#kpop slice of life
pineapple-frenzy · 8 months
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More 96z catboys cause they're the catboy line of all time
89 notes · View notes
sixzeroes · 2 years
walk with you.
summary | lee jeno has had you as his best friend for as long as he can remember. every step of the way, you were there, stuck to his side like glue. jeno always believed you’d be his best friend forever, so why is he starting to view you in a different, non-platonic light?
characters | lee jeno x reader(f).
genres | fluff, romance, slice of life, best-friends-to-lovers, childhood friends au, high school au, non-idol au.
warnings | profanity, johnny is jeno’s cousin, johnny is all-knowing and wise, mentions of alcohol consumption, jeno decides to avoid reader :((, unrequited feelings (but they’re actually requited and jeno’s just dumb), kissing at the end!!
word count | 5.6k
37.5MHz | walk with you by nct dream ⋆ beautiful by baekhyun ⋆ tiki-taka by crush ft. dpr live.
gonna be brutally honest idek what tf i was writing half the time so i rly hope the flow of this made sense!! 🥹🥹 but like f2l is lowkey difficult to write i’m never gonna do that again,, ep.02 of my candy! miniseries, but it can be read on its own!
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“Here’s what I found.”
5 Ways to Tell If You Like Someone
Here Are Seven Methods to Figure Out Your Feelings!
Take This Buzzfeed Quiz to See If You Like Them
Lee Jeno, a simple high school boy, clicks on the first link. The website opens immediately and the title stares at him in a fancy font. He scrolls, skipping the summary to get to the important part. 
1. Does your heartbeat accelerate around them?
Jeno thinks back to a few hours ago, when he was walking you home after school. His heartbeat was a little off, speeding up whenever you flashed him a smile. 
2. Do you think about them often?
Jeno ponders. He’s always thinking about you—you’re his best friend, after all. But does he think about you often in the romantic context? Hm, he’s not too sure. 
3. Do you miss them when you’re not together?
Jeno nibbles on his lower lip. There have been many instances where he wished he didn’t move away and just had to walk up two flights of stairs to where you lived. 
4. Do they make you feel good?
Jeno tilts his head. What does that mean? You definitely make him happy and bring joy to his everyday life, but does that qualify as ‘feel good’? 
“Jeno! Come have dinner!”
The boy sighs, tossing his phone onto his bed. He scratches his head as he exits his bedroom, reevaluating his feelings based on the questions he just read. Jeno is eighty-seven percent sure the questions perfectly describe his situation when he’s around you. The remaining thirteen percent? He’s just misreading his own platonic feelings. 
No, Jeno doubts he’s misreading anything. He’s just…unsure, considering this is the first time he’s ever liked a friend, much less his best friend of all people. He’s unsure if these feelings are even permissible. Can he like his best friend? Is that okay? Jeno’s seen plenty of friends-to-lovers in K-Dramas, and there’s always this hesitance in ‘ruining’ their friendship. What if the things Jeno feels will ultimately cause a rift between you and him? What will he do then? Die? He probably would, because Jeno finds it impossible to picture a future without you. (Some may say this is pure friendship. Donghyuck, the number one Jeno and Y/N shipper, says otherwise.) 
This is a tough equation—it’s one of those questions where he’s solved a majority of the maths but needs some guidance on narrowing down the final answer to either three decimal places or two. Jeno is the struggling student, and his teacher?
“Bro, what’s taking you so long?”
Of course, who else other than Johnny Suh, his cousin and self-proclaimed ladies’ man from America? 
Jeno shuffles out of his room, meeting Johnny in the hallway. “Can I ask you a question?”
The older man cocks a brow, lips shifting into an amused smile. “Shoot away.” 
“Later, after dinner. Let’s go out for ice cream.” 
“In this cold weather?”
“Or soju, if you’re okay with drinking alone.” 
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Johnny Suh’s character is full of surprises, to say the least. To begin, the Korean-American had bought two bottles of champagne back at the airport in Chicago as ‘housewarming gifts’ (“Wait, Jeno isn’t legal? That’s okay, I first drank when I was sixteen.”). Next, he went missing for a week straight (busy spending his nights at Gangnam and Itaewon), only remembering to send an i’m okay! be home this weekend :) text after Jeno’s mother threatened to report him missing. Then, he returned to Jeno’s place with a bunch of snacks from the nearby GS25, offering it as an apology for sending the household into chaos for the past week. Lastly, Johnny introduced a new outlook in Jeno’s life. 
Or, well, he’s about to, considering his position in Jeno’s makeshift maths class scenario. 
Johnny takes a swig of soju, releasing a satisfied hum after gulping the contents down. In contrast, Jeno nibbles on his ice cream bar, a little nervous to pop the question. He debates on how to word it but eventually gives up, deciding it’s better to be straightforward than to beat around the bush. “Is it…okay to like a friend?” 
There’s a moment of silence. Jeno realises how ridiculous his question is. Johnny swirls his soju bottle. “Do you like someone, Jeno?” 
“I—What—You can’t answer my question with a question!” 
“Oh, I see,” says Johnny, a playful glint in his eyes. “This is about that friend of yours, right? That girl you’re always walking home even though she lives like thirty minutes away? What was her name again? Yonam? Yerna? Ah—Y/N?” 
Jeno’s eyes widen and his cheeks grow red. “No! She’s just a friend. We’re just…friends.” 
“Sure, sure,” goes Johnny, dismissing Jeno’s weak claims with a fling of his wrist. “Let me tell you something, Jeno. Girls and guys? We can never be ‘just friends.’ It doesn’t work like that, you know.” 
“But…” the younger falters. “Don’t you have a lot of friends that are girls, Johnny? I’ve seen your Instagram stories.” 
Johnny sips his drink. “That’s different. We’re different. You, my good boy, are a high school kiddo with raging hormones. I am willing to bet my entire life that you like Yona.”
“Y/N,” Jeno corrects him. “How can I be sure that I like her?” 
“You can’t, unless you face her with those feelings.” the Korean-American turns to him with a stern face. He presses a finger against Jeno’s chest. “You can hide your feelings from your crush but don’t hide them from yourself. Bask in the fact that you like her while sitting in her presence. Observe yourself. Think about the situation. Are you sure you like her, yes or no?” Johnny finishes the rest of his soju. “Your answer doesn’t lie with me, Jeno. It’s within you.” 
Jeno’s heart skips at Johnny’s words, overwhelmed with inspiration. “You’re…pretty poetic, Johnny.” 
The latter smugly smiles. “My roommate’s a literature major. He’s kinda rubbing off on me.” 
The rest of the evening passes by in a blur, with Johnny drinking four more bottles of alcohol inside the brightly lit convenience store. Jeno drags his feet back to the family apartment with Johnny in tow, the older man’s weight significantly slowing him down. When he arrives, his mother forcefully wakes the Korean-American up and scolds him for drinking so much on a weekday. In response, Johnny hugs her with an intoxicated laugh and falls asleep on the couch. During the entire ordeal, all Jeno can think of are Johnny’s wise words. 
It’s within you.
Johnny’s right. In Jeno’s makeshift maths class scenario, the student is Jeno, but so is the teacher. He is the key to the equation he’s struggling to solve. 
Tomorrow. When Jeno sees you tomorrow, he’s going to face his feelings and categorise it accordingly. 
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Wednesday mornings have never been this frightening. 
In fact, Jeno has never feared anything as much as facing his feelings while you’re sitting right beside him during the regular route to school. Not much has changed since Tuesday morning: he got on the same subway at the same station with (relatively) the same people for another similar day. Except, he’s ninety-nine percent sure he likes you. 
Okay, so maybe a bit has changed since Tuesday morning: he got on the same subway at the same station with (relatively) the same people for another similar day but with newfound emotions. 
Johnny told him to ‘bask in his feelings’ and ‘observe himself.’ 
Jeno is doing everything but that. 
He’s a nervous wreck, to sum it up. Every time the subway slows to a stop and your shoulder brushes against his, he feels as if his heart is going to swallow him whole. Whenever you bring up a meme, he absentmindedly laughs as three-fourths of his focus is poured into acting normal. There is little to no eye contact; obviously, Jeno finds the advertisements far more interesting than your pretty face. 
Or maybe, he is basking in his feelings and observing himself. The realisation hits him as an elderly woman sits in the empty seat across from him. Jeno is anxious around you. He’s conscious of the way he acts, smells, talks, walks—whatever. You’ve known him his entire life and have seen him at his worst (i.e., his emo middle school era), and yet, Jeno finds the mere idea of you seeing his bedhead horrifying. Such self-awareness is a blessing and a curse. 
“Jeno?” you chirp, poking the boy’s side. He reacts with a hum. “You’re awfully quiet today.” 
He gulps, trying his best to maintain a cool facade. “I’m just tired,” he answers with a tight voice. “Stayed up late tending to my drunk cousin.” It’s not a complete lie—Johnny was intoxicated last night. 
You brush a stray strand of hair out of his face. “Johnny? He’s your American cousin, right?”
Jeno tries to stay calm at your gesture but his ears are heating up. “Mhm. He’s…wild.” 
The conversation dies down immediately. Jeno is jittery, his leg bouncing up and down, eyes darting from one passenger to another. He’s too preoccupied to notice your concerned gaze; too busy presenting himself as normal as possible without realising how abnormal he truly appears. 
For the remaining minutes, you don’t say anything, choosing to scroll through your social media feed instead. During the short walk to school, again, no words leave your mouth. Jeno glimpses your quiet figure. Silence is strange on you, but he doesn’t try to tug a sound out of you. 
This is the first time the two of you have ever been enveloped in such a sheer layer of awkwardness. Never has there been an instance where it was suffocating to be in the other’s presence—never, until Jeno’s heart decided to think on its own and develop feelings for you. 
He’s said it. 
Lee Jeno likes you, one hundred percent confirmed during the subway ride to school. 
One foot has been in the puddle for the past few weeks, testing the depth below the surface. He tested, and tested, and tested, until he slipped inside, drenching himself in the water. 
Jeno wasn’t sure of his feelings. At one point, he figured this more-than-platonic affection for you was just a hoax (don’t ask him why, he doesn’t know either). All he did was sit next to you, just like any other day, with slightly different feelings. And all of a sudden, he fell, and oh, did he fall hard. 
He’s drowning even though the puddle wasn’t that deep. 
Or maybe, it’s always been that deep. Jeno just failed to realise it before. 
“Jeno. You’re scaring Jisu with that glare of yours.” 
Huang Renjun is standing diagonal to Jeno’s desk with a small carton of banana milk in his hand. The said boy glances over at his classmate, Choi Jisu, who’s clearly intimidated from his hardened stare. He loosens his expression instantly, averting his gaze back to his friend. “What time is it?” 
“Eleven,” says Lee Donghyuck, popping out from behind Renjun. “What’s up with you today? You’ve been staring off into space for the entire morning.” 
Na Jaemin, sitting beside him, nods in agreement. “Yeah. Are you sick or something?” 
Renjun snorts. “He’s probably lovesick as always.”
Normally, when any of the three boys joke about you and Jeno’s friendship like that, Jeno would always grow defensive and borderline shout, “She’s just a friend!” But today, he sits with his lips pursed, unable to refute the claim. Renjun, Donghyuck, and Jaemin simultaneously drop their jaws. 
“No way,” whispers Donghyuck, his eyes wide. “No fucking way.”
“Jeno, you…” Renjun trails off in shock. 
Jaemin slaps his shoulder. “You actually like Y/N?”
If a tomato were a person, it would be Jeno. His ears burn and he avoids looking any of them in the eyes, choosing to bury his red face into his arms. He can hear the boys cheering, creating chaos over his recently established feelings. Someone—probably Donghyuck—pats his head, proud of his accomplishment. 
“When did you realise?” Donghyuck asks, prodding Jeno’s ear. “You were always so disgusted whenever we called you two lovebirds. Why the sudden change of heart?” 
Jeno shrugs, still facing the surface of his desk. “It just happened.”
Renjun finishes his banana milk. “You asked Siri, didn’t you?”
The lovestruck boy whips his head up, bewildered at the correct statement. “How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.” 
A groan tumbles from Jeno’s lips as he shrinks into his seat. “I’m so screwed. How am I supposed to face Y/N now? I can’t let her know about my feelings. It’ll ruin our friendship.”
“Why do you think that?” Donghyuck says with a sly tone. He observes Jeno’s actions with a playful glint in his eyes. “You never know, she might like you back.”
Renjun chuckles at the not-so-subtle hint while Jaemin simply nods again. 
