#krbk being dads
olldolldraws · 18 days
there’s just something about krbk parenting
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Bonus (ft. godfather/uncle deku and shouto):
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taterztots · 2 years
📣📣📣 speak!
Oh! Oh! Oh! (be warned, you asked for this) Actual content warning tho. Trans!Bakugo. Sex talk, but like professionally. Characters are adults, pro heroes. Also, I know I said I wanted to yell about KrBk babies, but it's more like the lore behind it. You get me? Ok, so KrBk babies right? I've always loved the idea of quirk babies. But like how? Does an infant baby just materialize out of thin air? A toddler? Does a tiny human just goes “pop! I'm here now” or what?! And like, how is it always a combination of them two? How do they know, genetically? And like I know, 'Taterz it’s fiction it can be whatever you want it to be'. I know! But my brain says it has to make sense, somehow. Because one gets really hard, and the other one explodes shits with his sweaty hands, but god forbid magic babies exist. So anyway, I have a scenario that works for my brain that are not magically conjured babies. ----------------------- A quirk.. but not like that. This works best if you’re ok with one of them being pregnant (I was specifically thinking TransMasc Bakugo, but A/B/O Omega Bakugo works too). ----------------------- I was thinking the quirk user is a doctor, a fertility doctor. Their quirk accelerates and enhances the fertility process. If the patient has had unprotected sex in the past 18 hours from when the quirk is activated, there's a 95% chance the patient will become pregnant, even with birth control. But of course, this only works in patients with a uterus. Enter Bakugo Katsuki, who is not publicly out, and Kirishima Eijiro, his partner who apparently has very strong swimmers. And the idiots just happened to do the deed THAT morning. The doctor doesn't know any of this, of course, so maybe during a villain encounter the doctor is present and trying to get away, they push at Dynamight in haste, full palm to his lower abdomen, which is coincidentally all it takes for the quirk to take effect. But it's no big deal because Bakugo holds himself in a way it would suggest he can't carry children, and no one is the wiser, so they don't think about it. That is until the hero is going down on his knees with horrible cramps, dizziness, and nausea. All side effects of the quirk. Cellophane is at the scene with him, and he watches his friend go down, seemingly for no reason, so he calls for help while other heroes take care of the villain. Lucky for them, there's a doctor already there, and they know exactly what's wrong with Dynamight. There's no way to reverse the quirk. Of course, there are options for unwanted pregnancies. Once Ejiro is informed of the situation, they discuss all the pros and cons AFTER he consoles a crying, furious and terrified, Katsuki. Pros: They are married and in a good stable relationship since high school. They have talked about having kids in the future. The baby would be biologically theirs.
Cons: Katsuki would be outed, and he would have to step back from hero work. Is he ready for this? Does he want this? The more he thinks about it, the more the answer is clear. He wants it. A little tiny human, a perfect combination of him and Eijiro, and their love. And Gods, Eijiro, he would be so good as a dad, caring and loving. He does, he wants it so bad now. And, is he ready? Probably not, but he has 9 months to prepare. --------------------- fkjsdfljgjkdg I want to write so much more about this, like about what comes next, the pregnancy and all that, but I've already gone on a long enough tangent. If y'all want me to word vomit some more tho just say the word.
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krbkevents · 7 months
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I want to take a moment to clarify on here where everyone will see it, since it was a KRBK Events related question that was sent to my personal Retrospring. Eijiroctober was never officially being hosted here. You can still find the prompts when ready over at @eijiroctober. I only did a week last year because I wasn't certain if it would be ran by the same person over again, unlike KRBK Week which has always just been someone random coming up with prompts & never the same person. You are welcome to tag Eijiroctober works here and I will share.
I just won't be hosting prompts for it. Kiri's birthday was highlighted on the 2024 calendar as it is an important day for us in fandom. This was also addressed in less detail when the calendar was posted in January. All KRBK Events-related questions should be asked to the event Retrospring. Not my personal account. https://retrospring.net/@KrbkEvents.
Lastly, I have been asked multiple times how I ended up running this or who put me in charge and the answer is always the same. I just did it. Anyone is welcome to create an event account. Anyone is welcome to host events. I love participating in other people's events (it's less work for me 😅). I've also offered to host events here for people if they don't want to create an account. You just have to send a DM. Hopefully this prevents further questions on the matter.
Reminder, KRBK Week is in 50 days. Signups for the exchange open in 11 days. Dads Week starts June 10th. And prompts for KRBK Month will be posted in April.
- Hyuge
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eijiroukiriot · 2 years
grown up, married, creaky old krbk has been the krbk flavor of the month so here’s another comic translation! this one i’ve read so many times that i genuinely can’t believe i haven’t posted it before! the funnily-long title of this comic is “the ‘wouldn’t it be nice if adult krbk can’t say cheesy lines to each other anymore’ manga” 
Daughter: Paaaaapa! Do you love me? 
Eijirou: Of course I love you, my little princess
Katsuki (internal): Ohhhh...?! You’ve never said anything like that to me?? When the hell did you start rattling off such cheesy lines? 
-that night-
K: ...oi
E: Yeah? 
K: Say that thing from earlier. 
E: Huh? Earlier?  
K: That thing you said to her. 
E: Eh? ? What’d I say? 
K (imagine like a heavy sigh here): You know. ....That you....love...me. 
E: ! (surrounded by hearts) Ohhhh, my god, wooooow! You’re jealous of our daughter? You don’t have to worry about that, you know that’s different! 
K: I know that!!!
E: Okay.
K: !
E: I. really, lo- loooooo..... ........
K: ? You said it earlier
E: I told you, that’s different! 
K (internal): ...this isn’t too bad either
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albino-pony · 2 years
Do you have any bnha headcanons? I'd love to hear them
Honestly, most of my headcanons are thrown into EiYM BUT-
•Kaminari, despite being smart, gets bad grades because he can't focus during the tests and maybe he doesn't read the questions correctly (dyslexia anyone?)
