#kind of slightly mad passion
sbnkalny · 2 years
Custom made to merge with the tower seems more like a sleeping Giant than an ordinary fashion, kind of slightly mad passion, can be detected if at all, in sentinel and Daggerfall
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lil-elle · 6 months
They're taking over
RIIZE when you give them a Hickey
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pairs: bf!riize x fem!reader
genre: fluff, suggestive, established relationship
word count: 1.2k
content: kissing and making out, marking
a/n: guys i love shotaro (and Anton a little)
Sees it in the mirror, blushes and smiles, a small amused yet slightly embarrassed giggle escaping his throat
He'd go up and show you embarrassedly, wanting your help to cover it up and giggling when you blush and apologise
He'd only get you to cover it up if he was going out or had work, otherwise he'd leave it, blushing and smiling whenever he caught a glimpse of it in a reflective surface
He'd just love it so much, sees it as proof of how much you love him
Would never push you to give him more, but would always be happy whenever he finds one on him after a makeout session
His eyes would go wide upon seeing it, rubbing it with his fingers thinking it's a stain of some kind and beginning to blush when it doesn't come off and he processes what it is
He'd be surprised at the way his stomach turns at the sight, very obviously happy (and maybe a little turned on) by it
He'd go up to you and wait for you to notice it, once you do, he'd find amusement in the way your face goes red in embarrassment
He'd lean over, putting his lips up to your ear and whispering “I wouldn't be mad if you gave me these more often…” his tone deep and suggestive, leaving you dazed
The idea of giving you one too the next time you're making out would pop into his head and he wouldn't hesitate to press his lips to your neck
Would go wide eyed at first and then just smirk, not too shocked as he knew it'd happen eventually but also strangely happy and proud of you for doing something so bold to him
Wouldn't even try to cover it up, doesn't see it as too much of a big deal but loves the way you blush and stutter when you notice it's there, apologising quietly
The type to be like “what about it?” if someone pointed it out, nonchalant on the outside and cocky on the inside
Would want to give some to you when you next make out but he'd always ask first, just in case (but once you said yes he'd probably get carried away and leave too many)
“I marked you, now I want you to mark me too” it's so much better for him if you both have them, but he also might not let you cover yours up so be careful 🤕
He'd just stand there staring at it for a moment as his neck, ears, and cheeks began going red unknowingly
You'd come up behind him, first noticing his red face and getting ready to question/tease him until you notice why he's so red, going red yourself
He'd just be a series of “uhh"s and “um"s. I really don't think he'd know what to say, just mindlessly rubbing his fingers over it as he looks at you, his eyes travelling down to your neck unconsciously (yknow exactly what he's thinking about)
You'd cover it for him, apologising. Eventually he'd get out a “...You don't have to apologise…I kind of like it…” making you even more red but also giving you the determination to give him more next time
He wouldn't hesitate to immediately go for your neck the next time you're kissing a little too passionately. Seems you've accidentally awoken something in him
He'd immediately smirk and chuckle, intrigued by your boldness to leave such a thing on him (but he's also definitely very turned on by it)
He'd sneak up to you, a big smile on his face, and point to it, loving how flustered you get and how you stutter to make an excuse/apology
Would fake scold you/tease you saying “why would you do something like this, I have work” but then he'd lean in, looking into your eyes and saying “I'll definitely need to get payback” in a super soft and lustful tone
And payback he will get, leaving your neck all purple and bruised the next time he gets the chance, smiling down at his work once he's done
Secretly he wouldn't want you to cover them up, loving the idea of you out and about, neck marked up so people know you're taken and stay away, but he'd never say that directly to you
Would blush super hard but also be really excited, smiling despite being embarrassed. He'd turn into a school girl basically, jumping around and giggling
It's something that'd reassure him that things were getting ‘serious’, that it wasn't just a small thing and you felt just as strongly about him as he felt about you
He wouldn't want to cover it just because he'd want to flex to the members even if they'd just tell him to stfu. He'd never flex with you around though, suddenly it becomes embarrassing to him if you're there (then the guys would tease him, saying he ‘switched up’)
The next time you make out, you'd definitely catch him unconsciously putting his hand on your head and pushing it down towards his neck, telling you without words that he wants you to give him more
He also wouldn't hesitate to give you some back, most likely getting carried away. You'd have to tell him to stop because otherwise his lips would always be on your neck and he'd never move on
He wouldn't even be able to speak, locking himself in the bathroom as his hands roam that vanity looking for something to cover it with like your make-up. He'd be so so beet red, heart beating like crazy
He'd eventually have to leave the bathroom when he can't find your make-up, awkwardly walking up to you with his head down and just pointing weakly at the mark, still unable to speak
You'd just sit him down and cover it for him, embarrassed yourself but not as much as him. You'd actually be surprised at how harshly he's reacting, thinking he's upset with you. You'd end up looking guilty and forcing him to admit that he actually likes it
While you two are kissing, his mind would be picturing you giving him another hickey, lowkey wishing to see you move your head to his neck so he could feel your lips there again (although he'd rather die than say it out loud)
You'd be lucky to get him to give you one, he'd have to be really into it to even consider it, and once he does, he's really clumsy. He'd also end up going insane after seeing you with a mark he made on you, just so flustered and embarrassed
(BONUS: the members would tease him so bad for having a hickey, that's why he'd always want to cover them up. He knows that if they saw them, they'd instantly be all over him, asking tmi questions to make him embarrassed and jokingly calling him a player)
@hyunromi @chocoeon @hyunukitty @minjaezed @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv
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maxtermind · 2 months
HEYYY!!! I’ve been looking at smut prompts all day and my brain is packed w fic ideas. May i request a mv1 fic with prompts “no underwear?”, “did you wear this just for me?” and “dont worry about the damn clothes, i’ll just buy you new ones” with spanish!reader and kind of like friends w tension vibes???
i want you all to myself
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★ : feat :: max verstappen x reader ★ : genre :: mature ★ : word count :: 800 ★ : a/n :: this is not a tease, i genuinely don't think i can write good smut. but tension and yearning? hell yeah! not specifically spanish!reader because i wasn't sure what you wanted me to add for that.
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The air crackled with tension as you stood face to face with Max, his gaze intense, almost palpable against your skin. Your heart raced with anticipation, every nerve on edge, as you waited for him to speak.
Max broke the silence, his voice teasing yet laced with an unmistakable desire that sent shivers down your spine. ”No underwear?” he hissed, his tone suggestive, his eyes lingering on you with a mix of amusement and something deeper.
”Oh.” You taunted, reveling in the way he struggled to maintain his composure. A coy smile playing on your lips as you watched his face flush and his hands clench tightly. ”Don't hold back on my account.”
You forced a casual smile, trying to ignore the way your pulse quickened at the sight of him.
His breath caught in his throat as he struggled to find words, his eyes never leaving yours. ”Did you wear this just for me, darling?” Max's voice wavered slightly, betraying the intensity of his longing as he shamelessly eyed you.
Your lips curved into a smirk as you closed the distance, his eyes never leaving yours. ”Maybe I did,” you admitted, keeping your voice low, delighted to see the effect that had on Max.
Max groaned before reaching forward for the fabric of your dress, his fingers tightening around it as he pulled you closer. He looked at you as if he was mad as to why you were still not losing your sanity like he was.
Not knowing that the only reason you had pulled this stunt was because your patience had run dry.
The tension between you was palpable, a silent dance of desire and uncertainty as you stood locked in a silent exchange, each daring the other to make a move. That was before he aimlessly pushed forward and the sound of your poor dress echoed in the silence.
You gasped and tried to pry away but Max instead pulled you closer, resting his forehead on yours. His skin flushed as he sighed to stay calm and get himself together.
”Don't worry about the damn clothes,” Max grunted, his voice sending a rush of heat through your veins. Frustratingly pulling the torn material down your body in a frantic manner. ”I'll just buy you new ones.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words, a surge of insecurity washing over you, making you hold his hands under yours, not letting him see you yet. ”You'll buy me new ones, huh?”
Before you could carry on, your lips met in a heated kiss, so hard that the back of your neck, from where he grabbed you, pulsed. However, it had such a good effect making your legs shudder as ou sighed against his mouth.
Max was panting as he hurriedly tried to swallow all of your breaths and it made so much sense. As your lips moved together, you realized how much sense you guys made, how well you fit together.
Even as you surrendered to the passion, a nagging fear lingered in the back of your mind. It felt so insatiably good but you knew you wouldn't be able to live with yourself if you were to just ruin all this for a sultry desperate explosion. When it was painfully obvious that you ached for more
”I don't wanna do this just for one night,” you whispered against his lips, your voice trembling with uncertainty. ”I want us to stay...” ‘Friends,’ would’ve been a lie so for the lack of a better term, you refrained from putting any labels.
Max pulled back slightly, his eyes searching yours with a depth that took your breath away. ”I'm not going anywhere,” he assured you, his voice soft but firm. ”I wish I could wait, but baby, I- I want more, right now. I want you.”
Relief flooded through you at his words, comically short lived, because not even a second later, it got mingled with the desire that burned hot and fierce within you. ”I want you too,” you confessed, your voice barely above a whisper as you melted into his embrace. ”Really badly.”
Max pulled you in for another kiss and you almost lost it on the spot when he smirked against your mouth.
”You’re gonna ruin everyone else for me, huh?” He laughed in disbelief and if you weren’t as overwhelmed as you were, you might have scoffed but instead you squeezed his body under your palms.
Max’s eyes dilating as soon as you said your next words as you pushed the flimsy material off your body.
”You already have.”
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( masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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erideights · 9 months
Little pieces here and there (3)
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Pairing: Buggy x Fem!Reader (One Piece Live Action)
Chapters: one, two, four, five
Word Count: around 2K again.
Warnings: minimum context of the arlong park part of the story (background), MUTUAL FLIRTING, forbiden pinning of them both, Buggy has his body back *wiggling eyebrows*, sexy times
A/N: devil works hard but i'm working harder, every 5 free min i have from work/class/practices i'm writing on my phone, i'ts actually insane and i love it (ROAD TO CHAPTER 4?? If you like this one and want the next one, please let me know!)
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Oh, he was mad. He was really mad.
Maybe "sexually frustrated" was a way more accurate term given the circumstances but the feeling was so strong, so visceral, he was sure he was reaching a point where jumping to the sea to end that agony -even if a bit exaggerated, like him always, everywhere and for everything- was justified.
Somewhere in Arlong Park, Buggy could feel the boner pressing his pants, demanding to be satisfied; dirty talk was one of his true passions and when (Y/N) played that card on him, being capable of picturing himself with her on his lap, that damn woman so -actually- close to his face in that moment he was already tasting her lips, her low, smooth voice driving him insane, he could not help it, but get turned on so easily and so strong is been hours, and he's still mad, incapable of stop thinking about that.
That is, perhaps, the reason he feels relief as soon as the sun rises and Usopp is back on the helm again, asking for directions as Buggy, in fact, demands to go faster. Like instead of slicing and dicing his body, his power could control the wind that propelled the boat or the force of the waves against the hull.
(Y/N) ran away just after such a -even if brief- conversation. She may have broken his balls with that dirty trick, but she was equally a victim of her own game. She knew what to say to push Buggy and leave him so stunned -to speak- that the poor clown didn't have the chance to fight back at that moment, not without his body to help him keep her in that kitchen, lift her up on the counter, force her to back down, regret even thinking she could do that to him, and then, only then, yes, fuck her until she wakes up the rest of her little and - according to him - pathetic crew with her moans.
Or so the girl imagined, leaning against the door of her room, eyes closed, heart slightly racing, fighting the temptation to lie down on the bed and masturbate thinking about what had just happened.
Which included him. Him!! What the hell, was she actually losing her mind? All that damn flirting had really gotten into her, for fucks sake, because regardless of her finding him quite interesting when they met, this attraction was something else.
Lately everything around her was something else. Did she really think through the decision of leaving her mercenary life behind and follow those kids to the Grand Line? Did she really think through the decision of flirting back with a psychopath clown?
Because in the end it's just that, right? Flirting. Was nothing else, is nothing else, and will be nothing else. She doesn’t want it to be something more, that's for sure; there's no need for unnecessary complications and extra headaches. In the meantime, it's fun, a bit of a backfire kind of situation, a bit -sexually- frustrating, but fun.
After a good ol' resting night and already some hours into the new day, (Y/N) notices that it's been a lot, since their encounter in the kitchen to be precise, that Buggy not only doesn't flirt with her, but doesn't talk that much or even look at her as amazed as before. Of course, he is, also, way less annoying, which Zoro subtly points out clearly pleased with how calm, nice and silent this morning is.
