a-typical · 9 months
Then there are those who do not plan ahead, who have no close family. Their bodies leave dismal reddish-brown outlines on carpets or bedspreads when they are not found for weeks or months after death. They are victims of Japan’s epidemic of kodokushi, or “lonely deaths”: elderly people who die isolated and alone, with no one to find their bodies, let alone to come pray at their graves. There are even specialized companies hired by landlords to clean what is left behind after a kodokushi.
When Yajima built Ruriden, he “thought of the man who doesn’t have any children and says, ‘What will I do, who will pray for me?’ ”
Each morning, Yajima enters Ruriden and punches in the day’s date. That morning he punched in May 13. Several Buddhas glowed yellow, representing the people who had died on that day. Yajima lit incense and prayed for them. He remembers them, even if there is no family left to do so. For an elderly man or woman with no remaining family, the glowing Buddhas at Ruriden will act as their afterlife community.
— From Here to Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death, Caitlin Doughty
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noneofthisisreal · 2 months
Japan is seeing a spike in people - even the young - dying alone in their homes. And authorities say they expect the problem to get worse. Loneliness is on a killing spree in Japan, where people living alone are increasingly at risk of also dying alone. It’s not just the elderly who are dying, however. The issue spans across all age groups and is expected to only get worse.
In Japan, It's Not Just the Elderly Dying Alone - Unseen Japan
In the first three months of 2024, over 20,000 people in Japan died from kodokushi (孤独死), or dying alone.
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minsarasarahair · 2 years
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Ikemen Grandpa Kodokushi skin for Onmyoji RPG finally! His ikemen look is already revealed before in Onmyoji Card Game(2 first photos).
This is his original look. The grandpa bug.
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khuantru · 1 year
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There's documentaries about 'Kodokushi' which are 100% heart breaking, & interesting to watch. It's a reflection of today's generation of many peoples life style now. Can't recommend it but at the same time recommend watching it.
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z34l0t · 2 years
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p0lonium · 1 year
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Old art inspired by this song
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carabanchelnet · 3 months
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📌Ciudad-bosque de 100mil millns convertida en paraíso postapocalíptico 📌“El #Rock es tan nuestro como de los hombres” #MontyPeiró 📌Morirse en #soledad: #Kodokushi 📌Alternativas al #café 📌… Y MÁS …. https://carabanchel.net
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malwaremedusa · 1 year
El Sonido Elemental + Metamorfosis ⭕ Dos poemas de dos libros inéditos, inspirados (hoy en tributo) al maestro Ryuichi Sakamoto ⭕
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El Sonido Elemental + Metamorfosis ⭕ Dos poemas de dos libros inéditos, inspirados (hoy en tributo) al maestro Ryuichi Sakamoto ⭕
El sonido elemental
Después del tiempo
no quedará nada
grueso polvo de ceniza 
cobija los cristales de las casas
reposan sobre frágiles estructuras el terror del abismo
ríos subterráneos abren su camino hacia la superficie
huesos resquebrajándose
caen por la montaña
hay un silencio profundo que nace de la herida
cuando desgarras los músculos al separarlos
el hambre chilla
se estremecen ecos desde su caverna
la lengua arrancada súbitamente
danza sobre el concreto
su canto sordo invoca a las aves nocturnas
pezuñas metálicas perforan el lenguaje
los sonidos pierden su significado elemental.
La tierra cruje cuando tomas la estructura del poema
y la rompes
separándola de su origen
cortando su pasado y su futuro
condenándolo al eterno presente disfrazado de sombra
sobre su muerte
bestias pequeñas saldrán de cacería
identidades abandonadas gritarán sus nombres al vacío
intentando ser recordadas por el viento agreste.
Un estruendo ensordecedor retumba
en el aire
la noche se quiebra
el cielo se abre
reposa la no existencia.
