#key lime pie energy drink
nickim93 · 9 months
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slocumjoe · 1 year
could i get your take on what the companions (or just my favorite boy X6's) top 10 fave candies/foods would be in a modern AU?
anon you are in luck, because I am constantly thinking about the diets and eating habits of my blorbos
The numbered list isn't in any particular order, it's just so I don't have to manually count each point
What the companions would eat if not in a post apocalypse
Cait; Wouldn't have a taste for fancier cuisine. Eats more...hick-ish. I can say that because I was a hick with this kind of diet, growing up. Has a taste for filling, cheap, low-effort food...think lots of fast food, but "healthier" fast food. Like Chipotle, Panera, etc. Can cook, doesn't often, but will if she has a craving. Savory or tart tastes. She tends to eat lighter than you'd expect.
Blueberry brownie anything, favors dark chocolate in general
Submarine sandwiches, anything with pickles
Key lime pie
Salt and vinegar chips and thinks critics of such chips are cowards
Peach Redbull, any energy drinks though
Storebought hummus and Doritos, has been seen eating hummus with just a spoon though
Blueberry bread pudding. Simple to make, fun to eat, very comforting. Buys her bread already stale from a local bakery, has a guy to hook her up with the old shit
Seafood chowder
Sausages in any capacity. Jerky sticks, breakfast sausage, etc. Loves chorizo.
Honey buns from the gas station
Curie; Health nut, she eats like every influencer claims they eat like. Only, Curie actually eats like that. Lots of fresh foods and whole grains, little red meat. However, Curie makes a point to have foods that other health nuts would condemn, thinks its really important to not label any food as "bad." So, she balances between health nut and normal person. Her taste leans toward bright and/or sweet. Dislikes red meat.
Salmon breakfast wraps
Tropical fruit smoothies, eats so much pineapple
Iced tea, favors raspberry. Never seen without an iced tea of some kind
Halibut tacos, likes red cabbage and a fuck ton of lemon on it. Soft shells all the way
Bananas foster
Whipped brie dip, eats it with anything but loves it on apples, basically dessert
Lemon pepper grilled chicken and rice
So many salads, loves that you can just throw shit in a bowl and call it a recipe. Likes strawberries and almonds
Lemon poppyseed muffins
Shrimp and bitter melon stir fry
Danse; mixed bag. One on hand, small town diner tastes. Simple, cheap, good ol' American food. On the other, he's doomed to be a soldier in every universe he's in, so...maybe he picks up some tastes and dishes from places he's toured. Gets a weird pallate that shoots in all directions and makes you wonder what it's like in that thick skull. One day he's a good American boy with pancakes and steak, the next he's eating cake mix dry and drinking tahini from a flask.
Anything BBQ, but a pulled pork devotee
Hot coffee so heavily creamed and sugars it looks like milk. He likes the twix combo of chocolate, shortbread, and caramel flavors
Prepackaged baked goods a la Hostess, fucks up little Debbie oatmeal cookies
Apple and pecan pie
Menemen—Turkish dish, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, bell peppers, spices to taste, and (controversially) onions. Adds sausage and cheese, eats it with a fork or spoon (its meant to be eaten with bread)
Khachapuri—Georgian cheesy bread with egg. Eats with a knife and fork. (its meant to be eaten with the bread crust)
Smores pop tarts
Beef and potato stew
Rice bowl with fried egg and avocado, bonus points if it has bacon
Straight cookie dough/brownie/cake batter, usually when he's black out drunk and cannot shame himself out of eating raw egg products.
Deacon; Very childhood comfort food. Y'know, things you had as a kid, but probably grew out of a bit? Eats out of gas stations/takeout frequently. Very open flavor pallete, has tried everything he's had the chance to. Likes one-handed food, stuff you can have the other hand free for. Doesn’t really have a 'theme', has broad horizons for his diet. Likes lighter, mild flavors, though. He eats lightly and on the go a lot.
Hot/corn dogs, taste in hot dog toppings varies
Egg salad sandwiches
French fries and vanilla ice cream, classic combo
Mango sticky rice
Cornbread with any accompaniments. Likes honey or chili, thinks if you have a drink with cornbread, you ain't a real cornhead
Penne alla vodka
Cucumber salad. This could mean a salad with cucumbers, that trending Asian recipe where you cut the cumber so its springy, or eating a cucumber like a hotdog.
Fried mushrooms
Usually just drinks water but will have gator/powerade when he's working. Likes purple flavor
Captain crunch cereal, loves all cereal though. Prefers the kibble stuff to the berries. Starts philosophical debates about the morality of Trix commercials vs Lucky Charms commercials
Gage; His favorite foods reflect his upbringing. Coastal swamp cuisine, cheap and made in bulk. Take Danse's pallate and hyperlocalize it, and then lower the budget by a good amount. Things he grew up eating. Would gradually replace his favorites with pricier, 'less embarrassing' dishes, distances himself from his origins. However, takes care to not looked too loaded. Smokey and savory flavors are his thing, likes more spice than people expect.
Doberge cake, which is layered with pudding, often half-chocolate and half-lemon
Red beans and rice, with stewed pork if they could afford it
Blackened fish of any kind, liked it with cilantro-lime rice
Steak with potatoes and/or eggs
Chronic iced tea drinker like Curie, though he prefers the bitter kinds
Brussels sprouts defender and will fight for their honor
Was introduced to curry during a business meeting/outing. Could drink that shit from a glass, has it with potatoes and porkchops.
Lobster anything. This is one of those 'less embarresing' things, but he genuinely enjoys a good lobster roll. Even if he prefers a freshly-caught lobster bisque. Again, something he had growing up, something he pushes away.