•Yaomomo prefers to wear her hair down, but since it gets everywhere, ponytail it is
•Ashido loves dancing but hates singing (she can tho)
•Ashido is being raised by a single dad
•Sero was adopted and is the only child in the whole family (the only nephew, the only grandchild, the only everything, you name it kfjdnxksnd)
•Todoroki is autistic (didn't think of this HC before but upon rereading some scenes in EiYM I realized I accidentally have written him as such so yeah 🤣)
•KrBk either get together in the middle of 1st year or as they're about to graduate, there is no in-between, they're idiots
Can't think of more atm jdjdkxksnxkdbx
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Bakugo being close with Mitsuki
(3rd year- krbk are 18!)
Baku: *closes door behind him* oh my fucking god.
Mitsuki: hey brat, how was your date? You get a kiss?
Baku: it was amazing and I got more than a kiss!
Mitsuki: on a third date? Spicy.
Baku: I know right?
Mitsuki: so? What happened?
Baku: well after dinner we ended up making out in his car! Then he drove me home but we are going on a forth date soon..
Mitsuki: car makeout? That's sexy.
Baku: it was so fucking hot! He's so fucking hot!!
Mitsuki: mm I bet. When am I gonna meet this Eijiro?
Baku: Mooooooom
Mitsuki: c'mon Katsuki, I wanna see the hunk you're gonna lose your v-card to! I bet he's huge!
Baku: yeah he's 6'4"-
Mitsuki: I didn't mean height, dear
Baku: *blushes* Mom!
Mitsuki: *sips wine* what?
Baku: you've got wine? Gimme.
Mitsuki: no, you're not old enough
Baku: what? You never drunk at my age? The woman who lost her virginity at 17 to a stranger?
Mitsuki: fine
Baku: *drinks from bottle*
Mitsuki: I also had sex with Inko Midoriya at that age-
Baku: *spits out wine*
Mitsuki: ew gross!
Mitsuki: ugh you got it everywhere, you better clean that up.. my best wine too.
Baku: Mom!
Mitsuki: what?
Baku: what do you mean you had sex with Deku's Mom?!
Mitsuki: I mean I had sex with her? Didn't take you for a big fucking virgin when you act like a whore!
Baku: oh I'm the whore? I'm not the one who fucked Deku's Mom!
Mitsuki: we were 17!
Baku: does dad know?
Mitsuki: pfft no
Baku: oh my god..
Mitsuki: and he's not gonna find out, got it! Although I could probably convince him about a threesome with her..
Baku: ew that's fucking gross!
Mitsuki: whatever. You going out tonight?
Baku: nah, the girls are gonna come here.
Mitsuki: which ones?
Baku: Momo, Jirou, Ochako and Mina.
Mitsuki: oh I love those four!
Baku: me too
Mitsuki: are Momo and Jirou still-
Baku: yep, girlfriends for 2 years.
Mitsuki: and is Ochako still with Izuku?
Baku: nah they broke up
Mitsuki: what? How?
Baku: well they both realised that being boyfriend and girlfriend didn't really work out. Deku is with Shoto now and Ochako is single.
Mitsuki: aww poor girl..
Baku: Mina has a crush on her!
Mitsuki: really?
Baku: yep! And ochako's pan so she has a chance. I hope it works out cuz they'd be cute together..
Mitsuki: they would..
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denkisauce · 4 years
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hi hi so i like many others have headcanons for next gen kids and i wanted to share my kamishin kid bc i LOVE him and have so many headcanons for him. he's very fleshed out so click that mf keep reading 😤😤🔥✨-> ->
so this all started with my quirk fusion idea — This boy is an instance of quirk singularity combining quirks to a dangerous degree. His quirk is that he can manipulate the electricy in someone else's brain— so essentially “fuck up your brain” The Quirk. this can range short circuiting other people to straight up, on the spot murdering someone with 0 fight at all. Just. Insta-kill. its very dangerous and since it’s sort of impossible for him to train without risk, he is essentially quirkless.
Its hard for him though, to live in this superpowered world where he’s powerless but also secretly incredible powerful? not many people know the truth about his quirk
this is one part anxiety but also a conscious decision on him and his dads’ parts. while prohero kids are out of the spotlight, kamishin is quirkless as far as the public knows, for his own protection bc of the fear that villains would try to take advantage of him/any negative attention he recieve
while all of this definitely gives him angst and issues, it helps that he has two really great and loving dads <3 (and pro hero aunts and uncles 🥺)
he takes after shinsou a lot with the quirk angst. he's feared turning villainous or hurting people and stuff 🥺. but it helps a lot to have a dad who Gets it and bc shinsou understands him he definitely has an easier time with his issues <3
the first time his quirk manifested was luckily on denki and everyone was very confused. like, is denki bceoming so talented he can short circuit without activating his powers? ehh... nope 🙃 the second time it happened was against his kindergarten teacher — he put her in a coma for like three days and thats when things got serious. i know this is effed up but im sorry that's like his whole deal :/ :/
The other more fun stuff!
deku is his favorite uncle :) between the relatability of growing up quirkless and the positive vibes he just loves him. also deku has brainstormed positive ways to use his quirk but its still too risky to try but kamishin appreciates ☺
he's also really close with eri! she's a very cool younger aunt and their quirk manifestation origins are kind of similar in the hurting people department so she's VERY protective of him. if theres anyone he could train with itd be her, but he doesn't want to risk it. and despite deku's encouragement, his quirk is dangerous
personality wise he takes after shinsou more, but not entirely! he’s definitely more energetic and spunky
oh he’s a bitch in the best of ways
he has Kaminaris pick up line tendencies but it fucking WORKS??? yeah he's a bastard and a flirt
childhood friends with the kiribaku kid but lately there’s definitely been something more between them??? sparks are flying 👀👀
being a hero's not really an option for him but he’s cool with that. he has a pretty deep seeded fear of his own power. i have to make a separate Krbk kid post but kiribakus son is also not interested! they kind of bond over it. they both love their dads but think they’re kind of lame lol
His favorite pro hero is dynamite ☺️ like it says in the pic this is one part to piss of his dads and the kiribaku kid lol but also he loves how headstrong bakugou is
has kamis adhd but shinsous smarts
a real science nerd, in a bookish way but also in a lets-experiment-with-getting-electrocuted-way
he's planning on going into quirk research. he's smart and sciency and is obviously very personally invested in learning and contributing to the quirk sciences!
oh he a music boy!! In a band with momojirou kid -- just look at that fucking punk
its hard to see in the pic but he has gold freckles 🥺🥺
i dunno that's all i have for now!! i love him!!
