#kit and ash friendship
margareturtle · 7 months
Kit and Ash’s first meeting is gonna be like
Kit and Ash already in the middle of a fight:
Kit: jeez what did I ever do to you?
Ash: i have to kill you, Janus says you want to steal my throne
Kit: what? You mean evil Jace thinks I want to be the next Seelie Queen ?!
Ash: yes so I have to kill you
Kit: woah woah woah sorry no offense Prince—what’s your name again?
Ash: Ash
Kit: look no offense Ash but the only thing of yours I would want are your wings, they’re sick and I haven’t figured out how to make my own yet
Ash: How can I believe you? You are the first heir. You could have all of faerie.
Kit: yeah yeah so what, my great smth grandmother was from there, I have no investment with the place— you can have at it
Ash: You must be lying. I have to kill you.
(Kit and Ash continue fighting; Kit changes tactics)
Kit: ok ok fine you can kill me
Ash: what?
Kit: you can kill me and have faerie all to yourself, but can I at least facetime my best friend one last time to say goodbye
Ash: …I suppose
Kit: *takes out his phone and calls Dru with Ash watching him*
Dru picks up: Kit what’s up, I had to pause my movie
*Ash stunned*
Kit: well sorry to interrupt🙄,, I’m just calling to say goodbye
Dru: don’t be dramatic, give Ty time, I swear he’s in love with you
Kit: he’s not, he hates me 😩
Dru: by the angel
Kit: ok but that’s actually not why I called
Dru: really 🤨
Kit: yeah I actually am about to get killed
Dru: shit. do they know that only me, Ty, or Thais in my absence are allowed to kill you
Kit: I’ll tell them
Dru: good, fire message me if you acc need help. I’m in the middle of what we do in the shadows tho, so hopefully it’s important
Kit:🙄 k see you tmrw if I’m still alive
Dru: byeeee
Kit to Ash: ok so technically only Dru, Ty, or Thais can kill me, but I suppose you can now if you need
Ash: who is she?
Kit: my best friend? Dru
Ash: yes I’ve seen her before, she is beautiful I must meet her
Kit: ha, well I could give you her number
Ash: her number?
Kit: yeah ya know to text her? Oh right you’re from faerie I’d have to show you
Ash: you can show me how to text Dru and then I kill you?
Kit: I mean sure, you could, but then Dru would prob block you if you killed me so it would all be for nothing
Ash: block me? But how would she know?
Kit: Block like cute contact. And she’d figure it out fast she’s smart and she’d know something was wrong as soon as I break our 206 day snapstreak.
Ash: snapstreak— is that your special bond?
Kit: sure, but look, if you don’t kill me perhaps you too could have a snapstreak with Dru one day!
Ash: really ?!
Kit: yup! so what do you say? Still gonna kill me or are you gonna hold off on doing what evil Jace says
Ash: Janus is away for a while, so I suppose I can wait. I want a snapstreak with Dru
Kit: brilliant! You can start by being in my snap to Dru, we’ll see if she recognizes you…
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sxnbleachedfiles · 3 months
okay but jaime calling kit “princess” tauntingly at first and then out of fondness bc they are going to be besties
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mikaherondale · 8 months
rant about kit being hated by julian
maybe this is just me but i am personally getting frustrated with the idea that julian hates kit or just has a problem with him… like julian is protective okay? he’s not an asshole. and he knows kit has his reasons and emma still likes kit and i see so much portrayal of julian just being angry or disliking him. that goes for dru too. when cassie wrote about dru being okay with kit leaving, i don’t think that at all meant that dru was happy with it or mad at kit. she was disappointed in him but she’s learned from her family and NONE of them are the type to hate someone for a decision they thought was right… getting so tired of this trope i’m sorry
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rhiannons-bird · 1 year
Cassandraaaaaa ☺️☺️☺️
Pray tell me:
What🙂 Do🙂 You🙂 Mean🙂 By🙂
ALSO the story of Kit and Ty? 🙃
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cassandraclare · 4 months
Rhea asks" Is Kit going to be like super super powerful? Because I'm rlly rlly rlly excited abt his powers and I'm literally picturing him being like super super powerful (more powerful than like Magnus, Tessa, Clary, Ash, Jace ect. but only once he meets full power obviously). I'm just so so excited!! Also Kit and Ty doing necromancy is going to have major consequences in TWP right? I'm so excited for all the drama when the rest of the Blackthorns find out ect."
