#kinda just. sending in my crappy headcanons here
once-upon-an-imagine · 11 months
Fleetwood Mac, the song Silver Springs, for whatever character you wish xx
(I love the lyrics, I could have loved you but you would not let me and you will never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you. I know if read the wrong way that can come off as creepy as hell but I think of it as 'insert character' due to crappy self esteem rejected love but now later can't shake the fact that someone actually loved them and they feel kinda haunted by it and wonder what could've happened) (p.s you don't have to incorporate that into your writing if you don't want to I just wanted to blab about my fanfic day dreams when I listen to this song lol 🤣)
send me a song
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH! and please send me your fanfic daydreams whenever you want! I love thoughts and headcanons and all!
soooo, I thought about two different characters! the first person that I thought for Silver Springs especially the lyrics
I could have loved you but you would not let me
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you
is James Potter maybe like a classic unrequited love where his best friend has always been in love with him but he just has eyes for Lily and then (in this scenario) maybe things don't work out and he realizes he loved his friend all along but she's moved on by now? (idk, too much angst 😂)
the second one, is Sirius Black! just like with James sort of an unrequited love, except here he goes from girl to girl until he FINALLY sees the one person who's always been there for him, the idiot 😂
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Here is a fun one... HC+extra lives. ;)
Send me  “HC”  + a word and I’ll write a headcanon about it.
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"Dude, you know that's not real, right?
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"Like, that's just some crappy rumor some jerkface made up a long time ago. Cats don't actually have nine lives. "Always hated bein' teased about this. Sure, it's cute the first couple times, but when someone tries 'ta throw you off'a buildin' 'cause you got ''nine lives'' or whatever, it kinda ruins the whole thing. "Ain't sayin' I wouldn't make the landin', I would! Just like, c'mon. We ain't invincible. We're the same as you guys! Just, a little cooler. 'Cause I can climb walls and stall my falls an' stuff."
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((actually, its funny you mention this! freedom planet 2 already has lore about extra lives. allow me to just
((ahem, and i quote
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(("The first five senses are physical - sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. The sixth and seventh senses transmit the first through space and time, respectively. "The sixth sense is what some would call telepathy. Few can truly master it, especially with technology acting as a substitute. "Have you ever been knocked out in battle and, upon waking, felt like you've already lived through future events? The seventh sense influences this feeling. "It is the perception that what we are experiencing now is a vision that an infinite number of past selves can learn from.
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((and already there's a lot of interesting stuff here, dealing with past and future business and visions and even involving the five wu xing elements??? most notably water, if im reading into things correctly ((i dont wanna go on for too long here, going into how i think these two extra elements interact with the wu xing cycle and yada yada, so ill just go over who i think do and do not have a strong connection with this trait
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((carol does not know what an element is. she is very obviously the weakest of the quadrio in this sense. she has next to no mental foundation to even begin to peer into the possible future, she kind of just does what she does and goes with the flow. there's nothing happening up there to make this vision stuff happen
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((next is lilac, who probably gets these more often than carol [which is to say, zero times ten is still zero] but is also not too mentally sound for them to be helpful. she got the short end of the stick in fp1 and fp2 [i think. i havent finished her campaign yet]. she's still very obviously dealing with trauma and, this isnt even mentioning the baggage she carries from the scarves. however, because she doesnt try to hide it [much], like carol, she accepts it all more than her. this gives her much more leeway to access these visions but, like i said, its not gonna be much help. she is not as headstrong as carol, but is still very much just gonna boost in and ask questions later.
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((then there's milla, who is an interesting case, for sure. i think she'd get these the most consistently out of the main trio, but for the opposite reasons of the other two. ((she's uh, kind of an airhead ((her problems dont weigh on her as much as they would with lilac and carol. she's grown a lot in this regard--adapting their carefree attitudes without the downsides [kinda] ((but because of this she's not wandering around aimlessly or stressing over her past crush. she's kind of just doing her potion stuff so she can help herself and her friends and make a living. with the money she makes selling potions she can, well, buy more ingredients for potions. not to mention that she has a very stable friend group [i mean stable in the ''theyll always be there'' sense not in the ''they are mentally sound'' sense. none of them are mentally sound] and is gaining more interests as she learns and grows. her talking to aaa a lot is giving her ideas about his mechanical stuff!!! she's got a science buddy!!!! a science buddy that also helps out with potions, sometimes ((i imagine whenever a potion literally blows up in her face, she'll get a vision about the next time it blew up in her face, and correct accordingly. saves her some time!
