#kosi talks
bureaumantic · 7 months
little goober i made for one of my worldbuilding projects (the one in question being Ghelter Aquatic Desalination Corporation)
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look at the fella, sitting there with his roblox fish lookin face
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You know what I think I'm going to start expositing lore. That wasn't my original intention but I'm gonna do it anyway.
Click the Keep reading button thingy if you'd like to read about marisians and their lives in Ghelter Aquatic.
So I'm sure you've all read the 17 page long in-universe research paper written by Kosi Neuer about marisians that I wrote a little while back...
...but on the off chance that you didn't, here's a basic summary!
Humans are not alone, we have discovered a whole buncha fish people called Homo Natans but more colloquially referred to as marisians.
Marisians are dangerous because they are largely unpredictable (at time of that paper being written) and can only reproduce through infection of humans through bites. Also they might be able to tear people apart with their fangs without infecting but we don't know for sure, it could have been that the flesh was separated from the body at such a speed that there was no time for an infecting agent to enter the body. So it's a maybe on that one for now.
When a human is transformed into a marisian, they take on a number of new qualities. The skin is recolored, along with the eyes and hair. Marisians develop new appendages like fins and fish-like tails. Their pupils also glow. Regarding mental change, most marisians develop a combination of lower intelligence, immaturity, energy, and physical strength (that is often belied by their appearance). More rarely, however, a marisian will experience a significant increase in intelligence that often surpasses their human intelligence (even if that trait is difficult to accurately quantify and measure), maturity, but lower energy and physical strength. The former are called "Swimmers" and the latter are called "Sapients." The ratio of swimmers to sapients is roughly 7 to 1. This may point to a brawns-and-brains mechanic that schools of marisians may use in nature, with sapients being discouraged from doing much physical work and doing the mental work for the group, leading the swimmers who can execute their plans. Swimmers are often docile and compliant with security and researchers while sapients are more hostile and unwilling to conform. Marisians also lose all of their memories upon transformation into a marisian, but do retain a few skills like the ability to speak any languages they knew or a few habits/rituals.
So that's a summary of the relevant part of the paper. There is still more but it isn't exactly relevant to what I want to talk about.
So what does a marisian's average day to day look like? Well, they spend most of their time in their holding tanks. Half of their holding tanks are dry ground while the other half is essentially a really deep pool. There are beds and rooms on the dry section but most choose to sleep in the pool. The entrance to a holding tank is sealed by a huge door thing. idk man i don't do doors lol.
wait i have an image
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this is what those doors look like for the most part. there's a decontamination chamber/checkpoint behind that door that will allow you to enter the holding tank.
Marisians are allowed to mingle with one another and essentially can do whatever they want while not being tested on. Food is delivered and distributed 3 times a day by some poor soul in the Hospitality Department. Employees of the Hospitality Department are going to be the most frequent sight for marisians, other than the Security Department, of course.
Now when I say "poor soul" I don't mean they're like gonna die or anything like that. They're just going to have to get through a really uncomfortable and possibly dangerous environment for like a half hour or so as they try to get everyone's attention and to pass out meals without aggravating anyone. Also they do have an escort of guards so yeah.
The Hospitality Department also handles all of their janitorial work and such. Occasionally, someone in the Engineering Department may need to enter the holding tank to fix something.
Every marisian has a medical check up once a year, held on the "anniversary" of their transformation. That is conducted by the Medical Department and overseen by some grunt from the Ethics Department.
Also anytime I mention departments, assume a few fellas from the Security Department are present. That'll just go without saying.
When being tested on, there will (obviously) be a few fellas from the Research Department and there will usually be some fella from the Ethics Department but not always.
While there is the occasional riot (on average, once every 2 years, actually), most marisians are content with their lives. They don't really seek freedom, on account that most of them are swimmers and just spend all day relaxing in a holding tank with free meals, no rent, no taxes, no jobs or other obligations, free medical care... hey where can I sign up to be one of these guys?
But they do get tested on and sometimes they are extremely unethical. For example, the Psychology Division of the Research Department decided in 2014 that yes, it was very important that we find out what happens to a marisian who basically has the intellectual capacity of a child with extreme claustrophobia and stuff them in what was essentially a small box and deprived them of food and water for 48 hours. Needless to say, that was extremely problematic and the Ethics Department raised a fuss about that one.
That was just like one example of an unethical experiment, they happen startlingly frequently, I just don't feel like making up more right now. Just know that like 1 in uhhhhhhh like every 10 experiments is extremely unethical. Ideally that would be 0. 0 in every 10.
So on account of those, sapients are usually able to get a bunch of swimmers to agree with them that things need to change and they organize a riot. These riots always fail (except the August Riot of 2018. That was a bit... too successful) and usually result in a lot of corpses, blood, and heavy workload for the Recruitment Department.
uh yeah i think that's just about everything i wanted to talk about... can't really find a good way to segue into a conclusion so uh yeah bye.
