#kishi surprised me
maireyart · 9 months
ok why Obito
Well, bc when I get into the headspace of this man (specifically this man in the panel below) I feel so at home. It doesn't matter to me how illogical/plotholey/not consistent enough Naruto's plot might be on the whole, what was needed there and what wasn't, and I may not resonate that well with the other aspects of Obito's personality, but this determined, crystal-clear state of consciousness is depicted perfectly imho. I'm living for it. When the spirit, unshackled, is soaring for the first time in what felt like 1000 years. And from up there, you're getting a bird's eye view of yourself... and everything else. Like in the moment preceding death. But you're not dead. Actually, you've never been more alive.
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Everything is suddenly so vivid and colorful, life's heartbeat is everywhere. Life makes sense again. But you're saying goodbye to it, calmly, resolutely, quietly. And, finally free, you can sacrifice it all. Suddenly a painfully relatable character (the only truly relatable character in all the manga/anime I’ve seen tbh). Kishi... Just. Who told???
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honey-olive · 5 months
CHAPTER 137!??
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mixu · 2 months
The sad constraints of shônen
I just read this post and, aside from making me question really, what the fuck Kishimoto intended by publishing Naruto in the most shônen of shônen magazines, reminded me of a recent conversation I had with a friend.
We had not seen each other in like eighteen years so it was a pleasant surprise to find out he also enjoyed anime and manga. However, my heart broke when he told me he had not enjoyed Naruto like, at all. He had missed the point of the story. I was about to start a fierce defense of this big piece of my heart when something occurred to me and said: "Try watching it as if it were a romance." I swear I could see his whole world realigning behind his eyes.
So yeah, what was the plan Kishi? I feel like you shot yourself in the feet.
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the first time we hear the phrase "you're annoying" was Sakura saying it to Naruto for kissing Sasuke:
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She didn't care about other people's feelings, she didn't care if her words hurt others. All she cared about was herself and her crush on Sasuke.
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When Naruto pretended to be Sasuke, he asked her what she thought of Naruto, yet she replied, 'he's annoying'. Sakura hated Naruto because she felt he was coming in between her and Sasuke.
She complained about Naruto and how he acted, rudely highlighting the fact that he was an orphan and how he didn't have a normal childhood.
Sakura wanted to impress Sasuke. She thought Sasuke hates Naruto Since Naruto was always picking fight with Sasuke, if she bad mouthed Naruto, Sasuke would recognize some common ground with her and that would draw her closer to him. But what she really didn't expect was this:
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She was wrong on so many levels, she had no idea that Sasuke never hated Naruto. In reality, Sakura was actually hurt by his words. She realized how hurtful that phrase would be when it was thrown at her. She never realized that it was wrong to speak ill of one's upbringing. And now she realized that calling someone 'annoying' was wrong because Sasuke roasted her. Otherwise she'll keep doing this throughout the manga.
If she really liked him she could have developed more mentally and emotionally and behaved responsibly, but she didn't. Not only does she not try to understand Sasuke's reasons, but she completely reverses what she said a moment ago about how revenge won't make Sasuke happy and shows that at the end of the day it's not about Sasuke's well-being. It's about her needs and her selfish desires to be with Sasuke.
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When she says, "Take me with you, Sasuke-kun," she shows who she really is here. She really don't care about his revenge or health. She is okay with Sasuke going to Orochimaru as long as she is with him. As she begins to show her true colors Sasuke says this:
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Sasuke uses yappari, which uses if something happens as you suspected Or when you hear something that you had expected you'd hear or are unsurprised to hear. Yappari means "thought so!" or "I knew it!". He knows she's not going to change and that's why he says this:
Raw: やっぱり・・・ お前 うざいよ
Romaji: yappari ... omae uzaiyo
Literal: You are really annoying (Just as I had thought)
Her shocked expression didn't change as much as the first one. Sasuke was not surprised as what he thought was true is proved to be true. Kishi writes Sasuke as someone who is extremely understanding of people. He is good at figuring out things or understanding things. And he is insightful, intelligent and able to see what others cannot. That is why it is not difficult for him to understand that she is selfish, dishonest and insincere
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Sakura as always sobbing about herself and her feelings in here too. She doesn't address Sasuke's reasons or try to understand them. When did she try to understand him?? Even after all these years she has not changed or tried to make any progress in her personality. The only thing Sasuke constantly acknowledged about her is that she is extremely annoying and selfish.
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theheirofthesharingan · 4 months
Okay, sorry if this was asked before but I'm curious and I'd really like to learn more. You've mentioned in a couple of posts now that Itachi wasn't retconned. Could you please elaborate further?
Hey! No, this wasn't asked before. I was thinking of making a separate post for this, but procrastination is evil. So, I am one of the 'Itachi was meant to be a good guy/was not evil/had more to him than he let on' people. Watching the anime, it was the feeling that there was more to him. His reveal was along the lines of devastation and shocking for me than surprise. Detailed post is below the cut.
First thing first.
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This was Itachi's first look that Kishimoto had planned.
Itachi was originally conceived as the leader of Konoha's Special Assassination and Tactical Squad called the "Anbu", dubbed the Itachi Squad (イタチ隊, Itachi-tai), which would have been a 70-man group divided into four teams, specializing in assassination and other illicit operations. However, this idea was scrapped in favour of the current Itachi working for the Akatsuki.
The above paragraph is from Itachi's wikipedia that cites a couple of interviews as sources. People can't be too blind in their delusion to think the author who wrote the story had no idea what he was writing.
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Next is the Naruto Databook that has some fishy things if we look closely. In the first glance it's not very obvious, but after learning the truth it seems very much obvious.
It says, "the ones who know the reason of its downfall are very small". Go back to Obito's words about only four people being aware of the reason of the clan's downfall.
Additionally, Itachi carried out 134 B-Rank missions. Zero A Rank. And one S-Rank. The S rank mission being the Uchiha massacre. It's very fishy that he was given one s rank mission without any A tank mission. Suspicious? We know later on why.
It's also interesting because the first databook was published in 2002 and Itachi first appeared in 2003. If his twist wasn't planned from the beginning this databook is very telling.
Since I mentioned how he looked, here's him in Sasuke's flashbacks for the first time.
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He looks far from evil or sadistic. You want to know who enjoys killing for fun? Hidan. Itachi, on the other hand, on the day of the massacre itself, looks miserable and lost.
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In chapter 7, he in a haze-like manner he talks about crying. In many English translations it's translated as 'he made me cry' and in many it's this. It's very, very vague, but his statement is complimented by Sakura's question, to which he still responds in the similar way 'My..' Maybe he was trying to say 'My brother', but he instead finishes his speech with 'my goal is to take revenge' etc., Since it's still very early so it might not be the strongest evidence, but a few chapters later in chapter 27, during their fight against Haku, when Sasuke awakens his Sharingan, he has two tomoe in his right eye.
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Yes, he might have awakened it this way, but it also suggests that maybe already had his Sharingan and that's why this is 'asymmetrical' awakening? In the later chapters we find out he actually did have his Sharingan he awakened after the massacre.
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This flashbacks in chapter 127 most firmly establishes Itachi's twist. The tilted head-protector. Sasuke remembers it vaguely, but he has no recollection of Itachi crying that night, because his mind is still hazy from the "truth" Itachi wanted him to believe. We know later on the significance of this scene.
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There are three moments before Itachi was even introduced that give away what we see right after his truth reveal and connect to the chapter 403.
The 'Itachi was retconned' camp also uses 'Itachi was meant to be older (than 13) but Kishi made him younger later on' as an excuse to justify their retcon bullshit.
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Kakashi, in chapter 142, states Itachi was 13 when he was made the Anbu captain.
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Itachi graduated when he was just seven. Sasuke is the same age as Itachi was when he graduated from the Academy. Itachi is 17 at the time of his first appearance and Sasuke is 12. It is enough to tell lies were spread about Itachi. We, obviously, learn later on why.
Some more obvious hints were his interaction with Asuma, Kurenai, and Kakashi.
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The criminal infamous for annihilating one of the strongest clans refuses to indulge in fight?
