#keyword research complete guide
beastmarketing · 2 years
guide to keyword research that is compatible with search engines
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guide to keyword research that is compatible with search engines
As a business owner or marketer, you are always looking for ways to improve your website’s visibility on search engines. One way to do this is by conducting effective keyword research. Keyword research is the process of identifying the words and phrases that your target audience is using to search for products, services, or information related to your business. By incorporating these keywords into your website content, you can optimize your website for search engines and increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).
In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to keyword research that is compatible with search engines. We will cover everything you need to know to conduct effective keyword research, including:
Why keyword research is important for SEO
How to conduct effective keyword research
Tips for choosing the right keywords
Tools to help you with keyword research
How to analyze and refine your keyword strategy
By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to conduct effective keyword research and how to use this information to improve your website’s visibility on search engines.
Why Keyword Research is Important for SEO
Keyword research is a critical component of search engine optimization (SEO). When people search for information or products online, they use specific words and phrases to find what they’re looking for. By identifying the keywords that your target audience is using, you can optimize your website content for these terms and increase your chances of ranking higher in SERPs.
Keyword research can help you in the following ways:
Helps you understand your target audience: Keyword research can provide valuable insights into what your target audience is looking for and how they are searching for it. By understanding their search behavior, you can create content that meets their needs and helps you connect with them.
Improves your website’s visibility: By incorporating relevant keywords into your website content, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can help you attract more traffic to your website and increase your brand’s visibility online.
Enhances your content strategy: Keyword research can help you identify topics that are relevant to your target audience and create content that addresses their needs. This can help you establish your brand as an authority in your industry and build trust with your target audience.
How to Conduct Effective Keyword Research
Effective keyword research involves several steps. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:
Step 1: Brainstorm Keywords
The first step in keyword research is to brainstorm keywords related to your business or industry. Think about the products or services you offer, the topics you cover, and the questions your target audience might have. Make a list of these keywords and phrases.
Step 2: Analyze Keyword Data
Once you have a list of potential keywords, it’s time to analyze the data to determine their search volume and competition level. There are several keyword research tools available that can help you with this, including:
Google Keyword Planner: This is a free tool that allows you to see the estimated search volume and competition level for specific keywords.
SEMrush: This is a paid tool that provides in-depth keyword analysis, including keyword difficulty, search volume, and competitor analysis.
Ahrefs: This is another paid tool that provides detailed keyword data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and competitor analysis.
Using one of these tools, you can enter your list of keywords and analyze the data to determine which ones are most relevant to your business and have the highest search volume.
Step 3: Prioritize Keywords
Once you have analyzed the keyword data, it’s time to prioritize your keywords. Focus on the keywords with the highest search volume and relevance to your business. These are the keywords that your target audience is searching for and that are most likely to drive traffic to your website.
Step 4: Refine Your Keyword List
Now that you have prioritized your keywords, it’s time to refine your list. Remove any keywords that are not relevant to your business or have low search volume. You should also consider the competition level for each keyword. Highly competitive keywords may be difficult to rank for, so it’s important to focus on keywords with a moderate level of competition.
Step 5: Analyze Competitor Keywords
It’s also important to analyze your competitors’ keywords. Identify your top competitors and analyze their website content to see what keywords they are targeting. This can help you identify new keywords to target and refine your existing keyword list.
Tips for Choosing the Right Keywords
Choosing the right keywords is essential for effective keyword research. Here are some tips to help you choose the right keywords for your business:
Use Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific phrases that have less competition than shorter, more general keywords. They are often easier to rank for and can attract more qualified traffic to your website.
Consider Search Intent: When choosing keywords, consider the search intent behind them. Are people searching for information, products, or services? By understanding the search intent, you can create content that meets your target audience’s needs and drives conversions.
Use Local Keywords: If you have a local business, be sure to include local keywords in your keyword research. This can help you attract more local traffic to your website and improve your local search rankings.
Use Keyword Variations: Use different variations of your keywords to attract more traffic to your website. For example, if your main keyword is “SEO,” you could also target variations like “search engine optimization” or “SEO services.”
Tools to Help You with Keyword Research
Keyword research can be time-consuming, but there are several tools available that can help you streamline the process. Here are some of the best keyword research tools to consider:
Google Keyword Planner: This free tool provides keyword ideas, search volume data, and competition level for specific keywords.
SEMrush: This is a paid tool that provides in-depth keyword analysis, including keyword difficulty, search volume, and competitor analysis.
Ahrefs: This is another paid tool that provides detailed keyword data, including search volume, keyword difficulty, and competitor analysis.
Moz Keyword Explorer: This is a paid tool that provides keyword suggestions, search volume data, and keyword difficulty.
Ubersuggest: This is a free tool that provides keyword ideas, search volume data, and competition level for specific keywords.
How to Analyze and Refine Your Keyword Strategy
Keyword research is an ongoing process. Once you have implemented your keyword strategy, it’s important to regularly analyze and refine it to ensure it’s still effective. Here are some tips to help you analyze and refine your keyword strategy:
Monitor Your Rankings: Use a tool like Google Analytics or SEMrush to monitor your keyword rankings. This can help you identify keywords that are driving traffic to your website and those that need more attention.
Identify New Keyword Opportunities: Regularly review your website content and identify new keyword opportunities. Use keyword research tools to determine the search volume and competition level for these new keywords.
Analyze Competitor Keywords: Keep an eye on your competitors and analyze their keyword strategy. Identify new keywords to target and refine your existing keyword list.
Update Your Content: Regularly update your website content to include new keywords and ensure it remains relevant and useful to your target audience.
Keyword research is an essential component of search engine optimization. By identifying the keywords your target audience is using, you can optimize your website content and improve your chances of ranking higher in SERPs. Follow the
steps outlined in this guide to conduct effective keyword research for your business:
Start with a seed list of keywords.
Use keyword research tools to expand your list.
Prioritize your keywords based on relevance, search volume, and competition level.
Refine your list by removing irrelevant keywords and focusing on moderately competitive keywords.
Analyze your competitors’ keyword strategy to identify new keywords to target.
Remember to choose the right keywords for your business, using long-tail keywords, considering search intent, using local keywords, and using keyword variations. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Moz Keyword Explorer, and Ubersuggest to streamline your keyword research process.
Once you have implemented your keyword strategy, regularly analyze and refine it to ensure its effectiveness. Monitor your keyword rankings, identify new keyword opportunities, analyze competitor keywords, and update your content regularly.
Effective keyword research can help you drive more traffic to your website and improve your search engine rankings. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can conduct effective keyword research and develop a keyword strategy that works for your business.
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The Basics of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
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speakstechnical · 4 months
Learn how to do SEO for a new website with this complete guide. Start with keyword research to identify target terms. Optimize on-page elements like title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and URLs. Ensure technical SEO by improving site speed, mobile-friendliness, and creating an XML sitemap. Produce high-quality content regularly and build backlinks through off-page strategies. Enhance user experience with a clean design and easy navigation. Monitor performance using Google Analytics and Search Console, and stay updated with SEO trends. This step-by-step guide covers everything you need to boost visibility, drive organic traffic, and achieve long-term success.
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hey there! fellow naturalist (albeit less experienced!) here! in regards to the AI-generated ID guides, do you have any advice for helping the general public learn to recognize them? are there any giveaways other than incorrect information a layperson might not pick up on that we can tell people to watch out for?