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bathoarchives · 8 months
On The Rise: A Conversation With Tefoffline
Tefo Kosie best known as Tefoffline is a 20-year-old rapper, producer, and upcoming mixing engineer from Kanye, Ga Maila.
With the release of his mixtape 'Tomorrow Might Be Too Late' last December, he has further solidified his place as one of the most exciting new-age rappers in Botswana.
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Where did you grow up?
Well, I moved around a lot when I was growing up you know. Initially born in Kanye, I lived in Gabs for a good 8 years before moving to Mahalapye for like a year or so. Then I came back to the south, living in Molepolole for 4 years before moving to where I live now which is somewhere around the city.
How did you get into music?
I think I've always had a musical inclination from a very young age, mostly because of the music my parents was bumping. I was like 4 or 5 when I used to go into their room and play Michael Jackson and Johnny Mokhali CDs. In terms of Rap and Hip-Hop records, my uncles put me on man. During school holidays I used just get dumped at their places and these dudes was playing a whole lotta rap shit at the time. You know your Lil Wayne, Nicki, Drake and Rick Ross, those are the 4 niggas who properly introduced me to this Hip-Hop stuff. In terms of my rapping, I wrote my first ever rap at 9 while living in Mahalapye. But what had urged me to write a verse was the fact that me and my friends at the time had a thing we did after school where we'd rap and just talk about Hip-Hop stuff for hours on end before we all went home. We used to do like other niggas verse's you know like the stuff that was popular at the time and really just stuff we liked until one day i decided to surprise these dudes and rap my own shit that I wrote. It went as well as expected and I been kickin it since.
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How did you come up with the name Tefoffline?
I went on a long ass sabbatical in like 2021 just to get off social media and get my mind right and tbh, that was most amount of work I did, music-wise and just life-wise. Basically, thats where it came from. I felt like I worked better off my phone and the internet as a whole, so I just merged that with my name. It just took me back to how I used to make music before I encountered phones and shit. Back then it was just my imagination, pen, and diary, and I was the most efficient working under those conditions. I think I was going through a name change type situation at the time and I just didn't want a regular name that everybody had or some typical white man's name like nah. I needed to bring it home as well. I like that I included my real name in there because it just added to the authenticity. Real shit.
When did you start releasing music?
I only started dropping music in 2021 and to be honest anytime I think about it I can't help but laugh. I was in the kitchen one morning at like 9am and I was like 'Yo kana I did this other joint yesterday, maybe I should drop it, and I did and it went crazy. I think that when I really decided to go all in after seeing all the good things everybody had to say about my shit.
How would you describe your style of music?
Right now I won't lie i'd say I'm making some real stoner music. Like stoner anthems fr but seriously I'd say it's like a mix of alt-rap with jazzy elements and the truth really. That's what I describe it as because it's really music about my life you know, the ins and outs, ups and downs, the weird shit, everything. I look at it more like confessions in a way.
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What inspires the style of music you make?
A whole bunch of things tota. I like music combinations and rhythms that aren't conventional. The regular shit is hard as well but I never really wanna limit my references. Niggas like MF DOOM, Earl, and MIKE been inspiring and continue to inspire the music I been making to this point. If you look closely, all these cats have a thing in common: they produce and rap. So that's the school I came from. Tota hela anything goes with me. I'm a big house music fan as well so I'd say that inspires my shit too.+
What inspired your recent mixtape?
Life has a funny way of showing you who the boss is. I guess I was just going through that shit and decided to document it. Like I said I see it as billy would say, Truth Rap, so for me it was an easy thing to write the records. The hard part was outgrowing the tracks. It's like you can't get that first feeling on a track you've been working on for 2 years so it took me a while to get it done but all in all it was a good experience man. I went through some stuff and if you listen to the music you'll hear it. Everything is on the music.
How was the process of creating it?
Man, it was like any project to be honest. It's like you develop a new love for creating and you're almost always excited for the first few months. But then it becomes routine and it gets mixed up with other bad routines in your life prompting you to try to escape or change that. I ain't gonna lie that shit got me off course for a good while. Just focused on living my life. Writer's block became a hassle at a point and I was nearly like 'F this' but you know, that's how it be. I really had fun man but truthfully I've been over that project for a good while.
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Vocal layering seems to be a common aspect in a handful of your tracks..would you consider that a part of your signature sound?
Yeah definitely. I used to make tracks without adlibs and backings cause I had a different perspective on what music should sound like. But you know, with time, you grow and learn and I just decided to incorporate all that into the records. I really love music with good backings and adlibs, not even just rap, so it was more of an 'I'm making the shit I like to hear' type of vibe. That's just how I move with my music. I know what I want in terms of the sonic direction, so I just do it myself. Even with the latest project where that kinda thing is prominent, I knew how I wanted it to sound like 2 years ago. I just had to practice and implement that knowledge. 
Is there anything you're doing apart from rapping?
