#kinda sad i found out about it so late 💀
verosvault · 11 months
I think something that's SO INSANE and honestly explains why I love Dimension20 so much and how it's so different than any other show I've ever seen is that...
Dimension20 manages to CAPTURE GENUINE JOY ON CAMERA!!! It's NOT fake! It's NOT scripted! It's not a joy that has been rehearsed and re-shot multiple times!! It is ACTUAL, TRUE, GENUINE JOY!!!
Something that normal TV shows just CAN'T provide for me??? I'm not saying scripted shows are BAD! That's not at ALL what I'm saying! A majority of them are really good!
But watching Dimension20 and seeing GENUINE expression on the faces of these people! And knowing that everyone there is having a GREAT time and just ENJOYING themselves doing what they're doing! It's- It's a feeling that I can't really wrap my mind/head around and explain to people???
I feel thee MOST happy when I get to watch TRUE moments of happiness and joy that happen with the people that decide to sit at this big table, under this big dome, and have just- the time of their Life!
And even though most of D20 is pre-recorded, I'll feel like I'm at the table with them because I'm expressing genuine feelings along with everyone else! 😆😆
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sourbinnie · 1 year
Hiii i have a request . Can you do as 9th straykids member when you left the group? and their reaction or maybe their massages? Just please as a friend not SHIP 💀 TYSM ❤️🫶🏻
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title -> sooner or later genre -> angst my beloved | voicemails pair -> ot8!skz + 9th member!reader a/n: i wrote it as voicemails since it's my favorite style. i hope you still like it ¡!¡!¡ since i don't really do messages. ALSO this is not romantic like you wanted i put a + instead of an x, that's how i differiante it.
"(y/n). where do i even start? i'm not mad, let's say that. i'm just mostly concerned, it was just announced to us that you left the group and we never talked about this? like, i've never  seen you look discontent with being a part of stray kids. is there things that i don't know? i would love to talk to you before it goes public and we have to say you're not a part of the team anymore. i just wanna know what happened, you're like a sibling to me and i don't wanna lose one of the most important parts of the band because we just didn't talk you know? anyways, please answer as fast as you can".
chan left the voice message with as much strength as he could as he looked around the room. he didn't even wanna know what was gonna happen now because he never planned for stray kids to be eight. there was an empty space in the dorms now, a new type of silence and an increase of anger & confusion in all of the members that was justified right? why would you just leave? that's what they said. you weren't kicked out, just decided your time on stray kids was enough and he needed to speak to you to know what you felt.
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"so you decided to just leave? without telling any of us? real funny of you. i'm not disappointed or sad, i'm just fuming (y/n) and to think we trusted you. do you not understand that you ar- were a part of this for life? we were supposed to stay together forever. how do i even explain to felix and jeongin you're probably not gonna come back? i've never seen them look so distraught. i know i didn't show it but i really wanted you to be there for me in my most important moments 'cause i thought of you as a friend for life. i don't know what went down but this doesn't excuse your reaction to leave us in the dust".
minho felt betrayed, like he was stabbed and someone twisted the dagger. he wanted to protest against the manager that announced it all and he did, he did not stay silent like the rest. the shock then suddenly appeared knowing that they were eight members now and the fact that he wouldn't see you around the dorms, in practice, at the concerts, or at the music shows. it made him sick to his stomach that someone he considered a brother/sister just disappeared with no reason.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey, i know it's kinda late but the news were just blurted out to us. i have no idea how to react. i just wanna know what happened, clearly there was something we didn't know that we need to talk about right? 'cause you can't just leave. i'm not gonna go out without a fight either, you are like one of my best friends and that's not gonna change. it's just so weird, we were talking about so much shit yesterday and you said you could only see your future with us and now you're gone? just like that? all your things are getting packed and it's just hard to watch. i don't imagine stray kids without you and i don't even want to".
changbin was completely lost. utterly and weirdly lost as he processed everything, another time he would've fought against it and he would've invaded his manager with questions (even if they were gonna remain unanswered). in this state he found himself in, he spammed you messages after sending the voicemail but they all weren't even seen. he wanted to go to chan for help but he saw the leader lost that shine in his eyes when all of this was announced. 
✉ ✉ ✉
"(y/n), i-i literally don't think this is the right decision. i know it's already in the work and that you will decide what's best for you. i am no one to tell you what to do but have you thought this through? leaving us? i'm just worried to be honest. felt like crying when they told us but i was a strong boy for you and yet you wouldn't care if you didn't care about leaving either. god i'm sorry, i'm just going through all the emotions at once and i still don't know how to react. just please call me and we'll talk it out like we always do, the team won't be the same without you and i don't even wanna think about you leaving me".
hyunjin knew he was being selfish by sending a voicemail like that and he did not care. even if didn't feel like crying before, he sure as hell was crying now thinking of his brother/sister and what could have happened for them to just leave. how did the person who was the most excited for him to come back from hiatus just decided to leave? and now they wouldn't answer their texts, it's like they disappeared face off the earth. hyunjin just wanted to get out of the dorms and go look for you, and guess what? he did.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey. gosh, is it too late already? to be sending you this voicemail and hoping you come back? i know it's not easy. i don't know exactly what you went through for you to be making this decision on your own but i wanna know, i wanna get to know you better. even after all these years, i feel like we didn't discover each other fully and i want more, i want your visits at the studio, us messing up choreography on purpose and writing lyrics together till the morning. tomorrow is gonna be awful for all of us but for you especially as this is gonna go on public and i wanna be there for you before it all crumbles apart".
jisung wanted to know what happened first of all. then he wanted to hug you and not let you go, afraid you would slip away from his embrace and he would have to be left alone. if there was a thing people didn't mess with was his friends and he considered you to be on top of his list with the rest of the members. sharing a dorm with him, must've been a nightmare but you two managed to be a mess together. now looking at box after box of your stuff, he just felt the biggest hole in his heart.
✉ ✉ ✉
"are you okay? do you need me to go where you are? i know it's late but i would do anything for you, you know this. even right now as everyone is losing their minds, i just care about you and that might show a bit of favoritism. i just don't know what the hell happened for you to go, was it something we did or said? 'cause i can't recall and i will apologize a million times if i have to. it's just a lot okay? just to be told that you decided to leave and it was your choice. and if it was i just wanted to know if we could remain friends because i seriously don't want to lose you. just call me back please".
felix was devastated. the fact that you were alone somewhere, away from them, away from him. knowing that even if he said that he wanted to remain friends, the company wouldn't like that and you two would probably never see each other again. it just felt so weird to wait around for a message when you were the quickest to type them out but now it was as if the world was against him or something. he needed to hear your voice and to maybe tell him that it was all a really well calculated prank.
