#king crumpet
messenger-of-stupidity · 11 months
This is a letter to ZSakuVA that I know he probably will never see.
(spoilers for newest audio. But not really since the title of that audio says everything that I say here.)
King Crumpet,
I am just a little bug that has been following your channel for a little over a year now. In that time I've consumed many a content, whether that be while I'm studying for finals (which makes the whole uni student listener very immersive omg), going to sleep, or simply going about my day to day life. And it has been a happy journey where I jump at jumpscares, laugh at the jokes and funny moments, learn new things, grow flustered when your voice goes closer to the mic. (A very nice voice hehe)
And I understand you like angst. I too enjoy angst. The fics I write are testament to that.
But congratulations, take your crown. For you have broken this stoic face of mine (not actually stoic all the time since my poker face is for shit) and made tears generate and fall for the first time when listening to an audio. (From whoever.)
True, I make jokes about crying or sobbing but it's all on the inside. (Like the numb little bug that I am lmao)
But you have taken a character I have truly gushed and blushed over and had him shatter my heart in ways I didn't know was possible.
So take your crown while I cradle what is left of this torrent of emotions you have given me. Let me wait out for the lessening of the building dread I experienced while waiting for the outcome. I much would have preferred you yelling at me instead. But I consume this content nonetheless. (That's more poetic than I've managed to be for like... Three weeks. Which is saying something since it wasn't very poetic lmao)
A Crumpet of Stupidity
(on second thought, no he will not escape this, I'm editing my YouTube comment and putting it there to heighten the chances of him seeing it.)
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rita770 · 1 month
Envisioning what could've been with Elias and Listener is cute and all, but it'd be cool to see if they had something up their sleeve.
Their job at Brewhouse (a neutral-ground of negotiation between gangs), implied attractiveness and charm, and weak familial ties thread the needle somewhere 🤔 It's ambitious to speculate that they have some top-dog position in a rival gang, but I'm rooting for some degree of villainy.
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Philip has a nightmare about his demise and he tells Camila about it. Now Eda, Raine and King are wondering why Camila's giving the three of them a dirty look the next time they visit her.
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argyleheir · 9 months
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Crumpet kind of morning ☕️
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Pletonic yandere king and queen of hearts?
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Platonic Yandere Queen and King of Hearts
“Have some more tea.”
“Uh thank you, your majesty.”
You gave a thankful nod to the servant, biting back the urge to repeat the sentiment. Shifting your attention to the cup of tea, you held your cup to your lips with practiced care. With a tentative glance directed at her, the Queen gave you a nod to which you continued to sip.
“You’ve only had a few crumpets, love. Here have some more.”
The King unceremoniously poured the plate of biscuits onto your tiny platter, smiling as he poured the entirety of the honey bail onto it. You gave him a nod before indulging, careful not to smudge your makeup. 
Things had been truly bizarre since you had fallen into the rabbit hole behind your dear friend. Able to traverse the land together it seemed that for as mad as this world seemed there were set rules. Specifically, one that made your dearest friend be called Alice. It was grating to hear others call your friend a name that was not their own; even worse you were hardly acknowledged. Many would straight-up ignore you or tilt their heads at you and ask your name. It was oddly alienating for this world to encourage your friend to commit to this role claiming a prophecy be fulfilled. And then simply sighing when it came to you, being just as clueless as you.
In a way it gave you the freedom to do as you pleased able to travel all around Wonderland, getting to know those who were capable of acknowledging your existence. Some of which had been those in the Heart’s kingdom. 
“Now that is settled with we can begin talks of this Alice-character. I believe it’d be best if we capture her and behead her as soon as we have them! ”
She waved her own tea cup around, haphazardly spilling her tea all about her. Making you wonder why she spent energy lecturing you at all. Her husband sighed, hands on his round rosy cheeks watching you eat the honey-covered crumpet. 
“Mmmm, that’s nice dear.”
You dabbed at your mouth, running your tongue over your teeth in hopes of clearing any remains of the sticky treat. Wouldn’t want to have any distractions while you fought your point.
“Perhaps there can be another way…a more peaceful option?” 
Focusing on your cup of tea, you looked into the reflection of the organ-shaped teapot. Watching as the queen’s face seemed to scrunch before she turned to you. With her crimson-painted nails, she held your face, turning your head to the left then to the right. 
“Of course not dear, violence is the only option. Now, King, they’re looking a bit gaunt, yes?”
“Of course dear.”
Once again you’re plea was ignored by the two of them who were now conversing intensely about how much more you needed to be eating. After all a proper royal heir was plump and well fed, they couldn’t have others of the court thinking you weren’t being fed properly. Huffing through your nose you dismissed yourself hardly waiting for the Queen’s release before making your way out of the hearts maze. Being sure you were far enough for your angry mumbles and stomping was out of their earshot. So caught up in your huffy exit you nearly ran over the rabbit frantically calling your name.
“Oh! W.B. I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“I-it it is just fine, your majesty.”
“Your majesty, W.B. are you…have you been drinking hatter’s tea.”
“What?! No-well th-this might have s-something to do with just that.” 
He shuffled through his pockets, ears twitching along with his nose. The poor creature was really worked up. With a shaky hand(?) (or foot?) he gave you a scroll, an unstamped document that rolled over your feet when you opened it. You read through the first lines of cursive before double-taking running your thumb over the dried ink. 