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aspenlk7 · 3 years
Night Explosions (KRBK)
Kiribaku Writing. There will be a part 2 here and I will post it here as soon as I'm done with it. Hope you enjoy this! TW: Self Harm
Bakugo Katsuki, his one and only, was like the sun to him. He’d do anything for the sun to continue shining throughout his life. But what happens if the sun’s light tends to lose that light? Kirishima had never seen Bakugo shed any tears around others or any emotion that wasn’t anything but anger and annoyance. He had seen him happy, even smiling when he’s alone with him. This was the first time he had ever seen him cry. Right in front of him was Bakugo with tears running down his face as he looked at the redhead with a pained expression.
Kirishima was playing a few games on his phone at 2 in the morning. He shouldn’t be up this late and he knows a certain blonde will lecture him tomorrow morning if he ever dozes off in class. He was beginning to feel a bit tired, as he stopped playing and got ready to go to bed until he heard a loud bang coming from the next door. It sounded like Bakugo’s explosions going off in his room but he wasn’t sure if it was that. He decided to head out and go in his dorm to find out what exactly set off that noise. Kirishima went outside of his dorm, wearing his unmatched pajamas and shark slippers, as he goes up to Bakugo’s dorm and knocks twice. “Bakubro, are you okay? I heard a noise. Can I come in?” he asked. He waits for a response but hears nothing but silence. Did he even hear him? A few minutes passed and he had heard nothing from Bakugo. He was getting worried so without even thinking, he went into the room to see Bakugo on his bed, with his arms covered in bruises. “What- what the fuck you doing in here? Leave me alone, shitty hair.” he heard from the male but how could he just leave him there in pain. He slowly approaches him, already seated on the bed as he gently wraps his arms onto him, trying not to place any weight onto Bakugo’s arms so as to not to hurt him. He leaned in closer to his ear and whispered, “It’s alright.. I’m here. You can let it all out and I won’t judge you for it. I promise. What stays in this room will stay here.” As he said this, the blonde hugged back letting his snot and teared covered face on his shoulder. Kirishima had never known that he could cry like the rest of us. He shouldn’t assume that in the first place. Bakugo was human too and that means he is capable of showing every emotion by the book. Even when in tears he couldn’t help but feel his chest ache. He didn’t like seeing him hurt, especially the fact those bruises were caused by him. A couple of moments of hugging, Bakugo eventually pulled away from him. His red eyes wander elsewhere as he takes a few glances at Kirishima. The redhead notices this and places his hands on the blonde’s cheek, cupping it while wiping the tears away from his eyes. “Bakugo, I’m here if you want to talk. Whatever that’s upsetting you, we can go through it slowly. You don’t need to tell me, I’ll just be here. Also, I need to tend to your bruises if it’s alright?” he said, as he reassured him. Bakugo nodded, as he then went to lay down on his bed. Kirishima stood up and headed to the kitchen to get an ice pack from the fridge. They always have an ice pack prepared due to training, and luckily there was one more left. After grabbing an ice pack, he also grabs a water bottle and goes back to Bakugo’s dorm.
He went inside into Bakugo’s room, still in the same position in which he had left him. He sits down beside him and lightly taps his leg. “I’m here now, can you sit up? I’ll just press up this ice pack on the bruises.” He says. “Oh, have a drink!” he hands him the bottle of water and lets him drink. A nice glass or bottle of cold water sure hits right when you’re upset.
Something tells him this is gonna be a long night.
Two pairs of red eyes, staring into each other as the room’s atmosphere grew thick. Both sitting on the edge of the bed, as the tension grew between them. Oh, how Katsuki wanted to cry again and be held by the redhead’s arms. Wait, him in Kirishima’s arms? No fucking way will he let himself do that. If it were someone other than Kirishima, he wouldn't hesitate to throw them out of his room. What was different about him than other people? Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the way he looks at him, the way he was smiling at him, or the fact that he stayed despite being so difficult. He had friends before, but none like Kirishima. Everyone was nothing but an extra to him, someone that he looks down on but when it comes to Kirishima, he had come to terms that he might not be just another extra in his life.
As much as Kirishima worshiped him, he too had been seeing him as someone who was higher, not as a hero but as a person in his life. Kirishima, someone who he was comfortable with. The way he talks to people, creating connections was really something he admired. He was never good at talking and it came off as rude but the redhead made it look so easy, that he at least tried to be closer despite not wanting to have anything to do with them. Days turned to weeks of trying and he had made a few more friends, gaining at least some respect in class while he had fun. It was nice. He really was missing out. Back in middle school, the people he once called friends were only friends with him out of fear or great admiration. It was all he knew. Everything he experienced in U.A was different. Everyone was on his level and he wasn't always going to be the top student in his class. He has to work hard for it more than he ever thought of. Not really a big deal, until a certain green-haired nerd entered, U.A. How others thought of him wasn't really affecting him until after the kidnapping incident.
“How could he ever be a hero when he got captured by those villains?” “Did he cry? I bet he did.” “He ain’t strong enough to be a hero! Just look at him! He got captured by villains because of how weak he is.” “His attitude doesn’t scream out heroic. Like, seriously why is he still here?”