Jeno frowns, sceptically eyeing each of them. “She doesn’t. She recently broke up with Soobin from Class 3-4, so there’s no way she’d develop feelings for me in the span of a month.” 
“To be fair,” goes Renjun, “Y/N and Soobin only dated for two weeks. That’s nothing compared to the years you’ve spent together.” 
“I agree,” hums Donghyuck, now fiddling with his pencil. “Who cares if her ex-boyfriend is a good-looking guy? You’re okay-looking, so I think you have a shot.”
Jeno rolls his eyes at Donghyuck’s impish grin. “Thanks, Hyuck. You light up my world.” 
Jaemin taps the pads of his fingers against his chair. “Why don’t you distance yourself for a bit? Organise your thoughts on whether you’d like to attempt at something or just fold your feelings away.”
The bell rings, indicating the next period’s start. Renjun and Donghyuck retreat back to their seats and Jaemin pulls out an English novel. Ms. Son walks in with a cheerful smile, happily greeting the class to which the students respond. She begins by announcing an upcoming English story competition for anyone who may be interested, listing the important details with a sunny voice. Finally, she moves onto the contents of today’s class, asking everyone to bring out their copies of The Outsiders. Jeno nearly misses her instructions, only grabbing the book from his backpack when Renjun lightly kicks his chair. He tries to pay attention this time, considering how challenging English is, but to no avail, fails. Once again, Jeno’s mind becomes clouded with thoughts about you—only this time, the concern surrounds Jaemin’s suggestion. 
Organise your thoughts. 
Jeno isn’t sure about where to start. 
He sighs, flipping through the pages until he lands on the chapter Ms. Son mentioned. As if his current predicament isn’t headache-inducing enough, the English alphabet is seeking to destroy his peace. 
Whatever, he thinks to himself, opting to just stare out the window instead. I’ll figure this out later.
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jeno: sorry, y/n. johnny wants to hangout after school today jeno: i don’t think i can walk you home
you: that’s okay!! i’ll see you tomorrow morning, jeno :)
Jeno feels a little guilty lying to you, but he needs to stay away from you right now. Whenever he’s near you, he buffers, unable to act like his usual self. Tonight, he’s going to lay in his bed and decide after thinking everything over. Tomorrow, he’s going to act upon his decision. 
Jaemin sits across from him, going through a checklist of some sort. Apparently, the student body president managed to receive a green light for a ‘seniors only’ winter event, and Jaemin has been tasked with managing the necessary materials. Jeno knows his friend is displeased, but alas, he is only vice president, and whatever the president says, goes. 
“You’re still here?” Jaemin suddenly inquires, looking up from the pages. “Didn’t Y/N’s club end ten minutes ago?” 
Jeno exits Genshin Impact on his phone. “I told her I couldn’t walk her home today because of Johnny.”
“You lied.”
“So I can figure out my desires,” Jeno adds in defence. “I’m gonna take your advice and distance myself for a bit.” 
The vice president sets his pen down and leans into his chair. “You should at least tell her you want space instead of avoiding her with no words. She’ll get hurt, you know.”
Jeno licks his lips. “I know, but I’m scared she might catch on if I tell her that. It’s no different from outright saying ‘Hey, I like you.’”
“I guess so.” 
The duo are enveloped by silence as Jaemin returns to his duties and Jeno opens Genshin Impact again. He’s setting up to continue his previous play when a message from Johnny pops up. 
johnny: yo jeno, wanna go out for dinner? i’ll pay
Jeno sits up straight. “Seems like I wasn’t lying after all. Johnny’s asking if I’m free. I’ll see you tomorrow, Jaem.”
jeno: gatten sushi??
johnny: DEAL
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It’s been approximately one week since that fateful Wednesday morning, and Lee Jeno has been actively avoiding you. No, he did not heed Jaemin’s advice; he’s too scared to confront you like that. Every morning, he’d hit you with the same excuse over text:
jeno: sorry y/n, johnny wants to hangout until he leaves
And you would answer him with:
you: go have fun with your cousin <3
Jeno’s lies are terrible, he knows that. Somehow, the white lie has become so warped that Johnny now (probably) appears to be an obsessive cousin who’s unwilling to stay away except for during school hours. Johnny wants to walk with Jeno to school and hangout with him afterwards. That’s the story the lovesick boy is sprinting with, and although he feels bad for painting such a strange image of his cousin, it’s not like Johnny’s ever going to cross paths with you. 
At least, not in the near future. 
Jeno leaves for school an hour earlier than usual. He knows you have no club activities before school and you aren’t a morning person. The earliest you will ever wake up is seven a.m., so the chances of accidentally running into you is approximately four percent. 
Jeno’s been successful so far. You haven’t come looking for him either, so he assumes you’ve either realised he needs space or are too busy with extracurricular activities to care. 
(He really hopes it isn’t the second one.)
Donghyuck stuffs a spoonful of bulgogi and rice into his mouth, a blissful expression on his face. He continues to inhale more of his lunch until he suddenly perks up. “Look, lover boy. It’s Y/N.”
Instinctively, Jeno turns at the mention of you. He catches your figure standing in line for food with Roh Jeongui and Kim Chaewon. Your eyes meet his, and he offers a sheepish wave to which you smile back. Jeno’s nape grows hot. 
You’re too pretty when you smile. 
He shyly diverts his gaze to his food, scooping up a portion of his lunch to distract himself. Renjun nudges him with a teasing “Ooh,” which Donghyuck snickers at. Jaemin shakes his head but an amused grin graces his lips. Jeno tickles Renjun’s side. “Shut up, Huang.” 
“You know, the winter event for seniors will be happening in nine days,” mentions Jaemin, stirring his soup. “Why don’t you take Y/N as your date?”
Donghyuck claps at the idea. “Jaemin, you wonderful, wonderful man. That is one wonderful idea!”
Renjun chimes, “How romantic. Feels like a fairytale.” 
Jeno hopes his cheeks aren’t as rosy as he thinks they are. “No way. I’d rather just go with you guys.”
“Who said we’d want to go with you, though?”
He shoots Donghyuck a glare. “Do you even have a date, Hyuck?”
The younger one proudly grins, his chest puffing up. “I do, actually. I have Renjun.” 
The said boy sticks his tongue out. “Too bad, I’m going with your sister, my girlfriend.” 
“Sorry, Renjun, but it’s seniors only.” Jaemin interrupts. “The student president wants it to be a special memory for the seniors. Also, we have a tight budget that barely covers the school’s third year population. So, a second year student can't attend.” 
Renjun pouts, visibly dismayed. In contrast, Donghyuck’s face is shining with glee. “Guess you’re my date, then, Junnie!” 
Jeno consumes the rest of his lunch, thoroughly thinking about Jaemin’s proposition (again). He wonders if he can just ask you to go with him to the event as a friend. Would that be weird? He certainly thinks nothing could be as weird as his feelings for his best friend. 
The boy sighs, swamped by the confusing reality he’s living in. Whatever he’s doing cannot go on any longer. He needs to stop avoiding you and confront the yearnings of his heart. But there’s no way Jeno could just suddenly go back to acting ‘normal’ around you—even if he decides to bury his feelings to save the friendship, he’s still going to have lingering feelings and, with no doubt, you would ask him to tell you the truth behind his sudden aloofness. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
The bulgogi thinks he should. 
It’s dangerous but he’s willing to take the risk, even if it means that the friendship may never be repaired and he may never be close to you again. But that’s okay, because he’d much rather stay truthful with you during the entire friendship instead of continuing a lie that will eventually bite him in the ass. 
Jeno decides to set a deadline for himself: on the night of the winter event, he will confess to you. 
He steels his grip around the utensils. 
Nine days. Lee Jeno is going to confess to you on the ninth day of those nine days. The eight days prior to the ninth, he’s going to prepare himself for every possible outcome that could occur on Friday evening. He steals an egg roll from Renjun’s tray, to which the older one sputters in shock. Nine days. In nine days, Jeno’s friendship with you is going to accelerate into something more or crumble into pieces. 
Nine days. 
He’s got this. 
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Jeno does not have this. 
Since when did eight days become equivalent to eight seconds? (The math is not mathing.) Jeno stares at the mirror, his reflection blankly blinking back. He’s dressed in a black suit and adorns a green tie for that pop of colour. It’s not exactly his style, but Renjun proposed the four of them match for their first and last high school event. Jeno decided to go green, while Renjun chose yellow, Donghyuck went with blue, and Jaemin used a colour generator to pick a shade (resulting in purple). He’ll probably find it tacky when he looks back in the future, but right now, he’s rather satisfied with the scheme. 
Jeno’s mother blow dries his hair, brushing through the strands with her nimble fingers. She sets the drier down and runs a comb down his bangs, smiling at her beautiful son. “When did my cute son become this handsome?” 
Jeno groans at the comment, bashful and embarrassed. “Mom,” he whines, “don’t say that.”
“What?” she laughs, finding his reaction entertaining. “It’s true. You were the cutest baby, I can’t believe you’re graduating soon.” 
Me neither, Jeno mentally agrees.
“There you go!” she exclaims, clasping her hands. She steps back and lets Jeno examine his appearance.
“Beware of SM,” Johnny jokes from the doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed. He whistles, “You look great.” 
Jeno grins. “Thanks, Johnny.” He thanks his mother for styling his hair and walks out of the bathroom, heading to the doorway. His father sticks a thumbs-up in approval from the dinner table. Jeno drags his coat on, plants his feet into his newly-bought dress shoes, and waves to his parents from the entrance. They tell him to have fun to which he replies, “I’ll try!”
(Because, you know, he’s going to confess tonight and that thought alone has him breaking into a cold sweat every five minutes.)
Johnny’s his chauffeur for tonight. His cousin offered to give Jeno and his friends a ride to the school and back, and although he states it’s out of pure love, the younger surmises that Johnny wants to go for a late night drive around Seoul. The two get into his father’s car; Johnny behind the wheel, Jeno in the passenger’s seat. 
By car, the ride to the apartment complex where the rest live isn't that far. They arrive there in no time and soon, the car is filled with three teenage boys—Jaemin is a member of the student council therefore having to arrive before six—and one young adult singing along to Big Bang’s Bang Bang Bang the entire ride to school. 
“I’ll come by around ten p.m.,” says Johnny, leaning out the window. The boys nod, give their thanks, and run into the building. 
“Jaemin!” Renjun shouts, garnering the attention of their friend. 
“You guys are early,” the vice president notes, bumping fists with Donghyuck. “Did Johnny drop you guys off?”
Jeno nods. “He’ll be back around ten to pick us up, but let your mother know you’ll be back by eleven. Johnny said he’ll take us out for McDonald’s after.” 
The four of them head down the hallway toward the gymnasium, where the winter event is set to take place. The large room is decorated in golds, whites, and blues, with streamers and balloons hanging from the walls. A long table of snacks and drinks line the wall adjacent to the entrance and a DJ booth is situated in the centre of the stage. Many students have already arrived, even more filtering in as the clock ticks closer to seven. And when the little hand strikes seven, Jeno sees you walk in. 
“Holy shit,” he whispers, awestruck. 
You look stunning. 
You’re walking with Chaewon and Kim Sunwoo, chatting excitedly over God knows what. He’s too focused on your presence to realise Donghyuck’s snapped a few photos of his dropped jaw and wide eyes. 
Have you always been this pretty?
“Jeno, you’re staring.” Renjun teases, poking his cheek. Jeno comes back to his senses, ears furiously blushing. He rips his gaze away and clears his throat. He made a mistake. The boys are never going to let him live this down. 
“Let’s check out the food!” chirps Donghyuck as the DJ starts blasting music. Renjun happily follows and Jaemin heaves Jeno along. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
Even if the school is burning to the ground or a sinkhole opens below, Lee Jeno will confess his feelings to you by the end of the event. 
But first, he’s going to make the most of tonight with his best friends. 
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Nine p.m., and Jeno has not crossed paths with you once. There’s a lot more students in his year than he’d thought. 
“Jaemin!” he hollers into the other’s ear. “I’m gonna go out for a breather!”
Jaemin is too busy dancing the macarena with Donghyuck. 
Jeno squeezes himself past the throng of seniors, repeatedly muttering “excuse me” and “sorry” as he seeks to escape the loud crowd. When he manages to stumble through the exit, he runs into you standing in the hallway with a cookie in your mouth. 
“Eh-noh!” you beam, chewing on the dessert. 
Butterflies erupt in his stomach. “Y/N,” he utters. “What are you doing out here?”