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He also asks Kisame to keep things low key and not get too much attention. That's an excuse. He's not here to wage war. Yes, later on he does ask Kisame to go ahead. But that's because he's a spy. He cannot let Danzo know he dropped his guard. One single mistake from his side that could unearth the truth of the massacre and Danzo would lay hands on Sasuke. Plus, while he's strong, his opponents aren't just fragile saplings who couldn't stand any blow he or Kisame cast. He knew reinforcements would be on the way.
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Kakashi also wonders why Itachi didn't just kill him. Again, yes, the torture was brutal, but they're ninja who are meant to do and endure cruel things. Itachi had to look like he was a menacing criminal reputed to have killed the Uchiha singlehandedly.
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So, he completely avoids fighting Asuma and Kuernai, takes on only Kakashi because he's strong and can take it, also has Sharingan. But he completely refuses to go against Jiraiya. Jiraiya may or may not be stronger than him. Maybe they were equal. However, recalling Obito's words again: Itachi devoted himself to fighting Sasuke to death.
Two conclusions come from this:
He didn't want to fight Jiraiya because it would result in a massive bloodbath and killing a leaf Shinobi is out of question for him. He's not a coward. He just doesn't want to fight him.
As we know from later on, he wanted to fight and die at Sasuke's hands only. Killing a Konoha Shinobi or dying at the hands of someone that isn't Sasuke isn't a part of his plan.
This can also be tracked further when Kisame captures the Four Tails.
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Kisame most likely knew about Itachi's illness, knew Itachi wanted to die at Sasuke's hands. The reason Itachi didn't fight Jiraiya and Rōshi was most likely the same.
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Kisame comments on Itachi's 'lingering affection' towards the village. The Akatsuki pairings' dynamics are quite opposite. Deidara and Sasori love art but have differing opinions on eternal vs explosive. Hidan and Kakuzu represent religion vs materialism (money). And Itachi and Kisame represent treachery vs loyalty. Itachi isn't loyal to Akatsuki, Kisame is.
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They also wonder why is Itachi taking the matter of kidnapping Naruto so lightly. He could have done it very easily. We know now that that wasn't his intent and his objective to visit the village was something else.
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As popular as 'Itachi knocked on the door before kidnapping Naruto' meme is, the truth is, he wasn't there to kidnap him at all. Replace Itachi with Kisame alone for a moment. Knock on the door? No, sir. Naruto would be half-dead. Or replace him with Hidan and Kakuzu. They're sadistic bastards and would have damaged Naruto in the worst possible way.
Furthermore, when you think of it, he revealed 'Akatsuki are after jinchuriki' years prior to the Akatsuki even began collecting the tailed beasts. It was a message he left because it was important. His job in the Akatsuki wasn't to "pass on the info to the village." It was to keep tabs on them so they don't attack Konoha.
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After the massacre, Sasuke's unwavering faith in Itachi despite being put in Tsukuyomi. At first it doesn't seem too much, but we later discover that Itachi used to be a kind and gentle boy. So this bit isn't just Sasuke is blind, but also that Itachi was a kind child before the tragedy happened.
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Sasuke's flashbacks in chapter 220 also hint towards Itachi being trapped in the politics of the village/clan. Fugaku is speaking to his own son but the discussion is so intense that he has to activate his Sharingan to convey the message to Itachi.
These are the flashbacks from the chapter #221 that further shed light on Itachi being a spy.
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He's the "pipeline between the clan and the village" - a spy. Later Obito says Itachi was callously used for his devotion towards the village, this is an example of his clan doing this to him.
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This is Itachi right after being accused of Shisui's murder. He looks in grief, while also processing the news. Once the narrative delves deep into Itachi's story (through Sasuke's eyes) in VOTE1, he continues to look miserable, lost, in pain, and in dire need of help. And once we begin to see more of him before his death, he is quite human. But again, Kishimoto had his whole story figured out by that time, knew what he was to do with Itachi's arc and Sasuke's future there.
Kishimoto isn't a terrible writer because some people choose to ignore what's written right there or cannot accept happened. Usually the deniers of this are those who question his morality. His morality is never the subject of the debate because Itachi isn't exonerated for his crimes. He's a part of a world that's cruel and violent and his actions align with it very much. The ones who "praise" him have their own bias, and that gives him nothing in return. Characters in fiction always, I mean, always respond to the information based on their morality. When Hashirama praises Itachi, it's because he grew up in the warring era and lost all his family. He learns there's this kid who chose a path with the least damage but at the cost of his life, he's a good Shinobi. Hiruzen also has his bias as well as his guilt. Naruto's praise for Itachi is not only because of stopping a war, but also for loving Sasuke. No one other than Sasuke sees him as a person whether anyone likes him or hates him. He's praised by other Shinobi for doing things that are expected from a Shinobi.
Either way, at the end of the day, Itachi himself doesn't see himself who is worth forgiving, worth loving, worth being remembered. That's his whole arc.
Some things above in the post I took from this thread. Some information I ommited from it, so feel free to go through it, please.
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bishoptheboy · 1 year
NARUTO Shinobi days: Coming home to a surprise guest (?) Part 2
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He definitely misses him a bit too much.
<adding another part because I just had to see them hugging like this 🥺 and I am pretty sure Naruto is the sappy one, getting all teary because finally Sasuke seems to be at peace (with him Ofc). IMO it is also Naruto who openly expresses his love, the romantic one, since he is an extrovert and wears his heart on his sleeve. While Sasuke is more reserved, but definitely returns those affections back (he really reminds me of my cat 😅).
AND their design is inspired by Kishi's blank period sketches. So Naruto is bigger here.>
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justsomeoneunordinary · 11 months
tbh i hate that a huge portion of the founders fandom is absolutely convinced that hashimito must've been an arranged marriage
first of all, there are no arranged marriages in canon at all, not even hints or implications, so we don't even know if those were ever a thing in naruto canon or not. and to interpret it as such because of the times the founders lived in doesn't make sense either, considering we literally don't know what times those were except for warring times. it's a fantasy setting and just because fanon decided the founders era was the equivalent of japan's edo period doesn't make that suddenly canon. the warring states period happened less than a hundred years before naruto's main storyline, so let's jot that down first.
secondly, "hashirama never mentions mito once" - okay?? because kishimoto has such a great record of writing female characters amiright? during the entire flashback there are no women, except for a single clan shot with touka in it whose name we only know thanks to the data books. she's literally the only one. kishi found the time to fit butsuma and tajima in there, but the mothers?? the women who birthed those 4 respectively 5 children??? non-existent, apparently. he straight-up forgot women even exist when he wrote the whole flashback. so it's really that surprising hashirama doesn't mention her once? when kishi clearly forgot she exists? let's be real, if she were a man we would've gotten a whole flashback of her sealing the kyuubi inside of her, considering she's the first jinchuuriki ever, so her absence has clearly everything to do with her being a woman and kishimoto being kishimoto and nothing with hashirama himself.
also, hashirama is the god of shinobi who somehow managed to convince his clan of peace and the uchiha to seek refuge in the senju of all clans. why would he need to have a political marriage? he could just say no and no one could say anything against that.
idk it just irks me wrong when ppl are so convinced it must've been an arranged marriage and couldn't possibly be based on genuine love solely bc hashi doesn't mention mito during the flashback in a manga written by a man who already doesn't have a great record of writing women in the first place.
just admit you think she'd be in the way of you shipping hashimada if their marraige was out of love and not political and go --
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munchymuchy · 4 months
New Money
(It’s the year 2006 it’s been two years since rikishi was released from the wwe. Though he’s still getting money and traction through doing his signings..it started to feel boring to him so he started doing something more fun to pull in money)
Rikishi sat in his car in nothing but a trench coat and a hat in front of the hotel waiting for one of his clients to come. After being released from the wwe rikishi found another way to make money..he was giving out personal stinkfaces to his fans.
Strangely his family had no problem with him doing it but told him to keep it on the low as not to make a media frenzy. Kishi kept looking forward to the motel in his own thought until he seen a car pull up into the lot. He waited to make sure before he got out that it was one of his client and surely enough it was.
It was man that looked like he was in his early 20s and looked like he weighed about 137 pounds with shaggy brown hair. He watched the man go inside and came back out with a room key. He sat for a little longer before he got just to make sure no one was around and made his move to the room door. He knocked a few times and waited for it to open.