These were the voices that kept echoing through his head. Even if he doesn’t seem affected by it, it hits him hard like a punch to the gut. As much as he wants to convince himself that he was fine, he wasn’t. The nightmares came by every night, with these voices and the whole kidnapping. It was painful, but as days went by the feelings grew numb. He was restless, tired and stressed. Always seemed angry which made the class grow a bit more distant with him, but Kirishima didn’t. He always was there for him even when he was tired and no matter how many times he told him to ‘fuck off’, he didn’t but sometimes if he seriously wants him to fuck off he would respect that and leave. Now, face to face with him. The redhead seeing his ruined face, really damages his pride. What does he think of him now? A weakling, he is. But then, Kirishima had to say those sweet words. Those sweet fucking words, that left him in his arms, crying. He was being this nice, sweet, goofball that he always was in class and he was still treating him like an equal rather than a weakling.
Even after pouring his eyes out, being soft and shit, it felt right. It felt so right to cry into his arms. The warmth that emits from the redhead's arms, the gentle and soft touch of his hands that were rubbing his back and caressing his hair. As much as he hates to admit this, he likes this. No. He fucking loves this. Being comforted, a friend to cry on, and the warm feeling that emitted from both their bodies. Everything. If only time could just stop, he wouldn't have to continue worrying. He wouldn't have to think about anyone's opinion. Just him and Kirishima, cuddling, showing him the affection he never received as a child.
He never admitted this to anyone, but when it comes to family, he never received that much affection. The expectations, a father who wasn't always there for him and a mom who verbally abuses him. All this pride and anger he has was all from his mother. Maybe if his mother didn't compare him to a certain nerd, he wouldn't have told him to take a swan dive off the roof.
It was all too much. He was so glad that he moved into the U.A dorms. He couldn't endure another nagging of how weak he was during the kidnapping incident or the sports festival. He is never good enough for his mom and his dad doesn't do anything but let his mom nag at him. Home wasn't what others thought it would be.
The love, comfort and acceptance wasn't present. If it was then he wouldn't have to be burdened by all the problems he has. He wouldn't have to hide what he feels and act the way he does. Right now, he's getting what he had always secretly wanted to feel. The feeling that made his heart ignite and melt into a mess. It felt foreign to feel such things but it wasn't bad. It was good. He got an ice pack and a bottle of water, brought by the redhead. Grateful, he drinks the whole bottle in a matter of seconds, which proves how parched he was. Done with said bottle, he places it on his nightstand and diverts his gaze anywhere from Kirishima. One more look into his bright red eyes was enough for him to retort back, due to how embarrassed he was of the whole 'hugging' situation. Despite that, he can feel his stare. The stare that was burning through his mind, seeing right past everything he wanted to hide. His hands were shaking, his whole body was just shivering from what Kirishima would say next. But nothing was said. They sat there for what felt like hours beyond end, which made him uncomfortable. Who wouldn't be, when you're being stared at without the other saying a thing. It was pure torture. Agitated by the sound of silence, he decides to break it with the courage he had left.
“What are you lookin’ at?"
“What are you lookin’ at?” he heard the blonde uttered, making him snap out of his own thoughts. He didn’t expect himself to zone out like that in front of him. Kirishima was a bit occupied with his own thoughts, to even notice the atmosphere around him. The silence was nonexistent due to the voices that kept echoing in his head. Those voices were clashing against each other. One side was asking him to talk to him while the other was thinking it was a bad idea and that he should wait for him to speak up. Those voices of his were weighing pros and cons in the situation he’s in but thankfully Bakugo had said something for him to snap out. Upon hearing his words, he smiles nervously, “Oh, sorry! I zoned out a little bit there.. So Bakugo, you okay? No need to tell me and all but I wanted to ask if you were.” he asked, reassuring him that he won’t force him to open up with him, if he didn’t want to. He would like him to open up, due to how concerned he was for him. He was worried, and wanted to know what has been bothering him all this time. It has been some weeks since he’s noticed his behaviour. His demeanor, and attitude have changed slightly. He was sluggish and had caught the blonde almost drifting away in class. His loud and explosive attitude was there but more so whenever he shouts at one of his classmates, he had this tired tone which was faint and barely noticeable. Some teasing where he didn’t even try to fight back and just sit there unresponsive. It was like he was in a world of his own. Kirishima had a lot of good times with Bakugo, despite their personalities clashing against each other. People question how Kirishima was able to be friends with a guy like him. Look, he wasn’t just any guy to him. He admires his quirk, his aspiration and how he strives to become the No. 1 Hero. Not only that, sometimes he can find his personality unique. His personality isn’t ideal but he makes up for his intelligence, confident, talented, and honest friend. He is really great despite how rude and harsh he is to others, unless you gain his respect. He knows that he means well and he does care despite the “Idgaf” attitude. If they ever speak trash about his bro, he would totally prove them wrong. Kirishima mostly puts others first than himself. As he said to his classmates, if he doesn't act now, forget being a hero, he’s not even a man. With his strong sense of righteousness and chivalry, he fears not being able to do anything. Being a hero is a person who does the job whether he is scared or not. All of them have their strengths and weaknesses, but that doesn’t stop them from doing what’s right. Kirishima strives to become a hero to protect. A hero that can protect the people he can reach. People like the normal citizens that roam throughout the streets, his classmates, and especially his friends. Everyone mattered, especially people who have gone astray from the path of righteousness. He’d help everyone who needs saving, for the reason he doesn’t want anyone to feel helpless in their own situation. He strives to protect. He has always cared about others and nothing will ever change that.
Kirishima now sits on his bed, as he awaits for him to speak up once again. Letting his eyes stare deeply into those bright red orbs of his, which shined just like stars. He hopes that his friend, his manly bro, will open up to him without feeling he had to by force.
Bakugo wanted to tell him but he couldn’t get the right words to come out of his mouth. Tongue tied, and a little distraught he decides that he didn’t want the redhead to think of him as weak. He was embarrassed. Why did he let him see that side of him? He should have kicked him out earlier but he didn’t. He wanted him to stay, letting his own body get wrapped up by him as he spouts out comforting words to him. His sense of pride was slowly coming together giving him the ability to do what he had to. Standing up, he heads towards the door, opening it as he looks back at the redhead once again. "Thank you for the sentiment, but I want you to leave." In a cold tone, he asked Kirishima to leave. Pride intact and a change of heart, he didn’t want to let the redhead know more than he'd let him."Also.. don't go off and tell this to anyone or I'll fucking blow your face off." he threatens.
