fbfh · 2 days
Percy is pleasantly surprised. he wonders how he didn't know you have a cat, and starts asking you everything he can think of. do you have any other pets? what's your favorite animal? how did you come up with your cat's name? how long have you had them? he wants to know everything about you that he didn't before. while you lay with your head on his stomach as he picks your brain, you find yourself pleasantly surprised too. your cat will not leave Percy alone. kitty purrs, rubbing against him, demanding cuddles and belly rubs. kitty tries to move you off Percy so they can lay on him instead. kitty licks him, and you watch, giggling.
"I probably just taste like fish." Percy jokes, cuddling kitty right back.
Jason is a little scared of your cat. not because he doesn't like cats, but because he feels like he needs to impress them, gain their approval. and we all know that the more you try to make a cat like you, the more they'll ignore you. you explain this to Jason, but it does little to soothe his inner turmoil over the thought of not being approved by your beloved pet. he starts rubbing cat nip on himself before he comes over, bringing bouncy fuzzy mice and lickable salmon fillet flavored treats. he's armed to the teeth, determined to make your kitty at neutral towards him. slightly favorable would be a huge win in his book. your cat can smell his fear, and thinks it's... kind of funny. after three treats and enough whiffs of catnip coming off him, kitty butts their head against Jason, tail curling in approval before trotting off to nap in the window. never in your life have you seen Jason look so triumphant.
"Good. Good. This is good." You cut him off with a kiss before he can show you his 16 step plan to win over your cat.
you swear your cat loves Leo more than you. you can't believe your eyes when your cat runs right over to him when you bring him home.
"hey gaitito," he chuckles, bending down to give your now purring cat a scratch behind the ears. "look at you."
I swear to god cats are drawn to Leo. in Houston they would gather around his apartment building when he was a kid. he would sneak the neighborhood strays snacks and leftovers, naming them after tv characters from his mom's favorite telanovelas. your kitty is no different. they follow you two around all day, purring and demanding attention. they lay on his chest, drooling when he scratches their chin. never in your life have you seen a cat drool. but you drool over Leo a lot too, so you guess you're in good company.
Frank first meets your cat when you call him, asking for advice. your cat has been weird lately, and seems to be avoiding your kitchen. they won't eat or drink in there, and you can't figure out why. Frank shows up at your place, greets you with a kiss, and you bring him over to couch your kitty is curled up on. in the blink of an eye, Frank transforms himself into a large, gray, maine coon tabby cat. he trots over to your kitty, who wakes up with a little chirp. they stare at each other for a moment, making an occasional noise, tails flicking. your cat gets up and trots to the kitchen door, and Frank follows, entering hesitantly. he leaves as a human a moment later, nodding his head.
"It's white noise from your new humidifier." he explains, your cat's eyes trained on him the whole time. you had no idea one of the perks of dating Frank was dating an animal whisperer, and he tells you and your cat he's happy to help translate any time.
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eydi-andrius · 5 months
Sore Loser (Love and Deepspace Characters x F!Reader)
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Synopsis: After a very shitty day, you thought playing Kitty Cards with him will make your day better.
A/N: Girl, I hate this damn game. Lmaoooooo!
🗡️ Xavier 🗡️
Xavier didn't mean anything from it. He was just playing by the rules of the game, using his advance cards to parry and block your attempt to stop him from freezing your turn, four times by now. He was so focused on the game that he did not notice how your face became harder, and your eyes stared coldly at the board, now filled mostly with Xavier’s number cards. His kitties were cheering for him, and you watched helplessly as your kitties cried from defeat.
“That was a good game.” Xavier smiled to himself, as he saw how the game ended beautifully for him. He saved up as many good advance cards and used them at the right moment. He was so proud of himself and he can't wait to see your face. You usually analyze how he won, and take notes of what you did wrong. However, when he looked up, his joyous face turned down, and his heartbeat quickened when he saw how cold and mad you were. Your anger wasn't directed at him, instead, you were staring at the board coldly. But he knew at that time, he fucked up.
“I’m tired of this stupid game.” The chair scraped the floor, as you stood up so fast and grabbed your coat, placed atop the top rail.
“Hey wait!” He tried to stop you from walking out but he accidentally bumped into the board, almost toppling the cups and kitties over. In panic, he tried to support the wobbling table, and sighed with relief when it stopped shaking. He tried to find you afterwards, but he lost sight of you.
It has been two days, and as his partner hunter, it shouldn't be impossible for you to meet, but you must have been so mad because whenever he asks of you, you decline his calls and only reply in messages as promptly and professionally as an HR. He tried looking for you on your table, but most of the time, you were out or doing something else, whenever he came over. He was about to give up apologizing and accept his fate that he pissed you off at a game, so bad, you decided to cut him off, when Jenna ordered all the alpha team to meet at the unicorns headquarters for a debrief.
And he was right, you were there, but you were sitting in between two hunters he knew nothing about. He wasn't listening at all, he can always check on the information later, but he was afraid that if you manage to sneak out again this time, your relationship will fall apart and he doesn't like the sound of it, even when it wasn't going to happen because he will make sure of it.
“Let’s talk.” Before you can even stand up from where you were sitting, Xavier immediately moves over in front of you, calling your attention in front of the other hunters, making you unable to turn him down.
“Sorry. I should have known you were playing to enjoy that day. I didn't mean to make you mad. I will make sure to be more sensitive in the future about your needs. I know I can be slow at times, sometimes emotionless, but I don't want to repeat the same mistake and lose your company over a silly game.” Xavier started right after the door closed, leaving the two of you alone together. He looks tired. There were visible dark bags right under his eyes. He must have been torturing himself after you gave him the cold shoulder.
You feel silly now. You were not mad at Xavier for winning. It was just a shitty day and you were just looking forward to having a good day and resting with Xavier at your side, when it seems like even the Kitty Cards were against you. Xavier keeps on getting good cards, and you keep getting the most useless advance and number cards. You sighed and closed your eyes. You shouldn't have run away from him. Now, you made it worse and made him feel like he should tiptoe around your mood, instead of enjoying each other's company in your free time.
“Please, don't. It wasn't like that. I was just annoyed about my day at that time and losing was the final straw for me. I’m sorry that I made you feel like that for days. But I wasn't sure how to confront you, especially when I was just acting like a sore loser. Have you not been sleeping well? You have a bag under your eyes.” Worried, you cupped his cheek and moved his face closer to yours, inspecting and noticing how his face looks paler, dry, and tired.
Instead of saying anything, he hums at your touch, and he moves forward, resting his head on your lap.
“Let me take a little sleep. I miss you.” He said before dozing off, and you stroked his hair while he slept.
❄️ Zayne ❄️
Zayne is bad at playing the Kitty Cards game. Due to his fatigue, sometimes he mistook some colors as the same, making his turn score nothing. But today was a bit different. Zayne keeps on winning, and he keeps on using advanced cards that will be fatal on your turn. He steals your advance cards, takes away your good number cards, and freezes your turn. Meanwhile, you keep on getting advanced cards that mean nothing when you have no good cards at hand.
“I win again, huh.” It was obvious that Zayne didn't mean anything from that, other than him wondering why he won again. But maybe you're already at your limit and hearing that made you snap.
“Well good for you. I’m going home.” It was all you have told him before you left him dumbfounded on his seat, leaving him alone at the cafe.
Whatever you did back there was just embarrassing. It was just a game but you took it personally. You're not going to wonder if Zayne refuses to talk to you now, other than being your physician, after that embarrassing display of attitude when you lose. You're not even sure how you're going to talk to him today.
It's your physical exam and it's been two days since you always kept him on read or only replies with emoji. You have to toughen up and apologize. Zayne did not deserve being treated that way.
Upon opening the door to his office, you breathed in, swallowing all the courage you needed. You walked towards the chair and sat in front of him. He was busy typing whatever on his computer, but you know, he already glimpsed on your way, because you felt his heavy stare for a second, before it went back to his task at hand. It didn't take long when he finished and stared you down. It was so awkward and it was at this moment, where you wished to be swallowed down by the earth and be gone. You gulped and opened your mouth to apologize when he started talking first.
“You didn't tell me you were injured that day.” You shivered at the icy tone in his voice. Just like his evol, Zayne can also be cold and scary. He didn't even need for you to emphasize on what he just said, because you already knew what he was talking about. A wanderer caught you off guard hours before meeting Zayne and it scratched your arm. The wound is not that deep, and you already put first aid on it so you never thought about it much, until the small wound did not heal as fast, and almost gave you a fever when it deepens. You realize now that it was the guilt of keeping you're injured to Zayne, and also, being a sore loser from the pain.
“It was very small. I don't want to bother you on your day off so….I kept it.” You squeak, when he glared at you, for being nonchalant about it.
“I don't care if it was my day off. It was my duty to take care of you. I hate it when you lie to me about being fine, when you know too well I can help you.” He continued scolding you, as he inspected the scarring wound, and offensively stared at it.
“I’m really sorry.” Was your only answer, to both, hiding your wound from him and to him receiving the burnt of your pain.
“Also, you can always ask me to switch our cards. I don't mind.” Zayne added as he patched you up.
🧜🏻‍♂️ Rafayel 🧜🏻‍♂️
Rafayel is the ultimate king of petty.
You already know that right from the start but nothing prepares you for the way he massacres you from the game Kitty Cards.
During at the last hurrah of your showdown, Rafayel finally revealed his advance cards, he uses freeze to stop you from playing, uses advance cards that will turn your cup scores into one, kicking out your highest score kitties from the colored cups, and replacing it with his, stealing your deny cards, and using it against you. It was so bad, that on the inside, you felt your blood boil on how cruel it was. If he did it the first time, you would be proud of him, but he’s been winning all the rounds, and every time, it ends up with him brutally winning. His wins hit a nerve and you finally snapped.
“Ha! Please don't cry. Losing isn't that bad.” He said proudly, as Rafayel nodded to himself. He loves teasing you and he enjoys your banter together. He knows at this point, teasing each other is a form of bonding.
He was celebrating his win when he noticed how quiet you were. When he opened his eyes, the smug look on his face dropped and he stopped in his tracks. The look on your face was devastating and he never saw that before. Your scrunched up face, eyes filled with upcoming tears. When both of your eyes met, there seemed like a switch in you, that made you burst into tears. Rafayel, who doesn't know how to handle your outburst, tries his best to console you. But he did not expect that you were still mad at him, so when he tried to hug you, you pushed him away and ran.
Since then, you have refused to reply to his texts. You even muted his calls so you won't have to answer it. Whatever you did that day was so embarrassing that you’d rather sever whatever relationship you have with Rafayel instead of relieving how sore loser you were. It was just a game, and you cried like a baby from it. There were times that you're trying to justify your tears by saying maybe Rafayel’s insults were too much that day, and it was the reason why you burst into tears, but there would be nothing so petty as pushing someone away and running due to losing from a board game.
Sighing, you just accepted that Rafayel will probably stop talking to you. It is what it is as you continue to go on with your day, when your phone blares and a notification about Rafayel being in danger popped up in bold letters. You did not hesitate as you rode your bike and flew to Rafayel’s whereabouts.
You burst through his studio door, and your eyes caught his figure slumped on the floor, leaning to his couch.
“What happened? Are you okay? Did you slip on your paint brushes again?” You asked worriedly, as you touched his shoulder, arms and legs, to see if he injured himself again. You were so worried and kept asking many questions that were meant silently, you were about to unleash the hulk at him for not answering, when you stopped on your tracks when you noticed the frown on his forehead and his glare.
“Really? Do I have to injure myself so you can notice me?” He bit down and you whimpered, not from his anger but from guilt.
“Sorry.” You apologized. You look down and twiddle your thumbs, not knowing how to dissipate the awkwardness of the situation and Rafayel’s glare.
It took a moment before you hear Rafayel’s sigh in defeat and open his mouth to talk again.
“You could have just asked me, and I will allow you to cheat by putting my kitties in different cups, or even by replacing my advance cards. All you have to do is say please.” He continued, exasperated.
All you can do is look down in shame and murmur an apology for acting so childish.
“Just….. don’t ignore me again like that, please. It doesn't feel good when the most important person in your life suddenly stops talking to you.” He added, his voice quivered a bit and you wince when you realize how your action affected him. Opening up his old wounds.
“I’m really sorry, Rafayel. I promise to be better next time.” A silence falls between you again. It took a moment before you realize despite how mad he was, he refuses to move his left hand. The air of guilt slowly turned into worry again.
“Did you injure your left hand?” You asked worriedly and slowly touched his left hand when he flinched and gritted his teeth from the pain.
“Probably sprain it when I fell.”
“You fell!?”
“It's fine, Ms. Bodyguard. I bet it will heal tomorrow. Just feed me for now.” He chuckled at your worried face and you watched him move his left hand with no worry, following your reaction from it. You just shake your head at how silly that was, and was so happy he was okay, before you stood up, helped him up, and treated him like a prince just for today.
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knmaskitten · 1 month
pets !!
pairing— Kenma Kozume x afab!reader
summary— you decide to get a kitty without Kenma's approval.
warnings— none.
notes— I love writing for Kenma, enjoy my first drabble.
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You and Kenma have been living together for three years now. After college, you two worked really hard to achieve your goal. It was exhausting but, at the end, rewarding. Kenma didn’t like to put too much effort into things, but you were another story; you were his lifeline, keeping him at bay. So naturally, he didn’t care if he had to get tired just to please you.
You two lived in a very compact but beautiful apartment, It had enough rooms so Kenma could have his gaming space and you could have your own working office. And what drew you to that place in the beginning was the acceptance of pets. You weren’t big on the idea of a family, but you definitely wanted pets.
Kenma used to always argue with you about this, mainly because he thought you couldn’t keep your attention fully on a pet. He said (and this made you very indignantly angry) that you were so absent-minded that you wouldn't notice if the cat left. So you were set on proving him wrong and also satisfying your need for a company animal. 
Lucky you, your friend Yukari was giving her cat’s babies away and you begged her to put apart one for you. You decided on a tiny male gray kitten. You were head over heels with him. It was such a sleepy and low-energy cat that it reminded you of how Kenma behaved.
When you went to pick your kitty up, you did not tell your boyfriend; you decided it was going to be a forceful decision in which he didn’t have the right to argue.
So, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, you arrived to your apartment with Taro. You heard clicking and the light pressing of keys alongside the faint voice of Kenma; you instantly knew he was live streaming and thought it was a good time to tell him, with hundreds of witnesses. You left your shoes on your entrance, put your slippers on your feet, and started walking with the little Taro asleep on your arms. His office door was ajar and you knew this meant you could enter if you needed to, so you knocked and heard a tired “Come in.”
