#kings vacation pool party
wwwdlabrie · 1 year
Today Friday 6/2 @ Seoul Dragon City 5 star Hotel (Yongsan) “Kings Vacation’ Pool Party💧 5pm-1am “DLabrie” USA Hip Hop/ Rapper will be in the building! DJs spinning “DLabrie” New Music in Mix
Today Friday 6/2 @ Seoul Dragon City 5 star Hotel (Yongsan) “Kings Vacation’ Pool Party💧 5pm-1am 🎤🎶🎙🎵 “DLabrie” USA Hip Hop/ Rapper will be in the building! DJs 🎧🎚🎛 spinning “DLabrie” New Music in Mix
Today Friday 6/2 Seoul Dragon City 5 star Hotel (Yongsan) “Kings Vacation’ Pool Party💧 5pm-1am 🎤🎶🎙🎵 “DLabrie” USA Hip Hop/ Rapper will be in the building!  Hosted by “Mc Dooly”  Live DJs 🎧🎚🎛 spinning “DLabrie” New Music in Mix 🌞 Fun, 🏖 Food, 🍹Drinks🍸🍻🍾  + Live performances by Major Artist Seoul Dragon City 5 star Hotel (Near Yongsan Station) Seoul , South Korea s/o  John Doe Presents, ,…
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heartlilith · 8 months
🩷Oddly specific things I think about when I hear ______ venus
Aries Venus: Summer, rubies, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, rollercoasters, fast cars, the color red, vampire fangs, Saturday nights, liquor stores and gas stations, fireworks, sour candy, cool bic lighters, “you’re mine”, Mario Kart, boys who wear nail polish, fuck it energy, oversized sweatshirts, middle finger emoji, cherries
Taurus Venus: Satin pillowcases, white candles, pearls, mirrors, hand holding, walking someone home at night, vinyls, red lipstick, full lips, fancy dinner dates, the wine and dine, old romantic movies, wallets and purses, hotels, French manicures, old money, “I won’t get on my knees for no man”
Gemini Venus: Driving around at night listening to music, reading to someone, comedy shows, mimosas, Samantha from Sex and the City, libraries, nerd kink, hot teachers/student kink, emerald green, laughter, swing sets, looking out of the window and just watching, untied shoelaces, dogs and puppies, dad jokes
Cancer Venus: Soft feather pillows, a bowl of warm soup, a bubble bath, tears and running mascara, babies and how babies laugh, poetry, “I’ll be whatever you want me to be”, hot tubs, hot coffee, teddy bears, heartbeats, soft hands & skin, lotion, bagels and cream cheese, doodling in your journal
Leo Venus: Lip gloss, mojitos, getting drunk at brunch, diamond tennis bracelets, drunk texts you regret sending later, the block button, lonely nights, shooting stars, blowing bubbles, piggy back rides, art museums, glittery eyeshadow, jumparoos, birthday parties
Virgo Venus: Taking a shower, Dove soap, smooth skin, symmetry, butterflies, the smell of books, getting a facial or going to the spa, chicken caesar salads, the good tasting water, chunky headphones, acoustic guitar, running errands, getting your eyebrows done, neat handwriting, neutral colors, sushi
Libra Venus: Blush, dimples, Y2K fashion, Hello Kitty, makeup skills, those little hand mirrors, princes and princesses, cupcakes, pedicures, Margaritas, taking pictures, art, castles, Disney movies, daisies, spin the bottle, cartwheels, soft hair, bubblegum, skincare, watermelon and pineapple
Scorpio Venus: Psychology, neck tattoos, “until death do us part”, Kings & Queens, snakes, sacred sex, chess, secrets, hickeys, the feeling after you stay up all night, the feeling of being at a concert, roses, knives, tequila shots, legs intertwined, dirty martinis, sparklers, Avril Lavigne, fantasy books, true crime and dark history
Sagittarius Venus: Clouds, rock climbing, rappers, Hip Hop and R&B, going on vacation, açaí bowls and fresh fruit, sun kissed/radiant skin, the color yellow, retreats, history, yoga and Pilates, spicy food, “it is what it is”, curly hair, the smell of weed, casinos, the last day of school, Las Vegas
Capricorn Venus: Leather, red wine, the cow pattern, cowgirl boots, the color brown, espresso, dark chocolate, briefcase of money like in the movies, the movie Scarface, whiskey on the rocks, bosses, owls, turtle necks, caramel, wearing suits, lingerie, business, New York City
Aquarius Venus: Lightbulbs, telescopes and microscopes, LED lights, hamsters, college parties, glitter, peace signs, 70s concerts, food trucks, skipping school, “fuck it”, diving in the pool, the beach at night, disco balls, getting detentions in school
Pisces Venus: Mermaids, kittens, cartoons and Disney princesses, champagne, Webkinz, little kid stories like Goldilocks, 3 Little Pigs, Hansel and Gretel, clear glittery lip gloss, holographic, snowmen and icicles, swimming in the pool, flower gardens, glow sticks , picnics, bumblebees, sand castles, elementary art class, 3D movies
Book a Reading 🩷
Masterlist 🩷
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growingstories · 8 months
Vito, once a semi-successful soccer player, found himself comfortable settling down after his retirement at the age of 26. He got married, had children, and indulged in the pleasures of life. This newfound lifestyle resulted in him gaining a significant amount of weight, but Vito didn’t really care, his strict diet days as an athlete were a thing kf the past now.
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After struggling to find purpose in post-retirement life, Vito managed to secure a job as an assistant coach at a big football club. Still basking in his past glory, he found himself attending numerous dinner parties and social gatherings, further contributing to his weight gain. Despite this, the club achieved success under his coaching. Vito's talent did not go unnoticed, and he eventually landed a position as the head coach of an English soccer club. Excitement and anticipation filled his heart as he embarked on this new journey, although it meant being far away from home. The first few months proved challenging as he resided in a hotel, relying heavily on room service and dining out every night. The restaurant owners and staff would celebrate his presence like a king, showering him with bottles of champagne and free food. Vito's weight continued to spiral out of control with each passing week. Amidst a tough season, where the club experienced both wins and losses, Vito resorted to snacking on packs of gummies during training sessions and indulging in big lunches with the club's CEO or players. They would even pass on their leftovers and desserts, further fueling his unhealthy habits.
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As the press and media took notice of his expanding waistline, Vito reveled in the attention. The club managed to secure a third-place finish that season, but Vito's weight gain became a topic of concern. “Can he be a good example to the team at this weight?” The media questioned. Taking a well-deserved vacation, Vito's frustrations led him to overeat during his month-long all-inclusive stay in Dubai. Constant lounging at the pool and dining at extravagant restaurants only added more weight to his already hefty physique.
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Upon returning to the club, Vito faced numerous remarks about his weight gain. Despite the criticisms, he remained focused on his work and became stricter with the players. No parties were allowed, and he would push them hard during training camps. However, unbeknownst to Vito, the players started using his weakness for food to their advantage. They would discreetly pass on their leftovers to keep him busy, providing them with some relief and relaxation. As the season progressed, Vito's weight continued to escalate. But he remained indifferent, solely focused on the success of his team. Parties became a regular occurrence, and hangover breakfasts started being a part of his daily routine. Snacking, lavish lunches, and dinners dominated his every waking moment.
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When the moment of truth arrived, Vito's team emerged as victors in his second year as head coach. The ecstatic celebrations and constant partying only added to his ever-increasing size. But in the face of victory, he couldn't care less about his physical appearance. Vito had become massive, but his unwavering dedication to his team defined him more than his physicality ever could. Despite the consequences on his body, he had achieved success, which meant the world to him. And as he continued his coaching journey, he learned that true fulfillment came from within, not from societal expectations of appearance.
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mrssimply · 8 months
Love profusion.
Kerry frowned in his sleep and groaned, pushing his elbow back into Johnny’s torso to make him stop snoring. It didn’t work, never did. Frankly, it was a wonder any of them could sleep, the way they all snored, but Johnny really took the cake. He sounded like a buzzsaw, especially if he’d drunk the past evening.
Fleeting memory of the night crawled into Kerry’s consciousness, and with it, awareness of his surroundings. They were outside. Judging by the sound of water nearby, they were by the pool and that brought a few memories to the surface. Kerry sighed and blinked awake, resolute that his short night was coming to an end. The sun was up, but it had already been rising when they’d finally fallen asleep, so it couldn’t be more than a few hours later. It was already hot, like summer in Night City always was, and Kerry was already sweating from his back because of the way Johnny was plastered against him, still snoring happily.
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Despite his full bladder, and the headache he could distantly feel, Kerry smiled. V was on his belly, drooling on the pillow with a hand between them. Gently, the musician moved his own hand to brush his fingers, eyes flickering over his young lover’s face. 
Kerry often forgot how young V was, because he’s already gone through so much: died once and nearly died countless other times, been beyond the blackwall, saved the NUSA president, brought a man from the grave… But when he slept, the young king of the Afterlife looked his age. Especially when, resting against his back, was the giant teddy bear the Us Crack girls had gifted him on their last vacation here. V loved it, and brought it to bed every night. He said that since Johnny apparently had cuddling privileges with Kerry, he needed to have his moral support teddy bear. 
There was no “Johnny cuddling privileges”, but it was V’s argument to bring the bear, and Johnny played along like the little shit he was. Accused Kerry of being jealous of a mere stuffed toy, not knowing how close to the truth he hit. At least it made for cute pictures of V playing octopus around the bear, squishing it to death.
[more under the cut]
Today, though, he was turned towards Kerry, like he’d fallen asleep watching him and it made the old rocker smile.
The early sunday light touched V’s skin, making it glow and shine on the slight perspiration of sleep. 
As he went on looking at his input, more of the previous night came back: they’d gone out dancing, dragging a reluctant Johnny along because he didn’t really like clubbing : the lights, stranger bodies touching him and the strobe lights always threatened him with a PTSD attack unless he was high off his mind - which as exactly what they’d done. Johnny had been smiling happily and let himself be driven between them, liquid in their arms, following the flow of their bodies languidly.
Then they’d come back somewhat early because things were starting to get heated, but Kerry didn’t wanna deal with yet another scandalous frontpage of his naked ass in the screamsheets. He’d corralled both inputs back into V’s Outlaw, and taken the wheel while the other two sang their hearts out in the back seat.
Kerry was a notably bad driver, so while he achieved in dragging them up the hill, he still ended in a ditch a few meters from the house. V was too drunk to moan about the car but Kerry had no doubt he would hear about it later.
The moment Johnny had passed the portal and it had closed behind them, he’d started stripping, going straight for a dive in the pool. Which was how they’d went on with their own private party for a while, and ended up the night fucking on the matress by the pool.
Come to think of it, Kerry could feel Johnny’s soft cock against his crack and winced when he thought about the drying mess between them. He’d a vague recollection of riding V into oblivion before Johnny had joined in while the young merc was still softening inside. He’d made Kerry come like that, painting V’s still heaving chest with his cum, before Johnny dragged him on his side and fucked him into oversensitivity. The lingering drugs and V’s soft kisses all over his face meant it felt only good, like floating on a cloud of shivering gold pleasure, until Johnny held him tighter, grunted and whimpered against his neck as he came. They’d fallen asleep like that.
Kerry shifted and stretched, pulling a face at the feeling of his clammy skin ungluing from Johnny. Despite the heat, the need to pee and take a shower, Kerry felt too relaxed and happy to move. He enjoyed the moment, stroking V’s hand with the back of his fingers. 
