#kris clarity
miragespots · 2 years
i miss my old bedroom.
i mean, yeah, i’m sure i had sentimental stuff in there, but i don’t remember most of it… but i remember my posters. i had every inch of my walls covered in posters. some of them were for the league, or my dad’s gym, but most of them were my prized collection of SIGNED (yes, SIGNED) kris clarity posters.
we never met. i got lucky in the fanclub and spent my prize money on memorabilia. but i would have killed to meet kris clarity. it was one of my biggest motivations to be a trainer in the first place.
kris clarity was my hero. when no one would talk to me, or i was scared to leave my house, or i couldn’t get out of bed, kris was always there. and yeah, i knew it was just posters. but kris clarity made me feel seen in the right way, when the whole world was staring at me and hoping i’d shatter in front of them like a mirrorball. kris clarity knew what it was like to have the world root against you, and kris clarity knew what it was like to win against all odds anyway.
come to think of it… the kris clarity from my posters went missing only a few months before i did. i don’t know if they ever showed up again. i hope it was just a secret mission or something, like the ones this kris goes on all the time. i hope they’re okay, for the sake of the world.
the world needs kris clarity, whether they’ll admit it or not.
the world always needs a hero.
i wanted to be that hero. i wanted to somehow make them proud. but we can’t all be kris clarity. we can’t all make our heroes proud. i don’t know if i’ll ever be okay with that. but i’m trying. i think they’d want me to try.
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goomyloid · 24 days
Hey deltaruners and krisellers alike erm i wrote something else the other day and meant to draw something to promote it (a la chicken scratch) but ran outta time and i wont be able to for a week or so. So you can just read it now if you so desire
enjoy 👍🍎❄️
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fiveminuterice · 1 year
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holy vassal
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Wearin’ jorts so I can say ye suck me good an’ hard through ‘em.
shoulda muzzled ya fer realsies. shoulda neva' let ya tawk again.
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leiiilaaaa · 2 months
3rd house placements and your voice!
hii, i wanted to do more of a light & fun themed post that goes over the kind of voice you have, the type of communicator you are, and other things as well according to your 3rd house placements. if you do not have any placements in your third, check out the house ruler and apply it accordingly, ex; my third house is ruled by pisces, apply the neptune features to it!
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sun in 3rd house - talk about thinking out-loud!! sun in 3rd people are such great communicators, they get things across loud and clear. never ones to hold back, natural conversationalists, and you have a voice that often sounds younger. when you talk it's heartfelt and you feel that half-assings in conversations is just not you! sometimes, your age is mistaken due to your lengths of knowledge and the ability to express your inner child through your interests. you use your hands often when you speak! often have such a memorable voice and this placement is a strong indicator of being a music artist too; justin beiber, jay z, drake, britney spears, all very household names and all are always getting their voice impersonated by other people interestingly enough!! there's versatility that spews through these people, not hard at all for them to improvise, standup, debate, etc. can be gossipy though and involved in dramas very easily because of this.
moon in 3rd house - mental clarity goes crazy here. your emotions give you all the drive you need- creatively and you don't hold back on that. they intellectualize their emotions and can formulate feelings into words very well. the kind of voice they have is much softer, eloquent, and comforting. they're the kind of people that send you a voicemail and you listen to it over and over again because it's endearing. "say it with your chest," type of people, as the moon is mostly fixated in the chest-stomach region. they have a good discernment of their environment, walking analysts, know when to intervene, etc. celebrities with moon in 3rd; jennifer aniston, megan markle, margot robbie, etc.
mercury in 3rd house - very fast-paced talkers, versatile in the way they communicate. also uses their hands while they speak, has a witty and sarcastic tint to them when they speak. often very humorous people and naturally highly innovative. for these people ideas flow into them at fast rates, often giving them plenty of projects to work on. placement of high intelligence, and great at mirroring. "excuse me, may i interrupt," types of people. love adding on to others and i notice with 3rd house mercuries as they get older, they do become a lot quieter and keep ideas to themselves. celebrities with this include; jim carey, nikola tesla, stephen hawking, etc. (like i said super wise and funny thats a dub for sure)
venus in 3rd house - first thing that comes to mind is glamorous voice. often times they talk about their love-lives (yes they always have the craziest stories about others or themselves in love). just like the sun, these people have a notable voice too. one that can even get them famous. often these people have strong followings, or crowds that really like listening to them. highly influential and lowkey some party heads. might have some commitment troubles, but other than that they have good projecting voices- soothing, and has good posture too. celebs with this; cristiano ronaldo, taylor swift, kris jenner, etc.
