conniemb · 11 months
The difference between "fanatics and gamers"
So basically I'm just gonna word vomit about this topic in regards to destiny because it's been on my mind a lot recently since I've came back to destiny and I've been watching a few vids on the whole discourse surrounding destiny and it's state as a game and feel like I've kinda come to a resolution in my mind about why a lot of this is happening and why some people feel differently about the game. PSA this post isn't supposed to be some big angry discussion trying to say people's concerns about the game is wrong or invalid I kinda jus wanna spew my thoughts out there but do feel free to comment your thoughts about it if you wanna discuss it!
So I start by differentiating between "fanatics" and "gamers" which probably seems like a cringey way to put it but it's the only kind of physical representation of both sides that I could think of. So fanatics are people I'd describe as being absorbed in every aspect of the game, lore, art comics, gameplay, characters etc the type of people who are out here writing fanfics and creating ocs where as gamers are people that are here solely for the game itself. They are playing a game for its mechanics and enjoyment and their involvement in the greater community doesn't span much further than that. They might be interested in the lore (obviously you'd have to enjoy the story to play the game in the first place) but they're not out here making their own content in regards to the game i.e reading/creating fanfics and ocs etc. Now after establishing what each side means from what I can tell the people most upset by the state of the game are the gamers while the ones defending the Devs and just having a good time within the game and it's universe are the fanatics.
So why are people mad?
Well both sides seem mad in the current situation of destiny. The gamers are upset that the contents running dry and the fanatics are getting upset about the gamers constant anger and bashing directed towards the game and the Devs. Like don't get me wrong I understand where people come from when they're annoyed about bugs, it makes the game harder to play and then there's the issue of content running dry and then the vaulting of older content (something that I find extremely upsetting). But I think the constant negative approach towards these issues isn't always healthy to the game, play wise and the actual players mental health wise. I recently watched Mr Fruits video on this talking about the video Datto made and I think the main message there is something that so many gamers need to keep in mind and it's that if your not having fun playing a game and you can't find anymore satisfaction from it play something else. If your playing a game for the content it's Devs are providing you and that content isn't as fulfilling and entertaining for you anymore then just play something else for a while. I think a lot of people have these really unrealistic expectations as to what the Devs can produce within the game and I think if you believe the Devs are seeing the discourse going on in the community and people voicing their issues with the game and are just deciding to sit back idly and do nothing about it then you're a fukin idiot. The people at Bungie are just that, people. People with limitations. There's probably an infinite amount of reasons as to why the issues that're there are there and these things will take a long ass time to fix. If they were easy to fix everyone and their nan would be making bestselling games. In terms of content running dry for people of course this is gonna happen. There's a limit on people's creativity and the amount of content a single group of people are able to produce. And with the amount of content already in the game it's gonna be extremely hard to make new content that's cohesive and makes sense in the greater universe of the game. So yeah it might've only taken you a couple tens of hours to complete the campaign content with your clan full of experienced players but that's not what it's there for in my opinion. The game isn't there to just be played it's there to be enjoyed fully and completely. This is content that the creators have poured months of their lives into thinking up and designing. If destiny was pumping out content at the rate some people seem to think it should come out the game would be a shit show. It would be riddled with plot holes, stuff that just doesn't make sense and would eventually fuck up the game even more gameplay wise. I'm sorry but I don't want this game to turn into some sci-fi Fortnite. I want the Devs to take their time making compelling content that's actually engaging.
Superiority of the fanatics
Please hear the sarcasm in that subtitle but the point of what I'm saying is the fanatics are the ones winning here and I think this is the fangroup that the games actually directed towards. Destiny is a storytellers game, that much is obvious from the games expansive lore and world building. Your given a platform to create your own character and create their story following the campaigns that the company themselves are providing which is something very reminiscent of ttrpgs like dnd or lancer. Obviously it's not got the same customisation as those games but the idea is there. The reason why a lot of fanatics aren't getting super upset about the "lack of content" in the game and it's bugs is because they understand that the content is fucking there but sometimes you gotta warp the content yourself a little to keep up that sense of enjoyment. People do this by writing fanfics, creating art, creating ocs etc. When Bungie aren't directly giving us content to play we are making our own content and sharing it with others because this is what destiny is for us it's not just a game it's a world we're experiencing and being a part of. And that's my point, destiny isn't a game for gameplay mechanics sake and if your playing it for that reason and getting upset then it should be obvious your playing the wrong game and maybe it's time to take a break and try something new. If your wanting a game that spoon feeds you content to keep you hooked then I don't think Destiny is the game for you it's never been that sort of game in my opinion. When I came back to destiny I was hyped to dive head first into lore books, video essays, blogs because I knew I had a lot to learn and create myself and that's what I expect from destiny and tbh it's what I'd think any newcomer to the game should expect. And in terms of bugs in the game obviously they're annoying but I feel like from having a greater respect for the Devs and the content they're making your in a mindset that makes it easier to digest that these things take time. For a company to be making all this content, world building, server mechanics, game mechanics and so much more it's gonna be rough to get to every single bug in the game. And tbh I've been playing the game again for almost a month now and I haven't actually experienced that many bugs in the game, no more than what I've seen in other games I've been playing but I want everyone to take that with a heavy pinch of salt because obviously everyone's experience within the game is different.