“Kozumeeee.” You chanted as you entered the room. Looking around the room, you saw he was playing a game named Omori on stream. The lights in the room were dim and purple, there was no sunlight coming in, just as he liked it.
“Sorry about the interruption; here is my girlfriend.” He said while rolling his eyes, a little bit amused.
“I have a surprise for you, a cute little surprise.” You said, hiding Taro behind your back.
“You’re scaring me.” He then turned to face you, ignoring the fact that everybody in chat saw the cat before him.
“Don’t be mad.” You plead before carefully placing Taro in front of him. 
Being with Kenma meant he had few big reactions; he was never a guy who smiled often or got angry often. His reactions were scarce, and you cherished every single one, whether it was anger or happiness. So when you saw him open his cat-like eyes and look directly at Taro, you went silent. He just stood there, making eye contact with the cat. Five seconds passed, and he chuckled loudly. 
“I knew you were scheming something.” He said, giving you a lopsided smile.
“His name is Taro.” You replied, giggling mischievously. You let Kenma hold him.
“Hey chat, this is Taro. My girlfriend brought him home without telling me.” He bluntly stated, giving you a side-eye. “He’s cute.”
You walked closer to read the comments; they were saying you were in the right and that the kitty was cute. You thanked everybody for the support and then took Taro in your hands and showed it to the camera. You beamed. Kenma found this whole ordeal incredibly adorable and thought he loved you so much that he didn’t care if you brought a cat home as long as it made you happy.
He got closer to your ear just so you could hear him.
“I love you; you look so pretty when you are happy.”
This made your heart flutter, you had to remind yourself you were live so you didn’t do anything embarrassing or out of place. You thought that this went so well that you might as well get a second cat just to get more reactions out of him.
Gosh, you loved Kenma Kozume.
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thank you for reading <3
masterlist and more.
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quartz420 · 6 months
Choso x reader Synopsis: Choso brings a cat home to readers apartment despite not knowing what a cat is.... ☆Reader has no gender, y/n is used, total fluff, established relationship ☆words: 828 ☆(Note: needed some fluff for him, because my man deserve it🙏🙏)
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The smell of tea enters the air as you pour in a cup for yourself, the calm atmosphere being the perfect one for a rainy Saturday evening. You take a sip from the cup while scrolling on your phone, enjoying the moment. That was until there was an unexpected knock on the door; you shift your attention towards it, asking yourself who could knock at these late hours. You strolled your way to the front door of your apartment, opening the door to reveal none other than your half-curse boyfriend. Choso stood there, his ponytails slightly drooping because of the rain but he held something small in his large hands. He gently clutched a soggy kitten, its black fur sticking to the tiny body. It looked fragile but the meow it let out was impressive for something of this size. “Hey Cho, where did you find that?”
You shifted aside so he could enter the apartment, his wet boots leaving traces in front of the house mat. He shuffled his way out of said boots while responding: “This creature was outside; I do not know why I even brought it with me.” You gave him a puzzled expression for his choice of words; did he perhaps not know what a cat was? You guided him to the couch while you to tell him to stay put, you were going to get a towel to dry off the poor kitten. After a few minutes u came back with a towel and some canned tuna, just in case it happened to be hungry.
He still looked confused, looking at the animal like it was a mythical creature. He lifted his hands and brought it closer to him to examine it, you sat next to him and glanced at his actions. “Y/n, what is this thing?” Your suspicions were confirmed, your boyfriend didn’t know what a cat was. That would’ve explained his actions towards the tiny thing. You let a let out a small laugh, taking the cat out of his hands. You gently patted it, trying to dry it off; Choso curiously stared at you. He was still confused about the whole ordeal, but more specifically at what it was. Until you finally answered his question.
“It’s a cat Cho; it’s like a small animal that most people have as pets. They tend to be a bit anti-social sometimes but they are great company if you befriend one.” He carefully listened to your words, still trying to make sense of it all. By that time, the cat was almost fully dry and was eating the tuna in an intense manner; the poor animal probably hadn’t eaten in a few days. “Do you intent to keep it?” he questioned as he still stared at the kitten. His glance was filled with curiosity and a bit of admiration towards it, which made your heart flutter a bit. “I can’t really return it outside, so yeah I’ll keep it.”
“It reminds me of you a bit y/n, it looks adorable.” You turn you head towards him, not expecting this to come out of his mouth. A bashful smile crept its way onto your face, your cheeks feeling a bit warmer than usual. “So what about a name, you should give him one.” You try to shift his focus to the cat instead of your flustered state. Choso looks at it for a few moments until he finally answered: “We should call it earthworm.”
A long silence followed. Your internal thoughts tried to make sense of this odd name, what would possess him to call it that. Until it finally clicked. “Isn’t that the movie Yuji showed you a few days ago?”
“Yes it is and liked the movies a lot.” Well that explains a lot. Knowing your boyfriends stubborn nature, you didn’t even try fighting this weird name. It was a bit heartwarming to know that his brother influenced this odd choice, it showed he cared about him a lot. You two spend the entire evening watching movies while cuddling with the newly named kitten, Earthworm. Next week Choso happened to bring another cat home, this time a totally gray one. The same process happened: You cleaned and fed the cat. This time you named it, calling it Garu. You pointed out the similarities between your boyfriend and the cartoon character, he wasn’t particularly happy with this choice but he let you be.
Your limit was hit when the following week, when Choso held another cat in his hands while standing at your door. The kitten purring while leaning into his palm. You sighed in desperation: “Cho, you can’t keep bringing cats into my apartment. I already have two and you got three at yours, don’t you think this is a little much?” The tall man pouted a bit while gently caressing the kitty. “I felt bad for it…” You chuckled while slowly shaking your head.
“Well I hope Shoko likes cats then.”
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Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows 3
Warnings: non/dubcon, clashing personalities, exclusion, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
Characters: moody boy Curtis Everett x bubbly, plus-size reader
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You arrive early with your laptop. The meeting room appears occupied as you wait outside. You don’t knock for fear of interrupting and stand patiently in the hall.
You check your watch, the hot pink casio with the digital face. It’s getting close. You try not to worry too much. The IT tech will no doubt show up and realise what’s going on.
As you begin to build the upcoming meeting as more than it is, the door cracks open and a man pokes his head out. He wear frameless rectangular glasses and his blond hair is spiky and shiny with gel. He smiles as he lets the door fall open.
“Hey, sorry to keep you waiting, you must be our one o’clock,” he says, “I’m Jake.”
You shake his hand and introduce yourself. He welcomes you in as you ponder his words, ‘our’? As you enter, you are faced with the last person you expect. The man’s neutral stare turns to a chagrined scowl as your eyes meet. The very same moody lunch partner from the day before.
“Hi,” you say sheepishly as you sit down and place your laptop on the table.
“Curtis will be doing most of the set up,” Jake explains as he sits beside the other man, “I’m mostly here for moral support.”
“Shut up,” Curtis sneers under his breath.
“Curtis,” you beam brightly; you finally got a name for the face. You give your own happily, enunciating it as if he’s never heard it before.
“Let’s get this done with,” he reaches across the table and takes your laptop. 
You can only watch as he lifts the lid and starts typing. Jake looks over a tablet and offers a few words as Curtis fiddles around with your laptop. He’s met with grumbles and dismissive nods. They seem an odd pair.
“So, how are you liking it?” Jake turns his attention to you, “making any friends?”
“A few I think,” you glance at Curtis as his brows draw together, “pretty big company.”
“Yep, don’t let the corporate sea drown ya,” Jake says, “my tip, stick with the IT nerds, we mostly don’t care what’s going on upstairs. We’re all about the backend.”
The steady clack of keys underlines your small laugh. You’re nervous. You hate meetings and you just want to go back to your desk and pretend you’re reading policies.
“What is this?” Curtis grimaces and turns your computer to you. He points to the clock your installed on the desktop; Hello Kitty’s face with two clock hands ticking.
“It’s cute. It’s a clock! Oh, and the app also has a reminder setting–”
“Can’t have it on a work machine,” he grits.
“It’s fine, Curt. Won’t hurt–”
“This shit is from some Discord troll. Bullshit it can’t hurt,” Curtis insists, “policy; no third-party apps. Everything you need is already installed.”
“Okay,” you twirl your thumbs around each other, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”
He looks at you above the laptop and squints, his lip slightly curling. Jake rubs his neck nervously and nudges him. You still your hands and bite into your cheek.
“He’s had a long day. Spilled coffee on himself,” Jake explains.
“Oh,” you round your eyes, looking at the wall evasively.
“We can show you how to use the system clock and reminders. You’d be surprised the features most people don’t know about,” Jake offers.
“Thanks, uh, sounds good.”
Curtis jams his finger on the touchpad harshly. He keeps his snarl aimed at the screen. You watch him, waiting for him to look up. He doesn’t. You don’t blame him, you’ve been a real thorn in his side. But you only meant well.
After the meeting, you swept up in a whirlwind of overthinking and guilt. You didn’t mean to ruin Curtis’ day. You never meant to be anything but friendly. Somehow, it rarely translates to more than a nuisance.
Still, you don’t like when people are mad at you. You’re not a grudge holder and frankly you don’t understand them. Why hold onto all that bad emotion? You need to to just apologise and let it all smooth over.
You go down to the cafeteria and grab one of the few leftover pastries. A cinnamon bun with icing, yum. You stop and make a coffee before you head back to the floor. You guess on a dark brew, he seems the type.
You wander past Research and Development and through Accounting. You don’t really know where you’re going. The further you get, the more your anxiety mounts. Surely, you can’t get lost in an office building.
You see a man with a headset and send a psst in his direction. He looks up, combing back his greasy hair with his fingers and smiles.
“Uh, hey,” he says.
“Um, is this IT?” You keep your voice down in the curdling silence of the department.
“Sure is. You need a repair?” He winks. Not exactly your taste. You shake your head.
“I’m looking for Curtis,” you say.
The man looks at your handful. He nods, deflating.
“Pretty boy’s over there,” he points towards the corner.
You thank the man and press on in your journey into the villain’s lair. You can only hope your offering is enough. Forgiveness, maybe that’s too much, but an understanding, possibly.
You turn down the last row of desks and see Curtis’ large hand brush over the back of his buzzcut, his rings twinkling in the fluorescent glow. He stretches in his chair, leaning back as he reaches his arms up. His set-up looks almost too small for him.
As you approach, he stands. You don’t expect it. The motion sends his chair back just as you get close and knocks the coffee out of your hand. The cup hits the seat and soaks into the mesh. Your squeak draws the man around in surprise.
“You,” he growls as you gape at him in shock.
“Hi,” you don’t know what to do so you hold out the cinnamon bun, “um, sorry?”
He glares at you. A deadly look that chills you to the bone. His eyes fall to his drenched seat and you cringe. You see the rage pale his face. His hands ball to fists.
“I was just…” you inch closer and set the dessert on the corner of his desk, “apologising but I see now that–”
“Go,” he grits through his teeth.
“I’m sorry, Curtis–”
“I said go,” he sneers as his grey blue eyes slowly move towards you, “before you ruin anything else.”
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neo404 · 1 month
Can you do one where y/n is secretly gay and had the hugest crush on nick since he was 7 but never actually acted on it but y/n gets tried of pretending to be straight so he breaks up with his girlfriend and then goes sees nick crying and ends up telling him he's gay (you can add smut if you'll like.)
Start Over. (part 1)
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Summary: You break up with your girlfriend after behing tired of hiding your feelings for Nick.
Tw: cursing, a bit of anxiety.
Note: Nicks texts are purple and yours are blue.
I look at my phone as it rings, a message from Nick pop ups in my phone, the background of him and me in the beach playing in the water lights up. Lila always told me to change it to a picture of her but I always brush it off telling her that it was a special memory.
I tap on it and when the chat opens a picture of the both of us playing on a park in Boston pops up, we are maybe 7 or 8 years old. I smile at my phone and a little message appears.
>You were soooooooo cute, what happened to you?
I feel my cheeks burn a bit and I type back.
>I got even cuter, can’t say the same about you.
I send it and I can picture his grin and his eyes rolling. I miss him, when I feel the acrylic nails dig into my shoulder I remember where I was.
"Are you paying attention?" Lila asks and I look at her, suddenly I remember where I was, the sound of the football match blasting on the TV, our 'friends' screaming and chanting at their teams. I feel my body grow tense.
"No. I-... I need to get some air." I get up but her hands are still on my body.
"Want me to go with you?" she asks.
"Not really, I’ll be back quickly." I try to not make kt a big of a deal as I walk outside the house, I sit on the porch and let out a sigh as I bury my face on my hands. "Shit." I mumble to myself.
My phone rings again. I grab it.
>Whatever loser.
>How is the game going? Is your team losing? I hope it is.
I smile again, my heart flutters and I try to swallow my feelings. Because I shouldn’t feel this way about my best friend, I shouldn’t feel this way when I have a girlfriend, I shouldn’t feel this when I like girls... Or do I? I have never really looked at Lila the way the guys on the movies we watch look at the girls, I never get the urge to kiss or cuddle her. I like her company, she's a great friend, and I’m sure most people would think she is an amazing girlfriend but I just don't feel the same. Do I not like her? No, I don't.
I hate this.
>Hey, Nick. Call me, please.
>Everything okay?
>Code Sink??
>Kay, I’ll call you in 3 minutes. Make sure everyone hears that you have to go.
I take another deep breath. I stand up and walk inside, everyone was still screaming and laughing, I sit back on my spot, Lila asks me something and I only nod, my palms sweat, my head feels dizzy. Nick, get me out, please, get me out. The sweet perfume of Lila hits my face as she leans on my shoulder, I try to not move, I pat her head and she smiles. I feel bad, I like you but not like you like me.
My phone buzzes, I pick it up and a few friends look over at me.
"What? He is sick?... okay I’ll be there. Yeah, don’t worry, I'll buy that. Hm... No, it’s okay. Bye, Dad." Nick talks quietly on the other side. He tells me what to say and I repeat it. I feel Lila squeeze my arms as I speak. I put my phone down.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah... I mean, my cat ate something bad and puked, my dad is worried. So, I better go check on them."
"Oh no. Poor kitty, I hope he is fine." She kisses my cheek. "Go, text me." I kiss and kiss her forehead; I stand up and say a quick goodbye to everyone. I walk outside and when I close the door behind me, I feel my world crumbling.
