#kind of tma fusion au
mach1ne-g1rl · 10 months
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my tma corruption eve do you like my corruption eve i like my corruption eve
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p1nkwitch · 6 months
Alright end of the year fic rec list of my works from this year before i forget about it. All lonelyeyes themed of course.
Choke and swallow down my heart A hanahaki fic mixed with a different flavor of soulmate tattoos. Its a bit of an urban fantasy but it covers the canon story of the podcast. Had a lot of fun with that one, a lot of flower meaning with it too.
Who is that that i see? Peter suffers from Prosopagnosia and cannot recognize faces. Quite the ordeal for a relationship when you never mention it to your husband.
Tower of sins You know how its Jon and Martin who walk through the apocalypse in season 5? Well what if the eye did not reward Elias at all and he was forced to move through the wasteland with a Peter. Alternate take of events of s5, mind the tags.
Take me to Church My Big Bang fic! A TMA x Bloodborne fusion, i am very proud of that one and the art i got for it was lovely!!! Really mind the tags here. No need of previous Bloodborne knoweldge to understand i made sure its all self explanatory but still you probably will catch some references. Peter is a hunter having the worst time of his life with Elias the demon along for the ride.
Heat haze days Timeloop fic where Elias just cant stop dying and Peter has to repeat the same years over and over again trying to fix it while having a constant mental breakdown.
Repair my heart Afterlife fic with Peter waiting on Elias while fixing a house. The house is a bit of a metaphor. Kind of bittersweet but with a happy ending.
I want to break free Good Omens Au! An angel and a demon lose the antichrist and pine for each other for 6000 years now with Tma characters.
Buttons and Keys A Coraline Au with Jonah as the main character. It has two sequels covering Paranorman and Labyrinth if you like the verse. A personal favourite of mine because Coraline is one of my favourite movies.
They are only human The Magnus archives but with supernatural creatures hiding in plain sight, turns out Gerry was wrong and there are more creatures than just the fears going around. Peter is very aware of it, unfortunately Elias is not.
God damn you got me in love again Urban Fantasy somewhere else. Peter is a witch and Elias is demon working on a flowershop and tatto shop respectively.
There are a lot of more i could mention but these are some fics i really love.
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thespiral · 5 months
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OKAY I found my notebook so I didn’t have to put it in a napkin but. BUT
CHAINSAW MAN AU FRESNO BABYYYY I got it down finally after mulling it over my head for 50000 years and inspired from @sugar-grigri’s incredible write up on how a love devil would look like/function which was genius and absolutely helped with doing the connections that were missing and also taking elements from @krokaxe’s genesis Fresno design that still lives in my head rent free it’s so good
it's due a lot of retooling to make it feel Complete and not just like sketchy wip but it's perfect for now and maybe ill see to pulling it together
they’re the love. Fiend? Host? Hybrid? Something like that. They have a lot going on and I’m genuinely just going to throw up like 50000 lines about their design that is (more or less) wip since I still have to design the butterfly wing design since I didn’t have any proper ideas atm and see if I cram anymore heart motifs in there BUT. It’s here and I am sooo excited to ramble about it. Under the cut for everyone’s sake :3 also chainsaw man spoilers. smile
SO. i definitely did want to make fresno the love devil because they are ofc afraid of love and attachment and i love beating them with the irony stick so love devil/love fiend it was, msotly because they have extremely complicated feelings towards love and attachment because they both crave it and are scared of it, and with me reading on i figured going with a fiend/host situation would be fun. in the storyline in my head the love devil, a primal fear either pulls a pochita and escapes hell or lets itself be cut down to reincarnate into the world, maybe seeking this idea of like. experiencing how Humans Do and it's the idea of like, dying to be humanized but also struggling with it
which is very funny because fresno is the worst person they could have encountered for that, in my head its maybe like a contract maybe like a fiend takeover, but it's a little more arai/violence than asa/yoru, something something union/fusion/togetherness but i'm getting ahead of myself. fresno is deeply afraid and skittish of love and affection and also bugs. because ever since tma i want to torture them a little with the corruption just 4 laffs. so maybe the contract goes awry or it merges them
so a lot of the design is pulling from genesis which is kind of a personal bad end for fresno since it's a lot like. marriage. union. but kind of like a bitter idolization of like this like "wife"/virgin image that they come to hate, so the crown/chain halo. the chain halo is kind of pulling a motif from other pieces that i just kinda imagined since they are in the legion but uhhh love & control. iykyk. i figured that it was a good base to start with though i was split with going with the idea of maybe more classical devil since demons/devils are one of their Themes but then i thought nah lets beat them with the irony stick more. so they're angelic looking BUT with a broken halo completed with a chain. union. marriage. fusion. a middle ground between them
the butterfly motif really tied it all together though that FUCKS. mostly because fujimoto's fiend designs are simplistic but in a way that's kinda hard to nail down and i think tying the design to expressions is so cool and it added like entire layers of complexity to it all because like, butterflies in your stomach, but also butterflies also drink blood, love is blind and i didn't illustrate it but they're supposed to have the eye camo some butterflies have (its also why the butterfly wings are backwards) and also, heart motifs and their own personal gripes because fresno HATES being seen as weak and butterflies are very fragile.
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maybe behind the wings they also have tears as a genesis element as well. hmm much to think about. i also wondered if they'd look too silly but i mean, yoru.