The issues of paywalls and vaulting content.
Now this. THIIIISS. I get it, I really do having to pay for seasonal content and constant dlcs is probably the most frustrating thing about modern gaming. But that's the thing it's not just a destiny issue this is a modern gaming worldwide issue. Fucking hell even Pokémon is drifting into the dlc hell hole and paywalls with many of their services. Like it's just apart of gaming now and it can be frustrating but it's something you kinda gotta accept and it's not something you're gonna really be able to avoid no matter what game you play that isn't an indie game. As for the vaulting of older content and the removal of game aspects as seasons progress this is probably the single most frustrating thing about the game right now for me especially as a returning player but I also see why destiny is doing it. The game is reaching a size which is becoming unmanageable and the removal of some content is a necessary evil to keep the game going in my opinion. And to Bungies credit they have announced they will be no longer vaulting dlc content going forwards since last year I believe. And look yeah you can't play the content anymore but it's still out there to enjoy in the form of lore and video essays and play through videos. It's not the same but it's something and I've been enjoying sifting through the content available to me. Again I feel this is where the difference in destiny fan comes in. Gamers aren't satisfied with just consuming content about the game which is a totally fair stance to have on the game but there's also a number of games out there that aren't doing this sort of stuff cus they dont have to and maybe those are the type of games that you should play.
The state of the game for new and returning players.
Now this is probably my biggest fukin gripe with the gamers side of the community because in my opinion the biggest thing that's damaging the experience for new and returning players isn't the games bugs, it isn't the games slow approach to releasing new content or the vaulting of content, it's the constant negativity being emitted by that side of the community in regards to the game and the Devs as well as their attitude towards people wanting to learn more about the game. When I decided I wanted to make a return to destiny I did what I'd say a lot of other people have done and taken to sites like Reddit to ask questions about the game so I'd have some idea of what to expect coming back in and the responses of got of people who are meant the be "fans" of the game were sickening. Id have to sift through maybe 15 responses telling me to delete the game, I'm an idiot for wanting to play it, the games at its worst state than ever, there's no point even trying, before I found even one post actually giving me the information I was asking for and giving me tips on how to get back into the game. The only thing that actually made me contemplate not getting back into destiny was the constant negativity being emitted by that side of the community during that time. Not the negative aspects of the game that're definitely there, it was just the sheer miserable energy I was receiving from these people. And that's the thing while yes the game really isn't at its best state for new or returning players there are still ways to make it work and I found those ways buried underneath all the bullshit negativity the others were spouting. This is what's hurting the games ratings in my opinion. The games not at its worst state it's ever been for new and returning players entirely because of what the Devs are doing, a huge chunk of that issue is the negativity coming from this side of the player base.
In conclusion.
If your not enjoying destiny at this moment in time then stop playing for a bit. Maybe consider that this game isn't for you. Voice your opinions and concerns in a respectful manner. And for new people wanting to get into destiny jump right in! If you wanna get the most out of the game then it's gonna take some effort ima he honest. It's gonna take more than just hopping on the game and playing. And if that's not your vibe then that's totally fair not every game is gonna be for every player. And take my advice if you do wanna learn more about the game and how to get into it please stay away from Reddit. Stick to Tumblr people are actually nice here and wanna educate you in a positive and reaffirming way that is healthy for the state of the game and it's community. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
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singshoutshaxx · 11 months
Ghost Headcanons (mostly about food)
> Your ghost can taste what you eat and will insist on you visiting the City and try out the food for once instead of caging yourself on the Tower eating ramen all the time.
> Your ghost has favorite foods and some of them your allergic to.
> They will remind you that getting an allergic reaction isn't the worst thing to experience.
"I'll just revive you when the allergic reaction gets too bad! I've revived you over smaller things! Remember when you accidentally shot a rocket launcher too close to a wall?"
> Your ghost softly pressing themselves against small portions of food, pretending their 'eating' with you.
