#kintaro imagine
suvidrache · 1 year
Relationship Headcanons
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 350 / Read it on AO3 | Wattpad
Featuring: Shao Kahn. Goro. Kintaro. Onaga
Author's Note: This is an old fic I wrote long ago. I will not be writing any further content for the characters featured here.
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Shao Kahn
- You are his prince/princess, you will have anything and everything given to you.
- All shall obey your command and anyone who doesn't shall be executed.
- You will even have your own concubines if you wish.
- There is nothing you cannot have, except the throne. That's his, until his death, then it will be yours.
- Shao Kahn will be the dominant one in the bedroom, he loves feeling powerful.
- Very rarely will you be the one on top.
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- A very loving dragon man, he is very similar and different to Shao Kahn.
- You will be given anything and everything you want for the most part. He isn't as bloodthirsty as Shao Kahn and therefore, he won't kill anyone that does not obey you, only sentence them to the dungeon.
- He listens to your words and suggestions for the castle and if they are good, he will follow them.
- At any chance he will get, if he finds a flower, he will pick it and give it to you.
- He is submissive and will let you do what you want. However, if you wish to be dominated he will do so.
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- Goro cares very little for any threats made, to him, to his planet, anything, but he draws the line when it comes to threatening you.
- He will always give you and get you the best that he can.
- If he ruled Kuatan, he would let you make most of the decisions. Only interfering if he thought something better.
- Goro has very little interest in sex as he prefers fighting.
- Of the few times you may have sex, he would be fine being on top or bottom.
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- He has absolutely no interest in humans, if you are a human you will literally be his next meal.
- He would prefer a s/o that is also a cat like him.
- Despite his aggressive-looking face, he is quite sweet.
- He loves belly rubs, playing with yarn, and sunbathing.
- Sex would either be the both of you in "human" form or both in cat form.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @phantomheiko. @sunmoongoddess. @thevoidwriting. / To Join My Tag List Apply Here!
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landoffreaksandfrogs · 8 months
ur blood swap is literally the coolest. so clearly well thought out. i am kind of literally in love with bloodswap tavroses i love to see one if available
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to be real i have NOT thought much about tavros but hes an indigo!
he has the classic FREAK STRENGTH of the zahhak gene and he does NOT DO WELL WITH IT. he tries so hard to be delicate and careful but hes incredibly clumsy and bad at controlling his strength. hes a. hes like. a.
like a bull in a china sh
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
Awesome!! Because I was wondering if you could do Hc's with Onaga, Goro, Kintaro and Quan Chi with their S/o telling them that they are pregnant. Pretty please
MK Lads Learning that S/O!Reader Is Pregnant
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He's delighted! After all, what good is being the true ruler of Outworld if he has no heir? Preparations will be made immediately for your safe labour and delivery, you'll not lift a finger until the child is born.
The planning will also include the child's rigorous education and training that will begin days after the birth (or, hatching, perhaps?) so that the child you bare will grow to be as formidable as their father.
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He'll stare at you silently while he processes the news of your pregnancy. Not that he isn't happy, he's just blown away that this could happen at all. However, there are some major complications.
The Shokan policy of survival of the fittest and Goro's status as a prince have him questioning whether it's better to keep your pregnancy secret from his people.
Your child will no doubt face endless scrutiny within Shokan society, constantly having to prove their worth in Kombat. Goro is willing to abandon his people to ensure you and the child have a better, kinder life.
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While Kinatro is also a Shokan, he has the advantage of not being a prince. Without that social pressure, He is allowed to express his pride in having gotten you pregnant.
Any concerns you may have about your child's ability to integrate into Shokan society are waved off by Kintaro, who is adamant that any child of his would be strong enough to prove themselves.
Being of Tigrar lineage rather than Draco, Kintaro will help you prepare for the cat-like child you will birth, particularly with lots of toys and scratching posts.
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Quan Chi
He's been called 'daddy' before, but he never realised it would become literal one day. Normally the life he creates requires a prelude of suffering and torture, so you'll forgive him if he's a little taken aback.
You may have to convince him that this isn't one of Shinnok's tricks and that you are indeed pregnant with his child. Once that sinks in, he'll be happy enough to shout it from the rooftops.
