#lose weight now
holistixx · 4 months
I absolutely need someone txxting me daily and sayin not to eat/eat less and ask me for a photo of the scale to see how much I weigh (in kg)
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tiredhungrybih · 2 years
Did good today I made this really good meal for less than 200cal so full after too
Crispy healthy low cal roasties
You'll need :
166g/160g potato -128cal
2garlic - 8cal
1quarter of red onion - 12cal
Carrot (don't know much but wanst alot I used half a small carrot) - 10cal
Spray oil 1cal per spray - 12cal
Broccoli - 30cal
Steam potatoes , steam veg , put potatoes on tray with baking paper use whatever seasoning you want . then spray the oil on
taste so good and so low call ends up being around 188
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The Ultimate Guide to Foods for Losing Weight: What to Eat and What to Avoid
Millions of people struggle with weight loss every day. Many diets and weight reduction plans are available, each claiming to be the most efficient way to lose weight. But, the things we eat—not a particular diet or program—are the most crucial aspect of weight loss. In this post, we will examine the meals that promote weight loss as well as the scientific justification for their efficiency.
An essential macronutrient that is vital for weight loss is protein. It is a component of muscles, which is crucial for increasing metabolism and burning calories. A diet rich in protein can make you feel satisfied for longer periods of time, lowering your risk of overeating or between-meal snacking.
Lean meats, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts are all excellent sources of protein. To limit the intake of saturated fats, it is vital to use slimmer meat cuts and low-fat dairy products when selecting protein sources.
2. Fiber
A form of carbohydrate known as fiber is indigestible by the body. It mostly completes the digestive process, helping to control blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, and encourage regular bowel motions.
Because it can make you feel fuller for extended periods of time, fiber is a crucial component for weight loss. Because you are less prone to overeat or snack in between meals, this can help you consume fewer calories overall.
Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are excellent sources of fiber. Adults should strive to consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day.
3. Whole Grains
In addition to providing critical elements including B vitamins and minerals, whole grains are a good source of fiber. Whole grains are a better choice that can aid in weight loss than refined grains, which have been depleted of fiber and other nutrients.
According to one study, people who ate whole grains as part of their weight-loss regimen shed more body fat than others who ate refined grains. Brown rice, quinoa, oats, whole wheat bread, and whole grain pasta are excellent sources of whole grains.
4. Fruits and Vegetables
Low in calories but high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals are fruits and vegetables. By lowering overall calorie consumption and encouraging feelings of fullness, consuming a diet high in fruits and vegetables can aid in the promotion of weight loss.
Antioxidants, which can assist to lower inflammation and protect against chronic diseases, are another vital component of fruits and vegetables. Focus on consuming a range of colored fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens, berries, citrus fruits, cruciferous veggies, and sweet potatoes.
5. Healthy Fats
Not all fats are negative for weight reduction, despite what the general public believes. Consuming good fats, such as those in avocados, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish, can actually aid in weight loss and enhance general health.
The benefits of healthy fats are numerous. They can first aid in lowering inflammatory levels in the body, which have been related to obesity and chronic illnesses. Second, by encouraging feelings of fullness, they may lessen the chance of overeating or between-meal snacking. Finally, it's critical to consume good fats to maintain healthy skin, hair, and nails.
6. Low-Calorie Beverages
Along with the foods we eat, the beverages we consume can also significantly affect our efforts to lose weight. Sugary beverages with a high-calorie content, such as soda, juice, and sports drinks, might cause weight gain.
By substituting low-calorie beverages like water, unsweetened tea, and black coffee for these high-calorie ones, you can lower your overall calorie intake and encourage weight reduction. It has also been demonstrated that drinking water prior to meals can lower calorie intake and increase feelings of fullness.
7. Spices and Herbs
In addition to giving our food flavor, spices, and herbs can help us lose weight. It has been demonstrated that some spices, like cayenne pepper, ginger, and turmeric, can increase metabolism and decrease inflammation, both of which can aid in weight loss.
Herbs like mint and basil can lessen cravings and increase feelings of satiety, which lowers the likelihood of overeating or between-meal snacking. Trying out various spices and herbs might give your meals more variety while aiding in weight loss.
