#kids are so brutally honest haha
backlikeineverleft · 7 months
my godson just asked me “tia, how do you deal with bullies? you’re so fat so I know you have bullies”
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Ok here’s my two cents that no one asked for on the current (sort of?) debate going on in the Creepypasta fandom on here rn.
For starters, I grew up with Creepypasta. I also grew up mentally ill. I am also autistic. So I know my way around good and bad mental health rep at this point. And to be honest? A lot of the original stories DID suck balls at representation or just horror writing in general.
However, nowadays I see other people on here, often mentally ill or any other social outcast, taking these characters and reshaping them as their own to fit their own feelings and experiences, and I don’t think anyone has the authority to criticize things like that. Cringe culture is supposed to be dead anyways, nevermind the fact it’s inherently ableist at its core.
We also need to take into account kids still exist in the fandom. Pre teens who got tired of shit like scooby doo and wanted something more “mature” or “edgy” to get into without fully going off the deep end into full blown horror movies. At least that’s how it was for me. Not everyone, especially someone who’s younger, is gonna be comfortable with the grit and gore a lot of Creepypasta “purists” are pushing for these days, and that’s okay! When a fandom gets popular it’s always inevitable and unavoidable to have the popular characters get two dimensionalized.
There’s also the whole mascot horror thing that I don’t wanna get into, but I’m 90% sure that also plays a part in the old favorites like Jeff and slenderman being brought up again. They were and still are recognizable characters. Recognizable characters aren’t a bad thing. Making horror more approachable for younger audiences isn’t a bad thing. People having their own interpretations based out of their own experiences isn’t a bad thing.
Some of us grew up and wanted the more edgy and reality based content, and that’s also not a bad thing! But neither side should be dictating or policing how the other enjoys content in this fandom. If you personally don’t like the way something is written, characterized, depicted, or drawn, no one’s forcing you to look at it. No one’s claiming it as canon. No one’s asking for you to accept it as the end all be all.
At the end of the day this fandom was built on OCs and personal depictions of stuff. I can’t name a single character or story in this community that was created by some outside party like a movie or TV studio FIRST (because I know some got so popular they breached the fandom and got their own shows/movies/comics/etc). Everything here was created by someone who wanted an outlet for their creativity, or their pain, or their coping, or whatever else.
Realism and dark headcanons aren’t bad, and neither are any of the headcanons out there who just wanna make a goofy found family of social rejects as a form of escapism.
A 13 year old drawing a fictional layout of a fictional mansion where these fictional characters live isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the horror, I promise, it’s not that deep and it never was.
A 22 year old making a dark comic on the realistic origins of Jeff who is a fictional character in a fictional world isn’t going to suddenly invalidate the more softhearted side of the fandom.
Sure, there can still be a split if people are so adamant about that, but as someone who personally enjoys both the brutal horror side and the “haha Jeff is 15 and gay” sides equally, y’all need to at least learn to be civil to anyone who has a different headcanon than you. And if that seems like too much still, the block button exists for a reason.
TL:DR this fandom is based entirely off OCs and headcanons and people can do whatever the fuck they want because none of it is real and horror comes in many shapes and sizes and intensities and no one should be bashing anyone on their headcanons or views or rewrites or whatever else.
Actually wait I think I have more to say-
Horror, like any genre, has NO AGE LIMIT. And by that I mean, if someone younger wants to delve into scary stuff, they should be allowed to do so without criticism. I personally grew up on “child friendly” horror media like Scooby-Doo, and the older I got the more horror I wanted to experience.
There’s no right or wrong way to “understand” horror, and I frankly think it’s ignorant and stupid to say if you don’t fully “understand” something, then you shouldn’t be involved in it at all. Horror isn’t always about gore and unspeakable violence and the eldritch entity that wants everyone’s skin inside out. That’s why horror has sub genres for fucks sake. Gut wrenching brutality against innocent people isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay!
However, bashing anyone’s tamer headcanons, or calling anything anyone interprets differently than you “stupid”, that’s not okay. God, I feel like an exhausted parent giving this lecture to fellow adults, but this really needs to be said and stressed.
I am an adult. I like when stuff in the fandom takes a dark turn. But for nostalgia’s sake, I also love the fanon so much, because that’s what I was exposed to.
And for fucks sake if it comes down to picking sides, I would rather stick with the part of this fandom that gives zero shits how you see a character as long as you’re having fun.
You can have your serial killer 30 year old Jeff and your canon-accurate-to-that-one-image eyeless Jack, but don’t shit on other people if they don’t want the same thing. Your interpretation isn’t canon, and neither is anyone else’s for that matter.
Realistic, dark, gritty Creepypasta isn’t a new concept, and neither is “adult” Creepypasta. And by the way, Creepypasta was never stated to be for adults. That’s like saying kids and only kids can eat trix cereal. It sounds that stupid on paper.
Let people interpret things the way they wanna interpret. No one is infringing on YOUR character ideas. Creepypasta has no age limit, nor a set way the horror has to be presented. Those who do continue to claim that just sound like pretentious assholes.
Very small side note, I personally think it’s inappropriate and rude to keep using Toby as a “bad example” of mental health rep when the creator has stated multiple times the character is old, not researched, and not even in the fandom anymore. Leave the poor guy alone.
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youremyheaven · 2 months
I will say that Saturnian men are only “alphas” to themselves and those easily fooled by them if they go down that path. They are so easily seen through when they are not actually what they pretend to be, you have to be “lower” than them (perhaps a child, or a man child; someone who hasn’t learned beyond that) to actually be fooled. I wonder if elon musk has saturn because his whole brand is literally scamming and the illusion of expertise and competence—the man’s car company literally funds his failed vanity projects that only sustain themselves off of the backs of others. His cars literally DON’T WORK 😭, he just has a cult of simps that will pour money into the dream of elon musk.
