#killme now
codename-adler · 11 months
it’s so funny how the Twinyards are short. so funny. haha…
it’s almost like neither of their physiological need for touch was met as babies…. so touch-starved it led to this sort of dwarfism… no matter Tilda or foster care, they don’t get the soft caresses, the safety of arms, the tickle of the toes, the raspberries on the tummy, the soothing hand on the back, the fingers to clutch, the boops on the nose, the kisses on the cheeks and the head and the feet and the hands and the neck and… they just don’t, won’t get it, no matter how many scenarios in which they switch places. forever small, smaller, forever five feet nothing, forever the physical embodiment of everything they’ve lacked since before birth.
so funny.
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killerfangirl3 · 1 year
Pretty sure i gave myself zinc poisoning...
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quaksi · 2 months
Born to draw little guys forced to calculate floating point peak performance
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cowcowwow · 11 months
trick or treat :3
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The necklace ye wear pulses with strange magic... does the the magic come from the necklace as everyone insists, or does it perhaps come from the user himself? Interesting....
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gumheel · 10 months
i hsaveeee soooooooomany smeotional problems
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kylos-starlight · 5 months
I thought I had a possible job lead this morning :/ Nope. Just fucking incompetent people who make their online job listing different than the actual job requirements. Just venting under the cut : ) Job market is ass.
I've been looking into warehouse work (because that's where I feel most comfortable.) and the posting online said they were looking for someone to take inventory. Hi, Hello, I did that a lot at my old job so I'm well versed in counting very large quantities of things.
Also my old job we didn't have computers to do it so we would literally shut down production for 2 days to hand count E V E R Y T H I N G. Thankfully not individually but by boxes because everything always had the quantity on it unless we opened the box to pick from it THEN we would have to individually count the contents inside.
Online posting said had to be good using a tablets and what have you which again hello, hi I did with my side job being a merchandise associate, my nose was buried in a tablet more often than not.
Said they needed a year of experience. I was just shy of a year but gave it a shot anyways, sent them my resume and cover letter AND called them.
Guy on the phone says he has no idea what I'm talking about because the job posting is for a reach truck driver and I'm like uhmmmm nooo??? I'm literally looking at the posting that was posted literally yesterday and it says they're looking for people to do inventory work???
This guy fucking tried to fight with me on the phone and I was like "I'm going to email you AGAIN except this time with a screenshot of your own posting to prove it" He hung up on me and when I tried to send the email it didn't go through.
WHAT the FUCK is wrong with people!
Also more of the same bs from two other places of "No exp needed~" on the website but "you have to have at least 5 yrs exp" over the phone. FUCK OFFFFFFFF
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neilphen · 1 year
bitches be stoic as hell and then almost moved to tears over paul mccartney 
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phatgurl · 3 months
I’m back
I’m actually fat now
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holistixx · 10 months
I’d literally kms just to reincarnate and become a pretty girl.
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malikselfindulgence · 10 months
Ineed to be shot with . Horse tranquillisers
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mitski-4life · 1 year
No because who decided a bunch of high schoolers should write lab reports…
Do I look organised enough to acc do shit in a lab let alone write about it
(The answer is no)
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neekrobite · 1 year
to make a copy of a jpeg you first have to copy it then it gets jpreg
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electronix-arts · 23 days
ifindit so cute that like . in the final scene of ep 8 khan and nori only make their presence known when they cheer for uzi when she mentions how they should have stayed behind the doors and i find it . so cute because it implies 2 things 1) nori and khan r actively bonding over doors, which make sense, nori told khan to build doors and he did so now they talk about doors together which is so cute 2 me 2) they were watching uzipresent her project . they were literally just standing there and watching her present thru the glass of the classroom door and it makes me so fucking ILL like THEY LOVE HER SO MUCHAND SHE SEEMS TO BE AWARE THAT THEY WERE???? SHE WASNT SURPRISED AT ALL WHEN THEY CHEERED SHE WAS JUST ANNOYED AND OHYMGODDDDsomeone FUCKING KILLME NOW
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chihomichannel · 2 months
| pairing: oikawa toruu x gender neutral!reader | summary: in which you love him enough to let him go | genre: angst | warnings: slight manga spoiler | word count: 980 | a/n: hiii, it's clem. it has been years since i last posted and since i even finished any story. i have been in college (still am) and it has been really tough. i have been meaning to write but couldn't find the time to do so since i've been so busy. i just finished summer classes and only have two weeks of break before the new semester starts (killme) i hope i can write again since i miss it a lot. i also feel like i have been lacking in writing skills since i haven't been able to write as much anymore. anyways, that's why ive been gone and i hope you enjoy this short fic!