mars in 3rd house - i like to say they have some of the most electric voices ever. seriously. they know exactly how to spice up conversations and they move a lot when they talk. they inspire others to take course of action, usually very good individuals at gaining crowds as well, but what differentiates venusian people and mars people- is the attitude. mars gain people's attention through their eccentric-ness. other people find mars in 3rd house bundles of expression, always on the go and actually very good manifestos. usually has raspiness and deepness to their voices because they tend to shout a lot. celebs with this; miley cyrus, harry styles, katy perry, etc.
jupiter in 3rd house - these people have a love for languages. usually very diverse linguistically, and always the guy that knows a guy. very good at developing acquaintances in their environment. usually has more high-pitched voices, slow and even sensual, but clear. they like knowing a bit of everything while they can. sometimes, these people can attract things out of thin air, and receive many comments on their voice or abilities to make their life experiences sound a lot less gruesome than it really is. kind of in their own little world and has open demeanor. often times you see these people unexpectedly associating with others that "make no sense" for them or in environments that "make no sense for them". side note: the biggest struggle these people will face is people trying to mold them to be somebody they're not. they love to expand wherever they can. celebrities with jupiter in 3rd; lana del rey, lionel messi, jim carey, and gordon ramsey.
saturn in 3rd house - mean big business ok!! let me tell you, these people are amazing at using their environments for their endeavors. they're very humble speakers, reserved and kind of talk when asked to. they are great at explaining principles of underlying things, usually seems older than what they really are. they stick to one thing at a time, and they are actually easy to read while talking to them. their body language is more telling than their words sometimes. watch a saturn in 3rd house's jaw clench when they are stressed, or crack their knuckles while thinking heavily. celebrities with this placement; steve jobs, kylie jenner, bjork, zoe kravitz, etc.
uranus in 3rd house - "you can't outdo the doer," is what i get from this placement. highly intellectual people, makes significant shifts into the world. when they speak, they're actually very good at impressions, get told they don't look like how they sound, or will attract many "haters" because they challenge status quo mentality. they will never stand down when communicating their deepest interests. they seem quirky & nerdy, however highly reliable and feels a strong sense of "these people need me." as they become older, they are more cherished, while they are younger they might seem air headed. their voices are so unique to them, that you cannot easily be reminded of them by others. they are completely in their own lanes. one of a kinds. celebrities with this placement; albert einstein, elon musk, celine dion, michael jordan, etc.
neptune in 3rd house - has a deep understanding of the environment they're in. they are very quiet and timid. these people really like to connect to people based off their souls and not their physical forms. and when they speak, they have a genuine tone and strive for genuine connection. sometimes, these people think many people they cross paths with are meant to make them feel good, feel bad, question, etc. highly accepting and others can admire this person too. seems ditzy, but on the inside is a whirlpool of feeling and emotions they sense. sometimes they can get abnormal praise, simply for the way they express themselves. i notice with these people they love to make facial movements when speaking, like very dramatically sometimes. you can always tell when these people are nervous too, watch how many times they shake their feet to soothe themselves. always seems very introspective wherever they go. celebrities with this placement; al pacino, leonardo dicaprio, beyonce, kendrick lamar, etc.
pluto in 3rd house - bringing pluto into this mix, wherever they go they love to change what they can in their environments. they want to change things for the better, and usually really find interest in talking about things that isn't so typical in conversation. they are very serious people when in discussion. they hate to say a lot without leaving impact. these people will sound much older and have a profound tone. often they bring the collective darkness to a collective lightness. i notice they love using metaphors, talking in 3rd person, and dropping their egos a lot in conversations. makes undeniable changes to societal norms or social structures. these are life changers and add some humanitarianism to everyday encounters, really love dropping a lot of their own lore too! celebrities with this; angelina jolie, martin luther king, adam levine, kylian mbappe.