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so maybe they can look a little silly. or maybe make the eyes ringed like the horsemen because. well. gay shit. they don't have eyes for anyone else.
the veil connecting their crown is also like vaguely "insect wing" looking but also heart looking. also i liked the idea of either some live butterflies or butterfly decorations on them so they didn't look so plain. their hair is also like, Iconic so i wanted to push that so the curls are vaguely heart looking, it's a little overshadowed by the butterfly sketch lines but there's at least a few i tried to put in.
in my head they do have the powers of like, blindness, frenzy, control (lol), but another i imagine would be the idea to give and take love, like imagine. for example. if you were a person that hadn't experienced love in a meaningful way and then you just like Feel it. all of it. love and warmth and togetherness in the blindest, purest, most unconditional way beamed directly into your head and then. it's gone. forever. unless...
the idea of fixation and people being fixated on them is also one of their Themes and like, in the vaf suspended in gaffa/mama animatic that exists only in my head the idea of like control devil (not the canon ones. in this one it's a whole other guy) being attracted to love first for power (since love and control DO go together in some scenarios) but also falling victim to their power as well is funny and i like that, and idea of losing yourself to another, where does one begin and the other end is like. well. incredibly up my alley. also just like getting the taste of something you've never experienced yourself but also twisted in its own way (in my head, there's the lyric in suspended in gaffa of "not till i'm ready for you" which is the singer addressing this like, higher power of something they want to have/see (in the song it's implied to be a glimpse of god) and they would have to work for their reward, but taking that and changing it into the speaker being the higher power addressing the singer feels like the type of shakeup that would be going thru a control's lens maybe. also using the idea of a transforming devil maybe a secondary power of transformation (haha, butterflies also represent that/reincarnation) as a loved one OR. the Potential of them as a loved one. fresno has the terrible luck of attracting people who love/value them for what they Can be or what they Could have been, and having the butterfly maybe swap designs or transform or be blank could be something like that. wanting someone to see behind the curtain, not shy away from who they Really Are Right Now. consider that another stick
there's also the aspect of union/fusion/togetherness tha i just. love. so i had to do it. something about tying together two beings, till death do us part, maybe the creation of a whole new thing since i'm insane and would like to tie the vaflings into it because of course i would
i think there would be a whole struggle of being afraid of what you represent/embody and acceptance and a lot of other things.
this turned out to be like a massive rambling thing SORRYYYYY i like talking about this a lot if you've read this far thank you and you havent thank you regardless. i'm soooo glad and excited to have a proper design to put in the grinder now
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blood-injections · 5 months
I've been brainstorming the tma au i was going to start writing it but now. The hunger games au brainrot has taken over sorry im starting that instead. Basically its a fusion of the two worlds since they're like super similar anyway, bat city/the capital, same difference. Dracs/scarecrows/peacekeepers/etc. Snow/the director. Same thing. And both had wars that the younger generation experienced only a sliver of but are still being punished for. Battery city is just like on a smaller scale and more condensed than panem obviously. The districts are like the different sectors of battery city- city center, the highrises, the neon district, a few others ill come up with names for, and the slums, which is like the district 12 of battery city. Theres some infrastructure like technically outside the city like farms and power stations to the north and east that people work at, but its all walled and connected to the city keep Battery citizens in and rebels out.
Rebels, or killjoys, fight not just the games, but all of Better Livings bullshit, but some definitely have a personal vendetta against the games and the director. Theres not many killjoys yet since it hasnt been crazy long since the wars, theres only been so many games, most current killjoys are veterans of the wars or children born in the desert by them, or survivors that managed not to get rounded up, or lastly, those that have managed to get out of battery city to join the rebelion. Lots of which rebelled after losing someone important to the games or just realizing how fucked it all is. Theres the underground rebeion inside the city, the juvie halls, but they're different.
The arena for the games.. I'm figuring it out. My initial thought was that maybe they just dump them in the desert, but that'd make it too easy for the rebels no matter what defences and monsters there are. Thats the killjoys domain. Besides, the games are very high tech despite being relatively new, because its bli and theyre futuristic and shit, theres laser guns. Im thinking either the arenas dead in the center of the city, a big dome that the levels of battery city are build around. Or its oitside of the city like the infrastructure is, to the north or somewhere hard for the rebels to get to because of radiation and bad land and and stuff in the way, but bli just fly the contestants in easy. And maybe the arenas like in what used to be a giant football stadium.
The games are pretty much the same as the since material, two people picked from every district, every level of the city. Theres not twelve of them though, there'll probably end up just being eight or so. But I think I might make a twist, that the zones kind of count as another level, and if Better Living has any killjoy prisoners at the time, they'll be thrown in as contestants, or maybe not, maybe targets, so that its just a very elaborate execution. Theyre thrown in to be hunted and whatever contestant takes them out gets a reward that could help them win.
I'm gonna make the Phoenix Witch a huuge thing in the games. Like shes not something many battery city born and raised people know about, only some droids and slums people and juvie halls, and they only know stories passed on by killjoys or zomerunners or past victors of the games. But no matter who you are, once you step foot in the arena, you can feel her presence. Contestants will see her in their dreams or out of the corner of their eye, they'll see her at night collcting the souls of the fallen even if their bodies have already been cleaned up by bli. They'll see her when they die and whoevers left standing in the end will go home with her great sorrow, but also her forgiveness for what they've done to win, to survive. Each and every tribute will pray to her at some point, even if they dont know her name yet. They just feel her, and they allow themselves to find a sense of safety in believing in a higher power. And they pray that the other tributes do not suffer, and that if the times comes they pray to go quickly themselves, and if that times does not come, they pray to be forgiven for the blood on their hands. Or maybe not, maybe they pray for a divine punishment, a reckoning for their sins. But no such punishment ever comes, only the witch wiping your tears and telling you that you will heal.
Just. Love and hope and sorrow and grief perceiving in the face of slaughter and horror and the hatred of those in power that dont believe in the inherent goodness within every being.
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ivycryptid · 10 months
A TMA and TSS fusion AU!
because I am a crossover maker at heart and the brainworms would not leave me alone
I'm tentatively calling it 'The Sanders Archives AU'
Okay so character time!
Logan is this AU's Jonathan Sims. They are scarily similar personality wise, the only thing missing is paranoia and childhood trauma, but that's nothing we can't fix.
Patton is Martin Blackwood. In this universe he is the one who has an encounter with certain childrens book, he uses smiles to hide the fear.
They are both the incredibly caring ones who should really get some self interest actually and also wear knitted garments like permanently.
Also he is the exact sort of person who lets in a dog by accident.
Roman is Timothy Stoker. He could totally pull off a Hawaiian shirt. And it just works.
He's suspicious of the institute after something happened to his brother there, he dissapeared on an assignment and Roman just wants to find out what happened.
Prinxiety is a thing in this au so it fits very well with what I'm doing for Virgil. :)
You all know what's coming.