Hancock; Similar to Deacon, but favors fatty, greasy food. No, it's not the drugs, that's just his metabolism. He's a skinny twink, always starving, can never put on weight. Eats as much as Danse, who is a big guy and needs more calories than most. He's really into street food and foreign dishes, won't eat at a restaurant if they speak fluent English or have good customer service. IYKYK. Very comfort food heavy, lots of "this would slap with Netflix at 2 am"
A classic oxtail, mac and cheese, and collard green take out combo
Any and all American-chinese take out, usually gets eggplant tofu with chow mein and cream cheese rangoons
"Walking tacos", those things where you open a small bag of chips and dump White People taco makings in. Probably just tips the whole thing into his mouth
Yakitori, Japanese chicken skewers, popular bar food
Bloody Mary cocktails
Pizza, will fight for the honor of pineapple. Would really be into how Brazil does pizza
Frozen yogurt and ice cream, piles with toppings
Breakfast sandwiches or wraps. Egg, meat, cheese, doesn't matter the time nor specifics.
Jam donuts, loves cherry fillings
Puppy chow/muddy buddies, chex cereal covered in chocolate and powdered sugar. Eats his weight in them if not careful
MacCready; forces himself to learn how to cook for Duncan's sake, but for himself...good God. It's horrible. Eats like garbage. Would never drink water if not to set an example. Take out, frozen food, so much candy and soda. After Duncan, broadens his horizons. Finds he really likes soups. Just throw shit in a pot and it works. Eats on a budget, so that's a life-saver. Doesn't have a preferred flavor pallete, aside from his love of candy.
Meat lover's pizza. Thinks pineapple has no place on pizza
Used to drink Mountain Dew and diet coke, replaced it with iced teas and more organic fruit juices for the sake of his teeth
Chicken soup, either from a can, or homemade. Either way, slaps. If homemade, blends veggies for a hidden veggie stock. For him, Duncan is a lot better at eating veggies, MacCready needs to trick himself.
Sour rainbow ropes
Cookie crisp cereal, thinks whoever came up with it deserved the sloppiest head. Incredible design, no notes
Cheese and sour cream chips
Famous Amos cookies
Eggo waffles
Gnocchi is God to him. Its superior to all noodles and makes your Shit In The Fridge soup 1000 times better.
Rice pudding is cheap, easy, and a surprisingly efficient sweet-tooth satisfier. Makes it with pumpkin spice mix or chocolate.
Nick; Home-cooked meals all the way. Could kill himself with cheese and die happy. Lots of easy meals and snacking so he can keep working, but will treat himself to a nice, hard-earned dinner when he has the time and energy. Likes himself the smokey, the fresh, or the sour. Probably knows all the best sub shops in the city, probably in a turf war with regulars of rival shops. Jewish delicatessens are like church to him.
Lasanga. Most of his freezer space is lasagna. Eats so much of it. He's lactose intolerant. It hurts but it hurts so good
Latkes. Fried potato things, kind of like hashbrowns, except the potato is mashed/ground instead of grated. And yes. Also pastrami. But those little potato bitches...mmmph.
Red velvet muffins with cream cheese frosting.
Fried cheese in any capacity
A prosciutto, arugula, brie, and fig sandwich
Pickled pearl onions
Cobb salad
Black coffee. Temp doesn't matter, because he's going to forget it until its room temp.
Has been known to enter fugue states and consume an absurd amount of Chicago style hot dogs
Scones or just plain bread with butter and jams
Piper; Broke college student trying to make it as a reporter. Her tastebuds are fucked, they salivate not for flavor, or texture, but for those good, good low prices. Piper's diet is almost entirely snackfood or takeout. If she ever cooks, it's for Nat. But when taking care of just herself, Piper eats from a box or bag. When she does cook, it's very simple meals. Loves her carbs and her fruit flavors
Chicken Ramen with canned chicken and frozen broccoli chucked in. Also makes this for Nat
Hot cheetos, eats with chopsticks
Spaghetti and meatballs
Fruit smoothies/smoothie bowls, blends in veggies as well for the nutrition
Coka cola and anything from Fanta, loves fruit sodas
Anything carbs and I mean that. Eats a lot of bread, pasta, cakes, potatoes...they're the sweetheart of anyone on a budget.
Buffalo cauliflower, likes it more than Buffalo chicken
Chewing gum. Fruit flavors only, hates mint gum. Likes mint elsewhere, just not in gum.
Nickle-nips and other "jelly/juice in a wax package" candies. Likes the charm of it, also, free chewing wax
Suckers/lollipops, big on hard candy in general but the stick satisfies her smoking habit.
Preston; A mix of easy depression/bulk meals and dishes from his childhood. Lots of spices, cooks with a lot of straight peppers. Tends to eat his food 'raw', not made into a dish. Again, easy and quick to eat. Also tends to buy pre-prepared stuff for the same reason, buys more fruits and veggies and just eats them straight. Doesn't care about eating healthy, he just lacks energy to cook most days.
I have no choice to explain this as it has no name. Casserole dish, layer of mashed potatoes, layer of shredded or chunked chicken, layer of white breakfast gravy or brown poultry gravy, top with drop biscuits. It's buttery, its savory, it is white as snow. Easy, cheap, one ladlefull is dinner. You'll get a few meals out of it, and it's so filling you have like, five minutes before you're stuffed. I call it gut-glue.
Dirty rice
Eggs scrambled with spinach
Veggies and hummus or ranch
Various fruits and berries such as grapes, cherries, blackberries, and oranges
Shakshouka, eggs poached in spicy tomato sauce and eaten with bread
Chicken biscuits, crackers dusted with, like, chicken bouillon? They taste like a chicken Ramen packet sneezed on a ritz
Slurpees/Icees/those syruped gas station ice drinks
Straight peppers, eats bell peppers like apples. Eats pickled jalapeños and scotch bonnets to feel something. Drinks the liquid in pickle jars instead of alcohol, or mixes it with gelatin and makes pickle jello.
X6-88; Pretensious rich asshole who eats like it. He rarely cooks for himself, probably has a personal chef or something. Maybe his work has their own restaurants, like Google. Eats mostly vegetables, but his favorite foods skew from "Dubai Influencer" to "12 year old who earned too much lawn mowing money and was let loose in a convenience store." So much sugar. Willy Wonka's factory is his idea of heaven and until it exists, he's an atheist.