What would he think of me? What would he say? Will he hate me? Will she hate me? Will they be disappointed?
I call Nick. It rings twice and he picks up.
"Hey, everything okay? why did you called sink?" Nicks voice sounds worried and sincere, it calms me down.
"I just felt overwhelmed." He hums. "Talk to me while I walk home." I say as start walking on the cold night.
"Okay. So, today we took a few pictures for Instagram, I was going to send them to you so you can pick which one I upload but you were busy with your friends and-..."
"Never busy for you. You could have just texted me."
"Don't roll your eyes at me." I chuckle.
"HOW DO YOU-? you are spying on me, you creep." I can tell he is smiling.
"No, I just know you too well. Keep going."
"Whatever. I haven’t posted them yet, so you can choose. We also bought these gross gummies of different flavors; we will try them on our next video but I also want you to try them."
"Hell no."
"Please, it will be fun. Plus, Ill invite you to sleepover."
"I can just invite myself; I know you don’t mind." I see the building of my apartment; I sit on the front stairs because I don’t want him to hear that I have arrived. I don't want to end the call.
Nick and I talk for a good time. I know he knows I’m home; he isn’t stupid.
"Would you still be my friend if I told you I kind of don’t like Lila...?" I drop suddenly.
"What?... WHAT?" I feel my eyes water. "Shit, that came out wrong. Of course, I’ll still be your friend but why would you say that??"
"Nick... I, shit, Can I go to your house tomorrow? I’ll talk to you then." I hang up and rush to my room. I hear my phone ringing and buzzing but I don’t pick up. I turn it off. I throw myself in my bed and cry.
Guilt and shame fill my heart. I feel sorry for Lila, I feel sorry for myself, I am afraid to lose him. Eventually I fall asleep.
Friday morning, I get ready to go to uni. The day is heavy, my mind filled with thoughts and my heart rushing. By the end of my day, I walk to the outside of campus when I feel two small arms around mine. Lila...
"Where have you been? I have been searching for you all day." I see her friends behind us. I gulp and look down at her.
"Lila... can we talk?" Her eyes widen, maybe she knows what I will say.
"Of course, what happens?" Maybe it’s because she is the one initiating our kisses or cuddles, maybe it’s because I call her baby just because she asked me to. Or because my wallpaper is my best friend, but she knew, and something inside of me knows that she found out.
"I like a guy..." I whisper. Her grip on my arm tightens, her eyes water and mine do to. "I’m sorry, I really am."
"Don’t be..." her voice cracks.
"I hope we can still be friends and-..."
"Give me time. I hope it goes well for you." She turns around and walks away to her friends, they quickly hug her. her face hidden by her hands. They all look bad at me, I get it, I would have done the same. I have done the same, I also looked at myself with hate.
I walk away. I grab my phone and call Nick.
"Jesus, I was so scared. What happened?"
"I broke up with Lila..."
"Oh shit... I- Are you okay? Where are you?" I hear him walking and opening a door.
"Walking to your house. Are your brothers there."
"No, they left. I’m here, I’ll wait for you on the porch."
"Kay, thanks. I’ll be there."
I walk to his house, it’s a bit far. But it gives me time to breath, hold back my tears and swallow my anxiety.
I hope he doesn't hate me...
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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skyward-floored · 1 month
The cat’s out of the bag chapter 4
More kitty wind yet again! Starting to get into real plot now :)
Chapter 3 | Next
Once Wind and Twilight returned from the woods, the Links finally got moving, heading in the direction Wild had pointed out.
Wind felt his bad mood fade as they walked along, the pine trees giving way fully to birch, more sunlight visible with their thinner branches. It really was a nice day, and though he was still annoyed at Twilight, Wind felt much happier as he trotted along with the rest of the heroes.
He wished they’d take smaller steps though. Keeping up with anyone but Four was exhausting.
Wind confidently raised his head whenever someone looked back at him though, intent on appearing steady. He could keep up perfectly fine, he wasn’t going to slow down the group.
Sky might need them.
Wind spent a while focusing intently on keeping up, not tripping on any roots or rocks that the heroes walked over, and staying in the center of the group where he’d ended up, trotting near Wild’s heels. It wasn’t obvious at first, but Wind eventually realized that the others had moved to walk a little closer to where he was, generally keeping him company as he padded along.
Wind was suspicious, but he didn’t mind too much.
...Even if it felt a little like they were keeping him from wandering off.
“So... I have to admit, I’ve never really seen a cat before,” Wild said after a long period of silence, looking down at Wind.
“Really? Never?” Legend asked from beside him, and Wild shrugged.
“I’ve only seen one or two,” Time added from nearby. “They’re just not very common in some places, it seems.”
“Yeah. I’ve never seen them except in Twi’s world. I didn’t even know they were a thing until then,” Wild said.
“They are, believe me,” Four said a little grimly, shaking his head and making his earring sway. “Cats can be... a bit on the vicious side, in my experience.”
“Really?” Wild asked in interest, and Wind perked his ears, curious. Four rolled up his sleeve when everyone looked at him, and Wind had to crane his neck to see him show off a large circular scar near his elbow, one that looked like it came from a large tooth.
“How big are the cats in your time?!” Twilight asked in shock as he stared at Four’s arm, eyes wide with disbelief.
Four pulled his sleeve down, and smiled for some reason. “Depends who you ask. Most folks I know would say ‘huge’.”
“I fought a huge cat once,” Legend hummed, idly rubbing his shoulder. “It could curl into a spiked ball and had fangs as long as my forearm.”
“Aw Vet, you have all the fun.”
Wind felt at his teeth with his tongue while the conversation continued on, feeling a pang of disappointment. How come I didn’t get fangs as long as Legend’s forearm?
I seriously got the short end of the stick with this form...
Something ran along Wind’s head, snapping him out of his thoughts, and he looked up to see Legend had stopped walking and kneeled down to pet him.
“Holy crap Champ you weren’t kidding, he’s so fluffy,” Legend said in delighted astonishment, and Wind twitched his tail, not quite sure if he appreciated the petting (even though it... did feel kinda nice).
“Er, can I..?” Hyrule asked, and Wind nodded, letting Hyrule run a few fingers along his back. “Wow, you’re really soft.”
“He’s a cute one alright,” Twilight said with a smile from a few paces away, and Wind gave him a foul look, still a bit grumpy from earlier.
Twilight’s smile faltered and he looked away as a curl of guilt twisted through Wind. It was quickly interrupted by someone scratching him behind the ears though, and Wind relaxed at the feel of it, his grumpy thoughts fleeing. He leaned into the touch as a purr escaped his throat, and heard someone laugh.
Okay, the petting was pretty nice.
“Hey, we’ve got Sky and a dark lizard to find, you can pet Wind later,” Warriors called from a good distance in front of them, and Wind heard at least two awws as the petting stopped, and they quickly resumed walking.
The group began moving closer to their normal pace, and Wind had to scurry to keep up, his legs beginning to ache at the unfamiliar motions and muscles he was using. He ignored it though, and kept going, purposely walking extra fast when Twilight glanced back to check on him.
He had to get used to walking more with the others when they’d first met anyway, this was just like that. The only difference was he didn’t have shoes to get blisters from now.
Though I guess my paws could get blisters anyway... but there’s nothing rubbing them, so hopefully not. I guess cats can’t really wear shoes, huh. Though maybe they could? You’d have to get some that were the right size though. I wonder if Twilight’s ever seen a cat with shoes?
...His Hyrule is definitely weird enough for people to do that for their pets...
Wind was so caught up in his thoughts of blisters and cat shoes that he forgot to pay as close attention to where he walking, gradually veering away from the others.
And he might not have noticed for a long while, but for the fact that his next step dropped right out from under him.
Wind let out a surprised yowl as he suddenly fell down a sharp incline, scrambling to regain his footing. He didn’t succeed though, and heard a shout behind him as he slid, tumbling down the slope and wincing as he hit a few rocks.
Wind finally rolled to a stop at the bottom, a little dizzy from all the spinning he’d just done, and shook his head, a puff of dust billowing out from his fur.
“Sailor! Are you alright?!”
Wind meowed back a somewhat dazed affirmative, getting to his feet and making sure he wasn’t actually hurt. He felt more sore then before, but he was overall not too worse for wear.
Maybe cat shoes wouldn’t be a bad idea after all, he thought dizzily, sitting back down.
Footsteps approached, and Wind looked up as the rest of the Links came down the slope, barely even an obstacle for them due to their sizes. Legend reached Wind first and kneeled beside him, giving him a quick look over before brushing some dirt off his head.
“Good grief sailor, don’t do that,” he sighed, and Wind curled his tail around himself, sure he’d be blushing if he was physically capable of it. It wasn’t on purpose!
“You’re okay?” Twilight asked next, his eyes wide and face creased with anxiety, and Wind nodded, looking at his paws.
He couldn’t believe he’d tripped. Now Twilight and the others probably wouldn’t let him walk anymore today, if at all, and he’d have to let them carry him around like some sort of useless fluffy pillow—
“Hey, look at what Wind found!”
Wind looked down at where Wild was pointing, and saw that he’d landed in what must have been a dried-up creek bed, dust and scraggly weeds in the bottom.
With a handful of bootprints clearly visible in the dirt right beside his tail.
“Those aren’t from us,” Hyrule said as he kneeled down to look at them. “You think..?”
“They might be Sky’s,” Four finished, and Wind felt hope flicker to life in his chest as they all studied the marks in the dirt. Maybe tripping down here wasn’t so bad after all!
“They look about the right size...” Warriors said thoughtfully.
“Who else would even be out in the middle of the woods like us? It’s got to be him!” Wild declared, then cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. “HEY SKY! YELL IF YOU CAN HEAR ME!”
Wind tilted his head and pricked his ears, but there was no response to Wild’s shout.
“Guess he can’t,” Legend said flatly, rubbing his ear.
“Maybe Wind can tell if they’re Sky’s prints or not,” Twilight said, much to Wind’s surprise, and kneeled down next to him. “Cats have good noses. Can you see if you can make out Sky’s scent?”
Wind blinked, and gave a sort of shrug, looking at the prints.
“Maybe?” he meowed, well aware Twilight had no clue what he’d said. But Twilight must have caught on to his uncertainty, and he hummed, putting a hand on his chin.
“Right, you’ve been a cat for less then a day... uh... try to think about Sky, and what he smells like,” Twilight instructed. “Once you’ve got that in your head, take in all the smells around you, and filter out the ones you know aren’t right, like the dirt and grass. Breathe deep. Focus.”
Wind nodded, missing the look Warriors gave Twilight, and began to sniff around the prints, closing his eyes in order to focus better. That all didn’t sound too hard.
The first thing Wind could smell was the dirt, a little damp and earthy. Next to that he could smell grass, fresh and green, and a few small flowers, along with the still-present whiff of the ocean in the distance. There was another smell aside from those though, one more complicated.
This one had some perfumed notes like the flowers, and hints of a smell kind of like the trees nearby... wood maybe? But there was also something sharp, like the sea before a storm. It matched the scent Wind had pictured for Sky, and he focused in on it, tail going up in excitement.
Looked like these were Sky’s prints!
“You got it?” Twilight asked, and Wind meowed an affirmative, trying to find where Sky’s scent was strongest. It was hard to just focus on one scent, but Wind did his best.
Twilight followed around behind him as he sniffed along, and the other Links remained mostly quiet while he worked, watching to see what would happen. Wind’s aching body and feet got swept to the back of his mind while he followed the scent, intent on what he was doing, and he diligently followed his nose.
Come on Sky, please be here somewhere...
Wind abruptly stopped as the smell he’d been following got interrupted, another smell overtaking it. It was much more pungent than Sky’s scent, and Wind wrinkled his muzzle as it invaded his nose. He twitched his tail and sniffed harder, trying to find where the first smell had gone, but only finding more of the new musky scent.
Then Wind stopped, looking down at the large clawed footprint he’d just stepped in.
“Monsters,” Twilight said as he studied the mark, tapping a hand on his chin. “But no more sign of Sky?”
Wind meowed in the negative, and lightly bapped Twilight’s hand, guiding him over to another bootprint he’d just noticed next to the clawed mark. It was joined by several others, and they trailed off deeper into the woods alongside the clawed prints.
The others gathered around, and they looked at the marks in silence for a moment, faces worried.
“So Sky... and monsters,” Hyrule frowned, and Twilight nodded.
“Looks like it.”
“But was Sky following the monsters? Or were they following him?” Warriors mused. “Could you tell which scent was stronger, Wind?”
Wind gave another sort-of shrug, looking back at the prints. The monster smell was stronger than Sky’s, but he couldn’t tell if that was because of what it was, or if it just really was more recent.
Wolfie would be able to tell, he thought gloomily.
“It looks like he might’ve been in a hurry, these are pretty well spaced out,” Legend said, studying the further away tracks.
“So Sky was traveling quickly, either following monsters, or trying to get away from them,” Time surmised, his knees cracking as he lowered himself to look. “Good job Sailor,” he said as he ran a light hand over Wind’s head. Wind let out a happy purr at the motion, the compliment warming him. “This should help greatly with finding our missing knight of Skyloft.”
“So long as something else doesn’t find him first,” Warriors said grimly, and he straightened, everyone looking out at where the footprints led.
Somehow the forest ahead seemed a lot less pleasant to Wind.
“Come on. The sooner we find Sky and what’s leaving these tracks, the better,” Legend said with a frown.
The group quickly set off again, and the triumph from finding the tracks faded as Wind was sharply reminded of his sore body. The short break he’d gotten hadn’t helped much, and his legs were heavy and aching, the rest of him sore from his tumblr. The pads on his feet stung with every step, tiny rocks and dirt finding their way in between his toes, but Wind stubbornly ignored the ache.
Sky might be in trouble, and that mattered way more than sore feet, or aching paws, or even Wind’s annoyance at being a cat.
Sore paws weren’t going to stop him.
Despite his determination to keep up, Wind gradually drifted farther and farther behind the other Links, his feet dragging the longer they went. Everyone was moving much faster than before, and Sky’s tracks meandered up and down hills and over rocks and past all sorts of spots that were hard for an already-tired cat to follow.
And unfortunately for Wind, it wasn’t much longer before Twilight noticed his dragging paws and drooping whiskers.
Wind felt himself get scooped into the air for the second time today, and he mewed, frowning tiredly up at Twilight and ignoring how much better he felt not being on his paws anymore.
