#kevin goes to met games
kevin-sedai · 2 years
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aftg au where everything is exactly the same except instead of neils slightly crazy long lost uncle its his crazy long lost grandma
#imagine that scene where neil gets saved from nathaniel..instead of stuart a tiny gray haired pearl wearing old lady comes in blasting-#a machine gun#also ik stuart never really met the foxes (right?) but in this au his grandma does#shes kind of snappy and a bit rude but the foxes like her and also shes neils grandma so duh and when she hears all the shit theyve each-#been through she takes a liking to them..her favs are allison and andrew and she tells them as much but tbh it changes w every new kid she-#talks to#in the two hours she spent w them she asked aaron why he was so short six times. just aaron. instead of pissing him off tho it kinda made-#him smile and he tried to come up w a new answer each time while andrew just smirked at him#kevin calls her 'maam' and she very sternly tells him that thats enough of that#the foxes are all shook when neil Gives Sass and his grandma goes 'now i know youre not talking to me like that boy' and he just apologizes#before she leaves she asks Neil if he needs money or anything and he says no but she still opens her purse and forces hundred dollar bills-#into everyones hands (my grandma essentially does this whenever my friends come over around the holidays)#some try to protest but she just glares at them#she gives a tiny speech before she leaves basically telling them theyre idiots and to let her know if they ever need anything#after she leaves theyre all kinda overwhelmed until aaron breaks the quiet by saying 'neil your grandma is so much cooler than you'#(he uses this with neil for years after)#anyway#neil josten#aftg#all for the game#the foxhole court#aaron minyard#andrew minyard#nicky hemmick#matt boyd#renee walker#kevin day#allison reynolds#dan wilds#mine aftg
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blu-joons · 3 years
When You Get Sleepy ~ The Boyz Reaction
As soon as he felt your head rest against his shoulder, Sangyeon knew that you were on the verge of settling down for a good sleep. “Keep your eyes open,” he whispered across to you, “let’s go to bed if you’re tired.”
You reluctantly opened your eyes as they threatened to close, “what about what you’re doing? You’re not tired just yet, are you?”
“No,” he laughed, “but I can play on my phone whilst tucked up in bed, you can’t fall asleep on my shoulder otherwise you’ll wake up with a huge pain in your neck tomorrow morning.”
“It would be worth it though.”
“Y/N,” Sangyeon laughed, shaking his head at how stubborn you were, “I know that if you woke up with a sore neck or back tomorrow you would still blame it on me despite me telling you not to fall asleep here.”
Your head shook, “I can’t believe you’d accuse me of such a thing Sangyeon.”
“I know you too well,” he replied, poking against your cheek, “it’s bed for you, whether you want to argue or not with me.”
“Fine, I guess going to bed wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all.”
With the movie coming to an end, and the night drawing in, Jacob’s eyes looked down to you in his lap, only to see your eyes closed. “Y/N?” He questioned, gently shaking you awake, “the film is finished if you want to sleep?”
Your head shook as you curled in further towards his lap, “I’m too tired to move, I’m happy just sleeping here, it’s nice and comfortable too.”
“It might be comfortable for you,” he laughed, shaking you again as you tried to close your eyes, “I’ll carry you up to bed if you want, but we’ll both regret staying here for the whole night.”
“Will you really carry me?”
“Of course,” he replied, sliding out from underneath you, “just stay where you are and I’ll have you tucked up in bed in no time,” he added, placing his hands underneath your body, carefully lifting you up in the air.
Your hands instantly landed against his chest, “you’re so strong.”
“I know,” he smugly laughed, making sure you were settled before he started walking, “and I didn’t even disturb you too.”
“You were effortless, and my eyes are still shut too.”
The moment that you curled around Younghoon’s arm; he knew exactly what was happening. “Getting tired?” He quizzed as your footsteps began to slow on the long walk back from the studio to your home.
Your head nodded as Younghoon held onto you for support, “all I want to do is sleep, and there’s still so far ahead of us to go yet.”
“Why don’t you sleep on my back?” He offered, stopping the two of you in the middle of the path, “it’s not that far, I can piggyback you that short distance, and you can have a good rest too.”
“You’re not serious, are you?”
“Why not?” He chuckled, leaning down in front of you so that you could hop on, “it’ll get us home a lot quicker too, I know exactly what you’re like when you’re tired, your feet barely go in front of one another.”
Your eyes looked down at his back, “are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Of course,” he assured, grabbing onto your legs as you hopped onto his back, “just make sure that you hold on really tight.”
“Just be careful, I’m trying to sleep up here now.”
The pout on your face was all that Jaehyun needed to see to know what you wanted, opening his arms out for you to walk into. “If you’re tired, go to bed,” he suggested as you made yourself comfortable against him.
Your head shook as he pressed a kiss against the top of your head, “I want to go to bed with you, not by myself, it’ll be too lonely.”
“I’ll be done soon,” he promised you as he continued to track the download of his work on the screen, “and then I promise that I’ll be yours for the rest of the night to cuddle.”
“How long do you think it’ll take?”
“Fifteen minutes,” he estimated, smiling as your grip around him tightened. “I’ll take that as a sign that you’re happy to wait fifteen minutes?” He questioned, unsurprised when your head nodded back at him.
You smiled gently, “I don’t want to let go of you now too.”
“You might have to let go so I can change into something comfortable,” Jaehyun tried to tell you, but your head shook in reply.
“Find a way to do it so that I don’t have to let go.”
A soft sigh came from you as you found Juyeon sat in the spare bedroom, walking up behind as soon as you could and wrapping your arms around him. “What’s wrong?” He asked, pausing his game to look back at you.
You smiled weakly as you met his eyes, “I was just feeling a little sleepy, so I thought I’d come and see what you were up to.”
“Did you?” He questioned, raising his eyebrows, “so I guess you would be alright if I said that I hoped you had a good nap and then went back to playing my game, without napping with you?”
“You know what I really meant.”
“You want me to come and nap with you?” He asked, although he already knew what the answer was. “You should have just said,” he joked, smiling widely as your eyes widened back at him too in surprise.
Your eyes glared across at him, “I can still learn to hate you, you know?”
“You could never hate me,” he smiled, taking his headphones off, “come on, I guess I can spare half an hour to nap with you?”
“Half an hour? I’m not letting you go that easily.”
His smile instantly grew as Kevin looked down to see your head resting in his lap, your eyes staring up at him. “Yes?” He smiled, knowing straight away that you had a look on your face that wanted something.
You hummed back up at him, “I’m tired,” you whispered, grabbing onto both of his hands, “and I think that you are too.”
“I don’t think I am,” he laughed in reply, “I think I’m wide awake right now, but I also think that someone wants me to be sleepy so that I can go upstairs and nap with them, am I right?”
“Please, I want to cuddle you.”
“And what do I get from it?” He teased, unable to stop himself from laughing as a frustrated pout appeared on your face, “because I’m rather comfortable sat here, and I’m enjoying watching this programme as well.”
You sighed loudly, “I’ll do whatever you want, if you just come and nap with me.”
“Whatever I want?” He questioned, making sure that he’d heard you right, “you might end up regretting that you know?”
“I won’t, for once I will literally do whatever just to get a cuddle.”
The feeling of your head resting against his back as he cooked instantly caught Chanhee’s attention, glancing back at you. “Why don’t you get some sleep before dinner?” He suggested as he noticed your eyes close.
Your arms instead snaked around his waist, “can I just sleep here and follow you around? You won’t know that I’m even here.”
“I’m pretty sure a nap on the sofa would be much more comfortable,” he tried to suggest, but your head shook back at him, “how am I supposed to cook with you holding onto me too?”
“That sounds like something you should figure.”
“It’ll be you that goes hungry,” he continued to tease, purposefully walking you past the pan so that you could smell what was cooking. “It’s one of your favourites too, I’d hate for you to miss out on eating it Y/N.”
Your head shook against him, “have I ever told you how much I hate you teasing?”
“You might have mentioned it once or twice,” he continued to joke, “but it’s just another reason why I find you so adorable.”
“Fine, you win, I guess I’ll nap on the sofa so then I can eat.”
It was game over for Changmin as soon as your head rested against his shoulder as you struggled to fight off the persistent urge to sleep. “Y/N,” he whispered, knowing that you’d heard him as you made yourself comfortable.
As he repeated himself, your head shook, refusing to acknowledge him. “I can’t hear you,” you replied with a gentle laugh.
“Really?” He mused, running his hand along your side, “I’ll soon make you hear me,” he assured you, waiting for just a moment before he began to attack against your side with his hand.
“Ouch! Changmin, I’m trying to sleep.”
“You can’t sleep on me,” he frowned as you sat yourself back upright, “as much as I love cuddling you to sleep, doing it on the sofa is not the way to go, why don’t we head to bed instead, it’ll be more comfortable.”
You sighed softly, “my legs feel like they might fall off if I walk now Changmin.”
“I guess that just means I’ll have to carry you then,” he grinned, standing up from the sofa before scooping you up, “how’s that?”
“Suddenly I don’t feel so sleepy anymore.”
Once the door was shut, your head rested straight into Haknyeon’s shoulder as you drove away from the arena. “I knew you were tired earlier,” he frowned as your eyes closed, curling into his side for extra comfort.
Your head nodded back at him, “I just said that I wasn’t tired so you wouldn’t make me go home, I was enjoying watching you film.”
“You should have come a different day if you were tired,” he scolded in a whisper, “the fact that you came all the way over here to bring food for us all was kind enough, you didn’t have to.”
