#but yay first oc introduced :D
akaisenhatake · 1 year
Roses Are Red
Violets Are Blue
Her Presence As Fiery As A Dragon's Breath
Shall It Arrive With Undying Wrath
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Ianthe Court, an indirect ancestor of Jane Court from Hogwarts Mystery.
Character Info below by an inexperienced profile writer
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Name: Ianthe Court
Nicknames: Ian, Redhead, Niamh
Birthday: 13th July, 1874
Nationality: Half-Irish, Half-British
Blood Status: Pure-blood
House: Sorted into Ravenclaw but a Slytherin by heart, however the Courts are all Hufflepuffs. [let her in the slytherin common room please]
Wand: laurelwood, 113/4", pheonix core [form takes inspiration from a rose]
Animagus: None
Patronus: Stout
Boggart: A Burning house
Sexuality: Bi-herself and demiromantic
Other Details
Born a redhead, whereas the rest of the Courts are blonde
Has a bandage on her left wrist to cover scars and something else
Born from a different mother, both biological parents fled to another country and left baby Ianthe under her father's ex wife. She was forced to raise baby Ianthe as her child along with her two other children from another recently engaged husband. [her childhood was hell]
Travelled to Britain from Ireland to live in an orphanage after her step-family died from a fire breakout at their house. Officers tried to contact her uncle and aunt but they refused to take care of the child. [she was never mentioned to the future generations of the Courts cause her name would 'spoil' their reputation and image]
The scar on her right jaw is due to kids who tried to shove her into a basket of unknown magical beast, but manage to save her entire face by forcing her way out. As a revenge, she threw one of the boys into the basket, resulting in the boy having to be sent to the nearest clinic. [honestly he deserved what he got]
Got her first magic cast by setting something on fire in an orphanage due to over excitement after her house elf came to visit her. [she apparently also has fire tolerance cause haha daenarys inspo]
Once a gremlin, forever a gremlin. [she climbs all over hogwarts castle and unhinged at times ]
Enjoys reading books in the library for a long period. [it calms the intrusive thoughts, or gives the intrusive thoughts more ideas]
Likes dresses but couldn't wear them for the most part for how much she runs and climbs. [wouldn't want to get the cloth stuck and causing a disadvantage on her part]
Brutally honest along with her judgement. [will call you a slur if u deserve it]
Has difficulty feeling remorse or pity for others [been called heartless since a child for laughing at her step- brother while he broke his arm from a broom fall]
Best friend? the slytherin gang duh [she was treated as a sibling to them, more specifically sebastian] Ofc she spends time with other friends like Samantha, Natty, Poppy and a shit ton more from her merlin-knows-how-long friend list
Enemies? Victor Rookwood scares the crap outta her [insert more traumatic backstory here]
Haha goblins short and tiny they so babp- [to be continued]
She has relations to the dragon who attacked her and Prof. Fig while they were going to Hogwarts.
Main goal of attending Hogwarts? Just being able to cast all the spells she read from a book when she was still a 'squib'. Also hoping to find a spell that can remove something she covered on her wrist with scars and a bandage.
Pets? she wants a dragon and she will get one eventually, but for now none
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template inspired by @/crowlipso
closeup on the eyes
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 8 months
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sailor ninja style?..
i just keep thinking about a ninja who was around during early anime popularity. (and somehow im making them a whole backstory now oof)
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deeptrashwitch · 8 hours
Lil' admirer
Alicia: *discussing with Kanoa ( @islandtarochips OC) about a mission*
Daniel (Nicolás' son/ Alicia's nephew): AUNTIE!!! *jumps over her to get a hug*
Alicia: *chuckles* Hi Dani
Kanoa: Oh? Who's the kid? *curious*
Alicia: My nephew, Daniel Marchant, Nicolás' son *looks at Daniel* what are you doing here, kiddo?
Daniel: I'm with dad! *clinged like a koala and looks at Kanoa* who's that?
Alicia: Him? Oh, he's Captain Kanoa Toa, a friend of mine and team leader as well
Daniel: *shining eyes* Is he as cool as you?
Alicia: *laughs* That's a question for his sister
Daniel: He has a sister?!
Alicia: Yes, First Sergeant Tiala Toa *smiling* also a good friend of mine
Daniel: *looks at Kanoa* Are you as cool as my auntie?
Kanoa: Sure am, kid *chuckles* we're equally cool
Daniel: *excited* Really? Have you worked with her?
Kanoa: Many many times
Daniel: *jumps from Alicia to hug Kanoa* YAY!!!
Alicia: DANIEL! *worried*
Kanoa: *chuckles* Don't worry, I got him *lifting him up*
Alicia: Sorry Noa...
Kanoa: Nah, it's cool
Daniel: *touching his patch* Warrior Task Force?
Kanoa: That's my team, we're the bravest warriors around the whole Pacific *proud*
Daniel: *excited* Of all the islands? Really?
Kanoa: Hell yeah
Daniel: Can you tell me some stories, please Captain Toa? *puppy eyes*
Nicolás: *arrives running* Daniel! No vuelvas a correr de esa manera! *out of breath* casi te pisa un carro!
Daniel: Perdón papá *pouts and then smiles* look! I met the Captain Kanoa Toa! Auntie introduced him!
Alicia: *patting her brother's back* Respire ole, parece muriendo... *looks at Kanoa* sorry for that, Noa
Kanoa: No, no, it's okay *chuckles*
Nicolás: Sorry...Captain... *trying to get a breath*
Kanoa: Are you okay?
Nicolás: I'm not fit for this anymore... *sighs*
Daniel: ...Can I stay with the Captain? And can I ask him to train me? *:D*
Nicolás/Alicia: ... *pointing at each other* He took that from you
Kanoa: *chuckling* If your dad is okay with it, then maybe I can tell you some stories...
Daniel: *:0* DAD, CAN I PLEASE?!
Nicolás: *sighs* Anyway I had to talk with your aunt, so I guess you can *looks at Kanoa* sorry for this and thanks, Captain
Kanoa: It's fine! This kid is really interesting! *sits Daniel on his shoulders*
Daniel: AYYYY! *:D*
Alicia: ...I feel replaced as the cool one *chuckles*
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blood-bound · 11 months
1, 8 and 20 again for markie
What inspired you to create your oc?
Welp Mark is my first OC everrr :D my boyfriend and i decided we needed a new hobby so he introduced me to VtM :D so i had to Make a Guy. so I looked through all the clans and i was like heheh Tremere Fun i like Magic and smart ppl and blood sorcery seems cool. then i was like well i dont wanna get too crazy w it cause at the time i didnt really know how to make an OC. so i made a guy with a job profession adjacent to mine but not the same cause my bf said making self inserts was a bad idea. but i also wanted to play someone i was somewhat comfortable w.
