#kombat kids headcanons
bihansthot · 5 months
Bi-Han is the type of Dad who lets you sleep through the night because he gets up with the baby every time they cry. He’s mastered warming up the milk he prepared from formula/you pumped earlier and is a pro at changing diapers and swaddling the baby, after all he is a big brother, it’s not his first rodeo even as a first time Dad. He never complains either, he just kisses your forehead every morning and thanks you for giving him a child and asks if you slept well. Most nights you don’t even wake up because the first little coo from your baby is enough to have Bi-Han up and in action, though sometimes when they’re extra fussy you do wake up and lurk in the door way to watch your husband rocking and singing to your newborn.
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shangsclaws · 8 months
Congrats on 1k! How about M and X for Raiden?
thank you anon :) also can i just say? i fucking adore this gif look at his little smirk y'all
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M - Moans: How vocal are they in bed?
Elder gods bless his soul.
He’s not loud, but certainly not quiet either, and not because he’s trying to please his partner when he turns into a mess — it’s just too damn good to keep quiet. He's awfully embarrassed by his sensitivity, laughing at himself after the deed every time, but convince him enough that you enjoy hearing his sounds of pleasure, and he’ll gladly be singing in your ear the next time you get to it.
He starts off in low groans and hitched breaths, quiet enough to perhaps go unnoticed. But bring him closer to his peak and his groans become whimpers, your name scattered few and far between such gentle noises, especially for a man who’s been chosen to fight Outworld’s deadliest warriors.
X - Wild card: I write a random hc I have abt the kharacter :)
Raiden is the biggest, sappiest, corniest, most hopeless romantic of them all. Late night serenades? Hand picking flowers everyday on his way home from working the fields? Proudly reciting self-made love poems at sunset? Even Johnny himself thinks it’s over the top, but the thunder champion could care less. He’s a sap and he flaunts it. All for you.
“Look,” said Earthrealm’s champion, holding his hat against his chest in one hand, and a humble assortment of flowers, wild wheat, and blades of grass in the other. “It’s not much compared to yesterday,” he admits sheepishly, “but my heart is still there.”
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
I have a request :) liu kang, raiden, shang tsung and smoke's child trying to get out of training by pretending they're sick. (Dad *cough* I'm sick) 🤣
Liu Kang: -He looks at them, poker face. -"You know you can't fool me, right?" No anger nor annoyance in his voice, just a hint of amusement. -His kid groans when he pulls off the covers. -A full smile appears on Liu Kang's face after his kid pushes him out to prepare for the day. Memories of him trying the same thing with Raiden and with the same result. -Kung Lao has always been the more convincing actor between the two.
Raiden: -Full believes his kid. He tells his child to rest and keep warm. -Raiden goes to the training ground, Kung Lao soon walking to him. -"So, where is your kid?" "Illness, probably they didn't cover enough when training outside." Raiden replies, face still looking at the trainees. "Incredible, sick exactly for legs day." Lao says, tongue-in-cheek, eyes twinkling in michief. Raiden doesn't utter a word, the words of his friend running in circles in his brain. -"Raiden, do you remember when we trained together?" "Yes, I do." "Was I ever sick?" "At times." Raiden smirks, knowing full well where the conversation is going. "Was I ever sick, for real?" Raiden finally looks at his friend, a foxy smile on Lao's face. -Raiden crosses his arms, eyes again on the trainees. -A long talk awaits his kid.
Shang Tsung: -"How stupid can you be to think you could fool me?" -His kid didn't even have the time to open his mouth, Shang Tsung understanding his intention with just a glance. -The apple never falls far away from the tree, they say. -But his kid still has a long way to go if they wanna surpass the father…
Tomas Vrbada: -He is ass at understanding if people are sick using his hand, so the next move is- -"Stay there, I'm gonna ask mom to feel your temperature." It's time to sweat cold, kid. -The kid get away with it, but your words are still clear in their mind "Do you really want to make your father sad? To make him always suspicious about your every word? You know how much he cares about you. Next time, if you wanna skip speak up, confront is always better than lying." -Who tought a kid could learn this much from a little mischief! The illness excuse will never be used again.
