#knox road
my modern “if the poets went on a roadtrip with mr. keating” headcanons:
- mr. keating: drives like a bat out of hell (this man is literally airborne on the interstate)
- neil: in the passenger seat trying to teach mr. keating that google maps is easier than an actual map + has to turn down the volume of the music constantly bc mr. keating can’t hear anything (“you take a left up here-“ “WHAT?” *cranks music down* “YOU TAKE A LEFT UP HERE, CAPTAIN”)
- todd: got left at the gas station (they did turn around and get him but he just stares out the window behind the drivers seat the whole time in silence—still upset)
- charlie: behind the passenger seat on the aux and playing the most god awful music you’ve ever heard in your life (i feel like he would play a lot of underground music that no man has ever heard before except the artist that created it)
- knox: in the back complaining about the bad WiFi signal bc his awful selfies won’t go through to Chris (she definitely blocked him)
- meeks: in the back as well + binging on the snacks he brought with and watching a movie from the screen on the back of a seat (let’s be honest, he’s watching oppenheimer)
- pitts: “LOOK IT’S A COW” every 5 minutes (also in the back)
- cameron: locked in the trunk somehow?? (mr. keating isn’t aware bc they told him cameron was busy that day)
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ufcconor · 2 months
Come on, baby
Knox x F!Reader
(Y/n) Brandt has a history with her fathers most trustworthy hit man
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Getting the call from Gerald Brandt was a surprise to say the least. “Knox, I need you!” “What do you need?” Gerald screams into the phone, “Knox, my Idiot son is fucking things up!” “I’ll leave right away.” “And Knox, look after (y/n).” Knox pauses, excitement brewing in him. “You know I will.”
I see a man walking down the dock to the shitty houseboat named so cleverly “The Boat”. I sit up from my chair, holding onto my hat in the low wind as the boat rocks in the water. “That’s the new bouncer at the roadhouse Ben keeps going on about?” The smirk grows on my lips. My friend meets my gaze, staring at the man as he steps onto the boat and shamelessly begins to work out in the sun. “He’s hot.” I lean on the railing.
I wave my hand towards him as my boat sails by. “Looking good over there!” He stops mid-sit up and waves with a small smile before continuing his set. My friend scoffed with a smile. “I'm assuming you’re taking a trip down to the bar tonight.” I shrug sitting back in my hair and sipping my margarita. “Might be.”
I walk into the bar and scan the scene. The music is upbeat, and the people seem to be calm… for now at least. I allow my eyes to scan the entire place until I see him. Sitting at the bar, and quietly observing. I walk to him and take the seat directly beside him. I smile at the bartender, “Rum and coke please.”
The man beside me smirks as I mindlessly pat my fingers on the bar looking around. I meet his eyes and drop my jaw dramatically. “Well, what are the chances? Hey there handsome.” “My name’s Dalton.” I shake his hand, “(y/n). Nice to see you again. Shirt on this time, but we can work on that.”
Night after night I’d go to the roadhouse and sit with Dalton. Flirting and talking, were all fun. When there was an issue he’d get up, handle it with some sarcastic banter and strong punches, and then he’d be back beside me with a cheeky smile as if nothing happened. I like a man who can handle himself. He was a sweet guy to top it off. He definitely shouldn’t be the one to be here taking care of this matter. He shouldn’t have to be the one to deal with my idiot brother and his schemes.
I put six sandwiches on a plate and exit the home to the back patio. “Sandwiches are on the bar!” I yell to the boys as I sit down in a chair, opening my book. Not long after I gained inner peace, a loud collision struck right in front of the house. I tear my shades off as a figure enters. “Who the fuck put those bikes in my way?” I watch as Knox strolls in. “Who the fuck are you?” Clyde asks. Knox raises his hand to his face, “Shh.”
He walks to the bar and praises the leftover sandwiches. “Thank you, God. Sandwiches. I’m fucking famished.” He bites into the bread with a growl.
This can not be happening. I was set on the fact that I would not have to see this asshole ever again. The memories flash so quickly. A day full of shopping. The 4 bottles of wine at the most expensive restaurant in Rome. Romantic walks down the streets. Long nights full of him showering me with endless pleasure.