At some point she shakes her head, knowing, or at least guessing, the reason for this behavior, so she decides to check no one's around and the rudder is locked in the right direction, and then goes to where the bag with his head is, closed probably by the sniper when he got the last indications he needed from him. She opens it, lowering it until the clown's head is free on top of that barrel.
"How are you doing, Bugs?" she starts with a funny little smile, looking intently at him as she leans her back forward to leave her face level with his. "It's been hours I don't hear your raspy voice, I'm starting to miss it."
Silence. Absolute indifference besides the sidelong glance he gives her because let's face it, Buggy is annoyingly proud, extremely, exaggeratedly, but he loves attention. He likes nothing more than receiving it, no matter where, when, and from who, and she could see it as soon as they met.
"Also your silly nicknames for me" She grants, giving in. She would also be mad as hell if someone leaves her as horny as she knew she left him, so she doesn't have any problem being the one to start the tug-war this time.
"Already tired of the shidiots?" He finally asks, almost drily, after a minute; now he is the one to play difficult, huh? "No wonder, they don't even know where to start being pirates."
"Oh, of course, because no one compares to the famous Buggy The Clown, the colorful nightmare or the East Blue." Playful, she retreats a bit, resting her hip in the barrel, arms crossed over her chest.
"Quit the sarcasm doll, you know I'm right." Well, he was, in fact, right. None of them had real experience in the whole i-wanna-become-a-pirate thing, still, they were doing pretty good to be newbies. She was quite proud of them.
"I cannot wait to have my body back" he then murmurs, adding before she could say anything else about her new friends. "To do what?" She asks, you know, like she didn't know.
"Take a guess"
"Recover your spotlight? Find a new crew and a way to enter the Grand Line to go search the One Piece and be the king of the pirates?" (Y/N) mocks, clearly enjoying being the annoying one this time.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah'' Buggy rolls his eyes, scoffing. ''All that, but not before making you regret what you did last night." To that accusation she gasps, resting her right hand over her chest "What did I do last night?"
The clown falls silent again, but his mood is completely different. Right now he's not pissed off, it's obvious that this time, instead of flirting with her in a casual and natural way, he’s thinking what to say, choosing carefully his words to return a fraction of the effect she had on him hours ago.
His eyes darken, and his voice goes octanes lower and raspier. "Sweetheart, there will be no possible escape from what I plan to do with you. At the slightest opportunity I will make you cum on me so many times you will be the one to find the One Piece without needing to go to the Grand Line, but first…'' He pauses, breathes, and lets it go calmly, like the intimidating, psychopathic calculator she saw at the circus and not that flirty cartoonish version she got to know on the ship. ''you will beg for it."
She knows she shouldn't surrender to this type of tease, but she also can't and doesn't want to avoid it. Getting heavily carried away, without thinking about it twice, one of the girl's hands slides to the back of his neck, slipping under the bandana, and tugs his hair aggressively as she leans in again to speak close to his face. He grunts in pure satisfaction, closing his eyes for a second. Of course (Y/N) is, once again, taking advantage of the fact that he cannot defend himself no being more than a head, and the fact is that he enjoys like a condemned bastard those small but intense gestures the girl has given him since they met at the circus.
He can't wait to break a woman like her. And oh, he will.
"Are you sure about that?" Hearing distant steps, someone from the crew coming out on deck and climbing the stairs, she gets some distance from him, acting naturally, closing the bag again around his head. "My expectations just skyrocketed, I hope you don't disappoint."
By the end of the day, the Konomi Islands begin to appear on the horizon, and as soon as they set foot on them, shits get really serious. The situation of the poor people who live there is heartbreaking, so for two days, no one dares to make a single joke, Luffy's usual energy and bubbly positivity is nowhere to be seen, and of course, the interactions of (Y/N) and Buggy are reduced to = 0. The clown's head is no longer of any real use to them, and it’s poor Sanji, the new recruit, who’s carrying it around just in case.
At least until they reach Arlong Park.
Again, (Y/N) is not exactly the type of mercenary expert in martial arts and although she knows how to defend herself, fighting like Zoro or Sanji is, in few words, impossible. Her only advantage is being very, very fast, and knowing how to use the scenery to her advantage, so it doesn't take long for her to hide here and there among the different tents and attractions in the area to get rid of the most straggler fishmen, with a knife she got long ago during one of her jobs, capable of cutting their tough skin easily.
Everything happens so fast and is so chaotic that apart from some screams and blows in the background and having seen Usopp running towards the forest, (Y/N) is completely unaware of what is happening in the main complex.
A strong pull on her left arm activates her flight or fight response as one last fish falls dead to the ground in front of her. Raising the knife, in a quick movement, she tries to defend herself by aiming at the stranger's neck, although in vain; a pair of lips whose red has already been worn for days impact against hers, stealing her breath, a small moan escaping her. Eyes wide open, she barely registers the blurry color of Buggy's nose when two strong hands squeeze her hips as if the life of the clown depended on it, pushing the girl against the wall of the building behind them, cornering her without any type of delicacy.
She hadn't heard from him since they reached the island. Hell, she didn't even know he had got his full body back and was already so close to it that air was unable to pass between each other.
Of course, the moment the clown's head joined the rest of himself -the feeling much better than he remembered- he fucked off his captors and decided to flee. Not before making a vital stop along the way.
The ideas about how to proceed with her once he was whole were very, very different in his wild fantasies, but when he saw the girl's back, he knew that the only thing that would -partially- calm his yearning would be to kiss her before disappearing as fast as possible. To taste her lips, to feel her warmth.
Still not recovered from the shock of the kiss, Y/N doesn't remove the knife from the clown's neck, but he couldn't care less; quite the opposite. He is so turned on and waited so much -again, exaggerated- for this he doesn't know yet how he will be able to break the kiss, take distance from her, and run away.
Passionately carried away, moved by his most primitive instincts, Buggy sneaks one of his legs between hers, pressing in between them as Y/N inhales through her nose and her free hand flies to his vest, pulling it a little.
It wasn't the time, nor the place, to think about fucking that asshole, but damn, after all the teasing and the tension and the adrenaline of the fight--
And just when she starts fully giving in to him, he retreats just enough, panting a bit, and looks at her now red, stained lips, eyes darkened and full of lust. Just like hers.
"Hate to leave you like this sweetheart but I have things to do and places to go. I don't want people relating me to Arlong, I would hate the bad press on my persona." He whispers, cracking his usual cruel, playful smirk when he finally puts some distance between each other.
‘’It's time to exit stage left.’’ Buggy adds, theatrically raising both hands in the air. ‘’I promise I’ll see you around.’’
And like this, he stars running away again. Where? She doesn't know, or even guess at this moment, too busy registering the kiss in her memory, the way his lips felt on hers, how his nose pressed her cheek the entire time, or his hands grabbed onto her for dear life.
''You better'', she whispers to herself.
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strawberrysainz · 7 months
holocene. charles leclerc
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charles leclerc x fem!reader
“ a quiet last day in london with your boyfriend, except, you’re not leaving with him. ”
a warning — angsty, suggestive, use of profanity. NSFW: SMUT. don’t read/interact if you’re under 18!
word count: 3.1k
i am terribly sorry for how slightly devastating this is. i was listening to bon iver and holocene just made me start bawling and remember this day (it is not entirely fictitious, after all… the artist is true, except i’ve never had the honour of meeting him; though his art lights up nearly every home around my home town.)
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The soft sounds of a nature show in the background made her eyes close sleepily while Charles held her; the mid morning light shone through the windows, and she had a sudden urge to stand up. He stared up at her as she stood there indecisively, staring off into space, a kind of stupid smile on his face.
“Let’s do something today. Let’s go get lunch.” She said with a nod, and he raised his eyebrows, casting a glance to his suitcases that stood there on the wooden floor. “Okay.”
He got up, holding her, kissing her cheek softly, and they stood there for a second. “What do you feel like? Where do you want to go?” His voice was hoarse, sleep still coating it from their lie-in, and she followed him to her bedroom.
“There’s a really cute little restaurant down the road that does such good burgers.” She said, slowly undressing to pull on other clothes, and he had that strike of desire he always did when he watched her embrace her most intimate state - and he bent down to meet her gaze in the mirror, leaning to kiss her neck softly.
“You look beautiful.” He said softly, and he meant it, watching her put on makeup.
She blushed, and leaned up to kiss him, slowly, passionately.
He smiled, eyes sparkling with something she had yet to memorise: “You’re making this very difficult for me, you know that?” giving her a long, slow kiss, hands on her hips.
She broke away, bashfully. “Oi. I want burgers,” and laughed when he pouted.
He laughed then, unable to stay pretend-mad at her for long. “Fine, fine.” His tongue slipped on the words, a normal occurrence due to English besting him at times. She giggled as she pulled on a sweater, patting down her hair. She swatted his ass as she found a purse from the depths of her cupboard, and he rolled his eyes playfully as they left her apartment, going down to her car.
She slid into the passenger seat, patting her well-worn leather of the Fiat. He followed, starting the engine and pulling out of the position on the street. “What do you want to do after? A movie?” He glanced over at her playfully.
“You’re in such a movie mood this weekend.” She giggled, and continued. “But there’s an exhibition at some gallery in town of an artist from my home town - could we have a quick look?” He shrugged. “Sure.” (He didn’t really care what they did; he just wanted to spend time with her in her element.)
She leaned over then to stroke his thigh, comfortably, and as he did an excellent parallel park that had her nodding, impressed - she gasped when he got out and pressed her against the car, kissing her quickly, and when he pulled back, he grinned with a hint of mischief.
She laughed, leading him to the front door of the restaurant. “You look lovely today, did I mention that?” He said cheekily, hand on her waist, and she told him to be quiet, blushing as the waitress greeted them.
They ordered burgers and chips, and she studied the decor while he stared at her, memorising her face. He slid a hand up her leg, looking at her cheekily when she narrowed her eyes. “Stooop.” She groaned, fighting back a smile.
Charles grinned and moved in closer. “I think you like it.” He teased, voice lowering, and her mouth dropped open - the waitress returned with their food - and she thanked her, trying not to flush at his rough voice.
He leaned over and stole a chip- she in turn stole one of his. They grinned at each other.
They were walking to the Tube station, trying to figure out the best way to get to this obscure gallery, and a few people stopped to ask for a picture with him, but he never stopped holding her hand (much to her embarrassment, but also, delight).
His hand gripped hers as they stood on the escalator, smiling at a fan who called over to them, and they waited for the next train, getting on and miraculously getting two seats open next to each other. They slid into the seats, and their legs brushed as he pulled her comfortably into him.
“Tell me more about this guy.” “The art,” he expanded as she gives him a confused look, and she nods. “So back home -“ she got that wistful look on her face like she always did when she spoke of her home country, much like he did -“There was this pretty famous artist who lived in the town where I went to school. I took you one day for lunch and that ice cream when we went to visit a few months ago?”
He pretended to know exactly what town she was talking about.
“Anyway, this exhibition is basically his whole life’s work. He’s just this old guy. But his paintings are so, so vibrant and colourful. They’re in a lot of my parents’ friends’ houses.” He thinks about the paintings when she speaks, nodding, and leans back against the wall. The lapse in conversation makes her take out her phone, carrying on reading.
He takes a peek at her screen, and watches her peaceful expression, and squeezes her hand still holding his lightly.
“What’re you reading?” He asks, thinking back to the stacks and stacks of books lining her apartment.
“It’s translated from French -” she smiles when he instantly becomes more interested - “And it’s about this woman who’s like, fascinated with funerals.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you think that’s weird?”
“It’s intriguing.” She says instead, and his lips try to say the same word, the sound of his heavy accent distorting the word, and she snorts, “She’s kind of on a quest to be constantly positive. She’s very likeable. I don’t know why she likes funerals so much yet though.”
He nods thoughtfully, his fingers still entwined with hers. “She’s trying to find purpose in something others find sad.” She stifles a giggle at his enthusiasm to try and engage. It’s sweet. “I’ll make a literary nerd of you yet.”
(Unbeknownst to them, the woman opposite is recording, and it will go viral on Twitter and TikTok later, but neither of them will care because they were so terribly happy in that moment.)
He giggled softly, his heart swelling with warmth, and gently strokes her hair, lost in the comforting silence and the harsh yet low light and the peaceful rhythm of their breaths.
She looked up to check when their stop is - not for another three - and contentedly pressed her lips to their joined hands while she continued to read. His eyes closed, breathing even, enjoying her touch. “It’s been a while since we had something like this,” he thought out loud, thinking of the preciousness of the moment. She nodded, thinking back to when last they were able to sit down and slow down in public, not for an hour or two and then him having to fly to another country - well, it kind of was - stealing hours away in their apartments.
