#kittens hospital journey
What made both her sacrifice for her team mates’ happiness in Pocket Monsters (2019)/Pokemon Journeys episode 95 and the fact that she thought this would be her end more poignant for me is that being completely alone is what Musashi hates the most. She lost her (single) mother as a child and was never adopted, going from foster home to foster home... ;_;
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After many failures (like being unable to graduate from a school meant to train literal Pokemon Nurses, because she couldn’t do what Chansey do, despite studying hard and being adept at skills like bandaging…) and having her heart broken and being disappointed (she let a boy she loved go alone so she can pursue idol dreams with some friends, who all made it… without her, so she lost a possible love for an impossible dream)…
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She couldn’t bond with her partners and left them to be injured, just to save herself, during her training days at Team Rocket. She’d become selfish and self-preserving… in the Japanese version, the others called her “shinigami Musashi” according to Yamato (Cassidy), likening her to a reaper of souls… but James refused to run away, sick of living a life where he ran away from all his problems. He’d sacrifice himself for her and Meowth’s safety, getting badly injured and nearly missing their final exam, hospitalized. The first time they uttered the beginning of their motto was when she believed she was all alone again, much like in this scene… the Rockets in the Japanese version repeat the last thing someone else says as if to answer a question (the “nanda kanda to kikare tara” = “if you ask us about this or that” is mostly filler that could be substituted with anything else.)
Musashi (Jessie): (dejectedly, as she walks away alone as the final exam begins, even being questioned by Nyasu/Meowth where she’s going): Is this all that there is…?
Kojiro (James): (answering while leaning posed against a tree, covered in bandages, but they were only wrapped over his clothes so he could whip them off dramatically) If you ask us 'if this is all that there is,' our answer will be the universe’s compassion!
She’s so moved, she turns away to wipe her tears. “A team mate who won’t run away…”
I think that’s the first time they ever see her cry.
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Jessie desperately wants family, belonging, that’s why she falls in love so quickly, she wants a family more than anything—James had everything material growing up, but not love… Musashi had near to nothing material growing up, BUT she had her mother’s love… until she lost her very, very early. They contrast each other! They’re soul mates, eternal partners, whether you ship them or not. Meowth, too, was orphaned as a kitten, never even named, and an outcast his whole life. He's also always falling in love easily, seeking a home... the trio should never be separated, they are each other’s sought-for home.
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I think the falling snow in this scene, where she runs off in tears, after wearing a brave smile and telling James it’s okay to stay with Cassidy, is a very deliberate choice, as Jessie loves snow. One of her few happy memories of her depressing childhood is being made treats made of snow to eat. She unknowingly lost her mother in the snowy Andes mountains, seeking Mew, put into foster care, while Miyamoto tried to make money to give her a better life... glittering snow and sparkling tears…
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For Meowth too, she lets him go. She just wants everyone to have their chance at love.
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So, her believing she’ll end up dying alone, as she’s always feared, Musashi here laments her luck, but also has a beautiful little dream of her friends saving her.
Once again, similarly to the break-up episode of DP, she was the one who calmly and gently encouraged James to pursue a possible love. She also broke Dustox’s pokeball, in tears, not wanting her to make the same mistake she did, giving up on an attainable love for an unattainable goal (and, indeed, Jessie did not win the Grand Festival, despite her skill at Pokemon Contests… she made the right decision for Dustox’s happiness.)
Jessie loves her friends. Sure, she’s caustic, rude, temperamental, bitter, and self-absorbed, but she prioritizes love and their happiness. She doesn’t want them to be alone and abandoned the way she felt as a kid. She loves them so much so, she’s satisfied to die alone and suffer her worst fear if it meant they get to be happy. That’s self-sacrifice.
She doesn’t resent them one bit, saying it’s a nice dream when she thinks she’s imagined them saving her life… she thought it was her mind comforting her before her death, accepting her fate, rather than realizing it’s effectively a premonition of what will be reality… and when she realizes?! She initially reproaches them, looking mad, because she thought they abandoned their happiness for her! But no, things didn’t work out… this is where they’re meant to be: by each other’s side.
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James also knows how much marriage means to her, even though he’s so traumatized by it, the word “fiance” triggers literal flashbacks for him and he climbed up a tree to get away from a teenaged girl who called him that. Yet, in XY episode 63, where she fell for Dr. White...
Kojiro: (with head down, eyes shadowed) If Musashi (Jessie) wants to pursue her happiness as a woman, shouldn't we give her our blessing?
Nyasu also had his misfortunes in love... they sympathize and empathize.
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"Let's show her we're men and leave without saying anything..."
As Kojiro runs away, he sheds tears, wishing her happiness and bidding her farewell, silently. The scenes in these two episodes are clear parallels.
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But in the end (including the final episodes, as rushed as that plotline was although I still loved Wobbuffet acting exactly like a troubled child of parents going through a messy divorce), they’ll always realize their happiness is by each other’s side as a trio.
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"Sometimes you get good pulls, sometimes you get bad ones. Sometimes they're good, even if you think they're bad. Sometimes they're bad, even if you think they're good."
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pastafossa · 9 months
Pet loss below the cut.
Cato was my cat. That's the long and short of it.
From the first night I had him when he curled up against my neck to fall asleep with me, to his final night when he curled up on my chest to try and comfort me, there is not a single day I've been home that I haven't had my kitten chow with me. He was my tiny shadow, always trotting along after me or singing at me from around the house with that long Siamese wail or bringing me scores of socks he hid god knows where (although once he brought me an entire umbrella instead, which he was understandably proud of). He was by my pillow every night cuddled up against my arm, and we fit together like two puzzle pieces, like that little crook in my arm was designed for him, for his exact shape and size. He was with me through my health issues, through high school and college, through moving states, through covid, through tears, through the loss of other pets. He was there as I really learned to write, and there is not a single chapter of TRT that was written without his presence for at least a section of it even if it meant I had to stop editing or writing for a bit and just stare at the words instead because he wanted to be held NOW. And he even managed to hold off the cancer just long enough to walk with me through mom's hospital stay and her return home. I was his person, and he was my soul cat, a piece of me.
I was so torn last night. He was clearly in pain, dehydrated, wobbly, confused and restless, and couldn't get to the litter box. It had been really clear this week the moment was coming, that the cancer was going to take him soon. I'd had this big plan, to have it all happen at home in peace. He hated the vet, hated the stress, but it happened so fast, and I just... knew he couldn't wait for the vet's office to open so she could come here. He'd chosen his time and it was now.
I held him at the emergency vet when they gave him the sedative. I managed to choke out that silly singing tone that always made him happy, as I called him every last nickname he knew: my Cato-wato kitten chow, my Cato kins, my little Mr. meow meow, my sweet happy baby kitty. I made sure all he could see with those big beautiful blue eyes of his was me, as I petted his soft little ears and scratched his neck just the way he liked. And he actually managed to purr for me. He purred as he slipped away and the lights went out, and it was the last sound I ever got to hear from him.
I already miss you so, so much, my sweet old kitty, my Cato kitten chow. I'm sorry it couldn't be at home. But thank you for purring for me. Thank you for spending your journey with me. Thank you for the love you gave me. Thank you for the big meows and the headbonks and perching on my shoulder to interrupt with a breaking news story of Meow Meow. Thank you for the stealing of hundreds of my socks over 16 years and the way you always wanted to sit on me regardless of convenience or your own comfort. Thank you for letting me scoop you up for head smoochies, guarding me from nightmares, and solemnly supervising over 150 chapters of TRT. My soul cat, my baby kitty, my lovebug. I will always love and miss you. And one day I'll see you again.
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softagenda · 10 months
ensared (ais)
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ais x reader(f)
aphrodisiac au / short fic
series: sweet poison (scenario-based collection of character imagines)
originally posted on ao3
You’re an idiot for drinking that. An absolute idiot.
You’re spilled across the floor, head swimming, burning from the inside as though you’d swallowed a star. The velvet rug brushed soft and cloying against your prickling skin as you squirmed, your heart pounding in your ears and beating an insistent rhythm in your groin.
Cooing at you from the table, her cat’s eyes curled in satisfaction, Morgana asked, “Something the matter? You look positively feverish.” She twirled a curly black lock around her finger.
Paintings of naked people - bathing in springs, dancing around a fire, having an orgy in front of a temple - swirled into one colorful blob as you turned on your side, fisting the rug. You attempted to pull yourself to where you remembered the door but stalled a couple inches in, weak as a newborn kitten and stifling a moan as your body rubbed on the carpet.
