturing your lips in his. 
Will didn’t react at first, shocked at the sudden act, but you didn’t give in just yet. You stayed with the kiss, praying he would move his lips to signify that this was okay and after what felt like forever he did. 
He cupped the side of your jaw with one of his hands whilst the other found the wall to balance him as he stepped over the side of the bath into the shower. 
You kissed him with a fierce hunger, pulling at his now damp shirt. 
The water cascaded over you both as Will’s hands seem to explore every part of you. 
Will rushed to get off his clothes before they got too soaked that it would be awkward to remove them. You helped him until he was down to nothing. 
Your hand found his waist before you cautiously neared his member. Will’s hips jerked in response, he then took a fistful of your wet hair.
You wrapped your hand around him and began to pump up and down his erection, smirking at the quiet groan from his throat. 
“Will?” You muttered through the kiss. 
“Yeah?” He pulled away, his mouth travelling down your neck and along your shoulder.  
“Fuck me.” You begged as your knees grew weak.. 
Will pulled back, his eyes searched your face for all the assurance he needed before smiling back at you and crashing his lips against yours once again. 
His hand holding onto the back of your neck moved to under your thigh to try and lift you slightly.
“You sure?” Will asked. All you could do was nod as your stomach flipped with excitement. 
He entered you, holding you steady as you winced with his size. 
“You alright?” He asked, again, searching your eyes for any sign to stop. 
“I’m alright.” You kissed him and rocked against him to signal that you were okay to just go for it. 
Will had to suppress a moan as your wet breasts rubbed against his chest whilst he fucked you. You gripped onto him tightly as he thrusted in and out of you.. 
You leant against the wall to try and give you both some more stability as Will pounded into your harder and faster. You were edging close to climax as he picked up his pace and you could tell with every thrust that he was too. 
“Fuck.” Will cussed under his breath as you dug your nails into his shoulders. 
You let your head rest against the wall as you shook, squeezing your eyes shut as you started to pulse around him. The sensation of your finish encouraged his own shortly after. 
You were suddenly thankful you were in the shower as Will pulled out of you.
The next time Will heard the shower, he let himself into the bathroom without a second thought. Pulling his t-shirt over his head and kicking off his jogging bottoms.
“Having a shower without me?” Will asked as he pulled back at the curtain. “I feel betrayed.” Will teased, jumping in with you as you giggled. 
You wrapped your arms around him and kissed him sweetly.
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falloutjay · 3 years
Eric x careless/troublemaker reader, reader was always a crazy kid, she felt no one really understood her, and her only real friend was Esther Stoley, Annie Knitts and Nicole. But Reader has always admired Eric and never gotten why everyone hated him (she finds both Kyle and Wendy very annoying). One day, she finds him and Butters making their next scheme, and she wants in. After an effective day of pranking, they (well Eric but reader likes Butters's company) take her under their wing. They generally start hanging out and starts to be the 'girl' of the main group (she thinks of Stan, Butters and Kenny has her brothers) and she finds Eric and Kyle's banter hilarious. It gets better (for her at least): she always defends him now (be it irrationally, rationally, verbally or physically) like: Heidi tried to warn Reader about Eric...but the poor girl leaves with a broken nose or Wendy was just upset how someone so awful, could have someone advocate for them and starts to plan to tell her about the breast cancer incident when Bebe would tell that it's Y/n and if anything, what she did to him would just make her stay more, making Wendy stop. She was also a big fan of the Coon and would just gush about how cool he was (she does like Wonder Tweek, Mosquito and Toolshed but she loves Coon the best). Everyone was pretty divsive, some people thought it was funny and teased him on it (like: Craig, Stan and Kenny), some people shipped it (like: Clyde, Butters and weirdly Nicole/Tweek), but some people were afraid of those two becoming a couple (Kyle, Heidi and Wendy). Eric is strangely 'no comment'y about all this until one day, Eric is just about to be turned into the principal when suddenly Reader in a elorate plan, knocks out the witness and pins the blame on someone else. After that's over, Reader can't take it anymore and happily asks him to be her partner/boyfriend and Eric proudly accepts and the two go on to create to create anarchy. May others pray for their safety.
Hey guys! It's me! I'm back! :D
I'm still stressed AF, but after my day was really nice, I felt super motivated to finally continue this lovely prompt, so I did.
I'm currently still in the process of moving and my exams are still not over, but I'm trying!
