#kh3 speculation
Tbh, one question I want answered in kh4 is how early in kh3 Sora actually knows he's going to die. When he talks to Chirithy, Chirithy pretty much tells him as much, but Sora doesn't react. It seems almost like that isn't new information for him, so I wonder where exactly he figured it out. Was it as early on as when Marluxia suggested he would die, or was it after Ventus woke but before the graveyard?
One thing I see most people agree on is that Sora knew he was going to die long before he went back to save Kairi, so how early on exactly did he realize he was too far gone? I hope kh4 gives an answer for both when exactly he doomed himself (was he truly fine before saving Kairi, or was he already fading at that point, preparing for his punishment?) and when exactly Sora knew himself that it was over for him.
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endlessskymaster · 1 month
This is so Luxu and Ava-coded when taking into account that he and Ava are the only ones who had completed their roles. The other Foretellers, however, were doomed to fail from the start.
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This had me considering that a regular keyblade wielder would not possess or be aware of the knowledge of a keyblade master, and the consequences of misusing the power of waking.
This gives Luxord credence to not being who he says he is and the same thing applies to Xigbar.
Luxu and Ava were tasked with roles to carry out that would extend far beyond their natural lifespans. How far would they be willing to go to accomplish their roles?
It wouldn't be surprising if Luxu and Ava had been switching bodies, with Ava potentially shapeshifting as well. We saw her do this in KHUX, pretending to be Ira or the Foreteller of the opposite union you are in, and she only revealed her true self because she chose to, not out of necessity.
The idea of Ava being Luxord, isn't far-fetched, similar to Riku-Ansem in KH2, where Riku was like that for much of the game until the end. Ava can disguise herself as anyone she wishes, as demonstrated in KHUX when she successfully deceives the player, Skuld, and Chirithy, only revealing her true self because she chooses to.
Another key piece of info from Luxord & Xigbar's conversation in KH3 Remind...
Luxord to Xigbar/Luxu before leaving: No matter. It doesn't make a difference to me. It's all the same. I'm content to feign ignorance.
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holleighgram · 1 year
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Kh4 finna be lit
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starrduzt · 1 year
nomura show me kh4 Riku. please
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featuring amnesiac!Sora, stressed Streletzia, and being too lazy to draw his other arm.
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invictusrex · 8 months
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dizzybevvie · 5 months
obviously a soriku onscreen kiss would be HUGE, but honestly respect to Nomura to making the most romantic possible thing they could do be to hold hands. What with Riku constantly reaching out to Sora and such, itd still be satisfying i think :>
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I have a theory, a KH theory, that has shattered my perceptions of the story as a whole. A theory I don't love, in fact, it causes my heart grief, but it makes way too much sense to not be even partly right.
Because I'm kind, I'm going to leave it all under a cut. 
Shall I go for the jugular? My thought was thus: Sora and Riku are two parts of a greater whole: Yozora. I mean, think about Yozora's eyes. They are red and blue, Sora and Riku's colors. Sora and Yozora's names also have a connection as in Japanese Yozora's means dark sky, while Sora means sky. Yozora's appearance also alludes to various connections as well. Rex, in Toy Box, confuses Sora with Yozora. Even though, when the trio finally finds a picture of the character, Sora doesn't really look like Yozora at all. While I don't believe the story says this, I've always personally thought Yozora looks a lot more like Riku. 
And that is just the tip of the iceberg. When I think about the many concepts that the story has played with and talked about over the course of twenty years, it fits way too well.
But then what does that mean, for the story? It means that both Sora and Riku will have to at one point cease to exist as we know them. *sigh*
Talk about shattering the status quo. This is different than a "soft reboot" this is game-changing. And it hurts.
I've spent two days wrestling with these ideas, and I'm torn about how I feel about it.
On one hand, it could be horrible. Everything I've come to love about this series could be shattered in this next story and beyond. But on the other hand, it could be beautiful as well. It could play with the very same themes that are important to me. Such as growing up and connection, core themes that the series has had from the beginning.