So w the profession decided as professor i decided to lean into being a more classic professor. Then I just let the skill dots decide some other things like that hes good at driving so.. yeah he was a struggle to make ig! but worked out well now. he was not that interesting at first. the st helped a lot :D
8. Does your oc have any notable flaws or activities they're not good at? Why did you give them those flaws? Why do they exist in-universe?
Hmm good question i should give him some more problems lkdafds.
I mean he has very basic/shit/no taste in movies, that is there because its funny. and also because the ST was like "I feel like mark and sampson would have watched marvel movies had they been in our time" and i just HAD to agree.
but as for skills he is very much a specialist so its not that he's really bad at a few things, its that he's only good at a few things.
he has the flaw of gullible because i am gullible :( i have mentioned this before but i am SOOO salty about it.
He's super unathletic because he's never worked out a day in his life and now that he is in his unlife he has no reason to LOL
He killed any fashion sense he may have had on purpose to blend in <3 its not Bad per se just super boring. cassidy should dress him up like a doll.
20. Share a random piece of trivia about the creation of your oc. Examples: scrapped ideas or changes you didn't expect to make.
-this isn't about his creation but fuck it. I wear glasses when i RP Mark :D They don't look quite how his would but yeah. i need them. when he wasnt wearing them in charaacter i kept trying to put them on LOL despite taking them off on purpose lksadjflkdsjf comfort item for him and me i guess! (I do not wear glasses irl)
-ok here is trivia that is a bit. well. crass. but river ur asking this question so i think its only fair i say. the st and I had to argue abt how much cake mark had T_T i wanted him to have a nice ass at least ok. he needs something going for him. i won the debate so mark canonically has Cake yay :D
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Fun Fact Friday pt.2
Thank you to the lovely @bardic-tales for tagging us in these! We have once again remembered these and are doing this on actually Friday, bc yay!
Check out her response here! c:
Rules: List as many fun facts about your OCs, writing process, or WIPs as you want
Just like last time, we will be doing three facts each for the WIP itself, the Characters, and the writing process! :D
Content Tag List (ask to be added or removed) @a-completely-normal-writer | @aalinaaaaaa | @autumnalwalker | @bardic-tales | @emersonjydestein | @enchanted-lightning-aes | @fearofahumanplanet | @howsweetthewords |@jessica-writes22 | @junypr-camus | @lockejhaven | @midnight-and-his-melodiverse | @papercutsunset | @perasperaadastrawriting | @talesofsorrowandofruin
For this week, we think we will focus on one of our newest WIPs to be introduced, The Rapunzel Witch!
The Work In Progress:
This story was honestly supposed to just be a tiny drabble or short story about the shenanigans of a Queen, a Knight, and the Rapunzel who would really rather just stay in the Tower. Long story short: things got way out of hand.
The story is more going to be scenes ands soft plot points, since we really want this story to be a little more soft work and fickle timelines like normal fairytale retellings.
Honestly, this is one of the few stories where we don't have a clear path forward, and we are, for all intents and purposes, just absolutely rolling random dice and hoping for the best.
The Characters:
The Queen and the Knight are the only two people who have actual names at the moment and no, we did not think this through when we first introduced them. Angelina came when we were trying to figure out a part of the story, and we just came up with Bartlebee when we created the WIP Intro Post.
A small detail about the names and characters is that every one of them will hold a "namesake" or word that is supposed to help define them. You can see this with, "the Adored Angelina," and "the Beloved Bartlebee." We don't think that we will always match the name to the namesake, but who knows!
When first writing the Rapunzel's Witch, we forgot about the tiny little fact that the Queen was married. And so apparently, there is a King roaming around the Castle, and they are not under supervision, if something catches fire, we will now blame them.
The Writing Process:
This is one of the few stories that we aren't doing massive prepping and planning for. It kind of went from a small random story idea into its own thing, so they story is a little chaotic at the moment, but we are kind of happy of this story that is unfolding as it goes!
We kind of had a little trouble with the Tumblr Post regulations - we were a dumb and did not understand some of the things - so we might actually go back and shift things around so the flow is a bit better with the story.
Writing this kind of was nice, and for the writing process, we definitely took more inspiration from Disney's Rapunzel, but also this lovely story called, The Errant Prince, that we have read about. We wants the writing vibes to be the same as these ones, though we might put in some major conflicts in there at some point too.
We have added the Content Tag List, just bc it is content for our WIPs, but there will be no other pressure in having to do this if you don’t want to, or have been tagged before! The main tags will remain open, so if anyone wants to use this as an excuse do join in, then this is your excuse! c:
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thesongmachine · 3 months
Yay I love gaming Creepypastas so much, they are unique.
They tend to torment victims into Despair which makes them a good written villains. :D
Glitch Digital Horror FTW!
YESS they are so cool-
I remember when I was first introduced into creepypasta I made a gaming oc thingie
if I can find the design I might redraw it... ooo 🫣🫣
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lycorogue · 10 months
Meet My OCs: Artie (Part 1 - Background)
WAAAAAAY back in May of 2019, I thought it would be fun to introduce my OCs to the world. I had created the Meet My OCs series with the intent to add to it every (other?) Sunday. I got to July of that year (but 11 posts... yay!) before I fell off the wagon for that project.
Well, this morning, I was suddenly struck with this urge to introduce you to one of my OCs again: Artie.
Poor Artie wasn't included when I first listed off my OCs (neither was Willow's brother Shawn... whoops!). For Artie, it was mainly because I was focused on the OCs I created for either my fantasy world Gyateara, or my X-Men-inspired cyberpunk-lite story Glitches. Artie fits in neither category.
(Along those lines, I have four other D&D characters, and 2 wholly original story OCs that should be added to that already 14-deep list of OCs....)
Who's ready to meet Artie?
Birth of Artie: GaiaOnline
Somewhere between 2008 and 2010 (I think), back when I used to frequent GaiaOnline, I was invited to a play-by-post roleplay game using one of GaiaOnline's private forum set-ups.
My husband's (then fiancé) friend had come up with this intriguing sci-fi/steampunk-Western setting. Much like in the anime Trigun/Trigun Stampede, humanity was forced to settle on a hostile planet. The area humanity was forced to colonize was a large dust bowl/desert (I can't remember which), and it was unknown if the whole planet was that way or if humanity was just unfortunate when they crash landed. No explorers in search to find out have returned. Also, for some unknown reason, humans no longer live past 25, and most die before they are even 20. The children all seem healthy, but as soon as someone turns 16 their health starts deteriorating (the adults that had crash-landed all died off quickly via a plague that didn't affect the children). This has caused the colony to become more steampunk in nature since the adults died before passing on knowledge of the technology they brought with them, and the kids are kind of reverse-engineering off of the starship's remains. But even then, they have to quickly pass what knowledge they've discovered down before they too die. Teens, out of necessity, started procreating and raising their own families in an attempt to keep the population from dying off. Children are "wise beyond their years" as they hit "adulthood" more-or-less at the age of 10.
