#kuhn lock
soulmateszedits · 8 months
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⌜ Kuhn × Up10tion ⌝ ᓚᘏᗢ
┊ ❀Simple
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robynsassenmyview · 1 year
Crash! Bang! Alakazam! For the Vincent in the gallery – and the one in your heart
"Crash! Bang! Alakazam! For the Vincent in the gallery and the one in your heart", a review of Daniel Anderson in 'Vincent', at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 10 June.
SOMEBODY to love. Daniel Anderson in ‘Vincent’ at Theatre on the Square. Photograph by Harry Lock. His was the story that changed the world’s understanding of the artist’s struggle. He yearned to, but failed to find love. He yearned to, but failed to make a conventional success of life. And at 37, died a pauper, alone. And then his work rocked the art world and auction houses as it broke records…
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fancyfade · 6 months
Hey, hey, love your blog and I was wondering if you had some insight here. To what extent do you think the way DC has written characters like Cass Cain, Damian Wayne, Rose Wilson and Lian Harper over the years provides actual good representation of racialised people?
Like yes, they’re non-white character but how important is their non-european cultures, histories and roots to their personal identities (or if that matters)? Does the jarring orientalism in the depiction of their non-european backgrounds take away from the positives? Is the constant absence of their racialised parent a harmful trope that’s needed to be amended? Is Damian’s lack of connection to specific, real-life peoples, histories and cultures just feed into the orientalism (like what’s he representing exactly)? Are they maybe best written and read as “third culture kids” living in the US?
Sorry for bombarding you with questions. I guess I’m just asking is DC giving us good representation here and how could it be better. Answer however you’d like to if you’d like. :)
I'd say I'm probably not the best person to answer this b/c I'm white. I can answer what I do know (in terms of "here's what happens in comics canon, here's what other people have said"), and then maybe someone can chime in with their experiences if they want?
So, multiple people have spoken out about the racism inherent in Damian has to choose between his good white dad and his evil brown mom/grandparent. DC also generally has erased nuance from the al ghuls, Ra's is portrayed as a cartoon villain who'd be OK locking a child in a box in the desert for not tying his shoes right in Tom King's WW.
I think that they really do need to put Talia in Damian's story and make her in character, and not treated as someone Damian needs to break away from or someone who is harmful to him. Like we saw Talia working against her upbringing, we saw her disliking Ra's' ideas.
DC does frequently only bring up Damian's heritage when they want to villainize him. That was a big thing in Teen Titans 2016 where the comic where Glass started the character assassination arc was also where they mentioned him speaking Arabic and eating in an Arab restaurant.
I know @fatheriimaginedyoutaller wrote an article talking about how DC handles it's biracial characters focusing on Damian
Cass in general the writers don't talk about her heritage at all, which makes sense from a world building perspective - she was raised by her white dad in isolation - but also... they chose to write it that way. Sarah Kuhn, writer of shadow of the batgirl, who is Japanese-American, is the only writer I can think of who got into talking about it.
in general how they're best read best written... I can't say in that part. I can say DC has been racist a lot.
I didn't get into Lian and Rose b/c I've read less of them... Rose again IIRC her heritage is barely ever mentioned. Perhaps it changes in DS2016? I haven't read more than a couple issues. Her mom definitely is written with a lot of Marv's stereotypes and ideas of how an asian woman "should" be, and in general... the comics introducing her felt very racist to me.
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metamatar · 6 months
3, 12 and 14 for the book asks :)
3. What were your top five books of the year?
The Traitor Baru Cormorant by Seth Dickinson, Reinventing Revolution by Gail Omvedt, In Theory by Aijaz Ahmed, The Structure of Scientific Revolution by Thomas Kuhn and maybe Harrow the Ninth bc it changed my mind on how interesting the Locked Tomb could be.