Raw meats. Steak and tuna tartar, sashimi, and sushi
Braised duck with cherries
Nduja, a spicy pork sausage spread, has it with flatbreads
Oysters. Eats them all fancy in public, eats them from a tin with doritos at home
Anything from Hostess, Little Debbie, those brands. Fucking anything. However, would kill a man for any kind of Swiss roll
Chocolate milk
Gummies, very picky with brands, hates the harder kinds like Haribo. Wants his gummies soft as a marshmellow
Cadbury eggs
Milano dark chocolate cookies
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deusinabsentiaa · 6 months
This is a reminder to those who struggle with the idea of putting together meals (be it low energy, depression, feeling overwhelmed etc), you don't have to make a regular meal in order to eat! There are lots of pre-made/easy to make options out there that are healthy, filling, and taste good!
Bolthouse Farms pre-bottled smoothies (or any brand pre-bottled smoothie) are a great go-to to for breakfast (the strawberry parfait smoothie is a big favorite of mine)
For a snack, I love grabbing some carrot sticks and the individual ranch dip cups you can buy and the supermarket.
I'm also obsessed over the microwavable mini-potatoes that come with seasoning packets (found in the produce section). Pop that sucker in the microwave for 5 minutes and bamb you got yourself 3-4 meals of potatoes right there.
Yogurt is a great fast and easy option as well (Chobani has the really yummy flip cups that come with toppings such as cookies and cream, salted caramel, and key lime pie).
If you want more snacky food, Quaker Oats has a really yummy Salted Caramel rice cake chips (I used to think rice cakes were gross, but these are fucking fire I almost ate a full bag this morning).
Another great snack is fruit, either dried or fresh! I have a pack of raspberries in the fridge and a bag of apple chips in my snack drawer ready to go.
If you want actual meat, I buy my meat pre-cut (so I don't have to do all the work) and I just mix it up with a seasoning packet (supermarkets have tons of different seasoning packets for meat) and throw it in the air fryer.
Microwavable Minute Rice Cups!! It's a really fast and low-effort way to put together a side of rice for a meal! They come in packs of two individual microwavable cups of rice, all you gotta do is pop it in the microwave for a minute.
Getting tired or sick of drinking water? Grab some Powerade. Yes, it has sugar, but it also has electrolytes your body needs and will still keep you hydrated. I *hate* water, so Powerade/gatorade is an easy way for me to stay hydrated. I always keep a bottle in my backpack and one on my nightstand. You can also try Liquid IV, but I'm not a fan of the salty taste that goes with it. Buuuut there are Sour Patch Kid flavored ones that don't taste too bad 👀 The bottom line is, go for whatever will keep you hydrated.
I've struggled with chronic illness and low energy for years, as well as having essentially no executive function thanks to my ADHD, so cooking or putting together traditional meals has been really difficult. These are just the foods that have been easy for me and I know it won't fit everyone's criteria, but I hope it helps some folks out who are looking for some low effort and easy meals/snacks!
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jeffgerstmann · 2 years
Can we get a live stack ranked energy drink list? The people need this information!! G-FUEL Tetris Blast is vile, but that Snow Code is fantastic. - Nate from Indianapolis
Here's the current list. Still more work to be done, obviously.
Rockstar Zero Fruit Punch
Reign Orange Dreamsicle
GHOST Sour Patch Kids Redberry
C4 Starburst Cherry
Bang Cherry Blade Lemonade
Rockstar Recovery Lemonade
Bang Black Cherry Vanilla
C4 Energy Frozen Bombsicle
Rockstar Recovery Orange
C4 Smart Energy Black Cherry
C4 Energy Original Skittles
GHOST Tropical Mango
Reign Inferno Red Dragon
Reign Inferno Watermelon Warlord
GFUEL Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time Wumpa Fruit
Reign Reignbow Sherbet
Bang Swirly Pop
Monster Energy Ultra Rosa
Bang Krazy Key Lime Pie
GFUEL Sour Chug Rug
Monster Energy Zero Ultra
GFUEL Sonic the Hedgehog Peach Rings
GFUEL Naruto Shippuden Sage Mode
Monster Energy Ultra Paradise
Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen
GFUEL Mega Man Blue Bomber Slushee
Rockstar Xdurance Blue Raz
Ciclon Energy Drink Zero Acai
Rockstar Recovery Pineapple Coconut
Bang Purple Haze
Bang Delish Strawberry Kiss
Rockstar Throwback Edition Sugar Free OG Flavor
ZOA Fruit Punch
GFUEL Fazeberry
Bang Sour Heads
Bang Whole Lotta Chocolata
Rockstar Xdurance Marshmallow
Bang Star Blast
GFUEL Tetris Blast
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Tagged By:
THE homie @ssoheartbreak :D (I miss you!!! ♡)
Favorite Ship Ever:
It’s been so long since I’ve been in a fandom for a work of fiction that I don’t think I have any ships anymore?? I know I definitely had some, probably a lot, but I can’t really remember most of them? Like I know I used to ship Retsuko and Haida from Aggretsuko, but I haven’t watched it since season 3 in 2020 so I don’t know if I still ship them or not bc I’m missing canon info lmao
Last Song:
Through actually listening on my own: either Work Harder - Widdly 2 Diddly & Marina Hova or Blowout - Noisemaker (both are part of the LISA OST) but the actual most recent song I listened to was a Pepper Steak remix by All Levels At Once on one of Wayne’s streams (originally by Alias Conrad Coldwood if the internet is answering my questions correctly lol also part of the OFF! OST)
Last Movie:
The last movie I *willingly* watched was The Ballad of Buster Scruggs back in early December, although I was forced to watch Christmas movies after that happened so (not counting them though bc I didn’t pay attention to them and don’t remember what they were lol)
Currently Reading:
Do tumblr posts count? Bc that’s about it haha
Currently Watching:
Lots and lots of VODs/YouTube comps of streamers I enjoy! Mostly been watching WayneRadioTV, Socpens, and Jerma985! (Current fave VODs: Wayne’s Pizza Tower stream, ANY of Scorpy’s Sims streams (Sims 2 DS/GBA are v good), and Jerma’s Wobbledogs stream)
Currently Consuming:
At this exact moment I am drinking an Ultra Sunrise Monster Energy, and I’m probably gonna eat a key lime pie flavored Chobani Flip later :) my go-to foods/drinks lately though have been Monster (Ultra Sunrise/Ultra Paradise/Pipeline Punch/Pacific Punch are my faves ^_^), Polar Seltzer (cranberry lime sweep!), Dr. Pepper, and Chex Mix (bold uwu)
Currently Craving:
A top tier nap, absolutely 10/10, fully rested and relaxed, no stiffness, pain, or agitation upon waking up, just completely rejuvenated and recovered ;w;
Literally anybody who sees this and wants to do it, as well as @wavecrester7 lol
(Mutuals I am compelling you to do this >:3€)
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Just weighed myself after my mom left for a minute - 116.6
Which isn't bad considering I just ate shrimp tacos and a half serving of French fries and some bites of key lime pie and an IPA beer, and 2 bowls of potato chips earlier in the day; and considering how bad I've been eating for the past week in Miami; I was expecting higher, I'll take it!
