#klaus x tatia
sevensistersofsussex · 11 months
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I'm Turning Out the Lights to Remember How to See by @kaizsche
“I trust you, Niklaus.” Tatia placed herself before him, kneeling in between his thighs. He turned away with a stubborn set to his jaw. She bowed over, resting her forehead against his collarbone. “I love you, Niklaus.”
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katherineholmes · 2 years
For the ship asks! <3
Klaroline and Klaus/doppelgangers (Tatia, Katerina and Elena)
So I’m gonna do Klaus/Elena separately or this’ll get too big. Thank you so much for this ask, being a multi-shipper is fun!
What made you ship it?
Episode 4x07, I think, when Klaus and Caroline are at the pageant and they’re talking and laughing with each other. It’s the only time we see both of them look so free.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Caroline is perfectly normal, she’s a baby vampire, she’s not a powerful witch, or a cunning player in a game. But she still calls Klaus out over his terrible behaviour. I don’t know if that’s the effective way of dealing with his issues, but she’s one of the few people who doesn’t take his shit, and I love that. Klaus, on the other hand appreciates who Caroline is as a person, when so many others don’t seem to.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
They weren’t handled really well, in my opinion, by the show runners, but that’s what fanfics are for.
What made you ship it?
The history of it all! The way almost everyone in his family talks about Klaus’ feelings for Tatia reverently, but Klaus never shows much reaction. And I think it’s because his feelings for her are too much for him, she was his first love after all. I’m honestly extremely curious about their relationship, and I love how brilliantly @amandamonroe writes them!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
We don’t know much about them, so I’m going to say it’s the tragedy of it all. Klaus loves her and yet, it was her blood that made him a vampire, and it was her blood that bound his wolf for centuries. And there’s something poetic about that, being made and unmade by the person you love.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
That Klaus did love her because I think a lot of people believe that he didn’t.
What made you ship it?
Tbh, I don’t ship them much, only in the time that Katherine was human. Because I think Klaus and Katherine must’ve been playing mind games with each other. I think there’s some great fics out there about them!
What are your favorite things about the ship?
The manipulation and power plays. The way that they both play each other, and how Katherine finally tells Klaus she’s done running.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
They’re a tragedy. They should end with Katherine staking Klaus with a white oak stake and then dying a few hours after him because she belongs to his sireline. So they can both get their revenge on each other 🤷🏽‍♀️
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kaizsche · 11 months
i'm turning out the lights to remember how to see.
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klaus mikaelson/tatia
summary: “Oh, how sweet. The bitch whines for her cur even in death!” In this retelling of The Original Family's human life, Tatia had chosen Niklaus instead of Elijah.
Day 1 of AUgust: Sightless
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It was an accident, he’d told her. He never meant for it to happen, he said in between mad ramblings. His face had been bashed in, Niklaus barely noticeable through the disfiguration. It was horrible—no man, no son should have been punished, beaten within an inch of his life. 
“I deserved it…” Niklaus croaked, his split lip curling in a wry smile. How could Esther, much less Elijah stand for this?! “This is nothing to what Henr—”
Tatia pressed the cool herbal salve tight over his bleeding skin. “You are without fault, Niklaus.” 
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hyperactivewhore · 5 months
I never thought about it before, but now that the idea is in front of me, I think Klena would have been absolutely WILD had it happened, and it would have made a lot sense for Klaus's character. He's been waiting for a thousand years to break this curse, and suddenly Elena comes, and easily gives him everything he's wanted, she doesn’t die like Tatia, she doesn’t run like Katherine, and she's also the key to making his hybrids. I also think Elena could have been a compelling character had the writers treated her as one. She is smart, she has daggersd two Originals after all, I think she could have empowered Klaus in ways that others maybe couldn't, because he can't kill her since he needs her, and while she's physically not strong, she can be pretty manipulative sometimes. It would have been INSANE if they had a thing, they would have been absolutely toxic but a great dynamic for a show like the vampire diaries.
I like toxic ships, I won't lie, but only if they're well executed, have a solid reason as to why the people dating even got interested in each other (this is why I like klaurora and enjoy the dynamic delena has, but don't like klaroline or bonkai) and I do feel Elena and Klaus would fall into this category. They had potential for a relationship, just not a healthy one.
Don't bring up that it would be ooc for Elena to fall in love with Klaus after he murdered Jenna: she's married to Damon, who raped her best friend and who literally killed her brother, so let's skip this unneeded discussion, because tvdu writers are always retconning their characters for ships/the narrative. I've talked and recommended her fanfic a thousand times, but Fairytale Ending by @livlepretre really, really touches what I think would be canon klena. They're toxic, screwed up and yet they love each other in their own fucked up way. It's so good written too, and it makes Klaus look even more fucked up than in canon which I just love.
Despite how tvd made her look, Elena is clever and resourceful and she also looks like Tatia, who was Klaus’s first heartbreak, and knowing how obsessive and screwed up he is with the women he loves romantically it's strange he didn't try to do anything physical or romantic with her. Just imagine Klaus and Elijah repeating history with Elena by falling in love with her, just because she shares the face of the two women they both wanted at one point. It would be so twisted yet such an interesting dynamic to watch, at least for me.
It obviously wouldn't be healthy, but it would be so ironic to have Klaus falling for the girl he's supposed to kill. If they had met in different circumstances, then maybe they wouldn't be as toxic, but I do get the appeal of klena and why people ship them.
And personally, ships where the other person stresses the fuck out of Klaus will always be my favorite.
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fandoms--fluff · 5 months
Hi! Ive been a fan of your works for awhile now and id like to request something different, like tatia x reader (including the mikaelsons) with reader and tatia dying together.
Three Words
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Female reader x Tatia Petrova
Warnings: death, blood, knives
Elijah and Klaus watch as Tatia and you dance to the music by the big bonfire. Everyone in the village thinks that you're best friends, you're rarely ever seen apart. Which is what you both want everyone to think, knowing what would happen if they knew the truth.
The truth that only the two Mikaelson brothers know. They promised you both that they would keep your secret to the grave.
You guys laugh and twirl each other around. Dancing with some of the younger children when they come up to you guys.
You wave over the two young men to come have fun. "Oh come on, stop being so stoic, have some fun," Tatia tells them. Before long, the four of you are laughing and having the time of your lives.
Everything is perfect.
Until it isn't.
You watch in horror as Esther bleeds your girlfriend out, collecting her blood in a basin. You try stopping her with a blade that is lying on a stool. As you close on her, she mutters something and the blade goes flying out of your hand to the other side of the room.
You let out a scream before noticing how she let go of Tatia who's barely breathing, onto the floor. She advances up to you before dragging you over to the basin as well, using the same knife she used on Tatia, on you, bleeding you out into the basin.
Your love's and your blood mixes together in the basin. Your eyes feel heavy by the time Esther's done with you. She drops you next to Tatia and picks the basin up before leaving through the wooden door.
You turn to the best of your abilities to Tatia, who is blinking slowly as well. Her frown turns into a small smile seeing you. Her mouth parts slightly, "I love you" She whispers just loud enough for you to hear.
"I love you too" you muster up strength and whisper back. That's the last thing that happens before everything's dark.
The room is silent, no more breaths of air emitting from your guys' forms on the ground.
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randomestfandoms · 10 months
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I've seen it in the poems and the sands I've pleaded with the powers and their plans I tried to rewrite it, but I can't It's the history, the history of man
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elejahfanfic · 1 year
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_dream of love
klaus x elena_
ft. elijah & tatia
a/n: a very au story. Klaus is not (yet) the big bad wolf. Elijah doesn't know he is a Mikaelson. He is Elijah Smith, as he was taken by a witch as a baby from Esther.
I always turn everything upside down.
This is a Klena love story.
_the klena manip below is not mine.
New York
Elijah Smith sat down at the table of his lavish penthouse apartment looking at the photo of his bride to be - Tatia Gilbert.
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There was not a day that he didn't miss her. Not a day passed that he did not go to sleep with the thought of her or woke up with his heart beating for his loved one.
Though he had all the money in the world and had spent every possible way he could think of to find her, it seemed that some greater power was holding all his efforts back.
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"Hey" Elena walked in the lounge, greeting her  her sister's fiance.
"Hello." Elijah said putting the photographs and letters back in a box.
"You didn't sleep." the brunette stated the obvious as Elijah's ragged look, and crinkled shirt were proof enough.
"Everything just - we were supposed to get married two years ago on this day. And - oh I wish she never went on that expedition."
"Yeah - but you know that she had to go. She breathed archeology. And she is such a free spirit." Elena said, her own heart aching for her twin sister.
"Yes. That is one reason I fell in love with her. She was so full of life," Elijah drew a sad breath,"and I don't believe that she is gone."
"And you think that they will help us find her? And that they would not want anything in return - just the amulet"
"I sincerely hope so. Right," Elijah got up and now took the box, "I will get some sleep. And - you can stay here as long as you like."
"Thanks. But I will look for an apartment. It's about time"
"Damon came looking for you, and I told him not to come calling here again. He was drunk and pretty violent."
"Thank you, Elijah. I am really sorry about - the idiot." Elena said apologetically.
"No problem. I am happy that you finally have opened your eyes regarding this guy." Elijah said.
Elena nodded and turned towards the big window, gazing out, her thoughts swayed to another man and the Ball in New Orleans. 
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New Orleans
"What do you mean, you're packing your bags and going to New York? You don't know anyone there." Rebekah Mikaelson said to her half-brother stunned as he announced to the blonde that he was leaving.
"Marcel is there. I talked to him and he says that I can crash at his place till I got on my feet. If there is a place to make it as an artist it's there. I got to at least try. You are going away soon with your rich fiance and I will be left alone here anyway."
"Yes" Rebekah sighed, "you do. I don't know why you are not letting Stefan help you. He's got connections - he said that your paintings are good."
"You know how I feel about his snobby friends - and I want to make it on my own. Exhibit with a Gallery that finds your work worth the while. Get a proper art dealer." Kol said.
"I get you. You want to do it the hard way. And I respect that. But Stefan is a good guy -"
"Rebekah please - I know that he is - but - this is something I got to do by myself."
"All right," The blonde nodded, giving her brother a semi-hug, "I will definitely come and visit you."
"I am sure you will." Klaus put on a charming smile and now kissed his sister on a cheek as a small bye. 
"Here" Rebekah took out a wad of money from her purse, "please take this."
"Bex, I'm fine." Klaus refused the money.
"I know that you are. But New York is really expensive and - you will need this. You will give me all of it back when you are famous painter - with interest." Rebekah joked shoving the money in her brother's jacket.
"You bet I will. Thanks, sis." Klaus now took his bag hearing the horn of Jackson's car go. 
With tears in her eyes Rebekah motioned to the man to go and he left.
