#kori speaks
jennrypan · 5 days
Personally..I think all of Jason's friends would despise Bruce.
(Specifically Roy and Kori cuz they've had the most experience with him considering they're also friends with Dick.)
I need a Jason x Reader where Reader just can't STAND Bruce and just wants Jason to be okay, I need to put that mf in a giant blanket and STEAL him
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marigraphia · 7 days
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Hey remember when Kory was a Justice League member with a bangin' costume
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allthegothihopgirls · 3 months
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you don't even understand how SICK they make me
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local-limebug · 4 months
jason todd has so many underrated canon love interests. essence, isabel, artemis, and rose are all characters i love with him. like those are good ships. why is everyone ignoring them?
#look. i have Opinions on this matter.#i know that fandoms have incurable mlm fetishization disease which is why jayroy is so much more popular than these ships#and i like jayroy but. come on. jayrose solos.#but fr like 😭 ik we all hate whatever he had going on with babs and kori because what the fuck (i hate dc writers)#but jay/essence was a good ship!! it would have added more focus onto who jason is outside of being a vigilante but still being a warrior#because its p much canon that he has magical affinities that dc pretty much ignores now#and isabel! jay/isabel was such a good ship too for showing the more civilian view of the red hood and who jason was as a civilian#jayrose is my personal fav solely because they're one of the few duos we've seen as good friends and i just love their interactions#and rose has that anti-hero (?) potential right. i think jayrose is a good ship for who jason would be as a vigilante outside gotham#ik i'm focusing on jason more than the love interests when i talk about why these ships are so interesting but rn that's just because i'm#trying to figure out why these ships are so ignored among jason fans in favour of ships like jayroy or jaykori or jaybabs or batc*st#because imo these have so much more potential than those ones :/#i forgot to speak on jaytemis. i love jaytemis because i think jason deserves a woman that can yeet his 6 foot brick wall body with ease-#but more than that it really would have been a very fun idea to explore the amazonians' moralities and politics more#because jay and artemis were supposed to parallel bruce and diana. i just think there was again potential there for jason to break off from#the batfamily#yk?#limebug's original posts#jason todd#rose wilson#artemis of bana mighdall#isabel ardila#essence#sorry to any jayroy shippers that might see this even tho i didnt individually tag jayroy. i'm one of you i promise i'm a multishipper#if anyone wants to discuss this my dms and askbox are OPEN
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diwtara · 11 months
The outlaws go on another space adventure, ending up on an alien planet
Jason and Roy end up being the first human contact with this spiecies
The beings there study Jason, with his larger frame, his darker colouring, his, uh, generous bust
They observe Roy, with his flamboyent hair, his happy, chirpy demeanor, how he practicaly dance around Jason when hes in a good mood
They notice how fiercly protective they are of each other
They come to the conclusion that Jason and Roy are a mated pair, and that Jason is an example of a human female
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 15 days
remember how I said I had a dream that I made a presentation about Titans?
I just remember this from my dream:
during that presentation, I spoke about how each character has their own unique colour palette which shows up around them in their wardrobe, the hues in which the show is edited, and even the cars they drive. and Kory specifically has a really interesting journey with her clothing
(imo, they all do, but I remember this specifically because this was an observation about the show that I had made for the first time in my fucking dream)
Kory's colour palette reflects a period of emotional depression and identity loss in Season 2
when Kory first comes onto the show, she has one of the most unique visual styles. she wears intensely bright colours that are often complimented by shiny metallic fabrics, and even though she is supposed to be a 'covert' mission on earth, she is the farthest thing from blending in as just another earthly person (it's great).
and then in season 2, her look is so toned down. instead of wearing her usual bright purple, she keeps wearing these very dark plum colours and even black - and this started around Trigon, when she wore Donna's black body suit during the final confrontation. and to me, it seems like the heavy responsibilities that came with getting her memories back actually caused her to lose her sense of identity.
ironically, when she gains her memories back, her sense of identity is more confused than ever.
so she goes from being incredibly vibrant and bright and unique to wearing very dull clothing in a very generic style.
and then in S3 when she goes back to being part of the Titans family, knowing that her role is with them, it gives her a new sense of identity, and her outfits in S3 are back to being that bright shade of purple, along with being unique and stylish again.
similarly to how she wears red - a colour very contrasting to purple - when she is someone very not-herself when being held under the influence of Trigon in that weird little town.
so yeah - I am literally making Titans observations in my dreams now. cause I never thought about this or considered it until I pointed it out to myself in that dream I had
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starneko123 · 5 months
So y'all know if Netherrealm continues with the storyline of Kuai Liang being a Scorpion does anybody else realize when he gets with Harumi and has his son, Satoshi…Bi-Han is going to kill them? Your older brother killed your wife and son? On top of probably becoming a wraith? Kinda dark don't you think? Probably sadder than Twindel with Kitana in MK11.
