#killing myself tonight tori
promisecaught · 5 months
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stargirldotcom · 11 months
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cat gravestones found on roadarch.com
via _bioluminessence_ on tiktok
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gaykarcist · 1 year
Ofc a reupload of Angel's Egg on YouTube gets taken down right after I start to watch it 💀
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mitchmrner · 11 months
the rebounds we’ve been gifted and yet we can’t capitalize…
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luvring · 2 months
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK - Roman Reigns
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Just a little idea of mines 💡
"Y|N," I heard my name being called by my out of breath bestfriend as she came running back to where I was laid out on my beach towel. "Y|N." She repeated a second time after I had ignored her when she first called out to me.
I groaned silently, taking my shades off. "What, Tori?" I asked, propping myself up slightly on my elbows. "Why are you breathing so I hard?" I again asked, squinting my eyes, partly because of this bright ass Miami sun and partly because of Tori's huffing.
I mean she's breating so hard, you'd think she'd just ran a marathon or something.
Before answering me, Tori grabbed at her half drunked water bottle, taking a long sip, holding up a finger.
"Damn," She said once she had put the water bottle down. "I needed that. Like you don't even know." Tori added, a giggle escaping her lips. "It's hot."
"And you were just running like you stole something." I replied with a giggle of my own. "Or someone was after you."
Tori shook her head. "No, no one was after me," She began explaining, a smirk forming on her face. "But I did meet this guy at the bar and I invited him back to the house tonight."
Is she serious?
We've been in Miami for less than a day and she's already picking up guys at a bar and inviting him to the house.
Correction, my dad and step mom's beach house.
"Can't you just go back to his place or something?" I asked, with a sigh. "I really don't feel like spending my first day or any day of spring break listening to you moaning out some random dude's name. Plus my dad will kill me if they knew I had a guy in the house. You know how strict that man is."
Tori shrugged, looking around at nothing is particular. "Do you see your dad here?"
"Me either," Tori said, with a sigh of her own, the only difference between hers and mines, was that hers was more of a happy kind of sigh. "And you won't have to listen to me moaning out," She paused all of a sudden as if she was thinking. "Fuck, I forgot his name." She laughed as she leaned back on her towel. "But whatever, you won't be focused on me and the possibility of me moaning my guy's name because he promised to bring his friend so you'd have a guy who's name you could moan."
I shot a glare over at her. "I'm not fucking some random dude," I gasped out. "He could look like Pennywise for all I know."
"Okay, one," Tori replied, holding up a finger again. "I'm sure he's hot as fuck, cause the guy I invited back is hot as fuck and hot as fuck people tend to run in the same circles." She said making me almost choke on the coke I had just swallowed.
Did she have to say fuck so many times in one sentence?
"And two," Tori spoke up again, after giving me a moment ti calm down from my coughing fit. "If he did look like Pennywise, I won't let him in."
I nodded, leaning back down on my beach towel. "Better not." I playfully threatened, as I slid my shades back on.
"Oh and I'm not saying this will come up," I heard Tori once again speak up. "But if it does..." She did one of her dramatic pauses as her voice slowly trailed off. "Tell him you're twenty one."
The fuck?
"Why?" I gasped out, not getting an answer from Tori. "How old are these guys, Tori?" I immediately questioned again, still not getting an answer. "How old are they?"
"Bitch," Tori laughed, flicking a small amount of sand onto my leg. "Just do it."
I shook my head, brushing the sand off my leg.
I knew this wouldn't just be a relaxing girls week.
The thing I didn't know is how crazy our last week of spring break 2011 would be.
"Oh, god," Tori, exclaimed bursting in to my room, as I stood in the mirror. "I am so jealous of your guy."
I bit at the inside of my cheek, overlooking everything about my appearance from my make up, to the dress I was wearing. "Should I have gone with the tight fitted dress instead of the loose one I have on?" I mumbled, not having heard anything she'd just said.
Tori reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my mirror. "Y|N, you're gorgeous, tight dress or no tight dress." She responded, placing her hands on my shoulders giving me a slight shake. "But did you hear what I said about my guys friend?"
Tori squealed, bouncing slightly as she still had her grip on my shoulders. "The man's so sexy, he'd make you orgasm just by looking at you." She said, causing me to give her a look.