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((and lastly is neera! she is extremely mentally sound, even despite all of the happenstance that happened in fp2. shit, she's the only one who has an active therapist--which is something she didn't always have, to be fair. she decided to start looking into therapy immediately after she got the regent job, because she knows how much stress itll put on her and isnt willing to fuck up and have a mental breakdown on the job. the magister himself made her the standing regent, to oversee the affairs of turning everything into a democracy, to rule the city-state, to make decisions on her own on how to better make shang tu/avalice a happy place to live. sure, she still has anger issues, and sure, she's not the most likeable person to be around ((but she's not one to want to fuck up. she's the most developed and sound, mentally anyway, of the quadrio. not to mention extremely knowledgeable on things like this. ((i like to imagine, however, that she doesnt get these visions from ''falling down'', rather, she gets them as ''anxiety induced nightmares''--that's what her therapist calls it. it doesnt happen too often, but everytime a big decision is coming up she'll probably get a vision detailing how her alt self fucked up big time and how she should probably not do that.
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((all this is to say that uh
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((i have a lot of thoughts and opinions on freedom planet 2 and its lore, i guess! ((extra lives are canon, technically! carol cant use them because her brain is too fucked.))
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aikatsu-on-parade · 4 years
Still wishful thinking but I was hoping that Aikatsu on Parade was going to be about Raki, and the top five of the aikatsu popularity contest, and then having seperate episodes dedicated to the rest of the top ten.
Like, imagine Koharu showing off her CV to a very excited Raki, and Ako making a small comment about how she totally knew Koharu BEFORE she was popular, and how much more convenient it would’ve been if she made her own brand instead of fighting with Kirara for top spot. Cue flashback. Raki says “Woaaah! That sounds SUPER INTENSE, I could never handle a rivalry that big!!!” or something and Coco chimes in to talk about how having rivals is inevitable when you’re a celebrity.
Meanwhile, Hoshimiya “I climbed a whole mountain with no harness” Ichigo and Todo “Had to convince a man I wasn’t a faliure on the worst day of my life” Yurika, sit there in complete and utter silence. They could only wish the brand muse stuff was this simple for them.
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m4gp13 · 4 years
Do you have any Ethan Nakamura headcanons?
(oh honey do I ever)
- okay so he grew up in a pretty poor neighbourhood because Nemesis was NOT fucking rich bitches.
- so yeah his school was crappy and underfunded which was something EVERYONE took advantage of. (by everyone I mean the pupils)
- he was that one kid everyone knows that pretty much thought they were a legal professional at six.
- i mean one kid keeps throwing pencils across the room so the teacher decides everyone goes home ten minutes late if whoever did it doesn’t own up and Ethan just starts talking about the geneva convention and how group punishments are legally a war crime.
- teachers didn’t like him very much.
- also he only stayed at camp for a few months because fuck em.
- when he was at camp though he was made it Very clear who his mother was.
- and since he was in the hermes cabin he was always hanging out with the Stolls who helped him pull pranks on deserving bullys. 
- he was contemplating running away for some time before he actually does but the thing that makes his decision for him is when one of the above mentioned bullys take it too far.
- he ran into Nemesis almost immediately after leaving camp and the ‘gimme your eye and join an army pls’ thing ensues.
- but he was pretty skeptical of the whole army thing so he spent the next couple years looking around for any other ways of getting the minor gods respect.
- botl is when he decides there ARE no other ways and he should’ve gone to the army in the first place.
- speaking of the army, he hated Alabaster when they first met because bas was burning sage at the time and when Ethan tried to go in his room to tell him about some titan army bullshit and whatnot he almost suffocated.
- and Alabaster almost lost it when Ethan blew out a candle instead of snuffing it out.
- they made up pretty soon afterwards but still pretend to hate each other for the drama and because it’s fun seeing everyone else's reactions. (kinda like Clarisse and Percy)
- also Ethan’s as much of a little shit to the titans as he was to his teachers.
- except Kronos. 
- Ethan had to learn not to fuck with Kronos the hard way, hence every interaction between them in tlo.
- also he was Such a mum friend to the younger demigods.
- he was out on his own for quite some time so he knows a thing or two and he’s surprisingly good with kids, mostly because when he was younger none of his neighbours could afford babysitters so they just left their kids with him.
(I could go on for days but I think I’ll stop here for know:) ( also please keep sending me asks if you have any questions, I’ll try my best to answer a soon as possible) 
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ambivalent-anarchy · 5 years
Peter With A Southern Girlfriend - Headcanon
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So we already know our little Peter is the sweetheart of all sweethearts, right?
But he's also a little shit at the same time somehow
But above all, he's a northerner.
And northerners LOVE to make fun of us southerners when they get the chance
(Alabama born and raised btw🤠)
Stereotype #1 - Country folk are idiots and just overall clueless
First of all, FALSE. Second of all, FIGHT ME if you actually believe that.
