#kinro oneshot
heaven-s-black-box · 10 months
Through a Mirror- ensemble
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Recovery date: July 5th, 2023
Description: Request by huntersmoon1 on tumblr: I have been inspired by inuyasha/yashahime! Can I request a scenario for tsukasa shishio as a demon (I’ll let you choose what kind of demon he is) in inuyashas world with his young half demon daughter. They get sucked through a portal into the stone world where Senku and the crew are (after stone world tsukasa gets revived) and demon tsukasa and his daughter meet stone world tsukasa and company.
Notes: This entry was recovered in conjunction with @huntersmoon1, we thank them for their contribution.
Word count: 996
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There is a theory that every decision spawns a new universe. These are called parallel universes, and if each decision spawns a new one they should, in theory, slowly become unique universes. For example, if Chrome throws a rock at Kohaku there is a universe where he doesn’t, and a universe where she throws the rock at him, and a universe where they don’t even exist.
Tsukasa thought drunk Senku was making things up. Maybe spent a bit too much time with Gen. How did he go from Chrome not throwing a rock to Chrome and Kohaku not existing? The scientist had passed out before he could ask, and Tsukasa didn’t care enough to ask later.
He’s starting to think he maybe should have.
“And this… machine… brought us here?”
“We’re still trying to figure out how,” Xeno said, flipping through his clipboard, “it was only designed to transfer data. Bringing physical beings here is a complete anomaly.”
Xeno looked up at the man and noticed Tsukasa out of the corner of his eye. He waved him over. “Tsukasa, thank you for coming.”
The man’s ears twitched, and his tail flicked aggressively, as he turned around to see the new arrival. His ears quickly flattened against his head, as he took up a defensive pose that Tsukasa matched just as quickly.
Xeno, who’d turned back to his clipboard, completely ignored the two as he spoke again.
“Tsukasa Shishio the human, meet Tsukasa Shishio the demon. Tsukasa Shishio the demon, meet Tsukasa Shishio the human.” He paused, looked up at something behind the demon Tsukasa, and spoke again, “Mirai, meet human Tsukasa.”
A young girl cautiously poked her head around the demon Tsukasa. The demon placed one hand protectively on her arm, keeping her tucked behind him, even as the human Tsukasa dropped his guard. Mirai gave a small wave before clutching Tsukasa’s cloak and hiding her face in it.
“Oh, Tsukasa, I see you’ve met our new friends,” Senku said, strolling up to them with a yawn.
“I suppose there’s an explanation for this?” Tsukasa asked, waving at the two doppelgangers.
Now that was a word he never thought Senku would use.
“Magic?” Tsukasa raised an eyebrow suspiciously. “Can’t everything be explained with science?”
“Different universe, different rules.” Senku shrugged. “Anyways, you’re on diplomatic duty today. No one knows you, better than you after all.”
Without any further explanation, the two scientists headed off and left the three alone.
Tsukasa tried to look around the other Tsukasa, only for his view of Mirai to be blocked by the man’s tail. Mirai, in turn, went up on her toes to look over it, her ears twitching curiously. She stared at him intently for a moment before looking up at the demon Tsukasa.
“Papa,” Tsukasa’s eyes widened before scrunching up in confusion, “he smells like you.”
“So, she’s your sister in this world?” Shishio, the demon Tsukasa, asked, watching as his daughter and the other Mirai hunted for shells along the shore.
Suika had joined them, letting Chalk dig around in the mud and find hidden shells for the girls. She was positively thrilled at the idea of watching two Mirai’s as the two Tsukasa’s talked.
The human Tsukasa nodded. “And she’s your daughter?” Shishio nodded, watching as his daughter squealed and threw a shell as a crab crawled out. The two chuckled. “And her mother…”
He wasn’t really sure what he was asking. Was it someone he knew in this world? Did anyone from this stone world even exist in the other world? Maybe Mirai’s mother wasn’t even alive anymore.
“Never mi-”
“She’s no longer with us. She was human, and believe it or not Mirai is almost five hundred years old.”
“My sister is over three thousand, appearances can be deceiving.”
“For a world lacking in magic, it is quite impressive.” His light tone turned solemn as he asked, “Your Senku, how much faith do you have in him?”