“We could try and do it more often,” he said, but it was more of a wish. She looked up at him adoringly. “I know.”
He leaned down slightly, their faces close enough to feel each other’s breaths. His eyes locked onto hers as he spoke softly. “Just think of what else we could be doing in these quiet moments…”
She quietly gasped. “Charles!” He chuckled softly, unable to hide his amusement. He gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, his fingertips trailing along her jawline softly. He leaned in even closer, sharing this moment with her.
The sound of their stop being announced interrupted it, and there was a hint of sadness on her face as she looked up at him.
He reluctantly pulled back, and followed her, filled with longing to stay on this train for as long as they could. As they walked, he quietly declined photos this time, because he senses she’s a little upset. They walk up the stairs, up into the light, and she pulls out her maps app to find which way they should be going.
Charles walked beside her, his hand slipping into hers instinctively, offering reassurance.
At the gallery, they enter and the woman at the front has her accent too - presumably because of this exhibition - and she gasped with delight, leaving her heavy heart behind, letting go of his hand to hug her, and he watched them interact while some people stared at him curiously.
His smile brightened as she started rambling on about her connection to this guy. He couldn’t help but have a sense of warmth for how animated she became around her roots.
She pulled back then, and wished the woman a goodbye, starting to look at this man’s life, from beginning to end. Charles leaned in close, his arm brushing against hers as he studied the paintings. He couldn’t help but be drawn to the presence she currently exuded - the warmth, the joy to be there. She studied a particular piece and gasped. “We had a copy of this at school! It’s a famous street in town.” She pulled out her phone to take a picture, fondness coating her expression.
He listened intently, his eyes scanning the painting as she spoke. The image of her, taking in this same art as she did now, made him wish that he could’ve experienced this with her then too. She held on to his arm, feeling oddly emotional, and they continued on, laughing at some sculpture.
His gaze never left her, his touch comforting. He savoured this moment - holding on to her, this feeling of being completely at home.
She reached to clutch her chest as an old man with graying hair came up to them. She let out a little breath that Charles recognised as one of awe - it had to be the artist.
The man recognised her accent and they hugged for a moment, and he could see the emotion in her eyes as they fell into that language he heard snippets of every now and then, and he envies this guy for a moment, conversing with her in a language he was desperate to learn, to know to be closer to her, and he can tell she’s going on about how precious this all is. The artist reached out to shake Charles’ hand, and with a quick correction from his girlfriend he falls easily into English.
His heart beating a little faster, he accepted the handshake and held onto it for a moment more than he thought he would. He listened to their conversation, determined to learn more about what made them come alive in such a way that made him wildly jealous. She swats his arm so he offers to take a picture of them, eyebrow raised at her fangirl behaviours, and he captures the moment of sheer joy.
The artist moved away, to greet other patrons, and she looked up at him in delight, with unspoken love. He couldn’t help but feel terribly drawn to her in that moment, their connection deepening.
“I love you.” She says, not quite believing what’s she’s just said - for the first time - and his breath caught. He reached out to touch her, to hold her hand.
She looked back at him, a tentative little smile on her face. His heart raced. He leaned in, his lips hovering just above hers.
“I love you too,” he said huskily, filled with emotion.
She kissed him softly, briefly, trying not to draw attention. His eyes flutter closed as their lips met, tenderly, passionately. Despite her attempt to keep it short, he cradled her face with his free hand, and his heart pounded as they pulled apart.
On the way out, they’re gifted with a quick sketch on some scrap paper - an old ticket? - by the old man; it’s of them, holding closely on to each other, staring at a painting. Her hair cascading and his shoulders broad - and now she’s fighting back tears as they study it together.
He gently wraps his arms around her, kissing her forehead softly, eyes brimming with tears he tries desperately to keep in. They leave after thanking the artist graciously, holding on to that picture tightly. “It’s perfect,” he whispers as she snaps a picture of his fingertips holding on to it. He slips it into his pocket, love radiating from his every pore as he looks at her.
In her head she thinks, we could show our kids that one day, and that makes her burst into tears, and his heart aches for her, pulling her into his arms. “It’s okay, my love.”
“I don’t want you to go tonight.” She says pitifully, and he rubs his hand up and down her back. “It’s alright,” he soothes her. They find a bench in a nearby park, and she tries to calm herself down, but the impending idea of him leaving for two months makes her cry even harder.
He murmurs something comforting as he wipes away her tears with his thumbs, caressing her face. The tender expression on his face makes her still, staring into his big eyes. “Today was so lovely. But darling… I can’t stand not seeing you until the end of the year.” She sniffles.
His heart ached as he pulled her in tightly, holding her close. “But you’re always with me, my love.” He pats his heart, and her tears slowly stop.
“You know, when we met, I never thought that someone could come into my life and make me love her so much to the point where I would do anything for her. But now…” he says softly, “But now that you’re here I can’t imagine living without you.”
“No.” She shakes her head. “Stop being so fucking sweet. I’ll cry again.”
He laughs. “I can’t resist the opportunity.”
She scoffs and hugs him again. He held her tight, heart beating wildly with love and desire, and trailed kisses down her jawline. “Fuck. I miss you so much already.”
She bit her lip.
“You know what would make me feel better?” He says, as they walk into her apartment building’s lobby, tracing a circle on her hipbone, “If you just text me every day. Even if it’s just to say hi.”
“Of course I will!” She looks at him, indignant. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to her head.
“What time do you have to go?” She said softly, and he stared down at his watch as they walked into her apartment. “Two hours,” he said softly, and she stared up at him with an expression in her eyes that made him shiver.
She stood up on her tiptoes to kiss him, languidly sliding her hands along his neck, lips parted as she pulled away.
A desire prompted her to slide off her jersey, and his eyes were dark as he moved to pull off his clothes. She slid off her top, standing just in her bra, and he let out a sigh as he traced her collarbone, kissing her easily.
He slid the sketch out of his pocket and left it on a side table as he was left in his underwear, and she was pulling off her skirt and tights so they stood there on the wooden floor, desire coating their faces.
The sight of her nipples pressing through her lacy bra made him groan, and he felt himself hardening as he kissed her neck, sucking it that made him satisfied to pull away from with the knowledge that his marks would still be left for the next few days.
She felt herself heat up, her thighs clenching as he pressed her down onto the couch. He kissed the valley between her breasts as he slid off her bra, and she whined deliciously as he sucked her sensitive nipple. Kissing down towards her stomach, he slid off her panties, exposing her wetness to him, staring up at her needy face, biting his lip and feeling terribly turned on.
He tentatively began to press his nose into her pussy as he began to lick her, and she was making sounds that had him a little shaky, his thumb tracing tiny, light circles on her clit while she moaned in pleasure.
She stared down at him, hands laced in his fluffy hair, and she could already feel how wet she was, rutting a little into his face which made him groan.
His desperate eyes made her nod, so she sat up while he took his aching cock out of his boxers, and her lips parted a little as she stared at the look of need on his face.
She leaned in to kiss him, his one hand pumping his cock and the other rubbing her nipple, and she arched into him as he pushed into her. Their eyes fluttered shut in pleasure, and she began to ride him, them both letting out little moans, and as he began to hit certain spots inside her she was pleading for things she didn’t know, her head everywhere but no where, feeling herself edge closer.
“So fucking hot,” he breathed, and tried to kiss her but they both moaned loudly at one particular stroke, so they just kept going, him becoming faster and his fingers pressing at her clit; she felt deliciously warm and desperate to cum, so she rode him a little faster, their hips rolling in unison, and she let out little sighs as his fingers began to circle her roughly, clenching him so he moaned.
“Cum for me,” he breathed, and she grinded against him, expression contorting to one of pure ecstasy as she began to reach the edge. He stopped for a second, becoming still, and she nearly screamed with protest, and with a smirk he let her continue. “Brat,” he whispered, and she let out a moan.
They breathily began to cum together, her breaths becoming erratic, his thumb making it nearly impossible to think.
As he came inside her, thick and warm, she came, shaking on his cock. “Fuck,” she whispered, and they were lying there, enjoying the pure pleasure of their bodies together.
“Goodbye, mon amour,” he breathed, and her messy hair and just her in a sweater of his made it so much worse. “Love you.” She said hoarsely. His arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly against him. He took a deep breath.
He pulled away slowly, gazing into her eyes. Her eyes followed him as he turned to leave. He took a last look at her, and stepped out the door.
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liked by f1laura, twogirls1formula and 12,879 others
f1waglife charles and his new gf out in london today!
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author’s note: let me know your thoughts. like, reblog, show me some love in the comments. love u. i’m glad to be back. 💋
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panic-at-the-fiction · 11 months
The death of you
Summary: You and your best friend have your usual movie night except he can’t seem to keep his cuddly hands to himself and your close to physical combusting. Just a bit of your usual order of slightly angsty desired filled romance with little touch starved reader on the side.
Warnings: doesn’t go any farther than kissing just very passionate, very suggestive, Maybe I’m biased as the author, but damn it’s hot.
A/N: So I’ve been out of practice for 10 months now. Haven’t even wrote more than a paragraph that I just turned around and delete 20 minutes later these past few months. But let’s just say I found some inspiration to use for our favorite fictional men and we’ll see how this goes.
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Movie night with Eddie, that’s normal, done it a million times. With friends, just the two of you, late at night, middle of day, outside, inside, at the theater, at his house, thrillers, comedies, action, romance, anything and everywhere for years. So why was this time different?
Currently you were sitting on Eddie’s couch watching the most recently picked out tape from the family video store. Steve let you guys borrow them for free as long as you brought the tape back the very next day. You guys watched movies all the time, so why was your heart beating out of your chest like a race horse on its final stretch to the finish line? Was it because his arm was around you?
No it couldn’t be that, Eddie was a big cuddler, it didn’t mean anything. He loved hugs despite his scary image in the public eyes, and he was always finding weird ways to poke, prod, or touch you. He was the type of friend to bite your shoulder when he got bored, an absolutely feral mad man type guy. And he knew that despite your lack of experience with physical affection, you never mind when it came from him. He always got your free pass.
Maybe it was the slow circles you felt him drawing on your skin? Or how occasionally his hands would slip into your hair, playing with it? Much more intimate little things that were making you feel like you were going to jump out of your skin from just the hints at this new kind of physical touch.
Yep, that was definitely the issue.
You tried removing his arm from around your shoulder and instead brought it back down to his side. But when he looked at you with such confused puppy dog eyes, you caved and played it off as just repositioning yourself as you instead wrapped around his arm and leaned into his side, laying your head on his shoulder. You could never deny him anything, just another issue of being so damn in love with your best friend.
As the movie ticked on and you both stuck to your usual quiet with some slight hilarious commentary during the movie, Eddie eventually pulled you closer so that he could bury his head into the back of your neck. One of his hands came up to play with your hair some more.
You knew he wasn’t paying attention to the movie anymore. He couldn't possibly see it, the way he was laying his head into your neck. Of course, it wasn't a very intriguing movie either, just not a great pick this time. But now he was rubbing the same small circles right under your ear, this time, and every so often his hand would find itself tangled in your hair. You tried to keep yourself straight and breathing consistently without letting your mind wander too far. He had to know this! That HE was killing you slowly.
Your breath nearly hitched this time when you swear you felt him ever so lightly brush his lips against the side of your neck. Did you imagine that part? God, you hoped he would do it again.
You weren’t even questioning why he would do any of this, you just knew you had to get yourself out of there before he realized how much of a mess this was turning you into.
As the movie came to an end you swear he had brushed his lips against your neck at least twice more, and you still couldn’t tell if it was intentional.
“Eddie it’s getting late I’ll have to go home soon.”
“Yeah” he muttered into your hair, all the while holding you tighter.
You gave him, and even more importantly, yourself, another minute before attempting to pull away. “Eddie, I have to get home soon.” You sounded like a broken record as you once again tried half-heartedly to pull yourself free from him.
He only pulled you back in and buried his head into your other shoulder. His arm came around, this time drawing lines down the front of your neck, and you shook at the feeling. This time your hand came up, cupping his head and running your fingers through his hair. Which only caused him to brush his lips against your shoulder once more. That’s it, it had to be intentional.
You swore you would combust into flames if you stayed there any longer like this. As every trace down your throat made you stop breathing. “I'm going to have to be the bad guy. I have to go.” You said, completely pulling away from him this time, moving to the other side of the couch.
He groaned, but nodded as he let you move away from him this time. He ran a hand through his hair before staring at you, darker and more lovingly than you had ever seen before. “Man, you're pretty with your hair messed up.”