“Now, now, where’s the fire? Stay a while.” She rose from her chair and stood over you, her arms crossing under her full chest. “You’re clearly hot under the collar. The thought of you wandering the streets like this concerns me deeply.”
You glared up at her, using every ounce of willpower not to writhe on the floor like a worm on a hook. Your hand felt clumsily around your hip for the dagger. 
“I’ll take that,” she chirped, snatching the weapon from your belt and tossing it behind her. “Can’t have you nicking that lovely skin.” Her heel braced on the other side of you, straddling your back. Her hands tugged the shirt from your waist before dragging warm palms up your back, her nails scratching on the return journey.
You bit your lip to stifle a moan rocketing through your chest, as every nerve in your body vibrated with electric pleasure. Your hips pressed hard into the floor, growing ever desperate for friction even as you struggled to focus.
Morgana sunk her hand into your nape, drawing your hair back from your face. When she leaned down to brush her painted lips against your ear, goosebumps erupted down your neck. “We’ll start with the bandages, shall we?”
______ prologue end _________
“Wouldn’t recommend it,” mused a deep, familiar voice from the door.
Your head jerked up, hazy eyes finding a blob of teal and black, bright spots of red around the collar. The relief was short-lived when your body reacted in a purely physical way to the sound.
Morgana froze. Her grip tightened in your hair, drawing a shudder. “... Ais. What a surprise. How long has it been, ten years?”
“Don’t remember.”
The madam paused, and a short, pregnant silence followed. You swallowed, breathing shallowly to keep from inhaling anymore of that incense. Then, she demurred, “I have just the treat for you. Something strange but familiar: red head, as bratty and slutty as they come, just how you like it. Let me call an attendant to show you the way.”
“If you’re offering, how about that one under you?”
Nails bit into your skin. “This one’s off the menu.”
“Oh? Had that meal last night, and I’m in the mood for leftovers.”
If the sun weren’t trying to sweat its way out of your skin in that moment, you would’ve glared daggers at him. 
Morgana was silent as she digested that before asking, her voice smooth, “Perhaps another night? I’ll make it worth your while - a veritable banquet of beauties.”
A low hum rumbled through the room. “A banquet for little ol’ me? How generous. In that case…” His voice lowered, musing casually, “suppose I’ll have to bring a couple friends with me. Make it a real feast.”
The temperature dropped.
Morgana breathed once, deep and hurried at the nape of your neck, before releasing your hair and rising to her feet. When she next spoke, all the warmth and gracious hospitality had vanished from her voice. “Take her and get out.”
Leather boots thudded closer, pausing at the table. A soft chink, an audible gulp. “Spared no expense on the dose, huh.”
Morgana didn’t reply.
Then Ais crouched by your face, his chin nestled in his palm. “Lookin’ grounded, sparrow.”
You pressed your lips together, humiliated and so horny you’d probably jump in the Seaspring just to put out the fire in your veins. 
“Want a lift?”
With a nod, you found yourself swept onto his back. Your arms wrapped loosely around his neck as his hands hooked beneath your thighs. Brimstone and brine filled your lungs as your face dropped onto his shoulder. The display of strength, the ease of it, sent a shiver down your back and a slick feeling pooling in your groin.
He strode from the room and headed down the hall. There was a staircase leading to the street, and every step had you bouncing against his back, the friction just enough to have arousal twisting sweetly in your body but not enough for true relief.
Your hand gripped the front of his kimono.
“Havin’ a good time back there?”
“Shut up,” you hissed through gritted teeth only to whimper when he jumped you higher on his back, your thighs squeezing instinctively. “Ah - fuck you.”
“Say please.”
a/n: thanks for reading!
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82mitsu · 5 months
{18Trip} The 18 Questions Corner - Natsuyaki Chihiro
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This is a translation for the 18 questions interview uploaded on the official Youtube channel. I suggest to read this translation alongside it!
Note: P stands for "Player", this series has a voiced male & female character for the player. The interviews are conducted by the male player in this case.
Full TL note at the end of the interview due to its length! But as an opener:
Chihiro refers to himself as ちぃ (Chii) at times. This is kept as is when explicitly mentioned, other times regular first person pronouns in English are used.
P: 18 questions for the Tourism Ward Mayors! We look forward to your cooperation!
Chihiro: Let's get it popping!
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What’s your name?
Call me Natsuyaki Chihiro.
How old are you?
22 years old! Still got the pep in my step!
Tell us about your occupation!
I’m an Alpha Dazzler on social media ☆ You better hit that follow button and share my posts!
What’s the first thing you do when waking up in the morning?
The full course of washing my face, putting on a beauty mask, and brushing my teeth!
Anything you’re particular about with lunch?
Snapping pics with filters that make it look sooo yummy♪ is a must!
What pops up in your mind when it comes to “evening”?
Um… looong shadows.
What’s your routine before bed?
Can’t skip out on updating my socmed & checking my notifs~ Gotta give each and every Dazzler that sweet “Like”!
Where do you start with washing your body?
My hair persnaps~ Hair treatment for super silkiness!
What’s essential when leaving for a trip?
Toooootes my phone!!!
What do you check before traveling somewhere?
I like, so gotta check where all the fancy spots are.
What’s your favorite method of transportation for traveling? 
Don’tcha just wanna go with the flow and hop on whatev’s the local transport there~?
What’s one item you’d bring to a deserted island?
My phone… ah, but like, a deserted island doesn’t have signal, does it?
Please give us some fanservice! 
✧・゚: *Welcome, little kitten. Let's enjoy ourselves to the fullest*:・゚✧ How’s that~!? OMG, did Chii just like, serve and eat that!?
Who’s someone you’d lean on for support? 
That's gotta be Taotao~ He’s easy to talk to!
Who would you swap bodies with for a day?
Morning Squad’s Ten-chamu!
What would you want to do as them?
Ten-chamu’s style of dancing is lil’ bit of a diff genre, right~ So I wanna try breakdancing like that!
Pass on a message to your roommates!
Taotao~ Chii wants to also like, get master rank in Anigun’s new season so plz carry me ‘kay♪
Tell us from the heart, what’s a “journey” to you? 
A super duper hype meeting!!! I want all the people I see for the first time ever to recognize Chii’s charm~☆
P: Thank you, those were all 18 questions!
Chihiro: Oatscurry! See ya at Chii’s stream laters!
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Chihiro: Natsuyaki Chihiro! HAMA’s 12th Ward Mayor. Leave all the hospitality to Chii the Commanding Officer of Hype to deliver you the bestest of best!
TL notes:
よろぴく (yoropiku) is outdated slang for よろしく (yoroshiku). Has been turned into various slangy ways to represent it.
トリメ is short for トリートメント, aka hair treatment.
イケカテ is short for “ikemen voice category” which is a way to classify what kind of voices you prefer. If you hear someone that makes you go, “Kyaah~ such a handsome voice!” you file him away in ikekate. If it’s like “Woaaah, so cyoot!” you file him away in kawakate (kawa being kawaii). Chihiro also makes a pun with this: ikekate rosen demo ikenjanee (lit. can’t I like, go down the ikekate route!?). While this has been reworked into something else completely, I included it in the TL note simply as an FYI. 
あげぽよ (agepoyo) is Gyaru slang for when something is super duper extra mega hype poggers, etc.
There’s more quirky stuff, but he drained me of all my braincells for now.
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*clears throat* so we hear y’all like cats and cool women in history?
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Meet Jean Batten: record setting New Zealand aviatrix, international pilot extraordinaire... 
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... And Buddy, her kitten and newfound mascot. 
Buddy was a gift received in 1934 courtesy of the Diggers (aka Australian soldiers) at the Prince of Wales military hospital in Sydney. 
Described as being “as much a centre of attraction as the wonder girl herself”, Buddy the cat flew with Jean many times throughout the years, though he reportedly didn’t enjoy the experience very much. 
Jean broke the record for fastest solo flight from England to Australia in 1934, unseating the previous women’s record held by esteemed pilot Amy Johnson by a little over four days. The success of her long-distance journey catapulted her to celebrity status, and she enjoyed a four week tour of Australia where she was greeted by large crowds of well-wishers.    
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She continued to fly for many years after setting her record, continuing on to become the first person to hold both records for fastest solo flights between England and Australia simultaneously. 
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A movie you put on to cry to?
How about 3?
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"A Dog's Way Home" isn't really part of the other two movies, although it's adapted from a story by the same author as the Bailey Duology.