So I hope I can publish the next request soon and I love all you guys, thank you for all the likes, reblogs, follows and most importantly your patience! <3
Eric Cartman x careless!troublemaker!female!Reader
“Don’t you think that’s a bit extreme Eric?” Butters asked, eyebrow raised as he listened to Erics new pranking plan. “No, it’s not at all, “eXtRemE”.” Eric retorted and shook his head.
They didn’t notice that someone approached them, listening to their plan. “W-well if you say so, I trust you, Eric.” As the fatter one of the two heard a twig snap, his head turned immediately and look at a kid from their class. What was her name again? “Who are you?” Eric asked unimpressed. “Y/N.” She answered dryly.
Butters kept looking between the two, moving his head, whenever someone said something. “What do you want?” “I want in on your plan.” “What makes you think I want someone like you in this? You normally play with the girls.”
“What does that have to do with anything. Just because I hang out with Esther, Annie and Nicole…That changes nothing about the fact that I love what you’re planning here, and I want in.” Eric seemed to think about the proposition for a second.
“Okay. I think I need one more person around here. Butters can barely do one fucking job.” So, he explained the plan to you in big detail. And in your humble opinion, it was brilliant. Once Eric had finished explaining, he looked at you with a sly smile.
“So, what do you think?” You pretended to think for a second, before an evil grin appeared on your face. “Why stop there? We can also pull a prank on the teachers and the school buses if we put in a little more effort.” “Never thought about that one before. I like your way of thinking, Y/N.”
The two looked into each other’s eyes, clearly seeing that mischievous spark in each pair of eyes. Butters watched you in horror, afraid of what he had just now witnessed. “Ohhh hamburgers.”
Y/N became a regular in Stans gang rather fast. Kenny and Stan love her to bits, just like she does. They love hanging out with her and to Kenny she’s like Karen. One thing that Y/N really enjoys is listening to Kyle and Eric's bickering. No matter the topic and no matter how loud or extreme the two get, she just sits there like it’s a cinema and the two are the newest marvel movie. Speaking of superhero movies, South Parks very own heroes are a topic ever so often too. And to Cartman’s delight, his trusted friend loves talking about The Coon. His super-secret hero identity. She would also gush about Wonder Storm, Mosquito and Toolshed but she would always praise The Coon, which is a melody in Cartman’s ears. Another thing Cartman loves about his only female friend is how she loves defending him to anyone. Be it teachers, her fellow girl friends, or anyone else. When Heidi tried to warn her that Eric means bad news, she had to visit the nurse afterwards. Y/N had detention for breaking the poor girl’s nose, but she sure as hell didn’t regret her decision. Even when she was shunned by the girls from there on.
“I just can’t believe her. Maybe she will change her mind when I tell her about the whole Breast cancer thing? You know… It could affect her too, maybe that’s wha-Wendy…” Bebe interrupted her and sighted. “You remember how Heidi was? How every time we said something mean about Cartman, she would only try harder to prove us wrong?” “Of course, I remember. How could I forget.” Wendy mumbled and stabbed her fork through her salad. “If you try to reason with her, she will just hit you with the whole “He isn’t like that”-schtick. You can’t change her mind, okay?” Bebe eyed their classmate who was happily chatting with Eric and Kenny a few tables away. “I guess.” Wendy said defeated and closed her eyes, asking herself how Eric could even make a girl interested in him.
On another table across the cafeteria, Craig and those guys were seated. Oddly enough, their topic was similar. Y/N L/N and Eric Cartman. “I don’t know why but they’d make quite a cute couple you know?” Clyde said with a smile before biting into his burger. “I know, right?” Nicole agreed and to everyone’s surprise, even Tweek nodded along. “I don’t think they’d become a thing though.” Craig mumbled lazily. “Why?” Clyde asked, obviously interested in the gossip.
“Well, Kenny, Stan and I teased him about it in History class, but he keeps saying he doesn’t like her that way.” “Aww, come on Craig, you know very well that he would never admit it just like that. Guys don’t just admit they have a crush. I’m sure he likes her. I mean, she the only one who can stand him for longer than a day.” Nicole commented, a sly smile spread across her face. “I just think the anti-Cartman fraction would rather die than see those two become a thing.” Token commented and his eyes darted across the room, looking at Kyle, Heidi and Wendy. “Well, I guess we will have some funerals to visit sometime soon.” Nicole replied and everyone at their table had to involuntarily smile.
“That’s it. ERIC. To the Principal. Now.” Mister Garrisons voice thundered through the hallways and a confused Y/N closed her locker. She let out a deep sigh, knowing something must have gone wrong with his new plan.
“Guess I gotta bust him out again.”