Hi, @fischotterkunst! It's a messy topic, to be sure, but here's what I've been seeing of these AI-generated texts, at least on Amazon:
--If you sort your search for "foraging book" or "mushroom hunting" or whatever search string you use by "Newest Arrivals", you'll notice that there is a glut of books that have come out in the past few weeks. Yes, there are always new books, but this is at a higher than normal rate, which suggests AI is behind at least some of them. There ARE occasionally real authors' books that just happened to come out recently, so don't dismiss every single book that is a fresh release. Use the other criteria below.
--They will invariably be self-published or from some publisher with zero online presence. Not a problem by itself; my own chapbooks are self-published on Amazon KDP. But they come out every three months, not every three days, because I am researching, writing, and editing them all myself, rather than churning out content with AI.
--The titles and subtitles are often very long and stuffed with keywords. They are obviously optimized for search engines rather than being descriptive of the book and they have a rather clunky fashion.
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--Look for obvious typos and other errors; for example, in the image above we have "WILD MUSHROOM COOKBOOK FOR BEGINNER: The complete guide on mushroom foraging and cooking with delicious recipes to enjoy your favorite". It should be "for beginners", and the subtitle just...ends prematurely. Favorite what? Favorite mushrooms? Favorite cartoon characters? Favorite color? Also, while there are lot of variations on name spellings, "Magaret" instead of "Margaret" stands out as a possible fake in combination with other clues. (All her other books also have this spelling, though.)
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--This is a BIG one: Who's the author? Check their bio. In the above image you'll see that "Jason Cones", the author of "The Wild Edible Plants Forager's Handbook: A Beginner's Guide to Safe Foraging, Including How to Identify Edible Plants, Learn About Their Medicinal Properties, and Prepare Them for Cooking", has a very generic picture and bio that has pretty obviously been generated by AI. If you search for him online, the only page for an author named Jason Cones is the Amazon author page--no website, no social media, no interviews, nada. Even a brand new author will at least have something other than their Amazon page, and they'll mention experience, credentials, other biographical info.
--Look at the author's other books. Magaret seems to focus on cookbooks of very specific sorts, but again they've all come out in a very short time. They also tend to often be on really super-specific niche subjects--this, again, is not a red flag in and of itself, but it's a common pattern with AI "authors". Jason Cones, on the other hand, has written over two dozen books not just about foraging but anger management techniques, acupressure, and weed gummies, and all of his titles have come out since last December.
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--If all the books have the same cover but slight differences in title, it's also a big red flag. There are reputable publishers of regional foraging guides like Timber Press, but their books are written by multiple authors and have come out over a long stretch of years (plus they're a well-known publisher with a solid track record, online presence, etc.) Also notice the typos in the title and subtitle; everyone says "Mushroom Foraging", not "Mushrooms Foraging", and "Keep Track Your Mushroom Sightings" is missing "of".
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--Compare the descriptions of multiples of these new books and you start seeing patterns. If you look at the images above, you'll notice that both Lorna K. Thompson's "Foraging Recipe Cookbook" and Kevin Page's "The Ultimate Foraging Guide for Seniors" have a very similar formulaic description. They start with a brief story about a person in a town or village who discovers some foraging secrets and then transforms his life, and then a list of things you're supposedly going to find in this seemingly miraculous book. This basically reads like "Hey, ChatGPT, tell me a story of a person who improved their life with foraging in two hundred words or less!" Also, the ends got cut off of my screen shot, but they both end with "GET YOUR COPY TODAY!"
I have not purchased any of these books to verify how awful the content is, but what little content I can see in the previews is uniformly formulaic and, again, reads like someone asked an AI to write content on a topic with some specific keywords thrown in. Needless to say, I do NOT recommend any of these books.
Also, I feel really bad for any actual authors who released their books in the past few months. They're likely getting drowned out by this AI junk, though hopefully they're getting enough attention for their work through their publishers, social media, etc. to get some sales. Support your real-life authors, and boycott AI!
Finally, PLEASE reblog this! It's really, really important that people know what to look for, and the more posts we have floating around with this info, the less likely it is someone's going to get poisoned by following what these books have to say.
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practicalsolarpunk · 2 years
Do you know any herbology books that aren't. . .idk, mostly only theoretic?
I took a long time to answer this question for a couple reasons. First, I’m not fully sure what you mean by “theoretic,” but I’m assuming you mean you’re looking for herbology/herbalism books that are more practical and less “this herb heals depression because it elevates your kidney vibrations” type of stuff. Second, if that is what you’re looking for, there’s unfortunately not a ton of books that I’ve found like that.
The one herbalism book I keep on hand is Penelope Ody’s The Complete Medicinal Herbal. It does have a lot of the more “woo” stuff as well, but I like that it provides photos of the plants, lists the actual botanical and chemical compounds in each plant that does stuff, and points out when a plant might not be safe for certain people. The other book I keep on hand is Sharon M. Herr’s Herb-Drug Interaction Handbook, which tells you which herbs are safe and which are dangerous/deadly or could mess with dosages if you want to try herbal remedies while also taking other medications.
I have heard good things about Body Into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self-Care by Maria Noel Groves, The Modern Herbal Dispensary: A Medicine-Making Guide by Thomas Easley and Steven Horne, and The Nature Cure: A Doctor’s Guide to the Science of Natural Medicine by Andreas Michalsen, MD. Since I haven’t personally read any of them, I can’t unreservedly recommend them, but they might be worth a look. I DO recommend “The Science of Integrative Medicine” from The Great Courses, which is a series of lectures from an MD with the Mayo Clinic discussing a variety of alternative medicine remedies (both herbal and other types) and the science behind them. It’s more from a patient perspective than from someone who actually wants to do some herbology, but I found it helpful. I listened to it for free through my local library.
Herbology/herbalism resources are pretty scattered and often in the realm of the less-than-scientific. Studying botany is a good foundation for herbology (and “pharmacology” is a good keyword for further information about a specific plant), and absolutely avoid anything that talks about “energetics.” An unfortunate fact of herbology is that a lot of these herbal remedies and cures just haven’t been studied. So it’s very possible that some of the remedies do actually work, but nobody has done the research to figure out how or why. It makes being interested in herbology but not interested in “clearing your liver energy” or whatnot very difficult.
I hope this helps! If I misinterpreted your question or you have additional questions, please feel free to send in another ask. (And followers, if you have any ideas/suggestions, please leave them in the notes!)
- Mod J
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courtneedsmatcha · 8 days
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a music analysis on "if i am with you"
credits: "if i am with you" composed by yoshimasa terui, i'm citing an arrangement by _jacksonforte on musescore, @cmdrfupa and @tsukimefuku for the encouragement and motivation to write this
notice: amateur's take on music, my own interpretation because the same music can tell different stories to different people, you don't have to be an expert in music to understand, jjk season 2 spoilers, for some reason at some point, i switched to using capitalization, the researcher in me couldn't help it 💀💀
give a listen here: cover by Ru's Piano | i prefer her tempo over the original | the music is played in the gojo vs. toji scene | i reference this at 3:48 into the video in my analysis | or follow along with the sheet music here with the play button on musescore
this piece is played when gojo learns "hollow purple." when gojo learns this technique, he diverges (calculus joke heharhah) both in his strength and his perceived role in the world. gojo paves his own, indepednent path, and in my interpretation, this reflects in the elements and structure of "if i am with you." i will be exploring and sharing my take on how this piece enriches gojo's narrative.
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in the opening section, we have a repetition of Fmaj7(#11) which sets a foggy atmosphere. The notes are played in a circular manner, from F up to C and back down to F. This represents a lack of direction and uncertainty. Gojo, born into the role as the strongest, does not understand why he has to use his abilities to save the "weak and helpless," why he should spare the members of the Star Plasma cult. The wandering and ambiguous repetition resonate with Gojo's ungrounded values; despite his flippant character, he follows the directionless current of what sorcerers before him did: fight to save lives until an unforeseeable end.