"So did you?"
Tori, furrowed her eyebrows at me, tilting her head. "Did he what?" She questioned.
I huffed. "Did he make you orgasm when he looked at you?" I asked, just barely able to hold my laughter in as I realized how extremely ridiculous Tori's words sounded coming from my mouth.
"Nope," She pouted. "He didn't look at me. But I know what I'm talking about." Tori added, once again grabbing my arm. "C'mon, before you find something else to over analyze."
I sighed, allowing my bestfriend to lead me downstairs and into the area of the house where the guys were at, which I guess you could call it the game room or whatever.
I mean it has a pool table in the center so...
"Guys, this is Y|N," Tori said loudly, getting the two guys attention. "The person who owns this house, so if you fuck something up she'll fuck you up and I'll help." She spoke again, causing me to bite down on my lip in attempt to keep from laughing.
There was no way in hell, my five foot, three inches ass, and Tori's five foot four inches ass was beating these muscular men.
But I guess we'll have to try since Tori's put it out there.
"Y|N," Tori's voice rang in my ears, snapping me from my thoughts. "This is Chaz," She said, continuing her introductions, and even though she said Chaz, her eyes and his reaction seemed to say that she had gotten his name wrong. "And this is Joseph." She added, nudging me, I guess to let me know that was the friend who's here for me.
Damn, I thought.
Tori was not wrong about him.
"You could just call me Joe." Joseph, I mean, Joe said taking a few steps closer to Tori and I, his hand outstretched to me.
"Excuse me," Tori giggled, a bit sarcastically. "He's just Joe."
I nodded, ignoring Tori as I reached out to take Joe's hand. "Y|N." I replied, mentally cursing at myself for saying my name again, after Tori had just announced it literally thirty seconds ago.
"Nice to meet you, Y|N." Joe responded, flashing a bright smile to me.
If his gaze wasn't enough to make a pool down there, his smile definitely would get the job done.
"And I'm Chad." Tori's guy from the bar cleared his throat as I continued to have this weird moment with Joe, my hand still in his. "Not Chaz."
I slowly pulled my hand away from Joe's, about to respond to Chad only to be interrupted by Tori as she turned on some music from her phone.
"Enough with the names." Tori groaned, turning the music up even more than it already was. "Let's do shots!" She shouted bringing over a bottle of Hennessy, placing it down on the pool table to go over and search for shot glasses.
The fuck did that come from?
"Tori," I gasped, the second she came back to the group with the shot glasses and a bottle of coke, I'm guessing to chase the liquor with. "Where did you get this?" I asked, glaring at her as she gave me a look.
"From the bar downstairs." She said through clenched teeth, before forcing out a quick laugh. "Forgot you had it?" She asked, playing off my question with one of her own.
I guess not to bring suspicion to the guys or our age.
She did say to tell them we were twenty one if the question came up.
I forced out a laugh of my own. "Right..." I trailed off. "I guess I forgot I had that considering I'm more of a wine drinker than a Hennessy drinker."
Tori mumbled a barely audible, "mhm..." as she began pouring the brown liquid into the miniature glasses, handing them out to the four of us. "To spring break twenty eleven and to new friends."
Ugh, my dad's gonna kill me whenever he does come back here, and sees his liquor's missing.
But maybe he won't notice.
"To spring break twenty fifteen and new friends." I repeated after Tori, Joe, and Chad, throwing my head back and downing my shot in one gulp.
Fuck that burns, I thought to myself as the brown liquor quickly made it's way down my throat, then almost instantly threatened to come back up.
"Take a sip of this." I heard Joe say, as he reached out to me, passing me a plastic red cup. "It'll help it stay down." He added, a smirk now replacing his smile.
And even though he was smirking, it wasn't a sneaky smirk where I felt worried.
It was more of a proud smirk, I that makes since.
I took the red plastic cup, feeling the coldness from the coke soothing the burn that the Hennessy left behind. "How did you know I needed this?" I asked, just knowing my cheeks were red from embarrassment.
"The look you made was similar to the one I made when I had my first taste of Hennessy." He explained, with a chuckle. "Then I discovered it was easier with a chaser."
I nodded, biting at the inside of my cheek. "But I didn't see you chasing it." I replied, noticing Joe had only poured me a bit of coke, and none for himself. "And you definitely don't look like someone who's fighting to keep it down."