God, that was the final straw. You jumped up off the couch. “You can’t say shit like that, Eddie.” You ran your hands up and down your arms, trying to stop how shaken you felt. Your nerves were on high, and he was still looking at you with that same stare.
“Why not?”
“Because what?”
“You’re my best friend. You can’t sit here and hold me like that, and stare at me like that and kiss my neck softly like that and then expect me to just be able to functionally drive home like it was another normal movie night hangout.” You snapped. He had you wound up and your lack of dating experience left you mad for more touches from Eddie.
He sunk low and pain hit you in the gut. “I didn’t realize I was crossing any boundaries of our friendship.” He said, leaning back on the couch. “The last thing I ever wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.”
You sat back down next to him, panicking as you realized how he took your reaction. “No, god no, no that’s not what I meant. You never make me feel uncomfortable, Eddie. EVER! I mean, it wasn’t bad like that. It was good…horribly, terribly good. The kind of good you aren’t supposed to feel when watching a movie with your best friend.” You rambled.
So this was how you were going to confess to him your feelings. Man, he had you so on edge, you would admit anything to him right now if he asked.
That almost hungry stare returned to his eyes as he looked back down at you. You had read about that stare before, many times, and honestly, you thought it was an overused phrase in romance. The hungry stare, but honestly, what else could you call a look like that?
“God, you’ll be the death of me, Eddie Munson.” You laughed, not being able to look at him as long as he stared at you with those big brown eyes.
“You should stop taking the lord's name in vain. It’s a bad habit.” Eddie whispered as he leaned closer to you, getting inches away from you. Your four heads were nearly touching, causing both of you to gently close your eyes at the feeling.
“It's funny, I didn’t have such a problem with it until now.”
You could feel his breath so close to you as your hands found their way back into his hair. He slowly dipped his head further down, leaving the same light kiss in his wake. He could feel you pull him closer and the kisses gained more pressure in a way you had been craving since he first came anywhere near you with his light touches.
As he kissed harder into your neck, your hands switched from running through his hair to almost pulling at it. You began leaning back further on the couch as you pulled him down with you until Eddie was over top of you. You wanted to give him the room to be fully on top of you, so you wrapped your legs around him as he put his whole force over you.
You felt engulfed and dazed in a way you never experienced before as he began to kiss you faster moving sporadically across your neck until he had kissed almost every square inch of you. You focused on keeping your breathing even, trying to spare yourself embarrassment from how simply he had you melting underneath him.
He pulled away from you, hovering over you with that same stare that was filled with so much adoration in it. “God, I would keep you here all night like this. Just right here, all mine, and with nowhere else to be. It’s just so satisfying to be able to wrap you up and hold you in a way I know no one else gets to.”
“You know, I think… I don’t really have to get home tonight. No one’s going to miss me if I stay here.” You said breathlessly.
Eddie grinned like the devil looking over you. “Good,” he said as he finally bent down, capturing your lips. His hand came up to cup your chin, tilting your head up to meet him.
That was the last straw, you were a melted puddle that belonged to him now. If this was to be only the beginning of the evening, then surely Eddie Munson was going to be the death of you.
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foulphantomllama · 5 days
My Secret Desire | AESPA Winter x Male Reader
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3. Eat My Heart
After that day, everytime I got alone with Minjeong, she jerked me off while insulting me. And I started insulting her. She seemed to liked it as much as i do. We were at the point that we could not quite sure if we are madly in love or hate each others guts. But nonetheless, it was one of the greatest periods of my life.
We also start spending time together. She told me about her dreams and I told her about mine. We were gettin along perfectly. In our own way of course. As we got more familiar with each other, I couln’t help but think about her body. Although she has been jerking me ever since that day, I never saw her naked. When I ask her about it, she always said soon. And I was waiting.
The day she came to my room she said to me that she wants to eat my heart. I guess now i know what she really meant. I was hers and she was mine. We were encouraging each other by literally bullying each other. We were kind of dating for a month now. But we never had sex. She jerks me off, when i try to touch her she gets mad and don’t let me touch her body.
She was a good dancer and her dream was to be a stage peformer. And she had everything to be one. Looks, charm and talent. But one day she came to me after her dance practice. She was crying. When I asked about what happened, she only said four words. “Fuck my brains out” It was so unexpected so I carried her to my bed and start to take off her clothes. Every peace of fabric I remove was exposing her skin. Her skin was pale white. I started kissing her little tits. With every kiss, she was moaning a little. I was kissing and squeezing her tits. Then I started to kiss my way down to her pussy. It was so wet. I started to lick my way around her pussy lips, guiding myself to her clit. She hold my head and pushed me deep into her pussy. I was tongue fucking her. After a moment she stopped pushing me and screamed at me “please just fuck me damn it you dog” “I am going to fuck you like a dog” I answered to her as I turn her face down and bend her over. I put on my condom. And i put one of my fingers into her little asshole. As I push my cock into her pussy, I also started fingering her ass.
She was moaning and screaming with pleasure. I took my finger off from her asshole. I grabbed her hips and started pounding her like our lives depended on it. Then I grabbed her hair and started pulling a little harder everytime. I pulled my cock off from her pussy and changed my condom. She got advantage of the situation and get on top of me. She sit on my cock and started jumping. As she jumps, her tits was rubbing my face. Then she started kissing me. “Took the condom off.” She whispered to my ear. “You do that.” I said. She got up and took of the condom and started to suck my cock. I was still trying to process the last twenty or so minutes. A month of no intimacy besides jerking me off, and then there we were having sex with each other in such passionate way. As I was drowning in such thoughts, she bite the top of my cock a little. It was painfull. So i slapped her cheek. “Oww” she said with a muffled voice. My cock was still in her mouth. I liked the idea of bullying her in bed. So i pushed her head deep that her chin was touching my balls. I was choking her with my cock. Noises of her gagging was making me even harder. So I cum in her throat. My cum was spilling from her mouth. She swallowed it. And I cleaned the rest off from her chin. But my cock was still hard. “You want more” she asked. I nodded as a yes. “That’s a shame. I need to go. Thank you for the moral boost, love.” She got up, got dressed and went out from my apartment. In the end, I was the one got slightly bullied. Again. She gave me another taste of her. But did not let me make her cum. That was enough to keep me awake at night.
A moment later a got a text from her. It was hee photo with a context saying “Why don’t you jerk yourself off today? But you have to look at me. xoxo” Shit. Then another one. “I want proof.” I did exactly what she said. But then I asked why she was crying today. She answered. “I needed some emotional support and get a princess treatment.”  “Did I treated you like a princess.” I asked. “Even better, she said.” It was getting annoying by the minute. But I asked after I sent her the proof. “Why were you crying?” She wasn’t answering to that question. Something has happened surely. Why else would she cry? But for the moment, i decided to leave it at that.
A day later she was not present at the campus. And she wasn’t responding to my messages either. It was completely normal the other night. She said good night and went to sleep. It was like she was disappeared from the face of the earth. I didn’t even knew where she lives at that time.  After a few hours, my classes ended. I went straight home. Still, there were no signs of her. I prepeared something to eat. Then I got a notification. She liked one of my older posts in Instagram. What the fuck?  “Where were you?” I texted her. She replied. “Open your door dumbass.” I opened the door. There was no one there but a little package. Another text “Did you get it? Don’t open it until I say so.” I said ok. And put the package somewhere safe. What was she planning? She was playing with me like I was her toy. I mean, of course my grades dropped significantly since I started to play this little game with her. But I can always make them better again so I just waited for her next move.
“When do I open it?” I texted her. No response again. She was fucking with me. I was getting more angry every minute she ignores me. I went to bed and tried to sleep but it was no good. I feel asleep after a while surprizingly. A notification wake me up. “Open it!” it was saying. From Minjeong. I opened it. And let me tell you, this girl is driving me crazy for her.
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serevena · 1 year
Heaven Sent.
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Pairing - Ellie Williams x Fem!reader
Synopsis - Ellie hits it from the front…and the back.
Warnings - Strap-On usage, Hickeys, Provocative language, not proofread, Mentions of spit, Oral, Ellie eats it from the back, mentions of overstimulation, Pet names, Graphic Depictions of lesbian sex, No plot, Hair pulling, Ass smacking, Pussy spanking (for like one second).
a.n - Just putting this out there before I start taking this blog more seriously. :)
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“Fuckin’ hell…” Ellie dragged, her coarse hands on either side of your head as she pounded into you like there was no tomorrow, whispering sweet nothings into your ear along with her feverish groaning.
She wouldn’t stop, she couldn’t. The disgusting sounds of her skin slapping against yours was just too much to let go of. She glanced down to see the strap entering in and out of your walls at an ungodly pace, feeling satisfied to know she was doing this to you. “Oh, Ellie—”
“Yeah..yeah..you like it when I fuck you like that, yeah? Just like that..” She spoke roughly, her voice shaky and breathy as you could see drops of sweat glistening on her pale skin. Her eyes practically glowed with the way the moonlight shown on them, Her auburn hair sticking to her forehead. You could’ve sworn you saw an Angel,, I mean, you were quite frankly being fucked so hard you could see heaven.
“‘’m gonna cum..” you mumbled barely coherently, your hand traveling down your own sweaty body for some sort of friction on your clit. Seeing this, Ellie gripped your hand, causing you to let out a wince under your breath from how aggressive it was. She quickly pinned your hand above your head, pulling out of you just before you could reach your release.
“El..” you whined. She could only chuckle in response, sitting up and spanking your cunt for a brief moment, causing you to flinch ever so slightly. She let out another chuckle, her calloused hands on your hips as she rubbed faded stretch marks, biting her bottom lip as she admired what was all hers.
She then bent down, making out with your skin as soft bites were left behind occasionally. “Oh..” you breathed, which caused Ellie to continue, her eyes on your contorting face the entire time. The way your brows frowned, the way your hands gripped the sheets as if it’d give you any kind of support..She loved it, she loved it all.
Ellie’s cracked lips were now hovering over where you needed her most, and you knew she knew, she did this to drive you mad. You simply couldn’t catch a break from the never-ending torture that damn girl gave you. And you loved every goddamn second of it.
She looked up at you one last time before her lips latched around your pulsing clit. You let out a loud moan, causing her to smirk as she didn’t hold back, eating your pussy out like a starved woman. Your soft hands went to her hair, gripping it, Her hands wrapping around your thighs, pulling you impossibly closer to her mouth as her brows furrowed. She shook her head a few times for the extra friction, which sure as hell worked considering it’d get you to arch your back every time. She continued sucking, even biting a few times before she pulled away with a faint ‘pop’ sound. She licked one last strip up your pussy before quickly going back up to your lips...On your face.
She kissed you passionately, your shoulders relaxing when you taste yourself on her tongue. The two of you stood like that for a few minutes, having a make-out session all over again..that was, before she pulled away, a string of saliva hanging from her lips as she looked down at you with her dark gaze. “You drive me fuckin’ crazy..Y’know that?” She mumbled, and you could only stare up at the absolute angel on top of you.
It didn’t take long until she found herself wanting to pound into you again..Ruin you. And Ellie always gets what she wants. So, in the blink of an eye, your back was arched, her jagged hands back on your hips as she kissed your lower back, making sure to bite the skin of your ass, making you let out pouts from the pain. She stared at your glistening pussy..it was practically fucking begging for her. And who was she to say no to you? Her lips quickly connected with your cunt once more, and this caused you to continue your spree of moans. Ellie detached her lips from your core to mumble faint “‘taste so good..”, “‘Atta girl..”’s.
She continued eating you out, getting impossibly more aggressive with it before she removed her mouth entirely. The teasing was driving you insane, but you knew she could care less. She placed one hand on your ass, the other wrapped around the base of the strap as she moved it up and down your cunt, staring down at it like a kid in a candy store. She made sure to catch you off guard as she shoved the silicone inside of you, realizing she couldn’t take it any longer. “Oh—Ellie!“ you yelled out, her hands massaging your ass before one quickly went up to your hair, gripping it roughly with a little grunt. She began thrusting in and out of you at a harsh pace, keeping your hair in her hand as she tugged at it over and over again. It was all so damn overwhelming, and also not enough.
Her hand rose before it landed a harsh slap on your skin. “Mm—Fuck, yeah..you fuckin’ love it when I fuck you like this..” She groaned out, her eyes focused on the way your ass jiggled with every thrust. “Oh, fuck, Ellie! Please..” you mumbled out. “Please what?” She questioned, completely “oblivious” to your words.