This is the world where Artie was birthed.
Artie's full name is Artemis. They're AFAB. However, Artie picked up pretty quickly on the systemic misogyny still inherent in their society. Wearing masculine/gender-neutral clothes like simple cotton shirts, jeans, and work boots just made life easier to navigate anyway. They then shortened their name from Artemis to Artie, and kept their hair short (which is again convenient anyway when dealing with a sandy/dusty/wind-ravaged land). Some of the kids began confusing Artie for a boy, and Artie noticed that they were respected more, given more opportunities, listened to more, and didn't have their intelligence questioned. Finding life easier if they presented male, they ran with it. It never really mattered to them anyway if people thought they were female or male (think Haruhi from the anime Ouran High School Host Club).
Then Artie realized there were benefits to presenting female as well. Females were allowed to like cute things or cry or feel uncomfortable if presented with something unpleasant. Girls could be "emotional" and want/give hugs. No one made fun of females if they asked for assistance with something or if they got scared or wanted to sleep with a stuffed animal or special blanket. They could be sentimental.
Artie started "switching" between presenting male or female to reap the benefits of both genders. They rarely presented as both genders to the same person though. If you knew them as male, they were always male. If you knew them as female, they were always female around you.
(I'm cisgender... can you tell? I apologize if this is a terrible misrepresentation of being genderqueer. I'm still learning and Artie is still evolving as a character. This is just how they formed in my head way back in the early 00's. If you have any suggestions, I am very much open to them. My Asks are open. Thanks in advance!)
For the Gaia roleplay, Artie was kind of a loner. They made themselves a hammock in the rafters of the large warehouse-sized barn the colony lived within. They created a secret hide-away in the wall by their hammock where they hid their prized possessions (I have no recollection as to what those items were, but they could all fit within a size 15 shoe box). They didn't really have friends within the colony, but they got along with the livestock. They also had a pet alien bug (about the size of a corgi, with a bunch of stubby legs like a caterpillar) that they would bring into the greenhouse every night to help fertilize the fields before releasing them back into the wild during the day.
Artie was an engineering apprentice. Their job was mostly maintenance throughout the colony while slowly learning about the tech the teens were able to sort out/reverse-engineer off of the spaceship.
Sadly, the roleplay didn't last long before it fell through.
Artie's Revival: Dread
Artie then sat dormant until 2016. Another of Hubby's friends introduced us to the horror-survival game Dread. The concept of players pulling Jenga blocks from the tower (instead of the standard dice rolls) to determine the success of the action they took intrigued us. Then, our friend sent us a 40-question questionnaire for our characters. Based on the character class we picked, we were supposed to answer a set-number of questions within the questionnaire.
I was drawn to the character class "waif":
Never innocent yet always without a lick of evidence against you, the life of the ‘meek’ is made easier by your naïve appearance. Something about you makes everyone want to help you. You take what you want, and no one is the wiser. The pockets of some faceless person left you with a strange necklace. Every effort to pawn it has left you with a strange feeling, like it doesn’t want to leave you. The last town you were in grew wise, however. Jumping into the back of the nearest semi, you fell asleep and waited hours until it creaked to a stop. The welcoming sight of a motel and diner should make you feel better, but the knowing look of a stranger already has you on edge…
Artie shouted in the back of my mind, and I knew this was my chance to revive them!
Picking "waif" as my character class, I was given the following questions from the questionnaire to answer:
1. What mental illness runs in your family? 2. What do you do for a living? 3. Where did you grow up? 7. What is your favorite game? 13. How old were you when you learned you could predict horse races consistently? 19. Why were you named after your cousin instead of your grandparent? 31. What made you think you could get away with it, and how in the world did you? 33. What is the recurring dream and why does it frighten you? 35. What addiction do you hide from your friends? 36. What can you do that most other people you know can’t? 37. When all else is quiet, how do you silence the screaming in your head? 39. Why is next month big for you? 40. What unusual hobby do you have?
For this game, I had aged Artie up to 14, turning 15 within the next month. Artie also still identified as female, but kept the original character build of presenting male to make life easier on herself. People were less inclined to interact with a teen boy living on the streets than they were with a homeless teen girl. Others were more inclined to take a teen boy seriously than a teen girl. People were less likely to try to "white knight" a teen boy than a teen girl. Etc.
I'll admit, I largely based this redesign of Artie off of the character Jack from the movie Pitch Black.
This Artie grew up in Detroit with a drug-addicted mother and alcoholic abusive father. She never knew her paternal grandfather who died from ODing when he was 50. Fearful of having the same addictive personality, she's avoided drugs and alcohol, but has instead become addicted to arson. She's careful to not intentionally harm any living beings, but she gets an itch to start a fire if the opportunities arise, even if the result would be devastating (property wise or legality wise).
For the Dread version of Artie, Artemis was a family name. Her dad's side of the family is at least part Greek, and it's tradition that the first-born girl of each generation is named Artemis. Both Artie's dad and his brother were expecting daughters at roughly the same time (the first females born to the family in three generations). Artie's cousin was born almost a month premature. She was named Artemis, but tragically died before Artie was born. Since that generation's 'Artemis' had passed away anyway, Artie's father had 'Artemis' put on her birth certificate before his brother or sister-in-law could protest.
While Gaia!Artie did connect more with animals than humans, Dread!Artie has an almost supernatural bond with animals. She described herself as "some weirdo Snow White or something." She can just TELL what animals want/need, and they feel comfortable with her. Even wild animals gravitate to her. Deer will get as close as ten feet from her. Crows will bring her shiny things in exchange for food. Squirrels will eat from her hand. Feral cats frequently come to her for food and cuddles/pets. Dogs practically break their leashes to reach her. This is how she was able to accurately predict horse races. Much like Anne-Marie from the movie All Dogs Go to Heaven, Artie could sort out how each horse felt leading into any given race, and predict the winner from that. She was seven when her father stumbled upon this gift, and he forced her to skip so much school (so they could "play the ponies") that she actually flunked out of 2nd grade due to poor attendance.
One night, in a drunken rage, Artie's father killed her mother. In retaliation, Artie struck her father in the head with a hammer, and then burnt their home down to try to bury her past and hide the evidence (not that it mattered, she knew she could claim "self defense"... plus she was nine, so she was pretty positive no one would convict her).
Artie was basically a "rogue" to survive: she'd panhandle, pickpocket, con, and commit breaking-and-entering.
Her favorite activities are card games and pro-level yo-yo tricks (I even had Artie utilize the yo-yo as a weapon back in Aug 2016... only to discover the show Miraculous Ladybug - in which the main character uses a yo-yo as a magical weapon - in July 2017!). Cards and yo-yo are mostly her preferred because 1) they're fun (duh), 2) they are easy to carry around, and 3) they're versatile (many different card games; many different yo-yo tricks to try out; both can be used to entertain/swindle/bludgeon people out of their money).
