#klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
Klaus: No one can hurt me if I’m cold and detached and not emotionally invested in anyone
Caroline: Hi :)
Klaus: * sweating * Shit
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hyperactivewhore · 6 months
We, as a fandom, don't speak enough about the fact that Klaus is canonically into bdsm
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nightingale2004 · 30 days
The originals next generation: Klaroline version
Adreena Rebekah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Lili Reinhart
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Adreena is the first daughter of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
She is the older half-sister of the Saltzman twins, and Hope Mikaelson
Everyone calls her Audrey or Reena for short
She is the oldest amongst her siblings and takes after her mother, but when enemies come after her family, her father's darkside shows completely
She is a werewolf vampire hybrid like her father but prefers her vampire side over her werewolf side
Her wolf form is golden dirty blonde fur when she transforms into her wolf form
She makes sure to keep her temper in check 24/7
She attempts to keep her family in line (it's very difficult)
Like her mom, she is a bit of a control freak and perfectionist
She is Aunt Rebekah's favorite, and they both have a love of fashion
Audrey is extremely overprotective of her family and loves her family very much
Audrey loves Hope, and the Saltzman twins
She helps out at the Salvatore boarding school
Believe it or not, she was conceived during the forest incident between Klaus and Caroline
Cornelius Finn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Rudy Pankow
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Cornelius is the second child of Caroline and Klaus
Like his sister, he is also a hybrid, but he prefers his werewolf side
He takes after Klaus due to his temper, lack patience, and love for a good fight
He also takes after his uncle Kol by being the mischievous, sarcastic troublemaker in the family, along with being the most playful and unserious among his family
His wolf form is golden blonde fur that is lighter than Audrey's
Loves Madi Gras and walks through the streets of New Orleans
Has a love for jazz, rock, and country music
He loves making his family smile and turning their frowns upside down
Can secretly juggle
Can't dance to save his life, but that doesn't stop him from hitting the dance floor
Is not afraid to embarrass himself in public
He's normally never serious, so when the situation calls for to be serious, he's completely unrecognizable .
He is extremely intelligent but doesn't show it a lot
Henrik Elijah Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Jace Norman
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Henrik is the second son and third child of Klaus Mikaelson and Caroline Forbes
Henrik is named after Klaus's younger late brother Henrik
He is the middle child, and surprisingly enough, for everyone, he was born a tribrid like Hope (the witch genes from Klaus's mother snuck in)
He is a year younger than Hope and tries to keep all three parts of himself in check
He spends time with his aunt Freya and Davina and Uncle Kol a lot since they have a lot of knowledge about the witch side of their family
He loves his family and his siblings
Like Hope, he also feels a bit different, but he also knows his family will be there for him no matter what
He is pretty serious and is the strategist in the family. He plans the alliances and makes sure that when his cousins and siblings take over, they don't make any more enemies than they already inherited from their parents
He also gets along well with the Saltzman twins and loves geeking out on magic with them and the Bennett sisters
His wolf fur is dirty blonde and darker than both his older brother and sister
Clara Evelyn Forbes Mikaelson
Faceclaim: Emma Myers
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Clara is the youngest child of Klaus and Caroline
She is also a werewolf vampire hybrid
Everyone calls her the baby wolf of the family
Like her older brother Cornelius, she likes seeing her family happy
She easily makes friends and is very social
She also knows all the drama that's happening in Salvatore boarding school and in New Orleans (she makes sure her family updates her daily)
She can easily get away with anything, and Klaus is weak with her
She is master of blackmail and negotiating
Like her father, she has an artistic soul and likes to paint with Hope a lot (sister sister time yay 😊 )
Despite being the youngest, she can be very intimidating since she takes after both her parents but has her mother's intelligence and nose for drama
Her wolf form is platinum blonde, almost white
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avalonicons · 11 months
Klaus Mikaelson x Caroline Forbes
REQUEST: Klaus and Caroline: cannot look bc they’re half undressed, walking up with their hair in their mouth, pressing their foreheads together - @cyllwswrld
a/n: this is my very first piece of writing on here so i’m very sorry if it’s terrible!
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Klaus and Caroline basically throw open the door to Caroline’s apartment both barely able to keep their eyes open after the night they had just experienced. When they arrive at Caroline's bedroom she immediately starts stripping so she could be able to get into her sleeping clothes when she notices Klaus’s back to her. “Klaus, is something wrong” she asks with worry evident on her face. “I wanted to give you some privacy” he says with his back still turned. Caroline walks over to him and wraps her arms around his waist. “Thank you Klaus.” She says and presses a kiss to his shoulder.
Klaus turns around to face her with a smile on his face. “Let’s go to bed now okay” he says, rubbing his hands through her hair. “Sounds good to me” she says and heads over to the bed and gets under the covers. “Goodnight my love” Klaus says, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “Goodnight,” She says before they both slip into sleep.
The sun shines through the curtains causing Klaus to be awoken from his sleep. He begins to stretch and roll to his side before feeling something in his mouth. As he picks it up and looks at it he sees the familiar shade of blonde that would belong to the sleeping woman beside him.
Groaning, he pulls the rest of her hair out of his mouth and turns to face her. “Caroline how is it possible that I ended up with your hair in my mouth” He says gently rubbing her shoulder. She slowly awakens, turning to him with a smile on her face. “What can I say I’m a very active sleeper,” She says, lifting her hand to rub his cheek.
Placing his hand on top of hers he releases a sigh. “you’re lucky I love you” He says sarcastically then grins down at her and placing his lips on hers. Caroline slowly pulls away and smiles up at him. “I sure am”. She says sitting up and pressing her forehead to his and giving him a small peck on the lips before getting up to begin her day with Klaus slowly following behind her.
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kcthescreamqueen · 1 month
Poll Thursday
This week we're doing Ms. Caroline Forbes, I'm loving Care Bear. I have a few ships for her honestly, some aren't even canon, and some are poly, which is odd... But ya know that's the fun part of shipping fictional people.
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Now for the winner of last weeks poll:
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Honestly, they were so fucking cute, and I'm still fucking pissed about what happened to Enzo. Fucking Julie hates happy endings, apparently since very few characters actually get one. I didn't forget the racism, trust me it isn't sliding with me. Anywhooo this is actually one thing I can't forgive Stefan for but that's just me, these two were so perfect for each other.
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thereideffects · 11 months
klaus x caroline fic recs please
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fortheboyzzz · 2 years
headcanons for klaroline being endgame and lizzie josie and hope being sisters?
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A/N: I just want to carify this is far far away from any universe where I ship Hizzie or Hosie.
The Mikaelsons happily welcome the three newest members of their family.
Especially after seeing how happy Klaus was on his and Caroline’s wedding day.
Hayley and Caroline patch all the high school drama up and often invite each other to have drinks as they bond over how much of a handful Klaus can be.
Meanwhile Klaus and Alaric refuse to be within less than ten feet of each other.
But Klaus loves the twins like they're his own.
The twins just admire Hayley.
And Caroline assures Hope that she’s not trying to replace her mom.
Freya loves to help Josie with her magic.
She’s also the one to sit down with both her and Lizzie to talk about the merge when they’re old enough.
Rebekah thoroughly enjoys taking Lizzie shopping any chance she gets.
Partly because she loves hearing all the gossip and shit talking, especially about Dana.
Neither Hayley, Marcel, or the rest of the family mind looking after the girls when Klaus and Caroline are away.
Klaus has offered the twins their own rooms but they’re content with sharing.
The girls make for an interesting dynamic.
“Lizzie, I told you to stay out of my room!” Hope angrily barges into the twins’ room.
“I didn’t go into your stupid room.”
“Then how did my headphones go missing?”
“Sorry,” Josie says shyly, putting her book down. “I lost mine so I borrowed them.”
Hope definitely has a bit of a bias towards Josie.
They just get along easier.
 On the other hand, she and Lizzie are always bickering and throwing remarks at each other.
And with the amount of peeple who’ve tried to come after Hope, Lizzie has definitely told her “I too find your existence annoying.”
 Klaus wants to rush to every argument he hears but Caroline says that they need to work it out themselves.
Lizzie and Hope constantly throw the “you’re not my real sister” card at each other.
Until Hope accidentally takes it too far and says “And Caroline’s not even your real mom!” in front of Caroline and instantly regrets it.
Klaus scolds her for it and tells her to apologize.
Since Hope doesn’t rely on Alaric to fulfil a father figure role, his relationship with the twins is healthier.
But with them slowly spending more and more time in New Orleans, that mixed with his resentment towards Klaus, Alaric starts drinking.
Which Caroline finds out when the girls  get back and Lizzie  goes straight to her room without saying a single word.
“Dad’s drinking again,” Josie says before going to cuddle with her sister.
Klaus is ready to tear him a new one but Caroline beats him to it.
Then she files for full custody.
Hope tries to comfort them with ice cream but just ends up joining the cuddle session.
There’s one time where Klaus finds Lizzie in the aftermath of an episode and rushes to make sure she’s okay.
“Do you think I’m broken?”
 His heart aches at the question, “If you’re broken then are a mosaic, your imperfections are what make you beautiful.”
And he later hangs up a mosaic above her bed.
That was their bonding moment.
 For Klaus and Josie’s moment, it was after she went dark.
She isolates herself for a while until Klaus comes to comfort her.
And makes a joke about her still being  a saint on her worst day compared to Elijah on a good day.
Caroline and Rebekah bumping heads when it comes to planning events, like the twins’ birthday party.
Family vacations.
Klaus pushing for Hope to tag along on family excursions.
Klaus being equally over protective of the twins’ dating life.
Josie, as embarrassed as she may be, tries to get her partners to give him the benefit of the doubt.
Lizzie on the other hand decides that sneaking around is the better option.
Until she gets caught.
“You’ve been sneaking out?!” he says, catching her climbing out the window.
“And skipping class,” Hope chimes in.
Which leads Lizzie to bring up Roman to throw some heat off of her.
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Watching The Show Where A Klaroliner Creates The TVD Plot (Klaroline) - Chapter 3: Caroline Has a GPA of 4.0 & Klaus is Proud His Wifey (how can he not be?)
3. Caroline Has a GPA of 4.0 & Klaus is Proud His Wifey (how can he not be?)
Disclaimer - (Cause fanfiction is tricky ground and I hope not to offend the creator of the original story and get sued)
I do not own "The Vampire Diaries", it belongs to its original creator Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and L. J. Smith. This is only a fanfiction, it is a piece of nonprofit work - that I was inspired to write by the original work. Please support the official release of "The Vampire Diaries". All of the characters come from the original work, a lot of the lines/text/scenes come from it as well. Most of the media - such as the art and illustrations, gifs, video's, etc. used in this fanfiction - are from the web. To fit the story, images can/are also edited (usually by me) using various apps and websites. So these images aren't mine; just edited a lot of the time.
Also if you own a picture or Video that I found online, and you either want your name added, or me to take it down. Please contact me and we can talk it out. P.s. I also ask that you do not copy my work and/or publish it onto any other website.
Warnings: Spoilers for TVD season 2 episode 21, Elena Bashing, Damon Bashing, (Temporary) Death of Damon & Elena
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"You have to be smart to play a dumb blonde over and over again and keep the audience's attention without extraordinary physical equipment."
~Judy Holliday
In the Lockwood Cellar, Tyler, in wolf form, growled and snarled at Caroline and Matt, snapping his venomous fangs at them. Luckily for them, the iron gate separated them, as Caroline held the gates shut, as she was unable to reach the chains.
"Caroline, let me help!" Matt tried to reason with her.
"Get back," The eternal teenager ordered, "I got it!"
Just as she said that, Tyler lunged at the gate, fitting his snout through the doors, as he kept snapping and snarling.
Caroline flinched as the deadly drool landed on her skin, but kept holding the gate steady.
Matt aimed his rifle at Tyler, the wolf recognising the danger, backed up, before trying to lunge again.
"Caroline, the door's not going to hold." Matt warned her.
For once, Klaus found himself agreeing with the human. The cage was meant to keep the wolf in, not out, especially when it was unchained.
The hybrid had to glance at Caroline to remind himself, and push the worry down, that his baby vampire was ok. The useless pup didn't manage to get to her.
Matt took a few steps back in fear, but continued to hold his gun towards Tyler. "Come on!" He pleaded.
"Tyler, please!" Caroline begged, trying to get through to the man in the wolf, but the beast didn't let up on his relentless attacks.
Matt's survival instincts kicked in as he finally pulled the trigger, shooting Tyler in the shoulder. The wolf let out a yelp, but didn't go down, so Matt pulled the trigger again.
Caroline flinched away from the scene at the wolf's second yelp. "Matt! No, hey, no! It's Tyler!"
"It's trying to kill us!" Matt defended himself.
Matt raised his rifle again, but Caroline stopped him, "Wait!" she said, as she looked at the wolf who was laying down on the ground, panting in pain as his body struggled to heal itself after the two consecutive shots. "He's wounded." The vampire said, realizing the wolf wouldn't be able to move for a while.
"Caroline, stay back." Matt said, as he realized what she was about to do.
But it was too late as Caroline began to open the door. "We can go around him."
Katherine let out a whistle, impressed. "You can be quite the little daredevil when you want to be, huh sunshine."
"It was actually quite smart." Sage noted. "That would be the best time to move. He's wounded, so you'll have a higher chance of escaping without giving him an opening to attack. He'd be too slow. Pretty smart." She complimented the blond. "But 'we'? I would leave the human behind."
"I wouldn't, "Caroline glared at the red head. "Ever!"
Sage raised an eyebrow, the girl definitely had fire, she thought, her lips curving upward into a small smirk.
Finn glanced at the women he loved, it was rare for Sage to take a liking to someone, but when she did, she always protected them. So far he'd only seen the blond as someone his younger brother was interested in, an interesting feat, but nothing he'd give attention to. But it seems he'd need to re-evaluate the young vampire.
Sage wasn't the only one smiling, Bonnie was as well, though the witches were a lot softer. Of course, how could she be so stupid. She was still the same Caroline. Being a vampire didn't change who you are, it only amplified them. And if there was one thing Caroline was, it was loyal. Even as a child, Caroline fiercely protected those she considered hers. Yet she turned her back on her, when her best friend needed her the most... the witch's smile fell, as guilt ate up at her.
Shelia smiled, pleased that this was going the way she intended. She wasn't doing this to make her granddaughter feel bad. Bonnie was meant to take a second look at her actions, and realize her faults, so she could become aware of them, and fix them. She had been making rash decisions without knowing the full story, well it was time for them all to learn the whole story.
"Are you nuts?" Matt asked, aiming his weapon again.
"You're not going to shoot him again, okay?" Caroline said, offering her hand. "Okay. Matt, take my hand." She said, when Matt hesitated.
Matt glanced at it, but didn't accept, so Caroline opened the door and walked out, Matt followed behind her, with the gun still aimed at Tyler.
Klaus' shoulders tensed as Caroline walked out, and he glanced at her.
This time, Caroline caught him from the corner of her eye. She moved her head slightly to face him, and mouthed, 'I'm alright.'
He felt himself relax, and the tension leave his body with her two simple words. That was Caroline, brave, even in the face of danger.
"I got it." Matt said.
Caroline glanced behind at him, "Matt, take my hand." She told him, firmer this time.