Having to deal with Flash condescendingly asking you if you understand what he's saying or what the conversation's about literally every few seconds
"Yeah, hang on Penis Parker- [Y/N]! Did you get that? We're going to a party. A PAR-TY! P-A-R-T-Y! It's what you probably called a 'honkytonk' back in the south. Got it? A party!"
"...I've never once even used the word ''honkytonk', Flash."
^^crap like that🙄
Peter never hesitates to stand up for you when that happens.
That is, if MJ doesn't beat him to it.
"Shut up Flash, [Y/N] could probably talk circles around you!"
Boys automatically thinking that you're 'easy' the second they hear your accent
Every idiot basically just pissing Peter, MJ, and you all the off.
You having to calm Peter down so he won't fight someone and vice versa.
Stereotype #2 - Southerners are racist and nonprogressive
(Gosh man, stop generalizing people you guys)
Getting in an argument with Flash and him throwing unnecessary stuff in your face when he realizes he's losing
"Sorry [Y/N], but remember you guys lost the civil war."
(Bonus - if you're not white) "I literally would've been a slave too dude, so shut up."
Ned being slow to talk about some things with you at first because he doesn't know your views on them and couldn't help but assume some of them because you're southern
None of this with Peter though. Everything kinda flies over his head because controversy is the last thing on his mind at any time lol
It wasn't until you got to New York when you really realized how Southern you must be
It doesn't aggravate Peter when you say things in a way he doesn't understand, it actually just makes him laugh
"Wait, what did you just call that, [Y/N]?"
"What? The cement?"
"Oh my God haha yeah, is that how you guys say it down there?"
"Umm, how else are ya s'posed to say it?"
"It's the cement. Not the CEment. The emphasis is on the bottom half of the word, not the first."
"I don't know Peter, CEment sounds better to me... Hey MJ? Is it cement or CEment?"
"Umm obviously cement. What weirdo is out there saying CEment?"
Also, sometimes you'll be talking and Peter will have NO IDEA what you're saying
The last straw was when you were both shopping and you said:
"Hey babe, go get me the buggy."
"... the what?"
"The buggy."
"Uhhh... okay."
You ran off before he could ask you what this 'buggy' thing is
So flustered and confused Peter calls up Ned who then calls MJ who looks it up and oh wow it just means shopping cart
And MJ's like, "Peter.. you remember where your girlfriend is from don't you??"
He finally finds you in the store after a while
"What took you so long?"
"..I-i, uh, had to use the restroom.."
So the next day he literally buys a book entitled "Butter My Butt And Call Me A Biscuit! And Other Southern Sayings"
Dude actually studies it like he's studying for a test😂
Next time you say something like that, he'll be ready
He can never let you find the book though. He's not ready for that level of embarrassment😂😂😂
Peter sending you things like only in the south memes and being like, "do you understand this???"
Now by no means do all southerners love country music. That's just a lie.
I mean, personally I love it, but that's just me lol
And it really does get hated on a lot but message me and I'll send you some total bops and bangers if ya want
Peter's totally one of those "I don't have a favorite genre, I just like GOOD music" and "I like ALL genres" people
Hardly anybody who says that really genuinely likes all types of music
"Hey Pete, wanna listen to my playlist?"
"Yeah sure."
"...[Y/N], what is this?"
"It's music, Pete."
Peter Parker = not a big fan of country music
But he loves you, so he'll try to search and find some that he can tolerate
Or some that he even likes (gasp!)
Slow dancing in his room to "Tennessee Whiskey"
You teaching him how to square dance
He's surprisingly good at it!!
If there's one thing northerners love to make fun of southerners about, it's our accents
Even if you're accent's not strong, and it's more of a drawl, Peter will always catch it and he'll make sure you KNOW that he caught it
And he won't hesitate to answer you teasingly in his own crappy country accent
Don't ever get sleepy around him, cuz that's usually when accents or drawls are the strongest
He'll take videos and send them to every group chat he's in (including ones with the avengers)
Peter: Lol look at my girlfriend you guys her accent is so cute❤❤🤠
Rhodey: kid you do realize this group chat is for missions only right?
Peter: yeah but she's so cute tho
Stark: OK underoos, we get it. You love your girlfriend's accent. Now shut up and go masturbate about it why don't you?