Finally, the nightmare that haunts her is one where she and her parents are being chased by demons, are killed, and revived as demons themselves. (It's more involved than that, but this is already an epic-length post....)
In another tragic twist for poor Artie, the Dread game fell through before it even started. The players all filled out our character questionnaires. Then none of us were available at the same time. Eventually the friend who wanted to run the game moved away.
Artie fell dormant again.
And, with that. I'll end Part 1. This is already stupid long anyway. I'll catch you in Part 2, where I talk about Story-less Artie, and introduce their appearance.
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zu-is-here · 3 years
For now freedom feels like catching up with sleep XD. I'll see about the job matter later I'm not this much in a hurry after all >:3 Yea animatic! I love those and it's been so long since last time I animated anything. It's quite funny to see your drawings move. I just need to find a good thingie to animate on computer, I don't wanna do it on phone anymore it's annoying but it's real confusing to animate on krita so I'm searching for something else ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
In my dark cream family story's next part, I did the mistake to throw in Lint which is but a chaos child so well it's gonna be funny but chaotic. At first. Angst is never far.
I started to think about prompts for the week, I'm quite motivated to do it
For the plushie, this time I decided I wanted one of Nipal (the bunny boyo oc I still didn't introduce on my blog) in his small bunny form because I wanna have something cute to hug >:3 I'm doing a drawing to show this form design properly ^^
The drawing I'm doing for the plush + a lil'doodle I did during my last exam X) ↓
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Salut Blue!
Fair enough xd Hope you'll find the right one, take your time *^* Oh boi oh boi— Stay determined! ☆
Awww what a cutie! (〃ω〃) It'll be interesting to see him as a plushie <3
How are you doing today? ♡
P. S. Does "de l'homme" means "of a man/man's"? *^*
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Oh yay!~ Still remember :'D
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nick-is-kinda-dum · 3 years
You've been visited by the random OC question fairy! :D ~☆
Is your character insecure? If so, what are they insecure over? If not, does their lack of insecurities affect their actions towards other people?
Yay! First imma introduce myself oc, her name is Frances.
She's really insecure about how people perceive her. She hates when people see her as weak or pity her. She really likes to pretend she isn't insecure, so most people think she's really confident.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
👍😍    Please, please another chapter for ‘We’ll Be Home For Christmas’!!! I love that story, and I’ve so been waiting for another chapter! 🥰❤️💕💖    I check every night, and 😭 nothing yet. Are you still going on it?    Virgil is my absolute favourite and that story is so sweet with him and the 🐋!    * 🤞*
Comment on Ao3
I’m gonna answer this here as well as on Ao3 as there is a certain amount of guilt that needs explanation.
I have two fic priorities at the moment - We’ll be Home For Christmas & The Hero.
So why haven’t I written either of these?
Two reasons.
The first is that both are large fics. When I start a fic, I can write it anywhere, usually with any state of mind. When I say ‘anywhere’ I mean it. When I’m crazy nuts inspired I write before breakfast, in the car, at lunch, at McDonalds, on the couch, in the backyard, even at my desk occasionally which is where I’m sitting now, proper back support and everything.
Because starting a fic is easy.
Once I’m over halfway into a large fic, it starts getting harder. The reasons for this are many, but mostly include:
The need to keep track of the story and not forget major points,
The need to hit major planned story points - because beyond a certain size a fic starts needing a plan, no matter whether it started with one or not (We’ll Be Home For Christmas was a planned fic from before I even started as I needed to do a lot of research to even know what the hell I was writing - what do I know about boats or the ocean north of NZ?)
The need to keep any OC’s consistent and yeah, I have a couple more of those in that fic who weren’t initially planned ::waves at Sam and Liam::
The need to keep track of story threads so I can bring each of them to a proper solution and tie them all together
The need to put my own brain back into the correct mood to write in a consistent way with the rest of the fic - I have an entire suite of music tied to that fic to try and rein in my chaotic brain and keep it in the right headspace in order to have the characters feeling the way they are supposed to - in the last chapter or two, you may have noticed Scott went nuts - he wasn’t supposed to do that, canon!Scott altered my interpretation of him and he got anxious and worried and now I have to dig him out of it again ::sigh:: But as you can see, if I’m not careful the characters can lose consistency.
So, all of these factors slow down the writing process, because I go from being able to write anywhere to needing my note book, needing to concentrate more and needing to get the right mood. There is also a little less excitement and a little more hardwork, because I’ve usually got the story where it was going to go and know what is going to happen, so it requires more motivation to actually do it.
So yeah, the writing process changes and becomes something that needs allotted time - something I am generally short on (my blog header says I should be doing something else and it is not lying :D).
Also, when you throw a fickle mood and muse and even my health into the pot it makes it even harder. I spend the majority of my life bribing myself to do what I need to get done. It is my way of working around a stubborn brain that has the capability of absolutely refusing to do what I want to do and in the process making my life hell. It’s a compromise - I can’t push too hard or the brain will rebel and dig in hard and nothing will get done.
So, long fics switch to allocated time off work to sit down and concentrate.
This leaves all those moments where my muse, which comes up with ideas all the frickin’ time and demands things get written. Also the need to keep my blog alive, react to the latest episodes that just came out, various fic requests and prompts, the occasional inspirational spark that hits me up the head sideways - these things do not stop (except the episodes ::wails::). So I have to cater to little bits of writing that pull me over to the side of the road and demand they get written down. Sometimes these bits become monsters and end up on the allocated writing pile alongside my other wips and that’s when I start having problems. I was really actually quite proud of myself last year when Dirt sidetracked me off VT Green. I was terrified I was going to lose the thread of VT Green, but no, I managed to get back to it and mostly give it the justice it was due. For a kid who had the depressing and life forming statement shouted at her repeatedly through school ‘you never finish anything!’ I feel I’ve come a very long way. Yes, I have a few WIPs on my fic list, but MOST of my fics are complete. And I have to think positively that I will complete most of those still hanging. I do know they are there and they nag me from time to time.
But back to We’ll Be Home For Christmas. I love this fic. It introduced me to a place on this planet I had no idea even existed. I’ve made new friends through this fic. I’ve learnt soooo much through the research of this fic. I will finish this fic.
Work has been intense over the last few weeks as I have been building a website to a crazy deadline on top of my usual routine. This week it got so bad, I actually stopped writing completely. That hasn’t happened in a long time and is a sign that I’m overtaxing everything. When Nutty doesn’t create, things are not good (I create everyday, I have to). So I’m being very kind to myself at the moment. Next week is also going to be disrupted as I’m having dental surgery (yay for the revenge of the The Dentist fic, Virg got me back for that one) and will likely be incapacitated for a bit.
So when am I going to write this fic? Well, I’m on leave for six weeks, so I’m hoping to get my teeth into it asap. Now that Scott will hopefully be a bit calmer, I will have more time and can destress to get my head in the right space.