Well I've been out walking
I don't do that much talking these days
These days
These days I seem to think a lot
About the things that I forgot to do
And all the times I had the chance to
I had a lover
I don't think I'll risk another these days
These days
And if I seem to be afraid
To live the life I have made in song
It's just that I've been losing so long
In the cab that headed to the airport, Klaus looked out of the window, his thoughts now fast escaping into a daydream.
He traces her lips lightly with the tip of his finger. As she pouts slightly he feels the urge to kiss it, to wrap her up in his arms and listen to her gentle breathing.
This feeling is so strange. Could it be love? No. Though it stretches throughout his whole body. It's overwhelming.  And yet strangely makes him feel complete. It feels like he is in a dangerous fire, yet completely safe at the same time.  It feels as though his heart is dancing around his chest. He feels so light, like he is on top of the world yet his heart is constricting and it feels as if there's no oxygen in his lungs.
It's strange – frightening even – how one can go from someone being a complete stranger, to then being completely infatuated by them and wondering how it ever was that one was able to live without them. 
Will he ever see her again?
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hybrid-royalty · 1 year
Klaus and tatia
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you...
Who asks the other on dates: Tatia actually is more likely to suggest activities, Klaus is very excited to do them but rarely thinks to ask
Who is the bigger cuddler: Tatia, all the Doppelgangers share this trait
Who initiates holding hands more often: Tatia, she's so sweet about it
Who remembers anniversaries: Klaus, not traditional ones, but he remembers things like the first time he went foraging with her for herbs, or the first time she kissed him at a festival, those are little memories he remembers to celebrate and gift her something for it to remind her as well
Who is more possessive: Klaus, always
Who gets more jealous: Klaus, he's so insecure and doesn't believe she's really his
Who is more protective: Tatia, Klaus is a little.. Odd. She looks out for him in ways he doesn't know he needs.
Who is more likely to cheat: Neither, once Tatia is committed
Who initiates sexy times the most: Tatia
Who dislikes PDA the most: Klaus, but not greatly
Who kills the spider: Tatia
Who asks the other to marry them: Klaus, inappropriately soon, so she makes him wait and ask again before she says yes
Who buys the other flowers or gifts: Klaus' love language is giving gifts, Tatia's is receiving gifts - works out very well for them.
Who would bring up possibly having kids: Tatia
Who is more nervous to meet the parents: Tatia, but she doesn't need to be, Esther loves her and was worried Klaus wouldn't find anyone
Who sleeps on the couch when the other is angry: Klaus
Who tries to make up first after arguments: It really depends, could go either way
Who tells the other they love them more often: Tatia, Klaus shows it in his own way though
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companionjones · 1 year
From the Bottom
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Fandom: The Originals (The CW)
Summary: You attend a party with Elijah, and its guests do not treat you very well. What will be the Mikaelsons’ reactions to this?
Warnings: The guests at the party are very mean to Reader, Klaus’ regular violence
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    You were surprised you lasted as long as you did. You sat at the vanity and watched as the makeup streamed down your face.
    Just as the next round of sobs raked through your body, there was a knock on the door.
    “Y/n? My love, may I please come in.” It was Elijah.
    You opened your mouth to give a pitiful, “Yes,” and turned to face Elijah as he entered.
    As soon as he saw the look on your face, he used his vampire speed to get across the room and kneel in front of you. He took one of your hands in his. “I don’t want you to spare them another thought--”
    “How can I stop thinking about it, Elijah?!” you exploded. “I was just publicly humiliated for the last hour!”
    You had shown up to a ‘business’ party at the Mikaelson Compound on Elijah’s arm. It was the first time the public had seen you with him. Apparently, no one there thought you were good enough for Elijah Mikaelson. The whole time, you kept getting mean looks and you kept hearing strangers whisper hurtful things. At a certain point, it was all you could do to keep yourself from crying your eyes out until you had excused yourself and were safe in Elijah’s room.
    “Y/n, please look at me,” Elijah begged.
    You did as he asked.
    He lamented, “From the bottom of my heart, you are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on. Céleste, Tatia, any one of those monsters downstairs can’t even compare to the beauty I see in you. You are the love of my eternal life. I will feel like this always and forever. I promise you that.”
    “How am I supposed to face them again, Elijah?” you pleaded.
    He shook his head. “Don’t worry. Once Klaus is done with them, what they’ll fear most is ever looking at you the wrong way again.”
    “‘Once Klaus is done with them’?”
    Just then, you heard a loud scream, followed by the squelch of blood.
    You rose to your feet. So did Elijah. He was still holding your hand.
    “What is he doing to them?” It scared you to even wonder.
    Elijah tried his best to calm your fears. “He is just teaching them a few lessons. Klaus cares for you too, you know.”
    Vaguely, you felt yourself nodding. All you could hear were sounds of torture as you took steps closer to the door with Elijah’s hand still in yours.
    As you opened the door, your heart was beating rapidly, but your tears had dried. You approached the railing to thunderous applause, a few dead people, and a smirking Klaus.
    You had to admit: you much preferred the fear in the people’s eyes to the looks they were giving you earlier.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Fill up that heart and reblog if you liked it. I would also appreciate a comment, if you have the time. If you would like to read more, you should check out my masterlist over on my page. Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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fairykery · 8 months
The Vampire Diaries opinions people hate me for:
Forwood is actually a good ship and I wish it didn't have to go down like that, at the expense of Caroline's character.
I ship Klaroline; but Klaus was toxic. I could only ever see this ship becoming endgame if Klaus redeemed himself first.
Caroline had chemistry with everyone except Stefan.
Bamon had potential (and it was literally in the books). If they had come up with a "I had my humanity off" plotline it would have made the ship work🤷🏻‍♀️
Bonezo is a good ship and is clearly less toxic than Bamon; but it only happened to please racist dullena fans that complained about Bamon's romantic implications(even if it happened in the books)
Caroline, Katherine, Bonnie, & Stefan are the most interesting characters of TVD
Jeremy & Anna were cute IDK🤷🏻‍♀️
Matt did not deserve the hate. His feelings were valid. All his friends were killers and he was an abandoned, heartbroken boy, whose mom was a drunk and pedophile, and his only sister & family was killed by the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend who he loved alot, just cause he decided he was bored. He remained loyal & brave to his friends and they didn't account for their murders and killings & stopped caring for the innocent.
Alaric was not a bad father and teacher. Even if he had his slip-ups he was actually an interesting & good character.
Damon is way too defended In this fandom. People should like the character and not defend the wrongs?! Just how many women has he compelled to sleep with him and to let him drink their blood? And what about what he did to Aaron whitmore? He slaughtered entire families of Innocents even while dating Elena. So all that "sHe mAkEs hiM bEtTeR" crap, is not valid. You can like Ian's acting and the smugness of his character, & like the character for those reasons, without defending the terrible acts of the character.
Delena was a horrible ship. The only reason it's popular is due to the shallow fact that people see Ian as more handsome than Paul. The ship only has good chemistry and looks. Beyond that, there is nothing.
Stefan is still the better man. (Fried humanity/off humanity Stefan don't count just as it goes for all the other vampires) Gaslighting writing through the other characters won't change that(Nice try, Julie P)🤷🏻‍♀️
Alaric and Jo were really cute together. I don't care. They made epic twins together.
Elena is overloved; but overhated at the same time. It's annoying. Just love the kind human girl that she used to be and hate the vicious, selfish girl she became, without hating her for breathing. That simple.
Klelijah(Katherine x Elijah) is not a good ship. Katherine loved stefan. She was only using Elijah to survive, and back then she only pitied him. Elijah also only was with her because of what he did to Tatia
Katherine did deserve better though, even if she did bad things. Making her the biggest/& ultimate devil and pretending there wasn't any good in her was incredibly misogynistic. Like Damon & Klaus did worse things and they get happy lives and good character ends? Like No! Horrible! Katherine's core was a scared little girl who wanted to live a normal human life while still being powerful and beautiful. She was chased for 500 years, had to see her entire family slaughtered, lost a baby because of misogynistic expectations, found her again, just to see her last family die again. Did she do horrible things? Yes; all to survive. But she also saved Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, encouraged Elena to be honest about what she felt for Damon even when she didn't have to.
Caroline did annoying things; but overall she was an interesting character. And she was way too smart and strong as a vampire. I loved seeing it.
Bonnie deserved so much more than the show gave her. I hope she gets her own show one day. A show about witches would be pretty lit.
Rebecca could have tried harder to be kinder and less evil. I get she had centuries of habits she needed to break but still. (Elena stabbing her in the back was still shit though)
Klaus was evil to his default and was an abuser to his family. I'm glad he changed/died for hope; but still I would have been nice if there were other factors to this action.
They shouldn't have thrown away the good of Elijah Mikalson. He didn't deserve that. The way they also tried to pull a Stefan on him.
Haylijah was a cute ship🤷🏻‍♀️
Esther wasn't wrong about her children being evil as vampires. And what she wanted to do with them was have them live as humans.
What the originals did to Marcel was fucked up
What the originals did to Davina was cruel
I wish we could have seen more of the witch that played "the hollow".
Glamorizing Hope's evil side is not "a flex". Again, like the character & actor art; but not the vicious actions.
Hosie should have been canon
That random new original sister was so unnecessary.
Kolvina is the most interesting ship of the entire TVDverse I wish there was more of them
All TVD ships were good I just find: Steroline, Delena, & Klamille to be cringe. Steroline only happened to compensate Forwood/& Klaroline and justify Delena. And Delena only happened because of looks and the love story was trash. Klamille was also a compensation ship to Klaroline so yeah, cringe.
TVD writing, lore, acting, cinematography,. directing is all a 10. The only thing that is trash is the ending and all the romantic entanglement the show had.
Warning: This isn't to start an agree to disagree party. This post is just so that those that agree with me can high-five with me. If you disagree, don't even bother commenting on this post. Everything is a matter of perception & perspective. I'm just sharing mine, while venting. By jumping on this post to fight with me you are immediately self-labeling yourself as entitled. Everyone has their own opinions bestie so don't even.
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rere-the-writer · 1 year
Title: A new Christmas love
Pairing: Haylijah, One-sided! Elijah M. x Original!Reader,Bruce W. x Original!Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Hints of smut, Jealous!Elijah, Cute Reader and Bruce moments
A/N: wanted to do a two part Christmas fic also Happy Holidays 😊
You sighed watching Hayley and Elijah as they danced leaving you in heartache which Klaus noticed and quickly was at yourside. You were an Original Heretic, the first wife to Klaus when you both were human.
And you were deeply in love with Elijah and had only married Klaus because the hybrid wanted to protect you from your abusive father. Once you became vampires, Klaus and you split up since you both were just close friends. Klaus knew of your feelings for Elijah but the noble vampire loved Tatia and now Hayley.