“I wanted to come and see you.”
“Next time nap first,” he laughed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, “you’re working hard at work right now and coming straight onto a loud and busy set is doing you no favours, you can’t keep your eyes open now.”
You hummed in reply, “that’s because I’m just so comfortable when I’m with you.”
“Nice save,” he scoffed, pressing a kiss to the side of your head, “as soon as we get home, you’re going to bed, you need rest.”
“I’ll only go if you promise that you’ll come and rest with me.”
As soon as he was greeted when he said your name, Sunwoo knew that he found himself in trouble. “Don’t sleep there,” he frowned as he saw the way in which your body bent to wrap against his side tightly.
After debating for some time, Sunwoo eventually began to shake you away gently. “What?” You murmured as you began to stir.
“Bedtime,” he announced, chuckling at the groan that followed from you. “I know you’re comfortable, but I promise you right now that you won’t be comfortable in the morning.”
“I’ll survive, I don’t want to move.”
“I know,” he sympathised, “but the movie finished, even though I think you slept through most of it, and I don’t think there’s too much point to putting something else on when you’re just going to sleep through it again.”
Your head nodded, “put something else on, then you have to leave me here.”
“That’s not happening,” Sunwoo sighed, “I’m taking you up to bed whether you like it or not, on your feet or in my arms too.”
“In your arms? I wouldn’t complain about that.”
The second he noticed you beginning to sway, Youngjae raced to your side, allowing your body to relax against his side. “You should have said that you were tired,” he sighed across at you, “you could’ve fallen.”
Your head shook as he wrapped his arm around you for support, “I didn’t want to be a distraction whilst you’re trying to work.”
“You’re never a distraction,” he frowned, studying your fluttering eyes closely, “why don’t I take you back to the dressing room for a while and you can nap on the sofa whilst we rehearse.”
“But I don’t want to miss it.”
“You won’t,” he chuckled, slowly walking you away from the stage, “if you nap now then you’ll be wide awake for the show later on tonight. I’d much rather than you awake to see that anyway then the rehearsal.”
Your head nodded, “will you wake me up, so I don’t miss it whilst I’m napping?”
“Absolutely,” he assured you, “although I’m sure the noise of all the boys will wake you up well in advance, they’re never quiet.”
“I know, that’s why sleep on the tour bus last night was a no.”
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kevingayimeanday · 3 years
Weird AFTG headcanons I have (pt.3)
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3
More than once, Wymack has come home to find Andrew standing in his kitchen. When Wymack’s like ‘why’ Andrew just points at the oven and goes ‘bread’ like it should be obvious. If Andrew notices that Wymack’s cupboards start to gain suspicious amounts of baking supplies, he doesn’t say anything. Sometimes it’ll be like a little elf has been there, with cookies and muffins left on the counter
Kevin gets really into Christmas. Like almost unbearably into it. Nicky is fully on board with this and during the holidays they can be found curled under blankets drinking hot chocolate
Andrew��s one of those people who mashes their ice cream around the bowl a bunch of times to turn it into soup
Aaron once drank like six five hour energies in one go during finals and he’s fairly sure he met god
Allison can do anything in heels. I mean anything. Run full speed, climb a tree, vault over a high fence, she is truly a woman to be feared
Neil has a habit of staring at things. It doesn’t really matter what it is; Andrew, the court, a dot far away on the wall. We know this boy zones out to monologue at the weirdest times
There’s a stair in fox tower that’s just ever so slightly higher than the rest and Andrew and Aaron trip over it constantly. Sometimes simultaneously
Speaking of the twins, being fair in both hair and skin colour, they’re really bad blushers. Andrew likes to pretend he isn’t, but then sometimes he’ll see Aaron get slightly awkward and go bright red and be like god fucking dammit
Allison’s terrified of the dark. When she’s the last to go to bed and has to switch off all the lights, she’ll do that thing where you stretch as far away from it as possible and then absolutely bolt to safety
Andrew misses an out of state game once (I don’t have a reason. Illness? Bad day? Idk) so Neil buys a little glass bluebird at the airport so Andrew can still give something to Bee even if he didn’t go
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estcsy · 2 years
things and arron Z in my dr :D
- loudest introvert I’ve ever met
- he’s actually kinda calm, do not put him in a room with T tho
- he will roast you if you’re doing some dumb shit
- even tho he will flame you, he’s actually really nice
- do not play basketball with this mf.
- he will snake eye ur ass the whole time
- and I always fall for it
- very athletic
- his senses of style is one of my favorites ever
- during interviews he’s the quietest, but once he warms up he’s really fun
- he has hands I KNOW IT.
- very intimidating at first
- he actually said once that he stays quiet in fear of what people will think about him :(
- he gets a little bit nervous is crowded places (dw I try my best to keep him calm
- him and T = never ending “nobody asked” jokes
- his stans are just as scary as he his
- they will leak your info if you say anything about about 4* town but and I respect their hustle
- Z stans are always so cool
- and they always have the best sense of style
- Z is so cool I cannot stress this enough
- he try’s to teach me how to play video games
- T said I was bad at cod (WHICH IS TRUE LMAO) and then he said “shut up, she doesn’t do this every day like us” and hit him with the controller
- my dude is low key shredded like he has muscles
- as in my could throw me around like a rag doll and that’s coming from someone that can throw around other people like a rag dolls 😭
- really likes pizza
- his favorite fruit is mangos and watermelon
- he gives nice hugs :D
- his jewelry>>>
- it’s mostly earrings and this one silver chain
- if he bumps into him he goes “my bad”
- he’s an incredible dancer like he has very good control over his body
- he’s so funny man 😭
- his and T laugh is so contagious
- both his mom and dad are so nice and make very good food
- Z loves his bennies
- he really likes dark chocolate
- even tho he can seem brutal (he is at times) he’s actually so sweet
- he has his baby blanket that he sleeps with every night, it’s name is kevin
- he’s introverted off stage but ON??? BRO
- sometimes I wish I could just stop and watch him
- I have a fancam playlist of him
- Z’s positions are: main dancer, lead rapper, and sub vocalist
- he has the deepest voice but it’s not like deep to the point that if you hear him talking your head is vibrating
- when he does talk in interviews he’s very well spoken
- him and taeyoung watch demon slayer together
- his favorite anime is death note
- him and jesse are kinda whores…. just a little bit 🤏🏼
- no because it’s always him and jesse checking fans out
- is vocals are so so pretty
- his hands are also pretty lolz
- bro has never missed abb day. I’m just gonna leave it at that
love my shy homie to the moon and back :D
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sunriseabram · 2 years
Riko Moriyama: born or raised antagonist?
Disclaimer: I want to make it clear that I do not condone or support Riko's actions. I just believe that his upbringing is interesting in forming who he became, and how he met a kind of inevitable end. That doesn't excuse any of the actions he took. They were cruel and unforgivable.
All quotes are taken from Nora Sakavic's Extra Content
(TW: This post includes mentions of canon typical abuse, including physical and psychological violence, abandonment, suicide and heavy domestic abuse.)
Riko was the second-born son and grew up completely inferior to his brother. He was thrown away unwanted, discarded and unloved by his own father: 'Riko was a mistake, a second son in a family only allowed to have one. He was passed off to Tetsuji as soon as possible, and his mother was quietly disposed of for not taking proper precautions '
This would have had a significant impact on Riko's self-esteem. It's important to consider that Riko was attempting to impress his father through his actions and prove his worth: 'Riko took that to mean that he could win his father’s respect by being the best player in the world; he didn’t understand at the time that Kengo only cared about the money.' This wasn't exclusively through his monetary value, but his handling of the press and how he captained the Ravens.
Riko grew up believing that Exy was all he was good for. He was given to his uncle to raise and grew up with nothing other than Exy: 'The only toys he was allowed were Exy balls, and when his tiny arms could hold more weight he was given tiny racquets.'
This would have put immense pressure on his shoulders to be the best, better than anyone else. Not just to impress his father and prove himself, but to save himself from potential beatings at Tetsuji's hands or from being disposed of like his mother.
Tetsuji had HIGH expectations of Riko and Kevin. They were to be the future of the sport. Riko grew up with intense and immense pressure to be the best and only the best. Nothing but the best was good enough for Tetsuji. Even the best wasn't good enough. It must have been extremely hard to grow up in a place where everyone is watching you, everyone expects you to be a sort of exy god even as a kid: 'Imagine living underground with a violent hivemind that has put you on a pedestal, with a god that comes and goes with cutting words and a hefty stick. Having a cult fall in around you means nothing when your god cannot see you, when your sacrifices get spat on and your altars are kicked over no matter how well they are presented.'
Riko was not immune to Tetsuji's beatings and often watched them. Testsuji did not pay Riko much attention until he was old enough to play properly. It's not surprising that he formed a sickening relationship with violence as punishment for people not following what they are told: 'Tetsuji wasn’t allowed to hit them where anyone might see. Armpits to knees, however, were free game. If they fucked up, he’d fuck them up. You will be perfect. You will do it again until it is perfect. If it is not perfect you will not eat, you will not sleep. You waste everyone’s time. You make a mockery of this sport. You are disgusting. You are a disgrace.'
Nora wrote this about Tetsuji and I think it speaks for itself: 'the Ravens are the only things he must control 100% of the time. He treats them like objects to manipulate, unruly animals that have to be broken before they fall in line, but he does not kill those who can’t keep up. He simply breaks them to the point that they can’t fight back.' If this is the mentor and role model that Riko grew up with, it makes sense how he ended up controlling and violent.