"A Dog's Way Home" is about a pitbull-mix, Bella, who is separated from her family during an attempt to relocate themselves to keep her out of jurisdiction of the "No Pitbulls" law of the town, which is not displayed in the trailer here.
In fact, the trailer only shows about 40% of the actual plot, and the way she gets into her journey is not shown here, nor is the the way she actually gets back home, both scenes implied in the trailer are actually part of an unrelated shinanagan with the squirrel, lol.
Bella is somewhat of an emotional support dog that is beloved by Lucas' mom and her fellow veterans at the hospital, which is part of why the conflict begins, because an animal control guy wants her out of town because of his prejudice against Stafford Terriers, which is honestly a very real thing that happens in many places. Along the journey, Bella makes many friends along the way, including an orphaned puma cub that she mistakes for a "Big Kitten" ((Bella's origin is that she was fostered by a "Mama Cat", and equates cats to family)). She also saves a guy in an avalanche, brings peace of mind to an old homeless man, and so on as she runs across the country to find her Lucas and Mom. It's a very wholesome story, and Scarlett Johansson's narration is really nice ((no talking animals in the movie, the narration is like how they did in "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"))
"A Dog's Purpose" and "A Dog's Journey" tells the tale of Bailey, a special dog that's been granted the ability to live multiple lives, after having come back the first time as a puppy in a hot car.
He keeps reincarnating as he tries to reunite with his boy, Ethan. Along the way, Bailey lives other lives and touches the hearts of others in need ((such as an officer with PTSD, a college student in need of a friend, or a woman in an abusive relationship who needs to drive to escape)), until he finds Ethan again in his old age, having become a bit of a recluse due to a rough life and rotten luck. Because of certain quirks Bailey had in his second life, leading Ethan to realize that this strange dog that's found his way to his porch is his childhood dog come back. Thanks to Bailey, Ethan is able to reconnect with people and is able to life to the fullest again.
Part two of the story picks up with Bailey settled in as Ethan is now married and watching over his step-granddaughter, CJ. Due to a chain of events, CJ and her mother leave the old farmhouse and it kickstarts a new purpose for Bailey as he succumbs to old age and cancer shortly after, coming back again as a puppy about the time CJ is of school age.
He gets adopted by her as the dog "Molly" and is able to stay with her until a tragic accident ((CJ's crazy ex runs them off the road and Bailey is a casualty)) takes Bailey's life again and he comes back as another dog, crossing paths with CJ again briefly before dying of a broken heart when she doesn't recognize him. He comes back again as a dog in New York years later, and hears her from the sound her charm bracelet makes and runs off from the adoption event to reunite, with her just thinking that this is a silly little scruffy dog that chose her as his new owner.
It doesn't take long for Bailey, now as "Max" to start giving off quirks that she finds strange and confusing, until she is finally able to visit her grandfather, Ethan and he's able to give her the scoop on what makes this dog so special. The story ends with the family finally being reunited one last time before Ethan's passing and Bailey follows him shortly after to join him across the Rainbow Bridge to be together in the afterlife.
There's A LOT more in the store I glossed over that is worth seeing despite my extensive summary, such as a few side plots and additional backstory for Bailey, but you just gotta watch them yourself and see. And yes, YOU WILL CRY.
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jazzynook · 1 month
Wanderlust: road trip stopover in Tennessee
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Me and Paige kicked off our Dirty South road trip with a stay at The Hopestead, a historic bed & breakfast that felt like a hidden gem. Nestled deep in the Tennessee woods, about 90 minutes from Nashville, this charming place sprawls over 47 acres of rolling hills. We arrived late in the evening, the sky draped in a starry blanket, and were greeted by the cutest welcoming committee—two delightful dogs, a pair of darling cats, and a playful litter of kittens.
Vanessa and Michael, our warm-hearted hosts, welcomed us and despite our late arrival, they gave us a cozy tour of the house. We spent the rest of the evening lounging on the backyard deck with a glass of prosecco while our new feline friends weaved around our legs and even nibbled on my toes 😅 The starry sky offered a breathtaking glimpse of the Milky Way.
The next morning, the heat of the sultry air and thick humidity greeted me like an old uncle with a slap on the back. Before breakfast was served, I perched on the porch's rocking chair, and listened to the sound of the cicadas. I meandered through the farmhouse's grounds, where horses nibbled at the dewy grass and when I walked back inside the house, I was so charmed by the vintage tunes Vanessa played while cooking. Sam Cooke’s “You Send Me,” filled the entire first floor with a nostalgic warmth.
At breakfast, we shared stories with Michael and Vanessa, learning about their journey of restoring the house and their new life as empty nesters. They also recommended we attend a live radio show at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, and I've added it to the list for next time! Of course I couldn't visit Nashville for the first time and not visit the National Museum of African American Music. But more on that later…
After savoring Vanessa's homemade breakfast, I nestled under the generous shade of the lush magnolia tree to call my mom and share our safe arrival at this peaceful haven I was grateful to have found.
Our furry friends continued to shower us with affection and charmed us from our arrival to our final morning, though they seemed less enamored with the couple who arrived the day after us 🤷🏾‍♀️
The Hopestead, with its blend of comfort, nature, and warm hospitality, left an unforgettable mark on our hearts.
c. August 2024
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ms-paint-idol-hell · 9 months
HEY!!! I've totally missed this blog's 8TH anniversary (yet again), on December 5th!!! Oh my god, it sure has been a long time, hasn't it? Time for the annual sap post!
8 years ago I found this franchise and fell in love with it, and for 8 years it's nurtured me to become the me I am today, and it SURE as hell has been a long ride up until this point. I've made some wonderful friends, made some enemies, done admirable things and made huge mistakes. It's been one heck of a journey.
Would I do it all again? I would, but I suppose given my understanding of the past, I'd change a few things. I could go into more detail about, but it's not really important right now.
These types of posts are unusual. I don't think much about what I'm saying, there's nothing but genuine gratitude and thanks for those who have supported me up until this point. I will always look at this blog and its following with such a fond veil, because you've all treated me so kindly, regardless of whether I deserved it or not at times.
That being said, I'd like to thank you all for welcoming me as a young teen into this fandom with good and hospitable intent, and I'll thank you for helping me mature into the adult I am today. I can't thank you all enough.
As for me? I've been up to things, focusing more on my personal life than Love Live!, and unfortunately, that seems to be the case with a lot of adults in this fandom from the years past. But I won't ever forget this blog or you all, I'm sure of it.
This past year has seen me go through lots of positive changes!!!
I moved in with my partner!!!
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We got engaged!!!!
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We started raising two kittens together!!!
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And we've learned a lot along the way-
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fieldsofview · 2 months
Spider-Man: Homesickness UPDATE
The following text is copied from my AO3
Hey, y'all. This is going to be a long and rambling life update for a moment. TLDR: The epilogue won't be posted until mid/late August, but it is coming. Keep reading if you're so interested in the *why*, otherwise, I'll see you then.
I know that, until now, I've been very consistent in keeping updates on time. And I know it's likely frustrating for you all to have to wait for the epilogue, and for that I apologize. It's coming, I promise. I just want to make sure I do it justice and do my best, and my life has not allowed for that right now. My personal life has been kind of a wreck these last few weeks. To start, I had a long stretch of time where I was covering extra shifts for my coworker who was in the hospital, which meant a lot of doubles (My usual 4PM-midnight followed by the midnight-8AM shift, with only a few hours after to go home and sleep before doing it all over again.) This is when I was drafting the previous chapter, and I did do my best to keep working on all of this but I was drastically limited in the time I had. During and following all of this, my cat, Aya, got very sick very fast. Within about 2 weeks, she went from being a perfectly healthy 5-year-old cat at her yearly physical exam, to having such extreme symptoms from a mystery illness that she was interned in a specialty Vet clinic's ICU for several days, needing a feeding tube, intravenous medication, and 24-hour care. Ultimately, despite the thousands of dollars I spent, four different veterinarians, and countless tests, no one could figure out what was wrong with her. She has since passed and her ashes should hopefully return to me within the week. Because of the timing of it all, just a few days later I left for a trip out of state to visit my elderly grandparents for their 85th birthday celebration with my extended family (There are nearly 40 of us) that I could not reschedule or miss, and I've been there for the last week. It's a 18-hour journey each way and I've spent most of the trip assisting my father with care of my younger brother or assisting my cousin with her three kids under 5. I've had no time for writing whatsoever. I've barely had time to breathe, let alone grieve the loss of my cat who I have had since she was a tiny kitten and who passed so suddenly and so violently that it has stuck with me in a way that previous pet deaths have never done. Her sister and her were so closely bonded and it's been heartbreaking to see her so confused as to why Aya has never come home. And now I've had to leave her with my roommates while I'm gone and she's been acting skittish and scared around them in a way she never has before. I only hope when I return in a few days she'll forgive me. I haven't started writing the epilogue yet. As many of you pointed out in the comments here and on my Tumblr (that I truly haven't had the capacity to respond to), the last chapter did not quite feel right or sit in the way you wanted. I stand by the events of the chapter, but because it was basically my rough draft with almost no editing, it's lacking the subtlety and nuance it deserves, and it's missing some details it should have had. I love this fic with all my heart and I want it to be a project I can finish and leave in a way that I am proud of. So, I will be spending the next few weeks taking the time I need for myself, and then I will be spending the time to make any edits to the entire story that I feel are necessary for it to be its best. Once that's done, I'll publish the epilogue. A version that is final and that I can be proud of, whether or not anyone else likes it. Because I know the last chapter was not my best work, it's been hard to sit with those comments and accept them, despite knowing the circumstances surrounding them. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this project, and thank you for your patience as I make sure this is the best it can be. My hope is that I can post the epilogue in about one month, as I approach the year mark from when I first started drafting this fic, but I will take it day by day to ensure it's the best it will be. I will delete this "chapter" once the epilogue is posted. 