➥play! "firefly" by FROMM
Did you have to fall in love? Looking back to all you went through, before he was yours, during he was and after he wasn’t anymore, was everything leading up to this moment worth every pain, every flutter of your heart, every moment you shared with him? He was there in the first of your everything, as you were in the firsts of his.
And now, as the night descends upon your heads in hues of violet and pink, the reality sinks in that you’re nothing but just a faint light existing within his radiant dream. Outshined over by everything, you were just an obstruction hindering him to get closer to his dream.
It wasn’t that you weren't important. It was just that compared to volleyball, you were just second best to his heart. Always the second priority but you can’t even find it within yourself to hate him for it. Because you love Oikawa Tooru. And you understand him more than anyone. You understand his dream and you want nothing else but for him to achieve it.
And you know he loves you just as much enough to tell you he won’t go. And your heart, as much as it was happy that he chose you, you felt a pang because you knew, this wasn’t the right thing to do.
You hold him, taking his hands and bringing them up to your lips, giving them a gentle kiss. You hid your pouring heart, halting the tears for later as you stared at the whirlpool of his light brown eyes. Memories you shared with him flashed in your eyes, a smile painting your face as you gazed at him fondly.
You think back to the playdates your families arranged. You realize, Oikawa has always been a part of your life. He had been there for as long as you remember. A default in your life, a constant presence akin to a family. You’ve always thought that he will always be a part of your life as he had always been since you were kids. In your mind, he was forever.
You don’t remember when you fell in love with him. It was just that one day you woke up and knew he was the one for you. You always denied it though. Because he is your best friend. And most of all, as you like to argue, he is the Oikawa Tooru. As much as he is a great friend, you’ve seen him with girls. And you’ve concluded that he wasn’t your type. Especially with that arrogance and pride of his. And so when you found yourself in love with him, you wanted to cave and bury yourself 6 feet underground.
You blamed the constant taunts from others regarding your friendship with him. Being childhood friends and all, almost every person you’ve encountered has teased you with him. Friends, family, teachers, classmates, etc. You thought it was just peer pressure. Fleeting like every guy you’ve liked. But that one night, school was over and you stayed with him in the gym when he refused to leave, determined and focused on his game. You realized you’ve judged him out of spite of your new found feelings. You wanted to push them away but as you watched him, you accepted your feelings with a quiver of your lips.
Nothing changed, or so you thought. You never acted on your feelings but instead chose to silently love him in secret. It wasn’t a risk you wanted to take in fear of destroying the relationship you’ve built with him over the years. And maybe, you will never ever make a move if he hadn’t done it himself.
It was during the cultural festival of your second year of high school when Oikawa Tooru went out of his way to confess his love for you. It had been unexpected, but the grandeur of it wasn’t. Everything just spoke volumes of Oikawa as a person. And who were you to refuse him when you are also completely in love with him.
And so at seventeen, you and Oikawa spent the remaining years of highschool making the best memories that are to be treasured for as long as you remain on this earth. But even then towards the end of everything, you knew at some point, it would have to end.
Because if it didn’t, Oikawa would never move forward. And the thought alone that he loves you this much was enough comfort for you to do what you had to do.
And as you stand there under the moonlight at six o’clock in the evening of a summer night, the wind a subtle presence as your foreheads touched one last time, taking in the moment to bask in each other, you gave a kiss on Oikawa’s lips. A declaration of your love and a silent goodbye as you let him go towards his ultimate love.
The moment was gone as fast as it happened, you hadn’t even realized the next morning that while you were asleep, Oikawa had gone towards Argentina. You had accepted it, you knew you had. But the pain that he was no longer yours and you couldn’t even see him was excruciatingly impossible to heal. But all you could do was silently support him. To go on with your life just as he had. Because in the end, even though you both still loved each other and possibly for as long as you live, this was for the best. For him to achieve his dream and for you to move forwards towards your own. 