✉ ✉ ✉
"why did you leave? i don't wanna go in circles. i just need to know bluntly and straight the reason why you decided to leave us. weren't we forever? you said that so many times that right now it just feels like another lie. all the things we promised, they're gone too right? (y/n) please fucking answer me before i lose my mind. i am not a person to beg for anything but i would do it right now for you to explain what the hell happened. we are all as confused and lost as we could be! you didn't even say it to our face, were you scared to face us? why would you be scared? we were always gonna support you if you gave us a reason".
seungmin of course didn't mean to sound as angry as he did. he just couldn't help it when he was left in the dark by one of his closest friends and the worst part is knowing that this voicemail was gonna be left on seen. he threw his phone onto his bed as he sighed, hoping you would just answer. it was just scary to him that all of this was happening and he had no idea how to react. you weren't there with them like you always were and he wished for nothing more than for you to come back.
✉ ✉ ✉
"hey (y/n). it feels weird to call you by name but i just need to get your attention somehow so you answer me. it's been forever since we know each other and now to be witnessing what might be the end for what we were building, just leaves me with a bad taste. did we do something? or was it just something else happening that you never told us? either way i would rather you have stayed. i don't wanna cry because you wouldn't have liked that but i feel like i'm gonna do it anyway. not like you're here to stop me even though i wish you were. just please call me or any of us back, i wanna hear your voice telling us the truth".
jeongin's eyes were watery but he quickly wiped them away. he sat there on the couch while everyone was in their rooms and waited. he looked at the door every once in a while thinking maybe it would help him but at the end of the day it just hurt more to now that you probably weren't gonna come back. scrap that, you weren't gonna come back at all and this would be announced tomorrow. he felt like choking but he still stayed strong as he tried to think of the good moments with you and holding on to the memory for dear life.
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devilbombers · 1 month
One of the best decisions I ever made was to finally pursue mainly drawing original art. I had no idea until recently that investing yourself in making ocs and enjoying your own work is the highest form of self love so I feel really good about my art and myself
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Its very fun and satisfying to constantly explore my own interests and understanding more and more about the things I like and want to put out in the world.
Its hilarious to constantly find myself in situations where I'm laughing at my own jokes with my characters and not caring that nobody else gets it. I didnt know making inside jokes with yourself could ever be a thing but it is now for me.
I ofc have nothing against fanartists (more power to them, live ur truth whatever) but personally I always found drawing fanart a bit pointless bc I dont like spending so much time and energy on just fanart. Also at the time when i wouldnt stop drawing only fanart I happened to be really young; so i sort of associate personally drawing fanart as something sort of childish to do? So I kinda stopped doing it as often bc it feels a little childish to do at my age idk.
The anime/manga scene has become extremely uninspired and dry to me as of late so im finally coming down from really getting too crazy about that shit anymore. So I feel like im finally growing up because of it lmao
I dont regret spending less time drawing fanart now but its only a little sad to me bc from my own findings i realize as an artist its only really possible to make internet friends if youre obsessed with big anime/manga series or whatever. And it only sucks bc i kind of really miss having internet friends.
I thought abt it again and apparently I know a lot of people irl. But to my misfortune none of them really text which really sucks bc I realized recently i really like texting.
I really wish i could spam ppl more often with ny dumbass pictures i have on my phone or whatever but Idgaf abt anything other than my ocs, new manga and music so im kinda stuck in place 💀
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chibishortdeath · 2 months
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Woahg, that’s a lot—
Explanations under a cut :3
This is Simon like immediately after defeating Dracula. Just sitting on his knees, hands on his face. He needs a minute, but he’s not gonna get a long one cause the castle is collapsing—
Wow! What a nice happy family :3. I sure hope nothing happens to them! :3 I’ve always liked to arrange the series of events like first Selena and Simon met and got married, then the Dracula stuff went down, so uh yeah uh fan interpretation of their (currently) unnamed kids.
The text here says “where’s momma?”, said by his daughter (who by this point is 2-3 about). Shout out to the artist ability to make yourself really sad—
Just Simon and the kids chillin. He probably was a really good dad, just kinda struggling.
Little quick doodle of the designs of the kids. Agh I need to name both of them (TwT ). It’s hard, I feel like they gotta have nice but cool names, but I just haven’t found any I like yet. Anyway, the one on the left is the older daughter and the one on the right is the younger brother and as of Simon’s quest they are 10 and 7 respectively. The brother would’ve been born the year of CV1 if I have my math right, so when Simon was 22.
Sobbing! It be like that sometimes 💀. This might count as like one part vent art and one part just expression and emotion practice :O.
This one also kinda counts as vent art I guess lol idk. It says “I did everything right”. I was thinking of a specific audio while drawing this and tbh I might actually have to animate something hmmm. Or just still images cause animation is hardddddddd oof. The text isn’t like from the audio or anything either (>< ;).
This one is based on an old insert character here kind of meme :D. The text says “step 1: establish character with a little worry but a lot of determination. Step 2: inflict soul crushing trauma Step 3: inflict soul crushing trauma—“ and that repeats until step 5 lol. The original meme only had two images, but each of these are supposed to be based on specific events so yeah. First one is just pre CV1, then the moment he got hit, then shortly after leaving the castle, then in the graveyard 6 years later, then somewhere in the middle of his quest.
This one is fun!!!!!! It’s an idea for like a double sided keychain :D!!!!! One side has the like CV1/CV4 era Simon swinging on one of those loops and the other is Simon’s Quest!!! And it’s supposed to be the Hanged Man tarot card!!! So cool!!! Idk how making keychains works so if I actually did this I’d probs just make one in shrink plastic tbh. But ough it would be so cool to actually make and sell little fan keychains and stuff (TwT ).
This one I don’t remember if I’ve posted or not but it’s never getting finished 💀💀💀. Gotta love drawing The Character in increasingly dynamic poses and surreal ways.