Rikishi looked over his shoulder a couple a times to make sure again that no one was around and the door creaked open.
???: H-holy shit it’s really you
Rikishi gives a soft chuckle and softly push the door open and closes it quickly. The young looked as pale as a ghost, like he was a little scared. Kishi looked at the boy with concern and patted his head
Rikishi: Aw come on little dude, not gonna hurt ya.
The man seemed to look more relaxed and gave a nervous laugh. “Now, let’s get started” Rikishi said and started to take off his hat and started to untie his trench coat. The man sat on the bed watching the older Samoan man strip in front of him. He opened his trench coat revealing that he was wearing nothing under there besides a red thong.
???: wait, I thought you wore a black thong
Rikishi: You’re right, had to improvise since I gained all this weight. Booty got too big for the other one.
Rikishi seen the man blush a little when he said that. He gave him a small smile thinking he could have so much fun with this one.
Rikishi: oh yeah, don’t forget ya gotta pay me first before we start
Rikishi said putting out his hand out for money.
That snapped the man back to reality and reached into his pocket pulling out a wad of cash. It took rikishi by surprise that this young dude had this much money. He had atleast 1,000 dollars in a band. Rikishi put it on a desk and dropped his trench coat. He walked in front of the man and grabbed his face a little and then turned around to show off his butt.
Rikishi could feel the him breathing heavily on his butt. He could feel his hands on his butt squeezing one of his cheeks and wiggling the other. Seemed like the boy was having fun back there already. Rikishi hiked up his thong a little more and started to bend over signaling to him to dive his head in. The man wasted no time and put his face in his crack.
The boy started to sniff deeply taking in the scent with such an eager sniff like a dog. Rikishi started to move his hips in a circular motion so he could go deeper in his ass. After a couple of minutes rikishi stomach started to let out a low growl. Causing the man to pull back from his butt.
???: ya’know…if y-you need to fart..you can…you can do it on my face.
Rikishi looked back at the man surprised at what he said. He raised an eyebrow at him causing the man to almost back pedal.
???:O-or you d-don’t have to you can just let I-it out in bathroom or i-in a corner. I-I’m not gay or w-weird or anything ju-
Rikishi: what ya name son?
Finn: F-finn?
Rikishi: we’ll finn I’ll do it, don’t back pedal ain’t no judgement here
Rikishi reached behind himself to grab Finn’s head to place him in back his butt. Rikishi gave a little grunt and let off a 4 second fart into the man’s face. Finn moaned and grabbed the side of his cheeks to get in deeper. Another fart came out a lot stronger and bubblier. Rikishi looked down and saw Finn’s pants have a tint in the front. Rikishi laughed at the man getting a hard on after finn claimed he wasn’t gay.
Another growl emanated into the room. A lot deeper and louder..sounded like more gas was brewing and sounded like it was worse. He looked back at the small man deep in his butt sniffing away like a hungry animal. He pulled from the man’s face and started to peel his thong off showing his bare ass to the man.
Rikishi: hope your ready because your in for a treat!
Rikishi started to spread his cheeks wide, allowing finn to see the insides of his cheeks. Discoloration, a lil hair and his pucker. Before finn could react, rikishi backed his ass up onto his face. His ass wrapped around Finn’s head like a glove and let a wet fart fly out onto Finn’s face. His nose was right on his hole so every fart went straight into his lungs.
Finn started to get weak and his eyes started to feel like they were closing. However, his weakened state didn’t last long due to rikishi clamping his cheeks down on Finn’s face. With that, rikishi let off a fart that started off SBD and grew louder. It lasted around 12 seconds and Finn couldn’t handle it anymore blacking out inside the crack of this giant man.
Rikishi reached behind himself again and pulled the man out of his butt. Finn was basically a rag doll with a little brown smudge of his nose that look like a button. It even looked like he came in his pants. Rikishi got his stuff together, his money, and walked out with another satisfied customer.
Hope you all enjoy the story. I kinda came up with this off the top of my head. I might do two more parts to this not sure yet.
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I would prefer that Kubo leave the Hell Arc in limbo or decide to abandon the arc all together since what a shitty writer he is. I have no faith that he will make the story any good. That is just my two cents on the matter.
I'd rather he ditched it all together, actually...
I hate it with such a passion!
The ending was already stupid, but Captain-level Shinigami MANDATORILY going to Hell? Miss me with that shit!
"Oh but their Reiatsu!"
Just no.
Let's go through this again...
Imagine a fucking car, if you will.
Reishi would be both the car and the fuel.
Reiryoku is the engine.
Reiatsu is the ouput of energy. It's what makes the car actually move.
Now. If you your car breaks down or you just stop putting fuel into it, the engine won't work and it won't move. At all!
So, a Shinigami dies.
The Reishi, which is pretty much constant, is absorbed by the environment...
No Reiryoku working to produce Reiatsu. They're dead.
The Reiatsu ceases to exist. It's not matter. It's energy.
The Soul is detached from these 3 factors. It moves on, into the World of the Living, where you are reborn into a Kishi body.
End of story...
This is the only logical thing. It's what I accept.
The only way I would accept the Hell Arc would be if, at the end of it, all our suspicions that we (and the characters) were lied to was proved right...
How it could go:
There's no need for Hell. Hell was artificially fabricated to throw souls into it that serve as slaves and "food" for Oetsu's modified Zanpakuto.
The original Zanpakuto were simply metal, though a special one. The souls Oetsu began infusing them with serve as a way to control each and every Zanpakuto if Squad Zero needs.
The Soul King's Palace has a direct gate into Hell, that Ichibei uses.
Squad Zero are the villains. They're also liars. They're actually not really needed as they stand.
"Ichigo" is a very advanced fake.
The real one is chained inside the crystal. They tried mutilating him, but it didn't work. Because, unlike the first Reio, he's not the origin of the various powers, but it's convergence point.
He can use them, as Shirosaki kept hitting Squad Zero with instant regeneration, driving them to keep him chained inside the crystal.
Unbeknownst to them, Ichigo grows stronger for the twelve years he's in there.
Finally he shatters the crystal and straight up murders all of Squad Zero. (maybe not hikifune)
Not more rebirth for them. He destroys their Zanpakuto...
Ichigo goes on a rampage in Hell, destroying it completely and freeing the souls onto the rebirth cycle. (did Kubo forget the punishment for evil people is supposed to be reborn as insects and such? Because I didn't...)
The Shinigami that were wrongfully thrown into Hell are also freed.
Ukitake and Unohana become the first Second Generation guards for the new Soul King... The real Ichigo.
Ichigo comes down to Soul Society to everyone's surprise.
The fake Ichigo and the illegally conceived child are devoid of powers and sent back to the World of the Living.
(insert whatever you want to happen to everyone and their mother back in Karakura...)
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sneezemonster15 · 3 months
This seems false, what do you think about it?
I find it highly unlikely. Unless someone gives me a legit link to it, I wouldn't consider it. Lots of fake interviews of Kishi are doing rounds in this fandom. And Kishi would never say something like this given how he has treated Sakura's character for 700 chapters and beyond. This part is from his 2010 interview (at Jump Fiesta Tokyo-Japan) :
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When the interviewer asked Kishi about Sakura, and called her a detestable girl (most people can see how Sakura's character is written as a detestable character, can't speak for delusional people), Kishi replied in a very convenient manner - "Realistic girls are like that..."
Lol. Once he calls his character realistic, what can one say? Realistic characters are never black and white, they stand in the grey area. So you can get away by saying - "Oh, she is realistic", without expanding on it.
Shounen characters are generally larger than life type characters to create a large impact since they serve a pedagogic purpose for its target group. People who are from the good guys camp, are generally taken as good, people who are from the bad guys camp are generally perceived as bad. So of course it would confuse people when Sakura is from the good guys camp but acts like a total douchebag. And naturally they would ask questions about it. But Kishi totally avoided to take the more controversial position by saying - she is realistic.
