#klub video
givemethedamnflowers · 2 months
I finished a couple days ago a playlist of everything i had downloaded on my phone before i had spotify and it's 1499 songs, im rediscovering so many i had forgotten
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footballandfiasco · 7 months
ich bin überzeugt ich könnte es mit viscabarca in einem kampf aufnehmen, er ist nicht bereit
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fyridis · 2 years
true curse of the trombone game is that i’ve now had eine kleine nachtmusik stuck in my head for three days straight
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ker-partage · 1 year
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evilspiritweek · 3 months
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Super quick online activity tier list.
Treating "Facebook" as weird catch all. Like- technically you have social media, but it's kinda sort of just there
Some of these characters wouldn't have access to the internet (Plop Plop, Sorcerer, etc.) but if we gave them the internet as a treat, I imagine this is how they would react.
more thoughts underneath
Heidi: Appeals to the masses, so while I thought she wouldn't be super into the going ons of the internet, she's so obsessed with it I think she'd find herself going into rabbit holes. Definitley would have a drama channel on youtube, but any drama there is for chronically online people; if she brought it up IRL, I think ppl would see something wrong with her <3
Theresa: I think all of Der Monster Klub is chronically online to some degree, Theresa's no exception. At the same time, she'd be good at hiding it, mainly because then she'd have people from her school finding out about her tumblr.
Julian: is in the same area, although, I think he would also be surfing tumblr in public.
Levandar: Terminally online, but that's because he more so ego searches and sees what his fans are posting. In turn, he's probably not only seen the deprave stuff his fans would post about himself, but also the other fandoms their in.
Stevens: I think would just be a shitposter. Don't really have a specific niche in mind for him because I think he could go into really any sector of the internet and
Sorcerer: does not have internet access, but I can see the potential, you know? Would send anon hate like it's a living, because when you're trapped under a high school for hundreds of years it probably is. Unrealistic, but I think he would get into weird niche tik tok drama just for the fun of it.
Daves: like,, a normal amount, but that's because he doesn't really interact much? Outside of the Der Monster Klub, I imagine he would just lurk. That being said, he is definitely privy to the weirdest internet rabbit holes
Ignoring how busy he is with being a ninja, Randy would probs be online a regular amount. Definitely posts random youtube videos, but he's like,, trying to be youtuber so uploads are sporadic. Also, this boy does touch grass. He seems to want to be active in the social life of high school and that means hanging out in person rather than blogging on tumblr lol
Howard: Same level as Randy, but I can also see this guy trying his hand at streaming. Sporadically does it with no set schedule and it's only ever Randy and a few other people in chat, but like. It's fun. they're teenagers.
Bash: Normal amount? I don't think I have a lot to say on him, really. posts like,, pictures of all the stuff he owns to flex, but that's what any rich teenager would do. Would say something dumb online, but it never really blows out of proportion.
Brent: I think he'd really only post his work. Would occasionally vent too. Blew up at some random person who left a hate comment, making it his sworn duty of the day to make them just as miserable.
Debbie: I think she's not super social and really would keep up with her friends and like, the school accounts. That being said, I can see her running the social media for the news club too, that's where her passion lies afterall. Thinks about making a news/commentary youtube channel, but just doesn't have the time
Marci: I was initially going to put her down as a Facebook mom, and while she does have one, I also see her almost being like one of those Instagram influencer moms too. She does have the status already, so I think it would just come naturally to her. Thankfully, because she's already rich, she wouldn't try shilling you an MLM. Def follows her son on social media, but doesn't comment because Bash said it's embarrassing.
Flute Girl: Tumblr user, but not in trenches, you know? Runs several aesthetic blogs for each of her interests, but actually is sane enough to just block and move on. Could also see her writing fanfic, but most of it doesn't get posted because she might be a bit self conscious
P: I think bros neat design wise, so while I don't have many thoughts on him, I wanted to include him lol
Plop Plop: if this guy had social media, I think he'd be into the DIY stuff, for some reason? Never really posting his own tutorials, but always there to comment and help others out on forums
Rachel: Normal amount. Pinterest board game goes CRAZY. One of those cute aesthetic tumblrs, but genuinely a nice person. Avoids drama at all costs
Doug: Get the vibe his parents would restrict internet access. That being said, could also see him on Reddit, so..?
McFist: I don't think he would use social but instead pay someone to post McFist posts both for himself and his businesses. Does not understand it and is a very busy man.