“I, the Queen and King of Hearts, hereby declare that whosoever be appointed as the royal heir by their decree must adhere to the following rules and regulations—oh my gosh! I think I’m going to be sick.”
You haphazardly dropped the scroll to the ground, running past the rabbit who fumbled with the policy. The ‘rules and regulations’  that were spoken of told of horrible and gruesome punishments for those that so much as thought of slighting you. Being called ‘majesty’ or ‘young highness’ was one of them. Punishment for the accused was the equivalent of a scorched or ‘beheaded’ tongue, it was appalling to imagine. 
Torn by rage and helplessness you ran–out of the maze past the unpainted roses and idle card soldiers. You couldn’t stand to be here any further from your dearest friend, your dearest Alice while your company plotted to kill them. 
You were done.
Done with the absurdity of this world.
It was time to put a stop to it all. 
As you should’ve from the beginning.
Before they were wooed by Wonderland’s love for Alice.
Before they threatened their safety.
Before the others threatened you.
It was time to go.
Running with abandon you tore through the vegetation, uncaring of the way it stuck to your heart and card-patterned garments. Tearing at the seams of posh confinement you discarded different articles as the tearing branches demanded. Forging on you spied the bushel you had left your dearest compatriot to hide inside. Worry bubbled in your tummy as you noted the crumbs of a soft pastry caking your hands as you kneeled to the ground; forcing your eyes to roam through the blades of grass. 
“There you are!” 
You scooped them up, supporting their small form as you sat on your heels.
“Where on Earth did you find another shrinking cake!?”
They shrugged their shoulders and nervously dragged their foot along your palm as they continued to pout. You had to listen carefully but you could hear them. Fully used to their illogical desire for any available food—starved or full it must be eaten–you scolded them lightly. 
“Look, we don’t have time to fight about this…we have to leave the Queen is determined to have your head. I have a sneaking suspicion she’d not going to care whether your head’s the size of a sugar cube.” 
You patted yourself down, searching for the perfect place to tuck your miniature companion away. Finding the only space was the loose fabric around a makeshift pocket near your chest. With a little protest, your tiny friend climbed in, prepared for the jostling journey ahead. 
“Hey it’ll be okay, by this time tomorrow we’ll finally be away from this horrid place.”
“You’re right this is a horrid place, so far from the castle grounds! Guards! I want this patch of weed burned to the ground!”
You slowly rose to your feet hiding your friend with crossed arms. Dressed in battle wear: a spiny red armor the queen over a tightly fitted dress; the crimson wisps of her makeup were harsher and more violent than before, coupled with the dark eyeliner of a smoky eye. She sat on the back of some tortured creature that seemed to sport a glare at you of its own. skin–a pulsing pink, littered with pus-filled wounds, and stray wisps of hair and feather. 
“Your high–”
Her red claws nails touched and you sealed your lips. She sent a glare to the ground below her beast only shifting her seat before sending her narrowed gaze. 
“Only an hour in the jungle and you’ve adapted their savage ways? Where are your manners, (Y/n)?!”
“Uhm your maje-”
You could only helplessly flutter your lips at her screaming. Nearly shaking as you fought tears you held your ground. 
“I-I don’t understand what it is you want.”
She sighed and rolled her eyes. “So you have forgotten. You are still a child; misguided and ill-remembering.”
“What?! Wait hold on–”
“Now listen well child, you are to call me your mother and your father–your father. Do you understand?”
“But you’re not my–”
“GUARDS! Take the child back to the palace, the war that is to come is one I’d prefer you watch with lunch on the side.”
Four card guards took your limbs and held you high. Ignoring your wriggling and protests, you nearly forgot about your hidden companion. No doubt clinging to the fabric of your clothes in the midst of your sudden struggle. You stilled only bobbing at the marching pace of the soldiers looking at the twisted perspective of the Queen ordering her troupes to move. She turned to you barely looking over her shoulder as her pointed teeth showed from behind her crimson lips.
“I’ll return when I’ve rid you of the parasite Alice! In the meantime brush up on the rules you silly child. No longer will you deny your right as my young heir. Ta-ta!”
With a wave of her hand and the crack of a whip, she moved with the procession. 
Out to behead your dearest Alice and all of those who stood in her way.
Who was safely tucked within the fabric of your dressings.
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zsakuva · 3 months
Welcome, my crumpets, to the ZSAKUVA inbox! This will be open for anyone who would like to submit any questions regarding the Sakuverse in general, characters, plots, and settings!
Alternatively, you can ask me about writing, my own opinions on certain topics, or simply send a message for me to read which doesn’t require a response!
Please read these rules before submitting, as I will not reply to any messages containing the following:
No personal questions regarding sensitive information (you can ask for my opinions about things outside the Sakuverse)
When the next audio of a Sakuverse character will be released
If there will be more audios of a Sakuverse character
Questions about all Sakuverse characters as a whole (what every Sakuverse character/Listener thinks about, reacts to, etc)
More rules may be added upon further use of the inbox.