I can imagine a future where Yozora is finally smiling, with joyful eyes. All because he finally feels his childlike heart speaking to him for the first time in a long while.
That could make everything worth it. Especially if we are given the chance to get to know Yozora as a character.
Still, it doesn't change the grief I feel. I'd rather be wrong here, but something tells me I am not, at least not completely. I could let it take me away from this series and not deal with that grief it brings my heart (and how it combines with my own grief) or embrace it and let my heart grow in the process. I chose to grow. It won't be easy, but it is good for my heart.
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ohonama · 2 years
soriku is so fucking real
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spammynegrutou · 6 months
Hello again 😏
I've been thinking about KH4 for a very long time now. I know it's years away or whatever and I will wait, but there's some things I REALLY want out of that game.
I want D-Links to come back. And I want to play as Riku for a considerable amount of time. IN FACT, I want Riku to be the only one with D-Links. And I want all the Keyblade Masters (Aqua, Terra, Ven, possibly Michael Mouse) as one of them PLUS Kairi. Not with Sora tho, cause it'll show his severed connection with him in Quadratum.
Summons don't make sense for Riku, so that's why I want him to have the D-Links.
And I want the story to converge kinda like KH3D. Riku has his path, and Sora has his and we play both. Then they meet up at the end to fuck up some villains (which is where we get Sora's D-Link 😌). But uh, yeah. I'm tired of just playing as Sora for the majority of the game. I need something new and the Remind DLC spoiled me by letting me play as anyone OTHER THAN Sora.
I don't think KH4 will be the last major numbered game. I really think it'll be 5, cause the Roman numeral (V) looks like the bottom half of a heart. And if not... 😒 Nomura, baby, idk how many more $60 games you can milk outta KH.
But uh yeah. Can't wait for KH: Missing Link & KH4. I can't wait to see this fandom alive again.
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Need Sora to get a part time job too, slinging burgers. Have it be a mini game. Papa's Burgeria Style 🫵🏽😐
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So, the "Death of the Immortal" poem
...and though undying, took last breath immortal Laurelion was no more. White as the star's heart it pierced, ivory draconic brought death's bite known ever forth as the "Novablade"
And then Callum specifically describes the Novablade as "A weapon that can end a Startouch Elf's mortal existence". So whatever that means is up for debate (perhaps an immortal would simply become capable of death ((mortal)) rather than die), but it sounds like the Novablade has to go specifically through the heart of the immortal.
If Aaravos' chest piece, or heart, wasn't with him but actually inside the cube...then stabbing Aaravos himself might not work. But destroying the cube would.
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Okay so I was watching the kh3 post credit scene of the foretellers (as those starved of kh4 news do) and something occurred to me. As we see, the fore foretellers just appear in present without an explanation. We never see them after our player fights them during the war until this point, so we aren’t sure if they survived the war or worlds destruction or whatever else that’ll retroactively happen in 3 games from now. Regardless, they somehow got to the present and are alive.
They’ll definitely give us the rundown for how this happen when we get back to them, but the answer may of already been given to us by union cross. It may also explain why Ava didn’t show up for the foreteller reunion.
M.o.M provided the means for all 5 of them to time travel.
Now as we know, you need three things to M.o.M method of zero consequence time travel.
1. You need to just be a heart.
2. You need a medium at the destination.
3. You need someone with memories at the destination.
Now let’s start backwards because the last one’s the easiest to answer: Luxu know all of them very well, so we have one requirement met.
But what about the medium? We know it as to be something related to the one time traveling in some way. For M.o.M it’s his blade and for Brain it’s pretty much confirmed to be his hat. So what would it be for the foretellers, and something more glaring is that we don’t see any objects in the scene that could be considered a medium for ANY of the foretellers. So if this is the case, what’s going on?