Ok it’s super late I have to sleep 💀👍
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ja3yun · 4 months
okay i woke up an hour ago but GOD BE DAMNNED i won’t give you the best reactions or as much as i can of them BUT AH OKAY HERE WE GO
“All you get from Heeseung is knowing stares and a sly smile plastered on his face.” now me kinda needs evil!heeseung 🧌🧌🧌🧌 LIKE JUST IMAGINE man🫠 i shouldn’t imGine..
im gonna be so sad abt yn and jaeyun 😭 (ive been feeling emotional abt jake lately too and hearing well reading this makes me sad helpp but anyway jaeyun doll is mine)
naur ure so stupid yn 😭 what r u doing in his room
“His room is dull, his curtains remaining shut despite the summer weather outside. Come to think of it, you haven’t ever seen him sit out the front with the others, only ever being in their presence when he has to be.” A VAMPIRE ?
😥😥soonyeol barely in this fic and idk she gives me the ick is it bad lmaoo
🧌 now . angels and demons . ? I WAS EXPECTING SOMETHING THAT SAYS BEYONCE U HAD ME FOOOOLEEED (im not disappointed i just thought u were inventing some new supernatural creature out there by how u were saying we were nothing of sort close)
JAEYUN AN ANGEL SO RIGHTT hes so 🥹😭🥹😭🥹 woah . let me get a grip (ill steal jaeyun doll)
“If Jaeyun was an evil spirit, that would have destroyed any perception you had of him,” that would’ve been fun 😭💀 HELP
wait . guardian angel . they feel a connection. jake was supposed to be her guardian angel . mystery solved.
SUNGHOON DEMON OMG OK “Honestly, you should have known, he fucks you like he was part of the incubus club” real ! we need more sunghoon!tdh now i have barely seen anything of that !! (jk)
Heeseung flashing eyes ermm AJ did u write heeseung with crowley in mind 🤣
aw jay is a guardian angel too :( or was 🧌
wait but if hes a guardian angel why he called hell 😥 oh for fuck sake why is everything ABOUT THIS SONNY BITCH
(can i pls have a jaeyun!guardian angel fic now bc 🥲🥲 im deprived)
oh god yn how can u be horny when u found out all of this odlwlfkwlf
“Don’t you see it? How you took Soonyeol’s place so easily, falling into her role like you were born to be ours, like we were made for you.” i mean that was kinda the plot yn had to take over bc she was looking for someone to take care of yall its ur fault u guys got exposed 🕴️
“Are you going to fuck a Prince from Hell?” girl if he was heeseung me too get on with it !
NO BUT JAEYUN URE NOT RUINING JAEYUN FOR ME MF !!! i am so serious give me doll jaeyun rn wtf
"I am your God now." im sat 🧎🏻‍♀️
This might only be for tonight but he will try and make it last an eternity. oh🤣OH CMON lets just kill the sonny bitch
“I’d love to rip that soul from your body and stuff you in a doll suit so I can fuck you forever.” is this foreshadowing 🧌😥
“look at you baptising me” IM SORRY I SNORTED 😭😭😭😭
“Say the word and she's gone, baby," WELL PERSONALLY . im saying the word . please . please . please give me doll jaeyun
I KNEW IT JAKSKDLALD I KNEW IT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE YN GUARDING DMKSCKLWKFLE JAEYUN SOULMATE SMSKSL i hope u know u implemented smth in my mind rn and im gonna expect a soulmate!jake epilogue or smth 🧌🥲
okay i love the ending but i still think we should kill the bitch and have yn go back !
ok seriously this was REALLY AMAZING SJSKD im so happy 😭😭😭😭 my jaeyun 😭😭😭😭 i was in a heeseung brainrot which quickly changed to jaeyun im so serious i need myself jaeyun doll will u give him to me plz 👉🏻👈🏻
OKAY AJ ! YOU OUTDID AGAIN !! im really serious when i say that this whole fic was really REALLY amazing !! 🙂‍↕️ i loved it and i don’t usually read like supernatural fics unless its a vampire one SO reading this was like a new door opening to me too 🧌
SKDKD ANYWAY SLAY ! jake endgame 🩷🩷🩷☺️☺️☺️🩷☺️ i love a jake endgame . please epilogue with jake!soulmate endgame 🫶🏻🩷🎀
soonyeol still giving you the ick 😭 i even tried to make her nice sjdhkashd
if i had the mental capacity, it would have written og demons or whatever but the research i was doing let me just tell you, there is a demon and angel for everything like literally everything so it was so difficult
when you mentioned cain it had me sweating! (also yes i was thinking about crowley bc you know thats my man and i love him 😘)
the amount of people that love the 'baptising me' dialogue is so funny bc i was wondering if it was too cringy but personally i find it hot idk
baby ilysm for enjoying this series with me! i can grant you the jake doll but you'll have competition so just be aware (i'll start manufacturing them) <3
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iriswashere · 7 months
I'm usually a vod watcher, but I tried to catch his stream before work but I was late and came in a little before Finana left and had to leave when Vox came on. But here I am watching the vod now to catch up 🫡
I've only done short posts about his graduation, but since he's my kami oshi I should probably write smth longer lol
I got into the community via Mysta, but I was still checking out the vtubing community. But when Iluna debuted, that's when I got really into it, and obviously, Kyo turned out to be my kami oshi, Aster being a close second. But everyone in Iluna is great too, maybe I should use this time to start watching the rest of the wave since I haven't already.
Anyway, at first I was a bit, "Wtf, a streamer but they hide behind a model?? That's a bit weird"
But then I started watching more, and watching his collabs with the others and ended up checking the other livers too. And I loved it, I found their interactions funny and I found it a good way to relax for a bit. Kyo himself was really funny with the improv and the random rapping segments when he malds. I ended up quoting his "Das crazy" irl and some of my friends would playfully mock me bc I say it so much now 💀
Pretty long post but he's literally my kami-oshi so I thought might as well. I'd also cry too, but I'm just so tired of both the niji drama and irl drama so I just don't have the energy to feel sad. I think I used up my tears for Mysta tbh 😭😭
But I'm happy for him and wish him well in his future ✨️creative endeavours✨️ (*cough* walmart *cough*)
I'm lowkey kinda hoping he reincarnates into someone else, indie or under another company, but obviously, I'm happy if he's happy.