Virgil is Shasha James. Unfortunately I do not have the courage to kill him off so he ends up an avatar (either web or end most likely, this au is really in early planning) while the not!them is not!them-ing.
Anyways Janus is the not!them. Look he's stranger coded okay. He's a bit more reasonabke than the one in canon, in fact I don't think he'd kill Virgil, he's more likely to toss him towards avatarisation, but that doesn't stop Roman from being angry.
Remus is the distortion. Sometimes he remembers fickers of some sort of brother, whatever that is.
I know that Janus is technically a better fit but I think an intrusive thoughts flavored distortion is fun so...
And Thomas? Honestly I have no idea.
please suggest things this AU is kind of a mess.
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
YO I would love to read a tma fusion!! I’m super hyped about the season 2 and I would deffo recommend the Magnus Archives wiki for a basic rundown on the fear entities! (Though it might get a little spoily :P)
For the stuffed bird au, honestly when I read it, the fear entity I associate it immediately with is The Extinction! It’s about the fear of catastrophic changes typically caused by humans and about what will humans become after its eradication, which is super similar to the apocalypse idea in stuffed bird! Along the lines of humankind being kinda mutilated, I would also kinda see some similarity with The Flesh!
Oh and for Evil X, definitely The Hunt! It plays into the idea of being chased and predator prey concepts. I feel like Evil X and him trying to chase his brother down (or the idea of him??) + his “function” to be a weapon is very Hunt vibes~~
sorry for rambling in your ask but I saw your post and got excited :DD
i am getting such a variety of answers to "how would you do a stuffed bird/hermit archives fusion" and i am nodding along going. yes i understand. and i don't fully understand but this sounds VERY COOL. i'm liking what i am seeing both in the notes of the original ask and here. it's also very funny i am getting such a range for "what kind of fear is stuffed bird apocalypse" but i think everyone so far has agreed stuffed bird x is hunt,
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fridayyy-13th · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
tysm @three-magpies-in-a-trenchcoat for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 4
What's your total Ao3 word count? 13,296
What fandoms do you write for? i used to write for the Hermitcraft fandom, but i've discontinued the one fic i started for it and moved on to The Magnus Archives. i've got a couple story ideas for other fandoms, but idk if they'll go anywhere.
What are your top five fics by kudos? well, i've only got four! but from most- to least-kudosed, there's: - Double Trouble (Hermitcraft, rated G, incomplete multichapter) - Know What Can't Be Shown, Feel What Can't Be Known (TMA, rated T, oneshot) - Time Enough to Spend Some Time Alone (TMA, rated T, oneshot) - Here, Nowhere, Somewhere With You (TMA, rated G, oneshot) and i'm totally not salty my two most kudosed fics are an incomplete work and something i posted at 3am, respectively.
Do you respond to comments? hell yeah! i love answering comments <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? gotta say Time Enough, bc it's more refined than its predecessor, Know What Can't Be Shown (man i really need to stop giving my fics such long titles, i always end up shortening them when referring to them). but for reference, both are pre-Unknowing jmart kiss fics; it's a favored headcanon of mine. Time Enough also spends more time musing on how Jon and Martin are feeling—that is, they feel Bad. Absolutely Terrible. sad and scared, both for the Unknowing and for each other.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Here, Nowhere, Somewhere, absolutely. the ending itself is pretty open, but Jon and Martin have reunited post-MAG 200, admitted they still love each other after its events, and found themselves Somewhere Else. it's the most hopeful.
Do you get hate on fics? not yet, thankfully. i'm not a well-known enough author for that lol.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i do not! and i doubt i ever will. props to everyone who does, though.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? i don't really write crossovers, at least none i ever planned to publish, but i do have a couple fusion AUs in the works (that is, taking one story's premise and combining it w/the characters of another). and funnily enough, both are based on songs.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? i sure hope not.
Have you ever had a fic translated? no. though if someone offered to, i'd be honored!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? technically? a friend of mine and i made a couple AUs for a few different MCYT fandoms that never really went anywhere, but i've never co-authored something that's made it to publishing.
What's your all time favorite ship? probably jonmartin. i've read a ridiculous amount of fanfic for them, and i think pretty much all my WIPs feature it if both Jon and Martin are there (sometimes i'll make them queerplatonic, and sometimes they'll be part of a poly ship like jongerrymartin, but jmart tends to be pretty Do Not Separate in my mind lmao).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? ages ago i was reading this one rom-com webcomic where two people wound up as roommates bc the landlord accidentally rented the single apartment to both of them, which i thought was a really cute premise, but then BAM there was some really awful transphobia in it. when called out in the comments, the author doubled down, so i snatched up the concept and decided "i'm gonna make this t4t out of SPITE." but uh i've found spite doesn't work very well as a fuel source for my work, and i can get the same awkward domesticity/mutual pining out of a safehouse fic, so it'll probably just stay buried in the WIPs folder.
What are your writing strengths? dialogue. or at least, making a character's dialogue sound like their voice. vocabulary, things like stammering or using filler words, cutting oneself off or pausing a bunch, that sort of thing. though sometimes the dialogue itself feels a little clunky. i also think i'm rather good at writing emotional scenes, especially once i'm in the editing stage of things.
What are your writing weaknesses? over-editing. my utter beloathed. i sometimes get really caught up in trying to make everything as clear as possible, when that just makes the work 5,000 words too long and takes way more time to do. i'm trying to be better about it.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i think it's neat! but if you're monolingual you should read up on writing bilingual/multilingual characters beforehand, don't just wing it.
First fandom you wrote for? probably Pokémon? i'm not entirely sure.
Favorite fic you've written? Time Enough, hands-down. (though uh, hypothetically, if i wanted to make some small edits to it, would it be weird to do so? especially seven months after posting? there's a handful of lines i wish i'd phrased a bit differently.)
tags (no pressure!!): @radical-dadical-rafael @dramaticdads @winterswrandomness @ollieofthebeholder @ladydragonkiller @incandescentis @cornmazehater @jewishjon
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an-aura-about-you · 1 year
you ever have a fanfic you know you're not gonna write but the ideas keep bouncing around in your head so you gotta do an infodump somewhere?
that's what we're doing today so here we go: TMA fic I'll never write in which Somewhere Else is Lunar (during the events of Lunar 2)
(or "gee Leo, how come you get to hunt down two destroyers?")