Joe again chuckled. "I'm used to it."
"Oh, well," I said, bringing my hand up to twirl a piece of hair that fell in my face. "Like I said, this isn't my go to."
"I know," Joe replied, coming a little closer, reaching out to tuck the piece of hair I was just twirling behind my ear. "You're more of a wine person."
"Exactly." I whispered, suddenly unable to tear my eyes from his.
It was now a little while into the party, the music from Tori's phone was blasting even louder and she had taken Chad up to the room she was staying in while we were here.
I was a couple more shots of Hennessy in and had finally built up enough liquid courage, as they say, to lean in for a kiss from Joe while he stood between my legs as I sat on top of the pool table.
After a few seconds of sloppily making out, I slowly pulled away, breathlessly, giggling at the smeared lipstick I left on him. "I got lipstick on you." I said, running my thumb along his lips trying to wipe as much off as I could.
"I don't care." Joe quickly replied, sticking his tongue out just enough for it to brush against my thumb, before bringing his face down to the my neck, almost immediately finding my sweet spot.
A soft moan escaped from my mouth as I bit down on my lips. "Mmm..." I mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Joe's lips on my neck. "Wanna move over to the couch?" I finally was able to ask, before letting out yet another moan.
Joe pulled away from my neck, lifting me up from my spot on the pool table, and over to the couch and the second he made contact with the leather couch, I pushed him back, allowing myself to be on top.
I leaned down, reconnecting my lips with his, my hair falling around us while our tongues fought for dominance.
His hands slowly traveled up into my dress, stopping at my butt, as he pushed me even closer into him.
It was like my body now had a mind of its own as my hips began to rotate on top of the buldge that was now poking through his jeans.
The feeling of him pressing up against me giving me a sensation I don't think I've ever felt with any of the other guys I've been with in the past.
What is it about this man?
But as fast as the feeling had started, it stopped when I heard my bestfriend's voice getting closer and closer.
"I promise I wasn't squinting at your dick, Chaz," I heard her say, as I glanced down at the man underneath me. "It was something in my eye, that's all." Tori spoke again, her voice and footsteps now sounding like they were right outside the room Joe and I were I'm.
A loud scoff was heard, followed by Joe's friend's voice. "Oh, something just so happened to irritate your eyes the second I took my boxers off, Tori?"
Feeling a laugh coming, I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth.
"It was a coincidence." Tori replied.
"Joe..?" Chad could be heard calling out, seemingly ignoring Tori's previous statement. "Joe?" I heard him call again, before eventually coming into the room where Joe and I were. Tori following closely behind. "Ready to go?"
Joe shook his head, a frown forming on his face as he looked from his friend to me. "Do I look ready to go?" He sarcastically asked, motioning to me as I sat comfortably on his lap.
"But dude, you drove." Chad mumbled, awkwardly standing in the doorway, eventually letting out a sigh when he realized Joe had zero intention in leaving right now. "Fine, I'll just walk." He said, turning around, almost bumping into Tori as she made her way into the room. "And for the last time, my name's Chad not Chaz." He told her before disappearing out the room, and eventually out the beach house.
"Whatever," Tori said smirking as she walked over to the couch me and Joe was currently occupying. "Looks like it's just the three of us." She added, squeezing in the narrow space that was left on the couch.
I pouted, leaning my head down to reat on Joe's chest for a second before bringing it back up, glaring at my bestfriend. "Seriously Tori?"
"What?" She asked back, pretending to be clueless as to why I was quickly becoming frustrated with her.
I rolled my eyes, looking down at Joe.
Lust was very much evident in his eyes, as I'm sure it was in mines.
Was I really gonna let her ruin the mood between me and him?
Fuck no, I mentally answered myself before I quickly stood up, extending a hand to Joe as he looked slightly confused.
"Let's go upstairs to my room." I said, quickly pecking his lips.
The taller and much bigger man nodded silently as he held onto my hand and allowed me to lead him upstairs.
I don't know what had gotten into me.
Maybe it was the few shots of Hennessy.
Maybe it was the sexy stranger I'd come to know as Joe.
Or maybe both.
But whatever it was, I knew I wasn't ready for the night to end.