"You alright, love?" Klaus asked taking your hand worry shining in the blue eyes you adored for him since you had confessed to Elijah on Christmas of 1913. You still remember the words Elijah spoke to you.
'It wouldn't be right of me to take my brother's ex wife on as a lover.' Elijah had told you yet it was alright for him to sleep with the mother of Klaus's child.
"Yes Niklaus....I'll be okay." You said softly to Klaus who frowned looking to Elijah and Hayley, anger bubbling in Klaus's chest. When you were human, Klaus admired how strong you were but now it just angered Klaus.
"My brother is an fool. He knows the truth of our marriage yet keeps his stupid sense of what is noble and sleeps with Hayley." Klaus mutters lacing his fingers with yours and kissing the spot where your wedding band once was.
"I will move on....it is clear Elijah loves me not. Now go see that cute bartender. Her name is Camille, is it not?" You teased your ex husband who flushed looking away then kissed your forehead before going over to Camille. You sighed heading over to the bar to get a drink.
"Is this seat taken?" You heard a smooth voice asked making you look seeing a handsome man. Dressed in a good suit, the man clean shaven, black hair slicked back with beautiful blue eyes. Your heart fluttered looking at the man as your cheeks warmed.
"No. I'm Y/N Mikaelson." You say holding your hand out to the man who smiled kissing your knuckles making your heart jump.
"Bruce Wayne, a pleasure Mrs. Mikaelson." Bruce says sitting next to you with a smile.
"It's just Y/N, Mr. Wayne. Nik is my ex husband." You said grabbed your wine as Bruce smiled leaning close.
"Then just called me, Bruce." Bruce says smiling at you and you felt like a little school school talking to the most handsome boy in school.
"Looks like mama got someone's attention." Hope commented making Rebekah blink looking to where the 12 year old was pointing. The blonde grabbed Finn's and Kol's arms, biting her lip to keep from squealing.
And her brothers looked surprised to see you swaying with Bruce. You were giggly and your cheeks were flushed clearly enjoying the attention from Bruce.
"Yes and it seems Elijah had noticed." Kol says pointing out Elijah who stopped watching you with Bruce.
The siblings watched noticing how Elijah seemed jealous as the vampire watching you while talking to Hayley.
You giggled again when Bruce whispered in your ear again, your heart fluttered feeling Bruce's lips lightly brush along your skin.
"Shame I'll have to fly back to Gotham in the morning." Bruce says looking at you when you pulled away just a bit.
"I could give you my number. And maybe fly up to see you for dates....if you want." You said looking away as Bruce smiled.
"I would like that." Bruce says making you look up at Bruce seeing his smile and you smiled at him. By the end of the night Elijah found hisself watching you lead Bruce up to your bedroom as jealousy sat in his chest.
"Elijah? You okay?" Hayley asked seeing Elijah give her a tight lip smile hearing your bedroom door close.
"Just fine my love." Elijah says following Hayley upstairs while the others gave each other knowing looks.
You snuggled closer to the warm body in your bed making you jolt awake and saw it was Bruce. You smiled gently touching his cheek rubbing it as memories of last night since Bruce had gave a world of pleasure more than your past lovers. You were startled feeling Bruce kissing your palm and saw a playful glint in his blue eyes.
"Goodmorning beautiful." Bruce said his voice husky from sleep getting you to rub your thighs together. Bruce had gotten you to feel things that you thought you only flet for Elijah....yet here was Bruce lighting your heart on fire with desire.
"Goodmorning. Didn't you have a flight?" You asked wrapping your arms around Bruce's neck. The human smirked cupping your cheek kissing you deeply as his other hand gripped your thigh rolling you both over.
"I can always fly out later. Right now I really want to enjoy you." Bruce says leaving more marks on your neck as you flushed. You noticed how small you were under Bruce making you shiver with excitement.
"Very smooth there Bruce." You giggled leaning up kissing Bruce and he kissed back with his hands gripping your hips.
Elijah narrowed his eyes when you finally came down stairs with Bruce. Elijah noticed you had a slight limp, you had freshly showered and was showing Bruce out. The family watched Bruce leaned down to kiss you softly and listened to you and Bruce.
"So I'll see next weekend?" You asked as Bruce smiled kissing your hand.
"I would love that. I shall fly out, is alright to call you when I get home?" Bruce asked brushing a few strands of hair from your face. You nodded smiling up at Bruce feeling like that you could be with Bruce.
"Had a good night, love?" Teased Klaus as you flushed pouring a cup of tea when you joined the family. Elijah watched you closely feeling jealousy creep back up when you sat down.
"Yes. Oh Bruce is just wonderful, he is a gentleman and so sweet." You gushed eyes twinkling with such joy that Klaus hadn't seen in a long time.
"Are you going to see him again?" Elijah asked staring at you making you stop noticing the tone Elijah used.
"Yes, Bruce and I are making plans to spend Christmas together." You said wondering why Elijah was seemly jealous. Elijah narrowed his eyes cutting into his omelet as the siblings blinked.
"Making plans with someone and not spend it with family." Elijah said making you flush feeling bad but Klaus moved in to save the day.
"Or Bruce and his family could join us. After all brother you should be happy that our dear Y/N seeing someone for the first time in a century."
"Yes, of course Niklaus." Elijah said giving a tight smile watching you talk to Rebekah about last night. Elijah pushed down the jealousy and tried to be happy for you and hoped he could get though Christmas.
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elijahstwink · 1 month
katherine x elijah. please, we need more kalijah fics. they've been physical in canon and i think they were 💯
Till the Sun Rises
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A sweet smut shot between Elijah and Katerina based off Elijah’s flashback in TVD.
Thank you for the great request anon!
I’m totally obsessed with any Nina Dobrev x Daniel Gillies character ships so this was so fun to write.
A few notes:
Katerina is aware of vampires at this point.
Also Elijah has TVD season 2 hair cause the long hair wasn’t it.
This is a historical smut so I’ve tried my hardest to not use any terminology that wasn’t around yet.
Content Warnings: smut, dom! Elijah, human! Katerina, slight anal play (f! receiving) , squirting, praise, small bit of spanking, historically inaccurate language, fingering, handjob, oral sex (f! receiving, m! receiving), slight sub drop, aftercare, Elijah breaks his word.
England 1492
“I won’t!”
“You have to chase me!” Katerina laughs, holding her green dress up slightly as she runs through the gardens, her long curly hair blowing in the autumn breeze. She stops at a small stone bench, overlooking the beautiful rose bushes and the setting sun.
“You’re meant to catch me!” She giggles, finding it easier to catch her breath as she is not required to wear a corset under her casual attire.
“Well if I catch you the game will be over.” Elijah says, walking towards her, his maroon shirt matching the colour of the many leaves littering the ground, leaving naked trees in their wake.
Katerina looks at him, a breathy chuckle leaving her lips.
“Thank you for entertaining me, m’lord.” She says sweetly.
“Oh, you looked lonely inside, so I took pity on you.” Elijah teases, smirking at her and earning himself an incredulous look.
“Klaus promised to spend the day with me” Katerina explains, taking a seat on the bench. “But he never returned home from the night.”
“That’s because Niklaus does not live by any rules but his own.” Elijah looks down at the girl, admiring the way the hues of the fading sun brush against her olive skin.
From the moment Elijah first met Katerina, he was transfixed by her. He expected this, as she looks identical to his first love Tatia. However, he never imagined he’d fall for anything more then her physical appearance. But he can’t deny the quirk of his lips when he hears her laugh, or the way he finds himself wondering what it would be like to court her, make her his.
“He is a very charming man. Hard for any woman to resist I suppose…” Elijah blinks as he returns to the present, looking at Katerina with a slightly longing expression.
“And yet?” Katerina doesn’t miss the way his eyes linger on her lips.
“And yet..” she hesitates. She was completely smitten with Elijah when they first met. So much so that she was no longer interested in meeting Klaus, and was slightly disappointed when he sent Elijah away.
Katerina knows it is wrong, she is going to be courted by Elijah’s brother, but she has lost so much already. So she decides that she would follow her heart.
Katerina stood up, rounding the bench slowly and standing in front of Elijah’s tall frame, his onyx eyes gazing down at her with an unreadable look.
“And yet, my eyes are set on another.” Katerina murmurs shyly, her face flushing the colour of the roses behind her. She tears her gaze from Elijah’s shocked face, suddenly very interested in the grass at her feet.
Elijah composes himself before placing a soft hand upon Katerina’s cheek, tilting her head up to meet his eyes.
A shiver runs down Katerina’s spine at the contact of Elijah’s cool hand against her burning skin. She gasps as she realises how close they are, their chests touching.
“Is that so?” Elijah’s thumb drags across her pouty bottom lip. “And who might this lucky man be? Hm?” He tilts his head, a boyish grin adorning his face.
Katerina flushes even more as she feebly attempts to avert her gaze from his captivating eyes.
Elijah tsk’s softly, holding her firmly in place with a hand on her waist, and the other resting on her cheek still, his fingers gripping her jaw. “It is too late now to be shy, answer my question pretty girl.”
“You, m’lord.” She whispers, her mouth stays parted slightly.
“Call me Elijah, darling.” He says, leaning in slightly, having to bend his head down to accommodate their height difference.
“Elijah.” Katerina repeats, her eyes fluttering shut, so close now that she can feel his warm breath upon her lips.
Elijah takes a split second to admire Katerina, with her pinkish lips parted, her head tilted and her eyes shut. When he cannot physically hold back any longer, he drops his mouth down onto hers, swallowing the whine she releases.
The kiss starts sweetly, Katerina lifting a hand to place on Elijah’s chest. Elijah moves the hand on her waist down to rest on her lower back. He uses the slight moan Katerina releases to slip his tongue inside her mouth.
Elijah pulls back after a minute, breathing heavily with his forehead pressed against hers.
“Allow me to court you instead.” He commands rather than asks, gazing at Katerina with a look that made her knees weak.
“What will Niklaus say, what if he hurts-“
Katerina is interrupted by the addicting taste of Elijah’s lips once again, all her prior worries seeming to melt away.
“Do not worry about my brother, I will speak with him.” Elijah speaks against her lips. “It is getting dark.” He trails off slightly, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before moving the hand on her back lower. “Lay with me tonight?”
A sudden burst of confidence flows through Katerina’s skin. Perhaps due to the pleading look in Elijah’s eyes, showing that he wants her as much as she wants him. She raises her free hand to his jaw, the stubble prickly against her palm.
“I shall, if you promise to keep me up till the sun rises once more.” She says teasingly, leaning up to place a soft kiss on Elijah’s neck.