We know Sakura's character can be realistic, many women are the way she is. But is she a good role model for women of any place at any time? No. She doesn't really serve the pedagogic purpose other characters do. She is a negative person, selfish and immature. We know that. But Kishi cannot say it explicitly in his interviews because it would lead to all the other kinds of controversial questions, and would potentially open a can of worms for him. First question would be - If she is from the good guys camp and remains till the end, why did you write her as negative, even after she got so popular? You could have used her character's popularity with the girls to say something inspiring, something kind. So why didn't you? Any other writer would have jumped at the chance. Writers are supposed to work off the popularity of characters in a medium such as commercial serialilized manga.
Kishi kept writing her as detestable. If he could, he would have told them - I wrote her that way because I needed plot device for Naruto and Sasuke's romance which I was writing in the disguise of ninja manga. Team seven is about S and N. It's a love story about them and Sakura doesn't figure anywhere in their relationship and I want to make it clear by showing why.
And I have a feeling quite a lot of Sakura's characterisation comes from his personal experience of women. Of course he couldn't say all that. But he can be indirect about it. Although when you are indirect about something so many times, with context it becomes quite direct. Hehehe
Just look how Gege responded when he was asked a difficult question from Kubo. Female characters are not given much weight in shounen given its target audience. Most female characters in shounen aren't even given half the character development male characters get. And look at Japanese society, it's so patriarchal, who's surprised their representation of female characters is so backward? I doubt most of these mangakas get out very much, to actually put some effort in knowing how women act and why.
Look at Kubo's interview with Gege. Gege's female characters are kickass, as strong as men, as smart and well developed. They have agency, self worth and esteem. Their characters don't revolve around male characters. But female characters like these are beyond Kubo's imagination lol. Look at the female characters in Bleach hahaha. So this is what he asked Gege.
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Kubo finds Jjk women formidable because he cannot even fathom independent women, women who don't depend on men for everything. Lol. They can walk shoulder to shoulder with men, they aren't less than men, like they are in most shounen. But of course, Gege cannot tell Kubo these things. Hehe. Kubo is his senior, and the Japanese have a whole set of etiquette on how to behave with one's senpai. Gege won't say anything even remotely offensive to Kubo, so the best way to deal with such things is to be vague and use self deprecating humor, so as to not appear confrontational, it's a communication tactic. I also use these kinds of tactics when talking to difficult people or people in high positions I don't agree with. I have interviewed hundreds of people in my work. So I understand that one needs to be subtle even in their disagreements.
In Shippuden, later on, Sakura was written with heroine like qualities. So what this means is that Kishi doesn't have a very good opinion on either women or women in shounen. She does get some footage in the manga, where other characters praise her skills, like one would expect a heroine to get. She confesses to Sasuke and Naruto both. Never mind the rejection from both. But it's clear that Kishi would never have made Naruto end up with Sakura who treated Naruto this badly. Kishi is not a fool. He plainly says that she comes off as detestable because that's how she was written. Lol.
Lots of rumours have been doing rounds about Naruto's remake or live action film etc. but as far as I know, nothing such has actually materialised. So I wouldn't worry about it either.
I think it's high time that SS, NH and NrSk accept the reality and move on. It's been years. Sasuke is gay. Naruto is gay. Was established as closeted gay in both parts one and two. He would not suddenly defy his character traits and become straight just because NrSk can't keep it in their pants. So pathetic tch. Guys, there is nothing for you in Naruto except heartbreak. Grow up and move on.
SNS at least have legit reason to still be hopeful. The het shippers have nada. Zilch. Zero. Hehe. But well, who can fight desperation? Not these peeps.
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choofeyrac · 4 months
What is this, more fic? (I started this just before Valentine’s Day last year…) K//aleidotrope pod/cast again, ~4k words, NSFW, explicit snz kink
Drew should have known that Sidlesmith on Valentine’s was a place to be avoided. And if he hadn’t known that, he should definitely have known that Kishi’s would be up to some nonsense. 
But Harrison hadn’t even asked, hadn’t even joked about it, so busy he’d been trying to make it the perfect day for Drew. So Drew had had no choice, really: he’d wrapped an arm around his shoulders and steered Harrison away from the path he had planned. He’d even asked the barista to surprise him, just to see Harrison’s eyes go soft. Also because it was Chima, Harrison’s favourite barista, and if Drew trusts any of the Kishi’s baristas it’s them, but mostly to see Harrison’s face. It’s Valentine’s Day, he can be forgiven a soppy stare or two. 
It’s why he doesn’t notice the Confetti Friday signs, or the Valentine’s Glitter Bomb signs, or even the person approaching them until there’s a cloud of glitter suddenly exploding in his face. He hears Harrison’s delighted laughter, which quickly fades to concern; hears his name on Harrison’s lips and apologies from someone he can’t see. He waves them off, rubbing some glitter from his eyes as Harrison guides him away from the counter. 
“Are you alright? You look…”
“Well, I was going to say you look pissed, but I’ll revise that down to just very sneezy.”
“Bless you,”
“heh’issshh!” He sniffles, looking up balefully at Harrison who— bursts out laughing. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” he says through the giggles. “I just— your face.”
Drew rolls his eyes, but even he knows how fond his smile must look. He tries to brush some more glitter away from his nose, but he just ends up sneezing again. Harrison doubles over, he’s laughing so hard. 
“Thanks,” Drew says drily. 
“I’ll get you some napkins,” Harrison says, then pauses, tilting his head. “How grumpy would you be if I took a photo for posterity?”
“By posterity do you mean ‘For Hal’?” He sniffles again. “Ugh. Go on, before I start sn—! Sneezing again—! aa’hischoo!”
“Bless you baby,” Harrison says through all his snickering, and doesn’t give Drew chance to compose himself before he’s snapping a few photos. Then he grabs some napkins and brings them back to Drew. “Wanna switch our orders to takeaway cups so you can get all this out your system outside?”
“Please,” Drew says, looking relieved. Harrison goes to catch Chima’s eye, but finds they’ve already anticipated the request. 
“Thought the glitter might be too much for him,” They tell Harrison. “Admittedly this is not the way I anticipated.”
Harrison laughs again, and thanks them and pays  before taking the coffees. 
“Chima might be an angel,” He tells Drew. 
“Chima’s definitely an angel. Can we go, though?”
“Drink some coffee first, otherwise it’s just going to spill when we try and get this glitter off.”
He’s right, but Drew’s nose starts twitching again at the thought, and he pushes his cup back into Harrison’s hand. At least he has tissues now; he all but dives into them to muffle the sneezes.
“Not sure you’re going to get the glitter out if you keep stifling,” Harrison points out. 
“How did I even inhale this much glitter anyway? uh—tchoo! uh— uh—! uh’tChoo! uh’tchoo! Ugh, you’re right, that does feel better.”
“Good. Now drink some of that coffee so I can get you out of here.” Drew smirks at him for that. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day?” He asks, and it’s Harrison turn to flush beetroot. 
“I didn’t plan this!” He says helplessly, but Drew just smiles at him, sipping his coffee. 
“I know. You weren’t going to bring me at all, remember?”
“Oh. Yeah. Well.”
“So seeing as I’ve already messed up your plans, how about we make a new one? One that’s got things you want to do in, too.”
Drew leans in, kisses the corner of his mouth. His cheek brushes glitter onto Harrison’s, and Harrison gives in. 
“You know, once you’ve got the glitter out of your nose, probably the best way to get rid of the rest would be a shower.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Perhaps we should go back to mine.”
“That sounds sensible. I won’t be able to see all the glitter though, you might have to help me.”
“I think that could be arranged.”
They smirk at each other, and then the glitter in Drew’s nostrils decides to remind him of its presence. 
Harrison giggles again. 
“Every time you sneeze, a little tiny cloud of glitter just lifts off.”
“It’s only a matter of time before you make a vampire joke, isn’t it? Oh— ahp’schh—ahp’schoo!”
“I really think it’s time to get you out of here, actually.”
“Can you grab some more n— nn’tcheww — napkins on the way out?”
“Of course. Come on, let’s go.” He takes another swig of coffee, then tugs Drew by the arm. Then he loads Drew’s free hand with napkins, stuff a few in his pockets for good measure, and leads him outside. It’s a grey day, and though milder for it it’s still not much of a surprise that there’s no one in the alley beside the cafe. That’s useful; Harrison has a lot of good memories from this alley, and he intends to make this another one. 