-ngl I've been thinking about this ever since I started reading clutching a map of dreams, which is a fantastic Final Fantasy X fusion au and y'all should go read it even if you don't know a thing about ffx because the characterization and action is superb
-I likewise have some cherished RPGs from my youth and one in particular clicks with this like no other
-I'd start it out some time before canon gets going, but not too far out. just far enough that we've got a little bit of time for the boys to acclimate to the world they've found themselves in before the action starts.
-start with Jon, who wakes up and is surprised to do so. holy shit, he made it! they made it! wait where's Martin? wait is he in some kind of carriage?
-turns out Jon was found by the caravan that sets up the carnival in the Madoria Plains. This Causes Some Concern, at least until he realizes he's not restrained in any way and nobody's setting off Stranger Vibes.
-also Jon feels???? way better than he probably should have considering he just got stabbed???? and that's how he learns that magic (aka RPG mechanics) are in play
-(debating on whether he grows his ribs back or not. I'm inclined to say they did just because That Shit's Funny.)
-first big hurdle actually comes from learning Lunar is Lunar and not Earth. first time he goes outside and sees the Blue Star he nearly has a breakdown then and there. (that is the Earth that is the Earth in the sky I am looking at the Earth which means I'm NOT on Earth what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck)
-eventually he does manage to adjust and make friends with the musicians. operating on The Mechanisms were Jon's Band in Uni rules, he's able to contribute that way.
-he and Jean become sibling-like friends. (she's like, "Hey, I'm not the newest member anymore!") neither learns the full scope of the other's past until considerably later, though. (Once they do, they're like, "Hey, both of us were orphans that found our family later!")
-he discovers that he's retained some of his powers as an avatar of Beholding but under Lunar's magic system rules, as well as develop some new abilities such as making himself invisible. he's relieved that he has more control over whether he compels information out of others.
-(he's not entirely sure how he feels about Althena, but he would rather choose her over the Ceaseless Watcher as far as sources of power go.)
-so Jon's there with the caravan when our intrepid party of heroes show up having adjusted as well as one can over the course of, say, a few months.
-holy shit Lucia has the Lonely coming off of her in waves. Jon is seriously concerned that she might become a catalyst for some Forsaken ritual.
-Jon finds that baby dragons are utterly adorable and is grateful that he's not prone to baby-talk around cats and things that look like cats, thus earning Ruby's respect.
-after Jean leaves with the party, Jon decides to take his leave on his own, now confident enough in his abilities on Lunar to try to find Martin.
-except when everyone goes to town, they find some wanted posters. one for Lucia and her party, and one for Jon.
-"wtf why is Leo calling Jon a destroyer????" vs "how tf did he know I'm a destroyer?????"
-Jon gets captured by Leo and jailed in the Dragonship Destiny a couple of times as well as an attempt at Lemina's Magic Mansion and an encounter with Ghaleon, the last of these setting off all kinds of alarm bells because Ghaleon Very Much Should Be Dead. ("Is he connected to Terminus?")
-the last time Jon's captured by Leo, he breaks out of his cell and tries to escape at Azado, but That Doesn't Work Out What With The City Being On Fire. (fuck this reeks of Desolation)
-but also oh hey Jean, Lemina, and Lucia are tied up on the deck of the Dragonship Destiny what's up guys? oh cool, Leo went with Hiro, Ronfar, and Ruby to take care of the fire, that will give us time to escape.
-This doesn't get very far because it's not long after that when Mauri shows up for her confrontation. Then Leo and the rest of the party join in. AND THEY HAVE MARTIN WITH THEM!
-Jon is ecstatic! Whatever fight they have with Obvious Desolation Avatar Mauri, they can manage it now that he's found Martin! Except that Martin seems to know Leo? AND Mauri???? And HE was the one who told Althena's Guard that Jon is a destroyer???????
-Jon's got a lot to think about on the way to Pentagulia.
-But also they've got some time on a boat so it's time for stories to come out. (including Ronfar and Jon both being puzzled about how their SOs know each other and other members of the party thinking they have to explain homosexuality to Lucia but she's just confused about why they're bothering to explain this when no one's thought to explain heterosexuality to her.)
-this also means Jon's finally up to speed with what the player would know at this point: entity called Zophar trying to destroy Lunar, Lucia's here to stop him, the campaign Zophar engineered against Lucia, what's the deal with Althena's Chosen (with the additional sting of them informing Jon that Martin was wearing the garb of one of their priests)
-at some point there's a talk between Jon and Lucia and he ends up understanding what's at stake far better than Lucia anticipated he would. it's a nice little friendship moment.
-They arrive at Pentagulia and it's time to split up the party for everyone to make their appointments with their plot threads, which means Jon's semi-tagging along with Ronfar as they go to the Red Tower to confront Martin and Mauri respectively. It goes about as well as people who know the game expect it to, with Martin speaking to Jon as if everything is normal, that this is the way things have always been for them, and that nothing has changed between them. (but there was one moment with a break when Jon, as a last resort, compels Martin to tell him what's happening. In lieu of any actual answers, Martin gives him a horrified look and begs him to leave while he still can.)
-once that plot matter is wrapped up in the canon way (with Jon being courteous enough to not comment on how Mystere is obviously Leo), it's time to regroup and try a different approach. in this time, Jon receives a letter from Martin.
-let's back up to before the story begins one more time
-Martin wakes up in Raculi. only the problem is he was already up and moving when he comes to.
-turns out he was found by the Chosen and cleansed (that is, made to drink Zophar's blood) before he came to. and now he's working as an assistant to Lady Mauri
-he wakes up in time to hear himself tell Mauri about Jon and how he's already destroyed one world, fighting to stop himself but physically unable to.
-from this point on, Martin's been a prisoner in his own body, watching as he helps Mauri "cleanse" the sinful with fire and blood, struggling to get his body back under his own control. but it's no use. he's a vessel for Zophar.