Slimovitz: Just has a Facebook. Reposts minion memes and cat photos. He used to post about his car, but then a student found it and turned it into a meme showing the before and after of it's destruction one day. He put a ban on phones for a bit. They never found the culprit.
Bucky: Also probably had restricted internet for a while. Interested in getting a social media, but they say he has to be above 16. I imagine he'd actually want to post band videos, though, so that'd be nice
Jacques: He does have parkour videos, but I don't think he actually likes talking online. Touches grass.
Sorceress: I think she'd be on social media like any "teen" would, but I don't think she'd get it. Posts selfies, but also doesn't really post them enough
Viceroy: I just imagine this guy goes on engineering or science related forums and solves problems, but he'd like,, also be the dude that would message the answer directly to the initial poster so when you find the forum 10 years later for your very specific problem, the answer isn't there. Could also be on tumblr to and while he says he's above it, would start shit online (or at the very least keep tabs on it to watch from afar).
Juggo: I can't see him on social media, but like,, frequent poster in clown related forums and accounts? Would answer weird clown trivia questions and is a respectable member in the historical clown community.
McAffee: Business has a Facebook that hasn't been updated for several years because he keeps forgetting about it. Also would occasionally post on youtube, but I feel he really shines nestled deep within the comments of a random youtube video he got mad at. The comment was about how the Star Wars prequels suck and by the 100th comment, it's moved onto furry discourse.
Morgan: I think she lurks more than anything. Her account has nothing and if you ever see her, it's one of the other members of dancing fish posting and her showing up in the video (I also think I just make Morgan more mysterious than she actually is lol)
Ranginald Bagel: Goofy guy with next to no internet access. If he did, he would sadly
S. Ward Smith: I can't even see this man on any like specfic welding forums online.
Finja: I think even if we gave him internet access, he'd actively avoid it. He's got other shit to do. Doesn't understand the youth's slanguage. Like that one post where that person shows Fortnite to an Ancient Roman that I can't find for the life of me, someone PLEASE GIVE IT TO ME BEGGING
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janngifs · 8 months
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Jann performs at Klub Studio in Kraków on 2023-12-05 (extras)
Gifs 4, 6, 7, and 9 are from video by Calideo93 on YouTube
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magical-girl-coral · 1 year
I'm honestly surprised at the fandom's negative to Riruka being younger than the main characters considering that her OP powers fit Bleach's theme of "adults are making stupid rules that just make their lives harder than they already are. Here are a bunch of kids that show how none of those laws matter at the end of the way."
Ichigo powers being all about breaking the chains of fate, Orihime rejection of the past, Yukio's video game powers, Gremmy's imagination, and Hell, even Kenpachi technically fits here too thanks his zan being a child and his powers being all about cutting everything regardless of logic. It's Kubo way of saying how the older you get, the more you hold yourself back from being your truest self thanks to all the rules you have to follow as you get older.
In other words: not every Klub answer is Kubo retconning his work. You guys are just mean.
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EIT! Kidz Klub is live in Jerome AZ tonight 7/29 at 7:30 at Puscifer (140 Main Street Jerome, AZ 86331)
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Gue merasa kasihan sama cewek2 yang menjadi korban pelecehan seksual, sekaligus udah diperbudak sama pelaku yang bejat dan dzalim. Baru-baru ini, gue nonton dokumenter Burning Sun di BBC, mengingat kejadian di 2019, 3 artis cowok menjijikkan, sebut saja Seungri, Jung Joon Young, Choi Jeong Hoon yang masih berkarir sebagai performer yang digilai para fans terutama wanita.
Namun, ternyata kasus ini bermula dari Jung Joon Young yang pernah terlibat skandal pornografi dan pelecehan seksual di 2016 lalu. Insidennya oleh jurnalis yang membuat artikel mengenai kasus Jung Joon Young oleh pacarnya Kyung Mi terkait kasus molka. Yang perlu diketahui bahwa Jung diam-diam, merekam wanita secara ilegal ketika pacarnya melakukan asusila dalam keadaan gak sadar.
Gara2 video itu, Kyung Mi laporin ke polisi atas tuduhan kepada sang pacar. Tetapi sayang, kasusnya tidak diterima karena dianggap hate speech oleh pengacara Jung. Lalu, Kyung meminta maaf atas tuduhan yang tidak benar dan memberikan bukti yang palsu di ranah publik. Kasus tersebut tidak bisa dilanjutkan dan diberhentikan. Justru, polisi tidak percaya atas tuduhan yang dilakukan si korban seperti tidak mengecek isi chat oleh Jung. Akibatnya, Jung bebas dari kasus itu.