The human finally complied and placed the rifle over his shoulder as he took Caroline's hand and she flashed the two of them out of the cellar.
Back at Alaric's residence, Damon and Katherine were at Alaric's wet bar, observing the werewolf bite on his arm.
"So that's what a werewolf bite looks like." Katherine said, fascinated as she stood over him.
"Yep." Damon said.
"It's not that bad." Katherine noted.
"It gets worse." Caroline winced, remembering her own experience.
Kol smirked, "Yeah, not exactly your best wooing tactic, was it big brother".
Klaus opened his mouth, but Caroline beat him to it, "Saying that, 'saving me was always part of the plan', doesn't fix it."
"But my blood did." Klaus replied, flashing her a boyish smile, his dimples fully visible. Caroline let out a huff, and turned back to the screen.
Elijah watched the exchange in shock, when was the last time his brother let someone cut him off, let alone speak to him like that. His brother was almost... playful. But that wasn't possible, was it?
"Will be." Damon said, as he remembered Rose. He stood up and rolled down his sleeves. The fabric irritated the wound, but at least he wouldn't have to look at it this way.
"So that's it? You're just...going to die?" Katherine asked.
"Well, that depends. You know anything about a cure?" Damon asked, not having any expectations.
Katherine shakes her head.
Damon sighed, if even Katherine, a woman who had connections everywhere didn't know about a cure, then there just wasn't going to be one.
"Well, if you blood idiots put your connected single brain cell to the use, instead of just focusing on the bloody doppelganger, you could do the math and realize that a cure would exist before the night is up." Kol snarked.
"How much do you want to bet their precious doppelganger wouldn't suddenly mind dying like the martyr she is." Rebekah added.
"I-I", Elena spoke up, but she didn't have anything to say.
Rebekah smirked, leave it to Eleana Gilbert to give her the perfect opportunity, "What, you can't tell Stefan that you would die for Damon, but wouldn't live for him?" She taunted.
Elena stayed quiet, and Stefan knew that what Rebekah said was completely true.
Elena would die for Damon,
But she wouldn't live for him.
Damon grabbed his jacket off the couch, and slid it on. "Me, either."
"145 years and no last good-bye?" Katherine pouted playfully.
Damon glared at her, "You don't get a good-bye." She clearly didn't know a cure, and she was his best bet, so the last thing he wanted was to spend any more time than necessary with her.
Damon turns away from her. But Katherine wasn't done yet, so she flashed in front of him, and placed her hand on his chest to stop him. "No. Don't leave mad." Katherine pouts.
"You just can't leave him alone can you!" Elena said sharply.
Katherine shrugged, "I couldn't leave until Klaus got back or it would have been worse. I was bored and he was my only entertainment."
Damon looked down, of course that's what it was. Katherine only ever saw him as a toy to keep her boredom away.
Elena saw Damon's reaction, and jealousy smacked her across the face, silencing her.
Damon couldn't still have feelings for Katherine could he?!
He loved her... or did he love Katherine's face on her?
"Y-you-" Elena tried to get her words out.
Katherine smirked, and turned to Elijah, completely ignoring Elena, "Did you really have to spend the next days chasing Klaus and cleaning up his messes, when you could have been chasing me?" She pouted. The best reaction you can give someone who wants one, is no reaction at all. Elena wasn't even worth her time.
Elijah gave her a soft smile, as he saw Katherine's playfulness shine through.
"Us ending up on good terms isn't exactly on my bucket list, Katherine." Damon rolled his eyes.
Damon tried to walk out, but Katherine stopped him again.
"Klaus made me call Jenna to lure her out. There was nothing that I could do. I didn't have a choice." She defended herself.
"That's why I gave you the vervain. So you had a choice." Damon reminded her.
"It was her or me. I chose her." Katherine answers.
"I helped you. You owed me." Damon said, starting to get angry. "Now when Klaus dies, you're going to walk out of here without a scratch and Elena's aunt dies. Somehow you're the only one that wins. How'd that happen?"
Klaus rolled his eyes, "Again, the worst you could do is desicate me. If there was another way to kill us than a White Oak Stake, don't you think our countless enemies, who are much older than you children, would have found it by now?" Klaus reminded them.
"Katherine didn't say anything!" Elena shouted.
Katherine raised an eyebrow, "Was I supposed to? What happened to you wasn't my concern. Fight or Flight. I choose flight, I live. You chose to fight, you died. See who really won her? Spoiler alert, it's me."
Elena growled, and launched at Katherine, but the vampire effortlessly snapped the human's neck.
"Elena!" Caroline shouted, rushing to her friend's side, Bonnie following behind her.
"She's not breathing..." Bonnie said, her voice quite.
Katherine rolled her eyes, "Of course she isn't, I snapped her neck."
"You bitch!" Damon growled, rushing at Katherine, but he was stopped by Elijah's hand at his throat.
"Let's all act like civilized people, shall we." Elijah said to the group, his hand tightening around Damon's throat.
"Come on, it was just getting good." Kol complained.
Damon still wasn't done, "W-ell... y-you te-ll you're bi-", before Damon could finish, Elijah ripped out his heart, faster than even the vampire eyes could comprehend.
Elijah dropped Damon's body onto the floor next to Elena's. "Anyone else?" He asked, before sitting down.
"I didn't let love get in the way." Katherine said.
"Enjoy an eternity alone, Katherine." Damon growled, walking past Katherine.
"What are you going to do?" Katherine asked from behind him.
Damon turned around to look at Katherine, "I'm going to offer myself as a replacement to Klaus." He said, determined to get his way.
"He won't take you." She informed him, "He saw your bite, he said that your blood is impure. I'm sorry, Damon. But Jenna's dead, there's nothing you can do about it."
Rebekah let out a laugh. "Of Course he wouldn't. What would be the fun in that? The werewolf bite is a much cruler, slower way to die, then just getting your heart ripped out."
Klaus looked sick, "She's right, I waited a thousand years to break that curse, I wasn't going to risk it with a tainted vampire."
"Did you just say I was right?" Katherine asked, her smile sharp like a cat who got the canary.
Klaus glared at her, "Don't let it get to your head."
"Oh I wouldn't dare." Katherine said in a saccharine tone, as she placed a hand on her heart.
Elena woke up with a gasp, just as Damon shot up.
Stefan squeezed his brother's shoulders, but Damon shrugged it off as he went to Elena's side.
"Are you alright?", "Do you feel ok?", Carolien and Bonnie asked at the same time, still by Elena's side..
Elena glared at Katherine, "I died."
The vampire smirked, "You woke up just in time for the sacrifice."
Elena and Jenna were sitting on the ground. Jenna was clutching her head, as all her new senses overwhelmed her.
Jenna ran her fingers through her hair and pressed them on her skull, trying to put pressure on the pain that was running through her head, "Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?"
"Do you remember what happened?" Elena asked, moving closer to Jenna.
"You called me. You were so scared." Jenna told her story, regret and panic filling her voice. "Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire."
"Klaus." Elena concluded without a thought, "It was Klaus."
"You killed my aunt twice?" Elena said, glaring at the hybrid.
Klaus rolled his eyes, "Actually, I wasn't the one who snapped her neck. I had much more pressing matters to see to on the most important night of my life, than just purley making your life miserable."
At Elena's open mouth, Kol let out a chuckle, "Obviously my brothers primping 'on the most important night of his life', was much more important than turning your aunt."
Klaus growled, "Actually, I was ensuring everything was in place."
"So just barking orders at our minions like a bridezilla?" Rebekah asked in a saccharine tone, her lips curled upwards in a 'sweet', smile.
Klaus turned his glare form his brother, to his sister, but couldn't say anything, as she wasn't exactly wrong.
"He made me drink his blood. And I don't..." She tried to recall what happened next, but nothing came up. "I don't remember anything after that." She looked around at her surroundings, anxiously. She could pick up on every single sound around them. The flames cackling, the crickets chirping in the woods, the wind whistling through the trees. It was overwhelming her. "Where are we? What happened?"
Elena grabbed one of Jenna's hands in her own, "We're at the quarry. He brought us here."
"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna asked, confused.
"Jenna, do you remember...When I told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asks.
"Yeah," Jenna answers, remembering what Alaric had told her, "if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." The woman's eyes widen as she realizes what happened to her, "Oh, god. He killed me."
"Jenna, listen to me. Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here." Elena says, trying to calm her aunt down.
"I'm a vampire?" Jenna shouts, her emotions heightened like they never were before.
"And I bet you're hungry." Greta says, as she approaches them. Elena and Jenna look up at her. Elena see's a sharp rock on the ground and lunges for it, only for the witch to fling her away with a wave of her hand. With another motion, she creates a circle of fire around Elena.
Elena stands up and tries to move, only for the flames to rise higher, trapping her in the circle.
"Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circle. You're trapped. No matter what you do." Greta said with a smirk.
"Greta...Please, just- just let her go." Elena begged.
Greta ignored her as she picked up the sharp piece of rock, and slicked her wrist with it. Jenna stared at the blood that dripped from the witch's wound hungrily.
"Klaus chose her." The witch finally spoke, as she lowered her wrist to Jenna's mouth.
"No." Elena shouted at her.
"Drink it." Greta ordered.
"Jenna, don't!" Elena continued to shout.
"Please, you can't stop a newly turned vampire." Rebekah rolled her eyes.
"What do you know?" Elena demanded. "You drank from your own mother."
Rebekah's spine stiffend, she looked as if she was about to lunge for the doppelganger's neck. But she was stopped by Caroline.
"It's not like that at all. You can't stop, even if you want to. You can smell the blood, hear as the heart pumps blood throughout you with every beat." The baby vampire said, recalling her first feed clearly. "Your bodies just finished healing, and the cost of bringing you back from the dead isn't cheap. It's exhausting. Every single cell in your body's completely starving. It's almost like the universe wants a life for a life. A life to bring you back, and then more and more for the time you spend on this earth. So it's actually surprising that five newly turned vampires, who were all feeding on the same woman, didn't kill her. I mean I was the only one who fed on that nurse and I nearly killed her."
Everyone stared at the baby vampire in surprise, but Elijah caught onto the last part quickly. "Nearly?"
"I nearly killed her, but I was able to compel her to bandage up her wound and forget it ever happened. Not that it really mattered, I ended up killing a man at the carnival the same night." Caroline said, looking down as she remembered.
Katherine looked at her, surprised. "I left you in a hospital-"
"YOU DID WHAT!" Klaus roared, within an instant he was out of his chair and slamming Katherine into the opposite wall by her throat.
"Brother-" Elijah tried to reason with him, but Klaus wasn't having it.
"She was newly turned, and in transition, and Katherine just left her in a hospital, full of blood. With surgerious, accidents, and open wounds. There would have been a massacre if it was anyone other than Caroline."
"What?" Bonnie asked, surprised.
"Well simply put, not all baby vampire's are control freaks." Kol swung an arm around Bonnie's shoulder. "They aren't exactly born like Rippers, as Stefan was. But well... let's just say baby vampire's aren't known for their control."
Bonnie pushed Kol away, as guilt ate away at her.
"Older vampire's are expected to mentor their sirelings, a general rule for the vampire's to follow as a result of the deal the Originals have with the governments." Sage added.
"Wait, what deal?" Damon asked, but everybody ignored him, which made him seeth in anger.
"Do you have any idea what you would have done to her if it had succeeded?" Klaus growled at Katherine.
Klaus was about to rip out Katherine's heart, but he was pushed away by Caroline, who flashed between Klaus and Katherine. "Enough! She did what she did. I did what I did. We can't change that. But what happend, happened for the best."
"You become a vampire!" Elena protested.
"Yeah, well I'm better off for it." Caroline said without doubt. "She helped me."
Damon, not liking what would come up if Caroline kept going, but a hand on Elena's, "Elena, let it go." He said, giving her hand a squeeze. Elena got the message, and pressed her lips together, though she continued to glare at Caroline as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Klaus sighed, and sat back down. Now, as long as it was about her transition, Caroline would continue to protect Katherine, and that clearly wasn't going to change.
Katherine smirked at Caroline, but the blond shook her head, "This was a one time deal."
"Keep telling yourself that sunshine."
"I can't." Jenna shook her head.
Elena turned to Greta, "Let her go. Hey!"
Jenna, no longer able to stare at the bloody wrist in her face without eating, could no longer resist and let her virgin fangs sink into the witch's wrist.
"No!" Elena screamed as Jenna began drinking, "No."
But Jenna closed her eyes, unable to take anything else in, as the warm blood flowed down her throat and satisfied the monster clawing at her chest.
As soon as Jenna had drunk enough to finish her transition, Greta pulled her wrist out of Jenna's grip, when Jenna tried to stay latched on, Greta pushed her away with a wave of magic.
"That's enough." The witch said, standing up.
"Jenna. It's going to be okay." Elena tried to reassure her aunt, but Greta created another circle of flames around Jenna with a flick, causing the newly turned vampire to flinch away from the flames, looking terrified.
"Look at me. Hey, look at me." Elena called until Jenna turned her head towards Elena, the doppelganger paused for a moment, seeing the blood drip down her aunt's chin. "It's gonna be okay. It's gonna be okay." She said to herself more than her aunt this time."
Jenna shook her head, her lips unable to form words, as the hunger creeped through her, and dark veins created a web around her eyes.
In the Old Witch House, Jeremy and Bonnie were still trying to find a solution in the old grimoires.
"This is useless." Jeremy goraned. "All these grimoires. There has to be something in here to keep Elena from becoming a vampire."
"Well there were certainly spells in there, you just didn't know how to look." Kol said, confirming Jeremy's theory.
"What do you mean? We read through dozens of them, yet we barely managed to find anything other than potions, or talisman spells." Bonnie said, staring at the ex-witch, confused.
"Well you gotta know how to look for them. There's no way witches are just going to leave their heavy hitters out in the open." Kol explained. "Older generation of witches are supposed to teach the younger generation how to decode their grimoires. Their like key's only the witches of the line know, and thus, only those witches can read those spells and use them."
Shelia stared at her granddaughter, with regret in her eyes. She was a proud woman, and she didn't regret many things. But waiting so long until she began teaching Bonnie, was definitely a mistake. She was so afraid her granddaughter would follow in her mother's footsteps, that she failed to realize she was already pushing Bonnie into her mother's footsteps, by keeping a part of her hidden from her.
Bonnie's eyes widened, as she finally realized what that meant. The anger she had buried down for the Salvatours, and Elena's actions, began to rise, as she realized they hadn't just taken her grandmother away from her, but a part of her as well.
"And we'll keep looking." Bonnie insisted. "Until the last minute."
Elijah, Alaric, and Stefan had just parked on the driveway, and were walking across the yard.
"The sacrifice is completed in stages as the full moon sets." The original informed the group. "First the werewolf is killed, then the vampire. Finally the doppelgänger. Once Elena dies, the curse will be broken. Klaus will become a hybrid."
"So when do we attack?" Alaric asks.
"Elena's death will activate his dormant werewolf side. He'll be vulnerable during the transformation. That's when Bonnie comes in." Elijah answered.