Sure, his title as one of "the strongest" provided some incentive to live up to those standards, but until Riko's death, he kept questioning the nature of how the jujutsu society worked. (I don't have that much evidence to cite because I haven't read the manga. This is what I picked up on from the anime.) This is until he finds a voice to guide him:
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The note B serves as a pedal point, which involves sustaining or repeating a single pitch. This pedal point is a metaphor for Gojo seeking guidance from someone with a strong (aha i'm kind of wrong but you'll see) moral compass: Geto. As the harmonies beneath fluctuate from Fmaj7(#11) to em7 to dm7, representing Gojo's inconsistent or unclear stances, the pedal point represents unwavering values of Geto whose presence is steady and reliable. Gojo always looked to Geto to validate why they continued to fight. Gojo revolved around the pedal point of Geto's moral compass.
Until Geto's own compass wavers.
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Here, we get a little insight into how Geto is losing his own sense of direction until it completely and gradually dissipates with a rallentando (not shown above, measure 31). However, it does not make sense to look at this from Geto's perspective. This is because Geto goes batshit defects due to hatred and spite towards the jujutsu system which would be poorly represented by a soft, gentle ending in Cmaj7.
Instead, I interpret this as Gojo relinquishing Geto's pedal point. This does not mean that Gojo has completely given up the ideology of Geto's inital beliefs. Rather, it is about transformation, a step towards independence. Gojo is giving up Geto as a moral compass, for he does not need to continue to seek guidance from his friend. To pinpoint the precise moment, it is when Gojo says the infamous "throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the honored one."
*Please refer to 3:48 in this video which is what I am describing
Keyword: alone. Gojo is ALONE the honored one. The perceived responsibilities of the honored one fall only onto Gojo, forcing him to further differentiate himself from the rest of the sorcerers, Geto included. This is represented through hollow purple, the epitome of strength and the embodiment of mastery at an unreachable level for the rest. Gojo's acquisition of hollow purple is the mark of how from then on, he will develop his own narrative, and that is what the music exactly does at a tempo.
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Let's take a moment to appreciate how perfectly the music aligns with the animation. Because y e s. Anyways, a tempo marks the transition into the second section of an exploration of Gojo's independence. It truly is an exploration, signified by the sequences of call and response. The phrase above at a tempo is a call. The following is the response:
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This sequence repeats once more, but in a different variation as it modulates from C major to F major. It's almost as if Gojo is searching for reassurance or validation as the strongest, but has no other choice but to trust his decisions and live with no regrets, thus leaning further into the role of the strongest.
For more information on Gojo Satoru's role as the strongest, please refer to @rahuratna's brilliant insights on him:
We then have a "flashback" (technically called A' section), or briefly relapse back to the theme of the pedal point:
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The brevity of this section is reminiscent of Gojo noticing Geto's decline in mental and physical health, but ultimately choosing to overlook in the pursuit of strength and ambition. The desire to prevent what happened to Riko by refining his powers overwhelms any other sense or priority.
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By overwhelm, I mean insanity. Just look at the fortissimo (meaning extra loud) and the nine-lets in the left hand. I n s a n i t y. I don't have many other things to say except how fitting it is for Gojo to be high with power at this exact moment and how the intense the rays of golden sunset are. Isn't it interesting how intensity can be layered through multiple media (i.e. background art, animation, voice acting, music, storytelling)?
To conclude, I want to talk about the way this piece ends. It's one of the most beautiful and melancholic endings I have ever heard. Starting at "Slower":
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The note C as a pedal point. Suguru Geto, is that you???? See, he will always be with Satoru forever. Even when he may not always be physically present with Satoru, he will forever be that little voice that reminds him of all the memories, the beginnings, the end of beginnings
That G# is killing me. Just kidding
It's the damn B. Yeah, I'm gonna yap about one note. ONE NOTE. How dare you... LEAVE THIS ON A LEADING TONE!!!!! THE UNRESOLVED TENSION!!!!! THE ANGST!!!!!!! AND YOU DRAW IT OUT LONGER WITH A FERMATA (Do it again.)
Obviously I'm going to make a meaning out of it. Unresolved tension is the entire premise of Jujutsu Kaisen.
Example 1: Gojo's desire to rebuild the jujutsu society with powerful sorcerers who work together and foster a caring community to look after each other... to what extent did he accomplish this goal? And that's why I like leading tones, because it can set up a resolution that might be explored further, perhaps with the next generation of sorcerers.
An even better example 2: leading tones perfectly capture the dynamic of satoru and suguru. So close yet so far apart. So angsty yum. Never truly finished.
Additional analysis for the cover art: https://www.tumblr.com/rahuratna/757898687766757376/hi-rahuuuuu-my-mind-is-fresh-and-awake-its-one?source=share
Perhaps next time, I will yap about "Vague Reason" next?
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suzuran777 · 8 months
Review + Guide: Friendly lab - unlock(); (Tennenouji)
I was going to wait for the English translation of the PC version, but got a bit impatient and decided to play the Japanese version instead...! So here's my spoiler-free review in which I explain the gameplay mechanics and what the game's about. I also wrote a guide, as the Japanese one I found was a bit confusing sometimes.
In this game, you play the role of a researcher who's conducting a gentle experiment on two test subjects. The goal of the experiment is to measure what kind of impact the interference of the researcher has on the test subjects. The experiment must however be conducted safely, without harming the test subjects. A small locked room, two test subjects who suffer from memory loss. It's your goal to present a variety of items to them and to observe their reaction.
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If you're here for the guide I recommend scrolling down a little bit! I'll start with a short summary of what the game is about and how to play it. This game was originally released as a mobile game in 2022 and I played a little bit of it, but I didn't reach any endings, so this was my first time completing the game. The gameplay of both versions is almost identical, but this time there are no in-game purchases and ads, which is nice! As the game's description mentions, you have to conduct experiments on the test subjects, Nishi and Higashi, and observe how they react to them. Both of them don't remember how they got there and also don't remember much of their past lives, so it's up to you to slowly make them remember. This game is unvoiced and there's also no background music, so it immediately makes the player feel a bit uneasy. The only sound you hear is the sound of the clock ticking.
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Gameplay and story As the researcher, you can use 10 different sub-menus to interact with Nishi and Higashi: Voyeurism (1), Meal (2), Special Item (3), Accident (4), Entertainment (5), a safe which becomes the Cultivation Room later (6), Question cards (7), Paper and Pen (8), Bathing (9) and Sleep (10). At first the game does seem a bit confusing because you have to figure out which items trigger a reaction and it's a bit slow at first, but I did have fun slowly learning more about the characters! The goal is to gather as many keywords as possible, but you only have a limited numbers of actions each day, so use them wisely. For those reading this after the English version is released, I hope my translations aren't too different, but I think it should still be understandable!
Both characters have completely different personalities. They don't remember their real names so they use the Japanese words for East and West (Nishi and Higashi). Nishi knows a lot about many topics, such as plants, medicine, animals and likes sharing fun facts about items shown to him. Higashi on the other hand, seems to be struggling with a lot of things, slowly remembering his dark past when certain items are presented to him. Throughout the story, Nishi helps him to slowly regain memories of his past, which sometimes get rather dark.