Reporter menemukan bukti video tatkala Jung sedang nyekokin cewek dalam keadaan mabuk di sebuah restoran. Lalu, disebelahnya ada temannya yaitu Choi Jeong Hoon yang merupakan gitaris FT Island.
Choi Jeong Joon juga terlibat hal yang sama seperti Jung Joon Young. Mereka sempat chat lewat grup Kakaotalk mengenai tindakan mereka perkosa sama ceweknya. Justru mereka memperlakukan cewek seperti mainan. Yang paling mengejutkan Seungri waktu masih jadi member Big Bang ikutan jadi grup di Kakaotalk.
Seungri mengatakan kepada gang pemerkosa di kakaotalk bahwa di hari ultahnya desember akan harus jaga image maksudnya berperilaku baik di depan publik.
Anehnya, 3 cowok bejat mengundang para cewek untuk liburan di Seoul. Lalu, mereka menyekok alkohol ke mulut para ceweknya dalam keadaan mabuk. Selain itu, mereka membuat sex tape di grup ketika para cewek gak sadar.
Jurnalis yang meliputi kasus prostitusi oleh 3 artis diserang, dan dimaki oleh fans dan disebut anti-feminis. Tak hanya itu, fans meneror emailnya, ngespam chat sampai jurnalis trauma, takut keluar rumah, seketika dia hamil, ia mengalami keguguran 2 kali.
Bahas klub Burning Sun. Jadi di bawah bar, terdapat ruang VIP yang tidak bisa dicari oleh pengunjungnya. Jadi, pegawai Burning Sun sengaja memotret cewek sedang mabuk, sekaligus melakukan molka. Lalu, video atau foto dikirim ke tamu VIP.
Hal yang mengenaskan ketika salah satu korban pernah diperkosa oleh pegawai Burning Sun. Ia memohon pelaku agar lepasin dan segera cepat pulang ke rumah untuk bertemu ibunya. Pelaku justru enggan, dan memberikan syarat yaitu memfoto korban lagi senyum. Tetapi Si korban menolak dan berusaha menutupi mulutnya.
Info dari petugas Burning Sun bahwa ia kasih duit ke polisi agar menutupi kasus2nya tersebut. Terus, terdapat sebuah CCTV dimana pegawai dianiaya oleh tamu tetapi polisi memilih diam dan tak mau tanggapi gara2 dapat uang sogokan.
Muncul di berita stasiun SBS bahwa Seungri terlibat skandal prostitusi di Burning Sun. Berita pun ramai.
Goo Hara menelpon sang reporter terkait skandal prostitusi oleh 3 artis cowok. Ia mengatakan bahwa artikel yang dibuat ternyata benar. Hara mengaku bahwa Choi Jeong Hoon merupakan teman dekat semasa trainee. Tak hanya itu, ia juga kenal dengan Seungri dan Jung Joon Young.
Hara sengaja membantu reporter untuk menganani kasus pemerkosaan / molka. Paling mengejutkan kalau Ia mengetahui kebusukan mereka melalui isi chat grup kakaotalk. Yang kalian ketahui bahwa Hara adalah korban revenge porn oleh pacarnya.
Kakak lelaki Hara sempat curhat tentang pacarnya bahwa ia melakukan revenge porn. Hal ini diketahui melalui CCTV lift dimana Hara terlihat diancam oleh pacarnya. Pacarnya bilang "aku akan mengakhirimu sebagai artis seleb" jika videonya tersebar lewat internet. Reporter menganggap Hara yaitu wanita pemberani.
Seketika Jung Joon Young pulang dari luar negeri, ia dikerumini oleh reporter dan ditangkap polisi atas kasus pemerkosaan dan molka. Choi Jeong Hoon juga ditangkap atas tuduhan yang sama.
Jung Joon Young dinyatakan bersalah atas skandal pemerkosaan dan penyebaran video porno ilegal dan masuk penjara selama 6 tahun. Sementara, Choi Jeong Hoon juga bersalah dan divonis hukum 2,5 tahun. Bagaimana Seungri ? Ia ditahan selama 18 bulan sebelum divonis.
Reporter yang dulu dihujat oleh netizen datang ke interview mengenai kasus burning sun. Pas awalnya netizen marah atas ketidakpercayaan oleh sang idolan justru meminta maaf kepada reporter.
Sampai saat ini, di klub2 lainnya di daerah Gangnam mengalami banyak kasus mirip Burning Sun meskipun beritanya jarang terekspos.