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cessmaga · 4 months
kenshi's a cat person, and johnny's a dog person
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daydreamwalker13 · 2 months
Mk1 Random Drawings # 23
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Protectors of Earthrealm: What is it.
The Brothers
A somehow comic I draw before going to bed.
A canon to my au. Somehow angst, if you can see it.
I can't keep track to what I'm drawing when I'm drowsy. So it looks like that.
A good brother Bi Han. Teen Kuai Liang. And kinda long haired kid Tomas.
Kinda crap at writing, so pardon that.
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can you do some kombat kids headcanons?
Frost hallucinates if she doesn’t get enough sleep or when she has a high enough fever.
Takeda’s hypermobile in his arms and hands. He theorizes this is a genetic mutation for him to use his telekinesis better since it requires hand or arm movements to conjure. Gets frustrated whenever his joints pop out.
Cassie chewed on her fingers when she was younger.
Jacqui and Jin are surprisingly close, he’s the nicest to her and Takeda.
Takeda had to play wingman for Cassie and Frost. Not because he wanted to, but because he knew if he didn’t step in they’d be in the pining stage forever and he didn’t think he could handle any more of their longing thoughts interrupting his day.
Cassie has really thick hair and it was hard to manage so she got the undercut to thin it out.
Jacqui played soccer during middle and high school and had a sports scholarship lined up but decided to join the special forces instead. She planned to major in robotics and computer engineering.
Frost has OCD (I’m projecting) and checks things three times before she’s comfortable moving on.
Jin is lactose intolerant 😔 he consumes dairy products anyway.
Takeda tight lines his eyes. Prefers to use kohl since he finds it easier to apply and it isn’t harsh on his eyes like most large brands. Besides he gets to support local businesses this way.
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nightmarerodent · 2 months
Back on my Kombat Kid BS. Hop in kiddos! Frost is here too!
Cassie uses the default browser and Jacqui and Takeda hate her for it. When Frost found out she also questioned Cassie’s intelligence.
Takeda is practically immune to spicy foods. He spent the first eight years of his life in Thailand and was then raised by a pyromancer, a little heat means nothing to him.
Cyber Frost makes the dial up tone when confused.
Cassie is a heathen that puts milk before the cereal.
Takeda can pole dance. The guy fights like an acrobatic gymnast. He can 100% pole dance.
Jin is a fan of Dolly Parton.
Jin used to brake into libraries after closing hours and would spend the whole night reading only to be discovered the next morning by opening staff asleep, surrounded by books. After doing this a few dozen times at one particular library, the staff just gave him an extra key and the alarm codes.
Takeda is the type of person that if he’s walking down a trail and sees a snail trying to cross it, he’ll pick it up and move it so it won’t get crushed.
Jacqui absolutely adores how much of a dork and goofball Takeda is. It’s hard to portray herself as serious with him constantly making her laugh, but she honestly wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kung Jin and Jacqui had a sort of rivalry going over who could win and keep Takeda’s affection born from Jacqui’s mild jealousy and Jin’s need to be a troll. It was never anything malicious and the whole thing actually brought the two closer together as friends. He’s the number one supporter of their relationship and she insists that he gets full guardianship of any future kids should anything happen to her or Takeda.
Jacqui owns a motorcycle and likes to go on rides on the weekends to help clear her head. Jax does not approve of the bike as he views it as being too dangerous for his baby girl.
Out of everyone in the SF, Takeda has had the least amount of formal education, having only completed the second grade before dropping out entirely.
Frost doesn’t know what school is.
Sonya, Kuai Liang, and Hanzo have started a tradition where they meet up every few months and talk about all the stupid things their kids get up to over drinks. Kung Lao also joins in on occasion.
Takeda’s biggest fear is being left alone/abandoned by the people he loves.
Cassie’s biggest fear is that she’s not good enough and that she’ll fail everyone.
Jin’s biggest fear is that everyone secretly hates him.
Jacqui’s biggest fear is everyone dying and her not being able to protect them.
Frost’s biggest fear is that none of this is real. That she actually died in those fighting pits and all the friends and happy moments are just her brain hallucinating in her final moments all the things that could have been.
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Mortal Kombat men trying to wear high heels - Earthrealm Edition.
Liu Kang - Treats it like a training exercise. Takes a deep breath, totally focused. Can stay upright and shuffle about, but no more.