Soon everyone in Netherrealm knows that you're expecting, and Quan Chi is unlikely to calm down about it anytime soon. All of his revenant slaves are looking forward to meeting their new overlord.
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carbonatedjem · 1 year
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RWBY x IMAGIN Just a fun crossover pic that came to mind the other day, it’s RWBY and the Imagin from Kamen Rider Den-O. Cause I was suddenly struck with the realization that both quartets have matching base colors. I can do this with Penny and Salem too if I ever get the vibe for it.
I think it’s a pretty cool team up :)
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"All we need to do is act like heroes!"
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Mach Full Force! Momotaros!
Just Perfect! Urataros!
Smile Blooming! Kintaros!
Doki Doki Delight! Ryuutaros!
Break The Limit! Sieg!
Dash Dynamic! Deneb! (I do not care that they're the wrong way round now shush) (And now I wish I had him do Go-On Silver aaaaa-)
This post is a reference to the part where Momo, Ura, Kin and Ryuu perform the Go-Onger roll call. Because it felt important, Sieg and Deneb are here too.
Anyways, I finished Den-O a week or two ago and took about a week to get this done! I absolutely LOVED it, even tho at the end the story got a bit derailed (NO PUN INTENDED), and I have plans to see the movies/specials/ye (I've seen Pretty Den-O which was pretty good!) I just adore the Imagin (part of my beloved now-), not forgetting the others too (Just gotta warm up a bit more to Sieg, he means well but he's a bit of a jerk)! Loved the badass, funny, heartwarming and enjoyable moments, AND YES I CRIED AND SCREAMED EVERYONE'S NAMES BY THE END- But all's gud now! I wonder what season I'll watch next...
I'm sorry they don't look too accurate, it's kinda my first time drawing them (tho specifically Momo, Ryuu and Sieg) seriously- Now if you excuse me, I gotta sleep because school is back again ;-; *cri*I promise to finish my for now with Taro possessions with my friend and leave the Den-O gang alone for a bit soon, alright?
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benstudios24 · 4 months
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*some sort of group Astral projection shit that has the 2k12 Turtles Yuichi, Miyamoto and idk the Bear to be on the same plane *
Yuichi: Jiji! Don't be alarmed but these ninja are my friends.
Miyamoto: *turns towards the turtles* Hello boys, it was a long time since we've last met. I suppose it's hard to forget Kintaro.
Yuichi: You know them? *Realization, then turns to the turtles* You guys are the Four Friendly Ninja Kappa!!
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kanohivolitakk · 2 years
Unfortunately I like Engages big bad evil wizards design. Here’s hoping his japanese voice actor is a toku alumni again (Tosihiko Seki or Show Hayami are my prefered choices, but I will take any toku alumni tbh).
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paxcallow · 2 months
Shoutout to your Raz for being a little cutie patootie anyway can you spare a headcanons about him for the poor *holding out my little orphan lad hat*
hehehe thank you also OH BABY YOU KNOW I CAN! i may have like 3 hours before i have to get a train to georgia but i always have time for RAZ and TALKING about RAZ!
raz becomes pescetarian after the meat circus. i say pescetarian and not vegetarian because of his toxic relationship with Crab Sandwich. crab sandwich is raz's friend. but raz kind of wants to eat crab sandwich.
^ raz is kind of a freak.
like all things, raz picks up hydrokinesis pretty quickly, but for a while the Hand of Galochio Aquato will not grant him access to water deep enough to swim in. he beats himself up over this somewhat because neither queepie or frazie struggle with the hand like he does and while they're learning to swim, he's standing on the surface of the water like jesus.
actually, i feel like the Hand was always the most physically real to raz than any of the others because of his lack of denial about being a psychic. all the others felt the unnatural fear at a body of water and it grew much more violent and undertowed in the presence of the psychics, but a young razputin aquato heard the name "Hand of Galochio" and took that very literally.
sorry for the sadcanons. bonus augustus headcanon for your trouble. this barrier to water is something raz and dad can bond over, because while augustus can physically get in the water, he is utter ass at swimming and learns it the slowest of anyone in the family. he is so brave but after a lifetime of water curse, being in it feels the most unnatural. you know that clip from golden boy of kintaro(?) drowning all the way across the pool before turning around and very badassly going "So! How do you like my swimming. >:)" that's augustus while raz runs across the water beside him cheering him on.