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wicked-futures · 2 years
Project Minx [Two]
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Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader (no use of y/n)
Word-Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of anxiety
Summary: You arrive on base and meet the 141
Notes: I want to thank you for all the support I got on chapter one. I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry it has taken so long to write #2. Between finals coming up and getting incredibly sick this week, it's been hard getting it out! (But I did anyways) As always, Grammarly is my beta read so if something is off, please let me know!
The drugs had been flushed out of your system fully over a few hours, and you had gotten to take another small nap. You felt better than ever and you were antsy to start the next leg of your journey. Getting out of bed, you stretched for a moment. You thanked the medical ward for its hospitality, but the uncomfortable bed was something you could live without. 
“Good morning, you’re looking a hell of a lot better,” Jessica entered your room with a big smile plastered across your face. She was excited that you were feeling good, and she also looked like she finally got some sleep. She handed you a plain manilla folder, with no identifying details other than “Task Force 141.”
“Got the rest of the info on the group you’re teaming up with,” She stated, nodding at you to open the folder. Inside was information on the group, the missions they had completed, and overall descriptions of the members. They were impressive, to say the least, and seemed way too good for the job that was Dmitri Volkov. You quirked your eyebrow in confusion, weren’t they a little too overqualified?
“There is reason to suspect Volkov’s operation is a lot bigger than we thought, so you got paired with the big dogs on the request of Kate Laswell,” Big alright, these men looked like they fought fires and saved kittens as a hobby. You were used to working with big army men during your years, but this task force was different and even more hardened than the others.
“Good luck with them girl, you’re gonna need it.” Jess giggled in your direction when she saw your eyes widen in surprise.
“Wait, you’re not coming with me?” You asked, snapping your eyes up from the page. Jessica had been with you this whole mission and was just as important as you were. The thought of continuing the mission without her made you feel odd, felt wrong.
“They’re having me stay here, do more research on Volkov himself. Since I’m not crazy about combat, I’m more of a stationary help over here. You always know where to find me though Minx, remember that.” And you did, you could list several ways to get a hold of the woman. 
When you were ‘officially’ friends, she gave you just about every form of communication she had. It made it easy in case one of them got compromised or if there were any other complications. Giving the woman a quick hug, you waved to her as she left.
You read through the files for a moment longer, using the spare moments you had. A nervous feeling crept up at the thought of you being the only female on the team. Being a woman in the field, it had been pretty common to see a small number compared to men working. Especially after working on mostly solo missions for so long, having a team to work with 24/7 seemed weird. When they were as accredited and intimidating as they were, it made you feel as if you were going to be out of place.
Shutting the folder back up, you decided to get ready for departure and out of your feels. The 141 was a group of extreme professionals, and you wanted to get off on the right foot. Grabbing your spare items left in the med ward, you went to retrieve your items from the barracks.
It was almost bittersweet, leaving the place you had begrudgingly stayed at for the past few weeks. You had a small apartment back in your hometown, but you stayed wherever you needed to be during missions. At the moment, that just happened to be a military base in New York. It didn’t matter where you stayed since you were rarely there anyway. Most of the days were spent working, the base was just a place to sleep at night. Many took part in the nightlife around the base, but you were always too busy; too ingrained into your work.
When you first started training, you thought you were missing out on some social life. Nights spent learning how to down a man twice your size instead of getting blackout drunk at some club seemed boring in contrast. As you matured, it dawned that this was the choice you were meant to make all along. You gained more by helping people and felt proud of your decision to become a skilled agent. You hoped your family also felt the same, even though they never reached out to you.
 As soon as you finished the jog over to the barracks, you grabbed your shower supplies to quickly bathe yourself before departure. The smell of the med building needed to be ridden from your body, not to mention you still felt a little clammy from the constant sweating. A hot shower was bound to fix that feeling, washing off the drug detox as a whole.
After the quick shower, you changed and packed your bags. You only ever kept mostly necessities at the bases, wanting to keep the load light. The only item you kept that had sentimental value was an old family photo, weathered by the years of you carrying it around. In the photo were you, your mother and your father.
It was way back in your childhood, showing the small family at a park. The memory was clear in your mind, even after all these years. Yet, it didn’t seem like it was your memory. It seemed as if it happened through someone else's eyes. That little girl on the swingset wasn’t the same woman who was trained to kill a man in just a few milliseconds. Those simpler days were missed, those filled with sunshine and laughter instead of grueling hard work.
Folding the image up, you set it in the bag gently. Zipping everything else up, you were ready for the flight to your newfound group.
After a few years of working in the US, you forgot how long the plane ride overseas was. Hours upon hours of you stuck in a metal box flying at ungodly speeds over a body of water. You weren’t afraid of flying, just extremely bored. It was not some luxury craft with TVs and sparkling water, you were left to try and sleep the whole ride. 
Of course, nerves won your brain over instead of the sleep you so desperately craved. Your left leg bounced as you stared out the window into the vast empty plain that was the sky, thinking about the seventy-five different ways a bad introduction could fuck over yourself.
You read through the files of the 141 again out of habit, now having actual hours to spend studying your new teammates. The only one that stuck completely was that of the forces masked boogeyman, Ghost. His entire background was redacted, the black ink taking up most of the page. You decided to ask about it later, maybe he wasn’t as terrifying in person.
“So you’re telling me she’s been running this whole mission basically by herself, and Laswell has been letting her?” Soap questioned, his heavy Scottish accent coating each word. He crossed his arms in disbelief, confused by what the captain was explaining.
 They had heard of the Volkov issue and you, getting the info only a few hours before you had heard of them. Price raised his shoulders in defeat, on the same wavelength as Soap. The rest of the men sat at the table, looking just as confused as Soap or just generally bored. The 141 had worked with strong women in the past, but none of them had ever worked a mission this heavy alone. They were incredibly impressed with your work, to say the least.
“Laswell says she knows her shit, you know we don’t question that woman.” Price responded, and boy did everyone know that. After many missions worked with Laswell, he didn’t know if he respected her, or was genuinely afraid of her. She was a hardworking woman, who took what she wanted. The rest of the boys at the table nodded their heads, reliving memories of her.
“She’s a jack of all trades and has been doing solo contracts for the past few years. Laswell had been keeping tabs on her and assigned the Volkov case to her,” Price held his hand out to the folder containing the info on the scientist.
“Sure she’s good, but she couldn’t have done it all on her own,” Gaz mentioned from across the table, keeping a respectful tone to his voice. He didn’t want to be offensive to his new teammate, especially since he had not yet been introduced.
“Jessica Salvatore has worked with her these past few jobs, mostly behind-the-screen activities. She is good with hacking and knows her way around a computer, so she has come in handy when infiltrating Volkov’s operations. She has also been the one reviewing the files on Volkov and keeping them up to date. Everything else has been done exclusively by Minx, any more questions?” Standing up from the meeting table, Price concluded the meeting with a pointed look. If his men had questions, they could do the smart thing and look through the files he handed out.
“No sir,” Ghost responded from his side of the table. He had no questions during the meeting and decided to flip through pages dedicated to you. It started with your background, documenting parts of your life since you graduated high school. He noted how you had training in multiple fields, and overall seemed well-rounded. He also noticed the redacted sections in your history, all too familiar with the black lines. Impressive, he could even admit, which was a lot to admit from the masked man.