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armando-triplepapito · 11 months
Camila being close to Marcela is so random, like how does it get to the point where your daughter is besties with her dad's former fiancé especially considering how things went down? 💀 And if she actually prefers Marcela over Betty that will be insane, I hope they don't go for that route. This is just lazy on the writer's part, why not have her be close to Armando's long lost sister? They could have introduced that character. Marcela for sure changed, at least I hope she did and healed and even married someone else tho I haven't heard anything about that.
It looks like Patricia and Nicolás definitely got together. And she is either pregnant or was at some point because people zoomed in on a portion of the script Lorna was holding on a IG story she shared and it said something about a pregnancy. Not sure how I feel about it. On the one hand, Gaitán must have had a good reason to avoid getting them together. I mean Patricia hardly changed her ways during the original run, but I've also heard that during the failed sequel, Ecomoda, the original plan was to bring Marcela and Patricia back at some point, but I don't know how accurate this is.
So far, I agree with you that this looks like a cash grab. It seems to me that AMO and JEA had wanted to do something together for years, but it didn't materialize until Betty was back on the table. This is why I hope that at least their chemistry is on point so at least this will be its saving grace, a couple of love scenes won't either, just putting it out there 🤭 But it there's tension between them since the beginning, and then Armando's memory loss plot is introduced, and we spend the rest of the episodes seeing Betty trying to make him fall in love with her again, probably there won't be as many romantic moments that truly reflect how their relationship has fared over time. Oh well, I'm not trying to get my hopes up, but I'm sure I will still be disappointed 😂 don't want to spread any negativity tho, you are such a sweetheart and don't want to spoil this for you if you are excited. Thank you for reading, have a good day 🌷
It’s so random!! I don’t even know how B&A even let that happen!! If I were Betty I would never let my child near Marcela! Yea maybe Marcela has matured and changed her ways but I would still be wary. Afterall you never know what an ex might do or say to your child just to get revenge on you. If I were Marcela I’d definitely tell Camila that her mom is a home-wrecker (even tho that’s not true) just to cause drama😗. They better not go with that route. If Camila ever chooses Marcela over Betty imma riot! If anything I would love to see Camila close with Armando’s sister afterall she was technically named after her! But I have low expectations from the writers😑
It’s been confirmed by Natalia Ramirez that Marcela is divorced. Tbh I kinda find this sad. I was hoping she found her Prince Charming especially after what she went through with Armando. Who knows tho, maybe a side plot of the sequel is Marcela falling in love! That would be lovely ❤️
One of my fav ships in ysblf is Patricia x Nicolás. So I’m kinda happy that they end up together! Tho I doubt she’ll be pregnant during the sequel cause isn’t Patricia in her mid 50s? Isn’t that too late to be pregnant? Maybe she was pregnant and has a kid! That would be exciting! Imagine Patricia with a kid? That’s a sight to see😂. Someone mentioned that Patricia would’ve been a bad mother but idk motherhood can change a person so maybe she changed for the better? It would be interesting if Patricia got pregnant by a rando and Nicolas stepped in and took care of them just like he said he would during ysblf. Tho I understand why they weren’t meant to be during ysblf. They were both fakes so obviously their relationship went no where but things would’ve been different if they restarted their relationship after ysblf afterall they would’ve known each other better.
Ooh my I wonder why they wanted to work together again ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
I’m so happy they’ve returned together! If there’s one thing that can save the sequel it would definitely be the chemistry between AMO and JEA. I hope we see something spicy in their office🤭 afterall we were robbed from one😭 I think what the writers are going for is for “new love” again. I for one would’ve also love to see how their love fared over time. One thing I’ve hated is how Armando couldn’t read Betty well in ysblf like the day she read the letter. I would’ve loved to see him understand how Betty feels and be able to communicate with her just by watching her. That’s something someone like Armando can only achieve over the years and if he gets amnesia then we’re gonna be robbed of this😭 Once he gets amnesia he’s going revert back to the person who can’t even read the room again. Tbh I’m scared to see asshole Armando again. I’m serious he better not even sniff another women or imma riot! I just hope the writers aren’t complete idiots.
Don’t worry I don’t think you’re spreading negativity or anything! One thing about me is that I love spoilers! You can tell me all the spoilers you want and I’ll eat them up. I like knowing everything before and while I’m watching a series. May be weird but it is what it is😂 hehe thanks for messaging me! I had fun! Have a great day🥰❤️
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have you ever dreamed about atz/idol(s) before?
i had a dream not long after txt's tnc:temptation was released. i was a main role (??) of some sorts in txt's cysm and we were shooting the mv (i was watching content from tdc:eternity era before sleeping so i guess that explains it)
so blah blah blah, terry and i become best friends, blah blah blah, i end up going home after the shoot. next morning i wake up to what seems like a studio choom behind ep, and its txt's reactions when they find out i wont be filming with them anymore??(somehow we skipped a whole 4 albums and came back to tnc:temptation?) so soobin, beomgyu and yeonjun were spinning in a t-pose with the fairy dust sprinkling around them, terry and kai were watching them, and then they were like all sad when they found out i wasnt filming anymore, then started sending hearts and blowing kisses to the camera AND TERRY SAID I LOVE YOU😭
so i started crying in the dream and posted the clip of yunjin saying 정말 감사합니다 on my twitter 😭😭 then i woke up and got really sad that i wasnt actually friends w taehyun
in all my dreams of txt, taehyun is always my best friend and its so sad when i wake up to realise it was just a dream and ill never be friends w him 😭😭😭
omgg i can feel the heartbreak from here 😭😭 that was wild tho and dreams do be like that they literally make no sense esp with the timeskips inside a dream like what is this a kdrama 😭 funny that your subconscious has friendzoned taehyun for good LMAO
i dream a lot actually, so much it's almost a problem bc they're so vivid and i rarely ever feel well rested bc of them oops BUT i've had a few crazy kpop dreams too:
a similar friendzone situation happened to me where me and taeyong were supposed to be best friends? in the same college and he was angry about sth on our way to clg and i was trying to calm him down but he ended up being mean and i was like find me when you're calm 💀 and then he felt sorry or sth and we were in class (some auditorium kinda setting) and he kept looking at me with those sad apologetic eyes and when i finally met his gaze he mouthed 'sorry' and i gave him the 👌okay sign AND THEN THAT MF MOUTHED 'I LOVE YOU' AND ISTG I SOBBED RIGHT THERE (i guess i was in love with him 😩) AND I MOUTHED ILY BACK BUT ISTG MY HEART BROKE.