Poema del libro inédito Weltschmerz Giovanna Chädid (2020)
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Ahora mismo me veo frente al vidrio húmedo
la ventana es un horizonte distante
veo mi delgada figura y mi pelo blanco
mis manos tranquilas disfrutando la tibieza
el aroma suave saliendo de la taza de té
el espacio vacío
son las palabras que se cruzan en mi destino
me veo los pies
descalzos sobre el piso de flor morado
un relámpago atraviesa el cielo
la llama de las velas danzando
imagino no estar solo
me imagino compartiendo esta taza de té
con galletas de jengibre
en el balcón
toca el piano Ryuichi Sakamoto
solo para mí
imagino ese clase de alegría
solo para mí
Perdone señor.
Poema del libro inédito Kodokushi [la muerte solitaria] Giovanna Chädid (2021)
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arcimboldisworld · 2 years
Milena Michiko Flašar - Oben Erde, unten Himmel.
Milena Michiko Flašar - Oben Erde, unten Himmel. #roman #japan #kodokushi #einsamertod #verlagklauswagenbach #roman #lesempfehlung #rezension #lesen #literatur #buch #bücher
Im Verlag Klaus Wagenbach gibt es immer wieder spannende Autor:innen zu entdecken, der neue Roman “Oben Erde, unten Himmel” von Milena Michiko Flašar ist jedenfalls eine interessante Neuerscheinung… (more…) “”
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solomiracle · 1 year
if you fuse beel and belphie together you either get a highland cow or kodokushi from onmyoji
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morbidology · 11 months
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Miyu Kojima works for a company that cleans up after kodokushi: a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining uncovered for a period of time. “Lonely death” is an increasingly common phenomenon in a county with an ageing population. Once the bodies are removed, Miyu and her colleagues enter the homes to scrub them down and sort through their belongings. To preserve and document the scene, Miyu creates miniature replicas and the outcome depicts a lonely and bleak existence.
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ghostpajamas · 1 year
it's me tumblr user solar betweenlands. did you know kodokushi by aesop rock is a redtree song i just thought that was neat. anyway u should draw . idk. chilchuck free space.
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oh hehe YAYY REDTREE !!! wdym hes 7ft tall. solar thats scary . anyway outfit swap whee
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bakedbakerboy · 29 days
🎶✨ when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to and publish! then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool) 🎶✨
this ask is hard bc ive been really struggling to find music i super want to listen to atm [if any has songs/album recs lmk :D]
but ig heres 5 recent favs
1. pl4yg1rl - lolo zouaï
2. mamushi - megan thee stallio
3. jimmy - tool
4. empire ants - gorillaz
5. kodokushi - mihka!
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khuantru · 1 year
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10/10/2023: Been watching a few documentaries about 'Kodokushi' it's truly heart-breaking to watch, and it's also a reflection of todays generation. I don't think it's just in Japan, it's everywhere. This lifestyle of ours or most of us who are in. You can find a few youtube documentaries about which are better as they will give you a deep dive into this. 
ref: Kodokushi - (孤独死) or lonely death is a Japanese phenomenon of people dying alone and remaining undiscovered for a long period of time.
It's never easy.
Software: Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator CS3
Tools: wacom pen
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golvio · 1 year
I just recently replayed Wind Waker to get back into the Legend of Zelda spirit, and am now on a Ganondorf kick; what are your big Ganondorf Songs (aka songs that remind you a lot of him)? The only one I've really come across so far is "Waltz of Malice" by Kikuo
This one took me a little while to answer because it required me to go back through my archives a little to refresh my memory.
These are a couple of songs from my big ol' character playlist that I don't think I've specifically called out in my previous playlist posts. As with most character playlists, these don't always have a 1:1 meaning, but the general vibe matches how I interpret him.