You finish your cookie. “Got too stuffy in there,” you say while dusting the crumbs off your fingers. “I’m guessing it’s the same for you?”
“Yeah,” he mumbles, shuffling closer to you. Under the dim hallway lights, your eyes shine brighter than the stars. “Uh, wanna go for a walk with me?” 
You smile. “I’d love to.” 
You’re patient, Jeno thinks as the two of you walk to the staircase. He’s been avoiding you for nearly two weeks and yet, you haven’t asked any questions. You don’t pressure him into spilling the beans or confront him about the blatant lies. You understand him, you’re considerate of him, you’ll never make him uncomfortable. Jeno likes that about you. He likes how you and he have opposing qualities that fit like puzzle pieces. He likes how you and he can never run out of topics to converse about. He likes how you and he have a bond that is difficult to severe. 
Most of all, Jeno likes the way you smile at him. 
Oh, he’s so head over heels in love. 
You enter your homeroom, Jeno following suit. Your body moves to the window seat at the very back, glancing outside at the snowing scenery. 
“It’s so pretty,” you say, referring to the white night. “I think winter is my favourite season now.” 
Jeno hums, leaning against the desk. “I still like springtime more. The cold is too difficult.”
You roll your eyes at his response but he catches your small grin. “Of course, flower boy. I wouldn’t expect anything else.” 
Your gaze stays fixated on the falling snow. Jeno finds it hard to look away from you. He drinks in your appearance—from the way your hair flows, to the line of your nose, to the curve of your shoulders. You’re so perfect, carefully crafted by Aphrodite herself. Everything about you is beautiful, more beautiful than anything in the world. If he could, Jeno would build a museum just to display your beauty. 
You finally glimpse at him, tilting your head at his stare. He finds himself getting lost in your eyes. “Jeno? You okay?”
It’s time. 
Jeno is going to confess to you. 
“Y/N, I like you.”
Jeno just confessed to you. 
Your eyes widen and lips part in shock. You furrow your eyebrows at first and then loosen them when you realise he’s telling the truth. Even though the only illumination being provided is the moonlight, Jeno doesn’t miss the way roses bloom on your cheeks. You gulp. “You like me?”
He smiles. “Yeah.” 
“I—” You lick your lips, playing with the fabric of your dress. “This feels like a dream.” 
His heart jumps. “Y/N?”
You refuse to look him in the eyes, opting to stare out the window again—but this time, with a timid expression. “I…I like you too, Lee Jeno.” 
Jeno feels like his heart is about to implode. You like him back. You like him back. 
“Are you serious?” he breathes, stepping closer to you. You fervently nod, still maintaining eye contact with the snowfall. Jeno laughs in relief. You let out a yelp as he envelops you in a soft hug. “I like you so, so much, Y/N.” 
You return his embrace, hands flat against his broad back. “Did you avoid me because you liked me?” 
His breath hitches at your correct assumption. “Y—Yeah. Jaemin suggested I distance myself to figure out my feelings before I come clean.” 
“I was really upset, you know.” You raise your head and pout. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, stroking your head. “How can I make up for it?” 
Your gaze trails from his eyes to his nose to his lips then back to his eyes. You surprise him with your boldness. “If you give me a kiss, I’ll forgive you.” 
Jeno doesn’t need to be asked twice. He gently bumps his lips against yours, cupping your face with both of his hands. Your arms wrap them around his waist, drawing him in closer. You taste sweeter than candy.
Jeno wants to be drunk on this euphoric feeling forever. 
He’s about to deepen the kiss when you break away, face redder than the setting sun. “Too fast. That was my first kiss.” 
You raise a brow in suspicion. “You were a little too good for this to be your first kiss, Jen.” 
Jeno laughs at your statement, poking your forehead with his pointer finger. “I researched a bit.” (Undisclosed: “I watched the K-Dramas my mom put on TV.”) 
A serene atmosphere settles in the classroom as Jeno and you simply drown in each other’s presence, drinking in the beauty of tonight’s happening. Your hands play with his loose tie and his fingers graze the small sequins sewed to your dress. “Y/N,” he whispers, “will you be my girlfriend?” 
You tug at his tie, bringing him closer. “I’d be stupid to say no.” And you kiss him for the second time. 
Love? It’s always been the feeling that reminded Jeno of his best friend, but now, it’ll only remind him of his girlfriend. 
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bonus: the aftermath.
Two days since the friends-to-lovers scenario, and Jeno is walking you home for the first time in nearly three weeks. Not much has changed—the same subway, the same bus, the same pathway. But then again, everything has changed. 
For instance, instead of walking side-by-side with a small distance in-between, Jeno’s left hand is intertwined with your right hand, finding warmth in his jacket pocket. 
Monday’s have never been better. 
“It feels strange to walk with you as a couple now,” you giggle, snuggling into your scarf. “To be frank, I never thought this day would come.” 
Jeno frowns. “Why is that?” 
You blow out a puff of air. “Because you’re popular with all of the girls at school. You know, Jeon Heejin fancied you for quite a while! I was scared you’d like her.” 
He snorts. “I don’t think you have the right to say that when you dated Choi Soobin from Class 3-4.” 
“In my defence, I dated him to get over you! Though, I do feel sorry but I don’t think he liked me that much anyway. He’s dating Hwang Yeji now.” 
Jeno stops walking, to which you automatically halt, and he leans over to steal a kiss. “I’m glad you never got over me, Y/N. I’m only ever going to walk with you for the rest of my life.”
Lee Jeno needs to stop making your cheeks hurt. 
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taglist | @matchahyuck @lovehowdream @niinjo @jeonnyread @pckeia @dandelionxgal @huangstape @lemarkjun @mosviqu @neosdaisy @haven-cove
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220 notes · View notes
cherryeol04 · 4 months
Ghostly Love
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➻ Pairings: Jeongin x Reader
➻ Genre: slice of life, office romance, humor
➻ Additional: first meetings, blossoming friendships polyamorous relationships
➻ Word Count: 3.6K
➻ Warnings: N/A
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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It wasn’t out of the ordinary for you to hear voices while at work. Not the everyday murmurs of your coworkers as they pass by, but disembodied voices. Sounds that continue to make you question your sanity. It started about a year into your job, back when the office only consisted of Lucy and Chan and yourself, plus the big boss man. The three of you had worked in even tighter cubicles than you do currently, so you never thought much of it when you thought someone called your name, but when you would turn to them, either one wouldn’t be at their desk or both would be silently working.
You always shook it off as just hearing incorrectly. Perhaps it had been the lyrics of the song playing on your computer. But you were sure you could decipher songs coming from speakers and the sound of a voice that was coming from behind you. Regardless, the incidences would be few and far between, until they weren’t. The frequency increased, especially when the company made the move to a new office. It was like suddenly the voice was more vocal and said more things than just your name. But still softly enough that you thought it was a coworker.
But that all changed today.
The office was still relatively quiet - most of the morning shift hadn’t arrived yet. As the opening staff that day, you were both happy and sad. Happy because you didn’t have to deal with Karen the moment you got in, but sad because you had to leave Changbin’s warm bed. It was hard to plan time to visit him, what with your other two demanding boyfriends that wanted to constantly smother you with kisses, but you made it work, spending the nights that Changbin had off over at his place. Last night had been one of those nights and you absolutely didn’t want to leave, and he was making a great case on why you should just call out and stay with him. But alas, you had a meeting today that you couldn’t miss and after ten minutes of making out, you finally managed to get ready for work and left the pouting man alone.
Sipping your coffee, you just rounded the wall into your cubicle when a voice called out, “Anyone out there?” You looked around quickly, eyes darting back and forth, looking for the person, but you saw no one. The area was eerily quiet. Cautiously, you approached your chair and slowly took a seat, eyes scanning over every inch of area around you, waiting to see if someone would just randomly pop up to try and scare you. But nothing happened. Taking another sip of of your coffee, you sat the cup down and faced your computer, taking a breath to calm yourself. It wasn’t strange for you to hear things - most of the time it was nothing. But this time was different. You had never heard such a clear phrase before. Normally it was just your name, or a whisper of ‘hey’. Anything and everything that most people just assumed you had mistakenly misheard. No one had called your name or said anything, you were just hearing things. But this had been unmistakeable. Someone had asked a question and you couldn’t find that person.
You hated that your mind immediately jumped to ghosts, but it did. You blamed Jisung partially for that, but you were just as bad when it came to supernatural horror movies. The thought of a ghost being in the office wasn’t as scary as it probably should have been. You were thinking more along the lines of Casper rather than The Conjuring. But at the same time, maybe you had just been hearing things? Maybe it had just been a noise and in an attempt to rationalize and understand what you just heard, you created the phrase because that’s what it sounded like it. In the end, that’s what had to have happened. Shaking your head, you focused on the work in front of you. Getting lost in the tasks set out before you, you hadn’t realized how much time had passed until you heard the inhuman screeching voice that was Karen, and her target for this lovely morning, Jisung, from the sounds of it.
Your thoughts and prayers are with him.
You spun in your chair, looking around, but both cubicles next to you were empty. Your head whipped around and looked at the cubicle wall that divided your desk and Jisung’s, but no one was there either. Were you hearing things again? Maybe. Karen was in the building now, so it was highly possible that she had been ranting about you again, for whatever reason. You would have thought by now that she would quit after she had been so humiliated in front of Chan. People were well aware of the game she played and wanted nothing to do with her. God, how stupid could one person be? With a groan you plopped back down in your chair, ready to start working again when you heard your name being called again.
This time you jumped up and spun around, walking through each cubicle to verify that there was no one there trying to play a prank on you. And after making your rounds through Lucy’s, Chan’s and Jisung’s cubicle, you came up empty handed. “I must be fucking crazy then.” You muttered to yourself, rubbing your temples.
You screamed, turning quick circles and still seeing no one. But that voice had been right in your ear. There was no mistaking it this time and the fact that there was still no one around you was terrifying. Maybe it really was a ghost. You waited - for the voice again or someone to come running because of your scream, but when nothing happened, you let out a wary breath, eyes darting around. “I-Is someone there?” Your voice was barely a whisper, but it felt so loud in the empty office.
“Psst.” You whipped around, facing Lucy’s desk where the voice had come from. You weren’t sure why, but your eyes were drawn to something on the floor in the corner, behind a few stacked boxes. Cautiously, you approached the area, shoving Lucy’s chair to the side and moving the boxes to the side. Laying the corner, long forgotten, was a necklace that just seemed to shine, even as your shadow blocked out the light. Reaching down, you ran your fingers over the heart pendant and felt a spark run through them, cool and electrifying. It didn’t hurt and in fact it enticed you to actually pick it up. The chain and pendant were both a brilliant gold, small and delicate. It appeared real but even if it wasn’t, you would still keep it.
It was beautiful.
For the second time that day, you screamed, turning to stare up at Jisung with wide eyes, heart racing. “Jesus Christ, Jisung! Don’t do that!” You scolded, glaring at him. Jisung couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he knelt down next to you.
“Sorry baby, just wanted to know what you were doing.” He said, looking down at the necklace in your hand. “What’s that?” He asked.
“A necklace.” Lifting your hand, you showed of your prize happily. “I found it.”
“It’s beautiful.” Jisung whispered as he reached out and lifted the pendant, looking it over. “Huh, well, finders keepers right?” He asked with a grin and you nodded eagerly.
“Yup!” Putting the necklace in your pocket, You stood, taking Jisung’s hand and helping him up as well. “I see you escaped Karen’s grasp.” You smirked teasingly, nudging Jisung’s side as you started back towards your desk.
“Oh yeah, dumped her on one of the drivers. Poor sap.” Jisung sighed, shaking his head. Moving behind you, he slipped his arms around your waist and pressed a kiss to your neck. “How was your night?” You hummed and looked at him, grinning.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Oh very much so, please share all the details.”
You laughed and shook your head. “And you think it’s wise to pop a boner here?” You teased. Jisung paused, mulling over your words before sighing.
“Damn Karen, always ruining everything.” He pouted. Giggling, you turned in his arms, wrapping them around his neck, your fingers playing with the hairs on the back of his head.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you all you want to know tonight.” You whispered, leaning in slowly. “Just you, me and Minho, hmm?” Your lips brushed lightly over Jisung’s in a ghost of a kiss.
“Sounds like a plan, beautiful.” Jisung leaned in for another kiss.
“Oh disgusting. This is a place of work, not some place for you to fornicate in.” You jerked away from Jisung, eyes already rolling as Lucy’s voice pierced the once pleasantly quiet area.