Bakugo has always pushed away people, especially when he’s at his lowest. The expectations and standards of people and also his views and perception on himself, greatly affects on what others think whenever he is at his lowest. That aggression was all but a mask to shield himself from the hurt he was hiding. He never would let anyone see his weaknesses unless you’re lucky enough to catch him during those times. He never liked being vulnerable, especially in front of him.
Kirishima nodded, as he stood up from the bed and headed his way out. It wasn’t even his business in the first place but he deeply cared for him. He respected the blonde’s decision but as he made his way out, he looked back. His red eyes looking back at him, a small smile plastered on his face as he opens his mouth.
“If you ever need someone to talk to, give me a text and I’ll be at your room in a matter of seconds. Hope you’re okay, there.. Whatever stays in this room is just between me and you, so no need to worry. I'm not a snitch.” he says as he then heads out, uttering a small goodnight before he heads to his room.
The following day, Kirishima couldn’t help but lay down on his bed, wondering if there will be another explosion tonight. Earlier that day, he had been glancing at Bakugo, which didn’t help the blonde’s mind at all. Despite Bakugo noticing this, he lets him as he was too drained to even call him out for it. Bakugo was too drained to even bother what people say or tease at him. He did his best to continue working on his studies and assignments rather than wasting any energy on any extras that bothered him. Just a normal boring day, until at night it happened again. He woke up, with cold sweat dripping down from his forehead. 'Another one', he thought as he looked at the palms of his hands. They were covered in sweat. The smell of burning sugar filled the air as he ignited his quirk ever so slightly on one hand. A loud sharp pop went out causing the blonde to hiss in pain. “Shit...” he cursed quietly, as droplets of blood began to hit the cold, hard floor. It wasn’t that big of a deal. He was used to it despite the sharp burning pain. Other than overworking himself down to the bone, this was his way of relieving himself. Sleep, Eat, Workout and training was mostly everyday to him with a few interactions with his so called ‘friends’ (if he was even considered as a friend).
After that loud pop, little did he know Kirishima was at the other end of the door.
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mae-dwrites · 2 years
No String, No Love
SM AU1-KRBK • Chapter 2
Bakugou had woken up later than he wanted, which really pissed him off, and blamed his mom for letting him sleep in. The old hag just yelled at him to get ready and called him a lazyass. It was only after showering and getting dressed that he saw that his alarm had gone off but was on silent. Fuck.
Bakugou ate some stupid pancakes his dad made with some eggs and bacon, but it was the best thing ever. Not that he’d admit that out loud like had with he was six(made his dad cry he was so happy). When he finished he washed his plate and grumbled thanks to Masaru. He yelled while brushing his teeth as if, if he yelled loud enough the germs would explode.
"SHUT THE HELL UP KATSUKI!" Mitsuki practically screamed from her home office. She'd recently gotten on a roll on her part in the designing process which made Bakugo have to model. The fact they all got paid was really helpful but it was one of the things that Bakugou kept on the list of excuses for his 'over extreme confidence' and 'big ego'. Yeah, his attitude and personality are a part of who he was but he overdoes it to pull off his act.
"Hey, KitKat it's almost ten after!" Masaru hollered from the bottom of the stairs.
Bakugou threw his toothbrush into the sink, racing to his room snatching his backpack and feet pounding the ground on his way to the door.
¨Enjoy School Kitsuki!¨ Hollered Mitsuki, head hanging out of her office.
¨Love you! You got this,¨ exclaimed Masaru.
¨Love you too." Bakugou grumbled just loud for him to hear. Slamming the door, he went running down the sidewalk (almost falling). Smirking he stepped over every crack from memory, slowing to a jog after getting a good enough distance that he could walk the rest of the way without being late.
The sun shined brightly behind him; the occasional tree or two giving him shade; birds chirped, and two people with flight-directed quirks flew by. A breeze flew by him that he wasn't as warm as he was, it being only April; across the street were two kids heading the other way. They had middle schooler attire but didn't look any less than eleven years old, but then again Deku had looked the same way when they had first started middle school.
One boy, with yamazakura pink hair, put his hand in front of the other and started to hum and then tapped his forehead, suddenly the boy in front started to dance; his gray hair gently swaying with him; grabbing the pale pink-haired one by his hands, they twirled around down the sidewalk; the gray-haired boy started to float up and he squeezed the other boys' hand making him start to float. They were graceful in the bright blue sky, "Not too high or we'll get lightheaded and you'll make us fall!" cried out the pink-haired one. The gray-haired boy just rolled his eyes, "For starters, you would pass out, it takes longer for me." He said matter a factly.
"And second?"
Bakugou didn't hear the gray-haired boy's response cause he went around the corner, he didn't want to hear it. He knew by now when people were soulmates, it was their banter, their connection, the complementary powers, the-
His thoughts were interrupted by yelling, "Dude I still can't believe you got in! Like, especially with the neural drawbacks. Was it the fight test thing that got you in?"
"Yeah, well mostly." replied a bright blond to his just as energetic but plain friend. "But for the handwritten test I only got a decent grade on was because of I can memorize facts. Y'know you should have done the test too."
"No, I couldn't I would have failed. I mean I can only control hair," as if to prove his point he made his flat hair float.
"But you can also control other peoples' hair not just your own." The blond tried to argue.
"But it wouldn't help in the fight test, don't you go against machines anyway?" the brown-haired boy countered. He did have a point, at least Katsuki saw his point. It took the bright-haired blonde longer than the sandy-haired one to figure it out. When it finally sunk in he got it, but that didn't mean that the hair manipulating boy didn't have a chance.
"Still you should have, we should be off now, we'll be late." He finally said, this made Bakugou look down at his own phone and he saw that he too would be late having stopped for this long, so we took off running again. Well, that wasn't the truth necessarily. He would be late by the time he wanted to get there, not when the school would mark him. Like, he already acted like an ass to people, don't want the teachers not liking him because he is an ass and late.