Riko lived in the nest since he was little. From our look inside the nest in trk, it's clear that the environment is toxic and unwelcoming. It was dark, claustrophobic and ran on ridiculously scheduled days:  'The Nest is a holding cell for a hive mind that can’t survive apart, that rewards them for acting in sync but demands they be the best, that severely punishes those who fall behind and anyone who lets them. They came to Evermore on five-year contracts, but the Ravens kept 16-hr days and what should have been five years were seven and a half. They had a symbiotic relationship built on a core of pure rage and determination.'
Riko would not have had much chance to experience the outside world as other children do. All his actions were decided for him, even his education and friendships. His every action was watched: 'He’d been surrounded by adults, the Ravens and the staff, with zero access to other children. His world literally stopped and started with Exy–before he was old enough for Tetsuji to train him, he only left Evermore when the Ravens went on away games or to Exy events. It was literally all he had, and he had absolutely no say in it.'
Riko was taught from a young age that Exy was everything: 'Because Riko knew nothing but Exy, he didn’t know how to want anything but Exy. He didn’t resent his lot in life because as far as he was aware nothing else existed.' He saw it as a life-or-death situation. He didn't care who he had to step on to be the best. It was a sense of self-preservation to save himself from Tetsuji and a fear that the main family would get rid of him for good if he failed.
Kevin was the only one who understood Riko. The pair grew up together and Kevin ended up becoming better than him. With his self-esteem issues and his fears, this was unacceptable to him: 'But Riko remembered what happens to those who threaten the Moriyamas, and he chose to eliminate the threat.' In no way am I justifying what he did to Kevin, I just think it's important to consider that his lashing out came from a sense of worthlessness and fear that he would be discarded: 'Tetsuji wrote Riko off as a complete waste of his time and threatened to demote him if he didn’t fix things.'
Jean. Let's start by saying that what Riko did to Jean was disgusting, vile and irredeemable. I would never justify what he did. However, I think speculate that Riko did what he did because it gave him a sense of control. He could do to Jean whatever he liked, and nobody could tell him he was wrong. Jean was property and Tetsuji would never care what happened: 'Jean was property, was less than property, was a thing with no rights. Jean was an afterthought, a boy with potential who was not otherwise required for any of Tetsuji’s grand schemes.'
After living a whole life in the shadow of his brother, under the controlling hands of the Moriyamas, he was given an opportunity to prove what he was made of. He taught Jean lessons in the only way he knew: violence. He broke Jean and somehow along the way started to find pleasure in it: 'It was Riko’s job to fix Jean’s attitude...but Riko has a depth of cruelty Tetsuji does not. Tetsuji is merciless for a purpose. Riko is heartless because he enjoys it, because it pleases him, because it distracts him from the toxic heat licking at his smile and chewing up his chest.'
Although Kevin grew up in similar circumstances, the difference is that Kevin was always going to be number two: 'the king and the prince, the captain and vice-captain, the master and the pet. Together but not together, because Riko and Kevin knew from day one that they would never be equals. The critical difference was that Riko saw Kevin as a footstool, and Kevin saw Riko as a collar. Riko refused to think Kevin was anything more than a critical means to an end.
It doesn't mean he had less pressure to perform, but Riko would have been under a huge strain to be the best. For years, Riko would have had to deal with the pressure of being the number one player, the best in a way his brother Ichirou never could be: 'The people who knew he was the master’s nephew, who knew he’d rule their team one day, who never laughed at the one on his face. A few called him captain instead of his name...Riko opted instead to be king.'
He wanted to show how good he could be and receive praise instead of punishment. I think that's how Riko ended up so different from Kevin, despite their similar upbringing: 'As he took the captain’s title for real and was practically handled multiple contracts, Riko had justification for everything he’d built his life around. #1. King. Captain.'
To conclude: Whilst Riko's actions cannot be justified, it's undeniable that he did suffer his own trauma at the hands of the Moriyamas. He's an asshole. Don't get me wrong. I just think it is interesting to see how he became so twisted and reliant on pain. It must have been hard for him growing up and constantly being thrown away.
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Not this one! Just fancied writing a little jealous Jay piece as I thought it had been a while👀 hope you enjoy!
• Warnings: Swearing
• Summary: Voight asks you to go undercover with Adam in which you decide to tease Jay about it as the unit are unaware of your relationship.
• Words: 3083
You sat at your desk as Voight called everyone to gather round his office, he makes his way over to the whiteboard and swings it round to show the information on the other side, your eyes wander over the board and the sight of so much detail and CCTV stills. You can’t help but realise you never saw him write any that down, so dread to think the hours he was here until last night to put this plan together. 
He was clearly having one of his days where no options were wanted and or needed, he blitzed through the minor details and barely stopped to take a breath. You all stood watching as he reeled off information that you were all supposed to be taking in, you were secretly hoping someone else was paying more attention than you as it seemed to be going in one ear and out the other. You find yourself loosing concentration as you focus on a random spot on the board, you jolt as Kevin nudges your arm. You turn to see Voight raising his brows at you, jaw hung open with the corner of his lip turned in spite “Sorry, what?” you quickly straighten up and actually focus on what he’s saying. “Nice of you to join us again, Y/N” he shakes his head and continues to point out details on the board.
A few moments later you had pretty much got the gist of the plan but it then came to giving out roles “Halstead, you’re gonna be posing as a bar tender to keep an eye on movements inside”. He barked his order and Jay nodded in response, “Kim, you’ll be a drunk club goer who’s trying it on with Jay so you’ll both be near by”. She rolled her eyes at Jay who always seemed to be used in some form of flirtatious way during these things which suited him but didn’t sit well with you. You trusted your team and would never doubt their intentions but it still wasn’t ideal for them to throw themselves at Jay during these missions and you couldn’t even make a well natured sarcastic comment about how he was yours.
You and Jay had been somewhat of an ‘item’ for a few months, you found yourselves growing closer after becoming partners and soon one thing led to another. Unbearable tension built and Kim was the one to call you out on it, fed up of being put in the middle of your silly spats and childish arguments when it was clear how drawn to each other you were. You decided to keep it between the pair of you as Voight made it clear he wasn’t a fan of relations within the unit, Jay struggled at first but after seeing the way Voight laid into Kim and Adam he soon realised you had a point. It was all fun and games at first, sneaky glances across the room, little touches in the locker room but there was always going to be some negatives that you hadn’t planned for. For example, the way girls throw themselves at Jay was something you’d never get used to. I mean he truly was something else but the way they would do anything to get his attention made you cringe, what was even worse was how he would try and wriggle out of the situations but they would follow him around like a lost puppy. You’d watch as he’d get more frustrated with not being able to tell them he wasn’t single and how he looked to you for help but you couldn’t do much more. 
Jay found it equally as hard as he was quite a jealous and protective person, this was magnified when he was thrown into the deep end of men flirting with you and him having to just stand back and watch. He would step in every now and then if they really weren’t getting the hint but if he intervened every time he wanted, someone definitely would’ve caught on by now. 
Voight finished giving out instructions and demands of Hailey and Kevin taking roles of surveillance in the van parked outside the venue. He was quick to dismiss everyone which left you and Adam without direction, “What about us Sarge?” Adam questions and the group hang back, thinking they’ll be involved in a change of plan. “Oh yeah, how could I forget. The main stars of my show” he slings an arm round each of you as he pulls the pair of you to face the rest “Everyone, meet the new hot couple in Intelligence” he proudly announces and you see Jay’s face drop but you’re just as confused “Come again?” you question but Adam doesn’t need telling twice as he doesn’t seem to doubt Voight’s decision “Fine by me” he winks towards you. You look to Kim and cock your eyebrow with an unimpressed glance, she shrugs back at you and smiles which puts you slightly at ease as you didn’t want to step on any toes due to you knowing how it felt to be put in that position with a certain detective. “I’m putting the pair of you undercover, Adam as the big man and you being his not to clued up eye candy” Voight pats you on the shoulder as you notice Jay roll his eyes “Thanks Sarge, won’t take it personally” you sarcastically respond. 
“Go on, go get dressed up the pair of you.” he releases you from his hold as Adam receives a high five from Kevin followed by a “my man” in praise. “I sent Trudy out to pick up some outfits for you, go and get them from her and get your arses into gear. We leave in an hour.” Voight heads back into his office and shuts the door behind him, you make your way over to Kim’s desk and perch yourself on the edge “Why couldn’t he choose you? Surely he knows you have much better convincing power with Adam than me” you mutter but considering the room was in silence you knew everyone could hear. “You know what he’s like with me and Adam, he’s probably doing this in spite of me” she moans “Just remember to stay on his left side, he always favors his right” she adds and you laugh “he’s such a girl”. 
“M’Lady, shall we go and get red carpet ready?” Adam approaches and offers his arm out to you, you run your eyes up and down his body in judgement but he doesn’t move “Come on, it could be worse. You could be stuck with Halstead” he scans his eyes over to Jay who was already leaning on his elbow and watching the pair of you “Suppose you’re right” you respond to play along with his jokes. Jay tilts his head and a sarcastic grin flashes on his face before turning back to his paperwork “Let’s go you two, why are you still here?” Voight’s rough voice echoes through the room as he storms out of his office “Trudy picking outfits? If I come back in a bin bag just know it was better than whatever god forsaken mess she has picked” you whisper to Kim who chuckles as you take Adam’s arm and head down the stairs to Trudy. 