“..Please what?” She spoke again when you didn’t respond, landing another harsh smack onto your ass as her pounding impossibly increased. “Please..let me cum..” though Ellie was able to understand, you felt like you’d just mumbled a bunch of gibberish.
The countless hours of teasing, denying,, Ellie couldn’t help but give in. So she continued pounding into you, the skin slapping egging her on as she slapped your ass again, and again, seeing her own handprint on your asscheek. She smirked at this, grabbing your ass roughly as your thighs began shaking. “Just like that..just like that..damn..Gonna cum all over my cock?…” Ellie muttered out, watching and listening to the way your moans became more breathy, more pornographic..The way she could tell by your body that you were cumpletely fucked out.
She didn’t stop for a few, causing your overstimulation to become unbearable. But she pulled out, slowly, watching the way your cum coated the silicone cock. She kissed your back, your ass, your shoulders, anywhere she could reach, letting the rough grip on your hair go. “Did so well for me..” She whispered into your ear as she tried to catch your breath.
“Ready for round two?” God, you could hear the smirk.
She was gonna take care of you.
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bradshawssugarbaby · 2 months
Just What I Needed - Jake Seresin x Reader
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a/n: here's the part two to Got My Mind Set On You, as requested by @mamachasesmayhem 🤍 this can also be read as a standalone fic!
pairing: Jake Seresin x reader
warnings/content: literally smut with no plot. p in v, fingering, praise kink, calling Jake by his rank.
word count: 1.3k
taglist: @avengersfan25 @jessicab1991 @atarmychick007 @dempy @b-bradshaw @ahopelessromanticwritersworld
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The car ride home from the bar had been quiet, Jake’s hand resting firmly on your thigh the whole way, his fingers grazing the inside of your thigh just enough to make you sweat. You felt a fire beginning to brew in your core in anticipation - you knew exactly what this meant. From the moment you started teasing him in front of his friends, using his attraction to you to make him lose his game, you knew what you were doing. 
Jake pulled into the driveway, pulling his hand away from your flesh as he killed the engine. He got out of the truck, and for a split second, you almost wondered if he was mad at you - you knew it was all an act though. He opened the passenger side door for you, grinning as he offered his hand out to help you down. Instead of helping you graciously to your feet, however, Jake pulled you in as close as physically possible, your back arching against the arm he’d wrapped around you for stability. He gave you a passionate kiss, the kind that left you breathless, gasping for air but all the while, desperate and hungry for more. 
He let go of your frame, your light-headedness from the kiss making you feel unsteady on your feet for a moment. As you regained your balance, you began heading for the door, Jake’s hand delivering a playful, yet firm tap to your ass as you headed up the steps. You squealed in delight at his touch, prompting him to do it again.
You giggled as you kicked off your shoes at the door, secretly thanking yourself for deciding on platforms at the last minute, making it easy to ditch them as fast as you could. Jake’s tall, muscular frame pressed into you, backing you up against the wall of the hallway. His hands wandered up and down your sides as his mouth found yours, locking you in with a passionate kiss. He nipped at your bottom lip with his teeth, grazing the sensitive skin ever so slightly. 
You moaned into his kiss as his hands reached up for your chest. He grasped at your breasts, squeezing them firmly as his large hands cupped them over your shirt. He grunted as he kissed you hungrily, lips trailing down your jaw. A mess of hot, sloppy kisses made their way to your collarbone as Jake continued to knead your breasts with his hands. His mouth peppered the tops of your exposed breast with more hungry, open-mouthed kisses, each one feeling a little more desperate than before. Jake’s actions made it clear - he needed you. He craved you. 
His mouth trailed its way back to your ear, his hot breath fanning over your sensitive skin as he spoke in a husky whisper. 
“Fuck, sugar, I can’t get enough of you,” he rasped as his hands made their way to your hips, gripping them tightly as he held them against his own. 
Jake got down on his knees, grinning up at you before roughly shoving your skirt out of his way. He positioned himself between your legs, his tongue licking a painfully slow, sensual strip up your wet folds, collecting the arousal that had begun to gather there. He hummed his lips against you, sending a shockwave through your body as you felt his mouth vibrate on you. A loud whine escaped your parted lips as you placed your palm flat against the table beside you to steady yourself.
“Fuck, Jake!” you cried out as he drew soft circles around your clit with the tip of his tongue. 
“Tastes so fuckin’ good, hun,” he mumbled against your skin before pressing his lips to your clit, sucking at the sensitive nub before pulling away, panting. “So fucking good.”
You could practically feel Jake’s smirk against your skin as he spoke. Your mind raced as he pressed two of his thick, long fingers into your dripping hole, thrusting them into your g-spot with precision and skill. You cried out his name again in the midst of a flurry of moans and curse words, unable to concentrate on anything but the pleasure building within you. 
You felt your thighs begin to tremble and shake as you drew closer to your orgasm, a sign that Jake had picked up on as well. You could feel him smirking against you again for a brief second before he began fucking his fingers into you harder, faster. His lips made contact with your clit again, alternating between hard, powerful sucking and slow, gentle tracing with his tongue. 
“Shit, Jake, fuck,” you managed to get out before you felt your walls clench around his fingers tightly.
“That’s it, you pretty little thing. That’s my girl,” Jake purred as he continued to pump his fingers into your core. 
He pulled them out of you, leaving your arousal dripping from you. You looked down as he brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean with his mouth before pulling them out with a loud pop. He grinned up at your flushed face, a sense of pride in his eyes as he claimed responsibility for the mess he’d made of you.
He stood to his feet, broad hands fiddling with the belt buckle on his jeans while you tried to pull yourself together as best as you could. His belt hit the floor, the sound of the metal buckle clattering against the hardwood echoing through out the house. Jake shimmied out of his jeans and boxers, kicking them off in a desperate frenzy. He stroked his hardened length, a bead of precum forming at the tip. You smirked at him, swiping the white pearl off the head with your thumb before wrapping your hand around his cock, stroking it with just enough pressure. 
Jake grunted and pushed your body against the wall, causing you to let go of him. He roughly grabbed at your thighs, cupping your ass in his hands as he lifted you up, back firmly pressed to the wall. Jake pushed his tip past your swollen folds, groaning as he felt your pussy stretching around him.
“That’s m’girl, making room for me t’fit, huh?” he drawled, refusing to move his hips until you responded. “So tight, honey girl, you feel so fuckin’ good on me.” 
“Jake, please,” you whimpered desperately, hopelessly trying to grind your hips against him to urge him to start thrusting.
“Mhmm? Can’t hear ya, pretty girl. Speak up,” He teased as he pulled himself out of you slowly, leaving just the tip inside of your pulsing cunt. 
“Please, Lieutenant Seresin,” you whined. 
“That’s better, atta girl,” Jake praised as he thrust his hips forward, his cock pounding into you. 
He began to fuck you rhythmically, his hips moving faster and harder, thrusting deeper each time into you. Your walls began to tighten and clench around him, fingernails digging into his shoulder blades as you gripped him tightly, screaming his name out. Jake let out a deep growl as he pumped into you, a sign you knew meant that he was getting close. The usually mouthy pilot could easily be reduced to nothing but a grunting, babbling, pussy-drunk mess. 
“Fuck, you feel like fucking heaven, feel so fucking good,” he rambled, his thrusts becoming sloppy and erratic as he came inside of you. 
Breathlessly, he pressed one of his palms flat against the wall as you set your shaking legs back down on the floor. His olive coloured eyes blinked twice, trying to pull himself together. Jake reached a hand up, wiping the sweat beads from his brow before raking his fingers over his flushed, rosy face. He looked at you, a glazed expression in his eyes as he admired you. 
“That’s my girl,” he said calmly, smiling blissfully as he put a hand on your cheek. He lovingly stroked his fingers across your flushed, warm skin before leaning in to kiss your forehead. 
“That’s my girl.”
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jenniferjareauwife · 3 months
hi hi i love ur writing sm😇do you think we could get an imagine where jj and r have an established relationship, and somebody (an officer wherever they are for the case or smth) is flirting with r but she’s oblivious, and jj gets a little anxious. then r has to reassure jj, and maybe you could add just a smidge of angst before that and have jj ignore r and r doesn’t realise why until jj brings it up. also if you’re comfortable w it you could add some smut at the end, preferably w some body worship (jj receiving) thank you sm🙏🏻🙏🏻
He Was Flirting?
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pairing: jennifer jareau x reader
category: slight angst, smut
warnings: smut, scissoring r & jj, body worship jj, switch jj & r
word count: 988
summary: you're on a case and an officer is flirting with you, your girlfriend notices but you don't when leads to the silent treatment and some sexy time 😏
JJ, Officer Hicks and I walked through Boston's Back Bay, observing the nearest crime scene. The victims all had y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes, same height and my age exactly. It kind of freaked me out a little bit but I knew I wasn't in trouble. No one would mess with an FBI Agent and anyone who knew Ms. Jennifer Jareau would not want to mess with her girlfriend.
"Pretty girls like you better stay safe around here." Officer Hicks said, both hands on his waist as he looked at me with a small smile. I just gave him a small nod, feeling a bit creeped out about the crime scene.
We got back to the station 20 minutes later and I went to the break room for a coffee, hoping to spend some time with JJ after this tiring day. I walked up to her to go talk to her but as soon as I opened my mouth she pushed past me and walked away. Oh. That sting a bit. I turned around to follow her but was stopped by Hicks when he walked into the break room. "Hey hon." He said with his lopsided smile.
"Hi." I looked over his shoulder at JJ who looked completely pissed off. "Hey do you um-"
"You should smile more. It looks good on you." I nodded. I didn't really smile a lot and it was something my friends always told me to do so I took it lightheartedly.
"Thanks." I froze as JJ and I made eye contact. She looked like she was seething with anger. I turned to Hicks and gave him a smile, trying not to to look anxious.
"Sorry to interrupt. Agent Y/l/n and I have to get going." She grabbed my hand with an iron grip. "Come on babe let's go." She kissed me passionately on the lips, making Hicks's jaw drop. Once she pulled away I was left speechless, feeling a familiar heat burn in my lower belly.
"Yeah...yeah let's go." I agreed, letting her drag me out of the station.
Once we got back to the hotel room she was all over me. Her hands were on my ass and her lips were attacking my neck, leaving hickeys and marks everywhere she could reach. "Jayje...JJ." I pushed her away slightly, wanting to see her face. She looked down at me with lustful eyes while gnawing on her bottom lip. "I wanna see you."
"You've gotta earn it after flirting with Hicks sweetheart." She pushed me down onto the bed, making me whine.
"What...what? I wasn't flirting...was that flirting?" I was panicking right now, was she mad at me?
"That was most definitely flirting." Her eyes had a hard look to them again. "Don't try to get yourself out of this."
"I'm not trying to get out of anything just please...please." I tugged at the collar of her shirt, wanting to kiss her all over. "JJ please." I pulled her down on top of me and pulled off her shirt quickly so she couldn't protest. My eyes widened once I saw the swells of her breasts. She didn't protest when I unclasped her bra so I took that as a sign to flip her over, kissing ever inch of her skin that I could reach.
I cupped her breasts in my hands and moaned against her skin as I started to rock against hers, our clits bumping against each other. "JJ...JJ fuck you're so pretty." I couldn't get enough of her, just wanting her to know how pretty she was. I looked up at her though my lustful eyes and saw her blush. "I love you so much. You're so pretty- fuck." My eyes rolled to the back of my head as my hips bucked forward.
"You look so hot on top of me like this." She said with a soft laugh, reminding me of her dominance over me. I kept grinding against her and leaving kisses all over her body. She deserved it, she was so beautiful.
She gripped my waist in a bruising grip so I kept my pace. I could tell she was reaching her high, the way her muscles twitched under my lips. I could get off on her cumming, she just looked so fucking hot while doing it and I never hesitated to tell her that. "Fuck...fuck JJ I'm gonna cum."
"Me too baby." She held me close to her as I left sloppy kisses over her breasts. I kept my body as close to hers as possible, just wanting her to feel how much I loved her. "Y/n...y/n I'm coming!" I lifted my head up so I could kiss her as she rode out her orgasm. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I climaxed, kissing all over her face and neck, not caring where I kissed just caring that I was kissing her.
"I love you I love you I love you." I chanted, pulling away once I got too sensitive. I left sloppy kisses along her jaw before dropping my head to her shoulder.
"You ok?" She panted, dragging her fingertips over my back. I gave her a small nod and snuggled up close to her.
"I'm sorry for flirting with him...I didn't know." I whispered, tracing shapes on her belly. I felt her inhale and exhale sharply, trying to get the air back in her lungs. "I really love you...and I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize...I'm sorry for getting jealous. You weren't even flirting, it was just him."