“I owe him my life, he will do everything he can to return you both to your world.”
“Very well.” They fell into silence for a moment, watching the run away from the tide as it washed back up, before Shishio made another point. “This,” he waved at the two Mirais, “is incredibly strange.”
“Most definitely.” Tsukasa agreed, before the two started laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“Big brother!” Mirai, the stone world Mirai, yelled, waving at the two. “Come play with us!”
By dinner time the two girls, and Suika, were completely exhausted to the point they were falling asleep at their table. They would slowly slump down until their heads knocked against each other and they startled awake again. Shishio had already draped his cloak around them, like a blanket, to keep the cool evening air out.
Tsukasa was pretty sure the half-demon Mirai was purring.
“They're so cute,” Ginro cooed, and startled the Mirais awake again, earning himself an elbow to the side from Kinro and a shush from Minami.
“If you’d like I can take them to bed,” Francois offered, removing their apron as they returned from delivering meals to the scientists.
“It’s alright, we’ll take them in a minute.”
“You know,” Yuzuriha said, “seeing you all fatherly isn’t as weird as I thought it would be.” The sharp look from the two Tsukasa’s made her jump as she rushed to explain herself. “I-I mean you take su-such good care of Mirai, I didn’t mean anything bad I swear.”
“She’s right,” Minami hummed, resting her chin on her palm. “It’s cute.”
Out of the corner of his eye, Tsukasa notices Shishio’s ears turn slightly red. Oh, he feels his face heat up as he coughs awkwardly.
“I think we should get these two to bed.”
“But you aren’t done your dinner?”
“It’s fine,” Tsukasa said, scooping his sister up as Shishio picked up his daughter with a  chuckle.
“If they aren’t gonna finish this, can I?”
“Ginro have some manners.”
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Can I request relationship or dating hcs for Ryusui, Tsukasa and Kinro with a fem!s/o who loves stargazing and collecting gemstones? Like whenever she's free, she will share her knowledge about planets and gemstones! But she also can be shy sometimes cuz she doesn't want them to think she's a nerd cuz obviously she's not! She's just passionate about them, that's all! One last thing, she will tell the boys any puns or jokes related to those topics.
For example : you're the Moon to my Earth. (I made up this one 😂 sorry if it doesn't sound good)
this was such a cute request to write and my first time writing for tsukasa and kinro so this was exciting! the request asked specifically for a fem!s/o but it isnt ever really implied though you can imagine it is! To make self inserts more authentic, i use no or they/them pronouns for reader :)
p.s...remember when i said my next blog post would be ryusui related lol. hes in here so its okay. i sort of rushed this formatting but it's late so ill update it in the morning. im a bit iffy for the characterization but im hoping to improve with time!
Ryusui, Tsukasa and Kinro with a s/o who likes astronomy!
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-listens to your rants with a content smile on his face.
-he actually learns a lot from you and keeps up pretty well, occasionally asking questions because hes genuinely invested in what youre talking about.
-he has a lot of common knowledge about stars and planets, just space in general, so when you expand on those things in such an engaging way, he cant help but find it a bit endearing and attractive.
-he teases you a bit for how excited you can get and he only smiles wider when you get flustered and defend yourself.
-he lets you showcase your collection of gemstones and patiently nods while you explain each one. he has an absurd amount of patience with you showcases and will get sooo mad if someone disrespects or interrupts you.
-at first, he was always a bit confused why you’d come to him and talk about this stuff. As blunt as ever, he’d ask you “why are you always talking about planets and gemstones with me?” and you were SO embarrassed you took it as a sign of him not being interested or just being irritated.
-but then he’d say “i never knew you know so much. Its fascinating.” 
-and you coming to him about this stuff only becomes routine for the both of you.
-stargazing with him also becomes routine. every night you two find a spot with a good view and stare up at the starry sky, exchanging constellation and star facts. sometimes you're only watching for a couple of minutes, sometimes you're out for an hour, but bottom line is that tsukasa loves your company and knowledge.
-the jokes and puns sometimes really do get a chuckle out of him, same with pick up lines as well.