She feels him swallow, the rumble of an inaudible groan vibrating against her lips. Elijah pulls Katerina from his neck, holding her face in both his large hands. He looks at her with lust flowing through his eyes, along with a glint of adoration.
“You have my word.” He smirks, pulling back and grabbing her hand in his own before leading her back into the house.
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“Come here my love.” Elijah demands, crooking a single ringed finger in a come hither motion.
Katerina obeys, walking across the wood floor of Elijah’s bedroom and towards the man standing patiently at the end of the bed.
Elijah gently turns her away from him, before untying the back of her dress. Katerina steps out of the fabric as it hits the floor. She takes it upon herself to remove her undergarments, leaving her bare.
Katerina turns around, giggling as Elijah shamelessly stares at her chest, her nipples hardening from exposure to the warm air.
Katerina squeals as Elijah suddenly picks her up, tossing her on his bed. He begins to undress, running a hand through his hair as he steps out of his trousers.
Katerina sits up, shuffling forward till her legs dangle over the foot of the bed, looking up at Elijah. She kisses along his happy trail, before grabbing the waistband of his underwear and pulling it down. Elijah hisses as the cool air hits his length. Katerina wraps her hand around his impressive girth, bringing her mouth toward to lap at the bead of arousal leaking from his tip.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans softly as she looks up at him with innocent doe eyes. “Open.” He says, hooking two fingers between her lips and forcing her mouth open.
“Good girl.” He praises, not missing the moan that Katerina releases at his words. “Do you enjoy being called that?” Elijah smiles at her enthusiastic nodding, stroking her hair before guiding her head towards him. He removes his fingers from her mouth, replacing them with his erection.
Katerina eagerly sucks, hollowing her cheeks and running her tongue around his tip. Using one hand to stroke the part that won’t fit in her mouth. Elijah keeps a strong grip on her hair, groaning at the innocent look Katerina is giving him. He pulls her off by her hair when he notices her rubbing her thighs together, in a feeble attempt to gain friction.
“Elijah, please,” Katerina begs, lying flat on the bed with a hand hovering dangerously close to her core. Elijah slaps her hand away, kneeling at the foot of the bed. Katerina squeals as Elijah yanks her towards him by her hips, before licking a long stripe up her cunt.
“Good lord, Elijah.” Katerina moans, pulling at Elijah’s hair with both her trembling hands. “No one’s ever-“ she cuts herself off with a loud moan as one of Elijah’s thick fingers stretch her open. He looks up at her, adding a second finger. Elijah crooks his fingers, hitting a spot inside her that she wasn’t aware existed.
“Are you implying,” Elijah kisses her sensitive bundle of nerves, “that no man has tasted you before? Niklaus?” He asks, still fingering her softly.
“Me and Niklaus did not lay together. I’ve only been with one man from Bulgaria,” Katerina gasps, “we never did anything like this, I did not know it could feel like this.” She manages to get the words out between moans, as Elijah kisses up her body, his fingers still working at her core. He lingers on her neck, sucking and nipping at her soft skin. Katerina can feel his fangs graze against her, but he never pierces the skin.
“You have never reached the peak of your pleasure before?” Elijah asks, his veins retracting from around his eyes as he pulls away from Katerina’s neck and meets her gaze.
“I did not think women were able to.” Katerina replies. Elijah smirks before placing a soft kiss on her lips.
“Let me show you.” He says seductively, making his way back down to her core.
Elijah speeds up his fingers, sucking hard on her bundle of nerves.
Katerina feels the pleasure build in her lower tummy, she begins to grind against Elijah’s face, using her grip on his hair to pull him impossibly closer.
Elijah places his free hand on Katerina’s lower stomach, pressing down to hold her hips in place. The pressure of his hand adds to the growing pleasure. She thrashes around on the bed, the way her body’s movement is restricted by Elijah’s strength makes her even more wet.
Elijah suddenly removes his hand from her stomach and his mouth from her soaking core, using the heel of his palm to rub her pearl along to the movement of his fingers.
He moves back up her body, Katerina’s legs wrapping around his waist. Elijah supports his weight with a hand next to her head, before leaning into a filthy open mouthed kiss.
Katerina can barely kiss back, drowning in a sea of pleasure, her only thoughts being on the man above her and the way he is making her feel things she never knew possible. Elijah pulls back, smirking as she opens her mouth in a silent scream, gripping at the arm moving between them with both her hands, overwhelmed by the pleasure it is giving her. Regardless of her clawing and scratching at his bicep, his hand does not falter.
“Eli- Oh gods!” Katerina whimpers, her eyes clenching shut as Elijah’s hand reaches an inhuman speed, his two curled fingers constantly hitting that spot inside her and his palm rubbing across her sensitive nub, her wetness allowing an easy glide. She wraps her hands around Elijah’s neck, her torso curling upwards slightly as she hangs onto him for dear life.
Katerina almost gets a fright when Elijah speaks, his voice deep and strained, “Open your eyes, my love.”. Katerina does as she’s told, peering down between them to see Elijah’s hand moving against her core that is getting increasingly wetter.
“Katerina, Look at me,” Katerina meets his lustful gaze, the eye contact overwhelming.
“That’s my girl.” He praises, his tone dripping dominance.
Katerina almost screams, his words giving her that last push and breaking the dam that had been building inside her. The feeling was euphoric, the pleasure reaching every inch of her being. She gasped as a burst of fluid rushed from her core, so intense that Elijah’s fingers are pushed out. She squeals as he instantly plunges them back inside her, prolonging her release as she buries her face in his neck.
Elijah’s fingers slow to a halt. He removes them before sitting up on his knees, pulling Katerina up with him and into a straddling position. He wraps his arms around her, one resting on her hip while the other cradles the back of her head. Her face remains buried in the space below his jaw, her shuddering breaths warming his skin.
Elijah releases an endearing chuckle as Katerina releases another moan, her body shaking uncontrollably in his arms as the last of her climax washes over her.
“You did so well, darling.” Elijah coos softly. The only acknowledgment he receives is a kiss to his neck. He smiles, tightening his hold on her and massaging her scalp.
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“Is it always that way?” Katerina mumbles into his skin a few minutes later. “With the- the liquid?” She elaborates
“Not always, no. All women are different.” Elijah explains, deciding he wouldn’t tell her that he knows her body quite well already, seeing as her doppelgänger Tatia, was his first lover.
Elijah gasps as Katerina reaches an arm between them, the other still wrapped around his neck. Grasping at his length, her small hand is unable to wrap fully around his girth. Elijah releases his arms from her body, placing them on the bed behind him for support. She swipes her thumb over his tip, spreading his arousal down his shaft. Elijah’s eyes shut as he groans. He tips his head back, giving Katerina more access to his neck. She sucks and nibbles at his skin, creating red bruises that fade away almost instantly.
“Katerina,” Elijah moans, “I am not going to last much longer.”
Katerina pulls her hand away and removes her face from his neck, causing Elijah to look down at her in confusion. When Katerina is positive he is watching, she lifts her hips slightly, running her fingers through the aftermath of her release. When her hand is thoroughly coated, she spreads her fluids along his shaft, creating a much smoother glide.
Katerina giggles as she looks back up to Elijah, her hand speeding up. His mouth is hanging open with an expression of pure desire.
“Oh my, you are perfect.” He swallows, bringing a hand to her face, caressing her cheek.
“My beautiful girl.” Elijah pulls her into a heated kiss, winning dominance as he sucks lazily on her tongue.
Elijah breaks their kiss, looking down at Katerina’s hand, working quickly over his length. He moans loudly, both of them watching as white spurts burst from him, coating their stomachs.
Katerina removes her hand, leaving Elijah’s still erect member twitching in her wake. Elijah swipes two fingers through his release on their bodies.
“Open.” Elijah commands, pushing his white coated fingers past her lips. “Good girl.” He praises as she sucks, swirling her tongue between his digits.
Elijah removes his fingers, guiding Katerina to kneel at the centre of the bed. He pushes her chest flat into the mattress, her back arched and her face resting on its side.
“Mmh, still so wet.” Elijah kneels behind her, swiping his fingers through her folds. “Do you want all of me?” He teases, grabbing her wrists and holding them behind her back with one hand.
“Please, Elijah. Make me yours.” Katerina begs, her words slightly muffled from her face being half buried in the silk sheets.
Katerina moans as Elijah taps his erection against her bundle of nerves, still sensitive from the thorough treatment he had already given her pink and swollen cunt.
Elijah sighs as he slowly enters her tight heat. He holds Katerina’s wrists tightly, as she squirms and whines in pleasure.
“Elijah, Elijah, Elijah.” She repeats his name like a prayer, her core clenching around his length.
“Yes, my love?” Elijah smirks, giving her arse cheek a playful smack with his free hand. “Does it feel good?”
“S’good, so good.” Katerina slurs, trying to move her hips. This earns her another, slightly harder slap.
“You will take what I choose to give you, Katerina. No more and no less, do you understand?” Elijah demands, still not moving inside her.
“Yes, m’lord.” Katerina mumbles, her shoulders aching slightly from her arms being held behind her back.
Elijah smooths his hand over the red mark left of her skin, before moving his hand up to hold her hip. A squeal escapes Katerina’s mouth as Elijah suddenly thrusts deeply.
“So sensitive,” Elijah chuckles, thrusting his hips at a rough albeit slow pace. “Such a sweet little cunt, made just for me.”
Katerina releases little uh’s at every push of Elijah’s hips, his impressive size allowing him to reach every spot inside her.
“More, Elijah.” Katerina moans, arching her back even more, presenting him with her most intimate parts.
“Where have your manners gone, young lady?” Elijah scolds. Katerina is about to apologise, beg the man to indulge her when she hears Elijah spit, a glob of saliva landing at the base of her spine, sliding down in between her arse cheeks. He rubs at her virgin pucker with the pad of his thumb.
“Oh!” She gasps at the unfamiliar feeling. “Please Elijah, please give me more.” She begs, squirming on his length as it speeds up slightly. Elijah yanks at Katerina’s wrists, pulling her back onto him as he thrusts forwards, his thumb still playing with her rear hole.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” Elijah asks, pressing against her pucker while he pounds her cunt.
“N-no.” Katerina whimpers, tears of pleasure stream down her face. It’s all becoming too much, the overwhelming feeling of pleasure and the lack of Elijah’s warmth is causing her mind to drift away slightly.
“‘Lijah.” She sobs, Too far gone to communicate her need for comfort.
Elijah however, being the kind hearted man he is, instantly notices her slipping. He releases Katerina’s wrists and removes his thumb from her arse, flipping her onto her back while slowing his thrusts slightly.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” Elijah shushes her, leaning down until their chests touch. He holds Katerina to his chest with an arm behind her back, hand tangling in her soft hair. He cradles her cheek in his other palm, feeling the dampness of her tears. Katerina wraps her arms around his neck as a worried expression floods Elijah’s face. He stills inside of her.