Yeah, I'm a student currently about to get my bag, soon. I do a little music journalism for my school magazine focusing on music, but besides school, I have a couple of business ventures I plan to implement, especially this year. I'm a business dude at heart, even though I never studied it. I've always loved the fact that you could make money from your own ideas on your own terms, so I won't dwell too much on that but yeah. I also recently started officially heading a little label imprint called 4EVAFADED, which comprises the people responsible for the success of my tape and my music in general, my niggas idyllicsoul and Rxssi on production, as well as fellow rapper NovSon who's a young MC trynna make moves as well. I'm what you call a Renaissance man in a way, I just have a little trouble with laying out all the pieces because it gets messy.
Any local acts that you find exciting?
There's tons; I wouldn't even know where to start. My favorite rappers right now would have to be Nikky Dymondz, banzai, Jesonyana, Chrysus, OneTake 267, and my boy NovSon just to name a few. In terms of singers and vocalists, I have been messing with that Magadi single (Backseat Headrush), Sebaga got some really cool-sounding projects, Fourteen'O'Six is hard af, Courtney got that one track, and how could I forget spacerover and Chubbs (Lucas Chubbs). Oh I fuck with Pablo and Xortic as well. Them niggas is crazy like I won't even say much, but I'm sure I'll be able to experience most of these artists because I was privy to meeting some more amazing acts last year. So maybe my list will change in a few. I just had to give you a few because I can't really think of some right now, but I'm a huge fan of local shit. It really is my bread and butter.
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Any thoughts on where the music game is going?
I really think everyone is getting to do anything they want especially sound-wise. I feel like we're not confined to doing what pleases labels or whatever so it's more of a whole group of niggas just making music they really mess with not because they have to make that stuff. So I think you know, with that kind of freedom, the landscape changes over time. I also love the fact that dudes like Saigo (saigotheeditor) have been able to do the photography stuff and shows to basically accompany the music, practically building aesthetics for the sonics, so a big shout to my guy Lerroy, that's my guy.
Do you have anything you're working on right now?
Yeah most definitely, but the stuff I'm making right now I wonder if they gon' like it, because it's some weird shit man. That's all i'm going to say for now. Oh! and I did a couple of features that I hope will be out this year with some amazing artists. Sometimes I don't even believe I did that but you know, I did.
Speaking of features, you are featured on 'The World Is Yours' by Nov Son, how was the experience of working on your first collaboration?
It was really cool. One of the easiest and laid back collabs I did. He hit me up and was like 'We need to get in the studio' and I was down fr. My nigga Idyllic was working with him as well, so it just made things easier but yeah he was recording some songs from his upcoming album and we knocked a couple out the park. Watch out for that project btw. That was also when I met my nigga Rxssi; they was moving as a unit back then so I just decided to mess with them and what they did because normally I just keep to myself and do shit on my own or with like 1 or 2 of the homies. It's a very personal thing for me. People probably think I hate collabs or something, but they're so hard to get done because of the different mindframes, schedules, and shit but I always try to make sure I work with other artists because I believe we work better together.
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Stream Tefoffline HERE
Instagram: @Tefoffline
Facebook: @Tefoffline
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innovesttechnology · 2 months
How to Find the Best Restaurants in Almora
Nestled in the serene hills of Uttarakhand, Almora is a picturesque town that boasts not only breathtaking views but also a rich culinary tradition. Whether you're a local resident or a visitor planning to stay in Almora, discovering the best restaurants can enhance your experience immensely. This guide will help you navigate the gastronomic landscape of Almora, ensuring you find the perfect spots to savor the local flavors.
Understanding Almora's Culinary Scene
Before diving into specific recommendations, itÕs essential to understand the culinary scene in Almora. The town is known for its traditional Kumaoni cuisine, which includes dishes like Bhatt ki Churkani, Aloo Ke Gutke, and Singori. However, Almora also offers a variety of other cuisines, from North Indian to Continental, catering to diverse tastes.
Research and Reviews
Online Platforms
The internet is a treasure trove of information when it comes to finding the best restaurants. Websites like TripAdvisor, Zomato, and Yelp offer extensive reviews and ratings from fellow diners. These platforms allow you to filter results based on cuisine, price range, and location. Additionally, Google Maps can be an invaluable tool, providing not just reviews but also directions and photos of the restaurant.
Social Media
Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are also useful for discovering popular dining spots. Follow hashtags like #AlmoraEats or #KumaoniCuisine to see real-time posts from locals and tourists. Influencers and food bloggers often share their dining experiences, giving you a visual and descriptive taste of what to expect.
Word of Mouth
One of the most reliable ways to find great restaurants is through word of mouth. Talk to locals or fellow travelers to get their recommendations. Hotel staff, local shopkeepers, and even taxi drivers can provide insider tips on the best places to eat. Their suggestions often lead you to hidden gems that may not be widely advertised.