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thank you so much for skimming through this i appreciate it as always, let me know if you relate, disagree etc. super interesting in seeing what you think, let me know if u want me to do more like these <3
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givemegifs · 1 year
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taralen · 3 months
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In pursuit of bandaging old wounds, we may lose ourselves in another SOUL and become a monster that ignores the desperate pleas of our own SOUL'S CORE, the one that truly needs love and healing.
[[Semi-Vent Art]]
I was dealing with too many emotions while sketching this one out and had to nap before returning to it.
Spamton always has this need to become something more, something BIGGER... But in the process, he loses himself each time and gradually distorts into something superficial to what he once was. It's easy for him to ignore his core wounds because he deludes himself into thinking that as long as he keeps getting "bigger," he doesn't ever have to face his insecurities.
Spamton obsesses over Kris and the PLAYER SOUL, but while one helps him achieve clarity by forcing him to face his core wounds, the other makes him lose himself to insanity since it indulges his thirst for power, leading him to "die on that hill" and never come to terms with himself.
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mararabbit · 11 months
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Kris :)
I'm not great at coloring at all yet but I'm trying.
Edit because sudden clarity of what im doing wrong I think: I am FAR too lazy with the highlights and im way too unorganized. :0
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madrabit · 2 months
Hi! ❤️ I'm here for FanFic Ask Game: F, G and X please :3
Heho 🩷✨️
Thank you for the ask, I had to really dig deep with this one 😂
If anyone else wants to ask me something about my fics, feel free to look at this list!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ohhhhh, that is a tough question, I tend to like the dialogue I write, but it's not always my main focus, and I'm also not necessarily the funniest person, so... also, I couldn't decide, so you can have a sad dialogue, sth spicey and maybe an honourable mention or sth😂
for clarity, I've taken out a few parts of non dialogue for readability. If you want to read the whole thing, feel free to click the links!
"I'm sorry I didn't come with you", he continued when the other two didn't say anything, "I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have said no."
So first, I have this snippet of You're the only one who can:
"I'm sorry for not being able to be honest", he pressed out, getting closer to the bed.
"For not being brave enough..."
"I didn't want this...", he said, his knees finally hitting the mattress, "I didn't want to make you feel like this..."
"I love you, both of you. So much. I didn't want to make you feel like I don't want you, don't need you, because I do. I need you so much that it scares me..."
"I don't want to have to hide you anymore", Jan said lowly, pressing their foreheads together.
This might be more of a monologue since it's mostly Bojan talking, but I honestly really like this, as well as Jan's reply. I liked writing it. It made me tear up, and I think it's showing a lot of the emotional chaos Bojan is going through in that fic and how much he still loves his boyfriends and how much he needs to show them, even though he doesn't wanna go public yet. It's cute and idk, I don't really like going on about my writing that much 😂😂
The other snip of dialogue I have is from chapter two of At your beck and call (I wanna ride):
"Isn't he perfect like that, Janči? Such a good boy for us", Nace says lowly.
"Yeah, he is", Jan presses out through his teeth.
"You know what would make him even more perfect? How he would look even better?" "He'd be even hotter dripping with both our come, fucked out, sloppy and wet, a good little boy, just for us."
It's the first fic North and I collabed on and it's still one of my favs. This is pure filth and Nace "Mr. Cum Kink" Jordan is running his mouth to get what he wants. Idk what possessed me here, but it felt right having Nace dirty talk like that, cause I think he'd be good at it ngl
Now to some honourable mentions 😂
I really like most of the dialogue I wrote in Intertwined.
Especially the little dialogue in the second chapter between Jan and Kris, where Jan was in front of the door waiting for Kris to buzz open the door for him because he didn't want to get out his key.
Or in chapter four (the big sad as I like to call it) when Bojan met Nace who was on a walk with Oli and they had their little back and forth about whether or not the band would've just taken any bassist as long as they got a dog that then shifted into Bojan talking about Igor being a good kitty.