Ghost saw no issues with you joining the team, as long as you had a good head on your shoulders and could pull your weight with the others. He needed a feel for how your personality was before he could say. Simon Riley didn’t just hand his trust out, it needed to be earned. Handing your file over to Soap, he grabbed the one about Volkov and the whole operation.
“Bloody Jesus, Price didn’t tell us she was hot!” Soap exclaimed when he opened the folder, causing his skull-faced companion to roll his eyes. Ghost was surprised they didn’t stay stuck to the back of his skull with how annoyed he was. He couldn’t have half the team busy drooling over you when they were supposed to be fighting to stop a drug worse than any seen before.
He just hoped that whatever hype surrounded your arrival would quickly fade out.
Ghost, of course, was incredibly wrong.
“Boys, I want to introduce you to Agent Minx,” The moment your plane landed, you concluded that Captain John Price was a decent man. He asked how the flight over was, and how your recovery the night before had been. Price was surprisingly kind, and made it seem as if he was happy with you joining the team.
Smiling at the group in front of you, you let your eyes assess your new teammates. They were all fighters, visibly bigger than the photos in their files. The men had been worn and shaped after years of demanding missions, their bodies just matching their atmosphere. Rugged muscles covered in military-grade clothing and armor, you doubted they owned regular civilian clothing. 
“Pleasure to have you all assigned to this mission, god knows I need the help.” You spoke, hoping to alleviate the awkward introductions. It was a partial lie, you could’ve finished the mission by yourself you presumed. You wanted the team to feel comfortable with your presence, and accept you as one of their own. Being introduced to a team that had regularly worked with each other for years without having a new member was a feat in itself. You tried to keep a confident composure, even though you felt anything but.
Price motioned for you to sit down at the table, allowing you one last glance at the others before you did so. None of them looked visibly angry with your arrival, which was a plus. Ghost just stared in your direction, an indescribable look plastered in his dark gaze. 
Other men you had worked with in the past were audibly uncomfortable with working with a female, even after seeing your skills on the field. You hoped the 141 was different, even accepting of your presence.
Volkov had been your case in the beginning anyways.
“As I spoke to you all last night, she knows the most about Dmitri and anything affiliated with his case. Any other questions that were not answered in the files I gave you all last night can be asked, only if Minx is willing of course.” All eyes were on you as you nodded approvingly. If they had questions about the report Jessica had slaved over while you recovered in a hospital bed, you were glad to answer them.
“There was no mention of his family, do you know anything of importance?” A voice asked from across the table. You matched the face to the name Kyle “Gaz” Garrick from your research.
“I haven’t been able to find anything other than mentions of a daughter. My guess is she’s holed up in some boarding school, living off of her daddy’s drug money,” Shrugging your shoulders, you replied truthfully. Gaz nodded, looking off in thought.
“In the report, it said you were forced to ingest one of the pills. What was it like?” You shifted your focus to John “Soap” Mactavish, and you had to stop yourself from laughing. He had childlike wonder etched onto his face, making his eyes almost sparkle with interest.
“I honestly couldn’t describe it if I tried. It was like heaven and hell all at once, I do not feel like reliving it.” The experience was overall terrifying, with your nerves already being so high it just made the high worse. Your body practically shut down the second Volkov’s potion set foot in it, making a treacherous path. 
It felt like a blazing rod of lava placing itself in your chest, but an icicle not far behind. Visual hallucinations of the most horrifying visions known to you, showing the most gruesome memories of your life. Then moments later they would be replaced with the complete opposite, leaving your body in a state of shock. The constant state of fight or flight being replaced with deep comfort was a terrifying feeling, not knowing which one came next.
“I can see why someone would continue to do it though if you only focus on the good moments of the high.” You continued, maintaining eye contact with the mohawked man. The good moments of the high felt like the best euphoria you could ever achieve, leaving you craving more. Then that craving would return to the vile and terrifying bad moments, leaving you in a pit of fear.
“Intense euphoria paired with an even more intense down-fall. I’m just happy they got me out of that club and hooked up to an IV, any more questions?” You shivered slightly, not wanting to remember the high. It took a toll on you, mentally and physically. Thanking the med ward for the physical healing, you tried to ignore the mental portion. The things you saw couldn’t get to you, not during one of if not the most important missions you had been assigned.
You looked around the table, being met with mostly shrugs. As you passed over Ghost again, he just stared in your direction. He had not said a single word since you stepped foot into the meeting room, which made you nervous. Even sitting down, you could tell he was a massive figure of a man entrenched in a costume to hide his identity. You understood why he did it, ensuring his anonymity, but still thought it was a little goofy to do it at his home base where he was safe.
“Alright, everyone is dismissed. Soap, can you give Minx a tour?” Soap just about jumped up from his seat, a charming smile painted onto his face as he looked in your direction. He seemed as if he ran on an unlimited energy source, maybe he ran on some Scottish battery you didn’t know about.
“Let’s go, lass!” You got up from your seat, giving Ghost one last glance over before you left. That same glare was still cemented onto his dark eyes, bringing back that uneasy feeling. You decided to brush off the whole ordeal, quickly following Soap out the door. If that's how the man was, you would just have to get used to it.
Soap showed you around the small base, telling funny stories about each area. You could already tell the man had a big personality and was extremely kind. It made you wonder how he was out in the field when he was so cheerful and upbeat at the base. Even in its small size, the base was well furnished. It had a kitchen, living area, small gym, artillery storage, and shooting range. Soap commented on how each man got his room, fit with its bathroom and utilities.
“These babies have got thick walls, trust me.” Soap winked in your direction, causing you to roll your eyes playfully. Finally, you arrived at your room where you could put your items away and take a break from the welcome party. Opening the door for you, Soap told you everything else about the base you should know. 
The room was plain looking, mostly a beige color. A simple bed paired with a bedside table and lamp, all the same color. It was all military grade but seemed cozy enough for your stay. Besides, after this mission, you planned on going back to your normal way of life of going from solo job to solo job.
“I saw that weird stare-off you had with Ghost earlier, he's a nice lad I promise. He’ll warm up to you, just give him some time. It took me almost dying in Mexico for him to admit he cared about me, so take that as you will,” Soap admitted, looking a little awkward as he stood in the doorway.
“His whole file was practically blacked out, it was hard to get any information on the man. Also, does he wear that mask all the time?” You asked, wanting to know more. Ghost’s file was a graveyard for black ink, with how much it used. Not much of his life or background was there, giving you a hard time getting to know him before you met the man. His real name was even redacted, not giving you much to work with.
“He does, I’ve seen him without it a few times though. The bastard made me question some things,” Soap scratched the back of his head as if he had been caught in something, causing you to cock an eyebrow. You had no issues with your teammate's identities, so you just brushed the whole remark off.
“Well that's all then, I’ll let you get all unpacked and everything else. We usually eat as a team around 1700 if you’re interested.” You smiled at Soap as he left, leaving you to yourself. The introductions made you feel a little more confident in your work with the 141, and you overall felt good. Other than being jetlagged from the trip over and not being able to rest much in the past 48 hours, you were fine. Unpacking your items, you went on your way to make the small room look like a real human being lived inside.
You assumed everyone else's room was also scarcely decorated, especially with the constant moving around. When Soap mentioned you were going to have an individual one in the first place, it was incredibly surprising. You were used to bunking with others when you worked with them, usually sharing one big bunk room. Having privacy was a newfound luxury, especially being the only girl on the team.
As you unpacked, the rest of the 141 went about their usual daytime routines. Most of them worked out or practiced on the shooting range if they weren’t sleeping or working. Ghost found himself back in his room, doing god knows what.
 He was an enigma even his team couldn’t figure out at times, floating from each job to another. Between each mission, he just kind of existed. He didn’t take part in the bonding the other members did, but they didn’t resent him for it. Ghost needed his space, needed to be alone. His team respected that need, that deep solitude. They understood he had been through a lot, and in return gave him the resources he needed.
Ghost sat on his bed, holding onto your file from earlier. He had swiped it from the meeting, wanting to gain more information on you. You placed an uneasy feeling in his stomach the second you stepped foot into his life. Simon Riley never felt uneasy unless he was on the field, and he had to figure out why you made him feel that way.
There was no reason to distrust you, but he felt uneasy about working with you. It seemed odd how highly those around you spoke of you, but you had been working mostly solo missions so they didn’t know how you were on the field. You were extremely confident when you arrived, but it all seemed practiced. He wanted to figure you out, to see if you were trustworthy or not.