Anyway, the purpose of all this dribble (I obviously haven’t written in a while, cos look an essay ::headdesk::) is to explain that it is not as straight forward as it looks, and I am trying, and will do my best to write some more of this fic as soon as possible. It may look like I’m ignoring it with all the other bits of fic turning up, but I’m not. I just need to find the right headspace.
So yeah, the fic has not been abandoned, apologies for the delay, I will do my best. Thank you for trusting me with it and for your kind comments.
(the hardest thing about being me, is living with me in this mess in my head)
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For the OC asks 1, 2, 5, 10, 24! :-D
Thanks for asking @wordspin-shares!
1. Your first OC ever?
My first OCs were for Harry Potter: Dani and Alex Riddle (Yay for the Voldemort kid trope lol). The story was crap. I wrote when I was 14 and it was my first fic. I redid it in 2010. The newer version is better (I think), but not great. Both versions are still up on FF.Net. I don’t recommend reading the first version unless you want to be miserable. It’s only kept up so I can see where I started. 
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
I’ve never thought about it, but I guess it’s a tie between Gwen Ashwood (TVD) and my main character for an original story I’m working on. A lot more effort has gone into developing them and their stories than other OC’s, so it’s more fun to write them.
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
I think Gwen Ashwood. I get the most traffic for her stories (Second Chances and Imperfectly Bound), so I guess people enjoy/would enjoy reading about her more than the others. 
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design.
Hmm, I guess I can talk about my Supernatural OC, who I’ll probably never write about because I’ve never figured out a story for her. 
So her name is Joan Hale. She comes from a long line of hunters, so her motivation is more of protecting people than any sort of revenge. After her family is killed by demons, she seeks refuge at Bobby Singer’s where she meets the boys. At first she and the boys clash over their approaches (they’re an angsty mess; she feels for the victims but keeps her distance) to hunting, but eventually are able to work together. Things become more complicated as she gets caught up in their drama. She’s basically punished for being their ally, which leads to a change in her approach to hunting and her views on monsters and humanity (and maybe not for the better). (Also wanted to up the drama by having her date Dean and Cas at different times, lol)
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Anya Thorn because she’s been so difficult to write for. Maybe it would help me remember why I started her story in the first place. 
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Agent H’s Book Reactions
A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab
Magician Kell and the thief Lila Bard hop worlds and flee from danger as they try to bring a magic stone back to its world.
-I JUST HAVE TOO MANY FEELINGS. This is also because I just saw Spiderman Far From Home, so I’m just not processing anything right now. BUT THIS WAS SO GOOD
-I think from the first chapter (which was a brilliant example of a first chapter), I expected this to be a whimsical fantasy like Howl’s Moving Castle and HAHAHA I was wrong. 
-I loved this book, and I want to read the sequels, but the (violent) blood magic made me really really uncomfortable. I don’t know what to do :/ 
-I loved the magic system and the four Londons, and the author did a really great job of introducing it clearly in a memorable way. 
-I love Kell so so much. He’s just so Tired all the time. And he doesn’t feel like he belongs at home, so he’s trying to find his place and he gets his independence through smuggling, and that like clearly backfires on him, but it brings him ~Lila~ so yay!
-I may also be a sucker for sentimental magical property, but I love his coat and the concept of the coat so damn much. (I think the coat is why I thought it’d be Like Howl’s Moving Castle lol). I need more of it, I need it to be a plot relevant device. Please.
-It took me a while to warm up to Lila, but only because she reminded me a lot of my OC, and therefore was inevitable comparisons. BUT SHE’S SO GREAT. One of the best female characters in YA, and she has her own entire arc that is equally important to the male main character and is not about romance. She’s smart and dangerous and good at surviving; she has a sense of humor and a thirst for an adventure and wants to be a pirate which that alone makes her amazing. 
-I JUST NEED TO SCREAM ABOUT THE BALL SCENE. This girl has her Cinderella transformation moment and chooses a KICKASS PIRATE SUIT. I LOVE HER SO MUCH
-I love their relationship growth from strangers to enemies to friends to being bonded by love and trust in the face of danger. The hugs, the kisses, the leaning on each other in exhaustion *heart eyes*. They’re a SoulTP now :D 
-I really wanted more of Rhy (and he’s in the later books apparently, but like...still). We get one introductory scene with him, and then the next significant time we see him he’s being possessed. He literally doesn’t get a real scene until the last ten pages of the book.
-I loved Rhy and Kell’s relationship. It was so beautiful to see such a strong relationship between brothers, to see them joke and hang out and hug and say I love you. And the way Kell would and has killed for him. 
-Is Holland, like, dead? Because tumblr had me under the impression that he stayed alive, but idk man, being impaled and thrown into Black London sounds pretty dooming. And I’m sad, because I kinda liked him. Speaking of Holland...was he being controlled by Athos? That was just really unclear.
-Athos and Astrid were terrifying, and I liked their deaths, but it was also a little too easy/done before. I would have expected more dramatic deaths or ramifications from their deaths
-The book’s pacing was pretty great. I think the beginning was slow as it set the characters up, but then it just held my attention all the way through. Breathless action with trauma and sadness and character development. The ending was pretty quick. I would have liked a longer scene with the king and queen. Not that they or the charges against Kell were important, but because I needed some kind of resolution for Kell. Lila gets what she wants, but what does Kell get (or what did he want in the first place)? His world now hates him, but does he learn more about himself, his past; does he stop smuggling?
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grelleswife · 5 years
23, 24 and 28 for the OCs
Yay!!! Thanks for giving me a chance to ramble about my kids! :D
23. Introduce an OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
Hmm…maybe Alexander? Since his design is based heavily on Rin from Free!, I initially wondered if he was a jock. However, as I’ve gotten to know him better, I realized that Xander is definitely a “theater kid.” He’s also humble, sweet, and gentle, which is not something I would expect from one of Grelle’s and Bassy’s children. XD
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Viola! I’d be really curious to hear about her research in Forensics with Othello and the other nerdy reapers. I also feel like we have a lot in common, which would make it easy for us to get along.
28. Your most dangerous OC?
If we’re talking about physical combat, Rose and Viola are almost dead even. However, Viola has the most supernatural power. As such, her demon form is much more Eldritchy (like Sebas’s) than her siblings’ (which are more humanoid), and she can shapeshift with greater ease and frequency than they. In addition, Vi is intellectually brilliant and would excel at psychological warfare. If need be, she could spend months devising the perfect plan to bring about your destruction. She has a long fuse, but you don’t want to get on her bad side!
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wildfluffyappeared · 6 years
Ayyyy I wrote a short little introductory piece that introduces my two OCs into the club! This is written from Kain’s POV.