I also have some dialogue from fics that are not yet published or where the next chapter isn't up yet, so if you want to know more about those, feel free to ask me 😊
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
I wish I could just write my scenes out of order, that would make my process much easier and probably faster, but since I'm constantly coming up with things on the go and don't really like having to decide early what I still have to write, I don't really like doing things out of order. This sadly leads me to sometimes being stuck tho, so that's why writing always takes a while for me.
What I do, however, is going back and putting in more details. While I need to write things from start to finish, I love editing and love putting in little touches. I really hate having a blank page, so I hate having to come up with the first sentence of a fic or the beginning. I stall and don't know what to do, so I'm feeling unsure and awkward. The same thing applies if I have a blank page in front of me. That's why I sometimes pre write my dialogue in one go for a scene, just so I have words I can jump between and don't have the dread of the great nothing holding me back.
Also because sometimes dialogue comes easier to me, so I like writing it down and coming up with replies on the go is much easier than anything else.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Oh god... eh... I don't like making my blorbos suffer, I don't enjoy them being sad and I'm not a fan of unnecessary hurt... with what I'm writing in Intertwined, you might be convinced otherwise tho and somtimes I'm not too entirely convinced myself, ngl. But if by suffering, we mean crying, I do absolutely enjoy having Bojan cry (but mostly in a begging, shaking, sobbing way, less the actual real tears because he's sad), so yeah 😂😂😂
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Personally I feel Kristoph just regrets having killed Zak so suddenly on an impulse. Reminder that the locks appeared when asked why he killed Zak specifically. He hated him for turning him down and probably never saw himself capable of murder. Once he killed him he probably felt glad he got revenge and didn't get exposed, but then had that sudden clarity of "oh shit, I actually killed someone", which combined with his paranoia, stressed him out immensely. He tragically traumatized himself.
Zak's murder has always screamed unplanned, desperate "crime of passion" to me, given how dramatically different to the other murder we know Kristoph committed (and set in motion 7 years earlier). Criminology-wise, it's already very unusual for a criminal to change their modus operandi so dramatically without a good reason. And it becomes immediately more striking when we look at the weapons: blunt object in Zak's case vs. poison for the Mishams'.
Poison has long held the stereotype of being a "woman's weapon" rather than a man's. Which yeah, it is a pretty unnecessarily gendered and heteronormative way to look at it. But like what the stereotype is actually saying by this is that poison--regardless of the gender(s) of the person using it--is almost always the method preferred by people who would prefer not to use psychical forms of violence even once they have determined that they "need" to enact violent ends.
These sorts of killers may lack the physical strength or athletic skill to wield a gun/sword/bat/spear,/blunt instrument, they may not be able to summon the adequate aggression to do so, they may want to avoid a bigger "mess" w/ more pieces of evidence, or they may just lack the "sadistic urge" to directly use their hands to enact another's pain. All of the above seem that they could apply to Kristoph given what we know of him.
Even though he has determined that he's going to go through with the murder plot, Kristoph vastly prefers a more detached, less messy, and (in his mind) quicker and less cruel method. Because his heart may not really be in it in the long run. Like do you really think he'd want to get actual blood on his pretty little nails if he didn't have to? He's not killing for the fun of it like some of the other AA killers; he's killing because he's convinced himself he has to.
(Unlike a lot of other fans, I tend to hc that Zak and Drew were actually the *only* deaths that Kristoph was responsible for. Because I maintain that that there was something much more specific and important about the Gramarye case to Kris than simply "wah, I was fired from my first big case and now I'm gonna be petty af about it." No like, this case in particular--besides just "an important case that could make my career"-- was personal to Kris for reasons we may never know).
Even though he knew that this could very well come back to bite him in the derriere, Kristoph was probably secretly relieved that the poison didn't work right away for the Mishams--or that if it had worked, he wouldn't have to find out about it. Out of sight, out of mind and he wouldn't have to face his conscience. And in the worst case scenario, the murder plan was still in place should Kristoph need to enact it later. (Which he did by writing to Drew *during* (and not before) Kristoph's incarceration following Zak's murder.)
So with all that in mind, Kristoph's murder of Zak just seems more and more of a desperate, impulsive act. It's not his style at all, and yet he did it. He saw Zak, realized he was at risk, and panicked.