“Hey, don’t look at me like that. I said you could walk as long as you told us when you got tired, and you’re barely even walking straight,” Twilight said pointedly, and Wind struggled a moment longer, then went limp, letting Twilight place him on his shoulder without further fuss.
He really was tired, as much as he hated to admit it. And Twilight’s pelt was a nice place to relax for a bit.
...Plus hey, he could see pretty far from up here. That was a plus.
Wind set his head on his paws with a breathy sigh, enjoying a view that wasn’t just feet and legs. That was another downside of being so small now— Wind couldn’t see barely anything, even when he craned his neck, and he hadn’t quite managed jumping just yet. So the view from Twilight’s shoulder was much appreciated.
Even if he would rather be walking.
“Hey... Sailor,” Twilight said after a minute, voice quiet. “I’m sorry about earlier. I know you’re having a hard time. I’m not trying to be pushy, I just want you to be careful.”
“I’ve been being careful,” Wind meowed quietly, knowing Twilight couldn’t understand, but hoping he’d get the gist. “You’re being overprotective.”
Twilight looked over at him, a serious look on his face. “I still remember the first day I got transformed. It was against my will, and I made a lot of mistakes, ones I could have avoided if I’d had someone who knew what it was like being transformed into an animal. I just want to make sure you don’t make the same ones.”
Wind blinked, thinking about that for a moment.
Then he sighed, stretching out a paw and lightly bapping Twilight’s nose. “Okay, I get it.” He’d try listening to Twilight a little more.
But if he kept being so crazily overprotective, all deals were off.
“Thanks Sailor,” Twilight said with a smile, and Wind flicked an ear in response, getting comfy on his shoulder.
No problem, he sighed to himself, and nestled down into Twilight’s pelt, intent on resting up so he could keep going as soon as possible.
Just don’t forget I’m a hero too, Twilight.
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herozdiary · 4 months
Hey, can I request a comfort fic where Reader helps Simon after the crash?? Like just some fluffy moments between the two if that’s ok :)
Your still the same
Simon x reader
This diary entry contains…fluff|mentions of car accident|blood|Established relationship|Mentions of depression and poor mental health|short
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He didn’t feel human anymore.He lost his ability to walk.He didn’t remember how felt at first.he felt nothing in his legs.
He still had you though!You stayed by his side during the whole healing process.You comforted him when he would cry about not feeling human anymore because he can’t walk.
You made him feel better by just being there with him the night of it.You didn’t care if you had to sleep in a shitty ass hospital chair.You would do it 30 more times if you needed to.
when Simon was finally released,He had to resort to doing online school as a way of finishing up college.You helped him with his work if he needed it and you would basically spend the night every day at his apartment.
He was so thankful to have you.You did everything you could.Clean,Cook and helped him bathe.It was a tough process for him but he managed on because he had you by his side.
He remembered the time you had helped him make his mom’s special chicken Alfredo.You never understood what was so special about it but Simon insisted that is was special because his mom added just a pinch of hot sauce and for some reason he found that special.
You didn’t put up much of a fight as you helped with pouring and mixing while Simon sat and instructed you on what to do.You ended up making it just like the way his mom used to make it which caused him to slightly cry before finishing and licking the plate clean.
He also remembered when you had gotten a pack of stickers from a dollar store to decorate his wheelchair so it didn’t look so boring.You placed the colorful stickers everywhere that needed some color.
“Do you really need to put hello kitty and her weird friends all over my wheelchair?”Simon asked as he watched you work.you shot him a glare before huffing.
“Yes!and her friends aren’t weird!they are actually very interesting and just for you saying that I’m gonna make you rewatch the entire hello kitty fairy tale series with me!”You say as you place the last sticker on his nose.
He grumbled before sighing in defeat.by the time you were done Simon had nearly fell asleep.You stood up off the ground and clapped at the results of your work.
“Simon! I’m finished!!”You exclaimed as you grabbed your phone and took pictures of the sighting for yourself.Simon admired his new wheelchair before smiling at you.
“I guess it looks better than a plain old wheelchair”He replied before pushing himself back and forth to see how it looked.”See now your boring plain old wheelchair is now hello kitty and her amazing friends themed!”You say as you smile.
Simon let out a small sigh at the memories before looking around the empty apartment.You had ran to go get his favorite snacks for the movie night you two had set up.He looked over at the book he never had time to work on since you had distracted him from the bad thoughts.
So what if the book was supposed to help him?it barely did and your company and silly antics was way better then some silly old book.Simon made a mental note to lock it away in the closet to dust up and be forgotten about.
He had you,You were the only thing able to distract him from the hell he was in.
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ren1327 · 5 months
"Loser Baby" frame analysis (1/3) (With lyrics)
I feel obligated to do this with all of my ships. So! With the power of two sugar free redbulls, skinny pop and the homoerotic audacity the makers gave me!
Lets do this!
Red = Husk Pink = Angel Dust Purple = Both Normal = My commentary
 [HUSK] So things look bad, and your back's against the wall Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall Can't face the world sober and dopeless You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked Well, let me just say you're correct
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So, Angel just let lose he wants to self destruct to the point of being too broken for Valentino to want him. He has a outburst and Husk is the only one there to see it. So what does kitty boi do? Sing a song, of course. But where Charlie would sing something encouraging and positive...Husk wants reality. He knows Angel plays a role to deal with all the messed up shit he's in. He showed Husk a sliver of his true self. And Husk knows he cant break that wall, Angel has to. So he engages by slapping him with that reality, snapping him out of his funk.
[ANGEL DUST] Wait, what?
[HUSK] You're a...loser, baby
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Angel gets into Husk's space often to flirt/piss the bartender off. So why not return that energy to Angel when he's vulnerable and unassuming? Angel often grabs his face, making Husk face and look at him by force. Husk doesn't go that far. Just his finger on his nose. Just enough contact to get Angel's attention and make sure he's paying attention to his words.
A loser, goddamn baby You're a fucked up little whiny bitch
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Husk needs more of a reaction, so why not casually insult him? Angel often thinks this about himself; but Husk says it out loud.
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And Angel is full on reactive, listening and giving Husk his full attention. It worked.
[HUSK] You're a loser, just like me
[ANGEL DUST] Thanks, asshole
[HUSK] You're a screw's-loose-boozer An only one-star reviews-er You're a power-bottom at rock bottom But you got company
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Husk is successfully shifting Angel's sadness out, but also getting on his level, however, notice how his head is lower than Angel's. Angel often sees himself as powerless. Looked down upon. And Husk takes a moment to look up at Angel, showing him he doesn't see him as lower, he sees him as an equal. "You've got company." His issue wasn't Angel being a porn star or promiscuous, like others and even other hotel staff/patrons do. It was him putting on a mask and not being himself towards Husk. Fun thing about cats, they show thier belly to only those they trust. So Husk laying on the filthy ground with his belly to Angel's back, he's allowing himself to be vulnerable right back. (My cat did the same before biting the shit out of my hand, the little demon spawn.)
[ANGEL DUST] This supposed to make me feel better?
[HUSK] There was a time I thought no one could relate To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight! We're all livin' in the same shit-sandwich
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Husk then sits next to Angel, closer and on his level. They're in similar situations. Not just being in Hell, but signing themselves away.
[ANGEL DUST] I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak
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Angel angrily points out the obvious, but to him, its more than a fact. Its a shameful truth he hates. Husk laughs because "same!"
[HUSK] Haha! And you think that makes you unique? Get outta here, man!
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He holds a hand out to Angel to help him stand, but its more than that. It's understanding. The loss of control under someone, to one's vices, to ones self destructive wishes.
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robo-milky · 1 month
“Hey, Carrots!
No need to look so offended, I’m not here to cause any trouble, you know~. No favors to ask of either. It’s your special day, isn’t it? It is! So I came by to give you a present.
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…Yeah, okay, it’s not really much, but it’s a gift nonetheless. Coupon for a special pop for the birthday girl~. You have a favorite flavor or something? I’ll try making it into a pop for you. A dozen for free! I’m real kind, I know.
Oh, and before I forgot. You know Ashi, don’t you? Poor girl couldn’t make it today, so she asked me to hand you a gift bag in her stead. Proves my trustworthiness, doesn’t it? Heh.
No need to worry, I didn’t peek at it… Hold some higher standards for me, would you?”
Niko hands over the bag. It’s a cute, pink, petite bag with cat decorations on it. It holds some resemblance to the feline holding it herself.
Grabbing what’s inside, there’s a little drawing with a note attached. It’s written with words and symbols that seem impossible to verbalize, but somehow it’s easy to imagine a certain brunette bringing life to them…
Clochey! HBD fam!~ Super bummed I couldn’t make it, but I hope this prezzie has enough of my energy baked into it that it feels like I’m there! LMK ASAP ☆
I wanted to send you a cute lil’ message ‘cuz I’m real thankful for us being friends, YK? Even tho we aren’t super buddy buddy, I still totally enjoy your company. Eppy tells me enough about you that it basically feels like I’m hanging with you myself!
Anyway~ I wanted to gift smth more personalized for you, so I drew up a little drawing! It’s kinda like a postcard, but I tried putting one of your fave things on it ♡ I hope you enjoy!~
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We should SO get talkin’ again soonsies! Wishin you a happy birthday and many more with a certain huntsman <3
Sincerely, Ashi ♪
Cloche hears a chuckle after she’s done reading the note.
“Wow, Carrots, your face is a little red… Wonder what Ashi stirred up for you to get you, the cold clawed kitty to get lookin’ like that. Well, privacy is privacy. Guess that’s my cue to leave.
Here’s hoping you catch a break from all the trouble around campus, hm? Enjoy your day~.”
HAPPY BDAY CHRIS!!!!!!! I HOPE YOUR DAY AND WEEK AND TBH MONTH IS SO BANGER. ITS SO DESERVED!!!!!!! 🫶 it’s been SO nice being your moot for like?? WHAT??? TWO YEARS OR SMTH??? TIME IS SO CRAZY. it’s been such a treat being able to interact n talk w you since the beginning!!! I GET SUPER HAPPY WHENEVER I SEE YOU IN MY NOTIFS <333 HBD again and I hope life treats you well!!!!! 🙏 blessing your pulls and turning them into pomepulls……….. tehepero
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[Cloche’ Birthday Bash] *them referring to our dear freshmen
Okay first of all… ASHIIIIIII YOU’RE GONNA KILL ME I SWEAR !!! THE FACT THAT YOU SENT THIS SO EARLY??!?! THE INTERACTION IS EVERYTHING! I JUST LOVE HOW THIS PLAYS OUT SO NATURALLY- Fr, Niko just waltzing into Ramshackle then dipping- aND THE GORGEOUS GORGEOUS ROOKLOCHE ART- LITERALLY SCREAMING OVER THE POSE AND DETAILS- YOU SERIOUSLY OUT DID YOURSELF FOR THIS ONE! Rook carrying her and Cloche grabbing on to him to get closer- SAVANACLAW ROOK MY BELOVED- Muscle man frrrr- Ashi really caught on to the cat maid’s staring during Chapter 7 huh. AND THE DOODLES ON RHE SIDES ARE TOO CUTE- 😩
Epel yapping on about Cloche and totally not suspiciously asking Ashi about her roommate- Ashi internally sweating bullets when Epel doesn’t realize that everything he describes is the cat maid making up excuses to avoid him-
Also take this… Cloche walking up to Niko days later and asking for a bone marrow pop, and it takes Niko a few seconds to realize it was a joke 😭😭 Slow burn friendship trust-
Really, it’s so wild that it’s been 2 years- So glad to have you here and to celebrate with you again !! I think you really blessed my pome pulls with this one- seriously- man came on the 30th pull twice- Ilyyyyy If makes me super happy to see you in my notifs as well and may we continue to interact in the future!
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charlietheepicwriter7 · 6 months
A very merry Christmas to you, @2-depressed-4-u . It is I, your secret santa from @mlsecretsanta . I have had a wonderful time talking to you this year (even if I wasn't supposed to, oops), and hope you have a wonderful holiday.
And now, without further ado, your present.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
If his father could see his room at that moment, Adrien was sure the man would faint with shock. Fortunately, Gabriel Agreste was needed in China to investigate one of his companies’ main manufacturers, so Adrien was in the clear… for now.
His room looked like his couch was almost pushed up against one wall, but he’d left a foot of space between it and the wall so he had full access to his masterpiece. Along the north-facing wall was a chaotic conspiracy board, with red string threading from picture to picture. Some of his pieces of evidence were printed out from his computer, like the article about Marinette designing for Jagged Stone or the picture of Ladybug kissing him from back during the Oblivo incident. Others were hand drawn to the best of his ability if he couldn’t find an appropriate image online.
But in the end, all the pictures led back to a center image: his limited edition poster of Ladybug.
Plagg hovered near one of the most important pieces of evidence, the feathered bolo hat Marinette had made. “Hey, kid… when’s the last time you got any sleep?” he asked, his eyes flickering between Adrien and his evidence wall.
“I don’t need any sleep,” Adrien spat, climbing over and onto the back of the couch so he could connect some string between a picture of Marinette and badly-drawn recreation of Multimouse. On the hand drawn page, he wrote no earrings????, with multiple question marks going off the page and onto the wall. “I need answers.”
“I thought you’d decided that you weren’t going to look for Ladybug’s identity anymore?”
The boy scoffed. “I thought so too, but you didn’t see what I saw! During that last akuma battle, Ladybug left, and then… Marinette was there! She always hides during akuma battles, she wouldn’t just run around during one, unless…” He pinned another picture to the wall, wrinkling the paper with his force. “She was Ladybug.”
Plagg sighed. “Or she was trapped in the area and took it as her chance to run. Or she was hiding but someone was in danger, so she rushed out to help. Or some other reason why she’d risk her life. Why don’t you just ask her, kid?”
“Because if she’s Ladybug, she’d just lie!” Adrien explained. “I know how this works, Plagg; we’re not supposed to know each other’s identities. Ladybug sticks to that rule better than me… and no matter how good of a person she is, or how much Marinette hates liars, she’d still be willing to lie to protect herself.”
“If she’s lying to protect herself, then wouldn’t she be safer if you didn’t discover who she is? If you stopped your investigation now, before someone gets hurt?”
Adrien shook his head, picking up another picture of Ladybug. “You don’t understand, Plagg. She shouldn’t have to look out for herself. I should be the one to do it for her.”