an ateez dream that keeps me awake tho it's a funny one i think i've told someone on another ask too but what happened was yungi and i are a best friends trio and yunho had been away for some time and he was back in town so mingi and i were going to meet up with him in some park right and it was late at night so not many ppl were around and when i saw yunho waving at me i literally dropped everything and ran towards him and he spread his arms and i jump-hugged him and he picked me up and i was hugging him and he was spinning me around (i'm losing it if you can't tell already) and i was still in his arms, my legs wrapped around him for support and i broke the hug to look at him aND IM SO STUPID I JUST GIGGLED AND SAID "so this is how the air feels like from up here" JKFHGJSFDHGKJDFHGKJ (i want to cry every time i think about this dream bc a) it's funny and b) that hug was so warm and i haven't had a good hug in years))
my recent fic guerrilla (serialkiller!yunho) was also a direct result of me dreaming about serial killer yunho actually slitting ppl's throats and well... he's hot
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amelee23 · 1 year
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Tadaa ✨✨ Sorry I'm late, I was busy with personal matters 🙏 Kinda looks wonky the more I look at it, but this is the best I can do 😔💔 If I made an attempt to decorate it, I'll probably make it look even more terrible 💀 I swear, you don't know how long it took me to perfect this. One small mistake and into my drawer it goes 🤩 (I'm a hoarder I'm sorry.)
I'll add more of your poems on my wall, mainly because my wall looks depressing and also, I love love LOVE the way you write them. Like hello?? It's so good?? Yesterday I was reading 'I didn't accidentally love you' and was up to the poem part. I was so shocked after reading the poem (Fr though I'm not joking) It's so well thought out and after rereading it multiple times, I felt sad. I can relate to it for sure.
Aside from that, IT'S SO WITTY?? Like I was also shocked when the first letters of every line spelt out "HYUNJIN", I didn't even realise that haha. But yea, def will put that one on my wall too (I'll send you a pic if you want 😗) Looking forward to your upcoming fanfics 💕 Make sure not to force yourself if you don't feel like it. Take breaks if you need to and lastly, hope you're doing great ❤️
You're not late at all!!
Shush it's not wonky! It's perfect 😭 you have very beautiful handwriting! And I appreciate you doing this x3628262828 times it's amazing honestly especially that you put so much effort into making it pretty and all sniwnwkmsk
Thank you so much for reading my works so thoroughly and paying so much attention to the details and the poem 😭 this is the stuff that makes my soul soar through the sky! Breaks my brain really that you like them this much! And thank you for saying it's witty 😭🖤 it's actually funny because I started that fic by writing the poem first. And I sent it over to a friend, for review, since I was trying to make it seem as smooth as possible without forcing it (y'know because the lines had to start with the letters of Hyunjin's name) and my friend actually said it sounded awkward at first so I had to redo it 😂 but the thing is, my friend actually also had no clue about the letter thing! They only found out when I posted the fic, what I was actually (sneakily) doing the entire time! 😂 Also I don't think I should be saying I'm glad you relate to it -- I mean, it's cool it brought out emotions but bad you had to experience them to know them 😂
(and yes yes pls send the compliment goblin more pics if you put more of her poems on the wall. [That's me. I'm the compliment goblin.])
I'm not kidding, this is a first for me. I've never had a poem of mine put on a wall. It's surreal thinking you're gonna be looking at it, at my work, every single day. What is this strange feeling??? I think fulfilment is one way I could describe it. But also strangely I feel like I'll be beside you in spirit! And its so cute sonsiskwdk
I'm not very good at receiving compliments I swear I read them and my brain goes haywire and when I try to write down an answer I just blank
Soooo I did a lil something for you, as a thank you! It was very quick so it's not very good but I hope you like it!
(let me know if you can read it well)
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And I'm doing pretty good today! I finally slept so that's nice 😂 I'm just very anxious because I finally got into literature university and a whole new adventure awaits me! 😭
It's very comforting to hear you will be looking forward to my future work. 🖤 I will continue to work hard to deliver high quality fiction and become and even better writer! 😁
I hope you're also doing well and once again thank you! (And you can always dm me if you want.)
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astrocalypse · 7 months
Tw: Self harm, suicide, that kinda shit :3
Ok so this miserable girlypop (I have no name for her yet) She does portraits, photographs, even documents Morte's life for Morte WITHOUT GETTING PAID, IT'S ALL PASSION. Because yk, Morte. And as she should.
She seriously loves him as a whole but she doesn't want to confess
It's not only his looks or some shit that you'll normally crush on she loves him for everything. EVEN imagining that they spend their lives together, yeah, like- with kids and shit.
The more time they spent with each other, the more her love for him grows.
Her mood depends on him.
Admires Morte like a god
When she first met Morte she was like "HOLY SHIT DID I JUST TALKED TO A FUCKING ANGEL???!!!"
And that's where her mentally ill ass started to like him
She sorta has an obsession with Morte (obvi). She's devoted to him and he knows that duhhhh
Morte likes being treated like a god huh? (Is he not?) Well in terms of a DEVOTEE, then he hit the jackpot!
At first she believed he wasn't human. After all, how can someone be so.... Beautiful? Like a god? (Hahah)
If she could, she would move mountains just to be with him (aweeee you sad little motherfucker)
Always compliments Morte like he's some sort of god or something YIPEEEE!!!! Call her a worshiper atp lmao
Like, just dress a little fancier... Actually no- you don't have to dress nicely Morte. As long as you exist, this bitch is gonna give her soul to you.
"Omg you look really wonderful in that attire!!!!! Any woman would fall and maybe die for you!! ^_^ *insert words of pure admiration* May I take a picture??? Make another painting maybe??"
Gets worried for Morte more than she should for herself
Prioritizes Morte
Over a hundred paintings of Morte
Tons of photos of him as well
Likes writing about him
Said "You're my everything" to Morte in french, hoping he'd be confused.
Then she found out he can actually speak french and ohh boyy she died a little
Most of her portraits are perfect. If it's not good enough (in her eyes or what she thinks Morte thinks), well..;
She hurts herself when she thinks Morte doesn't like her stuff she made for him
like one time she bruised her thighs because Morte didn't compliment her painting for him like he did the last time, it sounded dry.
"I'm sorry for being too clingy, Morte..... :("
Her thoughts on the daily:
"Am I even worthy of being around him?"
"What if Morte finds me annoying?"