"Told you." Kol said in a sing-song voice. "Dear old Elijah needs the sacrifice to happen, how else is he supposed to turn the magic surrounding Klaus, on him, to dessicate him - well more like have Bonnie turn the magic on Klaus to make it easier to dessicate. Plus, let's not insult the intelligence of everybody in this room, except the human doppelganger and salvatores, we all know the only way to kill an original is white oak stake."
"It would have worked if Elijah hadn't turned on us!" Elena whined.
Kol sighed, "Please, Elijah was never on your side, even when he's angry, he is always on team always and forever." He then turned to his brother, "Nik, what did it feel like when Elijah stuck his hand in your chest."
Klaus raised an eyebrow, "Oh, you mean aside from the piercing pain in my chest, and the sting of betrayal?"
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Please, we've been at the party for a thousand years, you're the one late to it."
The hybrid rolled his eyes, "I was growing weaker, and as if the blood to my body had been cut off."
"That proves my point." Kol smirked, when he saw the Mystic Fall's confused faces, he groaned. "Do I really need to spell it out for you? Fine. What was happening to Nik's body when Elijah was pulling out his heart was that he was basically cutting off circulation, making it harder for Nik's body to pump blood."
"So his body would need more energy and blood to function!" Caroline said, catching on.
"Five points to Hufflepuff." Kol nodded, "and with Bonnie cutting off Klaus connection, I'd even say she'd use the sacrifice magic to strain his body even more, the dessication would become even easier."
Everybody turned to Elijah, amazed. The man in the shit raised an elegant eyebrow, "This should come to no surprise. Niklaus wasn't the only one to study the sacrifice ritual for centuries."
"And you're sure Bonnie will survive this?" Stefan asked.
"If she can deliver him to the brink of death, I'll finish the job myself." Elijah answered.
"Liar!" Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol said in unison.
"You lied straight to their face." Rebekah said, impressed. Elijah left things out when working with others tons of times, but seeing him blatantly lie was quite rare.
"Not so noble are we now." Klaus smirked at his brother.
"Well I may not have planned to kill you, but I never planned for anyone in Mystic Falls to ever see you again." Elijah said, without a hint of remorse.
"Why does that sound so ominous?" Klaus asked his brother.
"Sounds to me like he planned to hide your body in a dark, musky dungeon." Kol answered.
"I would do no such thing." Elijah said, offended. "It would be next to the wine cellar."
"I at least had the decency to keep you guys above ground." Klaus glared at his brother.
"Above ground? You kept them in storage containers." Stefan reminded him.
Klaus glared at Stefan, but before he could say anything, Rebekah screeched, "WAIT! That was permanent! I thought it was temporary, no wonder my poor skin got so pale."
"Rebekah darling, in case you haven't figured it out in the last thousand years, you're a vampire!" Kol reminded his sister, only to get a vase thrown at his head.
Elijah sighed as he stared at the shattered antique, "We should have moved them before this began."
"I have a feeling this won't be the last." Klaus sighed.
Stefan's phone rang before the two men could ask Elijah any more questions.
"Damon." Stefan said, answering the call.
"You're not going to like what I'm about to say." Damon groaned
"Cut to the chase. Is the sacrifice happening or not?" Stefan asked.
"It's happening. I tried to stop it," Damon said, regretful, "but it got...complicated."
"We're sticking with the original plan." Stefan said, having no time to duel on what his brother meant. "We're meeting Bonnie right now."
"He's got Jenna, Stefan." The older vampire revealed.
"What?" Stefan asked, hoping he hadn't heard his brother right.
"He got Kath to lure her out of the house." Damon explained.
Stefan looked back at Alaric, getting worried.
"What is it?" The hunter asked, not liking the look on Stefan's face. "What's wrong?"
"He's going to use her as the vampire in the ritual."
"Oh, my god." Stefan said, eyes wide.
Elena couldn't stop pacing back and forth in the circle of fire, well Jenna kneeled in hers, still weak from the transition.
"How are you feeling?" Elena asked.
"Her neck was snapped, she woke up in a sacrificial ritual in the middle of the woods, oh and she just transitioned into a vampire. What do you think?" Sage asked.
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "She clearly wasn't thinking. What she expected was for her aunt to move on, and reassure her that she's fine, even though it's her fault that Jenna was even dragged into this mess."
"It wasn't my fault!" Elena protested. "I didn't ask for this!"
"Didn't you?" Katherine asked. "Let's say this one wasn't your fault. The sacrifice may not have been your fault, but people do keep dying because of you. You got involved with the Salvatores, and then dragged your friends into it. Caroline, Bonnie, and even Matt wouldn't be in this world if it wasn't for you. And then, you keep picking fights with the Mikaelson's, where everyone but you, turns into a casualty."
"No I- they didn't!" Elena shook her head.
"My mother." Bonnie suddenly found herself blurting out. "My mother wouldn't have had to turn, if you didn't make that deal with Esther. We wouldn't have been involved, if you didn't go to that ball. Hell, my mother only got dragged back into this life, because of the coffins Stefan stole... for you."
"He didn't steal them for me!" Elena shouted, standing up.
This gained multiple reactions of disbelief from the group, even Stefan himself. Everybody knew, even with his humanity off, the reason Stefan hopped through all those hoops wasn't just revenge on Klaus, but to help Elena.
"I feel like myself..." Jenna said, trying to reassure her niece. :Only not. Everything is brighter. The fire's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything."
"Vampires can turn off the part that's human." Elena informed her aunt. "That's the part that hurts."
"I'm gonna die, aren't I?" Jenna asked, her voice cracking as her eyes began to gloss over from unshed tears.
"No! Jenna, I'm not going to let that happen." Elena said, refusing to believe this was happening. "I don't care what I have to do."
In the distance, the sounds of twigs snapping and Jules groaning are heard by the two Gilberts. Jenna's head snaps towards the sound, as her new senses pick it up much more clearly.
"Who's that?" The vampire asks.
"That must be the werewolf." Elena concludes, seeing that was the only element missing from the ritual site.
Just as the doppelganger predicted, Greta came with Jules and pushed the werewolf down onto the ground, ignoring the way the woman clutched her stomach in pain.
"What's happening to me?" Jules asked, panicking.
"I cast a spell to slow down your transformation." The witch answered, uncornered. "Your insides are trying to tear themselves free."
"I had no idea spells like that existed, they clearly go against the natural order." Bonnie said, amazed.
"Well you can't call anything unnatural, because at this point, we have no idea what's truly natural. Witches themselves have been messing with the natural order since the dawn of time." Kol said.
"That makes no sense." Elena protested.
"Doesn't it?" Kol challenged. "Take vampires, we were unnatural when we began, but after a thousand years, we have made our place in this world. Our mother may have created monsters, but vampire's are the one's keeping overpopulation in check, and if our mothers spell had succeeded, then the world would have fallen into chaos. Overpopulation would have just been the beginning. Anyone wants to try and guess what else would have happened."
Katherine hummed, "Well for starters, the monsters the originals kept in check, would take over. And don't even get me started on the witches."
"Exactly. With the will of time, nature accepts everything, integrating yourself is easy, it just takes time. It's when you remove a piece of the puzzle, that the rest of the tower tumbles to the ground." Kol explained.
Caroline's eyes widened as she caught on, "It's the ecosystem we've been learning since we were five."
"Well vampire's a part of it as well, love. Just because you don't learn about us, does not change the fact that we're on the top of the food chain. Take us away, and the rest of the pyramid falls into chaos."
Greta moves away, flicking her wrist, a third ring of fire encircles Jules, trapping her just like the other two sacrifices.
“Greta, witches are supposed to maintain the balance in nature. It's your duty to them to keep this curse sealed.
"Oh yeah, because locking a part of a supernatural being, one that they were born with, is completely natural. It's not like you're trying to change a part of them that they were naturally born with." Klaus said sarcastically.
"My duty is to Klaus!" Greata said confidently. "The new order."
Just then Klaus arrived, pleased to see everything in place. "Glad to know I still have a dance partner." He turned to stare of the vampire, werewolf, and doppelganger, "Hello, my lovelies. Are we ready?"
Matt and Caroline rushed into the Lockwood Mansion, the baby vampire slamming the door behind them and locking them.
"Come on. Get in here!" Caroline calls Matt over, as she leans against the door, finally feeling a sense of relief. Matt opened the curtains to get a look outside, "Do you see anything?" The girl asked.
"We're not safe here." Matt said, glancing out the window, before closing the curtains. "If that thing wants in, it's getting in." He says, opening the chamber of his rifle and reloading it.
"Well he's not wrong." Katherine snarked. "It's not like werewolves need permission before entering. Pretty sure that's us."
"You sure never had a problem entering. Guess that must be thanks to your bitch side." Elena glared at the immortal doppelganger.
Katherine pouted at Elena, "Aww, what's wrong? Jealous nobody ever invites you in?" She asked in a baby voice, "Shame it doesn't seem to stop you from barging in."
"How did you even know what I was?" Caroline asked, still confused on that part. "I compelled you to forget!"
"I was on vervain." Matt revealed. "I faked forgetting so I could spy on you. It was your mom's idea."
Matt walked out of the room, and Caroline, still in shock, followed after him.
"Wait, my mom knows?! Oh my God! You told her. Well, what'd she say?" Caroline asked, scared of what the answer may be.
Matt turned back around to look at Caroline, "Your mom hates vampires. She grew up hating vampires. She'll probably always hate vampires." He said, breaking the news to her.
"Isn't that a familiar feeling." Kol jokes, only to earn a glare from his brother.
The last thing Klaus needed, or wanted was Kol making the situation worse for Caroline. From what he'd seen, Caroline and her mother had gotten over their differences, the women being willing to invite him in to save her daughter's life. But that would do little to ease the hurt Caroline felt then.
But the baby vampire seemed to caught up in the memory of the conversation her and Matt had and all the emotions that rushed back with it, to really pay Kol any attention
"Well, what about you?" Caroline asked.
"What about me?" Matt repeated, trying to avoid the question.
But Caroline wasn't letting him off the hook. "Where does this leave us?"
"Stuck in this house. Trying not to get mauled to death by our friend." Matt said, not answering what she was really asking. He left the room, leaving a visibly distressed Caroline behind.
There was a persistent knocking on the front door of the Salvator House, causing Damon to walk down the stairs, stumbling a bit as he tried to reach the front hall.
"Heard ya." The Salvatour groaned, as the knocking continued. Damon stabilized a bit as he approached the door, but quickly regained his balance. The vampire rolled up his sleeve to see that the werewolf bite had gotten worse.
Klaus smirks, "See, why would I give him the mercy of a quick and painless death, when he can suffer in agony for hours instead."
"That, and you're too stuck up to ever want to use a tainted vampire in your ritual." Kol reminded his brother.
The hybrid looked offended, "I waited-"
"A thousand years. Yes we know Nik. We've heard that over a thousand times-" The youngest original cut her brother off, only to be cut off by Kol.
"-each year-"
"-so yes. We know how you'd never take a risk. Can we go on now?" Rebekah asked.
Damon opened the front door to see John Gilbert standing in front of him. "Great." he groaned, not at all happy to see the other man, "I was just thinking about getting a bite to eat."
"Elena hasn't returned any of my calls for days." John says, getting straight to the point as he walks into the house, "I need to see her."
Damon shuts the front door and turns to look at him. "Well, you're a day late and a daughter short, John."
"What are you talking about?" John asks, not liking what the vampire was trying to say.
"Klaus has her. Sacrifice goes down tonight." Damon answered bluntly.
"How could you let that happen?" The Gilbert demanded. "You were supposed to keep her safe. Wasn't that the sum total of your plan? To keep her safe?"
"She is safe." Damon rolled his eyes, "I fed her my blood."
"You what?!" John asked, worried.
"When Klaus kills Elena in the sacrifice, she will come back to life." Damon said, already explaining what the other man knew was unavoidable. "Granted, as the thing you hate most in the world, but no one really cares what you think."
"Yeah, except for the little fact you're the only one who wanted her to come back as a vampire. Stefan, the Bennett Witch, Gilbert #2, even your precious doppelganger herself doesn't want to be like you." Rebekah said, more than happy to remind Damon of how he'd screwed up in the eyes of multiple people.
Damon then starts to walk into the parlor. John attempts to grab him, trying to stop him; but Damon is faster and spins John around, slamming him against a wall.
"You do not want to mess with me right now." The vampire warned him.
John straightened up, trying to look more intimidating, "You ruined her life. You know that, right?"
"I know, John." Damon idmited. "I took her choice, destroyed her future. Trust me, I get it. It actually gets worse."
"How could it possibly get any worse?" John wonderned, as he watched Damon walk away.
Jules, Elena, and Jenna were still contained in their rings of fire. The werewolf continues to moan in pain. Up on a nearby hill, Klaus retrieves the moonstone from his pocket.
"I've got the moonstone." He told the witch, "I spent 500 years looking for this. I hate to part with it." He said, reminding her not to screw up.
Greta took a look at the sky, "The moon has passed its apex. Remember everything you need to do?"
"I remember." Klaus answered.
Greta dropped the moonstone into a stone bowl filled with flames. Sparks began to fly as the moonstone was destroyed in exchange for the magic. The witch begins chanting a spell in Latin.
Klaus took that as his que to approach the rings of fire. Jules is still on the ground, moaning in pain, but looks up at Elena.
"Everything I did..." The woman groaned out, "I was just trying to help Tyler."
"Are you Jules?" Elena asked.
"I didn't want him to be alone!" Jules shouted as Klaus approached her.
"Shall we?" Klaus asked, looking down at the werewolf.
The ring of fire around Jules disperses. Her eyes turned yellow and she tried to use her werewolf speed to rush at Klaus.
Alas, Klaus was stronger and easily got the upper hand and pinned Jules to the ground, plunging his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart.
Jules took a final breath, her tears streaming down her face as she died.
Klaus breathed heavily as he held the bloody heart in his hand.
The remaining two women took in the sight, horrified.
Klaus couldn't help but think about what Jules had done to Caroline, and knew he should have prolonged the women's death.
Kol smirked, knowing exactly what his brother was thinking, "What? Wishing you'd dragged out her death?"
The hybrid rolled his eyes, "We all know that getting your heart ripped out is one of the quickest deaths. The only one that can beat it is a quick neck snap."
Back in the Old Witch House, Jeremy is looking through a grimoire as Bonnie looks over his shoulder.
"Which one are you reading?" The witch asks.
"Emily Bennett's, there's a section on spells she did for my ancestor, Johnathan Gilbert." Jeremy answers.
"Yeah, I think she had a thing for him." Bonnie remembers.
Jeremy looked up at her, and she smiled at him. "There's something on a resuscitative spell she was working on."
"I saw that, too. She just didn't explain what it did, exactly." She says, already knowing it's a dead end.
"Well, maybe Johnathan wrote about it in his journals. You know, I can have Stefan bring them." Jeremy suggests, just as the basement door creaks open.
Bonnie hears the noise, "Someone's here."
Alaric walks down the stairs and into the basement.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Jeremy asks.
"Elijah and Stefan are upstairs." Alaric says to Bonnie, "You mind if I have a second with Jeremy?"
"They do know their wasting time right. With all this trying to have seperate talks. Why spend 30 minutes repeating something, than another 30 trying to console someone who's gonna go into shock." Sage sighed.
Katherine shrugged, "Not like it's going to do them any good against Klaus."