I know a lot of people on here only weigh like first thing in the morning after using the bathroom etc but honestly I like to see the highest weight of the day bc if I'm only 116 after eating all that, the "actual" number is probably lower. Just gotta stop eating junk food and drink more water, keep exercising, etc.
So I'll try to weigh again in the morning before I hit the road, we'll see if that works out, otherwise it'll probably be like mid August before I have access to a scale again. I'm hoping to be under 110 at that point but again, we'll see if that works out! Actually might have an extra day between VA / PA gigs so I might stop by my brother's house, do laundry, check in on the scale that I keep in the closet there lmfao. If that's the case I'm hoping for 112.
Picked up an extra day of work for this Virginia gig so I get to arrive a day early and work an extra day, so that should be fun, if anything it's just an extra day of forced exercise. Not "forced" bc I'm choosing it but honestly I have such a hard time exercising outside of work so like, I'll take an extra day of outdoor physical labor lol. And they're only providing food for lunch, breakfast and dinner will be on me, so I'll probably be eating less. Like still enough to keep my energy up but I'll be there by myself so I can eat a thing of oatmeal for breakfast or a granola bar, and a can of lentil soup for dinner, etc. Once gates open and patrons arrive there will be food vendors so I'll probably visit some of them but it depends on prices/options, I have such a hard time spending money on food. Beer, however, I'll probably spend like $100 bc they bring in all these craft beer vendors, they had some really good ones last year, I'll probably be drinking a lot :)
Anyway, wasn't expecting the number to be moderately acceptable, I was preparing myself to see 120+ so this is fine. Better than fine actually bc it's probably lower once my body sorts out all the junk I've been eating. I just need to lose 10 pounds and keep it off this time ugh!!!! But we're getting there 🙏 by this time next month I'll have lost another 5 pounds, manifesting it 🙏
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xamdsona · 11 months
What ice cream flavors are my ocs?
Named story edition
Sugar and Spice
Anise: Spiced Chai ice cream
Rosemary: Moose tracks ( vanilla ice cream, fudge, and peanut butter cup)
Saffron: saffron
Sage: Ben and Jerry's Half baked( Chocolate, and vanilla ice with cookie dough and brownie)
Tourist Season
Jackson: Ben and Jerry's Change is brewing ( coffee ice cream, marshmallow and brownie )
Cheyenne: Chili mango ice cream
Casper: Key lime pie ice cream
Alaska: Cosmic brownie Ice cream
Vegas: cookies and cream ice cream
Barry: chocolate peanut butter ice cream
Connor: malted milk ice cream
Susannah: margarita sorbet
Millie: salted caramel ice cream
Lucky: churro ice cream
Bernadette: pineapple sorbet
Akihito: matcha and adazuki bean ice cream
It’s complicated
Liam: mocha ice cream
Hannah: champagne sorbet
Callum: black sesame ice cream
Apple: Apple pie ice cream
Jillian: cherry Garcia ice cream
Lexicon: chocolate swirl ice cream
Azalea: French vanilla
Parker: Chunky Monkey ( Banana ice cream and fudge)
Rex: Bourbon-honey ice cream
Mercy: Strawberry Cheesecake ice cream
Avery: Biscoff cookie butter ice cream
Alaina: dark chocolate raspberry ice cream
Asa: Mixed berry ice cream
Dolly: huckleberry ice cream
Phyr: Chili chocolate ice cream
Bright: blue raspberry sorbet
Piper: honey-lemon ice cream
In Medium/Dead Air/ Earth Phi
Georgie: Nutella ice cream
Tamerlane: S’more ice cream
Val: coquito ice cream
Adora: Strawberry shortcake ice cream
Serafina: Cinnamon ice cream
Hamlet: shortbread ice cream
Greg: pistachio ice cream
Kim: bubblegum ice cream
Irena: mascarpone ice cream
Alma: Strawberry marshmallow ice cream
Lucas: cinnamon roll ice cream
Calamity: cotton candy ice cream
Saga: oatmeal cookie ice cream
Emika: pomegranate sorbet
Ephit: mac and cheese ice cream
Keyes: Zebra cake ice cream
Crescent: starfruit sorbet
Clay: dirt cake ice cream
Ethan: hibiscus sorbet
Run of room
Irida: rainbow sherbet
Link: maple and pancake ice cream
Trent: toasted marshmallow ice cream
Marcella Moore, mad scientist
Marcella: cereal milk ice cream
Will: birthday cake ice cream
Charlie: Neapolitan ice cream
Dash: Wanderlust creamery’s Vietnamese Rocky road
Via: Cheesecake ice cream
Konoha: Beachcomber ( blue fruit-flavored ice cream with pop rocks)
Magical investigation unit
Mora: blackberry jam ice cream
Cecil: rose ice cream
Declan: rocky road ice cream
Kyle: plain coffee ice cream
Gretchen: kiwi ice cream