Almost the entire plot of the game takes place in a single room, so the characters and their stories are the most important part of this game. Through their interactions, you slowly learn what happened to them, allowing you to theorize how they could have possibly ended up in a situation like this. Because of this, the gameplay sometimes feels a bit slow, but I recommend taking your time so you can slowly learn more about the characters. The game auto-saves the current experiment so you can close the game whenever you want. It takes a while to replay the game a few times too to unlock every ending, but I had a lot of fun testing each option to see what would happen next. The only downside is that you can't really save, so if the experiment fails it's over and you have to restart.
Spoiler-free guide The first playthrough never gives you an ending so the choices don't matter, but I recommend using the cultivation room which unlocks within the first days. By presenting question cards to the characters, you will receive cultivation water which you can use in this special menu. Make sure to complete the experiment, as it carries over to your next playthrough. After the first round, start a new game and follow the "route 3 hint" card, it will show a little lamp symbol next to the options you should pick. You can skip experiments you've done before by double clicking it, it's faster than pressing the skip button. A few more tips to get the endings:
Don't use all your daily turns immediately, as some options only show up throughout the day and some are only available for a limited amount of time, so you might miss them.
Make sure to carefully look at the experiments in order to not miss any of the recommended choices, as some of these are also only available on certain days (you need to scroll down sometimes to see them). You can still get the endings if you miss some of them though, no need to restart if one or two of them expired.
The bathing scene choices usually don't matter, so just pick the character you want. You have to replay the game at least 10 times to get all the endings, so you'll have plenty of time to pick each option.
The choices which display this pink handshake symbol next to them increases the affinity between both characters, which is necessary to unlock some CGs.
Ending 3 and 2: Follow the "ending 3" hints. At the end of the game you're presented with a choice, pick the option to not tell the truth for ending 3. Afterwards start a new game, follow the "ending 3" hints again and pick the other option for ending 2. In my case the skip button somehow skipped the entire choice, so if you replay to get ending 2, be careful to not use this too much near the end of the final day. Ending 4: Automatically unlocks at the same time as ending 3 if you've completed the cultivation room in your first playthrough. Ending 1: Follow the "ending 3" hints but purposely avoid all the experiments that give you any clues on day 10. I just did all the recommended experiments on other days (except maybe 1 or 2 of them) and on the final day, I only used the voyeurism option and picked experiments the game didn't recommend (the ones without the lightbulb icon).
Ending 7: Follow the "ending 3" hints once more and give the characters the "happiness gas" item 8 times, with this item you unlock some of the 18+ content in the game. You can obtain this item by just showing the characters the question cards every day, they'll hint that they want to do something (eating, entertainment etc.) and one of the sub-menu buttons will light up, hinting that you should pick one of these options next. The buttons either turn green, yellow or red and shows a timer how much time you have left to select an option to obtain the item. On the right side of the screen you can see how many of the items you have (the gas mask and the cup of coffee icons).
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After unlocking ending 3, you can also follow the "ending 5" hint card which you'll have to use for the next endings. Ending 5: Follow the "ending 5" hints (which unlocks after finishing ending 3) but avoid question cards as much as possible. Pick the experiment which looks something like this "■□■■" in the "Accident" menu every time (there's multiple parts and it seems to show up randomly throughout the day sometimes). I'm not sure how they will translate this, so below you can see what it looks like.
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Ending 6: Exactly the same as the previous ending but this time, make sure to use all of your question cards every day, the game ends after playing the final "■□■■" event. Ending 8 and 9: Follow the "ending 5" hints again, but make sure to use happiness café au lait 8 times (you unlock this the same way as the happiness gas mentioned above). Also make sure to play the "lump of ???" event, which is an experiment that sometimes shows up in "Special items" during the first days. Avoid the final "■□■■" event because that might trigger ending 5 or 6 instead. You can't always use the café au lait immediately, but just check the special menu item every now and then to see if it's there. After using this item 8 times, you can choose to give it to Nishi (East) which unlocks ending 10, or Higashi (West) which unlocks ending 9.
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Ending 10: Unlocks after you've cleared many experiments in the game marked with ★. I accidentally got this ending when I was aiming for another ending while following the "ending 3 card" hints, so if you don't want this end, it's better to ignore those options!
Final impressions The gameplay of this game is something totally different from what I'm used to, but I had fun! It takes a while to complete so I recommend just taking it slowly. The mobile version is a bit different and has a lot more options, offering an in-game shop and some kind of gacha system. I personally enjoyed the PC version more because even though it was sometimes funny to unlock different items for the characters, it was difficult to take the story seriously when they were wearing wigs and all kinds of funny outfits lol, though that is optional too. There's no background music or voices in this game, so I can't really comment on that, but I thought the art was really nice. It was a bit different than Yura's usual art, but I think it really suits the game's setting, kind of gloomy and dark.
I will not spoil the plot of the game but I think it was good! The game gives you all these little hints and slowly but surely, you learn their backstories and what happened to them to end up in such a place. It's called ''friendly'' lab and while the experiments themselves don't directly harm them, I will say that some of the endings are anything but "friendly". I did grow quite fond of the characters after interacting with them for so many days so after playing all the endings, I miss them already... I might go back to the mobile version after all because there's quite some things that aren't in the PC version, for example instead of the usual 11 days, this version has 20+ days now (the app still updates every now and then) and introduces new experiments, and at some point even a new research subject. The romance between Nishi and Higashi also seems to develop a bit more in this version, so I wonder if they'll release an updated version of the PC version at some point, or a second game? I am satisfied with the content of the PC version alone though!
Anyway, I recommend playing the game without reading spoilers, because the whole point of the game is that you're slowly learning more about these characters, and giving any kind of hint ruins the purpose of the game (though at some point you can also ask the characters if they know Giancarlo, a reference to Luckydog1... which was quite funny).
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Here's a bonus screenshot of the app version of the game playing a Candy Crush ad, which made me laugh because it does not suit the atmosphere of the game at all, though you can get free points for the in-game gacha if you watch the ads.
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my-deer-friend · 5 months
Good luck on your source-finding journey friend! I am so interested in the process of tracking down sources and documents, but I've never done it before. Can you explain your process or do you have any tips?
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask. This is not a research guide, just some pointers I've found useful (as someone trained in other forms of academic research who learned how to work with archives).
First things first – forget google. Google scholar is decent for tracking down secondary academic sources (though hardly comprehensive), but with a few notable exceptions, archive databases that hold primary source materials are not indexed on normal search engines. Instead, you need to spend some time finding the repositories where your sought-after documents are likely to be, and then running your searches inside those.
The one thing google is useful for is to see if someone has already gone to the trouble of formally publishing the documents you're looking for. You'll want to search for things like "papers of...", "correspondence of...", or "writings of...". If you get a result, see if you can find that book on google books, archive.org, or at your local library (definitely don't check on libgen, because downloading a free book would be bad and awful and terrible of you 🤫).
These collected editions are not always reliable (especially older ones, since there was a lot of gratuitous editing going on). So, to be rigorous, you still want to see if you can find the actual, original source.
The easiest starting point for tracking those down is to find a secondary source that has already done most of the work for you. A reliable book or academic article will cite its primary sources, which should include which archive or collection the author found the document in.
If you are immeasurably lucky, you will find that respoitory online, and it will have a fully-digitised collection their holdings, and a reliable, searchable index based on keywords and transcripts. In that case, just type in your search term and enjoy.
(Note: the search functionality on these sites is often very wonky. Always try several versions of your search term, and play around with the filters and boolean operators.)