“Good tears.” She mumbles, running a hand through the part in his hair. Katerina could tell Elijah was worried she wasn’t enjoying this, which couldn’t be more wrong.
“Are you certain? Am I being too rough? Too mean?” He questions, suddenly aware that she hasn’t had a good sexual experience yet, and he might have ruined this one for her.
“No, no. I swear Elijah, I just needed to touch you.” She reassures him, her fingertips carding through the strands of his brunette hair.
“I really like the way you talk to me.” She admits shyly, her cheek heating up underneath his palm.
“Is that so?” Elijah smiles, his thrusting starting up once again.
“I like the way you tell me what to do,” Katerina mumbles, both her arms wrapping around his neck again. “I enjoy being your good girl.” She looks away from him, embarrassment mixing with the pleasure already flowing through her.
Elijah speeds up his thrusts, the new angle allowing him to hit her sweet spot perfectly, her bundle of nerves brushing against his lower stomach.
“You are my good girl, letting me pound this pretty cunt, taking me so well.” He coos, bending his head to capture her lips in a sweet kiss.
Katerina feels the now familiar knot in her stomach tightening, every thrust of Elijah’s thick shaft pulling it tighter and tighter. She pulls away from his lips, releasing a wail of pleasure.
“E-Elijah, I’m almost there again.” She stutters out between moans. Elijah sits up, Katerina’s hands unwrapping from his neck and instead gripping the headboard behind her. Elijah places her legs over his shoulders, wrapping his arms around them. Katerina screams out when he begins to thrust at vampire speed, groaning heavily as his own release nears.
“Let go Katerina. Let go all over me.” Elijah moans, his balls tightening as they slap against Katerina’s arse. He allows her legs to fall from his shoulders before he drops down, wrapping his arms tightly around her and cradling her small frame to his chest.
Elijah climaxes first, burying his head into the pillow behind Katerina. His seed spurts deep inside her clenching cunt. The feeling of his twitching member filling her with warmth pushes Katerina over the edge, another gush of liquid flowing from her core as she screams out, biting harshly into Elijah’s shoulder.
Elijah thrusts slowly through their releases before flipping them over, staying inside her as she continues to shake and moan in his arms.
Katerina buries her face in his neck, unable to stop the pulsating of her walls around Elijah.
“I will never return to Niklaus.” She mumbles randomly into his skin. Elijah barks out a laugh, causing her to giggle tiredly.
“Are you tired, sweet thing?” Elijah asks, as she yawns against him. Katerina grabs his jaw with a shaky hand, turning his head to meet her lips in a lazy kiss.
“I only need a small nap.” She explains, turning his laughing head away again before cuddling into the scruff of his neck. “Besides, Elijah, I believe you gave you me your word.”
He grins, before looking out the large window across the room. The stars that litter the night sky are the only sources of light.
“You are correct,” Elijah smirks, running a hand along her back. “And I certainly cannot yet see the sun.”
Elijah doesn’t get a response, Katerina already dead weight in his arms. Her heavy breathing indicating her state of slumber.
Elijah allows himself to rest his eyes for a moment. However it isn’t long until they are both deep in sleep, dreaming of each other.
In all fairness, Elijah can’t be expected to always keep his word.
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Thanks for reading :)
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katherineholmes · 2 years
I have always thought that Klaus probably painted many pictures with Tatia's face. He never got over her, he spent entire nights painting that face over and over again. His obsession with her face only got worse after Katherine escaped from him, but now every time he painted it again it was with a mixture of adoration and hatred in equal measure.
I can well imagine him doing paintings where Katherine is being tortured (often by him). The bastard even painted a huge painting depicting the moment where Katherine finds her family slaughtered.
It wasn't until he heard of Elena's existence that Klaus returned to painting that face with the same adoration with which he painted Tatia. His last work before going to Mystic Falls was a painting where he finally breaks his curse; he paints himself holding his new doppelganger in his arms while drinking her precious blood to death...
Okay, so this is incredible to receive, and that headcanon of yours, well, I kinda want to dive right into it, so here we go.
I agree, Klaus never got over Tatia, she was his first love after all. he must've spent countless hours reminiscing over her, and once he could, he absolutely drew her. He likely also hallucinated her asking him to join in her in death when he was afflicted by the hunters curse. And I'm sure that even after the curse was lifted, he was still enamoured with the idea of her, although I doubt he seriously contemplated ending his life after that.
The Katerina one is also fantastic, but I think Klaus was already torturing her when she was on the run. All his life, Klaus has only truly feared one person - Mikael. And for most of his life, that fear was evoked just by rumours of his presence. Klaus hated that Katherine got away, but the way he killed her family, the staging of it, the cruelty of it, was obviously (imo) an imitation of how Mikael tortures him over the centuries. Klaus wanted to make Katherine suffer so he did it in the way that he knows suffering. (Also, is there any gifset of this parallel? The way Klaus staged Katherine's family and the way Mikael staged Marcel and the others in the opera in NOLA?)
Although, now that you've brought this up, Klaus definitely has some paintings of him just torturing his enemies, made in one of his mood swings. And when he does torture them, he likely adds hints of their blood to it like accents. I bet they're hidden away like those letters he collects from his victims.
And Elena, that painting of her being drained by him, I think it's likely the crown jewel of his collection. (Can I include that in some work? Because I can imagine Elena being horrified and fascinated if she finds it.) The adoration with which he paints her lasts till he learns she's alive and then comes back when he realises how inextricably linked to her he is.
This is seriously such a fascinating message though, I love everything about this! Thank you so much for sending me this, and I hope you don't mind the lengthy discussion that followed! (I love diving into Klaus' psyche - so many layers and so rich.)
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whereismymindnow · 1 year
Twin Hearts Chapter 4
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Author's Note: A little flashback to how Pia was daggered. The twins have a small squabble. xD
Oh, and please don’t comment about her being daggered. This whole fic came from a dream I had and so the idea of her being daggered may not suit some people, but witchcraft can do weird and wonderful things. So don’t take it personally if you disagree with this (as some people did, quite rudely, previously) as I literally had zero ideas apart from her waking up to start with and this is the best I can come up with. Thank you! Hope you enjoy this update.
Now I’m going to disappear just as quickly as I arrived before you start throwing things at me for length of time in between chapter updates… I swear, one day I shall catch up and give you frequent updates.
Pairing: Niklaus Mikaelson x Twin!Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+ due to mature, darker themes. Twincest. Smut. Strong language. Death. Miscarriage. Murder. Vampire/Hybrid violence. Please read responsibly.
If this work is found anywhere other than Tumblr (@whereismymindnow) or Archive of Our Own (Mikki19) then it has been posted without my permission.
Twin Hearts Masterlist
Chapter 4: Daggered
"I cannot give up! Our very nature has been taken from us! How can I stop when I am so close to breaking the curse?" Elijah heaved out a sigh as he heard Niklaus' angry shout fill the house. He moved to stand at the top of the stairs and watched as the twins fought... again. Pia launched a vase at her brother with a hiss.
"It is breaking you! I don't even recognise you anymore! You are not the other half of my heart." Both siblings flinched and rubbed at their chests, but neither would back down. Pia was exhausted by the drama that the doppelganger had brought to the house, and Klaus was so close to realising his destiny that he couldn't stop. He didn't understand why his twin wasn't as passionate as he was about this.
"I am still the man you love, but I want to be more. We are meant to be the Original Hybrids. We were born to be unstoppable. I will not let a foolish human girl get in the way of that!"
"A foolish human girl? Ha! Do not forget that I saw the way you looked at her. It was like watching you fawn over Tatia all over again!" Pia spat out in disgust. She had tried to be friends with Katerina. Hell, she had even had a dress made especially for the girl, but it had ended the same way as it had centuries ago. The little brunette had taken one look at her brothers and tried to make it a game. Pia wanted to find her just so that she could have the pleasure of staining Kit’s perfect olive skin red with blood.
"I had to keep her here! You saw how she was. Flirting and playing games are the only things she knows how to do properly." Pia took a step back and shook her head in disbelief.
"How can you not understand that that is how it began with Tatia?! You and Elijah made it a point to play with the girl, and now we are cursed by her! Once again the silly doppelganger bitch has the upperhand!" Her shoulders dropped as she found her anger could no longer mask her hurt. This was too much. All too much. "If you wish to chase her and destroy everything she holds dear, then so be it... but do not expect me to just idly wait for you to be satisfied. I will not have a part in this." Klaus vamped over to his sister and held her by her upper arms.
"We are so close. We have felt broken for so long. We have felt our wolves howl and claw at our skin every full moon as they beg to break free... Why are you asking me to stop now?"
"Because you have gone mad with your need to break the curse. Every day you are so angry and hateful. The only time I have seen you smile this month was because she was under our roof. If breaking the curse means that we have to become this fractured, then I no longer wish to do it."
"...w- we have waited centuries..." Klaus muttered as he stared at his twin in disbelief. Pia exhaled and brought a shaking hand to cup his cheek.
"I am not stopping you. I just can't stand by and watch it destroy you. I refuse to have my life revolve around that girl for a moment longer. Find her if you must but you will find me gone before you return.”
“I am doing this for us!” Neither of them were backing down this time. The twins had had fights before, but the fury that floated in the air was thick like fog. Rebekah had left to go to the library in order of find a bit of quiet, but her ears picked up on each angry word and she found herself standing at the top of the stairs, watching in case one of her siblings did something foolish. Niklaus was beginning to reach the end of his patience with Pia; his rage taking over and clouding his judgement. He just didn’t understand why she wanted him to stop. He was doing this for them both! “You keep talking like we’re so different!”
Pia shook her head in response and let out a bitter laugh. “We are! You have become so cruel and malicious since you found out about Katerina's change. Forget about her! Another doppelganger will be created so that we can break the curse.”
“I want to make her pay for her actions.” He grit his teeth as Pia once again tried to turn her back on him.
“I know that, but don’t you see what is happening? You are losing your mind. You are becoming some kind of monster that I do not even recognise anymore!”
“YOU ARE JUST AS BROKEN AS ME!” His roar echoed through the manor as his grip tightened on his twin’s arms; Pia began to wince and bite her lip as her bones started to crumble beneath his hands, not that he noticed as he was blinded by his rage. So, Pia decided to tell him the truth. He needed to hear the truth for once. She was sick of lying and trying to make him feel better about everything he does.