he got his goggles from true psychic tales magazine, but he uses them now mostly to combat visual overstimulation. it takes him several years to realize that's what he's doing. projecting through a psi portal is very visually intense and that's why raz is convinced for the longest time that those things actually did anything psychic.
a combination of what donatella calls "sibling survival instinct" being surrounded by so many kids his age at camp, needing to blow off steam after just having run away from home, and wanting to make a good impression at his big new job is what explains the difference in raz's rudeness between psychonauts 1 and 2. in psychonauts 3, raz is going to repeatedly say some out of pocket shit to some fellow kids and then feel really guilty because he's a professional now.
i know i've said this before but it bears repeating that raz is a little menace about tickling. he just genuinely likes it and can't imagine that anyone might not. but he's soooooo shy so his primary way of getting tickles himself is being a little shit. that tends to do the trick. he's definitely not extremely obvious about it every single time. everyone totally doesn't know what he's doing.
raz proudly eats food off the floor. raz thinks wasting food is a crime!! he'll eat your leftovers. he'll drink the rest of your soda. he'll eat the other half of your sandwich. empty your unwanted snax into the grumpus that is razputin aquato.
this is sometimes the only way to get him to eat because often he forgets to until his stomach is screaming at him to spare its life. when he is very focused on something for a while, raz's neglect of himself hits him all at once. man im tired- ooh wait im hungry- oh im thirsty too- AH my eyes hurt have i not been blinking- whoa how is it after midnight already- OUCH i have a headache! my feet hurt! etc. he. needs people looking out for him.
raz is going to be a really good dad one day.
raz knows he is cute. intellectually. he uses this to his advantage to subtly manipulate adults into letting things slide or giving him floor bacon. but he has not internalized the fact that he is genuinely a little cutie pie not through his genetics and social engineering skills, but by being a little dorky smush face who is always earnest, borderline transparent, so so so brave, easily embarrassed, wanting to be friends with everyone, being a little baby bean,[i am slowly dragged off the stage with a cane]
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 2 months
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um so i went overboard @kirider i did. go overboard. sorry if you haven't watched any of these 🙇‍♀️
It's A Little Crowded In Here
As far as Ichimonji knew, he and Hongo were the only Kamen Riders around, so to be sent to the quarry by Taki and discovering that, holy hell, there were a LOT OF OTHER KAMEN RIDERS, was a bit of a shock.
Well, existential crisis #69420 would have to wait, apparently, because those other Kamen Riders clearly needed help.
Be careful.
“Always am!”
Ichimonji got down to the fight, where Hongo helped him fight against...probably at LEAST twenty different types of monsters, and Ichimonji was fairly sure they were just grunts!
Still, he stood his ground, just like all the other Kamen Riders around him.
Something flew overhead, and Ichimonji didn’t really have time to react before he and a few other Kamen Riders were struck by a beam of light.
He threw his hand up to ward off the brightness, which had the really weird effect of drawing in all the other Kamen Riders...into him?
Shoutarou, calm down please.
Idiot genius, what did you do this time?
Why are you blaming ME, musclehead?
You try and make sure an idiot stays alive in battle and what do you get for it? Stuck in someone else’s head. Unbelievable.
I did tell you I didn’t need your help, Ankh.
Wow, this is more crowded than usual, can I shoot you guys?
Ryuuta, that has no class.
Like you know about class, perverted turtle!
Guys, please…
Don’t make others cry, Momo-tachi!
Guess using Mighty Brothers form backfired on us, eh M?
We’ll keep that in mind for next time.
“Um. Hi?”
There was a second of pause, and then the chorus of voices started up again, only this time it seemed to be in argument.
Ichimonji, they are very loud.
“I can. Hear that. Maybe someone can explain?”
I’m not sure anyone can explain why this happened, Ichimonji.
There was a collective groan as everyone seemed to whip towards two voices in particular, which was a very weird thing to only feel.
Why’d you say that?? Sento’s not going to be able to shut up if you say that!
“Sento! A name! How ‘bout we start with that. Everyone’s name. I’m Ichimonji Hayato.”
And I’m Hongo Takeshi.
There was a bit of mental scuffling.