You’re taken by surprise as she pulls out the clothes from the bags, she’d picked out a nice white shirt for Adam with some tailored black pants and some black leather shoes. “A little magician like for me but I’ll take it” he comments as he takes the bag from her, she stares him down with her intense gaze and then turns onto you. You feel yourself dreading what she will present you with but your jaw nearly drops to the floor when she picks out a little satin black dress and when you say little, you mean little. The corresponding black heels soon get placed on the counter and you can see Trudy trying to conceal her smugness but failing “This the kind of thing you wear for Mouch?” Adam asks and laughs to himself but Trudy doesn’t mirror his humour “I rarely wear anything for Mouch” she winks and Adam clears his throat “I’ll leave that alone if you don’t mind”.
You take the bag into the locker room and slip into the dress, this wasn’t you’re normal attire but you were not mad in the slightest. The shortness of the dress would take some getting used to but once you got the heels on you felt incredible. Luckily, you always kept some make up in your locker due to plans within Intelligence being pretty last minute and you liked to make some touch up’s before you headed out to Molly’s for the evening. You took yourself over to the mirror and began applying your make up, a little heavier than usual as you wanted to match the aesthetic of your outfit but still nothing crazy and thanking yourself for washing and straightening your hair the night before so it was already good to go after a quick brush through. You studied yourself in the mirror and was quite impressed with the outcome and dare you admit, excited to see how riled up it would make Jay. You took out your phone and sent him a quick text message, simply saying ‘Sorry in advance’ so you could say you gave him some form of pre warning. 
Stuffing your old clothes back into your locker you head back upstairs and can feel your heart racing as you get closer and closer to the top of the steps. As soon as you come into sight, you’re met with wolf whistles and various comments to which you never know how to respond “Damn girl, didn’t know you had it in you” Kevin pipes up as his eyes roam your body “Not mad about it, not mad at all” Adam chimes in as Hailey coughs to interrupt “Keep it in your pants boys, you don’t see Halstead drooling over her. Be more like him” she adds and you laugh to yourself at the irony. Jay clears his throat and makes his way over to you, your heart thumping so hard in your chest that you’re sure everyone is bound to hear. He hands you a necklace and you stare at him confused, he picks up your hand from your side and places it in your palm with more force than you were expecting, taking you slightly aback “Voight wants you to wear this, something about how it can be a present Adam gave you but it will really be where your mic goes”. Adam peers over at the necklace and nods “I’ve got good taste, you’re very lucky” he suggests with a wink, Jay soon returns to his desk, avoiding all eye contact and turning his attention back to his monitor. 
“Are you not meant to have a bag of some sort?” Hailey asks and you check inside the carrier bag Trudy gave you but see nothing resembling any accessories “Nothing in here, might’ve left it in the locker room though”. You place the bag on Kim’s desk and head back down the stairs, passing Trudy’s desk as you go. She takes a double look as you stroll past and nods to herself “Not bad Y/N. You’ve got a great stylist” she compliments and you dramatically flick your hair in response, “What’s up with the mood Halstead?” she keeps her eyes on you despite her talking to Jay who makes his way down the stairs “I’m not in a mood?” he snaps back, regretting instantly as she widens her eyes at him “Tell your stompy feet that then” she looks him up and down and then smiles at you “Smash it kid”. 
You feel some sort of warmth from Trudy despite what people think of her, she always had a soft spot for you and you found comfort in seeing her as your ‘work mum’. God for bid she ever found out that you think of her that way though, she’d probably stop speaking to you all together.. 
You stand at Trudy’s desk and wait for Jay to leave but he doesn’t seem to be budging, you feel him staring at you as if he is waiting for you to make the first move “Sorry, did you want something or?” she asks and Jay shakes his head “Voight sent me down here to help Y/N look for something in the locker room” he is quick to respond but you knew it was bullshit, Voight couldn’t care less about you finding a bag let alone putting 2 people onto finding it. You push your thoughts aside and carry on walking to the locker room you had just been getting ready in. The sound of your heels clicking on the hard floor sure turned some heads and it was just your luck a drunk group of men were in one of the rooms to awaiting questioning. One of them leant against the door frame and wolf whistled, the other joined him and made some comment about how you looked but you didn’t give it any attention, Jay on the other hand couldn’t stop himself “Sit back down and shut the fuck up before I make you, we clear?” he slammed the door shut behind them but you kept walking.
“What are you really doing here Jay?” you question as you enter the room, holding the door open for him before walking over to your locker. You hear a loud thud as he shuts it behind the pair of you and leans his back against it, his knee bent as he picks off a bit of fluff from the thigh of his jeans “That dress new?” he asks, still not looking up at you and focusing on his jeans “You know it is, Voight only told the entire team that Trudy bought us outfits?” you huff as you fail to find any form of bag or purse that was intended for you to use. 
You begin to walk around to check other areas you had been within the room, the bathroom, the mirror but nothing seemed to jump out. Meanwhile, Jay was still stood leaning against the door and watching your every move intently “You gonna let me leave and do my job or?” you stand in front of Jay but he doesn’t budge. Instead he simply turns his nose up and shakes his head “Well then do something useful and help me put this necklace on” you hang the jewelry from your hand but he just stares at it “Or I’ll just do it myself then. Fuck sake” you mumble under your breath and walk back over to the mirror.
A few moments go by and it was no use, you couldn’t get the necklace on by yourself and Jay was still being as useless as ever and not moving to help, instead strolling over and sitting on one of the benches in the middle of the room. “Guess I’ll just get Adam to put it on for me, or Kevin. I’m sure they’d jump at the chance to help” you think aloud and strut past Jay who reaches up to catch your wrist before you can get any further “Come here then”.
He pulls you down onto his lap and you can feel his breath against the nape of your neck, a shiver run down your spine as he touches your skin and moves your hair to one side “Looking forward to being coupled with Adam? You look great together” he remarks and you roll your eyes at him for ruining what could’ve been one of your private moments that you were starting to crave. You stand from his grasp as he manages to fix the necklace round your neck and head for the door to leave but he is hot on your trail “Something bothering you?” you ask but Jay responds by looking down on you with that glint in his eye and mischievous smirk to try and divert your attention from how he is behaving “You don’t even have to say a word for me to know you’re lying if you say you don’t care" you chuckle but Jay isn’t amused. 
“Go and have fun, I’m sure I’ll have a great time watching the pair of you all over each other” he comments with gritted teeth “I’m sure we will have a blast, might even stick my tongue down his throat" you quickly add and curse yourself for not thinking before you speak “Go for it, gotta make it convincing” to your shock he agrees but the way his fists hang tight at his side and his nostrils are flared tell a whole different story “You really need to work on your lying skills detective”.
You can sense the rage running through him as the pair of you stand in silence, your eyes flick over to the clock and realise you’re meant to be leaving at any moment and they will be wondering where you are. You place your hand on Jay’s cheek and see him lean into your hand slightly, no matter how tense he is with you he can never stop himself from giving into your touch. “We best get going, I’ve got to see a man about a new boyfriend” you tease causing Jay to regain himself and straighten up “I dare you Y/N. I dare you to put on your little act as best you can because you know I’ll be watching and ready to remind you who you belong to when we’re alone” he threatens and you feel as though your legs could give way out of the weakness he causes you. You know him too well to know these weren’t empty threats and you were now set on going above and beyond to make him jealous “Enjoy the show, baby.”
Inbox and requests always open💃🏼
After popular demand, Part 2 to this is now up!
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It’s cute to imagine the Scenario of Neil bleeding out on the field while playing and Andrew getting angrier and angrier because he sees the blood on Neil, and Andrew just wins the game for them?
He doesn’t let anyone make a shot.
He throws the ball into the other goal not once not twice but FIVE times
And now I’m going to write a short story for this.
E n j o y 🤍
Neil was darting across the field trying to get the ball. He knew he shouldn’t be going as hard at the beginning, but he felt so free and energized he didn’t care.
Neil goes to reach for the ball but he gets shoved into the wall with so much force from the other guy he could almost see stars, the guy immediately got a yellow card because of the unnecessary violence.
Abby, the foxes nurse immediately had Coach pull him off the field so she could look at him.
Andrew’s worried eyes followed him, inching to check on Neil, but Andrew knew if he moved now he wouldn’t be moving toward their side of the field but their opponents.
He squeezed his fists together, his fingers inching for his knife right now. It seemed that Andrew wasn’t the only one with this thought, half of the tear was glaring at the player who did this.
Neil brushed it off tho, telling Abby he was fine to play, but she always heard this from his mouth so she didn’t listen to him, so Neil stands up, gently brushing Abby, Renee, and Nicky off of him, as he grabbed his gear.
“Listen, if I don’t play right now I will lose it,” Neil didn’t even give them a chance to object he was already on the field getting in place. Everyone looked at him worryingly, but got in place. The only one noticing the blood on his face was Dan, but the game had already started so she couldn’t say anything until they reset.
Neil ran for the fall as his opponents tried to shot but Kevin was able to catch it in time and run off the other way.
Neil turns to run, but he hears his name for the gritted teeth of his goalie. Neil tries to place the stick in his hand in front of him, but he knew Andrew could see all the blood running down his face.
“Neil…” Andrew warns, feeling his body temp rising as he watches the blood run down Neils face.
“Why are you still on this field?” He demands stalking toward Neil, forgetting all about his position on the field, for the boy he loved.
Luckily, when Neil looked to the other side, Kevin was tossing the ball to Dan.
Andrew grabs the base of Neils mask, forcing Neil to look at him.
Andrew could only see red. Literally and metaphorically.