Behind him, Johnny started to move, little twitches that meant he was dreaming. Frowning softly, Kerry turned his head to try and catch a glance at him. Sure enough, Johnny’s face was scrunched into a frown. His eyes jumped from one side to the other behind his eyelids and it wasn’t long before the twitches became jerks. 
Kerry made a shushing sound and grabbed Johnny’s metal arm, pulling him closer against himself. The new model looked the same, but it was better in every way and allowed his bearer to experience all the sensations of a real limb. Through his dream, Johnny felt the grounding touch around his cyberarm and let out a shuddering breath. He opened his eyes, blinked against the light and trembled for a second against Kerry. 
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His racing heart cantered inside his ribcage for half a minute more before he could get it under control. It took his brain just as much time to process his surroundings, but he knew right away that he was safe. Finally, he rubbed his forehead against Kerry’s nape and groaned softly. Now that the fright of the nightmare was dissipating, it left room for other sensations like thirst and the heat. 
Kerry squeezed his wrist gently, and glanced at him over his shoulder with a smile before focusing on V again. Johnny raised his head, nuzzling behind his old friend’s ear before catching sight of their merc. 
Johnny’s eyes traveled from the teddy bear to V’s face with a growing smile.
“How did that thing end up here?” was his first question, and now that he thought about it, Kerry had no idea.
They both snorted and Johnny cuddled closer again.
“You smell like sex,” he commented.
Kerry shrugged: it wasn’t like he could deny it, or even wanted to.
“I like it,” Johnny concluded, giving Kerry a small bite before settling again.
They stayed like this, watching the sun rise, and V sleep.
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silenthowls · 2 months
You are cordially invited to a private gathering this Sunday, the 21st of July. It is a dinner among old friends, and it will be just like old times. The dinner will be held at Shin Junpyo’s mansion on Jeju Island. Dinner will be served strictly at 7.30pm. Your attendance is expected by 6pm.
Don’t be late.
P.S. Do yourself a favor and burn this letter once you have read and understood the terms. We don’t want to piss the alums off, now do we?
Best regards, YOUR KING, 2016
Yohan crumples the letter on the spot with a defiant huff. The high quality paper the words have been neatly printed on would serve as good enough kindling. He procures the rook-shaped lighter from his pocket to test that theory; then ignite the cigarette pinched between his lips. Both wisps of smoke dance in tandem with the warm summer breeze. "Fine. I'll play this game again."
He is none to pleased to receive this letter; even if the alleged "sender" would have been someone he would have rather enjoyed hearing from in such a personal way back then. ( Maybe even now. ) But he's curious, and he cannot seem to help indulging, as if it's a reflex to attend without question. So, he drags himself all the way to Jeju Island within a few hours of reading the invite. He figures he might as well enjoy a little "vacation" for a few days if he's going to take time off for this.
As usual, Jin Yohan arrives to the place EARLY, and is the first to do so at 5:30PM. He looks more put together than he did during his days at SNU. No loosened ties or sloppily tucked shirts to be found; nor un-styled hair. The other difference is, he can't stop reaching into his pockets and contemplating having a cigarette.
6:00PM — He sparks up a chat with the butler while waiting. The conversation soon turns tense the more Yohan's probing questions seem to go unanswered. The butler is rather unmoving. He asks about Shin Junpyo and if he is in attendance, if he knows who else would be coming, the length of the party; among other things... particularly the familiar uniforms and place settings in the dining room and where they got them. Something is off. But he gets no answers and becomes rather frustrated. He turns tail and walks away when Intae "interrupts".
For the remainder of the waiting time, he gravitates toward hanging around the bar, and library for the most part until dinner time. He indulges in a drink and heads out into the pergola for a smoke to soothe the nerves that are rising to the surface through negative memories. The more familiar faces arrive, the more he flits about the place to avoid them like the plague. He tries his damndest to keep to himself for the night, but, as usual, it becomes an impossible feat amongst King's Club members.
7:15PM — Yohan is shaken by what he sees in the pool. So much so, that he even appears all too willing to escort Zhang Xiaotian inside and "supervise" him after he falls in the pool. He'd rather not be present before such a grim reminder of his failure and the strange thoughts that brew in his mind.
By the time dinner is meant to be served, he's lost every semblance of an appetite. He feels terribly sick thinking about all of this. He sits at the table in relative silence, picking at the plate set in front of him every so often. As prone as he is to make an outburst in this sort of situation, he decides to sit back and observe, waiting for any indication of who might have planned all of this. He knows there are bound to be accusations flying.
He leaves the party as soon as he can.
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Meeting the new "King."
He didn’t like parties. Not the kind that came to mind when someone mentioned “high school parties,” anyway.
His idea of a good party was a small group of friends deep in the woods or overlooking the quarry at night, shooting the shit around a bonfire, music playing from the speakers of an open car door or a portable boombox, with a cooler full of beers and Mountain Dew, a few pizzas, bags of chips, and a few well rolled joints.
Good, close, safe company. Like-minded friends, with shared interests and compatibility based on trust.
A party with music so loud that it’s impossible to hear, mixed with the equally loud shouts of people fighting to be heard over it, in rooms packed with dancing bodies, couples doing everything but fucking in corners, and meat heads over-estimating their alcohol tolerance and yakking all over the floor- or in the bushes outside if they make it that far- was not his idea of a good time.
Eddie Munson was rarely, if ever invited to these kinds of parties- and even if he was, it’s not because anyone wants him there.
When Tina approached him between classes- after everyone had vacated the hallway, because she couldn’t be seen actually socializing with him- and handed him the flier, it wasn’t because she wanted him there. She wanted him to bring his product.
“Think you have enough for most of the senior and junior class?” she asked, only half-way joking.
He studied her for a moment, considering his options. He hated parties, he really did. He could say no, that Rick was in jail and as his main supplier, he simply didn’t have that kind of stock. He didn’t want to go, but the prospect of that many sales was too much to pass up.
He was so close to getting the last hundred bucks for that gorgeous guitar he’d seen in Chicago, and sales of that level would not only get him that last hundred, but enough for the gas to Chicago and back- and even some leftover for new picks, maybe, if he was lucky, even enough for a new amp.
The shopkeep told him he could only hold the guitar for him for so long, and Eddie was pushing that deadline to the very edge.
The truth was, he did have the stock- Rick had shown him where he grew the stuff, told him how to care for it. The cops hadn’t found it, and now the crop was his. At least until Rick got back.
So he’d told Tina he’d be there, but because it was late notice, his prices would be higher. Tina had reassured him she’d let interested parties know, and told him what time to be there, and where to “set up shop.”
So here he was, in the back yard, just on the edge of the light and dark from the back porch’s flood lamp, exchanging bud for bucks, grateful he was outside where it was nice and cool, and not nearly as loud and overwhelming.
He was vibrating with nerves and excitement. Nerves, because he’d seen Jason Carver, Tommy Hagan, and Steve Harrington- and he never could trust if they’d rat him out or not. Excitement, because he had sold over half the product he’d brought, and his pockets were full of cash.
He’d made close to two hundred bucks tonight, and he wasn’t sold out yet. That guitar was as good as his- he just had to finish selling and get the fuck out of dodge.
“Hey Freak.”
Eddie’s heart sank. He knew that voice. Hagan. Bully. Hot-head, obsessed with his girlfriend, and butt-buddy to Harrington, who was right beside him, approaching with Hagan. Great. Harrington. Goody two-shoes who lived in Loch Nora in a fucking brownstone with a heated pool, drove a BMW and wore designer clothes with his perfect hair.
Eddie had heard what Harrington did to Jonathan, and he wasn’t keen on letting him know what mattered to him, or what his hobbies were, lest the jock decide to do something similar to him.
“Tina invited me to sell, so don’t start shit, Hagan,” Eddie warned. “I’m staying out of sight, so I’m not tainting your precious party.”
Hagan gave him a shove to the chest, lifting his brows when Eddie kept his feet planted and didn’t budge. When Eddie knew he had every right to stand his ground, he did, and wouldn’t move- and he knew he had every right to be there in the capacity he had been invited for.
“Still peddling for Rick?” Hagan sneered. “Is it that garbage he sells for stupid high prices?”
“If you’re trying to get a sample, it isn’t gonna work, Hagan,” Eddie shot back. “You can pay like everyone else- it’s fifteen bucks per quarter ounce, cash only, no receipts, or fuck off.”
Harrington rolled his eyes as Hagan stepped closer.
“Tommy, it isn’t worth it, just leave him alone.”
Ignoring him, Hagan stepped closer, almost chest to chest with Eddie- who refused to back down.
“How about you give me enough for a joint, and I don’t call the cops on you, you little shit.”
“Yeah, call the cops on an entire house of folks drinking underage, ruin the party, make Tina mad at you, and end up in the doghouse with Carol. Don’t be fuckin’ stupid, man,” Harrington said, shaking his head. “If you want some that bad, pay the dude.”
“Level headed intelligence from you, Harrington?” Eddie asked, unable to stop himself- even if his tone was tinged with gratitude.
“Don’t push it, Munson,” Harrington shot back.
“Make way for the KING!” roared a very drunk voice, and Harrington immediately walked away as a shirtless guy in a kilt- whose name escaped Eddie- approached.
Hagan grinned wolfishly.
“Have fun dealing with the new King of Hawkins High, Freak. He probably won’t be as gentle and understanding as I am- not someone who does nearly a full minute keg stand.”
He followed Harrington back into the house, and Eddie turned his attention to the guy approaching him- the guy in the kilt had sat down hard on the stairs, too drunk to keep going.
Eddie felt his mouth go dry.
The new “King of Hawkins High” was probably the prettiest boy he’d ever seen in his life.
Golden skin and flaxen hair, sharp blue eyes and a chest and abs left bare under a black leather jacket, with his jeans practically painted onto his sculpted thighs, he looked like a gilded Rob Lowe, or a fairer, tanned Richard Marx.
A modern day Adonis, and Eddie felt his knees tremble a little before he remembered to lock them.
“So you’re the guy who has the good shit. Eddie Munson, right?” the gorgeous boy drawled, white teeth flashing brilliantly in his golden face, his grin wide, dangerous and gorgeous in equal measure with a Marlboro dangling carelessly from the corner of his mouth.
Eddie swallowed, hoping his throat didn’t give him away as he nodded.
“Yeah. Grow it, dry it, cure it, and sell it myself.”
“Folks say your supplier is some guy called Reefer Rick,” the boy said.
“He was. He’s in jail. I’m tending his shit until he’s out,” Eddie replied.
The boy nodded, his face serious.
“I get it. Gotta fill the void, make a buck, skip the middle man. Good business, if a bit risky.”
“You buying, or looking to invest?” Eddie joked, and his heart skipped a beat when the other boy laughed. It was like the pealing of a bell during a rolling clap of thunder.
“Invest? No, no, too much time involved. I don’t plan on staying in this shithole after I graduate- I’m just wanting to buy and enjoy a buzz to distract me from the misery that is being in a podunk like this pit.”
His blue eyes glittered, staring directly into Eddie’s like a wary, hungry wolf’s, and he felt pinned under that predatory gaze.
“So. What’s your rate?” he asked casually, flicking the butt of his cigarette with his tongue to move it from one side of his mouth to the other.
“Fifteen per quarter ounce,” Eddie replied, and the other boy pursed his lips, the cigarette flicking upwards as he reached into the impossibly tight back pocket of his jeans and pulled out his wallet. He rummaged through it, frowning.