Kung Lao - Werk it king! Once he figures out it's a matter of balance and where to put the pressure on his feet, he can strut with the best of them.
Jax - He can stand . . . as long as he's holding on to something. Can barely shuffle about, has to lean against a wall or something, is fully sweating.
Johnny Cage - Fighting for his fucking life. Spending more time on the floor than on his feet. Can only walk when being supported by both Cassie and Sonya.
Hanzo Hisashi/Scorpion - Put on the heels, stood up once, felt his ankles click and was immediately like "nope".
Kaui Liang/Sub Zero - Surprisingly good at it, can walk fairly well, but nearly broke his ankle when turning round too quickly.
Takeda - Palms sweaty, mom's spaghetti. Knees and ankles shaking. Fears for his life.
Kung Jin - Walk walk fashion baby. You know that he knows how to walk in heels. Laughs at Takeda as he struggles.
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purpledusty · 3 months
Ignoring the MKX story completely for the moment, in my head it makes complete sense that Cassie and Takeda met as kids (or at least as pre-teens)
Johnny is friends with Kuai Liang, he would definitely drop Cassie without warning at the Lin Kuei temple because he had to make a new movie and Sonya was busy not being a mother (I refuse to believe she was a good mother when Cassie was a child).
Hanzo walks with Takeda up and down because of the Red Dragon, Hanzo could leave Takeda inside the Shirai Ryu but walking with him is safer so Takeda would go with him to meetings with the Lin Kuei
Then one time, Hanzo and Takeda arrive at the Lin Kuei temple for a monthly meeting and Takeda is already bored of having to go along because there are no children there and he just stays doing nothing for hours, but this time there is a talkative and energetic blonde girl the same age as him on Kuai Liang shoulders throwing snowballs at everyone who was late for training. Both Takeda and Cassie are so happy to see another kid even though they don't speak the same language, they spend the afternoon having snowball fight and drinking hot chocolate that Johnny left for Cassie
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Don't let the cuteness fool you, I imagine Bi-Han had like zero filter even as a kid so sometimes the wrong thing slipped out. It's not intentional but I imagine Bi-Han was the Embodiment of the 'innocently insensitive' trope as a toddler.
For example, exhibit a.
Bi-Han's mom: Bi-Han, look! This is your new baby brother, Kuai! Say hi!
Little Bi-Han, genuinely: Mommy, why does he look like a potato?
As someone who for years headcanon Bi-Han (and cryomancers in general) to be on the autism / atypical behavior spectrum, such insensitivity wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Personally I imagine Bi-Han to be very quiet, not much speaking type of kid, however also very inquisitive when he feels like that - and you better provide him with a satisfactory answer if you want him to listen and do as he is told - so the “why” question is probably his favorite. So yeah, why the baby is like that seems to me like a legit Bi-Han’s question: directly, bluntly and not out of malice.
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tymbalzine · 5 months
me making the headcanon that shang tsung is from a northeastern region of outworld, heavily impacted by the imperialist agendas of shao, sindel, and the empire. sindel and kitana having an intro about the northern cantons being discontent for centuries. i love being sexy and always right.
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bihansthot · 1 month
Have some Good Dad!Bi-Han headcanons because I have perpetual Bi-Han baby fever!
Bi-Han is the best, most loving Dad ever and no one can change my mind, his kids are his absolute world. He’s determined not to make the same mistakes his father made.
He plays with them every chance he gets even if his busy job as Grandmaster sometimes gets in the way.
He actively makes time to be there for his children and loves his daughter(s) just as much if not more than his son(s).
He’s such an amazing Girl Dad it’s unreal, always down for a princess tea party or getting his hair braided.
He’s also really hands on with education and helps with homework all the time, he’s best at Chinese and math, but he can still help with other subjects too.
His kids attend school in the local village so they can have a normal school life and have friends and not grow up isolated and lonely like he did. He of course teaches them martial arts and cryomancy after school.
He always tucks his kids in at night and reads to them, sometimes he just freestyles and tells Chinese legends and myths passed down to him from his mother.
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rodrodicb · 2 years
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I saw this draw base and thought, omg this could be Mileena if she had been a little girl. Then i drew this. 