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
Adrien’s plan started the next day at school.
Keeping an eye on Marinette proved impossible when she sat directly behind him, but he kept a keen ear on her and Alya’s conversation. While he didn’t think his Lady would be so blasé to discuss her superheroine life where anyone could hear her, he was expecting at least some reference. Alya was her best friend after all; he’d certainly let things slip to Nino throughout his months as Chat Noir.
But no. There was nothing. When not distracted by classwork, all they talked about was the Ladyblog, and Marinette’s new commissions for Kitty Selection. So, it was onto plan B.
When Plagg was trying to talk him out of this—and really, wasn’t that evidence unto itself, that Plagg was trying to talk him out of investigating—he’d said that Adrien reminded him of Alya. Reminded him that Alya had once done the same thing to Chloe, and gotten akumatized for it. But Adrien wouldn’t get akumatized! For one thing, Marinette was in no way like Chloe. For another, Adrien, and Alya back then, had direct evidence that Chloe wasn’t Ladybug, since Chloe was often seen with or around Ladybug.
Outside of the Multimouse incident, had Adrien ever seen Ladybug save or even talk to Marinette?
But Plagg’s words had reminded him that he wasn’t the only person who’d ever searched for Ladybug’s identity. And his best ally sat behind him and to the left.
Adrien pulled Alya to the side during lunch, with Marinette watching curiously and Nino shaking his head in amusement before engaging Marinette in a conversation. Adrien knew he could count on him. And when he found an abandoned classroom to talk to Alya, he swallowed and began to explain.
She’d looked nervous, when he began, but as he kept explaining all his evidence as to why Marinette could be Ladybug, a thoughtful expression bloomed on her face. But that didn’t mean she automatically believed him. And then she asked a damnable question. “What about Lila?”
Ah. He’d forgotten about Lila.
He preferred to forget about her rather than think about—
Alya continued. “Because she and Ladybug are best friends, you know? But I’m pretty sure Marinette hates Lila. Not that she’d ever say she hates Lila, but she refuses to go to girl’s day when Lila is invited, and she leaves sleep-overs early when she’s there, but Lila has no idea why—”
Oh, Adrien had a good idea why. And it was the same reason why Adrien had convinced his father to only allow single or boys-only shoots for him this spring, that it was more fashionable that way.
“Maybe it’s a ruse?” He offered instead. “Maybe Marinette’s only pretending to dislike Lila so she doesn’t find out her identity? It’s not like Lila has ever said she knew Ladybug’s identity.”
“Well, she did imply it once…” When did that happen!? Adrien might be mostly ignoring Lila at this point, but how did he miss that? “But she backtracked when I asked some more questions, so I think she only suspects she knows who Ladybug is. But if Marinette is Ladybug, then we could talk to her and she doesn’t have to pretend to hate Lila anymore!”
Alya gave a blinding smile. Adrien didn’t have the heart to tell her that Marinette definitely would not change her opinion of Lila if they discovered her identity.
In fact, she might yell at them both.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
With Alya on board to stalk Marinette for all the wrong reasons, Adrien had started to feel a little more secure in his plan to discover Ladybug’s identity. For the rest of lunch and the remainder of class, Alya used some leading questions on Marinette to try and get any information, but she was like a steel wall. Alya had even thought up a cool audience participation event where Ladyblog would post everyone’s fan heroes that sounded really interesting.
(Marinette said she’d want to be a black cat hero! She was so cute—)
But there was nothing that pointed towards Marinette being Ladybug. After school, once Alya had begged off girl squad duties and Adrien had lied about an extra long fencing meeting, the two met up to stalk Marinette.
First, she spent a few hours at Eiffel Tower, designing. Then, she spent an hour in a fabric store, picking out a few yards of champagne fabric, all of which looked the same to Adrien’s discerning eye, but were clearly different to her. And finally, she met her parents at a local Italian bistro for dinner. And despite spending their entire afternoon stalking her, they’d learned nothing.
Nothing except the fact that Marinette had an adorable habit of talking to herself when she was alone, but that wasn’t strictly evidence.
Alya sat back on the bench, pulling her disguise hat down to cover her eyes. Marinette and her family were clearly visible from the restaurant window. “Maybe she isn’t Ladybug?” Alya asked. “I mean, Ladybug usually patrols in the afternoon, and she hasn’t left our sight all day!”
That was more because Adrien had offered to talk Ladybug’s afternoon patrol that day, but Alya didn’t need to know that. He hiked the newspaper with holes cut out for eyes higher onto his face. “She could be having an off day?”
“No. Adrien, what was your real reason for—”
Suddenly, the ground shook and people screamed as an akuma, eye-screaming pink and cackling at the top of his lungs, whipped past. They shot to their feet. Alya begged off to chase after the akuma and Adrien let her, his eyes glued to the window. Her family was still there, but Marinette was gone. Was she in the restroom? Or…
“Adrien, what are you doing?”
“I’m just going to check,” he told his kwami, running to the backside of the bistro. If Marinette was Ladybug, she’d have to escape out the back, right?
“There’s an akuma! Come on, you have to—”
“I just need to check!” He scolded. He was almost there!”
“Damn it, kid!” Adrien froze. Was Plagg… mad at him? Plagg was never mad at him! “This has gone on long enough! Is your love life really worth other people’s lives!?”
No. No it wasn’t. And Ladybug would hate him if he even considered for a second skipping out on a battle just to look for her identity.
Really, there was only one choice left.
“Plagg, claws out.”
He’d have to try again another day. Think of a new plan of attack. But for now, he was Chat Noir. And Chat Noir had a fight to win.
I Don't Need Sleep, I Need Answers
The next day, Plagg immediately wriggled his way into Marinette’s purse, where Tikki sat, contently eating a chocolate-chip cookie.
“Sugar Cube, you’ve got to make sure your user is more careful,” he said, rubbing his head with his paws. “Adrien almost found out her identity!”
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fleetingofthegretas · 11 months
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Slow or fast? Danny Wagner x reader
Preview: Your boyfriend Danny Wagner, the drummer of Greta Van Fleet invites you to the bar with his bandmates but you decline, having to get things done around the house. Your boyfriend returns home drunk as ever & comes home with one thing in mind, one thing that he wants. You. How can you say no to your greek god of a boyfriend? Not to mention what you know will happen when you wake up, some fluff & sweetness with a side of hangover to fill your morning.
MENTIONS OF/ TW: !Drunks3x, fluff, Oral M receiving, teasing
November. Its a calm chilly day in the city of Nashville, Tennessee where you reside with your boyfriend Daniel. You're home alone, despite the company of your old grumpy cat, Greta. Danny gave you Greta as a valentines day gift when you hit 2 years of dating. Seems like it was just yesterday when she became a new edition to your small little family you were slowly building.
A smile creeps upon your lips as you recall the memory of when he brought your sweet kitty home. You were stuck in Traffic so you had shown up after Danny was already home. You walked into your house to see Danny sitting on the couch with a huge smile on his face.
"Hey honey sorry I'm late I totally got caught behind an accident. Just looked like a fender bender so I don't think anyone was hurt. What's up with that smirk on your face? What did you do?"
He erupts with laughter at your remark. "I didn't do anything sweet girl. I did get you a gift though".
He scoops you up in his arms and lays you on your shared bed.
"Oh? Is this the gift?" You ask as you start to undo his belt, looking up at him with big eyes.
Something furry rubs against your back scaring you halfway to death. You immediately drop your hands from his belt to see what the heck is with you in bed, only to see its the elder cat you've been keeping an eye on at the nearby shelter for the past few months.
"Daniel oh my god! When did you get her??"
"Last night before I came home. I had forgotten what you said her name was but I did remember that she was gray and orange. They only had 2 gray & orange cats but the other one was a kitten, so I decided to get the older one instead. Funnily enough her shelter name was Greta, so I felt like it was meant to be."
"Where was she this whole time? & how did you know I wanted the older one instead of the kitten?"
"Well I asked if any of the boys could watch her just while I waited to finally surprise you. Sam of course replied with he hates cats, and Josh just never answered his phone. Jake ended up offering to take her in for the night. I think he secretly loves cats and doesn't want to admit it. As for getting the older cat instead of a kitten, that's because kittens will get adopted faster than the elders, and I had seen that Greta was at the shelter for so long, I figured you and I could give her a new life".
"Oh Daniel you are too kind for this world. I think I want to keep her name as Greta, it seems to fit her and you're right. It is meant to be".
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Gray and orange fur rubs against your foot, waking you up from your daydream. You glance at the clock which loudly reads 3pm. 2 more hours till Danny gets home. Luckily you have a lot to do today which keeps your mind occupied. The entire day you've been out and about. At 10 you had brunch with your friends, just catching up and drinking mimosas together. By 12 you were shopping on your own getting things for the house. You had an odd list of things you and Danny needed.
Avocados, Planter pots, Organizing containers, guitar picks, toothpaste, and laundry detergent
You smirk a bit at 'guitar picks' in Danny's messy handwriting, probably written this morning when he was rushing out the door to meet at the studio with the boys.
Danny's guitar picks have been going m.i.a. recently as Greta has found a new love for smacking them off the coffee table and scattering them around the house.
You are so focused on repotting plants & putting your shared record collection into new organizers that you don't even hear the door open. Before you know it, you feel two strong arms wrap around your waist and pick you up off the floor, making you scream.
"Hi babygirl I've missed you, crazy day in the studio" He sets you down to give you a quick kiss.
"I've missed you too! Could've used your help reaching the box of screws in the garage today, I hate using the stool. I'd rather just have a big tall man like you to get it for me" You give your biggest pout you can and look up at him with your big eyes causing him to blush
"Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't there to assist you, my princess."
"I love it when you call me that. What are you up to tonight? Hanging out with the boys or what?"
"Yes, actually. We made plans to try out a bar we've never been to before. I'm super stoked. You can come with if you want"
"That sounds like so much fun but I have to finish getting stuff done around the house tonight. I'm in cleaning mode so I can't stop now. I hope you and the boys have lots of fun though! Send me a text when you're on your way home but I might be asleep depending on how late you'll be."
"Sounds good baby. I love how well you take care of the house. I'm not sure when I'll be home. Maybe 11? 1? I'm not sure. If you get lonely, there's a bottle of Moscato in the fridge & a fluffy friend to cuddle with. Love you my sweet girl."
He gives you a kiss, holding either side of your face with one of his hands.
Before you know it, he's gone again. You don't mind it though, because you have to deal with him being gone for tours and such. God you loved watching him play, and got excited every time the band would come close to home so you could see it in person. Not to mention the after show sex. Danny would always wait for you backstage super sweaty, pumping with adrenaline. You loved when you got to see that side of him. He was always super confident and aggressive, which you don't get to see too often with your mellow & kind-hearted boyfriend.
You just changed into pajamas, the red satin set Danny got you for your birthday this past year. You sit by the fireplace, incense freshly burnt, book out, cat on your lap, with a cold glass of wine in hand. You think about your rockstar boyfriend and how truly amazing your life is.
Glass breaking. You jolt upwards, finding you have fallen asleep on the couch, right where you were before.
What the hell was that?
"Hello? Danny?" you yell out into the darkness
no response. You walk further in the dark, met with a light from the kitchen. Danny is stood over the sink trying to clean up a broken glass he had toppled over.
"What the hell Danny? What time is it?"
"Please don't be mad baby. It's 3 am"
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? I heard the glass break."
You walk over to him and start turning his hands over. Front and back. Left. Front and back. Right. You look up at his face with concern. Not a single cut. You look back up at him and meet his eyes. He has been watching you the entire time. Examining him with deep worry just for nothing to be wrong.
"I'm fine, my princess. I just had stumbled a bit and the cup fell over. Not even a scratch on me, I promise."
You stand on your tip toes to wrap your arms around his neck, the type of hug you always give him after he causes you to lose your shit. This time being that you thought there was an intruder in your house. You sigh heavily into the nape of his neck and then release. You give him a small smile and walk to your bedroom, his drunk ass following lazily, and a little zig-zagged. You wonder how much he's had to drink if he's having this much of a hard time. After all he drinks with the Kiszka's all the time so he has built up his tolerance.
You yelp after feeling your boyfriends hand slap your ass and give him a glare. Danny is simply grinning ear to ear, eyes squinted. You finally approach your bed. All of a sudden you're in the air, then you're not.
You look up, out of breath, to see Danny standing above you with a look in his eye. "Have you been good for Daddy while I've been gone?"
What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCKKKKK????
You stare at him with your mouth open, completely in shock of what he just said to you. You can't help but admit to yourself that this turns you on and you're already becoming a waterpark in your panties. You gather yourself enough to respond after realizing he's waiting for you to answer.
"Yes sir"
"Good girl. Go into the bathroom. I'll be here. When you come out I don't want you wearing anything but those pink panties of yours."
"Yes Danny"
He gets off of you so you can stand up. You look at him and can tell he knows you like this. Which you do, its pretty obvious based on how you're holding up. You do as you're told and walk straight into the bathroom without looking back. You take off your top first. You then take off your silk shorts and take a glance at yourself in the gold mirror in the corner of the bathroom. You feel a rush of nervousness run over your body. To see Danny look at you in this sense. It is your first time having him be so dominant. Sure you've done stuff close to this in the past- but never this level. But god its hot. You take a deep breath as you fix your hair and open the door. You gasp at the sight before you. Danny is sitting on the corner of the bed closest to you, laid back with his elbows propping him up, completely undressed with his hardness laid out before you.
You don't realize what you're doing until he points it out.
"Close your mouth Darling. Come close, I don't bite- unless you want me to of course. Come take your seat."
You understand exactly what you're supposed to do in that moment. You make 3 swift movements, now almost straddling him save for a few inches. You hover your center above his length, until he locks eyes with you. You make direct eye contact as you slowly sit down and grind against him. He lets out a breathy sigh
"Fuck baby. But that's not what I planned."
He rolls you flat onto your back so now you've switched spots. He hovers his hand over the spot you want him to touch you at but never makes contact.
"Do you want me to touch you baby? Say it"
"I do"
He crosses his arms and looks upwards, waiting for you.
"Jesus fuck danny please just touch me"
"Yes my princess"
He starts rubbing you in circles, making you release stiff breaths from beneath him. He suddenly moves your underwear to the side, slipping two fingers deep within you. You start panting from the feeling building inside you. He's going so fast you feel like you will erupt. He pulls his fingers out and completely stops.