> Your ghost seeing their KinderGaurdian Titan watch a Warlock eat their grenade and want to do the same
> Your ghost who will transmat your helmet back on mid meal because they think it's funny
> Your ghost who will silently transmat snacks to remind you to eat during missions
> Your ghost who will avoid talking about how people *have* drank vex juice, and technically you *can* consume vex juice but know that you *will* try to drink it if someone ever atleast hints that you can
> Your ghost who will beg you to change their gingerbread shell into something else when visiting Saint-14 and his Pigeons
> Your ghost who will remind you that bread with cheese isn't a "proper meal", it's a snack at best
> Your ghost who will transmat you near a food vendor or your kitchen when you've spent too long not eating
> Your ghost who probably transmats the small bits of vegetables you put the side of your plate on your spoon mid bite
> Your ghost who tells you about the latest food trends and recommends you a few restaurants to eat at
> Your ghost who orders take out of your favourite food on a bad day and transmats it on your work table, knowing it will make your day
> Your ghost that tells you about the different types of milk, not realizing some of the plants or animals dont exist anymore for a long long time.
'Okay okay, that's alot of milks, but what's a Goat and can I turn it into a gun?'
> Your ghost that will suddenly tell you the nutritional contents of food or items you didn't even know were edible
And you stare at each other while you wonder how they know this and what type of gaurdian did they have before you to even gain such information
> Your ghost that probably likes hanging out in empty food or cereal boxes saying "Hey look I have a new shell!" as a joke
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quinn-o-lantern · 1 year
Recruiting for Destiny 2 Clan
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Clan Purpose: To be a community for gamers who struggle to find one.
The Whispering Mandrake [WISP] was founded by a longtime solo Destiny player who barely even ever got to raid and barely touched content outside of campaigns. We've grown this community to be one where players who don't have the chance to do non-matchmade content in Destiny 2 can finally clear their first raid, get their conqueror title, and experience the full breadth of what this silly space game has to offer. Players ranging from brand new kinderguardians to years long veterans comprise this community and all are welcome to join regardless of membership to the clan in-game. As these kindergaurdians have grown, they’ve gone on to comprise teams that have multiple world’s first raid clears under their belts, grind out titles, farm GMs, and solo flawless dungeons.
There is a place for everyone in WISP!
Clan Perks:
Weekly activities including a weekly pinnacle raid run, in-house PVP, dungeon farms, and more.
A dedicated and active Staff* of guardians with multiple world’s first clears, who grind titles, and solo dungeons, ready to help you find your footing, clear your first raid, grind out your comp rank, or prepare to tackle the same challenges they do.
Seasonal rewards for our most active members.
In-house LFG system.
Pet pics. Seriously. Lots and lots of the cutest pet pics you ever did see.
Lore readings and discussions.
A community of friends dedicated to being respectful, learning and growing together, and taking care of each other.
And a ton more.
While you don't have to join the clan to join our discord server, membership and activity in the server is required to be a member of the clan. We are not merely an engram farm and are trying to build relationships and connections.
Personally, this group is just the best. I've made so many unexpected friends and it's so nice knowing I can jump into this space and feel at home. Even if you don't need a clan, hop in and spend some time with us. There’s so much to discover in the Sol System.
DM me for the link to our discord.
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the-young-red-wolf · 4 months
"Okay I understand hunters coming to me for help with armor and how to boost their stats and builds but now I've got titans coming to me as well....."
"...I need to start doing research before a Warlock comes to me..."
Ooc: im being 100% serious I help new lights with basic arc solar and void builds for hunters, I've been working with titan now and getting tips from buddies but they're coming to me and by alot I've had 3 this week come to me asking for help.
I don't mind but I need to start learning titan/warlock builds as well to help the kindergaurdians.
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cosm0skid · 5 years
Destiny players are so freakin’ wholesome.