And yeah, I would imagine that even if we assume he had no regrets/second thoughts about Drew Misham's murder, Zak's murder would psychologically feel really really different to Kris. And I imagine that it could potentially prove even more psychologically damaging to him.
Because braining "Shadi Smith" with a grape juice bottle is an act that is sudden, violent, impulsive and totally out-of-character for Kristoph Gavin--coolest defense in the West ,whose intellect is his weapon of choice and who prefers to keep his pretty nails (if not his soul) clean.
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NGL it feels a little bit weird how in Aethercrest you have Showman be "nicer" than Bossman when in canon Jevil wanted to kill the entire Fun Gang for no other reason than him finding it funny as opposed to Spamton solely wanting to kill Kris so he can take their SOUL and be free and/or stop them from interfering with his plans. Like, I get it's supposed to be an inverse of canon King and Queen's situations and that they're both equally terrible people regardless, but at least one of those actions has slightly more understandable reasoning behind it than the other.
it feels a little bit weird how in Aethercrest you have Showman be "nicer" than Bossman.
You're thinking of the old version of AETHERCREST, which is 100% not the case here anymore. The rebooted Showman, at this point, is even more dangerous and a straight up villain (due to a changed situation of course) than the pre-boot one since, as stated before, I wanted to explore what would happen if the secret bosses (while retaining their insanity) were the leader of their respective Dark World (in this particular universe, it goes by "Dreamscape") and how much despair and they would potentially cause around the world.
In short, the AETHERCREST main bosses are almost irredeemably terrible and unstable people thanks to the damned Nightmare Crystal. The secret bosses are arguably like the Dreamscape clarity moments or in another word, "calm before the storm".
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ffxivaltaholic · 13 days
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Prompt #8: (You Pick!) Prickle
"Ouch..." He tensed as another cactus spine was pulled from his hand, holding still as best one could in such a predicament, and visibly pouting. Normally the Gleaner was quite careful when working with hazardous flora and fauna, in fact Seedkins and dangerous flora were actually his specialty... The pout was met with a raised brow, the other man's expression focused behind his glasses. "Almost done, one more prickle." He cooed softly, returning his orchid eyes to the task at hand. "I'm surprised, you seemed to be avoiding them with ease earlier, are you tired? Perhaps the sun is getting to you? We could take a break and finish later." Kristoffer continued on as he worked to remove the last cactus spine, turning to collect a salve from his kit. It certainly was a boon to have a botanist and healer alongside on this journey. 'I was distracted watching your beautiful face brighten at the different flowers...'
Diarmune wanted to say the words, to praise his partner and dote upon him, but in the moment it would not be very romantic sitting there with a pitiful expression at being bested by a cactus, and so he merely shrugged, adding little to no clarity to his answer. The response got a small huff of annoyance from the auburn-haired Botanist as Kristoffer went about healing the small cuts on Dia's hand. "Well try to be more careful! If you were on your own this would have been a very unpleasant time. That was seven needles..." The scolding was expected and Diarmune's silvery-white ears would flick back against his head as he tried not to laugh softly while being given a slight berating for his carelessness. Something about Kris fussing over him was so endearing and adorable. "But... I haven't found the weird little guy... Some kind of Sabotender I've never seen before..." The Gleaner complained with a heavy Thavnarian accent, looking at his bandaged hand with slight annoyance. Stupid cactus. Bringing his gaze back up to the other Viera, they exchanged a soft smile as Kristoffer drew Dia's injured hand over, placing a gentle kiss along the linen-wrapped knuckles. "We can come back tomorrow you know... Plus it is getting rather hot out..." Considering it was mid-day the temperature was reaching a point of uncomfortable, even in the shade. Despite being rather suited to the warmth, Diarmune was somewhat in agreement that it was a bit toasty even for him, and it was true they could easily come back another time, even the next day, but he was determined to find the little cactus creature that had scurried away upon being discovered by the pair. It looked like a new Sabotender for sure, but it was small with a little pink flower on it's head. He wanted to study and document it, but the critter had fled into the cactuses with an easy he could not replicate. Thus they had spent the last two hours searching.