Coming Home
Peter going to your hometown for the holidays is WILD
Cuz he wants to do anything and everything
It'll go one of three ways-
Peter realizes that's he's picked off more than he can chew and he REALLY can't handle southern life
Peter loves the whole thing despite him probably making a fool of himself the whole time
"Pete, you do realize that all southerners aren't the same, right?" (Because not everybody down here owns a farm, much less even seen a horse for that matter)
But let's talk about Peter Parker with southern life right now
Can't handle the bugs
Or the weather for that matter
Too scared to milk a cow
Can totally ride a horse but accidentally does something to make it mad and ends up having to swing away
After a while just really wants to stay inside the whole time😂
Is just overall a whole mess
Realizes that he really wasn't ready for all this, he just wanted the "cotton-eyed joe" aesthetic
But overall is just chill about everything and awed by the fact that you actually did all this cool stuff when you were little
In conclusion, southerners are awesome and you're missing out on quite the experience if you haven't met one😂😂
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ahwuum · 5 years
hi it’s me again but i thought of smth,,,,the quote “‘i’ll take care of you’ ‘it’s rotten work’ ‘not to me, not if it’s you’” is basically my top tier fahc freewood mood and i’m going feral
Aa ok I just got home and!!! YES I LOVE this quote omg, I actually already have it saved in my prompts list!!
And I love it for Freewood too bc it works for both of them, like esp in FAHC I see them both as kinda self-depreciating. Like obviously Ryan more so, but even Gavin I can totally see getting sick or something, maybe overworking himself again and Ryan comes to drag him to bed. And he’s just like “Gavin please, let me take care of you” and Gavin kinda laughs and says “It’s rotten work” and its a joke but Ryan’s response is immediate and honestly it shakes him. “Not to me, not if it’s you” like who even does that to someone?? Just steals their bloody heart like that right out of their goddamn chest???
But as for Ryan, I can totally see him getting shot and him and Gav get separated from the others, ending up in one of the safehouses on the edge of town, sitting under the crappy, flickering light in the tiny bathroom, practically squashed against each other as Gavin carefully sews him up.
Ryan’s pretty out of it from losing so much blood, keeps mumbling things under his breath, calling for his crew, calling for Gavin.
“Hush, love, I’m here. I’ll take care of you.” And his voice brings Ryan back, a bit, gives him a moment of lucidity where he’s aware of where he is and what’s happening.
“It’s rotten work.” He says weakly and feels Gavin’s bloodied hand come to rest upon his cheek.
“Not to me… Not if it’s you.” Gavin whispers and it’s so… Sincere and Ryan’s reminded again that his crew may a bunch of idiots—Gavin may be an idiot— but they all still love him more than he ever thought he deserved. And sure, he has a gaping hole in his stomach that’s lost him so much blood he feels like he’s about to pass out any moment, but he’s never been happier in his entire life.
Send me a ship and I’ll share some headcanons!! (or send in some of your own
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boopboopbichie · 7 years
Reddie headcanon
- Ok so Eddie is like this goodboi. He’s almost done with high school and he really wants to get into a great college.
- So, he is trying to focus on his school work because he’s not going to fuck this up for himself and things doesn’t come easy to him.
- So, one day Eddie is in the library, studying, when two people walk in. He only turns his head because one of them is being fucking loud as fuck and he’s like gosh this is a library jesus Christ.
- When he turns his head, he sees Stan Uris – He knows Stan, they’re in the same Bio class – And Richie Trashmouth Tozier – He also knows Richie (not personally) because everyone does.
-  Richie is loud and obnoxious and what the fuck is he wearing?
- But he is also really really goodlooking as he’s entering the library, laughing and pushing up his glasses.
- Eddie thinks the Tozier boy is super cool and he hates himself for it, because what’s cool about a tall boy with huge glasses, who cracks inappropriate jokes and inappropriate times and wears Hawaiian shirts underneath his jean jacket and has tattoos at the age of seventeen?
- The answer to this, Eddie has figured out is – Everything.
- Everything about Richie Tozier is cool. He’s laid back, popular, seems to always be having a good time and he’s a fucking genius.
- Also. he’s gay? Bi? Pan? Eddie honestly doesn’t know, he just knows that he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of girls and he has heard about Richie kissing a lot of boys as well.
- But that doesn’t seem to bother anyone and maybe that’s why Eddie is so jealous? Because his coming out wasn’t that smooth?
- Anyway, Stan and Richie walks in and Eddie makes eye contact with Richie, but quickly looks back into his book.
- He hopes they keep walking but suddenly two people are standing in front of him and he looks up again.
- “Hey Eddie, I just wanted to ask you about the homework for bio tomorrow. I’m not sure what I even read”, Stan says and Eddie glances at Richie who is grinning from behind Stan.
- “I can send you my notes?”, he offers, and Stan thanks him.
- They’re about to leave but Richie leans over the table and smiles and Eddie wants to die, because he’s even prettier up close.
- “There’s a party at my place on Friday Kaspbrak. You should come. You can bring a friend if you’d like”.
- And then he just leaves.
- And Eddie is left sitting there with huge eyes bc holy shit he knows his full name?
- So, when he goes over to Bill’s that night he tells him about it and Bill – who most definitely has a crush on Stan is begging him to go.
- Eventually Eddie says yes, even though he doesn’t want to. Like, he needs to study he doesn’t have time for silly parties.