Here are some, in no particular order:
Artificial Heart by Jonathan Coulton
Cleanse the Bloodlines by Unleash the Archers (Journey wide, they're spread across the land / they will hide, they know what I plan)
Kodokushi by Aesop Rock
Jumping Coffin by Aesop Rock
Draw by Elise Wattman
The Music Room by Raphael Benjamin Meyer
The Path to the Door by David Mason
The Laughingtrush by The Weather Factory (The Book of Hours demo has a lot of lovely tracks that I like to think could back Ganondorf going for a walk in the countryside)
Sun's Splendour by The Weather Factory ("Summer: Grail, with all her gifts")
What Now? by Mickymar Productions
Apollo and Marsyas: Overture by Mickymar Productions
Nemeses by Jonathan Coulton
I'm Gonna Win by Rob Cantor
Health Is A Currency by DEADLIFE
Belly of the Beast by Gazelle Twin
Mrs. Bluebeard by They Might Be Giants
River of Despair by Ridiculon
O Ruthless Great Divine Director by Lingua Ignota (Have they told you that I'll take you for everything you've got? / Ungoverned by any master / Unloved by any god / Have they told you that my tongue is alight with violet flame? / And every eye shall see me / Every voice shall speak my name)
Just Lingua Ignota in general, man, but particularly her album "Caligula," and "I Who Bend The Tall Grasses"
Tom the Diver by Petri Alanko
Wayward Sisters by Abel Korzeniowski
Come, Gentle Night by Abel Korzeniowski
"Vissi D'Arte" from Puccini's Tosca
The whole damn Lady Macbeth aria from Verdi's Macbeth, particularly "Vieni! T'affreta!" (I like to think this is what plays every time he picks some poor delicately-featured schmuck to be his lieutenant)
"Un bel di vedremo" from Puccini's Madama Butterfly (Waiting for that one dude who doesn't screw up and die horribly, because who says this guy can't have a sentimental side? Also, this is the aria they used as the backing track for "Don't Cry For Me, I'm Already Dead")
The Herminia Suite from Octopath Traveler
The Vide Suite from Octopath Traveler 2 (One of the few tenor performances that matched his vibe, to me)
Pillar of Souls by Sufjahn Stevens
A lot of Rammstein, particularly Ohne Dich, Mutter, Diamant, and a lot of stuff from "Reise Reise" and "Zeit"
The refrain from "Zick Zack," too. This is one of the songs where the lyrics/meaning as a whole doesn't really match him, but there's something of him in the idea of tearing yourself apart to put yourself back together in a shape you want. There was something about the way Cadence of Hyrule made it sound like his monster form was something he was actually actively pursuing since he was a little boy. I heard it a little bit in Beverly's monologue about her plastic surgeries (presented here as the ultimate culmination of her obsession with death and embalming, along with her cryogenic funeral parlor for celebrities) in the (admittedly NSFW-ish if your boss doesn't view life modeling and boob jokes as artistic) "Affairs of the Art." "You just gotta take control. It's your life. I mean, look at me! Check me out! I'm sculpting myself! My own body! I'm an exhibit, right? I'm a living gallery! My body is my art! Just go for it! What are you waiting for?" Here it's not the body as furniture for the patriarchy to judge as "valuable," but the body as a vehicle for pursuing one's dreams and obsessions, as Beverly came from a family of very likely autistic people who each devoted themselves to their life's passions, as eclectic and niche as they may be). It's like the principles of Moth and Forge, this wild yearning for transformation and the disciplined mettle and ingenuity to see it through, even if other people don't like the results and wish he'd change back into something more pretty or manageable.
This is about all I can muster for now, but I hope that's a good start and you find something you're looking for from it.
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beautyindiversity · 1 year
Tag game
Thanks for tagging me @ericbogosbian 💚💚💚💚
Last song I listened to: Kodokushi- Mikha! & Kyoto Black
Currently Reading: The Salt Roads-Nalo Hopkinson
Currently Watching: Only Murders in the Building (season 3),The Bear (rewatching both seasons 🤪)
Current Obsession: I don't really have one right now? 🤔 oh,rewatching the Beyonce' concert I went to. Someone recorded it and put it on YouTube so... I've been rewatching it 🥴
I need to work on some new music but inspiration has to hit first.
Tagging: @keybearer92 @ilacion @lynnenne @blackgirlasis @mrsdulac @firegiftlouis @fire-gift and whoever else wants to do this 🥰🥰💚💚
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