Please bear in mind that I will not answer every message I receive for various reasons, including but not limited to:
Being too subjective
Being too vague
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If I genuinely don’t know the answer
Topics that might be explored in future content
Too many similar questions (Ex. 'How would __ react if')
Here, I will update a list of Frequently Asked Questions:
Can I write fanfiction/create fanart about the Sakuverse?
Writing, fanart, and any kind of transformative work is completely fine, and you don't need to ask for my permission! I love seeing your creations, and it encourages me to continue doing what I'm doing to provide y'all with more stories to write about. I think it's a nice little cycle, so by all means, go for it!
I can't wait to read your messages!
Love, King Crumpet <3
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Lady Celestine: Navigator of the Constellations:
The Forgotten Hero of Yore
The Merlyn of the KBASW (AU) & the love of Arthur's life.
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Just to be clear Merlyn & Celestine are the same person it's just her disguise when she goes out.
For: @kirbyoctournament
Character Overview/Personality: She's the combination of Merlin from Disney's Sword & the Stone, Queen Eclipsa from SVTFW, Willy Wonka from (Wonka 2023 ), and Merlin from (the 2008 TV series).
She's an optimist... many of her peers mistake it for being naivety but in reality she's well aware of the darkness in the world... she sees it every day with her powers. Since seeing so many terrible things in the future she treasures the present and is always grateful for the things she enjoys in the now. (Also there's another reason for this....)
And finds the joy in the darkest of times...
She likes to be overly prepared... And tend to keep (*hoard) things they might need... Often tends to hold things she doesn't really need. With Arthus side eying her "You really need to keep that."
"Don't look at me like that Wart... WE MAY NEED THIS HARPOON ONE DAY WHO KNOWS & YOU'LL THANK ME LATER !" *proceeds to carry bloody harpoon home... with Arthur facepalming himself*
They actually did end up using that harpoon 3 months later & Celestine rubbed it in Arthur's face for an entire week. This constant hoarding led her to the first iteration of the Dimensional Cape, which started as a dimensional bag to store all her stuff. (LMAO).
This brings me to Celestine's wisdom & sass: similar to Merlin (the series & Disney) is filled with cleverness & comebacks. When she's doing her diplomatic work and out and about she knows how to do it "gracefully."But when she transforms into Merlyn, she lets loose exactly how Merlin is when he becomes Dragoon. Has no filter and becomes a chaotic old man throwing shade left & right
She hates' cursing so as resulting in hilarious, nonsensical words to place them: Fiddle sticks, biscuits, sweet butter crumpets, etc ~
Her future sight has made her a very empathic person... knowing the suffering of others in her visions. Creating a very kind, caring individual who wants the best for everyone, for them to be happy.
Keep reading for extra content & lore: (Which include spoilers for KBASW so tread carefully!) Other than that please continue...
Lore related content: (If you just want a short read)
In Denial (Oldest lore)
What Kind of King's in My Blood (Background info)
Celestine is Merlyn: (Most Current lore)
And fair warning I low-key wrote a novel... but there's a special prize at the end if you read all of it. (Extended Lore)
Lady Celestine serves as a catalyst for the anime Kirby series...
Now Celestine can't predict the exact future... only show potential paths. But her powers can guide people to the outcome they want and the path that constantly changing.
Absolom made Celestine focus solely on her future vision and trained her personally... He tried to paint himself as this kind saintly father figure towards her... but in reality, wanted to monopolize her ability.
He tremendous amount of pressure on the poor girl...(Mother Gothel Style "Mother knows best) Believing the only thing that made her valuable was her future sight. And one more thing about Celestine... SHE HATED HER FUTURE VISION! She didn't just see the future... she experienced it! Feeling all the raw emotions of the scene.
However, Absolum would guilt-trip her: "Oh you don't want to let everyone down... you're the only one who can do this... you're so special... you can't disappoint everyone..:
Causing her to grit her teeth and bear with it... Absolum was like a father to her she couldn't say "No." Plus it's not like she could let them down... One day she had a terrible vision foreshadowing the demise of Shiver Star...
The people of Shiver Star were infected by Dark Matter's essence... Nightmare & his demons robbed them and stole all the planet's resources... while the people were possessed and had their life sources absorbed by Dark Matter.
Celestine immediately ran to the other Heroes of Yore & Absolum.... for this and assured the worried child they'd take care of this... "don't worry we'll use this information and take care of it."
And they didn't just take care of it... THEY MADE IT WORSE! Seeing an even more terrible vision appeared before her.
Celestine: Wait I thought you said you'd-
Absolum: Oh but my child we did you said that planet was a goner anyway... they were already possessed.... it would be so wasteful if all those resources would fall to Nightmare...
Sir Uther: We cleared out the planet before Nightmare did. And killed all of those who were going to be infected & spread it throughout the galaxy... we prevented the problem before it even happened...*gives a wicked smile*
Absolum: Yes we couldn't have done it without you *gives a wicked smile*
Celestine couldn't help but blame herself for the downfall of Shiver Star... A few hours later Celestine's warpstar cracked-
"No problem... I think," Absolum
To remedy the situation, Absolum tried to fame concern for her but in reality was keeping her in the temple to hide that she was "broken." She could still tell fortunes just at random, they just had to keep her near the temple and store them whenever they came to her.