Even if it hurts now, eventually it won’t. Eventually, everything would be okay again and both you and Oikawa would finally be happy towards your own paths. Because even if you love each other, yourself will always have to come first. And so everything will be okay.
also posted in my AO3 acc
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lololololchips · 26 days
haiii i’ve been trying to finish all my wips for the last couple of days now sooooo if i spam starting this week IM SO SORRY😓
i recently went back to school #killme and i also recently started to work again #killme2.0 so i decided to FINALLY sit down at home and finish all the wips that have been untouched for MONTHS…
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kylos-starlight · 6 months
Oh Bite Me! (MDNI+18)
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Ship: Matt x Kaden (I HATE THIS MAKE HIM GO AWAY /lh /j)
Words: 1,592 (helpmeeeee)
cw: Play wrestling and biting. Public whimpering?? (killme/j)
Summary: Kaden makes an off hand comment. Matt takes it literally and gets a lovely surprise.
Note: If you aren't a self-shipper please dni I have anxiety. lol
ok 2 rb or whatever hhhhhh // banners by Cafekitsune and benkeibear
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'Oh shit! Oh shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What do I do!? What do I say!? I should run? Yeah, run. Take off!'
Kaden's head was reeling, their cheeks flushed and their heart beating rapidly in their chest. It actually felt like their heart was about to explode. Kaden turned on their heel to see him, staring wide-eyed at them, almost like a deer caught in headlights. Kaden swallowed thickly.
"What was that?" He asked and Kaden wanted to die inside.
Matt and Kaden were just being goofs together. It wasn't unusual for these two to get into random playful "fights" which weren't fights in the slightest, more like playful wrestling matches over silly things like withholding keys and stuff, taunting the other to 'come get it' today was no different.
Kaden had taken his keys and taunted him until they were a mess of limbs on the couch, Matt managed to get on top of them and pinned them down on their stomach. Kaden had the keys clutched tightly against their chest so if Matt really wanted them he would have to dig them out.
"You're lucky I'm being nice and not using my full strength" Matt grinned.
It was all very light-hearted and playful! That was until Kaden made an off-handed comment, it was something they just said without thinking much of it, they didn't think he'd literally do it.
"Oh bite me!"
"Well If you insist~" Matt didn't know! He was just being playful!
Kaden was trying to squirm out from under him and told him no, do not bite them!!
They were laughing because yeah, they were having fun. Kaden managed to squeeze out from under him and stood to their feet but Matt was quick, he sprang up from the couch and wrapped his arms around Kaden's upper arms, trapping their arms against the sides of their body, he pulled them in flush against him, their back collided with his chest when Matt let out a playful growl and bit into the junction of Kaden's shoulder and neck it was a playful bite but it was also hard, he used some force when he clamped down on their skin which caused Kaden to accidentally let out a low moan.
They both froze. Matt detached his mouth from Kaden and Kaden's expression was nothing less than horrified. So this was where they were right now, Kaden inhaled deeply they wanted to eject themselves into space, Kaden you dumb fuck…
"W-What was what?" Kaden tried their best to feign innocence even though they both knew what just happened. Kaden's eyes flicked up to Matt's only to see that his face was equally as flushed.
"I was expecting a cry? A yell? ….you…" Matt shuffled on his feet, the confidence he once had from playing around had disintegrated and he looked a little shy.
'Oh god, I made him uncomfortable!' Kaden was mentally slapping themselves, they glanced away. This relationship was still somewhat fresh and while they've done stuff together they haven't gotten too intimate with each other, not enough to find out what kinks the other person had.
"I..uh…" Kaden fell silent, they didn't know what to say, they just knew they wanted to run away and try to stop their face from wanting to explode. This was terrible!
"So you're kinda a freak?" Matt said bluntly, his voice holding a hint of playfulness to it and Kaden's attention drew to him, they looked at him in shock only to see Matt with a rather smug little smirk on his face. "My lover is a freeeeeeak~" Matt grinned, grabbing Kaden's arm, pulling them into him.
"I am not!!!" Kaden flailed and Matt grinned, resuming his position before, wrapping his arms tight around Kaden.
"You are~" Matt chuckled lowly.
"S-Shut up!" Kaden laughed softly.
"Now to use my powers for good or evil~" Matt teased, as he dipped his head down, nudging his head under Kaden's chin as he placed soft kisses along their jawline. Kaden's face felt like it was going to burst and their breathing hitched when they felt him reach their neck.
He pulled away and grinned widely when he heard Kaden let out a little whine. Matt was quick and snatched his keys out of Kaden's hand and Kaden was standing there dazed and stunned.
"I win~" Matt dangled his keys in front of Kaden's face and smiled widely.