Knowing the way to the principal by heart she made her way there, only catching a glimpse of the in pink paint and glitter covered Mister Garrison, who kept cursing like crazy.
Y/N happily skipped past the not-occupied secretary desk and took a seat next to Eric. “I already wondered where you are.” Cartman commented unimpressed. “Sorry, I had to look at Garrison for a second. So what went wrong?” “This stupid asshole over there saw me set up the paint bomb in Garrisons locker thing.” The brown-haired whispered and pointed at the kid that was sitting across from them. “Thanks to that asshat, I will probably be suspended for some days or some shit.”
“Okay, I’ll handle it.” The h/c-haired said and got up to go over. She hovered over the boy who was looking up to her. “What?” He asked annoyed. “You’re Jonas Miller, right?” Y/N asked with the sweetest voice she could manage. “Yeah, what makes you care?” He asked, before a fist connected with his face. Surprised by her own strength, he seemed to be dazed and fell onto the other chairs.
“Y/N, what the fuck?” Cartman cried out confused. “Fast, hit me!” She said, not fazed at all. “What? Why?” “God, just do it!” Trusting his mischievous partner Erics fist landed on Y/N pretty face and he even felt a hint of remorse. “Good punch Eric. Now the other side.” Once again, trusting his opposite, he did what was asked. Despite now feeling rather woozy, Y/N grabbed Jonas and laid him down in a different position. She then made Eric kneel next to her and hold her.
“If you ever tell anyone I cried, I will tell everyone about your dirty little secrets, yeah?” Eric nodded, somewhat intimidated, and impressed, watched her do her best to cry heavily.
Hearing the blood-curdling scream, Mister Mackey and the secretary came running, looking at the scene before them. Mister Mackey immediately made sure that everyone was okay, before asking the roughed-up Y/N what happened. With a trembling voice, she answered: “J-Jonas over there did the prank on Mister Garrison and-and tried to pin it on-on Eric. So, I c-came here t-t-to tell everyone t-that Eric was with me t-the whole time. When Jonas n-noticed that, he hit m-m-me and Eric punched him, to-to help me.” The now fully awake again Jonas looked at the girl in horror. “N-No! That’s not the story! I- I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT, M'KAY?!” Mister Mackey interrupted him. “Hitting an innocent girl?! Jonas Miller, you will have to face the consequences!” Y/N still held up her best puppy eyes and Mister Mackey finally turned to the two troublemakers. “Eric, will you bring Y/n to the nurse, please. I will bring Jonas to PC Principal personally, m'kay.” Eric nodded, somewhat petrified, and guided Y/N along the corridors. He felt shocked. He didn’t know why. He never felt this scared before.
Once in the nurse’s office and after Y/N was handed an icepack, she was the first one to speak, once the nurse left them alone.
“You’re so quiet.” She commented dryly. “Thank you.” “For what?” “Getting me out of there. I never- It’s fine, okay? Don’t worry.” Silence fell over the two once more. Y/N just enjoyed the cooling ice on her burning skin and Eric still felt thankful for what she did for him. For him. And no one else. She would have never done this for Kyle. Not for Kenny. She did it for him.
“Hey Eric?” The boy next to her nodded. “You know I wouldn’t have done this for anyone else right?” Eric nodded once more. “Can I ask you for something?” “Of course.”
“You know, I like you a lot. So, would you maybe like to be my boyfriend?”
Eric gave no answer. He just slowly intertwined his fingers with hers and that was answer enough. “Are your cheeks red from blushing or is it from me hitting you?” “Maybe a bit of both.” She laughed and to Eric, it was the most beautiful sound he ever listened to. His girlfriend’s laugh.
Kyle was doing his math homework and started to get annoyed with the harder and harder becoming questions. A vibration ripped him out of his thoughts. He fished for his iPhone without taking his eyes off the paper and unlocked it. The contact read “FATASS” and it was a picture. Kyle's eyes widened in horror as his eyes scanned the picture. It was a picture of a list with dozens of prank ideas. The caption was what truly terrified him. “Me and my GIRLFRIEND brainstormed a bit, hope you’re ready Kahl <3”
Kyle felt like crying. Not only because of his math homework but also because his worst nightmare became a reality. Cartman has a Girlfriend. And it was no other than the infamous Y/N L/N.
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So as I’m working on revising and posting my old content I figured I would give you guys a list of what I’ve previously written (and have yet to revise) so that you could request what you would like to see first.