Moe bursts in quickly, “He knocked all the fucking bikes over!” I roll my eyes going back to my book. I’d rather not be involved in whatever the hell he’s doing. I turn the page in my book trying to focus on the words cascading down the page but I can feel his eyes burning onto my frame. Clyde towers over him. “Now you got a big ass problem, bucko.”
Knox nods, mouth full, “No shit! First off, I’m going to need more than 3 sandwiches.”
“I wasn’t done talking.” Clyde cuts Knox off.
Knox glares at Clyde, meeting his gaze with power. “Actually, that’s where you’re wrong, lad.” He pushes past Clyde and nears my chair. He stands next to me, looking down at me. I put my book down with a huff. Knox smiles, “What darlin’? Not a word for me? Thought you’d be happy to see me.” I stand up, bumping his arm as I walk past him.
Knox plops down in my seat, lounging back. “Aye, baby. Are you going to make me some more sandwiches or what?” I flip him off as I slam the door shut. “Stupid mother fucking Irish asshole.”
I tear my bathing suit off in a rush. Why the fuck has he come here? Something to do with my father no doubt. I step into the shower trying to calm my nerves, trying to burn out the heat that ignites in my core. He always had this effect on me. I can't help but remember the night.
I lay back on the couch, my dress hugged my body tightly. Knox saunters over with another glass of wine for me. “Mhh thank you,” I mumble out. He takes a seat next to me. I lay my legs over his thighs, beginning to look over his entire frame. He was big (no doubt everywhere). I run my foot over his crotch. He narrows his gaze at me. “Nah, lassie. That’s not in the cards for you.” He grabs my ankles putting my motions to a stop. I sigh before standing, rolling the wine into my glass. “I thought you were fun.” I lean down to my phone, putting some music on. I sway my hips, my back facing Knox. I down my glass of wine, turning around and arching my back on the wall. His eyes glued to my frame, his orbs burning into mine. I take a step forward, lowering the zipper of my dress with each step. I stand in front of him, zipper completely down, the dress hanging loosely. I lean down, my hands on his shoulders. “Still not in the cards? Even for me?” Knox chuckles, forcing his eye contact to the wall. “You father would have my ass, baby.”
I stand straight again. “Hm, that’s a shame.” I let the straps of the dress off my shoulders, it cascades down to the marble floor delicately. Only clad in my panties and expensive heels I turn away from him, leaving the dress at his feet.
“Fuckin hell.” He mumbles.
Before I know it I’m tossed onto the bed and Knox is kissing up my body and pampering my exposed breast with kisses and bites.
Soon his fingers pumping deliciously in and out of my heat. I arch up with a loud cry as an orgasm races through me. “There's a good girl."
I splash water onto my face. I can’t allow myself to get tangled in with him again. There’s nothing there but an empty promise. I know the bed will be cold by morning.
I step out of the shower and dry my body with the towel before hanging said towel up on the door. I bent over, flipping my head over to start drying my wet hair.
“I always did adore this side of you, love.”
I shoot up and turn around. “What the fuck!” I snatch my towel off the door and hold it up in front of me. “Get out!” He doesn’t. Instead, he walks closer causing me to back up until I hit the countertop. He places his arms on either side of me, making a chance for an easy escape difficult.
He bites his lip looking at my poorly hidden body. He catches the hem of the towel in his fingers. “Why don’t we catch up?” I look at him with wide eyes and anger boiling in my chest. “Are you fucking kidding me?” Knox sucks in a breath. “Now listen, I know how it looked back then.” I scoff and push him away. He doesn’t fight me and allows me to pass. “Hate to see you go, but I love seeing you walk away, baby.” I enter my bedroom and with one last glance at Knox, I slam the door shut.
Ben walks into the back patio and sees Knox sitting in a tanning chair, eating a plate of sandwiches. “I’m sorry, who the fuck are you?” Knox nods, “Hey. I got a message for you. From your father.” He stands facing Ben.