“All I’ve got is a twenty. Got change… or willing to do a special for a new customer?”
Eddie wanted to tell him he could have half an ounce for free if he’d tell him his name, but he swallowed his stupid star-struck feelings that would have him driven out of the state.
He put on a show of considering, frowning, putting a hand to his chin and rubbing at his lower lip with his index finger for a few moments before dropping it with a shrug.
“You’re new…. And I believe in good first impressions… so I can be generous,” he finally said, shrugging his bookbag off and opening it. He rummaged through his stock and pulled out a pre-packed and weighed bag containing half an ounce of weed.
“Twenty for half an ounce- but if anyone asks, you paid thirty for it. Can’t have anyone coming back for refunds,” he said, holding it out.
“Thanks,” the boy said, taking the bag and placing the twenty in his palm.
“Good doing business,” Eddie said, shoving the twenty into his pocket. “Just uh… go easy with that batch- that particular bag is pretty heavy. Don’t smoke any unless you don’t plan on going anywhere for a while.”
The boy grinned again.
“Just what I need- especially since there’s nowhere to go in this shithole.”
He put the back in the pocket of his leather jacket, and before Eddie could lower his hand, he grabbed it, shaking it. His grip was warm, firm, the tendons of his hands feeling like whipcord under the calloused skin.
“Name’s Billy Hargrove,” he drawled. “And I will likely see you again.”
Eddie sure as hell hoped he would.
He was no longer regretting coming to this party.
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fic rec friday 21
welcome to the twenty-first fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. Most Artists are Messy by @shipsgalore
Lance is drawing a complicated flower on the base of Keith’s wrist and it makes his lips pull up into a smile despite the panic. They’re always flowers when it comes to Lance. He uses them in everything he does, and usually doesn’t even know he’s doing it. Keith can count on one hand how many times the doodles on his arms haven’t been of flowers.
i love this one because keith & lance are just blatantly and clearly autistic. it’s wonderful. it’s sweet and fluffy and it’s a modern au, which as y’all know is my jam, and the last few paragraphs do this specific thing with sentiment repetition that genuinely gets to me every time
2. Be Alive With Me Tonight by @caesaria [EXPLICIT] [ABO]
When the Blade of Marmora requests assistance on an information gathering mission, Lance and Keith go undercover as a bonded alpha and omega pair. At first, it seems like this is going to be more like a vacation than a mission – right up until everything falls apart and they realize how unprepared they really are. Now, Lance and Keith have to fight to not only survive, but to make it out together. They’ll have to rely not only on their skills as Paladin, but the bond they’ve created and nurtured between them.
okay i gave this one the explicit warning bc there are chapters that are explicit, but tbh the scenes are skippable if that’s not ur thing. now this fic is an EPIC. truly. its a quarter million words and the plot is breathtaking, the worldbuilding is iconic and the romance is like HOLY SHIT. this is a novel, and better yet its a KLANCE novel, so. highly recommend if you have a day or two to read.
3. roses by @renyoi
Lance is always getting flowers for Keith, so Keith decides to return the favor--with a little help, of course.
written for prompt #4 of klance valentine's week!
keith is hilarious here. just in general but here especially and i love him. he wants to pamper lance so so badly and hes so straightforward and earnest!! and allura’s character in here is also excellent. i will leave u with this one line from the fic that made me laugh it loud: “ The next day, the sun rises to Keith Kogane, dressed all in black (that’s all that was clean, okay?!), loitering around in front of Alluring Blossom, the 5-star-rated “I’ve never had such a delightful bouquet delivered to me in my entire life!” flower shop of a woman named Allura Altea. Keith automatically trusted her because he loves people that also have alliteration in their names. “ king. love him
4. here it comes by rideahorse
Keith watched a lonely droplet of water fall from Lance’s soaked bangs, curving a path over the bridge of his nose and then pooling—almost teasingly so—at the bow of his lips.
“I feel like I won, for some reason,” Lance said quietly.
what have i told yall about fics from 2016!!! this fic made me SMILE and im not usually a fan of like senior year of high school fics but holy shit!! holy SHIT!! this fic had me smiling and kicking my feet and losing my mind. i will leave u with the note i put on my bookmark (spoiler warning):
a couple things: 1. “lance is a bad influence” and “lance is a pretty princess (tm)” are god tier tags so thanks for that 2. keith with a tongue piercing. must i say more. 3. i miss keith gyeong that was an excellent era 4. the couple tattoo moment had me taking a Moment 5. here’s how i imagine the aftermath of this: shiro: i saw u ditched prom. are you okay? keith: yeah actually! lance convinced me that we have to have a wild final night, so we went to a High School Party (tm), i decked a guy for lance and your honour, we panic drove away, went skinny dipping in a pool, got caught, ran away naked for two blocks, went to sonic in another town, got matching tattoos, fucked in the backseat of my car, and watched the sunrise :)) shiro: shiro: shiro: shiro: i’m sorry. what were those last parts keith: yeah i know you really like sunrises we probably should have invited you :// but it was kind of an us thing i’m sure you understand :) shiro: KEITH
anyways i laughed
5. if silence was a song by @angstinspace
“It’s … Your show is on so late at night,” Keith tries to explain, as if Lance didn’t know this already. “I guess I was just wondering why that is.”
A crackling silence answers him, and Keith’s stomach sinks. Did Lance hang up? Keith can’t exactly blame him.
But then he hears Lance make a noise––a short huff of breath that might have been either an impatient sigh or a quiet laugh … Keith has no clue.
“That’s the reason you’re calling? To complain about my time slot?”
or, Keith starts anonymously calling Lance's college radio show and develops an unexpected crush.
@catnippackets did a comic of this i believe, and it literally never leaves my head. yall know the trope where one person gets a phone call and halfway through they sigh wistfully and say “god i wish you were here” and then the other person smiles so viscerally it can be felt through the phone and they say “look behind you” and theyre THERE?????? that makes me lose it every time. i love this fic
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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Unforgotten Night - final thoughts (and late to the party)
Wow. This... this was very unexpected. But - I frickin loved Unforgotten Night.
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Are there trashy elements? Absolutely.
Is the BDSM ridonkulous? For sure.
Are there plot details that are hand-waved away, especially around the mafia stuff? Of course.
Does Kamol wear shoes on the bed? Tragically, yes.
But really, it's the narrative. The narrative, y'all.
Ok, here's something about me. I am an absolute sucker for stories that revolve around empathy, connection, kindness, and/or found family. That stuff hits me right in my tender squishy insides, and I love it.
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So imagine my surprise in tuning in to this trashy mafia faux-bdsm BL, and discovering that the narrative is all about empathy and connection. *chef's kiss*
And of course it's all about our boy Kim. Wow, did he just take my heart and soul by the end. He's sensitive, he's stubborn, but above all he just exudes kindness and empathy.
Kamol is lost from the very first moment, and it's not hard to see why. He can handle power struggles, political leverage, and violence, but he has zero defense against pure heart.
Are you under 18 and living in his household? Kim is going to immediately adopt you and spoil you to heck.
Are you one of the long-suffering "assistants" of a uptight and perennially grumpy mafia? Kim is going to sex your boss so good that he generally chills out, and then agrees to take you all on vacation, so you can roll around in the pool together and eventually hookup into an ongoing throuple.
Are you a woman with terrible sense of self-preservation and the most broken gaydar in existence? Ok, first Kim's going to be a little bit bitchy to you. But then he's going to be kind.
Are you an adult toddler who tantrums at not getting attention and acts like an asshole at every available opportunity? Bring it! He's just going to keep offering to feed you.
Do you actually succeed at making him think his love life is over and then get him kidnapped by the enemy? Guess what, bitch, he's still going to show you more empathy than you've ever seen in your life!
But above all, it is Kim who turned this:
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Into this:
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What. a. King.
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xienst · 2 years
MASTERPOST: enstars! summary project
THE ENTIRE ENSTARS! EVENT LORE SUMMARISED: for those who want to speedrun enstars! lore
here is a timeline of all the events in enstars!
this project will aim to summarise as many enstars! stories as possible so u can get the gist of the event stories without having to read through 100 eichi monologues
credits: timeline is copied from wiki
will be updated with links after every story summary!
[PRESENT DAY: year = !]
** events will be referred to by "<season> + <index>
Shiny First Years
The Flag's Honor ✻ Crowned Flower Festival
Revival Festival☆Easter Night
Palace of the Ocean
Marching Band
Spring Storm! Dancing Petals, Sakura Festival!
Sweets Patisserie
Mail Delivery -> spring section 1 summary
Devil's Mansion
Spring Breeze*Iconic Book Fair
Lift the Curtains! Yumenosaki Circus
Sacrifice◆Resurrection Sunday of the Undying
Falling Cherry Blossoms*Wisteria Purple of May
Toy Box
Angel's Wings
Card Battler
Dream Coloured Prince -> spring section 2 summary
In the Rose Garden
Fresh Green Martial Arts
Yell✳︎Sprawling Happy Spring
Evening Banquet ♪ Band Ensemble
Performance! The Tragicomedy of Romeo and Juliet
Secret Labyrinth
At Your Service! UNDEAD Cafe
Leap! Principal of the Lake's Surface
Play Your Part! Cinderella's Grand Stage
Terror! Tamayori's Haunted Dollhouse
School Festival★The Scramble of a Startup Hero
Billiards -> spring section 3 summary
Ukiyo Air Ride
Merc Storia
Hero Show
The Rainy Season's Blossoms
Breakthrough! The Revolutionary Live Which Heralds the Dawn
Nuclear Ignition ☆ A Sparkling Quintuple-Color Supernova -> summer section 1 summary
Amusement☆The Live Party of Cats and Rabbits
Judge! Black and White Duel
Round Game
Devotion! Brocade of Driving Away the Rainy Season
Gunmen of the Wilderness
Bridal -> summer section 2 summary
Symphony*Magnolia of Blessings
Seven-Colored*Sunshower Festa
Saga*Rushing Up Rainbow Stage
Pool Opening
Comic World
Shot☆Splash Pool!