Meeting and Dating~
The Outsiders
Steve Randle, Darry Curtis, Johnny Cade, and Ponyboy Curtis
Veronica Sawyer, Heather Chandler Meeting, and Heather McNamara
Stand By Me
Chris Chambers, Teddy Duchamp Meeting, and Eyeball Chambers
License to drive
Les Anderson
The Burbs
Ricky Butler
Little Shop Of Horrors
Audrey Fulquard
Karate Kid
Ali Mills
Crybaby Walker Dating
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Ferris Bueller
Weird Science
Lisa, and Ian
Better Off Dead
Monique Junot
Summer School
Francis Gremp, and Larry Kazamias
The Sandlot
Benny Rodriguez
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona, Joey Donner, Kat Stratford, Bianca Stratford Meeting, and Cameron James
The Breakfast club
Allison Reynolds and Claire Standish
Toy Soldiers
Joey Trotta, and Billy Tepper
Dead Poets Society
Richard Cameron
Interview With The Vampire
Lestat, and Armand
The Goonies
Brand Walsh
Adventures in Babysitting
Brad Anderson, and Daryl Coopersmith
Dirty Dancing
Johnny Castle Meeting
Rivers Edge
My Bodyguard
Some Kind Of Wonderful
The Lost Boys
Sam Emerson, David, Star, Marko, and Alan Frog
Cant Buy Me Love
Ronald Miller
Cappie Roew
Back To The Future
George Mcfly
The Princess Bride
Ren McCormack, and Willard Hewitt
Bill Denbrough
Like Father Like Son
Chris Hammond
Randy Bodek
White Water Summer
Dont Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead
Kenny Crandell
Rick McKay
School Ties
Charlie Dillon
Elton Tiscia, Travis Birkenstock, and Cher Horowitz
Requested/Imagines or Nonromantic
Sick Cameron Frye Hc
Cameron Frye Crushing on the new girl
Raising Claudia
Heather Duke
Angsty Ace Merrill
Cameron Frye x Chubby reader
Westley x Reader x Buttercup
Jealous Lestat
Teddy Duchamp
Angsty Lestat
Lestat with a vampire
Modern Louis
Modern Lestat
Fluffy Johnny (Dirty Dancing)
Ted Logan having a crush on a girl in a punk band
Going to prom with Cameron Frye
Ricky butler having an obvious crush on you
Paul and Marko fighting over you
Being michaels twin and David’s girlfriend
Being Neil Perry’s crush and playing his love interest in a play
Having a baby with Joey, Billy and Ricardo
Nsfw Headcanons~
George Mcfly
Gary Wallace
Wyatt Donnelly
Joey Trotta
Les Anderson
Heather Chandler
Cindy Mancini
Billy Tepper
Chris Hammond
Ricky Butler
Alan Frog
Threesome with Billy and Joey (toy soldiers)
Vic (wws)
Kenny Crandell
Threesome with Gary Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly
Ace Merrill
Charlie Dillon
Richard Cameron
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plentyoffandoms · 5 years
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No one has permission to translate or repost my work on here or any other site.
Author/Fic Recommendations
Requests: CLOSED ~ Please read the guidelines before requesting.
TV Shows
Video Games
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JUNE * Newly Posted:
Relax (18+) - Christian Cage
Say What Now? - Poseidon
Our Family - Lord Debling
Just the 3 of Us (18+) - Drilla Moloney x f/Reader x Clark Connors
Our Own Celebration (18+) - Konosuke Takeshita
What a celebration (18+) - Colten Gunn
On Hiatus under the cut
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On Hiatus:
ACTORS ~ All I Want is You - Chris Evans ◇ The Sweetest Gift - Pedro Pascal
MOVIES ~ Need You - Lee Bodecker ◇ Somebody's Hero - Joaquín Torres ◇ For You - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw ◇ Still The One - Jake "Hangman" Seresin ◇ Til I See You Again - Robert 'Bob' Floyd
TV SHOWS ~ The Distance - George Luz ◇ All My Life - Angel Reyes ◇ On My Mind - Finn Shelby ◇ My Type of Dame - Michael Gray ◇ Everlasting Friends - Jaime Tartt ◇ Can't Help the Way I Feel - Diego Hargreeves ◇ Next to Me - Aethelred ◇ I'll Be There - Evan "Buck" Buckley ◇ Reunited - Tommy Miller
WRESTLERS ~ Fall Again - Kenny Omega ◇ Everybody's Free - Wardlow ◇ My Girl - Orange Cassidy ◇ Coming Home - Roderick Strong ◇ Run - Eddie Kingston
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trashyemonerd · 7 years
For You, Roth ; Raven
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`What's the matter? Afraid of the dark?’