"I didn't like the silent treatment." I told her quietly. I felt her chest cave in a bit.
"I'm sorry honey. I won't do it again, ok? I really should've communicated with you better. I'm really sorry."
"It's ok." I kissed her stomach. "I love you so much." I mumbled against her skin thinking maybe she would absorb it. It was silly but I wanted her to know how loved she was.
"I love you more baby."
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your-nanas-house · 6 months
I'm pretty sure you're mine
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◇ Pairing: Sub!William Killick X dom fem!Reader
◇ Warnings: smut, disappointment, friends to lovers, choking, slapping, edging, raw sex/creampie, sadness and lust, shitty writing (sorry I'm pretty sick and struggled a bit)
◇ Summary: William meets his childhood friend again, after a promise he did before the war.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. Inspired by one of the latest and wonderful works of @pinguwrites
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"William—" her voice came out as a whisper as her eyes remained on her loving childhood friend, who was busy apparently flirting with a brunette woman.
He turned around, licking his lips in confusion but kind of joy— a joy that vanished as soon as he saw the hurt face of who used to be his Y/n.
She left him no time to say hello, ask questions, or give an explanation— even though it was ages since they saw each other and she was really eager to meet him again after all they had been through.
It didn't happened though, not like she planned.
Y/n always imagined their reunion to be more romantic, full with joy and cries and passion— not sadness and disappointment.
She rushed out of the pub where they were, pushing the door open before running away the fastest she could, leaving the young man confused and sad at the entrance.
A couple of days later, someone knocked at the door of the house she was staying in and thinking that it was probably the owner or someone important, she opening it just to be face to face with William.
Neither of them spoke for a couple of seconds, they just kept looking at each other, taking in all the changes that were visible on their bodies— before she made an attempt to close the door.
William's feet quickly stopped her action, opening the door again and walking in as soon as she rushed away, heading with an angry gait to the living room— so that she could continue to prepare her suitcases.
"Y/n" William's voice broke the silence taking her slightly by surprise, it had become deeper and his accent was still present, if she wasn't that mad she would have probably begged him to speak to her all day long.
Distracted by his voice, she didn't realize that the man had moved and was now standing behind her with a very worried look.
Her body became still as soon as William rested his hand carefully on her shoulder, she turned slowly her head to meet his piercing baby blue eyes— waiting for him to talk, to say anything.
"Why are you here?" William asked, leaking of words. His words kept echoing in Y/n's head as she stared how blankly at his handsome face
"Why am I here?" Repeats, anger slowly building up, her movements become more nervous and fast as she kept packing her things.
"Yes—" he started, taken aback by her sudden motion, her finger pointing at his chest "I'm here because I wanted to see you again, I waited for you to come back to me after war but nothing!" she revealed breathing heavily.
Y/n didn't let William open his mouth again.
Her hand pushed against his chest, making him stumble against the nearest surface
"I came here ready to see you again, to be with you and start something like we promised each other and there you are, flirting with another woman" she murmured, staring at him with a lot of emotions in her eyes.
William's heart skipped a beat as his stomach sinked. She was mad. But, she had every right to be.
She returned to a man who had changed and seemingly moved on from the past. She had a right to be mad.
William swallowed down, his gut instinct to defend himself disappearing as he stared at her, his mouth almost unable to form words.
"You have nothing to say?" She asked incredulously, her eyes narrowing even more
"I..I..." he stammered out, his tongue tied. It feels like he couldn't find the proper words, as if every time he opened his mouth to speak they only stumble out as gibberish.
His heart raced as frustration mounts against himself for what had become of the situation. She was rightfully angry at him, but now he found himself unable to even answer the question posed to him.
"The cat got your tongue, William?" She asked, framing his body with hers, almost giving an energy of superiority and dominance.
He stared with wide eyes, shocked but at the same time intrigued by the sudden position.
He couldn't feel the heat of her body pressed against his, the sensation sending waves of heat through his body. Her smell was different then he remembered, not sweet and innocent like it used to be but— nicer.. more mature.
It was almost as if she was designed to distract him.
Y/n's eyes scanned his body as she bit softly her bottom lip in thought.
His breath caught in his chest, feeling the butterflies rush to his stomach, his body nearly shivering as she moves closer.
His hands suddenly rise, his body shifted so he was better framed by hers.
William stared at her, knowing that they both felt the heat rising.
They both let out a soft sigh before their lips connected in a passionate and fiercely kiss.
He suddenly wrapped his hands around her waist, his fingers interlocking together, pulling her in as he kisses her.
Her arms hugging his neck forcefully, holding him closer to her.
The passion and heat that erupted between them was utterly exhilarating, but at the same time there was a certain intimacy about the kiss— as well as repressed feelings and hidden emotions.
His tongue swirled around hers, and he felt her body pressed up against his during the kiss, the heat and tension nearly unbearable.
Y/n pushed him against the wall, pulling softly at his locks as she broke the kiss
"Tell me you're still mine" she whispered against his lips, her nose brushing his as she waited for a reply, her eyes closed.
A deep moan erupted from William's throat, his body nearly trembling beneath her— his lips parted and the words barely managed to utter themselves from his mouth
"I'm still yours.." he whispered, and kisses her again.
She returned the kiss, leading him to the bedroom of the house while she started to undress him— he was still in a state of shock that this was happening, but the heat that he felt rise through him as she lead him to the bedroom was undeniable.
Her hands moved to undo his buttons, her breath on his neck, hot and desperate, and the heat of her body rising up through his own.
It was almost as if she was designed to steal away his breath, and his body responded in turn without hesitation.
And in a quick motion he was now laying on the bed, Y/n towering over him while she kicked off her boots.
William kept watching her with anticipation as he laid there, his own hands move to undo his pants, pulling them off one as he watches her remove her blouse.
It felt as if time had melted away for William.
Time no longer held any sway over him, it was just the two of them together; her hands on his body, her lips on his, her breath against his skin.
He suddenly leaned forward and kissed her again deeply, pulling her body to rest upon his.
His hand wandered lower, taking a handful of her ass, earning a harsh slap from her
"I don't think you understand who's in control right now, baby boy" Y/n murmured, her nails digging in the flesh of his chin as she held it still, making William whine softly.
The sudden slap earned a jolt of shock from him and the burning remained a reminder.
This had always been the underlying dynamic between the two of them and the sudden harshness from her now was utterly unexpected— it felt like this wasn't the same girl he used to fool around with, her confidence drowing him almost as if she had been the one who had gone to war.
Her nails scraped at his chin harder, and the sudden rush of heat sent shivers all through his body.
William just nodded breathless, his eyes watching her carefully as his body didn't dare to move
"Will you be a good boy, William? My good boy?" She asked almost ordering him to, placing kisses along his jawline.
His heart kept hammering heavily in his chest as his breathing grew heavy at her commands.
She had taken an unexpected role in this reunion, and it was taking him some time to get used to this new dynamic not that he minded.
He slowly nodded, his mouth barely able to utter a single word
"Yes... I'll be a good boy" he finally muttered, rolling his eyes back when she started to nibble on his sweet spot, his breath becoming heavier and heavier as his hands kept tickling.
He needed to grab her, to hold into her but he was too afraid to do so— William didn't want her to stop for no reason.
Y/n's body was still clothed while William was bare under her, needy of her touch and love.
"Tell me you're mine, honey" she whispered, making her hand travel lower in a painful slow pace.
"I'm yours" he muttered quickly out, his heart racing violently as his breath grew more ragged
"I'm yours" he repeated it again breathless, as if to convince himself more than her that this was true.
Her hand grabbed his rock-hard cock which was hidden under the skirt of her dress, she pumped it a couple of time, watching his face writhe in a grimace of pleasure.
"What do you want, baby?" Y/n whispered a couple of minutes later, denying him the release.
The question threw him off completely as he was still under the effects of her sudden dominance.
It took him a few moments to even grasp the question she was asking him, but when he did, the words that fell from his mouth were quick and decisive
"I want..." his voice was nearly a whisper
"I want you to teach me a lesson" his eyes were filled with anticipation as he stared at hers.
"My baby wants a lesson? A lesson of what, huh? Does my baby need to be remined of who he belongs to?" She mocked him, tightening the grip she had on his thrombing cock.
William groaned in response, the pain of her grip nearly unbearable, as was the mocking tone she used.
His eyes narrowed in pain and pleasure as she challenged him, as if daring him to resist
"Yes" he whispered softly "Yes, darling...I need to learn my place".
Another harsh slap could be heard in the room, he blinked a couple of times, looking at her now like a lost puppy
"I'm not your darling, baby. What am I?" She asked, her free hand grabbing his face "You're My Mistress" he whispered out, the words coming out like a sudden admission.
His head bowed down slightly, his gaze falling down as he waited a response or another slap.
"Mistress" Y/n repeated softly, nodding in approval "Call me that, baby" she kissed his bruised lips as a reward
"Is my baby ready to be reminded?" She whispered against his lips.
His lips parted in an involuntary whimper as she moved her hand again
"Yes Mistress... I'm ready" he whispered in a low voice, waiting her next move.
Her lips touched his face again in a kiss, her nails scratching along his lips, reminding him of the power she held in this moment.
"That's a good boy" she praised, listening to William's soft whimper.
Y/n moved down his body, leaving kisses down his pale freckled skin till she reached his leaking cock— her thumb rubbed his angry red tip, collecting his pre-cum as he squirmed softly, his hands grabbing into the bed.
Her bottom lip was caged between her teeth, her eyes fixed on him while she continued with her actions, slapping hard the pale skin of his tigh as soon as he tried to do something
"Ah Ah, baby. Behave or I stop, got it?" Y/n murmured, spitting on his cock to be able to stroke him better, earning other whines and whimpers from the grown man.
The young woman managed to deny him his release for six times before receiving an actual reaction from him.
Tears running down his sharp but handsome face, his cheeks flushed and his lips bruised for all his biting and the kisses they shared before.
And each slap on his thigh was a sharp sting of pain and a rush of heat that made him tremble slightly against her as a sharp moan escaped his mouth each time
"M-More, please! More, mistress! I-I need m-more" his voice grew hoarse as the lesson went on, his voice dripping with desire and need as he begged her.
A small smirk remined on Y/n's face as she decided to finally stop torturing him and get her pussy a bit of satisfaction as well.
She moved her dress slightly up, not showing William anything but her thighs for a couple of seconds before sink into him— her cunt wrapping tightly around his cock.
William's back arched at the sudden sensation, his eyes rolled back as his hand finally grabbed her hips, letting Y/n still be in control as she bounced on his lenght
"Is my baby close?" She moaned out, grabbing his throat while increasing her pace, ready to receive all the load that William shoot inside of her soon after.
"Yess" she hissed, watching William silent moans, his open mouth and the shaking of his body who was struggling to deal with an orgasm like that
"Fill me, baby boy!" She commanded eagerly before lying next to him breathless as well.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter , @mrkdvidal1989
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adorethedistance · 10 months
I Love You - Trevor Zegras x Reader (18+)
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Hockey Masterlist
Warnings: swearing, SMUT, oral f!recieving, rough sex
Words: 1956
Summary: When Trevor accidentally lets it slip that he's in love with you, the heat of the moment confession turns into the fuck of a lifetime.
A/n: I wrote this piece in one sitting and decided to not proof it extensively lol. It's not bad tho so enjoy! Minors DNI pls pls pls
“Spiderman would not beat Captain Marvel in a fight!” I sit up to passionately declare to an amused yet startled Trevor. As I sit up to straddle his hips, he subconsciously draws his legs up to rest against my back. Trevor looks at me with gentle shock, clearly not expecting me to get so fired up about the statement he’d just made. 
I’d been laying with my head on his chest for a while as he and I talked about the wonders of growing up. Then, somehow, the topic of aspirations led to childhood, leading to superheroes, and now to hypothetical super battles. Once the initial shock wears off, Trevor’s eyes flash with stubborn delight and he pushes back.
“Spiderman would absolutely win.”
“Why?” I ask, preparing to deconstruct any argument he throws my way.
“He’s got Spidey-sense so his reflexes would be quicker.”
“Okay, that doesn’t mean shit!”
“Why not?!”
“Because Captain Marvel has actual powers and MCU spidey only has spidey-sense, which is really just mega anxiety.”
“No way!”
“You’re just mad because I’m right. JAMIE?!” I scream into the empty hallway. “Oh my god, wait, he’s not even here!” I begin wheezing laughing at my own brain fart. Trevor also begins to laugh, though it’s clear he’s laughing at both my wheeze and the embarrassing moment beforehand.
“I told you he’s out with some of the guys.”