“Want me to take your coffee?” He asks, slowly crowding him against the wall. Drew shoves it into his hands. 
“Aa’yischhhoo! Aa— aah—! Hah’tchoo! aht’choo! hh’tchhischoo! Huh! e’tchiew!”
Harrison’s hands are regretfully full of coffee. He winces in sympathy instead. 
“Those were big sneezes, baby.”
“Huh-eh! eh’tchiewwww.”
He sniffles helplessly. 
“Blow your nose, Drew,” Harrison tells him softly. 
“I— I’ll stop sneezing as much… eh— tchuhhh.” 
Harrison loses what he was going to say in the face of such a cute sneeze. It takes him a moment to remember, and he’s almost got it when—
“eh— tchuhh.” Drew lets out another soft little barely there sneeze, and he forgets again. He leans up and kisses him instead; it’s all he can do with his hands full. As soon as he leans back, Drew sneezes again, another tiny one down towards his shoulder. Then another. Then another. 
“Jesus, Drew,”  
His only response is two more sneezes, these two closer together than the last ones have been. His eyes stay closed until a third follows. 
Harrison decides he doesn’t care how hot his coffee still is; he steps back from Drew only to drain it and chuck the cup in the bin near the end of the alley. He’s tempted to do the same for Drew’s, but he had finally asked Chima to surprise him, and Harrison doesn’t want to rob him of that delight. Drew’s face is all scrunched up when he steps back into his space, this time placing a hand in his hip. 
“Saved them for you,” He mumbles, then, “eh’chisch uh’tchisch, huh uh— oh— haht’choo!” He sniffles again. “Sorry, sorry, that one got loud.”
“We came out here so you could be, remember? It’s okay.”
“Is it? Is that why we came out here?”
“Shut up and sneeze,” Harrison tells him, then kisses him so he can’t even obey. He can feel when Drew’s huffing breaths mean he needs to lean away, and in the flurry that follows Harrison finally remember what he’d meant to say earlier. 
“I know you’re dragging this out for my benefit,” He says. “And that’s not unappreciated. But you can blow your nose, it’s okay. We can make you sneeze plenty at home, too.”
“Yes, even if you try and distract me more with these little ones.”
“Not trying to di— distract you. Heh—chuuhh. Just… heh’eh— oh, it went. Just, heh— eh—! Mmf. Oh! Heh’schooo.” He sniffles some more. “Bless me.”
“Yeah, bless you. God, Drew. Seriously. You need to get this out of your system enough to get us home, otherwise I’m not being held accountable for the public indecency charges.”
Drew puts his mouth right by Harrison’s ear, and lets his breath hitch audibly. Then he tucks his head into Harrison’s neck, and sneezes once, twice; tiny little things with no force behind them. 
“Jesus,” Harrison whispers, hoarse. Drew sneezes again. Harrison swallows. Drew sneezes again. 
“You’re going to get us arrested.”
“Can’t help it. Mm— huh’schooo.”
Drew sniffles, and it’s stupid cute. 
“We can’t do this here, oh my god.”
“We’ve done worse,”
“Not when it’s light!”
“Oh. Yeah. uh’choo.”
Harrison gives up trying to convince him with words; he snakes a hand down Drew’s side until he finds the pockets of his jeans. Then he fishes out one of the napkins, and manages a step back. 
“How much glitter do you mind on your face to walk through campus?” Drew pulls a face. “We’re going home, Drew. So either you tell me how much glitter to get off, or we walk away like this.” 
Drew gives in with a hint of a grin, and even that’s enough to take Harrison’s breath away again. 
“I don’t know how bad the glitter is. Can you make it look more intentional? And keep it away from my nose, obviously.”
“Obviously,” Harrison repeats, then brushes his napkin over the tip of Drew’s nose. 
“Hih’schooo! I thought you wanted me to stop.”
“I wanted you to stop teasing. Never said I would.”
Drew sneezes into Harrison’s hand, just because he can. Harrison wipes his nose without fanfare, more firmly this time so he doesn’t provoke more sneezes. 
“Think you can hold your own coffee again?” He asks, and Drew takes it from him so he can use both hands to try and get the glitter under control. 
“We’re still going to need that shower,” he says eventually, “But I think you’ll do for now.”
“Somehow there’s all this glitter on your neck too,” Drew points out, because he’s apparently determined to test Harrison’s resolve. Harrison wants to kiss him again, but he knows what will happen if he does. He steps back instead. 
“We have walls at home too, remember. And also, y’know, privacy.” Drew shrugs. “We’ll explore your exhibitionist streak later, but Drew. You’re going to take me home. Now.” 
After that, Drew stops complaining. 
They have to pause a few times when Drew’s nose demands it, but they get home mostly intact — even when Drew makes a frankly illegal noise when he sips his coffee and finds it’s finally cooled down enough to taste it. He’s finished it by the time they get through the door, which is good, because Harrison takes the empty cup from him as soon as they’re inside, placing it with his keys on the cabinet before turning back to Drew. 
“What first?” He asks, and Drew just raises an eyebrow before Harrison shoves him against the wall and kisses him. Drew’s hands are free this time, and he runs them up and down Harrison’s back, his sides, before settling them into the back pockets of his jeans and tugging him even closer. Harrison has one hand in his hair, directing the kiss, keeping him there even as his breath gets more and more ragged, keeping him there until Drew makes an urgent noise and Harrison finally releases his lips, drawing Drew’s face into his neck so he can sneeze and sneeze and sneeze. The first ones come out strong, and he adjusts his grip on Harrison to make sure he feels the force of every one, bodies moving together as the sneezes wrack through him. When they finally slow, they don’t stop, just turning back to the little soft ones that Harrison loves so much. Drew can think through these ones, which means he can tease through them. He scatters them all across Harrison’s neck, making sure he can feel any build up, pushing his face down into Harrison’s shoulder, nose nudging under Harrison’s shirt. When he has to sniffle, he makes sure to do it near the glitter he’s already left on Harrison’s skin, and it’s not much but it’s enough to keep these little sneezes going. 
“Wanna see— ii’schoo— wanna see if I can blow you like this?”
It’s a good job Drew has his arms around him; Harrison’s knees go weak. His lips find his pulse point; he’s pretty sure it skips a beat when he sneezes again. 
“Bed,” he says, even as Harrison grinds himself up against him. He gets distracted by another couple sneezes, and then by Harrison grinding against him again. 
“This will be so much b— better in— in— ii’schuh ii’schuh! In bed. Ih—!” He hangs in the balance for a second, then sniffs. “It disappeared. Come on, I— god, Harrison, Harrison!” Harrison’s turning them, pushing Drew to his knees. Drew fumbles at the button of Harrison’s jeans, getting it undone but not getting his fly down before the tickle reappears and he sneezes into the bulge in his pants. Harrison’s hips buck again; Drew reaches up to pin them in place, letting Harrison unzip his fly and push down his pants and boxers. The tickle is toying with Drew; for a moment he can’t even appreciate Harrison’s dick in front of him. Then he pushes his face into Harrison’s thigh, sneezes three times in quick succession, and gets his mouth on him. Harrison’s babbling above him, full of praise and awe and instruction that Drew can’t take in right now. He’s— he’s— so close to sneezing again— he pulls back off Harrison despite Harrison’s noise of disappointment; burying more sneezes into his thigh again. He’s not done, but he kisses up Harrison’s shaft anyway, licking his head before his breath starts hitching and he sneezes again. The next one comes on so suddenly that he freezes; Harrison says his name, concerned, but then the sneeze bursts out of him with an intensity that surprises them both. It’s ratifying; final; he gets his mouth back on Harrison and sucks him down properly. And that would have been it, except that Harrison swipes his thumb through the glitter that’s still on Drew’s cheek, and touches it to his nostrils. Drew can’t avoid the breath in; he quivers with it, and then he has to pull away from Harrison yet again, except this time Harrison takes himself in hand and jerks himself off in time with Drew’s sneezes. The sneezes are getting big again, drawing to a finale; they’re both panting, and the sneezes tumble out of Drew in quick succession against Harrison’s hand, and Harrison makes a noise and comes all over his neck. 
After the sneezes have crescendoed too, Drew looks up at Harrison, chin propped on his leg. 