Teddy: energy drink ice cream
Wisteria: honey lavender ice cream
Byron: mint chip ice cream
Mark: Dark chocolate orange ice cream
Jessica: fig and goat cheese ice cream
Glory: Blue moon (fruit loops flavored blue ice cream)
Naz: sour watermelon ice cream
Abel: cardamom ice cream
Error 404
Atlas: sour gummy worm ice cream
Freya: French toast ice cream
Billy: chocolate ice cream
Ocula: <÷=/<*^ ice cream
Everest: melona ice cream bar
Naika: Strawberry lemonade sorbet
Everly: dirt cup ce cream
Maple: sakura flavored ice cream
Ben: munchies ice cream ( cake or vanilla flavored ice cream with m&ms, caramel and pretzels)
Lucy: pumpkin spice ice cream
JD: Cherry limeade slushie with nerds and Strawberry syrup
Remington: rose green tea ice cream
Layla: ube ice cream
Eina: cherry cola ice cream
Lynn: black and white cookie ice cream
Eldritch Hearts- family
Kaede: mountain dew ice cream
Nils: salted licorice ice cream
Daichi: citrus ice cream
Toby: Superman ice cream ( blue moon, red pop, and lemon ice cream)
Tiara: tiger’s blood ice cream( coconut, Strawberry and watermelon)
Orchid: honey lavender ice cream
Rhett: watermelon sorbet
Ripley: Twinkies ice cream
Crash and burn
Anika: taro mochi ice cream
Kiah: honeycomb ice cream
Fennel: Monster cookie dough ice cream
Kokoro: raspberry sorbet
Atticus: butter cake ice cream
Aspen: basil ice cream
Mrs. St. Martin: dark chocolate ice cream
Care: mystery airhead ice cream
Sin: pandan and pineapple ice cream
Annie: halo-halo ice cream
Brad: hot chocolate ice cream
Oakley: Banana split ice cream
Champ: Vanilla bean ice cream
Courtney: off brand Vanilla ice cream
St. Germaine’s Academy
Cake: milk bar pie ice cream
Beatriz: root beer float ice cream
Beau: passion fruit sorbet
Pwyll: caramel corn ice cream
Pavana: POG ice cream
Leah: peanut butter pretzel
The Field
Isadora: bizochito ice cream
Sebastian: blueberry-lemon ice cream
Neil: gingerbread ice cream
Aurelia: apricot ice cream
Cobalt: dark chocolate with cookie dough ice cream
Ferris: Milky way ice cream
Quince: Quince ice cream
Mei: jasmine tea ice cream
Weston: Kinder ice cream
Tien: strawberry sorbet with Strawberry popping boba
Erin: almonds ice cream
Superpower therapy
Zariah: sour patch kid ice cream
Anthony: turtle ice cream ( Chocolate, pecan, and caramel)
Skai: Blue raspberry sorbet with marshmallow swirl
Brittney: low-fat vanilla ice cream
Junpei: Lemon meringue pie ice cream
Something is tearing us apart
Vela: oatmilk ice cream
Fionna: lavender earl gray tea ice cream
Blake: caramel cookie dough ice cream
Not!Graham: Vanilla frozen yogurt
Birds of a feather
Kieran: peach cobbler ice cream
Penelope: brown sugar boba ice cream
Kissing Strangers
Ada: Strawberry chocolate ice cream
Brennan: triple chocolate ice cream
Old Harbour
Lissy: Orange sherbet
Chamomile: Earl Gray tea ice cream
Morgan: Yuzu ice cream
Enid: elderflower ice cream
Jace: Coke ice cream
Analog signal
Beverly: Blue rocky road ice cream
Sept: cookie butter ice cream
Farrah and the forsaken kingdom
Farrah: curried ginger ice cream
Rue: Turkish delight ice cream
Sorrel: sorrel sorbet
Camp sycamore
Io: baklava ice cream
Seannan: Thai tea ice cream
Margo: rum raisin ice cream
Rudy: eggnog ice cream
Hope Requiem
Hope: Apple cider doughnut ice cream
Tsubasa: saltwater taffy ice cream
Afra: vegan chocolate ice cream
Sol: mango sorbet
Family matters
Ame: Lemon Italian ice
Satoshi: brown sugar ice cream
Asher: Snickerdoodle ice cream
Nysa: Rhubarb crumble ice cream
Into the Garden
Kiara: cinnamon toast ice cream
Cian: Peanut butter and jelly ice cream
Lachlan: port wine ice cream
Sueng- Chestnut ice cream
Emira: red velvet ice cream
Jaime: sour cream ice cream
Tonya: waffle cone ice cream
City savers
Nico: ramune flavored ice cream
Ramune: grape sorbet
Skelly: pudding ice cream
Mikey: kiwi ice cream
Tadgh: chocolate chip ice cream
Yui: peanut butter and banana ice cream
Yuki: Peanut butter and marshmallow ice cream
Project Kaijuu
Alice: black tea and cookie ice cream
Cahal: irish cream brownie ice cream
Battler: Strawberry cake pop ice cream
Ainsley: mint ice cream
Jackie: smoked peaches and cream ice cream
Time trap
KC: Chocolate malt ice cream
Vincent: dulce de leche ice cream
Elise and her demon cat/ HBF!/Christmas radio/mainstay
Elise: Marionberry ice cream
Boo: Cookie cat
Felix: plum sorbet
Noelle: peppermint bark ice cream
Taggart: raspberry truffle ice cream
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zerocaloriefatgirl · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Green foods.
Key lime pie flavored yogurt with a low cal Cucumber lime energy drink.
And avocados.