Oh, I’m first?
You’re the most senior of us in here.
Oh, I guess that’s true. Nogami Ryoutarou, and this is Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryuutaros. They’re Imagins. Um, I’m Den-O.
Aibou, us next.
We’re OLD now, mou! Hidari Shoutarou and Philip, Kamen Rider W.
We are not old, Shoutarou is exaggerating.
Hino Eiji, Kamen Rider OOO, and Ankh is here because he helps in battles these days.
This is still irritating.
Hojou Emu, and Parad, Kamen Riders Ex-Aid and Para-DX.
Kiryuu Sento, Kamen Rider Build. I have a feeling I’m here because I was in the combined form with Banjou.
Is THAT why? Ugh. Anyways, Kamen Rider Cross-Z, Banjou Ryuuga.
“So everyone here...combines together?”
Not usually, no, but in this case the opponent was strong enough to warrant trying it. Best Match, and all that.
Co-opt, in our case.
I’m not quite combined, the Imagins possess me.
Ankh’s case is closer to possession, as well.
We actually combine together every time, yes.
“...great! So, uh, yeah, I don’t know what to do here.”
You said you were Ichimonji Hayato, correct?
“Yeah, why?”
“Is that a good fascinating or a bad one?”
It’s merely interesting, I suppose. You are not the first Ichimonji Hayato to be Nigou, nor is Hongo the first Ichigou.
Aibou, what the hell? ...Wait. The Showa nonsense, right?
Correct. But not only that. There was a Hongo and Ichimonji in 2005, as well as others.
Were you talking with Decade again or something, W?
Ichimonji was going to have a headache and also a massive talk with Taki once this battle was over.
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denebsapphic · 8 months
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iiseult · 9 months
❥ requests - OPEN :)
❥ most recent work here!
❥ DISCLAIMER: Please be gentle w me, I don’t know what I’m doing on this app even a little bit and im used to ao3!! That being said pls let me know if I’m not following proper tumblr etiquette, whatever that may be.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ABOUT ME! *ೃ༄
❥ My name’s Isolde, I’m a 19 year old college student living in the U.S., and I write mostly depraved femdom smut whenever I feel like it and at literally no other time!
❥ That being said there is no set schedule and I do what I want
❥ Also I love new friends! :D
❥ Probably not straight but also don’t know what to call it and also don’t care!
❥ single
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ INBOX/ASK RULES *ೃ༄
❥ Be 18+ or begone!
❥ Don’t be afraid to ask, I won’t kink shame or be mean and if I’m not comfortable, I will simply say no
❥ I like just chatting with people who have shared interests and shooting the breeze
❥ I’ll do drabbles, imagines, full fics, what have you but it depends on how motivated I am tbh
❥ nsfw or sfw, both are fine
❥ I love AUs
❥ I will never explicitly mention race in my writing. As a white person I am not equipped to properly portray poc readers, and my goal is to let everyone imagine themselves into the story no matter who they are!
❥ I will not write about kids I hate kids (that means minors)
❥ I will also not write about having kids/giving birth/being pregnant cause that’s none of my business
❥ No incest
❥ No scat
❥ No SA
❥ No somnophilia, I just do not get the hype sorry gang
❥ No necrophilia. no comment.
❥ I only write female reader cause I’m a girlll🌸
❥ Ermmmm I think that’s it but I’ll add more if it comes up
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ WHAT I LOVE TO WRITE *ೃ༄
❥ I will write age gap as long as it’s not between a minor and an adult.
❥ Corruption/virginity loss (let me be clear— this refers to the corruption of the character in question, not of the reader)
❥ Pet play (but not like, horses. pls no horses)
❥ Speaking of horses, COWBOY AU
❥ Overall just pathetic, whiny, desperate, good little submissive, obsessed, obedient, needy, overstimulated boys!!!
❥ Oh and occasionally mommy kink but is anyone surprised
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FANDOMS & FAV CHARACTERS - including but not limited to: *ೃ༄
❥ KNY/demon slayer - haganezuka, gyutaro
❥ SNK/attack on titan - jean
❥ chainsaw man - denji, power
❥ mystic messenger - 707 (hes the best fuck da gossip‼️)
❥ MHA - aizawa
❥ LOTR/the hobbit - bilbo, kili, thranduil
❥ house - james wilson (heavy on that one), greg house
❥ golden boy - kintaro
❥ kingdom of heaven - baldwin iv
❥ amadeus (1984) - mozart
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taliquest · 3 months
Once upon a time I made this as a talking-out-my-ass shitpost because I was only familiar with Den-O in passing.