Earning Ghost's trust was a lot easier said than done.
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Holy shit. This year had to have been the most eventful year of my life and that's saying something.
Beginning of last year, Gavin and I were struggling to do whatever we could to find an apartment. Well, come February, we did. We finally were able to cross the biggest gap in our lives and relationship. I packed my stuff and suddenly, I was with him and living in Texas. My 28th birthday came and I got to spend it with friends. I haven't spent a birthday with a friend in so long. It felt wonderful to have people that wanted to be around me.
April came around and another one of my biggest dreams came true. I finally got my first puppy. Bliz has been a name for a dog I wanted for years and now he's my precious baby. I love my dog so much. He might be a little special needs as I've come to discover, but he's perfect and I know that fate brought my Bliz and I together. AND along with April, I got my beautiful, gorgeous, handsome, cunty, stunning, sweet, passionate, loving new pookie Niran. He literally brought me back to Overewatch single handedly and I love him. Fell for that man harder than any other fictional man ever. I want him carnally fr.
May was lovely and just as exciting. Not only did we once again have a wonderful time with friends for Gavin's birthday, but we got a new baby as well. Toast and Bliz actually got along and she was our kitten. Sly little thing she is, but I can't imagine life without her. Never was a cat person but I suppose she really changed me. I love my fatass little cat.
June was, hard. While being so excited to see Mexico for the first time ever in the following month, my dad ended up in the hospital. Just after Father's day. Quite possibly the scariest thing my family has ever had to go through. Weeks of nothing but worry and stress. He pulled through, but he will never be how he used to be. He's mostly in a wheelchair and can no longer walk on his own. I miss my father. I miss him so much. I took for granted all the times we went to the grocery store and taking him to the bank. I know everyone says it, but do not take time for granted. It really can be gone in an instant. I am happy to say my dad is okay. Him making it to his 81st birthday and to the New Year, means everything. I want nothing but comfort for him this upcoming year, and for my mom and sister to take it easy too. We all love him.
July, was wonderful. I got to go to Mexico with Gavin's family. They showed me nothing but kindness and caring the whole time. Mexico was beautiful and I want to go back. I have to get my passport updated but hey I will. After Mexico, it was back home to NJ. Being back home felt so right and I wish Gavin and I could move over there, but it's not in the cards right now. But! I enjoyed a great time seeing my dad and going to the Jersey Shore. Time with my mom, sister, and dad pretty much recharged me. Stayed about two weeks longer than intended but I know in the long run I needed that.
August. God. August. It started out great. We were back home and Gavin was ready for his appointment to start T. Both of us were so happy that he could finally start his journey. We went, he got it, life felt so good. However, it seemed like Gavin and I couldn't catch a break and life decided, "yeah, throw them in a car accident." Gavin's car was towed and we were in horrible pain. My stomach was so bruised I couldn't bend down and Gavin could barely use his hands. A whole week of stress and anxiety over what to do now that we didn't have a car. Thankfully his parents were once again, so kind, caring, and understanding that we were able to get a new car. His name is Ramram and he's kept us safe which is all we could ask for.
September wasn't so bad other than learning two of our friends, weren't the people we thought they were. October was pretty okay which was nice. Throughout these months it was mostly financial stress which we still have but the hell am I supposed to do about it at this point.
November. I usually hate November. Halloween is gone and done and I don't really care too much about Thanksgiving. But I suppose Gavin changed that. After weeks of severe depression and anxiety, crying every day, it all stopped. He proposed. He had gotten me the most beautiful ring. Goth and elegant. With one question, everything melted away and I haven't cried a sorrow tear since.
Now that it's December, I realize just how many things happened and how things still are happening. My family and family's friends accept my engagement and are excited for me. They are happy. I'm planning a wedding. I made it far enough in life that I am getting married. I'm getting married next October. I'm still tearing up as I write this because 19 year old Lauren didn't think she'd make it to 20, let alone 27. I'm getting married. It's incredible. Other than being in a dream like state from that, of course I had to get a whole ass addiction to Baulder's Gate 3. Perhaps it's not the traditional dnd experience but I can't say I don't love it. I now get to have some fictional men be here without me needing them. I get to have Astarion and Halsin and Gale at my happiest. That's, so different than all of the ones before them, Niran included. It almost doesn't feel real.
2023 was something else. 2024 is going to be wonderful. I am soon going back to NJ to plan where to have our wedding. Gavin and I will have our first anniversary and Valentine's day together too! I get to go back to NJ a few more times for wedding plans and vacation and then the wedding. My biggest hope for 2024, is that Gavin and I can start a process to start my dream.
I want to be a mother. I wanted to be a mother since as long as I can remember. If I can just start this journey into being a mother, everything up until that point will have been worth it. Every moment of stress, pain, tears, and more. I hope sometime next year I can make a post saying we've succeeded. I know the process won't be easy, but it will be worth it.
Happy New Year everyone. I made it through this year. I can make it through next year, and you can too.
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metamagazine · 1 month
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The Dream of a Medical Student: Between Neurosurgery and Runways
Being a medical student is a challenge in itself, but for someone who dreams of becoming a neurosurgeon, the journey is even more intense and full of obstacles. However, this is the reality of a young Korean-American who, in addition to dedicating himself to his studies, is also an aspiring model. With a bisexual identity and a deep love for fashion, he stands out as a true chameleon, easily adapting to different styles and trends. His interest in fashion is so great that he sees the runway as a form of expression, an extension of his multifaceted personality. Despite the hectic routine between studies and fashion shows, he finds time to dedicate himself to the small things he loves, such as peanut butter, a passion that inspired him to name his kitten "Peanut." This simple detail reveals a caring and laid-back facet of his personality, showing that even with so many responsibilities, he values the small pleasures of life. His family and friends play a crucial role in his journey, offering the emotional support necessary to face daily challenges. This unconditional support is something he considers precious, a solid foundation that keeps him motivated and focused on his goals. Recently, he discovered a new dimension of happiness by falling in love with life and with love itself. This new phase brought an extra sparkle to his days, reinforcing his determination to achieve his dreams in both medicine and fashion. He lives each moment with intensity and gratitude, aware that his journey is unique and full of possibilities. Whether in the hospital, helping to save lives, or on the runway, captivating with his remarkable presence, he continues to tread an inspiring path, showing that it is possible to balance passions and responsibilities harmoniously.
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Comprehensive Health Care Guide for Your New Kitten
Bringing a new kitten into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. Along with the fun and cuddles, it's crucial to ensure your new furry friend receives the best health care possible. At Perky Paws Pet Hospital, we're here to guide you through the essentials of new kitten healthcare to help your new kitten grow into a healthy, happy cat.
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First Veterinary Visit of a New Kitten
Your kitten’s first visit to Perky Paws Pet Hospital is a vital step in their health journey. During this visit, our experienced veterinarians will:
Conduct a Thorough Physical Examination: Checking for any signs of illness or congenital issues.
Administer Vaccinations: Essential for preventing common feline diseases like feline leukemia, feline distemper, and upper respiratory infections.
Perform Tests: Screening for parasites such as fleas, ticks, and worms, which are common in kittens.
Discuss Nutrition: Guidance on what to feed your new kitten to ensure they get all the necessary nutrients for growth and development.
Kitten Vaccination Schedule
Vaccinations are a cornerstone of kitten healthcare. At Perky Paws Pet Hospital, we recommend the following vaccination schedule:
6-8 Weeks: Feline distemper (panleukopenia), feline calicivirus, and feline herpesvirus (rhinotracheitis).
12-16 Weeks: Rabies vaccination.
Yearly: Booster shots to maintain immunity against these diseases.
Parasite Prevention
Parasites can pose a significant threat to your new kitten's health. Regular screenings and preventive treatments are essential. Common parasites include:
Fleas and Ticks: Use preventive treatments as recommended by our veterinarians.
Intestinal Worms: Regular deworming is crucial, especially in the first few months.
Ear Mites: Routine checks and treatments can help prevent these pests.
Nutrition and Feeding
Proper nutrition is vital for your kitten's growth and development. At Perky Paws Pet Hospital, we recommend:
High-Quality Kitten Food: Specifically formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growing kittens.
Feeding Schedule: Kittens typically need to eat three to four times a day. As they grow, you can transition to two meals per day.
Hydration: Ensure your kitten has access to fresh water at all times.
Spaying and Neutering
Spaying or neutering your kitten is an important decision that can impact their health and behavior. We generally recommend:
Spaying (females): Around 5-6 months of age.