Exploring Different Neighborhoods
AlmoraÕs diverse neighborhoods offer unique culinary experiences. By exploring different parts of the town, you can uncover a variety of dining options that cater to different tastes and preferences.
Lala Bazar
Lala Bazar is the heart of Almora and a great place to start your culinary journey. The bustling market area is home to numerous eateries offering traditional Kumaoni food. Try the local sweets like Bal Mithai and Singori from well-known sweet shops.
A bit away from the main town, Kosi is a tranquil area that offers restaurants with beautiful views of the surrounding hills. Many of these establishments focus on organic and locally sourced ingredients, providing a fresh and unique dining experience.
Mall Road
Mall Road is another popular area with a variety of dining options, from street food vendors to upscale restaurants. The lively atmosphere and the scenic views make it an ideal spot for a leisurely meal.
Specialty Restaurants
To truly experience the culinary diversity of Almora, make sure to visit some specialty restaurants that offer unique dining experiences.
Dolma Restaurant
Known for its authentic Tibetan cuisine, Dolma Restaurant is a must-visit. The momos and thukpa here are highly recommended. The cozy ambiance and friendly staff add to the overall dining experience.
Kasar Rainbow Restaurant
Located near Kasar Devi, this restaurant is famous for its organic food and serene environment. The menu features a variety of healthy and delicious options, including vegan and gluten-free dishes.
MohanÕs Cafe
MohanÕs Cafe is a favorite among tourists for its stunning views and diverse menu. From traditional Kumaoni dishes to Italian pasta, the cafe offers something for everyone. The laid-back vibe makes it a perfect spot for a relaxed meal.
Seasonal Delicacies
The culinary offerings in Almora change with the seasons, providing an opportunity to try different dishes throughout the year.
Summer Delights
During the summer months, enjoy refreshing dishes made with fresh, locally sourced vegetables. Cold beverages like Buransh (Rhododendron) juice are popular for their cooling properties.
Winter Warmers
In winter, savor hearty and warming dishes like Gahat (horse gram) soup and Dubuk, a traditional Kumaoni dish made with lentils. The use of locally grown herbs and spices adds a unique flavor to these winter delicacies.
Staying in Almora: Dining Options at Local Accommodations
When you stay in Almora, many accommodations offer excellent dining options, often featuring home-cooked meals with a local touch.
Staying in a homestay can provide an authentic Kumaoni culinary experience. Many hosts prepare traditional meals using recipes passed down through generations. This personalized dining experience is a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture.
Hotels and Resorts
Several hotels and resorts in Almora have in-house restaurants that offer a range of cuisines. From lavish breakfast spreads to fine dining options, these establishments ensure that guests have a memorable culinary experience.
Cooking Classes and Food Tours
To deepen your understanding of Kumaoni cuisine, consider participating in a cooking class or food tour. Several local chefs offer cooking classes where you can learn to prepare traditional dishes. Food tours, on the other hand, take you to various eateries and markets, providing a comprehensive culinary experience.
Homes in Almora for Sale: A Food LoverÕs Dream
If you fall in love with the culinary delights of Almora, you might consider making it your permanent home. There are many homes in Almora for sale that offer the perfect base to explore the town's vibrant food scene.
Buy Property in Almora: A Gateway to Culinary Adventures
Buying property in Almora not only provides a serene living environment but also gives you the opportunity to delve deeper into the local cuisine. Imagine having a home where you can regularly visit your favorite restaurants, participate in local food festivals, and perhaps even grow your own Kumaoni herbs and vegetables.
Finding the best restaurants in Almora is an adventure that combines exploration, research, and local insights. Whether youÕre staying in Almora for a short visit or planning to buy property in Almora, the town's rich culinary landscape will surely captivate your taste buds. From traditional Kumaoni dishes to international cuisines, Almora offers a diverse and delectable dining experience that is sure to leave a lasting impression. So, embark on this culinary journey and discover the hidden gems that make Almora a food lover's paradise.
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my-chaos-radio · 3 months
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Release: September 16, 2022
Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri
Ta-ta-ri-pa, ta-ta-ri, pa
Sabi girl no dey too like talk
Animals dey in human form
Padi man, nobody like work
But you must hustle if you wan chop
E no finish, dem wan fight us
If them dey run, dem no fit catch up
I no dey form say I too righteous
No come dey form say you too like us
Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy
Got my mind on my money
Make you dance like Poco Lee
Steady green like broccoli
Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan telly me
Kudi na my fantasy
Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush
But e dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush
The kind money we touch, yeah
E dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There's no dulling with us (there's no dulling with us, oh)
Pa-pa-ri (oh)
Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri (yeah)
Ta-ta-ri-pa, pa-pa-ri-pa
Jofunmi Japata, I dey go Ghana (yeah)
You never touch, you dey form papas (yeah)
Which kind money we never see before?