“You’re just jealous.” Jisung grinned, his arms tightening around your waist. He rocked you both side to side while looking at Lucy. “Maybe if you weren’t such a b-“ You quickly covered Jisung’s mouth before he could start a war that no one wanted to be apart of him.
“Y/n!” Lucy squawked, cheeks red. “Are you just going to let him talk to me like that?!”
Ever the peace keeper - for the most part - you pulled away from Jisung and gave a tentative smile. “You know how Jisung is.” You started. “And half the things he says he doesn’t mean. Let’s just calm down and go back to work.” You offered. Thankfully, it seemed to be enough for Lucy as she turned up her nose and walked to her desk. At least you didn’t have to actually apologize to her because that would just be humiliating. Technically neither of you did anything wrong but you sure as hell didn’t want to have to get into a confrontation with her.
Jisung scoffed behind you and you looked back at him with a raised brow. “Jisung.”
“Yeah yeah yeah. I’m going.” He scowled and stuck his tongue out at you before heading out and around to his desk. You watched him go, shaking your head before going back to your desk. The air was awkward and full of tension and you weren’t sure what to say or do to resolve it. You hated the feelings it brought, but you certainly weren’t going to start a conversation with Karen. And you were sure Jisung wasn’t mad at you - probably just more annoyed than anything and you didn’t want to test his patience, so you decided you should just leave him alone. That left you sitting at your desk, trying very hard to focus on your work in hopes of making time pass by quicker and everyone would calm down and the situation would be forgotten.
You were more than thankful to finally be back in your apartment. Ever since the confrontation with Lucy there had been a weird tension in the air and Jisung had been way on edge. So much so that he hardly interacted with you. You weren’t sure if Minho was able to get him out of his funky mood or not and you had planned to ask many times but your boss kept dropping load after load of assignments on you, you barely had a chance to breathe. You felt bad - like a horrible girlfriend because it was really your fault. You were trying to diffuse a situation and it felt like you had taken Lucy’s side, unintentionally of course because you hated that bitch. But you didn’t think Jisung saw it that way.
Grabbing your phone, you sent him a quick message as you made your way to your bedroom, already stripping off your clothes.
You screamed, the unexpected call of your name filling the quiet room. You turned quickly, expecting to see someone standing in your hallway because that voice had been so loud and clear. Yet, there was no one there. The hallway was empty, the only sound was the hum of the A/C. “Fuck me, dude.” You sighed. At this point, you really did think you were crazy. Turning back around, you froze, eyes locking on the very real person standing in front of your bed.
You screamed, long and loud.
“Was that necessary?”
“Y-yes!” You stuttered out. “Who are you and how did you get in my house?!” You hadn’t meant to ask the question, but you were understandably upset - heart hammering in your chest as you stared at the intruder. Very handsome, but an intruder none the less.
“I’m Jeongin and you let me in.” He said slowly, eyeing you with the suspicion you had for him. The audacity for him to even suggest you let him in, because you knew you hadn’t. You would remember vividly if you brought home a handsome man and you certainly wouldn’t have left them unattended to for so long.
“No I didn’t.” You argued.
“Yes you did.” He countered and you glared, crossing your arms over your chest, inadvertently covering your lingerie clad breasts.
“I would remember if I let a stranger into my home.”
He blinked, rolling his eyes slowly afterwards. “Doubt it. You couldn’t even find me when I called your name all those times.”
“Called my-“ you frowned, head cocking to the side. “You never called my name until just now.”
“Yes I did.”
“No you didn’t.” The argument started again, leaving you frustrated, scared and confused. Clearly there was something weird going on here.
“Yes I did. Every day you were in the office, I would call for you. Sometimes I got your attention and other times I didn’t.” he explained, a small frown gracing his lips. “You’re the only one that seemed to hear me. My name is Jeongin, by the way.”
The reminder of the days at office when you thought someone was calling your name, never finding the source of it. You thought you were going crazy, hearing voices that no one else could. And yet here is this person, standing before you, telling you they had been the one calling your name. It made so much sense and yet no sense at the same time.
“I’m confused. I’ve never seen you at work before. Are you a new hire or something?”
“Or something.” Jeongin agreed.
“Okay, what department are you in? Where did you come from?”
There was hesitation on his face, visible only for a passing moment. Slowly, he reached out and pointed, your eyes looking towards your dresser. It took a moment for realization dawned on you, because it seemed foolish that the guy came from your dresser of all places. But that wasn’t what he was pointing at. It was the necklace laying on top of it - the necklace you had found at work today.
“The necklace?” You asked and looked back at him. “You came from the necklace?” Jeongin nodded and you weren’t sure which was more outlandish. This man came out of a necklace or or you entertaining the thought of disembodied voices calling out your name at work for the past year of your life. “Yeah okay.” You scoffed.
“I did! I can prove it to you!”
“Ho-“ Before you could even ask your question, Jeongin just disappeared and that left you feeling some sort of way. It wasn’t a slow dissipation. He didn’t do a barrel roll or anything. He just straight up disappeared. It almost felt like what you assumed a jump cut would look like in real life. “What the fuck?!”
Your heard your name, only this time you knew it was Jeongin’s voice - could hear the clear intonation. And yet as you looked around, he was no where to be seen.
You were drawn to the necklace as he called out again. Walking over, you stood before the dresser and stared the piece of jewelry down. There was just something about it that you couldn’t quit describe but you knew it was off. Maybe Jeongin was telling the truth?
“Believe me now?” You screamed again, whipping around and came face to face with a grinning Jeongin. “How-?! Where-?!” You were at a loss for words for what was going on because it just seemed so implausible. The term for what you were seeing hung heavily in the air, but you didn’t want to think it because that would mean it was true - or you really were crazy. But there honestly wasn’t any other explanation other than…
“You’re a ghost?”
“Ding ding ding!”
The fact that Jeongin so readily agreed to it, even seemed thrilled that you spoke the correct answer was a bit terrifying. He didn’t seem like the type of ghost that didn’t know he was dead. Quite the opposite and certainly a stark contrast to all the ghost horror films you’ve watched. He wasn’t trying to murder you either. You wondered how long he had been dead and why he seemed to be tied to the necklace you had found. There were a lot of questions circulating in your head, but you just couldn't seem to bring yourself to voice them; lost and confused.
"Y/n?" He cocked his head and you had to admit, it was kind of cute. The more you stared at Jeongin, the more you were slowly realizing that he didn't seem like a ghost. He wasn't transparent or pale. There weren't any noticeable signs of trauma to his body that would indicate how he died. When had he died? He looked so young and his clothes were pretty modern so it couldn't have been all that long ago. Your heart clenched at the thought of Jeongin being torn from the world at such a young age. He looked younger than you, or maybe it was just his adorably boyish smile that was doing it. "Are you okay?"
The question was laughable. Of course you weren't okay. There was a ghost in your room, talking to you as if you had been friends for years and well, maybe you had been? Okay, not years, but it had been a while since you started hearing the voice calling your name, a least a year at the office and Jeongin had mentioned that it seemed like you were the only one who heard him. The loneliness he must have felt, calling out for you day after day and you never responding. Well you did, but not physically too him. You doubted looking around confused counted as a response.
"I'm fine," You told him, brows slowly furrowing. "I think? I don't know." Sighing softly, you rubbed the back of your neck lightly. "This is kind of a lot to deal with."
"You think this is a lot, you should try finding out you're dead." Jeongin laughed, and you knew he meant it as a light hearted joke, but you couldn't bring yourself to laugh because that thought was just so depressing.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." he apologized quickly. "Your feelings are definitely valid and I didn't mean to make it seem like they weren't just because I'm dead." You stared at him, blinking blankly a few times before a small smile spread across your lips. He was sweet, and kind and definitely had better manners than most people you had met before. And his mentality screamed that he was part of the current generation, which means your initial assumptions had been correct. He must have died recently.
"It's okay." You assured. "Um, so would it be okay if I get changed and then we can continue this conversation?" It was only as the words were leaving your lips did you remember that you were standing there shirtless and growing self-conscious by the second. Jeongin at least had the decency to blush, or what you thought was a blush. It looked real enough, but maybe it was a ghostly trick? He quickly covered his eyes and turned away from you.
"It's fine." Chuckling, you slipped around him and finished stripping, changing into your pajamas as quickly as you possibly could. "Alright, done. Now, I supposed I have....questions." you said carefully and he nodded.
"Ask away! I'm an open book!"
The next morning left you still confused, but not as much as previously. Jeongin had already jumped scared when your alarm went off thirty minutes ago, cementing the fact that you had indeed found a ghost. Last night, the two of you had spent a few hours talking, and you learned a lot about Jeongin. When he died and how and how the necklace was a gift from his mother and one of his most prized possession. Why he was attached to the necklace was still a mystery. All he knew was that when the light showed up to collect him, he was unable to move towards and since then he had been searching for someone, anyone who was able to hear him.
Apparently you where the great ghost whisperer.
Not that you minded. Jeongin was a sweet heart, if not popping up when you least expected it. Like in the shower. That had been a scare as well, on both ends and the ghost had disappeared instantly. You had tried to call out to him, let him know it was okay, but you didn't get an answer back and you just assumed that Jeongin was hiding within the necklace, still embarrassed. It was cute. He was cute.
Was it kosher to call a ghost cute? For some reason you felt like you would be canceled for it. So maybe you wouldn't say anything out loud, not like people would believe you if you told them. Jeongin's presence was definitely going to take some getting used to, but you actually sort of looked forward to it. At least on the days you weren't with your boyfriends, you wouldn't feel so alone.
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Tags: @sauceracha @jisungsjheekies @luminouskalopsia @hanjisungismybaby @imbonibi @jiwlys @leafsmindpalace @army-of-carats @peachmilkcloud @letterstoskz @lauraneuuh @babyskz @stay-here-dont-stray @meen1ez @slinekyu @feedthefandoms995 @schokoshaker @rejemi @ahhhhhhhhhghh @thsrndkd @halotopicecream @skzmonster @jumunnaa @serendipityryn @yayaistime @bxddiebang @sachifukyo @eastleighsblog @hydrawaterdragon @cyberpunksunwoo @3rachasninja @haileybugulug @luvyev
( If you want to join the list, you can find the info here! Also I’m sorry for those listed in the tags but not getting tagged. For some reason tumblr can’t find your blog to tag. I’m hoping it figures it out soon like it did for others.)
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memorymonster · 8 months
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Crepuscular rays: The moment when the sunshine makes it's way through the clouds
College!Yeonjun x College!Reader
Genre: Slice of life/Grumpy x Sunshine (with some soft angst)
Status: Ongoing
Introducing TXT
Introducing the Milky way 
Are you embarrassed of us?!
Hey big slayers
The Greatest Crossover Ep
Does she hate me already?
Hi sorry, its nice to meet you
Even a grump can make a joke
You got plans tonight?
The first movie night (written)
Roz is that you?
Omnipresent sunshine 
Hey Siri how do you impress a girl
Shooting a shot in the dark
I can’t sleep or dance (written) 
Sir who are you?
Movie night: the sequel
Two hours
Vibe check
Rain check
Thermodynamics and chill? (written)
Fuck this is difficult
We can't see each other anymore
Dancing king by EXO
What is the meaning of Pi
Rockets for the ocean?
My heart is doing a weird thing!
Mean girls is so 2000’s 
Let’s get ready to PAR-TAY
….I’m not sure about this (written)
Hide and seek champion
Crepuscular rays (written)
Twice asked the right questions
B-Boy battle?!
Light up sneakers
Wish I was Freud 
Hard work and hard floors
Genius choreographer 
Where have all the emojis gone?
Chasing a ghost
The sun must set (written)
Sun rise (written)
Moves like Jagger
The good luck hoodie
The Nerves are nerving 
Step up 8: the final showdown (written)
WAG privileges 
I think I kinda you know (small written)
Lads on tour
A/N: Hello and welcome to my first SMAU! I was encouraged by my wonderful friends to start and share this. I will try and update as regularly as I can
Tag list: @taeraekisser @jaehyunsprincesspeach @kirooz
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mahankrp · 3 months
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Mahan’s city gates have been open for decades, offering protection and peace to all the wandering souls needing a rest stop. However, as more people settle in the city, so does the evil. A new addiction blooms its ugly buds in the heart of the city: glimmerance.
The origins are unknown, as well as the providers, but over night, Mahan’s citizens are turned into fiends by this mysterious potion.
For supernaturals, its effects enhance their abilities tenfold, turning them into power-hungry beasts chasing the bliss given by such strength. For humans, it offers a deep sense of serenity and euphoria, more intense than any other drug they’ve ever tried.