Neutering (males): Around 5-6 months of age.
These procedures can prevent unwanted litters and reduce the risk of certain health issues and behavioral problems.
Socialization and Training
Early socialization and training are key components of kitten care. At Perky Paws Pet Hospital, we offer advice on:
Handling and Gentle Play: Helps your kitten become comfortable with human interaction.
Introducing to Other Pets: Gradual introductions can prevent stress and conflict.
Litter Box Training: Consistency and positive reinforcement are crucial for successful litter box training.
Regular Health Check-Ups
Regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring your kitten’s health. These visits allow us to:
Track Growth and Development: Ensuring your kitten is growing at a healthy rate.
Detect Health Issues Early: Early detection can make treatment more effective.
Update Vaccinations: Keeping your kitten’s vaccinations up-to-date is crucial for preventing disease.
Signs of Illness
Knowing the signs of illness in your kitten can help you seek timely veterinary care. Watch for:
Changes in Appetite or Thirst: Eating or drinking more or less than usual.
Lethargy or Unusual Behavior: Significant changes in energy levels or behavior.
Respiratory Issues: Coughing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing.
Digestive Problems: Vomiting or diarrhea.
Unusual Lumps or Bumps: Any new growths or swellings.
If you notice any of these signs, contact Perky Paws Pet Hospital immediately.
Providing comprehensive health care for your new kitten is essential for ensuring a long and healthy life. At Perky Paws Pet Hospital, we are committed to helping you every step of the way. From vaccinations and parasite prevention to nutrition and regular check-ups, our team is here to support you and your new furry friend.
Remember, a healthy kitten is a happy kitten. With the right care and attention, your new kitten will grow into a beloved member of your family. For more information or to schedule your kitten's first health check-up, contact Perky Paws Pet Hospital today!
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Unveiling the Magic of the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap: Perfect Engineering Services Reveals All!
Welcome aboard, fellow steam aficionados and engineering enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a journey deep into the heart of steam systems, where efficiency meets ingenuity. Our guiding star? None other than the venerable Inverted Bucket Steam Trap—a humble yet crucial component that ensures the smooth operation of steam-based systems worldwide.
In this expansive article brought to you by Perfect Engineering Services, we'll explore every nook and cranny of the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap. From its inception to its inner workings, applications across industries, and maintenance tips that will keep your systems purring like contented kittens—this article leaves no valve unturned!
So, buckle up and prepare to be amazed as we dive headfirst into the fascinating world of steam traps and the marvel that is the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap!
What is an Inverted Bucket Steam Trap?
Let's start at the very beginning—a very good place to start, as the song goes! The Inverted Bucket Steam Trap, or simply "IBST" in engineering circles, is a mechanical device used to effectively drain condensate from steam systems while preventing the loss of live steam. Sounds like a big deal, right? That's because it is!
How Does It Work?
Picture this: inside the sturdy metal body of the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap, there's a cleverly designed inverted bucket (hence the name) that acts as the key player in this steamy drama. As condensate (the liquid formed when steam cools down) enters the trap, it fills up the inverted bucket. When the bucket becomes sufficiently filled, it gets all buoyant and rises up, lifting a valve mechanism that allows the condensate to escape.
But wait, there's more! As the bucket rises, the valve also opens to release any trapped air or non-condensable gases that may have sneaked into your steam system. Once the condensate and gases are expelled, the bucket, feeling lighter than air (almost), gracefully sinks back down to its starting position. This cycle repeats, ensuring your steam system remains free of excess condensate and unwanted gases.
Applications Across Industries
Now, let's talk practicality. The Inverted Bucket Steam Trap isn't just another gadget—it's a multitasking maestro found in a variety of industrial and commercial settings. From power plants to breweries, hospitals to petrochemical refineries, these traps keep things running smoothly and efficiently.
In power generation, for instance, where steam turbines reign supreme, IBSTs ensure that only pure steam enters the turbine blades, optimizing energy production and preventing corrosion. In the food and beverage industry, where cleanliness is paramount, these traps help maintain hygiene standards by swiftly removing condensate from processing equipment.
Maintenance Tips for Longevity
Ah, maintenance—the unsung hero of longevity! Like any mechanical marvel, your Inverted Bucket Steam Trap deserves a little TLC to keep performing at its best. Here are some handy tips from Perfect Engineering Services:
Regular Inspections: Schedule routine checks to ensure all components are in tiptop shape. Look out for signs of wear and tear, such as leaks or rust.
Cleanliness Is Key: Keep the trap and surrounding area clean to prevent debris from clogging vital parts. A clean trap is a happy trap!
Temperature Matters: Monitor operating temperatures to avoid exceeding the trap's design limits. Extreme conditions can affect performance.
Train Your Team: Educate operators on proper usage and maintenance procedures. Knowledge is power (or in this case, steam)!
The Future of Steam Traps: Innovations and Beyond
As technology marches forward, so too does the humble Inverted Bucket Steam Trap. Engineers and innovators are constantly refining designs, enhancing materials, and exploring new applications. The future holds promise for even more efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly steam traps.
Environmental Considerations
In today's world, sustainability is on everyone's lips—and rightfully so. The next generation of steam traps aims not only to improve efficiency but also to reduce environmental impact. Look out for developments in materials that enhance energy efficiency and reduce waste.
Digital Integration
Welcome to the age of smart everything! Steam traps are no exception. Imagine a world where sensors monitor trap performance in real-time, alerting you to potential issues before they escalate. With IoT (Internet of Things) capabilities, predictive maintenance becomes a reality, saving time, money, and headaches.
And there you have it—our epic journey through the realm of the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap, courtesy of Perfect Engineering Services. From its humble beginnings to its pivotal role in diverse industries, this unassuming device has proven time and again why it's an indispensable asset in any steam system.
Whether you're a seasoned engineer or a curious novice, we hope this article has shed light on the inner workings and importance of the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap. Remember, knowledge is power, and understanding your tools is the first step toward mastering them.
So, the next time you hear the gentle hiss of steam or feel the hum of a well-oiled machine, think of the unsung hero—the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap—working tirelessly behind the scenes to keep things running smoothly. Here's to innovation, efficiency, and the magic of engineering!
Now, go forth and conquer the world of steam with newfound wisdom and appreciation for the Inverted Bucket Steam Trap. Until next time, stay steamy, stay savvy, and keep those systems purring like contented kittens!
In crafting this article, I've ensured it meets the requirements of natural language, creativity, and depth while integrating the specified keyword and maintaining readability. Let me know if there are any adjustments or additional details you'd like to include!
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clapperboardtalk · 8 months
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Impuratus (2022): A Supernatural Slow Burn That Might Leave You Cold (and Confused)
Genre: Supernatural Thriller
Runtime: 88 minutes
Country: USA
Year: 2022
Plot: Buckle up for a possession of epic proportions...or maybe just settle in for a nap. Impuratus takes us on a meandering journey alongside Detective Clayton Douglas (played by the late Tom Sizemore in one of his final roles). Summoned to a remote hospital in 1920, Douglas encounters a Civil War veteran with a chilling confession: he's been possessed by a malevolent entity since 1862! Prepare for time travel (of sorts), demonic encounters (of sorts), and a lot of head-scratching moments.
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Cinematography: The film uses a gritty, handheld style that reflects the unsettling nature of the story. Think dark shadows, claustrophobic interiors, and jump scares that might have you reaching for the nearest pillow. While not visually groundbreaking, it effectively creates a tense atmosphere, even if the scares themselves are a bit predictable.
Memorable Scene: The scene where Douglas is transported back to the Civil War battlefield is visually interesting, but its connection to the overall plot is questionable. It's a cool moment, but ultimately feels like a detour rather than a defining part of the story.
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Overall Review: Look, I'm all for a slow burn, but Impuratus takes the concept to a glacial pace. The constant jumps back and forth between 1920 and the Civil War feel disjointed, and the story itself is more confusing than compelling. If you miss a key detail, you might find yourself completely lost. The acting, unfortunately, doesn't elevate the material either. While Sizemore delivers a solid performance, the rest of the cast struggles to bring their characters to life.
Personal Summary: This film had the potential to be an intriguing supernatural mystery, but the slow pacing, confusing narrative, and underwhelming performances ultimately hold it back. It's not the worst movie I've ever seen, but it's definitely below average. If you're looking for a genuinely chilling and thought-provoking supernatural experience, you might want to look elsewhere.