12. Any books that disappointed you?
Babel-17 by Sameul Delany, I expected deeper worldbuilding, better poetry and less fantasy misogyny. Maybe I'm harsh on Sapir Whorf. Camus' The Stranger was both boring and also very poor at the commentary it was attempting about Arab men and Algeria, it is somewhat racist tbh. I HATED LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER SO MUCH IT WAS SO FASCIST AND BARELY A NOVEL AND NOBODY EVER BRINGS THAT UP SOMEHOW? apparently I forgot I read that book this year it should also be in my most disliked books.
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
I want to finish Romila Thapar's Indian History Textbooks and the last Baru Cormorant before the year is over.
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 2 months
Borinwood Asylum - Ryan Kuhn x OC - Thirteen Ghosts
Summary: Living in darkness for all these years she'd adapted to the dark. She could hear their screams, cries and his laughter. How curious it made her.
Pairing: Ryan Kuhn x OC
Chapter Nine
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Dr Kirkland, and Dr Williams stood anxiously at the back of the room as Jane unhooked the back of Ryan’s straightjacket, releasing the bindings that kept his arms tight. Ryan stood quickly, taking Jane off guard a little as he clicked his neck and stretched his arms out.
Charly was taken back at Ryan’s height; he was much taller than she has expected. When he had gotten free before he had run into the nurse so quickly, she hadn’t noticed. He must be a whole head taller than her, though she couldn’t remember the last time she had stood herself, and with her broken leg that wasn’t going to be happening any time soon.
Michael and Ryan glared at one another from across the room, Charly noticed she was conveniently still locked into her chair in the middle of their fight. The tension was building, and they looked ready to pounce.
‘Oh wait!!’ Jane shouted out again, raising her arm again to gain their attention in a very irritating way.
‘I have another amazing idea!’ Everyone in the room looked cautiously at her as she wheeled towards them the box of weapons they would use for torture.
‘Now Ry-Ry, I imagine you to be a good fighter, but Michael is superior to you in strength. Perhaps it would be fun to add weapons into the mix!’ She laughed manically as she left the box, taking a step back towards the panic button.
‘Jane this is ridiculous! One of them will be killed, this was not the plan!’ Dr Williams had shouted across to her, ‘Push the panic button! What the hell are you thinking!’
Charly watched as Ryan glanced into the weapon box next to him, his eyes locking briefly with her own, it was a determined look, there was something he was trying to communicate to her, but she couldn’t tell what it was.
He was quick in his movement. Snatching from the box the small pair of scissors that Jane had used against Charly the day before, he rushed forward at Michael and the fight ensued. Michael was strong but slow in his movements. He threw his arms around clumsily as he tried to land a punch on Ryan, but he ducked and moved out of the way at each time. Jane was laughing manically behind Charly as she watched anxiously at the fight in front of her. Dr Kirkland and Dr Williams stood behind Michael against the way, as tightly as they could be trying to avoid being involved in it.
Ryan was using the elements of the room to his favour, pushing a table against Michael, and winding him, throwing the hook in his direction to distract him, Ryan has landed two good punches to Michael but had yet to use the scissors he held tightly in his hand.
Ryan went to move the table against him once again, but Michael had anticipated this. Charly reckoned he wasn’t as slow as she had thought him to be. He landed an upper punch to Ryan, throwing him in a turn against the table so that he winded himself as he now faced Charly instead of Michael behind him. He locked eyes with Charly once again, her anxiety growing, she opened her mouth to cry out to him, seeing Michael readying another attack against him. She shouldn’t show emotion, but this man meant everything to her now, he couldn’t die.
Ryan smiled at her, the same manic smile he gave her when he attacked the nurse previously. Charly caught her cry, she knew that smile, he had a plan.
The movement of him being thrown against the table acted as a distraction. What happened next was almost slow motion. The scissors in his hand were opened up, like a knife and he turned. Michael was over him, his arms raised above his head as he was readying to throw himself down on him.