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Well, now I'm finally watching Den-O, and I’m up to Kintaros and so far I'm 3 for 3 on "the Imagin are just the raw form of the Troopers' egos" chart and I swear to Godoka in Heaven if I was spot on this whole time I'm going to be a new level of insufferable.
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So exams are over finally! Woooo!!
I KNOW things may be rather inaccurate here (I'm around episode 8 in Den-O), so I apologise ;w; But I decided to do my main OC and how she'd look like if she was possessed by the Taros! Why? Because why not, and it was fun- (And I'm watching the anime too!)
I'm enjoying the series a lot! But I'm kinda on the warpath to find out why people find Momo cute- I did watch Pretty Den-O as well and it was pretty fun! (Love the suit design-)
I'll be doing my friend next, starting next week! I'll try look more into the outfits (especially Kin's, figuring it out was an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE) while I do so and hopefully things go right! To be honest, I think I like Ura's and Sieg's- (Maybe Ryu's too? That was a pain to think the outfit in general and its colours ;-;) I hope y'all still like it!
Taros my beloved...All of them...
Also since I liked it too much and turned it into a layer, here's without the boa, I just love the collar-
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the-tubort · 11 months
Thinking about the main four imagins since I'm rewatching den-o and just the way that all four of them represent some aspect of how a person can regard time is so insane to me.
Momotaros is always about living his life the way he wants to and is very representative of the concept of the present. He's always going at his full strength and rushing into whatever he thinks is best so that he can live without regrets he believes the present to be extremely important to be a part of.
Urataros views the concept of th present as something that only exists to entertain him and treats his own past as something extremely malleable so that he can say or do whatever he wants most in the moment. Its not that he doesn't believe in the future or chooses to disregard it, but his plans and lies only work to serve his own concept of the "present" and in general, the way his lies work always focus on bending the truth of the past.
Kintaros is a lot like Momotaros where he lives a lot more in the present but in a different way than Momo would. He cares about the past but views as something that has happened and can't be changed much and the future as something that will eventually happen so rather than worrying, he sleeps and does what he can whenever he can. His idea of living in the present is keeping himself centered and avoiding forcing himself into a situation unless he absolutely must.
Ryuutaros cares so little about the past or present as he always trying to find the next new thing that'll keep him happy or excited. It's never about enjoying the present until later in his story, its about doing whatever he has to so he can feel happy later. The future only means something to him when he can get something out of it.
And yet...
They all come together and learn from one another along with Ryoutaro and become more balanced and complete beings. Their memories of each other and the feelings that they want to keep to continue into the future allowed them to live on without the need of anyone else. Like owner says memory is time and that's what supports people
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virgilisspidey · 2 years
So... I'm putting this out there for starved readers and to hurt all of you more.
Depending on my computed timeline the entirety of the 2012 series happened in the span of about 3 years
The first few episodes of season 5 happened int he span of a few months before September of 2015.
The episodes where 2012 Leo was still alive are The one where Shredder is revived (Scroll of the Demogorgon, The Forgotten Swordsman, Heart of Evil, End Times) The one where Chompy's mama went to earth and also lord dregg and the neutralizer (When Worlds Collide Part 1 and Part 2) and finally, the one with Usagi (Yojimbo, Osoroshi no Tabi, Kagayakei! Kintaro)
Meaning all other episodes after that (The Halloween one with Renet and Savanti Romero, and another crossover with 1987 now with 1987 Shredder), Leo is gone.
Now imagine Renet going back to ask for help from the turtles and find Leo gone. She's confused because she wasn't aware of it. She didn't know it could even happen. Sbe said Leo was supposed to be alive, in every other timeline she looked at he was alive, but he was gone.
Now imagine the absolute horror on the 1987 turtles' faces when they came back to 2012 to see that their Leonardo is gone.
Not just gone but dead.
Doesn't that hurt? Being the only versions of yourselves to lose a father and a brother?
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