#king the land spoilers
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This is the most justified thing that anyone has done in the history of the universe.
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swan-patronus · 1 year
Won is so selfless he postponed the proposal to listen to Sa-rang's dream of writing her own story. He prioritises her. Always.
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thedeathdeelers · 1 year
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fauna-and-floraa · 1 year
The only thing I don't buy is that Gu Won wouldn't get a ring custom made tbh.
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igoturbackkid · 1 year
The sheer amount of sponsored products in the last episode of King the Land has to set some sort of record like WHY
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yellowpamonha · 1 year
oh no oh no oh no. worst third act break up EVER
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witchwhaat · 1 year
"oh okay, he's NOT looking for her and it's only 2 episodes left, they surely won't pull out the lost mother card now"
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beansproutmafia · 1 year
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lionneee · 2 months
Ottoooooo where have you been loca?
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witchthewriter · 2 months
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐆𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐞 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 & 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ female, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!
a/n: oh god this man is doing things to me...
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Lawful Neutral to Neutral Good
Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising
・You're the rider of Silverwing, the glorious, graceful and maternal dragon who watches over you wherever you go.
・When you were young, it was very difficult for your mother because Silverwing would sweep you away and take you to her nest. Making you one of her own.
・You knew about the Hightowers, and how close Alicent & Rhaenyra were. You were very jealous, but weren't the kind of person to bump shoulders just to be included.
・So your best friend was a dragon. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
・Your connection with her is incredibly strong. Almost telepathic at times. She can feel what you feel - like two one soul in two bodies.
・And when you become of marriagable age - she did not like any of the suitors. So she was there, right by your side, huffing and puffing (putting your white cloaks on edge...)
・Just like Rhaenys the Conquorer, you flew further and further with your mount.
・You weren't the sister of Rhaenyra, but of Rhaenys. Your parents were Aemon Targaryen and Jocelyn Baratheon. And they had you when they were very, very old. Your birth was a miracle.
・And your sister, who was many years older, became a mother to you. As your two parents died.
・Your marriage was put forth by Viserys, well, Otto mainly. He knew his daughter would become queen and yet he was still full of ambition.
・Rhaenys saw straight through this. And your sister did everything she could to stop the marriage.
・But Viserys would not be persuaded...
・When you first met Gwayne, your initial opinion was that he was an ass. A pompus, arrogant, rude, ass.
・He had kissed your hand within the first two minutes and let his eyes linger on your own for far too long.
'I hate him already.' You thought and Silverwing snarled in agreement.
・But the dragon did not deter the Hightower man. He simply smirked and bowed his head.
・As time went by, your cemented walls were slowly knocked down one by one by Gwayne.
・But it wasn't until you offered to take him flying that you truly bonded.
・Clinging as tight as he could to you, Silverwing did every trick in the book to make him faint; straight diving and pulling up at the last second, twirling over herself over and over etc.)
・The whole time you were laughing, not just at his reaction but laughing with pure joy. Your fiance feeling what you feel.
・After that Gwayne looked at you with a newly found gratitue. You were true friends.
・But when Rhaenys started to speak to you about what marriage was really like - you didn't want to hear it.
"...my love, he may stray and sometimes you cannot stop it."
The words had hit you like a boulder to the heart. No, you could not endure such a betrayal.
"Sister. If he dares, then Silverwing will have the most royal feast she has ever had."
・But you need not ever worry about Gwayne's attention turning to another. You are all he needs. All he wants.
・He shows it to you through the way he speaks; the charming, soft voice that makes your knees tremble. The ever so gentle brush of his hand against yours.
・It drives you insane.
・And you never, not once in a nillion years, thought you would say this.
・"Gwayne, please. Let's just marry. Now. It needs to be now or I'll explode."
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Forced Proximity
"I'd do anything for you." (Gwayne) x "As you should." (You)
Survives because of pure luck (You) x Is the pure luck (Gwayne)
𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Enemies to Lovers
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Let It Happen by The Midnite String Quartet
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・Your first kiss was ... passionate. The hesitation of your lips before one another caused such heat you could not comprehend.
・You consummated your wedding night. Over and over and over again. Until Gwayne said, "my heart I cannot handle another round. I do not think I can move."
"Oh husband," you said while rolling onto your side. "You are going to have to get used to this. There's fire in my blood after all..."
・His eyebrows rose and his handsome face was covered in amusement.
"Well, wife. I guess I'll have to train harder," and with that he gripped your waist and flung on top of you.