Challenge! Tanabata Festival Wishes
Dance Performance! Thoughts That Bridge the Milky Way
Facing One Another! The Celestial Globe of the Night the Stars Meet
Dance Floor -> summer section 3 summary
Ghost Stories
The Seven Faces of the Shapeshifting Youkai
Little Kings
Frozen Ice
Summer of Clear Skies! Summer Camp
Set Sail! Pirates at Sea Festival -> summer section 4 summary
Kiseki☆The Preliminary Match of the Summer Live
Radiant! Sunflower Live of Smiles
Scorching Hot! The Scenery of Southern Lands and Summer Vacation
Surfing Ocean
Stars★Glitter of the Prism
Summer Flowers
Late Summer Lesson -> summer section 5 summary
Luminescence*Summer Night Festival
Yumenosaki Restaurant
Remember! A Midsummer Night's Dream
Best Shot
Scorching Heat ☆ A Seaside Beach Match
Buddy -> summer section 6 summary
Farewell! Festival of Memories and Quarrels
Launch! The Night Sky of the Shooting Star Festival
Carmen of Passion
Lost Star*Wavering Light, Pleiades Night
Deep Sea Mystery
Drop*The Far Sea and the Aquarium
Summer Sky*Galloping Cheval Live -> summer section 7 summary
Burning Up! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival
Fight! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 2
Competition! Yumenosaki Academy Sports Festival 3
Cinema Theater
1001 Nights -> summer section 8 summary
Blue Filament
Brilliant Star Air Force
Police Man -> summer section 9 summary
Kung Fu
Night of the Full Moon * Hopping Moonlight Luna
The Coloured Flower Cards
Special Training! Mismatched Pair Lessons
Rebellion! The King's Horseback Ride
Kiseki★Blitzkrieg Autumn Live
Robin Hood -> autumn section 1 summary
Fruits Parlour
Happening◆Music Festa of Reversals
Secret Acts! The Moonlight Scroll of the Elements
Festival*Graceful Fleur De Lis
Rosicrucian Story
Howl★The Rockin' Star of the Night Sky -> autumn section 2 summary
Raising Curtains! Dark Night Halloween
React★Magical Halloween
Lots of Monsters☆Sweet Halloween
Cacophony◆Whirling Horror Night Halloween -> autumn section 3 summary
Enjoyment♪ Autumn School Trip
Invitation★Black Blood Banquet
The Golden Wind*Wishing Live of Encouragement
Teddy Bear
Colourful Autumn
Hot-Blooded Tough Guy
BADBOYS -> autumn section 4 summary
Scramble * Toyland in a Dream
The Songbird’s Song*Soirée in the Canary Hall
Autumn Forest
Discovery! Steampunk Museum -> autumn section 5 summary
冬 winter (D)
The Wolf and Red Riding Hood
Greek Legends
Philosopher's Guidance
SnowboardDream of the Butterfly
Rail◆The Cat in the Snowy Winter and the Camellia Train -> winter section 1 summary
Snow Globe
Snowflake❄Street Performance Of The Falling Stars
Shine! A Sparkling Starry Night Festival!
Winter Santa -> winter section 2 summary
Brilliance★Knights' Starlight Festival
Noel*The Angels' Starlight Festival
Carol*White Snow and the Christmas Eve Starlight Festival
Radiant☆Hot Holiday Party
Throwing! A Snowy Silver-White Snowfight
Eccentric -> winter section 3 summary
Kiseki☆Winter Live Showdown
Winter's New Year Shrine Visit
First Dream Tales (Part One)
First Dream Tales (Part Two) -> winter section 4 summary
Zodiac (Part One)
Amusement Park Show
Zodiac (Part Two)
Daikagura! Celebratory New Years Live
Showdown! Magnificent Phantom Thief VS Detective Brigade
Transparency and Masks -> winter section 5 summary
Clash of Arms! Opera of Moonlight Romance
Dance on Ice
Depart☆Blue Skies Dream Travel
Opening★The Fortune Banquet Live
Saga*Clashing Rebirth Live
Revival☆Dream Diner Live
Shoufuku*The Ogres and Brothers' Setsubun Festival -> winter section 6 summary
Last Period
Jewel Candy
Poison À La Mode
Tea Party
The Four Beasts of Fistfighting
Salon de Thé -> winter section 7 summary
Sincerely! Bitter Chocolat Festival
Melty❤Sweetly Unraveling Chocolat Festival
Decorate♥Crimson Chocolat Festival
Marble ♥ Heartfelt Chocolat Festival
Home Party
Onigashima -> winter section 8 summary
Yumenosaki Youth Radio♪
Cunning ◆ Wonder Game
Beauties of Nature
Flutter! Chick and Emperor's Triumphant Return -> winter section 9 summary
[NEXT YEAR: year = !+1]
!+1 spring i think? (context: third years in ! are graduating)
Memorial◆Class Live We Make Together
Noble Game
Chuunibyou Trouble
Bouquet of Desire
Chorus★Operetta of Beginnings -> !! spring section 1 summary
Every Pitch With All One’s Heart! Youthful Play Ball
Clash! Recollect--A Festival of Giving Back
Baton Pass! Repayment Festival of Tears and Bonds
Moment*The Repayment Festival of Moving Forward Toward the Future
Requiem*Sword of Oaths and the Repayment Festival
Link♪The Symphony that Starts from Here -> !! spring section 2 summary
!+1 post-graduation stories
Photoshoot! Warm Athletics
Puppy Mischief Picnic
Bounce! Hearts and Flowers Bloom--Mall Live
Strawberry Picking -> post-graduation summary
[BACKSTORIES: read with caution *** recommended reading is from year = enstars!]
(year: !-12)
(1) Rainbow (2) Revival - 20
(year: !-several)
(3) Gang: Midnight Gangster
(year: !-2)
(4) Zodiac (5) Meteor Impact (6) Jingle Bells
(year: !-1)
(7) Reminiscence*The Crossroads of Each One (8) Reminiscence*Monochrome Checkmate (9) Reminiscence*Spring Cherry Blossoms and a Night's Encounter (10) Reminiscence*Ryusei Bonfire (11) Reminiscence * End of the Marionette's Strings (12) Reminiscence*Gathering of the Three Magicians
-> all backstories summary
a few things to note:
main story not included -- because it should be read before everything
CN/TW exclusive not included
timeline is definitely shaky but overall flow of stories should still be okay
-project start date: 17 Oct 2022- -last updated: 22 Mar 2023-
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Headcanons for my One Piece hotties: Where they’d go for a vacation
He would like to go an island where it’s warm and sunny so that he could lay out in the sun since he can’t swim in the ocean but he doesn’t mind being in pools. He would happily help his S/O with applying sunscreen and would enjoy just being away from work and on a tropical island.
He would like to go on a trip where there’s lots of plants and greenery and a private onsen that he could relax in with his S/O. He enjoys bathing in hot water (lava temperature water) but cools it down when his S/O is close by and enjoying local spicy meals.
Ryokugyu 🌱
He would want to go anywhere that is densely forested where he could relax with his S/O and enjoy hiking together. He’d also prefer the area to not have a lot of people so that they would be kind of one with nature.
Sir Crocodile 🐊
He would want to take a luxurious vacation to an area with as little water as possible kind of like a Dubai inspired vacation in terms of just spending money the moment he starts planning the trip. He would stay with his S/O in a fancy hotel where they’d have spa days, exotic food cooked by the best chefs and spend nights at casinos (maybe strip clubs😏).
Doflamingo Donquixote 🦩
He would want a vacation where it’s sunny and has a great view from where ever he and his S/O go. He wants to get a nice tan as he hangs out on the beach as he admires his S/O in their swimsuit. He would order lots of seafood for them to enjoy and drinks all day long.
Benn Beckman 🔫
He would want to visit a country that he’s never been to before where he could explore and learn a new language with his S/O as well as experience a different culture and it’s cuisine too. He’d probably be more into backpacking.
Katakuri Charlotte 🍡
He would take a vacation to a cabin in a snowy mountain where he could spend the entire time with his S/O while he relaxes and cuddles with them by the fireplace. He’d make hot chocolate and have donuts ready for them to enjoy.
Killer 🔪
He would want to do a road trip across the country visit several cities with his S/O at his side. Of course he would do all the driving because he feels he’s the best driver and his S/O would be in charge of packing snacks, finding hotels and restaurants for them to enjoy meals together.
He would go to Bahamas inspired location where there would be beautiful people that he could enjoy his time with and have lots of booze while relaxing on the beach without a shirt and no worries in the world.
King 👑
He’d want to take trip to Skypedia with his S/O and he’d carry them the entire way as he flew, making sure to get them there safely. He’d go exploring with his S/O and camp out at several spots, just enjoying the island.
He would want to have a Las Vegas inspired vacation with his S/O where they would get barely any sleep and would be attending all the parties with VIP access. They’d stay at luxury hotels and enjoy all the facilities they provide.
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aftg-sunsetz · 1 year
AFTG Playlist (in no particular order) PART 1
(I was bored so I decided to create a playlist for the AFTG series and their characters. From depression to calm to party etc. I will still write fitting scenes to it (if I have one). I’m always looking for songs to add to my AFTG playlist. Maybe you find a fitting gem
1. Run Boy Run - Woodkid (of course)
2. The Dreamer - Amigo the Devil (The King’s Men chapter 12 the scene between Neil and Andrew, (I read it in public with the song and almost had a breakdown))
3. Little Dark Age - MGMT (TKM after the kidnapping and Neil is on his way from the hospital to the hotel to meet the foxes)
4. Roslyn - Bon Iver (TKM page 353 Neil wants the answer to “This”)
5. You really got me - Oingo Boingo (while they get ready for Edens, especially in TFC)
6. What could have been - Sting (Neil gets kidnapped)
7. 9 Crimes - Damien Rice (either while this one specific scene in TRK (Thanksgiving by Nicky), or while Neil is on his way to the Nest and Andrew is at the psych ward)
8. I’m not human at all - Sleep Party People (TRK Neil gets back from the Nest and calls Wymack to get him from the airport)
9. Welcome to the Jungle - Novo Armor (the first roof scene between Neil and Andrew after he is off his medication)
10. Tear you apart - She wants Revenge (TFC the first time the monsters and Neil are at Edens)
11. Moon Song - Phoebe Bridgers (TKM after Neil got kidnapped and Andrew strangled Kevin, I just imagine him sitting there, staring off into the distance and grieving)
Ohne Dich - Rammstein
12. I hope that you think of me - Pity Party Girls Club (either the team on its way to a game or in TKM when the team takes the vacation after the kidnapping events)
13. Telephones - Vacations (pure vibes)
15. Mount Everst - Labrinth (while the Foxes play a game or while Neil antagonizes someone lmao)
16. Party up The Street - Miley Cyrus (big vibe)
17. Nutshell - Alice in Chains (that’s either a rooftop scene in TKM or the bus scenes on a way to a game, big feelings)
18. Fake Plastic Trees - Radiohead (maybe the shower scene in TKM or the Foxes sleeping in a room together :) )
19. God Complex - VIOLENT VIRA (either while Neil gets tortured at the Nest or in the car in TKM or at Baltimore)
20. Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain (Happy 19th Birthday, jr.) That’s literally my favorite fitting, not gonna lie
21. Freaks - Surf Curse (the foxes)
22. Money trees - Kendrick Lamar (Matt and Seth)
23. Swimming Pools - Kendrick Lamar (the Foxes walking into the stadium and playing a game (maybe against the Ravens?))
24. Me and your mama - Childish Gambino (while Allison and Seth have like an on and off montage)
25.Redbone - Childish Gambino (Neil and Andrew making out (remember the scene while Neil tried to study and Andrew was bored...))