-(he thinks its the cutest thing ever)
-”your name must be andromeda, because we are destined to collide ;)”
-he laughs and pats your head aww
-he doesnt do it often, but sometimes he catches you off guard and flatters you with astronomy pick up lines as well
-”in this entire universe, all i want is you”
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-he’s…completely clueless.
-when you rant, hes usually a bit confused and startled and kinda overall goes “hah?”
-but he sees how much this all means to you and so he tries his best to keep up with the things you talk about, even if most of it sounds like total gibberish to him (it might as well, cut him some slack).
-he’ll repeat back the things he has comprehended to you in an apprehensive tone and occasionally ask questions that only further encourage your rants. Sometimes it gets all a bit much for him and asks you to simplify or cut it out for a second so he can think.
-dont mistaken his confused expression with annoyance, hes doing his best.
-i think your gemstone knowledge is much more intriguing. the gemstones are all very pretty and the way you explain each one is interesting and so sometimes he'll sit crossed legged in the grass with you while you lay out your collection in the grass and go over each one.
-he'll keep his hands over his mouth while you talk and his eyes trail from your hand gestures to the stones themselves.
-(he's a little embarrassed when ginro teases him for being so invested).
-you usually have to make really simple references if you were to use cheesy pick up lines so he’s able to understand what youre trying to say, but it usually leaves him flustered and pouty.
-”are you into astronomy?”
-”well, probably not as much as you, b-”
-”because your ass is out of this world.”
-he despises you (in a loving way)
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-completely understands your passion.
-as a captain, he’s learned quite a bit about the stars and old fashioned means of navigation.
-he absolutely encourages your rambles, piling onto the information you share until you’re both excitedly babbling on about stars and such.
-which is why you're rarely shy when it comes to discussing this stuff with ryusui- he's just not the type to shame or even tease you for that matter. if you DO ever get embarrassed, ryusui immediately shares your energy and shares his own knowledge.
-hes not as experienced in the gemstone department though, so when you show off all the ones youve collected, he’ll pick them up and examine them carefully, making comments on their appearances.
-with planets, i’m sure he knows a little bit more than the basics (probably had a space phase), but nevertheless is interested by the facts you share with him.
-”realllly??! Haha! I never knew that! You sure know your stuff, Y/N! I desire your passion and knowledge!”
-and so he’s more than okay with observing you and listening to your rambles, whether its about something he can contribute more to like the stars or whether its something thats completely unfamiliar to him such as gemstones. 
-as for jokes and puns- he loves them.
-absolutely CANNOT get enough of them and will laugh his ass off at ones he finds particularly witty
-also flatters you with a bunch of astronomy related pickup lines
-sometimes you try to out do each other because of course
-”who took the stars out the sky and put them in your eyes?”
-”your smile must be a black hole; nothing can escape its pull.”
-its goofy and corny but you two have fun with it. 
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drsenkustone · 4 years
I think Tumblr ate this request again T.T headcanons of Senku with a villager albino or heterochromiac s/o (you can choose either) who was thought to be a spirit, demon or a witch by the village and had to live separately before she met Senku? (Senku giving an hour of scientific lecture that s/o is totally normal with just a unique appearance to the villagers xD).
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“Senku!! Senku come quick!” the little watermelon Suika rolled up and popped out of her shell. Her cry immediately caught his attention, turning all his attention to her.
“Suika, calm down, what’s the matter?” he asked seriously, placing a hand on her small shoulder in attempts to comfort and calm her.
“We caught the witch! The witch Chrome had been talking about for a while!! Come on!” She jumped, pulling his hand out of the village towards the edge of the woods. After the words left her mouth, Senku’s face fell into a dead panned expression. He was ten billion percent sure he covered how witches and mythical stories can’t be true to the entire village…and here was Suika pulling him towards their supposed witch. Most logical explanation is they captured a revived person from his time and knew some scientific skills like himself and startled them.
Once past a bit of the trees came a clearing, where Senku laid his eyes upon Kinro and Ginro having tied up, you guessed it, a person. Kohaku was also there, holding a stance ready to attack if you tried anything funny. All three of them must have already threatened you a hundred times. He couldn’t let this go on longer.
“Everyone! I am ten billion percent sure they’re not a witch,” he spoke loud enough to be heard clearly, and thankfully caught everyone’s attention, including yours. Kohaku walked over to him, knife still in hand.