"Danny what the hell?!?" You start getting frustrated with him. You jump at him trying to get him to come back down on you. He instead pushes you off gently without saying a word. He grabs the hairtie off your wrist and puts your hair up for you. You know you now have to pay the favor back to him. He tilts your head back to face him to show you his dark eyes, suddenly darker. He doesn't even have to say anything. You move to the edge of the bed and take him in your mouth. Deep. You swirl your tounge around his tip and use your hands, twisting them as you pump him off. He knows how much you enjoy doing this for him. You continue pumping him while sticking your tounge out. You look up at him but all you're met with is his adam's apple. He has his head thrown back, feeling into every movement you give to him. This only makes you go faster, as more motivation of what its doing to him. Your rockstar boyfriend. He starts to twitch from within your mouth.
You stop. Just like he did from you, teasing, taking the release that he needed. He looks at you angrily and frustrated. "Y/N, now you're gonna get it." Your face displays a wicked smile because you know exactly what you're doing and you disobeyed him. He pushes you backwards and immediately is in you. Kissing you. hands propped on either side of your head. His balls are slapping against you every second. You've never had a fast fuck, let alone a frustrated one. Your eyes roll back into your head due to the intense feeling he is giving you.
"Fuck you feel so good baby. You're so wet"
"Danny- f-f-uck" You mutter as he puts his one hand on your throat and slams into you even harder. He keeps going, but eventually slows down. You have no idea where this comes from, but you somehow flip him and are now riding him. Making out, both giving each other the same look, the same look of need. You need him and he needs you. You start to feel yourself giving in so you slow down. He feels this too- He grabs you to hold you in place and starts thrusting in to you from below. You cry out to him "Fuck!" and a tear falls down your face from all the emotions of ecstasy you're feeling all at once. Danny finishes inside you simultaneously.
You ride him slowly, giving him soft kisses before dismounting him and falling into bed beside him.
He goes to the bathroom to return in boxers & holding a washcloth. He cleans you up and puts a new pair of underwear on you, while planting a kiss to your forehead. You slowly fall asleep knowing you're in his comfort.
"Goodnight, my princess" You hear him say softly as you go in and out of sleep.
Light. There's light in your eyes as you squint and stretch yourself awake. 10 am, the clock reads. You roll over to see dark curls, the curls that you adore so much. You smile widely at the thought of last night. You look around your room only to see Greta sitting on the floor, glaring at you. Poor kitty normally sleeps in your bed. You giggle to yourself at the thought of Greta being "punished" because her parents were busy making love.
You turn to give danny a kiss on the cheek as a good morning attempt. You brush your hand over him, to find out that he had discarded his boxers sometime in the nighttime and had morning wood.
"Why goodmorning my sweet boy" You say while running your left hand over his happy trail, right arm propping your head up. He stretches out, putting his arms out to pull you in closer to him.
"Good morning baby girl. I hope I wasn't too much for you last night. I had a lot to drink at the bar."
"Oh baby you're never too much for me, and you won't ever be, even if you make me call you daddy"
"I did what"
You both start laughing together, which ends in a tired make out session interrupted by yawning and something poking you in the leg, which turns your face red.
"Yes baby?"
"You can do anything you want to me and I will still love you. I don't think I will ever stop adoring you"
He replies with a big smile, as you then kiss that big smile of his, and line him up with you. He smirks at the touch and goes in. You both release a breath, facing each other in bed. Slow, soft, and lovingly. This type won't ever beat anything, not even post concert sex. It is the most loving thing to experience and you know Danny feels the same way.
So there you are, looking at each other completely glazed over with love while he's inside of you, making love lazily to you.
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The end!! <3
NOTE from the author: None of these pics are my own and I do not claim them. All found from Pinterest. This is my first fic/ smut I've ever wrote so I hope at least one person out there likes it.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter Twelve: Not Alone
Alhaitham has the looks and the smarts. He will also be the stand-in CEO for his grandfather's company for a year.
But, he's been mysteriously cursed to turn into a cat every night since his eighteenth birthday… until he meets you, an employee at his grandfather's company, who rescues him as a cat and changes him back with one kiss.
Cross-posted on AO3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
You feel something brush against your leg. So, you look down and see Alhaitham walking around your legs, purposefully rubbing against you whenever he can. Then, as if knowing he has your attention, he looks up and meows with a little smile. That's when you hear your apartment buzzer.
As soon as you answer it, you hear Lumine say, “Oh, wow. She's really home.”
“Told you so. My hunch is always right.” Then, Childe looks into the camera and waves. “Hiya, sweet cheeks! May we come in?”
Alhaitham doesn’t need to look at the screen to know it’s Childe. Besides the voice, only one person calls you by that nickname.
As soon as you open the door, you ask, “What are you two doing here?”
"I went out for a drive, and fate brought me to Lulu"—Childe notices Lumine's small eye roll—"and now we're here!"
“That explains a lot,” you deadpan.
Lumine smiles at Alhaitham. “Hey! It’s Mr. Kitty!”
"Mr. Kitty?" Childe asks. "It looks more like a Mr. Cat to me." He looks at you. "I didn't know you got a cat."
“Yeah… I got him recently.”
“Well, he seems to really like you,” Childe says, watching Alhaitham gently rub his cheek against your leg.
You bend over and pick him up.
“By the way, how’d your date go?” Lumine asks. “Did anything… exciting happen?”
You aren’t going to spill that you and Alhaitham just had your first kiss. You can only imagine the details Lumine wants to hear, and having Childe around won’t help.
Alhaitham meows and Lumine smiles at him. "Ooh, don't tell me Mr. Kitty has all the juicy details. Did they kiss?" You look at Alhaitham just as he looks up at you. Your noses almost touch, and your heart nearly stops. "I didn't see this little guy the last time Mom and I were here… did you go back for him, or did he come back to see you?"
You smile. “I guess it was a little bit of both.” Then, you look at your sister. “Anyways, enough about me." You put Alhaitham on the counter. "What about you?”
“You two just decided to hang out together for the night?”
Lumine and Childe glance at each other. “It really was a coincidence that we bumped into each other!” she insists.
Childe chuckles. “I got lucky.”
“Hey, since we’re here…” Lumine claps her hands together. “Should we go say hi to Alhaitham? He’s home, isn’t he?”
You glance at Alhaitham. Yeah, you could say he’s home.
Childe smiles. “Lumine told me you’re neighbours with Mr. Hottie now. Look at you livin’ the life.”
"What can I say?" you say sarcastically. "It's like I'm the protagonist of my own scripts." Then, you quickly add, "But, uh, he's a bit busy right now."
“With what?”
If Childe and Lumine are suspicious, they don’t say anything. You think it’s a believable enough excuse. The man is a CEO, after all.
Then, Childe walks over and leans over to stare at Alhaitham. “...Or, is he right here?”
You look from Childe to Alhaitham and back to Childe. “What are you talking about?”
Childe laughs and leans upright. “It’s a funny story, actually..."
“...What? Is that a story idea you came up with?” Childe asked, tossing him bottled water.
Ayato easily caught the drink. “It does sound like an idea born from fantasy, doesn’t it?”
“What I’m wondering is why you’re talking to me about it.”
“I was just curious if you’ve ever heard of such a thing happening in real life.”
“People turning into cats? Of course not!” Ayato opened his bottled water, and Childe couldn’t help but ask, “...Have you?”
Ayato’s mysterious smile only made Childe more curious.
"People turning into cats?" Lumine asks. "That can't happen!"
Your eyes meet Alhaitham's, knowing exactly what's running in each other's minds. It might just be a meaningless conversation. But is it possible that Ayato knows someone who's cursed? Or... is it himself?
"Wouldn't it be interesting if it can?" Childe asks.
"Well, I don't think you would be able to look at cats the same way again," you mumble. Then, you look at the clock. “Hey, it’s getting late.”
“I guess that’s our cue to leave, Lulu.”
"Well, I don't have to, you know," Lumine says. Then, she smiles at you. "I could sleep over!"
Before you can answer, Childe huffs. “And I thought we could grab some an evening snack together before I dropped you off.”
“You should’ve brought a snack before you came here,” you say.
Childe laughs. “I promise I’ll bring one for you next time.”
You look at Lumine. “...You should go with him.”
“...You have work tomorrow, don’t you?” you ask. “Your place is closer than mine.”
Lumine narrows her eyes. Childe pats her head and says, “Sis just wants some private time with Mr. Kitty.”
Well, that’s one way to put it.
Alhaitham nuzzles his head against your arm until you pick him up again.
“Or… maybe it’s the other way around,” Childe continues.
Lumine pouts slightly. “...Fine.”
As your sister leaves your apartment, you say, “Don’t keep her out late, Childe.”
“I won’t.”
Childe has just finished putting on his shoes when you ask, “By the way, did something happen?”
He turns around. “What makes you ask that?”
"...Do you remember the day you randomly showed up at my house?" Childe slightly looks away from you, and you know you're onto something. "It was the day you fought with your parents."
“I can’t believe you still remember that.”
“It was the first time I saw you cry.”
Something about that statement makes him stiffen.
Lumine pokes her head back inside. “Um, hellooo? Are we going or what?” She looks from Childe to you and back to Childe. “Is everything okay? Why do you two look kinda serious?”
"It's nothing," you say. "I told him to drive you straight home."
Childe smiles. "And I told her I wanted to keep you to myself for a little longer."
Lumine nudges him. “As long as there’s food.”
“You’re way too easily convinced,” you deadpan.
“Alright, we’re leaving,” Childe says with a wave. He also makes sure to wave to Alhaitham. “Take care of her, Mr. Kitty.”
You lift Alhaitham’s paw and make him wave, even though his deadpan expression says otherwise.
Once you and Alhaitham are alone, you put him on the couch. You'd like to tease him a little longer, but you'd like to ask about what he thought about the conversation between Childe and Ayato. So, you lean down and kiss his fluffy, little head. 
Soon, Alhaitham is dressed, and you and he are sitting on the couch.
"Do you think we should talk to Ayato?" you ask.
"It would be a little strange if we grilled him on a conversation that might be meaningless."
That's true.
"But, with how things are going, I am a little curious if he really does know anything." When you look at him curiously, he says, "The timing isn't the only thing that's changed. The transformation back to my normal self was also different."
“You mean… you usually don’t just poof into a cat?”
Alhaitham shakes his head. “It’s a painful process.”
A painful process? Now, you’re imagining bones shrinking and breaking, and you aren’t sure if you really want to know. Maybe this is why he wanted privacy.
“Turning back isn’t as painful as turning into a cat,” he continues.
So, why are things different now?
Alhaitham pulls you close. “...We might be close to getting answers, but there’s one thing I want to make sure of.”
“I’m all ears.”
But, instead of talking, he leans in and kisses you, slowly and softly at first and then with a swift gradation of intensity that makes your world spin. Your back hits the couch with Alhaitham on top of you, his insistent mouth sending shivers through your nerves. Your body melts against his as your hands weave through his hair, pulling him closer.
Finally, when you two pull away, he says, “...Even when this curse ends, I want to make sure you are mine.”
You smile. This time, you say, “I’m all yours.”
Back in the car, Lumine wonders if she should ask. She'd overheard the conversation between you and Childe. Your hunch is the same as hers. Something must've happened. But would it be intrusive if she asked? What if he got mad at her? What if—
“Is something bothering you?" The car roars to life, and Childe looks at her. “You've been quiet.”
Lumine’s not looking at him when she says, “...Well, I overheard what you and Sis were talking about.”
“Are you worried about me?”
Lumine turns to him. “Of course I am. You’re my friend.”
Childe smiles and ruffles her hair. “You’re cute, Lulu. Have I ever told you that?”
No. Never. Actually, Lumine had always thought he saw her as a kid or a little sister.
“...So, will you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Another time.”
Is it because he doesn’t think she would be mature enough to help him? Would… he have told you if you were the one who asked instead?
“Oh, fine,” Lumine says dramatically, “if you don’t want my godly advice.”
The car is back on the road now, and Childe glances at her. “Godly advice, huh?” Then, he chuckles. “...Then, let me ask you. Who is more important? Yourself… or your family?”
“What kind of question is that?”
“If you’re forced to make that kind of decision, would you choose yourself?”
"That's a terrible question!"
"Maybe that's the reason why I asked," Childe says.
Lumine sighs. "Well, I guess it depends on the context.”
“Context, huh?”
“It’s not like you to ask such serious questions."
Once the car slowly rolls to a stop, Childe lightly pinches her nose. “That’s ‘cause you don’t know me well enough.”
“I’ve known you for years,” Lumine deadpans. “Don’t give me that.”
Childe chuckles softly. “Just because you’ve known someone for years doesn’t mean you know every side of them.”
Lumine looks at him. Childe looks back.
“...What’s on your mind now?” he asks.
“...Nothing," she mutters, looking away.
“Oh? Really?”
“Why are you so curious?” Lumine asks flatly.
"Because you intrigue me."
Lumine turns back. “W-what is that supposed to mean?”
"It means what it means. You're interesting, Lumine."
"In what ways?" she asks skeptically.
"You used to have everything written on your face. I read you like an open book. Now, it's getting harder to read you."
"It means I'm not a kid anymore." 
Childe smiles. "You're right. You aren't. So, would you like to be my date to Zhongli's wedding?"
"Yeah, I'm not, so"—her eyes widen—"Wait. What did you just say?"
"Would you like to be my date to Zhongli's wedding?" Childe drawls.
After regaining her composure, she looks ahead. "Why are you asking me?"
"Because I want to go with you."
Lumine glances at him, and he gives her a quick wink. 
"...Let me think about it," she says quietly.
"Well, I guess I'll have to be patient."
"Maybe if you grabbed us some takoyaki, I'll come to a decision sooner."
Childe laughs. "Alright, but on one condition."
"Which is?"
"Your sister expects me to drive you straight home. Looks like we're taking a little detour. So"—he slightly smirks—"this little rendezvous is our little secret."
Lumine smiles. "You're lucky I'm good at keeping secrets."
“It looks like you and Aether have gotten close.”
Not long after you and Alhaitham left, the group had also left his grandfather's room. Ayato spent the rest of the day with Ayaka. Of course, he also got to know your brother a little better. Now that Aether is back in his room, it's just the siblings.
“Are you jealous?” Ayaka teases.
“I’m glad you made a friend.”
Ayaka holds his brother’s stare, knowing exactly what he’s thinking.
“You should’ve told me how much she looked like her,” he says.
“...I didn’t think you would believe me.”