I will say also that negative saturn people NEVER get away with it. Saturn always punishes. The brutal fall from grace for Shane Dawson and Colleen Ballinger is a perfect example. Sometimes Saturn will allow wealth but never respect because it has not been earned and pretty much everyone sees through them (DJ Khaled is a breathing joke and i mean cmon Sam Levinson and Andrew Tate are just messes. Andrew Tate is also a breathing joke now, Sam Levinson has embarrassed himself after that dogshit Idol show.) Saturn will come and even the score and keep things clear. These men and women can fool themselves, sure, that’s allowed, but they lose their unearned bounties without a doubt if they are not honest, do not change or do some kind of penance for it. Saturn is cruel but is a teacher above all imo, and if you do not follow his lessons? Yeah, get ready. You never get away with anything under Saturn’s eye.
Interestingly enough, Colleen Ballinger is also a walking joke now—the ukulele shit. They tend to be lowered to nothing but scum we all laugh and point at while they live in their pocket of delusional “glory” after they have fallen. I find this very interesting personally since they are trying to be respected—the first thing and the permanent thing they always lose is that respect! Perhaps they never get it in the first place either, despite getting money and success (Sam Levinson, Dj Khaled). They are also not even clever enough most of the time to try and hide their obvious subpar quality, like you said with saturn men being crass troglodytes.
Sam Levinson made Malcom and Marie, which was just SO embarrassing for him and already showed the red flags of not being a competent artist. Dj Khaled literally can’t form grammatically correct sentences. Andrew Tate is so exaggerated and ridiculous many people thought he was joking. Colleen was never funny or talented, she just focused on kids. These guys never get away or get one up on Saturn. You can’t. Either you follow the instructions or not. They aren’t as lucky as mercurials or other planetary folks on fuckshit, haha!
Even when dark, Saturnians are still serving Saturn’s purpose because we can see what NOT to do and how NOT to act through these people. They are simply examples instead of teachers. Even Epstein, who I believe was Uttara Bhadrapada, had a brtual fall from grace before dying. Saturn keeps a tally and will return what you have given. ESPECIALLY SATURNIANS, like you think you’re getting away with that dude in YOUR PRIMARY PLACEMENTS??? 💀 Mama please, you are only fooling yourself and playing the fool as well. I suspect they can sense it too, which is why they act so stupid and gross. Can’t even keep the bullshit contained, loll.
Very interesting. The way karma comes for them is very interesting. I feel like most unruly Saturnians have a fall from grace
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Brutally honest thoughts on each character?
...*Each* character???? bruh thats so many, okay ill keep this short cuz im waiting for a haircut rn
well start with the vks cuz thats easy
Mal-started off strong and then just became...THE WORST, love hate relationship for her. shes my art block fix but also i hate her
Jay-i dont have strong opinions on him, he actually never stuck out to me other than 'obligatory jock dude of the friend group.' i wish i liked him more but im more attached to his fandom self over canon Jay
Evie-got boring after D1, i wish they let her keep her chemistry stuff, love her vibe but shes kinda boring to me. SHOULD'VE BEEN THE MC OVER MAL!!
Carlos- lots of lost potential with his tech stuff from the first book and movie. easily could've been an engineer or inventor but they just made him an animal lover and i got bored of that real quick.
Uma-my queen, my idol, can do no wrong i love her so much i WILL kill for her.
Harry-i love his dumbass so much YALL DONY EVEN KNOW I WANNA BITE HIM SO BAD
Gil-one of the few characters i felt actually...grew up? idk but hes one of the few characters were it actually feels like time passed for.
Dizzy-oooooooh honey, honey honey, sunshine baby, please, put the glue gun down.
Celia- they should've gone with her trailer persona. Her outfits are so bad and i wish she got better writing and designs, so much lost potential, also she should've been Jays pick.
Smee twins- why the fuck are they even here they had one line and no significance. also they should've had a Harry scene.
Ben-puppy boy, deserved to have doberman energy. got turned into a doormat by the writers and is unfairly hated.
Audrey-bitch queen, shes not a nice person and thats okay~ girlboss.
Chad- should've been the D3 villan they had that all set up in D2 with his weird ass attitude over Ben getting kidnapped on the isle.
Doug -....honestly gives me the ick, especially in D3, i HATE the long hair his actor had/has. gold is NOT his color and neither is pastel purple or green. he looked good in D1 but ICK for 2 and 3.
Jane- bby gurl, blue bird sweetheart. yeah she did some fucked up shit in D1 but she was an insecure 14 year old girl who got manipulated by Mal and other aks!!!
Lonnie- deserved so much better, shes Chinese why is she getting Japanese style stuff?!?! her plot in D2 didnt even do anything it just happened and no one cared and Jay just shoved his problems of girls playing roar onto her.
Beast- *inhale* i wanna kick his ass, and i could, lemme at him. how dare he force an entire kingdom on Ben at 16 when he didnt become king when he was 28(when he married Belle)
Belle- they took away her backbone, shes not Disney princess book worm and independent Belle. she just, lost the spark
FG- they turned her into a preschool teacher, GIVE ME MY OL COOKY FAIRY LADY BACK
Leah- *seething rage*
vk parents
Maleficent- fuckin love her, shes such a manipulative bitch and feels like a gone crazy version of a Maleficent made for kids. def not the mistress of all Evil but i love her nonetheless
EQ- shouldve been the head villain, SHE WAS THE FIRST DISNEY VILLAIN CMON! def not the same character from the animated movie but shes dramatic and sassy and i adore her.
Jafar- haha funny characature~ i wish he was more menacing like he had been. Jafar is not one of my fav villains so descendants jafar didnt exactly translate for me well.
Cruella- yeah they nailed her, no complaints about her. good design, good dialogue, good acting.
Hades- LEMME KICK HIS DEAD BEAT ASS, fucking 'daddy issues made you stronger' my butt. i hate his hair and honestly he doesnt fit the washed up punk design, he didnt deserve the speech at the end and didnt deserve to be forgiven by Mal.