Absolum was still reeling at how could this happen... he didn't want to expose his little mistake. (In truth he knew he was working too hard and put her to work earlier than most, because of her ability... CHILD LABOR AM I RIGHT?!.) It was still too valuable, they can't risk having her break some more...
Thus, Celestine became a caged bird.
Uther felt that she was a failure unbecoming of a Hero of Yore and not deserving of her title. She can no longer do the ability properly and with her body always hurting how was she going to fight on the battlefield!
Along with that thought she be too emotional anyway... always trying to steer them to the future... the least amount of damage... HE WANTED PROGRESS! Often opting for the method that would get him results not caring about the collateral damage!
Icarus shares in Uther's sentiments, with the added notion that she got away with lazying around doing nothing. Just got to sit there waiting for the next prediction to come around. He & Uther were doing all the heavy lifting and she was still being treasured by Absolum... (he wasn't jealous of the attention or anything...)
Thus resulting in Icarus having the brilliant idea of sticking Celestine with all the political fairs (the paperwork). Which seemed like a good idea at the time (a decision they would all come to regret).
Unbeknownst to them... they had given Celestine all the diplomatic power in the galactic court. Managing to win over the galactic council with her charm and grace. Uther had always used his power to intimidate his ideals.
However, Celestine had a softer approach and was seen as far more likable in the... (this was before the council was corrupt and this was due to Celestine's influence...) Often resulting in the members to come to her for their problems. Uther couldn't beat her in this arena... being reminded all too well this was a political battle as well.
For Icarus, you see there was a... certain deal he wanted to part take in... a deal with Halacandra. Where did the GSA partner up with and believe that he could easily impress with his inventions... with their queen?! ( Minerva Mim - Magolor's great aunt)
What happened... the king was supposed to be here whys he spent an entire month sucking up to him who was this queen...
The queen was not impressed & ended up showing technology far greater than his... for the first time, Icarus was forced to eat humble pie... "How could this have, surely this is some sort of mistake shouldn't the king be here-"
"Oh he's dead... and unlike him, I'm not to be won over by pretty words and flattery now you offend me... why would I ever want to do business with a lowlife with you!"
Madam made sure to inform the GSA they would not be doing business with them & Absolum desperately wanted to get that deal. Then Celestine volunteered to remedy the situation & suggested inviting her here.
Absolum agrees seeing there is nothing to lose, Uther believes this was just a desperate attempt to try to be useful while Icarus is excitedly waiting for her to fail.
Meeting arrives Celestine takes care of everything personally and at the end of the day. Queen Minerva is all smiles and arrives with a contract, "Alright I've changed my mind, and I'll do the deal as long as I'm working with her."
Minerva wasn't interested in Icarus' inventions but Celestine's alchemic formulas were revolutionary. And just had to have her on their team.
Absolum was shocked and relieved... (maybe this girl had more than one use after all...) and was constantly praising her. And because of her connections with Minerva... she'll need a bodyguard now when she leaves the GSA base but what the why it was worth it.
And Icarus oh how badly he wanted to be part of the mixing pot, but he had to go through Celestine. Who was more than happy to reject his proposal and experiments. (Icarus never forgave her for this.)
She was becoming too influential now ... This resulted in Icarus scheming with Uther... to get rid of her.
Thus beginning the creations of the Ancients & the Halcandrans, with Celestine & Minerva leading the helm. Alongside Dairus Drosselmeyer (Minerva's right-hand man & Daroach's great uncle)... they created many of the legendary treasures... that were now scattered about the galaxy.
(These were kept secret from the GSA... Minerva knew the truth of the situation... for you see during the meeting she had hidden away Kirby's prediction not of him just defeating Nightmare, but the reawakening of Void Termina & Doomsday... and showed it to the Queen and she understood... that's the other reason why she said yes to her)
Minerva helps Celestine create the Kabu's across the galaxy and presents them as "safe houses for star warriors" but in reality, they were all preset guides to Kirby's prophecy.
And helped her create Triple Star... Thus the creating the vigilante Merlyn.... Her work as Merlyn didn't go unnoticed and the people of the galaxy started to recognize the hypocrisy of the GSA. Which made the Ancients & the other's blood boil.
This resulted in having Uther send in his send three of his best soldiers: Sir Nonsurat, Dame Morgan, and last but not least (you guessed it WART... I mean Sir Arthur.)
Kirby's prophecy spoke of "a match" to start the spark that would flame of a new era of peace...
Arthur- Match/ Meta Knight - Spark/Kirby - Flame
At the time she didn't know who it was; the prophecy was incredibly vague with which one it was. But she wasn't going to pass her knowledge to any of them without being sure. (She didn't want another Shiver Star incident to happen... not again...)
But how would she determine which one it would be... they all seemed the most unlikely candidates as "the match." How could she weed out which one... A TRAIL, A TEST, A GAME!
So like in tales of old, Celestine did these little tests of character... and would secretly tag along during missions. Giving them all a chance to see which one it would participate in... Giving them little riddles of the monster Nightmare would do. But she always gave them a choice... (breadcrumbing) and "can't force anyone to change."
However, three of them all seem annoyed at this except for... Sir Arthur was the only one captivated and interested. It takes a while for Arthur to accept Merlyn's but only after the events of:
What Kind of King is in My Blood:
That makes him actively ask for Merlyn (Celestine to help him change) and pretty much becomes Celestine's partner in crime. And as to become a willing student... merely wishing not to become like his master (Sir Uther).