Not yet, anyway.
"Don't forget to use a condom!" Tori yelled put as we made our way up the stairs.
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amazingmerci · 9 months
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im killing myself tonight tori
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captainsophiestark · 2 years
Padmé Amidala x Reader
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Masterlist - Join My Taglist!
Written for Fictober 2022! Requested by @ghostofskywalker​ :) Hope you like it Tori!
Fandom: Star Wars
Prompt: "Are you serious?"
Summary: Padmé's been absolutely running herself into the ground with work in the Senate, trying to make the galaxy a better place. After a particularly challenging bill finally gets passed, Y/N decides it's time for Padmé, their girlfriend, to take a much needed break.
Word Count: 1,230
Category: Fluff, Humor
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I crept towards the bedroom door, keeping my footsteps as soft as possible to avoid detection. Slowly, I pushed the door open to find Padmé still fast asleep in our bed. I grinned to myself and carefully set down the breakfast tray in my hands on the bedside table.
Padmé and I had been friends for a long time, and recently, we'd officially started dating (although the people around us would say we'd been unofficially dating for an annoyingly long time). She'd recently gotten a bill passed in the senate after almost killing herself from overworking and sleep depravation, so I'd convinced her to finally come with me and take a much needed vacation on Naboo.
We'd gone to bed early last night, and Padmé had absolutely slept like the dead. Fourteen hours of uninterrupted sleep later and we were here, with breakfast in bed as a bribe to keep her from being too mad that I was about to wake her up.
"Good morning!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, belly-flopping onto Padmé as I did. She immediately groaned and scowled, then grabbed a pillow to try to cover her face. I managed to wrestle it away from her. "Come on babe, it's time to enjoy the day! You've been asleep for fourteen hours, it feels like any longer might not be good for you getting to sleep tonight."
"Y/N, you know I love you dearly, but I am going to kill you," she grumbled, throwing an arm over her eyes in place of the pillow. I just smiled and leaned down to kiss her forehead.
"I love you dearly, too. Now come on, we have fun things to do today! Eat the breakfast I made for you, get dressed, and meet me in the living room in an hour."
Padmé groaned, but I could tell I'd woken her up enough that I didn't need to worry about her passing out again. Still, I flung the curtains open on my way out for good measure, then went to get ready myself for the day.
Padmé met me in the living room as planned an hour after I'd woken her up, and despite moving a bit like a zombie, she still smiled and took my hand as we headed out the door together.
We'd come to one of her favorite spots on the planet to visit, right next to a gorgeous lake. I'd made a picnic this morning while Padmé slept, and we enjoyed it by the edge of the water while basking in the warming sun. Once we'd finished a leisurely lunch, I surprised Padmé with a large inflatable floaty that I'd seen people using to relax on one of the worlds we'd visited for a diplomatic mission.
Padmé and I floated out to the middle of the lake on our floaty, my arm around her and her head resting on my chest. I kicked at the water with my feet to push us away from the shore, and then it was just us, laying on the calm surface of the water. The sun warmed our skin as a light breeze kept it from being too hot. Padmé and I were together, with no senate meetings or galactic emergencies to deal with.
We were in heaven.
We stayed like that for a long time, relaxing and enjoying spending an afternoon together like a normal couple, and not one embroiled in intergalactic politics. I absently ran my hands through her hair as she traced patterns on my stomach, the picture of peace and tranquility and love.
"This is what I want," Padmé murmured after a stretch of comfortable silence.
"Me too," I mumbled in agreement. I'd give almost anything to be able to stay like this with Padmé, safe and happy together.
"No, I mean... I want this, for everyone. For the galaxy. Moments like this, peace and happiness like this... it reminds me why I do what I do. So other people across the galaxy can have this. A relationship like we do, love like we do, safety and security and happiness like we do. I want to create a world where people can expect to live like this."
"I know you do. And that goal is one of my favorite things about you, you absolutely incredible woman. But just remember to take care of yourself every now and then too, okay? You can't save the galaxy if you completely run yourself into the ground."
Padmé sighed, and I knew she didn't like to recognize that she had limits. But after a minute, she nodded a few times.
"You're right. I wish I didn't need to stop, even for a minute, but... I do. So thank you for taking care of me, and reminding me to take care of myself when I forget."