Ursula- we only saw her tentacle and one line but she seemed spot on so yeah
Lady Tremaine- why the fuck was she nice in D3??? bitch is the EVIL stepmother.
Smee- spot on, i have words for his sons designs becuaee hes old not naturally white haired but hes chill, makes sense hed be a good parent, he never felt evil to me, just compliant
Facilier- such a vibe, his actor got him spot on, would've changed up his suit design but hes chill and i can see him being a family man(ignoring wicked world).
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akaisenhatake · 1 year
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Her Presence As Fiery As A Dragon's Breath
Shall It Arrive With Undying Wrath
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Ianthe Court, an indirect ancestor of Jane Court from Hogwarts Mystery.
Character Info below by an inexperienced profile writer
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Name: Ianthe Court
Nicknames: Ian, Redhead, Niamh
Birthday: 13th July, 1874
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-British
Blood Status: Pure-blood
House: Sorted into Ravenclaw but a Slytherin by heart, however the Courts are all Hufflepuffs. [let her in the slytherin common room please]
Wand: laurelwood, 113/4", pheonix core [form takes inspiration from a rose]
Animagus: None
Patronus: Stout
Boggart: A Burning house
Sexuality: Bi-herself and demiromantic
Other Details
Born a redhead, whereas the rest of the Courts are blonde
Has a bandage on her left wrist to cover scars and something else
Born from a different mother, both biological parents fled to another country and left baby Ianthe under her father's ex wife. She was forced to raise baby Ianthe as her child along with her two other children from another recently engaged husband. [her childhood was hell]
Travelled to Britain from Ireland to live in an orphanage after her step-family died from a fire breakout at their house. Officers tried to contact her uncle and aunt but they refused to take care of the child. [she was never mentioned to the future generations of the Courts cause her name would 'spoil' their reputation and image]
The scar on her right jaw is due to kids who tried to shove her into a basket of unknown magical beast, but manage to save her entire face by forcing her way out. As a revenge, she threw one of the boys into the basket, resulting in the boy having to be sent to the nearest clinic. [honestly he deserved what he got]
Got her first magic cast by setting something on fire in an orphanage due to over excitement after her house elf came to visit her. [she apparently also has fire tolerance cause haha daenarys inspo]
Once a gremlin, forever a gremlin. [she climbs all over hogwarts castle and unhinged at times ]
Enjoys reading books in the library for a long period. [it calms the intrusive thoughts, or gives the intrusive thoughts more ideas]
Likes dresses but couldn't wear them for the most part for how much she runs and climbs. [wouldn't want to get the cloth stuck and causing a disadvantage on her part]
Brutally honest along with her judgement. [will call you a slur if u deserve it]
Has difficulty feeling remorse or pity for others [been called heartless since a child for laughing at her step- brother while he broke his arm from a broom fall]
Best friend? the slytherin gang duh [she was treated as a sibling to them, more specifically sebastian] Ofc she spends time with other friends like Samantha, Natty, Poppy and a shit ton more from her merlin-knows-how-long friend list
Enemies? Victor Rookwood scares the crap outta her [insert more traumatic backstory here]
Haha goblins short and tiny they so babp- [to be continued]
She has relations to the dragon who attacked her and Prof. Fig while they were going to Hogwarts.
Main goal of attending Hogwarts? Just being able to cast all the spells she read from a book when she was still a 'squib'. Also hoping to find a spell that can remove something she covered on her wrist with scars and a bandage.
Pets? she wants a dragon and she will get one eventually, but for now none
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template inspired by @/crowlipso
closeup on the eyes
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I imagine he was a very sickly baby (being born in the apocalypse does no favors to your health) but despite that he got an attitude HDHSK
He's a very sweet kid, he truly is, but he's the type to say "You're pretty >:(", just a constant butt face JSBDBA (Also, he's brutally honest/tends to roast people without meaning to or even noticing)
Sick baby… :((( that makes me so sadg… :(((((((
AS FOR HIS NAAAAAAME I was thinking of naming him Felix. Apparently it means luck and fortune which is probably what Gal hopes his child has lots of…
Yeah… haha… one of his dads died… so lucky…
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lesbian-trash-panda · 12 days
✨Q Rated: The Rise of Kyoshi
A✨Q - Amazing & Queer, Recommended
Welcome to Lesbian Trash Panda, where I recommend the finest treasures and the best trash a gay raccoon can find. Today’s entry is the first book in the duology about everyone’s favourite Earthbender Avatar - The Rise of Kyoshi!
Summary: If you watched Avatar: The Last Airbender, you’ll be familiar with Kyoshi, the intimidating 300-year-old badass who brought balance to the world two cycles before Avatar Aang.
Kyoshi has a fandom reputation as a merciless killer, but this book — you really see why!
Haha, just kidding, she’s a bisexual simp. The murder is only a side quest.
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“The Rise of Kyoshi” follows the longest-lived Avatar from humble beginnings as an orphan to her youth as a servant girl to discovering her gifts, joining a bandit gang, fighting pirates, and taking on some of the most brutal villains in the Avatar universe. Also, she is a huuuuuuuge dork for Rangi, her Firebender bodyguard/friend-who-is-girl/maybe more??? This book is 60% revenge fantasy, 40% pining teenager in love. Kyoshi is part Batman part Sappho and we love her for it
Why you should read it: Did the Batman/Sappho comparison not do it for you? Ok, here’s some more convincing.
Avatar the Last Airbender is one of the best-loved animated shows of all time. It blends the best of eastern and western animation & storytelling conventions to create a universe that is rich in beauty, lore, character, and heart. “The Rise of Kyoshi” adds new historical context and intrigue to the Avatar world while remaining exciting and engaged in its own narrative.