Well, the problem with super super super powerful characters is that nothing is really much of a threat to them. You see it in superhero movies where the more the hero powers up, the more his opponent has to be like, THE GALAXY PERSONIFIED. Also it makes the small conflicts of daily life a bit silly, like if you have the power of a god, you don't spend much time worrying about catching the bus.
Not that I want to write a book about Kit being worried about catching the bus. I do like characters with power! — often because what will always remain a challenge to them is other people. Love, friendship, those always remain issues they don't have power over and can't control. Which is fun!
I suppose all that is to say Kit may well be very powerful. But he will also need to be clever, and also need to work with others as a team, if he wants to defeat the fairly enormous evil they have to face in TWP.
And yes, there are always consequences to necromancy!
*if a question doesn't have a tumblr username it probably came in through my website or was posted on Instagram
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wikitpowers · 2 months
things i want to happen in twp:
lots (and i mean lots) of carstairs-gray-herondale family time moments - give me family walks, picnics, parent-teacher nights, family cookie baking, jessa training their kiddos
ty to be the first kiss initiator (+ angry, passionate kiss!!!!!!)
DRU TO BE THE BIGGEST MF BADASS (i wanna see this woman fucking up some demons, talking back to teachers at the academy, making ash's life h e l l before they admit their feelings)
lucifer to be fucking terrifying and the best villain
dru finding out about ash keeping the drawing of her all these years (we love a simp)
tessa and jem helping kit w/ his powers!!!
ash and kit as besties (like they have bff friendship bracelets)
kit asking julian for his blessing of kitty (because i think that would be fucking adoroble and jules would be so happy for his brother im)
TO SEE THULE!KIT (if he sacrifices himself, i will literally bawl)
ty to give kit a blackthorn heirloom to show his commitment
MANY scenes in faerie (it’s such a cool location!)
to have sebastian come back from the dead as green-eyed jonathan and for him to protect ash, clary and jace like a maniac
THAIS AND ANUSH AND JAIME POVS (i'm begging, cassie) + rio, mumbai & mexico city institutes showed!
jace and kit relationship development with jace being the cool big bro (i also need to see jace ruffling kit's hair don't ask why)
ty's classical music playlist to be revealed...
insane enemies-to-lovers vibes from morgenthorn (and i mean insane)
herongraystairs reunion to not be too painful please *tears in my eyes* (but ik it will be)
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kaitcreates · 3 months
Things I will continue to believe until twp inevitably proves them wrong
Ash and Jaime friendship
Anush and Jaime as love interests
Dru and Thais as love interests
Kit having a friend group that’s mix between shadowhunters and downworlders
Thais’ main weapon is a sickle
Ash is a short king
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dutifullynuttywitch · 5 months
Avatar: art by the wonderful @lilyoffandoms
Header: created by the amazing @aallotarenunelma gifted by my lovely friend @thosehallowedhalls 💛
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Meet my MC: Autumn Nightbloom ✒️
Meet my mc for Blades, Autumn Nightbloom, an orphaned elf raised by kind farmers in Riverbend.
Things left unsaid ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Ⓜ️🔥 Angst, Explicit/NSFW)
Continuation of Blades 2 Chapter 3. Autumn reunites with Mal after her escape from the Shadow Realm. She stays the night to explore their relationship after a year apart.
Reflections on the eve of battle ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, angst)
On the eve of the Ash Empire’s invasion, Mal reflects on his feelings for Autumn and his fear of failing her. A take on Mal's inner turmoil throughout Blades 2.
A Thief's Oath ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Takes place several hours after the final battle in Blades 2. Autumn (MC) and gang have defeated the Ash Empress and merged the kingdoms. Mal wants to take care of his tired kit, so he makes good on his thief’s oath.
Pancake mornings ✒️🎨
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Mal tries his hand at making Heroes of Morella pancakes ... and Autumn considers more legitimate career choices for her handsome rogue.