But those sites are rare. If you're less (but still a little bit) lucky, you'll find an academic institution or research archive that has at least published a document called a finding aid. There should be one for each grouping of documents in their holdings (for example for one historical figure's papers, or for a specific bequest) which gives a summary of the contents and is used for on-site tracking of the physical items (these will have call or accession numbers, location of the documents, etc.). Finding aids vary immensely in quality and level of detail ("miscellaneous other papers" my behated).
If you do indeed find a record for something you want to look at (and it hasn't been digitised), you need to figure out the process for requesting the document. This varies hugely depending on the institution (with differing lead times, querying methods, fees, limitations, and ensuing publication/reproduction rights) and is virtually always explained somewhere on their website. Mostly, they'll ask you to complete a form, or to send an email following a template. Don't expect a quick reply, and don't expect digital copies to be free.
Of course, this all presumes that the instituton that holds your materials 1) has a website and 2) has actually put useful things on it. Sometimes, you just need to enquire. I followed up on a footnote I saw in a hundred-year-old book that gave the location of some letters, found the local town library that was mentioned and emailed them about it. (Yes, they had them, and the librarian I corresponded with was simply delightful and very eager to help.)
Be courteous and clear when you email these folks. They will almost always want to know your name, your contact details, a clear description of what you are looking for (the more detail the better), a summary of your research project, and whether you intend to publish the documents you are requesting – so save a few back-and-forth emails by providing that information upfront. They are very happy to answer requests from independent or hobby researchers, so don't let that hold you back.
The least helpful of all, in my experience, are holders of private collections. They simply don't have any incentive to take time out of their day to help you, and usually aren't trained librarians or archivists so they don't know what they have, or where it is, or how to give you access. (I tear up sometimes when I think of all the documents that are lying in some manor house attic, because someone forgot they were there or thought no one would be interested.) Sometimes they will respond (eventually) to an email query; often it's just a black hole.
I hope that helps! In all frankness, much of this is dull, repetitive work that all-too-frequently leads to dead ends (but it's so good when you succeed). Persistence and patience are key.
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Tools Tuesday - Tagging
Tools Tuesday is a biweekly part of the Finish What You Started event where I share various resources I have found to help everyone complete their WIP. Have a resource you want to share? Send it in a message and I'll take a look!
The first Tools Tuesday of the year is all about tagging, for when you're ready to post your finished work on Archive of Our Own or any other site that uses tags! AO3, as the most popular fic posting site, will be the focus.
To begin: what are tags? And why do we use them?
Tags are keywords used to describe a fic or post. They can serve a variety of functions, but at their core they tell a viewer what to expect when they click in. On some sites (like Tumblr), they are at the bottom of the post. On AO3, they are the third thing seen, after title and author.
As seen in this handy infographic from SummerofSpock on tumblr, tags on A03 fall into 5 rough categories: Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme.
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[full image ID in ALT text. Infographic titled "Tags are Tricky...a quick and dirty guide" with tag example lists in the categories of Canon, Format, Tone, Relationship, Theme. Each box is a different pink, in a gradient. End ID.]
source: https://summerofspock.tumblr.com/post/698388759652319232/mostlyinthemorning-i-kind-of-suck-at-tagging-so/amp
Not every fic might use every category, and there are certainly tags that overlap categories. There's also what I consider a 6th category, which is Author Commentary (no beta we die like xx, character needs a hug, why did i do that much research for a single paragraph, etc).
All of that aside, why should you use tags?
They help readers find and enjoy your fic! The two main uses of tags when searching is Seeking and Avoidance.
Seeking is when a reader really wants to read a particular thing, like they want fix-its only or just Modern AUs. Once they narrow it down to fandom, these are the tags they'll type into the search bar. If your work isn't properly tagged, it won't show up, even if it's the epitome of a Coffee Shop AU and that's the term they search. Generously tag so readers can find you!
Avoidance is excluding a fic from consideration due to a particular theme or topic. Maybe their pet just died, so any mention of Animal Death is out. Maybe they are really tired of a particular ship, or are narrowing down for a rarepair. On AO3, there's a section in the filter bar for excluding tags (see below, boxed in blue). Readers can eliminate what they don't want to see, which is wonderful! They can select exactly what they want; not every fic is for every reader. Generously tag, so readers can be selective!
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[image ID, copied from ALT: the Archive of Our Own filter bar, with the Exclude section boxed in with blue lines. End ID.]
Still unsure how to tag your work? Or stuck on other aspects, like ratings and warnings? The Fanfic Author’s Guide to Metatext (As Used on Ao3) by Eiiri is an incredible, in-depth explanation of everything contained within the metatext (tags+warnings) block on an AO3 fic. Download it as a PDF or view in full on tumblr at these links
full text in post: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649406314444980224/the-fanfic-authors-guide-to-metatext-as-used-on
Pdf download: https://eiirisworkshop.tumblr.com/post/649405048844124160/fanfic-metatext-guidepdf
Additionally, this event requires certain tags be honored and present as needed, primarily common warnings or hot topics. See the rules post for more information. These tags at least need to be present in any promo post, though tagging the fic itself is always good practice. After all, tags are like the ingredient label of a fic.
Have a question not answered above? Is there something important I missed? Start a discussion in the replies and reblogs! Thanks for participating, and good luck with your wip!
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affiliateinz · 8 months
5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
ChatGPT has ignited a wave of AI fever across the world. While it amazes many with its human-like conversational abilities, few know the money-making potential of this advanced chatbot. You can actually generate a steady passive income stream without much effort using GPT-3. Intrigued to learn how? Here are 5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
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Table of Contents
License AI-Written Books
Get ChatGPT to write complete books on trending or evergreen topics. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, guides – it can create them all. Self-publish these books online. The upfront effort is minimal after you prompt the AI. Let the passive royalties come in while you relax!
Generate SEO Optimized Blogs
Come up with a blog theme. Get ChatGPT to craft multiple optimized posts around related keywords. Put up the blog and earn advertising revenue through programs like Google AdSense as visitors pour in. The AI handles the hard work of researching topics and crafting content.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
Create Online Courses
Online courses are a lucrative passive income stream. Rather than spending weeks filming or preparing materials, have ChatGPT generate detailed course outlines and pre-written scripts. Convert these quickly into online lessons and sell to students.
Trade AI-Generated Stock Insights
ChatGPT can analyze data and return accurate stock forecasts. Develop a system of identifying trading signals based on the AI’s insights. Turn this into a monthly stock picking newsletter or alert service that subscribers pay for.
Build Niche Websites
Passive income favorites like niche sites take ages to build traditionally. With ChatGPT, get the AI to research winning niches, create articles, product reviews and on-page SEO optimization. Then drive organic search traffic and earnings on autopilot.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
The beauty of ChatGPT is that it can automate and expedite most manual, tedious tasks. With some strategic prompts, you can easily leverage this AI for passive income without burning yourself out. Give these lazy money-making methods a try!
Thank you for taking the time to read my rest of the article, 5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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digitalsrishblogs · 24 days
Search Engine Optimization - a complete guide 
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is improving your website's visibility on search engines like Google, making it more likely that people will find it. SEO involves optimizing your site to rank higher in search results, leading to increased free, or organic traffic.
Main Types of SEO:
On-page SEO: Focuses on optimizing individual pages, such as using the right keywords and creating high-quality content.
Off-page SEO: Involves activities like link-building to improve your site's authority and trustworthiness.
Key SEO Activities:
Keyword Research: Finding the right keywords for which people are searching.
Content Creation and Optimization: Developing and refining content to meet user needs.
Technical SEO: Fixing issues to ensure search engines can properly crawl and index your site.
Link Building: Acquiring backlinks from other websites to improve authority.