Bem furrows his brow, “A message? My father? And what… What is this “message”?” Knox pops Ben in the nose quickly before tossing his arm over his shoulders. “You’re Ben, right? Jerry’s son?” He chuckles removing himself. Knox admires the house. He points to the pool shed. “This is where I’ll store my stuff. And that master bedroom up there is mine. Move your sister's shit in with mine. You can take her room.” Ben shakes his head, confusion clouds his mind. “What are you talking about? Who are you?”
Knox grabs a golf club. “Your dad says you’ve been fucking things up.” He turns to Ben, who backs away. “He asked me to lend a hand.”
Ben scoffs, “How would my father know? He’s in a prison, rotting in a cell.” “Don’t be silly. Your father has spies everywhere.”
“Well, you can tell my father…” Ben starts but gets cut off by his sister (y/n) coming out. “Where are you going?” She rolls her eyes. “Why do you care?” She takes a step and Ben grabs her arm. Knox straightens up, anger brewing within him. No one gets to touch her.
“Is it the road house? To see your little boyfriend?” (Y/n) rips his arm off, “Believe it or not but I’m actually likable unlike you.” She walks off. “Don’t go to that fucking bar, (y/n)!” She turns around with a smirk. “Or what?” Knox watches her such as predator watches their prey. Fire brewed within his chest at the thought of some other man touching her, touching what he had claimed.
Ben runs his fingers through his hair, frustration existing on his face. “She’s such a pain in my ass.” He turns back to Knox. “I don’t need your fuckin’ help. I have it all under control.”
“No, you don’t.” Knox swings the club, making Ben back away again. “Yes, I have people out there right now… cleaning up this final issue, and that’s all…” Knox ignored Ben’s confident plan. “So, where’s this bouncer asshole?”
I enter the road house and move to the corner expecting to see Dalton but to my surprise, he’s nowhere in sight. Laura slides my drink over. “He’s late.” I furrow my brow. “That’s a first.”
An hour later Dalton comes in looking a little disheveled. He sits beside me taking a breath. “Hey.” “Hey, what’s going on?” He shakes his head. “Had a little mix-up with the sheriff.” I cringe internally, “A mix-up?” My brothers doing. Laura leans over conserved. “What are we talkin’ about?”
A surprising guest speaks a few seats away. “Yeah, what are we talking about?” Ben walks over, taking the seat next to me. “Hey, sis. Thought I told you to stay home.” Ben averts his attention from me. “I’m curious to hear what you were gonna tell her, Dalton. I’m Ben Brandt. (Y/n)‘s brother.”
Dalton smirks, “Let me guess. It’s your turn now.” “My turn?” “You know, to threaten me. Tell me to get out of town. Like your buddy, Big Dick.” Ben chuckled. “No. No, I get the impression that you can’t be threatened.
I wish you could be, but… I’d even bribe you if I thought money would work.” Dalton nods, “Really? How much we talking?”
“Ben, can you just fuck off?” He turns to me, anger in his eyes. “(Y/n) doesn’t it make you curious what an outsider like him… thinks he’s doing here.” I roll my eyes. “I don’t know, Ben. Nor do I care. Just get the fuck out of here.”
Ben ignores me again. “So, I guess my question is… Why? Right? It can’t be just some competitive thing, you…you’ve won the fight. You can back off now. But you… you don’t. You just keep… punching and punching and punching. So, why? Why don’t you just stop?” Dalton stays silent causing Ben to exit like a toddler, anger blowing from his ears.
Dalton raises a brow. “Your brother, huh?” “I like to think I’m adopted.” The door opens and Knox strolls in with the bikers behind him. I watch as Knox scans the room making eye contact with me.
Knox strolls around, picking at two separate tables. “Hey, fellas. Looks like you’re havin’ a smashing night!” He swings the golf club smashing every bottle and glass off their table. Knox successfully starts the bar fight and chaos consumes the entire building.
“Dalton! Dalton! Dalton!” Knox screams as he scans the room. I stand up and walk towards him. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Knox chuckled, lowering his head, our noses brushing. “A lot of shit. You wanna try to fix me?” His smirk grows.