A Whitetower Festival ✒️
Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Mal and Autumn enjoy their first Whitetower Festival of Friendship and Love with friends and family.
Gifts & commissions
Bumbling adversaries ✒️
Mal and Daenarya encounter ferocious foes in the Deadwood...🐝 A gift for the lovely Dani
Untitled ✒️ Birthday ✒️
Lovely gifts by the amazing @thosehallowedhalls 💛
In the arms of night ✒️
A wonderful gift from Dani
Autumn nightbloom portrait 🎨
A gift by the incredibly talented Lily
Mal and Autumn waltz 🎨
A beautiful art commission by @hydn-jpg of my favorite pair waltzing under the Ash Empress' nose in Shroudwatch. Blades 2 chapter 14.
Pancake mornings 🎨
Gorgeous art commission by Artbyainna (IG), gift from the @choicesficwriterscreations January 2024 reading event. Post blades 2.
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Meet my MC: Eva Archer ✒️🎨
Meet Eva Archer, 25 yr old leader of the newly established Olympus colony, fiercely loyal friend and fighter.
Starlit night ✒️🎨
Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen, fluff)  
Several years before the events in Wake the Dead, Troy surprises Eva with a late-night outing within the confines of the Tower. 
Sisterly advice ✒️
Eva Archer and Brynn Archer (teen)
Eva and Brynn enjoy a rare day off.
Close call ✒️
Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen)
Eva is terrified that something may have happened to Brynn while out scouting.
Happy birthday Eva ✒️
Troy Hassan x Eva Archer f!mc
Troy surprises Eva with a special gift.. drabble by the wonderful @inlocusmads 💛
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HS1 revisited ✒️
Dino x f!mc, Lucifer x f!mc, Sammy x Adi, other pairings
Mature / explicit content Ⓜ️🔥
This is a completely self-indulgent rewrite of Heaven’s Secret 1. It will stay mostly true to the original story, delving into some of the main characters’ motivations and POVs, and a little more world-building. Dino-Lucifer-MC love triangle, and explorations of Vicky's relationship with Malbonte. Other pairings to come up.
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tys-kitty · 8 hours
Okay but that sound is so Kit and Ash coded
(That‘s exactly what I picture their friendship is will be like)
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svnflower-writes · 7 months
info about my main WIPS rn:
i have too many WIPS shut up i know
original stories:
next christmas:
short story (kind of, if I say it's a short story it'll still be lots of words lmao) about two girls and a small look into their life each christmas and they're best friends who think their pining is unrequited and every time they're like "it's ok it'll happen next christmas!" and it just doesn't and they have to deal with lots of mental health stuff
main characters:
August: lesbian, she/her, i love her so much she's the loml, people pleaser, slowly realises that she doesn't have to be the second choice and she should be a priority, is a bit of an asshole to Lottie in like chapters 5-9 but Lottie deserves it tbh
Charlotte/Lottie: bisexual, she/they, kind of a bitch a lot of the time, gets into relationships for like a week and then gets into another one a month later, commitment issues, eventually has a redemption arc thing and she actually does deserve August
Ayanda/Aya: asexual, panromantic, they/she, they are my spirit animal i love her so much, August's new bestie, absolute sweetheart who values friendship over anything else, also basically the reason EVERYTHING happens in the story
everyone else is kinda irrelevant ngl
love is not enough:
name will definitely change I hate it.
plot is very complicated idk if I even understand it and I'm the one writing it 😭💀 basically gay royalty but it's confusing and the economy is dying and the main love interest is kinda a fugitive??? i guess???? lots of secrets yay
main characters:
kit chevalier-fernsby: gay (very much closeted), he/him, prince, science, slightly pretentious but that's his parents fault, he loves dates where they stay in with blankets and candles and hot chocolate and read books together. he's such a cutie patootie i wanna give him a hug <3
lucas akehurst: unlabelled, he/they, gaurd, hopeless romantic, artist, midnight walks in the rain + art galleries + coffee, mysterious. he is my baby i will protect him at all costs.