- So fast forward to Friday and Eddie is in his room freaking out because what the fuck should he wear?
- Like he knows that the people who are going to be at Richie’s party are probably as cool as Richie and he has absolutely no clothes.
- He ends up wearing his high waisted jeans with a red t-shirt tucked into them and his vans. He doesn’t do anything to his hair because he kinda likes it when it’s curly.
- Bill picks him up and off they go.
- The whole ride Eddie is trying to get Bill to turn around because: “Bill he probably invited me for the laughs it’s gonna suck and I need to study”.
- Bill is having none of that though and eventually they’re at the house and Eddie can’t breathe.
- When they knock on the door, Richie opens up and Eddie can’t stop staring because Richie looks so good.
- He’s wearing baggy blue jeans, a worn the cure t-shirt on top of a striped long-sleeved shirt and his shoes got holes in them.
- Basically, he’s the biggest mess Eddie has ever seen but boi does he look great.
- “Eds, you came! You look cute”, he says and Eddie is still speechless.
- “Hi bigbill, come on in”.
- They walk in and Bill is instantly gone to talk to Stan and Eddie is left with Richie who is smiling at him making him blush.
- There are a lot of people and it stinks of something Eddie is not sure what is but he suddenly doesn’t want to go home anymore.
- Richie pulls him to the kitchen to get him a drink and he asks him what he wants and Eddie is like ??
- Because he has never tasted any alcohol before.
- Richie laughs at this, but not in a mocking way and hands Eddie a beer.
- Eddie hates it but he doesn’t say anything because he can’t help but feel cool as he’s standing in Richie’s kitchen drinking a beer while Richie is sitting on the kitchen counter with a bottle of Jack.
- Beverly Marsh then comes into the kitchen and Richie follows her out but he promises Eddie he’ll find him later and Eddie is like all right.
- So he wanders off and he is actually having fun.
- Then twenty minutes later Richie shows up again and asks Eddie to follow him.
- Eddie is surprised because why the fuck is Richie Tozier pulling him towards the basement??
- “Are you going to bring me to the basement and murder me Tozier?”
- “That’s exactly what I’m going to do Eds, but can you please act surprised when I do it?”.
- Richie’s room is down there apparently.
- There’s nobody there and Richie just sits down by his desk and Eddie stands awkwardly in the doorway not knowing what to do, still trying to figure out why he’s in Richie’s room.
- “Please sit down, that’s stressing my out Eds”.
- “Do not call me that Trashmouth”.
- Eddie does sit down though, in Richie’s bed.
- Richie’s room is huge but it seems small because his walls are covered in posters, pictures and spraypaint(?).
- Eddie admires it for a while until he looks at Richie who is lighting something that Eddie is pretty sure isn’t a cigarette.
-  He scoffs and Richie raises his eyebrow at him.
- “Of fucking course you’re a stoner”.
- “Huh?”.
- Richie is obviously amused and Eddie rolls his eyes.
- “Who says I’m a stoner, this could be my first ever joint for all you know”.
- Eddie scoffs again and walks around Richie’s room looking at his stuff.
- “I suppose it’s not”.
- Richie just chuckles and Eddie looks at him take his second hit of the joint.
-  “Do you even know how fucking unhealthy that is?”. He says this but he can’t help but think that Richie looks even hotter smoking that.
- Richie just winks and blows the smoke in Eddie’s direction.
- “I think I’ll be fine. You should try”.
- “No fucking way, I’m not trying to get into drugs, thank you very much”.
- Richie just chuckles again and Eddie feels this warmth in his stomach from the sound.
- “It’s weed Eddie, not cocaine, you’ll be fine, just take one hit”.
- Eddie knows he shouldn’t want to but he actually really does want to.
- So he nods.
- “Fine, let me try”.
- Richie’s eyes widen but he hands Eddie the joint and Eddie stares at it unsure.
- “Just put it in your mouth and breathe in. You might cough but that’s fine, then you just try again”.
- Eddie does and he does cough.
- But when he tries again he doesn’t and he feels accomplished.
- Half a joint later they’re both sitting on the floor, giggling, passing the joint back and forth.
- Eddie is looking at Richie and he feels his entire stomach fill with butterflies.
- Richie is beautiful and Eddie can’t stop looking at the other boy’s lips.
- Richie then stops giggling and scoots closer to Eddie.
- “I wanna try something”.
- Eddie is unable to speak so he just nods.
- Richie then takes a hit and then presses his lips against Eddie’s.
- Eddie doesn’t have time to react before Richie has blown the smoke into his mouth.
- He then pulls back and Eddie looks at him wideeyed and he feels his cheeks heat up. He stares at Richie and his fingers slowly finds his lips.