Ryan ran at him, scissors open in his hand, there was a look of fear on Michael’s face as he suddenly realised what was happening, but as Ryan got close enough to make the killing blow he ducked. Swinging himself to the side and moving so quickly that no one in the room could even react.
He ran past Michael, brandishing the scissors and in one quick movement, stabbed Dr Kirkland in the side of the neck.
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xxatlasxx · 2 years
😩 I had to get something out. I don't want to bother anyone so I'll post it here. Just a short stormy weather kimchay drabble. It's not really fluffy so much as maybe melancholy?
The last thing Kim wanted to do was get stuck in traffic, especially in this weather. He looked out the window as another flash of lightning lit up the buildings of downtown. Tour was going fine, it was actually the couple day layover between traveling to other countries why Kim was going home. It was past dinner time, but Kim wasn't hungry. He just wanted to get home and sleep. He'd been on a plane since last night practically and he had a horrible time sleeping on the plane. Something about being surrounded by strangers who might recognize him as Wik or even worse, strangers that might recognize him as Kim, the mafia prince that made it hard for him to relax. 
The wind was starting to pick up along with the rain. He could tell by the way the car jerked around and the rising level of water in the street. It will be a miracle if he can make it inside his apartment lobby without getting soaked to the bone.  The weather wasn't his favorite, but he was used to it, unlike a certain teen that was complaining about the forecast this morning. Chay was very much not fond of the wind and thunder. He spent most of the call this morning complaining about how the house was old and creaky, it felt like at any moment a gust was going to take the doors and windows off. 
"The walls literally groan and pop, P'kim! How is this place structurally sound?" Chay exclaimed. 
Kim laughed and let him continue on with his rant while he waited to board another plane. After finally arriving at his building he heaved one last sigh and jumped out of the car, running into the lobby. He watched from inside as Anon got his luggage out and brought it inside. 
"I'll be back in the morning kuhn kim. Have a good night." 
Kim waved and made his way upstairs. The elevator made its own complaints as the wind pushed against the building, the only downfall to having the penthouse was how much the weather affected it. 
Something seemed off when he opened his door. Lights he didn't normally leave on, were on and ones he did were off.  As he walked further in he noticed dishes in the drain rack, empty soda cans on the counter. A pile of books sat on the counter next to an acoustic guitar leaning against it haphazardly.  Kim shook his head as he grabbed the neck and put it on a stand nearby the couch. He started making a list of people he was going to reem for getting into his apartment while he was gone. Currently the number one contender was kuhn, everything was chaotic just enough to be his doing. 
The next odd thing though that changed his mind was the bedroom door being open slightly. Kim never leaves it open, whether he's away or not, sometimes even locking it. Come to think of it, he was pretty sure he did when he left this time. That means whoever gained access to his apartment, also broke into his room. 
Kim prepared himself as he walked closer to the door. Lightning flashes, a loud crack of thunder rolls through the room. He can almost feel it moving through him like a shockwave. The rain picks up, pelting the wall of glass leading to the balcony. 
Slowly he opens the door, eyes roaming the room, looking for any danger. His eyes land on a small mound in the middle of his deep violet duvet cover. All the pillows have seemed to have migrated there as well, forming a small nest in the bed. There's no movement, but a small hic and sniffle can be heard from somewhere underneath. Another loud crack, another sound. It's evident someone is crying under the mound. Kim walks over to the side of the table, setting his 9 mill and phone down, clearly not needing either. The imminent danger appears to be a terrified teen who has burrowed into his bed. 
Kim kneels down on the edge of the bed, slowly pulling the blanket back. 
"Porchay? Baby?" Kim asks.
A fairly large gust of wind hits the side of the building. Chay lets out a whale. Kim stands up and strips down to his boxers. Carefully he maneuvers the blankets, pillows and Chay around and slips in next to him.  Kim curls himself around Chay, who is shaking. 
"It's ok, Porchay. I'm here. I'm here" Kim whispers in his ear, brushing his hand down his side. 