I wrapped my arm a little tighter around her and kissed her head, and the two of us stayed like that for a few moments, taking comfort in each other and the peace we got to enjoy in the midst of fighting for it. Then, I smiled to myself, an idea popping into my head.
I gave an exaggerated sigh, then started rolling onto my side and towards Padmé. Before she could figure out what was happening, it was too late for her to stop me. She shrieked, and then we were both off the floaty and in the water.
I popped back up above the surface with a grin on my face to find Padmé dripping wet and scowling at me. I just smiled wider.
"Are you serious?" she demanded. I just laughed.
"C'mon Pads! Have a little fun! Relaxing great, but laying around on the floaty all day's just boring!"
Padmé glared back at me for a few moments, arms crossed, then sighed dramatically and let her hands drop to her sides in the water.
"Fine. I guess you're right, swimming around a little could be fun. And anyway, I think-"
She cut off mid-sentence as she swept her arms across the top of the water, kicking up an insane spray directed right at me. I'd been so focused on listening to her words that I hadn't seen the trick coming, and the wall of water hit me like a truck.
I spluttered for a few moments, staring at Padmé in shock. She grinned back at me, clearly proud of herself, and a devious smile slowly crept onto my own face.
"Oh, Pads. You have no idea what you just started."
"Bring it on."
We shared mischievous smiles, and then I dove towards her, grabbing her around the waist and dragging her under the water with me. We were both cackling when we popped back up, and Padmé wasted no time returning fire with some splashing of her own. We shrieked and screamed and laughed as we played in the lake, enjoying time together with none of the usual stressors on our mind.
There were plenty of things waiting for us to deal with when we left Naboo. But for now, we were two normal, everyday people in love, enjoying every second we could get together.
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richardgrimes · 1 year
i’m killing myself tonight tori
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gnc-tits · 9 days
im killing myself tonight tori
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Anthony's Stupid Daily Blog (826): Fri 21st Jun 2024
In his latest in a long series of death rattles Rishi Sunak has said that any MPs found to have broken the law will be "booted out" of the Conservative Party….isn’t driving without a seatbelt against the law? I’m actually one of the few people who is perfectly fine with Tories being exempt from wearing seatbelts. Id go even further and say I’d be fine with them driving without airbags. Personally I'm surprised Sunak is even bothering to speak in the runup to this election where he's going to get destroyed. If I were him I would pretend to have something wrong with my vocal chords to excuse myself from participating in any further debates of having to stand up to scrutiny of my ridiculous policies. Hey if Johnson could pretend to have COVID I don't see why Sunak would be above pretending to have a ruptured larynx. I tuned into tonight’s Hollyoaks and something I noticed is that the actor who played Lucas Hay is so fucking quiet all the time. I wonder what this kid sounds like when he whispers. Sometimes I have to put the subtitles on because I can't hear what he's mumbling. It sounds like there's a killer in his house and he's trying very hard not to make any noise. Anywho the episode mainly focused on Sienna and Maxine looking for Dilly in the aftermath of Marsha knocking out Jeremy and fearing that Dilly may also been killed. There was a moment where Sienna and Maxine confronted Marsha but for some reason Maxine was wearing a very odd pair of…let’s call them shoes, so I put the following hypothetical exchange on Twitter: Sienna: MARTHA! Why have you got Dilly’s phone? Martha:…why is Maxine wearing shoes that look like ostrich feet? Maxine: Don’t change the subject! Sienna: Uh Max, why ARE you wearing shoes that look like ostrich feet?
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shadowsong26fic · 8 months
Random Crossover Notes
I don't intend to actually write this (even as an AU outline; at least not yet; I'm hoping it will either die and/or interest some of the maybe five people who are invested in both fandoms enough to be worth exploring further, lol).
But it came bursting back into my head tonight and in an effort to get it out, going to ramble a bit!
This is a Wheel of Time/Battlestar Galactica crossover. (Of the...it's not a fusion exactly; and it's not a 'the Fleet stumbles across this world' direct crossover; it's 'characters from BSG exist and have always existed on this planet and fit into the fabric of this world'. That kind of crossover. the second kind could Also be interesting but that is another problem I Do Not Need
This includes decisions about:
Starbuck (though not much)
Some speculation/vague thoughts about Lee and Zarek
Also includes an OC of mine.