"I'm alive here aren't I." Elena said, smirking.
"Yeah... and John and to die for that. I wonder... if they found the spell, but discovered that they'd need to kill someone else to save you, and Jeremy's the only human around for miles. What to you think Damon would do?" Katherine challenged.
Elena's smirk fell of her face, and she gulped, trying to find an answer. "H-he wouldn't do that."
"Whatever lets you sleep at night." Katherine smirked, taunting Elena.
"Sure, yeah. Of course." Bonnie says and gets up and leaves the basement.
"What's the matter?" Jeremy asks, getting worried at the look on Alaric's face.
"Jeremy..." Alaric began, not sure what to say, "Something's happened to Jenna."
"Why did he take Jenna?" Bonnie asks, being caught up by the two vampires.
"A punishment for meddling." Elijah answers, knowing his brother.
"Klaus was going to use Tyler and Caroline. But Damon rescued them." Stefan adds.
"Yeah, because I decided to just leave the sacrifices in an easily accessible cellar with a single witch standing guard. Vampire's are easy, but I'm not dumb enough to leave my werewolf laying around." Klaus reminds the group.
"If you already had a vampire, why the hell did you turn Jenna?!" Elena demanded.
"You can thank love sick vampire number 2 for that." Klaus smirks at her.
"Then we need to go. Now. Before Jenna's been sacrificed. I can kill Klaus myself." Bonnie said.
"Bonnie...If you use that much power, you'll be dead." Stefan reminded her. "We've already been through this. It's not an option."
"Neither is letting Jenna die." Bonnie argued.
"Well, Stefan would agree with you." Elijah sighed.
Bonnie looks at them, confused. Stefan walks closer towards Bonnie, "We're going to offer another vampire. One that he'll want more. Me."
Greta continues chanting the spell while Klaus holds Jules's heart over the ceremonial bowl, squeezing the blood into the flames.
"Does that mean it's working?" Klaus asks, watching the flames rise higher.
"It's working." The witch confirmed.
Over in the rings of fire, Elena watches Klaus and Greta in the distance. Jenna looks up at her, eyes glistening with tears.
"The day that the lawyers called to tell me that I was going to become your guardian, you know what my first thought was?" Jenna asks. The doppelganger looks down at her and shakes her head. "Isn't there someone else who can do this?" The strawberry blond reveals.
"Aww, was the poor little doppelganger not wanted for once." Rebekah says in a singsong voice.
"She didn't have to! Yet she did." Elena shouted at Rebekah.
"Yeah, because of guilt, sympathy, and maybe even pity." The original sister said, as if she was talking to a baby.
"Your just upset that somebody actually choose me." The doppelganger growled.
"Yeah, well now she's dead." Katherine reminds her copy.
Elena looked a her, dumbfounded, "How can you say that!"
"Because I can, and it's the truth." Katherine rolled her eyes.
"Jenna, there was no one else who could have gotten me and Jeremy through all of that." Elena says, trying to comfort her aunt.
Jenna shakes her head, "It's just the thought that I almost passed up taking care of you."
"But you didn't." Elena says, kneeling down. "You put your entire life on hold to help us."
"Look around, Elena. I failed you." Jenna says, blaming herself for this mess. If only she's kept a closer eye on her niece, none of this would have happened."
"No. You didn't. I failed you. I'm so sorry." Elena says, trying to reassure her aunt. "Listen. Being a vampire, it intensifies your guilt. But it also makes you stronger and faster. You can fight back. I'm gonna get through this. I'll be okay. I need you to believe that. Promise me, when you get the chance..." Elena places a finger to her lips and whispers the next word, "Run."
Jenna nodded, whispering, "Okay."
"He's a thousand year old vampire, what good did you think whispering would do?" Sage groaned. Not understanding how people can be do dumb. Jenna may have just found out, but Elena should have clearly known better.
Matt peers out another window. "You don't think I killed him, do you?" He asked.
"No. No. It takes a lot more than wooden bullets to kill a werewolf. He's still out there somewhere." Caroline answered, from where she was sitting on the couch in the parlor. "Do you think my mom wants to kill me?"
Klaus glared at the boy on the screen, there was only one correct answer to the question, and if he answered wrong, he'd hunt him down and turn him, just so he could spend centuries torturing him.
"I don't think your mom knows what to do with you." Matt answered.
'Wrong answer.' Thought Klaus. 'He's dead.'
"Yeah, well, I don't really know what to do with me, either." Caroline says, trying to laugh it off, but her voice wavers as the water works threaten to overcome her.
Matt looks at her. Suddenly, Caroline becomes more alert as she hears a noise on the front porch.
"What is it?" He asks, as he begins to slowly creep closer towards the front door.
"Wait." Caroline says, as she hears the wine of the werewolf trying to be let in.
Matt raises his gun, but Caroline stops him, "Don't. Don't shoot."
Caroline rushes up the stairs. She rapidly searches through the bathroom cabinet, until she finds what she was looking for.
She then flashes to the kitchen, and comes back with a packet of raw bacon.
Matt watches, confused as she takes some strips, and hands the nearly empty pack back to him.
He watches, surprised as she opens the bottle of sleeping medication, and dumps several pills into her hand.
Matt stops her, "Woah, do you know what you're doing."
"No." Caroline answers honestly. "But it's better than shooting him."
Matt couldn't argue with that, so he stayed silent as she finished wrapping the pills in the bacon. She then quietly moved towards the window, not wanting to catch the wolf's attention quicker than needed.
She threw the bacon out the window, and quickly slammed it shut as the wolf lunged. His nose hit the clash, putting a crack in it. But luckily, the bacon distracted him from making another attempt.
Caroline bit her lip, watching nervously as the large creature devolvered the meat in a single bite. The pills stayed tightly encased in the meat, and went into him, along with it.
Now, all she could do was wait, and hope the bullets had tired his werewolf healing out enough, that the pills could work their magic.
Everyone in the room stared at the screen amazed.
Klaus was the first to shake off the shock, "You truly are something else, love." He said, completely in awe.
"That was quite the show sunshine." Katherine complimented.
"How'd you even know it would work?" Rebekah asked.
"I didn't." Caroline admitted, not used to the praise. "It was the only other option we had though."
"It's certainly smarter than trying to shoot at a werewolf with wooden bullets that would do nothing to him." Sage nodded, impressed. The baby vampire had definitely proved that she could think on her feet.
Stefan was standing outside the Old Witch house, when Elijah approached him.
"Bonnie did the locator spell." The original informed him, "They're at Steven's Quarry."
"I'll head over there first and you'll follow with Bonnie when it's time." Stefan said, knowing what he'd have to do.
"Just as the moon hits its final phase." Elijah reminded him. "She's to stay hidden until then. He cannot know that she's alive."
Stefan nods and begins to walk away.
"You're very honorable." Elijah said from behind him.
Stefan turns back around, looks at Elijah, and walks back towards him. "Are you?" He asks, "Because this whole plan is, um, it's contingent upon your honor, Elijah."
Elijah paused, wondering if Stefan had realized his true intentions. But a glance into the younger vampire's eyes revealed that it was just paranoia. "I won't fail you."
"Klaus is your brother. I know I've wanted to kill my brother a thousand times. I've never been able to." Stefan said, speaking from personal experience.
Elijah paused, thinking of the best response to deal with Stefan's worries. "Well, Klaus was not my only brother. I had siblings; parents. I had a family. Over the centuries, Klaus hunted them down one by one and he took them from me. He scattered them across the seas where their bodies could not be found."
Kol rolled his eyes, "Really Elijah. You should know by now, with the right spell, you could have easily brought us back."
"Yes well spells like that, especially for three whole people, would take time. Time that Niklaus would spend getting to know the feeling of being put to rest, without his consent." Elijah replied.
Klaus glared at his brother, "I think it's time to sharpen those daggers."
Kol rolled his eyes, "You need a new threat Nik."
"Plus, with us in here, time won't move out their like Shelia so kindly explained. So go ahead, dagger me. I won't be missing out on anymore fashion weeks." Rebekah smiled. The cost of those daggers, was the time, and as long as they were in the witches spell buble, that cost would become null and void.
"You want revenge." Stefan realized.
"Sometimes there's honor in revenge, Stefan." Elijah admitted. He wouldn't kill his brother, but certainly was revenge. "I won't fail you."
"Please end this." Stefan pleaded one last time before leaving.
In the house, John walks down into the basement, holding a cardboard box. Jeremy and Bonnie approach him as he puts the box down on a table.
"I brought the Gilbert journals. I think I know the spell you're talking about." He told the two.
"Where's Damon?" The witch asked.
"Upstairs. Alaric wanted to talk to him." The older man answered as they took the journals out of the box and began to flip through them.
Upstairs Alaric has just explained to Damon that Stefan is willing to sacrifice himself.
"He did what?!" The older Salvatore shouted.
"He wasn't going to let Jenna die." Alaric reasoned. He didn't want Stefan to die, but he wanted Jenna alive more.
Damon grew frustrated at Alaric's response, "We have a witch. She kills Klaus. No one has to die!"
"But then Bonnie would die." Caroline said, frowning.
Rebekah rolled her eyes, "What do you expect? Salvatore elder, clearly doesn't care about anyone but his previous doppelganger."
"Except for Bonnie." Alaric reminded Damon.
"God, Stefan, damn it!" Damon cursed, punching a wall. Which resulted in his whole arm going into the wall.
Alaric watched his friend pull his arm out, "Hey, are you okay?"
"I'm fine." The vampire answered, beginning to calm down. "Well, that's my brother for you. Always cleaning up my messes." Damon exited the house as he said the last sentence. Alaric watched him leave, worried about what he'd do next.
"Hello, Jenna." Klaus said, approaching the ring of fire containing the women.
Jenna and Elena stood up to look at Klaus.
"Let her go." Elena begged, "I understand that I have to die, but she doesn't!" Elena walked closer to the flames, causing them to flare up and forcing her retreat.
"Careful." Klaus wanted. The last thing he needed was the most important element for the sacrifice burning to death before he could kill her.
"Elena, don't." Jenna protested, trying to reason with the girl.
"No, Jenna! We can't leave Jeremy without a family." Elena reminded her aunt, before turning to Klaus, "I followed your rules; I did everything that you asked. I didn't run. Please."
"No. You just involved my brother, had a witch as backup, oh, and refused to real in your boyfriends." Klaus reminded the group.
"I couldn't control their actions!" Elena protested.
"Really?" Kol asked, raising an eyebrow. Everybody knew that Elena could make the brothers listen to her, but she just refused.
Caroline couldn't help but think, underneath the matyar and golden girl persona Elena always wore, she loved the idea of everybody wanting her. Fighting for her. Willing to do anything for her. So she never tried to stop it, because she didn't want it to stop.
Klaus was about to answer, before something on the top of the quarry caught his attention. "Well, well. I don't recall you being on the guest list." He spoke to the new vampire.
Jenna and Elena look up as well, the doppelganger letting out a gasp when she sees who it was. Stefan was standing atop of the cliff, ready to make the trade. His life, for Jenna's.
"I'm here to talk." Stefan said, as if he had any power on the night's events.
Klaus glanced at Jenna, having an idea of what Stefan came for. "Very well, then." He agreed, flashing to the top of the cliff. Once he was on the edge, he walked calmy towards Stefan with his lips curved into a small smirk. "What can I do for you, Mr. Salvatore?"
"We found something in the Gilbert journals." Bonnie revealed to Damon.
"Johnathan journaled the story of a mother who called on Emily's services." John began explaining. "The woman's baby was sick; dying. Emily cast a spell that would bind the woman's life force with her child."
"Skip to the save Elena part." Damon, having no patience for what the man was saying.
"Honestly, you really need to get a hobby. One that isn't obsessing over YOUR brother's girlfriend." Rebekah glared at the older Salvatore.
"Funny how he can't seem to stop history from repeating itself, when all it would take is to find a girl that doesn't look like me." Katherine added. "I know I'm unforgettable, but we all know Elena could never compare. So instead of drinking cheap, knock-off wine, just switch brands."
"Well, the child died, but the mother's life force flowed through her, restoring her to life." John explained.
"We already know Elena's going to come back to life." Jeremy brought up, not seeing the solution here. "But she'll be a vampire."
"Not if her soul remains intact." John answered.
"Please, don't you start Finn." Kol said, before his older brother could open his mouth. "Vampire's have souls, it's a proven fact. How else do you think the other side works. Plus, if you argued you didn't have a soul, wouldn't you basically be saying your precious Sage doesn't have one either."
Finn opened his mouth, but shut it when he got a look from Sage, unable to argue with that.
Damon was still skeptical, "Her soul, really? You're going to put your faith in some act of god mumbo jumbo?"
John walks forward, closing the gap between Damon and himself. "I refuse to let Elena become the thing I've spent my life protecting her against. And you can call that God or mystical energy, whatever you want, but yes...I'm putting my faith in it." He said, before turning around and walking back towards Bonnie.
Stefan and Klaus were conversing on the cliff top, well Elena and Jenna looked up at them, trying to figure out what's happening.
"What's going on?" Jenna asked, confused.
"I-I don't know." Elena confesses, turning around to look at Jenna, "You can hear them." When Jenna looks at her, she adds, "You can hear anything. Jus-Just focus on them."
The new born vampire turned her attention to the two men on the cliff.
"You don't need to kill Jenna. I'll take her place." Stefan offered Klaus.
"Oh, I don't know. I rather appreciate the symmetry of three women," Klaus says as he starts to walk around Stefan, "Three goddesses, Sacrificed at nature's altar."
"What are they saying?" Elena whispers to Jenna.
"I can't-I can't make it out." Jenna admits, trying to focus.
"Her senses must still have been weak." Elena said knowingly, "It wasn't her fault."
Caroline shook her head, "The exact opposite actually." At Elena's confused look, the blond explained, "When you transition, the first thing that hits you are all the senses. You can hear everything, see every detail to the point it hurts your eyes. What Jenna is experiencing is overwhelming her, and her brain, that literally just came back from death, is struggling to keep up.
"You can do this. Just relax. Focus." Elena burgers, needing to know what was going on.
Stefan turned around to face Klaus, "Don't play games with me. You'll get what you want either way."
"I can hear him. I hear Stefan." Jenna says, getting excited.
"What are they saying?" Elena asks.
"You're quite the hero, aren't you? I've heard that about you." Klaus says, looking at the man who was a complete 180 from the man he met in the 20s.
"Just make the trade." Stefan urges him, "Me for Jenna."
"Oh, my god." Jenna gasps.
Elena looks worried, "What is it?"
"He wants to take my place."
Elena stares at her aunt, horrified, before looking up at Stefan.
Matt is sitting in the parlor, staring blankly at the fire. Caroline stares out the window.
"How's Tyler doing?" Matt asked.
"Sleeping." Caroline answers, "He should be back to normal by morning."
"Good." Matt nods, before pausing briefly, overwhelmed by the night's events. "So this is your life now, huh?"
Caroline smiles at him, "Never a dull moment." She jokes.
Matt stands up and walks towards Caroline. "You know, these last few days with you have been so great, and fun."
Klaus glared at the screen, 'Don't you dare...' He thought.
Caroline smiles and walks over towards him, placing her hands on his chest.
'... don't you dare hurt her.' The hybrid continued to glare.