Kyoshi is adorable, and that’s not something you would guess based on appearances in the show. She’s complex and has a lot on her plate and she is frequently put in no-win situations, in a way we’ve never quite seen before in this world. I appreciate when a story is willing to set up a dilemma and follow through on it, instead of pulling a last minute fake-out (cough cough Legend of Korea S1). There are still surprises, but she is forced to make tough decisions and those decisions have consequences.
Rangi is also a great addition to the Avatar universe. Fans of KorraxAsami who were disappointed by how the relationship was censored in the animated show will delighted by how open and honest Kyoshi is about her feelings for Rangi, and I love her for it. I am impressed by the complexity of queer relationships in the Avatar universe - the Legend of Korea tie-in comic Turf Wars gave a brief history lesson on how the four nations feel about it traditionally, and it’s clear the creators put thought and attention into the development of that element of this universe. I am glad they get to explore this part of their world more here, in an avenue where they didn’t have to bind themselves according to homophobic advertising standards.
The book is also funny. It has that classic Avatar humour with some added, “Oh, Kyoshi, you gay sad sack!” Lots of fun characters, exciting moments, and surprising depth.
I just finished reading it to my partner and she loved it. Hopefully you will too! Get it at your local library or buy it, I dunno.
Content Warnings: Surprisingly grim violence, including war crimes - more so than the animated series; for teen readers
Recommended for: Fans of Avatar the Last Airbender and Legend of Korra, fans of historical fantasy, people who wish Bruce Wayne was a gangly teenage girl and Alfred was a badass teenage girl
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loopscereal · 9 months
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Day 4: Pride i wrote it on his shirt instead of the black text in the bg like I've done for the past days, since the space is surprisingly occupied Okay so i kinda went crazy with this one... If you wanna read my decisions and thoughts behind this thing feel free to read below the cut !
Anyways, Pride. Bon. Where the hell do i start. I see Bon as a very proud person, at least proud of his craft, at what he excels at, which is playing guitar. SO. Why is he so many colors and shit? Hes the colors of the people closest to him. Friends. Malva/Usagi is the blue, Mangle/Meg is the pink, Toddy's the red, Joys yellow, and Bonnie's purple. All the different colors and expressions represent what they sorta do to Bon? How they affect and influence him n shit... All with his pride at the center of it. Malva/Usagi. Shes his sister, his twin. They are directly compared what feels like constantly to Bon. He's specifically in his school uniform because school is where they show their true personalities most. Where they differ the most. Malva is organized, in control, plans thing out, is a natural leader, book smart. She's always 'on top of it' and mature. All things he feels he lacks/inst enough of. A point of shame and envy within him, at least in comparison to her. Same situation and she can somehow 'handle it all better'. Whether that's all true is a different matter lol. perception and reality am i right? Anyways onto Joy. Yellow. All the toys boost each-others egos and shit, but where Bon and Mangle are comfortable being brutally honest and blunt, but giving genuine compliments is sorta few and sparse, laced in their silly stupid sarcasm and fake hatred of each-other. Joy just says what she wants straight up. If the others are going off, she'll say it, if they're blowing it, she's gonna say it straight up. Shes always energized, and imbues the other two with that same energy. For Bon, Joy is someone who pushes that cocky side of him further out. Full of himself, thinking he's hot shit. (I mean thinking that isn't completely undeserved, hes impressive for his age n shit, but kid has an ego is hat I'm saying lol) She brings out his fiercer energy. She gasses him up, inflates his ego, and his pride gets the better of him and can turn kinda shitty and egotistical and mean ect ect Mangle/ Meg, lol. haha stupid stupid stupid decisions. They are both. very proud of their craft and Mangle is someone who has peen put through and continues dealing with a lot of pain. He pushes through it though. She pushes through her pain, through their days, through everything that's handed to him because she's determined to get through shit and not let things like constant aches and loss of balance hinder him. They'll do what they want and it doesn't matter what hurts. Bon. Was already a dumb-ass with that sorta mentality, but alongside mangle they both push each-others pride to being a detriment to their own health and safety. lol
Toddy. Toddy, Toddy, Toddy. Longtime family friend, has known that blue rabbit family since. ever. okay? Okay. She knows. She just knows what the fuck is up with their house and situation, she's seen Bon at his worst and helped him. Moments he'd rather not be aided, moments he'd rather not be seen. Moments of shame. Along with that shame of being seen, comes the discomfort and shame of being known. They know each other, they do, yet they feel like strangers at the same time. They can hang out and have fun, but they don't click in the same way Bon clicks with the Toys. There's a seed of shame in Bon that he cant be the good friend Toddy wants and needs. The friend she feels she had. The friend she feels she lost somewhere. Bonnie. Bonnie. End of sentence I cant do this anymore I cant fucking tackle that one i cant do it you cant make me- Okay what if you someone really pissed you off. Like super pissed you the fuck off. You have this one thing you're really good at, you have this one thing you you are GREAT at, you consider yourself unmatched. Then you get matched. Then you aren't an untouchable god at your craft. You're tumble down from your pedestal, you ego is more bruised than you can admit. Then he bugs you cause he think you're cool and can teach him shit. Even though you feel like you totally lost just by being matched, and part of you hates it cause he's a walking reminder that you aren't untouchable. but part of you likes it because someones fucking gawking at you and looking at you with admiration, directly. SO you fucking cave and do it and whoops oh shit you kinda vibe with this guy. Shit he likes Zelda. shit hes letting you use is switch cause you mentioned never having played any of the Zelda games even tho you've both been passionately ranting about the games for a while now. You became friends with the guy who irritates you good job doofus. Goodluck with the weird mix of friendship and resentment idiot. And the underlying romantic bullshit cause fuck you , fuck you royally. And scene. Killing Bon fnaf highschool my curse to carry. lololololol
Pride, Shame, People.
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urfavlarry · 4 months
How about some hcs for Velvette?
warnings: swearing, bad grammar, might be an OOC Velvette?? idk , mentions of cigarettes and w33d
——————general hcs + reader insert——————
Velvette had an emo phase. I will fight you on that.