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cheritouu · 11 months
Ok yes she’s currently talking about her parents who just broadcasted their sacrificing of themselves to save their people but listen-
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justlikearat · 5 months
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Eve made me draw Kori, okay she didn’t but like,,,, she said I couldn’t so I did hehe. She’s yelling at me as I type this. She helped me alter it fuck you eveeeeee smh. Idc that ur tired. Eve said to add that she’s transfem, she says I’m SOOOOO CHILDISH.
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thottybrucewayne · 7 months
Being a Kory stan is the fuckin trenches rn. They didn't give her a solo cover for the swimwear issue. They refuse to let her take down that fuck ass braid and wear a cute costume again. They got Batman playing on her planet.
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For the love of god, FREE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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blue-lantern · 8 months
Far from the first person to say this but I would pay so much for a minimum 12 issue solo series focusing on Starfire as a liberator of enslaved peoples in space. I’m not the most creative person so what that would look like specifically eludes me. But. Explore her trauma and how it channels into righteous anger more in depth! Completely remove her from earth for a little bit so writers can’t bog her down with relationship drama! Have the story parallel human slavery and politics!
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jennrypan · 2 months
..Jason, Kori and Roy were the best Redhood and the Outlaws trio. No you can't change my mind.
I miss their friendship 😔
Jason should've smashed them both fr. (In my mind he did, he has two hands. Even tho I love Dick x Kori more than life lmao)
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allthegothihopgirls · 4 months
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the dick grayson protection squad
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swiftlark · 3 months
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Now let's talk about Starfire. Can we talk about Starfire please, Mac? I've been dying to talk about Starfire with you all day, okay?
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kory-kitten · 1 year
[wraps his arms around their waist and smiles softly, letting out a soft chuckle]
You’ve already found my hoodies?
Of course! A key part of any relationship.
[nods sagely, but ruins it by grinning up at him]
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 8 days
I had one of my most brilliant Titans revelations today
a huge overarching theme of Season 3 and Titans at large:
Be Better Than Your Parents aka The 51% Rule
The episode titles of Titans are always something I find utterly fucking fascinating and so well chosen - like how the episode where Hank and Dawn are introduced is called 'Hawk and Dove' (because they are struggling with their hero identities and considering quitting), and the episode with their backstories is called 'Hank and Dawn' - because we get to know the real them, and the episode where Hank dies is called Hank & Dove - because Dawn is wearing her costume, trying her hardest to save Hank when the bomb goes off, and Hank is stripped down and completely vulnerable (and because Hank was trying to retire and he only came back to the Titans lifestyle because Dawn was continuing on as Dove).
51% is an episode that I fucking love as a title and as an episode overall, and I love how it speaks to the theme of the show overall
if you don't remember the specific episode or where the title comes from, let me catch you up. Blackfire and Kory are trying to track down a machine that Crane could be using to mass produce the anti fear gas (which makes people erratic and more likely to commit violent crimes) at a much faster rate, and they have gotten a tip that one of the mobsters Crane is working with isn't satisfied, so they go to talk to her.
Kory is hesitant to willingly work with a criminal, even if the outcome gets the drug off the streets and keeps people safe, so Blackfire reminds her of something that their father used to say:
When making decisions, think of the 51% Rule. If a decision is 51% good and 49% bad, then you do it anyway. Because if it's only by a slight bit - the good outweighs the bad.
Kory says 'I hope you reminded father of that when you were killing him' - and this leads Blackfire to remind Kory that this rule was implemented all throughout their childhood. And it lead to Blackfire being abused and neglected while Kory was beloved and favoured - something that Kory is trying to heal by being an ally to her sister rather than leaving her to let that abuse continue at the hands of the US government.
The theme of breaking away from abusive parenting comes up in the episode again - the mobster agrees to work with them as long as Kory and Blackfire bring her son to her, and Kory (being good natured) believe that it's because she wants to reunite with her son and make amends with him, but the woman ends up murdering her son because he was supposedly giving information about her criminal empire to the FBI. And so, Kory lashes out and (rightfully) murders the woman - and we see Blackfire have a fondness for Kory murdering an abuser and bringing justice, be better than their parents would have been in the face of a situation like this.