Part of why I don't intend to actually Write It is I don't...really have all that much yet.
This did originally exist 10-15 years ago; back when I wrote a single one-shot and had plans for a much longer AU in WoT and was active in BSG fandom. Accordingly, it's more aligned with book!verse than show!verse, though I'd probably bring in some show!verse stuff I liked if I were actually writing the thing. How many of the original details I'm actually remembering (beyond the First Concept Idea) and how are new as of the past few hours, IDEK. It does also involve an OC of mine because screw it, this is my self-indulgent BS, I wanna.
((She could probably be cut in this case but. Again. Mine. I wanna. XD))
So, as with a lot of my initial Concepts, this starts with Baltar. Obviously, he's a channeler.
He's also Seanchan.
He's da'covale, but da'covale to a Very high-ranking High Lord, meaning he has higher status than some of the Lower Blood. He has yet to be identified as a channeler.
My OC, as usual, is Atia, his daughter. She's marath'damane and is well aware of what she is. She's...been raised in this culture, and wouldn't resist the searchers/sul'dam when they come for her...except she's aware of what her father is. She doesn't like the idea of him being gentled/killed and while there's only so much she can do to help she feels like she has to do Something.
Caprica is a sul'dam, in service to the same High Lord/Lady as Gaius and Atia. She and Gaius meet and fall in love with each other; at some point she twigs onto either him or Atia, and the three of them run away together. Not sure if they manage to find a place in the Return fleet or if they cross the ocean All By Themselves, but.
And then at Some point they run into some subset of the WoT cast but...yeah, this is pretty much as far as I got XD Gaius would probably eventually end up at the Black Tower. He and Caprica would probably be Very Into the idea of Warder-bonding each other when they get there.
...and yeah, that's about as far as I got, lol. Figuring out where other BSG characters might fit into this world is...complicated, lol. Partly because only half-remembering the tapestry of cultures/alliances/etc.; partly because in a couple of cases there are roles that would fit An aspect of a character but Very Much Not others (e.g., I can honestly see Lee aligning himself with Galad's subset of the Whitecloaks except there is zero chance of Bill as a Whitecloak sooooooooo yeah. Athena would be either another sul'dam or Aiel, I can't decide which works better. ...actually, Aiel; she and Boomer are both Shaido but Athena breaks with her clan when the Aiel fracture? Or something...)
Anyway, if anyone else has any thoughts I'd appreciate them XD
ETA: So I myself had some additional thoughts, lol.
First--Starbuck and Mat. They just. They would either be Instant Bros or Thoroughly Despise One Another there is no in between. They're just. Like. If I was doing a Fusion, Starbuck would 100% fill the Mat role, they are so much alike and I love them both for it. Anyway, I lean towards timelining it so they can be Bros because that's way more interesting/fun for me personally. See above re: self-indulgence, lol. (They have also slept together at least twice.)
Second--Zarek might actually be interesting as a Whitecloak. Not in the sense that he fully believes/buys into their rhetoric, but...I don't know, it could fit his blend of 'I believe some of this, but I'm also using it as an avenue to gain Power.' And again with the Lee vibes, especially if Lee starts Considering joining as part of the storyline, even if he doesn't start there? IDK though, I keep going back and forth on this one.
Next, Roslin. I toyed with a few different options for her. She's definitely not an Aes Sedai; initially I was thinking she might be the head of one of the groups like the Kin (if I'm remembering the name right? The women who were rejected by the Tower and formed their own quiet underground networks) or an Aiel Wise One. But then I realized--you know who absolutely is an Aes Sedai?
Tory (probably Grey ajah, maybe White).
So then it all falls into place. We squeeze a little country/principality somewhere onto the map; normally the ruler there wouldn't merit an Aes Sedai advisor, but after a messy/disputed succession, Siuan did agree to send someone, and that someone was Tory. Billy, of course, is Roslin's son/heir.
Still thinking about where anyone/everyone else might fit, but also this line:
Caprica--In the end, we're not much more than thieves. We stole a damane. We stole an a'dam. ...we stole ourselves.
...so yeah. XD And now opening it up for additional thoughts.