He arrived at U.A. twenty minutes before class, a bell was supposed to ring 5 minutes before the day started. But the youngest Bakugou didn't want to spend the 5 minutes before class trying to open his locker, but on one hand, he did have it memorized. Not just the combo but the layout of the school, every possible exit, every safe exit, where to find the right people to talk to about things. He had these things planned, though he still needed to memorize his schedule. He had spent so much time memorizing all those he forgot to memorize when each of his classes were. But it was no biggy, he would know it before the end of the week from walking to them alone.
Opening his locker he tossed his backpack in grabbing his schedule; most of his classes were at one room, which made things easier. He folded the piece of paper and shoved it in his pocket, he then went to one of the school bathrooms. Much to his pleasure, there was no one in it, he went to the mirror and double-checked that his hair was covering his hearing aids. He readjusted the hair just above it so then you didn't see the little gray and blue that seemed to be saying hello. With a sigh, he left the bathroom with his famous 'resting bitch face.'
He finally made it to the big brown door with '1-A' is red, this took up the entire door. But it made sense, they needed the school to be built for the many different types of people could come through. Bakugou took in a breath and set his RBF straight, he wasn't here to make friends. Just learn and be better. He could try finding allies when he started being a true pro hero. He breathed out as he opened the door.
His eyes met with five other pairs in the room, they certainly couldn't be the only ones in this class. There were eight minutes before anyone could be considered late. The first was purplnette in a hair that went to her chin, it went to the back with an undercut. Her earlobes were replaced with extendable aux jacks, one plugged into the computer in front of her and the other twirling around her index finger. The next was a tanned guy with black hair that kinda pointed down reminding Bakugou of a thimble. His elbows were big and round, couldn't tell what they were used for but it was obviously a part of his quirk. Then there was some guy with a fish mixed with a rock-looking head that refused to look at anyone, he had looked at Bakugou when he first came in but was intimidated. There was a flat blond-headed guy, kinda plain, but then there was his tail. Did not expect a guy with simply a tail. Then there was the sparkling blonde. No joke he fucking sparkled. His deep blue eyes staring intently at Bakugou, his gaze making him uncomfortable.
"Welcome ami, how are vous?" his voice going a tad deep and smooth when he said anything in French. Overall he made Bakugou uncomfortable.
"Vas-y, je ne suis pas là pour me faire des amis, alors laisse tomber," Bakugou replied back bitterly.
Screw off, I'm not here to make friends, so leave it.
This made him pout, Bakugou really didn't like saying it, but he also didn't like people. Nor did he want to get close to anyone.
He went to the first desk in front of him and sat at it. He took his phone out and put his feet on his desk. More students trickled in but he didn't pay any mind to them. That was until some plain guy came up to him after a moment upon his own arrival.
"Excuse me but you shouldn't have your shoes on the desk. It's disrespectful to the school and yourself for that matter." The dark-haired dude said.
"Okay well, I don't really care. Also, you're not my superior so I don't have to listen to you." Bakugou retorted. Which he wasn't wrong, but still wasn't in the right. Not that he didn't acknowledge this, but he ignored it.
"How rude," He stated loudly flailing his arm in a chopping motion as a few more people trickled in. Neither of them gave mind to them. "You should respect people regardless of their status compared to you. You and I are equals as classmates here along with everyone who has and will enter."
Bakugou scoffed rolling his eyes, because even still. That was not how the world works. People consistently divide themselves from one another, from status to traditions. And even small things like drinks or hair color. It's stupid, so why argue with all those asses when you can make yourself above it.
"So the school would most definitely appreciate it if you respected their fine institute."
"Okay four eyes," the puff head stood. "This school would appreciate it if they get reliable and strong heroes from their fine institute. They don't actually care, so piss off and leave me alone."
That was when the door opened and he noticed bright red from the corner of his eye. He really wanted to look over but he staring down with 'four eyes' here. 'Four eyes' eyes narrowed when Bakugou sat back down ignoring him once again. He grabbed his phone out as he glanced over at the bright red blob.
His hair was bright like when you got a bloody nose, his skin was slightly tanned but if you were to squint it wasn't as noticeable. His hands were a bit large but not abnormally. Though that wasn't what changed his glance to a stare, it was his eyes. Deep crimson that shined. It took his breath away. So much so he didn't notice him mess with his right hand.
"So are you an asshole to everyone or just got a short fuse?" Gosh, his voice was so nice. Bakugou would never admit that tho, not even to himself.
He decided not to be so bad. He scoffed, "Really depends on the person."
The redhead smiled at him for a moment before gently laughing as he went to a seat not too far from the blond.
"Now will you get your feet off the school desk," continued the plain guy as someone opened the door of the classroom.
"Yeah well now will just shut up and leave me be," Bakugou retorted back. After a squeak from the door, he turned to see what moron had made that noise. It was none other than the smartass himself, Izuku Midoriya.
"Oh, you're the crying guy from the exam," four-eyes said looking at Deku. He put his hand out, "it's a pleasure to be in the same class as the participant that got a perfect score. Absolute genius."
Bakugou was just in utter shock. Deku didn't have a quirk. He never did. Unless...
Unless he was lied to. Deku must have lied to him, it was the only logical explanation. He was weak, always, he couldn't do anything. Or at least that's was the punk made him think. Deku was a lair, an actor, nothing he did had to of been real. He was a fake. Bakugou hated fakes, hated lairs, and he never excepted being made a fool of.
He hadn't noticed the bubbly brunette come in and didn't bother to give their conversation any mind. His mind was on loop. The more the thoughts spun the more he got angry. The more he fumed on it the less he saw he was hurt.
"DEKU! HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET IN HERE, YOU QUIRKLESS BASTARD!" Bakugou shouted as he sprong on the broccoli-haired boy. He gripped onto his collar, his nostrils flared down onto the boy.
Izuku tried to keep calm but how could he? Katsuki was much more upset than his usual, but even when he got mad he was never this kind of aggressive. Izuku could tell it was different, even if Bakugou couldn't see it now Deku did. Deku had watched him his entire life, observed him. And it looked like Bakugou was ready to pound him dead instead of telling him off to.