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beingharsh · 2 years
father bought me a 'key lime pie' flavored energy drink and its like one of the most confusing things ive ever had
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Zelus (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Green Eyes by Bia
Wise Ass by Kratos
The Green Shadow by Hera
Age- 18 (immortal)
Location- Little Sparta, New Olympus
Personality- Zelus is very prideful, arrogant, strong-willed, and competitive. With everything that he puts his energy in, he has to be the best, no exceptions. He's been a lot angrier since his parents' divorce and feels like he's being pulled in many different directions. He's currently single.
Out of his siblings, Zelus is the closest to Zeus (god of the sky, thunder, & lightning). He says that Zelus is the most dedicated employee he has ever had. The two have developed a great friendship outside their working relationship. He gets first dibs for reservations at Zeus' restaurants and V.I.P treatment at Zeus' nightclubs. He even received a custom made truck (with platinum spinners) as a birthday gift from Zeus.
Zelus is a sibling of quadruplets. There's Kratos as well as his sisters Nike (goddess of victory) and Bia (goddess of force & power). Their parents are Styx (Titaness of hatred) and Pallas (Titan god of warcraft & battle).
He has the standard abilities of a god- except shapeshifting. As the god of envy, jealousy, & zeal, he has the power of flight, due to his olive green wings. He can also manipulate the feelings of envy & jealousy in others. He can also emulate a person’s appearance for a time.
Zelus lives in a loft apartment with his brother Kratos (god of strength) and good friend Ares (god of war). He takes great pride in his closet.
In the pantheon he's also good friends with Agon (god of sports & contests), Palaemon (god of sharks), Tyche (goddess of luck), Chrysos (god of gold & riches), Aphrodite (goddess of love & beauty), Hermes, Adranos (god of fire), Notus (god of the south wind), Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge), and even Hercules. Zelus' mentor was Aplistos (god of avarice). He also admires Dolos (god of deception & treachery) and Pseudologos (god of lies).
His go-to drink is a scotch on the rocks. He also enjoys martinis, beer, gin & tonics, lemon-lime soda, rum & cokes, and energy drinks.
Zelus' favorite meal is papoutsakia served with stifado. He also likes smoky BBQ fried chicken, jalapeño mac n’ cheese, & corn dogs.
His favorite dessert is the key lime pie from Hollyhock's Bakery.
Zelus likes listening to rap, hip hop, electronic, and rock music.
In his free time, he likes to play video games, go cloud surfing, skateboarding, rollerblading, basketball, surfing, and working out. He takes pride in his physique and looks. Zelus LOVES shopping.
One of Zelus' favorite treats is lime sorbet! He always gets an olympian sized cup from The Frozen Spoon.
For other work, he's a frequent writer of Zeus' men's magazine as well as modeling for/endorsing Bow + Arrow, VivoTrack, and Platinum Alchemy.
He's seriously considering finally moving out of the loft. Zelus has looked into a mansion he's interested in located in the Skyline district.
He hates his mother's boyfriend Phlegethon (Titan god of fire) and hasn't spoken much to either of his parents since their divorce was finalized.
Zelus was dating Polyhymnia (muse of hymns) for about a year before she broke up with him after finding out about his wild weekend with "King Dumbass." Zeus invited him on a weekend trip to Shimmering Tail Island where they partied, drank, did lotus dust before having an all-night sexcapade with twelve nymphs & mermaids! A video of the escapade was sent to The Oracle Scoop website. Before Polyhymnia, he had a sexual relationship with Dione before she ended things.
Zelus has also had crushes on Apate (goddess of fraud & deception), Philotes (goddess of sex, friendship, & affection), Lykos (goddess of wolves), and Ailuros (goddess of cats & warfare).
He has also made out with Alala (goddess of the war cry) and Adephagia (goddess of gluttony) a few times.
"Everyone wants to be me, tough luck!"
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machi-kun · 4 years
Tony is a playboy, and he’s good at it. He never leaves a partner unsatisfied, he never leaves a phone number – and he always leaves before breakfast.
And then there’s this one guy. Steve.
In the morning after, making pancakes before Tony can escape.
This is a fill for the 2020 Stony Bingo, Round 2! Square S-1: pancakes ;)
Read it on AO3 | Morning After, Awkwardness, Fluff | Rated T
“Hey.” Steve says, smiling. “Good morning.”
Tony, fully dressed and expertly sneaking out, stops before he can even close the bedroom door, head turning so quickly in the direction of the kitchen he almost pulls a muscle.
He looks to the side, where he remembers seeing a clock – yep, there it is, and it says 6:11 AM on it, which is unholy and vile, an hour no one should be awake at, much less a Saturday, and yet, here is his one-night-stand, by the stove, making breakfast.
Tony thought he was in the bathroom. He even left a note. The door was closed, and he thought he heard water running – fuck, it’s raining out, isn’t it?
Not that it matters now that he’s already been busted, but still.
It’s gonna be even more awkward now, waiting for a cab.
“Yeah, uh. Morning.” Tony replies, after a weird, awkward attempt to clear his throat. It feels horribly sore, and he’s not sure if it’s from the noises or the other thing, but it’s probably both. A glass of water might help with that, but coffee is always a distracting temptation. “You’re up early.”
Which is an understatement. But what other way can Tony convey the feeling of why are you not conveniently unconscious so I can leave without sounding like a complete asshole?
“So are you.” Steve – and even if Tony wanted to forget his name he couldn’t, because he said it a lot last night, and Steve is still smiling, friendly, cute, and a little smug, like he somehow knows what Tony’s thinking. “I’ve always been an early riser. Usually I would be going for a run right now, but I didn’t want to leave you here by yourself.”
Maybe this would have been easier if he had.
“Thanks.” Tony rasps, walking a little closer but not sitting down anywhere, still holding his shoes, looking as out of place as an elephant in a rose field. Steve places the coffee pot back in the counter, close to Tony’s reach, next to a cute, yellow mug, with a tiny picture of a cat on it. It’s empty, and Tony really wishes it wasn’t but he’s too unsettled to reach out and actually fill it for himself.
The silence stretches, only low crinkles of plastic and the muffled sound of traffic and – there it is, rain, coming from outside the small window in Steve’s tiny, modest kitchen – act as the soundtrack for the world’s most suffocating breakfast ever.