-he writes down as much of this as he can in the letter to Jon in the brief moments he can actually control his hands, finishing it by telling Jon that he's sorry, he loves him, but should they meet again Jon should mercy kill him because otherwise he might not be able to stop his body from killing Jon.
-(the reason Martin's able to write and send it at all is because Zophar delights in that kind of torment)
-there would also be a scene with Jon discussing these things with Leo, who is more certain about taking fatal action if need be, and through compulsion Leo admits he is terrified at the idea of striking down Mauri because, even though they aren't as close as they were and she's done horrible things, she's still his sister and he still loves her.
-Jon goes to Raculi with Leo because Leo was ready to kill both Mauri and Martin, and Jon isn't sure if he can actually go through with it but tells Leo that if Martin must die then Jon should honor Martin's implied wish that it be by his hand.
-in a one-on-one fight that proves challenging since Martin is armed with a flail, Jon ends up non-fatally incapacitating Martin while the party fights Mauri's Id. by the time the fight is over, the effects of Zophar's blood wear off and Martin is back in control of himself. cue proper tearful reunion.
-with Mauri also free from the influence of Zophar's blood, she apologizes to Martin for what she did to him. having been in the same situation, Martin understands and forgives her.
-the three of them, Jon, Martin, and Mauri, all stay in Raculi as the party moves on to mount their attack against Zophar. when Zophar starts getting the upper hand, Jon is reasonably concerned it will become another Fear Apocalypse because everything about what he's told indicates that Zophar and the Fears are one and the same.
-in a fit of impulsiveness, Jon proposes to Martin in this time. ("I've already seen one apocalypse with you! I don't want to go through another with the regret of leaving that undone!") Mauri finds a couple of old bracelets of hers to stand in as wedding bands and marries them then and there.
-when the world is inevitably saved with the power of humanity, Jon and Martin get a nice little house in Dalton so they can be close to both where the carnival likes to set up and Raculi where Mauri and Ronfar live. (also there's a hot spring nearby, which, yeah, when you hit the age Jon and Martin are, you want to live by something like that)
-they go out on the occasional adventure, a much more peaceful prospect now that they no longer have the threat of Zophar or the Fears looming over them.
-Jon eventually brings Martin to meet everyone in the carnival, who properly give Jon shit for running off and getting married without telling them and tell Martin about all the pining Jon did for him.
-when they catch wind of Hiro wanting to go to the Blue Star to reunite with Lucia, they're like, "That's crazy but in good conscience we should encourage you because she's Lonely AF and her being the only person on the Blue Star isn't helping with that."
-and they all live happily ever after the end!
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I practiced different hair shape then got carried away with texture, ummm kinda don’t like this one tbh but to each their own! Don’t let my opinions affect yours
Here’s one of the “original” tma fusions I initially made for a song that called for some avatar fusions
It’s hard drawing traits from nikola with black when nikola is mostly red(not a color I have) but you do what you gotta do, sorry for the similar dark shades
Michael and Nikola I believe have pretty contrasting hair styles and I like envisioning what combining them would be, though it seems apparent that a theme is starting to occur in terms of “one hair style on top of head” and “another hair style on ‘outer hair’/bottom of head”. I’ll work on that
For now though I like their combined attitude of mockery fun and distorting things to their benefit. I like how they both cause chaos and I think their fusion would be really fun to develop :) of course all my art of these are works in progress and could very well change, I’m just sharing the relevant/less boring stuff with y’all lol
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magnetarmadda · 2 years
WIP Game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks @morning-softness for tag! I have two different systems for titles: I already know what I want to call it and so I’ve titled it, or a descriptor of some kind. I’ve also got WIPs inside folders, so I’ve included folder names where applicable (Folder name: WIP title)
Quick edit: if I’ve posted about them or answered an ask for them, I’ll tag it here
And the plan changes
Archivist!Sasha but make it jmart
Assigning the archives staff a cat
Beholding is a gossip queen
Captain Terror: S2-Captain Terror Rewrite
Fabric store jmart AU
Fake Dating AU: Don’t You Let Me Go
Hadestown-TMA Fusion: An Old Song
Halloween fic
If Only They Knew: Stay Tonight
If Only They Knew: You’re so damn lonely
Jakery AU
Jmart is married from the start
Jon “I could be on drugs” Sims everyone
Jon is a cat-sweater-knitting fiend AU
Love is a Cure: Untitled third fic
Margotverse: The Kitten Caretaker
Martin follows Jon to America bunny
Mom said it’s my turn to project my trauma onto Jon
No Fears Miscommunication AU: How much angst can I stuff into three chapters of jmart
Oh my god they were (platonic) roommates (ch 3 in progress)
Promise You Will Never Be Lonely: Leitner burning is a form of closure
The Gay Archives: Untitled fourth fic
This World Is Not Real
Tim wingmans his way across across America with jmart
Time Travel AU: Future!jmart alone time
Time Travel AU: I’m A Sucker For A Kind Word
TMA Body Positivity Day
What happens in the tunnels stays in the tunnels
When I Come Back
With All My Heart: Untitled fifth fic
You Are My Reason
I’m not gonna tag 33 people, that’s just rude imo, but here’s a handful: @judesstfrancis, @hihereami, @organchordsandlightning, @probsnothawkeye, @artificialdaydreamer, @an-aura-about-you, @pitviperofdoom, and @ashes-in-a-jar
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mllekurtz · 3 years
Hi, I’m not procrastinating on writing fanfic at all with this fanfic ask game, why do you ask?
(thank you so much for the tag, @theoldaquarian! I loved reading your answers and reflecting on these questions.)
1) How many works do you have on AO3?
27, including two collections of Tumblr ficlets.
2) What’s your total AO3 word count?
3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Three, Good Omens, Critical Role and The Magnus Archives (technically four, although I’ve only written a one-shot for Night in the Woods and I don’t really consider myself as being in that fandom).
4) What are your top five fics by kudos?
- An Absence of Stars (Good Omens, E, 56k)
One of my first fics, a human AU with road trips, books, emotionally charged talks at the seaside and soft smut, the whole shebang.