“mom its not just a phase”
I believe she would 100% skip school to go smoke either cigarettes or possibly weed. She would also sneak out to go to parties and just gotta add that she definitely had strict parents. (strict parents raise sneaky kids)
She would dye those streaks in her hair i think it’s called skunk hair ??? They would definitely be red tho haha and I think her favorite movie would be Alice in Wonderland and her fav character would be the Red Queen
She would have like a lot of followers (probably some being her alt accounts) and she would just blog every second of her life, but it would definitely be something related to fashion (also i think she sould be studying fashion or something like that)
She would definitely do some wild shit like go to raves and sneak into parties she wouldn’t be even invited to. I believe she would die either by someone just putting something in her drink or that she would die by driving while being on her phone or getting run over by a car for and not noticing the car coming her way, the reason also just her being glued to her phone.
When she went to hell I think she was just an angsty teen that lived on the streets for a while, holding up a cardboard box with something blunt as fuck like “need money, broke asf” and Valentino and Vox just find her and are like “Yeah we should take her in and just become a group of Overlords with a really shitty name cuz were unoriginal”
She would be really judgy and sould be like “tf are you wearing, here darling let me make you something better ‘kay?”
She definitely makes clothes when she is angry to keep her mind off of it lmao
If you have Velvette as a friend expect a lot of really brutally honest opinions on your outfit but I think Velvette would be friends with someone that has her sense of fashion so she can have someone to bond with. She 100% makes people clothes on their birthdays and says like “yeah whatever just take it” but deep down she hopes you like it and melts if she sees you wearing it, snapping a picture of you and posts it on her sinsta.
If you have a date you know who to call when you have no idea what to wear. She would judge the person you’re going on a date with too saying something like “No no he has no sense of style! Darling just date me at this point.”
If someone hurt you like a friend or a partner she would be the first to comfort you but of course she would just be complaining about their style. That’s just how Velvette is!
As a partner she would love for you to model some of her clothes and she would take you EVERYWHERE, showing you off and just is so happy to have you there. She would definitely make you clothes and accesories and would just let you sit by her to keep her entertained letting you yap he ear off lmao
Thats all i could come up with but Velvette fr needs more love shes the best girl character fr !! :3
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slowlyhardgoatee · 1 year
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Here you are, then. Lord of the manor, hehe.
Y’know, my crew and I have been working on this house for the last few days, and I don’t think any of us has seen you before now. The kid who hired us said he was some kind of PA, that you were kind of reclusive. Then I introduced him to my own PA, if you know what I mean, haha. Well, actually he begged me to introduce him. They got on so well I’ve decided they’ll be meeting again on Thursday, so he won’t be available to help you at all.
Now, down to business. I’m told you’re some kind of influencer, is that right? One of those weird millennial non-jobs that pays you tens of thousands a month just for being alive. I’ve never understood that. I grew up working construction. A real job for real men. Got to be the boss of a crew until I injured my shoulder in 2002. Moved on to painting and decorating after that. Still making a tidy sum to be honest, but I think I can do a little better.
Boy, I’m gonna level with you. I know you’re a faggot. Your PA spilled everything to me while my PA was ruining his arsehole for him. He even told me your bank account details, which of course I’ve now set up in my own name.
Here’s the deal as I see it. You’re a faggot, and as such, you need to be controlled. You need to be raped daily and fully enslaved. You need to be a subservient pig boy for Real Men.
I notice that you’re not denying or objecting to any of this.
With all that in mind, we’ll be turning your little Internet influencer job or whatever it is into an OnlyFans. You’ll be posting new content seven days a week, and every video will be of you getting your arse and mouth brutally fucked. Some of the videos will also include you begging for a belt across your arse, or will include cigar play. Not a single one of them will feature the merest hint of a condom, boy. In fact, get over here and get your cum dump mouth wrapped around my pierced cock. That’s it, just like that. I think I’ve got an idea for your first video, cunt boy. Let me light up and make a call down to one of the guys quickly. You keep sucking, slut. Good boy.
Steve? Yeah, just wanted to give you a heads up. I’m upstairs, and you were right. He’s nothing but a cock eating faggot. I’ve got my meat rammed down his fucking throat right now. Listen, I know it’s time for the guys’ smoke break, isn’t it? Why don’t you tell ‘em all to come inside and take their smoke break up here? In fact, let’s call it a day work-wise, shall we? They can spend the rest of the shift smoking and using this faggot’s arse as a fucking ashtray while he takes his sweet time sucking them all off. What? Oh yeah, obviously they can cum down his fucking throat. They can cum wherever they fucking want. Can’t they, boy? Eh? Don’t talk with your fucking mouth full, faggot. Don’t pull off my cock either. I’ll tell you when you’ve finished, boy, and it won’t be until after I’ve creamed all over your fucking tonsils, I can tell you that much.
What, Steve? Yeah, anytime from now. Send ‘em up. Tell ‘em to bring as many cigars each as they want, as well. I think we’ll be up here for a long time.