Blood covered Neils face, but Neil pulls back, shaking his head at Andrew, who was now planning an exy players murder, maybe two if Neil doesn’t get off the field to get help, like he should have been doing this whole time.
“Andrew, I know it looks bad-“ Andrew cut the idiotic player off.
“Bad? You have fucking blood everywhere,”
“If I don’t play I’ll lose it, I need to be here, and I am staying on this field, I don’t care what anyone says right now.” Neil was benched from the last two games because of his injures and he’ll be damned if he doesn’t play this one.
Neil yanks himself away from the goally harder than he met to and starts backing up to go help his team.
“I’ll sit and listen to you bitch about this later, but if you make me leave this field right now-“ Neil knew he didn’t need to finish the airless threat for Andrew to understand what he was saying, Andrew wanted to object badly, he knew one look from him to their coach and Neil would be pulled, but he hates when Neil loses his cool more, he doesn’t happen often, if actually ever, but when it does it scares everyone including Andrew, so Andrew angerily goes back to his place.
Everyone could see how angry the goalkeeper was, but no one said anything as he didn’t allow anyone to make a goal tonight.
Andrew even scored the winning points. Causing everyone to cheer and run to the end to meet him, but Andrew was already stalking toward Neil. Andrew grabs him by the elbow, fingers digging in Neils skin a little to hard as he shoves him off the field and into the medical box.
“If he comes out of this room still bleeding I will lose my shit.” Andrew storms out of the room, detoured to the locker room where he quickly throws off his gear and grabs his knife. He had to deal with that scumbag.
Kevin enters the room, realizing what was happening and immediately changed and followed silently behind Andrew. He knew he couldn’t stop him, but he knew if Andrew needed help he needed to be there.
It didn’t take Andrew long to find the player who did it to his boy, he grabs him by the shoulder slamming him into the wall.
“You think you’re tough playing like that?” The player goes to say something, but when he feels the knife cutting his playing arm he grunts in pain.
“This is the only warning you get, you mess with my striker again, and I will kill you.” Andrew leaves one more cut along his wrist, before punching him directly in the face, insuring he has to deal with exactly what Neil has to now, before he goes back to his team, still pissed off.
Neil runs into Andrew and Kevin on the way back, but the look on Andrews face he doesn’t want to ask.
“I’ll deal with you when we get home.” Andrew growls passing by Neil angrily.
Neil knew what this meant too.
He wasn’t going to be sleeping tonight.
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
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member: jaehyun (hyunjae) genre: fluff (requested) word count: 3,120 synopsis: jaehyun has always been your rival. so when he bets that he could make you fall for him, you can’t back down and say no. but when you’re too confident, you let your guard done.
backdoor: a term used in league of legends; when you secretly attack the enemy’s nexus while they’re focused elsewhere. this is done by sneaking into the enemy base and taking them by surprise
Lee Jaehyun was the cockiest and most annoying person you had ever met. You would think that growing up as childhood “friends” would make you two close. After all, your parents were best friends with his parents.
But no, you and Jaehyun had been rivals ever since you were both enrolled into a tennis club as young children. You always had the upper hand until he suddenly hit puberty and became a lot more physically fit than you. Once he started beating you in nearly every match, he became your #1 enemy.
He had always been super competitive and made everything into a contest. Who could run to the car faster? Who could receive a higher score on the exam? Who could make the other lose their temper first?
With high school came his sudden increase in popularity. It inflamed his ego to the max, which irked you to no end.
Every Valentine’s Day, he would brag about all the gifts and confessions he received. And every White Day, he would compare the numbers to yours.
He was loved by the girls for being a casanova and admired by the guys for his athleticism and gaming skills.
You, on the other hand, could not comprehend why the entire school was infatuated with him. You had your eyes on someone else. Kim Sunwoo. He had caught your attention since the first day of freshman year. Now, as a senior, you were about to graduate without ever making a move.
You were too shy to approach him. You couldn’t even find a common interest to naturally bring up and talk about. All he ever did was make music and play League of Legends.
So you found Jacob during lunch and practically begged him to teach you how to play the game.
“Please please please?” you whined.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I can’t,” Jacob said apologetically. “I have basketball practice every day. Besides, I haven’t played in almost half a year. I’m rusty.”
“I just need you to teach me the basics!”
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
Sighing, you gave up and slumped in your seat. You poked at the food in front of you with a pout.
“Did I just hear the Y/n ask Jacob to teach her how to play League?” Jaehyun suddenly popped out of nowhere.
“Fuck off,” you rolled your eyes at him as you set your chopsticks down.
“You know, I’m the highest ranked player in our school,” he said smugly. You wanted nothing but to wipe that look off his face.
You ignored him and took a sip of your water. Jacob awkwardly glanced between you and Jaehyun as he tightly held onto his spoon. He could sense another argument coming.
“I can teach you if you want,” Jaehyun offered.
“I don’t want,” you coldly rejected.
“Of course you don’t,” he scoffed. “You’re too afraid to spend time with me because you might realize that you actually like me.”
“Oh please. There are a few things in this world that will never change. The sun rising from the east, the sun setting in the west, and my hatred for you,” you said.
“Well if you hate me that much, then let’s make a bet out of it. The first one to fall for the other’s seducing loses,” he smirked.
Still stuck in the middle, Jacob shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“You don’t have to accept the challenge if you’re not confident,” Jaehyun shrugged, making you narrow your eyes at him.
A list of pros and cons was being made in your head as you contemplated the crazy suggestion. The logical part of your mind wanted nothing to do with him. You knew that stooping down to his level was childish. You had much better things to do than go along with his bet.
The competitive part of you, however, couldn’t bear to back down. You would have to deal with him flaunting over you and calling you a coward if you didn’t agree to this.
So you disregarded all rationale and crossed your arms with a curt “deal”.
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The walk to school the next day was full of complaints as you whined about falling for Jaehyun’s trick and Kevin chided you for it.
“I don’t know why you thought it would be a good idea,” Kevin tsk-ed. “He makes your blood boil within seconds. How are you going to hold back from tearing him apart? Never mind flirt with him.”
“I’m already regretting it,” you groaned.
“Speaking of the devil,” Jacob coughed, nudging you.
You looked up to see Jaehyun waiting by the school gates. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and every girl who passed by whispered to their friend about it. To everyone’s shock, he walked up to you and handed you the flowers.
“So it starts now?” you stared at the roses. “You call this seducing?”
“I call this romantic,” he grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you handed Kevin the bouquet and walked away. He awkwardly chased after you as Jacob offered Jaehyun a pat on the shoulder.
“She doesn’t like roses. She thinks they’re cliché,” he said before leaving.
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When the dismissal bell rang, Jaehyun was waiting for you outside of your classroom. Hushed whispers erupted again as your classmates tried to figure out why he was being so affectionate to you. It was no secret that you two never got along.
After gathering your belongings, you grabbed your backpack and left without sparing him another glance. Unfazed, he easily caught up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder.
“What? Are you wavering already?” he teased.
“Not a chance,” you scoffed.
“As a part of the bet, I can teach you how to play League. That’s what you wanted anyway. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.”
You ignored all the incredulous looks you received with Jaehyun by your side as you left the school grounds. You didn’t realize that you weren’t headed home until you stopped in front of a PC Room. Puzzled, you stared at the building in front of you.
“I promised that I’d teach you. Our first lesson starts today,” he said as he dragged you inside.
Your brain was bombarded with a whole new world. You struggled to keep up as he rambled on about bots and gold. He was showing you a demonstration by playing a round but your inability to multitask made it difficult to understand what was going on on the screen.
“My main is Jace and I usually go jungle,” he explained and you pretended to understand by nodding. At your silence, he eyed your expression and chuckled.
“So is Sunwoo the reason why you’re suddenly interested in League?” he asked, catching you off guard.
“How did you know?” you gaped.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice your little crush on him?” he raised a brow.
You were taken aback to say the least. You didn’t think he paid much attention to you other than when he was bored and wanted to mess around.
“Anyway, he usually goes mid as Zed,” he shrugged. “To be honest, the best way for you to bond with him through the game is for him to play ADC and for you to be support.”
“As if I know what all that means,” you frowned.
At that moment, his character died and the screen went gray. You snickered, earning a light flick on your forehead.
“ADC stands for attack damage carry. It’s the champion who usually does the most attacking. They go in the bottom lane with whoever’s playing support. Supports are supposed to aid and heal the ADC. So you would follow and communicate with them.”
“Sounds complicated,” your nose wrinkled in distaste.
“Sounds fun,” he corrected before turning back to the computer.
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The next day, Jaehyun surprised you with a small potted plant in front of the gates.
“Since you don’t like roses, I got you a succulent instead,” he said proudly.
Next to you, Kevin giggled and Jacob let out a soft “aww”. Slightly touched yet also slightly embarrassed, you took it from him in a hurry and stormed off.
“You’re slowly getting there,” Jacob laughed as Kevin shot him a thumbs up.
Smiling, Jaehyun watched as they ran to catch up with you. He heard you yell at them after what was probably a teasing remark. You then began to chase Kevin, who ran away shrieking.
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After two weeks of spending hours at the PC Room after school, you were starting to get a hang of the game. You found Teemo, who you insisted was a dog (he’s actually a rodent), and gushed over how cute he is.
Jaehyun made fun of your champion choice and shook his head as he explained that Teemo was the most hated character.
“Why? He’s adorable!” you defended. “And I love the little eggs he plants.”
“For the nth time, those are mushrooms! Not eggs,” he exclaimed. “And that’s exactly why everyone hates him. He’s so annoying.”