However, their little sparring match still happening, with the condition that he should win... Merlyn's not allowed to be called him Wart... (Needless to say she fought him twice as hard.)
(This post-Celestine is Merlyn:) It goes into more detail about their relationship here but... I added a few things.
Romantic feelings only start after that...
Basically, before they knew they were head-over-heals for each other their love could never be in reality. Not just because of their positions but something else...
After her warpstar broke... she received a terrible vision of her body eventually breaking and her disappearing into star dust. Foreseeing her early death...
She had initially accepted but after all the friends she made (and falling in love with Arthur) she did everything she could to stay longer for them... Celestine tried to keep herself together as long as she could, and managed to keep herself alive a little longer (than she was supposed to) but now she could feel it... she was running out of time.
How was she supposed to tell her everyone... Minerva would be devastated, who was going to help Darius (& Minerva) with his creations, who would protect her followers, and stop Uther & Icarus from making the galaxy into a wasteland...
And worst of all she'd leave Arthur all alone & heartbroken. Who's supposed to tease him now, make sure he doesn't do anything reckless, keep that ego in check, make sure he isn't a prat, to remind him to smile and enjoy life... to laugh... oh her poor little Wart...
No there must be another way...she couldn't tell any of her friends... she wasn't giving up yet... However, little did she know that was the least of her worries...
Celestine was always careful with hiding her connections with her alter-ego... and Arthur, but there was one person who did figure this out. Sir Nonsurat; after Arthur had saved "Merlyn" from his grasp he started to see a pattern.
Thus, Celestine received numerous horrible visions (she got them all at once)... of Arthur being found guilty in a trial. And at the end of each, Arthur had refused to sell her out, remaining loyal to her, confessing his love for her, and dying. And then she saw her demise as well... her body finally breaking right after... poofing into stardust.
Being completely overwhelmed, she burst into tears. Desperately searching for a future where they could both live... (a future where she could be happy with him.) However, it was either that she & Arthur had escaped and her body would explode and Arthur would be captured (by the GSA) and executed right after for his desertion).
Celestine couldn't help but believe that she had destroyed Arthur's future all because she had gotten involved... (it was Shiver Star all over again.) Just like in the other futures... what could she possibly do...
Perhaps...she could solve one problem with another...
So, before the day Nonsurat was going to turn in his report of evidence... Celestine had stolen it away. And with the help of Darius, they manipulated the information to frame someone else...
Nonsurat was infuriated once he found his evidence to be stolen... But he didn't want to cause an uproar, so he demanded a completed search of every squadron. Under the pretext "there is a traitor among us, and they've stolen my documents..."
A complete search required every general to be accounted for. Nonsurat observed Arthur carefully only to find him especially giddy!?
Arthur: I do hope the search is finished soon... The sooner we finish here the sooner I can give Celestine this-
Kit Cosmo: Code red! Everyone needs to come to the Courtyard immediately! Were under attack!
Arthur: By who?!
Kit Cosmo: By... Lady Celestine...
(She had already known Icarus was trying to take her down... so using her Nonsurat's evidence, she had successfully framed herself... handing it in in the guise of one of Icarus' informants.)
With the information he had put together and received, Sir Icarus concocted a false trail that Celestine was leaking information and was secretly in cahoots... with Merlyn.
Since it was a trial that involved someone as high-ranking as her... she knew the trial would exclude a select few. And since she knew Nonsurat would warrant a search... she knew it would be the perfect thing to keep Arthur out of the trail.
Celestine: Well, if I am going to get locked away... I might as well make it worth the sentencing.
It was at this moment that Celestine unleashed her demonic owl (she had hidden away) and bit off his head Absolum; killing him instantly. (Madoka Magica style). Icarus tried to stop her but failed Celestine resulting in his wings being ripped off. And officially went on a rampage letting out all those years of unbridled rage & sorrow she had kept in.
Then she remembered quickly about Kirby's prediction... quickly she created her own army of Hydro Clones... to leave them all at bay.
She went into her lab and quarters and destroyed every piece of magical research and Alchemic formula. She wasn't going to let them benefit & use her research any longer and most importantly to keep Kirby's predictions... but one person who managed to get through the army... it was none other than Uther.
Uther: I always knew you were a little witch~
Celestine: That was a sham trial & you know it ... You forced my hand
Uther: You should; 've stayed in your place, someone weak as you, you are not worthy of your spot as a Hero of Yore-
Celestine: Well you are not worthy of your spot as leader! You never were and one day you'll fall you'll see *at that moment Celestine received another vision-*
At that moment Uther thought this was the perfect chance to lung at her but this backfired... he accidentally ended up seeing Celestine's vision too... And it visibly shook him to his core.
Being overwhelmed by the very visions that plague Celestine, (claiming before she was emotionally weak, was causing him to be paralyzed by fear...) It was a vision of his throne crumbling down& everything he built and it was being led by one astral... he couldn't make out the face... was... was it pink...
Celestine tried to pull away so he couldn't see the rest of the vision... and ended up striking his right eye to stop him... Uther was left frozen while Celestine could feel her body about to break and desperately made her escape... But as she stormed out...