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zannolin · 11 days
loving the stranger things posting as someone going through a sudden random stranger things phase lol. i have a question: what makes byler an interesting dynamic for you? i'm not a big shipper person personally but i like to hear people's thoughts!
it's so funny i got here because i was suffering from cares too much disease about the karate kid and i needed something to distract me and then um. it did more than distract.
sidenote: coming back to say this got??? so long. so i'm sorry lol. i'm a chronic rambler.
i'll be honest i never actually shipped byler seriously until literally 2 months ago today. i sort of went "haha what if...?" back in 2022 mostly because my friend was into it and i really love mike as a character. oh mike wheeler the character that you are...i've loved him since 2016 lol and i loved him and will as a dynamic since i saw s2. i was so sold on their friendship, and then s3 and s4 were brutal for me to watch as someone who has grown apart from a lot of friends because of similar circumstances (moving, mostly, but also some relationships, and the inherent tragedy of growing up, and the fact that having a shitty family and being 15 can do a lot of damage to your relationships if you're not careful, etc) so like basically i then got More into them because i am obsessed with friendship estrangement plots. and i like both their characters. ("like" is such an understatement even in 2022 i was unhinged about michael wheeler)
frankly they're interesting to me as a ship for all the same reasons as they're interesting to me as a friendship: devotion, knowing someone better than you know yourself, the fear of loss, the fear of change, how easy vs how hard it is to grow up with someone, estrangement, feeling like you're a bad person and self-sabotaging, etc. the funny thing is i didn't even think will was gay or that there WAS (one-sided, anyway) byler until the literal van scene in s4 because i have that little faith in netflix lol, not to mention i used to be a mileven shipper. and then s3 happened which killed my interest in that and then s4 beat the dead horse from here to california. i realized for one thing mike being queer is really interesting to me and opens a lot of room for fun angles on his canonical character with comphet and internalized homophobia, etc, and it works very well with established canon. to me.
i'm honestlyyyy kind of surprised i got into it at all because besides the fact that i'm not a big shipper anymore, i'm RARELY a childhood friends to lovers fan because 1) it's often boring to me, i'm like but why do we need something Other than friendship?? (aro alert) and 2) i personally do not enjoy romance where it's like. you end up with the person you dated in high school? like it's jsut a me thing but i go aaaaaa when it's idk 12 year olds being like "i'm in love" no you're not you're twelve. i literally have DMs of me to my sister watching s4 where i was like michael why are you saying you loved eleven the day you met her, you were twelve and spent the entire season fucking obsessed with finding your best friend and kept dropping her the second she wasn't useful for that, like i love you but you were— what. (regardless of whether or not that bullshit turns out to be, you know, Actually canonically bullshit. that was my reaction lol). um i'm rambling sorry. anyway. they just happened to hit really good beats for me where it could go either way for me (platonic or romantic) and i wouldn't mind and i'm happy with both. but apparently my brain is like What If Romance when it comes to fic for them and i'm being a bit self-indulgent. i want will byers to have nice things and i want mike to not be stuck in the world's worst written relationship ever (to me).
actually the tl;dr is basically everything i like about mike as a character has to do with his plots concerning will, and everything i don't like about what they've been doing with him lately has to do with his relationship with el, so via potentially unintentional gay symbolism, the power of friendship estrangement plots + my love of friendship breakup/makeup scenarios, and my fascination with writing queer loneliness and mutual pining, AND that "good luck, babe" edit, i ended up here.
also finn wolfhard keeps making the most ridiculously intensely tender expressions during byler scenes and i'm a simple creature i see a man with big wet brown eyes and i go oh well mayyybe....
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edenesth · 4 months
Hello again!
(In response to your answer)
It's ok!! I'd be content with being a little kid tho... they're brutally honest heh heh heh.
I'd cause some serious chaos.
Me (to Yeosang): She's pretty. Is she your sister?
Yeosang: No, actually she's-
Me: Oh. You're not pretty enough to be her brother anyway.
Me (to Mingi): Are you a good map strategist dude because you're so tall? You can probably see the whole field if you just stand up there. *points on top of a tent*
Mingi: I'd rather not.
Me: Why?
Mingi: That's my boss's tent, and he's kinda... scary.
Me: Why?
Mingi: He... looks scary?
Me: Why?
Mingi: ...
Thank you for calling me adorable <33
My friends call me a menace
With lots and lots of love,
Thunder 🖤⚡️
See, you've further proven my point HAHA
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lumosatnight · 1 year
Talk to me about SNARRYYYYYY (had to sorry 😂) 💛
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it (and also maybe a fic rec).
Haha hi Danni!!
Initial impression: confusion, hesitance, a little weirded out. Wasn't Severus in love with Harry's mom? Isn't that kinda creepy to be dating Lily's kid?
Improved impression: UNHINGED SCREAMING. Wasn't Severus in love with Harry's mom? Yes, and that's why this ship is so interesting (although one could argue it was platonic love but that was definitely not what was written in canon). Isn't that kinda creepy to be dating Lily's kid? Yes, and it creates such a fascinating relationship dynamic. Harry's eyes, Lily's eyes. Who does Severus really see when he looks at Harry? How can he resist falling for Harry when he already fell so hard for Lily all those years ago (and still carries a torch for her)? Answer: he can't.
In terms of cross-gen pairings for Severus, Snarry is probably my favorite. I don't really see him as the type of person to go after one of his students unless it was under very pressurized circumstances. Say, for example, in the middle of a war and he's just trying to do his goddamm best at keeping this infuriating kid alive. I could also possibly see Snaco, but that's an essay for another day. Although Eldritcher has an amazing Snudley fic that I devoured.
Surprisingly enough, I also enjoy reading Snarry in different AUs, outside the HP universe or the war doesn't exist universes. I attribute that largely to you actually. You kept posting so many Snarry recs in the CoMS discord, and I kept clicking them haha. But I do think their underlying personalities remain. Severus is an insecure, bitter, ugly (yes ugly) man. He thinks the best years of his life were stolen from him. He does not see any reason to care. Harry is an impassioned, stubborn, reckless youth. He listens to Severus. He finds a way to get past that bitter exterior and in a way Severus lets him. He makes Severus feel seen when really that was all he ever wanted.
And wow, that turned into a whole essay. Apparently, I have more thoughts about Snarry than I thought. I've never written a full Snarry fic, but I am oh-so-tempted by the Snarry AUctober Fest.