A defeated slight left him and Dia nodded, admitting defeat despite his stubborn nature. He simply could not say no to such a cute face. "Fiiiine... Lets go back and get some shaved ice." Something to beat the heat a bit. As Kristoffer nodded and packed up his items, the Gleaner simply watched and admired until a moment came when he could reach out and capture the other Viera's face with his hand, pushing off the rocky edge to stand and steal a kiss before Kristoffer could scold him further. Given the chance he might have pushed for a little more affection from the botanist but something caught his eye. A pink flower... Atop an odd looking sabotender of sorts...
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johtopunk · 1 year
「 ROUTE 15.  HIGH NOON. 」 @gnslingr​
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There’s something different about them.
It is not the spiral that stains their hand, snaking outwards to the crease of their wrist, shining impossibly dark and reflecting all the hues of an oil slick.  Any other quantifiable change is negligible; maybe their hair’s a bit shorter, perhaps there’s a different constellation of bruises smattered across their arms and legs.  They haven’t changed their outfit.  They haven’t grown an inch.
And yet there is something new all the same: the air around them is heavier, laden with anticipation.  Something, somewhere, is watching — something, somewhere, is holding a bated breath.  KRIS CLARITY waits, and THE UNIVERSE waits, and they wait for very different things.
They are a silent, motionless sentinel at the clearing’s center: jaw set, hands on their hips, eyes on the sky.  Their cape dances in the wind, billowing with sharp and snapping movements.
It’s been a long time, fiend.  They’ve been waiting for you.
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shannendoherty-fans · 15 days
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December 1991 - Shannen for the cover and inside article of Teen magazine. Unknown (uncredited) photographer.
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INQUIRER zoomin' in on your faves
SHANNEN DOHERTY, 90210's Coolest Coed
Fiery, intelligent, self-assured. If any words describe Shannen Doherty, these do. Playing Brenda Walsh on the hot teen TV series "Beverly Hills, 90210," Shannen has taken a sudden star trek into the major-league limelight. These days she's everybody's favorite girl! But 'TEEN picked her as a winner as early as January 1988. At that time, Shannen was starring as Kris Witherspoon in the NBC series "Our House" and appeared on the pages of our January issue!
Born in Memphis, Tenn., on April 12, 1971, Shannen discovered a love for acting at age 9. By then, her family had moved to the Los Angeles suburb of Palos Verdes, and she had performed in the part of Sneezy! ─ in a children's theater production of Snow White. Though her parents tried to discourage their daughter's ambition, it was too burning to be denied, and within a couple of years Shannen was getting plenty of acting opportunities. Her first professional job was at 10, in fact, when she did one of the voices for the animated feature The Secret of Nimh.
But one of Shannen's most fortunate moves as an actress was the one that put her in contact with the late Michael Landon. As creator of the series "Father Murphy," he cast her first in a two-part episode of that show ─ the part of Drucilla Shannon. Shannen had a strong hunch that she'd get the part because her own name was reflected in the character's name and her lucky doll was named Drucilla! Later, when Landon created his new series "Little House: A New Beginning," he gave her the choice role of Jenny Wilder.
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"Working with Michael Landon," Shannen says now, "was one of the most important stepping stones in my career. I credit him for guiding me in the right direction when I was very young." Tragically, Michael Landon died last summer, and Shannen lost a beloved mentor, but the gift of respect, encouragement and advice that he gave her over the years is something she takes with her into all of her work. A part of that work which most people vividly remember was Shannen's role as Heather Duke in the Christian Slater movie Heathers. Shannen portrayed a character who throws off a timid, retiring personality to become a bold and dominating young beauty.
Shannen herself is anything but timid. She expresses her strong personality not only in the vintage clothing she likes to wear, but in an outspoken adherence to her beliefs. More than once, Shannen has had something to say about the way her character is supposed to behave. If the script doesn't seem right to her, she'll let her director know it, and often things are changed as a result. "I don't like playing airheads," she has said. "If I'm going to play a teenager, I'm going to play someone with brains, intelligence, a thinking young person."