“Dalton! Dalton!” On-demand, Dalton yells from the top of the steps. “What?” Knox looks over him as if inspecting. He tosses his head back. “This is the guy?” He asks me, I can see jealousy glowing in his eyes. “Leave him alone, Knox.”
He points to Dalton. “You know, I got sent here special. Just for you.” Dalton stays calm, taking a glance around the chaotic scene. “And you brought all your friends with you?” “I thought you might miss havin’ an audience. I was trying to be thoughtful. Like on pay-per-view. 25 quid. Watch me pulp your face!” Panic pumps through my veins. “You can’t fucking do this, Knox.”
Dalton stands a few feet away now. “You know this guy too?” Knox smirks and looks at me, waiting for my answer. “He’s my father’s employee.” Knox places his hand on his chest, acting like his feelings are damaged. “Aww come on, baby. Don’t be like that.“ He takes my chin between his fingers, his face inches from mine. “How do I know that you squeal when having your pussy eaten just, hm? Right here.” Knox sticks his hand down to my clothed crotch and pats my pelvic bone lightly. I gasp and move away from him. The act so bold in a public setting had my cheeks glowing red and a pool between my legs.
Dalton grabs Knox and shoves it away. “Don’t touch her, man.” Knox smiles at Dalton. “Nah, mate. You don’t get to touch her! SHE’S MINE!” Knox swings his club at Dalton hitting him in the stomach, before punching him and starting a brawl between the two.
I follow some of the bikers outside as they file out. “What the fuck was that?” I scream at Dell. “Stop it, (y/n). You know Brandt wants the road house.” I roll my eyes, “a shitty bar? For real?” I turn on my heel to walk back into the bar, but Knox catches my upper arm and pulls me to his car. “Let go of me, Knox.” He opened the passenger door and oh so helpfully assisted me in. “You and me. We’re going to have a little chit-chat.” He fumes. He’s angry. He flies off, tearing up gravel as he speeds out of the lot. He maneuvers through traffic, passing cars at high speed. “If you slow down we won’t live long enough to talk,” Knox smirks at me. “Ah baby, I’ve missed that smart mouth of yours, truly.”
Knox drifts into a lonely dock and slams the door as he gets out. “Let’s go.” Knox strips his shirt and shoes. I step out and lean against the front of the car, the sand damp on my feet.
Knox shakes his finger at me. “This ain’t you. Where’d my girl go?” I glare at him, “Maybe she’s back in Rome where you ditched her two years ago.” Knox, only a couple feet away smiles again. “All that? Baby you know your father had me running around for him.” “You left me alone with no explanation. You dipped that morning and never spoke to me again.” Knox nods, “Yeah, I did. That’s what your father told me to do.” “Yeah, and you always do what he says huh? Like a dog.”
Knox drops his smile. “And what have you been doing? You used to listen like a good girl. Now look at ya. Fucking around with these assholes.”
“Better than you.”
Knox grabs my arm pulling me to him. “Aww, now I see it. You’ve not been fucked real good in a long time. That it?” I raise my hand and slap him across the face. He pauses for a moment before a dark smirk grows across his lips. “There’s my tiger.”
Fuck it. This is toxic as hell.
I wrap my arms around his broad body, attacking his mouth. He holds me up, holding our bodies as close as possible. Our tongues battling, the passion seeping from each other's mouths. The clawing and scratching of our hands. He kisses down my neck, running his tongue over my collarbones. The hot breeze sticks to the moist surface. He pushes me back onto the hood of the car. “I’m going to fuck the brat out of you, but first…” he flips the hem of my dress over my thighs, and separates them. “I need to taste ya.”
He kisses the soft skin of my inner thighs. A drunken state unraveled within me. Knox pulls my panties down, taking a look at my private. He nestled between my thighs, "Such a pretty cunt. How did I ever let you out of my sight?" The praises leaving his mouth caused me to gasp. I am unable to speak, unable to ask if he wanted to do this out here, on the beach, given any surprise visitor. All I could do was moan and arch my back onto the cold surface of the car. My heart was racing, blood rushing, toes being forced to curl.