“You look obscene,” Harrison murmurs. “And I definitely owe you that shower now.”
Drew kisses his thigh, knowing both of them are too exhausted to move right now. He undoes Harrison’s shoelaces, seeing as he’s already down here, and Harrison steps shakily out of the shoes and his jeans. 
“There’s more napkins in my pockets,” he remembers, and Drew uses them gratefully, then lets Harrison pull him to his feet. Harrison tilts his head carefully so he can kiss him without disturbing his nose any more, and slowly starts them walking towards the shower. 
As if it’s a surprise to anyone, the steam from the shower sets Drew off too. Harrison’s hands are gentle as he washes the glitter away from his face, but Drew sniffles and hitches his way through it, shuddering at any touch to his nose.
“God I— I want to sneeze again,” he manages to say, and Harrison smiles. 
“I bet you do.”
“Will you h-help again? Huh—“ but yet again the intake of breath doesn’t go anywhere. 
“Of course I’ll help, baby. You just need to stop fighting it, okay?”
“What, you’re not going to let any of those sweet sneezes out for me?”
“Tr— trying. That’s why I— heh!— asked for help—“
“I know, sweetheart, I know. Hey, is that shampoo you’re allergic to still here?”
“Oh bless you, darling. That better?”
“N—no. Just— just the thought of—“
“Just the thought of the shampoo was enough to make you sneeze?”
“Yeah,” He breathes. 
“Well that’s lucky, isn’t it. Because here it is.” He takes the bottle and uncaps it, but makes no move to do anything else. He doesn’t need to. 
“There we go. Isn’t that better?”
“Huh-ah! ah’schoo!”
“That’s it, baby. That’s it.”
“No, no I— want— I need— Harrison.”
Harrison just grins again, and closes the lid. 
“Mm, I know baby. But I need you to tell me if it’ll be too much, first.”
“I know you want it now. But this kept you sneezing all night last time. Is that okay?”
“Would feel so good…” Drew’s desperate; Harrison doesn’t trust his judgement. He shakes his head. 
“Use it on me, how’s that? Then you can have a break if you need it.”
“That’s— that’s a better plan. But can we— now—?”
“You really want those sneezes out, huh? Still got some glitter up there? It must be so tickly.”
“It— it is. Hah—!”
“Poor Drew,” Harrison murmurs, then leans in to kiss him, dotting them in around the hitches. 
“Let. Me. Sneeze.” Drew insists. 
“All in time,” Harrison teases, and Drew growls, then reaches for the bottle himself. Like Harrison, he doesn’t pour any, just opens it and holds it close to his face. 
“That’s it,” He sighs. “Oh, that’s better. They’re coming. They’re— eh— heh— heh! ‘tchischoo. Oh, oh thank god. eh—! ’tschischuh. ‘tTchischoo. ah’chischhh— chi’schoo. Huh. Huh—huh-huh—! Huh’tchoo. Huh’tchoo. Huh’ytieuw. Huhp’tchiew. Ah— ah— ah— ah’ischoo. Oh, shit, aa’ischhhah! Huh’schaH! aH— aah— haht’schAH!”
He pants in the aftermath. Harrison is watching him, open-mouthed, hand drifting towards his dick even though it’s barely been any time since he last came. Drew sniffs, hard. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says, and smirks. 
“Fuck me,” Harrison says, reaction and request in one. Drew leans in close, sniffles right by his ear, then whispers, 
“All in time.” He kisses the shell of Harrison’s ear, grazes his teeth over his earlobe. “Oh, look at that,” He murmurs. “Seems like I’ve found some more sneezes.”
“hp’schiewww.” It’s another of the soft, small ones from earlier. “huhp— huhp— huhp’schiewww. Oh, bless me. Mm, these feel nice. huh— p’schieww.”
“God,” Harrison says. 
“You know,” Drew starts, then pauses. “Huht’schiew. Oh, these feel so good. Huhp’schieww. Mm. What was I saying? Oh, yeah, huhp’schieww— huh— huh’schieww. I was thinking.” He pauses to sniff. “Let me wash your hair. Then let me fuck you. I won’t be able to stop.”
Harrison pushes him against the wall for the third time that day. Drew laughs through the onslaught of kisses, and Harrison barely lets him go enough to stifle three more sneezes right by his cheek. 
“You should open yourself up— huh’tchuh— whilst I— I— huh’tchuh. Whilst I wash your hair. Get yourself nice and ready for me.”
Harrison squeaks. 
“Go on,” Drew says. “I’m gonna— blow my nose, first.” He grabs the hand towel they’d left nearby for this reason, but sneezes into it before he can blow. 
“I’m still sneezing glitter,” he complains, and Harrison bursts into laughter again. It lasts as long as it takes Drew to blow his nose and come back to Harrison, kissing him gently before he picks up the shampoo again. He keeps it as far from his nose as possible this time, wanting to actually get somewhere before the sneezes start up. It’s not fully successful, but he holds back as best he can, focusing on Harrison’s curls and trying to save the sneezes for later. When he does sneeze, he fists his hands in Harrison’s hair, and the noises Harrison makes are gratifying. 
“I think we should— bed, now,” He manages to say, when it’s getting harder and harder to keep his hands moving in Harrison’s hair. He rinses the shampoo off him as carefully as he can. Harrison takes over from there, turning the shower off, wrapping Drew in a towel whilst he dries himself and then patting down Drew too. Drew’s in a haze; Harrison pinches his nose shut and he blinks back into reality. 
“Bed,” He says, urgently. “Gonna—“
Harrison wastes no more time, pulling him through the house. The change of temperature is yet another source of aggravation for Drew’s poor nose. 
“Heh’djjuhh!” He sneezes, as soon as they reach the bedroom. 
“Heh’djeshhoo!” He sneezes, as he pushes Harrison onto the bed. 
“Huh’djuh huh’djuh huh’djjooh!” He sneezes, and Harrison says,
“Please,” So Drew gets hold off himself for just long enough to lube himself up and push inside before—
“Hih’sChoo!” They both groan with it. “Hih’schoo!” Drew nuzzles Harrison’s hair. “Mn!! heh’tchoo—e’tchoo-e’tchoo!! e’tchoo-e’tchoo! eh—eh! chh—chh—chuh! eht’chuh! heht’djjhoo!” He gives a wordless cry, letting each sneeze push him further into Harrison. “Unh— unh— uh’tchhuh— ungh. ahp’tchuh ahp’tchoo hah—! hah’aschooo. Oh, god, Harrison, I— hahp’tchoo— aahp’tchoo! This was— I’m so— hahp’tchoo! Feels— so good. You and— and the sneezing— I— ‘chuh! Chuh! I’m— oh, god—! aht’tchoo! oh, oh, I, fuck, Harrison.”
Harrison’s making his own noises, gasping breaths and hums as Drew’s sneezes rock through both of them. The moment Drew gets a break from the sneezes, his thrusts get more intentional, but the tickle builds back up and distracts him again. Harrison doesn’t care, it feels amazing, he’s going to come again just from this. He tries to say it, but Drew gasps out,
“Not yet,” And Harrison does his best to obey, except it turns out Drew was saying that because he’s just inhaled by Harrison’s hair again. The sneezes slam back to full intensity, but Drew somehow has the wherewithal to reach around Harrison, to give him something to rut into even if half the time he’s sneezing too much to stroke him through. Drew’s sneezes get throatier, slowing down but only because they’re too intense to go quickly, and he starts muffling them directly into Harrison’s shoulder, one, two, three, then he bites down and Harrison shouts as he comes. 
“Keep going,” He manages to say, and lets himself whimper through every sneeze. 
“Harrison,” Drew gasps out. “Harrison, oh, fuck!” He spills into Harrison, panting desperately. The sneezes don’t stop, but he barely has the energy, they come out on every other pant — “huh’schoo. Huh. Huh. Huh’schoo. Oh, my god.”
“Drew,” Harrison says, when he can manage it. “That was…”
“God. You want—?” He can’t reach the tissues, but Drew says,
“There a handkerchief under my— my pillow. ‘Tchiew.”