"I–I'm sorry, P'kim. I brok–" another rumble interrupts, Chay whines. 
"It's ok. I'm not mad, baby." Kim says. 
Kim pulls the covers back over them and pulls Chay as close as possible to himself. Quietly he starts singing in Chay's ear. Chay once told him Porsche used to do this to help calm him down when he was younger. It seems to be working as the shaking slowly stops along with the sniffing. Kim keeps rubbing his hand up and down his side and back and forth across Chay's tummy long after he's sure Chay has fallen asleep.  Not long after Kim falls asleep as well, the storm rolls on. 
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blaklost · 2 years
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꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) BASICS !
STAGE NAME :: Eunhyuk
GIVEN NAME :: Park Eunhyuk
BIRTHDAY :: September  5th, 1995
ZODIAC ::  Virgo / ox
BIRTHPLACE :: Seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN :: Guri, Gyeonggi, South Korea
ETHNICITY :: korean
LANGUAGES :: native korean 
꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) APPEARANCE !
HEIGHT :: 184 cm / 6'0”
FACECLAIM :: kuhn | up10tion
BODY MODS :: (2) lobe piercings ‘ (9) tattoos
꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) TRIAL !
Eunhyuk is kinda like the mother of the group in a sense. He’s the only one who cleans and he actually admitted to finding living with the other members practically impossible because of how messy they were
Eunhyuk is actually a very talented novel writer! He won a few awards in high school for his skills
His biggest scandal resolves around his supposed ‘personal liquor cabinet’ which apparently has been locked by staff so the other members can’t get to it
As mentioned in one of the boys dorm tour videos Eunhyuk shares a room with Donghan! But he often sleeps in the same bed as Woobin
His photocard was pulled the most in 2020 and it was later released that the company had accidentally printed double the original amount for his
emoji :: 🐸
 ꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) CAREER !
۫ ⁎CAREER :: idol , writer
۫ ⁎GROUP :: black lotus
۫ ⁎LABEL(s) :: ellectic entertainment
۫ ⁎TRAINING PERIOD :: 2 years
۫ ⁎POSITION :: Lead Rapper
 ꒪ᤱᰱ ✷ ⸺ ( 🔮 ) I.D !
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Title: From Little Tokyo, With Love
Author: Sarah Kuhn
Series or standalone: standalone
Publication year: 2021
Genres: fiction, romance, contemporary, retelling, LGBT+
Blurb: If Rika's life seems like the beginning of a familiar fairytale - being an orphan with two bossy cousins and working away in her aunts' business - she would be the first to reject that foolish notion. After all, she loves her family (even if her cousins were named after Disney characters), and with her biracial background, amazing judo skills, and red-hot temper, she doesn't quite fit the princess mould. All that changes the instant she locks eyes with Grace Kimura, America's reigning romcom sweetheart, during the Nikkei Week Festival. From there, Rika embarks on a madcap adventure of hope and happiness, searching for clues that Grace is her long-lost mother, exploring Little Tokyo's hidden treasures with cute actor Henry Chen, and maybe finally finding a sense of belonging...but fairytales are fiction, and the real world isn't so kind. Rika knows she's setting herself up for disappointment, because happy endings don't happen to girls like her. Should she walk away before she gets in even deeper, or let herself be swept away?