26. God knows I’ve tried - Kelsy Karter & The Heroines (the foxes ->
“I've been smokin', drinkin', lyin', cheatin' I've overpromised, but underachieved And I usually ain't afraid of nothing But saying this out loud terrifies me I've been breakin' hearts, stealin' cars Takin' shit to walk on Mars To never say sorry don't mean I'm not sorry Baby, I'm sorry, oh, baby, I'm sorry I'm sorry for the pain I've caused For all the moments I've gone and lost Don't you know I've tried to be good? ”)
27. The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid (Neil in the plane on his way to the Nest)
28. Overcome - Skott (kinda a Kevin song)
29. Alligator Skin Boots - McCafferty (the conflict between Andrew and Aaron, especially an Aaron song) my second favorite fitting
30. The Night We Met -  Lord Huron (Neil leaving his belongings behind and the foxes, Andrew, Home and follows Lola)
31. Hey, Mickey - Baby Tate (Kevin when he is in public lmao or the first time he meets Neil in Millport, when he gets introduced)
32. Energy - Beyonce (that’s Nicky for sure)
33. That That (feat. SUGA of BTS) - Psy (the Trojans, maybe they start to get warmed up first and the Foxes watch them)
34. Y’all Want a Single - Korn (Neil when he has press duty lmao)
35. Afraid to Feel - LF SYSTEM (the Foxes training at the gym)
36. Move Like U Stole It - ZZ Ward (Dancing at Edens)
37. Stop it - FISHER (getting cracker dust and eating ice cream)
Songs fitting for:
Allison, Dan and Renee: - Rebel Girl - Bikini Kill (when they get introduced, especially fitting for Allison) - Violet - Hole  - Cherry Bomb - The Runaways (also, especially Allison (just love this girl)) - You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing - Halestorm (Allison and Dan) - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythymics (has a Dan vibe tbh) - transparentsoul - WILLOW (that’s a Renee song) - Mood 4 Ever - Beyonce 
Andrew: - This body means nothing to me - Shrimp - Mutter - Rammstein (Mother) - Was ich liebe - Rammstein (What I love) - Next to me - Imagine Dragons - Snuff - Slipknot - Medicine - Daughter
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thislovintime · 1 year
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Peter Tork’s second house (at 3615 Shady Oak Road in Studio City), as photographed in 2022 by Barry King/Alamy Stock Photo; Peter as photographed by Nurit Wilde (screenshot from Laurel Canyon: A Place In Time).
“Peter Tork’s house had belong to actor Wally Cox. It was one of those substantial homes. It had a swimming pool. It had a whole wing going off in one direction with rooms in it used for rehearsals. It had a whole pool house that had an apartment in it. A complex. Through the gate and up the driveway. And you come into this whole world there. The first time I was there it was Peter’s house, and then it became Stephen Stills’. Peter was very social. He was like a commune type of guy. A lot of people around. He was like a yoga and guru guy. In those days you could go over and could stay for a couple of days if you wanted. You’d meet somebody there and fall in love. It was a very open society. One night I went to Peter’s house and showed slides, and Keith Moon and Pete Townshend of the Who were there. I did a slide show and they were sitting in the front, cracking jokes. Making up titles for the slides.” - Henry Diltz, Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon (2009)
“[Peter] got a big house, and I went and stayed with him for a while. And then he had a big house in Studio City that I ended up buying from him. Great house. That was the CS&N house.” - Stephen Stills, Canyon of Dreams: The Magic and Music of Laurel Canyon (2009)
Peter Tork: “That house had a swimming pool that had nobody overlooking it, so we could swim au naturel. Confidential magazine actually mocked up a picture… I don’t know where they got a photo, they got a photo of the backyard of the house with the swimming pool in it, and they airbrushed in the picture of a woman of indistinct features facing the camera naked, but with her arms crossing her chest. Since I know that no woman ever did that, that’s one of the reasons I know it was a fake, and when you look closely, you can see it. Confidential magazine, which was then the hotshot gossip, tell-all National Enquirer, what Entertainment Tonight is, all that stuff, they made a point of intimating debauchery — which there wasn’t too much of. There was a lot of good stuff, a lot of innocent stuff there, too, I must say. The house was on the north side of Laurel Canyon. [..] I lived north of the canyon, really it was in the foothills of the Santa Monica Mountains there, where Laurel Canyon comes down off of Laurel Terrace, on a little tiny street called Shady Oak, I think it had one other house on it. […] Crosby came up to the big house a lot, along with Denny Doherty and Barry McGuire and Steve Stills […]. When I had the big house, he came up, and for a while, I vacated the big house, and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young were staying there. The Stones stayed there for a week once, under Stephen’s aegis. He had them come over, and I think he cleared out for a week while they stayed there. That was pretty cool. […] Sometimes I would wake up to find them swimming in the pool with a half-empty gallon of wine floating in the pool that they would take occasional hits from. […] Jimi came over a lot with Buddy Miles.”
[…] Q: “Who were the women who would attend those parties at your house?” PT: “There were a couple ladies living at my house, none of whom you would have heard of, probably. They’d gotten into the scene…one of them was a lady whose first encounter, I think, was with Chris Hillman, and whose second encounter was me, and whose third encounter was Peter Fonda, except that she got it on with Crosby on the side, because nobody cared in those days. So in a sense, it was groupies, but not the ‘pick ‘em up’ groupies on the street. These had actually evolved into ladies of position in the scene. Invaluable, really. Couldn’t carry on without them.” - Rolling Stone, 2007; published 2019
(Visitors to the house also included George Harrison and Ringo Starr; more on that in June over @harrisonarchive, for the 55th anniversary.)
“‘I don't mean to paint such a bleak picture of it [the Sixties],’ Tork said. ‘I still felt I was in the vanguard, along with a bunch of other people. I was pretty happy. I had a circle of friends, and it was a lot of fun. God knows, I went through a lot of scenes and found out what I needed to find out, which is, for instance, that orgies are nice, but they're only temporary and they're not fulfilling.’” Tork's infamous orgies were held at the Hollywood house he bought in 1968, previously the property of comedian Wally Cox. At the height of his fame, Tork could have paid for it in cash, but was advised against it. So he took out a huge loan and spent his money redecorating. In the master bedroom Tork's bed was eight feet by eight feet with a foam mattress six inches thick. He had a four-place bathtub put into the bathroom, along with a sauna. He had Mexican tiles laid. He carved his initials into the shower stall. There was red plush carpeting throughout the house, a wet bar in the foyer, six-by-nine-foot picture window in the living room overlooking the San Fernando Valley. The film room was a splendiferous workshop of sandblasted natural wood that housed Tork's resident filmmaker manqué. The screen covered the entire wall, offering a ten-by-twelve-foot platform for the flower of psychedelia's exploding visuals – viewed by exploding heads of all chemical persuasions, days on end. Just down the hall and across a bridge was another wing of the house. Downstairs was a cabana, leading to a fifty-foot pool. There were no houses behind his, so many people preferred to dive into the pool nude – straight out of his bathroom window. ‘I'd rather have nude swimming,’ reflected Tork; ‘it's much easier. There's a certain charge to bodies if they're covered up, and if you remove that, it takes a lot of that extra energy out of things.’ Originally, Tork brought a girl friend [Reine Stewart] to live with him at the house. Then his filmmaker friend [Bobby Hammer] moved in. He was followed by a young woman and her son [Karen Harvey and Justin]. Later a friend of his girl friend stayed there. When Tork quit the Monkees toward the end of 1968, his new group, Peter Tork and/or Release, moved in. Often, wandering downstairs of an early afternoon. Tork would come upon two or three strange bodies asleep in the walk-in fireplace. But that was all right. At the same time, it wasn't all right. ‘If you're fixed on the notion that an orgy is going to fulfill you, and one doesn't do it, you're going to try a hundred. If orgies don't do it, maybe drugs will. Like the fixated person I was then, I went from one thing to another. I had to try everything: flower power, dope, orgies, fast cars.’ His sternest nemesis was alcohol. ‘In the beginning drinking was a lot of fun,’ said Tork. ‘I have some memories of things that I did drunk that I never would have done sober, that I guess I always sort of wanted to do. But drinking isn't selective. It doesn't let you do exactly what you want to do and keep you from doing the things you don't want to do. Furthermore, at a certain point, and I think with certain personality types, it's addictive. You find you cannot drink moderately any longer. It finally reached a point with me where it was obvious that I was going to die if I kept up with it. I was never hospitalized, but I could see the path. I realized I was out of control.’” - When The Music Mattered (1984)
“It had a big lovely swimming pool and a good music room where we could get pretty loud.  Jimi did come over to my house. Buddy Miles and I were close for a while and both of them would come over and say hello. Once [Stephen Stills] and David Crosby and my then girlfriend and I were jamming together and I leaning into the drums something ferocious, banging on cymbals and lashing out pretty good, until a city councilman and a cop came over and we were so loud that we drowned out conversation down the hill, apparently.” - Peter Tork, Review Mag, May 27, 2016
“I think I was a sort of Gatsby [during the Monkee years]. I was isolated and did not have a continuing sense of community. I’d have a moment of friendship here or there, a moment of sharing, but I didn’t believe that was the main body of my life. I didn’t know who my friends were, and anytime somebody asked me for a favor I wrote them off as a hang-around. And I wasn’t able to ask people for favors, because I was supposed to have all that it took to keep myself together, because I had the money. At the same time, by giving the money away, I thought I was returning something to the community. I didn’t see myself as apologizing, which is how I see myself now. But I had all this money, and I tried to make amends to the world by throwing it at people. And, essentially, what that did was to isolate me all the more.” - Peter Tork, When The Music Mattered (1984)
“Poor Peter Tork of the Monkees, he was so sweet. We stayed with him part of the time, and the Digger boys just about emptied his house. I really regret their doing that.” - Jeff Kisseloff, Generation on Fire (2007)
“Peter Tork of the Monkees generously offered a place to say while Elsa and the others worked the town. ‘He was sweet,’ says Elsa [Marley Skylark] with some chagrin, ‘and I felt bad because the [Digger] boys ripped him off for everything that was liftable.’” - Sleeping Where I Fall: A Chronicle (1999) (x)
"'She [Karen Harvey] came because I asked her to,’ Tork conformed during a phone call from California. 'I can’t actually say she was my girlfriend. She was my roommate. She came back and forth for a while. I’m an old fan of hers from way, way back. Karen is a wonderful singer.’ Although she eventually got her own apartment, Harvey spent much of her time at Tork’s house, under the famous 'Hollywood’ sign. 'I was handling a lot of affairs of the house because he [Tork] was working like a slave,’ Harvey said. 'TV work is no picnic.’ With the increasing amount of money and fame through the Monkees’ TV show, Tork moved to a bigger house (once owned by actor Wally Cox) in Studio City. They also needed more room because Tork, Harvey and Robert Hammer, who directed the horror film 'Don’t Answer the Phone,’ had formed a film company called Breakthrough-Influence, whose work included videos for Crosby, Stills and Nash, and Steve Miller. (Hammer is also the father of Harvey’s son, Justin, 22; she has another son, Domin, 11, by a member of Sail-Joia.) 'It was in that [Studio City] house that Lowell George from Little Feat used to rehearse, and that was the house that the Beatles came to,’ Harvey said. 'Jimi Hendrix came to both [houses] because he was a real good friend right up until he died.’" - The News Journal, July 16, 1989 (x)
(More about the Tork-George connection here.)
“Tork — whose membership in the artificially constructed group the Mokees didn’t lose him street cred with his ‘purer’ music friends — owned a house in Studio City, which he termed an ‘artists’ collective.’ There, beautiful, distinctly non-bimbo women strolled around nude; vegetarian cuisine was whipped up by a chef; and Augustus Oswley Stanley III made personal visits from the Bay Area with his finest fresh batches of acid. Crosby and his girlfriend, Christine Hinton, were frequent guests.” - footnote in Girls Like Us: Carole King, Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon — And the Journey of a Generation by Sheila Weller (2008)
“After quitting [The Monkees], Tork tried to launch a new band called Peter Tork and Release. The fact that he’d been in the Monkees may have made it harder to gain respect, he said, but his fame also gave him advantages over other new bands. The pluses and debits of being an ex-Monkee balanced out, Tork thinks. Release failed, he says, because ‘I didn’t know how to stick to it. I ran out of money and told the band members, “I can’t support us as a crew any more, you’ll just have to find your own way.”’ In hindsight, Tork says, he should have asked the others to help support the band and hang with it after he could no longer afford to be its sugar daddy. But at the time, Tork says, he lacked the self-esteem to ask for other people’s help.” - Los Angeles Times, October 20, 1992 (x)
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"Making Him The Exception." Machete Sam X AFAB! Reader.