no side character information bc i can't be bothered <3
hell is a teenage girl:
hunger games fic! finnick's younger (15 years old) sister going through her hunger games and gaining a lot of trauma. very emotion and relationship (familial, platonic, and romantic but the friends she makes are arguably more valuable to her than her relationship). basically she goes through what finnick goes through and she learns to be a manipulative little shit bc what else is she meant to do
main characters:
serena odair: loml. bisexual icon (with a preference for woman) who is a little bit manipulative but let's be real when you're in the arena you do whatever the fuck you can to stay alive. district four, she wins (duh she's the main character) and her brother means absolutely everything to her. spoiler: trauma yay
cassie farwater: serena's best friend! district 11 and a mean lesbian. 16 years old and her friends mean the world to her. her loyalty is what gets her killed.
eloise astor: serena's gf!! district one – been training for the games her whole life so it comes as a big surprise when she sacrifices herself for marina!!
kaz claremont: the district partner/close friend – he's quite and determined and he listens. he knows all the gossip. very impulsive and bold. panromantic + asexual
ash terra: the only person who gives serena a run for her money in the manipulative category. he's an absolute bitch and will stab anyone in the back without hesitation. makes it clear to everyone that this isn't a game of trust. district 3
sadie nightgrove: district 5, cassie's gf. bisexual. very charming and puts on a clueless facade before turning on people. despite being absolutely able to win the games she would never hurt the people she's allied with - and that is her downfall
mad woman
sequel to hell is a teenage girl and yes it's named after the taylor swift song. quarter quell and lots of serena and finnick sibling bonding. very protective finnick and very manipulative (not to finnick) serena, they're a power duo.
serena is like the only original character in this so she's basically the same just more traumatized and hotter.
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thecringeler · 2 years
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All these are mostly just headcanons, but I don't care. Here are why who
(DISCLIAMER ABOUT CROWFEATHER DESIGN- I am native myself! I gave them those feathers cause I love Crow and personally hc them as being Plains Cree (AKA MY own culture ), so its more of a nod to my own hcs. I know how important feathers are to Native people, and I wouldn't gave a feather to any character without reason. Hell, I have a eagle feather myself from my kohkom. So it is NOT for aesthetic purposes)
MOTHER + KIT- Leopardfoot & Tigerkit(claw)- I am a huge fan of Leopard, and I personally believe she is the originally Sparkpelt. She doesn't get enough love I swear to Christ-
Her and Tigerclaw's story feels like such wasted potential to me, it was just- super fast and she wasn't even MENTIONED in Tigerclaw's novella??? So in my own little head; she was a good mother to Tigerkit and did the best she could with what she got, and Tigerclaw loves her no matter what. I will make an entire post about her and how much I love her.
Their relationship is also realistic!! Leopard loves her idiot son but has fights with him a lot, which makes sense for a young single mom with a stubborn son
SIBLINGS- Cloudpaw, Fernpaw, and Ashpaw- FOSTER SIBLING LOVE YEAAAAAAAAAAH!!! The Erins had completely ignored the Cloudkit was fostered by Brindleface and saw Ash and Fern as siblings. I love seeing them as siblings; hanging out as apprentices and even having a kitten hunting party that shit cute as HELL
MLM SHIP- Black x Sol- the homos. That's all.
FATHER + KIT(S)- Fernsong, Bristlekit, Flipkit, and Thriftkit- I literally refuse to believe that Fernsong wasn't a den dad. Even if in canon he doesn't at all. No, he was a stay at home dad and made little heart sandwiches for his wife while she went hunting.
FRIENDSHIP- Sunbeam + Nightheart- I love these two friendship! Just some gal pals venting about their lives which is nice! I wouldn't even mind a romance, if they continue like this
(Also, yes, I am using she/her pronouns for Nightheart, transfem Nightheart for the win)
MLW SHIP- Crow x Squirrel- I have grown to LOVE this couple- the peppy redhead with the emo boy is a brilliant ship. They deserve the world.
GRANDPARENT + KIT(S)- Nutmeg + Princess's kits- This one is the most headcanony of em all. I didn't want to pick Sand/Alder (since they are super common in this) so i made up a headcanon on the spot that Nutmeg goes to meet her daughter's kittens once everyday and loves them to bits and pieces
MENTOR + APPRETINCE- Longtail + Swiftpaw- the most canon of these! I love the father role Long has with Swift, and always stand up for his son. Love them
WLW SHIP- Maple x Sparrow- OKAY THIS IS A SEROIUS RAREPAIR- I had a dumbass idea where Maple and Sparrow became Dark Forest BFFs then slowly fall in love and now are the queens of the Dark Forest
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margareturtle · 5 months
Kit V Ash rivalry be like:
Kit: so it’s decided then, we will go with my plan
Ash: no it’s not decided, when my plan is better!