My ship rating: Snarrytastic
My fic rec: Miraculous by @liladiurne [E, 15.5k]
When Severus finds out that the gorgeous and charming young man Lucius set him up with, the one who's accompanying him to his mother's charity ball, is really a hired escort, he is furious and disappointed. At first. But then he realises he can use this to his advantage. After years of celibacy, he's finally found someone he connects with, someone who understands him. And this time, Severus actually has the means to see him again. Or the money. But if money's what it takes to spend time with Harry, then he's more than willing to drain his family's fortune. In an unexpected twist of faith, he might not need to.
(been thinking a lot about this fic recently and ik you've already read it because i'm pretty sure you're the one who recc'ed it on the server, but it keeps spinning around in my head. soooo goood)
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thatoneerin · 1 year
FINALLY GOT SOMETHING DONE FOR MY ALERUDY HC (I refuse to call it an au because ITS REAL TO ME >:’( )
Anyway, enjoy my little characterization/head-canon thing I did for the Vargas-Parra fam 😌
Maria - 7
soft spoken - shy around new people - brutally honest - creative - funny - intelligent - clever - jealous 
super into motorcycles, much to her papa’s pleasure (he’s got like, 3)
closer to Rodolfo than she is with Alejandro. they’re still close, y’know, but if she needs comfort, she’s going to Rudy
will often blurt out whatever she’s thinking about a situation. It’s usually not anything too bad, but there have been couple of times where Ale n Rudy have had to pull her aside and be like “dude, you can’t just say that shit”
her favorite superhero is Wonder Woman and will, at the drop of a pen, go on a tangent on how cool she is if anyone even mentions superheroes
doesn’t cling onto her dads as often as Sophie does, but if she notices they’ve been paying more attention to Sophie (or literally any other kid) that day, she’ll grab their hand then stare daggers at the offending “attention hogger”
Sophie - 5
outgoing - loud - mischievous - confident - creative - athletic - curious - stubborn - forgetful 
obsessed with mangoes? for some reason?? has eaten some every day for the past like, year, and it's healthy so Alejandro and Rudy are just like “lol, okay I guess??” (she’s neurodivergent, it’s a comfort food)
glitter.. everywhere.. Ale and Rudy don’t even know where it comes from cause they’re smart enough to have never bought any, but she’ll just have glitter all over her hands or where ever else on her body (this doesn’t really change as she gets older, but instead of glitter, it’s paint and marker)
is equally close with both of her dads, honestly just clings onto the one closest to her at. all. times. if she’s not distracted with her sister or something else. which, honestly, is pretty often because she’s pretty easily distracted (lol same kid)
LOVES big animals, especially since she’s being raised around cows and horses. Loves doing chores out on the ranch with Alejandro.
Rodolfo aka Papa
nurturing - witty - ambitious - funny - thoughtful - passionate - fearless - protective - overthinker 
Is just Snow White. He can and will pick up any animal/bug with his bare hands and never ends up getting hurt from it. Constantly freaks out the girls (and to an extent, Alejandro) when he shows up to them with a big ass spider in his hands
FANTASTIC singing voice. Will sing the girls to sleep when they’re having especially rough nights
Can cook, he just prefers to bake 
Has tattoos of Maria and Sophie’s newborn baby handprints wrapping around his thumbs
Had to learn early on that he couldn’t hover over the babies all the time, that they would get hurt sometimes and that’s okay
Went to his mama and sister A LOT for help (his sister had already had three kids by the time Rudy had his first) ((not actually HAD, they had a surrogate))
VERY dry and sarcastic humor, and is quick to think of something funny to say. Maria slowly picks up on it, sometimes saying stuff out of the blue that makes Ale and Rudy do a double take, leading Alejandro to say “I see where she gets her humor from” with a shit eating grin on his face.
Becomes a part time pet Veterinarian after getting honorably discharged from the military. He’d always been interested in being a Vet (haha), but, y’know. He kinda followed Alejandro into the military and stayed there for a good 15 years, so-
Alejandro aka Papi/Dad
bold - impulsive - funny - short temper - adventurous - encouraging - loud - stubborn 
Is mainly the one who plays with the girls since he’s the one that’s home with them most of the time (he works from home. what does he do? great question, i haven't figured that out yet)
Has literally had to stop himself from really arguing with his daughters (mainly Sophie) multiple times because he’ll just stop and be like “I’m arguing with a 5 year old, what the hell am I doing??”
Has a terrible temper, but has NEVER raised his voice at his girls. He learned how to control it to the point where he’ll be able to calm himself down enough to not yell, but will still have Rudy be the one that scolds the girls most times, just in case. He never, ever wants his girls to be scared of him. He still makes sure to redirect his girls when needed, he just doesn’t do it when he’s mad
VERY early bird, Like, 6am early. Goes for runs in the morning then gets back in time to cook breakfast before anyone else is even up. There have been a few times where he’s caught Mariana up super early as well, playing in the living room by herself. He then usually sits with her for a while before making breakfast
Kind of a workaholic. It’s gotten better since he got out of the military, but if he’s got something to do that pertains to work, you best believe he’s sitting his ass down and not doing anything else until that thing is done
Gets WAY into sports (football/soccer, *COUGH*), he’s one of those dads. Only times the girls will hear both of their dads yell is at sports games (Sophie joins in on it when she gets older and gets more into sports, Maria thinks they’re all crazy)
Picks up woodcarving after leaving the military, actually made a few of the girl’s toys that they end up keeping as they get older
Is the one that cooks the most (also ties in with the fact that he’s the one at home the most)
CLUMSY AS SHIT. Will trip over his own feet constantly, always making the girls (and to extension, Rudy) laugh their asses off at it
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firewoodfigs · 11 months
Hey I'm actually taking you up on the Asian film recommendations. Any genre except outright horror is a go! (:
You've come to the right person (I abhor horror and would never recommend that to anyone)! <3
I will preface this by saying that everyone should watch Fullmetal Alchemist if they haven't already LOL it truly the best anime ever. 10 stars for Arakawa! My second-ranked anime is Naruto, but Kishimoto's depictions of females is laughable at best and downright sexist at worst lmao. I recently binged Spy x Family too, which I really enjoyed!