And it's not just this episode, the theme persists throughout the season.
Barbara and Dick - but let's just focus on Dick for a second.
"Be a better Batman."
This is from the ... first? Episode I believe. (The first or the second.) Bruce murders the Joker and then shows up in Dick's room in the middle of the night, covered in blood, and drops a bloody crowbar on Dick's floor - he tells Dick that he's done with Gotham, and that Dick should 'be a better Batman'.
When Dick brings this up to Barbara, she tells him how utterly ridiculous this is - and how it's just Bruce goading him with temptation and Daddy issues, and he reminds her that she became Commissioner Gordon after her own father died, and almost instantly - we see Commissioner Gordon and a new Head Bat, working together seamlessly, but in a new way.
Barbara always desired to be different from her father - she never puts too much trust in Dick, and if she does, she knows when to step back from it. She has a strong sense of justice - she's intelligent and vibrant and energetic and she feels that no person is 'too small' or too unimportant to save.
Dick instantly understands compromise. He's not as independent or stubborn as Bruce because he's used to working with a team, and he learns to delegate early on. He understands the importance of others playing a role aside from himself.
More threads I find important under this theme:
Crane has a scene with his mother. He blames her for pressuring him too much in life, and the fact that he even became a doctor - later on, when he has a mental breaking point, it seems like he goes to the mental extreme of mutilating himself because he believed that he was never good enough in his mother's eyes.
Jason and Dick as 'brothers' - the whole show has a lot of interesting threads about these two and their 'brotherhood', even though in this universe they weren't raised as brothers. But every single fight they have, or every single discussion Dick has about Jason (even discussions that Jason has with Bruce in the flashbacks) - always goes back to Bruce.
It goes back to how Bruce treated them differently.
And I think because Dick always finds opposition and competition in Jason, he never found it in himself to forgive Jason, and he misdirects that 'forgiveness' and better treatment to Rachel and Gar, and in a sense - he feels the need to oppose Jason continually, right up until the end - because he feels that Jason always got better treatment from Bruce. (When neither of them were treated as a child should be, they were just treated very differently.)
I mentioned this earlier, but the fact that Kory rescues Blackfire from the government facility, seemingly to make up for the damage that their parents caused. And finding out later in the season that their parents treated them so unfairly because they used magic to steal Blackfire's natural powers and give them to Starfire, and then treated Blackfire like a powerless outcast her whole life - there is just so many layers to unpack there. But Kory was basically ending the general trauma and abuse by discovering this family secret and finally giving her sister fair treatment.
Dick has closure in having a dream about his real father - and then dreams of becoming a parent himself. I am not a huge fan of the visions with M'ari, not because I don't like her (that baby is so stinkin cuuuuute omg) - I am just not a huge fan of the trope of 'having a baby and getting married = happy ending'. Especially because the show split up the Titans family and Dick and Kory stayed together under the impression that this would happen.
BUT - I did love how Dick's form of closure, after obsessing about following in Bruce's footsteps as Batman, and reflecting on how Bruce treated him and Jason, and having all those flashbacks to his childhood where Bruce treated him horribly (but in his adulthood, he considered it 'training') - Dick gets to have genuine closure by seeing his real father one last time, who tells Dick that he is proud of him.
Especially after the Pit shows him a vision of himself as The Joker, killing Jason - which I have just now realized represents Dick taking on Bruce's burdens. Holy fuck. Because it has been established throughout the whole season that if Bruce had treated Jason better, then Jason wouldn't have run off on his own, and he wouldn't have gotten killed by the Joker.
And Dick probably feels the same way about Jason getting kidnapped and tortured by Deathstroke, and be probably still feels responsible for everything that happened there, like when he dropped Jason and a hallucination of Bruce was tormenting him for not taking better care of Jason - so in that torment, and after trying to BE A BETTER BATMAN for weeks, maybe months, and seemingly failing after he dies in an altercation with Jason (someone who wouldn't be Red Hood without Dick's own mistakes) - Dick steps into The Joker's costume and literally murders Jason while Jason is wearing his Robin outfit.
He is killing this more innocent version of Jason because he feels deeply responsible for doing so.
(I have to take a step back because I literally had this realization while typing this.)
And then he is told by his own father that he can let go of that burden - and it's one of the only times he actually gets real, true closure.
I know a lot of people think that the vision of M'ari turned Dick into RV Dad Bot 1.0, but I think it was his father giving him closure that truly made him ready to take on the family and play the part.
Anyway - that's all I have for you today. I have to go before I make anymore mind bending revelations
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