- surely some revelation is at hand (Critical Role, T, 10k)
My contribution to the post-canon Shadowgast trend of sending them on a romantic date in an incredibly dangerous ruin full of magical traps #aeorisforlovers
- Fundamental Forces Other Than Gravity (Critical Role, E, 40k)
Shadowgast college AU my beloved ♥
- (your face in my hands is) everything good i need (Critical Role, M, 62k)
Half a Shadowgast professor AU, half a love letter to continental Europe. I just miss taking a plane and going places, you guys.
- soft driven slow and mad like some new language (Critical Role, E, 6k words)
What’s better than soft Shadowgast smut? Soft Shadowgast smut with a non-linear narrative. At least in my opinion.
5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always try to do that! Even just with a ‘thank you’. I love talking to people about stories and tropes and writing and everything, and I like for my readers to know they’re being perceived. Fanfic is great because the line between author and reader is so thin and I enjoy the sense of community it fosters.
6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
eternally present, unredeemable (Critical Role, T, 9k) aka Grief: The Fic.
7) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Mmmmm the closest thing I’ve written to a crossover is a Good Omens/Just Like Heaven fusion/AU which follows the first part of the movie very closely.
8) Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope! I got an extremely detailed comment on my CR college AU once by an astrophysics student pointing out several inaccuracies, but the author cancelled it. It wasn’t even a hate comment, they made several really good points and I'm a bit bummed we didn't get to discuss them.
9) Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do write smut, and I enjoy it greatly when I’m in the mood, though I’m not sure how to label it? I always try to make it interesting, that’s for sure.
10) Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, but thanks for this new anxiety.
11) Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not!
12) Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and there are (I think) only two people I would consider co-writing a fic with, but I would feel a bit less anxious proposing marriage to them than asking them to collaborate, so. We'll see.
13) What’s your all time favourite ship?
I can't possibly answer this question: everything in my life is a phase.
14) What’s a WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
*looks at my TMA Sunless Sea AU* one day, baby. One day.
15) What are your writing strengths?
Writing sarcastic characters with a self-deprecating sense of humour comes very easy to me for some mysterious, unfathomable reason. This probably sounds odd but I love conveying emotions in a negative space; someone once told me that I'm good at writing around a concept without describing it directly and this praise stuck with me.
16) What are your writing weaknesses?
Sometimes my minimalism gets in the way of, you know, actually conveying information to the reader.
17) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I'm not a fan of the Gratuitous [Insert Foreign Language] trope, for a number of reasons, including my dislike for anything unnecessary and the fact that a lack of research and/or linguistic awareness often leads to butchered language, which always bothers me a lot (call it an occupational hazard). I also think that translation footnotes or parentheses, though sometimes necessary, are often used as a crutch in these circumstances.
That said, one of my favourite things is when I'm given enough information about a foreign/made up language that I start picking up its syntax and vocabulary and I don't need a translation to understand dialogues anymore. (Not fanfic, but Ella Enchanted is an good example of this and one of the reasons why I adore that book.) It takes cleverness and care and I respect an author that succeeds in this.
18) What was the first fandom you wrote for?
If you don't count the LotR fics I wrote as a kid (and please don't count them), I started writing fanfiction again in 2019, for Good Omens.
19) What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
Fundamental Forces, without a doubt.
Tagging, with no pressure whatsoever, @saturdaysky, @kmackatie, @saretton, @mia-ugly, @pinehutch, @floatysparrowthing, @rainydaymonk, @the-kaedageist, @essektheylyss and @callingvoicemail ♥
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kriber · 4 years
ok well since im Thinking about it now lemme just make a huge ass masterpost of my tmavrai au bc im stupid lmao (also i wanna get into using this blog for more than art since this is my main)
buckle up cowboys this is gonna be lengthy
ok so to start off, it’s a kind of fusion au. some tma characters are replaced with hlvrai characters, and some just exist on their own. for example, elias is replaced with gman, but jon and gordon both coexist together
speaking of jon and gordon, they’re both eye avatars and co-archivists of the magnus archives. gman fucked up a little bit while filing shit but its fine, its fine. they’re both fit for the job.
tommy, darnold, and coomer work at the institute in various departments, along with tim, martin, and barney. tim and tommy have been best friends for years and live together as roommates, and darnold’s another one of their closest friends. coomer and martin just chill there, and barney likes to talk to gordon a lot. tommy brings sunkist over a lot, who everyone loves
since his dad is basically the head avatar of the eye, tommy asked him one time how to make a dog and gman, because that’s his little boy, told him how. now there’s an immortal entity soup dog that’s way too big to be normal. but that just means she has more love in her :)
jon and gordon kinda tolerate each other at first, being forced to record in the same area, but they tend to... tune into each other a lot. they sometimes read statements in unison, even if one of them isn’t looking at the statement. they take turns speaking in dialogue parts if need be, and they dont really notice it.
eventually prentiss attacks and gordon notices something... off about their coworker benrey. wait- wasn’t his name barney? no, he was probably remembering wrong. but something about benrey is just... weird. he cant put his finger on it, and jon has no input. 
so yea benrey is a not-them and a stranger entity, and they just kinda chill in the archives and check ppls passports at the door. its also pretty fun harrassing feetman, especially when they can just pop in and out of michael’s doors bc they’re friends with the spiral. unknowing goes well, as you can assume ;w;
after they find gertrude’s body in the tunnels, several cops get called in. basira and daisy come over, supplying jon with tapes, but daisy brings her old high school/college friend forzen, who’s in the military. and yea they’re both hunt avatars. it was simple and obvious don’t blame me. he hunts ppl down by having beyblade competitions then shooting them. standard stuff.