Off the top of my head, some recommendations I have are:
Ghibli films (⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for all tbh, Ghibli never disappoints): Kiki's Delivery Service Whisper of the Heart Howl's Moving Castle Spirited Away Castle in the Sky and the usual suspects :) honorary mention goes to Kimi no na Wa because I was a total wreck on the plane watching that show (and I got to visit the iconic staircase irl that inspired that scene this year, which was a real treat!).
Dramas: 花より男子 Hana Yori Dango (aka Boys Over Flowers; there are also Korean and Taiwanese adaptations of the same) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Goong/Princess Hours (a real Korean classic, also the cast is so attractive) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ King of Baking 🍞🍞🍞🍞🍞 Vagabond (not horror, but there are elements of thriller! the budget for this was insane lmao and it had me so on edge I had to go through the episodes at 1.5x speed hahaha) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Witch at Court ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Business Proposal (had such a fun time bingeing this one with @tsaritsa) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Familiar Wife ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Extraordinary Attorney Woo ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Shooting Stars (the male lead is so my type lmao) ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Little Women (both the movie directed by Greta Gerwig, and the k-drama that came out not too long ago haha!!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Tearjerkers (includes both films and dramas; this is going to be a long list because this is my ultimate guilty pleasure):
Japanese *1リットルの涙 1 Litre of Tears (warning: the title lives up to its name. make sure tissues are accessible at all times) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Midnight Sun (there is a drama and movie available; the drama lead is played by YUI, who sang FMA's 'Again'!) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Koizora (translates to 'Sky of Love') ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My Rainy Days ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Korean A Millionaire's First Love ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ No Breathing (my friend and I walked out of the cinema drenched in tears lmao the actors really ate and left no crumbs) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Beethoven's Virus (@nightofnyx8 I feel like you would love this, plus the OST makes me cry every time...) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 200 Pounds Beauty ⭐️⭐️⭐️
Taiwanese 那些年 (Na Xie Nian / Those Bygone Years -- I think the official English title was 'The Apple of my Eye') ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Our Times / 我的少女時代 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As an aside, the movie adaptation of Rurouni Kenshin was actually stellar and the only film adaptation of anime that I personally deem acceptable (let's not talk about the FMA movies... 😂). Another one that will always hold dear to my heart is Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children (Cloud was my very first kid-crush before I even knew what that was lmao).
I'm sure everyone has heard of Everything Everywhere All at Once by now -- that was truly spectacular and wacky, I loved it!
Lowkey obliged to recommend Crazy Rich Asians since it was filmed in my hood, but if I'm being brutally honest this movie was probably a 5/10 at best for my bf and I lol, I personally preferred Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby (10 ⭐️s from me). Speaking of Constance Wu, Fresh Off the Boat was really funny (also available on Disney+ I think)!
Most of these should be available on Netflix, if not Youtube/other random online sources should work (and generally have subtitles as well)! Most if not all of the above have AMAZING OSTs as well :')
Happy watching, dearest! 💕 and of course if anyone has any further recs feel free to drop them :)
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alicenpai · 2 years
For the art asks - 2 and 14?
hi anon !!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
characters facing left for sure (I'm right handed). but because of this I think I do try a lot harder at right-facing faces, and most of the time those may end up looking nicer! haha
14. Any favorite motifs
I wish I drew more of my favourite visual motifs more, actually. so if you're surprised by the below I wouldn't blame you LOL because I feel like. I wish I drew from my heart more! I sometimes think my art is really boring if I can be brutally honest. gotta take more risks!
I like a lot of genres of media so understandably my art is all over. people have said this is a great quality, others have trouble pinpointing certain traits about my art, or my interests? and I wish that the things I love were more clear. honestly I feel more like the latter part of a "jack of all trades, master of none" but more like. a little court jester with my jingle hat. in 2023 I'd like to be happier with my art, and draw things that are more interesting/emotional/personal to me! 🏃‍♀️💨
- I love gothic/victorian motifs a lot! overly ornate frames (like haunted portraits), mirrors, flowers, complex drapery, and yes, we can't talk about gothic without the macabre stuff that was present in victorian culture too. sorry for being an edgy 2000s kid but I love skeletons in art... and characters sitting in coffins? chef kiss. Just like. the precarious balance of life and death in art is so genuinely interesting. I once saw in a Waldemar Januszczak art history doc that artists are so unapologetically obsessed with this dark stuff hahaha... 🤧👍 media that come to mind are Ib, Pandora Hearts, Black Butler. non anime media like Dracula, Portrait of Dorian Gray, Sherlock Holmes.
- Theatre/Shakespearean motifs as well. curtains, wooden props, stage sets. Opera, classical Greek theatre, ballet, pantomime, the circus. Shakespearean in the way that the characters are very passionate yet oh so tragic. Like. just in general playing on the idea that stories are plays, and the characters are mere puppets in someone's fabrication. thus things like puppets and clown-type characters in plays are fascinating too. things like, characters as the automatons in automaton clocks are so cool. I also LOVE the concept of dolls, however dolls are? quite frankly? terrifying irl. inspirations: Princess Tutu, lots of tragic stage play themes also present in Jun Mochizuki's work in Pandora Hearts and Vanitas no Carte, Rozen Maiden for the dolls thing.
- storybook themes. European fairy tale illustrations, anything whimsical and old fashioned. Witch Hat Atelier comes to mind, Princess Tutu again, also The Girl from the Other Side.
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Dungeon Meshi by Ryoko Kui, Pandora Hearts by Jun Mochizuki
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Pandora Hearts by Jun Mochizuki
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Heinrich Lefler, Austrian artist. "Der Gevatter Tod", "Godfather Death"
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A Russian version of the Swedish folk tale The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, if you know who the artist is please let me know! artist is found - Oleg Vassiliev!
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Witch Hat Atelier by Kamome Shirahama
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