"K-kachan, um I u-uh.." He stumbled on his words, trying to find the right thing to say to calm him down in the slightest. But even then he couldn't calm him down, especially with his (he hoped) new friends telling him to put down cause "he didn't do anything" and that "it wasn't proper edicate of a student of one of the highest seen schools in the country." That was until a voice came from the floor after the bell rang.
"Will you shut it, it's hard to make up for lost sleep with all your screaming. Not to mention you should be in your seats now." The voice was very tired and a bit deep. But the face of whom it came from wasn't what anyone in the room expected. He was in a yellow sleeping bag, making him kinda look like a caterpillar, with long black hair sticking out and just lying lazily on his face. His face had stumbled across his lower face. He got up and then unzipped the sleeping bag to reveal him to be wearing all black with a gray scarf-looking thing.
"What did I just say? Get to your seats."
The four students went back to their seats, Bakugou going tch on the way. After the class settled down the man finally spoke, silencing any side conversations.
"Hello, welcome class 1-A, I am your homeroom teacher. Shouta Aizawa, and as your homeroom teacher I will be one of the main teachers guiding you so you may learn to be the generation of heroes. So if you have a question, ask it. If it's stupid don't ask it, be quiet, watch, and you may learn a bit quicker than your peers. I don't care, when I need to sleep shut up" he glanced at a few students, Bakugou included. Which he responded with an eye roll. "-let me make up for my sleep loss. For the first order of business, you all need to choose your class rep. in however way you please. Now I'm going back to sleep cause my nap got interrupted, try not to kill each other before I wake up."
And with that, he grabbed his sleeping bag zipped it up, and fell to the floor. For a few moments, the class just stared at their homeroom teacher in shock. This was most definitely not something they thought would happen when they got in. Finally a girl in the back of the class cleared her throat.
"So I believe one, introductions are in order and then we shall pick our class rep. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu."
"I agree with you Miss Yaoyorozu, my name is Tenya Ida."
People started going around the room, some including their quirk, and some not. When it came the bright red head's turn he couldn't help but listen no matter how much he told himself he didn't care.
"Hello, I'm Eijiro Kirishima! My Quirk is 'Hardening.'" He then proudly demonstrated by pounding his fists in front of his chest, 'hardening' as he said he would. But his fists looked a bit like rock if Bakugou was being honest.
Wonder how well his Quirk would do against my explosions...
He then zoned out again not caring about the rest. Not that he cared about shit haired guy. Why would he?
"And you are?"
Bakugou looked up to see a bright blond. The same bright blond from his walk to UA. He was a bit pale with a shining smile, and now not being a street away he could see his black thunderbolt on his hair. His eyes shined with mischief and energy swirling.
"I don't have to tell you," Bakugou said simply
"Everyone has, so it's only fair." said one of them.
"Exactly," the blond looked down at Bakugou with a huff.
"Okay then-"Bakugou stood up"-one, My name is Katsuki Bakugou. Second, I'm going to be the number one hero." Bakugou towered over the guy looking at him before looking over the rest of the class. "Third, there never has been such thing as 'fair'." Silence filled the air. They didn't know how to react, or how to feel about the situation.
Yaoyorozu cleared her throat, "So how about we get to picking our class rep!" She clapped her hands at the end.
Bakugou sat down ignoring the rest of the class. All these guys were dumb and soft, just like Deku. He clenched his jaw at the thought. Cause Deku was smart, he knew that. Deku had always been smart just that he never thought things through as Bakugou believed he should. Deku was small, scrawny, and weak. At least that's what Bakugou believed, no. He still believes that, cause Deku could never amount to anything like he could. Bakugou had a quirk, Deku must have had such an embarrassing quirk that he didn't want anyone to know. That must have been. It had to be.
The plain guy came around with a small box and some paper. Giving Bakugou a slip of paper for him to write his vote on. They call had decided to vote since no one could agree.
Bakugou thought of putting his own name down, but that wouldn't make sense considering the scene he just made just so no one would even try to pay him anymind. So he served the room and thought of three people who could possibly.
One, the plain guy. He was put together and serious. Second, ponytail. She may have been quiet but she wasn't afraid to defuse a situation into another topic. As she proved just moments ago, not to mention other classes might enjoy her company and find her sweet. She would be a better image for the class than he could for sure. And third, he didn't want to admit it. But Deku, some of the people in the class already liked him, and he was smart. His mumbling was annoying as any overly loud groups of people, but at least he wasn't an idiot doing random shit just cause he could. Out of the three he would want Ponytail then the plain glasses guy. He was not voting for the moron, he would get nervous and mumble. Trying to form a sentence or ramble on and on, he did not want to listen to that for fifteen minutes or two. Depending on which the kid ended up feeling.
Finally, he wrote down "Black-haired ponytail girl" folded it up and put it in the box upfront. After the last person put their vote in they shuffled the papers and then started tallying them on the board.
Deku ended up being the class representative with Ponytail as his right-hand man. And just as Bakugou thought, he was a sputtering mess. But finally stopped when Aizawa got up and out of his cocoon.
"Okay now that you all have chosen a class representative in a nonleathal way, I need you all to get into your outside wear." He clicked a button on a remote, the wall in back opened with a number. "Each of you have a number check the sheet on the side. I'll be waiting for you all on the field."
Bakugou and a few others just stayed in their seats waiting so it wasn't so crowded by some. When finally Bakugou went up to look he took note which number was his. Grabbing his outside wear he made his way to the door but he to take the long way to the door cause the extras were in his way. Instead of shoving them out of his way he went down one the isles closer to the windows. If he hadn't this way then he wouldn't have seen his name at the bottom of the list with one tally next to it no less. He didn't see it before because of the podium was in the way. He stopped in the middle of the isle looking at the single tally.
Who would even think to after my actions before?
He had made a show before just so things like this wouldn't be on him. Stupid school stuff, like this bs. He shook his head and stomped out of the room to get his stuff on and get out on the field.