Uther: Will make sure you're vision will not come to pass I will find that pink warrior if it's the last thing I do... And I'll- you'll die by my blade gah- *Still paralyzed because of the vision & couldn't get up
Celestine: Sorry Uther... but I'm afraid that honor won't go to you...*runs out to find Arthur* I've already selected my champion...
In the commotion, Arthur manages to find her, desperate he reaches, Celestine:
Arthur: We have to... you need to run-
Celestine: Graduation time Wart *sees a cast of other soldiers & on-looker watching* - Let's see what you're made of! Just treat it as one of our sparring matches and we'll be fine-
After all the losses in their sparing matches, Arthur finally manages to beat Celestine... "Well done, Arthur- you've finally done it, you've w-" * Visibly starts to break... and falls- and Arthur catches her
(Celestine pulls up a smokescreen so no one can see them... however, three people manage to sneak in)
Arthur: Celestine, what's happening to you-
Celestine: I've come to the end of my time- due to my condition my body was bound to break... I didn't mean to hide it... I really thought I could beat the odds... I'm sorry War- Oh I guess I can't call you Wart-
Arthur: NO! If that's the case you weren't in the best condition- *starts crying* I didn't really win-, you have to stay *sobs profusely* You have to stay and call me Wa-Wart!
Celestine: Figures *chuckles...* it takes you this long to finally admit you like the nickname ... Thank you Arthur you made my life short all the worthwhile... I hope you can forgive me
Arthur: There's nothing to forgive Cel- Celty, *cries* I love you, please there is always something... There's always, you told me that... You're the greatest mage in the galaxy... there's got to be...
Celestine: I surely hope that light of you doesn't get snuffed out *smiles warmly* it's going to be hard Wart but remember this...
Keep your eyes open and beware of the bad in the world... but also hold on to the good as well... you don't have to look, just know that it's there... it'll keep you from falling...
(the quote that Meta Knight said to Kirby originally came from Sir Arthur... that was told from Celestine...)
And even should you lose your way I know you'll find it again... you'll always be a worthy king to me. I love you too Arthur... and I always will.... (*they share one passionate kiss*)
It was a kiss Arthur had so longed for, but it was laced with so much sorrow and joy all at the same time...
Arthur: I don't wanna let you go-* Gets knocked out by Minerva...
She had informed Minerva before the trial (and of course was devastated but was willing to fulfill her last request). And who stood behind her were Darius & Kit the only three witnesses to what really happened. Kit realizes that Celestine is Merlyn... She then handed off and knocked out Arthur to Darius & Kit Cosmo.
And made sure they promised to paint Arthur as the hero who defeated her. And fled the scene and Minerva went to her best friend and hugged her one last time... and fled with the others.
When they had all left to safety... she lifted the smoke screen only to see a hoard of Ancients led by Uther try to arrest her. She flew into the air Celestine had her Gravity wicked moment... as her body finally was about to shatter into pieces.
Celestine: I curse you all, *putting one final spell cursing the Ancients* (basically she's the reason why they all disappeared)
As her body started to implode they mistook it to be a suicide bombing and she was planning to take them all down with her... thinking quick the Ancients Crystalized to prevent the explosion...
But in that moment she has one final vision of Arthur taking the seat as leader of the GSA. She smiles and says "I always you could do it Wart *starts cry* It's just too bad I'll never be able to see it in person".
Arthur woke up in the hospital wing hearing... Darius & Kit recount the story of the incident. With the way Kit & Darius spun it was Arthur who saved the day... (Arthur realized this was all part of Celestine's plan: to give him a title that would protect him even when she was gone...) Arthur * began to weep* with Kit trying to comfort him the best he could...
Making Arthur (to the Ancients) irreplaceable... being able to take down a Hero of Yore when they (Icarus & Uther) could not. Being extremely grateful (and needing a new holy figure), gave him the title of "Holy Knight," and said they owed him one favor...
(So basically he got credit for defeating the love of his life & took her place as the GSA's holy figure...)
So in summary:
Before being detained, she managed to rip off Icarus' wings, blind Uther in his right eye, and kill about 500 Ancients. She was trying to escape only to be stopped by Sir Arthur, who defeated her in battle. But tried to escape only to be cornered by the remaining soldiers... and seeing she had nowhere else to run...
Despite the efforts of the Ancients to paint her as wicked, people could not believe in the shame of a trial. Especially Minerva, when she heard this false slander on her best friend (she had enough of it)... she declared Halcandra's formal separation from the GSA. Cutting them from Halcandra's advanced technology caused an even bigger scandal. And had put her down to silence her as well... removing her...
(What happened to Darius... well that's a story for later)
Ruining their reputation even further... destroying the pristine image they had built up until now. And those who were at the trail were split in the middle... On one hand, it seemed like she had gone on a rampage because of her unfair judgment and merely reacted because she was pushed into the corner. On the other hand, she had always been hiding away her true nature & hatred for all of them, and once she had been found out... she unleashed all of it.
Were both true...
As a result, the Ancients tried to erase her from existence... from the galaxy, with only the remaining Ancients & the Heroes of Yore remembering her... Celestine had become forgotten.` Basically, she was described as (by the Ancients) the unspeakable third who tried to destroy them all & maliciously take them down with her. And she had to be erased...