The silence drags on until…
“Are you going to tell her?” she asks.
“Your curse.”
Ayato sighs softly. Should he tell you about his curse? You look so much like her, his late fiancée who supposedly cursed him. It happened spontaneously one night. An innocent kiss quickened his heartbeat. Then, a sudden sharp pain in his chest, and he knew something was wrong. He’d clutched his chest and doubled over in pain.
And then it happened.
Pointy ears. A tail. Four paws.
When the pain was over, his fiancée gasped. “Oh… My God.”
It's strange. Ever since that day, he'd become a cat without explanation whenever she kissed him. But even after she passed, it happened again, except with a new girlfriend who is now an ex. That's when he knew that the curse stayed with him. So, ever since then, he hasn't kissed anyone. Not even for his work.
"...I have no reason to tell her," Ayato says. "And I barely know her."
“But, aren’t you curious? What if… you don’t turn? Wouldn’t that mean the curse is broken?”
Ayaka's shoulders fell as she exhaled softly. "We can think of something then. Can't we?"
Ayato knows she's worried about him, but that doesn't mean he will ask you to kiss him. Aren't you Alhaitham's girlfriend? Besides, there's nothing to tie you to this curse besides that you look eerily similar to his ex fianceé, the person who started it all.
“That’s being selfish, Ayaka.”
Ayaka frowns slightly. "...Then, what are you going to do?" When Ayato looks away, his sister crosses her arms. "This might be the one chance to break the curse, and you're not doing anything about it."
Ayato sighs. Maybe his sister has a point. But… what is he going to say to you? Would you believe him? It sounds bizarre, like something out of a fantasy novel. He just met you. He doesn't need you to think he's completely bonkers by telling you he turned into a cat from a kiss.
“...I’ll think about it, okay? I just don’t want to scare her.”
Ayaka sighs. Then, in a voice just above a whisper, she asks, "When will you think about yourself for a change?"
“Oh, my God! You look stunning!”
It's finally the Awards Night, and Candace and Dehya had come over hours beforehand to help you prepare. Dehya had convinced you to go for cat-eye makeup and a matte, dark red lip. It's definitely different and bolder than what you're used to, but it looks so good on you that you won't mind trying this look again.
“I actually didn’t think I could pull it off,” you admit.
“Well, anyone can pull off a look as long as they have confidence.”
You smile at Candace in the mirror.
Just as you and your friends leave your apartment, Alhaitham opens his door. When you see each other, both of you stop. Alhaitham can't stop staring. That black dress. That makeup look. He already thinks you're beautiful, but seeing this different makeup look on you takes his breath away. He instantly smiles and walks up to you. When he does, you catch a whiff of his cologne, which smells like a delicate mix of citrus and cedar. He's wearing a suit, but he adds a dark green tie and a jade diamond pin on the right side of his black blazer this time.
“Lost for words, are you, Haitham?” Candace asks.
You and Alhaitham meet each other's eyes. You've agreed to keep your relationship a secret, as his role as your company CEO will be publicly revealed. But as Dehya and Candace already have an idea, you and Alhaitham agreed to let them in on the little secret earlier today.
"Wait, wait," Candace said with a large smile. "So… Haitham made the first move?"
“Wait for me!” Dehya screamed from the washroom. “I need to hear the story, too!”
After you told them about the kiss, Candace clapped slowly, and Dehya’s jaw dropped. “Damn. That man knows what he’s doing,” she said.
“I’m happy for you,” Candace said, smiling at you. “You two look good together.”
Dehya put a hand on her hip. “We need a ladies’ night to celebrate!”
You and Candace look at each other. “Hey, it’s an excuse to celebrate,” you said.
Candace laughed. “Agreed!”
Alhaitham walks up to you and kisses your head. “...You look beautiful.”
You don't see it, but Dehya is shaking Candace. Candace has a slightly mischievous smile as she watches you and Alhaitham.
You chuckle. “You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.”
When your eyes meet again, you’re thinking the same thing. You want to kiss him. He wants to kiss you. But, of course, there’s a time and place for everything.
“Alright, stop making the rest of us feel like single pringles,” Dehya says.
While waiting for the elevator, Dehya and Candace are talking amongst themselves while you and Alhaitham stand behind them. Then, he glances at you.
“You seem a little nervous,” he says quietly.
Tonight is the night you're changing Alhaitham back… in an almost public space. It's a little nerve-wracking as many people are supposed to be in attendance. What if something goes wrong? What if somehow you got caught?
You feel his hand in yours when you look at him and ask, “Aren’t you?”
You don’t get a chance to hear his reply as the elevator arrives.
You and Alhaitham arrive separately. As soon as he does, he’s whisked away to meet important people. You head to the lounge, almost blinded by the expensive-looking chandelier. Then, someone taps your shoulder.
“You look lovely tonight.”
“Ayato!” you say. “I wasn’t expecting to see you here.”
He slips out an invitation from his blazer pocket. “Here’s proof I didn’t sneak my way in here.” Then, he gives you a quick wink. You smile politely just as he looks around. “I thought you’d be coming with Alhaitham.” When he sees the look on your face, he lowers his voice and says, “Oh, I’m sorry. Is it a secret?”
“For now, yes,” you say.
“Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” But then, he holds out his arm. “However, as a friend, may I escort you inside?”
“My, everyone looks so flashy today.”
Ayato turns around, and you look past him to see Childe and Tighnari.
“How would you like to be escorted inside by not one but three good-lookin’ men in suits?” Childe asks you.
“Tempting,” you say. “But… I think I can escort myself inside.”
As Ayato watches you leave, he feels… conflicted. The more he looks at you, the more he’s reminded of her. Is there a reason why you two crossed paths? Ayato doesn’t believe in soulmates or fate, but the resemblance is uncanny. If his ex really started his cat curse, are you really the person to break it?
“Is something wrong?”
Tighnari’s voice snaps Ayato out of these thoughts. “No. It's nothing.”
“You were staring a little too intently at our award-winning screenwriter just now,” Childe says.
Ayato smiles. “Ah… well, she just… reminded me of someone I knew.”
“...Care to share?” Childe asks.
“Perhaps another time,” Ayato says. “It’s not a story that should be shared during a celebration like this.”
“That’s fair.” Childe walks behind Ayato and Tighnari and puts a hand on their back. “Well, shall we go enjoy ourselves, gentlemen?”
Throughout the evening, Ayato has you and the conversation with Ayaka on his mind. There's no way you'd believe him. There's also no way to show you. This is getting a little annoying. Why did you have to look so much like her? Ayato is about to grab a chocolate-covered strawberry off a dessert platter when he hears someone approaching him from behind.
"Do you have a minute, Ayato?"
His heartbeat quickens upon hearing your voice. He turns around. "Sure."
You walk up beside him and grab a fruit tart. He turns back to the table just as you say, “I… heard from Childe that you asked him something about people turning into cats.”
He freezes for a second but ultimately grabs the strawberry onto his plate. “...It does make for an interesting conversation starter, doesn't it?"
“A little too interesting, I would say,” you say with a small smile. “Is that a story idea you’re cooking up?”
Ayato laughs. “You could use it if you’d like. I won’t ask for royalties.” Then, a little quieter, “What did Childe tell you?”
“Nothing much. He said you’d asked if he’d heard about something like that happening in real life.”
“Then, may I ask you the same question?”
You glance at him. "Would you be willing to answer my question in return if I answer you?"
You put the last piece of dessert on your plate. Then, you turn to him. “...I have.”
Ayato’s heart almost stops.
“...You have?”
You nod.
When you say nothing more, Ayato figures, you aren't going to elaborate on your answer. But he, of course, will also keep his end of the deal.
“Now it’s my turn to ask,” you say, “Do you know someone like that?”
Are you humouring him? Ayato never imagined that he would be having this conversation with you.
He looks you in the eyes and says, “I do.”
You're iffy to push for more. But you're dying to know. Who is it? And… how much does this person know about this curse? Your phone lightly buzzes, a gentle reminder that it's almost time for Alhaitham to turn.
You take a short, small breath. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have to meet someone."
Right when you turn around, you feel someone grab your wrist. Startled, you spin back and see Ayato. But it’s his words that take you by complete surprise.
“Don’t go.”
Chapter Thirteen
Tag list: @suoshiii @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @lordbugs @sakiimeo @ash-in-lavender @ceylestia @forsh4dow @deathkat657 @kalpie @elernity @sentieence @chichibleeps @sunsethw4 @hjjks @tanspostsblog @nqctre @just-simping-over-genshin @uchihaeirin @vynbin @ayanokomu @dksfl920 @alatus1808 @itztaki @thetwinkims @imkaaayy @angeilix @starlighttotheleft @letthewindlead
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diyahatnight · 1 year
Rich love - starting an only fans
scaramouche x gn reader!
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You were so very excited about your first Collab with one of the biggest modeling agency in your area. The agency you work for being second. That you completely disregard the fact that your group chat was blowing up your phone.
On the way to the Ei Modeling agency building you notice a familiar purple haired boy.
“…Scaramouche?” You ask in a monotone voice because you weren’t so sure it was him.
He turn around with quickness wondering who it could be that called his name. Was it one of his fans?
“Oh…it’s just you.” He says and stops in his path so you can catch up to him.
“What are you doing here? i didn’t expect you to be the type to take morning strolls? You say while pulling him over so you guys don’t block the walk way.
“I don’t, i’m on my way to work actually.” He says with his phone still in his hand.
“Me too! I’m entering this building right here.” you point at the Ei model agency building.
“oh? me too my mother owns the Company. I’m supposed to be modeling with somebody from Jean’s Model agency.” He say in a confused manor.
“I guess we will be modeling together!” You grab his shoulder so you both can enter the building together.
When you both enter the building you’re met by Jean your boss and one of Ei’s agents for Scaramouche.
“Let’s get you two inside your changing rooms so we can star shooting.” The agent said.
When you got to your titled room you see your swim wear on a hanger with a crochet top as an over shirt of the swimsuit. You put on the swim wear and sit in the swivel chair so your makeup artists can come and do your makeup.
You waited 6 minutes and she never showed. You exit the room.
“Uhm excuse me, my makeup artist is not here?” You say softly.
“My apologies I forgot to let you know that she could not make it. The photographer says apologetically.
“Somebody get Scaramouche.”
his agent brings scaramouche “You called?”
“We need you for hair and makeup.” The photo grapher tells him.
“We will let Ei know to pay you extra for doing makeup also.”
“okay.” he says without question.
You follow him to his titled room and he closes the door behind you. “Sit.” he orders you
You obey and sit. He walks over to you and grabs the makeup bag. He walks in between your legs and bends down to get closer to you.
After finishing your hair and makeup you say “I guess you’re good at everything didn’t know you were this good at makeup.” You say giggling
“don’t mention it.” he looks at you through the mirror “You don’t look as bad with makeup on.”
“Thats not really a compliment but i’ll take it.” You say to him through the mirror “Let’s go so we can get this over with.”
After the shoot you and Scaramouche meet at the exit.
“Hey for doing my makeup do you want to go get lunch with me? i’ll pay.” You ask as he walks up to you.
“Yeah i guess, lets go.” He says while walking past you waiting for you to trail behind.
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Synopsis: You are a model and a Youtuber with no love life, you and Scaramouche who also has no love life have been friends for a while now because he’s also a model and a streamer. You sometimes join his stream to play random games with him but you never had the thought of dating him? Maybe instead of being friends you 2 were meant to be lovers? Just a guess.
note - I also just realized this though, do you guys like hello kitty? if not the private twitter profile with be something that’s not hello kitty, I only assumed because my cis male boyfriend adores it so i thought it would be cool but people have their preferences lol.
Taglist - @eutopiastar @user11918163805279 @achy-boo @etherisy @xdrin @ittosfilipinogf @yukiipc @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @zomzomb1e @aikaxx @theblueblub @mitsu-moshi @sakiimeo @d4y-dr3am3r
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
Regulus who puts together that Remus Lupin is a werewolf. His insomnia causing him to spend his nights in the Slytherin common room's entry. A hot chocolate and a battered copy of Alice in Wonderland in hand as he occasionally gazes out the low window. A menagerie consisting of a stag, a mouse, and what looked to be the grim ran down to the Whomping Willow. Sipping as he then saw Madam Pomfrey half-carrying a ghastly looking Remus. Not even needing to check the sky to know it was a full moon. Regulus always found it odd that their astronomy lessons never coincided with one. Bestowed with the secret that his brother was hiding, and how far the Marauders would go for one of their own, he wanted in. Where else would he find the perfect excuse to become an animagus?
Casting a concealment charm on himself, he walked down to the herbology classroom. Taking a few attempts to discern which one held the mandrake from the current week’s lesson. Regulus made sure to put a pair of earmuffs on as he didn’t want to be found dead on the floor. Retracing his steps as he returned, casting a sticking charm once he placed the leaf in his mouth. It’d give him an entire month to figure out the rest of the process needed to turn into an animagus. Regulus didn’t plan on registering as one once he completed the task. If the precious Marauders can get away with it, why can’t he? Thus he spends hours in the library, hiding his research as simple homework.
'What are you up to dear brother?' Sirius mutters to himself.
'Thank you so much for agreeing to this.' Regulus told Professor Slughorn, taking the classroom key from him. 'No troubles. Now I'll be back later in the evening, you can just place the key along the door sill when you leave.' Regulus nodded, watching until the potions professor left the accompanying hallway. Downing the blood-red liquid after the last 'Amato animo animato animagus' left his lips. 'Ugh, that's vile. Only have to do it once though.' Regulus let out a groan of pain, his bones shifting into some form of quadruped. Hair of some sort shooting from every pore. 'Hopefully, this gets easier.' Regulus thought to himself.
‘Alright, who lost their cat this time?’ James asked, plopping the black cat into Sirius’ lap. ‘Huh, you like that kitty-cat?’ Regulus wanted to laugh so badly, but all he could do is purr as Sirius found the right spot behind his ear to scratch. ‘Oi, don’t jinx it now!’ James chastised Remus when the werewolf doubted that the night would go smoothly. ‘We’ve been doing this for 2-3 years now. Yea, stuff can go wrong but you’ll tire yourself out.’ As jealous as Regulus was, he was also touched at how much they cared about one another. Thus he watched, learning their routine.