Okay! So! I love the movie Club Dread. It is this silly horror comedy that is kinda parodying slasher movies, and we watched it in the Boiler Lounge the other week and everyone was looking at Sam being like, “Why he kindaaaa-” and I joked about writing him a fic, and so, here it is! This is very much in the same vein of that fic I did for Steve The Kayak King. I don’t wanna fuck Sam personally but I love, love, love doing a fun silly joke fic on occasion! So let's get into this, I had so much fun doing it and I hope you like the ridiculousness. 
Rating. NSFW, Length. 3.2K. Machete Sam X AFAB! Reader. Warnings: Reckless Partying And Hook-up Culture. Jokes. Bantering. Teasing. Alcohol Consumption. Friends With Benefits. Sexually Forward Reader.
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You were enjoying vacation on Coconut Pete’s Pleasure Island massively. Stupid games, hanging by the pool or on the beach, more food and more drink than any one college student could or should, reasonably consume. You met lots of great people on your trip too, you had no shortage of people to talk to, you found yourself talking with just about anybody.
First breakfast with a group of college kids from Tampa on spring break who were on the same soccer team. Next, then you could have lunch on the sand with some tourists from Europe who were weirdly into Pete’s music and saved up to come to his island getaway resort together, their suitcases half full of his entire discography on vinyl that they found in thrift shops across the pond. Last you then did dinner from the buffet with this couple who were on again off again, on while on vacation together, off when at their respective schools, the distance too much while the semesters happen so they simply break up until the next time they can be together in the same space for a reasonable amount of time. Weird but they seemed to really live it up when together at least. 
You however, were very glad you came here alone, able to just have time for you, soak up the tropical atmosphere and party hardy to your contentment. You normally worry a lot about other people, this trip was about being selfish, indulging yourself and what you want completely, no whim was ignored, no craving left unsatiated. 
Something that you hadn’t counted on was how friendly, helpful and damn fun the staff at this resort was, they were very involved and clearly good at what they did. You took some tennis lessons from Putman, did a cliff diving session with Juan, but the one person you kept running into was Sam, resident fun police, his entire job was to ensure people were having a good time. He clearly loved his work, an almost permanent smile on his face, playful demeanour and a mischievous look in his eyes, always flitting about, encouraging people to get into games, get out of their shells, talk to people, pairing couples up or to take a shot. He had a really positive excitable energy that was infectious. 
It took a while into your stay for you two to become properly introduced, mostly due to the fact you were already constantly out and about having fun, no need for him to step in. The night you first had a conversation it was in the dance club. You were catching your breath after a bout of dancing, leaning against the bar and he came up, gesturing to Lars with one hand, the other holding up his comically large water gun, “I need a refill.”
“You got it!” Came the call in response and then a bottle of tequila was thrust into his open and outstretched palm. You watched as the cap on the back tank of the gun was spun open, the lid on the bottle flicked off and then as he upended it to fill the toy meant for summer fun with 40%, silver, grade A, bad decision juice. Your eyebrows raised and you asked for the thumping beat of the techno-dancey music, “You’re putting tequila in that?”
His gaze flicked over to you, grin widening as he responded like it was obvious, he spoke loudly as he responded, “Yeah!”
“Why?” You ask and he shrugs, “Can you think of a more fun way to take a shot?”
You hum in consideration and offer up, "Jello shots?"
He scoffs as if offended, "Jello shots are the peak vehicle of alcoholic consumption and fun to you? What are we in? Seventh grade?"
He finished filling the gun up and gestured with it, "Vodka laden gelatin in disposable plastic tops this?"
The vigorous action of him pumping the gun to ready it to shoot makes you stifle a giggle, you say, “I dunno! I’ve never taken a shot via squirt gun before!”
There is that look again, pure mischief, he holds the gun up, braced against his shoulder, pointing it directly at you, he asks, “Do you want to?”
A laugh breaks out, you push off the bar turning to face him and put your hands on your hips, “Are you challenging me?”
He laughs too, throwing on a goofy country southern drawl that matches the cowboy hat he was sporting perfectly, he says, “Sure am partner.”
You continue the bit, “You positive you can make a shot like this?”
“Fastest fingers this side of the e-qau-tor.” He stretched out “equator” with his accent and you laugh harder, “Well shoot, gimmie all you got.”
Arms out and mouth open, you close your eyes and he takes the aforementioned shot, a long, honestly too long, stream of tequila right between your lips. The taste was so strong, the force of it more powerful than you anticipated, it burned, you almost gag, it overflows your mouth but you get a few swallows full before he stops. Your eyes crack back open, hand swipes over your chin, mopping up some of the alcohol. Your outfit feels more damp now and it isn't from the sweat you worked up on the dance floor, you are sure you reek of tequila, you take a deep breath and only sputter and cough once, an action he deems, "Impressive!" 
The thumbs up he gives puts the smile back on your face and he asks, "So? What's the verdict?"
"Fun! Very fucking fun. Better than a jello shot." You admitted, it was certainly more memorable if nothing else and he beams, "Told you!"
He did. Someone called out, "Hey Sammy! Hit me!" 
He turned when hearing the call, he pointed at them, "I'm coming for you!"
A look over his shoulder with an adjustment of that same ridiculous cowboy hat, "Duty calls. See you round-"
You fill in the blank, give him your name, he thanks you and then with a wave and you say, "See you later."
Off he goes, water gun at the ready, you turn back to the bar to order a palette cleanser to chase down the burn of the tequila and you hear the high pitched half scream from the other patron getting their fair share shot down their throat and Sam’s loud laughter. He’s a cool and funny guy, definitely worthy of the name of fun police you have decided. 
The next time you see Sam is when he is hosting a Luau night on the beach. You hear his voice behind you asking, “Cocktail?” 
You turn with a smile and are greeted with the sight of Sam clad in a button up tropical themed short sleeved shirt and a grass skirt over cargo shorts, a coconut bra thrown over top the shirt and a ludicrously large hat made out of woven dried grass you couldn’t help almost choking on your laughter. He was holding a tray that was filled with cocktails in halved pineapples, bright multi-coloured umbrellas sticking out along with crazy straws and those little plastic swords stuck with fruit. 
“Uh yeah sure.” You answer around another laugh as you reach out and pluck up one of the drinks and he asks, “What’s the matter?” 
One hand is on his waist, the other holding up the tray he cocks out his hip, the pose makes the laughter worse and you manage to get out, “Your outfit is killing me man.”
“What? You don’t like it?” He asks in a higher tone that only further adds to the comedy, both hands on the tray he sways back and forth before fully twirling showing off the movement of the skirt. 
“No, I like it a lot! It is very on brand.”
“And what is my brand?” He asks and you say with a nod, “Fun! It’s in your job title and everything right?”
“You got me there. Glad I am living up to my potential!” He concedes and you finally take a sip of your drink and holy shit it is really good, fruity and strong but not in an off putting way. You pull it back from your face and ask, “Wow! This is delicious, did you make it yourself?”
“I did! My own recipe believe it or not, sometimes fucking around behind the bar pays off.” He seemed to appreciate the compliment. “Well keep it up, you’re making it hard for me to want a drink made by anyone else.”
“Then don’t, come bug me whenever you are thirsty.” 
You take him up on the offer and thus you and Sam end up talking and spending way more time together. More conversations happen and one day, when he is on duty at the swim up bar at the pool, you were in your bathing suit, sitting on one of the stools that was in the water and chatting, “Hey Sammy?”
“Mmm?” He hums in acknowledgment, eyes flicking up briefly from his task of cutting up lemon wedges. 
“You like your job?” You ask, the curly straw sitting in your tiki mug resting on your lips. He smiles and says, “Yeah! I love my job. I love working here, what I do, the island is my home. I’m really happy here.” 
“Good! I’m glad!” You say, honestly and he asks, “Why do you wanna know?”
You tell him, “Just been thinking lately about how you are always so concerned with everyone else having fun, I was wondering, who is ensuring that YOU are having fun.”
How fucking sweet was that. He pauses cutting, he wasn’t expecting you to say this but he is quick on his feet and he says, “I got it handled don’t worry, if I am in charge of fun for the whole island that means I am in charge of my fun too.”
You stick your tongue out, “Boo! Bullshit, you need someone who can take some of that weight off your shoulders. You already worry about everyone’s happiness too often.” Something you could relate far too much to.
“Cuz it’s my job!” He exclaims with a gesture of the knife in one hand and you pile on, leaning closer over the bar, “But you need someone to look after you!” 
“What do you suggest I do in this case?” He asks, maintaining eye contact he leans closer too and you say, “I should be your fun buddy! Let me be the person making sure you are having a good time.”
“Have you ever thought that ensuring everyone else’s good time IS my good time?” He says and you scoff, “Okay even if you do love your work it is still work. Stop deflecting. Yes or no?”
“Okay, okay I can admit that maybe the idea has some appeal. But, again I don’t think it is needed!” You cut him off, “It’ll improve my experience and make sure I have the most fun possible! How about that?”
That makes him stop. Well shit, a loophole. You got him. He gives in, “Okay, if it will help you have fun then it’s my job to listen.”
He reaches out, he takes your hand not holding the knife and asks sincerely, “Be my fun buddy while you are here on vacation?”
“Yes I will! You won’t regret it Sam!” You tell him excitedly and he laughs, his hand falling away, “You are right, I am sure I won’t.” 
Sam is always so busy, constantly throwing himself into his work and activities and seemingly having a blast while doing it, there wasn’t any real opportunity for you to step in and try to make him have fun, just as he said earlier, he seemingly had it covered. Still you were not convinced, a nagging thought that something was off. 
You were watching him as he took a bungee cord and hooked it around two people, forcing them to be pressed together, chest to chest on the dance floor. You watch the body language, the eye contact, flushing skin, tentative touch and greetings, all instigated by him, a built in meet cute thanks to him. Sam was so good at that, you would see him set up people and consistently after he introduced them and put them in some situation where they had to talk, play a game or get to know each other? You’d see them hanging out long after whatever scenario he forced them into, you wondered just how many people have fucked on vacation here solely because of him. 
That’s it!
Hitting all at once you realise that Sam is always pairing up other people but you had never seen him with anyone. You’d see literally every other staff member hooking up with people, multiple people at once in some cases, whether fellow staff or guests but never Sam. You hadn’t hooked up with anyone yet yourself and that is the one thing you would say was missing from this vacation, this is how you could help him out. Besides, what is more fun than casual sex?
You made your move when he was in between tasks the following day, you caught him after doing the morning exercise salute and before breakfast was being served. You tapped on his shoulder after you caught up, “Heya Sammy!”
His head turned and he caught sight of you and said, “Oh! Hey! You having a good day so far?”
“It’s barely started Sam but so far? Yeah, I’m feeling good.” You admit with a shrug, you and he were walking and talking now. 
“I bet, you slept in, right? I missed you at the crab walk.” He teased and you said, “Went for an early swim, I still got some moving in, don’t worry.”
“Good! Being active is important, you know?” A good enough segue. “I couldn’t agree more, being active is important so I wanted to ask. How sexually active are you?”
That made him stop in his tracks. You stop too. He looked confused and then asked slowly, “I’m…I’m sorry?”
“I asked how sexually active are you?” 
“I. I don’t know how to respond, where is this coming from?” He asked and you started walking again, motioning for him to follow, “I was watching you the other day, thinking about it, being your designated fun buddy, and it seems you were right. You got a really good handle on having a lot of fun and a good time!”