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djangoblack · 4 months
Django Black Ibiza Blackout Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse) | Django Black
📀 Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 – (Afrohouse) | Django Black https://ift.tt/ArlgJXh Are you ready to set the dance floor on fire with DJANGO BLACK’s “Ibiza ‘Blackout’ Summer Mix 2024”? This mix has all the vibrant Afrohouse rhythms and pulsating beats you need to keep your party going all night. Don’t forget to subscribe to stay updated with the latest tracks and festival vibes! Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:01 – DJANGO BLACK feat PATTY LOU – WAVES (Extended) Download Now! 3:37 – Florence The machine – Spectrum (Say my name) [Marco Generani remix] 8:39 – Dennis Ferrer – Hey Hey (Jack Back Extended Remix) 13:55 – Disclosure – You Me ft. Eliza Doolittle (Rivo Remix) 19:03 – Dido – Thank You (Sentin Klub XIII Soundsystem Remix) 22:58 – Years & Years – Desire (Bask Extended Mix) 26:56 – Nelly Furtado – Say It Right (Faros Remix) 30:17 – Gnarls Barkley – Crazy (Arthur Miro Afro House Edit) 33:56 – Francis Mercier Magic System – Premier Gaou (Nitefreak Extended Remix) 38:21 – Sofiya Nzaw – Mwaki (Laureano Remix) 41:14 – Billy Ocean – Caribbean Queen (merchant solitude edit) 46:28 – Robbie Williams – Feel (Disla Danis Remix) 51:15 – Daryl Hall John Oates – Out Of Touch (Vidojean X Oliver Loenn Afro House Remix) 55:25 – Everything But The Girl – Missing (Mydoz David Hopperman Remix) 59:01 – Diplo HUGEL – Stay High (feat. Julia Church) [VIP] [Official Full Stream] 1:01:15 – RÜFÜS DU SOL – Next to Me (Vintage Culture Remix) 1:07:28 – Calvin Harris ft. Sam Smith – Desire (Rivo Extended Remix) 1:12:29 – (Bounus Track/Deep House) PATTY LOU – You’re Mines Still (Django Black Remix) Extended The video is about Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse). but also tries to cover the following subjects: DJANGO BLACK Hits Ibiza Summer Vibes Top Afrohouse Tracks TITLE : Django Black – Ibiza “Blackout” Party Mix 2024 (Afrohouse) Songs is currently on your favorite platforms: Spotify: https://ift.tt/iJjgTwV Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/vqUxsaM Subscribe To My Channel For More Official Music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 Stay Connected With Me: Instagram: https://ift.tt/WUpndbt Facebook: https://ift.tt/xKa4Bsm Website: https://ift.tt/uKFSw3M ========================= Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: Django Black Ft. Patty Lou – “Waves” – (Cover Art Video) | Django Black ========================= About Django Black: Django Black are an electronic music group of visionary producers, DJs, and artists converged, driven by a shared passion for music and a desire to break free from industry norms. Django Black is more than a collective; it’s a movement—a rebellion against the status quo. Their fusion of Afro house, pop, soul, and dance music defies convention, forging a unique sonic identity that transcends genres. Through their beats, Django Black amplifies the voices of the marginalized, weaving a tapestry of empowerment and unity. For all Inquiries, bookings, remixes, colabs, please use the contact information below: Email: [email protected] Subscribe to my channel for more great music: https://www.youtube.com/@djangoblack-official/?sub_confirmation=1 ========================= #djangoblack #ibizasummer2024 #afrohouse #blackout #summermix #partyplaylist #musicfestival #2024hits Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. Do your own research. Copyright Notice: This video and our YouTube channel contains copyrighted music and images. Any public, media and any other business usage is subject to business licence. Unauthorised usage and publications are prohibited. © Django Black from Django Black https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipp7eaXkF28 via Django Black https://ift.tt/Yj8gk1c May 15, 2024 at 11:02PM
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spilledjelly · 2 years
what is this klub ice au I need to know
Ah, time for jelly to do some explaining
(Under readmore because I ramble)
In the wee old days of young jelly, there was a popular group of mcyts called team crafted. They often did videos on the cops and robbers mini game.
Some episodes had special themes attached to them. This is where klub ice comes in
It ran mostly the same like their other cops and robbers videos, except the prison more resembled a night club (it literally only had a dance floor put into it). The exception to this, being that the members playing that specific theme picked up flamboyant personas instead of their normal ones.