‘Hey there lovely, that for me?’ Remus asked, seeing the black cat nudge a cup of tea towards him. The liquid somehow not sloshing over. ‘How’d you know the way I like my tea?’ And Remus questioned if he saw the cat shrug or if that was just his mind playing tricks on him. ‘Are you talking to the cat again?’ James sat down across from him, scratching Regulus’ head as he past, rubbing against James’ leg. ‘Gotta find your owner eventually.’ Regulus hoped they’d forget about that despite not wearing a collar. The Marauders adored the cat’s company but they had to remind themselves that the cat didn’t belong to them.
‘Hello Reggie.’ Sirius had figured out why the green eyed cat seemed familiar to him. It didn’t make sense to him. Countless hours spent thinking about it and he was still asking himself what Regulus got out of all this. ‘I know it’s you, shift back.’ Ugh, fine, if you insist brother. Regulus rolling his shoulders & cracking his neck. Standing back on two legs. ‘They don’t.’ His voice gruff from not using it. 'Then how have you avoided questions of where you go during the day?' Sirius gaze hardened, his questions coming across more akin to an interrogation. 'I tell them I'm in the library, they truly are dumber than they look.'
'Why have you been hanging out with us then? Not that I mind, honestly. It's the only question I've been unable to answer.' The elder registering how exhausted his little brother looked, a muted-ness to his every action. 'Because I'm in love with your friend, the werewolf.' Refusing to look at Sirius, expecting hostility. 'You like Remus?'
'Well, yeah. It's why I became an animagus. That and I was jealous of your friend group, how chummy you all are with each other.' His voice small as he admitted how lonely he'd been. 'I guess I approve, but you do know Remus has to know you actually exist for it to work, right? Not as a cat, but as Regulus.'
'Oi! I'm not that daft.'
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manicplank · 3 months
The Color Pink (Part 10)
Uhhh this one took me a while to get to bc my brain went on vacation.
Hazel had been on cloud nine since her last date with The Noise. Even though it had been days, it felt like it all happened yesterday. For some strange reason, life felt completely different. She found herself smiling a lot, especially when she thought of him. She was itching to see him again, but she didn't want to seem clingy. However, she couldn't seem to contain herself. It had been so long since she felt a love like this, and she wanted to cherish every moment. She paced back and forth as she waited for their usual 7 o'clock phone call. The phone rang, and she picked it up without hesitation; "Hi, Theo!"
"Hey! How-"
"We should go on another date!"
He chuckled. "Eager, aren't we?"
"Yeah, I am. Sorry," she laughed nervously.
"I mean, I don't disagree."
"What were you thinking we do?"
"Um... I didn't think about that."
"I don't have any ideas."
They went silent for a minute.
"Oh!" Hazel said, "I got it! Why don't we go stargazing? There's an opening in Picnic Park where you can see the stars!"
"How... How does that work?"
"How can we see the stars when we're in a tower?"
"I don't know. I try not to think about it too much, it gives me a headache."
"That's fair."
"Do you maybe want to do it tonight?"
"That's a little short notice. I'm also kind of tired."
"Right, right, right. Sorry. I'm just excited to see you."
He chuckled again. "It's okay. If you want, we can do it tomorrow night, though."
Hazel hummed in thought for a minute. "Oh, yeah, that actually works out better. I'm not opening the cafe tomorrow."
"How come?"
"I want a three day weekend. I need some time off."
"That's understandable. I do that every now and again. I can set my own hours sometimes. It has to be approved occasionally. There was one time I took a week off because I just didn't feel like going to work."
"Really? That sounds... nice."
"It is, but I got so behind. It was bad. So yeah, that's why some of my extra days off need to be pre-approved."
"I try not to take too many days off. I guess it really doesn't matter much since I don't get a lot of customers."
"Hey, what did I say about that mindset?"
"I know, I know. I'm just saying. As much as I enjoy The Vigilante's company, it gets a little tiring hearing him rambling on and on about justice and this and that."
"Ugh, you deserve an award for dealing with him so often. I can't stand that guy."
"He's uh... He's an acquired taste."
"He suuuuucks!"
"Oh, be nice."
"That's not really my thing."
"Mhm, okay. I call bullshit."
"Yeah? How come?"
"You're nice to me."
"Only to you."
She let out a small giggle. "I believe that."
"I hate to cut it short, but I'm feeling really tired. I'm probably gonna make some food and head to bed."
"Okay. What time do you want to meet up tomorrow?"
"How about 8 or 9?"
"Why so late?"
"I thought you wanted to go stargazing."
"Oh! Right!" She laughed.
"Okay, well... Goodnight, Hazel."
"Goodnight, Theodore."
Hazel had suffered through the anticipation of the whole day waiting for their date. The day went by so slowly. She felt as if she was stuck in waiting mode. She got ready in something casual. She left her hair as was. She put on a cute pink Hello Kitty t-shirt with some straight leg blue jeans and white sneakers. She felt that she had been overeager to see him, so she wanted to dress to impressive. Play it cool, she thought.
She called a cab and headed down to the Gnome Forest. She walked over to Picnic Park. She saw some goblins that looked unusually like The Noise. She actually thought one of them was him, but when she called to it, it didn't respond. When she got to the park, she saw The Noise waiting for her. He was wearing a black t-shirt with a yellow bomber jacket and blue jeans with black Vans. He ran up to her and picked her up with a spin. She laughed as she held on to his shoulder.
"Hey," she spoke through laughter.
"Hi," he chuckled. "I was waiting for you." He put her down softly.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be late."
"No, no, I got here kind of early. We didn't specify whether we were meeting at 8 or 9 so I got here at 8."
"Stop apologizing! It's not your fault."
"Okay, okay." She giggled. "Here," she grabbed his hand. "I'll show you where the opening is."
"Heh heh..."
He snickered. "Nothing, it's just the way you said that."
She smiled and shook her head. "You have a dirty mind."
He cackled as she tugged his arm. They came to a small area of grass. Above them was an opening in the trees that showed the night sky. Amazingly, the stars were bright and abundant. There were so many of them, which was funny considering they were inside a tower. Hazel looked at him and smiled when she saw him looking upward. "This is the spot I was telling you about."
"Yeah," he looked at her. "You weren't kidding."
"I mean, I haven't been here in a while. I really don't have to. If I want to go stargazing, all I would have to do is look at you."
He blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Stop... I'm not that famous..."
"Are you kidding? You're like the most famous person in the tower. I think more people know you than Pizzaface."
"Whatever," he poked her, and she giggled.
Hazel sat down and so did Theo. They laid down slowly and looked up. The sky was pitch black, decorated with sparkling stars of white, red, green, and blue. The stars in the tower were so different from the stars outside. They had all sorts of different patterns and shapes.
"I remember," Theo spoke, "when I was a kid, we went to a planetarium as a school field trip. It was really cool."
"I went to one, too," Hazel responded, "my school did the same thing!"
"We got to see space ship equipment, pieces of space suits and meteorites. Then they took us to this dome room where they had all the stars. They showed us the constellations and told us their backstories."
"Really? I didn't get that experience as a kid."
"Yeah. The only constellation I can still spot is Orion. You can only see it during the winter. Well, it starts in the fall, and that's how I know winter's coming."
"That's really cool! I don't know where the constellations are. I only really know what they're called."
"I'm surprised no one's made up constellations for the stars in here."
"We could make some."
"Yeah, we could, but I'm not the most creative."
She looked at him. "Really? You, not the creative type?" She was very sarcastic.
He looked at her and laughed. "I guess I am, but not when it comes to constellations."
"Let's test it out." She pointed at a few stars in the shape of two squares. "How about that one?"
"Uhhh... A book, maybe?"
"Or nerdy glasses."
He chuckled. "That one kind of sucked."
She slapped his forearm. "Be nice!"
"I am!" He laughed.
She sighed, "I guess you're right. Two squares isn't the most impressive thing in the world."
"Hmmm..." He pointed at some stars in the shape of an asterisk. "How about that one?"
"Mmm... I don't really see anything."
"It's a flower." He grabbed her hand and traced the pattern with her finger.
"Oh! I see it now!"
He snickered. As she continued to stare at the stars, he turned his head to her. He observed her and how pretty she was. He scanned her from her head to her toes with a smile on his face. He was completely enamored by her. This beautiful girl lay beside him. He thought about how he was originally flirting with her out of lust, but quickly, he fell for her. He had never met anyone quite like her. She was so kind, upbeat, and outgoing. She brought out a side of him that he didn't even know existed. She turned her head to him and noticed him staring.
"Hi," she spoke.
"Hey," he replied.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I don't know."
"You sure?"
"I... Heh, I don't know that either." He chuckled nervously.
"I have to ask you about something you said."
"It was, uh... something you said when you were drunk."
His eyes widened, and his heart sank. "Oh..." He didn't remember what he had said to her.
"You told me... Well, you told me that you liked me."
"..." He stared at her in bewilderment.
"What did you mean by that?"
"Oh, well, um..." He looked up at the sky and gulped. "I, uh..." He took a deep breath and sighed. "Hazel... I like you. I like your eyes. I like your smile. I like the way you talk. I like the way your voice sounds. I like how you get excited over the smallest of things. I like how you squeak and hop around when you're happy. I like that you're resilient and don't give up when things get challenging. I like that you're authentically yourself no matter what. I like it when you come around, and I like it when you're there. I like that you treat me like a normal person. I like that you worry about me, like when it was raining and you were worried I'd get sick. I like that you're a bit assertive with me. I like that we call and talk on the phone every day. I like how soft your hands are, and I like when you let me hold them. I like it when we hug. A-a-and I liked it when we kissed. I like that you make me nervous but you also make me calm.
I like you, Hazel. I really, really do."
Hazel was smiling with tears in her eyes. "Wow, Theodore... That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
He sat up. "I just," he sighed, "I don't want to rush things. I don't want to get my heart broken, and I surely don't want to break yours. I guess, in a way, I'm afraid. I already feel like I don't deserve you, like you're too good for me. You're such a genuinely sweet and good person, and well... To be honest, when I first met you, I was only flirting with you to get lucky. And before I met you, I was basically an alcoholic. I drank before work, after work, in the morning, and before bed. I stopped drinking as much once we started talking. I'm still working on getting my drinking under control. I'm short-tempered and nasty. There's so many horrible, horrible things about me that you haven't seen yet. So many things that make me feel like I shouldn't be doing this with you." Theo sniffled and wiped a tear from his eye.
"Theodore, look," Hazel sat up, scooted next to him, and gently grabbed the side of his face to make him look at her. "I like you, too. I like how nervous you get. I like that you're pushing through that nervousness for me. I like that you care about me. I like that you try to help me out with my business. I like that you make time for me when you're so busy. I like your smile. I like your laugh. I like that you're so silly and goofy. I like that you're truthful with me. I like that you told me about all that.
But you know what I don't like? I don't like how hard you are on yourself. I don't like that you seem to think that you're such a horrible person. I don't like that you see all the good things in me but none of the good things about yourself. There are bad things about me, too. Things you haven't seen yet. Things that you're probably not going to like, things that I don't even like.
I think you're good enough for me. Matter of fact, I think you're even better than that. Come here."
She pulled him in for a hug. He sniffled again and shed a few silent tears into her shoulder. She pulled back to see that he was crying. She put her hands on his cheeks. "No tears," she said ever so softly. "I like you, too. Okay?"
He nodded and took a deep breath. "Okay."
She hugged him again and rubbed his back. She felt his whole body relax in her arms. He felt her shiver slightly and pulled back.
"Are you okay," he asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, I'm just a little cold." She smiled and shrugged.
He took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. "Here."
"Oh, no, no," she tried to stop him.
"No, you're cold."
"But you'll-"
"Hazel." He looked her in the eye. "You need this more than I do."
She smiled and blushed as she put her arms through the sleeves of the jacket. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"I have a pretty good cold tolerance. I'll be fine."
They laid down side by side with their hands clasped together, their fingers intertwined. Hazel felt incredibly warm and safe with his jacket around her. She leaned her head on Theodore's shoulder as they continued to stargaze. They continued to point out silly shapes they noticed in the stars and gave them even sillier names. As the night continued on, things got quiet. Theo got a little concerned. He looked over to see that Hazel had dozed off on his shoulder. He smiled and snickered. He nudged her gently with his elbow to wake her up. She slowly picked her head up. Her eyes were squinted with confusion.
"Hey," he spoke under his breath.
"What happened," she muttered.
"You fell asleep."
She shot up. "Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry!"
He sat up and laughed. "It's okay."
She covered her face in embarrassment. "I'm not usually up this late." She huffed. "I'm usually in bed super early so I can wake up early for the cafe."
"Do you wanna go home?"
"No! I mean, yeah, but..."
"Want me to take you home?"
"No, I'll call a cab this time. Thanks, though."
"Come on," he stood up and held his hand out. "I'll walk you to the street."
She grabbed his hand, and he helped her up. They walked slowly through the park with their hands held. Hazel was so flustered, she couldn't believe she fell asleep on him during their date! Theodore thought it was absolutely adorable that she felt safe enough with him to fall asleep on his shoulder. He wasn't at all mad. As they strolled towards the street, Theodore stopped her and leaned on a tree. He grabbed her other hand and held both of them.
"Why are we stopping?" She was incredibly confused.
Theodore's heart was racing. His legs were weak and felt like they could give out at any moment. With a nervous smile, he asked,
"Hazel... Will you be my girlfriend?"
Hazel's eyes grew wide and she gasped.
"Oh... My... Gosh!!!" She jumped up and down with her hands still in his. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! YESSS!!!" She let out a small squeal before she yanked him into hug, still hopping around and giggling in joy. When they pulled away from the hug, she grabbed the back of his head and kissed him deeply. She started to giggle and hop around again, her hands on his shoulders, his hands on hers. Her cab pulled up, and she looked at it before kissing him again.
"I have to go," she said with a giant smile.
"Yeah. I'll see you."
"Bye!" She pecked him on the lips one more time. "I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"
"Okay. Go home, go to bed." He pat her on the shoulder as she ran towards the cab.
He watched her run off with a giant smile on his face. She couldn't see it, but his face was beet red. He was so happy she said yes. He couldn't believe he finally worked up the courage to ask her. After the conversation they had before, he finally felt secure enough. He was a bit anxious, but he had to take the chance. And he was so glad he did.
That night, Hazel had trouble sleeping. She was suddenly struck with energy and excitement after he asked her out. She paced around her bedroom for a good hour before she settled down to sleep. She realized she forgot to give him back his jacket in her fit of exhilaration. But it was so soft and warm, and it smelled like him, too. She finally laid down, falling asleep while wearing his jacket.
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