Well the mediums are there, we just never get to see them because every medium of the foretellers in the box. That’s why Luxu was ordered to hide it, so the foretellers would be able to time travel when the time was right. He’s guarding the method to bring his companions back. It would also explain why Luxu was confused when told what was in it, because an item from each foreteller would seem really random to hide for someone who doesn’t know how time travel works.
But with this idea, we hit a snag: Ava. I doubt the master would just leave or robe or mask or whatever item is actually in the box out, so why didn’t she appear? Well we have a few options, the first starting with the first requirement needed: Being just a heart. With the foretellers being offscreen during the finally keyblade war, we have no idea what actually became of them to meet this requirement. Maybe they’re deaths occurred in such a way where the heart outlasted the body, therefore meeting it. However that’s really lame and Luxu implies in someway he has an idea of what happened to her. Not that she died, but that she had the option to be there, but wasn’t. And the idea I presented doesn’t really do that unless we start really speculating. But the keyblade war is important for this discussion, as it does a certain thing that explains why Luxu had to “keep it hidden” instead of just being told to guard the box it: It’s starts a period of time where once Luxu and the box are together, the foretellers are summoned.
(Now at this point, I’ll be running on an assumption of “Xehanorts version of time travel allows for overlapping selves, while M.o.Ms makes it impossible simply because we have not seen it done with M.o.M method at any point k lets move on.)
When the Foretellers meet there unseen 1st requirement of being a bodiless heart, they now can time travel to any time and place that has the memories and the medium in the same place (for Brain we know Sigurd knew of Brain, and he was carrying his hat. Therefore assuming you appear in the area where both are present seems reasonable. For the Master; since he knows way more than we do I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew a way around that unlike Brain), which would be Luxu and the box. So the moment Luxu dug up wherever he put the box after the keyblade war, the foretellers would appear.
Now this still doesn’t explain Ava. Why wasn’t she present? Well, I think I already have an answer to that: She met the requirements at an earlier point in time. Now how is this possible? Did she have another Medium and person with her memories? No and yes. I believe that the box was the medium again, but who would act as the memories if it wasn’t Luxu? Well who’s the only other person we’ve seen with the box after the keyblade war? Brain. And we’ve been explicitly shown in union cross that him and Ava were friends, they’ve known each other for some time. It would give more reason as to why those two were given an established relationship to begin with, so Brain would be the memory requirements for only herself to time travel.
Speaking of Brain, there are dozens of things that cutscene could imply if this is the case. Maybe the darkness that Luxu fought explained how time travel work that it learned from M.o.M, which let Luxu put the pieces together and that’s why he gave Brain the mission of hiding the box: So he wouldn’t accidentally summon the foretellers to a ruined time.
If this was the case, then Ava appears shortly after Brain takes the box, or it’ll happen when Brain digs up the box in missing link (maybe she survived the war and end of union cross, met up with Luxu, he told her how to time travel, did it and appeared during missing link, and all those “Ava is kairis grandma” theories were right all along). Regardless of when, it would tell us why she isn’t in the present with the other four foretellers.
And those are all my thoughts. If what I said is actually in the box then there’s definitely more in it because it would be a pretty underwhelming reveal with just those. Also another idea that popped into mind is that since most of our known examples of who’s considered the memories part of the requirement are people who know successful time traveler’s on a personal level (fairy’s with maleficent, Luxu with M.o.M), it may be that the actual person who counted as the memories for Brain was actually the player character regaining the memories of their past life or when they washed up and not sigurd just knowing Brain was gonna be there, just food for thought.
Anyway thanks for listening to my kh talk, give me kh4 already Nomura.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
Thinking about that one single heartbeat hidden in the background when you beat or lose to Yozora, when the scene transitions to the Final World
And also that red light pulsing like a heartbeat on Yozora’s face in the secret ending
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endlessskymaster · 1 month
The foreshadowing of Riku and Sora's fates.
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Much later...