I hope that at least he was able to have a nice childhood
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sasorikigai · 2 years
Grandmaster what are your thoughts and feelings on the Kombat Kids? Individually and as a team .
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Random Inbox Shenanigans || anonymous, mention of @indulgentia || always accepting!
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Beneath the inescapable, eternal walls of his hell, Scorpion used to dream this cacophonous dream filled with sweeping and devouring inferno. Despite being the one with a prolonged life, every strand of frayed memory of the past replaced the memory with recitals of Harumi and Satoshi’s names with this pulsating, annihilative hellfire. This had been an overpowering night; even with the backbone of stars above its ancient darkness sprawling, swallowing up the Earth beneath like an oncoming fathomless ocean from above, which usually brings Grandmaster Hasashi tranquil peace. 
There still may be an unrealized hunger in his bones; a destiny lying within him turning - as this world was returned to him along with his resurrection, and he can feel the scorching clouds of his warmth churning and fibrillating beneath his skin. No mark of heavily blemished flesh can ever conceal the truth which lies awake upon the myriads of embedded stars, with the fate of destiny in his heart and soul, burning effulgently in everlasting intensity. Hanzo Hasashi still wonders, if every direction of his resurrected life would continue to lead to an endless wasteland of dust and death; which he could still vividly encounter in multitudes of his nightmares and night terrors, a glariing sun of his revivified, purified warmth turning into unforgiving thorns like countless kunai, like guilt and sorrow. 
“Takeda’s person as a developing warrior is the result of two conflicting forces - of resentment and need to prove himself. Where these interpenetrate completely and fuse into one, his philosophy as a warrior would come into being. He could come across as audacious and hot-headed as Takahashi, perhaps more so from my own influences, but he fights with valor, honesty, and straightforwardness. Should he be able to quell this tide-like rage swelling in his heart and soul, he is a warrior full of pride and confidence, he will be able to do great things in battle.” Proudness exudes from the Grandmaster’s visage, as he reminisces of the times having taught his beloved Chujin. Perhaps Hanzo saw Takeda Takahashi’s fate long ago, that his blossoming would begin elsewhere, somewhere other than Shirai Ryu Compounds, but regardless, through the mentorship and surrogate paternal relationship they have held so often, Hanzo Hasashi had subdued a persistent echo in the chasm of his agony and suffering, this excruciating loss of Satoshi which still gnaws his being. 
“Other than Takeda, such indoctrinations of outsiders, specifically and especially the Special Forces, remains Sub-Zero’s forte,” Grandmaster Hasashi feels such infinite wrath and infinite despair - albeit both of them remaining buried deep within his subconscious - staunching him from being the unhindered version of what Hanzo Hasashi could wholly offer to the world. He may not be in the lowest deep, but it is still a lower deep which threatens to devour him, and open him wide open.
Despite the solidified trust and allegiance between the Earthrealm’s forces, the wavelengths of Scorpion’s aura remain a proverbially exposed motion; unsealed frequency which could never be forgotten. After all, it was his wrongful, vengeful decision that had nearly cost Earthrealm’s existence. He may continue to gravitate to grow, towards a truth, ancient and new, as his subconscious thought off into the moment, forever evolving. 
“Their impressions will have to wait until I truly become an anchor fastened around the Shirai Ryu and all the allegiances, well after this inconsolable longing stemming from the multitudes of emotions have been subsided,” the once-neglected virtue of sheet, unparalleled honesty surfaces from the quiet strength of the Grandmaster’s resolve. Admitting his vulnerabilities had been immensely difficult; for he often finds himself being affected by the excruciating pain of his guilt and foolhardy, irrational decisions affecting so many beyond the compounds of Shirai Ryu. “What consumes me as of current devours all my entirety, stirs my heart and soul, despite it inspiring my subconscious. I have utmost trust in compeers like Sub-Zero and General Blade to keep them formidable, as they individually should perfect their skills as Earthrealm warriors.”  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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daydreamwalker13 · 2 days
Mk1 Random Drawing # 64
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Children of Fengjian
Some random sketch I did months ago before I got into my teen au.
Got ditched since childhood.
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I headcanon that Takeda wears eyeliner but not mascara bc his lashes are already perfect 💅
Also Frost and Takeda’s body types.
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