I relax in my room, reading. I’m rereading one of my favorite novels, The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. High fantasy has always been one of my favorite genres, and my cousin Yuri recommended this to me a year or so ago. She usually reads horror, but she always talks about how a truly good fantasy story that takes you to another world can be just as good. I don’t really get all the pretentious shit she goes on about sometimes, but this really is a good book, so I can’t really be too annoyed about it.
Suddenly, I hear a vibration. I check my phone to see a text from my best friend, Lucidia.
[Make sure to get to bed early tonight, Kain! We have a big day tomorrow, joining the Literature Club! Don’t forget!] the screen reads.
I roll my eyes. Lucie has been nagging me ever since the festival to join a club. She keeps saying I’m going to end up as a NEET if I don’t join one soon. I finally caved and told her I’d join the Literature Club, just to shut her up. It was the first club I thought of, because Yuri’s in it. But, would you believe it, she said she’d join too! I wonder if she actually cares about literature, or if she just wants to make sure I’m actually doing it. Probably the latter… But after all, literature is fun, so it probably won’t be that bad.
[Yeah yeah fine, I’m going to bed,] I text back. She means well, but she’s really annoying sometimes. I know she’ll kick my ass tomorrow if I don’t go to bed soon, so I get up and start getting ready for bed.
Well, the school day is over. I guess we’re going to the Literature Club… I walk out into the hallway, to find Lucie already waiting for me. “Come on, let’s go! I’ve got the room number on this flyer,” Lucie says energetically. I wish I could be this enthusiastic, to be honest.
We head across the school towards the third-year classrooms, and before long, we’ve arrived outside the door. Lucie knocks on the door firmly. The discussion behind the door suddenly goes silent, before a bubbly happy voice speaks up. “Come in!” the voice exclaims.
Lucie opens the door and primly strides in. I casually stroll in behind her, and look around the room. There’s Yuri, sitting in the corner reading a book with a pink-haired girl I’ve seen her with a couple times; I guess that must be Natsuki, her girlfriend. Yuri never really stops talking about Natsuki and how much she loves her, it’s really adorable. Anyway, Yuri’s eyes light up with recognition as she sees me, and she smiles. Then there’s a girl with coral-colored hair with a big red bow in it, who’s beaming at us. Next to her is a guy with brown hair and golden-colored eyes. Wow, he’s fucking gorgeous… probably straight though, I think to myself. Lastly, there’s a girl sitting by herself. She’s got long brown hair and green eyes that seem… piercing, almost. And her expression is unusual. She looks… shocked, almost disturbed, to see us. What’s her problem…?
“Oh, hello!” the girl with the coral hair speaks up. I notice her voice is the one we heard from the hall. “Welcome to the Literature Club! How can we help you?” she asks with a smile.
“Hi, my name is Lucidia, and this is my friend Kain,” Lucie says authoritatively. “We’re here to inquire about joining the club.”
The coral-haired girl’s eyes light up, and she shouts, “Really? Yay! Monika, we’ve got new members!” She looks over at the girl with the brown hair. Her name is Monika? Yeah, I remember hearing about her. She’s a pretty popular girl in our grade, but I never really hung with that crowd, so I never really got to know her.
“O-oh, yes, thanks for alerting me, Sayori,” Monika responded. So the other girl’s name is Sayori. Okay. So that’s everyone’s name except the cute boy next to Sayori. “Well, hello,” she continues. She still looks confused by our presence, but who knows, maybe she’s just having an off day or something?
“So let me introduce you to everyone. I’m Monika, the club president! Over here is my vice president, Sayori,” she points to the coral-haired girl, “our newest member, MC,” pointing to the boy, “and over in the corner we have Yuri, and Natsuki.”
“Yeah, I already know Yuri,” I speak up. “She’s my cousin.”
Yuri nods happily and says, “Kain is a very avid reader! I think he’ll be a good fit for the club.” Whew, putting a little too much faith in me there, cousin. I like reading, but I wouldn’t consider myself an “avid” anything. Except maybe an avid slacker.
Monika nods at Yuri. “Ah, I see! Interesting. Lucidia, Kain, I think we’d love to have you join! Let me just take you two outside to fill out some preliminary club paperwork without disturbing anyone’s reading, okay?” she asks with a kind of… unsettling grin.
Lucie doesn’t seem to have noticed Monika’s weird behavior, as she says, “Alright! Let’s go then,” and leads the way to the door. It’s funny how she always makes a point of taking the lead in every situation. Even in this one, where Monika should be leading as the president of the club. Those two are not going to get along…
Anyway, we go outside, and Monika closes the door behind us—
Whoa. What the fuck is going on? The entire world looks like it’s breaking into fragments around us. Monika’s the only thing that looks stable…
“Who are you?” she asks, her voice sounding distorted. I look over at Lucie. Her face looks absolutely stunned, and she remains silent.
“How did you get into this game? Were you coded here? I don’t see character files for you. Are you sentient like me? Do you understand the nature of this world?” Monika growls at us. “Are you here to harm my girls? Or are you independent creations of the game?”
“W-what are you talking about…?” Lucie stutters. When she’s really afraid, her stutter comes back and she tends to repeat herself a lot. She’s had it ever since we were kids, but she keeps it under control most of the time. But at moments like this, when she’s terrified, she completely loses her composure. “W-we aren’t… we d-don’t want to h-h-hurt anyone, what are you t-talking about….?”
“Yeah, what’s the big idea?” I ask angrily. I’m scared as fuck too, to be entirely honest, but I’m a lot better at forcing myself to remain calm and roll with the punches. “What do you mean, game? We’re not playing any games, we’re just here trying to join a goddamn literature club and you’re being creepy as fuck.”
Monika’s expression seems to change after she watches us for a moment. “Hmm… I believe you. But I still don’t know how you got here. I need to look into this some more. In the meantime, I’m sorry for having scared you like this. You won’t remember any of this, but thanks for at least speaking to me. I won’t let any harm come to you two either.”
We aren’t going to remember this? She won’t let any harm come to us? What the fuck is she talking aboutttttttttt
“Kain is a very avid reader! I think he’ll be a good fit for the club,” Yuri says with a smile. Whew, putting a little too much faith in me there, cousin. I like reading, but I wouldn’t consider myself an “avid” anything. Except maybe an avid slacker.
…Wait, that seems vaguely familiar. Did we already…? Nah, just déjà vu.
“Ah, I see!” Monika says with a smile, nodding in Yuri’s direction. “Lucidia, Kain, I think we’d love to have you join! In fact, it’s about time for all of us to share poems! Every day, we write a new poem and bring it in to share with everyone!” She grins and tilts slightly at the waist. “It’s a fun exercise that helps us get to know each other better, and also to enjoy literature!”
I look over at Lucie. Oh no… she’s got that bossy bitch-face on again. She’s going to start trying to throw her inflated ego around and dominate the conversation like she always does when she doesn’t like something… she always does this when she doesn’t get her way. I think it comes from the fact that her dad is rich as hell, but I’d never say that to her; I don’t particularly want to get smacked.