8. Portion Control
While the foods we eat are vital for weight loss, practicing portion management is also important. Even when calories come from nutritious foods, eating too many calories might result in weight gain.
Making use of smaller dishes and bowls is one method of practicing portion management. By doing this, you may be able to cut back on your food intake without feeling deprived. Also, being aware of your hunger and fullness cues might prevent you from overeating by allowing you to eat until you are satisfied.
9. Mindful Eating
Finally, mindful eating is another strategy that can support weight loss. In order to eat mindfully, one must pay attention to the sensory qualities of food, such as taste and texture, as well as hunger and fullness cues.
This may lessen emotional and mindless eating, both of which can lead to weight gain. The chance of overeating can be decreased by taking the time to savor and appreciate your food. This can also encourage emotions of contentment.
For weight loss, the foods we eat are very important. A diet rich in protein, fiber, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, as well as healthy fats, can help people lose weight, reduce inflammation, and generally enhance their health. Including low-calorie beverages, spices, and herbs, controlling portions, and practicing mindful eating can all help with weight loss. We can achieve sustainable weight loss and raise our standard of living by making tiny modifications to our diet and lifestyle.
Click here to know the secret to losing weight
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ebookebooks · 1 year
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fitnessndhealth · 1 year
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Do you know what makes losing weight so hard? The fact that you never really know how much you can actually lose and how fast!
And every time you ask someone they give you the same stupid answer: Take it slow, just lose 5 ounces a week and you’ll be fine.
Excuse my French, but BS!
The people who tell you that they have never been fat or dealt with the mental struggle of staying on a diet for weeks or months without seeing the numbers on the scale going down!
And that’s why you need to see this now!
This is a quick quiz put out by the team at Custom Keto Diet.
It takes 45 seconds and then instantly tells you how much weight you can lose.
In fact, it shows you EXACTLY what you could weigh in just 30 days if you simply follow a proven keto diet.
And instead of just giving you the number, you’ll also see a completely custom plan based on all your favorite foods.
I honestly can say I’ve never seen anything like it.
Check it out now.
Who knows - maybe you could drop a dress size or more in the next 30 days.
Takes 45 seconds and is well worth your time!
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new-things2021 · 2 years
Weight Loss Transformation From 265 pounds to 166 .. checkout the link if you really want to lose weight: https:tinyurl.com/All-Lean-2022
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guilda19 · 2 years
ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING OVERWEIGHT? From 210Lbs to 149 In 3 Months!
If you haven't heard how a delicious Costa Rican tea is helping thousands of people melt over 6 pounds per week, this is for you!
Click To Learn More
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nolomosarts · 2 years
Skinny Fit Gummies Weight Loss Supplement
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Click Here for Your Skinny Fit
Why Do We Need Apple Cider Vinegar?
Apple cider vinegar has been a home remedy for generations because of its many health benefits, including reducing bloating, improving weight management, and strengthening the immune system.
But more and more companies are making their own apple cider vinegar, making it difficult to tell which brands are worth the money and which aren't.
Apple cider vinegar contains prebiotics that nourish your gut bacteria, thus improving absorption of essential nutrients. Its antiviral and antibacterial properties support immunity and make it more difficult for harmful pathogens to enter your system.
Additionally, people report feeling fuller when taking ACV, often resulting in a natural decrease in caloric intake over time.
ACV Gummies VS. Traditional ACV
In recent years, gummy versions of apple cider vinegar have outperformed traditional ACV for many reasons.
better taste and aroma Convenient and easy to integrate into daily life Rich in superfoods Rich in B vitamins Safer for tooth enamel
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Stephanie M, 46
“110 pounds down! I enjoy the Skinny Fit Detox tea nightly and use the Super Youth in both original and chocolate flavor. I could not be happier with your product.”
Click Here for Your Skinny Fit
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Marita B, 45
“I just want to say that this is an amazing product! I’m 45 years old and have been struggling with my weight for about 10 years now. I would yo-yo diet and lose weight, then gain it all back. Since I started Skinny Fit, I’m down a pant size, lost 8 pounds and two inches in my waist. My skin looks amazing, and my hair has bounce again!!”