Kosi elomi, got me feeling I'm the one
Aje, aje, aje, can never take my cake away, aje
You can't count my grace
I just dey my lane, my lane
Me no get the time for the hate and the bad energy
Got my mind on my money
Make you dance like Poco Lee
Steady green like broccoli
Steady on my grind, no wan hear what they wan telly me
Kudi na my fantasy (yeah, yeah)
Dem wan dey check if my tap e no rush (yeah)
But e dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush (yeah)
The kind money we touch, yeah
E dey rush (e dey rush)
E dey rush well, well, e be much (e be much)
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There's no dulling with us (there's no dulling with us)
'Cause e dey rush
E dey rush well, well, e be much
Na God dey make my tap, e dey rush
The kind money we touch
E dey rush
E dey rush well, well, e be much
No be hype, everybody dey crush
There's no dulling with us (there's no dulling)
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Mmh, ah
Alexandre Uwaifo / Henri Velasco / Oyinkansola Sarah Aderibigbe / Prince Oghenemine Omoferi
Ayra Starr
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pawalgarhtigerreserve · 5 months
Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve
Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve, located in Ramnagar, Uttarakhand, is a pristine wildlife sanctuary known for its rich biodiversity and natural beauty. Established in 2012, the reserve spans over an area of approximately 58.25 square kilometers and is a part of the larger Corbett Tiger Reserve and it is nestled in the lush and expansive forests of Ramangar Forest Division, Ramnagar. This stunning reserve boasts several small and babbling streams that weave through it, before finally dissipating into the KOSI and DABKA Rivers. Interestingly, this reserve is home to more than 33 different species of mammals, 365 species of birds, and over 400 species of flora - talk about biodiversity! The Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve sets the gold standard for eco-tourism in India, and provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience that truly connects you with nature, all while promoting conservation efforts. The reserve itself features breath-taking landscapes, stunning waterfalls, and an incredibly diverse range of wildlife that you can witness in and around the area.
Company: Pawalgarh Conservation Reserve Phone: 7466814823 Address: Ramnagar Forest Division, Ranikhet Road, Ramnagar, Distic- Nainital, Uttarakhand-244715
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miteshrao20 · 5 months
Yoga Holiday in Nepal
It is a brilliant plan if you are thinking about a yoga holiday in Nepal. Based on the safety of the country along with the hospitable nature, Nepal seems to be the perfect spot for your yoga holiday planning. 
Not only that you will also embrace the beauty of the country. The Trek Nepal has been performing the yoga holiday system which has resulted in brilliant results for the clients. The health benefits of yoga are impossible to deny and this particular trip might be the right thing for the readers. 
Nepal is a small country blessed with variety in its weather distribution. Along with connecting with new people, you will have an opportunity to embrace happiness, peace, and health during the yoga holiday in Nepal. 
Features of Yoga Holiday in Nepal
If you are looking for peace of mind and spiritual connection, Nepal is the place to be. With mystic and religious beliefs present in Nepal you will detoxify your body and mind to say the least. 
There are plenty of reasons why you should choose Nepal and The Trek Nepal as yoga holiday destination. With the beauty and quality of the services, The Trek Nepal is the place to be. 
More than what the institute has to offer there are plenty of features of yoga holiday in Nepal. They are:
Diverse culture with more than 35 ethnic groups present. 
Globally popular trekking routes for tourists. 
High-end security with rare issues with international tourists.
Affordability with cheap food and stay cost. 
Unique food history and also the old culture that resembles much to talk and research. 
Best places for yoga holiday according to The Trek Nepal
There are plenty of good places when we talk about yoga holidays. From the quality and also the cost, the place and its importance tend to vary. In The Trek Nepal list though we have chosen some of the finest names. 
These names are selected based on the time needed along with the safety and security of the tourists. Readers can query about their place of interest through The Trek Nepal as well. 
Everest Base Camp Trekking
One of the toughest treks in the context of Nepal is the Everest Base Camp trek. A total of 15 days needs to be separated to complete the trek. Meanwhile, the highlights of the trek include Kathmandu, temples and monasteries, yoga sessions held daily, and visiting the UNESCO World Heritage sites. 
Yoga rafting on the Sun Kosi River
One of the top 10 rivers in the world, Sunkosi provides the opportunity for rafting for interested tourists. Rafting combined with yoga throws in the right amount of thrill. A total of 9 days is needed to complete the trek. 
Yoga Holiday at Begnas Lake
Often underrated Begnas Lake is one of the famous spots for yoga sessions. The morning starts with a 2-hour yoga session at Begnas. You will also have a healthy breakfast to go with hiking, boating, and swimming. Majorly there will be yoga accommodated by the beauty and elegance of Pokhara. 