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Which is exactly what Shannen is herself. Her strong feelings about the way teens are portrayed on TV ─ and her willingness to hold out rather than to compromise on her vision ─ hasn't hurt her career at all. Now catapulted into the public eye with the highly rated "90210," she understandably feels the responsibility and pressure of being a role model. But Shannen seems to be handling it with the kind of cool that indicates her inner strength and clarity. "Get secure with who you are," she advises other young women. "Be confident enough in yourself not to let anybody pressure you into doing things you don't want to do." Obviously this is one smart girl who's followed her own advine ─ all the way to super success!
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givemegifs · 1 year
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thesmallmeggles · 1 year
And Now For Something Completely Different:
"Megan, why are you talking about Spamton? *gasp* You abandoned Zanzo!"
1. This is my blog
2. No I haven't. He is still very present in my conscious.
Addison Spam
Made out of hard light. (One could walk through an Addison. Feels tingly and warm.)
Grey dot eyes, wears glasses
Smaller than all the other Addisons, 4'0"
Puppet Spam
Hair is synthetic (probably nylon), thick fibers both crunchy and sticky from whatever (improvised?) hair product he uses.
Plastic head and hands, plush body
When I've drawn Spamton, I tend to make his head more proportionate to his body. (But still kind of big.)
Has the sleep doll eyes. Irises are heterochromatic - pink and yellow. At the time Kris encounters him, the irises have silver streaks. Eyes tend to stick in odd positions.
Construction of his head limits his neck rotation. He can only turn roughly 90 degrees. If he needs to see directly to his side, he has to turn his body.
Body is stained and stitched up in places
Stomach is spongy foam, the rest is firm like a densely stuffed toy (specifically those vintage plushies. That stuffing retains scents like you wouldn't believe.)
There's a slit in his upper back revealing what appears to be a ventriloquist dummy control stick. Spamton tapes over the hole, but it never holds for long.
Articulated four fingered hands
His limb joints are similar to Woody and Jessie from Toy Story. Or a Raggedy Ann. Just the stitched bit.
Little nub feet, like a Raggedy Ann
I like the juxtaposition of Spam having a physical presence while becoming socially invisible.
Spamton Neo
Noodly bootleg action figure looking dude
Rough seams, haphazard paint, floppy limbs
Glasses are his eyes. Flashing light bulbs/leds behind them.
Head is more proportionate to body
About 10' tall
Wings are aesthetic only - he cannot fly.
Spamton Ex "Argus" (the nickname could change but idk)
Half animatronic, half mannequin, one hundred percent unsettling (My personal view is: "Is it really Spamton if he doesn't look at least a little uncanny?" EDIT: That being said, I hold no grudge against folks who draw/imagine the Spam Man as hot or cute or beastly or what have you)
His eyes are acrylic/glass with plastic lids. His nose is separate from his face mask. Seams at the eye line and across the cheeks under the mask.
Spam can emote, though it's limited. At least he isn't stuck with the "award losing smile".
Head is proportionate to body like Neo
Plastic and metal robotic skeleton with ball joints and wires. There's a heart cavity in his chest which opens to unleash his [Heart On A Chain].
Built-in Disk Drive so he can swap between bodies as needed.
The face and arms from hands to elbows are covered by silicone. Everything else is foam padded fabric, with special attention given to his pecs and posterior. ("FOR MY [Fellow Freaks].")
Hands still have four fingers. He has retractable wheels in his feet for when he needs to ZOOM.
About 7' tall, midway between Puppet and Neo.
Bonus: Two Different Human Spams
"Gary Sampson" and Sharron Ware
Mr. Sampson is a short (~4' 7"), stocky human with pale white, pink tinged skin (rosacea), hazel eyes, and thinning salt-and-pepper hair. He has high cheekbones, a long Nixonesque (former US President Richard Nixon, for clarity) nose, and wears prescription eyeglasses. His shoulders are broad and he has a notable paunch. Good old Gary from Advertising.
Sharron has heterochromatic green and violet eyes. He has navy blue/teal ombre hair and pale blue skin. (Dirty blond/auburn hair and pale white skin in the Light World.) He has softer cheekbones, ears, and a cleft chin. His nose is longer than a human's would naturally be. Stands 4' 9", a bit taller than Gary. Chubby with an average build. Assumed to be 35+ years old, exact age uncertain.
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