Kit: yeah but as the first—
Ash: well as the one with an immortal faerie queen as my mother—
Kit: as the the one with an immortal warlock eldest curse as my adopted mother—
Ash: as the one with more faerie magic training—
Kit: as the one with Emma Carstairs and by extension Julian Blackthorn on speed dial—
Ash: as the one who knows how you feel about Ty—
Dru: guys shut up, we’re obviously going with Ty’s plan
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juviaherondale · 2 years
The funniest thing about the name "KISH" is, that this could be the shipping name of Kit and Ash.
I only wanted to say that "KISH" could be there friendship name. Or just generally the name for the two.
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bonefall · 1 year
Ashfur should have a huge litter, like six or eight in Hawkfather AU, lol. Just tons of kits, make Bramblestar's life HARD. And when Squirrel and Ash reform their friendship, Squirrel just....let's them do whatever so long as it doesn't hurt the clan but its fine if it bugs Bramble.
How is Hawkstar going to react to the imposter and Tigerstar the 2nd?
I remember clearly being taught that the definition of a Clan in human terms is, "Three or more families acting as a social unit." So I always felt like it was a waste that no warrior Clans had family-based politics, y'know? We only JUST got it in ASC with Snowbird's descendants but I feel like there should be more.
So I like the idea of Ashfur and his 4 kids being a really solid block that consistently supports Squirrelflight, causing trouble but being united enough that they can usually wiggle out of consequence.
-On Hawkstar
That'll depend a bit on how OotS goes down in Hawkfather/Sweet Nothings. The reason why I could have never put these concepts into the Bonefall Rewrite is because Hawkstar makes canon SUPER divergent.
Hawkstar has come a long way from the ambitious youth he was. He won. He got everything he personally wanted. He's leader of RiverClan at an extremely young age, Mothwing under his claw (and he'd probably do something to get rid of Willowshine, so StarClan can't undermine him), allies in all Clans... and this is all overwhelming. One Clan is hard enough to run, always having to keep his cats busy, fighting pointless battles, making sure the pile is stocked, and also keeping up his Dark Forest training
Doing the evil ACTIVITIES was a lot more fun than doing the evil PAPERWORK.
Eventually he has to pay the piper, the Dark Forest put him in power, and it threatens that it will pull him out, too. But anyway,
If he was reacting to Thornclaw Impostor, I think there's a strong chance he'd go along with Bramblefake enforcing the code. Before Tigerstar started speaking to him, he cared at least partially about it. I can see him feeling like his life really started to go downhill when he fully abandoned it.
He would probably be Bramblefake's closest ally, until he realizes that this time HE'S the one who's been deceived.
As for Tigerheart? It's complicated but largely negative. He feels some resentment towards him for so obviously being one of Tigerstar's favorites even though Tigerheart isn't nearly as loyal as he was. Hawkstar narrowly escaped being impaled in some stupid attempt to give Brambleclaw power, and his father still prefers his bloodline through Goldenflower
But at the same time, he IS family, and they share a ton of classic Tigerkin traits. As a leader, Tigerheartstar and Hawkstar would be in a LOT of conflict over the borders and their schemes would clash with sparks flying.
It also probably doesn't escape WindClan that 3/4 Clans are now directly lead by Tigerspawn, and Breezepelt probably gets a lot of trouble for it.
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Well, another Monday, another SOBH post. And this one helped nurse my broken heart after last week. Malec is one of the best ships in the Shadowhunter universe. I love Magnus’ endearment of Alec and they are SO CUTE. Ok, moving on to the hall. The curse is over but we know the series won’t be over so there must be other secrets that will be revealed and I genuinely can’t wait to learn more about the Last Hours characters. Then we have Kit, and his weird extra magic thing. So we know that his First Heir Magic will be a major plot point. I also saw a tweet asking Kit to confirm that he doesn’t wanna be the first Heir so Janus doesn’t kill him to give Ash the throne, with Cassie replying ‘you know faerie politics very well’ or smt, so there’s that. Poor Kit’s gonna have a tough time in TWP. So there’s that. Last time I had a whole essay because there was a lot of analyse with Kitty. But obviously this letter was more self explanatory.