"What if my compliments doesn't sound genuine? I'm scared."
"Am I appreciating him for being him or is it just because of his looks..?"
"What if he thinks I'm just trying to get him?"
"What if he secretly hates me?"
"He probably hates how clingy I am"
"He hates me."
*Starts self harming* (girlypop cmon 😞)
Stays up late thinking about him and ends up crying cuz she thinks he doesn't care for her HAHAHAHAH
She knows what he does actually (kept it in secret so she doesn't get killed) But does she care? No!!
Likes being used as an alibi if anyone dares to be suspicious of Morte.
Would suffer for him.
Would kill for him.
Would DIE for him.
Literally anything for Morte (HAHAHAH)
When Morte died she did horrible things to herself (you can guess what those are)
She also cried for 7 MONTHS
Ever since Morte's death, she's the one who keeps taking care of his and Roxanne's graves (?)
Goes from complimenting to sobbing to his grave
Drawings of Morte EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
Always says "I love you" before she leaves like girl he don't love you shut yo corny ahh 😭💀🙏
Always hangs out on his grave. People find it weird asf bc why are you hanging out in THAT place?? There's a serial killer buried there..
Compliments Roxanne too so she doesn't feel left out :>
She documented his life and kept painting him until she finally killed herself, hoping to see Morte in the afterlife.
Ew cringe 🤢
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willowisapillow · 8 months
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🐦🍎 I'm Wishing For The One I Love 🍎🐦
Oopsies, I think I found myself back in my Disney phase/hyperfixation once again. Quite typical of me 🤭
Made this doodle as a little tribute to the late Mary Kay Bergman. For those of you who aren’t familiar with who she is, she was a popular cartoon voice actress who voiced iconic characters such as the majority of the female South Park characters during the show's earlier seasons (including Wendy), Snow White, Daphne Blake, and even Timmy Turner.
Sadly, she took her own life, but she’ll forever be remembered through the characters she voiced. I remember watching a lot of YouTube videos talking about her, and the projects she worked on, and it still makes me so sad that she’s no longer with us because she seemed like such a funny, and kind-hearted lady.
I even heard that she was close friends with Tara Strong (who would later go on to succeed her as the role of Timmy Turner) and at one point gave her a dog as a present, which makes this all the more heartwarming but also heartbreaking. Also not to mention how talented she is at not just voice acting but singing, too.
Seriously Blame Canda has been stuck in my head for a good while and it’s mostly because of Mary’s singing 💀
Since she voiced Wendy and Snow White, I thought it would be a fun and fitting idea to do some more crossover stuff. I absolutely love Disney Princesses and South Park sm, and I definitely had a blast with this artwork.
The dress that Wendy is wearing is heavily based on a Snow White Barbie doll that was released way back in 1999 (coincidentally the same year the South Park movie came out), and I thought that it would be a perfect fit for Wendy. Though I did add in a few elements from the Disney version of Snow’s dress such as the cape, bow on her head, and color palette.
I can kinda see this as being a part of some sort of play by the school, and to add onto that I can also see Stan playing the part of Florian lol
I may or may not make some similar art like this in the future, just basically drawing other South Park ladies dressed up as not just Disney Princesses but other Disney gals, even some of the villains. Not sure who would be who, but I'll probably get it figured out later. Depends if I'm motivated enough to do so.
Fly high, Bergman. May your legacy live on 😇
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canpandaspvp · 1 year
I forgot, your other thing, bro people who've been dteam from the start or for a while, they don't know the horrors. Idk about your experience, but for me, like, I had an old twt account and as a writer I mainly followed writers but also just some stan accounts
But I liked having dteam stuff show up on my dash, but they're also vicious over there and I didn't want to risk someone seeing "__liked a dteam tweet" so what I would do, is I would see a dteam tweet, and make sure to interact with it, click on it, read some replies maybe open up the qrts and then not like it, all to try and let the algorithm know, hey I like this keep giving it to me without leaving any actual marker that I was there
And having to just keep my mouth shut when I saw people trashing Dream. In discord servers I would only mention him if anyone brought him up first, all my dnf bookmarks were private on ao3. I was stealth supreme lmao
Kinda sad looking back on it, especially cause now I just liberally say, ooh look Tommy's doing this isn't it great, guys Tommy's so funny etc etc
Also, this might be a hot take, but low-key dnis are kinda useless. Like, people like us who duel-wield creators like tommy and dream, I can understand like dni if you dislike someone I like (which I've noticed is a way more common way to do dnis on this side which is an interesting trend)
But on the other side they're like, dni if you enjoy xyz
I followed so many accounts that said dni if you like Dream. So many. But they would've never found out that I liked Dream, none of my socials had it, not one mention of it in my fics
Just an interesting like note lmao
STOPPP I HATE THAT ITS SUCH A SHARED EXPERIENCE :(( i literally did the same "coaxing the algorithm w/o actually liking" thing bc i was so scared of ppl judging me and like. that should've been my sign to gtfo but it's hard when it used to be an otherwise (mostly) enjoyable community. and i also had to be a fake dranti for a hot sec (and in public i keep my mouth SHUT) bc it is terrifying out there 😭
it's srsly so nice to like a creator outside of a subfandom and not have to deal w extreme neg and vitriol !!!
and do not get me started on dni's cause i find them so hilariously stupid sometimes 💀 they work but not in the way that they're intended to work yk?? i tend to use them as more of a blocklist than anything. and ppl who have "dni if you like xyz" in their bios are so funny cause like. how the FUCK are you gonna know and police that if they just don't say it Out Loud???? it really serves as more of a denouncement than anything but then WHY USE THE TERM DNI??
i could keep going but i will refrain, partially because my thumbs hurt and also bc it's too late (early?? idk it's like 1:30) for me to get so heated over dni's
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girl-bateman · 1 year
Oh no, my rant was not meant to hate on Loreen or anything! Even tho personally I was rooting for for Finland.
I’ve tried starting to learn Finnish two years ago, but there was not much progress as the very first and basically only thing Duolingo taught me was “Minä olen velho” and I’m not sure this will really help me around in Finland.
Last fall I started an official Finnish class, as I really like the language and wanted to actually learn, and passed some weeks ago! (I would’ve continued it this summer if I had the time) And actually learning it from my teacher who actually was Finnish (and part Swedish) was so much fun and interesting!