So let's ignore the fact it's been over a year. *sweats* motivation kept slipping from my grasp and would be just out of reach.
I still need to post this on Ao3, I posted it on Wattpad first cause it's what I'm most used to and it transfers easier.
Let's hope I don't take another year.
Also that's exactly 3,600 words. Like whoa.
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 3 years
Wouldn't Give It Up for Anything
Wouldn't Give It Up For Anything by cosmicpawbs
"Is it really wise to let those three run around together unattended?”
“Probably not, but Iida should've thought about that before leaving his kid with us.”
Katsuki and Touya being good dads for 2k words bc I love them and their sons, Your Honor, this is what keeps me going.
Words: 2096, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Kirishima Tatsuya (KRBK Fankid), Todoroki Hayato (DBHKS Fankid), Iida Yuuka (Iida Fankid), Iida Tenya is Mentioned
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks
Additional Tags: bakugou katsuki is a good dad, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Good Dad, Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Touya are Friends, Adult Bakugou Katsuki, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki (Kinda), Pro Hero Kirishima Eijirou, Pro Hero Iida Tenya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Goes to Therapy
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37866940
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olldolldraws · 11 months
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Halloween comic from a few years back with my krbk babies 🧡❤️ Should’ve posted this on Halloween but alas, I am a dumb bitch
Bonus feat. best uncle Deku:
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hanji-is-life · 3 years
🦊ain't nothing wrong with a pregnancy throuple. I stan for domestic father's Kiribaku. Like so hardcore. (I know your fic is a different throuple. Need to read it. But I digress) I really love poly and/or ethical non-monogomy stuff!!!
it’s literally just double the domestic dad love!!! 🥺
omg I was so obsessed with BkDk x reader, and now it’s shifted to KrBk x reader. in conclusion, it’s always gonna be Bakugou 😌
and me too!!! idk why bc I doubt I’d ever be in one irl, but I love the thought of being smothered by two big babies!!!
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crabbng · 4 years
20 for the main cast?
20. What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
OOF let me try and remember the alternate timelines they’ve had
hana - originally it was gonna be like in the krbk kos and the king was gonna be his dad, another idea was for the king to be his brother, but all that was scrapped cause i thought it was boring lol. early on i also had him being actually raised by dragons inside the mountain, but that was scrapped too cause it didnt make sense with how the general population thinks of dragons. there have been multiple different attempts at like.. given him a main character power? if that makes sense? like.. the guy you never expected.. HAD A GREAT POWER WITHIN but it’s just been more interesting to have him be.. just a dude. 
bon - bon was initally normally concieved (lmao) but that was scrapped for a wilder conception, and originally he was less in control during the destruction of that kingdom he burnt up, but i thought it was more interesting to have him wholly in control doing something terrible, and have him deal with the repercussions of that later lmao
also for a while i was bouncing around the idea of him living in a small community and being a farmer. so. that was interesting. 
kii - oof.. i dont know if she really has had any? there is, of course, the what if the maighstir had never gotten her claws into kii, and she just lived out her life where she was. would probably be a lot more well adjusted lmao. but she was always gonna be with the maighstir, the maighstir was created BECAUSE of kiigari. for kii. previously kii had a sort of brother, but he’s not a character of mine so he’s not gonna make a huge appearance (mentioned tho for sure, though not as kii’s bro)
tera - i dont know if any of these three have had a lot of what ifs.. since they were actually created.. years and years ago (in video game.. gw2..) they have already had their sort of.. basic story line and basic personality ironed out. originally tho tera was more sort of a techy person, she was researching magic as it could be incorporated into technology? more inventing than she does now. 
chaar - in game chaar was a guardian, so more magic + physical combat. now she is strictly non-magical. she’s always been sheltered, and a rich kid, and a little bit of a crybaby. the plot line of a broken engagement is new to kos though.
i may have lost the point of this question partway through... let me know if i have not answered satisfactorily enough 
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
bakugou and kirishima both think they’re the cool dad who slips their daughter extra desserts and pretends not to see when she’s playing video games instead of sleeping but the reality is they’re both incredibly doting parents and they have maybe the most spoiled daughter in the world 
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Okay, so taking the BNHA universe into consideration aka the quirks and the scientific advancements and the amount of students literally making it their lives to just create stuff- 
I like to think that once Kiri and Bakugo are ready, they sort of do what an IVF would basically be? Their chromosomes are used, only instead of needing a human, they’re able to develop in this sort of device that is meant to replicate an amniotic(??) sac for them to grow in. And I totally imagine that KRBK constantly stay there, watching the development and talking to the kids so they’ll know who their dads are and when they’re big enough to kick around, they can feel that too. 
I had originally considered someone with a quirk could just help them have a biological kid, but idk I like the idea of them being able to see them develop into babies and stuff. I’m pretty sure science would be far enough ahead to let wlw and mlm couples have biological kids without needing like a surrogate or something.  
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hua-fei-hua · 4 years
WAITWAIT elaborate on your thoughts this ep i wanna scream abt it w someone my friends r ignoring me >:|
and as i was answering this ask i was like “who would be the ox and the horse in our fruits basket au” bc we already have tdmm --> yuchi and krbk --> kyoru and some sweet sweet original background izch where ochako goes to a different school and uhh some other stuff we had planned, and then i was like, “huh. what if kmjr here.”
kaminari the dumb ox and jirou the horse who pretends she doesn’t actually like him but kind of follows him around to keep him safe anyway. i mean i know this isn’t rlly what happens w/haru n rin in fruits basket from what i can tell but this is an au we can take some liberties o^o
ofc there’s also potential in the idea that kaminari just kind of follows todoroki around trying to be his friend and todoroki just kinda. shuffles away for a while. but then bc friendship is magic and kaminari is trying, he gets whoever’s gonna be shigure here to take him in. 
i also saw some memes abt how tohru loves her mom but doesn’t really care for her dad and now that this ep is out w/grandpa dying i can’t help but to wonder what happened there
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