Mahan’s police forces begin an investigation on the matter. The drug is slowly turning the city to chaos, and the agreement of peace is hanging by the thinnest thread under the danger of glimmerance. Anonymous tips and reports start coming in; for once, hunters, humans and supernaturals have a common enemy.
Will this fragile truce be enough to rid the city streets of addiction?
6 notes · View notes
gyumazing · 1 year
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Pairings: Nishimura Riki x Reader (They’re just friends thoooo)
Word count: 859 words
Genre: drama, friendship, and slice-of-life
Amidst the hushed corridors of the entertainment agency's late-night practice room, you could hear the faint sounds of music and see the dim light seeping through the slightly ajar door. A familiar figure caught your eye—Nishimura Riki, your childhood friend.  
You gently pushed the door open and found Riki practically drenched in sweat, strands of hair sticking to his forehead, and his breaths coming out heavily. He looked restless, lost in his own world. The dimly lit practice room felt suffocating, the air thick with fatigue and worry. Riki's once vibrant presence now waned, and the sight of his tired state weighed heavily on you.
"Nishimura Riki," you called out, but he remained unresponsive, his focus entirely on whatever he was doing. You let out a sigh, realizing he was deeply absorbed in his practice. Deciding to get his attention, you banged the door loudly, which startled him and drew a dumbfounded gaze.
"Eh? Oh, Y/N. It's you!" He said, obviously caught off guard. A faint smile appeared on his tired face. "Finished with your schedule? Missed me already?" He joked, trying to keep up his usual cheerful demeanor.
You nodded, still concerned about his well-being. "Yeah. Gosh! I really thought we'd finish taping at 2 AM. Thank God we finished 2 hours earlier," you said, placing your takeout bag on top of the mini table before sitting on the floor, joining Riki. "What's up with you, though? You seemed out of your mind. You didn't even hear me calling your name earlier," you expressed your concern, worry evident in your voice.
He smiled shyly, momentarily showing vulnerability. "Yeah, sorry about that," he replied. You took a moment to study him, noticing the fatigue that clung to him like a shadow. His hair was disheveled, and the dark bags under his eyes were concerning. "How've you been? Are you okay?" He asked, glancing at you briefly before staring at his stretched-out feet.
You hummed. You were supposed to be the one asking that.
You opened the takeout bag and slid some food in front of Riki. "Well, to be honest, I feel tired. I am physically, mentally, and emotionally drained out," you answered honestly.
You took two soda cans from your bag and placed one in front of him as well. Riki's expression changed slightly, a mix of pity and confusion in his eyes.
"You? How've you been?" You looked up at him, returning the question.
Riki shrugged nonchalantly. "I'm still okay, I guess," he said, but the uncertainty in his voice was palpable. "I'm all good," he added, flashing a gummy smile at you.
But you could see through his facade. He was far from "all good." He was overworking himself, and it worried you.
"But you aren't overworking yourself, right?" You asked, your concern growing. You had already noticed his late-night practice routine.
He's literally all alone in the agency's practice room at 12:00 A.M. If it haven't been for your night taping schedule, you've been on your bed right now. But him on the other hand, you know that this is a daily routine. Wake up at 6 A.M and then train up until ungodly hours.
He's basically killing himself.
"No, of course not," he replied quickly, but you could tell he wasn't being entirely truthful.
Your smile faded, and you couldn't help but feel sad seeing him like this. "Really?" you replied sarcastically, unable to ignore the signs of exhaustion. "Look at you, you look half-dead. And, I bet you haven't even eaten anything since this morning," you said, pushing a piece of bread in front of him. However, he moved his head to the side, avoiding it.
You let out a sigh, frustrated that he couldn't be more honest with you. "If you could only take a break and get some rest," you thought, but you knew how committed he was to his dreams.
"I'm fine, Y/N. Stop worrying about me," Riki said, snapping you back to reality as he noticed your lingering gaze.
You tilted your head to the side. "I'm seriously worried about you, Riki," you said, tapping his cheeks affectionately. "Your mom would be sad knowing that you're out here neglecting your health," you added, trying to appeal to his emotional side.
"Geez, Y/N. I'm still a year older than you. Stop treating me like a baby," he groaned.
You smiled, appreciating the friendship you shared. "I will, if you eat," you replied, gesturing towards the takeout. "Now hurry up. I swear I won't leave you here if you don't finish all of this up."
He groaned again, but there was warmth in your interactions. Despite his protests, he knew you cared deeply about him.
As the night continued, you both sat there, eating and talking, creating a sense of comfort in each other's presence. Even in exhaustion, you found solace in your friendship, knowing that you'd always be there for each other—through the sad and the wholesome moments. And perhaps, through your unwavering support, you'd be able to convince Riki that it's okay to lean on someone else, to share the burden, and to take care of himself.
AN: Wrote this a long time ago when I was also struggling with acads to the point where I would often skip meals and sleep just to study. So, though this fic may not seem interesting, it is close to my heart since I wrote this during the times where I badly needed support and was unable to get one. And now that I’m having a break from school, I stumbled upon this in my drafts and decided to finish it hehe. Anyways, I ended up having with highest honors (98% average) on our second semester. I still can’t believe it and I feel quite anxious on how I’m supposed to keep my standing next s.y. 
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hanji-cafe · 2 months
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Still Be Friends?
Hi! Due to a request, I'll also be posting it here on Tumblr. Please reblog and comment if you enjoy it.
If you so care to enjoy it on AO3: Still Be Friends?
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Stray Kids (Band), K-pop Rating: Mature Warnings: Drinking, Mentions of sex,
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“Really Ahmi, how many times do I have to tell you to get out more?” Minho scoffs before piling food into his mouth. Ahmi rolled her eyes as he talked with his mouthful. 
“You’re such a fucking pig,” Ahmi scoffed in disgust. 
“But I’m your pig,” he teased gently before his girlfriend was shoving him playfully. 
“I thought you were my piggy, Min!” 
Ahmi couldn’t help but smile at the couple, but she attempted to hide it by gagging.  
Minho and Itsumi were always glued to each other's side, and as Ahmi’s roommate, Itsumi was her obligatory best friend. So when she got Itsumi, she also got Minho. 
It must have been nice. Both of them were so outgoing, and Ahmi could swear that every time she was out in public with them, the couple said ‘hi’ to at least five people. She unfortunately couldn’t relate. No matter how hard she tried, she could never jump the hurtle. 
“But really, Ahmi… you should get out more. You don’t want to be stuck with me and Minho all year, do you?” Itsumi asked with a pout. 
“Maybe I do,” Ahmi shrugged. “I don’t mind hanging out with you guys!” 
“But there’s a whole world out there waiting for you to explore!” Itsumi smiled as she wiped Minho’s mouth. “You don’t want to miss out on all the fun.” 
“And I want to fuck my girlfriend once in a while!” 
“Ew…” Ahmi cringed. “I’m just not really into parties…” 
“Is it that you don’t like parties, or you’re just scared of putting yourself out of your comfort zone?” Itsumi asks. “Maybe it’s time to step out of your personal bubble!” 
“I don’t want to get out of my comfort zone.” 
Minho patted her on the back. “Come on, Ahmi. We’ll have you acting like a party pro in no time!” 
Ahmi glared. “I said I didn’t-” 
“I know,” Minho interrupted. 
“Come on, Ahmi. Don’t you want to have a little fun? It’s the beginning of the semester! You barely have any schoolwork.” 
“I guess,” Ahmi mumbled, feeling a bit anxious about the whole idea of going to a party and not knowing how to act or what to do. “But I don’t know how to party!” 
“Like Minho said, we’ll teach you!” 
“Maybe we can even get you laid,” Minho huffs. “Then you’ll leave us alone.” 
“I'm surprised you and Hyune haven't done it,” Itsumi said. “I mean, wasn't he your first kiss?” 
“Cheeks don’t count, besides I think he’s gay.” 
“That man is definitely not gay,” Minho snorts. 
“Minho!” Itsumi scolds, hitting his head. He let out a dramatic howl. 
“ What?! ” Minho huffed, rubbing his head. “I'm just being honest. Ahmi, honey, you just need to step up your game a bit.” 
Ahmi rolled her eyes. “Oh, really? How so?” 
“Well, for starters,” Minho said before taking another bite of food, and Ahmi rolled his eyes as he began to talk with his mouth full. “You need to stop being so timid. When you do go out you’re always stumbling around, hiding in the corner, shoving your face in your phone… and you barely talk to anyone.” 
“Yeah, it’s called social anxiety!” 
“Whatever. Stop being so boring. Talk to someone. Anyone.” 
Itsumi nodded in agreement. “And you dress so conservatively all the time. You need to show a little more skin, Ahmi. Less sweatpants, more skirts! Or at least nice pants!” 
“But I don’t want to have my ass out…” Ahmi whined. “What if people stare!” 
“That’s the point,” Minho said, shaking his head. “Just show a little more skin. It’s not like you’re unattractive. The sweats look messy and hide how cute you are.” 
“Yeah, you’re actually pretty cute!” Itsumi added with a smile. 
Ahmi felt her cheeks grow warm, but she did feel a bit more confident. “Thanks guys…” she said shyly, not so used to this kind of attention. “What if they’re pink sweats…” 
Minho groaned in frustration and Itsumi cleared her throat. “You just need to loosen up with a few drinks. There’s a party tonight. Tell us you’re coming.” 
“So soon?” Ahmi asked with wide eyes, and Itsumi rolled her own. “It’s only the first Friday of the semester!
“Come on, Ahmi. We’ll start getting ready around 8 and we’ll get you all pretty for the boys there, yeah?” Itsumi asked eagerly. 
“But I don’t do any of that! Dancing and flirting with guys…” 
“Well it’s time you start! I’m coming into your room and we're getting ready, dammit! Time to change your sophomore year!” 
“Okay… fine…” Ahmi surrendered, waving her hands like a white flag. “Whatever you guys want if you’ll leave me alone after.” 
Hwang Hyunjin was a breath of fresh air that came seemingly out of nowhere on a hot summer day. He was caring and kind, and his eyes were soft enough to make any person’s walls crumble in seconds. He was Ahmi's weakness. He was the one who she clung to desperately. 
Ahmi would often hold onto him, burrowing her face in his neck and wonder how a man could feel so warm… so soft. He felt like home, like a roof over her head that no tornado or earthquake could take away from her and her dreams. And in a way, he was her home, them being best friends since they were young.
She had always felt this warmth since when they first met in kindergarten. The second both of them looked at each other, Ahmi knew that Hyunjin’s gentle eyes, and sweet voice would get her through anything. So here they were in Uni. 
Hyunjin sat across from her, the condensation from his iced americano soaked the napkin beneath it. Ahmi didn't have to say a word for Hyunjin to look at her intently, waiting for her to rattle off her worries so he could smother them to nothing. 
“Classes don't seem too bad this semester…” Ahmi hummed, flipping through her agenda. 
Hyunjin felt a wave of disappointment. It was always nice to take care of Ahmi's worries for her. It was as if making her feel better, listening to her worries, reassuring her, was the thing that gave him all the mana he needed. It gave him a sense of belonging; a purpose.
“You don't have any complaints?” 
Ahmi laughed softly, taking a sip of her latte. “Don't sound too excited. I'm sure things will change by next week.” 
“Maybe this will finally be your year,” he suggested. Ahmi shrugged, leaning back in her chair. At this point she was used to being the universe's punching bag. There wasn't anything that university could throw at her to make it sting more than it had the year before. 
When things got to their absolute worst, Ahmi would keep herself busy. Keep herself numb. As far as she could tell, things couldn't get much worse. 
“I'm trying to be optimistic,” he laughed. 
Ahmi couldn't help but smile a bit. It was that fAhmiliar, soft but unusual laugh that warmed her insides and kept her coming back for more all these years. 
“Minho and Itsumi are annoying the hell out of me. They want me to go to some party tonight… at Sigma Kappa Zeta?” Ahmi scoffed, taking a sip of her own iced coffee. 
Hyunjin nodded. “That’s the frat that Minho is in. Makes sense. You don’t seem like you want to go.” 
“Of course I don’t want to go! You know me. I’m a sit at home and mind my own business kind of girl,” Ahmi said. “But… They said I need to put myself out there. Do you agree…?” 
“It wouldn’t hurt,” he shrugged. “But it’s your choice.” 
“Maybe I should go. Just to say I’ve been at one,” she thinks aloud. “But you have to go with me.” 