“Umm… I don’t mean to criticize the way you run your club or anything, Monika, but that doesn’t seem like a very efficient system to me. It seems to me that creative burnout could easily set in soon, and everyone would be tired of writing poetry,” she says with her bossy tone.
Monika’s expression changes. She looks confused, almost like she’s not used to being challenged. “W-well…” she mutters. “It’s never been a problem before…”
Sayori speaks up then, an almost sort of angry expression on her face. “Yeah! Monika’s a great leader, and we all have a wonderful time here! Don’t be mean, Lucidia!” Natsuki and Yuri nod in agreement. I never expected Sayori to be the assertive one… but I guess that’s why she’s Vice President.
“Luce, come on, don’t be like that. We just joined. I bet they know what works for the club better than we do, huh?” I say calmingly. That’s the trick with Lucie; when she gets like this, just appeal to her sense of reason and she’ll realize what a bitch she’s being.
“O-oh… You’re right, Kain, I’m sorry…” she mumbles. “I’m so sorry, everyone! I don’t always think before I speak, and sometimes I can be kind of bossy… I didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s feelings…” Okay good, that was the reaction I was hoping for.
Sayori grins at Lucie. “It’s okay! Happens to the best of us! Even Yuri sometimes speaks before she thinks, and she’s an amazing person!” Yuri blushes and hides her face behind her hair as Sayori says that. It’s true that Yuri is sometimes very blunt with her thoughts, but saying that so plainly… Something tells me Sayori doesn’t always think before she speaks either, but it’s kind of endearing. MC smiles at her when she says that. Yep, definitely straight, he loves her, I think to myself with a slight sense of disappointment. But it’s fine, of course. We sit around the table and the others pull their poems out. I guess it’s time to get to know everyone else…
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dyde21 · 6 years
HEY! I saw you reblog OC questions. For both Ashe and Tyler: 5, 19, 32?
YAY! Numbers! :D
5) What is your OC’s first memory?
Already answered, so copy pasting! 
For Tyler, it’s one of his family. He was just a little tyke, but they were all hanging out at a park. He vaguely remembers his older sisters, dad, and mom together. It’s vague, and not quite defined, but he cherishes it a lot.
For Ashe, it’s meeting her adoptive sisters Ami and Ali. She just remembers being cold, alone, and injured on the street, and the twins found her and took her home to the base. They are real life angels to her.
19) What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
For Tyler indie music in general. The slower, more mellow kind. Sort of like the soundtrack to Life is Strange. Music that keeps things calm for him, mellows him out. Also some disney songs. Ashe later introduces him to more of Fallout Boy’s selection and he loves them and they become his go to work out music, and who he connects Ashe too. 
For Ashe, it’s more of Rock, and pop. Anything that has a good beat, or catchy tune. She’s dance like no tomorrow to Shake it off, or rock out at a Foo Fighters Concert with no problem. Anything that keeps her blood pumping. However, as she listens to Tyler play the piano more and more, she also gets a taste for classical piano music. Also piano covers of song. She connects the sound to her boyfriend, and she’s far too love struck to not listen to it for that reason. 
32) If they could have one thing in the world, what would it be?
Also previously answered, so copy pasted!
At first, for both of them probably their family back.
Tyler really misses his family, having just a few early memories from when he was really young, along with some photographs. Also has a little survivors guilt.
Ashe really wishes she knew hers. They were killed when she was a very small child. Thats why Ali and Ami are her family to her. She loves them to death, but she yearns to know about her original parents a bit.
After a while in my story? Each other. They realized they’ve found a new family with each other, and look forward to starting their own.
Less serious answer? Tyler would love a grand piano. He loves the piano, and luckily their base has a grand, but he would love his own.
Ashe would love a sports car. Like a high end one (I know nothing about cars so I cant name one, sorry D:) She enjoys the thrill of it, and begs her sister for one despite the fact they wont let her get one for her, and everyone elses safety.
Thank you so much for the questions! Seeing the ask made my night! :D
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gostaks · 5 years
yuletide 2019 letter is done!
(I might end up editing before assignments go out, but once they do this letter will be static)
Hello creator! Thank you for writing/creating for me this yuletide :D
My AO3 is gostaks
Brief TOC (Not linky b/c tumblr sucks)
General info
The Arcadia Project
General stuff
body horror
porn without plot—porn *with* plot is fine
mind control
canon-atypical child abuse
I'm not up to date in Earthsea! I’m cool with spoilers but I would prefer fic that doesn't require any canon knowledge beyond Tehanu (by publication order). Thanks!
If you’re not sure whether something is a dnw/it’s borderline, you can assume it’s okay. Feel free to contact me via mod but really I’m only concerned about obvious examples.
Tone-wise, anything from fluff to darkfic is welcome. I have a soft spot for stories that juxtapose content and tone, or that are very different in tone to their source material!
Backstory or worldbuilding: I love stories about how familiar people or places came to be that way. Anything from distant past to five minutes before the story starts is absolutely welcome
Far future: I also love stories about characters many years later, or about the ways they’ve changed their world. I particularly enjoy stories about characters stepping into the roles of their mentors or being deeply changed by the power they wield.
Little details: What do characters lives look like on a micro scale? Show me powerful characters doing mundane things or the things that feel mundane to them.
alternate universes and timelines, the more out there the better!
Unconventional fanworks and interactive fiction: I love unconventional formats and IF! I would be super happy to receive either. My one caveat is that some days I’m limited in the amount of clicking and typing I can do, so it may take me a little while to actually work through your story if you don’t give me a transcript :D
How to stalk me: this is my tumblr; my ao3 is also gostaks. ‘nuff said.
Specific fandom likes + prompts
If you already have an idea you’re psyched about please write that for me! I wanna see what you think is fun to write :D  
The wordcount of each of these sections isn’t balanced, but please don’t take that as an indication that a canon isn’t wanted! I’m super psyched to read fic from any of these fandoms.
The Arcadia Project, Mishell Baker
Where to find it: The Arcadia Project is a three-book series of new adult-ish urban fantasy novels (Borderline, Phantom Pains, and Imposter Syndrome). 
If you’re looking for a fifteen-minute fandom, I’d like to formally invite you to read the preview available on goodreads, then write me a fic based on whatever you think the rest of the book might shake out to be. I suspect whatever you come up with will be interesting and possibly hilarious and it would definitely be an awesome gift to receive (tw for preview: suicidal ideation and discussion of suicide, psychiatric institutionalization, sexual assault mentioned briefly)
Likes: I initially came to the Arcadia Project for its depiction of mental illness. I fell in love with the characters, but I would very much be open to an OC-heavy story set in the same universe. I love how willing Baker is to make all of her characters abrasive, and how characters struggle on-screen with being better and kinder and healthier people and don’t always succeed. 