“I forgot to ask, why didn’t you go with?”
“Because I wanted to see you,” he says as if that statement didn’t just make my heart swell a million times larger.
“Not that I don’t appreciate your choice, but you never miss guys’ day.”
“What? Yes, I do!”
“When?” At my question, Trevor pauses still trying to come up with an answer. “See?”
“Well, I’ve been trying to make more of an effort to spend time with you...”
“What? Why?”
“Because I love you!” Trevor and I both fall silent for a moment. Lips slightly parted in surprise.
“Did you just-?”
“I don’t think so-”
“You totally did!”
“Well…” He trails off again, “I do.”
Reaching forward, I extend both arms to hold his face and I lean down to kiss his lips. The kiss deepens as it lingers and I hum a happy sigh into the connection. Trevor finds our passionate rhythm and his hands that were originally resting on my waist trail down over my hips and onto my ass. I can feel him fighting a smile through the kiss, which causes me to smile. The small laughs between us are gone just as fast as they came, and I keep one hand on Trevor’s cheek while the other slips into his hair. Gripping my hand in the strands on his neck he moans softly into the kiss. 
The heat of the moment leads me to begin grinding down on him, desperate for any sort of friction that could provide release. I trace the tip of my tongue down his neck, nipping soft bits of his skin between my teeth. Trevor groans at the sensation in tandem with the movement of my hips. The sound is so erotic it makes me want to ravage him immediately. I pull off of his neck for a brief moment to mutter,
“Bedroom. Now.” And Trevor doesn’t need to be told twice. He sits up sliding one hand under my ass and the other across my back to carry me from the couch to his bedroom. I marvel at how strong he is, how effortless the motion is for him. Trevor tosses me down on his bed with ease, a lustful smirk occupying his features as he admires the sight of me between his unmade sheets. 
Before either of us can say a word, I’m tearing his sweatshirt and the soft baby tee underneath it, off of my feverish body. The choice to forego any kind of bra was purely coincidental. Or maybe I knew deep down that I needed him this bad. Regardless the action leaves us both topless, and his smirk now grows into a lustful grin. 
“Fucking hell, I’m a lucky guy,” Trevor says as he takes in the sight of my bare chest. I remain laying down but extend my hand to reach for him. Trevor takes the cue, interlacing our fingers before dropping his head to pull my right nipple into his mouth. I gasp softly as he sucks the hard bud, grazing the flesh with his teeth, causing me to moan fully. 
He puffs a small laugh of arrogance before harshly sucking a love bite into the side of my tit. He works quickly, placing a kiss on the mark once he’s finished before repeating the motion on my left side. I tangle both hands in the back of his hair. Gripping the tufts for my own expression of pleasure. My hands idly follow as he pulls off of my tits and leans up to kiss me once more. He sucks my bottom lip roughly before kissing his way down the length of my body.
The kissing ceases as he encounters the waistband of my pajama shorts. Hooking his fingers in the band he looks up, pausing for a moment to check in. I nod a fervent ‘yes’ and that’s all the encouragement he needs to yank off my shorts and my thong in one swift motion. He discards the clothing somewhere behind his body, staring down before meeting my eyes once more. He wordlessly quirks a brow. Such a fucking tease.
“Please,” I say, knowing exactly what he wants to hear. Trevor happily obliges, roughly lifting my legs. He braces himself with one hand on the underside of each of my thighs, pushing them so that my knees flank my marked breasts. His head dips lower. Licking the surface of my pussy with his wide tongue. I breathe out a pleasured sigh at the first contact. He continues licking up and down the length of my sex, lingering at the top to swirl his tongue on my clit. I moan softly at the action, causing him to swirl harder before sucking the sensitive bud into his mouth. 
“Ah, Trevor!” I whine as he continues to pleasure me. His hands drop from holding my thighs to then open me up more, momentarily pulling off of my clit. The right hand spreads my pussy apart while the left lifts from above; I shudder at the feeling of the crisp air against my exposed clit. He snickers darkly before licking the bud, causing me to cry out in pleasure.
“Oh fuck!” 
His pace quickens. The movement speeds up as I feel my high building further and further. And just as fast as he had begun, he pulls away from my core once more.
“Agh, you dick!” Trevor just laughs and fake pouts at me.
“What’s wrong?” He asks snarkily and I roll my eyes. The act is surrendered without much of a fight as Trevor unties the drawstring on his sweatpants and drops them. His boxers quickly follow; he's already the hardest he’s ever been. I sigh at the sight and then scooch further down the length of the bed. With my hips right on the edge of the mattress, he reaches down to slowly trace his tip through my slick folds. He moans at the initial contact. I can feel myself getting wetter as he does. The things this boy’s moans can do to me is humiliating.
Then, Trevor gently pushes the tip into my dripping hole. He takes a moment, allowing me to adjust to his size before pulling back out again. He fucks in and out of me with the tip until I whine out of impatience. Trevor takes the hint and without a moment to spare immediately pushes all the way inside me, bottoming out in one quick movement. I groan out a cry, relieved to feel him again, but desperately wanting more.
“Fuck me, please,” is all I have to say before he begins thrusting in and out. The pace of his thrusts are steady and wonderful. If I’d know he could fuck like this from the beginning, I wouldn’t have wasted time playing false modesty. He continues to fuck into me, moaning at the sensation in time with his thrusts. 
“Harder,” I sigh and Trevor merely smiles. He thrusts with a bit more force but I can tell he’s holding back. “It’s okay,” I say tauntingly, “You won’t break me.” Trevor seems ignited by the promise and begins to fuck harder and deeper. I loudly moan out with each thrust, reveling in the pleasure of feeling him inside me. 
I can feel  my orgasm building but before I can utter another encouragement he pulls out completely. “Wha-” I try to ask but Trevor quickly uses his impressive strength to rough flip me over. Laying face down, on my stomach, he grabs my legs and pulls me back to the edge of the bed. From where he stands, he pushes back in to fuck me harder and faster from behind. I cry out in immense pleasure and reach my right hand out behind me. Trevor interlaces our fingers and uses the position to pin that arm on my back, using that as leverage to go harder.
I could scream with how intense the pleasure is. As he continues fucking me I feel my high building once more. Trevor senses my peak through the way my pussy is clenching his dick, and he begins moaning louder at the sensation. Fucking faster and harder, he holds one hand on my back, the other on my shoulder to keep my from moving away from the end of the bed. I use my free hand to grip the fabric of his sheets in my fist. Each thrust gleaning a louder, more intense cry than before, building higher and higher.
“Oh my god, I’m gonna cum.” I squeak as he fucks me hard. The swelling mix of his pants and moans indicate he’s also close. 
“Fuck. Me too, babygirl.” 
“Please please please please please,” I whisper as I near my high more and more. As my orgasm envelops me, I go silent reaching for the peak of my high. The intensity of my squeezing around his dick amplifies, and the added friction is enough for him to climax simultaneously. He doesn’t let up his pace, allowing the both of us to release at the same time. 
“I’m cumming I’m cumming I’m cumming,” I whine as he twitches, jerking slightly as he finishes inside of me. The both of us finish with a symphony of moans and whines, falling into one another’s pleasure as we do.
Trevor then pulls out of me and collapses on the bed beside me. As I turn over, I feel his cum start to leak out of me but I’m too exhausted to do anything about it. When I finally muster the energy and look up at his sweating face, I smile and laugh breathlessly due to the rush of endorphins.
“Holy shit,” I say as best as I can with my dry mouth.
“That was easily the best sex we’ve ever had.”
“Agreed.” We fall silent again for a brief moment, Trevor resting his eyes in the interim. I look at his handsome face and smile as I think about how he’s completely and utterly mine. “I love you, Z.” His eyes flutter back open and he smiles sweetly. He sits up to look at me fully and say,
“I really am the luckiest guy in the world.” Trevor then leans down and places a soft, lingering kiss on my lips. 
“I’ll get you a towel and then you should probably pee.”
“And they say chivalry is dead.”
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rosebudfics · 5 months
hii ♡ may i request for a severus x f!reader where she isn't feeling her best about her body (if u're uncomfy with that it could be any other reason!) so she cuddles on sev's lap and he comforts her, but then it turns into riding and lots of praising ? 🥰 thank u so much in advance if u can do it !! <3
You're beautiful, don't forget that
Husband!Snape x Wife! Reader
Warnings: self doubt, swearing, reader is self conscious of her body (I tried my best to make the body type varied so it wasn't too specific), face riding, p in v riding, slight overstimulation, let me know if I missed anything <3
A/N: i am OBSESSED with this idea. I love it so so much!! Hope i did it justice
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You were having a horrible day. You were tired, and on top of that you caught yourself staring in the mirror too long. The more you stared, the more imperfect features appeared. One eye was slightly more droopy than the other, your nose looked too big/small, you couldn't look down without a double chin showing, you were starting to get smile lines and wrinkles, your stomach had that annoying pudge/shallow look, and so many other things.
Why couldn't you just have a perfect body? You couldn't help but feel like your husband, Severus, would start not being physically attracted to you. You knew he loved you, but where would the spark be if he didn't love your body just as much?
You vision started to blur as you felt tears start to appear, but you jumped and quickly wiped away your tears when you heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Are you alright in there?" You heard Severus speak softly.
"Y-yes, I'm fine just give me a second!" You cringed at the voice crack, and cleared your throat, wiping away any excess tears. Severus frowned to himself when he heard your voice, but waited until you opened the door. You opened the door and did your best to smile up at him, and leaned up, kissing him gently.
"Hello, darling," You then wrapped your arms around him, hiding your face in his chest.
Severus smiled gently, holding you as he stroked your hair. But then he furrowed his brows. "Love, are you sure you're okay..? You can tell me if something has upset you,"
You stayed quiet for a moment, before whispering so quiet that he had barely caught it. "Do you still find me attractive..?"
"What kind of silly question is that?" He pulled away slightly and grabbed your chin, making you look up at him. Severus then saw the tears welling up in your eyes. "Y/N, you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes upon. How could you think so lowly of yourself?" He was mad at himself for not showing you how much he found you attractive, sexy, just beautiful in every way.
You let out a soft sob. "I-I'm sorry, I've just... I don't feel pretty. There's so many things that are wrong with my face, I just don't understand why I can't be like all the other women. I-I-" You were cut off by Severus kissing you as he caressed your cheek.
"Y/N, my love, I know what that can feel like... trust me I do." He then suddenly picked you up, bringing you over to the bed and he rested your head in his lap so you were looking up at him. "But I need you to know that you are beautiful, inside and out. Everything about you. Your eyes, your face, your body.." He ran his hands down your arms.
You just stared up at him, amazed that you could find such a man as wonderful as him. What did you ever do to deserve him?
"Do you understand now? That you are stunning?" Severus asked, softly caressing your face with his finger tips. You nodded, lips parted slightly before you grabbed his hand and kissed his palm.
"I love you so much, Sev..." You whispered, leaning your face into his hand. He smiled. "I love you too."
You both sat like that for a while, enjoying each other's touch, before you climbed up to sit in his lap properly. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and you started to kiss him softly. You felt Severus place his hands on your hips, kissing you back passionately.
You started to gently rut your hips against him, and you heard a low groan from him. You smirk slightly, and start to rut more.
"Please.. let me see you without these," Severus whispered lowly as he pulls on the waist band of your pants, as if he had never seen you naked before. Even though this definitely wasn't your guys's first time, he never failed to make your stomach do a back flip.
You stood up off of him, and started to strip until you were just in panties. You waited until he had removed his own clothes before straddling him again. Severus gripped your waist. "Look at those pretty hips... so beautiful, so perfect for me.." He whispered in your ear before kissing your jaw.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling your core getting hotter by the minute. "Can I take these off..?" He asked, tugging at your panties. You responded with a nod, and he slowly pulled them down off your legs and threw them with the rest of your clothes. You felt him then run his fingers from your clit to the bottom of your slit, earning a soft moan from you.
He smirked before laying down more on the bed, and pulling you over so your core was directly above his face. You gripped the headboard as you blushed, looking down at him. Severus then pulled you down, and he started to lick your slit. You let out a loud moan, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt his nose nudge against your clit.
You reached down and gently gripped his head, before you started to rock your hips slightly into his face. He grabbed your thighs, pushing you down further into his mouth. He licked and sucked, and started to rub a thumb on your clit as he pushed his tongue inside of you. You let out a gasp, followed by stuttered moans.
Severus rubbed his thumb faster, causing your thighs to shake and clench around his head. You didn't want to hurt him so you did your best to not crush him. "S-sorry.. f-fuck!" You groaned.