“Me?” he asked, his eyes widening. 
“Yeah, I need a social crutch…” 
“Oh, Itsumi isn’t enough?” Hyunjin laughed, his eyes closing into creasents as he threw his head back slightly. “Alright, only because that sounds hilarious.” 
“Great. I think the party is a 10. Sumi is driving.” 
“I’ll meet you at your apartment,” he nods. 
Itsumi bounced on Ahmi’s bed, a mad smile on her face as she held up a little black dress with a lingerie set to match. “Viola!” 
“I’m not wearing that!” Ahmi cried in horror. 
“Yes you are! Unless you want to die an overworked virgin!” 
Ahmi looked at the dress again and hesitated. “Don’t you think it’s a bit… much?” 
Itsumi laughed. “What do you mean, much? It’s a simple black dress.” 
“I’ve never worn something so tight…” 
“It’s a party, Ahmi. You want to look like the rest of the girls right? You don’t like standing out?” 
“I… guess…” she said before hesitantly accepting the dress and turning to put it on. “Never thought to look at it that way.”
“It’s called the art of manipulation, darling,” Itsumi purred, pulling a laugh from Ahmi’s mouth. 
She pulled down the skirt once she got it on, and looked at herself in the mirror. It was tight, and hugged every curve and insecurity that she could think of, but her doubts immediately evaporated as Itsumi squealed behind her. 
“Yes, girl! You look hot!” 
Ahmi blushed. “Thanks, Sumi…” 
“Now come here and let me turn you into a fashion model,” she smiled, pulling out her makeup bag. 
“Please don’t make me look like a clown… or a brats doll!” 
“Oh, please! Do you have no faith in me at all?” Itsumi pouted. 
Ahmi offered a weary look. “I have a very different skin tone than you…” 
Itsumi waved her hand. “Yeah, yeah… whatever. I’ll use your foundation after the eyes.” 
Itsumi grabbed her phone, turning on some music before starting to work on Ahmi’s face. Once Itsumi was done drawing in her eyebrows, and applying a nude lip and a pretty eyeliner wing, she stood back to admire her work. 
“I am good!” she nodded, holding up a mirror for Ahmi to see. 
“Wow…” Ahmi said, admiring herself. “I do look hot!” 
“See! I told you,” Itsumi smiled, glancing at the time on her phone. “We should leave soon… it’s already 10. Min will be wondering where we are!” 
Just as Itsumi said that, there was a knock on Ahmi’s apartment door. A second later, Hyunjin was seeing himself in. 
“You guys didn’t leave yet, right?” he called out, and Ahmi stepped out of her room to meet him as Itsumi chose a pair of shoes. 
“Nope, we were just about to,” Ahmi said. 
Hyunjin nodded, eyes glued to his phone. He finished sending a text before looking up, and when he caught sight of Ahmi, he nearly dropped his phone. 
“What?” Ahmi said, eyebrows furrowed as she glared. 
“Ahmi… you look hot!” 
“I do?” Ahmi blinked. Never, in the twelve years they’ve been friends, has Hyunjin ever called her hot. 
“Yeah! You look amazing! Is this a new dress?” 
Ahmi blushed, nodding. “It’s Itsumi’s…” she said, taking a little twirl in it. 
“It suits you,” Hyunjin complimented, still staring at her. 
“How about these shoes?” Itsumi asked, barging out of the room with a pair of black converse. “Oh… Hi… Hyunjin.” 
“Hey, Sumi,” he said passively, eyes still on Ahmi’s figure. When he glanced up at her eyes, she was staring right back at him.
“Anyway. Put these on, and let's go!” 
Ahmi forced herself to look away from his eyes. “Sneakers?” Ahmi asked. 
“Have you ever been to a frat party? The floors aren’t the nicest. Now let’s go!” 
Later in the night, Ahmi found herself standing outside the frat house door, Hyunjin’s arm thrown over her shoulder. Ahmi tried to psych herself up for the party. She could hear the music and the sound of people laughing and cheering, and she felt a mix of excitement and nerves.
She walked inside and was immediately hit with the smell of beer and sweat. The room was packed with people dancing, drinking, and socializing. Ahmi felt a bit overwhelmed, but then she felt Hyunjin squeeze her shoulder, as she spotted Minho waving at her from across the room.
"Ahmi! You made it!" he shouted over the music. “I thought you were going to pussy out like usual.” 
“I don’t pussy out,” Ahmi argued with a pout, but smiled when she saw the Frat’s president, Chris Bang. She has met him at a few organized events on campus that she has been dragged to- “to socialize” Itsumi would insist. Chan has always been one of the easiest people to talk to despite his nickname: Sir Bangs-a-lot. It was childish, but unfortunately stuck in the frat. 
“It’s always nice to see you, Ahmi,” he smiled, handing Ahmi a solo cup of punch. “Usually, I don’t see you at these things.” 
“Thanks,” she smiled, taking the cup and beginning to drink the fruity liquid. “Sumi dragged me. It’s already going strong- the party.” 
“I’m gonna go grab a beer,” Hyunjin yelled over the music, and Ahmi nodded turning back to Chan.
“This is my empire,” he bragged. “It is almost eleven. The party hasn’t even started,” he chuckled, grabbing himself another cup of beer. He checked her out, admiring her dress. “You look great by the way. Since you finally made it to one of these, I want to introduce you to some people.” 
“Sure,” Ahmi nodded, though she was feeling rather nervous. She had already known Seungmin Kim who was an Accounting and Finance major, but Chris insisted on introducing her to some new members. 
“This is Jeno and Jaemin. They’re basically inseparable,” Chris chuckled, and Ahmi waved hi. 
“Then we have Felix. You know Felix, don’t you?” Chris asked while Felix set up the flip cup table.
“We’ve met,” Ahmi nodded. “He’s friends with Karina.” 
“More than friends I’d say,” Chan snorted, taking another sip of his drink. 
“Hey, I’m going to go find Hyunjin,” Ahmi said, excusing herself. 
“Oh, he’s going to rush this semester right?” Chris asked. “We could always use new members.” 
“I mean, you’ll have to convince him, not me. Parties aren’t usually his thing though. I’m surprised today,” she laughed, looking around for him.
“You better talk him into it,” Chan laughed, and Ahmi nodded, walking off. 
“Sumi,” Ahmi hummed, sneaking up beside her best friend. 
“Hey! Party girl,” Minho laughed, throwing his arm around her shoulders. “Ever play strip poker?” 
“No way!” Ahmi laughs. 
“He’s joking,” Itsumi clarified with a giggle. “What’s up?” 
“Have you seen Hyunjin anywhere?” 
“Nope. He’s probably off with Felix somewhere.”
“Oh, alright. I’ll look for him-” 
Itusmi wrapped her arm around her friend's waist. “Ahmi come on. Just relax. Let’s dance!” 
“Sumi, have you been drinking?” Ahmi asked. 
“No! I’m just having fun. Like you should be. Come on, Ahmi…” her best friend whined, putting her hands up and dancing to the music. Ahmi laughed at her doing the same and letting loose. The alcohol definitely helped. 
As the night went on, the party grew more and more wild. Ahmi watched as people climbed on top of tables and started doing keg stands, and she couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. As long as they were the center of attention and she wasn’t, she was content.
At one point, Chris leaned in close to her and whispered, "Hey, Ahmi, I think someone drugged the punch."
Ahmi's eyes widened in shock. "What? Are you serious?"
"Nah, I'm just messing with you. Relax, have some fun." Chris grinned. “You look so tense. Have you even drank anything?” 
“I’ve had a little…” she smiled shyly. 
“Come on. We’re going to do a shot!” Chan said, pulling her. 
“What?!” she shrieked in surprise, allowing Chan to drag her. 
“You can’t be sober at a frat party!” he scolded. “Jello or Vodka.” 
“J-Jello…?” Ahmi answered cluelessly. Surely Jello had to be less alcoholic… right?
Chan gave Ahmi an amused grin, handing it to her. “You gotta finger it.” 
“I have to do what?” Ahmi screamed over the music, squinting her eyes. 
“Finger it! Like this:” Chan said, sticking his finger in the Jello, loosening the gel, and sucking the Jello into his mouth. “It’s more fun if you do it with your tongue though.” 
“Uh…” Ahmi stared at the Jello shot, popping the lid off. “Okay… finger it…?” she mumbled to herself. 
“Huh?” Chan yelled. 
“Ready?” Ahmi yelled back. 
“Yeah! No finger. Only tongue!” 
Ahmi laughed nervously before nodding, and she knocked her plastic cup to Chan’s before sticking her tongue in the Jello, rotating the cup, and sucking the Jello in. 
“Hey! That- was pretty good!” Chan encouraged. 
“Are we doing Jello shots?!” Minho asked, seemingly materializing out of nowhere, making Ahmi jolt slightly.
“Yeah! Want one?” Chan said, grabbing three from the table. “No finger.” 
“No finger!” Minho cheered, raising up the Jello. 
Ahmi nervously followed before consuming another one, suddenly starting to feel dizzy. Minho grabbed her arm to keep her from falling before leading her back to dance. “Come on, Ahmi!” 
Dodging through a few people shotgunning their beers, or dancing wildly Ahmi’s eyes eventually found Hyunjin, over by the flip cup table. “I wanna go this way!” she complained, and Minho lost grip of her. She made her way over to him, making herself evident.
“There you are, Mimi!” Hyunjin said, throwing his arm around her shoulder. “Want me to teach you how to play?” 
Ahmi looked around. Chris and a few other faces were playing. It seemed fun enough, and Ahmi nodded. “Alright, I'll try.”
“Great,” Hyunjin laughed. “We go down the line. When the person before you chugs their cup and then flips their cup correctly-” Hyunjin flipped his red solo cup with ease at just the flick of a finger, “you do the same.” 
“I think I've got it,” Ahmi agreed, warming up her fingers. “When did you learn this anyway?” 
“Eh, some party last year. Ready?” 
“I thought you didn’t go to parties?” she asked. Before Hyunjin could give a response, the game was starting and Hyunjin rushed to chug his drink before cleanly flipping his cup. Ahmi panicked, the beer in the cup spilling on her chest as she choked, but she took another gulp, this one clean and set the cup on the table. It was slightly dizzy, the additional alcohol making her a bit unsteady, but thankfully it only took a couple tries to flip the cup. 
The game went on for a while, and Ahmi found herself rather talented at the game. She was surprised, but it felt great winning most of the rounds, and she felt a sense of accomplishment when everyone would cheer for her. 
Hyunjin didn’t leave her side the entire time, cheering her on and offering her encouragement when she began to doubt herself. They were having a blast together, and Ahmi's heart started feeling rather warm for her best friend, warmer than she usually let herself admit. 
After a few extra drinks, Ahmi finally began to lose her self control. Hyunjin had moved to take away her drink and secretly replace it with water, but Chris and Minho were too focused on making sure she had fun. 
Hyunjin sighed, reaching for the cup in her hand. “Okay, Ahmi, maybe that’s enough punch-” 
“Hyune, stop!” Ahmi whined, yanking the cup back from his grip, the liquid sploshing out of the cup and onto the poor bypasser. 
“Shit!” the boy said, more out of shock than anything else. 
“Oh, fuck… I’m sorry,” Ahmi said, moving to try and rub out the liquid from the guy's t-shirt, unable to think of anything else to do.
He laughed, grabbing her wrist. “It’s okay,” he said. “I think that may actually be making it worse.” Ahmi finally looked up to see his face, and his lips were curled up in a gummy smile as he laughed, seemingly amused. Ahmi watched as his eyes sparkled with happiness. 
“I got you all sticky,” Ahmi mumbled, and the guy only seemed to laugh harder. 
“That’s why you don’t wear nice things to a frat party.” 
“Okay, we should go home,” Hyunjin said, tired of watching the scene play out. 
“Boo…” Ahmi whined, pushing back against Hyunjin, but her best friend was taller and stronger. 
“Come on, Ahmi…” he said, pulling her, and Ahmi frowned, waving goodbye at the pretty stranger. 
“Itsumi, Ahmi is making a mess,” he tattled like a little boy, and Ahmi whined. 
“I don’t want to go home…” Ahmi huffed, shoving the boy. 
“Okay, let me get my keys from Minho,” Itsumi nodded. Though she was glad that Ahmi was letting loose, maybe the boys had taken it too far. 
Ahmi reached to grab her best friend’s sleeve. “Sumi…” she whined. 
“It’s time to go home, cutie,” Itsumi said, squishing her cheeks. 