His tongue brushed through my folds, collecting drops of the hot arousal. He moaned against my cunt, sucked on the pulsing bundle of nerves. “Knox," the call of his name made him chuckle against my skin. I had never known such pleasures besides him. I was already close to letting go, his mouth latching onto my clit, once again leaving me to arch her back off the hood. "Let go for me, darling."
With another breathy moan, I release, eyes rolling back into my head, fingernails about to claw stripes into the pain of the car. He lazily licked my slit for a few more seconds before he pulled away, moving up her body to press a soft kiss to my lips. “Knox, fuck me please," I whined, looking into his eyes, pleading. He smiled and followed my order within seconds.
My legs lay wide open for him to enter and while his hands hold my waist tightly. He shoved himself up my pussy with such an ease.
"You feel perfect, angel. Nothing changed." he moaned, his moves quickened fast. Noises of skin slapping against skin filled the area. "So fucking good" Knox panted in between harsh thrusts. My lower body just perfectly crashed together with his. I was in heaven as I felt myself coming closer and closer to my end. "I'm gonna cum." | whimpered so quietly that he could barely hear it. “You're the only man who can make me feel this good,” I whined, I was all his.
His movements grew slower, and he heavily breathed into my face. “You’re mine, (y/n).” I was so close, my body was burning. I nod breathlessly, “I’m all yours.” Waves of an orgasm beautifully crashed in, and it was only a matter of seconds before I would cum.
"Good girl." Knox panted and I knew he was about to cum. His hand wandered to my clit and circled it at a fast, pleasuring pace. That was it. I felt my orgasm finally coming in and I let out a loud moan. Knox growled into my neck and bit into my shoulder as he came right after me, releasing all of his warm cum inside me. He kept moaning and growling into my skin, both of us exhausted and in a blissful state. His body was limp on mine.
We laughed into each other's faces and after a moment of silence and just looked at each other. He moved over to his car, retrieving a blanket. “What are you doing?” I ask still lying in bliss. He spread the blanket on the sand. “A night under the stars. What do ya say, lass?” He picks me up and lays us down on the soft blanket. His hands went over my back, and it sent shivers down my spine. In this moment the world was perfect.
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lisanmil · 10 months
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2434 ice cream 🍦
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Some of y’all are SLEEPING on Drive by Halsey ok TELL ME THIS IS NOT MY SON JEAN
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stephendorff · 2 months
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Road House (2024) dir. Doug Liman
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simmyblue4 · 4 days
I wonder what it's going to be like rereading AFTG when the next book comes out and in, I think it's The King's Men, reading the semi-final game between the Foxes and the Trojans. Who am I going to be rooting for?
P.S I haven't reread the first trilogy since before reading The Sunshine Court.
P.P.S Maybe it's a dumb thought because I already know the results but I know both teams now. I just can't wait.
I will most definitely reread AFTG way before the next book.
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moonylight28 · 2 months
Dalton: why are you shirtless all the time?
Knox *blushing*: oh, so you noticed
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redpool · 2 months
Finally decided to watch the original Road House, I'm sorry but what is this shit?
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jamgoesart · 2 months
Gin Tonic
a Road House ff.
On Wattpad. Click here to read.
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Sasha Grant
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Elwood Dalton & Knox
(best friends for life)
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artbydanilodealmeida · 2 months
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Road House movie (2024) T-shirt collection, get yours at TeePublic. ► Elwood Dalton ► Knox
More products available (Art print, hoodies, stickers, mugs, tapestry, phone cases and many more) go check it out my store page and get yours.
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venuswwe · 1 month
I’ve been rewatching Roadhouse obsessively and I hate to say it but I’m very much into Conor McGregor so…I wrote a Knox one shot💀
Warnings: English isn’t my first language. Also, like, semi-smut and swearing.
Poke Chop - Knox, Roadhouse
Knox x fem!reader
"I hate this song."
Knox angrily gulps down his whisky as the juke box starts playing Poke Chop.
"I love that song", you say grinning.
He just grunts.
"One shot for my get on boy", you sing into his ear, your voice mixing with the song, and he pushes your face away.
You giggle as you empty your own glass and lean forward onto the bar to order you two more drinks.