The Finnish names for each months are very fitting, and learning about the existence of Raskasta Joulua was the most fun lesson, we did nothing but listen to Finnish Christmas songs for an hour. My teacher was shocked when she realized we don’t really have something similar here
(Wtf is going on with the grammar concerning -illa and -issa tho??? Like depending on whether the city is near water changes the ending? Yet Helsinki doesn’t count as it’s not a RIVER that’s there?? But Tampere counts? And apparently some cities are not sure which ending they should have???)
When I then found out that Finnland was finally sending a song in Finnish I was very excited! I love the language but it’s so hard to find Finnish songs that fit my type of music.
With that being said I am not mad at all that Sweden won, she was great! I am just sad that Finnland did not win
On the bright side, Sweden has always been a truly great host (I am not sure whether I should be scared or excited that Mans will be back lol)
So really looking forward to that and ABBA of course!!!!
Wishing you a lovely week💕 -ABBA Anon
Omg I always answer these so late sorry💀 but omg it's so so cool that you're learning Finnish!!! I never knew the illa/issa rule even tho I'm half Finnish😳 I always just use the one that "feels right" lol, but then again I don't speak Finnish that often sadly.
I am kinda sad Finland didn't win bc it would have been so cool for a non-english song to win, but regardless it feels like a huge win in itself that the song got so much international attention and love :)<3
I wish I could recommend some great Finnish songs but I don't really listen to that much Finnish music lmao. What I can say tho, is that Finland has a tradition of sorts to translate a lot of popular music into Finnish so you might have some luck in finding your fave songs translated. I do think that the music from the movie "risto räppääjä ja viileä venla" is pretty iconic (me and my fam still sing the songs regularly) but I might be a tad bit influenced by childhood nostalgia.
Wishing you the bested week back 🥰💞💞
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caught-the-lovebug · 3 months
Hellooo :]
so i sent an ask like last year (this one) and lets just say I have alot to update about. Ima try to keep this short but dont worry its all good news!
so thanks to your response and some ✨encouragement✨ (affectionate peer pressuring from my friends) I did leave a not in my crushes locker. The only thing is I couldnt make it as nice as I wanted because I had been repeatedly changing my mind on wether I should do it or not and finally the last period of the school day I quickly made a a letter for them. I used the idea I already had and cut some paper and basically made an envelope that when unfolded it was in the shape of a heart and that was what the note was written it (not as hard to make as it sounds). I didnt get to write everything I wanted but it was cute and to the point. And the class I was in was also giving free flowers which was perfect so I took one to leave in their locker as well.
Then the end of the day came, my crush wasnt around their locker as they usually are so this was the perfect chance to give them their letter. My friends had come to watch but also to make sure I actually did it and im so glad they came cuz I keot chickening out and at one point I had taken the letter out and they literally had to drag me back to put it back in💀💀. 
I did finally leave the letter tho and I felt so much anxiety and excitement! The next day I looked and the letter and flower were gone but at the very back of the locker I noticed some crumpled up paper.. I thought it was my letter even tho I didnt see the flower anywhere and felt very sad but understanding, my crush had also been acting normal the day after so I just thought they ripped it up. That was until I snuck back and checked and it was just a random piece of paper! 
And about a week or 2 later my crush told me they found an letter in their locker! They didnt know it was me at the time (tho they did suspect it) so I tried to act completely normal about them telling me but I just know I looked suspiciously giddy, they told me that after they were dont with afterschool stuff they had seen the letter and was freaking out, they took it and the flower home and read it in their room and was tearing up! I was so shocked.
After this not too much happened, I still wanna keep this short so ill skip to the interesting bit.
Soon spring break came and me and my crush couldnt hang out at all because I was with my cousins the whole week but we texted daily and late into the night. We were flirting alot, making “jokes” about kissing eachother and just flirting a whole lot and having somewhat deep conversations late at night. By this time I was sure they liked me back and had a good idea that I liked them and wrote the letter too. But we were both too chicken to say anything.
When finally I started a long deep conversation the last day of spring break that was basically just us talking about our crushes, almost like confessing without acknowledging the crushes we had were on eachother! It had my heart racing and I honestly felt like I was in a romcom everything they said was so sweet! I was so nervous but I worked up the nerve and asked if they knew I wrote the letter to which they replied yes! ^^ 
After that things died down a bit mostly us talking more but being excited to see eachother again and just acknowledging our feelings. When we went back to school things were pretty normal, I was kinda nervous and I could tell they felt the same but we pretty quickly fell back into out usual rhythm but with more open affection. We were very clingy with eachother and flirted alot and it was just so much fun!
Ima skip a bit more but my school (specifically band) got to go to disney and both me and my crush went. The trip was amazing and so much fun, but before we left I had joked to my crush (now partner) that we should kiss during the fireworks, they liked the idea alot and I thought it was all jokes until the day of the fireworks, during our conversation they said they would bring a tripod to record the moment to remember and the day of the fireworks I saw the tripod in their bag.
I was freaking out cuz I thought we were jorking! I definitely was not against kissing them at all but I was so nervous. Eventually tho as the day continued I kinda forgot about seeing the tripod and got caught up in the disney scenery. When the fireworks were about to start we had gotten separated from out group on accident and ended up in this somewhat private area on a bridge, we were kinda far but we still had a good view. The fireworks started and I could tell my crush was kinda nervous about something but I didnt think anything of it at the time, I had recorded the fireworks till my phone ran out of storage and then went to go hug them from behind to watch the rest, the music paused for a moment, the voice during the show talking about taking hold of your dreams, then right as the fireworks and music swelled they turned around and kissed me! It was honestly so perfect just writing it out makes it seem unreal but I swear it is. When they pulled away they looked so nervous and I had no idea what to do other than kiss them again and thats what I did 🥰
Since then things have been going great! They came out as transfem so my beautiful boyfriend became my gorgeous girlfriend and i couldnt be more proud🥰We had our one year anniversary in March and they gave me a promise ring that I wear almost every day. I honestly feel like im in some sort of rom com, there were tiny bumps in the road but never anything serious and im just so happy with how things turned out that I wanted to share it with you 🥰
I hope this story encourages people to just go for it! because you never know how well things could turn out :]✨ 
(Also if you want a few more cute details im more than happy to share teehee)
Ahhhh that's so cute!! I'm so glad everything turned out well. Big congrats of having the courage to put yourself out there. Also congrats to your partner's gender journey!