"And so Caroline. I-I thought that I might be able to get past this whole vampire thing." The human told her.
"And he's dead. Call the time." Kol said, as a doctor would.
"What?" Elena asked, confused.
"Klaus is definitely going to kill him after this." Katherine yawned, bored.
"He can't." Elena protested.
"He can." Rebekah rolled her eyes, "Honestly, what is it with you and your ex's."
"No!" Elena shouted.
"Oh, I will." Klaus growled, already planning on ways to end the boy's human life, followed by the vampire one the human will come to see as a curse.
"Klaus no." Caroline said firmly. Not two words many could claim to have said and survived. "You can't go around killing every guy I've broken up with."
"Can't I?" Klaus said, more than ready to accept that challenge.
The baby vampire's eyes narrowed at him, "You can't."
"But you can. Matt..." Caroline pleaded.
"I don't-" The human stuttered, "I don't know if I can, Caroline." Matt walks past Caroline, unable to say anything else.
Caroline turns around with a look of desperation plastered on her face, "Matt!"
The boy turns around and looks at her, "I get it. This is your life now. You know what my life is, Care? My life is an absentee mom. And a bunch of bills to pay, and school, and a job, and it - and it sucks sometimes. But it's my life. And...I think that I just want to live it without all of this."
Caroline looks at him, sadly, but nods her head, understanding what he wants.
Down in the basement of the Old Witch House, Bonnie has her hands placed on either side of John's head and is chanting a spell.
Jeremy and Damon stand by, watching.
Damon, becoming impatient, snaps his fingers. "Come on, Bonnie, we got a hybrid to kill."
Bonnie, fed up after watching how Damon had spoke to her, in front of, and behind her back, said to him what she couldn't that say because she was casting a spell, and because she never had the courage to, "If your in such a rush, why didn't you go kill the hybrid. Oh right, you couldn't."
Damon stared at the witch, open mouth, trying to find something to say back, but couldn't.
Sheila and Caroline smiled, proud that the witch was talking back. Better late than never.
Elena opened her mouth to say something, but before she could, Kol sneaky snapped her neck, minimizing the sound with his other hand.
Jeremy looks back at Damon, signaling with his hand for Damon to be tolerant of the situation.
Not long after that, Bonnie opens her eyes. "It's done."
"That's it? Let's go." Damon says as he walks out of the room.
John opens his eyes as Bonnie walks past him. Bonnie turns to Jeremy and gently touches his arm.
"I'll be back soon." The witch says.
Jeremy reaches out to her, "Wait, what do you mean? No, I'm coming. I need to be there. I need to make sure you guys are okay."
"And who's going to make sure you're okay?" Bonnie asks.
"I've got my own ring." Jeremy says, flashing her his ring, "Look, I'm not taking no for an answer."
Bonnie kisses Jeremy goodbye. She pulls away and Jeremy smiles at her. Suddenly, Jeremy looks at her, confused, and starts to fall to the floor. John grabs him and leads him back to a chair.
"Easy, easy." He says, before turning to Bonnie. "Just go. I'll stay with him."
Bonnie looks at Jeremy one last time before exiting the basement with Damon.
Elena gasped awake, causing everybody to turn to her surprised. Caroline and Bonnie blinked in shock, they had no idea somebody had killed her.
Katherine, Rebekah, and Kol laughed openly, well Sage and Klaus had a smirk on their face.
Stefan and Damon rushed to her side, but she pushed them away, angry that nobody even noticed what had happened to her! That's not fair.
"Who the hell killed me?" The human doppelganger demanded.
"I did." Kol said, raising his hand proudly. When Elena glared at him, he laughed, "What are you going to do, sick your dogs on me. Ohh no, I'm so scared. Nik, Elijah, help me."
Stefan, who was ready to defend Elena, deflated at the reminder that even if they did somehow manage to snap Kol's neck as revenge, Elijah and Klaus would be right there to rip out their hearts.
Upstairs, Alaric and Elijah wait until they hear Damon and Bonnie walk up the stairs.
"It's time." Elijah nods.
Damon and Bonnie exit the house without glancing at Alaric or Elijah. Elijah and Alaric follow them.
"All right. I got the weapons in the car." The hunter said.
"Bonnie's the only weapon we need." Elijah informed him.
Elijah walks out the doorway. Alaric follows behind him but when he tries to exit the house, he finds that an invisible barrier is blocking him in.
"Bonnie! What is this?" Alaric demands.
Bonnie stops and looks back at him. "I can't put anyone else at risk."
"I can't stay here with Jenna out there!" Alaric shouted at her.
"I'm sorry." Bonnie apologized.
But that wasn't the response he was looking for, so Alaric turned to Damon, "You can't do this! Damon?"
"Sorry, buddy. She's right." Damon said as he, Bonnie and Elijah started to walk away.
"No! You can't do this. Bonnie! Bonnie!" The human says, angrily hitting the doorframe.
"Elena..." Jenna said.
Elena shook her head, "I have to do something. This can't happen. None of it."
"He is trying to give you a way to save your aunt. Your family. And you are choosing to risk it." Finn asked, confused. He may have tried to kill his siblings, but at the end of the day, he believed he was trying to save their souls. But here she was, willing to sacrifice her aunt so her suitor could live. "If a woman did this in our time, she'd be publicly humiliated and beaten. Then tied to a tree and left to starve to restore the family's honor."
Kol looked thoughtful, "He isn't wrong. Didn't that happen to Gertrud."
Rebekah wrinkled her nose, "Harsh, but it was effective. Nobody ever heard a peep about leaving from Gertrud's little sister Gro."
Klaus and Stefan came down from the cliff top and approached Elena and Jenna.
"Quite the predicament." Klaus chukled, "You know, it's funny, all this talk about preserving family, and here's Stefan, granting your wish."
Elena stared sadly at her boyfriend, "Stefan..."
"It's okay." Stefan tried to reassure her.
"Well." Klaus says, as he points a stake between Jenna and Stefan, "Who's it going to be, Elena?"
"No." Elena answers.
"Oh, don't worry." Klaus says, as if he's reassuring her in the same way Stefan did, "There's actually no choice." Klaus flashes around Stefan and stakes him in the back. Stefan screams in pain and crumbles to the ground.
"No! Stefan! No!" The human doppelganger cries.
Klaus rips the stake out of Stefan's back, leaving a sizable chunk of wood in his back. "I have other plans for your boyfriend. I want him alive. But for now..." Klaus snaps Stefan's neck causing Stefan to fall, disgracefully, to the ground. Leaving Elena gasping in shock.
Klaus turns to the witch, "Whenever you're ready, Greta."
Greta begins chanting the next part of the spell which dispels the ring of fire surrounding Jenna. Jenna looks on, frightened. Elena, teary-eyed, watches on.
"No." Elena says weakly.
"Your turn." Klaus says, approaching Jenna.
"No, Jenna, no!" Elena begins to cry harder and reach her aunt as the reality of what is happening begins to set in.
Jenna looks over at her. "It's alright, Elena. I know what I have to do."
After a moment of shared silence between Jenna and Elena, Jenna vamp speeds to Greta and ferociously bites her neck. Greta lets out a scream, but Klaus flashes over to Jenna and stakes her in the back, pulling her off of Greta, who has fallen to the floor. Jenna gasps and Klaus releases her. Jenna falls to the ground.
Elena starts to cry even harder. "Jenna, no!" Jenna looks up at Elena, tears in her eyes. "Just turn it off. Jenna. Turn it off. You won't be scared anymore." She begs her aunt.
Klaus flips Jenna over onto her back and hunches over her. Jenna seems less frightened when Klaus stakes her in the heart.
"No! Jenna! No! Jenna." Elena begins brawling now. Jenna's body starts to become grey and decayed.
Klaus releases the stake from his grap and stands up. Leaving Jenna's body lying lifeless on the stone with the stake through her heart.
"Jenna was a good woman. She didn't deserve to be punished for Damon's actions." Caroline said, tears dripping down her cheeks.
Klaus felt a pit in his stomach. He hated seeing Caroline upset. "There is a way to bring her back, you just need to know the right covens." He offered, trying to cheer her up.
"Is it possible?" Bonnie asked, surprised. She's brought Jeremy back, but he'd only been gone for seconds, not months.
"If you know the right witches." Klaus answered.
"Really?" Caroline asks, almost believing it to be too good to be true.
"Man, you are whipped." Kol laughed.
"Shut it, kol." Rebekah growled. "Way to ruin a good moment."
"Since when do you root for them? I know I have, but I thought you hated her." Kol chukled.
Rebekah gasped, "I still don't like her, but she makes him bearable. Plus, the more time he spends chasing her, the less he'll spend hounding me."
"You guys know I'm right here." Caroline asked, wiping her tears.
"Yes, I know. Now let the grownups talk." Rebekah said.
Klaus smiled at their exchange before he noticed how the doppelganger had stayed surprisingly silent.
There was an odd look in her eyes. Klaus couldn't pinpoint it, all he knew was that he didn't like it. Not one bit.
Bonnie, who had glanced at Elena, instantly recognized it.
Those glossy doe-eyed orbs, that masked a much sharper look.
It was the look Elena got when she wanted something, and she didn't care who paid the price, as long as she got it.
She had that look in third grade, when she wanted an extra snack even if it meant somebody else would stay hungry till lunch.
She had that look when she wanted to go to the moviewa, but didn't have the money to pay and the money would come from someone else's pocket.
She had that very same look when she begged Bonnie to save Stefan, even if she knew that Bonnie was exhausted and wouldn't be able to, and Grams ended up paying the price.
Now, she was looking at Caroline with the very same look.
Well showing the past, I likely won't be able to sneak in as many Klaroline scenes into the 'watching' part (I say that as I have two huge special Klaroline scenes coming up in the next two chapters planned out), so I guess I'll just focus on the bashing. Good thing though, I can fill the breaks with as much Klaroline as I want. So you guys will just have to get your fill of the Klaroline, from the inbetween scenes of them reacting - until I start writing the future that is, then it's Klaroline all the way.
Also, one part of the episode really didn't make sense to me, so I decided to change it. Did anyone catch it? Here's a hint: Shouldn't werewolves be turned the whole night?
Also, Ms_Fiction_Reader from Ao3 commented that Finn would be the most still believing in the old ways, he was from a time of vikings, and was asleep for 900 years, so he wouldn't be... as toned down by civilization as the rest of his siblings, and they were right. So I am taking their advice.
Who, Watching Has Died The Most: Damon's still in the lead with 3 deaths, but Elena's on his heels with 2. So my money is still on Damon winning this game.
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venusbyline · 3 months
i can fix them (but i kinda prefer them crazy lool)
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tvdversegifs · 2 years
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THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Season 3, Episode 15
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celestewrote · 1 year
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The Vampire Diaries: Klaus and Caroline
Season 3, Episode 14 | “I happen to be Miss Mystic Falls.”
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In the spirit of the season, here's a little KC Christmas fluff. Enjoy!
“Kol, I'm going to tear your balls off and rip them apart,” Caroline muttered as she moved around in the kitchen, frantically stirring and whisking.
It had been over and hour, and Kol was late.
Yes, she was aware that he was busy, but so was she, and they had been given off days at the hospital, would it really hurt him to arrive on time for once?
The doorbell finally rang and Caroline sprinted to open it, ponytail flying behind her, flour on her cheeks.
Kol stood at her door, looking sheepish and his hands in his pockets. “Kol, there you are! I swear, if you're late one more time, I'm going to do some serious damage to your dick—”
“Caroline,” Kol interrupted her, a very fake smile on his face, his teeth gritted. “I hope you don’t mind, but I brought a guest.”
He stepped aside slightly to reveal someone Caroline had seen many times in the hospital, not many of which had been very good.
“Caroline,” said Klaus Mikaelson, with a smile that was all teeth. “It’s a pleasure.”
“I cannot believe you right now,” Caroline snarled at Kol while he sat at her kitchen island, nervously drinking wine. “You are such an ass.”
“His flight was cancelled,” Kol muttered. “What was I supposed to do?”
“Um, I don’t know. Tell him to go away and not come to my house?” Caroline suggested furiously, whipping the cream with vengeance. “He pisses me off enough at the hospital, Kol, I do not need him in my house at Christmas as well.”
“He’s not that bad. Oh, come on, don’t look at me like that, Caroline, he’s nice to you.”
“When he is, it’s a rarity—he teases me, Kol.”
“Everyone knows about your little crush, darling.”
“I do not have a crush on him. He’s an ass.”
“Just be an adult about it and tell him. You're not five.”
“Yeah, but I'm mad, and mostly at you. He’s my boss, Kol.”
“Mine too!”
“Yeah, but he’s your brother. And anyway, what the hell am I supposed to talk to Dr Mikaelson about?”
“A variety of subjects,” said the man in question, stepping into her kitchen. Caroline huffed and turned away from him. “Oh, come now, love, we’re all adults here.”
“Are we, really?” Caroline asked, a saccharine smile pointed at Kol, who scowled at her. “Look, we’re not at work, so you're not my boss and I'm not your subordinate. That means I'm free to call you out on your bullshit as much as I want without any fear of you giving me scut to do. Now, go away.”
“You know,” Dr Asshat said casually, sitting down at her table next to his soon to be dead younger brother, “you never did tell me why you hated me so much.”
Caroline scoffed. “Are you seriously asking? You’re an ass. To me, to my friends, to Kol—”
“Yes, well, he deserves it,” replied Dr Asshat with a winning grin.
Kol tossed him a filthy look. “Go fuck yourself, Nik.”
“I swear, this is not the Christmas I had planned,” Caroline muttered, poring over the cookbook. “Kat’s late, Bonnie’s not coming, and Rebekah’s forgotten to bring the cookies. And this damn pie—” she said frustratedly, shooting the oven a foul glance, “isn’t cooking in the middle!”
“I could help,” Dr Asshat cut in, all dimples as he smiled at Caroline. “If you wanted.”
“I don’t.”
“Are you sure, love? Wouldn’t want to be the hostess who served half-baked pecan pie at her first ever Christmas dinner now, would you?”
She hated the fact he was right.
“Fine. You can help," she growled. "But don’t try to make small talk.”
He looked at her with a mock-hurt expression, his hand on his chest. “You wound me, love. And I had such hopes that we’d develop a beautiful friendship.”
Caroline barely managed to bite back a reluctant smile before he sidled up to her, grabbing a spatula. “Did you finish making the gingerbread?”
“I was going to start on it after I finished the pie, but clearly that’s not happening soon,” Caroline grumbled. “This sucks. Elena was supposed to get here early and help me with the sticky toffee pudding—the one Rebekah loves so much, and now she’s ditched me. And I still have to finish decorating the sugar cookies and make the glaze for the baked ham—”
“We’ll get it done.”
“Dr Mikaelson—”
“Klaus,” he said, smiling at her in amusement. “I'm temporarily not your boss, in your kitchen cooking, surely we can go by first names, Caroline?”
“Klaus,” Caroline said, glaring at Kol when he rolled his eyes behind them, “there’s a lot to be done, and I'm obviously running out of time because I have so many things to do and nobody’s shown up to help—”
“Caroline,” Klaus—Dr Asshat, Caroline scolded herself internally, blushing slightly at the comfortable touch of his hands as he ran them up and down her arms. “Calm down. Take a breath. It’s fine. I'm here, aren’t I? I'm going to help you make the pudding, and we can force Kol to help—”
Kol made an indignant noise from his seat at the kitchen island. “Excuse me? I never offered to help.”