・It is well known that the two of you cannot keep your hands off each other. You always do it when no one is around - but somehow someone always sees.
・But it's very difficult when he whispers in your ear all the things he thinks about. The things he wants you to do to him. Where he wants you to touch him.
・Is this not what married life is about? Being so incredibly obsessed with the other that your whole body hurts whenever they aren't near?
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gojuo · 2 months
they are hanging ....... posters ......... in king's landing .......... asking the illiterate smallfolk .......... to come to dragonstone to claim dragons
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suntails · 1 year
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prideprejudce · 1 month
Also kind of related to the last alicent ask-- how objectively funny is it that the targaryens pulled alicent kicking and screaming into their weird blood purity incest tangle. For them, having uncle fathers and brother husbands and just generally blurring all the lines between family and romantic interest is sooooo normal. Yes its done massive damage to their psyches as we've seen with daemon in particular- but its passé to them at this point. For Alicent its breaking her BRAIN.
Like, Alicent who's deeply religious in a very westerosi faith and has classic nuclear family adjacent issues in contrast- overbearingly strict father, dead pedestalized mother to emulate, estranged sibling- is just SHOVED into the targaryen familial polycule and told to figure it out.
She keeps trying to bind herself to westerosi gender roles for comfort and safety, but bc of the targs she's now married an father/uncle figure, the girl who was supposed to be her sister growing up is now her daughter AND shes in love with her, her children are basically her siblings, and ALSO she's two of their mother in law(s?). Throw in the desperate parentification of aemond bc its not like viserys is helping her raise these kids-and its fucking her up!!! how is she supposed to have any sense of self when every role she would define herself by in a patriarchal westerosi culture has been fractured into twisted branches!!
It spiders into her other rationships too!! Her father otto has been treating her like both a daughter AND a pseudo wife, criston her lover keeps trying to assert himself over her choices in a very fatherly condescending way, and her brother gwayne is out in oldtown fathering her third son.
I sent an ask a while ago about how the tragedy of the alicent/rhaenyra/aegon triangle is that its an allegory for how targs just cant acclimate to westeros at all and end up breaking their dynasty AND the country by trying to force their culture to fit anyways, and i think you were so right in ur response that its not just rhaenyra/aegon/alicent who are the allegory but its ALL the targs in relation to alicent thats the allegory- they just cannot work with Alicent/westeros while she/its trapped in the current westerosi culture.
its hilarious bc it really is like having ONE catholic nun in an insane echo chamber hedonism cult and then being like 'why are you going insane bc of the incest and sex we're so over it it hasn't effected us whatsoever maybe if you try the kool aid you'll chill out' while she's desperately pretending none of this is happening and she's Not Involved.
this is a great point, and if you also go back to her as a child saying "you targaryens do have very queer customs" with noticeable disgust on face, and flash forward a decade later where she's marrying two of her children together in typical targaryen incest practices. I wish they had explored this more in the show and looked into how she feels about this currently, but I can't imagine she feels too great about it, and it's probably the reason why she went ULTRA religious with a five pound star medallion almost hanging from her neck. she wants at least some repentance for playing along in targaryen incest rituals, which goes against everything she was raised to believe
and like you mentioned, if you look close enough, almost EVERY relationship that alicent has is majorly twisted by either targaryen customs or her own stunted growth from being a child bride. she's now a grown woman who still has the mind of a 15 year old and is trying to navigate a civil war that she helped ignite in her rage and jealousy over her own private hell for last decade. she also swings from a protective parent role to having an almost eldest sibling like relationship with her kids who desperately crave more motherly affection from her that she is just not able to give (because she cant completely seal off her deep down resentment of them)
and to top it off, the purest relationship in her life (rhaenyra) with genuine love was also twisted into a familial one through an arranged marriage. if you also headcanon her possible romantic feelings for rhaenyra, you can times three that trauma on your score card as well
alicent literally was forced into the targaryen world of the snake eating its own tail (reduced to a bargaining chip for otto) with decades of inbreeding and family infighting for power and control and was told to play nice with them. no wonder she's out in the woods wandering around and dissociating lmao
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the thrill and excitement of having sex here against one of the pillars knowing anyone can see you…. and literally EVERYONE can hear you 🫣
while the entire castle is asleep, you are having your mischievous red keep rendezvous 🔥
***and the fun part is you can imagine this with any ASOIAF character!! 🐱🍆**
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
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credits for the edition @bottlesandbarricades
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