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rainsmediaradio · 7 months
DJ Tunez, Terry Apala & Musiliu Haruna Ishola - Apala Disco Remix Lyrics
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DJ Tunez, Terry Apala & Musiliu Haruna Ishola - Apala Disco Remix Lyrics
DJ Tunez, Terry Apala & Musiliu Haruna Ishola - Apala Disco Remix Lyrics
Egunjobi ishola iyin ti oba oluwa fun e koni para laye, E se amin kin gbo Ota kan binu lasan Won le ri ona gbe gba, Oba to se eni bo wa sola a oni di akoba ati alawujo olorin Amo sa gbogbo eni to ba ti ji to ba soro mi ire, Ire ni ko je tiwon tori nire nire la soro atare, Ire ko je ti yin Eje ko ye yin gbogbo eni toba ti ji, To soro mi si aburu, Emi ma ti fawon le oluwa lowo Ishola nigba kan ri ta l’eni to so wipe kosi orin lagodo ti wa kosi ilu lagodo tiwa. Iro le fi pa eke le fi se omo egungunjobi, Awon temi complain lojojumo Musiliu mi Ishola DJ Tunez Oni ka so fun wan wipe, Oya gbe oti oloti le so gbo gbe oti oloti le so gbo Omu ti ka se apa,gbe oti oloti le, Owo re rom naa o,gbe oti oloti le, Mo so re to,gbe oti oloti le,ye wa emu mi, Gbe oti oloti le,ye mu imu kimu,gbe oti oloti le, Ye po ipo ki po,gbe oti oloti le,mo so re to, Gbe oti oloti le so gbo,gbe oti oloti le, Egunjobi ori omoge ri ode fe tasi, Se eri pipe omoge ko ju meta lo, Taba fe pe omoge ama wipe,woos,kiskis,hey Olomoge ti o ba ti dahun oti kuta niyen o toba di ojo ale ani ohun olori oko Sho gbo mi ni Terry Apala mo de ni ee I’m in mood to talk to you Wetin dey worry you, na me and you Today na today wey you go know me yea Omo ele nibo lo tun da Kosi perfume ka lo Lovinda Ka shey kini yen ka yan nofila DJ Tunez lori table kajo goloba Omo ele nibo lo tun da Kosi perfume ka lo lovinda Ka shey kini yen ka yan nofila We dey cruise ninu party Kajo ma gbadun Ajo maje aiye yii ye yii ye yii Ajo maje aiye yi DJ Tunez lori turn table yea DJ Tunez lori turn table yea DJ Tunez lori turn table yea DJ Tunez lori turn table yea Ajo maje aiye yii ye yii ye yii Ajo maje aiye yi You call me bin ladin Fun mi rice and salad DJ Tunez ti soro si Bread pelu sadin yeah yeah You leave me go meet brother oseni 'Cause I no get money for pocket you leave me Gbogbo vocabulary enu mi don finish I’m a bad boy wey no one can defeat You leave me go meet brother oseni 'Cause I no get money for pocket you leave me Gbogbo vocabulary enu mi don finish I’m a bad boy wey no one can defeat I’m in the mood to talk to you Wetin dey worry you na me and you Today na today wey you go know me yeah Omo ele nibo lo tun da Kosi perfume ka lo Lovinda Ka shey kini yen ka yan nofila DJ TUNEZ lori table kajo goloba Omo ele nibo lo tun da Kosi perfume ka lo lavinda Ka shey kini yen ka yan nofila We dey cruise ninu party Kajo ma gbadun Ajo maje aiye yii ye yii ye yii Ajo maje aiye yi Ajo maje aiye yi DJ Tunez lori turn table yea Ajo maje aiye yii ye yii ye yii Ajo maje aiye yi Ajo maje aiye yi Stream Read the full article
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arguablysomaya · 6 years
mad props to incorrect b99 blogs for finding incorrect quotes that do not, in fact, originate from brooklyn nine-nine
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creacherkeeper · 4 years
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hey yall i’m working on a new video game!! 
this one is a short visual novel following the character shown above. while this one isnt going to be a straight educational game, it still deals heavily with disability and mental health 
[summary: kosis is set in a fictional world, full of magical mushroom forests, quiet villages, and adorable animals. but something isn’t right. one day our lovely hero stumbles across an old temple in the forest, that’s full of ... bones? and a gigantic skull? and DEMONS?? 
the demons tell our hero that this world grows from the bodies of ancient titans felled in an apocalyptic war. the biggest problem? the titans are trying to come back, and our hero doesn’t have much time to save their village
kosis is a game about perception, mental health, and the power of support] 
i’ll try to keep updates coming on here as i progress! they’ll all be collected under the tag “kosis game” for easy tracking ^^
[ID: several concept arts for an indie video game. the first is of the title art. it is the word “kosis” in an original font. the letters have a dark blue/green border, and inside look like mottled, mossy stone. the “i” looks glitched, with streaks coming off one side and the letter filled with noisy speckles 
image 2 is various fictional animals. there is a green and purple creature that looks like a cross between a cricket and a frog, a blue and lavender rabbit-like creature, and a orange, tabby-striped cat-like creature with four horns instead of ears and six legs
image 3 is six different color palettes for the main character. they have bangs, hair that swoops out at the sides, light purple skin, and a pear shaped body. they are wearing a striped turtleneck with no sleeves, and poofy pants. 