Itsumi laughed at her, noticing Hyunjin’s protective grip on her. “I'll be right back. Just have to find Minho.” 
Ahmi whined at Hyunjin’s grip. “You're hurting me,” she said, pulling at his wrist.
“Come on, Ahmi. I know you're going to run off if I take my hand off of you for one second,” Hyunjin said. 
Ahmi continued to pout before wrapping her arms around Hyunjin, hugging him. “I'm kind of tired…” 
He nodded, a small fond smile growing at her cuddly state. “I know. That's why we're going home, Mimi.” 
“Hyune,” Ahmi pout, looking up at him with big eyes. “Kiss me?” 
Hyunjin stiffened, his smile fading to nothing. Instead, Hyunjin looked shocked, almost confused, looking down at Ahmi before gently pushing her away. “Ahmi, you're really drunk right now.” 
“No, m’ not,” she whined, her arms looping around his neck. “I really want to kiss you.” 
“Ahmi. You’re really drunk right now, and I don’t think you know what you’re saying-” 
“Shush…” Ahmi cut him off. “Listen. I have to tell you something. I-” 
“I've got the keys!” Itsumi said, holding the keychain up in the air. Ahmi looked at Itsumi, almost betrayed, a whine leaving her lips. “Why are we waiting?” Itsumi asked. “Let's go.” 
Ahmi held onto Hyunjin tight, but he managed to get Ahmi outside and into Itsumi's car. Itsumi could feel the tension in the air, and as she watched Ahmi doze off she looked at Hyunjin in the passenger's seat. 
“What happened?” Itsumi asked. 
“Nothing happened.” 
“You seem in a pissy mood. Didn't you drink too? Shouldn't you be happy-go-lucky right now?” 
Hyunjin glared over. “I had to keep an eye on Ahmi since your happy-go-lucky boyfriend was getting her drunk.”
“It was a party, Hyunjin,” Itsumi laughed, “Why are you being so uptight?”
Hyunjin’s eyes grew wide. “I'm not uptight! I'm just looking out for her. It’s my job. Ahmi and I are best friends.” 
“Just best friends who are overbearing. Don't think I didn't notice you dragging her away from Han Jisung,” Itsumi pointed out. 
“She was feeling him all up, and he isn’t good for her. I could tell.”
“He seemed to be amused-”
“Oh, fine. Whatever! I don't have to explain myself to you.” Hyunjin crossed her arms, looking out the window. 
“Why do you have to be so childish,” Sumi tisked, pulling over in front of his apartment unit. “Ahmi has spent her whole life without barely even being kissed. I wonder why… maybe because her best friend acts like her father?” 
“You have Ahmi handled?” Hyunjin asks, ignoring Itsumi’s accusations. 
“I've got it,” she assured, waving the boy off. “Get going.” 
“Okay… I'll see you Monday,” Hyunjin said and Itsumi nodded. 
“See you Monday.” 
In their usual corner of the cafe, Itsumi and Minho sat across from each other. Minho knew the look in Itsumi’s eyes. She had a plan and she was about to get Minho involved. 
“What did you want to talk about?” 
“I have a plan!” Itsumi smiled deviously. “A plan for Ahmi.” 
Minho raised his eyebrows. “A prank?” 
Itsumi rolled her eyes. “You’re insufferable. No! We are going to get Ahmi a boyfriend. We need a foolproof plan to help Ahmi find her Prince Charming.” 
“Oh…” Minho said, seemingly no longer interested. “I thought she said she’s busy and all that…” 
“I was driving her and Hyunjin home last night and I had this moment of realization: Ahmi has never had a boyfriend because of Hyunjin.” 
“Seems like an Ahmi problem,” Minho said, his hand moving under Itsumi’s skirt, and she slapped his hand. 
“We’re in public,” she pouted. “Besides. I need your help with this.” 
“My help?” Minho pouted. 
“Yeah! Last night she started talking to Han before Hyunjin totally dragged her away. Didn’t you say he just broke up with his girlfriend before summer break?” 
“Yeah? But Chaewon is still obsessed  with him, and I think he’s just wanting to play around. Do you think Ahmi would be able to handle being played around with?” 
Itsumi pouted. “No…” 
“Look, as much as I rarely admit, I care about Ahmi. I don't want her to get hurt. Any attention is going to be like crack to her little virgin brain. She'd be dead by tomorrow if Jisung got involved.” 
“Jisung is nice.” 
“Jisung is a horny frat boy.” 
Itsumi rolled her eyes. “Well what then??” 
“Okay, okay, babe…” Minho said, raising his hands in surrender. “Let’s take a step back and think this through so we don’t hurt Ahmi.” 
Itsumi sulked in chair, pouting. “You’re right…” 
“So not Han. What are our other options?” 
“There is no way that Ahmi is going to willingly go on a blind date. We’re going to have to make it seem genuine.” 
“Should we pay someone?” 
“Minho!” Itsumi scolds. “That would break her heart even more if she ever found out.” 
“If who ever found out?” Ahmi said, sitting down at the table. 
Minho and Itsumi exchanged a quick glance, caught off guard by Ahmi's sudden appearance at their table. Itsumi's heart raced, but she managed to put on a casual smile. "Hey, Ahmi! We were just... uh, discussing some random stuff."
Ahmi raised an eyebrow, a suspicious look on her face. "Random stuff? You two looked pretty intense. And why did my name come up?"
Minho cleared his throat, his attempt at nonchalance coming off slightly awkward. "Well, you know, we were just thinking about how you've been so focused on your studies lately, and we thought you might need a little break."
“... The semester just started,” Ahmi said, raising her brow. 
“And you’re already working so hard!” Itsumi insisted. “How was your day?” 
Ahmi sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Busy, as always. But I managed to catch a break, so I thought I'd join you two for a little coffee break."
Minho glanced at Itsumi, silently conveying a question about whether they should mention their ongoing discussion. Itsumi responded with a subtle shake of her head, indicating they should wait until Ahmi was more relaxed.
"Sounds good," Itsumi said with a smile. "You deserve a break."
“Me and Hyune are having a movie tonight at his apartment so that will let me relax even more,” Ahmi said softly, taking a bite of the coffee cake she ordered. 
“Yeah, relax,” Minho said, making a motion before Itsumi was gasping, pushing his hands away. 
“You know it isn’t like that,” Ahmi complained. “Me and Hyunjin are just…” 
“Friends?” Minho scoffed. 
"Me and Hyunjin are just really close friends," Ahmi complained, her frustration evident in her tone. She leaned back in her chair, arms crossed defensively.
Itsumi and Minho exchanged a knowing glance, both suppressing amused smiles. It wasn't the first time Ahmi had downplayed her relationship with Hyunjin, and they knew better than to take her words at face value.
Something about Ahmi’s attitude made Itsumi’s smile fade though. Something was going on… She would have to wait and see. 
“What were you two even talking about last night? He seemed kind of grumpy.” 
“I can’t even remember. I think I split something on this really hot guy… or maybe that was a dream? That’s the last thing I remember.” 
“Huh,” Itsumi said. “Wonder what happened. Oh well, you guys have fun.” 
“Hopefully…” Ahmi pouted, she had a feeling she forgot something important, and she was scared it might come up tonight… 
The soft glow of Hyunjin’s small apartment TV lit up Ahmi’s face as she sat snuggled up on the couch. It was time for her and Hyunjin’s cherished movie night, but Ahmi couldn’t help but feel sick about tonight especially. Though the other night was rather fuzzy, Ahmi was sure that she would make everything clear tonight. The unknown of what exactly had happened the night before gnawed at her bones, but she toned it out. 
“Hey, Ahmi!” Hyunjin said, walking through the door and holding up grocery bags. “I’m back! I brought snacks!” 
“Aw, Hyunjin, I just made Popcorn,” Ahmi pouted, standing up from the couch as walking into the kitchen, her bare feel patting on the cold lAhminate floor.
Ahmi couldn’t deny the tension as Hyunjin looked up, his eyes making contact with hers. She wore short PJ shorts, and an oversized hoodie from the mens section. Hyunjin could smell her soft coconut shampoo from where he was standing as she pushed up her sleeves. 
“You brought my favorite chips!” Ahmi cheered cutely, tearing open the package of cheddar and sour cream crisps. 
“Mac and Cheese too,” he smiled gently. 
“Yes! I’ll get the water boiling,” Ahmi said, bending over to grab a pot from the cabinet. 
Hyunjin turned to lean back against the counter. “So what are we watching tonight?” 
“I was going to let you choose, you know, since I made you watch a barbie movie last time,” Ahmi giggled. 
“It was a good movie! I liked how sassy the love interest was. That polar bear was annoying as fuck though.” 
Ahmi laughed harder, as she placed the pot of water on the stovetop. “Yeah, Shiver was pretty annoying.” 
“Hmm, why don’t we watch- like… an action movie? Tokyo Drift?” he asked. 
“I think it just got put on Netflix,” she nodded. 
The two continued to make small talk as the noodles boiled, and before they knew it they were finishing up eating as they sat on the couch watching their movie, watching with anticipation, for Ahmi: a completely different reason. 
She gradually lost focus of the movie before she couldn’t keep up at all. Hyunjin watched closely as Ahmi reached for the remote. She pressed pause causing Hyunjin to gasp. 
“Ahmi, what the hell! This is the good part!” he whined before turning and seeing her worried face. “... Are you okay?” 
“I need to ask you something,” Ahmi said, a serious tone in her voice. “I mean it. Something really important.” 
Hyunjin stiffened, his memories from the day before worrying him. “Ahmi, I really think you should be resting right now. Just relax. It’s the weekend.” 
Ahmi shook her head, trying to get her thoughts in order. “No, I have to get this off my chest, Hyune. It’s been bothering me for a while now.” 
Please be something else. Please-
“I feel like I’m forgetting something last night… did I do something to upset you?” Ahmi asked cluelessly. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Hyunjin denied, reaching for the remote. “Now play the movie.” 
“No, seriously, Hyunjin. Did we… did we kiss?” Ahmi asked urgently. “Did I kiss someone else?” 
“No! No, we didn’t kiss!” Hyunjin denied immediately. “What the fuck , Ahmi.” 
“I don’t know…” she mumbled, shrinking into herself. “It felt something like that…” 
“We definitely didn’t kiss. You were way too drunk anyway,” Hyunjin scoffed, suddenly defensive. “It would have been weird for you to be kissing anyone.” 
Ahmi shook her head. “Wait a second… it would be weird if I kissed someone? What is that supposed to mean?” 
“Oh come on, Ahmi. I don’t mean it like that. You know what I mean, alcohol takes away consent and all that jazz,” he excused. “Can we get back to the movie now?” 
“You think it’s that absurd for me to be kissed? Really ?” Ahmi snapped. “Yeah, I’m so awf-” 
“Don’t you dare put words into my mouth, Ahmi,” Hyunjin said, beginning to grow irritated. “I never said that!” 
“No, but yet I’ve never been kissed, so obviously there is something wrong.”
“Maybe it's because you never leave my apartment. Ever thought of that?!” Hyunjin snapped. “You never even meet anyone to be kissed… ever! Jeez even I can’t go to parties with you around.” 
Ahmi gasped, her mouth falling open. She looked at Hyunjin betrayed. Where did this sudden resentment come from? They were friends… of course they would hang out. “You know, you could always say no, but yet you always accept. Whatever, go to all the parties you want,” she grumbled, getting off the couch. 
“Where are you going?” Hyunjin asked, turning to watch her scamper to the door. 
“Home! So you can go to your stupid fucking parties!” Ahmi snapped before slamming the door behind her. As she stormed down the hall, she heard Hyunjin’s door open. 
“Ahmi! Seriously? Don’t be dramatic!” he argued, yelling after her. 
Ahmi felt her lip quiver at his harsh tone. Ahmi couldn’t stand the thought of him hanging out with her out of pity… or obligation. If he didn’t want to be around her then she would just be alone! Like always… and if he really cared, he’d be running after her, but instead she made her way down the stairwell alone, and just like that, she was more lonely than ever. 
Ahmi’s cheeks were stained with tears as she shoved her keys in the door handle and turned the knob. When she walked in, she could barely see Itsumi and Minho making out on the couch through her tear-filled eyes. But it finally processed in her brain what they had been getting up to when Itsumi shot up, alarmed, to see who was at the door. 
“You guys are fucking nasty!” Ahmi cried, yet not able to see anything through the tears. The worst part of her best friend getting fucked on the couch was the fact that she just got basically rejected by her best friend. “I’m gonna die a virgin,” she sobbed, running off to her room. 