Knox immediately pulls down your skirt a little.
He's very protective of you.
You two couldn't be more opposite, but maybe that's exactly the reason he's so obsessed with you.
You're as rational as he's impulsive, as controlled as he's insane. You balance him out. Stop him before he does too much damage.
"Whisky on ice, please. Twice", you order.
"Now", Knox adds. You smile as you reach behind you, planting your hand in his face.
"Ignore him", you tell the bartender.
Knox grabs your wrist, pulls you back, and you squeal a little from the sudden force working on your body.
You land on his lap, looking at him with an innocent smile.
"Don't do that."
"What, this?", you ask, placing your hand on his face again, and he bites your thumb. Not hard, but enough to make you squirm and rip your hand away.
"Asshole", you say, but you can't get up to walk away, his grip on your hips is way too tight.
"Knox, let me go."
"For what?!"
"Getting on me nerves!"
You roll your eyes.
"Good girl."
He lets you slide off his lap, not without slapping your butt.
You roll your eyes again, but secretely you're a little flattered. You've worked hard for that ass.
"Come on", you say, "dance with me before the song's over."
"I'm not dancing to that fuckin' song."
You sigh dramatically, when someone says: "I'll dance with you. I'll even give you a coin for the jukebox. So you can play it again."
The guy talking to you is cute, so you shrug, take the hand he's offering you, and follow him.
You can practically feel Knox' stare penetrate your back, but that's what he gets for being a buzzkill.
You press a button on the juke box and the song starts again.
It doesn't take long, maybe a minute, before the guy comes closer, and so do you.
And then Knox is behind you, rips the guy away from you and grabs him by the collar.
"That's my girl you're dancing with."
He's close to crushing his throat, when you clear your throat and cross your arms.
Your gaze would have killed him in an alternative universe and he slowly lets go of the guy.
"You don't own me", you tell him and he raises an eyebrow, head tilted, a grin spreading on his face.
Oh oh. Now you've awakened something in him. You've prodded the bull.
"Oh yeah?", he says, and then suddenly grabs you by the hips, throwing you over his shoulder as he makes his way towards the bathroom, making you squeal.
Now it's about marking his territory. You're his and only his to play with.
He locks the door behind you two and sits you down on the bathroom counter.
Before you can even begin to protest he already grabs your legs, pulling you forward towards the edge of the counter, making you fly against him.
He wraps your legs around him and before your brain can prepare itself he has already undone his belt and made his way in between your legs.
You gasp as you hold onto him, nails digging into the back of his neck and clinging onto the silk of his shirt.
He bites your neck and you groan.
That's gonna leave a mark for sure. Asshole. Your nails dig deeper and he grunts as he lets go of you, still keeping up his pace.
You don't have time to be mad at him, your brain seems close to shutting off, it's already getting hard to breathe and think clearly.
"Say it. Say you're mine", he demands.
He presses a hand against the wall, the other gripping your hip, you grab his arm, desperately trying to hold on to something, anything.
"I'm yours", you press out and he nods, licking his lips.
“Oh yeah. You are.”
His face comes close to your neck again, but this time not to bite you, just to be a little closer.
He often does that. It's one of the rare gentle gestures he has in his repertoire, so you place your free hand on the back of his neck as you feel his breath against your pulsating veins, making you shiver as his beard tickles your skin when he kisses your neck and you let out a hum.
His hand leaves your thigh and wanders under your skirt and your eyes roll into the back of your head as you gasp.
Your highs are so close together it feels like one, your body trembles as you grip onto him again, his movements finally slow down, and then he softly groans against your neck.
You let out a deep, shaky breath, letting a hand run through your hair.
"Holy fuck, Knox", you say breathlessly and he snickers as he removes himself from you entirely, your arms and legs dropping down, biting your lip in disappointment because of the sudden loss of contact.
"Don't ever say you're not mine again, ya hear me?", he says as he fixes his belt and you grin.
"Or what? You'll do that again?"
He leans onto the counter, his hands next to your legs, and comes a little closer.
"Maybe", he grins before placing his lips on yours. You snicker into the kiss and when he pulls back you wink at him, earning you another kiss.