So at the request (more like 3 weeks of demanding) of my friend, I got the new free version of Destiny 2. A bit of background about me- I never had video games growing up, couldn’t afford them and my parents thought they melted your brain, all that good stuff. I recently got a hand-me-down Xbox 1 from a friend, and the games I have are story driven, almost no combat or fast moving games, and then a button masher that takes no skill. So I have almost no experience playing games, other than this friend who has been slowly teaching me the basics (like how to aim and walk at the same time) on their system. So I get Destiny 2, after watching 4+ hours of lore to catch up with story, and jump in. It takes me about an hour and a half to complete the opening mission, as I try to figure out the controls, and then I’m off to the tower and the rest of the game. After getting lost for almost 2 hours in the tower, I figure out how to travel to earth and get started on a quest called “Discover the EDZ,” where I have to run around and do a public event and do bounties and simple stuff like that. I’m kinda just bouncing around, watching groups of experienced guardians take down enemies like it’s nothing, while I try and figure out how to use my super (that was an embarrassing google search.) Eventually I see this one gaurdian who’s by himself fighting a bunch of big Fallen bois. He gets killed, and I run out from my hiding spot behind a building and revive him, then run tf out of there to safety. Well about 5 minutes later, I’m struggling to take out the small Fallen on my own, and the same guy comes up, sees that I’m struggling I guess, and starts fighting alongside me. After they’re all dead he waves at me (que another frantic google on how to emote) and starts following me around. He stays with me for almost an hour, running around and helping me, even though I couldn’t even talk to him. I guess he saw that I was just a kindergaurdian and decided to help me out. It legitimately made me so happy that someone was being nice, and made me really enjoy myself while I figured out how to get my feet under me in the game. Gaudians are wholesome and sweet, and I wish I had thought to look at his name so I could thank him here. Whoever you are, you legitimately made my whole day by running around with me, and I really can’t wait to keep playing and learning the game.
Tdlr; Experienced gaurdian helped me, a brand new kindergaurdian, by running around for almost an hour when he saw I was struggling to kill simple enemies, made my whole day and made me want to keep playing with this wholesome community.
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newbabyfly · 5 years
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Introducing Skitty, the newest kindernerd! A few months back, my kiddo started her own character on Destiny and I’ve been planning to include her hunter since that day! She finds the combat pretty challenging (It’s the first fps she’s tried!) but she loves playing around the Farm. This comic made with her input. :D
Also Killy had a particular soft spot for baby hunters. And he’s starting to make a habit out of adopting them *cough @pterodactylarms Cassidy*
Feel free to ask about Skitty, but keep it appropriate for an 8 year old. ~_^
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miintedart · 6 years
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Doodz:// A fearful Kindergaurdian and a Fallen Kell :0
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birdly-vagabond · 4 years
Destiny Discord
Posting this again with a better blurb this time!
I've made a Destiny Discord server a bit ago with hopes of building up a decent community! The Destiny community with some exceptions has honestly been one of the best communities I've come across and had the joy to be apart of. So I made a server to bring people together! I wanna make some friends!
-Made with creators in mind! A handful of the channels are dedicated to art, writing and Characters/OC's! Including prompt channels, hidden NSFW channels(for people who are/aren't interested) and even some for finding an RP partner
-lfg channels! New to raiding? Just looking one to fill that spot? Come ask! Need help with a quest or weapon or just want someone to play with? Find some company here! There's people on all three platforms and Destiny 1 players too!
-Everyone is welcome. No discrimination or hate or hidden channels here. Everything from different game platforms to people in the LGBT+ community are welcome here! I wanted to create a welcoming server to make friends and bring people together. New to the game? Join! Played since D1? Join! Everyone is welcome
-Creators, gamers, new players, old players, raiders, writers, anyone who enjoys or is remotely interested in the game is welcome here! So join! Share the link! Make a new one, spread the word around! Take a seat, grab a drink from a dapper ghost and make some friends in the Speakeasy tonight~
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destinysrh · 5 years
Finally inspired to play with the Kindergaurdians idea!
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smeachthepeach · 3 years
A fresh Kindergaurdian : Hey, so do you have any advice on how to get used to seeing some of the messed up stuff you see on these missions? It's been getting to me.
The Guardian : Spend a week with Drifter. That oughta do it.
Kindergaurdian : W-why him? He's kinda sketchy isn't he??
Guardian : Last week I watched him try to drink fresh radiolaria out of a dead Minotaur. Turns out it liquifies your insides in under a minute. He tried six times.
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aesthetic-gem · 3 years
i love doing strikes with kindergaurdians 💕 you can see the fear and confusion in their eyes
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ahammkara · 5 years
Older titans need to squad up and perhaps help out Zavala with Titan babysitting duties. So many punchy children and the man only has two hands, you know
i think that would be a cool in-lore tidbit, like seasoned guardians taking kindergaurdians under their wing, helping them with patrols and stuff, maybe taking them into the crucible, so zavala has maybe some downtime on top of letting him prioritize bigger picture things, like long term securing of the city after the hit it took from the legion
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caydesnickers · 5 years
6 on the Eastside
this is my first Cayde-6 fanfic, let me know what you think ///
  6 would meet me on the Eastside of the of the map at my favorite place, the Nessus. It was a beautiful place to look around. Even more so when he was there. He brought so much life into everything he did, from gathering seeds, cleaning his weapons, made killing Vex artwork with his prized hand cannon.