"Son of a bitch! you cheated!" Kaden snapped when their brain caught up with them.
"Hey, it's not my fault you got distracted. It's also not my fault you get horny when you get bit~" Matt winked playfully and Kaden had to walk away from the situation, they simultaneously wanted to jump him and smack him, and their reaction made Matt laugh.
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Kaden ended up being distracted the entire day because of that little stunt from Matt. The part he bit was tender, he used a good amount of force behind that bite, Kaden brought their fingers up to the tender area and pressed a little, yup it was very tender and Kaden groaned softly, readjusting in their seat as they tried to compose themselves. They were at work, they couldn't think of that right now!
At the end of the day, Kaden was collecting their things when Matt surprise back hugged them and Kaden smiled, their hand coming up to ruffle a bit of his blonde hair.
"Hi Matt~"
"You done?" Matt kissed their cheek and pulled away from them.
"Yes, I'm free finally~" Kaden chuckled. It was the same thing every day, Matt would always find them and the first thing he did was hug them. Despite Matt's anger issues with other people when they arose he was actually incredibly sweet.
Kaden turned on their heel when Matt pulled away so they could face him, the corridor was somewhat loud with people talking amongst themselves as everyone was leaving work for the day. Matt glanced around. "Not too many people.." he mumbled.
Kaden tilted their head, a quizzical expression tugging their face. "hm? No there usually isn't..why?" Kaden raised an eyebrow. "Matt. Whyyyy?" Kaden asked, their voice holding a bit of suspicion.
"Well, you know…" Matt reached out and grabbed Kaden by their hips, pulling them into him. Kaden flushed a little but wrapped their arms loosely over his shoulders, they looked up at him and chuckled softly. What in the hell was he up to?
That's when Kaden felt themselves being pushed back, they nearly tripped and had to move their feet quickly to keep up with Matt, their back collided with the wall and Kaden groaned softly. "Matt," Kaden said sternly, their eyes locking with his.
His brown eyes glimmered with a hint of mischievous intent. "I've made a decision.." His voice was low, only enough for Kaden to hear as he moved in closer to them, he planted a firm quick to their lips that left Kaden feeling momentarily lightheaded.
"A-And that is?" Kaden asked breathlessly, their body once again heating up like they did earlier in the day.
Matt grinned, peppering small kisses along their jaw and down their neck, his lips pressed against the tender spot from earlier where he had bit, his grin only widening when Kaden let out a soft whimper. This was embarrassing, thankfully everyone was too caught up in their conversations to see the two at the end of the corridor.
"I think I'll use my power for evil.." Matt breathed against the spot.
"Remember to be quiet now~" Matt hummed, his one hand going up to Kaden's mouth before he sunk his teeth into the same spot he did before except this time he bit and he bit hard. Kaden's hands gripped the fabric of his uniform tightly, their eyes screwing tightly shut as they felt that familiar shiver of pleasure wracks through their body.
Matt pulled them flush against him as he began to suck at their flesh, Kaden could absolutely feel his arousal pressed up against their leg and Kaden whimpered against his hand. Matt finally let go of their skin, bringing his hand off their mouth as he lightly kissed the now-darkening purple mark on their skin.
He straightened his posture as Kaden's fists unballed from from uniform. He admired the look on Kaden's face, their cheeks flushed, their chest heaving, their lips parted and their eyes glazed over.
A small smug smirk graced his lips but it soon turned into surprise and laughter when Kaden grabbed him, dragging him off to the nearest janitorial closet. "Can't wait till we get back to your place?"
Kaden slammed the closet door behind them and kissed him hard, it was messy full of teeth and tongue. "You pull a stunt like that again and I'll fucking kill you.." Kaden moaned against his lips, their hands already finding their way to the zipper on his jumper, pulling it down as their mouth travelled down his neck.
"I pull a stunt like that again and I'm sure you'l-- a-ah.." Matt hissed through his teeth, his eyes screwing shut, Kaden gave him a taste of his own medicine in the exact spot where he had marked them. They sucked his flesh and moaned teasingly against him when they heard him groan softly.
Matt surprised himself with how he was reacting to Kaden's bite. "T-Touche.." Matt moaned softly as Kaden's hand went lower, making a point to gently scratch over his abdomen with their nails, not enough to draw blood or hurt him.
"G-Guess we're both freaks now huh~?"
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I ain't tagging ANYONE my face is going to fucking combust, goodbye >///<
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