- Then he leans in and presses his lips against Richie’s again, this time harder.
- The kiss is wet and messy and there’s a lot of teethclashing but Eddie feels his head get even more light if even possible and it feels like he’s flying
- He thinks he might pass out.
- Eventually he does because Eddie is woken up by someone moving from beside him. He opens his eyes and he has no idea where he is.
- He turns his head and there is Richie, sitting on the floor. Eddie then remembers everything and he giggles.
- He’s still high from last night and his giggling gains Richie’s attention. Richie is smiling at him softly and Eddie thinks he might be dead?
- “Am I in heaven?”, he whispers and Richie chuckles.
- “If god loves the cure then yes”, Richie answers back and Eddie can’t help but laugh. It’s not even funny but he can’t stop again and Richie joins in.
- The laughter dies down and Eddie is suddenly aware of the situation.
- “What the fuck happened last night, why am I still here?”, he asks and Richie laughs.
- “You fell asleep while we were making out and I couldn’t bare to wake you up”.
- Eddie blushes hardcore and hides his face in his hands bc how the fuck do you fall asleep while making out?
- Also he’s mindblown because he actually smoked weed and made out with Richie Tozier last night.
- Richie is just smiling at him lazily though and offers to take him to mcdonald’s to get some breakfast and Eddie accepts the offer bc mcdonald’s sounds fucking great atm.
- Fast forward a few months and Eddie and Richie is dating and they eat crappy breakfast together every Saturday.
 This is a mess but I wrote this last night and I thought the idea was kinda cute idk. 
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Harry Potter Golden Trio in a superhero AU?
Ooooooh I like this. Ok lets see what we end up with here. Send me an AU and Ill give 5+ Headcanons about em. 
Has a Secret Identity and is actually the most successful at keeping it because when he’s not saving the world he’s just so freaking normal and frankly he enjoys that
Still a powerhouse of whatever his powers are
Due to an accident when he was young, Harry is able to talk to & understands snakes. If powers are common thats what everyone thinks his powers are
Very sporty plays both powered and regular sports now that he’s found out he’s got some talent at em
His power is actually something like Luck or probability manipulation but the more he makes something favorable for himself the worse the next bad thing to happen is because honestly given everything that happens to Harry in Canon he had the most amazingly crappy luck ever.
Her powers are volcanic based. I think it probably gives her the ability to manipulate lava/earth to an extent because for all that she’s a bookworm Hermione has a temper and it takes a while for stuff to build up be it BS, injustice or plain ol anger but she’s also pretty solid like a rock.
Volcanoes also like, rejuvenate soils by depositing nutrients and allow things to grow and for Hermione thats knowledge be it in herself or others
She doesn’t really have a secret identity but that has more to do with the fact that she just doesn’t care because its more helpful for her to be known as a hero to enact change on an unjust social system.
TBH i have no idea what Ron’s powers would be. The power of friendship? Caring? IDK. I got nothing.
because like ok, its real easy to overlook air powers. They’re just not all that impressive looking. But you get enough force into them and shit happens
Ron also just kinda goes with things? Like, I mean he chooses to do things but he’s also just like, oh this $&^%%^*( again? when stuff happens to Harry. He’s also the person that brings a breath of fresh air into the situation so to speak be it by actually formulating a plan or being the comic relief.
He’s still the strategist but like canon this is something that he grew into.
…. Yeah Im not sure what exactly kinda Superhero AU I’ve made here? In my brain i keep picturing it as an X-Men BHNA fusion of sorts where Harry still had to fight Tom because Tom’s a hypocritical genocidal maniac who’s been running around killing people. Ginny’s still around but this is more book Ginny than anything else but she’s a shapeshifter not that she ever really noticed her powers because for her shapeshifting is about wanting to be someone/something else and she’s never wanted to be anything but herself and have other people accept that. Luna manipulates time and just is constantly seeing things from the past, the pasts that never were, the present, the future and futures that will never be and has a bit of a hard time telling them all apart.  
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sevenlovescats · 7 years
I was hoping on a headcanon about the rfas reaction to an mc with a therapy cat for anxiety she brings with her to Rika's? If that's okay
First of all, thank you for the request! Second of all, I’m really sorry this took a while (I procrastinate way too much), and I’m also sorry because it’s kinda short and crappy because i didn’t want to go into too much detail to avoid upsetting people? I’m sorry if this wasn’t what you were thinking of, but here we go~
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Is worried when you say you have a service cat
Because how will you get water for it?
What about food?
A litter box?