Klaus—she’d given up on the Dr Asshat thing—fixed Kol with a glare. “No one asked. Now get your arse off that chair and start decorating Caroline’s cookies.”
“But I don’t want to,” came the petulant reply.
“Do you want to eat?” Caroline snapped, and Kol looked dutifully cowed. “Then you're helping. So be a good boy and listen to your big brother, Kol.”
Kol sneered at her as he stood up, abandoning his wine glass and snatching the piping bag from the counter. “This is all your fault,” he said to his brother furiously. “I knew bringing you here was a bad idea. Why couldn’t you have acted on your interests on your own, Nik?”
Caroline froze, and Klaus growled. “Mind your tongue, Kol.”
“Excuse me?” Caroline said, her voice slightly high-pitched. “What does he mean by that, exactly?”
Klaus opened his mouth but Kol beat him to it. “He fancies you, of course,” he grumbled, snipping off the top of the piping bag. “Has since a long time. Honestly, haven’t you noticed him mooning after you pathetically every morning after rounds?”
“Kol, I swear—”
“Not that you're much better, darling,” Kol continued, bordering the cookies. “You and your complaints. Your brother’s an ass cause he’s wearing the cologne I don’t like, he’s pissing me off cause he’s being weirdly nice, how does his hair look so good every day, this is not a pageant—”
“Kol!” Caroline squeaked, mortified. “Shut up. Right now.”
“Half our class has a pool going,” Kol muttered. “Even Stefan and Marcel are in on it, Nik, and they're just as fed up as I am.”
“What are you—”
“Everyone has lost at least fifty dollars because you two never seem to get together. I needed that money, Nik. And due to your combined stubbornness, no one is winning that pool. So if you two could please,” Kol concluded, slamming a perfectly iced cookie on the rack, “get yourselves together and just bloody shag already, it would really be beneficial to all of us.”
He picked up his wine glass and swaggered out of the room, taking his cookie with him for good measure.
Caroline couldn’t bring herself to look at Klaus, who couldn’t stop looking at her, ironically.
“Um,” she started brilliantly, and Klaus looked at her expectantly. “I'm going to murder Kol brutally.”
“I'll help,” Klaus offered, “after dinner.”
“Right,” Caroline started, turning to look at the half-finished glaze she had started on. “Well, if we hustle, we’ll be able to get it done in—”
“Not that dinner,” Klaus interrupted. “This Friday. I want to take you out for dinner.”
Caroline gaped at him. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. Although I'm going to cause Kol bodily harm for his outburst, I can't help but feel it was overdue. So, dinner?”
Caroline blinked while desperately trying to fight down the blush that she was sure had formed on her cheeks. “You're my boss.”
“And you'll be a resident in a year like me anyway. In the fear of risking rejection for the last time,” Klaus grins at her, all dimples. “Dinner?”
Caroline bites her lip to keep from smiling like an idiot. “Sure.”
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fandoms--fluff · 3 months
Crushing Hard
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Hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson (+mikaelson family & caroline)
Summary: Hope has a massive crush on you, a girl who basically nobody knows anything about. And her family comes for a surprise visit, yay.
Warnings: swearing
Hope has been a little obsessed with you, she admits it. She can't help but be attracted to you, you're crazy hot, not afraid to speak what you think, and your personality is amazing. And has she mentioned how drop-dead gorgeous you are?
The only setback is that you hate the school and basically everyone in it.
"You're drooling" Josie whispers into her ear. Hope snaps out of it, and brings a hand up to the corner of her mouth to find out it's completely dry. She rolls her eyes and looks up at Josie, frowning.
"Oh, you're crushing hard. Sorry for interrupting your daydream, but I'm pretty sure your family is here," Josie tells her, looking between Hope and some of her family.
"There are a bunch of newer kids this year, but still a lot of the older ones. I try to make the environment around here fully positive and happy." Caroline explains to the family. An amused snort comes from the couch a couple feet away.
"And you don't ever take a break" You glare at her. All their heads turn towards you. "This is y/n, one of the older students. I believe she came here a couple months before Hope did." Caroline sighs.
"You must be delusional because I did not come here willingly. You forced me. And still force me to be here every fucking day of the year" You stand up, crossing your arms, fury evident in your tons and stance.
"Werewolf?" Kol's the next one to speak. "I don't know, what do you think?" You snap at him before turning back to Caroline. "And that's the other thing, I've been here for how many years, and no one still knows what I am"
"You won't tell us" Caroline points out.
"Well, I would think considering you're apparently an expert on supernatural beings, and run a damn school for them, that you or anyone here would be able to tell like that" You snap your fingers at the end.
Klaus steps forward, not liking the way you've been talking to Caroline. "Oh, don't even start" You roll your eyes before he can get a word out.
"What?" Hope snaps her attention to her friend before looking in the direction Josie was a moment ago. To her surprise, her Dad, Mom, Auntie Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Elijah are standing across the room, chatting with the headmistress, Caroline and you?
Oh no, Hope thinks to herself before getting out of her seat and quickly walking toward the group with Josie right behind her.
"Dad! What are you guys doing here?" Hope goes up to her father. "We came here for a surprise visit, but caught up in the wonderland tour," Kol told his niece, glancing at Caroline then at you.
You still have your arms crossed, leaning most of your weight on your right leg, making your left hip slightly pop out a bit more than the other.
Hope tries to keep her eyes off of you, not wanting her family or you to notice.
"Oh, nothing. Having a splendid fucking time!" You tell her in a fake cheery voice. You start walking away, "I like your shoes" you tell Rebekah before walking out of the room, your high heels clicking strongly as you do.
"She's mean..but sweet? I don't know" Caroline shakes her head. "She's like Katherine. I like her" Kol answers, smirking.
"Kol." Elijah says sternly to his little brother as Klaus galres at him.
Hope just stares at the ground, not wanting anyone to notice the flush that appeared on her face. "You okay Sweetie?" Her Mom asks. "Mhm. Uh I'm glad that you guys are here, but Josie and I have to finish a project. I'll, uh, catch up with you later" Hope tells them quickly before practically dragging Josie out of the room with her.
"What was that?" Josie asks her as Hope paces around Josie's room. Lizzie is planning a dance somewhere outside with a huge binder.
"I don't know, but now im pretty sure my family kost likely doesn't like Y/n. And if somehow my delusional relationship with her actually freaking happens then there's no point becuase there's a big chance my dad will get protective and ban her or kill her or something. Wait can she even die? I don't know, there's no way she can't die, right? Oh that would suck I'd she died before I can even make a move, or who am I kidding there's no way that's gonna happen. She probably hates me anyways. God, I'm so pathetic" Hope rants to her best friend.
"Okay, okay, calm down. You're not pathetic. You're just overthinking this way too much. There's no way Y/n hates you, I don't believe she does" Josie places her hands on Hope's shoulders, making her stop moving around.
Hope let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, then sighs, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for" Josie smiles.
You walk into the dining hall, only to be met with the same group of people. "Fucking great" you practically growl, rolling your eyes. You go over to the table lined with food and grabbed a piece of garlic bread.
As you're about to take a bite of it, a voice sounds. "Are you sure you're supposed to be eating that? It says no one is to touch the food" Elijah nods to the sign standing before the long table of food.
You glance at it then shrug, "Well too bad, I'm hungry and they don't exactly have any blood beside from fucking Thumper and Bambi" you take a bite of the garlic bread.
"So you're a vampire" Rebekah says. You twitch your eyebrow up, a smirk playing at your lips.
"Depends how you perceive it" you walk over to them, your eyes turning yellow and veins appearing under your eyes.
"A hybrid" Hayley's eyes widened a bit. "Did Hope turn you?" Klaus asks, not remembering himself ever turning you.
"Seriously? You think I'd let a girl who has a crush on me, sire me? I don't think so" you cross your arms.
"Crush?" Kol asks, knowing Hope has only told him about her crush on you. He wonders how you found out, cause there's no way his neice would've told you. Especially considering the interaction earlier today.
"Not that hard to figure out. Especially when her eyes are always on me, not the chalkboard in class" you cross your arms. "Oh, and Katherine was basically my sister, so that was a compliment back there" you smirk.
"Wait, if you're that old, what are you doing here?" Hayley asks.
"Well I'm pretty sure then Caroline would hate me more than she already does, then tell Damon and he would try to kill me, but it would end up with his head cut off his body and then Elena and everyone, and personally I don't have any fucking time or want for that. Though Damon being dead would be a bonus. So mind as well make some people, aka, Caroline miserable for a bit" you pop the rest of the garlic bread in your mouth.
"What? You still have that sappy crush on her?" You tease Klaus.
You turn around and walk out of the room. As you turn the corner, you run into Hope. She looks if you had a word, sheepish.
You sigh, realizing it, "You've been here the whole time, haven't ya?" You crossed your arms.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," She turned before walking as fast as she could away from you. She had come down here to find her family, and instead heard you talking to them again and couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
She can't believe she's been so stupid. There's no way she's ever had any chance with you. And your acknowledging about her crush on you was just the cherry on top. She wishes she was anywhere but here now.
You look up, quietly groaning, not wanting her to find out like that. Both your age (well, sort of) and the knowledge of her crush.
You vamp in front of her in a split time of two seconds. "Look, I get it, I'm just some stupid girl who has a crush on a girl or woman I don't know! who's way out of my league. No need to rub it in my face!" She exclaims, trying not to let any tears cloud her vision.
"Hey! You're not some stupid girl, okay?" You tell her before she tries to walk away from you again. She lets out a harsh breath before looking up at you from the ground.
"And I'm not trying to rub anything in your face. Yes, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't want you to think anything bad about that. I'd never use it against you or make fun of you for it, or whatever you think I may do." You run your hands through your hair to keep it out of your face.
"And I've never thought about you in that way before, but I can say that I don't hate you as much as everyone else here," She snaps her gaze from the wall to your face, not expecting that. To have that said to her from you is basically like a simple 'I love you' to someone a person may have known for a while. It's also a really big compliment coming from you.
"So there's that" You walk closer to her before pressing a kiss on her cheek. You walk away, up the stairs to your room as Hope stands there frozen. That's one of the best solutions that could have happened at the moment, and she's practically screaming with joy on the inside.
She brings a hand up to the cheek you kissed and gently grazes her finger against the spot.
Her family then also comes down the hallway and up to her. "What happened, Sweetie?" Her mom asks, noticing her reddened face.
"Oh, n-nothing," She tells her, trying her best to hold back the grin that she has on the inside.
Kol looks from her hand placement and reddened face to her excited stance, putting two and two together. He catches her eye and smirks before mouthing 'good luck'.
That just makes her blush more than she already is if that's even possible.
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Thinking about a few things rn:
Caroline invited Klaus to her graduation
When she didn’t know what to do and was scared for her children, she went to Klaus. She hadn’t planned on it, she just drove, and next thing she knew she was in New Orleans looking for him.
Not only did Carolime keep the voicemail for years, she remembered exactly what it said/the fact that Klaus wanted to show her New Orleans
She literally admits that she thought they’d end up together in however many years
Either Caroline told Klaus about the school or he’d been keeping tabs on her. I’m convinced there’s someone out there who’s sole job it is to tell Klaus Caroline updates
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carefuldevil · 9 months
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Caroline Forbes and Klaus Mikaelson in 03x14 "Dangerous Liaisons" The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017)
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fanficimagery · 10 months
The Lost Girl
You just wanted to travel and forget all about the drama you left behind. You didn't expect to fall in with four boys who would become another family. Maybe more.
[Part Three of Three]
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Author's Note: Y'all remember Elena's dress when she went to the party at the Mikaelson's? I think it was black and gold? Well anyway, that's what YN's dress is gonna be like except it's black and maroon. I'm totally unoriginal lol. The fight is totally anti-climatic and the end just… ends. I was so ready to end this. I'm sorry.
Words: 7.2K
The only good thing about your upcoming party is that Rebekah's completely taken over all the planning. She's recruited Elijah since he's the easiest to talk to between her brothers, leaving Klaus at the mansion with you and the boys. David and Dwayne love to hear about the history Klaus has seen, whereas Paul and Marko love hearing about all things chaotic and bloody.
You're all lounging around the sitting area as Klaus fills in your friends on the drama he caused when he first waltzed in Mystic Falls from his point of view when the front door opens and closes.
"YN. Gilbert."
"Uh oh. Someone's in trouble." Marko giggles.
You flip him off and then turn towards the archway where yet another blonde marches through. "Hello to you too, Caroline. It's rude not to knock, you know?"
She huffs. "Oh shut up. We've all tried ki-" She immediately shuts up herself, taking stock of the new faces in the room. But she's Caroline Forbes, so she rolls with it, easily lying. "We've all tried sabotaging each other multiple times. There's no need to knock between friends."
You and Klaus both smirk, but don't call her out on it.
"Whatever," she grumbles. "I just came over to demand why you didn't tell me you were planning a party?! You know I love planning parties."
"I don't even want this party, Care, but Paul and Marko are all about seeing what type of parties I had to attend when I was younger."
At her pout and look of indifference between your friends, you quickly introduce them to each other. All the boys politely greet her and she them, and it hardly takes her a moment to deduce who your boyfriend is.
"So you're the boyfriend?" Her eyes narrow at Dwayne. "Figures."
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask.
"It means you have a type. Dark hair, broody looking…"
Klaus chuckles. "She's not wrong, love."
"You're both annoying," you deadpan. Then glancing back at Caroline, you ask, "Is that all you came over for? To demand why you're not part of the party planning committee?"
"Yes. And to see if you already have a dress all picked out."
"I do. Rebekah had a bunch of dresses delivered and I chose one. You want to see what's left on the rack?"
"Yes, please! I hate shopping last minute."
You grin and walk over to Caroline, hooking your arm with hers. "Let's go upstairs then." Looking at Klaus and the boys, you wink. "If there's trouble you want to get into before Elijah comes home, now is the time to do it. Caroline and I are long overdue for some girl talk."
"You heard her, boys, let's go." Klaus downs the rest of his drink before settling the tumbler aside and then standing up. Marko and Paul cheer, shoving at each other as Dwayne and David casually climb to their feet.
Everyone except Dwayne makes their way out and then he walks up to you. "Need anything?"
"No, I'm good, but thanks." He nods before leaning in to kiss your forehead, cheek, and finally your lips.
You're laughing as you shove him away, eyes twinkling. He returns your smile before nodding at Caroline and turning to go catch up with his brothers and Klaus.
As soon as he's out of earshot, Caroline gushes, "Oh my god, that was so adorable! Where did you even find him?!"
"In his hometown." You chuckle and then lead her towards the stairs so you can show her the dresses in your room. "I actually met Paul and Marko first, but when I met Dwayne.. it was like love at first sight." You smile as you remember meeting the dark haired vampire for the first time. "We kind of tortured everyone else with the 'will they or won't they' schtick, so it became public knowledge that we were both off limits."
"What changed?"