image 4 shows three demons. the demons are done in monochrome and various shades of red. they are made up of unconnected shapes and are not easily comprehensible as creatures. they are not so much scary as very strange and alien. end ID] 
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pirrha · 4 years
hold on i am going to over-analyse the call of the cryptolith book
I am convinced that Savek killed Kosis due to the whispers persuading her that she should, because I’m pretty sure it was completely unnecessary without context and she could’ve easily become wrathborn without killing Kosis in particular
Going off of what the young dreg said: "Those born only to live cannot see eternity, nor are they welcome here. If you dwell on that which is beyond your grasp you-", basically translating to Savek only surviving (she’s a dreg, ether is scarce + sleep deprived) and is entirely dependent on Kosis rationing out ether i.e dwelling on that which is beyond her grasp. Savek’s also jealous of Kosis being able to have healthy amounts of ether for herself, and if the whispers are attempting to take Savek and ‘welcome her’ then she’d have to do more than just barely live, which means getting rid of the obstacle - Kosis, or any authority (even though she doesn’t need the ether anymore at that point, but it’s like metaphorical in a sense) so it’s like the whispers gave her a whole revenge story to go off of? Well the conversation she had with it probably went along similar lines, and i wouldn’t out it past the whispers to have told the rest of the crew the same thing since starving dregs are easy victims to manipulate
Also the hive artifact was specifically targeting Savek because it was her who heard the whispers first during her shift. it only really spread to the rest of them because Kosis told them to take it apart for spider’s interest, even though she very well knew about hive horrors (whirlwind, destruction of riis). Later she regrets making them interact with the artifact but really it was her own greed that blinded her and it all would have been avoidable, for her crew at least
Kosis’s dying thoughts being the Kell of Kells really drives home the message of the regret she had for leaving her ketch, her family and her daughters. The Prophecy of Rain stating the unision of all houses under one banner will be crowned Kell of Kells just hammers the possibilities of Kosis treasuring her family - being united with them. Also Kosis saying “Another mistake, and we leave you behind." to Savek and it being “less literal and more a euphemism mutated over time through Eliksni cultural drift” reiterates how she left behind her ketch. AND the way that leaving Savek behind is complete exaggeration kind of makes me think that Kosis sees her (and her crew) as family!
In the end, maybe Kosis did get to see her daughters after death, and maybe that’s the closest thing to dignity she would have.
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onceuponanaromantic · 4 years
Kosi of Night
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(Written for @flashfictionfridayofficial​‘s prompt: FFF61: Wild and Free. Set in the small offshoot of superheroverse. Enjoy!)
The threads in Kosi’s loom snapped to a halt. Kosi did not look up, but the embroidery across her shoulders started to shift, moving lower and thickening, going from delicate flowers to unbreakable coverage over her ribs.
 When Kosi finally speaks, she still doesn’t look Siren in the eye. “I trust you have figured out who Nekoma Kohari is.”
Siren shrugs and sits down. “It wasn’t that hard to guess.”
           “Reso says I can come home?” Kosi’s voice is tinged with sadness and her fingers twitch once.
           “He says you can go back to where you once lived, yes.” Siren says, leaning back to watch the shifting threads across Kosi’s back. They note the goosebumps fluttering along Kosi’s neck where her hair doesn’t cover. “He said specifically that he came because he didn’t really believe you died in the fire.”
           “They wouldn’t have found a body, that’s true.” Kosi whispers. They sit in silence for a while and when Kosi next moves, the loom starts moving again, it’s rhythmic thuds more subdued than usual.
           “You know, once I would have given anything to be able to go back there.” Kosi says, not looking up from her loom. The pattern forming across the loom has changed, colours darkening. Siren doesn’t look at Kosi’s face.
           “You don’t have to. You realise. You can stay and Aniko and Nocte can provide whatever other aid that Reso is seeking.” Siren keeps their voice soft and gentle. “As far as anyone is concerned, Nekoma Kohari died in that fire. None of us know a Nekoma Kohari. We can help Reso and then send him on his merry way.”
           “Is it weird that I want to take you up on that?” Kosi looks up and her eyes are wet with tears. “I just- I want to be free. I want to leave Nekoma Kohari dead. Like-“
           Kosi puts the loom down gently, then throws her hands across her eyes. “As Kosi- as Kosi, I can do more. I can weave things that have meaning and that make a difference and protect people. I can make things pretty and I can- I don’t know it’s like the entire House of Night right, like I can make beautiful things because they’re beautiful? Because I want to experiment with thread and I know that what I’m doing helps other people? And all in a way that I never could, not as Nekoma. Because I believe in what the House tries to fight for and I like to see how everything I make makes a difference. And it means more, and Nekoma. Past Nekoma would hate that I’m leaving Reso behind. That I’m leaving the rest of my family behind because hey, we all got hurt and scared and just. I don’t know.”