“Senku! How could you be so sure? Look at them!” She swung her blade back to point at you. You had silky, practically snow-white hair and shining heterochromia eyes that were (l/e/c) and (r/e/c). You were different, but that didn’t make you a witch.
“That’s what the modern world calls judging a book by its cover and we don’t want to do that here,” he retorted and patted Kohaku’s shoulder before stepping around her, demanding you be untied. You were obviously scared, head tucked low, avoiding eye contact and beat up a bit from your fight with the trio. They trusted Senku enough to listen and you rubbed your arms a bit from the slight indents the rope pushed into your pale skin. Senku kneeled down in front of you, his team on guard automatically.
“What’s your name?”
“…(y/n). What’s yours?”
“Senku. You’re albino aren’t you?” He smiled, since he already knew he was right. He watched your mismatched eyes widen.
“Wait, you know?” Your voice trembled a bit, having lost the thought that people from thousands of years ago could’ve survived, and you’d have the luck of meeting them.
“Yeah,” he chuckled. “I’m sorry about my friends, they’re from this time so they got scared.” He offered you a hand to aid you standing up, which you accepted. It seems like his friends relaxed a bit too, adding some comfort for you.
“I got scared too,” you countered. “For months now, whenever we accidently crossed paths, I’d be called a witch and threatened or chased. They caught me this time.”
“We were going to burn them at a stake!” Ginro proudly stated before Kohaku appeared besides him and jabbed his ribs. Senku returned his attention to you.
“Do you remember when you woke up?” He wanted to ask so many more questions already, but he knew better than to overwhelm a new person who was attacked by a gang.
“Not quite, but I’ve made a wobbly hutch to survive in.” After that sentence, you noticed the leak-haired man gain a large grin on his face. You felt a bit of worry and confusion, but within the next hour you’d understand a lot more currently happening than your entire time awake in the stone world.
During dinner in the village, Senku took diligent time to explain to the villagers who albino people where and what heterochromia eyes were and why. Being the scientist he is, he left no detail too small, but he made sure to express the importance of not assuming the worst of somebody by how they look, or if they don’t look like you.
You happily ate your meal while he lectured the villagers. In this crazy, stressful world, you were lucky to find somebody who understood you, accepted you and helped others accept you too. If not for Senku, they truly thought you were a witch, someone producing magic and spells like in the games you use to play in your time. It was scary to be attacked, but you hold a special place in your heart for Senku now for saving you. He was a man you could respect.
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gennabi · 3 years
dr stone masterlist
drabble 💭 oneshot 💬 series 💫
fluff 💛 angst ⚠️ comfort 🧸 humour 🐤
personal favs 🌻
back to main masterlist
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i would not be writing for dr stone anymore. :)
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ishigami senku 🪄
paper rings 💬💛
asagiri gen 🪄
love is in the flowers 💬💛
saionji ukyo 🪄
a little more 💭💛🌻
shoot your shot! (like literally) 💬💛
"it's cold" 💬💛⚠️🧸🌻
ginro 🪄
signal 💬💛⚠️
kohaku 🪄
how-to: confess 💬💛
kinro 🪄
don't look at me like that! 💬💛⚠️🌻
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cosmicaura7 · 3 years
Welcome to my blog! I hope you have fun reading my stuff and please let me know your thoughts about them, I love reading comments and reactions. Please do not copy or post my works somewhere else and claim it as your own, I have worked hard just to write them and I will not hesitate to contact you and ask you to take it down.
Requests are not open at the moment but they'll be soon open for your ideas once I have written and finished my ongoing works. Though sending thirsts imagines and other prompts are available! I only write for female readers either both platonically or romantically with any character on my list. NSFW thirsts are also okay.
Please note that I am still a student who juggles her time on studying and being on the internet so please be patient on when I post my written content. 
I hope you enjoy scrolling through my blog! Thank you for your support.