Importance of SEO:
SEO is essential because millions of people search for products and information on Google daily. High rankings in search results lead to more visitors, better brand awareness, and potentially more customers. Ignoring SEO means missing out on valuable traffic and allowing competitors to capture your audience.
SEO vs. PPC:
Paid Results (PPC): You pay for ads that appear in search results.
Organic Results (SEO): You earn rankings through SEO without paying for ads. Although SEO takes more time and effort, it can provide long-term traffic and reach a larger audience.
How Search Engines Work:
Search engines like Google use bots to crawl the web, index pages, and rank them based on relevance and quality. As a website owner, implementing technical SEO helps ensure that search engines can find, index, and rank your pages effectively.
Role of SEO in Digital Marketing:
SEO is a crucial part of digital marketing, ensuring that your site appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). It complements other strategies like PPC, content creation, and social media marketing, helping your site stand out and attract more visitors.
Please CLICK HERE to read more blogs.
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cybergautam · 1 month
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How to Optimize Content According to SEO: A Complete Guide for Beginners
In today's digital world, creating high-quality content is only half the battle. To ensure your content reaches its intended audience, it must be optimized for search engines. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing your content so that it appears higher in search engine results, ultimately driving more organic traffic to your website. But how exactly do you optimize content for SEO? Let's break it down into simple, actionable steps that anyone can follow.
1. Understand Your Audience and Their Intent
Before you start writing, it's crucial to understand who your audience is and what they are searching for. This step is often overlooked but is foundational to SEO. If you know what your audience wants, you can tailor your content to meet their needs, which will naturally improve its relevance and ranking.
How to Identify Your Audience's Intent:
Use Keyword Research Tools: Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush can help you discover what terms your audience is searching for.
Analyze Competitors: Look at what your competitors are doing. What topics are they covering? What keywords are they targeting?
Check Search Suggestions: Google's search suggestions and related searches can give you an idea of what people are looking for.
2. Keyword Research: The Backbone of SEO
Keywords are the phrases that people type into search engines when looking for information. Identifying and using the right keywords is essential for SEO content optimization.
Steps for Effective Keyword Research:
Start with a Seed Keyword: Begin with a broad term related to your topic.
Expand with Long-Tail Keywords: Long-tail keywords are more specific and less competitive. For example, instead of "SEO," use "how to optimize content for SEO."
Analyze Search Volume and Competition: Use tools like Ubersuggest to evaluate the search volume and competition for your keywords.
Incorporate Keywords Naturally: Once you've selected your keywords, use them naturally in your content. Avoid keyword stuffing, which can hurt your rankings.
3. Craft Compelling, SEO-Friendly Titles
Your title is the first thing people see in search results, and it's one of the most critical factors for SEO. A well-crafted title can significantly improve your click-through rate (CTR).
Tips for Writing SEO-Optimized Titles:
Include Your Primary Keyword: Your main keyword should appear in the title, ideally at the beginning.
Keep It Concise and Clear: Aim for titles between 50-60 characters. They should be clear and to the point.
Make It Engaging: Use power words, numbers, or questions to make your title more compelling. For example, "10 Proven Tips to Optimize Content for SEO in 2024."
4. Write High-Quality, Relevant Content
Search engines prioritize content that provides value to the reader. High-quality content is not only well-written but also informative, engaging, and relevant to the user's query.
How to Create High-Quality Content:
Answer the User’s Query: Make sure your content directly addresses the question or problem your audience has.
Provide In-Depth Information: Longer content often ranks better because it covers the topic more thoroughly.
Use Subheadings: Break up your content with subheadings (H2, H3 tags). This makes it easier to read and helps search engines understand your content's structure.
Include Visuals: Use images, infographics, and videos to complement your text. Visual content is more engaging and can improve your ranking in search results.
5. Optimize Meta Descriptions
A meta description is a brief summary of your content that appears under the title in search engine results. While meta descriptions don't directly affect rankings, they play a crucial role in attracting clicks.
Best Practices for Meta Descriptions:
Incorporate Keywords: Include your primary keyword to make it clear what the content is about.
Keep It Concise: Aim for 150-160 characters. It should be a short, compelling summary of your content.
Make It Persuasive: Use action words and a clear call to action (CTA) to entice users to click.
6. Use Internal and External Links Wisely
Links are a key factor in SEO. They help search engines understand the context of your content and its relationship to other content on the web.
Internal Linking:
Link to Relevant Content: Whenever you mention a topic that you've covered in another article, link to it. This keeps readers on your site longer and helps search engines crawl your site more effectively.
Use Descriptive Anchor Text: The clickable text should describe the linked content. Avoid generic terms like "click here."
External Linking:
Link to Authoritative Sources: Linking to high-authority sites can boost your content's credibility.
Ensure Relevance: Only link to external content that adds value to your readers.
7. Optimize for Mobile
With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, it's essential that your content is mobile-friendly. Google uses mobile-first indexing, meaning it primarily uses the mobile version of your content for ranking.
How to Ensure Mobile Optimization:
Use Responsive Design: Ensure your website adjusts to different screen sizes and resolutions.
Keep Paragraphs Short: Long paragraphs can be difficult to read on small screens. Break up your text for better readability.
Optimize Images: Compress images to reduce load times without sacrificing quality.
8. Improve Page Speed
Page speed is a critical factor in both user experience and SEO. Slow-loading pages can lead to higher bounce rates and lower rankings.
Ways to Boost Page Speed:
Compress Images: Use tools like TinyPNG to reduce image file sizes.
Minimize HTTP Requests: Reduce the number of elements on your page, such as scripts, images, and CSS.
Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN): CDNs store copies of your site on servers around the world, reducing load times for global users.
9. Optimize for Featured Snippets
Featured snippets are short answers that appear at the top of Google's search results, often referred to as "Position Zero." Optimizing your content for featured snippets can significantly increase visibility and traffic.
How to Optimize for Featured Snippets:
Use Question-Based Subheadings: Start with a question that your content answers. For example, "How do you optimize content according to SEO?"
Provide Concise Answers: Offer a brief, clear answer to the question immediately below the subheading.
Use Lists and Tables: Structured content like lists and tables is often pulled into featured snippets.
10. Leverage Social Media
Social media can indirectly boost your SEO by increasing the visibility of your content. When your content is shared, it drives traffic and signals to search engines that your content is valuable.
Social Media Strategies for SEO:
Share Your Content: Post your content on all your social media platforms. Encourage your followers to share it as well.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages to build a community around your content.
Use Hashtags: Use relevant hashtags to increase the reach of your posts.
11. Regularly Update Your Content
SEO is not a one-time task. Search engines favor fresh, up-to-date content, so it's important to review and update your content regularly.
Steps for Content Maintenance:
Audit Your Content: Periodically review your content for outdated information or broken links.
Refresh Old Content: Update statistics, improve readability, and add new information to keep your content relevant.
Repurpose Content: Turn older content into different formats, such as infographics or videos, to reach a new audience.
12. Monitor Your Performance
Finally, it's essential to track your content's performance. Use analytics tools to see how well your content is ranking, how much traffic it's driving, and what areas need improvement.
Tools for Monitoring SEO:
Google Analytics: Track user behavior, traffic sources, and conversion rates.
Google Search Console: Monitor your site's presence in Google search results, check for errors, and see what keywords are driving traffic.
SEO Tools: Tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can provide detailed insights into your content's performance and competitive landscape.
Optimizing content for SEO is both an art and a science. By following these steps—understanding your audience, conducting thorough keyword research, crafting compelling titles, writing high-quality content, and continually monitoring your performance—you can create content that not only ranks well in search engines but also provides real value to your readers. Remember, SEO is a long-term investment. With patience and persistence, you'll see your content rise in the search rankings, bringing more organic traffic to your site and achieving your digital marketing goals.