tommy had gotten claimed by the slaughter years back, but now its really starting to take effect. coomer, local end avatar, isn’t much help, as he doesn’t exactly view death as a problematic thing and even compliments tommy on his kills. during jon and gordon’s comas, forzen goes rogue (instead of burying himself like daisy) and tommy goes after him, trying to mercy kill any victims he has his sights set on. its a body count contest at that point
bubby takes the place of agnes montegue, but still alive and not as hostile to the main cast. obv bc coomer’s there and i love me some gay grampas. yea bubby’s kinda forsaking his desolation cult thing but he’s fine. he just goes and chills at the archives a lot to get with coomer
after the unknowing, things go to shit. martin and benrey close themselves off, both allying themselves with peter lukas, to defend the institute and its workers. tommy and darnold are heartbroken after tim’s death, and tommy, unable to deal with living alone without tim or living in his dad’s house (who’s in prison now), moves in with darnold. its angst central babeyyy
darnold, basira, alyx, georgie, and melanie start a group chat called “babysitting the avatars squad” since they’re the only humans left allied to the institute or its workers. they vent about shit their avatars do bc good lord they can do some weird shit sometimes. oh also alyx and georgie are cousins here bc i feel like its funny that both gordon’s and jon’s childhood friends are related and no one knew dfgshgfgsfghgfrsbfsxg
for the last thing im gonna cover bc im tired and i dont want to type anymore is that joshua definitely exists and oh boy it gets fun in the apocalypse. he runs around and plays around with all the domains with tommy and benrey and the other three are way too tired to deal with this. he just wants to give daddy a flower! ignore the eyeball, it’s just a normal flower! how... sweet.
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ehlihr · 4 years
I would love to hear more about the teen TMA au!! I'm losing my mind about it your art for it was amazing!! Do you have any cool ideas in particular about it??
okay ive gotten a few of these so i will Try To Type Out Some Ideas, which are going to be under a cut cause theres a lot
starts in 2000, but its sort of a fusion between them being aged down fifteen years and the timeline starting way earlier, SO
2000-most of season 1 (jon-13, martin/sasha/tim-14, georgie/melanie-15, basira-17, daisy/gerry19)
2001-most of season 2 (jon-14, martin/sasha/tim-15, etc)
2002-most of season 3 (jon-15, martin/sasha/tim-16, etc) --> jon hits his growth spurt over the summer because thats literally the funniest shit.
2003-most of season 4 (jon-16, martin/sasha/tim-17, etc)
gertrude and jons grandmother are both still alive, as well as gerry and maybe some other characters
in terms of vibe - jon definitely is becoming a monster, and theres still trauma and the fears and no love entities, but i think the stakes being as high as they are and them being kids means that. the punishments for fucking up (in order to maintain the pjo/artemis fowl vibe) are like. kind of lower? but not much? i just feel bad about being like. yeah tim fully explodes when he’s 17 lmfao but then i remember that ethan nakamura fully fell off the empire state building so! it be like that i guess for them
in terms of how everything happens. tl;dr - jon is five years out from mr spider, and in my mind he would be like absolutely fixated on it. 
some changes to canon, maybe elias figures gertrude out way earlier, actually looks into her head, and is like fuck me i gotta get a new archivist. and then he runs into jon somehow and is like Oh A Gift From The Web (like an idiot) and is like :) hey kid would you like to know more about mr spider and jon is like uh yeah of course?
and then he starts sending (feeding) jon statements that implicate gertrude as a compatriot of leitner’s. so jon believes gertrude to be like the bbg wrongly.
maybe theres a confrontation!!! maybe gertrude seriously contemplates just Getting Rid Of This Kid!!! Who Knows!!!!
obviously im doing a lot of timeline shifting and bending just to make this all work bc. i do what i want. also they’re all in london bc. i do what i want.
i think everyone is friends. maybe people get mad at jon but like. he’s not their boss man, he’s just a kid. so yeah tim gets a bit mad but they’re still friends.
ah the unknowing. maybe it goes down exactly as og. maybe not. in the maybe not, jon tells everyone he uses his knowing powers (theyre kids man imagine how stoked theyd be to learn their friend has powers) and lies and says the threat is actually outside, so they all leave. he knows he’s not quite... right. detonates, coma, but tim is still alive. so there’s that!
daisy is still a hunter but she and basira aren’t cops. daisy is the oldest at 19 (other than 30-40yo elias, 50ishyo gertrude, and jons teta), gerry a close second also at 19, and basira is 17. daisy maybe has some weird vigilante monster hunting thing kind of like canon, maybe she still tries to Get Jon, but after the buried (do i really wanna make 16yo jon go into the buried. Yeah) they have like a very sibling like relationship!!! ;;
also gerry!!! older brother vibe gerry!!! yeeeaaaahhhhh!!!!
georgie isnt jons ex but they ARE childhood friends maybe jon had little a crush on him :’0
martin and jon i think would have a better start, but jon would still be a really snarky kid and martin would have an even worse starting self esteem. i think he would just be really hard to get in touch with bc of his home life but he still does retcon and b&e for the squad dksjfhdskjh anyway same timeline as canon
obviously the adults have a more malicious presence when they interact with straight up kids. i dont know how i feel about that but i havent thought about it extensively
most of this came from excessive amv choreography to mob psycho 100s OP sdkjfhdskjhf. theres more but thats a solid bedrock i think!
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ezzoh · 3 years
First lines meme
stealing the Post The First Lines From 20 Of Your Works meme from @sazandorable, very late because i felt like it /o/
English-only edition, i don’t think i’ve written enough in French to get to 20 lines >>
this is going to include A Lot of WIPs because i just haven’t published a lot recently but stuff is still Getting Written, sorta. they're also not going to be in any real chronological order simply because they're not all archived in the same place don't @ me
1. Maintenance (Campaign Star Wars, WIP)
When the first petal flutters into your hand, a small blue thing, fragile and torn, sticky with blood-tinted spit, you sag to your knees.
this is my one-per-fandom allowed purple prose romance fic for Campaign Star Wars, ft. second person narration and a generic first line that is definitely a placeholder for something cooler when i think of it later on. i'm not a fan of opening on something this observational, and with 2nd pers pov it feels even more deliberately detached, a thing i want and do sometimes but not especially here.
2. Escape velocity (Heaven Will Be Mine, WIP)
The only way we fold is outward, over time and into space.
how tf does one even write for HWBM? my tentative take is to go all out with the unhinged science poetry
3. The quest (TMA)
'I'm gonna do it.'
lazy rapid-fire dialogue is my brain gears grease and sometimes if i'm drunk and indifferent enough it gets to stay on the page
4. hanker (The Raven Cycle)
‘Feeling jealous?’ Proko asks, because he’s a little shit.