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Boku no Hero Academia
Monster High Character Reader : (B.K)
writing for these characters :
~ Bakugou Katsuki 
~ Midoriya Izuku 
~ Todoroki Shouto 
~ Iida Tenya
~ Kirishima Eijirou
~ Kaminari Denki 
~ Shinsou Hitoshi 
~ Monoma Neito
~ Amajiki Tamaki
~ Aizawa Shouta
~ Takami Keigo
~ Shigaraki Tomura
~ Dabi
writing for these characters :
~ Sawamura Daichi
~ Sugawara Koushi
~ Tanaka Ryunosuke 
~ Kageyama Tobio
~ Tsukishima Kei
~ Kuroo Tetsurou
~ Kozume Kenma
~ Oikawa Tooru
~ Iwaizumi Hajime
~ Matsukawa Issei
~ Hanamaki Takahiro
~ Bokuto Koutaro
~ Akaashi Keiji
~ Ushijima Wakatoshi
~ Miya Atsumu
~ Miya Osamu
~ Suna Rintarou
~ Kita Shinsuke
~ Sakusa Kiyoomi
Dr. Stone
writing for these characters :
~ Ishigami Senku
~ Chrome 
~ Kinro
~ Ginro
~ Asagiri Gen
~ Saoinji Ukyo
~ Shishio Tsukasa
Bungou Stray Dogs
writing for these characters :
~ Dazai Osamu
~ Kunikida Doppo
~ Nakajima Atsushi
~ Edogawa Ranpo
~ Nakahara Chuuya
~ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
~ Oda Sakunosuke
Attack On Titan
writing for these characters :
~ Eren Jaeger
~ Armin Arlert
~ Levi Ackerman
~ Jean Kirschtein
~ Connie Springer
~ Reiner Braun
Black Clover
Genshin Impact Reader : (Y.S) (F.R) (ASTA)
writing for these characters :
~ Nozel Silva
~ William Vangeance
~ Fuegoleon Vermillion
~ Leopold Vermillion
~ Klaus Lunettes
~ Yuno Grinberryall
~ Yami Sukehiro
~ Asta
~ Magna Swing
~ Luck Voltia
~ Finral Roulacase
~ Gauche Adlai
~ Zora Ideale
~ Mars
writing for these characters :
~ Nanase Haruka
~ Tachibana Makoto
~ Matsuoka Rin
~ Yamazaki Sousuke
~ Ryugazaki Rei
~ Shiina Asahi
~ Kirishima Natsuya
~ Kirishima Ikuya
Genshin Impact
writing for these characters :
~ Diluc Ragnvindr
~ Kaeya Alberich
~ Zhongli
~ Tartaglia
~ Thoma
~ Kaedehara Kazuha
~ Arataki Itto
~ Albedo
~ Kamisato Ayato
~ Enjou (Pyro Abyss Lector)
Tears of Themis
writing for these characters :
~ Luke Pearce
~ Marius Von Hagen
~ Artem Wing
~ Vyn Richter
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minruko · 3 years
relationship with kinro | hcs
relationship with moz | hcs
get excited | oneshot
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drsenkustone · 4 years
can i get headcanons about how senku cuddles ? its completely alright if not !! take care of urself ☺️❤️
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As typical, our Scientist is not too big on affection, let alone physical affection.
He has his soft days though, some days where he will be more open to it.
Soft Senku Days is when he’s feeling sort of sweet, mellow or wants to make you happy.
More of these times will be in between preparations, random times during building things.
There are Harsh Senku Days, no physical affection on these days. Normally before or after a battle.
You’ll normally initiate, crawling right up into his side and wrap your arms around him.
He lightly runs his fingers through your hair and lets you rest your head on his arm.
Over the course of the cuddling, you feel him relax more and more into you too.
He has fallen asleep while you both cuddle, normally blushes like a bride after realizing it too.
You may dance your fingers along his core too, it took some time but he’s gotten use to it and doesn’t dislike the action.
If you fall asleep in his arms, you wake up sometimes from him rubbing your back, his soft breath breezing your forehead.
Soft Senku Days are some of his best days too, he gets to spend them with you. 
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drsenkustone · 4 years
If you’re not already writing one, would you do the “do you like that? like being in control?” prompt?