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tahazahid · 5 months
Guide 2024 |  Writing a Travel Blog? Learn tips and tricks.
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Maintaining a travel blog is more than just an enjoyable way to look back on your adventures.
                                         It might even be rewarding. 
You can make money from your blog in a number of ways, which could lead to it becoming your main or supplementary source of income. If you've made the decision to start a travel blog, there are steps you can take to make sure it's successful and draws in sponsors, brands, travel writers, and public relations firms. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on starting and maintaining a profitable travel blog.
Step 1: Start with Research
You need to put some time into research before you start writing any of your content or even deciding on a name for your travel blog. The greatest place to start is by browsing the most well-liked travel blogs available and read them from go websites . Visit Blog section of Tripplanerpk.com to get good content.
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Both the more recent travel bloggers who are gaining traction quickly and the more established travel bloggers who have enjoyed long-term success deserve your attention.
Make notes highlighting the similarities and unique features that set the top travel blogs apart. This covers elements like the writing style, page layout, image usage, and video. The objective is to observe what works and what doesn't, rather than to mimic the strategies of other bloggers, and to get general inspiration.
Step 2: Find a relevant niche
Keep this in mind when writing a travel blog Your idea should be clear about what information you are going to give in this blog. Your niche should be obvious, such as an adventure travel blog or a budget travel blog.  Your intention should be clear about certain idea of blog that's what called a niche in blog writing.
Selecting a niche is essential for everything, from keywords to the URL, writing style, and how to incorporate images. Being hyper-focused on a niche is also important if you want your travel blog to gain the attention of travel companies or brands, so they can gauge how well your blog speaks to their target audience.
Step 3: Start writing
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After completing your research, the next step will be to write and compose a blog. Use simple English as understood by a college boy and add some quotes to make it interesting . Try to be around your topic; avoid complications; just be formal. 
Try to use relevant images in your blog that seek the attention of readers. Don't make it so long that the reader get bored reading it all. Check out other people Blogs and try to shape them newly. 
Step 4: Publish 
Last and the final step after completing you blog writting is to publish that . Its up to you where you want to publish your blog on your website or any other platform like medium ,linkedin , Or reddit. You can create our own website to share your personal experience or to share your knowledge with others.
Social media will play an essential role. Use social media platforms to gain traffic and to share your blog to your connections it will help your blog rank good in both marketing your travel blog to readers and networking with others within the travel community.
Friend and Follow as many travel professionals as you can find, and post consistently to help gain more followers in your niche – and to show travel professionals your level of dedication, and ability to generate attention.
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shazwan-iman · 3 months
How to Find a Trusted Ahrefs Group Buy Seller
Navigating the Maze: Finding a Trusted Ahrefs Group Buy Seller
Ahrefs, the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) powerhouse, equips users with an arsenal of tools to analyze websites, research keywords, track rankings, and gain valuable competitor insights. While coveted by SEO professionals, the subscription fees can be a barrier for some, particularly freelancers, small businesses, or those starting out. This is where Ahrefs group buys emerge, offering a potentially cost-effective alternative. However, navigating the world of group buys requires caution, as not all sellers are created equal. This guide equips you with the knowledge to find a trusted Ahrefs group buy seller, allowing you to access these powerful tools without compromising security or reliability.
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The Allure of Ahrefs Group Buys
Ahrefs group buys operate on a simple principle: multiple users share the cost of a single Ahrefs subscription. This can significantly reduce the financial burden, making Ahrefs' comprehensive toolkit more accessible. But the benefits go beyond affordability:
Collaboration: Agencies or teams working on SEO projects can benefit from shared access, fostering streamlined workflows and efficient communication.
Regular Updates: Reputable group buy sellers ensure access to the latest Ahrefs features and updates, keeping you equipped with cutting-edge tools.
The Buyer Beware Approach: Potential Risks
Before diving headfirst into the world of Ahrefs group buys, it's crucial to acknowledge the potential downsides:
Security Concerns: Sharing account credentials with a third-party seller can pose a security risk. Meticulously research the provider's reputation and security practices.
Unreliable Access: Some sellers might offer unstable access due to account suspension or limitations imposed by Ahrefs.
Limited Usage: Certain group buys may restrict daily or monthly usage limits for specific tools to maintain fairness among users.
Ethical Considerations: Ahrefs frowns upon unauthorized account sharing. Consider supporting their development by opting for an official subscription if financially viable.
Finding the Trustworthy Seller: Essential Criteria
With the potential drawbacks in mind, here's how to identify a trusted Ahrefs group buy seller:
Reputation is Key: Start by researching the seller's track record. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and forum discussions to gauge their reliability and customer satisfaction.
Transparency Matters: A trustworthy seller will have a clear and transparent website outlining their pricing structure, terms of service, data security practices, and refund policy (if applicable).
Security First: Inquire about the seller's security measures to protect user data. Secure login protocols and two-factor authentication are strong indicators of a responsible provider.
Communication Channels: Opt for a seller with established communication channels, allowing you to reach them promptly with questions or concerns.
Going Beyond the Basics: Advanced Tips
Once you've identified a few potential sellers, take these additional steps for further verification:
Social Proof: Check if the seller maintains active social media profiles or online communities. Engagement levels and user feedback can reveal valuable insights.
Payment Methods: Opt for a seller who uses secure payment gateways like PayPal or credit card processors with buyer protection mechanisms.
Trial Periods: If available, consider a trial period to assess the quality of service and tool access before committing long-term.
FAQs: Demystifying Ahrefs Group Buy Sellers
What are some red flags to look out for when choosing a seller?
Be wary of sellers offering unrealistically low prices, vague terms of service, or limited communication channels.
Is it possible to find a completely risk-free Ahrefs group buy?
There is always an inherent risk involved in using a group buy service. However, by following the outlined tips and conducting thorough research, you can significantly minimize these risks.
What are some alternatives to Ahrefs group buys?
Several free and paid SEO tools offer varying functionalities. Explore options like Google Search Console, SEMrush, or Moz before committing to a group buy.
Can I get banned from Ahrefs for using a group buy?
Ahrefs can potentially suspend your account if they detect unauthorized access or suspicious activity.
What are the long-term implications of using a group buy?
Using a group buy for an extended period might hinder your ability to access the full benefits of an official subscription, such as dedicated customer support or priority access to new features.
Ahrefs group buys present a potentially cost-effective way to leverage powerful SEO tools. However, approaching them with caution and due diligence is crucial. By following the outlined strategies and prioritizing security and transparency, you can increase your chances of finding a reliable seller who who can provide access to Ahrefs' tools without compromising your data or hindering your SEO efforts. Remember, the ideal scenario involves striking a balance between affordability and peace of mind. Here are some additional considerations:
Official Ahrefs Subscription vs. Group Buy: If your budget allows, weigh the long-term benefits of an official Ahrefs subscription. Direct support from Ahrefs, access to all features without limitations, and a lower risk of account suspension are valuable advantages.
Alternative SEO Tools: Explore free or paid alternatives like Ubersuggest, KWFinder, or Moz Pro. Depending on your specific needs, these tools might offer a good balance of functionality and cost.
Building Your Case for an Official Subscription: If you work within an organization, consider presenting a well-researched case for acquiring an official Ahrefs subscription. Highlight the long-term ROI (Return on Investment) potential and how Ahrefs can enhance your SEO efforts.