“You’re annoying,” you shot back.
“Well, Teemo’s not an option right now,” he pointed out.
He was teaching you how to play Howling Abyss that day. And playing ARAM meant your champion would be randomly given.
“Oh! The cute cat is available,” you excitedly clicked.
“That’s Yuumi and that’s actually not a bad choice,” he nodded in approval. “You just have to attach onto me and heal me.”
You hated to admit that you had grown closer with Jaehyun. Only a couple of weeks had passed by since the bet and you didn’t completely despise him anymore.
He gifted you something small each morning, whether it was a plant or piece of bread. He was always waiting for you at the gates. Dating rumors were already circulating the school but you hadn’t forgotten about the bet. You were determined to win it.
Which was why you began to wake up earlier to put on makeup and even complimented him during games. It was easy to make him smile. All you needed to do was throw a lame joke in here and there and he would burst out in laughter.
It was almost suspiciously easy. He was too willing to respond to your advances and never put up a wall.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t get on your nerves. His antics still bothered you to no end.
On the way home, he insisted on feeding you ice cream instead of having you hold it yourself. Except he kept pulling the spoon back when you opened your mouth to eat it.
The first time, you gave him a dirty look. The second time, you punched his arm. The third time, you gave him the finger and walked off after a “fuck you”.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he laughed.
Once again, you were reminded of how immature he was.
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“So has there been any progress?” Kevin asked.
It was gym period and all the students were running around in the field. Jacob was playing volleyball with Jaehyun while you and Kevin were sitting on the sidelines.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged.
“It would be the best enemies-to-lovers trope if you two actually end up dating like this,” he commented.
“Never,” you snorted in disbelief.
You had seen Jaehyun ever since he was a snotty little kid. Even back then, he was a mischievous brat. There was no way you could ever see him as anything but that.
The teacher blew his whistle, signaling the end of gym class. You got up, dusted your pants, and skipped down the steps. Unfortunately, you landed wrong and felt a sharp pain in your ankle as you fell down.
After Kevin shouted your name, Jaehyun turned his head to see you on the ground. Without thinking twice, he ran towards you and asked if you were okay. When you couldn’t reply, he put you on his back with Kevin’s help and sprinted to the nurse’s office.
Your heart was beating fast but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason why. Was it because of the pain? Or all the attention you were receiving from your classmates?
By the time you reached the office, your ankle was throbbing and swelling up. The nurse was nowhere to be seen so Jaehyun retrieved an ice pack himself and wrapped a towel around it before applying it.
You were sitting on a cot while he was bent down to tend to your wound. His forehead was wrinkled with worry and you stared at him. This was the first time he had ever treated you with such gentleness.
“I don’t think you broke anything but it’s definitely gonna hurt for at least a week,” he winced in vicarious pain.
You suddenly didn’t know how to act around him. You weren’t used to receiving sympathy from him.
“Uh that’s okay,” you coughed to cover up the awkwardness. You’d rather have him make fun of you for being clumsy. But instead, he seemed genuinely concerned for you.
“You should’ve been more careful,” he scolded.
There was something about the way he looked at you. His eyes were no longer playful but you couldn’t figure out what emotions hid behind those eyes.
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Those eyes. His eyes clouded your mind. For some reason, you couldn’t get it out of your head.
You found yourself avoiding him as you struggled to organize your thoughts. Or rather, your feelings.
Wanting to distract yourself, you decided to finally talk to Sunwoo. Surely, spending time with him would help you forget about Jaehyun.
So you mustered up the courage to ask him out on a date. To your surprise, he happily agreed and suggested that you watch a movie together. There was a new romcom film that came out and that he had been wanting to watch.
The date wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. Sunwoo’s goofiness offset any nervousness and it was fun to be around him. But yet, it also wasn’t as heart fluttering as you thought it would be.
Perhaps you had idealized him too much in your imagination. Your romantic feelings for him dissipated and you saw him as a good friend. Luckily, he felt the same.
However, word about your date had already spread by the time you got to school on Monday. It had reached Jaehyun’s ears and his expression hardened when he saw you laughing with Sunwoo at lunch.
He knew what the ugly feeling in his stomach was. And he wasn’t happy about it. So he reacted in the only way he knew. By clinging to your side and pestering you.
He spent the whole day messing up your hair and being sarcastic. Eventually, you finally snapped and told him to piss off.
“I’ll consider it if you can beat me in tennis today,” he said.
You crossed your arms, wondering what was going on in his head. You hadn’t been able to defeat him since middle school.
“If you can get a single ball past me, I’ll leave you alone,” he proposed. With a huff, you reluctantly agreed. It would be faster to just get it over with.
That was how you two ended up at a tennis court after school. He never went easy on you but he was going especially hard that day. He gave you no breaks and flung the ball back at you with what felt like all his strength. Ball after ball flew past you as he grabbed another one to start again.
“What the hell, Lee Jaehyun?” you yelled across the court. “Why the fuck are you so aggressive today?”
“Are you giving up?” he taunted while bouncing the ball.
“Oh hell no,” you grumbled as you got in position.
Another half an hour passed by with him beating you again and again. You were drenched in sweat and starting to feel sore. But you refused to give him the pleasure of watching you admit defeat.
So you kept going until the ball accidentally hit your shoulder. The amount of force he put into that backhand made you yelp in pain as you dropped the racket.
Startled, Jaehyun ran over to make sure you were okay.
“You just can’t bear to see me win once, can you?” you glared as you shoved his hand away. “You turn everything into a competition and act like you’re superior over me.”
“I-I didn’t mean to do that,” his brows furrowed in guilt.
“Didn’t mean to do what? Make my childhood a living hell by ruining my favorite sport? Use my crush on Sunwoo to trick me into another stupid bet? Confuse me into thinking that you might actually not hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Then why are you so clingy?”
“Because I like you!”
His words brought upon silence. The tension in the air was thick as you both stared at each other.
“You’re so dense,” he sighed. “I wanted your attention, okay? But back then, I was a kid and didn’t know how to stay by your side without annoying the hell out of you. And then I didn’t know how to transition out of that.”
He fidgeted with a loose string on his shirt and took a deep breath before continuing.
“This stupid bet was supposed to change our relationship. I was supposed to show you that I’m not as bad as you think I am. That I’m a guy too. That I’ve been in love with you for a whole decade now.”
To say you were surprised would be a massive understatement. All your life, you had been sure that Jaehyun’s purpose in life was to irritate you. So when your heart began to skip around him, you cursed yourself for giving into the hormones that made you see him in a different light. You never thought that the feelings would be reciprocated.
“You don’t feel the same way? At all?” he carefully asked.
Your mouth opened but no words came out. You couldn’t find the right words to answer his question.
“You’re not saying no,” the corners of his lips curved up.
He took a step closer to you and held your cheeks. You felt your heart race at the proximity and froze.
“For confirmation?” his lips ghosted over yours. You barely managed to nod slightly before he closed the gap between you two.
As cheesy as it sounded, you felt sparks fly the moment you had your first kiss. By the time he pulled away, you felt your cheeks heat up.
“So I guess that means I won the bet before it even began,” you joked, making him laugh.
“Yes, yes you did,” he smiled as he hugged you.
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kevin-sedai · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
So happy I was able to go to a baseball game tonight🥰🧡💙
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bughead-quotes · 3 years
"The first time I met you, you and Archie were on what looked an awful lot like a date,” Veronica answered. “In our first conversation, Kevin told me you guys were ‘end game.’ The first time I kissed him, you stopped talking to both of us… Do you see where I’m going with this? I just don’t see how your feelings could change that much in such a short time. You tell him how you feel, he says he feels differently, and it all just goes away? How does that work?”
Betty sighed. She could see where Veronica was coming from, but wasn’t sure how to explain herself in a way that her friend would understand.
“Look,” she began. “Archie totally broke my heart the night of the back-to-school semi formal… but not because he rejected me. That, I was more than half expecting.” At Veronica’s disbelieving huff, she added “Really! Why else did I put off saying anything to him for… years?
“I’ve had some time to think about this, and I’m not sure I was ever as in love with Archie as I was with… the narrative, you know? Cheerleader and football player… the literal boy next door… the childhood friend who grows into one true love. My Mom has this weird grudge against Archie, but he actually fit the story she has me playing out pretty perfectly. And I think I felt like… if my life fit into that story, then it would be ok… I would be ok.
“And that wasn’t even the worst of it,” Betty continued. “Do you know what he said to me that night?” Veronica shook her head. “He said I was 'so perfect' he could never be good enough for me. That was what broke my heart; it devastated me.” She could see that Veronica still didn’t understand, though, so she kept talking.
“I’m not perfect, Veronica. I’m not even almost perfect or kind of perfect. I’m a mess a huge part of the time, and I keep running as hard as I can, trying to compensate for all the broken bits inside me, trying to keep the outside together enough that people can live with me. But it’s exhausting and it’s hard and it doesn’t change the ‘broken’ inside.
“When Archie said that to me, I realized that he didn’t even really know me… didn’t see any more than the image my parents demand. My whole life, almost, Archie’s been my best friend. And my whole life, I’ve believed that he was the one person who knew me best, who saw me for who I am. And suddenly, I realized that was just another story I was telling myself.
“It wasn’t the rejection that broke my heart, V” said Betty earnestly. “It was giving up the dream that I had this one person who really understood me and accepted me… just me.” She paused a moment, letting that sink in, before she continued.