5. crumbling pillars (HNOC)
Gawain stands in the door to the council room, his hair matted and his clothes drenched in Saxon blood, his empty gun still smoking in his hand, panting but unharmed.
i like this one. a better execution of the necessary segmented descriptive first look than the Maintenance one.
6. on and away (Pokémon)
‘You thought I was never coming back.’
lots of in-media-res slightly accusatory dialogue, huh
7. Our Work Is Never Over (MCU)
'This is boring.'
lots and lots
8. chasing the starlight (MCU)
The stars sang to him once, of escape and dreams and adventure.
this is my obligatory purple prose romance for this fandom, and sets the tone for the rest of the fic: contemplative, wistful, disappointing.
9. The decay (Pokémon/Shadow of the Colossus fusion)
He strikes the last blow to the monster, and watches the light leave its green eyes with a furious and wild joy far from the sober, mournful relief he used to feel after his earliest victories.
this fic was originally a one-sentence microfic i lightly edited, it's five whole sentences long now! so of course the first sentence is packed and rambly, but i kind of enjoy the out-of-breath, suspended quality of long-running sentences in some cases, and i feel like here it fits
10. untitled WIP (The Raven Cycle)
It was Opal who found him.
our first short statement to not be dialogue :o pretty efficient, establishes the obligatory 'oh no what did he do this time' element of any Ronan story
11. Eyeliner (RQG, WIP)
There's a smudge on Zolf's collar.
love me some 'well, well, well' accusatory opening statements
12. Inertia (Dragon Age, WIP)
It was the kind of love you kept silent, draped in reverence and as far away from them as possible.
it sounds like another purple prose fic but hear me out, there's one pseudo-poetic paragraph and then it drops into a dry, snarky, analytic call-out of the narrator. on its own it's a terrible sentence and i absolutely hate reading it :D
13. but i erased you (Pokémon, WIP)
When Red comes back, Green takes it in stride.
i love lying right off the bat
14. a decent man's meat (Digital Devil Saga)
The dreaded moment comes once again, and once again Harley fails to run from the classroom in time to dodge Argilla’s invitation to come have lunch with her friends.
one of these 'why does this even exist' fics, so this first line is mostly there to establish the high school AU's whole tone and dynamics
15. cold steam running (Hotel Dusk)
There’s more to the story of Bradley’s sudden transfer than Kyle is willing to let on, obviously.
kiiind of same, actually? establishes the AU, less assertively than the previous example because here it's not as far away from canon as it was for DDS, ft. pov character fancying himself a Very Shrewd Observer
16. for me it was tuesday (Baccano!)
The first sign is always the sound of footsteps echoing through the hallways, rapidly approaching as someone runs and nearly crashes into the door.
and with this we conclude that weird high school AU craze i had for like two weeks. this is also a very boring first line, not really sure why i even included it at all? the rando almost crashing into the door feels very in line with canon's tone though, i like his energy
And i'm gonna stop here because the rest of my works in English is either WIPs that don't have an official first line yet, or disqualified on account of being one-sentence microfics. i feel like there's a definite tendency to open with snappy dialogue, and otherwise a general mechanical feel to it, like if it's not dialogue/speech i'm not sure how to handle it, and i default to ‘must transmit information’ 🤔 it's definitely not the strongest part of any of my writing, i should work on that >>
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ridasverkisto · 3 years
So I’ve recently been fixating on The Magnus Archives, and been slowly trying to catch up on Black Clover, and last night my brain tossed me an idea that I’m not sure what to do with
(Keeping the bulk of it under a read more, as there are technically general spoilers for both)
TMA/BC crossover and/or fusion. Like—depending on how you want to play with it, fuse the TMA setting (not necessarily the Institute, but like. The background stuff. The Entities) into Black Clover, bc there’s so much potential for background intrigue even just with what I’m most familiar with! (Which is up to the end of the Reincarnation Arc)
Like. You could say that the massacre and stuff is potentially a ritual, which doesn’t necessarily mean that Zagred was complicit in that—the Web is a thing, after all. There’s just. So much potential for squishing the settings together that I really want to write even just a few short oneshots?
Further idea speculation that occurred to me was like. If you want to expand the canon world with backstory stuffs, why not start back when Lumière and Licht were alive? Play into the spooky potential of the massacre, let there be some kind of ritual intent behind it, really lean into it. And like—we know the Shadow Palace was below the capital the whole time, so why not use that?
Because there’s also just TMA’s questioning of humanity. Where is the line between monster and human, and where do you become no longer a person and more of a tool? An asset?
There’s also the magic system to consider, because how would becoming an avatar affect your magic? Would you lose your grimoire, or would you keep it but never gain new spells? Or gain new ones, but they’re more reflections of your patron than of your actual magic? Would the color of your magic change, in accordance with the Entity you’re tied to? The quality of it, what kinds of spells you can cast with it?
I know this hasn’t really been addressing like. The main cast of TMA, or of BC, but. This is what my brain gave me.
I may just end up writing brief snippets of it, pieces of an AU, or something, because this is really interesting to me.
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suttttton · 3 years
so this might be a convoluted question, so if it clarifies anything it is inspired by ur bord jon married to mage jonah fic. but if you did another fairy tale insp tma fic (or any other source fusion) what would it be??? would you pick a specific fairy tale/source or just mine them for Vibes?
hhhhhhhhhhhh I have ENDLESS ideas for fairy tale/fantasy tma AUs. They are so so fun. Just naming the ones I'm actively working on we have:
~fairy!Jon au that's kind of a fusion of borrower stuff and house fairy folklore
~an AU that's just the Disney movie Enchanted, with real-world Jonsasha colliding with fantasy-world Martim, and the four of them ending up in a happy lil polycule
~this one is currently on the backburner, but I've also got a mermaid!Jon AU heavily based on The Little Mermaid, with a sprinkling of fairy godmother elements
~oh and this might not count but there's also a sequel/alternate ending to the bird fic in the works that is a bit more folklore-ey and delves into the magic system a bit more
In sum: I guess I tend to just grab vibes and run, and even when I'm trying to stick to a specific plot, I tend to mix and match and change story elements around whenever I please (like I said, it is very fun)
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