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“Whoa whoa whoa there (y/n)! D-don’t you think you’re moving a little fast--!” Senku yelped as he barely dodged another strike from your sparring stick. Yes, he was the big brains of the entire Kingdom of Science in this Stone Age, but Kohaku mentioned the idea of him mastering the basics in fighting and most everybody agreed that was practical. You were sure even Senku knew it was a good idea too even if he didn’t want to do it. With the future throwing any curveball, everyone had to have some level of defense on their own. Since Kohaku was on another level with Ginro, Kinro and Magma, she gave you the trouble of teaching Senku basics. Trouble because it will be a long road…
“That’s the whole point genius,” you huffed, positioning yourself back into a defensive stance. Weapon guarding your core and your other hand tucked at your side in a fist, ready to attack or defend. “Get ready, Senku-kun!” You kindly prepped him a second before sprinting at him full speed. You internally laughed seeing his expression freak out and pull his stick up to defend himself. The two pieces of wood clashed together, you flipped your sideways to attack again and was proud to see him move in motion to block it again. He was learning! You repeated it again and again, watching him start to keep up with your movements. You could still feel the hesitation in his defense, not sure if this was the right move to keep him alive in a fight. You swung down towards his feet and he jumped backwards- he’s doing so good! You had a stupid happy grin on your face as you spoke to him.
“See! You’re getting the hang of it! It comes naturally!” You didn’t miss Senku’s uneasy laughter, but he did get right back in a guarding pose. To your surprise now, he did run at you, now you had your turn to guard. Sadly, his attacks were still somewhat sloppy. It was obvious which way he was going to swing before it happened, you counted how many weak spots he left open to injury and not to mention, the one attack you allowed to make contact barely hurt. There’s still a long…long ways to go.
Both of you were getting a bit tired, Senku more than you. So in the midst of his attack, you hopped to the side and spun on your heel to bring your stick around yourself and to his back, the fluffy part hitting him in the lower spine. The scientist fell down on his hands and knees, his weapon falling out of his hand. He was panting quite heavily for some light sparring, but he didn’t do much fighting or physical labor in general. (Or what he did do was light compared to most villagers.) You immediately sat on top of him, straddling him and pushing down between his shoulder blades as well, guaranteeing his entire body going flush against the dirt.
“I win~” You whispered in his ear, the grin was so obvious on your face Senku could practically sketch it in the dirt. After a couple more huffs of air, he chuckled a bit. “Hm? What’s so funny?”
“Do you like that?” He turned his head to look you in the eye, his typical smirk plastered on his sweaty face. Before you could question, he already answered. “Being in control?”
Your lips puckered a bit, like you just had a bite of some sour worm gummies, and your eyebrows pulled in, a pout on your cute face. You hopped off him and brushed of your clothes. Senku slowly got to his feet as well, brushing the dirt stains away as best he could and cracking a couple sore bones. That noise never sounded good to you.
“Shut it, I don’t care either way…” you muttered, not daring to look him in the eyes. “This is for your own good, you moron!”
Senku let out a hearty laugh, brushing the couple loose strands of hair out of his face. His skin held a thin layer of sweat on the surface which glimmered in the sunlight. His messed up leek-like hair looks as if he just got out of bed. His gorgeous red eyes were as beautiful as a field of red poppy flowers. You’d have a heart attack if you keep looking at this man.
“I know, I have to tease you on it though,” he smiled and pinched your cheek. He noticed the tint of red it held, and knew it wasn’t from sparring. “C’mon, let’s go grab a bite to eat, we still have a lot of work to catch up on in the lab,” he waved his hand in motion and you followed like a puppy.
“Hey, Senku-chan~” Gen smiled the younger boy, earning only a side glance from him.
“What do you need Gen?” Senku sighed.
“I just wanted to kindly note that between the two of you, (y/n) would be best in control as your top~…” Gen grinned evilly as he finally stepped out of the laboratory. Senku stared at his exit with a confused glare…his brain processing each word. A few dots later, his eyes widened and a light blush graced his cheeks. He immediately went back to work while grumbling about the damn mentalist.
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drsenkustone · 4 years
Can you do the prompt "Bite your lips I dare you " or something like that for Senku? If you don't mind of course. Ps, I love your blog and writing!
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You chomped a bit viciously on your tasty chicken leg, staring down at it with an intense gaze. You had to, you needed to distract yourself from Senku. For most of the week, any small thing he did drove you crazy with want- want to touch him, kiss him, hug, you wanted him in every possible way! You had admitted your feelings to him a while back and he shockingly didn’t deny you, but didn’t say yes to becoming a couple. Not surprising he still thought relationships were useless but he was willing to take things slow with you, in his terms that meant he liked you too.