“Uh-huhhh, but?” He starts and you cut in, “But, I noticed I never see you with anybody! Are you not hooking up with anyone? Are you like, against the idea of casual sex?”
“What? No! Not against it or anything I just-I get caught up in my work.” He started to defend himself and you cut him off, “Alright so I was right! You aren’t fucking anyone!”
“Christ! Not so fucking loud.” He looked around to make sure no one could overhear, visibly relaxing when he was sure no one had, “How do you think it would look if the fun police is too preoccupied getting everyone else laid to get any himself? It’s totally pathetic.” 
“So do you actually care about not getting any or just how it would look if other people knew?” You asked and he sighed, “I do care! I just get so wrapped up in everything else I don’t think of it often, alright?” 
“All your fellow staff members are getting it regularly so what is your excuse?”
His hands gesture as if it will hopefully make his point stronger, “Well I’m a lot better at my job than any of them so-”
“Really? Cuz I thought your job was all things fun? Isn’t no strings attached vacation fuck fests fun? Aren’t you supposed to lead by example?”
He stops again, a hand on your shoulder effectively stopping you too, “Where are you going with this? Did you stop me just to insult me for not getting any pussy or?”
“No! God, no! I stopped you to tell you that I have come up with a solution!” 
“Oh I am dying to hear this. Lay it out.” He insists and you say, “I’m suggesting as your fun buddy that you and I fuck.”
Jaw drops open slightly and brows knit together and he says, “What?”
“I said, we should fuck! It can be that totally casual fun, no risk or strings attached kind of fucking that this resort is known for.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” He asks and you say, “Seriously! I am gonna be going home in a week, so we can just let loose! I think it will be good for you.”
“From fun buddies to fuck buddies just like that-” He snaps his fingers for emphasis, “,huh? Just, turn it on and go?” 
“Exactly. I think it will wake up the ol libido, get you out of your slump and then you can fuck other guests after I leave cuz you will have the want to pursue, that craving and urge you will need to satisfy.” 
“Are you my or my dick’s fun buddy?” He asks and you laugh, “Both! Now c’mon, what do you say?”
“I say you’ve clearly put a lot of thought into this.” He says with a sigh, a hand running through his hair, he eyes you up and down before asking, “How do you know I would even be into such an arrangement?” 
“Sam. I have eyes. I’ve seen you staring when I’m in my bathing suit and I am sure you’ve seen me staring too.” Your eyes drop down before coming back up to meet his gaze, saying confidently, “Also you are embarrassingly hard in your cargo shorts right now during this conversation.” 
His eyes snap down too before he says with a nod, “Okay. Fair point.” 
“So! Good, glad we are in agreement, I’m going to get breakfast, I’ll meet up with you later and we can bang this out.” You clapped him on the shoulder and then stepped away with a grin, a wave over your shoulder as you walked towards the restaurant, “Try not to cream yourself thinking about me, alright? I want that load all for myself.”
He was left standing there dumbfounded. This was so much to deal with, you were so cool, he knew that, but you being so casual and confident, unbothered at the same time, concerned for him and so sexually forward, the mix of it is enough to make his head spin. How was he supposed to focus on work today?
As you walked towards getting some food you felt proud of yourself, excited for later on. You agree with the stance of fuck the police but you didn’t think you’d ever take it so literally, you wonder if he’d like that joke, he probably would roll his eyes and call it terrible but still laugh at it. As you are walking by the pool you glance down at the hot tub, the one where the glass sides of the jacuzzi show into the bar/nightclub area, visible from the dance floor and you know that is where it’s gotta happen. You can’t wait to show him just how long you can hold your breath underwater. 
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zaktours · 6 months
Discover the Enchantment of Hurghada: A Jewel by the Red Sea
Nestled on the stunning coast of the Red Sea, Hurghada is a paradise that beckons travelers with its turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs, and an array of unforgettable experiences. A perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, this Egyptian city has evolved from a serene fishing village into a bustling hub of tourism, offering a myriad of activities for every type of traveler. Let's dive into what makes Hurghada a must-visit destination for your next vacation.
Unparalleled Diving and Snorkeling Adventures
Hurghada is a haven for underwater enthusiasts. Home to some of the world's most exquisite coral reefs and marine life, the city is a hotspot for diving and snorkeling. Whether you're a seasoned diver or a beginner, the crystal-clear waters of the Red Sea provide the perfect backdrop for exploring vibrant coral gardens and enchanting underwater landscapes. Popular sites like the Giftun Islands and Abu Ramada Island offer mesmerizing views of colorful fish, turtles, and even dolphins, making every dive a unique experience.
Luxurious Beach Resorts and Waterfront Relaxation
For those seeking relaxation, Hurghada's luxury resorts offer world-class amenities with breathtaking sea views. From private sandy beaches to infinity pools, spa treatments, and gourmet dining, visitors can indulge in unparalleled comfort and serenity. Resorts in areas like Sahl Hasheesh and Makadi Bay are renowned for their exquisite services, providing an oasis of tranquility away from the bustling city life.
Thrilling Desert Safaris and Cultural Tours
Adventure enthusiasts will find no shortage of excitement in Hurghada. The city's surrounding desert is a playground for thrilling activities such as quad biking, camel riding, and Jeep safaris. Exploring the vast desert landscape, with its majestic mountains and bedouin villages, offers a glimpse into the heart of Egypt's natural beauty and ancient culture. For a deeper dive into history, day trips to the iconic cities of Luxor and Cairo reveal the wonders of ancient Egypt, from the Valley of the Kings to the Great Pyramids.
A Culinary Journey Through Egyptian Delicacies
Hurghada's dining scene is as diverse as its landscapes. Visitors can savor traditional Egyptian dishes, fresh seafood, and international cuisine at various restaurants and cafes. The marina and downtown areas are bustling with culinary hotspots where you can enjoy mouthwatering koshari, succulent grilled seafood, and rich Arabic coffee. Dining by the waterfront, with views of the Red Sea, adds a magical touch to every meal.
Vibrant Nightlife and Entertainment
As the sun sets, Hurghada transforms into a vibrant nightlife hub. The city's bars, clubs, and beach parties come alive with music, dance, and entertainment. From laid-back beach bars to electrifying nightclubs featuring international DJs, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The Marina Boulevard is a popular spot for evening strolls, shopping, and experiencing the lively local atmosphere.
Eco-Tourism and Conservation Efforts
In recent years, Hurghada has embraced eco-tourism, with initiatives aimed at preserving its natural wonders and promoting sustainable tourism practices. Visitors can participate in coral reef conservation projects, eco-friendly diving expeditions, and educational tours that highlight the importance of environmental preservation.
Plan Your Visit to Hurghada
Whether you're an adventure seeker, a history enthusiast, or simply in need of a peaceful getaway, Hurghada offers a slice of paradise with something for every traveler. With its stunning landscapes, rich culture, and vibrant atmosphere, Hurghada promises an unforgettable vacation experience by the Red Sea. Start planning your journey to this Egyptian treasure and discover the magic of Hurghada for yourself.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 6 months
What are your top 10 favorite fanfics you've ever written?
Thank you so much for this question Nonnie! It was very difficult to choose, but I think this is a pretty good list if you ask me! 💙
Bucky Barnes: "He's not good enough for you doll!" ( 3.9K ~ Angst & Fluff ) You're introducing your boyfriend to the rest of the Avengers, but right from the start Bucky doesn't give him the time of day. When you ask him what is wrong, he tells you that your boyfriend isn't good enough for you, but he doesn't tell you it's because he wishes you were with him instead.
Bucky Barnes: Expect the unexpected ( 2.7K ~ Angst, Fluff & Smut ) At the start, you and Bucky were colleagues and good friends. This all changed drastically when you had a fun night together, and both got more out of it than you'd bargained for. Unsure of how Bucky would react, you keep it to yourself until you can't take it any longer.
Chris Evans: Pool party ( 3.8K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Chris invites you along with his other Marvel co-stars for a pool party to celebrate the fact that you finished shooting your latest movie together. At this party, the sexual tension between you and Chris reaches an all time high, and you both can't take it anymore and you have to have each other right then and there.
Loki Laufeyson: Santa's Naughty Girl ( ~ 800 words ~ Smut ) You and Loki haven't met up in a few months due to conflicting schedules, but this night the stars finally align for you. He decides to surprise you whilst he's dressed as a sexy Santa, and you've never been more excited to be on someone's naughty list.
Ransom Drysdale: Mommy's good boy ( 4K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Ransom has been under a lot of stress lately, and all he needs is to forget about all of it, and give himself completely over to his needs. The only person who can help him with that like no one else can, is his wife.
Robert Downey Jr.: Spin The Bottle ( 3.2K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Robert has been your best friend for a few years, and the sexual tension between both of you has only grown stronger. When, after an innocent game of Spin The Bottle, the small, flickering fire officially bursts out into a sea of flames, you experience the most satisfying, gentle, and perfect first time together you could have wished for.
Robert Downey Jr.: And the Oscar goes to... ( 3.6K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Your husband, Robert, is on the receiving end of an Oscar, and you decide to celebrate it differently than you usually celebrate his wins. He trusts you fully as he allows you to take the lead in the bedroom, making it a celebration that neither of you will ever forget.
Stucky: The beginning of the end...? ( 5.6K ~ Angst, Fluff & Smut ) Steve and Bucky are planning on proposing, but as they're doing this, they don't realize the two of them are giving you the feeling you're not worthy of them. As soon as they find out, their behavior completely changes, and before you know it, you have two super soldiers down on their knees, asking you to marry them.
Tony Stark: Love at first sight ( 9.7K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Howard and Maria Stark, the current reigning king and queen, are planning on retiring, but they aren't able to until the heir to the throne is married. Their only son, Tony, feels like it isn't the right time for him to get married, nor does he have anyone he would even think about marrying in the first place. This all changes when you walk into his life and turn his entire plan for the future upside down.
Young!Tony Stark: "Hell yeah, I do!" ( 6.3K ~ Fluff & Smut ) Life has been good to all of you the last few years, but Tony is preparing to take the next step in your relationship. He decides to propose on a beautiful vacation, and the wedding is an absolute dream, too. It's a perfect beginning to the rest of your lives together.
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ollieinoue · 1 year
Ollie has gone back and logged any journal entries from his bullet journal from the time, as well as thoughts he has currently along with news articles, or other info people have given him, and texts sent to him (and relivant self paras/tasks).
start of school (08/23/22)
any significant journal entries
any follow up thoughts about the time
we knew nothing of g at the time
no greer tho but I figured she just was on some kinda vacation or whatever
homecoming (09/03/22)
any significant journal entries
all hail the king, baby
any follow up thoughts about the time
I mean obviously weird that Greer was voted hoco queen when we all knew she was not here and there were rumors that she was missing.
I remember being up on stage and the person announcing it was really weirded out and maybe a little hesitant idk I was really high.
Why didn’t the Dean or anyone in authority just like fucking ... not allow that to happen lmao wtf
I think this was the first message from G but I think we all thought at the time G = Greer
first interrogations (09/04/22)
any significant journal entries
fuck the police
any follow up thoughts about the time
fuck the police
fuck attempting to be sober
OGDEN STUDENT OFFICIALLY DECLARED AS A MISSING PERSON AS THE SEARCH FOR GREER MORRISON CONTINUES Greer Morrison, a junior at the prestigious Ogden College in New Hampshire, has officially been declared a missing persons case, with the FBI starting their search at the Ogden campus this weekend. While her contact with family and friends abated over the summer, sources say her apparent travel plans made that a likely possible. However, with classes having resumed last week and Greer not returning to her studies, the Morrison family reported her missing after the school contacted them.
first letters (09/18/22)
any significant journal entries
weird shit happening
[gm] u okay?
any follow up thoughts about the time
I think this is when things started to get really weird but it wasn’t like ... too overly weird ig.