P.S: I love Magnus’s friendship with Jessa, thank god we got a little more content!
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kozmicxblues · 2 years
Stranger Things Masterlist
I'm keeping a running list of the fic I've written. You can also go through the #eeriewrites tag to find anything I've shared here or the #st4 tag for my headcanons and other ST posts.
How Do I Get You Alone? (T)
COMPLETE Dustin rolls his eyes and pushes off of the counter. "Your shift's almost over, right? Wanna hang out?" Steve scoops up the fallen movies. "I would, but I've got plans. Me and Eddie are meeting up at the diner." "Oh, that's cool. I'll just come with you." Steve pauses his work and looks over his shoulder at Dustin. He's got a pinched look on his face, like he's thinking something over. Dustin knows that can be a real struggle for him. "Uh... I don't... I don't know if that's a good idea." 5 times Dustin accidentally crashes a steddie date (+ 1 time Steve crashes a Hellfire Club meeting)
Time Keeps Moving On (M)
WIP When he turned around, Max was on the ground clutching her knee. Even from a distance, he could see the blood dripping down her leg from behind her fingers. Billy glanced up from his car and took in the sight before him. Then he ashed his cigarette and went back to work. That’s all it took, really. The sight of Billy Hargrove’s cold eyes as they glazed right over his bleeding sister. Eddie was digging the first aid kit out of the hall closet before he’d even made the conscious decision to go out. When the Hargroves move into Forest Hills Trailer Park, Eddie finds the younger sister he never knew he wanted. Unfortunately, she comes as a package deal with the former King of Hawkins High.
she took a look at my palm (and said you're in love) (T)
COMPLETE “Now, let’s look at your heart lines. Yours is chained. You’ve had a rocky love life, haven’t you?” “I guess that’s one way to put it.” He certainly wasn’t going to air out his series of failed relationships – stemming from his abandonment issues and the fact it took him nineteen years to realize he couldn’t connect with any of his dates because he was going after the completely wrong gender – in front of a complete stranger and a group of children. He definitely didn’t want to be discussing this in front of Eddie. He’d put too much effort into hiding the crush that had steadily developed over the summer before it could ruin their friendship. But any hope of avoiding that had clearly died the moment Steve stepped through Madame Loretta’s gaudy curtain beads. Steve and Eddie take the kids to a fall festival
make 'em turn their heads every place we go (T)
WIP Steve has always dreaded going home for the holidays. He's tired of putting himself back in the closet for the sake of his judgmental relatives. He's ready to stand his ground this year. Luckily, he knows just the right man for the job. In other words, a steddie fake dating au
You Still Catch My Eye (T)
WIP There’s a wave of excitement coming from somewhere in the bar. It’s almost midnight, the night ticking by even faster than Steve had realized. When he turns back from the clock, Eddie is already looking at him. He decides to be brave. “Kissing someone at midnight is supposed to be good luck, right?” Eddie smiles. “Right.” He sighs dramatically. “It would be a shame to start the year off with bad luck. Don’t you think?” Steve’s had about all the bad luck he can stand. He could do this. He’d faced down a junkyard full of monsters with nothing but a bat. He could let himself kiss a boy.
It's a Strange Magic (G)
WIP “Haven’t you ever wondered about the stuff that happens in our house? Like why Mom tries to pretend Halloween doesn’t exist? Or why she gets weird about us talking, watching, or reading anything that has the word ‘magic’ in it? You had to fight with her for months before she let you play D&D. Or about why stuff flies off of shelves every time Holly has a tantrum?” “No,” he lied. “Well, I have. And now that I know the truth, I’m not gonna stay here and turn all boring like you. If Joyce doesn’t start my training tonight, I’ll lose my powers forever.” Nancy stomped past him. “What do you mean, boring like me?” Mike chased after her. Halloweentown AU
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