“I made pancakes.” Steve says, after an unbearably long time, turning around with a plate full of blueberry pancakes, dammit, Tony’s favorites.
Did he tell him that last night? He can’t remember. He might have.
Usually Tony wouldn’t have a problem with this, even if his partner for the night happened to catch him while he snuck out. This is not his first time. It’s not even his fifth, or his tenth. He’s had this encounter before, and to be fair, this is proving to be quite amicable compared to other possible reactions he’s experienced in the past; Far preferable to being attacked with shoes, no doubt, but it still feels way worse than all the other times.
Maybe it’s just because Steve isn’t his usual partner. There were no pulsing lights or thrumming bass or sweet drinks to set the mood, no darkness to disguise the truth in the flirty banter – the bar had been awful, and Tony left not even forty minutes after arriving, once he spotted Sunset Bain far too close to his own booth for his comfort. Steve was not there. No.
Steve was at the small, quaint little diner Tony found a couple blocks away after walking around aimlessly, tending to the costumers with far too much energy for the late hour, and he had coffee and snacks, and Tony never even hesitated.
Makes sense Tony would tell him about the pancakes. Tony has no idea what else he told Steve – he sat down, Steve looked at him, and he had no idea what had happened next. It had been almost closing hours, Tony gathered by the almost empty café, but he and Steve seemed to be talking for hours. But it couldn’t have been that long, considering they still came back here, and it’s barely six now. How – What the hell happened? How did a simple stop by a diner turned into a freaking date, and then into sleeping together, so quickly, and he hadn’t even noticed?
And Steve had been so – so nice. Gorgeous, of course he’s gorgeous, but more than that; He smelled like orange and vanilla, from the pastries, he said, ah, that’s when Tony complained about the lack of blueberries. He remembers now.
“Too much?” Steve chuckles, interrupting his thoughts, and it’s got a shaky, uncertain tone to it, and it immediately turns Tony into an anxious, fumbling, not suave at all mess.
“No, it’s—” He coughs. “It’s fine.”
Steve’s eyes narrow just a bit, and something teasing pulls at the edge of his smile, almost malicious. “That’s a little hard to believe, considering you were going to sneak out on me.”
“That’s – uh – hm.” He forces out a laugh. “It’s not personal, don’t worry. I just— I had a great night, don’t worry—”
“Oh, I’m not worried.” Steve’s eyes shine again with that spark of mirth, and Tony, running on barely any sleep and a rush of endorphins that has yet to go away with how thoroughly they got it on when they finally made it to bed, has to shamefully admit that he goes a little hot at the sight. “I get it. Morning after, it’s awkward. Haven’t done this much, so I thought maybe the way to make it less awkward would be breakfast?”
“That’s really nice of you.” Tony comments, and he completely means it. “Nicer than sneaking out, I guess.”
“Both have their benefits, I think.” Steve sways his head from side to side, trying to be placating. “Well. I’ve made them. You can have some if you like, but if you want to leave, I won’t stop you.”
See what he means? Nice. Steve’s nice.
Not everyone would react this well. This calm.
“What would be more awkward, if I stayed, or if I left?”
Steve unexpectedly laughs. “I don’t know. Is this your first time getting caught?”
“First time sober – well, not hangover, at least.” Tony admits, and he’s pleasantly surprised there’s no judgment, no derision in Steve’s tone when he assumes, correctly, that Tony is an experienced runaway after one-night-stands. He’s just amused, like it’s ridiculous, and it is. It is ridiculous that they’re both so embarrassed now, when they were both fully sober and fully consenting to go home together last night.
And it can’t be because of the sex, because it had been fantastic.
So maybe it’s really just because this is… new. In some ways. New for Steve, as far as hook-ups go, and new for Tony as far as incredibly sweet partners go.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He could leave.
Should he?
Does he want to?
“Well, I did have a great night, Tony. Thanks.” Steve looks down for a second, sheepish, as if he’s not sure if he should be thanking someone for sex, or for… whatever it was that happened between them last night, this weird pull that’s keeping Tony frozen in the spot and not sending him bolting through the door at the first chance he gets. “Maybe I won’t see you again, but at least I want you to know how much I enjoyed it.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” Tony tells him.
“After last night?” Steve looks up at him from beneath his long, beautiful lashes, and Tony is caught so off guard he feels his face heating up and hopes Steve can’t see it. “I kinda think I do.”
“You repaid the favor quite nicely, mister” Tony flirts back, before he can think twice about it, feeling inexplicably amused by the sudden turn in Steve’s behavior – awkward, but still flirty? That’s… good. Very good, actually. It feels a bit like an invitation, like Steve’s trying to figure out if he can get Tony to give up on leaving if he can seduce him back into bed. Tony doesn’t know why that doesn’t make him want to run. It usually would.
But Steve made him blueberry pancakes.
Steve’s nice. Steve’s… different.
Tony doesn’t want to leave before he can figure out how.
“Well… I could have some breakfast.” Tony decides.
Steve’s smile is adorable, soft and sweet at the edges, just like the pastry he’d given Tony last night, just like his kisses – and Tony wonders if it would be just as sweet in the morning.
“And then later, I could have your number?” Steve asks, bold, and the shock of it is softened by the sweet smell of pancakes, the richness of the coffee Steve pours into the little cat mug, the sound of rain falling outside, the almost painfully domestic atmosphere of this cute kitchen in a lazy Saturday morning.
Steve sits across from him, fork in hand, decided to share the meal it seems – and Tony remembers last night, when both of them shared the last slice of the key lime pie the diner had for sale, leaning over the counter to be closer, like teenagers in love sharing sips from a milkshake, talking about motorcycles of all things, and he doesn’t know how something so simple can be so endearing, but it is.
Tony’s stomach does a flip, and just for now, he pretends it’s from hunger.
“Yes, Steve.” Tony rolls his eyes, smiling so wide his cheeks hurt. “As soon as we’re done with breakfast.”