Greer could have been just fucking with us still.
follow up interrogations (09/28/22)
any significant journal entries
fuck the police
any follow up thoughts about the time
idr anything coming of this beyond the nate/jesse drama tbh
a bunch of bullshit. the police are really out here giving us nothing.
power outage (10/01/22)
any significant journal entries
[gm] was that u babes???
self para
any follow up thoughts
I saw greer?
there is no fucking way that greer is just around and nobody has seen her. not now and not then. it doesn’t make any sense. but like ... idk bro.
after the outage (10/02/22)
any significant journal entries
wonder what was taken
[ap] did someone over hear me talking to alethea .........
any follow up thoughts
still wonder what the fuck was taken and what came of that????? was it G trying to find more dirt?
idk how or why G knew my conversation with alethea but they DID?? they sent me a text about it at the pool party. so they were there.
but they can’t be everywhere at once tho. hm.
casino night (10/08/22)
any significant journal entries
any follow up thoughts
idk I was just hanging out w my parents the whole time
gossip blast & G’s texts I did not care about at the time
among the glitz and glamour of the night…
some of you have been hitting the jackpot while others burn holes in their pockets, but the lack of greer morrison’s presence can’t help but hover over the events of the night. some of you are GAMBLING like you have nothing to lose, but you could not be more wrong. remember the blackout last week? at LEAST two of you were whispering in the dark hours of that night how easy it would be to break into rooms in the school. is that how you spent your night? i guess that would explain why the police notes went missing. now we know what all of you SAID – the truths, the lies, the secrets. what we can deduce from the stolen notes is that the police believe this was very likely a RUNAWAY case. and that’s all there is to it at this time. but even if our GOLDEN GIRL did leave on her own accord, there was a REASON… PERHAPS the reason has something to do with the fact that there wasn’t just one sneaky link greer had on the side….and they weren’t just men. and that certainly wasn’t the only secret she was keeping. she had secrets that were quite literally LIFE AND DEATH. or maybe she is just taking a moment…biding her time planning revenge on those of you who were trying to get her to do something, be it a break-up, an ultimatum, or maybe just not spilling the secret that you mistakenly shared. just remember, secrets don’t stay secrets for very long here. soon enough, we’ll all know why she left, so you may want to hold your CARDS close to your chests. xoxo ...
they were extra at the time and they’re still extra that’s all we know for sure
looks like they did take something but like what tho. what was found in the school or police records? hm.
greer’s birthday (10/25/22)
any significant journal entries
ok so who the fuck is g?
[gm] hope ur okay babes ....
any follow up thoughts
still fun lmao but how fucked up bro
I think this is when things started hitting me how fucked up things were and that this G person really was out here just to fuck with us for fun.
still no greer I think that’s probably the last time I thought maybe it was possible she might show up some time out of the blue
the texts I got sent blackmailing me into planning this party
g [1:27 AM]: you didn’t think the 25th was just gonna arrive with no celebrating, right? well…._i think you’re just the person to throw a party for me. even though we both know there’s a guest who won’t make it. besides me, that is. but you wouldn’t dare to tell anyone the _truth about that, would you?  anyways! give it your best, babes. and don’t worry, you won’t be doing it alone.  boathouse. 2 am. tomorrow. xx
no thank you texts smh
the texts I got at the party mentioning they knew the things I said to alethea during the blackout
g: you mentioned on the night of the blackout that it’d be easy to break into school buildings, and now we know that someone did just that. would you dare to prove it to us all that you know what you’re talking about? g: break into a school building and bring a little souvenir back from your heist to show off at the party. don’t worry, you’ll have an accomplice xx
halloween (10/31/22)
any significant journal entries
fucked up
what the fuck
there’s a lot to unpack here
IC task 002
any follow up thoughts
okay so I’m just going to log all the notes I’ve seen, and heard from other people here just to keep them all in one easy to find place.
there are likely more out there that I’ve not heard about I wonder how many
after the accident, I’m trying to keep reminding myself of what [redacted] last august. [redacted] is dead. at least [redacted] and I didn’t kill anyone.
MAY 2022 god, it’s so fucked. [redacted] knows about the accident. obviously, but…[redacted] it wasn’t me driving, since i let [redacted] drive that night.
MAY 2022 this week has been the fucking worst. first [redacted], now [redacted]? motherfuckers are jealous and [redacted]. i can’t do it anymore. i just can’t.
Link has Milo’s little journal piece
Link promised he wouldn’t tell anybody about the one he has. Hopefully.
I showed Mari pictures of the ones I remembered to take pictures of (Mine, and Milo’s, and Parker’s) and she Milo’s was (probably) from Greer’s journal.
fake G (early-mid nov)
any significant journal entries
I hate technology
computers are dumb
oh I think I found sm
like just no it doesn’t make sense
[mn] ?????
[mn] okay so the plan is ... just go ask and he’ll say no and it’ll be normal
[mn] prick
[mn] I hate him
[mn] I hope his life gets ruined
[mn] I hate him
[mn] I should just tell everyone. like I won’t but I should.
it still feels wrong tho right?
but how could it be wrong tho?
I hate technology
any follow up thoughts
I just need to know HOW
did G hire people to do all this?
like there’s no way they just ... out did me on this right? I looked SO FUCKING HARD.
What the fuck happened? What did I do wrong?
Fuck G
also I still hate technology
second letters (11/27/22)
N/A (ollie does not know about any of these but just to keep track of all plot events I’m adding it in here)
time capsule leaks (12/12/22)
any significant journal entries
[g-] oh you bitch
fuck me
fuck me
no it’s fine it’s cool just be normal it’ll be fine.
any follow up thoughts
not really tbh
G is a bitch
Honestly the fact that the news did not pick up on the fact that nude videos of ppl were leaked FROM A SCHOOL is kinda shitty
bet you anything the dean has done everything he could to cover it up
if anything this seemed petty as hell g what gives????????
post time capsule leaks (12/14/22)-(12/16/22)
any significant journal entries
[kk] there’s no way kit was juicing lmao what???
[kk] monty didn’t know about this either??? a little offensive bro
fuck the police
kinda shitty the cops are taking credit for the information parker & I gave them lmao
cops seem to at the moment trust me so at least I don’t have to worry about that
[g-] fuck off bitch
any follow up thoughts
texts from G I was sent immediately after the interrogation
g: well, it looks like the cops sure trust you. let’s not get into the merits of whether or not they should, and instead let’s figure if i should. or if greer morrison should. g: did greer ever mention wanting to go to the cops over anything? g: think…stalkers, fights, issues with drugs. anything like that ring a bell? g: think about it. even try to figure it out. what you do with that info? well, i guess that’ll let us know if the cops were right for believing what you said.
I still haven’t heard anything about any of this
idk dude
fuck G
new years eve (01/01/23)
any significant journal entries
( a full journal entry written after getting home from from the trip )
Everything is so fucked up. I don’t know what to do. I feel like I’m losing my mind and that everything just keeps spiraling more and more out of control and I can’t do anything to stop it. Every single day gets worse. I feel like I’m suffocating underneath everything. I literally feel like I cannot breathe. I can’t sleep, I haven’t been able to sleep in weeks. I feel like I’m on the cusp of a panic attack every single moment of every single day. And now this. I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t stop thinking about seeing Penny’s dead body and I don’t even know if that was her fucking dead body or not but does it matter at this point? And that girl was covered in so much blood. And nobody will tell us anything going on. All I’m hearing on the news is that it was an accident. But fuck that. What the fuck are they going to say happened she tripped and fell and all of her blood left her body? Was she attacked by a wild animal and nobody heard anything. Me and Milo weren’t even that far away!
It makes me feel sick every single time I think about it. Like there is this horrible gnawing sensation in my stomach that keeps growing and growing and soon I’ll just be like nothing. I’ll be empty. And what happens then? How the fuck are any of us supposed to deal with this? My sanity is like being held on by a thread, and most of that weight is being carried by Monty right now, and that’s so fucking unfair of me. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel like I’m not a constant burden. I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel like I’m not just dragging him down every single time we talk. But I ... I need him. And I love him. And he knows now. Everything. Most things. And he’s still here and I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel about that.
Anyway. I feel like giving up on all of this bullshit. I’ve tried so hard ... and come so far ... and in the end it never even mattered. lmao I’m sorry... I’m serious though. But then there is the other hand where like ... Have I ever been able to let something go? Have I ever known when to stop? I’m so fucking tired. It’s constant. What the fuck am I supposed to do about this? By why is that on any of us?
any follow up thoughts
lmao yikes
after getting back to school Link told me when he and Mari went to find her dad at the staff chalet nobody was there. and what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?? idfk
penny’s memorial (01/22/23)
any significant journal entries
rip penny the dnd group was better without you but the school is not
g implied what happened to penny was not accident, that it had something to do with secrets she knew. like come on ... what the fuck
any follow up thoughts
the text G sent
any follow up????? idk .....
some news (02/02/23)
any significant journal entries
embarrassing that the news is days behind the leaks we’re getting
penny knew why greer left OR did she know who was responsible for it
the dean????????
any follow up thoughts
the article
UPDATE IN SEARCH FOR MISSING OGDEN COLLEGE STUDENT Though it has been months of the investigation team believing that Greer Morrison fled from Ogden College willingly, recent updates have led to the belief that she may have been chased off, and that there are people out there who know why. In fact, an unnamed source has reported that they overheard the student who came to her tragic demise on a school trip, Penelope Klein, saying that she knew why Greer Morrison left only shortly before her death. In addition an anonymous source provided information about flights she may have taken out of the country last spring, though the flight returning to the states has no proof of her actually being on it. This lead has been investigation, and it has returned no further information about Greer’s whereabouts.  We have also learned that the time capsule video of Greer had not been kept in the files where the rest of the students were when officers originally looked, and when leaked, it contained damning information on several students - like the allegation of her then boyfriend using steroids. This claim was corroborated when his room was searched previously this semester, leading to his expulsion. With all of this information coming to light, it has been confirmed Penelope Klein’s death is being investigated as a murder. Greer Morrison is still considered missing, and she may be aware of sensitive information. Any additional leads will be reported.
I still think it was the dean
heartbreaker social (02/17/23)
any significant journal entries
fuck g
what was the point of that?
fucking bitch
any follow up thoughts
how the fuck did g see our valentines?? so they were there or someone was there who was doing this for them.
G’s valentine to me
roses are red, lonely hearts are blue give me a dirty little secret and maybe i'll give you a clue it doesn't have to be yours, but it should be good and if you can't deliver....i could
My texts in response
( redacted )
the heart of the matter (03/18/23)
any significant journal entries
jesse’s dad sucks
I’m fucking onto you and the fucking dean
truly do not trust a single thing that comes out of either of these men’s mouths
any follow up thoughts
nothing new
just the same growing feeling
house of mirrors (04/05/23) - (04/08/23)
any significant journal entries
I’m starting to think I’m just being gaslit tbh
am I crazy? ... I might be
any follow up thoughts
no thoughts brain empty
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