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We know that Sora eventually finds himself in the nighttime version of the final world. Yozora likely assists him in reaching Quadratum, or perhaps Sora manages to get there by other means via the wild card Luxord gave Sora. Meanwhile, Riku is currently embarking on his own journey to Quadratum.
And from the KH3 secret ending, we do see Yozora staring down at Riku.
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holleighgram · 1 year
Would be pretty wild if Sora's memories of Riku are his light, and be losing them, he is also losing the light in his heart that makes him the loving Sora we all know?
Take Repliku for example- there was no Ansem in Repliku. The main thing about Repliku was that his memories of Sora were messed with.
And it made him a MASSIVE dick that just wanted marinate in Darkness.
Memories of Sora are integral to him being a good person.
What if the reverse is the same?
We all know Sora's Darkness is more prominent the more the story progresses and it's gearing up to be something he is going to grapple with. Sora has been burying trauma and hurt. He has actively been CHOOSING to forget these heartbreaking memories.
In fact, I think this memories loss/light loss is going to be a VERY important theme in the next saga.
This story is about balancing extremes.
Sora WANTS to forget the "Dark" parts of his and Riku’s relationship. But he cant just sift memories of Riku apart to forget the "Dark" and keep only the "Light".
So by willing away those Dark memories, he's unwittingly willing away Light memories as well.
Which is why we see him forget Riku's Sacrifice, and then also Riku's Light leading him back to the Graveyard.
A "Dark" memory is repressed, and so is a "Light" one.
If, for whatever reason, Sora IS losing his memories of Riku-- particularly the memories of Riku being his light- it has a very negative affect on his heart? We could even see Sora temporarily becoming an antagonist.
We've fought Riku as Sora so many times. It would just be a sweet thematic balance to be able to fight Sora as Riku in order to save him.
It's been said over and over that these two art intertwined-- that they balance each other. Their memories of eachother a formative peices of their hearts. They have each shaped eachother into the person they are.
And imnlaying it all out on the table here: this is why I (personally) feel their relationship (romantic or platonic) is the central theme of the story rather than any other characters:
They are eachorher's light AND their darkness.
Their greatest joy and deepest sorrow.
Their best friend and hardest enemy. (Fighting Ansem and Xehenort weren't nearly as emotionally arduous to fight)
This is a story about accepting both, because that means accepting the entirety of the people you love-- the good and the bad. The light and the dark.
This post got away from me. What was I saying?
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zevdev · 1 month
Kh Ramble
I'm probably over analyzing stuff at this point but hey it's like the whole reason for this blog. Anyways in kh1 there's three questions you get asked and depending on your choices determines your level progression. Randomly in the many ping pongs of thoughts I have it made sense that these relate to the main trio.
I doubt it was intentional but it's there. Only looking at the main games we can see their progression. Kairi is originally a helpless princess then later throughout the series she moves more towards the front lines with kh3 being when she starts training her ability to use the keyblade which relates to the answers in kh1 that get you the slow exp in the beginning but fast near the end. The opposite of that would relate to Riku not necessary because he got weaker. He went from having a ton of power through the darkness to finding his own strength within himself. He went from being overpowered to being on equal footing with most just like with those set of answers kh1 you could level up fast in the start then slowly near the end. Then with the last optional set of answers you can get a casual level progression that is balanced which I think is how Sora is over the games [the main 1, 2, and 3] Sora is getting better at using the keyblade and gains new abilities here and there. From playing the games it goes from [kh1] just button mashing and calling it good to [kh2] still button mashing but now certian things have reactions letting Sora do bolder moves [this could also be because of Roxas but that's another ramble] leading up to the final [kh3] with the keyblade having the ability to transform in a sense drawing out more of it's power. In kh4 potentially with the lasso we saw in the teaser I think the new ability is relating to having more trust in the ability of the keyblade pulling Sora through the battles so throwing it around more or using ranged attacks trusting it won't disappear. Anyways there's some of my thoughts from today so I hope you have a good day/night and may your heart be the guiding key!
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invictusrex · 3 months
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