It's later shown in the episodes that these flamboyant personas aren't ones they've adopted on their own(mind control babeyyy). Their characters usually end up breaking out of it when they leave the prison or for story progression(since the mind spell makes rhem want to stay in the prison).
Now what does this mean for klub ice au? Well the writings kinda on the tin(I've changed it slightly from the og concept).
I've picked a handful of hermits to be "in" on the club. (Now before I go on, I want to mention that in the cops and robbers series, there's a pattern of the warden being violent when members break out of the mind spell).
So it essentially plays the same, except instead of in a prison they're just on hermitcraft. Trying to spread the "party groove". They don't pick up personas, but they definitely are acting more sweet than usual.
Instead of just one member being violent when there's party crashers(usually just the warden) now they're all violent.
I think you can see where I'm going with this
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deivorous · 2 years
Hey Grimmjow, when Orihime and Chad were blocking you from the video call in Urahara's tent... did the salt and maracas hurt at all?
Just wondering lol
"Tch. Course not."
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In the anime it's clearly maracas and salt but....
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The manga doesn't agree.
It's possible that they are throwing something (salt)?? Orihime looks like she could be sprinking something into the air, but that can also be a weird artifact of the force with which they are using to repel grimmjow.
They do look like they are holding baskets - thought my very first thought when I saw them is that they were some sort of speaker. Turns out I wasn't that far off base!
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Someone actually asked Kubo what was going on in these scene in Klub Outside and the response was this.
Q211. 2021.09.27 Question: 58巻518話にて浦原と一護の通信に割って入ろうとしていたグリム��ョーに対して、浦原が織姫と茶渡に「例のアレを使ってテントの外に追っ払って下さい」と指示を出していましたが、『例のアレ』とは何だったのでしょうか? グリムジョーが狼狽えるほどのものとは一体…?とずっと気になっています。 Answer: 「グリムジョーがイヤがる音を出す装置」です。
Q211. 2021.09.27 Question: In volume 58, episode 518, when Grimmjow was trying to interrupt Urahara and Ichigo's communication, Urahara instructed Orihime and Sado, "Use that thing to drive them out of the tent." But what was the "example that"? What is it that upsets Grimmjow...? I've been worried about it. Answer: It's a device that makes sounds that Grimmjow hates.
So to answer your ORIGINAL question with the correct context:
"Fuckin' hurt my ears is what it did."
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Agroklub bira najbolje ruralne fotografije u 2023.  – prijavite svoju
Na poljima cveta suncokret, sazreva kukuruz i soja, kosi se seno... Vredne ruke beru kruške, jabuke, lubenice, lavandu, žalfiju, šljive, a krenula je i priprema zimnice. Pekmez ili rakija, slatke su muke naših vrednih poljoprivrednika.
A mi im dodajemo još jednu - napravite sjajnu fotografiju, nominujte je na #RuralFoto izbor i osvojite dobar džeparac.
Dakle, u toku je RuralFoto konkurs - izbor najboljih ruralnih fotografija 2023. godine. To je prava prilika da se ovekoveče lepote naših sela i njihovih običaja - koji se često održavaju upravo leti. 
Kako nominovati fotografiju?
Svaka punoletna osoba i registrovani korisnik Agrokluba može na ovaj izbor nominovati četiri fotografije, jednu po kategoriju, a one su: selo, proizvodnja hrane, životinje i priroda. Nominovati ih možete na društvenoj mreži KLUB do 31. avgusta 2023. godine u 23:59 sati. Autor najbolje fotke, u svakoj od kategorija, osvaja novčanu nagradu od 500 evra bruto, a nagrada publike koju daju Hrvatske šume - porodični vikend odmor u Pansion Lovački u Delnicama, ide onom čija fotografija prikupi najveći broj lajkova čitalaca Agrokluba.
Do sada je pristiglo više od 600 fotografija, a kakve su prizoreuslikali ljubitelji poljoprivrede možete videti na agroklub.rs, i informisati se o svim pravilima RuralFoto izbora, kako postaviti fotogragiju-video tutorial, te pročitati 10 saveta kako napraviti dobru ruralnu fotografiju.
Dakle, još 40-ak dana ostalo je za nominaciju vaših fotografija na RuralFoto konkursu. Potrudite se da zabeležite vama najdraže kadrove i ne dozvolite vrućini da vas u tome omete jer, osveženje možete potražiti u montažnim bazenima koje nude Pevex trgovine.
Ko bira najbolje fotografije?