“Jughead knows me, Veronica. He sees me. He sees my crazy and my selfish and my ugly and my broken just as clearly as he sees my good points. And he likes me anyway. He chooses to be with me anyway.
“That’s what I want. I don’t want ‘perfect;’ I want real. I never had that with Archie… not even in a friendship. And he’ll always be my friend, and I’ll always care about him. But now that I know what it feels like to really belong with someone, I could never settle for what I used to imagine was there with Archie."
— In the Still of the Night by BlueLonghand (submitted by anonymous)
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maybestoryideas · 3 years
Babysitting Skid & Pump w/ Agoti and Tabi
How They Met
In a momentary lapse of your infinite wisdom and judgement, you accidentally scheduled to meet up with Agoti and Tabi on the same day you offered to watch over the Skid and Pump for Lila. Apparently she had to leave town for the day, and the kids had been getting in more trouble than usual.
You were getting ready to leave for Lila’s, only to be met with a screen demon and floating skull when you opened your front door.
After explaining the situation to them, you promised to hang out some other day, when you wouldn’t be busy. Somehow, Agoti interpreted this as an invitation to join you and help babysit, which is the exact opposite of what you were implying.
You were more than a little worried about Skid and Pump meeting your friends. The kids could be quite the handful sometimes, and your friends were prone to… outbursts.
“Hey, Tabi! I didn’t know you had a little brother.”
“Shut the fu-“
When Skid and Pump see Agoti and Tabi, they’re instantly attached.
“Skid, Pump, these are my friends, and they were just leaving.”
“I like your spooky masks!”
“Um, thanks… Why are you two wearing costumes?”
“It is the spooky month!”
“It’s 90 degrees outside.”
“Wanna see something really cool?”
Agoti then proceeds to get down on the sidewalk and start doing push-ups with his tongue. Skid and Pump are instantly impressed.
“Your spooky friend is so cool!”
“They think I’m cool. Whaddya say about that?”
“I say you just licked a public sidewalk and probably need to go to a hospital.”
“Can Agoti and Tabi hang out with us today? Please?”
“I don’t know. I’m sure they have very important adult things to do and need to get going.”
“Not really.”
Skid, Pump, AND Agoti are at your legs, staring up at you with big begging eyes. Tabi is standing behind them with secondhand embarrassment.
Agoti is constantly bragging and being a show-off for the kids; he’s playing it up more than normal. Meanwhile Tabi’s being a lot more chill, vaguely answering any questions the kids have about him.
“You’re so good a video games!”
“Yeah, I’m a bit of a celebrity. I actually got so famous that these jerks tried to get rid of me. Obviously it didn’t work, though, and blah blah bla-blah blah…”
“Are you a ghost?”
“My body’s invisible. It’s a long story.”
Skid and Pump try to teach them the Spooky Dance. Emphasis on ‘try’.
“How are you moving your arms that quickly?!”
“I feel like an idiot.”
Meanwhile, you’re recording all of it on your phone. Haha! Blackmail.
You spent the day playing video games, watching TV, and hanging around the house.
So, at the end of the day, it wasn’t a total disaster.
After Agoti and Tabi showed that they can act like decent people in front of kids, you agreed to let them join you whenever you’re babysitting.
You thought having three adults keeping track of two kids would make things easier, but they somehow manage to get into more trouble between the four of them.
“You’re supposed to the mature ones! How do you manage to cause this much trouble? On accident?!”
You always end up having to be the ‘Mom-friend’, but it rarely does any good.
“Let’s go to the spooky forest.”
“Yeah! Let’s go!”
“Let’s… not?”
“Let’s put it to a vote! Who wants to go into the cool spooky, haunted, abandoned forest?”
[Three hands immediately go up, followed by a fourth]
“And who wants to stay home and be boring?”
[One awkward hand goes up]
To be fair, Tabi at least tries to be a responsible adult, so it balances out Agoti’s chaotic enabling.
They once took everyone to Zardy’s maze. Never. Ever. Again.
“You’re going to get us lost, just like last time!”
“That was your fault! I knew exactly where we were going, but you kept taking us in the wrong direction!”
“Guys, we haven’t even gone into the maze yet. Look, the sign’s right behind yo-”
*angry SEGA Genesis and angry Russian noises intensify*
You decided to take Skid and Pump through the maze, and just left the two screaming outside the entrance. When you finally got to the end, they were still screaming. Not at each other, but at a scarecrow.
They’re a lot more well-behaved when you’re just hanging around town. Probably because otherwise they’d have to deal with police and witnesses.
If any shady creeps approach your group, Agoti and Tabi will stand right behind Skid and Pump, silently threatening until they back off.
They also do it whenever the Hatzgang starts picking on Skid and Pump, though they tone it down since Roy and his friends are still teenagers.
“Hey kid. You’re not causing trouble for my friends here, right?”
“N-No, sir! We’re just… kidding around. Oh God, please don’t kill me!”
For one Halloween, Skid and Pump dressed up as Tabi and Agoti.
“Aw! You two are look so cool and spooky!”
“How come you never call us cool and spooky?”
“Skid and Pump are cute kids. You two are public menaces.”
You frequently visit the candy store at the end of the day. On the off chance that there’s something the kids want but can’t get, Agoti will pay for it or bribe Kevin to look the other way. Sometimes it doesn’t work and then Tabi will threaten to demolish the store. That always works. You’ve started forcing them to wait outside the store while you buy everything yourself.
Even though Agoti and Tabi’s chaotic personalities feed into Skid and Pump’s mischievous behavior, you can tell that they genuinely like the kids, and you’re happy they get along well. Sometimes.
“Pump, where did you learn that word?”
“I heard Agoti shouting it when he was playing video games.”
“I thought so.”
“What’s up, dude?”
“I don’t why, but I think [Name’s] gonna kick my ass tomorrow.”
(Thanks for reading! Please give me things to write about?)
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neil-jortsen · 3 years
from his time on the run, neil has learned to match his accent to that of the people he’s talking to, which means that sometimes this happens without thinking and sometimes he doesn’t even think before blurting out a fake name, because, after all, old habits die hard
so one day while the foxes are out to eat after a game (a random restaurant they drove by on their way back home) neil makes a mistake
the waitress happens to have a distinct irish accent, and neil copies it instantly. when she introduces herself and asks for their names, neil automatically goes with jack murphy, before freezing, eyes widening as disgust flashes across his face.
but the foxes don’t hesitate
that night, andrew becomes james walsh, allison becomes grace o’sullivan, and so on and so forth until they’ve all become different people.
nicky and matt try their best at an authentic accent and both fail miserably, their words awkward and jilted,
but aaron’s already explaining to the poor, confused waitress that those two were kicked out of ireland by the president himself and are still in denial,
dan comes up with an elaborate story of how they all happened to grow up with each other in galway while renee nods along and helps dan fill in the details,
neil fights back a smile while famous exy player kevin day tries to convince the waitress that he’s truly daniel o’clery. he’s never even met a guy named kevin?
and andrew is the grounding force at his side, not saying anything, but pressing his knee into neils thigh so his mind stays present, even as the goalie rolls his eyes at the teams efforts,
and by the time their food arrives, neil’s thoughts are as far as they can be from his time on the run, he watches his family as they laugh and share insults and he’s once again hit with the realization that he’s home,
neil josten has found his reason to stay and a family that doesn’t run from his past
and the smile that appears on his face is nothing like his fathers
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To summarise:
Archie decides to take a break from saving The Town Formerly Known As Riverdale to go save the honour of the American Army. Robin Givens directs this white man’s heroic journey probably as a quid pro quo for being allowed to direct the Pussycats episode.
Stop! In the name of love Jason! Penelope puts a stop to Cheryl and Kevin’s singing, thus immediately and completely redeeming herself from any and all wrongdoing ever. Jason’s ears stop bleeding and so are mine. Unfortunately, she doesn’t push for full monastic silence.
Wonky Timeline Alert #1: Jughead is now 7 days sober. This means that the AA meeting at RHS from 4x14 happened 1 to 6 days ago. Or did it?
Alice once again has only a vague idea about what her children (in this case Betty) are doing. Consistency.
Betty, dressed as Polly, is searching for serial killers down the Lonely Highway. She hasn’t been successful, which comes as no surprise, since -in the words of Tucker the Trucker in 4x14- there have been stories about some crazy rogue FBI agent looking for her sister.
Wonky Spacetime Alert #2: Jughead goes to the Cooper Jones Smith house but Betty can’t come to the door because she’s out, working at the Lonely Highway wearing the same faux leopard coat that we can see hanging behind Alice.
“Let it go! Move on!” says Eric. “Like Hell!” replies Archie, whose whole raison d’être in Riverdale is never letting go.
Principal Weatherbee has finally acknowledged that he will never be able to provide basic education at RHS. He puts the English lit teacher on leave and focuses on football/cheerleading/drama/auto shop courses. Is this a comment on privatized education or a coincidence? Only time will tell.
Wonky Time Alert #3: Jughead has missed weeks(!) of work.
Chadwick sics the SEC to Veronica. If only the She Wolf of Wall Street hadn’t told him her plans over their last skype call ...
We don’t learn about Reggie’s big ideas but we do learn about Reggie’s big dick energy. Nana Rose isn’t the only gal he’s been sweet talking to! He also had a thing with Hermosa.
Kevin, having finally found an audience, conspires with Cheryl to overthrow Penelope’s leadership in her own cult. I didn’t catch the details because I was distracted by Cheryl not wearing any red item of clothing.
Uncle Frank tells Archie that he’s carrying a heavy weight, so now we all get to share the burden of another war flash back … Thanks a lot, uncle Frank.