  He would pack some ramen for us and we would sit up on a tree and rest. Of course, with endless Vex around he kept watch for us. Meanwhile I would lie down in between his legs, resting against his chest, and look up at the crimson leaves as light shone through. It was bliss.
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   I remember the first time I had found an exotic sparrow. I figured the controls and was able to roll in the air. I wanted him to experience it with me. He was already iffy about a regular sparrow, but an exotic? Now that's a different beast. He said he'd rather the red legion have him than end with a sparrow. But I whispered sweet nothings to him and boarded the sparrow, giving him a sly smirk behind me, knowing exactly where he was looking.
   He gave a small sigh, letting me have my way every once in a while. He trusted me, knowing I would take care of him as best as I could. So he boards the sparrow and in a second his iron grip held me around my waist. At first I started slow, getting a feel for the new engine. Then when I felt he was ready, the boost was full throttle. He yelled in surprise, and I in excitement. We came up on a rock that was a perfect ramp. I boosted the sparrow once more and rolled to my heart's content! I was too in the moment, that I couldn't hear him telling me to stop, until too late. We hit the ground and the sparrow exploded, killing us.
  What my ghost tells me is five seconds later I had been revived, and so was an angry 6. He didn't like it all, I felt so bad, what happened was an accident. I apologized profusely and when I reached out to him he stopped me, holding my arm midway. The gesture stung, knowing he didn't want me touching him, so I try pulled away as whispered I’m sorry. Yet in that moment he pulled me closer, and touched his forehead with mine and placing his free hand against the back of my neck. His blue optics off, and his brow plates furrowed, he told me I scared him. Not by the sparrow and the velocity of the rolls, but by dying. He revealed to me that he dreamed a guardian dying their final death, he didn't know how, where or who. But it scared him to his core, and beyond that thinking if it would be me.
  He didn't want to lose me, neither I him, and in that moment he asked me not to do anything too dangerous until he could figure this out. If guardians can die their final death. I thought it was ridiculous at first, I mean, the traveler gave us a gift. The light couldn't be flawed, right? He gave me a serious look, one that he rarely uses, and knowing that I obliged. On the condition that he too, do the same. He smiled and gently rubbed his forehead against mine, minding his beautiful horn. He would protect me with his light.
  Sometimes I wish we could have run away together, and feel this way for as long as we want. But alas, the traveler gave us this light for a reason, to protect the people of the last city. That we did our very best, from the taken king to siva. We did everything we set our minds to. Almost everything.
   6 and I were going to take in some kindergaurdians. Teach them the ways of being the best guardian, maybe even be able to become a vanguard in place of him. So we could have our own hideaway and forget about responsibilities every once in a while. Of course we would never fully leave, if the traveler needs us we will be there. But it's nice to think about and to dream.
   That's all I can do now. What could've been reality was taken away from me that fateful day in the prison of elders. I tried to reach him as fast as I could… how could I have allowed it to happen? He got my 6, always did.
                 I failed to have his.
   6 used to meet me on the Eastside. I can only hope that one day, if the light will allow it, I’ll meet with him on the Starside.
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remicon · 5 years
Kindergaurdians take the pacer test as part of their training
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strawberryoverlord · 5 years
I would like to argue in favor of guardian Uldren Sov
My main points are:
He's a different person with the same body. How he turns out is a matter of nature vs nurture, he should be given a chance.
If we don't accept him, what if Mara or what's left of the Scorn take advantage of that, take advantage of him? He has the power of the light now, there's no way that could end well.
What kind of message would denying him because of his past life actions send to other new guardians? To guardians in general? If I was a kindergaurdian who heard about that I would doubt my own legitimacy as a guardian. What if I was a terrible person in my past life. What if I murdered a guardian in my past life? Would I have really deserved to be a guardian? What I'm saying is that it could create a wave of self doubt.
Do you know how much of a slap in the face it would be to Mara Sov if you let Uldren be a guardian in the tower?
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newbabyfly · 5 years
Skitty is adorable! Is pink her favorite color? What does she think of all the chickens at the farm? (Families playing together is wonderful! I can’t wait to see all her interactions in your comics
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Ya’ll are so sweet, thanks for all the asks on Skitty! Sorry about combining these, time restraints. XD;
Her ghost’s name is Pikachu (can you tell that my child is a big Pokemon fan yet?) Her favorite color is actually blue! She thinks the chickens are ridiculous and loves chasing them. Aside from that, her favorite things to do are chucking grenades at Cabal and playing Floor is Lava in the tower. :D
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