Nakon što istekne rok nominacija, 31. avgusta 2023. stručni žiri će odabrati deset najboljih fotografija u svakoj od kategorija, nakon čega će učesnici konkursa sami između sebe izabrati četiri najbolje.
Partner izbora najboljih ruralnih fotografija u 2023. godini je Evropska komisija koja promoviše Zajedničku poljoprivrednu politiku EU - partnerstvo između poljoprivrede i društva kojim se obezbeđuje stabilno snabdevanje hranom, a poljoprivrednicima prihod te održava dinamičnost ruralnih područja. Proglašenje najboljih fotografija i izložba održaće se u Osijeku 15. septembra 2023. na konferenciji o novim tehnologijama u poljoprivredi AgroRocks 2023.
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midnightactual · 1 year
I've said this before in parts, but if I had to trace Yoruichi's design history, my guess would be that she was basically a combination of Psylocke (1986) and Storm (1975) from The X-Men, as filtered through Hakubi Ryōko (1992) from Tenchi Muyō!, with a splash of Michael Jackson from "Beat It" (1983). Her jacket really looks like a redesign of his in that music video, and her title of "God[dess] of Flash" seems not so distant in vibe from "King of Pop". (Jackson was also enormously popular in Japan after kicking off the Bad tour there in 1987, as few Western artists were before or have been since, so Kubo would know of him and he also has a thing for musical allusions.)
Having said all that, one of the first things anybody newly seeing it notices when watching a stage performance of "Smooth Criminal" (1988) is how Jackson uses his hat to shield and obscure his eyes. Who's constantly doing that too? Kisuke. (Jackson came back with the Dangerous World Tour in 1992 with that song being prominent.)
I can't prove this (though someone could ask on Klub Outside I suppose) but it feels a little too spot-on across the two to entirely be coincidence.
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britrockaholic2 · 2 years
DANCE CRAZE - The Best Of British Ska Live!
Strange.... After all these years Madness or their management suddenly decided to block some of the clips of them in this movie, they placed a "Worldwide Block" on the clips which meant the entire video got blocked worldwide !!! I didn't know about this because as the video uploader I can still watch any of my uploads even if they get blocked worldwide. Wasn't until a number of viewers alerted me that they could no longer watch the video that I became aware of it... So I've had to edit out those Madness clips to be able to restore it so that everyone can watch this amazing historical footage of the 2 Tone era... Sorry about that folks and to Madness who I've been a lifelong fan and their management I say a big FUCK YOU to you, miserable bastards... (Adjusted the time links so you can still skip to different tracks...) 
DANCE CRAZE - The Best Of British Ska Live!  Click On The Times Below To Skip To Track.... ...................................Tracks.................................. 
 01:02 : THE SPECIALS................ Nite Klub 04:26 : MADNESS......................... The Prince 07:24 : BAD MANNERS............... Ne Ne Na Na Na Na Nu Nu 09:51 : THE BODYSNATCHERS Shanty Town/ 007 12:56 : THE SELECTER............... Three Minute Hero 15:47 : THE BEAT.......................... Rankin Full Stop 18:22 : THE BEAT.......................... Big Shot 21:02 : THE SPECIALS................. Concrete Jungle 23:52 : MADNESS.......................... Swan Lake 26:18 : THE SELECTER............... Missing Words 29:40 : THE BODYSNATCHERS Let's Do Rock Steady 32:34 : BAD MANNERS................ Lip Up Fatty 35:06 : MADNESS.......................... Madness 37:36 : THE SPECIALS................. Too Much Too Young 39:22 : Interlude 45:17 : THE SELECTER............... On My Radio 48:04 : THE BODYSNATCHERS Easy Life 50:51 : THE BEAT.......................... Rough Rider 55:02 : THE SPECIALS................. Man At C&A 57:49 : BAD MANNERS......... Inner London Violence 01:01:28 : THE BEAT................... Twist & Crawl 01:03:54 : BAD MANNERS......... Wooley Bully 01:06:03 : THE SELECTER........ Too Much Pressure 01:08:23 : THE BEAT................... Mirror In The Bathroom 01:11:31 : THE SPECIALS.......... Nite Klub (Reprise) 
Movie Info :- http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0150265/ 
Originally released in 1981 in selected cinemas and finally released on VHS in 1988. There has never been a commercial DVD release of this movie ever made, which is a great pity...
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janngifs · 9 months
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Jann performs Smile live at Klub Studio in Kraków on 2023-12-05
Gifs in the centre are from video by Calideo93 on YouTube
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