“Just— give it. ‘tchiew.” Harrison does, and Drew blows his nose, and manages some breaths without sneezing. He pulls out of Harrison, then flops down by his side. “Thought things might get sneezy,” He admits, raising the handkerchief. “‘tchieww! Wasn’t expecting this, though. eh— e’tchuu.” He rubs his nose into the fabric again, snuffling into it. Harrison reaches out to stroke his side. 
“C’mere?” He requests, and Drew shuffles closer, putting an arm round him. There’s not much space between them; Drew directs his leftover sneezes down towards Harrison’s neck, until Harrison moves to kiss him, and Drew doesn’t have the energy to move away at all. They’re gentle things now, though, and Harrison just laughs softly, and kisses him again. 
“Think you owe me another shower now.” 
Drew just sneezes again. Harrison kisses his nose; Drew sneezes again. 
“Bless you, sweetheart. Bless you so many times.”
“Bless you again. God, you’re gorgeous.” Drew sniffles; smiles; sneezes again. 
“Never been more in love with you baby,” Harrison says, and kisses Drew’s inevitable blush. Drew sneezes on him again, then brings the handkerchief back. When he’s done, he kisses Harrison again, soft and sweet and slow, and Harrison can’t do anything but kiss him right back. 
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4 dec 2023 pirates lore recap of the day
(aka prepare to cry your eyes out and pls watch the vods bc this recap will NEVER be able to do it justice)
obvious spoiler disclaimer + everything is roleplay
cw for streams: bad parenting mention (discussed in more detail below), cliffhanger, gun, mental health (incl. discussions of identity, lack of self-care, implicit self-loathing)
acho and chat manage to find and put together the remaining pieces of the kishi treasure map (in the sewers and in the lighthouse)
acho confides with dipper about going on this dangerous quest that star might not even come back from
cue apo showing up to invite star to a "monster slaying quest" with weirdly specific requirements (he is a godawful liar please bear with him)
acho goes along with it and they sail to the southern ice wall
acho tries to figure out this "quest" while apo has a moral dilemma about whether to actually do this (with great reluctance), but he decides it's his "only choice"
apo explains about the whole "martyn told me to kill you and now i have to" thing
the reasoning behind this is that he feels forced to conform to the nightingale stereotype (especially since graecie's confrontation with him has caused him to think he's gonna get kicked out of the faction anyway), and that by joining the blondbeard crew, he can be truly free to be his usual, violent self
acho thinks this is stupid (as in "bro you know you don't have to do what he says") and defends starself enough to make apo pop a totem (was trying not to actively hurt him)
cue the cinematic
acho tries to talk apo down via personal experience of obviously also not conforming to the nightingale stereotype: richest person on the isles (kestrel), learning to fight since star was learning how to walk (kite), exploring and discovering the seas for years (heron)
(also let's not gloss over the fact the denholm parents were like teaching their kids to fight since they were like 1 year old??? i knew those parents were messed up from the start but wtf… disgusted but not surprised…)
banger acho quote btw: "you're so worried about losing yourself that you're being someone else!"
apo now has to make a choice: friendship and… whatever the heck he'll become if he decides betrayal is better
apo chooses friendship
however… just before the cinematic, apo had a loaded gun ready to shoot. AFTER the cinematic… he shoots the ice under himself and drops into the sea. acho is last seen diving down after him (aka outsiders graecie and magic moment)
tldr: my god these pirates need therapy… and some warm blankets and food if we don't want either of them to die from hypothermia
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maoam · 1 year
Okay I want to talk about this comic here. It’s an old comic, made during or after the Kages arc. For context, the creator is a Hinata stan, Team 8 stan and NH stan. I just want to talk about how these heteronormative stans read the manga wrong.
“Hinata: Note to self, if female, don’t try to be a hero!” Except she’s wrong. Temari saved Shikamaru’s ass in part 1 already. She was also a great leader during the 4th shinobi war. And what about some others? Tsunade broke down Susanoo and healed her teammates while being broken in half, Karin took down a monster kages couldn’t, and Ino took control of the Ten-tails and stopped its attacks and connected the whole shinobi army.
Just because your favorite wasn’t heroic doesn’t mean it’s because she’s a female. It’s because she’s written to be weak and selfish. There was nothing she could have done against Pain, and she was told she would only be in Naruto’s way, but confessing her feelings was more important for her.
“Sakura: Do you realize you just started the pairing war?” It’s like these people were ALMOST aware Kishimoto didn’t give a damn about their het pairings.
“Naruto: Sasuke I wish I knew how to quite you!” Stupid homophobic Brokeback Mountain joke. Which is made even funnier when I tell you after the ending she said SNS weren’t denied anything, Naruto and Sasuke were always portrayed as brothers (again a person who doesn’t know common gay plotlines and storytelling tools) bla bla bla. So Naruto and Sasuke were always portrayed as brothers but something triggered you in Kages arc so much you had to resort into a gay joke to demean Naruto’s pain over Sasuke?
“Sai: You are a bitch for making him suffer” That’s not what he said though, he said they all rely too much on Naruto. Which is true, especially for Sakura who treats him like dirt all the time.
“Sakura: I wonder what Kishi thinks I’m gonna do with a bloody kunai” What you do best Sakura, fail. Because that has been your characterization for the entire manga except for that one fight where you were used as a puppet.
“Sasuke: Why won’t you let me kill something?” I know this person dislikes Sasuke (probably for taking Naruto’s attention from Hinata and not wanting to fuck girls she stans so hard) so I’m not surprised how she omitted all the reason why Sasuke was having a breakdown. You know, the whole genocide of his clan and all. Finding out Konoha used his brother... finding out the discrimination towards the Uchiha. But nah, let’s just make Sasuke look like he is doing it for the lulz.
“Sakura: Kakashi-sensei is so hot” Don’t know what this is all about, Sakura isn’t attracted to him lol.
“Sakura: Just when I thought I would be able to do something awesome. But nooo they need to have their stupid macho time. Being a girl in this manga sucks.” It’s just you and Hinata. You two are useless. Try to be Shino, he’s sidelined all the time. Newsflash, the manga was always about Naruto and Sasuke’s love.
“Sakura: Fuck this shit, I’m gonna be a lesbian” Yes because women become lesbians when they can’t get a man and not because they’re homosexuals.
This is what happens when you read a manga only for a character who is not relevant.
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kurooblossom · 1 year
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➤ Characters: Aihara Hikaru, Ayase Koji, Baba Mitsunari, Hatter Rhion, Hishikura Shuichi, Ichinomiya Eisuke, Inui Ryosuke, Luke Foster, Kisaki Ota, Kishi Mamoru, Oh Soryu, Samejima Koichi
➤ Tags: established relationships, gn!reader with ovaries, mentions of adult activities, period blood and accessories, probably ooc because I haven’t completed everyone’s routes yet (done at least one season for everyone but Rhion, who I am doing next)
➤ A/N: Firstly, I am so late to this series (and Voltage games in general). Secondly, let’s just consider this a shit post. 😂 I wasn’t planning to post anything else like this but... my mind wandered and this was the result. 😂😅
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He either doesn’t know what a period is or is a little confused by the concept. Regardless, he gets really concerned when he finds spots of blood on your shared bed sheets. 
↳  Rhion, RYOSUKE
He doesn’t mention the blood left on your shared bed sheets when you started your period a little earlier than usual. If it isn’t much, he will just let you sleep and deal with it when you wake up. He carries you into the bathroom, where he has an warm bath waiting for you, and tells you to take your time. Meanwhile, he strips the sheets from the bed and deals with the cleaning since he knows how you usually feel during that time of the month.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Ryosuke, Samejima, SORYU
Alternatively, he waits for you to wake up, but you have to change the sheets. Regardless of the reason, he leaves it up to you.
He wakes you up when he notices, when you do spot, and makes you change the sheets immediately.
↳ OTA, Shuichi
He goes out for you, during that time of the month, when you need more period products. He never complains about such a task.
“Do you still want that brand?” He asks, surprising you with how casual he is about it.
When you ask him he frowns. Embarrassing? He doesn’t understand why it would be. Picking up your period products is just another task to him. He is also your boyfriend so this is just something he naturally should be able to do for you without it being a whole thing.