Nags Seven to send stuff for the cat to the apartment
He’s glad that you have it with you though, because he doesn’twant you to be completely alone
When he meets the cat, he pets it and coos at it
He’s curious about how it was trained and what exactly itdoes for you
Works with the cat amazingly well when you have a problem
A l l e r g i e s
Literally, when he goes to the apartment, he tries so hardnot to sneeze because you’re in danger and he needs to be your knight inshining armor
Immediately after Unknown leaves, he’s sneezing so hard hisface turns purple
You have to step outside with him so he can settle down
Not sure how to cope with your cat
He would never ask you to get a service dog instead, but thethought crosses his mind, not gonna lie
Takes as many allergy pills as possible whenever you go tohis place with the cat
Grins and bears it
A what now?
Good lord, the c-fur
She hates the c-fur
She’s glad that you have a service animal to assist you,though
Checks up on you quite often, and asks how you and the catare doing
She’s relieved that your cat doesn’t shed nearly as much asElizabeth, when she meets it
She’ll pet the cat quite a bit, if you let her
Loves that the cat doesn’t roll around on her clothes like acertain someone
The cat really likes her
Intrigued about the cat’s training, what it does, etc etc(much like Yoosung)
More cat projects involving service cats
Poor Jaehee
Very happy when your cat and Elizabeth get along well rightoff the bat
The cat takes an instant liking towards him
Makes sure your cat has everything it could need during thethree days you spend at his place
You have to keep him from spoiling it
He likes to cuddle with you, your cat, and Elizabeth
Constantly making sure you and the cat are alright when he’sat work
Surprised when he sees you have a cat with you through CCTV
He watches you and the cat interact all the time
It’s just a tad creepy
When he comes to Rika’s apartment and ignores you, your catis the only thing that keeps you sane
You do catch him petting the cat a couple times though
The cat helps both of you when things with Saeran and MinEye get intense
After everything with Mint Eye, he likes to pet the cat whenhe gets stressed or panicky
When Saeran gets better, Saeyoung gets a service cat for him
Many cuddles at night with you and your cat
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zzpopzz · 7 years
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Really long rant about how I made Vanilla Twilight, I typed it at 2am so it’s kinda crappy and boring, just skip through this post.
So I'd been thinking about it for a long time now, even before finishing Vanilla Twilight that I'd talk about it if someone asked, well that never happened so I was just thinking that I'd let it go but that post is so important to me so well fuck it I'll just talk about it anyway. I did it completely on a wimp like how cool would it be if I make a lyricstuck for Toumaki like I'd be the first (if anyone did this before me im sorry). The first song I intended to do wasn't VT, it was a much shorter and easier song. I saw the music video first time after a while and the lyrics gave me some scenes to draw right away, like the tones, the atmosphere, the lyrics all fit them very well, made me wanted to draw something happy but sad. The ending for it was a happy one instead of a sad one like other songs I did (I didn't post the ending for any of them, just let the viewers decide what it's gonna be) I was very scared like what if it won't turn out ok and people gonna hate me for it or no one even gonna look at it. Also what I visualized are mostly illustrations with backgrounds, what I never done before so high chance it won't go anywhere. I thought well let's just see how far will I get and won't talk about it at all until I post it so at least I won't be all barks no bite. I was very traumatized that someone might know about what I did so I locked all the files when I shut down my PC in case someone hack into it lmao. I started with making a storyboard(kinda) for it, this is where I first got trouble because there was some part I didn't think of when I visualized what I'd draw at first ( 'I don't feel so alone' part mostly and some in between) and it's only at this point that I realized how many I'd have to draw (over 40 images total) and it's mind blowing for someone who rarely finish a painting like me at that time, that number is more than what I'd draw in a year. VT doesn't have choruses that meant I can't do tricks like repeat some panels (I don't like this anyway). I usually painted on small canvas before that but I wanna make sure I can fix things later and some idea I had was pretty big so I used 3000x5000px canvas then trimmed them down ( I didn't know how big it was and it's huge). The idea was to make a tumblr scroll-post like a lyricstuck (my favorites are by paperseverywhere and toastyhat/emptyfeet , they made really cool tutorials about these) so I tried to drew out compositions that would look good scrolling down panel by panel and have some connections between them (this didn't turn out so good in the end because I wasn't good lol) Since I was scared that people might point out that I draw something wrong, it took me almost a week or something searching for references (check my pinterest board) like the streets, sky, houses, roads, outfits, poses,... I was going to draw. I got some knowledge about bikes by this too, like I can tell the differences between road bike, mtb, touring bikes,... I also see and captured bunches of screenshots and reread ywpd trivia countless time to make sure I won't get anything wrong. If you take notice, every outfit Toumaki wear in there are all canon, from anime or promos. The first few panels was really exciting because I had never painted so many with backgrounds before, I was really happy when I almost finished the first verse even compared to the full 3:50 of the song it was only 20 seconds and I thought maybe I can pull this after all. The last panel was intended to be Makichan standing infront of his house looking at the sky but I wanted to show the sky at the