Aaaaaaaaand it was slow. Gen had a blast teasing you about it, he could see you craving the scientist. Even Kohaku and Kinro caught on, but were too kind to do that to you. Chrome and Ginro didn’t notice anything. “You can’t keep this up forever (y/n)-chan~” Gen smirked, sitting next to you watching you take your frustration out of your food. You felt a bit of embarrassment and self-consciousness so you slowed down, cleaning up for face a bit in the process. “You’re going to crack!~” Your cheeks flushed a bit, damn mentalist.
“(Y/N)! Come here a second!” the leek-head called from his shed, sending nervous energy through your bones. Why now? Gen just riled you up too. Ughh…
You pushed the curtain aside and stepped into the shed, where he seemed to be mixing a couple of bubbling chemicals before putting both into one glass up. His red eyes gazed up at you and smiled. Your heart started beating faster, and he motioned you over which you complied.
“I want you to try this, I was thinking of surprising the Kingdom of Science, a little good ol’ ginger ale can be good with the flu season coming around soon.” He handed you the cup, a more serious look on his face. You nodded, not to dare yourself to saying something stupid. You took a sip and once you looked back, he was staring at you with anticipation, his deep red eyes and biting the corner of his lip in curiosity. “Well—“
“Bite your lip again, I dare you,” you muttered quickly, immediately breaking eye contact and your face turning red. God his lips looked so kissable…
“Huhh? (Y/n) what are you talking about?” You bit down on your lip and the hand not holding the glass curled in a ball. He wasn’t actually supposed to hear that but he did. You sighed softly, still unable to look back up at him, but you could feel he was still staring at you.
“Don’t bite your lip in front of me…” You said, a bit of embarrassment laced in your words. You shouldn’t be, in any normal relationship you wouldn’t be. But Senku said to take things slow, and wanting to smash lips together wasn’t slow. You could feel his stare on you for what felt like 3700 years before you heard an ‘oh’ from him. Good, now maybe you could go back to your chicken leg if Ginro didn’t finish yours.
Nevermind—Senku was suddenly close and he leaned to the side where you looked away from him, catching your lips in a light and gentle kiss. You were frozen in shock, and you fully processed it when he pulled away and stood straight again, a small signature smirk on his lips. He knew he got you, your cheeks were so red!
“I won’t do it again,” he laughed, and you pouted playfully. You set the ginger ale cup that was still in your hand back on the table.
“Senku-kun, did you even try that yourself?”
“Not yet, but since you didn’t spit it out, I figure it must be decently close.”
“Try some,” And in a flash, you jumped him. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips back together where they belonged. Now the scientist was shocked. He couldn’t hold back your momentum and you both fell to the floor with a soft thud. You continued your playful ministrations while Senku became a flustered mess and had no hopes of controlling you now.
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drsenkustone · 5 years
Senku x Anxious Reader
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You sat around the warm fire during the cooling night hours surrounded by the lively active folks of Ishigami Village. It was Ruri’s birthday so they all decided to throw a party for the Priestess in joy of her growing older, and some (like her father) even more joyous she’s still with them. The elders were enjoying their booze while some of the teenagers and adults who didn’t care to drink enjoyed the now popular Senku Cola. Gen had been boasting about cola so much, he got more of a following from the villagers so the team had to produce more. At the beginning of the celebrations, you were livelier, enjoying the food and drinks and chattering away, but you dimmed down now huddled close to the fire, arms wrapped around your knees that were pulled into your chest. There was so much noise and mischief, something bad was bound to happen. Something bad was surely to happen. It’s going to happen…
“(Y/n)?” A gentle hand was placed on your shoulder but it still caused your skin to jump and whip your head around. Senku was looking down at you, already having a concerned look on his face. He was always the first to notice when you started to separate from activities, you should’ve been use to the fact that he was always the first to come check on you by now. “You’re jumpy, are you okay?” He sat down next to you, keeping his hand on your shoulder. A part of him selfishly craved the warmth of the fire as well.