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stargirldotcom · 1 year
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junglekarmapippa · 1 year
Robbie on Robbie #4: “You want to stop, but you can’t, can you?”
From “Starstruck” from “Reality killed the video star”
RJ and Dom were sitting on the roof, drinking beer. The others were in bed and they were taking the time to catch up.
“So, did you check in on Russia or—?”
“Or,”2 Dominic said, following it with a drink of his beer.
“You can’t run away forever,” RJ told him.
“But there’s nothing wrong with getting a good head start, like Meat Loaf said,” Dom replied.
RJ turned to look at Dom while the other young man tilted his head back to finish the beer bottle. “Dom, when I stopped talking with my father, I thought that was the best thing I had ever done for myself.” Dom threw him a questioning look and wen for another bottle. “And it was, don’t get me wrong, for a while it was. But bridges with parents and siblings… they can’t be burned. The best you cna do is block them for a little while.”
“Easy for you to say,” dom said in between sips. “You chose to leave your parents.”
“Dom, maybe they have forigven you.”
“Who knows.”
“They do!” RJ said, gesturing wildly. “How would you even know if you don’t ever try to talk to them again?”
“I’m happy with my life, RJ.” Dom said. “Mao picked me up like he did with every other stray, and gave me a home, and a mission.”
“Do you even know what you’re looking for?”
“I’ll know when I see it,”2 Dom said mechanically, looking down at the bottle.
RJ watched him for a few minutes. “It’s lost its shine hasn’t it?” He asked.
“What has?”
“Being a nomad. Being rootless. Going from twon to town, never calling anywhere or anyone home, just walking. It’s not as fun as it once was, is it?”
Dom looked like he was about to cry. “Everything gets boring with time,” he whispered, not looking at RJ.
“We need roots to fly, Dom.” RJ put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “You need a home, don’t you?”
“I wouldn’t even know what a home is if I saw one, RJ.”
RJ saw the sadness in his friends eyes and wrapped one arm around him. “You want to stop,” he said. “But you can’t, can you?”
Dom shook his head. “I get itchy. What if I missed a spot and never find what Mao sent me to find? What if they fi—“ He stopped and drank a sip from his beer.
“What if they find you?” RJ commpleted.
“what am I supposed to say or do if they find me?”
“You keep running because you can see yourself coming, don’t you?”
“I feel like I could stay in a place for a little longer than usual and end up waking up in the middle of the night to find people in my room…”
“They were a small cult in Russia, Dom,” RJ reminded him. “How far do you think you have to run? Are your parents even still in that cult?”
“That’s the problem, I don’t know!” Dom yelled. “I don’t know, so I can’t stay anywhere too long. Not even…”
“Not even here,” RJ said and moved away from Dom to get his own beer. “I had hopes Fran would help you stay put.”
Dom smiled tenderly bbut shook his head. “She’s lovely but—-“
“your fear is stronger.”
“I’m just used to moving around.”
“Well, if you ever feel like stopping, I will always have room for one more.”
“Beinga Power Ranger would be cool,” Dom said. “But I doubt Casey and Theo would let me in.”
“Don’t worry about those two.”
“You siad I can’t join unless they want me and it’s clear after today they never will.”
“Casey is more volatile than hydrogen,” RJ whispered.
“Nerd,” Dom responded instantly.
“He’ll change his mind at thhe drop of a dime. As for Theo, he’ll do whatever Lily tells him to do.”
“It’s a very nice offer, RJ,” Dom said, getting up. “But I can’t take it.”
“I’ve had better people turn me down,” RJ said as he woke up.
“You wish,” Dom said playfully.
“Remember Tori Hanson?”
“the surf board chick?”
“The surf board chick, she turned me down.”
“And she’s better than me because?”
“She’s not a coward. She’s a Power Rangers—“
“And you would totally nail her at the first chance,” Dom said.
RJ looked at him and smirked. “Curiously the only invitation I’ve sent you that you didn’t refuse.” Dom smiled back at him. “I hope tonight it won’t be the first time.”
“Aren’t you exhausted?!!”
“I will always have room for one more.”
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philcollinsenjoyer · 3 years
i definitely think that sometime we over exaggerate the patheticness of characters but 80% of the gifs i see of kendall roy make me want to burst into tears
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thank god for spotifys private listening sessions 👍
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