However, this did not remedy the situation... Uther was still haunted by Celestine's vision he must hunt down the pink warrior... he will not have his reign end. Icarus was all too happy to take over the Halcandra projects... however, was always constantly reminded of being reduced to flightless astral and still hates her to this day.
While everyone had forgotten Celestine: they all remembered Merlyn. But even though, "Merlyn" had become a legend, many doubted the actual existence... of this supernatural being.
However, there was one person who managed to remember her... and that's where her story ends...
Or maybe not...
Her crystallization saved her preventing her from exploding... So she was still alive in there. They tried to hide her crystal in a cave and seal it off so no one would find her... Little did they know that the cave held one of the dark portals of Morpho accidentally ending up in the underworld...
And guess who ends up accidentally winds up there.
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BTW they got married in the Underworld
I actually planned this out to be a tragedy, but I ended up making them have a happy ending... (that I can't reveal just yet how it happens in the story)
And if you read this long thank you for reading! <3
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nilliyam · 1 month
after listening to the latest Elias audio.,
No one understands How badly i want Elias and barista to get a happy ending because?! just listening to how in love he is with barista and how happy he’s with studying what he loves legit made me kick my feet in the air
and hello??? his mum being alive in this au is so insane (boss girl idc)
this is how it should have been but fuck fresno or whatever..
honestly another great upload from king crumpet
Another P.S : getting to see(hear??) him ride a bike after the last audio was so amazing ngl
(excuse my english lol had to get that out somehow)
Art credit :@/Artnoush on X !
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elleneedsleep · 26 days
@zsakuva seen so many birthday messages, so I apologise if I was late, but Happy Birthday, Saku! 🎉
I stumbled upon the King Crumpet and the characters he created late December last year, and it's fair to say that I've got all the lore scribbled down in some notebook (somehow I can motivate myself to analyse audios over revising for exams, but 🤷‍♀️). Hopefully I get a job soon so I can pay for patreon, but if not I'll continue to be a loyal (broke) YouTube follower :). Have a good one, Saku!
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P.S this artist did such a goof job recreating how your angst affected us all— 😂
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silly-little-gooses · 2 months
the inheritance games royalty au headcanons/story ideas!
I made a post about this a little bit ago and many seemed to like the idea of tig taking place in a royalty au so here are some headcanons or perhaps story prompts! :)
recently, the wealthy king of their kingdom (tobias hawthorne) passed away under mysterious circumstances. instead of one of his children or grandchildren receiving his inheritance, it goes to a peasant named avery grambs who lives in a small cottage on the edge of the kingdom.
the royal family is shocked when they find his hand-written will in the kings old office but they cannot let the news get out to the public. citizens would riot! so avery was summoned to the palace for a formal talk.
grayson was raised all his life to become king. instead of ‘heir apparent’, he was the royal successor. he still has his iconic blonde hair and cold gray eyes, but his suits are adorned with royal badges and pins to flaunt his status. he doesn’t care for citizens much, but avery may change his mind…
jameson was the prince that all the girls in the village would fawn over, like in the original tig universe. he was charming, clever, cocky, and didn’t care much for being a prince. he has a history of dancing with numerous ladies at balls and drinking a few too many glasses of champagne.
nash is the oldest grandson, but rejected the throne from an early age. he always preferred casual clothing over royal dress and practically raised himself. he’s tired of the fortune and fancy class that is royalty, so he’s especially curious when a certain goth catches his eye…
xander is a goofball, loved by his people. he’s imperfect, not sure which spoon goes with which dish. but he’s kind, intelligent, and charming. scones? try crumpets.
libby loves to bake and dreams of becoming a baker but following the storyline of tig, she is struck with poverty and abuse. when avery must live in the palace for a year, libby is happy to join her. she always wears gorgeous gothic dresses. she soon finds her prince charming in nash, and they live happily ever after.
alisa is a royal advisor for the king when he dies and then begins work as avery’s royal advisor. a few years ago, she was engaged to prince nash before a sudden break up. even if she cannot be queen, she will find a way to make a change in her kingdom.
oren is avery's personal bodyguard ofc! he’s basically the same guy from the series, but make it a bit fancier.
avery is legally not old enough to be queen and all of the complications with the will would still happen in this universe.
instead of meeting on a balcony, jameson and avery meet at a welcoming ball for avery where jameson is very drunk on champagne and is stumbling around the empty hallways of the palace. avery needs some peace and quiet and to just be away from it all when she finds him. he asks her the same riddle as always.
emily was the daughter of a wealthy duchess who was close with the royal family. rebecca, jameson, and grayson still have their trauma with emily’s death.
skye and zara and toby are the children of the late king. princess skye is furious that she doesn’t have the crown which is what turns her evil ig.
this deserves its own freaking fanfic or headcanon list or something but the royal balls at the palace are wild. instead of the blackwood shooting taking place in the actual forest, I imagine it takes place in the royal gardens.
imagine a scene where avery is struggling to get on her corset for an event of sorts and asks jameson to help her. the tension? it would be so good.