Your eyes turned back to the fire, feeling small under Senku’s gaze. It wasn’t harsh or demanding, it felt worried and caring, but somehow, being so scared of nothing right now made you feel ashamed. “I’m just…anxious…something bad is going to ruin all this…it seems too good right now,” you admitted softly. Senku did lean in a little to hear you better, but he knew you were talking small on the off chance of anybody else trying to hear you. The scientist knew you didn’t like your anxieties to be known by others, which was fine. His eyes were soft, and his hand began to make small circles on your shoulder. He wasn’t that great at comforting, but he’s done a lot of studying with anxiety disorders and he’s noticed over the time you two have known each other, a small gesture as such could help.
“I know, but the likelihood of something bad happening right now is ten billion to one. We’ve pushed back the Tsukasa Empire and have the upper hand. Our Kingdom of Science is growing bigger and better day by day!” He smiled. Within a moment, the sound of shattering glass echoed in the small campfire area. It felt like all your breathing stopped and your heart exploded. You tightly wrapped your arms around Senku’s closest arm, burying your head into his shoulder, your legs curled up as close to you as possible. Senku’s eyes widened in surprise, the tight grip you had on him, he could feel the tension in your body while still racking with shakes and shivers. He glanced back over to the cause of the sound, Ginro dropped a glass bottle of cola, which now Gen was crying over the waste and Kinro was already in the processes of cleaning it all up. He sighed lightly but knew he had to bring (y/n) out of the area for a bit, the best way to help bring her down.
It took a bit of convincing and maneuvering but Senku finally led you out of the village and on a trail following a stream for some relaxing atmosphere. Kohaku and Suika offered to join which both of you agreed, Senku previously explaining to Kohaku a while back how anxiety was hard and dangerous. She wanted to help you too, and having simple conversations off topic helped distract you. Suika didn’t understand as much, but she was happy to help any possible way she could. She helped just by being herself. Adorable!~ Your walk down the trail next to the river with the comfort of your friends and Senku and away from the cause of stress was a big help. They knew what to say or what not to say, you couldn’t be more thankful to have them by your side right now.
Eventually, the four of you made it back towards the village, seeing from over the bridge some of the party was still going on, from the looks of it the elders and children went to bed. Kohaku took Suika to settle her in for the night, leaving just the both of you at the bridges end.
“Let’s go settle in at the shed,” the scientist yawned as he turned around and started walking. You looked back over your shoulder, a bit of concern plastered on your face.
“I’m sorry if I was too much…” You looked down to your feet while Senku stopped and looked back to you. “If you want to go back to the party I don’t want to stop you…I want you to enjoy your free time too.” Senku’s chuckle caught you off guard as did his hand ruffling up your hair.
“If I wanted to go back I would, but I’m tired too and rather sleep. Besides, I know you’d get nervous being in the shack without me,” he smirked playfully before turning on his heels and walking to the shack. Your cheeks flushed a light red with your (e/c) eyes wide. Did...did he just tease you?! You felt a tiny rage of mixed emotions rumble in your body as you ran after him, blabbering how you were capable of being perfectly fine alone. But realistically you loved his company, and he knew that long ago.
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drsenkustone · 4 years
Headcanons for an S/O who got petrified and during the 3700 years, her back got connected with a huge bird’s wings and can now fly?
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When you cracked out of your confinement, the first thing you had to do was stretch your sore bones.
At first, nothing felt weird, you felt a bit heavy but that must’ve been from being in stone so long.
When you stood to your feet is when you noticed your back was heavy, and when you looked you were in utter SHOCK.
You did pull on them to see if they were really stuck to you, and it seemed legit.
You also smacked yourself a bit to see if this was a dream. It was already frightening enough to see the world covered in trees, leaves and no life around you.
You covered up with some leaves and searched for some basic survival items.
When random ass lions found you and began chasing you halfway through this forest, you swore you were done for.
But somehow, your feet started lifting off the ground, and before you knew it you were soaring above the trees.
You could feel bones somehow connected to your spine and back moving, looking over, you saw your beautiful brown wings bringing you high in the sky.
Your brain knew but you didn’t.
From this point out, you accepted your new…. skill, let’s say. You were nervous at the thought of any other people meeting you. But in this new, open world, being able to have wings and fly was incredible.
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