Click Here for Your Skinny Fit
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health1212 · 2 years
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franklincruzrecipes · 2 years
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Easy To Follow Weight Loss Tips
Achieving weight loss is not that easy. It needs a good strategy, planning and motivation to lose weight. Some of the weight loss tips, which can be followed at ease, are listed here to stay healthy as well as to stay fit with a perfect body figure.
Eating the right way helps achieve weight loss goals. Taking meals in smaller amounts frequently helps in being energetic all day and prevents eating more.
Secret Weight Loss Formula Is Transforming Thousands Of Lives!
Eating out is often associated with obesity as when dining outside, most people don’t check what they eat. Hence, to achieve weight loss, it is better to avoid dining outside.
Breakfast should not be skipped as it has been found that, people who do not skip their breakfast are very successful in losing weight. If breakfast is skipped the bodily metabolism slows down and when food is taken during lunch, it results in increased insulin levels and in turn weight gain.
It is good to stay away from beverages rich in fat and sugar as they will increase the insulin levels in the blood, while caffeine content can lead to dehydration.
Diet strategy can be planned in such a way that, without having to cut the favorite foods, they can be consumed in smaller portions along with healthy fresh vegetables or fruits to get a filled up feeling. By this way, the nutritional value of the food consumed is increased and fat rich foods are minimized.
Increased consumption of protein helps in burning calories and avoids the storage of fat in the body. Protein supplements also help in building and preserving lean muscles.
Secret Weight Loss Formula Is Transforming Thousands Of Lives!
Water plays an important role in weight loss as water hydrates the organs and the body. It suppresses hunger pangs, and can be taken in more amounts to get a filled up feeling.
Plan how you want your diet plan to be, adhere to it strictly and it is advised to keep a log for noting down what you eat and the amounts you eat with the weight measurement every week to analyze if you are progressing or not. Stay motivated while going through weight loss measures to attain success.
If weight is lost the healthy way, it benefits the person with lower blood pressure, being able to be energetic in spite of controlled intake, healthy heart, and organs, better body figure, and less stress made on the bones, joints and muscles, and the most important of all stress-free.
Secret Weight Loss Formula Is Transforming Thousands Of Lives!
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How would you like to get fit for FREE? There are so many websites and too much information out there? I have narrowed down some great exercise tuition videos and links as well as nutrition and diet information, if you would like to lose a few pounds too. I have included an exercise timetable to help you follow a plan of action and lots of diet information to help you lose those unwanted pounds. Just check the article below:
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holistixx · 7 months
Rn I’m 58. I fucking need to be at least 48. Any advice? ASAP
I’m 163cm
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lifeinvest369 · 1 year
Weight loss smoothies are the fastest way to lose weight and not sacrifice your health. No need to starve. Just blend up a yummy smoothie! Not sure where to start. Here ya go! This is a 3 week smoothie diet recipe that will give you energy, keep you moving, and start that weight loss journey. It's a done for you program that doesn't need any planning. Just follow the recipes and start losing weight the first day. Check it out here.....
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pinkfeathergurl · 1 year
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Join the 30-day Infused Water Challenge 🍹
The challenge is simple yet effective, all you need to do is drink Infused water aka Detox Water each day for 30 days.
Throughout the period you will notice visible health benefits such as: 🍍You will lose Weight 🍓Your whole body will get Detoxify 🍒It will balance your pH level 🍋Helps with a better digestive system 🍉Boost immunity and energy levels 🍊Better complexions and glowing skin 🥝Supports kidney functions
Give no excuse to your health, get the complete recipe: https://bit.ly/3RlDD7k Please share your results with us in the comments. Would love to hear from you!
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fitnessndhealth · 1 year
Hey guys, If you really want to lose weight and look slim. Then I've prepared a custom Keto diet. Just take this 45 seconds quiz. Will worth your time.
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33365735 · 1 year
Hii I saw that you recently join a group fat loss Are you looking to lose weight? Have you recently started your fat loss journey? Here are some free resources a free ebook that help me And i am sure it will also help you an fat loss Ebook link 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Fqz_c1Q0PYK8ao-HtTfO7wB8z0NY6K1i/view?usp=drivesdk
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