           Siren looks at Kosi with the grace of someone who has also had to grow up too fast.
             “It’s the difference between surviving and living, huh?” Siren says when Kosi finally stops and just throws her hands up.
             “Yeah.” Kosi says after a long pause.
             “I’ll tell Reso that we wish him luck in finding Nekoma then.” Siren stands up. Kosi turns to stare at them.
           “But I’m right here.”
           Siren quirks an eyebrow. “I only see Kosi.”
             They tuck their staff back into their coat with one smooth motion and leap off the railing to land below the balcony on their own balcony.
             Kosi sits there for a while before she shakes her head and starts laughing.
             Where dead people live, indeed.
cool lines from the original idea:
“Freedom is more than the ability to choose your prison.”
‘Why do you do this if you’re a doctor?’ ‘I do this because I’m a doctor.”
Reso exhales slightly and removes his ear from the door only to hear, “In this house, if we want to hear something, we ask the people speaking and sit comfortably to listen if we’re invited.”
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yamuraiiha · 6 years
Hey guys...
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maraudersandlily20 · 6 years
I ship you more with Jay than Bella. Bella is kinda needy and whines a lot. Not much to be desired there. But the Joy ship is fantastic!
I mean. That’s your own opinion. It’s the same with tv shows. People ship different people. It’s the same with Harry Potter. People ship SO MANY DIFFERENT PEOPLE! But… there isn’t really any need to bash a ship. And there’s also no reason to be rude about Bella. I understand that you have your own opinion. And I respect that. But we aren’t fictional characters. We’re real people with real feelings. And saying that Bella is whiny and needy isn’t a very nice thing to say. You can prefer Joy over Jello. That totally totally fine. But some people love Jello over joy. And some people like Kosie over both. And some people like Eggo over all three of those. That doesn’t make any of them bad, or better than the other. It’s peoples opinions. But they’re opinions about real people. And I would ask that, maybe the next time you want to tell me you like joy, you don’t drag another person down. Here’s an example: “I ship you and jay the most out of all your ships! You two are so cute and sweet together!” See? No being mean, no bashing another living person. Just kindness and support. Would you keep that in mind? It would keep my blog a happier place, where people can feel free to ship me with whoever they want 😂Love you, anon. Let’s try to be kind in the future! 👍🏼
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dyoreos · 4 years
hi! wcif the top left hair (braids) in your tucked-in tanktops post? :)
Hello, Bee. Do you mean the female tucked-in tanktop post or the male version? If it’s Kosi’s hair you’re looking for, I answered that here. If you’re talking about the female ver hair, here ya go~
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Chanel Dutch Braids V2
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tenander · 3 years
Weird Weird West Session 3
@cuyguy‘s Summary and Intro to the next episode “Questions”
After a night of variable amounts of sleep between them, the Yeehaws and the Sheriff decide to divide their forces. Sheriff Kosi is still struck by little Hope Croshaw being the only observer of the shadow creature and returns to the Croshaw farm to talk to her again. Brook and Duncan meanwhile descend once more into the mine in an attempt to find the reason for the creature lingering down there.
In the abandoned tunnels, they once more find the creature, but this time they surprise it in a seemingly dormant state. The sudden light of Brooke's lantern appears to actually harm it before it rapidly reforms itself into a humanoid shape once more... a shape in which it is hurt by Duncan's revolver fire instead. Injured, the creature flees deeper into the tunnel and the Yeehaws give chase. A chase that eventually leads them into a much much older structure, a tunnel lined with dizzying and foreboding brickwork(?) spiral(!) shapes that ends in an equally disquieting room containing - one cracked urn on a pedestal - 12 empty indentations around the urn - one row of reliefs documenting the story of a dark being seemingly absorbing a number of humanoid beings until the last survivor surrounds it with unknown objects taken from the lost humanoids' graves Unwilling to just fuck around and find out and potentially worsen the situation, the Yeehaws leave the ancient structure for now to reconvene with Mandlenkosi and hatch a plan.
But this is not the only mystery to solve. In their quest for answers about their lost time, the Yeehaws have also found hints at the involvement of an old... acquaintance of Estabrook's, another shapeshifting animal, the Honeybadger. An item acquired before the Yeehaws 'came to' that could potentially ward (or piss) this person off; and a claim from Hope that she was taught how to 'summon' (patently ridiculous) Brook for help by just that person.
Is the Honeybadger involved in their memory loss, in the shadow creature, in both, or neither? Can the Yeehaws destroy the creature, seal it for good, or merely collapse the mine once more hoping to delay its next escape? Is the creature a threat to Hope, to her father Jeremiah who may or may not have released it in the first place, or to the entire town?
The only way to find out is to return to the Croshaw Farm and get some actual answers...
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