Hiram -I’m-not-a-16-year-old-nerd- Lodge has hidden his palladium in the little SoDale town model he has in his office. Where he keeps the figurines remains a mystery.
Veronica will sell the palladium in an auction after she smelts it down into something “new and unrecognizable”, i.e. Spanish doubloons. I guess palladium Spanish doubloons are both  new and unrecognizable …
Did someone say “forgery”? Cheryl makes an appearance at La petite bijoutière.
Sober Jughead doesn’t think of checking his computer for a copy of his book: it must be the addiction withdrawal syndrome messing with his cognitive functions. Or aftereffects from the rabies.
He retrieves Cora’s manuscript from his bachelor pad (aka the Bunker). He needs half a bottle of whiskey to go through it.
Kevin had a magician period growing up. This explains so much.
Cheryl performs a series of faux miracles, including turning water into maple syrup and having her hands manifest the stigmata of the holly wounds of Jason. The last one is indeed a miracle, considering Jason was shot in the head.
Wonky Time Alert #4: The Voicemail™ took place half a decade ago. But also 2 years ago?
This also means that TBK has been active for half a decade. Because living through a pandemic is not enough.
Scratch out the auto shop course at RHS: Betty is on the Highway 24/7.
Bughead finally have a talk. They admit they’re both addicts. Not to kinky sex, like they were in high school but to alcohol and serial killers. Adult stories. Yikes.
Jughead doesn’t go through with plagiarism. Hurray! Samm, however, after having waited for either 5 or 2 years for Jughead’s second book, finally drops him as a client.
Veronica successfully (and legally!) beats Chadwick at his own game. This is a new and unexpected storyline for Veronica. I need time to process.
Archie hears from Jughead that you can be put on administrative leave if you don’t show up for work, so he hastens to make the rounds of all the soldiers’ families and go testify in one day.
Archie’s testimony is conveniently not shown, probably to cover up for the fact that he has no tangible evidence. Peak Riverdale writing. The Army Tribunal members, who have never met Archie before, probably could not take more of his monologuing about saving Riverdale, so they convicted general Taylor. I guess he shouldn’t have sent Archie back there.
It turns out that Tabitha might also have an addiction: taking care of seemingly lost causes. She makes Jughead promise he’ll go to his AA meetings and then puts her best bra on to go hitch hiking with Betty at the Lonely Highway.
Alice has been really down during the whole episode. She has probably received her credit card bill. Those cooking lessons Toffee took at L’Ecole Ritz Escoffier in Paris weren’t cheap …
One down. Three more opportunities to get depressed.  
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the-void-writes · 2 years
Fluffy Facts Tag Game
Thanks @magefaery for the tag! I’ll leave this open so I don’t accidentally tag everyone that you tagged already 😅
Rules: List 5 or more cute or wholesome facts about your WIP, either events that happen or worldbuilding details or the like! Then tag some people you’d like to see do the tag game, too!
(First three are for FOP, fourth is Bluebrook, and the last is For All Eternity)
1. Jason has a weakness for apple pie. Henry tries to make it for him all the time, but he’s still trying to learn how to cook so it’s all doughy and there’s apples just bulging out of the crust, but the flavor is still there. Jason insists it’s the best pie he’s ever had.
2. Cierra loves making clothes for Jason’s students, especially Riley because she gets to sew binders into it so he’s not uncomfortable. She’s made him a swimming suit, some tank tops, and a light-up tuxedo. Kevin is Cierra’s special project, though, because he wants the most insane Project-Runway-style designs, and then she goes “I’ll make it shoot fire, too.”
3. Since Jason’s family disowned him, for his and Henry’s wedding, Will gets to walk him down the aisle because Jason trusts him most of all. It’s a sweet day, Maddie’s eating the flowers, and then Jason’s parents show up because his mother actually wants to be in his life even if her husband doesn’t. Rhodes Sr. has never known true fear until his son walks down the aisle led by this shambling, stick-thin teenager who’s giving him the look of death. Will makes sure that no one gets to interrupt his dads’ big day.
4. Adrien is so smitten with his buff-ice-husband. Micah keeps learning French for him and dropping little phrases whenever they’re alone, and Adrien’s brain just stops working. And sweet, not-so-innocent Micah loves to tease him by kissing the bite mark on his neck from his vampire patient, and because it’s so sensitive (in more ways than one 😏), Adrien’s just internally combusting.
5. Paradise has a special ceremony to celebrate the couples that met each other in Paradise. Out of the main cast, it’s Gazali and Frank, Cecilia and Ruhi, Joe and Quincy, and Will and Dante. They have a sweet celebration based on how many years there are between them (Gazali and Frank have the record, of course, with Gaz from 1688 and Frank from 2008), and the blessing of an eternal life together.
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anywaymurder · 2 years
Squeezing out the Juice
Chapter 36
The Lucky Salmon inn gets slightly more crowded as the evening progresses. Sticking out like a sore thumb are two individuals: a high elf dressed way too fancily, and his red tiefling bodyguard. The group has other things to focus on, however, namely the matter of Ara’s weird behavior. They arrange for drinks and dinner, as well as a nice bowl of water for Xadrynk to sit in. Annori and Kevin talk excitedly about the possibility of shopping for new clothes, but agree that it might be best to wait until they’re in the city where there’s more options available.
They ask Ara about the swamp elf city, that is apparently quite large, and Kevin wonders how the swamp elves avoid constantly bumping into each other’s ears in crowded spaces. Ara tells them that’s how elves pass along personal information. Kevin asks if Ara was born grumpy, and he replies that his mother would say so. The conversation then shifts to the swamp elves’ long lifespan, and they wonder what one could ever spend all that time on. Ara and Annori realize they’re not sure how long humans live. Annori tells how she once met a man who was so old he was covered in moss and plants, and how she and her friends would still bring him food even though he was rude. Kevin picks up on her mention of friends and Annori talks a little bit about the group of kids she’d lived with on the streets of Feirenwald. She particularly misses one friend, an elf girl, and wonders where she’d be right now. Raiden grimly remarks that it’s entirely possible that the entire group had left the city or died, to Annori and Kevin’s horror. She goes up to the bar and ponders a way to get Ara to loosen up, since he was not drinking. She asks the bartender if there’s any types of alcohol that wouldn’t smell or taste like alcohol, but that doesn’t seem to be a thing. Then she remembers one of the potions she got from the halfling merchants: the one that would make you temporarily lose your sense of smell. She buys a full bottle of a fancy cherry liquor that might sort of look like fruit juice, and asks for some water (which the bartender serves to her in a bowl, assuming it’s for another toad, which it technically is) that she then puts the potion in. 
Meanwhile, Raiden asks Kevin how famous he is exactly. He replies that they won’t have to worry about mass amounts of screaming fans in the city, but there is a chance that a handful of people know him there. The bard returns the question, and Raiden laughs saying that if he’d get recognized for his thieving work he wouldn’t be doing a very good job. When asked if he’d ever been caught, though, he tells them about the first time he was arrested when he was young and had tripped during a pickpocketing attempt, spilling all the coins over the floor. They ask Ara about his job as a ranger, and he tells them how he would sometimes spend weeks in the forest without seeing another person, while dealing with lost travelers and all sorts of wildlife. (A: ‘Have you ever tried to walk an alligator on a leash? It’s… something.’ N: ‘No, but I did have a pet raccoon named Frediy’)
Annori returns and manages to trick Ara into drinking the potion, and then a glass of the ‘juice’. Ara doesn’t notice that she’s tricking him, but Kevin and Raiden definitely do. They drink and eat, Raiden flirts with the tavern owner which goes completely unnoticed, and Ara starts to get a nice buzz going without realizing it. Annori starts asking him questions about this morning, when he went ‘foraging’, but the answers are very vague and unhelpful. Kevin tries some of the cherry liquor and almost chokes on it, making Ara raise an eyebrow, but Raiden quickly distracts them by suggesting a dice game. They play a round of ‘pig’, rolling double dice until they get to fifty while avoiding rolling ones. Raiden wins in a landslide. Halfway through the game, Ara’s tiefling disguise wears off and his sudden change in appearance attracts a few confused stares. Kevin quickly slaps his hat onto Ara’s head, but if anyone does recognize him as the owner of Toads and Textiles, they don’t show it. 
Wanting to make good use of Ara’s growing drunkenness, Annori scrambles to find the right questions. She suggests playing ‘truth or truth’, where they’d both get to ask the other a question that would have to be answered honestly. Ara asks her what color the number four is. (N: ‘purple.’ A: ‘Noooo it’s obviously yellow!’ K: ‘Oh my gosh I was thinking yellow too!!’). This escalates into a long winded conversation about colors and numbers and shapes, so Raiden gets up and chats with the other patrons for a bit. He stumbles upon the fisherman whose boat they’d ‘un-cursed’, who insists on buying him a drink and hearing all about how they defeated the infamous ghost on the island. Raiden spends some time weaving tall tales about their supposed ghost-busting business, before heading back to the group who have derailed completely. He urges them to drink a couple of glasses of water and sees them safely to their room, where Kevin asks for one more bedtime story: his most recent time in prison. Raiden tells them about how he got arrested on purpose in order to deliver a message to another prisoner on behalf of the Syndicate, and the group quickly deems it boring. Offended, Raiden then refuses to tell them about the time he got arrested in a dress. Eventually they all fall asleep.
*disclaimer: all players gave continued consent for the events in this scene. Please don't trick your friends into drinking.
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