↳ BABA, Luke, RYOSUKE, Samejima, SHUICHI, Soryu
He’s hesitant to go buy period products for you. He may complain about it being embarrassing, but he will do it every time you ask. Even asking when he’s out and he knows it’s that time. His cheeks are as a red as a tomato but it’s for you so he endures.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Rhion
Him? Go buy you period products? Pfft... He has people for that.
↳ EISUKE, Soryu
Why are you concerned about him not being okay fetching period products for you? He’s a doctor, a back alley doctor at that. Something so simple and mundane is nothing to him. 
When you’re having particularly bad cramps, he’ll tell you go lay down and pampers you a little. Brings you some medication, some water, a heating pad, whatever you need. He’ll also lay down with you if he has the time, his hands slipping under the fabric of your clothes to massage your aching body.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Eisuke, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
He won’t go out of the way to pamper you, but he will gave you massages while the two of you are curled up together on the couch or bed. Don’t bring attention to it though. He’ll most likely stop the moment you point it out.
↳ Eisuke, Hikaru, MAMORU, OTA, Shuichi
He makes a joke about solving your monthly problem for nine months.
↳ Baba, Eisuke, OTA
He isn’t joking. He will do it. Just tell him and he will get started.
↳ EISUKE, Luke, I lowkey see Shuichi too but that could be just me
Want to have sex while on your period? Hell yeah. He doesn’t care. As long as your comfortable then he’s all for it. 
↳ Baba, EISUKE, Luke, MAMORU, Samejima
Goes the extra mile to make it easier on you. Grabs towels to place underneath you, carries you afterward to the bathroom where he gently lowers you into a nice warm bath, etc.
↳ BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE, Samejima, Soryu
Want to have sex while on your period? ...I guess? While the blood doesn’t bother him necessarily, he’s just concerned about how you might feel during, the mess, etc.
↳ Ayase, Hikaru, Ryosuke, SORYU
It’s Friday, my dudes, which means it’s sexy time and no period is going to ruin your routine.
He buys you sweets and such each time because he knows they make you feel better, even if it’s only a small fraction.
↳ Ayase, BABA, Hikaru, RYOSUKE
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"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
It is used to confess to someone you like while under the moon. This phrase is a more poetic way of saying 'I love you'. [it's also an indirect way of saying "I love you"] Japanese itself is a very "indirect" language. You don't have to admit things directly because that's impolite or rude. Why I say that is bcz, Kishi place them under the full moon to share their feelings indirectly and also directly. Japanese people prefer indirect ways of expressing their feelings and emotions. A relationship starts when people tell each other their feelings. Expressing your feelings through words has not always been seen as a natural thing. People express their love and affection through their actions. [Although the main ways of expressing love in Japanese culture differ from Western culture]
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What does "friend" mean to you??
[Notice how Sasuke averts his eyes from Naruto (as if he's shy or nervous to get a confession from him) while asking 'what does friend mean to him'?]
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Raw (Naruto): 友達だからだ
Romaji: tomodachi... dakarada
Literal: because we're friends
Raw (Sasuke): それはかつて聞いた... お前にとってのそれは・・・ いったい何なんだ?
Romaji: sore wa katsute kīta ... omae nitotte no sore wa ・・・ ittai nanina nda?
Literal: I heard that before... but what the heck does that mean to you?
[As Naruto continues to give the same 'we're friends' response, he becomes visibly angry, clearly displeased with the answer]
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Raw: それ説明しろって言われてもオレも正直よく分かんねェーよそんなの…
Romaji: sore setsumei shiro tte iwarete mo ore mo shōjiki yoku wakanne yo sonna no …
Literal: Even if you ask me to explain it.... I honestly don't properly understand... that kind of thing...
Raw: ただお前のそーゆー背負ってゴチャゴチャしてるとこ見てっと・・なんでか・・
Romaji: tada omae no so you seotte gochagocha shiteru toko mite tto... nande ka ...
Literal: It's just that.... When I see you carrying burden on your back... getting all messed up.... for some reason...
Raw: ・・・オレが・・・痛てーんだ
Romaji: ...ore ga... Itate nda
Literal: ...I'm.... hurting...
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Raw: すっげー痛くてとてもじゃねーけどそのままほっとけねーん だってばよ!
Romaji: sugge itakute... totemo janē kedo sonomama hottokenē n dattebayo !
Literal: It exceedingly painful. But not just as awfully...as it is now...I can't just leave you alone!
The word Naruto using was 痛く(itaku) meaning- exceedingly or extremely pain. It's not just 'Ouch! It hurts!' kind of pain. It means HE IS IN "EXTREME PAIN". The magnitude and intensity of that 'pain' is so overwhelming that it affects your body and mind.
What was the reason for Naruto & Sasuke's pain to be more emotional??
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N. B. When Naruto says that he understands the pain of Gaara's loneliness and Gaara says that he feels pain in his heart... the word used for pain in both cases is 「痛い」 (itai). 「痛く」 (itaku) is a similar word, but with a more intense and deeper meaning.
Because of those words Naruto says to Sasuke, his face feels a mixture of emotions: touched, or surprised. Sasuke's expression here is probably one of the most emotional expressions you have ever seen. This made him confess his feelings for Naruto (And It was hella poetic (༎ຶ⌑༎ຶ)
In Sasuke's monologue his words are very deep and intense (the choice of Kanjis are complicated). It is also way too direct and carries a lot of intimacy.
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Raw: そしてなぜだか安心したんだ
Romaji: soshite nazeda ka anshin shita nda
Literal: And I don't know why, somehow.... I felt relieved.
Raw: だがそれは...同時に弱さだと思った
Romaji: daga sore wa ... dōjini yowa sada to omotta
Literal: But... at the same time... I thought It was a weakness.
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Raw: だから・・お前の苦しむ姿を見る度・・そう・・・オレも---
Romaji: dakara ... omae no kurushimu sugata o miru tabi ... sō... ore mo...
Literal: that's why. . . Every time I see you appearing to be suffering. . . that's right I, too...
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Raw: オレが 痛くなったんだ
Romaji: ore ga itaku natta nda
Literal: I became pained.
Sasuke also using the same word 『痛く』 and both of them were in such intense pain that words couldn't explain how much it was. It really gives- "If you truly love someone you can feel every joy, sadness and pain of the other as if they were your own". Once you get that, it's easy to understand his reaction to Naruto saying he felt his pain. Sasuke reacted that way because he realized his love was reciprocated. That this feeling of 'friendship' that Naruto was going on about was the same thing that Sasuke had been feeling all this time and it was never friendship. It was more than that. And It was love.
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secret-engima · 1 year
2? Who was 2 in the academy??
Me: Gonna reply to this in a post rather than in the replies but for context this is about the post where I showed how old Kakashi’s “classmates” really would be if they were in that shot and one of them is 2. Namely this Kid:
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To answer your question @0hmydekiru​ there is only one character who lives in Konoha that Kishi consistently draws with brown hair and eye bags like that and that is Gekko Hayate. This guy:
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Who you may or may not remember from the OG Naruto series chuunin exams, where he was the proctor with a bad cough that Hiruzen for some reason sent on a *stealth mission* and surprise surprise he got killed. So you may be asking, how do I know he is 2? Well “thankfully” for a good deal of the go series characters, even some background ones, Kishi actually bothered to give ages instead of just birthdays (this is notably a habit he mostly dropped the farther along we got and the less and less he even attempted to keep track of timeline) and ON THE WIKI, from CANON SOURCES, he was 23 in his appearances in the show before his death. Now in that SAME section of show, Kakashi’s canon listed age on the wiki is 26-27 depending on how far along it is. And the only age Kakashi was in Academy, also canonically, was right before he tested out of it at age 5, which was also the age Obito is at in that timeframe. Therefore. Taking Kakashi’s *younger* age since the chuunin exams was fairly early in the og show, we have 26 - 23 = a 3 year age difference and 5 - 3 = 2. So.
2 year old with eye bags. At *best* a 3 year old if you argue that Kakashi was 27 during Hayate’s canon appearance. Also honorable mention to Anko who is ALSO IN THIS SHOT.
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at the grand old age of 3. How do we know it’s Anko? Because Kishi characterizes all female characters by one (1) physical hairstyle or trait and Anko’s is “purple hair in a spiky pony”.
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