Ultimately, the decision to use an Ahrefs group buy rests on your individual needs and risk tolerance. By carefully evaluating the options and prioritizing security, you can make an informed choice that empowers your SEO journey.
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seoexpertrefat · 3 months
Our Complete eCommerce SEO Guide:
# Understanding Keywords: What Are Keywords?
# Keyword Research: The Foundation of Your eCommerce SEO
# On-Page Optimization for eCommerce SEO
# Boost Rankings with Unique & Engaging Product Descriptions
# Use Long-Tail Keywords in Blog Posts and Content
# Optimize Store Navigation
# Add Internal Links to Relevant Products, Categories, and Resources
# Use Structured Data for eCommerce Websites
# CRO and eCommerce SEO
# Use Product Videos and YouTube
# Technical SEO for eCommerce
# eCommerce SEO and Website Development
# Mobile Optimization
# Link Earning and Building for eCommerce SEO
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E-commerce SEO
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repguardians · 3 months
Mastering On-Page SEO: A Complete Breakdown of Essential Techniques
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In the competitive landscape of digital marketing, mastering on-page SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is essential for achieving higher search engine rankings and driving organic traffic to your website. On-page SEO refers to the optimization efforts made directly on the web pages to improve their visibility and relevance to search engines like Google. By implementing effective on-page SEO techniques, you can enhance your website's chances of ranking well for relevant keywords and ultimately attract more qualified visitors. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of essential on-page SEO techniques to help you optimize your web pages effectively:
Keyword Research and Optimization
Keyword research forms the foundation of on-page SEO. Start by identifying relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is likely to use when searching for content related to your business or industry. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs to discover high-volume keywords with manageable competition.
Keyword Placement: Once you've identified your target keywords, strategically place them in crucial on-page elements such as:
Title Tag: Include your primary keyword near the beginning of the title tag to improve relevancy.
Meta Description: Craft a compelling meta description that includes relevant keywords to increase click-through rates.
Heading Tags (H1, H2, etc.): Use heading tags to structure your content logically and incorporate keywords naturally.
URL Structure: Optimize your URLs by including relevant keywords, keeping them concise and readable.
Optimizing Content Quality and Relevance
Content remains king in SEO. Create high-quality, informative, and engaging content that satisfies user intent. Google prioritizes content that provides value to users, so focus on:
Content-Length: Aim for comprehensive content that thoroughly covers the topic. Longer content tends to perform better in search engine rankings.
Keyword Density: Avoid keyword stuffing and ensure keywords are used naturally throughout the content.
Use of Multimedia: Enhance user experience with images, videos, infographics, and other multimedia elements. Optimize these elements with descriptive filenames and alt text.
Mobile-Friendliness and Page Speed
With the majority of internet users accessing websites via mobile devices, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly is crucial for SEO success. Google considers mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor, so:
Responsive Design: Ensure your website design adapts seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices.
Page Speed: Improve loading times by optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing CSS and JavaScript files. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and resolve speed issues.
Internal Linking and Navigation
Internal linking helps distribute link equity throughout your website and enhances user navigation. Create a logical hierarchy of internal links to guide users and search engines through your content. Key practices include:
Anchor Text: Use descriptive anchor text that includes relevant keywords for internal links.
Site Structure: Organize your website into categories and subcategories to facilitate easy navigation and indexation by search engines.
Technical SEO Considerations
Technical SEO ensures that search engines can crawl and index your website effectively. Pay attention to:
XML Sitemap: Create and submit an XML sitemap to help search engines discover and index your web pages.
Robots.txt: Use a robots.txt file to instruct search engines on which pages to crawl and which to avoid.
Canonical Tags: Implement canonical tags to prevent duplicate content issues and consolidate link equity.
User Experience (UX) Optimization
User experience directly impacts SEO rankings. Prioritize user-friendly design and functionality by:
Clear Call-to-Actions (CTAs): Guide users towards desired actions (e.g., sign-ups, purchases) with prominent CTAs.
Readable Typography: Use legible fonts and appropriate font sizes to enhance readability.
Secure Website: Ensure your website has an SSL certificate (HTTPS) to provide a secure browsing experience.
Regular Monitoring and Optimization
SEO is an ongoing process. Monitor your website’s performance using analytics tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. Regularly review:
Keyword Rankings: Track keyword positions and adjust your strategy based on performance.
Traffic and Engagement Metrics: Monitor organic traffic, bounce rates, and time-on-page to gauge user engagement.
Algorithm Updates: Stay informed about Google’s algorithm updates and adjust your SEO strategy accordingly.
Mastering on-page SEO requires a combination of technical expertise, strategic planning, and continuous optimization efforts. By implementing these essential techniques and staying abreast of industry trends, you can enhance your website’s visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately achieve your business objectives. Remember, SEO is not just about ranking higher on search engines but also about delivering valuable content and a seamless user experience.
By prioritizing on-page SEO, you can establish a strong foundation for your digital marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth for your online presence.
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businessmanmoney · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide: How to Create a YouTube Channel
In the era of digital content creation, YouTube stands as a behemoth platform, offering countless opportunities for individuals, businesses, and even kids to showcase their talents, share their passions, and earn money. Whether you’re a seasoned content creator or a complete beginner, creating a YouTube channel is easier than you might think. Let’s dive into the world of YouTube and explore how to get started, regardless of your age or technical expertise.
Getting Started:
Why Create a YouTube Channel? The reasons are endless! Whether it’s to share your expertise, entertain, educate, or promote your business, YouTube provides a global stage for your voice.
Requirements and Restrictions: Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand YouTube’s age restrictions and guidelines. While anyone can create a channel, certain features may be limited for users under 13, and parental supervision may be required.
Choosing a Channel Name: Your channel name is your brand identity. Make it catchy, relevant, and easy to remember. There are plenty of online tools to help generate creative names if you’re feeling stuck.
Account Setup: Creating a YouTube channel requires a Google account. If you don’t have one, it’s a simple process to set up. Once done, head to YouTube, click on your profile picture, and select “Create a Channel.”
Customizing Your Channel: Personalize your channel with channel art, profile picture, and a compelling channel description. This is your chance to make a memorable first impression on visitors.
Creating Content:
Content Strategy: Determine what type of content you want to create. Whether it’s vlogs, tutorials, gaming, or music covers, choose a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise.
Equipment and Setup: You don’t need fancy equipment to start. A smartphone with a decent camera and microphone is often sufficient. Focus on creating high-quality content with what you have.
Filming and Editing: Plan your videos, film in good lighting, and edit your footage to enhance quality. There are numerous free and paid editing software options available for all skill levels.
Optimizing for Search: Utilize keywords, tags, and engaging thumbnails to make your videos discoverable. Research trending topics and optimize your content for maximum reach.
Monetization and Beyond:
Monetization Options: Once you’ve established your channel and gained a loyal audience, explore monetization avenues such as ads, channel memberships, merchandise, and sponsored content.
Engage with Your Audience: Building a community is key to long-term success. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and engage with your audience on social media platforms.
Continuous Learning: The world of YouTube is constantly evolving. Stay updated with the latest trends, algorithm changes, and best practices to keep your channel thriving.
Child Safety: If creating a channel for a child, ensure strict adherence to YouTube’s guidelines for minors. Supervision, moderation, and age-appropriate content are paramount.
From creating your first video to building a loyal fanbase, embarking on your YouTube journey is an exciting adventure filled with endless possibilities. With dedication, creativity, and a willingness to learn, anyone can find success on this dynamic platform. So, what are you waiting for? Start creating and let your voice be heard on YouTube!
read more details about creating a YouTube channel by click here
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