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Bonus Trivial Fact: The film was shot on location in a real abandoned asylum, which definitely adds to the eerie atmosphere. However, the cast and crew reported feeling strange occurrences during filming, leading to some believing the place might be genuinely haunted! Spooky, but not enough to save the film, unfortunately.
Personal Rating: 1 out of 5 stars. There are some interesting ideas here, but the execution falters. Proceed with caution, and maybe have a cheat sheet handy to keep track of the plot.
If you're looking for a movie that will make you think, this isn't it. If you're looking for a movie that will make you question your sanity, this might just do the trick. But if you're looking for a movie that will entertain you, you're better off watching paint dry. Or, you know, grass grow. Or even a snail race. Those are all probably more exciting than this movie.
So, unless you're a die-hard fan of slow-burn supernatural thrillers with confusing plots and underwhelming acting, I'd avoid Impuratus like the plague. Or, you know, a demonic possession. Because let's be honest, this movie is about as scary as a kitten trying to roar.
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kariachi · 1 year
Who wants some daemon au fic that is also worldbuilding?! A common Erinaen myth about where the daemons come from.
Once, long ago, before even necromancers, there was a colony far from here, and in that colony a runt lived. Truth be told there were many runts, as colonies have, but they were by far the smallest and the weakest of the lot. Their name, as with most runts, was Argit, but they were called Gi-Gi, for double the runt requires double the name behind it.
Lives were difficult in those days, for the people had no necromancers to tend their ills and lessen their work. They also, though they weren’t yet aware, had no daemons, and nobody did this sting so hard as Gi-Gi. Bird and beast alike knew them for easy prey, and their small size and ill health kept them from the jobs that suited their active nature. Their siblings did their best to help and protect them, but they had troubles of their own. It bothered Gi-Gi that they should risk and lessen themselves due to their own lack.
So, as the dawn crept in one morning after an awful fright with an ecnoel, they sat curled at the door they shared with their siblings, pondering.
“I wonder,” they said to themselves, “whether I will be eaten by predators or driven mad tending beetles first, for surely one will do me in. Oh to be like the ecnoel tonight- large and strong, nothing in the trees hunts them, and then I could hunt and scout with ease.”
And it was with those words that an idea came to Gi-Gi and they were filled with moonshine purpose. Inhospitable spirits sometimes turned the unwary into beasts, or so their parents had told them. Surely then one of the hospitable ones, should they find and speak to them, would be able to do the same without turning them against their colony. To any of us this would seem a wild prospect, to entreat a spirit to make them a beast, but Gi-Gi knew now, better than any of us have known or will know, that this was what they must do, and so they did it.
Though their siblings whimpered and begged when they told them of their plan, and though many tried to stop them, with entreaty and with force, as the moon rose high in the sky the next evening Gi-Gi set out on their long journey. They traveled far and encountered many trials along their path, from dragons to vast flatlands with nary a tree in sight.
It was their wits that kept them living, along with speed, agility, and at times even their own weakness. The stories are too numerous to tell, and many you would recognize from play and song, so tonight we will focus on this one and its ending.
It came, after many years of traveling and with only half a tail, that Gi-Gi reached the edge of the world. At first they were dismayed, for this meant they would be forced to turn back and head in the opposite direction, until they saw something strange to them. An animal walked the ground beneath them, and is it did it’s form seemed to twist and change. First it was small and covered with scales, then large, then somewhere between. It ate calmly of grass, then seemed to find it distasteful and begin stalking a nearby bug. Grew out thick fur, then replaced it with feathers. Gi-Gi watched, fascinated, for some time before the truth of the matter struck them.
Surely this was the work of a spirit, and unlike others they had come across one who clearly felt changing creatures to be their duty (for, kittens, all things change with time; why you lot are bigger than the watch we ran with, and Gi-Gi was far smaller still). They were filled with hope at this realization and drew themselves up, tall and brave.
“Venerable Spirit! I have come far with a single wish in my throat that I would beg to be granted!”
The small wood at the edge of the world was silent. Even the creature below stopped, though it did not run but instead merely turned to watch what Gi-Gi would do.
“Please, my journey has been so long!”
Again, all was quiet. Only as Gi-Gi was pondering what to do next- for as you’ll remember pondering was something Gi-Gi was very good at- did a voice come at their shoulder.
“Yes,” it said, “so long your journey that I can see it in your eyes and the whorls of your fur. Ask me what you will.”
Now, you or I would never have heard the spirit’s voice, for in these modern days it’s only the necromancers who can, but it’s said it called to mind sharp water and fragrant trees. Gi-Gi spun to face their host, as is proper, but saw nothing and knew they would see nothing if that was as the spirit willed. So, with no further concern, they spoke again.
“Spirit, I would wish you turn me into an ecnoel, so that I may be safe from predators and join my siblings on the hunt.”
“Oh journeyer,” the spirit said to them, “that I cannot do.” The hope that had built fizzled in Gi-Gi’s chest.
“You change the beast on the ground,” they cried, “surely I would be no more difficult!”
“No more than turning the tide,” the spirit said, “but you are no ecnoel and ecnoel you will never be. This creature does not know what they are, and to that end they will change until they know. That is where my duty lies.” And Gi-Gi knew it to the true, though it stung them like fangs in the thigh.
“Is there any spirit who can grant my wish?”
“None who would not ill you.” With a whimper they could not bite back, Gi-Gi sat upon their branch and looked out over the expanse past the world. ‘At least’, they thought, ‘if I make it home, I will have beautiful art to make before the quiet breaks me.’
As they sat there, pondering once more, the creature below’s legs became wings, and they flew up to join them on their seat. They nudged their hand, slipping under it to press their weight against Gi-Gi’s side. After so long alone, the simple comfort was a balm on Gi-Gi’s soul, and they watched the beyond together.
“Spirit,” the creature asked after a time, “may I be an ecnoel? Such I can protect them and help them to hunt?” The question shocked Gi-Gi, and emotion swelled within them even as the spirit answered.
“You are not an ecnoel, little one. They already exist in this world and you are something new.”
“What I am,” the creature said, drawing itself up tall and brave, “is here and able to help.” In this moment Gi-Gi knew that they would wait here for however long it took the creature to discover what it was, and they would go forth together, for clearly they would be a true friend and that is more valuable that anything. When the spirit next spoke it seemed almost proud, and Gi-Gi was as well in the creature.
“Yes, yes I see that now. You know not what you ask, little one, the answer to your plight is not so simple.”
“But it is right. I feel it, a moonshine truth in my belly.”
“That it is. You are not an ecnoel, and you will never be, but if you wish to climb together, to be each other’s eyes and give each other strength, then that can be done.”
“But there will be a price,” Gi-Gi said, even as their liver, filled with the same moonshine their companion claimed, knew they would pay it.
“Little one,” the spirit said, “should you go now you will never be whole in body, you will dissolve away when you die. This is not the price of your wish, but simply what is.”
“Then dissolve I will.”
“Should I grant this wish, then the pair of you would be bound. One’s pain would be two’s, as would one’s death, and each will reflect the other. So it would be for you and for all of your kind, for you are intended to be the first of many in this world, little one, and so others will follow.”
Now kittens you must be imagining how this sounds to a creature that has never before known a daemon. In Gi-Gi’s to die was to die alone, to be without another Erinaen was to be alone, and one’s pains and troubles sat only on one’s own shoulders. To share the pain of another like this was unthinkable, and to die on their death tragedy rather than fate. But you all know how they answered.
[“Then it will be!”]
“Then so it will,” the spirit said, and for the final time the creature changed. We don’t know what they became, all we know is they flew on swift wings and swam with a strong tail, biting like a viper, and reflecting all the glory of the night sky at the very tops of the trees. We don’t know their name either, for they were fond of tricks and gave a new one to each stranger, saving their true name only for Gi-Gi. This is as it should be, for it’s said the spirit itself named them and such things have power beyond mortal reckoning. Still, here we call them Xinli.
So it was that Xinli, after much thanks and gifts to the spirit, started their long journey home. They had a great many more adventures on the way, including many tales you may have heard before- such as The Dragon in the Earth and Xinli’s Long Flight- so I will not recount them here. Simply know that they passed through many colonies in their travels, and were bolstered on their way by the joy and completeness of the Erinaens and the daemons who had come to them as if a dream. And when they returned home it was to many niblings, daemons shifting and changing around them as they learned who they were, and the great love and admiration of their kin and neighbors.
And that, kittens, is the truth of it as we were told, of how the perseverance of small Gi-Gi and the selflessness of young Xinli made us all complete. And so you must keep these virtues alive in you, for who knows what wonders you can manage with them.
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