People interacting with their echoes! Millie (& or /) Claybriar, Brand and Parisa Naderi, or any of the other echo pairs we’ve seen!
Millie and Claybriar just hanging out? Like going to see a movie or cooking or drawing together or just anything cute and mundane.
Millie trying to do something creative or trying to deal with the fact that she can’t interact with Claybriar the way normal echoes interact.
Related, normal interactions between echoes! What’s it like to go through the process of getting your Echo? What does the paperwork look like? What’s it like to be an up-and-coming film professional and then have someone drop out of the sky and tell you that not only are fairies real but you’ve got one, they’re your soulmate, and it’s very important that you Come Meet Them Right Now?
Caryl! Literally. Anything. Caryl. (And Elliot, who was originally Caryl and is thus lumped in for the sake of I Love Caryl) 
Caryl being a kid with the Project, the early years of her learning how to interact with Earth again
Early days Elliot—what was the process of creating his spell like? Is the way he existed at the beginning of the series the way he’s always looked and worked? Or was his current form and behavior the result of a lot of tweaking and experimentation?
Daemon au. Oh, come on, you know I had to ask. 
Caryl (& or /) Millie and their dysfunctional relationship, or the ways in which they can grow and change and become better for each other
Caryl’s first meetings or regular interaction with other project members, dinners at Residence 4, recruitment, anything like that
Elliot POV like… at any point. Show me what he’s thinking or feeling, or his mostly-off-screen character development as the rest of the series progresses.
Normal life on the Project. What do agents normally do when things aren’t going to shit?
Blatantly fishing for rep here but I’d love to see a character with tourettes in the Arcadia Project universe, whether that means headcanoning one of our old characters as having TS or introducing an OC. Super duper not required but it would totally make my day :D
Damar, Robin McKinley
Likes: Damar is a super nostalgic canon for me—I read the books for the first time in middle school and a lot of the way I come to these books is like super informed by that. If you give me the tropeyest trope that ever trooped I will love it :D I love the richness of detail in these books, and the way the world feels lived in—there are lots of details that allude to history we don’t see on screen. I’d love to see your take on that backstory and worldbuilding, if that’s something you’re interested in!
There is a vanishingly small possibility that you, writer, are interested in writing a story about orange merchants in Daria. If so, yes? Very yes?
Harry and Aerin interaction, on as epic or not-epic scale as you want. Like, visions? Both summoned through time to fight a massive threat? Going out for coffee together? 
Harry/Aerin! I have no idea how you’d make it work but yay fantasy femslash. This is probably a good candidate for an out-there au if you’re feeling that :D
stories about other people who have wielded Gonturan! 
Or show events in the books from Gonturan’s perspective. What’s it like to be a sword?
Aerin & Talat!! I love their relationship so much. They’re both so good for each other :D
Talat POV! What does he think of Aerin? How does he feel about fighting dragons and generally being heroic?
Any of Harry or Aerin’s adventures after their books end! They both wield Gonturan and protect their kingdom against magical threats, of course. I’d also love to see Harry as a diplomat, and the work that goes into creating a better relationship with the Homeland through diplomatic channels
Earthsea, Ursula K. LeGuin
Requested Character: Tenar!
Likes: I love how grounded Earthsea is. It tells stories about people, first and foremost. The magic system is epic, and there are so many stories that could be told in this world! As stated above, I’m only up to date as far as Tehanu. I’m fine with spoilers, but I might be totally lost if what you want to write relies on further books.
Tenar (& or /) Ged being domestic!
Ged having to learn how to do farm things over again without magic, and Tenar teaching him
Just… spending time together. Cooking or working or talking or just sharing each other’s warmth.
The aftermath of the end of Tehanu—being controlled like that must be horrible and I doubt they left unscarred. How does that affect them and Tehanu down the line?
AU where Tenar stays as Arha in Atuan. How this works out is up to you :D
Tehanu being a kid or Tehanu being a dragon or, of course, Tehanu being both a kid and a dragon. Cue hijinks.
younger!Tenar in her first few years in Earthsea! What was it like, adjusting? Living in the city? 
are there any habits she picked up in the Tombs that are hard to break, or that she’s kept for her entire life?
What’s her reaction to big crowds? Attention? Not having the time and space alone that she’s used to?
Where does Tenar have unexpected gaps in her knowledge? Like, does she know how to cook for one, or only for a whole temple? does learning how to navigate new places while seeing them make it harder?
Tell me more about women’s magic. Could a woman, given motivation, become a wizard? How does this dichotomy interact with a more complex or modern understanding of gender identity? 
Emelan, Tamora Pierce
Likes: Wow, real elementary school hours here. I first read the Circle of Magic books when 10 felt really old. The concept of ambient magic is awesome and I love how big and intricate the world always feels. I’d love to see our characters continue to grow and teach, or to see more of the world around the Pebbled Sea or beyond!
Main four
Future fic! What are they doing five years post-Will of the Empress. 10? 50? How have their powers developed? 
On the dark side, I’d love to see someone seriously try to get Tris and/or Briar to do war magic for them. Is it possible, with any amount of force or magic, to trap one of the discipline crew at this point? How else might they be compelled or encouraged to do what someone else wants?
Life at Discipline sometime during those four years. Lessons? Adventures? “Ugh Little Bear peed on the floor again, Briar it’s your turn to clean it up!”? I want to see what takes up their time when no one’s life is threatened.
Letters! Epistolary fic! Show me what they thought was important to share with each other while they were out in the world, and what they decided not to tell. 
Backstory! We know a little bit about what each of their teachers’ lives were like before, but I want to see more. Show me what a day in the life of dancer!Lark or farm girl!Rosethorn was like.
What’s it like to learn magic as an adult? Is it easier or harder to learn how when you already have practical skills and a baseline of control? What’s frustrating? What’s trivial?
How do the teachers interact when the kids aren’t around? I love love love Lark/Rosethorn, but I’d also love to see more interaction between them, Niko, and Frostpine. 
Second generation students
any of the students going about their training as young mages—what’s Pasco’s life like now that he’s a Provost mage? Did Niko teach Glaki learned any interesting spells while they were on their way back to Emelan? How’s Keth’s glasswork going?
Students interacting with each other! What does Evvy think of Pasco? What would either of them think of Nia and Jory? 
Evvy as a novice! How does that work? How is the way she interacts with Winding Circle and her teachers different from before she decided to become a novice? What about from the way the discipline crew interacted with Winding Circle?
Evvy gets a cat—either pre-Street Magic (I’d love to see more of her life before she met Briar and Rosethorn) or post-Melting Stones with all the complexity there.
You know that scene that was mentioned in Will of the Empress where some subset of {Briar, Evvy, Rosethorn} met with silk weavers and learned about how codes and messages were sent through slubs in the fibers, but then we didn’t see it on screen during Battle Magic? That would be awesome to read.
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