Title: For You, Roth
Songs: 96 (as of 11/11/17)
Fandom: DC ; Teen Titans
Character: Raven/ Rachel “Raven” Roth
(listen on spotify here)
1.  Demons by Imagine Dragons
2.  Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
3.  Strawberry Fields Forever by The Beatles
4.  See Me by Tei Shi
5.   Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless
6.   No. 1 Party Anthem by Arctic Monkeys
7.   Here by Alessia Cara
8.   Remembering Sunday by All Time Low
9.   Sunshine & City Lights by Greyson Chance
10.   Rehab by Amy Winehouse
11.   Gasoline by Halsey
12.   Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez
13.   Riptide by Christian Akridge
14.   It’s Not My Fault, I’m Happy by Passion Pit
15.   Someone New by Hozier
16.   Love Me Again by John Newman
17.   Can’t Pretend by Tom Odell
18.   Robbers by The 1975
19.   Young Blood by Bea Miller
20.   True Friends by Bring Me the Horizon
21.   Trying by Bully
22.   Are You Lonesome Tonight? by Chris Botti, Paul Buchanan
23.   Monks by Frank Ocean
24.   Trade Mistakes by Panic! at the Disco
25.   Human by Daughter
26.   Irrelevant by Lauren Aquilina
27.   Best Friends, Right? By Amy Winehouse
28.   People Like Us by Kelly Clarkson
29.   Doll Parts by Hole
30.   Together by Night Café
31.   Tokyo Narita by Halsey, Lido
32.   Deadroses by Blackbear
33.   Heart is Black by Escondido
34.   The Judge by Twenty One Pilots
35.   Ya Hey by Vampire Weekend
36.   Maneater by Hall & Oates
37.   Enemy Fire by Bea Miller
38.   Somewhere Sweet by Scott Helman
39.   Dreamville by Kenny Holland
40.   Scars by James Bay
41.   Fuck Me Up by Gnash
42.   I Saved the World Today by Eurythmics
43.   Creeper by Reese Lansangan
44.   Psychic Reader by Bad Bad Hats
45.   Are Things Still Burning by Em Harriss, Dials
46.   Chaos by Frankie
47.   Life in a Box by Raleigh Ritchie
48.   Look at Me by John Lennon
49.   Working for the City by Hydrogen Child
50.   Weak by Wet
51.   I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young
52.   Seventeen Hands by The Maccabees
53.   Wasted Youth by Sody, Martin Luke Brown
54.   Human by Christina Perri
55.   Unforgiving Girl (She’s Not An) by Car Seat Headrest
56.   Girl by Salvia Palth
57.   Little Bird by Angelica Garcia
58.   Fangs by Night Riots
59.   Broken Bones by The Long Goodbye
60.   Like You Used To by Tessa Violet
61.   Lighthouse by Hearts & Colors
62.   Brain Cell by Nowhere
63.   How Soon is Now? by The Smith
64.   BBRae by DJ Hymn, Greg Cipes
65.   Ms. Anonymous by Max, Jared Evan
66.   Glitter & Gold by Barns Courtney
67.   Stonecold by Machineheart
68.   Girls Your Age by Transviolet
69.   Madness by Ruelle
70.   Riot by Paris Carney
71.   Detox by Clover the Girl
72.   We Will Rock You by Queen
73.   Local Long Distance Relationship (LA2NY) by Saint Motel
74.   O.K.Fine by Clover the Girl
75.   Show Me the Moon by Bandshes
76.   Destroyer by Saint Motel
77.   Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
78.   Bird 4 U by Surfer Blood
79.   Apocalypse by Cigarettes After Sex
80.   Paper Walls by Jena Rose
81.   Night Trouble by Petit Biscuit
82.   I Can Feel You Now by Wild Future
83.   The Golden Age of Grotesque by Marilyn Manson
84.   Good Mourning by Halsey
85.   Antisocial by Anthrax
86.   I Carried This for Years
87.   Deathless by Ibeyi, Kamasi Washington
88.   La berceuse hip hop du docteur Madeleine by Dionysus, Emily Loizeau
89.   Roots by MO
90.   Birds Fly (Whisper To A Scream) by The Icicle Works
Note: There are 6 songs which I can’t see on my iPad?? I can’t recall what those other songs are, so sorry. I will update this once I add more songs and can finally see those locked ones. This is one of my favourite playlists ever.
-Mika the Fangirl x
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