end of the panel and that wouldn't work on scroll-down post so I had to leave it for later, I repainted this panel for about 3 times and finished it just 30' before posting. The first panel of the second verse wasn't turning out alright too because that was my first time doing a 3 points perspective drawing and the colors didn't turn out as I wanted either (my intention was a green/gold dawn scene). Things kinda worked well despite that until the scene when Toudou sits in his ink, gdi I didn't know why I was so caught up in that and painted every piece of that wooden floor, it took me almost a week but turned out better than I expected so I was ok with it. I was going to make sketchy paintings for all of the panel but I did too much details on that one so it gave me the impression that I'll have to do just as much for every others. Now I still had school to go and that semester my uni got me pretty crappy schedule that made me have to wait for classes at school frequently, I was frustrated because I didn't get to paint during that time and I might finish it too late (even though I didn't set a deadline) and when I got home I just spent so much time checking twitter and just can't pick myself up to draw and ended up feeling shitty about it. *Side story*  I was so mad because I didn't get anything done and there's still more than half of the whole thing to do and the worst part is that I had no one that I can talk to because I didn't have any friend who ship Toumaki and I also don't want to publicly talk about what I was doing, I wanted to surprise people when I'm done, I didn't wanna give people the expectation then screw it up (I literally thought I'd drop a bomb not a grenade lmao) I can't remember how long was that shitty phase but I felt like it was so long, I barely finished verse 2 at that point. I was so mad at myself and my progress so I spent a few days to look at time management threads and this helped a lot, I changed my habits completely  by this and I still apply those methods now, like I used to stay up til 3am to read fics (bless you writers you fueled me with your writings bless you all) then I switch to bed before 12 and get up early for a good start or reduce working time while increasing quality* After that I kinda got things together,I just went ahead with painting tho it's still kinda tiring, I had to work on 5 essays during this time too. At this point I was like screw all, I give no shit about what everyone thinks I'm just gonna finish this and get some good nap (I practiced power nap to get more focus time for painting but dude everyone wants a good long nap) 10 days before uploading I found out that there's a Toumaki day (I'm so sorry), I was going to posted on the first sunday of June (I did researched on which was the best time to post on social medias so I randomly picked a sunday) and Toumaki day is the last sunday of May, that meant I had 10 days left and 15 panels to paint! I was going to ignore that but I already made it big I should make it right too so I shit my pants going through those last panels. I purposely hiding Toudou's face till the last verse to emphasize the feelz and got so relieved that I finally got to paint him (I read some tags that some viewers got emotional at this part so I'm so glad it worked). The whole things was put under Makichan's perspective so I was so sick of painting him at that point, he showed up in every panel and I can't paint him ugly because he's beautiful (especially his hair, I spent shitload of time painting them). I can talk lots about why I picked to do so but that's headcanon shit and it's embarrassing so let's just skip that. The last day I had only 3 panels left and I was hell confident that I've got this and somehow spent the whole evening rewatch Toumaki pingpong ep (end me). Of course that didn't end well, I managed to finish those by midnight but I still had like 3 panels that needed  repaint completely and all 43 needed retouch and edits. My plan was to post at 9am sunday (thats 9pm saturday est) so I had to get up at 5am and finish all that, I ended up cutting down 2 panels and simplified the instrumental panel (some tags said that was nice so I was at least relieved). Unlike other songs I did, the length of every line's quite different and the original sizes I did would make viewers have to scroll slower or faster at different parts. I didn't plan this beforehand and had to trim down some panels even the parts that I really liked and spent lots of time on. I also found out that people outside the homestuck fandom might not familiar with this type of post so I made a video too (I’m sorry I have zero skill in editing). After posting I was terrified of people's reactions or worse, there won't be any reaction so I turned everything off and went to sleep and woke up with an unimaginable number of notes I'd got, I set the target of 500 notes and I really didn't think that I'd get past that number like maybe 2-300 (well my other songs didnt even get 200), at the end I got 5000. I spent the next week reading and screencap tags given in reblogs, I put them on desktop and they're still my motivation til now. Vanilla Twilight is the thing I'm proud of the most even until now, when I've done other songs and projects that look somewhat better. If I have to recommend one thing on my blog I'd recommend it despite its' unskilled paneling, poor composition and muddy colors. It was the first time in my life that I'd put so much effort into something and went through such emotional roller coaster, the feelings I put into it was raw and the idea was very original compared to other songs, I improved and changed a lot during the 2 months I spent on it and never once regret doing it. ***Anyway, you sure have much free time to read it this far, here's a little game for you: I put random things in VT and HF like some characters/stuff from other series, my ocs,... (there wasn't anything purposeless in there even the logo on their cups or the bags they wear) just send me anything you find and I'll draw you something in return**
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