Pancakes now.
Maybe that’ll make Steve’s mouth taste even sweeter later.
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
absolutely obsessed with the fact that bang key lime pie flavor energy drink & yoplait key lime pie flavor yogurt taste indistinguishable from each other despite one being a carbonated beverage & the other being a dairy product, & the fact that both of these artificial flavors are functionally indistinguishable from key lime pie: the dessert, which tastes nothing at all like key lime: the fruit
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solitaria-fantasma · 4 years
real name: Arthur M. Kingsmen
single or taken: Taken, but shy about it - he usually won’t advertise it unless Lewis or Vivi have already let it slip, first, or he trusts someone
abilities or powers: Sensitivity to supernatural entities and energies, a Stark-level talent for invention, and basic necromancy
eye color: Golden-yellow (with a touch of green in the left)
hair color: Yellow, orange and brown
family members: His uncle, Lance, and undead brother, Gawain plus a secret sister he doesn’t know about, and a handful of family that exist but never reach out
pets: Galahad, his hamster (and secret familiar)
something they don’t like: The fact that the only type of magic he seems to be capable of performing is necromancy (even though he never uses it to raise/disturb the dead)
hobbies/activities: Playing his keytar, tinkering with everything from his arm’s latest version to that toaster that’s been on the fritz, building redstone contraptions in Minecraft, holding things up to Lewis’ fire hair to see if they’ll burn, losing to Vivi in Mario Kart.
animal that represents them: Dog
worst habits: Making self-deprecating jokes, chewing on things that he shouldn’t put in his mouth when he’s thinking, not speaking up when he’s uncomfortable, forgetting his meds
role models: His uncle Lance, Lewis, Vivi, The Peppers, and the Yukinos
sexual orientation:  He’s pretty sure he’s pan at this point but he’s also not super concerned with ‘doing the do’.
thoughts on marriage/kids: They’re both great in theory, but the moment the topic comes up in discussion, he freezes like a deer in the headlights. Him?? Marriage material?? Father material??? *Pacman death noises*
style preferences: Regular jeans and T-shirts, with his comfort converse and wristbands for added fashion. He’ll dress up if the situation calls for it, but he finds ties and stiff collars suffocating, and doesn’t feel like himself in a blazer. He owns several pairs of skinny jeans and graphic tees, but he rarely wears them out of the house.
approach to friendships: He’s chill and friendly at first, but usually won’t open up until he’s known someone for a little while. He’s incredibly cautious about sharing his deeper thoughts and feelings, and any brush offs or breaches of trust will cause him to shut down and stonewall any further attempts at 
thoughts on pie: His favorites are the ones with smoother textures (pumpkin, chocolate, key lime, mississippi mud, sweet potato, etc.) but all pie is good pie.
favorite drink: Anything that can give him enough caffeine to finish his latest project
favorite place to spend time at: Anywhere he can watch someone he loves
swim in the lake or in the ocean: The ocean. Standing on the beach and looking out to the endless horizon makes him feel small...and not in a bad way.
their type: Kind, courageous, caring, good at listening,
camping or indoors: Indoors, if he has a choice.
Tagged by: @punsandfuturekingsmen​
Tagging: @mysteriouslyhopefulstranger, @arthurtheghostmechanic
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Places a key-lime pie energy drink for him to try in the name of science.
Arthur eyes it, shrugs, and then downs the whole thing in one go like a shot.
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jeffgerstmann · 2 years
Is there an updated energy drink ranking anywhere?
Here are the current rankings as of 9/13/2022
Rockstar Zero Fruit Punch
Reign Orange Dreamsicle
GHOST Sour Patch Kids Redberry
C4 Starburst Cherry
Rockstar Recovery Lemonade
Bang Black Cherry Vanilla
C4 Energy Frozen Bombsicle
Rockstar Recovery Orange
C4 Smart Energy Black Cherry
C4 Energy Original Skittles
GHOST Tropical Mango
Reign Inferno Red Dragon
Reign Inferno Watermelon Warlord
Bang Swirly Pop
Bang Krazy Key Lime Pie
GFUEL Sour Chug Rug
Monster Energy Zero Ultra
GFUEL Sonic the Hedgehog Peach Rings
Monster Energy Ultra Paradise
Monster Energy Ultra Peachy Keen
GFUEL Mega Man Blue Bomber Slushee
Ciclon Energy Drink Zero Acai
Rockstar Recovery Pineapple Coconut
Bang Purple Haze
Bang Delish Strawberry Kiss
Rockstar Throwback Edition Sugar Free OG Flavor
ZOA Fruit Punch
GFUEL Fazeberry
Bang Sour Heads
Bang Whole Lotta Chocolata
Rockstar Xdurance Marshmallow
GFUEL Tetris Blast
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Bang Energy Drink Flavors
The classic caffeinated version of Bang Energy drinks currently come in 18 unique flavors. Those flavors are:
1. Bangster Berry
2. Birthday Cake Bash
3. Black Cherry Vanilla
4. Blue Razz
5. Champagne
6. Cherry Blade Lemonade
7. Citrus Twist
8. Cotton Candy
9. Crisp Candy Apple
10. Frosé Rosé
11. Key Lime Pie
12. Lemon Drop
13. Miami Cola
14. Peach Mango
15. Pina Colada
16. Power Punch
17. Purple Guava Pear
18. Purple Haze
19. Purple Kiddles
20. Radical Skadattle
21. Rainbow Unicorn
22. Root Beer
23. Sour Heads
24. Star Blast
25. Strawberry Blast
Natural Bang Energy Flavors
1. Candy Apple Crisp
2. Frose Rose
3. Mango Bango
Caffeine-Free Bang Energy Drink Flavors
Bang also comes in a more limited set of flavors that are caffeine-free:
1. Birthday Cake Bash
2. Black Cherry Vanilla
3. Cherry Blade Lemonade
4. Cotton Candy
5. Miami Cola
6. Purple Guava Pear
7. Sour Heads
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