“This obsession is turning you into Mikael! You are becoming like the person you hate!” Pia didn’t have a chance to recognise the relief of his grip being removed from her arms as she flew through the air and her head met the wall behind her. A loud crack rang out through the room as her skull hit the hard surface. She was dazed for a few moments before her wound repaired itself and she stood once again. “Just let the Petrova girl go!” Rebekah covered her mouth with her hand and stepped down a few stairs to get closer to them, but Elijah quickly grabbed her by the shoulder to stop her from getting closer. They both knew that this was becoming a little more intense than the twins’ previous fights.
“She has taken away our one chance of becoming unstoppable. She has taken away our chance of being whole!”
“So?! Aren’t you content as you are now? You have all of your family surrounding you but you are still blinded by your hatred!”
“I want vengeance!” It was those three words that broke her. She was exhausted and didn’t care to repeat herself another time. Pia’s shoulders dropped as she shook her head at the state of her beloved.
“I can’t do this anymore, Niko… I’m hurting, but you don’t seem to care.” Her bottom lip trembled as she tried to regain her emotions. She was so sick of crying, but she couldn’t let her anger get the better of her either. The servants within the house were still skittish from the last time she slaughtered five of them in one of her rages. Pia took a deep breath and cleared her throat. If she were human still, then she would have complained about a headache by now. “I’ve had enough.” The thought of her trying to leave was all it took for Niklaus’ fury to boil over. He flashed forward and gripped either side of her head.
“You can’t leave me.” He hissed in Pia’s ear before wrenching his hands backwards and snapping her neck. Niklaus caught her limp form as she crumbled to the floor.
“No!” Rebekah vamped down the stairs and stared at her brother as he cradled Pia’s body in his arms. “You’ve hurt her again. Do you even understand what you are doing?” She quickly walked forward in an effort to grab her sister’s body but in seconds found herself hitting the wall opposite her.
“You will not take her from me, Rebekah. She is mine.” Niklaus stood in front of his twin’s form and bared his fangs at his sister. The youngest Mikaelson knew better than to try and fight her brother when his Alpha male side revealed itself; she slowly stood and straightened out the bottom of her dress before making eye contact with Niklaus.
“Nik, I just wanted to lay her down upstairs. She would not want to wake upon the hard floor, would she?” Rebekah waited a few moments and then steadily moved forwards. Niklaus let out a growl when he felt that she had overstepped an invisible boundary.
“I will take her.” He kept a close eye on his sibling and knelt down next to his twin. His eyes flickered between the two girls as he gently wrapped his other half in his arms. “Do not touch her.” Rebekah nodded as his growls continued to permeate through the air each time he felt her get too near as they walked to the chambers that Pia resided in; she mostly shared a room with Nik, but their recent fighting had made her seek solace in a separate chamber to his. Elijah followed at a distance, sharing a tight-lipped smile with Rebekah.
The family were used to this strange situation by now; for centuries the pair of them would have their moments in which their pack instincts would show and they would stake their claim on the other. It was always in moments of madness, their wolves would shine through and ensure that anyone nearby understood that they belonged to each other.
With as much as care as he could manage, Niklaus gently placed Pia onto her bedsheets and stroked the side of her face. He felt Elijah’s presence enter the room and looked up. For some reason when Pia had requested her own chambers, she had picked the ones that had been closest to Elijah’s. Perhaps she thought she would be safer since he listened to Elijah more than anyone else, Niklaus pondered as he felt the burning glare coming from his older brother.
“Leave, Niklaus. You have done enough.” Elijah stepped aside and waited for the room to be vacated before quietly shutting the door. “I heard your fight-”
“I think the whole world heard them.” Rebekah remarked sarcastically.
“-and you need to be careful, brother. Do you wish for Pia to hate you rather than love you?”
“Of course not.”
“Then contemplate this: are you prepared to lose her because of Katerina? You will destroy her slowly if you carry on along this path.” He gave one last look at his brother before offering his arm to Rebekah and leading her back to the library.
Niklaus watched after his siblings and made up his mind. He knew exactly how to overcome this.
“Are you sure that this shall work? I will not accept failure.” Klaus’ blue eyes bore into the witch before him.
“Yes, Master. The blood in your veins runs through Mistress Pia’s as well. You are twins; you are mates. Your hearts are one and the same.” Thalia ran her fingers over the edge of the knife before looking back up at her master. “I believe that I can overpower the magic of the blade and ensure that you can put Mistress into a deep sleep. I just need your blood to finish the spell.”
“If this harms her in anyway… well, I don’t believe I need to finish that sentence.” Klaus took the blade from the witch and raised his brow as she started to speak again.
“Master, you must trust me. I would do nothing to hurt Mistress Pia. She was the one that rescued me when I was about to be put to death. I owe her my life.” Thalia placed her hand over her heart and bent her head forwards in a show of obedience.
“Indeed. You have until the end of the night to complete the spell. I want to be able to subdue her whilst she sleeps… I do not wish for her to be scared when it happens.” Niklaus ran his gaze over the grimoire in front of him and sighed. “She must be daggered before she has a chance to flee. She cannot abandon me.” He muttered to himself before sending another glance at the witch and running the blade over his arm. The witch quickly put a bowl underneath the cut to catch his blood.
This better work, Klaus uttered in his mind. His complete distrust of others made this so very difficult. He felt like a million bugs were crawling under his skin as he thought of how he was currently putting his sister’s life in someone else’s hands. Anything to do with Pia made him feel incredibly vulnerable; without her he was nothing more than the monster that people made him out to be. Pia was his one and only. He needed her to be safe.
Pia paced around her room and bit at her nail, not even noticing when it began to bleed. The servant in the room stayed still so as to not antagonise her into doing something to him. Petyr knew better than to interrupt the lady of the house when she was like this. He had once attempted to ask her what was upsetting her - the scar above his brow was the only answer she gave.
Pia knew something was happening; she could feel it. She’d locked herself in her chambers and only opened the door to let the servant or Rebekah inside.  There was something in the air and it was unsettling. Niklaus repeatedly tried to speak with her but she wasn’t listening. An uncomfortable ache began in her neck whenever she thought of her twin. He’d snapped her neck. He’d disabled her because his ego wouldn’t allow for him to actually listen to her words. Her foot kicked out and a loud crash echoed throughout the room as a chair smashed into pieces after hitting the wall.
“Niklaus, what are you doing?!” It had to be him. He had to be planning something! She could feel the spark of magic that made the air feel like it was smothering her. Was he going to kill her? Was he plotting some way to harm her so that she couldn’t leave him? No, he wouldn’t do that… would he? All was quiet in the manor as the voices carried on echoing within her mind. Was she being unreasonable? Maybe she could help find Katerina and end this once and for all. She wasn't prepared to lose her brother once again because of the actions of one of those almond-eyed girls. “What is he up to? He’s doing something against me, I know he is.” She muttered and dragged her hands through her hair with a low growl. “He’s plotting against me. He must be. He-”
It was then in the silence a noise disturbed her thoughts.
Thump thump.
Her head cocked to the side so sharply that a loud crack echoed through the room. That familiar burn in her gums made her snarl.
Thump thump.
Her fangs descended as the heartbeat continued to destroy her peace. She flicked her tongue over her fangs and hissed quietly. Her mind had melted completely into that of her hunting instinct. Pia was no longer there.
Thump thump.
Petyr had heard the 'click' and knew right then that his life was moments away from ending. In an effort to conceal his fear he shut his eyes tight and clenched his fists. He didn’t want to see her coming at him.
Thump thump.
Her body flew across the room and her fangs ripped into his neck. Petyr's mouth opened in a silent scream as she tore through his skin. The blood poured down her face as she focused on making the annoying sound stop. She let out a low moan of satisfaction as the thick, hot blood entered her mouth. Her fangs shredded his skin like thin parchment as she needlessly released her bite only to clamp down once again. The monster within her, the infamous Snow White Killer, was only a few mouthfuls away from being awakened. A few moments later, and all was silent once more. As though she had woken up from a dream, her hands released the limp corpse. The dull sound of him hitting the wooden floorboards made Pia open her eyes in shock; black veins slowly receded as she came back to her senses. She stared down at the boy at her feet in disbelief; she’d lost control again.
“Pia?” A gentle voice came from her left. She slowly turned to see Rebekah looking at her with wide eyes. Pia’s curls seemed wilder than ever as the ends of her hair were stained red; blood ran down her face and tainted the blue nightdress she wore. Rebekah didn’t step forward and held her hands up in defence as she saw Pia’s unwavering gaze. She’d only met the darkness within her sister once, and she wasn’t in a hurry to repeat that encounter.
Pia blinked hard and shook her head. “It’s me… it’s me…” She breathed as her sister looked at her in horror. “I- I’m okay.” Pia could feel the need to release the monster but fought the urge just as Elijah had told her to. “It’s me.” She murmured again, as though reminding herself that she was in control. Her head dropped to avoid the look of fear in Rebekah’s eyes.
"Oh, Pea..." Rebekah gently stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her small sister before calling out for Elijah. Their eldest brother entered the room looking grim. He'd been close to Pia's room and had heard the awful growls she had made whilst draining her victim. The similarities between her and Niklaus were becoming quickly apparent. Niklaus was a monster hiding behind a dimpled smile, whilst Pia's small stature made her look like a feeble, young lady and hid the animal that was trapped inside of her.
"I shall take care of it." He rolled the boy up in the sheets of Pia's bed and removed the body. Niklaus was waiting near the end of the hallway; Elijah glanced at his brother and shook his head before continuing past him. He was what was causing his little sister to behave like this. Niklaus needed to change his ways and fast. There had been too many bloodbaths caused by the twins as of late. They were drawing more attention than ever.
The sun had set hours ago and now the moon lit up the hallway as it shined through the windows. It was time.
Niklaus carefully pushed the door and was happy to see that Pia hadn't locked it after Petyr's body had been taken away. The door didn't make a sound; almost as though it knew how unhappy its master would be should it wake the girl on the bed. Pia sighed in her sleep but stayed unconscious as Niklaus moved closer to her. She'd cleaned the blood from her face and was wearing a new nightgown. A smile came to Klaus' face as he brushed a stray curl off her cheek. Pia had never looked so innocent; her youthful face was clear of the emotions that had plagued her the entire day. He gently kissed her soft cheek as he removed the dagger from its sheath.
"I'm sorry..." Niklaus muttered. It didn't look different from the other daggers, but he prayed that this would work. She needed to be safe and protected. She was too stubborn to listen to his rules and understand his motives. This is the only way, he repeated in his head as he leant forwards and placed both hands on the blade. The tip of the dagger hovered between her breasts as Niklaus faltered. This was his twin. This was his mate. She was his everything and yet he was going to put her to sleep for God only knows how long. What if something happened to him and he didn't have the chance to tell anyone where she was? What if she stayed asleep until the end of time? What if that witch had betrayed him and had done something so that Pia would die the moment the blade pierced her skin? His head snapped up as he heard Bekah's door open.
This is the only way!