overall, I think this au is SO COOL and I definitely want to see some work done with it! if you have any requests, I will be happy to take them! byeee! <3
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argyleheir · 1 year
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Crumpets again
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theboyanachr0nism · 4 months
malevolent part 40 thoughts right after listening [SPOILERS]
john being forced to tell noel that he's the KiY hurt SO BADD THAT'S HIS FRIEND
the sheer irony of jarthur's original goal being to separate themselves and then the moment the perfect opportunity presents itself they must refuse. gorgeous
THE BUTCHER TEAMING UP WITH THE BOYS!! i screamed, never knew i needed this trio in my life
noel recovered surprisingly quickly from uh. everything that happened??
noel yapping to yellow made me LAUGH i love him
speaking of noel.
how dare harlan edge us with him almost being killed the entire episode and then just have kayne snap him away after being shot in the neck. i'm so sorry king you deserve better 😭😭😭
arthur's SCREAM after he got shot made me feel like i got punched in the gut jesus christ. harlan's voice acting never fails to amaze me
arthur repeating faroe's name while trying to kill larson. owie :(
what even is there to say at this point
first of all his nicknames ("marigold" "our little crumpet" for arthur 💀💀)
arthur being his favourite AGAIN is so funny. he really is multiple eldritch gods' special little boy and they each attempt to drive him to insanity as a little enrichment
EXPLODING THE BUTCHER'S HEAD??? rip king what a way to go
larson rest in piss bitch no one will miss you 🙏 i am sorry arthur didn't get to beat you to death though
jarthur are gonna have the most epic divorce after this courtesy of kayne i am Scared
anyways i am fucking reeling and will not sleep tonight. peace
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sbrown82 · 5 months
Meghan Markle's Top 10 BLACKEST Moments! 💁🏾‍♀️
10. Talking Black hair care with Mariah Carey on her podcast (Girrrl...not Murray's & Pink Lotion!! 😆)
9. Helping Black & Brown women of the Hubb Community Kitchen after the Grenfell Tower Tragedy as her first solo royal project.
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8. When she reminded err'body on “Suits” that she is NOT a white girl!!!
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...And then shutting down corny-ass haters on Twitter for continuing to question her Blackness.
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7. When Meghan and her husband's Archewell Foundation supported The Loveland Foundation, an organization that gives Black women and girls across the U.S. access to high quality therapy and support.
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6. Sporting all-Black designers while giving us 'bundles on bundles' at the NAACP Image Awards.
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5. Taking part in the "Erase The Hate" campaign condemning anti-Black racism.
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4. When she FINALLY met King Bey and gave us the vision of Black royalty & Black excellence we kneegrows deserve!
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3. When she said "Black Lives Matter" and spoke out on the death of George Floyd.
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2. Becoming a real-life B.A.P. and marrying into the British Royal Family - a.k.a. the WHITEST family in the world. Sis was late, only invited her Black mama who proudly wore her locs and nose ring. Had a Black pastor preach, hired an afro-wearing cello player and an all-Black choir to sing...all on Malcolm X's birthday! 👸🏾
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1. And chile, when sis exposed those same crumpet-eating colonizers on that Oprah special...ICONIC!!!
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Happy Black History Month, y'all!! ❤️🖤💚
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demilypyro · 1 year
Assumption based on you posting a Psychedelic Porn Crumpets song once: You have listened to King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard
King Gloppy and the Sloppy Toppy
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wolrith · 7 months
hey, lets boost each others' playlists :)
share your top 5+ favorite songs right now / all time
favorite bands / full albums if you listen to them
songs you would definitely recommend , think everyone should listen to at least once
Tag your mutuals / anybody! feel free to add even if you weren't tagged
goes without saying but be respectful
of peoples music tastes!
no discourse pls
1. Top 5 songs (right now)
Would - Alice in Chains (all time favorite prolly)
King Nothing - Metallica
Lonely Day - System of a Down
Found God in a Tomato - Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
Carnavoyeur - Queens of the Stone Age
2. Favorite Albums
Dirt - Alice in Chains
Toxicity - System of a Down
King Animal - Soundgarden
High Visceral 1&2 - Psychedelic Porn Crumpets
The New Abnormal - The Strokes
3. Songs everyone gotta listen to
Jerusalem - Sinéad O'Connor
Moanin' - Art Blakey and the Jazz Messangers
Seasons - Chris Cornell
Goodbye Nostalgia - Coda (im not sorry)
Fast Car - Tracy Chapman
my music taste is kinda boomery but idc
Tags! (with no obligation)
@zocomi @engiiiiiii @citrine-rabbit @bakersfield-row @starfightervicki @lilithtransrights @starcrossed-turtle @baaaaaart @w4nderingdreamer @dickgumshoesconfettishredder @ahamkaracature @gingercatmeowo @nelly289 @myfriendwade
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zsakuva · 2 months
Hello Saku :D Moi again, my apologies...
Before I ask the question, I just wanted to say that it's amazing to see a content creator interact this much with their viewers. I think I speak for us all when I say that you're awesome for creating such high-quality content and a fun community, King Crumpet! 👑
Ahem, now, I inquire something for incredibly important and serious science:
Andrew and Isaac. Who was the top?
I love reading all of your comments and responding to these questions!
This is such a vital question, isn't it? XD
To appease all those curious: Isaac was the top.
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