He pulled away for a second, thumb still working your clit. "Don't ever apologise love, if I were to die I would love to go out that way.. getting crushed by these wonderful thighs on yours," He smirked, and shoved his tongue back into you.
You giggled, but were interrupted by a loud moan when you felt a knot forming in your stomach. You were gasping for breath as you arched your back, gripping the headboard until your knuckles turned white. You then felt that knot snap, and you let out a cry of pleasure as your thighs shook, followed by soft whimpers as you calmed down.
Severus had swallowed everything, before tapping your thigh so you could let him get up. You fell back onto his stomach, legs weak due to the intense orgasm you just had. You leaned back, and felt something poking your low back. Your eyes widened slightly but you smirked.
"We can't forget about you, can we?" You said, before shuffling back so he could sit up as he chuckled. He gestured that you would sit in his lap, and you obliged, wrapping your legs around his waist. He reached around, running his fingers through your slit to gather your juices, and rubbed his cock in them.
"Ready?" He whispered, rubbing your back with his free hand. You nodded, and he pushed himself inside, letting out a guttural moan. You whimpered and rested your forehead on his shoulder, still feeling slightly overstimulated due to your recent orgasm.
He let you adjust, before grabbing your hips and softly lifting you up and down. You were letting out little gasps and whines, digging your fingernails in his forearm when he sped up. "F-fuck... You're perfect. perfect for me, perfect in every way.." Severus whispered in your ear as he bounced you up and down on his cock.
You didn't realise it, but tears started to well in your eyes again from gratefulness, and it didn't take you long before you started to clench around him due to overwhelming feelings.
He let out a loud groan. "If you keep clenching like that.. I-I'm gonna.. gonna-" Severus went silent, then let out a loud groan, moaning as he released inside of you, and the feeling of it caused you to reach your second climax, and you let out a squeal, biting down on your tongue to try not to be so loud.
You both sat like that for a moment, heavily breathing and calming down from the high. You kissed his cheek, wrapping your arms around him as you sighed in content. He traced his hands along your hips as he whispered, "You're beautiful.. don't forget that."
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reallyromealone · 8 months
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DAY 🎃ELEVEN🎃 CAR SEX - Eddie Munson
Omegaverse because I can, male reader, Omega male reader, nsfw, smut, gay, mxm, queer
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(Name) and Eddie cuddled in his van as they sat in the drive in theatre snacks to the side as they watched Trick or Treat. The two had been wanting to see this movie for a minute, Eddie surprising his mate with two tickets.
All was good...save for (name)s ass rubbing against Eddie's jean covered cock at every scary scene, (name) shifting nervously at the movie "Eddie...stop poking me" (name) whispered as he snuggled into his neck and Eddie huffed.
"Then stop shifting"
(Name) took a second to realize what he meant as he grew flustered but didn't stop if anything started rubbing in circles "(name), stop it" Eddie hissed out but (name) just kissed his neck "fucking minx..." Eddie grunted as he pushed him down on the seat, thankfully he got a van without a middle console as he manhandled his mate to lay on the seats and the two began making out, (name)s hands sneaking to tug at Eddie's wild hair to the alphas delight.
Eddie wanted to take his time but they were on a time crunch and the smell of slick was driving him mad.
"Gotta be quiet baby, don't wanna get caught right?" (Name) whined but tried to keep quiet as Eddie shimmied both their pants, thanking the gods that (name) dressed for comfort as his erect cock sprung out "already baby?" Eddie teased and (name) huffed before pulling him into a kiss, passion sparking between them as Eddie pulled out his cock and gave it a few pumps "you ready baby?"
The two made out as Eddie slowly pushed in with a grin, slipping his tongue in as he bottomed out in the cramped environment "kind of wished we were in the back... oh well" Eddie whispered against (name)s lips and (name) grunted "less talking...more fucking"
"What can't handle me talking while I fuck your sweet ass? While my balls slap against your ass cheeks?" Eddie began fucking him without warning, his talking getting dirty as he nipped at the others mating mark "please..." the van rocked slightly and Eddie had to slow down as to not get caught and (name) whined "shhhh baby what did I say" Eddie covered (name)s mouth with his hand, the rings adorning his fingers shining from the drive in theatre as a scream could be heard from the little mic inside the van "behave."
Eddie fucked slow and deep as (name) let himself get lost in pleasure of the others cock, feeling the knot form "can't knot in ya baby, movies three quarters done" Eddie said and (name) whined.
"I know... I'll give you some good lovin' when we get home"
Eddie gripped (name)s hips as he pressed against the others prostate and ground his hips "good boy.."
Eddie felt himself grow close and jerked (name) off, watching him hump into his hand before splattering white,Eddie kissing him to muffle his moan as he pulled out and grabbed an old sweater in the back at lighting speed to cum in it.
"We need to go home" (name) panted out as Eddie cleaned him up as best as he could "if I don't get your knot within the next hour I'm gonna be pissed"
"Roger that angel"
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twiisted-king · 1 year
✧ Gwen Stacy GF HC’s ✧
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➟ Gwen Stacy / GN!Reader 🕸️🤍
➟ SFW ( she’s 16 you sick fucks )
➟ TW : Depression mentions & Injuries/Blood ( It’s fairly fluffy <3 )
— At first, Gwen didn’t think that she had a crush on you. She denied it up and down even though it was abundantly obvious y’all had chemistry.
— She was Spider-Woman! She didn’t have time for relationships and all the unnecessary parts of life.
— It was frustrated Gwen to hell and back just trying to ignore her feelings. She would avoid you at school, take extra long patrols, anything to get you off her mind.
— Until you started noticing how she had been avoiding you. I don’t think Gwen is the best at processing her emotions and when you confront her about it she sort of breaks down in a way. She apologizes for ignoring you then quickly decides to just give up the ghost and confess.
— Poor Gwen is standing there, smiling awkwardly at you and convincing herself you are absolutely going to reject her. Until you don’t and then she nearly has a heart attack on the spot.
— Gwen definitely gets better at being a girlfriend as time progresses. She always leaves little notes for you, texts you whenever she can, and bring you your favorite snacks. Gwen’s love language is definitely Acts of Service and Quality Time.
— You’re craving ice cream at 12 o’clock at night? Good because she is to and she’s already out the door to the nearest gas station.
— However, one thorn in the relationship is the fact that she’s Spider-Woman. It gets harder to make excuses for why she’s covered in bruises and limping all the time. Maybe she should tell you? But what if you leave her or worse hate her for keeping such a big secret !? Gwen is definitely overthinking everything.
— Her secret is revealed one day when you unexpectedly come over to her apartment one day just as she’s crawling into the window in costume. Y’all have a little staring contest before she has to take off the mask because why the hell would Spider-Woman be crawling in your girlfriend’s window at 10 O’clock at night?
— Gwen definitely cries. Apologizing profusely and begging you not to tell her dad about any of this. Instead, you just hug her and she realizes that you aren’t mad at her. She answers any questions you have though is somewhat hesitant since she doesn’t want you getting dragged into any of it. Her first priority is making sure you are safe and no one finds out you’re Spider-Woman’s S/O.
— She takes you to your place of choice as an apology just to be extra EXTRA sure you aren’t mad at her.
— You patch up Gwen’s wounds all the time. Few words are spoke once the med kit comes out and she is grateful to have someone who is willing to deal with her crimefighting BS. Being a superhero can be super depressing and you are always there to be a shoulder for her to lean on.
— On a slightly more happy note, Gwen would love to teach you how to play the drums! It’s pretty adorable to see her get so excited about something she’s passionate about.
— Gwen always tries to get you something for your birthday. She’ll save up months in advance so she can get the perfect gift and take mental notes of what you like. She tried to make a cake one year .. that didn’t turn out well so she just bought one instead.
— She’ll let you borrow her clothes if you want and won’t say anything if it never appears in her closet again.
— I do think her dad would be supportive of the relationship. It’s a little awkward the first time y’all have dinner together, but George Stacy is fairly chill once you get to know him. This man makes shitty dad jokes though and tells embarrassing childhood stories about Gwen to you.
— SO many pictures of you. Not even just on her phone but also hung up around her room. It’s kind of cute how flustered she gets when you point out her phone wallpaper of y’all.
— Late night talks on rooftops. Gwen finds being outside relaxing and she’ll make a whole set up so you two can stargaze.
— Called you “ Babygirl “ as a joke once now it’s a running gag.
— She finds cursed images / 3 AM humor to be the absolute peak of comedy and sends the dumbest shit to you.
— She wanted to show off her webs to you once then proceeded to accidentally get your foot stuck to a wall and THEN got herself stuck trying to help.
— Movies dates are common and she’ll purposely pick out the worst ones so she can give commentary. Twilight was an absolute rollercoaster for her.
— Builds a cute little house in Minecraft for y’all to live in please just ignore the fact it has no roof and the floors are made of dirt.
— And the best girlfriend of the year award goes to Gwen Stacy :)
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slvtforfiction · 7 months
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☆ Jealous Colby x Reader 🤭
☆ Secret situationship
☆ Kinda toxic ngl
☆ MATURE. (Suggestive)
☆ Short,sorry loves ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
☆ Masterlist
☆ A like,comment and reblog is always appreciated:)
☆ Creds to @cafekitsune for dividers :)
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“Fuck Colby if he doesn’t want to show you off wear it.” Kat shrugged as I looked at myself in the mirror. My silky red dress,extremely short may I add.
“He’ll be mad though Kat.” I said as I stared at my figure in the mirror as Kat sighed,sitting in my bed watching me check myself out.
If I’m honest I would be jealous of myself,my boobs looked amazing in this dress,not to mention my ass.
“He won’t even show you off to his friends though! Show him what he’s missing!” Kat said happily.
We had already done our makeup and Kat was just waiting for me to agree with her because in the end,she was right.
“You know what you’re right.” I said confidently, “We ready to go then? Because girl you look hella good.” Kat said “Fuck yes let’s go.” I said smiling to myself.
I turned around from the mirror with a little spin as she cheered me on,I smiled to myself,I was never as confident as I was until I met Kat.
My red lipstick,white eyeliner and my straightened hair was beautiful,definitely have to wear this more often.
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“Sam!” Kat yelled as she walked in and immediately saw him,Colby looked over in our direction,biting his lip as he watched me strut over to grab myself a drink.
I smiled to myself,my plan clearly working. I mean it wasn’t my initial intention to make him jealous but it was definitely my plan now.
I bent down to grab a white claw from the mini fridge,my dress riding up my ass to show just enough skin. I mean enough to annoy Colby.
He shrugged and walked away and I smiled to myself as I walked over to Sam and Kat.
“Girl he’s pissed!” I shouted over the music, “Who?” Sam asked as me and Kat laughed at each other. “Colby.” I said matter of factly, “Why?” He asked again, “Because of what I’m wearing.” I laughed.
He nodded and walked away presumably going to find Colby. “Girl you should have seen his face!” I said laughing to myself as Kat grabbed a drink “Kind of sad I saw Sam now.” She said laughing light heartedly.
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I soon saw Colby walk down the stairs with Sam with no top on,I smiled,If that’s how he wants to play,I can play dirtier.
I downed a shot and walked over to some guy that had been eyeballing me since I got here.
“Hey.” He smirked as I walked over to me,I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes from his cockiness. “Do you wanna dance?” I said jumping straight to the chase.
This guy was a douche and I knew that from the other parties I had seen him at,he thought he could have any girl he wanted and it was infuriating and Colby knew that.
Me and Colby were nothing exclusive,we were only talking,so if he wants to act like I don’t exist in front of his friends maybe I can act like I don’t even know who Colby is.
I began grinding up on this guy as his hands rested on my rib cage, I immediately noticed his terrible hand placement and my mind began to drift back to Colby and how perfect his hand placement was.
I quickly snapped out of my thoughts as my arm was dragged away from him, “Dude what do you think your doing?!” He yelled over the music, “This is my girl,don’t fucking touch her.” I heard someone shout behind me,I looked behind me to see Colby.
He dragged me over to a corner where we weren’t easily seen, “What the fuck was that?” Colby roared.
“I was just having fun.” I shrugged and he didn’t like that answer,he pinned me into the corner and grabbed my hips,slightly harder than he usually would.
“Stand here and tell me you don’t want me and I’ll leave you alone,you won’t ever have to hear from me again.” He told me,I shook my head and quickly pulled him in for a kiss.
This kiss wasn’t lust filled,it wasn’t jealous. It was passionate and filled with genuine love. I smiled into the kiss before he pulled away.
“Y/n,be my girlfriend?” He asked and I quickly pulled him in for another kiss, “Ofcourse Colbs.” I said after pulling away.
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