Niklaus took a deep breath and raised his arms. Pia's eyes snapped open and her body jolted upwards as the blade entered her chest. She made eye contact with her lover and seemed to choke on her words before her skin began to turn grey. Her lids fluttered shut and her body became limp.
"Pia- Nik!" Rebekah raced over to her sister and her eyes widened at seeing the dagger in her chest. "How- what- Nik?!" Rebekah was speechless and tears filled her eyes as she looked up at her brother from the bed. Her back hit the ground as Niklaus threw her away from his twin.
"It is the only way, Rebekah. She needs to be safe from him whilst I break the curse." His sister tried to get closer to Pia to pull the dagger from her body, but Niklaus once again pushed her back.
"How did you even manage to neutralise her? The daggers don't work on either of you!"
"I know a witch who did a spell for me."
"It was Thalia, wasn't it? She betrayed Pia!" Rebekah stormed out of the room and left Niklaus with their sister's body. Niklaus presented a fine silk ribbon from behind his back and began to tie the hair back from Pia's face. Her lips were cold and stiff as he brushed his mouth against hers before climbing onto the bed. He brought his twin's body against his and rested his chin on top of her head. This was the last time he would hold her for some time, and he wasn't about to waste a second. As Klaus began to relax with Pia, Rebekah broke into the witch's chambers in another wing of the house. She snapped her neck within seconds and stood over her body with a sad smile. Tears ran down her cheeks as she collapsed to her nears with a sob.
Meanwhile, Elijah sat in his study and nursed a goblet of wine. The regular frown formed on his face as he noticed a second heartbeat had ceased. "We are death." He murmured into the silence and took another sip of his drink. How much more could his family go through before they broke?
Niklaus sat in silence; the fire crackled in the background and candles flickered in the room. He was sat against the headboard of his bed in nothing more than his breeches; the bodies of three drained maids littered his floor but he didn’t have the energy to remove them. Pia was hidden in a place that only he knew of but he felt a million times worse than he had before. Was he happy that she was safe from Mikael? Yes. Was he happy that she had to be isolated and on her own? No.
He let out a deep sigh and wiped his chin with a handkerchief to get rid of the blood staining his mouth. When had life become so complicated? This family had gone through so many more downs than ups - even before they were turned into vampires - that it was becoming harder to see a positive outcome for them all. He rubbed his thumb over the locket in his hand; inside was a small portrait of his twin but he found it too painful to look at. Merely holding it gave him a bit of comfort though as it made him feel as though she was close to him still. “Oh, Pia… I need you so much.” He felt heartbroken. He may have neutralised Pia, but it was never something he wanted. It just needed to be done. Had she gone through with her plan to leave then she would have put herself in danger and Niklaus couldn’t allow that.
“Nik?” Rebekah poked her head around the door and looked at her brother. She was still angry, but being on Niklaus’ bad side wouldn’t help her to persuade him to wake up Pia or reveal her location. The girl shut the door behind her and sat on the edge of his bed. “Can I sit with you?” Niklaus didn’t say yes, but him not throwing her out immediately told Rebekah what she needed to know. She climbed up onto the bed and sat beside him. Her hand went over his that grasped the locket and she squeezed lightly. Her eyes were glassy as she blinked back the tears that threatened to spill over.
“I can’t wake her up, Rebekah.” He already knew her motive for coming in here.
“You know why.” Klaus replied sharply.
“Yes. I do not wish for her to be daggered. I’ve never wished to be apart from her, but if she left, then there’s no telling what Mikael would do to her if he found her. It is so much safer for her to be asleep until Mikael is taken care of.” Rebekah nodded gently and sighed. She wasn’t going to get him to agree right now and so decided to try and make him think of happier times.
“Do you remember your 15th birthday?”
“Of course, I do.” How could he forget? He didn’t care to remember a lot of his past life, but that night himself and Pia had promised themselves to each other. No matter if someone somehow managed to get between then, they would always belong to each other at heart.
“I only remember Pia sneaking out of our bedroom before returning a little while later. It was obvious as to what had occurred between the pair of you, but I couldn’t bring myself to judge either of you. I’d never seen you so happy.”
Nik & Pia’s 15th Nameday. 995AD
“Pia.” A smile grew on her face as his voice called out to her. She quickly wrapped her blanket around her and crept outside. The door shut with a small click which made her freeze. When she heard no movement from within the longhouse she released a sigh of relief. “Pia!” A hand smothered her shocked scream and familiar laughter filled her ears. Niklaus kept his hand over her mouth and led her to a secluded area just a few minutes away from the house. Once she was free she fought to hide her smile and hit him on the shoulder. He grabbed her hand and tugged her forwards gently with a grin. Their lips met in a soft kiss that said more than words ever would and left their hearts pounding. Pia bit her lip and looked up at the boy that shared her nameday.
“Happy nameday, Niko.”
“Happy nameday, Pia.”
Their lips met once more; their mouths moulded together perfectly. It was like they had been created for each other. As his tongue massaged hers she ran her fingers through his hair slowly. She could touch him all day and not get bored. He was everything to her. Nik slowly peppered kisses down the side of her neck making her sigh with pleasure. He carefully pulled the blanket from her shoulders and grabbed her by the waist, pulling her as close to him as he could. No matter how much he held her to him, she was never close enough. It was though he wished to consume her.
 “Niko…” She breathed against his cheek in excitement. They had snuck out of the house before, but this was different. Something was different between them. The boy moved away slightly and straightened the blanket on the floor before sitting on it. He patted the space next to him with a cheeky grin. Pia looked around paranoid, but once she saw there was no movement around them she settled down on the woollen sheet.
“Pia, I love you so much. I want you to remember that no matter what happens.”
“Niko, nothing would ever make stop loving you. We are going to be together forever. I can feel it. I shall never stop being yours.” He pecked her lips once more in agreement. A squeak left her as he pulled her onto his lap so that she was straddling him. His hand rubbed the top of her thigh and he snuck his hand beneath her nightgown before looking up at her.
“I know we are not married or betrothed, but I want to have you all to myself. I cannot imagine a life where you belong to another.”
Pia was breathless. This was everything she’d ever dreamt of. “I am yours.”
He gave her a grin before slowly inching his hands up her thigh. Pia stiffened slightly which made Niklaus pause.
“Are you sure about this, my love?” Oh, she wanted him so much, but Pia couldn’t say it; the blush lit up her face as though her blood was on fire and her throat seemed to close up so that she couldn’t reply. Niklaus reluctantly tried to move his hand away so Pia made the quick decision to roll her hips forward. A gasp left her lips as his fingers tickled between her thighs.
“Niko, I love you.” She muttered against his lips as they fell backwards.
“And I you.” He replied as he gently rolled them over so that his body was between her legs. Pia began to convulse as his fingers continued their movements against her sensitive skin; she quickly moved a hand over her mouth to smother her cry of pleasure as she climaxed. A light sheen of sweat covered her body as Niklaus helped her undress. He followed suit and they spent a few moments to gaze at each other’s forms. They had seen their naked bodies before, but this situation made it feel like it was the first time. “This will hurt a little.” Niklaus warned her quietly.
 “I don’t mind. I want to be yours… only yours.” She gave him a nod and took in a deep breath. Nik held his length in his hand and gently prodded at her opening. He moved forward steadily and bit the inside of his cheek as Pia’s eyes clenched shut in discomfort. His movement stopped when he was fully sheathed and lowered himself so he was closer to her. He kissed her cheeks and forehead, whispering sweet words until she opened her eyes and gave him a small smile in encouragement. Pia dug her nails into Niko’s arms as he pressed gentle kisses to her neck to help her relax a little more.
“Relax, Pia… you need to try and relax…” He murmured softly into her ear. Pia nodded and focused on the boy above her; he gave her a dimpled smile that made her heart melt. That look could make even the coldest of winters warm. Niklaus captured her mouth with his and gave her a hard, possessive kiss as he felt her ease around him. Her leg moved to wrap around his waist and she rocked her hips to encourage him to move.
“That’s my good girl.” He whispered against her lips as he began to thrust into her slowly. “My beautiful, little Pia…”
Niklaus smiled as he remembered that night. It had been the perfect birthday as far as he was concerned.
“Is she somewhere warm and safe?”
“Of course. You know she hated the cold. I will make it up to her, I promise. She is my forever.”
“We will all make it up to her.” Rebekah commented as she knew that none of them would be able find her if Niklaus had hidden her away from the world.
“You won’t try to find her?”
“I cannot promise that I won’t try. It may take me centuries, but I will not give up. I merely hope that you will not let her suffer for too long, dear brother. It will destroy you as much as it will destroy her if you are parted for too long.” They slowly settled into a comfortable silence; Rebekah watched one of the candles that lit the room whilst Niklaus twirled a strand of his sister’s hair. Niklaus could feel that his sister had more to say and so kept quiet until she finally spoke again. “I’m not going to say this to hurt you, but I just need you to understand, Nik.” Rebekah slowly sat up and stared into her brother’s eyes. “You have always been upset about being chosen last which is why you make the choices that you do. You have never realised that there is one person that never put you behind anyone else. Pia always put you first; no matter what you had done.”
“Then why did she try to leave me?” Bekah leant forward and wiped the stray tear that had fallen from his eye with a frown.
“She did not want to see you destroy yourself. She couldn’t see you lose yourself to this madness and she felt it was her only choice.”
“She said that to you?”
“Pia, are you alright?” Rebekah entered her sister’s chambers and shut the door firmly behind her.
“No, I’m not. How many times is he going to hurt one of us just because we do something that he doesn’t like?” The girl slumped on her bed and Rebekah lied down on the other side. The pair stared at each other and held hands.
“Do you remember the promise that we made to each other?”
“Always and forever doesn’t seem like an option right now.”
“Don’t say that.” Rebekah whispered and held tighter onto Pia’s hand as though she would slip away in that moment.
“How can we all stay together when Niko doesn’t trust any of us?”
“He loves you so much, Pea.”
“I know that. I know he does, but I will not see him lose to the darkness that is taking over him. He kissed her to try and keep her here!”
“He’s an idiot.” The girls breathed out a laugh in agreement. Klaus was certainly an idiot at times. “He’s just upset that the curse still has a hold over the both of you and has become desperate. After all this time, he was so close to breaking it, and then the Petrova girl outsmarted him.”
“I hate the curse as well. I was so happy when I thought it was over! It was going to be a new start for all of us; Mikael would never stand a chance against us if Nik and I had been able to break the curse… but I am prepared to stay as I am - even when I can feel my wolf scratch away inside of me - because I love our family more than anything. No matter how much pain Nik causes Katerina, we both know that it shall never be enough.” Rebekah couldn’t stop the tears that poured down her cheeks; her family was breaking apart right in front of her eyes and she could do nothing! “Oh, Bekah…” Pia felt the older sister in her emerge and immediately wrapped Rebekah up in her arms. She pressed her against her chest and kissed the top of her head gently.