Getting bit by a werewolf, you mentally admit, but can't say that out loud. Not yet. So instead, you choose something that's easily believable because the scenario really did happen. "After missing a day of hanging out with them, some girls decided to move in. When I decided to surprise them one night, one girl was standing too close to Dwayne, so I walked right up to him and kissed him."
"You didn't!?"
"I did." You laugh. "And then Elijah and Klaus visited, informing me that Elena was getting impatient that I hadn't come back to Mystic Falls to make sure I was really okay."
"Oh so you'll let Klaus know where you now live, but not us?"
When you glance at Caroline, you notice she's not truly upset about it. "Yes because Klaus won't drag me back to Mystic Falls the moment something inconveniences Elena's life."
Your friend winces, but doesn't refute your words.
In your room, you walk to your closet while Caroline walks to the rack of dresses that's in the opposite corner. You grab the dress bag, pull it out and unzip it to show your friend. "Anyway, this is what I'm wearing." The strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline is maroon with a fitted bodice covered in black beads and black ribbons right beneath your bust. The skirt slightly flares out with an overlay of black tulle so the maroon still peeks out.
Caroline sighs. "This is so pretty. Is your boyfriend matching?"
You laugh as you zip the bag back up and put it away. "I'm pretty sure Elijah will get him a matching pocket square or something."
"So he's got Elijah's stamp of approval?"
"I think so."
"Sounds serious." She turns back to the rack, moving aside dress after dress. "Is he the reason you're staying where you're staying?"
"No. I was already planning on staying there. Dwayne was a surprise, but a welcomed one."
Caroline glances at you. "Ohhh, you're in deep. Look at that smile."
You purse your lips, having been smiling without knowing you were smiling. But seeing as she's already seen it, you give up and laugh. "Ugh, this is gonna sound stupid, but remember when I said seeing Dwayne was like love at first sight? Do you believe in that?"
Your friend freezes and then fully turns to face you. "Spill. Now."
You groan again and head over to your bed, dropping down on the edge. "When I first met Dwayne, it was no shock that I instantly found him attractive. What was a shock, however, is how jealous and protective I am of him. We haven't even known each that long to warrant such loyalty, but when Damon threatened Dwayne… Caroline, I saw red. I wanted to rip Damon's heart out right then and there."
"Hmm. That is weird. You've never been one to get worked up over a guy. You usually just shrug it off and move on."
"I know!"
"And how does Dwayne feel?"
"I'm assuming the same. Damon pinned me to the wall by my throat and Dwayne saw, and he was visibly shaking. I could see it took everything in him to hold himself back and then when I got back to the table, his hand gripped my thigh and didn't move until we stood up to leave."
"How insane would it be if it turned out that soulmates were real?" You laugh. "I'm serious! Ugh, you're so lucky. I wish I had someone who looked at me the way Dwayne looks at you."
"You do have someone who looks at you like that, but you refuse to entertain him because you're afraid of what everyone else will think."
Caroline frowns. "He hurt us. A lot."
"So did Damon, but that didn't stop Elena from jumping on his dick."
The blonde vampire grimaces. "I rather not think about that."
"Now will you help me choose a dress?"
Without even glancing at the rack, you say, "Go with the blue one that looks like mine, but has off the shoulder straps. You always look good in blue."
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The day before your party, Rebekah had the ballroom completely transformed. You had happily stayed out of her way, listening to her bark orders from the comfort of your room. Dwayne and David took refuge with you, purposely not saying a word to their brothers as they wandered downstairs and got roped into lending a helping hand. And with Rebekah barking orders, Paul and Marko stayed in line.
Then the morning of your party, Rebekah had even taken it upon herself to have a buffet of breakfast ready for everyone. Marko practically salivated at the sight of the food, mentioning that they'd never eaten like kings and queens before. David then reminded him that they never had the appetite for human food quite like they have now after wrapping the bracelets around their wrists, and Marko conceded while stuffing his face with sausage and eggs.
You don't get to rest long after eating, Rebekah whisking you away to bathe and pamper before getting ready for the night. You end up in a bath with so many essential oils and salts that you nearly doze off, but Dwayne enters the bathroom and decides he wants to wash your hair.
Rebekah enters the bathroom when she hears you groan, only to huff and cross her arms over her chest. "Why are you two disgustingly adorable? Stop it right now."
With your head tilted back and Dwayne's fingers scratching against your scalp, you grin. "Shut up. If our positions were switched, you'd be smug as hell right now. Let me enjoy this."
"I'm honestly surprised he's not in there with you."
"And have your brothers glare at me throughout the party?" Dwayne asks. "No thanks."
"Fair." Rebekah continues to watch you with a fond smile on her face. "Well when you get out, Dwayne can help David wrangle his other brothers while you and I get ready in my room."
Dwayne finishes washing your hair before you stand, uncaring that your body is bare beneath the suds. He watches as you scrub your body down in the shower before grabbing a towel and handing it to you. Then after wringing out your hair and drying your body, you use the towel to wrap around your hair before taking the offered robe to drape around your body.
"Thank you." You reach up on the tips of your toes, giving him a chaste kiss. "Now it's your turn. I'll be with Rebekah and most likely won't see you until the start of the party."
"Mmm. Have fun." Dwayne kisses you once more and then pats you on the butt as you walk on by.
You're still smiling as you enter Rebekah's room, laughing when she's waiting for you with a champagne glass nearly filled to the brim. "Happy birthday, darling."
"Thank you, Rebekah." You accept the glass, clink it against the one she produces herself, and then proceed to down it in one go. "Now can I nap?"
You groan as Rebekah leads you to her vanity, making you sit.
. .
. .
Rebekah starts on your hair first, making sure to detangle it and then spritz various hair products into it. She leaves out a couple of strands on either side of your head to frame your face and then loosely braids the rest of it to hang over your left shoulder. She sprays your hair again to make sure the hairdo holds, and then gets started on your makeup.
The make-up is kept mostly natural and nude, the only color being a hint of blush on your cheekbones, smokey black eyeshadow, and black eyeliner. Throughout the entire time, your phone was dinging with text messages from your family and friends, and you took the time to thank each of them.
Taking a break, Rebekah has sandwiches and fruit delivered to the room via Elijah, and it isn't long until Klaus shows up with presents with the rest of the boys trailing him. The Mikaelson's give you jewelry and money, a proper camera to capture the sights you see, and a brand-new laptop to edit and post the photos. You thank them profusely and even assure Dwayne, David, Paul, and Marko that you hadn't been expecting gifts from them so they can stop with the guilty expressions.
Then after kicking out the men from the room, you get started on Rebekah's hair and make-up. With her instruction, you get everything done pretty well.
When the time comes to finally step into your dress, you shamelessly drop your robe and step into a pair of panties. Rebekah holds your dress low for you and you step into it while she slides it up your body. Then after arranging your breasts to fill the cups, Rebekah zips you up.
Rebekah can only smile as she helps you don your newest necklace and bracelet, and then quickly dresses herself in a dress similar to yours, except the colors are black and gold. Plus, she dons a pair of black satin gloves as well.
"Well don't you two look beautiful."
You turn around to find Dwayne decked out in a suit with a maroon pocket square to match you. He has a few thin braids on one side of his head, only for all of his hair to be tied back in a stylish messy man-bun. "Holy shit." You look him up and down, licking and biting your bottom lip as you try to reign in your spiraling thoughts.
"Down girl," Rebekah muses, patting your shoulder. "It sounds like your guests are starting to arrive, so there's no use in messing up all the hard work I've done."
"Yeah, yeah. Get out." Rebekah laughs as you shoo her out of her own room, bidding Dwayne good luck as she passes him. He steps further into the room, and you readily accept him as he goes toe to toe with you. You lean up and kiss him. "You look handsome."
"It's all thanks to Elijah and Klaus. They really know how to style the riffraff."
You chuckle and kiss him once more. "So, how's it looking down there?"
"Marko and Paul are regretting the fancy suits, but David's keeping them well in line. And Klaus has already plied us with several blood bags each so we're not feeling peckish around your guests."
You sigh. "I think I should have indulged in a little blood myself. I have a feeling I'm going to need it."
"Come on. It won't be that bad."
"Famous last words."
Dwayne smirks. "Let's go greet your guests."
Looping your arm around Dwayne's, you rely on him to get down the grand staircase. And by the time you make it to the main floor, Caroline is arriving on the arm of her mother.
"Caroline! Sheriff Forbes!" You greet them with smiles and kisses to the cheek. "I'm happy you two could make it."
"Likewise." Sheriff Forbes smiles before warily glancing around. "When I got the invitation, I wasn't aware if the party was legit or if the Mikaelson's were up to no good again."
"I can see why you would think that," you say. "But when it comes to me, the Mikaelson's are family."
"But Elena-"
"Mom." Caroline politely nudges her, shaking her head.
Sheriff Forbes closes her mouth and takes a breath. Then smiling sadly, she says, "You never forgave her for the… attack on you and Caroline," she says while glancing at Dwayne.
"Oh. I'm sorry!" You say. "Liz, this is Dwayne. My boyfriend." Sheriff Forbes and Dwayne smile at one another, shaking hands. "And I forgave my sister for that a long time ago," you assure her. "What I don't care for is the way she and Damon treat me or my friends whenever something doesn't go to their liking. They don't take others' feelings into consideration."
Sheriff Forbes smiles tightly, nodding. "Fair enough."
"Well, happy birthday!" Caroline chirps. "Now point us to the food so we can get out of your hair."
Laughing, you're about to tell Caroline where she and her mother can find the food when you spot Bonnie and your brother coming up behind them. "Uh, Dwayne will show you," you tell her. "He's gotta check on his brothers anyway and make sure Klaus isn't getting them in trouble."
And without missing a beat, Dwayne detaches himself from you and offers his arm to Liz as he dips his head in politeness. "Ladies, if you'll follow me."
Dwayne ends up with a Forbes woman on each arm and you smile as he leads them towards the food. Then turning back towards the door, your smile widens as you accept a hug from Bonnie. "Hey! Long time no see." Bonnie is stunning in her own black and silver dress, and Jeremy surprisingly fills out his suit. Then again, he's been rather buff ever since he became a hunter. "Jer, you're looking muscular. Kill anything lately?"
"Ha. Ha," he deadpans while hugging you. "And you look good as well. I didn't expect…"
"Yeah, yeah. You didn't expect me to be alive and thriving just because of the Mikaelson's and blah, blah, blah." Both Bonnie and Jeremy chuckle, and you nudge them towards the party.
More people show up- Tyler, Elena, Damon, Enzo, Alaric plus his date, and several other locals that you hadn't seen for a while. You greet each and every one, thanking them for showing up and wishing them a good time.
Rebekah pulls you away from the door when it seems like no one else is showing up, leading you towards the bottom of the staircase where her brothers are waiting. Both Mikaelson men smile as you approach, but Rebekah leads you a few steps further up the staircase before telling you to stay put before joining her brothers.
You're confused, but no one says anything. Dwayne and his brothers are lined up just across from the Mikaelson's, each of them holding a champagne flute. Elijah, being the more diplomatic Mikaelson, calls for everyone's attention. And as a crowd gathers, you're not very surprised when the hired help walks around with platters full of champagne flutes to pass out to everyone.
"Thank you, everyone, for attending on such short notice," Elijah says as the gathered guests fall quiet. "Miss Gilbert has been off traveling the world and seeing everything this life has to offer, so we weren't sure she would be back in time for her birthday. Luckily for us, she decided to visit with some new friends of hers."
Paul whoops and you shake your head at him, grinning.
"So let us raise our glasses," everyone follows Elijah's lead as he raises his glass in a toast, "and wish Miss Gilbert a very happy birthday and safe travels when she no doubt leaves us all behind again." Elijah, Klaus, and Rebekah turn, grinning. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."
"Happy birthday!" The crowd then cheers.
You smile bashfully, nodding your thanks to those whose gazes you catch before walking down the stairs. Rebekah hugs you whereas her brothers kiss each of your cheeks, and then Dwayne takes hold of your arm while leading you to the main room.
Immediately, the humming and clapping of Hozier's Work Song fills the air, and Dwayne leads you to the center of the room before turning to face you. As he takes a step back and then bows at the waist, your eyes light up. "You dance?"
"Obviously. Don't you?" As you grab the skirt of your dress and curtsey, you can't help but laugh. "And besides, the birthday girl has to open her own party with the first dance."
"I'm pretty sure that's not a thing, but I'll take it." You and Dwayne step forward and then back, close to touching but not. He raises his hands, palms out, and you laugh some more as you hold your own palms just an inch from his as you walk in a circle. "Who told you about this dance?"
"Rebekah might have mentioned something about a pageant this little town holds and the dances forced upon you."
Dwayne then takes you in his arms and the two of you sway back and forth before he's gently pushing you out and then bringing you in on a twirl. The smile never leaves your face, not even when you can hear his brothers ribbing him.
Halfway through the dance, others join you. Dwayne's dancing skills make him that much more attractive to you and you let him know when you can't keep your lips to yourself.
The party goes on and you make your rounds while on Dwayne's arm. You introduce him to everyone you know, talk about the places you've been with some curious individuals, but refrain from mentioning where you met Dwayne in case others were listening in.
You eat and drink and dance some more, and all in all it's a good time.
Until it isn't.
Elena hadn't said much to you other than wish you a happy birthday, so you're resigned to hearing her out when she asks for a moment of your time when the party starts winding down.
She leads you to an empty room just down the hall and turns to face you with a frown. "So, you're leaving again?"
"Elijah's speech. He said you were going to travel again."
"Oh. Maybe." You shrug. "I still need to find a house and set down roots before I start taking trips again."
"Your house is here!" She says, hurt lacing her tone. "Why are you so dead set on getting away from me?"
"Elena," you say softly. "I love you. I do! But I can't be here anymore. I'm so over the drama where you somehow manage to be ground zero for it all. I'm tired of being hounded by Damon for not jumping when he says jump and I'm just- I'm over it. You have your life and I have mine. You don't have to like it, but you will accept it."
Done with the conversation, you turn to rejoin the party, only for your sister's words to make you freeze. "Jenna would be so upset to see you so chummy with her murderer."
There's a gasp from the door and you realize the others have followed. Bonnie, Caroline, Damon, Stefan, Alaric, Dwayne, David, Paul, Marko, Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah have all entered the room and you have no idea how you and Elena didn't sense the big group sooner.
The group from Mystic Falls knew how close you were to Jenna and how hurt you were over Klaus killing her, but they didn't know about Klaus' apology months later when you started having dinners with Elijah. It wasn't an easy apology to accept, but he promised to make it up to you for as long as you lived.
But not wanting to get into all that, you look at your sister and swing even lower than her. "Yeah? Well mom and dad would be even more upset to see you fucking your best friend's rapist." Elena gapes and her eyes fill with tears, and you roll your eyes. "Come now, Elena. Don't start the waterworks now. You wanna be Katherine 2.0, then be Katherine 2.0. If you're gonna be a bitch, then own it."
Your back suddenly hits the wall and you have a face full of an enraged vampire. "All right. That's enough."
"Damon!" Bonnie yells.
"What the fuck was that?" You hear Marko murmur, biting back a smirk at the fact that they're still playing human.
"That was a low blow, YN," Damon says, tightening his grip around your throat.