Itsumi gave Minho a look that only caused him to tighten his grip. “Can’t she wait?!” 
“No!” Itsumi snapped. “You don’t even have your pants down yet!” she scolded, pushing herself off Minho and rushing to Ahmi’s bedroom. Itsumi knocked at Ahmi’s door gently. “Mimi?” 
“You guys are deep cleaning the couch!’ Ahmi cried from inside the room. Itsumi rolled her eyes, pushing into the room. 
“You’ve sat on the couch without it being deep cleaned,” Itsumi teased, and Ahmi whined. 
“Ew!” she cried with a tear stained face as Itsumi adjusted Ahmi’s bedsheets.
“Besides, we were just kissing…So, are you going to tell me what happened, cutie?” Itsumi said, laying down beside Ahmi. 
“I asked Hyunjin,” I sniffled. “I messed up last night. I told him I felt like something happened that I couldn’t remember. I was drunk and wasn't thinking, b-but when I asked him-” Ahmi sobbed, gripping Itsumi tightly, “He said it was ridiculous that I would kiss anyone!” 
Itsumi rubbed Ahmi’s back gently, trying to soothe her. “Oh Ahmi…” 
“I told him that I was insecure about that kind of stuff, and he said ‘I never leave his apartment’ and that ‘he can’t go to parties because I’m always there’! What kind of fucking bullshit is that?! He’s the one that invites me over!” Ahmi wailed. Itsumi nodded, listening attentively. 
“I’m so sorry, Ahmi,” she said, squeezing her friend in a tight hug. “It must have just broken your heart. I’m sure he does like having you around.” 
“Y-yeah… it did. It was…” Ahmi let out a shaky breath. “I just didn’t even know he wanted to go to parties! And he made it seem like I wasn’t even wanted, you know?” 
Itsumi nodded. “I know. He’s such an ass for leading you on. Especially last night! The way he was looking at you the whole time was totally leading you on! He even told you how sexy you looked and then rejected you! How dare he!” 
“H-he was leading me on?” Ahmi hiccuped.
“Yes! Oh yes he was Ahmi,” Itsumi cooed, “Calling you hot and dragging you away from all those cute boys? No wonder you're always with him. He hogs you!” 
“Want me to strangle him for you?” Minho asked from the doorway, standing in boxers and a hoodie.
“Now is not the time, Min!” Itsumi snapped, and Minho raised his hands up in surrender, walking farther into the room. 
“All I’m saying is he took up what? Fourteen years of your life, chasing off boys and any eligible dates just to end up acting like he doesn’t want you around? He’s an ass.” 
Itsumi nodded. “He did pull you away from that guy last night. I thought maybe he was going to work up a confession, but I guess to him he wasn’t really interested in that. He is an ass!” 
“You guys are just saying that,” Ahmi mumbled from under the sheets. 
Itsumi nudged her. “Hey, if I was gay, you’d be just my type, Ahmi. You’re adorable!” 
“What does it matter if hyunjin doesn’t like me? I can’t even look back on our friendship without regret!” 
Minho raised his brows before nodding to Itsumi. He would think of something to cheer the younger girl up. Itsumi watched his leave before turning to Ahmi, pulling up the sheets. “Come on, cutie. We can watch a movie. Something cute like Ponyo?” 
“I am not sitting on that couch,” Ahmi pouted, making a face. 
“I told you we were just kissing!…” Itsumi laughed. “Come on cutie… you can sit on the chair.” 
Ahmi nodded, relaxing only a bit. 
“Should we drink? I have some Soju in the fridge!” Itsumi said enthusiastically. 
“No…” Ahmi sniffled, “I make big mistakes when I’m drunk…” 
“Hey,” Minho said, reappearing and knocking on the door. “I’m going out to the house. Let me know if you guys need anything.” 
Itsumi nodded, getting up and pecking his lips. “Thank you. Have fun!” 
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kaesficrecarchive · 11 months
[mark x donghyuck]
lovers (or just friends) by writerlilies (1/1 | 7,356 | T)
Mark knew he should have just kept his mouth shut. “You pretend to be Donghyuck’s boyfriend for 20% off at McDonald’s?” Of course Jaemin doesn’t get it. (Donghyuck has all these coupons and deals for couples. Mark just has to pretend to be his boyfriend and he gets to spend a week-end at the most luxurious spa in town for a ridiculously cheap price, among other things. Frankly, he doesn't see what the big deal is.)
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lisaken · 1 year
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seoulart · 6 months
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⌒⌒  ⁺  ➤ 맘이 커질수록  thirsty
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irenewritesthings · 7 months
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This Place is Magic
✨🧇 April 30, 2024 🧇✨
💌 Request an early copy! 💌 https://bit.ly/TPIMsignups
After missing his flight back to Seoul, a disillusioned K-pop idol finds love, acceptance, and the strength to fight for his own happiness at last.
As a member of the internationally beloved K-pop group Apollo, Eunjae has learned firsthand that fame and fortune come at a steep price. But leaving it all behind is easier said than done, and it seems Eunjae has no choice but to continue… until he steps through the orange door at Wanna Waffle on the way to the airport, fails to catch his plane to Seoul, and upends his entire existence.
Jiyeon and her family don’t know the truth about this quiet, handsome stranger who stumbled into their restaurant. Regardless, it’s clear that he needs them. And the longer he stays, the more Eunjae realizes that he might just be willing to trade the adoration of millions for home, family, and even one chance at true love. But his powerful entertainment agency will never let him go without a fight, and Apollo’s fate hangs in the balance along with his own. If Eunjae hopes to win, he must stand his ground and fight back — not only for himself, but for the brothers who have loved and supported him all this time.
Brimming with warmth, waffles, and too many brothers, This Place is Magic will resonate with any reader searching for a comforting escape. Debut author Irene Te delivers a cozy contemporary read interwoven with found family and gentle romance. Step through that orange door for a heartfelt, hilarious, and irrepressibly hopeful journey of self-discovery, perfect for fans of Axie Oh and Jenny Han.
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chaoticpersontale · 11 months
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Kdrama: Doona!
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cherryeol04 · 11 months
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➻ Pairings: Jisung x Reader
➻ Genre: slight!angst, romance
➻ Additional: comfort, hurt/comfort? (not sure if this qualifies)
➻ Word Count: 1K
➻ Warnings: implied mental health struggles
➻ Author’s notes: This story is cross posted on multiple sites under the same username!
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You wanted nothing more than to just go to your room and hide from the world. Work had been crazy and you were so emotionally spent trying to have good customer service that you couldn’t honestly fake a smile much less give a rats ass about things happening at home. And on top of that, you were missing your boyfriend, who was out of town on a business trip. 
So when you walked in and saw the kitchen a mess, the floors still dirty and no dinner cooking, you wanted to scream. Bless your mother, you loved her dearly but you hated the fact that she was working from home and still couldn’t keep up with housework while you went out everyday and worked in an office.
Granted, working from home was still a job, but it was only part time and she started in the afternoon. She had plenty of time to do some light cleaning and get the crockpot started for dinner before going to work. But she didn’t. She never did and normally it would only mildly irk you but today it just put you in a spiral. The tears were already welling up as you dragged your feet down the dark hallway to the back room, your lamp light shining underneath the door because you once more forgot to turn it off in your haste to leave the house that morning. 
Opening the door, your head tipped down to watch as you dropped your bag next to your desk before kicking off your shoes, feet screaming in relief. Shuffling into the room, you pushed the door closed before lifting your head, eyes widening as you froze in place. Sitting on your bed was your boyfriend, Jisung, lounging back with the tv remote in one hand, the other behind his head, looking so at home. Which was strange because you purposefully kept him from visiting your house due to its state. You were embarrassed by it and didn’t want him to come over and think that you and your family were slobs. 
Well you and your mom weren’t. The idiot that lived with you was and he refused to clean up after himself, despite being the one that caused the most mess. And of course the constant mess was hard for your mother to deal with mentally and you were pretty sure she was in a depressive sort of state and you sure as hell didn’t want to clean when you got home from work. Even though you usually did because no one else was gonna do it. But juggling work life and this life was just as taxing and on some days you just said “fuck it” and let it be. And now here he was, in your house - in your bed, as if he lived there. 
God, you could only imagine what he must have thought about you and the house. Horrible things. You wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up breaking up with you over this. That thought alone was enough to have you sobbing. 
It was stupid to think he hadn’t seen you. Your room wasn’t all that big and the door made ample enough noise to alert anyone that someone had entered. But somehow your brain was trying to convince you that you still had a chance to leave up until that point and now it was ruined. “Baby, come here.” Through your tears you could see Jisung sitting up straight, arms outstretched towards you. Your feet moved on their own and in a few short steps you crossed the room to your bed and climbed on. You made yourself comfortable in Jisung’s lap as he wrapped his arms around you tightly. Your sense were flooded with the musky scent that was your boyfriend, so potent that you wouldn’t be surprised if he had just recently sprayed himself with his cologne. 
It was warm and comforting and after nearly a month apart, you were so glad to be back in his arms, but not at this cost. Not with him coming to your place like this. Any times prior he had simply dropped something off or had come to pick you up for a date. You never had invited him and now here he was, exposed to your shame. You felt so horrible - so disgusting and worthless. 
“Y/n,” he called gently, fingers running through your hair. You refused to look at him, shaking your head as your buried your face further into his chest. He chuckled and leaned back against the headboard. “Love, please stop crying. You’re gonna make me cry.” He whispered. “And then we’ll both be a crying mess and I don’t even know why we’re crying!” You giggled at his exasperation, but the momentary giddiness was short lived. Eventually you pulled back, sniffling as you stared at him with your red rimmed eyes. 
“Baby.” He whispered once more, thumbs wiping your tears away gently as he cupped your cheeks. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I didn’t want you to see this place.” You struggled to get out, choking back on your sobs. “I’m so ashamed.”
The confusion was evident in his eyes, but you didn’t have the capacity to explain. Because if you explained it made the situation even more real and you weren’t sure you could take anymore stress and sadness than what you were already feeling. “What are you ashamed of? Your house is lovely.”
You shook your head vehemently. “It’s not! It’s gross and disgusting and I’m disgusting and-“ You actually did choke this time, coughing harshly. “I never wanted you to see this.”
You expected Jisung to mock you or even lie to your face more. Something other than pulling you back into his arms and rocking you gently. “There is nothing to be ashamed of.” He assured you. You tried to protest and tell him that he was wrong, but he shushed you. “Nothing.” He reiterated, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I love you for you. Not how your house looks. Besides, we can clean together. It’ll be a great bonding experience.” He joked, trying to lighten the situation and it worked. You smiled and nodded, clutching at the front of his shirt. 
“You promise?”
You were silent for a moment, thinking his words over carefully before finally replying. 
“I love you too.”
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Tags: @sauceracha @jisungsjheekies @luminouskalopsia @hanjisungismybaby @imbonibi @jiwlys @leafsmindpalace @army-of-carats @peachmilkcloud @letterstoskz @lauraneuuh @babyskz @stay-here-dont-stray @meen1ez @slinekyu @feedthefandoms995 @schokoshaker @rejemi @ahhhhhhhhhghh @thsrndkd @halotopicecream @skzmonster @jumunnaa @serendipityryn @yayaistime @bxddiebang @sachifukyo @eastleighsblog @hydrawaterdragon @cyberpunksunwoo @3rachasninja @haileybugulug
( If you want to join the list, you can find the info here! Also I’m sorry for those listed in the tags but not getting tagged. For some reason tumblr can’t find your blog to tag. I’m hoping it figures it out soon like it did for others.)
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memorymonster · 8 months
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The Milky Way
<< TXT || Are you embarrassed of us >>
Status: Coming Soon
College!Yeonjun x College!Reader
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A/N: And now that we've met everyone the story will start shortly
Taglist: @taeraekisser @jaehyunsprincesspeach @kirooz
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kwanisms · 2 years
*having a perfectly normal conversation about serial killers at dinner with my mother and brother*
me: was it gein or gacy that put the bodies in the wall??
my brother: I don't think it was gein...
my mother, to the tune of bodies by drowning pool: PUT THE BODIES IN THE WALL, PUT THE BODIES IN THE WALL
my brother and i:
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findroleplay · 2 years
hi everyone! i'm 21+, looking for some fandomless rps where we can use kpop faceclaims. m/m, f/f, m/f, and slice of life is ideal. hoping to find another writer that's equally invested in fleshing out muses through writing together! if you like this, i'll message you? i prefer discord for rps btw!
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