“Please, do not leave us!”
“Rebekah, you know that I would not stay away for long. I just need some space before my love for Niko becomes poisoned by his anger. I love you all too much to part from you.”
“Do you promise that you will only leave for a little while?” Her voice sounded so small that Pia’s grip tightened around her younger sister. Rebekah felt relief, but she had never felt so vulnerable. Pia may have been Nik’s twin, but she was her only sister and meant so much to her. They were best friends.
“Rebekah, look at me.” Pia cupped her sister’s face and wiped away the last few teardrops that ruined her pretty face. “I will not stray far and I will not be away for long. We are family and we will always be there for one another. Elijah is independent and the most controlled out of us all, but he still needs me to help reason with Nik when he becomes manic. Kol… well, Kol just needs me since I stand up for him when no one else will. You, my sweet sister, need me so that you aren’t surrounded by men… and Niko? He holds my heart as I hold his.”
“She wasn’t going to abandon us?” Niklaus felt so foolish for thinking that she would just run away.
“I thought that she was going to, but she explained everything and it made so much sense. She only wished to remove herself from the situation so that she could save her love for you.”
“I have ruined us.” Rebekah didn’t agree or disagree with him. There was nothing she could say that would make the situation any better. “Rebekah, she will stay neutralised for as long as she needs to be protected from Mikael. I swear to you that Pia is safe.”
“I trust you, Nik.” She didn’t know if she completely meant her words, but Rebekah knew that her brother needed to hear them right now.
“One day it will all be different. Mikael will be gone and our family will stand above all others.”
“Always and forever, right?”
“Always and forever.”
No matter how many times that you told me you wanted to leave No matter how many breaths that you took, you still couldn't breathe No matter how many nights that you lied wide awake to the sound of the poison rain Where did you go? Where did you go? Where did you go? Tell me would you kill to save for a life? Tell me would you kill to prove you're right? Crash, crash, burn let it all burn This hurricane's chasing us all underground ---Hurricane by 30 Seconds to Mars---
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
The Originals Masterlist
Klaus Mikaelson
Don't Wake Klaus
Dating Klaus Mikaelson Headcannons
Yandere Klaus Mikaelson Headcannons
Kol Mikaelson
Big Brother Comfort
Show Those Titties
Sub Kol Mikaelson Headcannons
Caregiver Davina Claire and Kol Mikaelson Headcannons
Elijah Mikaelson
Family Therapist
Dating Elijah Mikaelson Headcannons
Yandere Elijah Mikaelson Headcannons
All Within Time
Our Sweet Baby
Teen Thoughts
A Long Nine Months
Caregivers Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson Headcannons
Rebekah Mikaelson
Annoying Brothers
Rebekah Mikaelson as your Mom
They're Back
Hayley Marshall
New Favorite
Caregivers Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikaelson Headcannons
If I Were Your Mother
Davina Claire
Caregiver Davina Claire and Kol Mikaelson Headcannons
Tatia Petrova
Three Words
Flower Crown
Poly Mikaelsons
Their Baby
Sad little female reader x poly mikaelsons headcannons
Incorrect quotes
Elijah's Nerves
Apparently we're parents now
It wasn't us
Protective mama
You Did What?!
You bit him?
Mini rants
Elijah and Kol - W&C
158 notes · View notes
tudorscrown · 1 month
This Is Me Trying
Kol Mikaelson x OC
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masterlist ;
"Niklaus, our guests are here." He said, calling out to his younger brother, face stoic.
Klaus comes out to stand next to his brother. "Damon. Stefan. Elijah tells me, you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilised men, shall we?"
"It's better to indulge him." Elijah said. They all made their way into the giant Mikaelson Manor and stood at the dining table.
"I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. Fact, I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told, I had to cause you would hear us out." Stefan said.
"Well, we can sit and eat or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours." Klaus said.
They all sit and eat, everyone but Stefan, the youngest Salvatore brother.
"You lost your appetite." Klaus said to Stefan, noticing how he sat but didn't start to eat or drink.
Damon looked over at his brother. "Eat. I thought we agreed that we would leave the grumpy Stefan at home."
Stefan started to dig into the meal. Klaus spoke, "That's the spirit. Isn't it nice? Four of us dining together? Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger from my brother?"
Damon shrugged. "Well, I know how he felt about you, so I figured the more, the merrier."
"Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the century. But we always make it through."
"Kind of like you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her." Stefan remarked, his humanity was off.
"If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows I killed our mother, I've already come clean to Elijah." Klaus drank some of the wine in his glass.
"Hey, Stef, remember when you killed dad? Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert." Damon also reached for his glass.
"We're here to make a deal, Damon. Doesn't mean we need to kiss his ass for seven courses." Stefan said.
"I'm just saying we have a long evening ahead of us. Pace yourself."
"Stefan. Where is the lovely Elena tonight?" Elijah said, speaking up after a moment of awkward silence passed.
"I don't know. Ask Damon." At that, Klaus started to laugh.
"I'm sorry, you've missed so much. Uh, trouble in paradise." He said.
"One more word about Elena and this dinner's over." Stefan said. His words caused Klaus to laugh harder but silently.
"You know what, probably best just to keep Elena in the do not discuss pile." Damon said.
Klaus had calmed down now. "You're probably right." He said.
"Yeah." Damon agreed with him.
"It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger, still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?" Klaus turned to his brother.
"Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?" Elijah said, facing Klaus.
"Well, given their shared affection for both Elena and Katerina, I think our guests might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line."
"Well, we're not going anywhere Elijah. Please, do tell." Damon spoke up, taking a sip of his wine.
"When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia, she was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor, except for our brother, Kol. Tatia had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus." Elijah reluctantly said.
"I'd say there was one who loved her at least as much." Klaus chimed.
"Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?" Stefan realized.
"Our mother was a very powerful witch. She sought to end our feud over Tatia and so she took her. Klaus and I would later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn't make a decision between the two of us, so for a time Niklaus and I... grew estranged. Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows, didn't we, brother?" Elijah directed the question at the end of his speech to Klaus.
"But in the end we realized the sacred bond of family." Klaus raised his glass.
"Family above all." Elijah raised his glass. Their glasses clinked together, toasting to family.
"So," Elijah started, "why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?"
"That's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back, in exchange, he and the Original extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. Me, Stefan, and Elena live happily ever after. No grudges." Damon said.
Elijah turned to Klaus. "The deal sounds fair, brother."
"I don't think you understand, Elena's doppelgänger blood insures that I will always have more hybrids to fight those that oppose me. I will never leave her behind." Klaus gets up and starts to pace around the dining room. "Let's say I do leave her here, under your protection, what then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies caught between your feuding? You see, each one of you truly believes that you're the one that can protect her, and that is simply a delusion. Gentlemen, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is... the two of you."
"I'm gonna get some air." Damon excused himself. He walks to another room.
"Let me deal with this." Elijah said, following Damon, leaving Stefan and Klaus alone.
"All this talk has made me thirsty." Klaus signaled for a blonde waitress to come over to him and once she did, she presents her neck to him. "What do you say Stefan, can I interest you in a little after dinner drink?" Klaus rips into her neck and starts to drink her blood.
Stefan stares as Klaus finished drinking the girl and drops her. She's dead.
"Delicious. Aged to perfection." He said.
"Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to drive a wedge between me and my brother." Stefan accused.
"Oh no, you're doing that well enough on your own. Because of Elena, you're gonna lose your brother and you'll only have yourself to blame."
Damon and Elijah walk back into the room.
"What do you say, Klaus? It's time for you to put something on the table. We've made our offer, now you counter." Damon said.
"Okay. I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you lot. And to fall in love with a human, maybe that nice football player, you know the blond one?"
"Matt Donovan? Really!?" Damon scoffed at the mention of the blonde human.
"Yeah, why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family."
"And continue the Petrova bloodline. Every few hundred years, you'll have a new doppelgänger to drain and never run out of hybrids, right Klaus?" Stefan said.
"Consider it a small return on my investment in her well being. See after you hand me back the coffin, I'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life, you know it's what's best for her." Klaus said. He then, gets up and walks toward Stefan. "So, what do you say Stefan, do we have a deal?"
Stefan walks towards Klaus.
"What are you doing?" Damon asked his brother, but he got no answer.
Klaus sticks out his hand for Stefan to shake but all Stefan does is just grab it. "Nice try, Klaus. But no deal."
Klaus then breaks Stefan's arm. He kicks his leg and snaps it in half, breaking it. He grabs Stefan's hand, holding it over the orange flames of the fireplace. Damon attempted to help his brother but Elijah swiftly grabbed him, holding him against the wall.
"What are you doing?" Damon mangles out, voice strained from the pressure the Noble Original has against him. Klaus continues to hold Stefan's hand over the fire, the hand is now badly burnt. "Stop!"
"Now, bring me my coffin before I burn him alive." Klaus requests.
"I'll get it." Elijah moves off of Damon, letting him walk into another room.
"Go with him, brother, you keep him honest. And when you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family." Klaus said.
Elijah followed Damon into the next room.
"Go ahead and kill me, I know you'll do it when he brings the coffin." Stefan said, Klaus still holding his hand into the blazing flames.
Klaus suddenly pulls Stefan out of the fire. "You really have given up, haven't you? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?" He pushes Stefan back and then Stefan pushes him back. Elijah and Damon re-enter the room for the second time this hour. "Elijah... why haven't you left?"
"Where are you manners, brother? We forgot dessert." Elijah said as he takes the silver cover off of the silver platter a different blonde woman was carrying. Four silver daggers are laid out on the plate.
"What have you done?" Klaus' face paled as he realized what was happening.
"What have you done? You see I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now." Elijah said.
Suddenly, a tall figure entered the room. He had brown hair and brown eyes.
"Kol." Klaus uttered out.
"Long time, brother." Kol said.
Klaus backed up into Finn, the oldest Mikaelson brother. Finn takes a dagger and stabs Klaus in the hand with it. Klaus rushes away but in front of him now was Eira, his lovely sister-in-law.
Eira held another dagger in her hand as she stabbed in through his stomach. "This is for all the endless years and torment you have put me through."
"Eira..." He grunted. He was caught by surprise when Rebekah used another dagger to pierce his back.
"This is for our mother." She whispered in to his ear as he falls forward into Kol's awaiting arms as he had stepped in front of Eira. He flipped Klaus around so his siblings could see his pain as the daggers pierced through his skin, blood everywhere.
Elijah turned to the Salvatore siblings who were still in the room. "You're free to go. This is family business."
The brothers left, leaving the family to their own squabbles.
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