"Careful, Damon, your lap dog is showing," you muse. "This is between me and my sister."
"Yeah? Well, it becomes my business when you make her cry."
"Oh, how noble." You huff. "Now kindly take your hand off of me and leave. You're no longer welcomed here."
You hear a bit of a scuffle and look over Damon's shoulder to see David holding Dwayne back by the arm. You can see the rage in his eyes even as he attempts to keep his cool, and subtly shake your head.
Damon glances over his shoulder as well to see who you're looking at and turns back to face you with a smirk. "You're so quick to drop everyone in Mystic Falls, let's see if your newfound family will stick around after they find out that you're a monster."
Your expression hardens. "Damon, do-"
Damon has all of half a second of smug satisfaction as he watches your body collapse lifelessly to the floor before a heart stopping roar practically shakes the walls of the room. He whirls around, eyes wide, and braces himself for the truly monstrous individual advancing on him.
Dwayne's features have shifted, his features more sharpened and defined. His eyes are now yellow and red, and his fangs and claws have elongated in his rage. He grabs a stunned Damon by the shoulders before savagely sinking his fangs into Damon's neck and pulling free a chunk of flesh.
As Damon gurgles on his blood and Elena shrieks in horror, Stefan speeds at Dwayne to pull him off. Only then do David, Paul, and Marko fly at him and throw him across the room before making a wall in front of YN's body. Dwayne continues to attack Damon, snapping each and every bone in his body that he can to prevent the raven-haired vampire from fighting back.
Elena tries to intervene when it appears Damon can't defend himself, but Rebekah catches her by the arm. "Stay out of it. Damon made his bed, now it's time for him to lie in it."
Alaric pulls free a wooden stake to help his friend, but all it takes is Klaus tutting in his direction to give the history teacher pause.
Then having heard enough snarling and snapping bones, Elijah approaches Dwayne cautiously. "That's enough, Dwayne. I believe Mr. Salvatore has learned his lesson." Panting and heaving, Dwayne snarls one last time before kicking Damon so hard in the ribs that he sends him sliding across the floor towards his panicked brother. Dwayne then turns and his brothers part so he can make a beeline to YN's body. As he does, he sits on the floor to cradle her lifeless body in his arms. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you should never touch a vampire's mate," Elijah says.
Everyone seems surprised, but it's Caroline who steps forward with a frown. "Mate? And vampire?" She asks incredulously. "What is going on, Elijah?"
"Dwayne, David, Marko, and Paul are vampires," he tells the room, ignoring Elena's whimpers as she tries to offer aid to Damon. "A different species, obviously, but vampires nonetheless. When Niklaus and I noticed some differences, I decided to do a little research after learning of how quickly Dwayne and YN became attached."
"And your research proved that our kind has mates?" Paul wonders. At Elijah's nod, he beams. "Fuck yeah! We totally called it after YN got bit by that werewolf."
"What werewolf?" Caroline's eyes widen in alarm.
"Don't worry, sweetheart. It's all been taken care of," Klaus assures her. Caroline huffs at him, but all it does is make him smirk.
"That's nice and all, but can I have a little help?" Elena grouses. "Damon's really hurt."
"Oh boo hoo," Rebekah deadpans. No one makes a move to help Elena except for Stefan and Alaric.
The three of them are doing their best to tend to Damon when Enzo enters the room. He takes a look at the Lost Boys before taking a look at his injured friend and then glances at the Mikaelson's. When his gaze finally lands on Caroline, he sighs. "I always miss the fun. What happened this time?"
"Damon's a bloody idiot, is what this is," Rebekah says instead. "He snapped a vampire mate's neck and said vampire didn't take too kindly to that."
Enzo shrugs. "Fair enough. Now if you're all done in here, some of the humans heard the ruckus. Jeremy and I have been doing damage control, but some of these locals are too nosy for their own good."
"Thank you, Mr. St. John. My sister and I will take it from here." Elijah beckons Rebekah to join him and she grumbles about missing all the fun.
Enzo, now too invested to see any more drama go down, walks over to stand next to Caroline and Bonnie.
"So, you four are vampires?" Bonnie wonders when no one says anything. "How come we didn't know?"
"Because YN wanted it that way," David says.
"And you just do what she says? How long have you even known her?"
"Long enough," you grumble. Immediately you feel yourself being squeezed and you groan as your eyes flutter open. You're staring up at the ceiling and you realize you're on the floor. "Dwayne?" The head tucked into the side of your aching neck lifts, and you smile at the vampiric face of your boyfriend. Reaching up, you tap on the tip of one of his fangs. "You can put these away now. I'm fine."
"He snapped your neck," he grumbles.
"Is he dead?"
"What?" You whine. You attempt to sit up, letting Dwayne help you. Then glancing over at your sister, you have no fucks left to give her. "He snapped my neck. The way I see it, if he's still breathing, he got off easy."
"You could have told us your friends were different vampires."
"But then Damon wouldn't have gotten his ass kicked." Then glancing at those standing, you ask, "Did anyone record it?" Everyone with the exception of Stefan, Elena, Damon, and Alaric find your question funny. Dwayne stands and helps you to your feet, and you stretch a little with a groan. "But now you all see why I left, right? I refuse to live a life that Damon wants to control."
"But you'll live a life that the Mikaelson's control?" Elena huffs.
You stare at her, shaking your head. "When are you going to get over your hate for them? You all refuse to forgive the Mikaelson's, yet Damon somehow gets a free pass?" You ask.
"Damon didn't kill Jenna!"
"No, but he did kill the love of Enzo's life and then left Enzo to burn alive," you say. Then looking at Stefan, you say, "He killed Lexi. He's killed Ric, Jeremy, and even me a few times." Looking at Bonnie, you add, "He threatened Grams into using too much magic that led to her death and let's not forget everything he put Caroline through. So why the hell is Damon forgiven for all of that, but yet you're so appalled when I associate with Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah?"
No one has anything to say, and Elena can't even look at you. She's too busy making sure Damon is healing properly.
"She has a point," Enzo says, breaking the silence.
Glancing at him, you offer him a smile before looking at each of your friends. "I'm tired, hungry, and pissed off now, so the party's officially over. Don't let the door hit you on the way out."
As you walk off, Dwayne takes hold of your hand. "Go up to the room. I'll grab some blood bags and liquor from the kitchen."
"Thank you." You squeeze his hand before letting go, grabbing the skirt of your dress and lifting it just a little so you can walk up the stairs without tripping.
. .
. .
In the comfort and safety of your room, you strip out of your dress and run yourself a hot shower. The first thing you do is wash all the hair products out of your hair before scrubbing your face free of makeup, and then wash your body before standing under the rainfall of water. You sigh, reaching a hand up to rub at your sore neck.
The sound of the shower drowns out the outside noise, so you startle a little when you feel a hand land on your shoulder. Uncaring of your nudity, you turn around and are met with an equally nude Dwayne. He hands you a blood bag that's a little warm to the touch and you don't waste a moment. You grab the bag and immediately bring it up to your mouth, letting your fangs pierce the bag.
As you suck down your meal, you let Dwayne lead you a few steps back so he's standing under the rainfall of water as well. His hands gently cup your face, thumbs brushing the veins beneath your eyes that have slithered to the surface. Your eyes flutter open and you drop the bag when you're done with it.
Dwayne then leans down so his forehead is resting against yours, and his hands move down so his fingers gently probe around your neck. "I wanted to kill him," he quietly admits. "It took all my self-control to not rip his head from his body."
You huff a laugh as you wrap your arms around his waist. "As much as I wish you would have, it's best that you didn't. If anything happened to poor Damon, Elena and Stefan probably would have hounded us until the end of times."
"Then they would have met the same fate. You were dead at the time, but apparently we're mates and our instincts to protect each other are insane."
"Excuse me?" You pull back a bit, staring at Dwayne in disbelief. "Mates actually exist?"
"For my kind, yes. It's why I knew something was off that first day we were here and Damon had you pinned to the wall. It's also why I flew into a rage when he snapped your neck."
Mouth agape, you shut it with an audible click. A moment later, you shrug. "Well, that explains the rage I felt when Damon threatened your life. Normally I'd have laughed a threat like that off, but I got severely pissed off."
Dwayne chuckles. "This is going to be fun."
"For you, maybe. Protective instincts aren't the only instincts that rears its ugly head thanks to our apparent bond."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm possessive, dear mate." You smile up at him. "I noticed it the last time that one female tried gaining your attention, but it wasn't too bad of an urge to rip her head off. If she had touched you, however, I'm pretty sure it would have been game over for her." Dwayne slowly smirks and you slowly raise your arms so they're wrapped around his neck, and you hop up as you wrap your legs around his waist. "Now are you going to fuck your mate or just stand here under the water?"
"I wasn't sure you were up for anything after having your neck snapped," he says while reaching below you and grabbing hard length to notch at your entrance.
"For you? I'm always up for something." You slowly lower yourself on Dwayne's cock, head tilting back as your mouth opens in a silent moan. He grunts when you're fully seated and when you meet his smoldering gaze, you clench around him and cause him to grunt. "Now come on. Make me scream and embarrass my sister who is no doubt still trying to play victim downstairs."
Smirking, Dwayne places one hand on your ass as he walks over to the wall and then places his other hand on the wall for a bit of balance. "Hang on…"
Dwayne pulls out nearly all the way, and then a moment later he thrust back in. Hard. You moan, fingernails digging into the flesh of his shoulders, and then beam brightly at him. "Again."
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The following morning, you have absolutely no shame when you and Dwayne enter the kitchen together. Everyone, with the exception of Elijah and Klaus, are all smirking at you.
"Well, well," Rebekah muses. "Look at you. I'm surprised you're not walking funny."
Paul and Marko immediately laugh, and Klaus looks quite appalled.
"Rebekah, please, can you not?" Elijah asks, already exasperated with where the morning conversation is clearly headed.
"Oh hush. We're all adults here."
You chuckle as you head towards the refrigerator, pulling out a pitcher of orange juice to pour yourself a glass. "Who all got an earful besides those in this room?"
"Well Damon thinks you were faking it."
"Of course." Your eyes roll.
"Stefan looked like he had sucked on a sour lemon, Elena turned beet red as if she was some prude, and Caroline and Enzo couldn't help but be impressed."
You chuckle some more as you sip your juice and then make your way to the table where Dwayne is already seated. You help yourself to a few slices of bacon and pay no mind to Dwayne's brothers who are patiently waiting to tease you. Unfortunately for them, you're not bothered by it at all.
"So will you be leaving this afternoon?" Klaus asks in order to break the silence.
"Yes." When you glance at Rebekah, you smile at her pout. "But you guys will always be welcomed in Santa Carla and I'll do my best to visit every other month."
"You better."
"What about these bracelets?" Marko asks. "Are we supposed to give them back once we're back in Santa Carla or…?"
"The bracelets are a gift," Elijah says smoothly. "And as a token of our appreciation for being on your best behavior and abiding by the rules we set out, we will pay for a trip for all of you to wherever you want."
"We appreciate that," David says, "but we need to settle our claim on Santa Carla before we can take off again. And speaking of Santa Carla, how is our home?" He then asks Klaus.
Klaus shrugs. "My hybrids have dispatched a werewolf pack looking to make camp in your woods. Your territory is as you left it- dirty and nearly uninhabitable."
"Klaus." You shake your head in amusement at him. "I've made my decision."
"I'm well aware."
"Then don't be a dick."
"I said nearly." You chuckle as he smirks. "Now let us have a nice breakfast before you and your friends start to pack. The jet is being fueled as we speak."
. .
. .
After a very talkative breakfast and barely half an hour of packing, you and the boys are on a private jet back to Santa Carla. You had immediately made a beeline for the singular bedroom at the back of the jet to go back to sleep, and Dwayne joined you for about an hour before rejoining his brothers.
You join them sometime later, taking the time to sip a drink as you listen to the boys brainstorm the perfect location for the trip you're all going to take once David's confident enough with his grasp on Santa Carla.
And it's only once you've stepped foot back in Santa Carla does your phone ping with a text message from Klaus. It's directions to a location and instructions to call him when you get there.
"What do you think it is?" Dwayne asks as he reads the message himself.
"I have no idea, but it's Klaus, so anything is possible."
You can see Paul and Marko are anxious to get back to their cave, but David wants everyone to stick together. So, after procuring- er, compelling- a car, you drive to the location Klaus had sent you.
Pulling up to the location that's still in Santa Carla, you're not surprised at its remote location, but you are surprised with the steel gate blocking a driveway and the steel fence that wraps all around the property. Off in the distance, up on a hill, there's quite the house sitting there.
"What the hell is this?" Paul asks, leaning forward between the seats.
"I have no idea." You pull out your phone and dial Klaus' number, still staring at the house in awe while holding the phone to your ear. When the line clicks over, you immediately ask, "What did you do?"
"Welcome home, love. The code to the gate is your birthday." You glance at the small box just outside the driver's side window and punch in the code. When the little red light turns green, the gates start to open. "Since there was no way you were going to leave Santa Carla, I figured that you could at least live in a proper home rather than that dark, dank cave your boys are apparently so fond of. Honestly, they needed to get out of there as well."
"Klaus… this is a lot," you utter in awe. You drive all the way up to the front steps and everyone hurriedly vacates the car to take a look around. "I can never repay something like this."
"Family doesn't repay family back. At least not ours."
"I'm serious. It's done. Now since you're all vampires, I had a witch spell the house for you."
"How so?"
"No guest, whether they're supernatural or not, can enter your home without your permission. There was a little blood magic involved, so you'll have to invite your mate and friends in."
You walk up to the front door and enter the house with ease, smirking at Marko when he tries to enter behind you but can't. You quickly invite all four boys in and then turn to stare at the lavish home. "Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, truly… thank you."
"Think nothing of it. But if you truly want to repay me back, you can take Rebekah on your next trip. She truly is aggravating."
You laugh and nod before saying, "Yes. Of course. Anything."
"Mhm. Well, I'll let you and the boys get acquainted with your new home. Have fun. Don't murder too many people."
"We'll try." You end the call with Klaus and only then does the sound of Paul and Marko's excitement reach your ears. You feel pressure at your elbow and find Dwayne standing there, looking down on you. "It's ours."
"It's ours. Klaus obviously didn't like the living conditions of the cave, so he bought us a house."
"Well… shit." You snort at his utterance. "It's been a long time since any of us have lived in a proper home."
"Hey! If this is our house, do we get to call dibs on a room?" You hear Paul shout from somewhere deep in the house.
"Dwayne and I get the master!" You shout back. "It's a free for all for the rest of you."
All of a sudden you hear footsteps pounding on the hardwood floor, followed by grunting and whining, and protests of David being unfair.
Smiling, you turn back towards Dwayne and grin. "So, I guess this is home?"
"Do you want it to be?"
You shrug. "Home is wherever you are. If you want to go back to the cave, then let's go back. But if you want to stay here, then we'll stay here."
Dwayne flashes you one of his rare smiles as he reaches for you, and tugs you close. "Well, I wouldn't want to piss off the big bad hybrid by taking his precious baby sister back to the dark, dank cave."
You laugh and quickly lean up on the tips of your toes, pressing your lips to his in a chaste kiss. "Then we'll stay." You kiss him again. "Now come on. Let's go break in our new bed."
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