You both know he loves this game just as much as you do. Maybe even more. Perhaps you're not so opposite after all.
He takes your hand to help you hop off the counter and you have to hold onto him for a moment as you stumble out of the bathroom with him.
He grins very satisfied as he wraps an arm around your waist.
"Next time you should maybe wear flat shoes, eh."
"Or you could carry me", you grumble, but you know he won't. He loves watching you have a hard time keeping it together afterwards.
But in the end he does pay for your drinks and then lifts you up to carry you to the car bridal style.
You wrap your arms around his neck, gently tickle his beard, and smile.
"You're cute."
"I know", he just says, before he lets you down next to the car.
"I'm driving. You can't be trusted behind a wheel", you say and he shrugs, tossing you the keys, but not high enough for you to catch it and you give him a death stare as they land on the ground.
"What'd you do that for?"
"I just wanted to see you bend over one more time", he grins and you give him the finger before you pick the keys up and throw them back at him.
"That's it, you're driving. Maybe you'll finally kill me and I won't have to see you anymore."
He just laughs as he gets into the car.
You curl up in the passenger seat. Slowly but surely you're getting tired and close your eyes.
He turns on the car radio.
"You gotta be fookin' kidding me", he says, his irish accent even heavier than usually.
You giggle as you recognize the song.
Poke chop.
He groans but he doesn't turn it off.
You raise a brow.
"What, that's it? No smashing the radio? You won't even turn it off?"
"You like it", he shrugs and you stay silent for a second, too surprised to say anything. Instead you reach out and gently tickled his beard.
"Love you, too", you say and you can absolutely see the hint of a smile on his face.
" 'Know you do."
"We both make it pretty obvious", you just say.
He doesn't have to say it, you know. It's not like he never does, just when he wants to. When he feels you earned it.
Instead, Knox takes your hand and pulls your knuckles to his lips before resting both your hands on his thigh and you close your eyes again.
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shujubeelamoglia · 2 years
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Regé-Jean Page
L’Officiel Hommes
Photography by Nick Thompson
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nero-in-a-petticoat · 2 months
I need to see Dalton, Knox, and Tommy Conlon fuck. Me.
All of them need to fuck each other and me.
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a-king-named-simba · 2 months
Movies I saw in March
Imaginary: 7 out of 10
Knox Goes Away: 8.5 out of 10
Damsel: 7 out of 10
Ghostbusters (1984): 7.5 out of 10
Ghostbusters 2: 7 out of 10
Ghostbusters: Afterlife: 6 out of 10
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire: 7.5 out of 10
Road House (2024): 7.5 out of 10
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stephendorff · 2 months
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still not over this part of that scene. the way knox looks at dude all disappointed. it's his first day on the job, he's ready to have a blast but he's given attitude first thing (which is deserved since he ran their bikes over lmao). and instead of immediately jumping to beating the shit out of everyone, he chooses to SHUSH the guy so he can enjoy some food. take your crown, king 👑
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x-heesy · 1 year
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Absofreakinglutely ☎️
Assumptions kill relationships. Communicate. Love has a language.” — Andra Knox ❤️‍🔥
#justanfriendlyreminder 💡
#autosuggestion #pointofview #codingyourself #programyourself #endlessness #creatingyourself #neverstoplearning
#fantasy #empathy #equality #respect #love #basics
#textart #artfulquotes #typography #expressyourself #iphoneart #newcontemporary #popart #artsyfartsy #artfuckery
#quotes #quotesdaily #quotestoliveby #quotestagram #quotesaboutlife #quotesoftheday #quotestags #quotesgram #motivationalquotes #quotesandsayings #quoteslover #quotesofinstagram #quotesforlife #quotestoinspire #quotestoremember #quotestag #quotesilove #inspirationalquotes #lovequotes @darksilenceinsuburbiareloaded #quotesaboutlifequotesandsayings #successquotes #dailyquotes #lifequotes #quotesforyou #positivequotes #quotes4you #quotesaboutlove #instaquotes #quoteslife #quoteslove #qotd
Soundtrack: New World by Zap Mama 🤍
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