I'm glad my response helped!
You're more than welcome to share if you'd like. This is a blog about little cute moments, stories, dilemmas, and yearning. Though I will say that I won't post anything that I think has identifying information. Keep good internet safety everyone!
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xx-justsomeguy-xx · 2 years
Hellooo💌 been meaning to send a little ask forever now but ! How are you doing? What have u been up to dear Iah? Living off figuring out what are u doing lately by ur little updates!
& actually saw a few days ago that you tried a yerba mate infusion? i'm shaking u by your shoulders so vigorously!! Wanted so bad to know which kinda mate you tried and yout thorough review of it sjdndnmf.
Anywho,, sincerely hoping these days are treating you well & that ur knee pains and such ease soon fjfjf that's so annoying :(🌹🖤 have a nice and restful weekend hon~💌
omg aaaa hello hello ;w; so wild seeing you in my inbox again.... but hello!! ;w;
tbh the week was a whole thing... me needing to talk to a friend about some people she added to a discord server, finding a home for everything i brought back home from that farmhouse, teaching some friends how to get around gw2 after they got into it since it doesnt really have a good tutorial to explain a lot of important stuff... lots of talking and socializing!! which meant that the battery was dead for a lot the week but everything's good now >w< spent my saturday with a good friend and ate a lot of good food so my world has color again sdhkdhg
hoping to do more with my week that i actually enjoy >.< was so ready to go work on art and acads and also write a bit last week but i guess all that's moved to this week :'3
gosh tho kinda feel like my updates here generally make it look like im kinda really miserable + if they all disappear suddenly it's like 'ah iah's having another breakdown' >.>;; but yeah!! finally tried out yerba mate and was surprised by how much i liked it? really didnt know what i was expecting but i was somehow ready to dislike it and be really sad that i didnt like it as much as i hoped to dfhgfg
tbh i have no idea how good it is in comparison to what you have over there but i just got the one singular box&brand i could find, and it's this (honestly ridiculously named) thing called Wisdom of the Ancients® Organic Yerba Mate (Unsweetened) >.>;; Even has a picture of an old bearded balding guy on the logo, and the top of the box is a picture of what I'm assuming is supposedly him writing with a quill on some parchment by a candle 💀 Gotta love the branding you find in health food stores...
I think it's the simplest form of yerba mate? nothing special added and comes in a tea bag. i just followed the instructions on the box which is to steep the bag in hot water for 3-5 minutes and found that it was pretty nice! had an earth taste to it that i found really pleasant and liked more than most bagged green teas tbh. the back of the box also suggests to steep it in milk which sounds interesting but idk if i'd do it since all i have are oat milks and they're pretty sweet and overpower whatever tea i add them to >.<
the last couple days have been doing me well!! and it's warmed up a little so my knee has been hurting less lol >w< i hope your weekend was nice as well!! sending you hugs and slices of fruit... may you awaken from your next nap with a plate of idk, grapes? next to your bed or something hgdjfkg
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lilosaur · 3 years
I just finished watching TR and I’m mourning over Chifuyu’s death. Could do you do one where him and reader were expecting and Takemichi has to go tell her he’s dead?
Yes yes! This is my first time writing something sad like this but it was interesting to see where this goes! I hope u enjoyed tr, it’s slowly making its way to my top 5 shows. Anyways have fun reading or crying, this is kinda really sad oops..
୭̥⋆*。 Expecting ༉‧₊˚✧
⟶ ticket no. 14 ɞ
Warnings - Character death, pregnancy, breakdowns, lots of tears.
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It’s been almost a month since you found out you were pregnant. A small small life form was growing inside your body, the thought of that gave you butterflies or maybe it was the kicking? Your baby bump was small but noticeable, you and your partner weren’t hoping for any specific gender but rather a beautiful healthy baby. The sound of Thunder woke you up. The rain pouring just outside, you see the flashes of bright lighting through your window curtains. The house was quiet and your partner hadn’t returned home yet. Nothing too bad floated into your mind, maybe he was just running a little late or he has extra business to take care of.
The thunder so loud it was hard for you to sleep, your alarm clock read ‘2:47AM’ how strange, even now you heard no car returning into your garage. Where could your partner be at this hour? As you took a seat on your couch patiently waiting for your partner too return home soon you could feel little kicks near your stomach. The baby was awake too. You couldn’t help but let the bad thoughts wander your mind, was your partner okay? Of course he was, he can hold up his own weight….right? Your mind and body only half awake you fell asleep again this time hoping you’d wake up next to your partner.
A loud thump could be heard, making you jump a little. This time it wasn’t thunder, it was a knock on your door. Ah finally your partner made it home safely. You opened your door not giving a second thought about who could be behind it, eyes curious as they met with a man other than your partner. “T-takemichi?” What was Takemichi doing here? You’ve known Takemichi for a while, sometimes you, him, and Chifuyu would hang out. But it was quite out of the ordinary for him to show up now.. Nothing happened right, I mean maybe he’s just here because Chifuyu got too busy..
Takemichi coughed as you looked at him blood was stained all over his clothes, his eyes looked glossy and his hair was a mess. What could have happened that has Takemichi here like this? “I’m so sorry y/n, Chifuyu won’t be able to make it home.” As those words left Takemichi's mouth he couldn’t hold it in anymore and you saw tears starting to brew in his eyes. No..he didn’t mean- “No! That’s impossible! You don’t mean..” You were in denial, no that can’t be right. Why would this happen how could this happen, no it can’t be like this.
“We..we were suppose to be a happy family. We were expecting..and this can’t, no no no, this can’t be right, he’s not your-” You couldn't think about the words that left your mouth. You slightly mumbled them as a crack hit your voice. Tears ran down your face almost instantly. It wasn't suppose to be like this you were going to have a child.
You always knew Chifuyu's job was dangerous but you never could have expected this. As your body gives out and you fall onto your knees, looking into your palms the tears can’t stop. Screams and cries shoot out your mouth without a second thought. The only person who you loved, trusted, and would give your own life up for…..was gone.
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This was heartbreaking to write- my autocorrect kept telling me to put lol in there 💀 I hope u had fun reading this! Look below for something fun.
If your seeing this congratulations your special.. so for me hitting 100 followers I’ll let you guys put in any character and a theme like shopping, bowling, zoo, etcc. and I’ll write a small drabble about it, until Thursday night
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