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readtilyoudie · 10 months
instead of feeling free, as wandering implies, i feel so incredibly trapped -- locked out of a safe space that everyone else spent their adolescence building. mine was buit on highways between broken homes
almost home by Madisen Kuhn
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baked-hylian · 1 year
I started a little late on my new years resolution to read more (I started mid february to be specific,) but in no particular order here is my full list for 2022
Black Water Sister — Zen Cho
The Jasmine Throne — Tasha Suri
Gideon the Ninth — Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth — Tamsyn Muir
Nona the Ninth — Tamsyn Muir
Tian Guan Ci Fu (Heaven Official's Blessing) — Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (volumes 1-4)
Mo Dao Zu Shi (Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation) — Mo Xiang Tong Xiu (volumes 1-3)
Iron Widow — Xiran Jay Xhao
The House of the Cerulean Sea — T.J. Klune
Under the Whispering Door — T.J. Klune
1984 — George Orwell
Among Thieves — M.J. Kuhn
Ishmael — Daniel Quinn
Shutter Island — Dennis Lehane
Frankenstein — Mary Shelley
Jurassic Park — Michael Crichton
The Hollow Ones — Chuck Hogan and Guillermo del Toro
Good Omens — Terry Pratchet & Neil Gaiman
Howl's Moving Castle — Dianne Wynne Jones
Novellas/Short Stories
Animal Farm — George Orwell
The Order of the Pure Moon Reflected in Water — Zen Cho
Spirits Abound — Zen Cho
Cells at Work: Code Black — written by Shigemitsu Harada, art by Issei Hatsuyoshiya (volumes 1-4)
Chainsaw Man — Tatsuki Fujimoto (volumes 1-11)
Delicious in Dungeon — Ryoko Kui (volumes 1-11)
Jujutsu Kaisen — Gege Akutami (volumes 0-18)
Made in Abyss — Akihito Tsukushi (volumes 1-10, plus the 4 anthology volumes by multiple authors and artists)
My Dress-up Darling — Shinichi Fukuda (volumes 1-6)
Spy x Family — Tatsuya Endo (volumes 1-8)
Witch Hat Atelier — Kamome Shirahama (volumes 1-10)
Light Novels
Ascendance of a Bookworm — Miya Kazuki (part one: volumes 1, 2, 3)
The Faraway Paladin — Kanata Yanagino (books 1, 2, 3)
Re:Zero—Starting Life in Another World — Tappei Nagatsuki (volumes 16-19)
Re:Zero—Starting Life in Another world Extras — Tappei Nagatsuki (volume 1)
Further thoughts and comments on some things below the cut
I never thought I'd clear through this much in under a year? Especially considering the last couple months I've been a little lax in reading. Typically I read at work on break and before my shift starts if I'm early, but I've been hit or miss for that so it wound up taking nearly a month for me to finish Good Omens.
Some of the series above are definitely in the reread category, but there's others that left me a little disappointed. Like I had heard so much positive talk about Klune's works, but I was left kinda disappointed with Under the Whispering Door, however maybe it was the subject matter, because I did also enjoy The House on the Cerulean Sea from him. And others like some of the classics I've read through, Idk maybe I'm spoiled, but I like having frequent paragraph breaks? And at least with Orwell in particular, he seems to really enjoy going nearly a whole page without one break. Which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't nearly ever 5 or so pages.
Definitely going to be rereading The Locked Tomb series entirely once Alecto the Ninth is out, I love the batshit wild ride that series puts you on.
Anyone who is curious may have noticed that I started with volume 16 for Re:Zero—that series is long okay? I opted to start with the beginning of arc five, since the anime ends with the conclusion of arc four. I do however plan to go back and read the other arcs, however I'm not in a major rush to finish them off since I doubt season 3 is coming any time soon.
I've also discovered that I enjoy some movie/television adaptions of books, now that I've read multiple while having watched the movie back to back. Maybe it has to do with a more mature understanding of good and bad in everything. However that still isn't going to make me rewatch The Last Airbender anytime soon lol
It's also super true: anime is just a commercial for the manga. Seriously, nearly every new series I picked up and really enjoyed I picked up the manga. The quickest was Spy x Family, next Chainsaw Man but holy, I only have two manga series I've been reading that don't have an anime adaption (although Witch Hat Atelier has an anime announcement from last year, so probably only another couple until that happens.) Although I would love to see J.C. Staff animate a Dungeon Meshi anime.
I think going into 2023 I'm going to look for more non-fiction books to check out as that seems to be an area I'm greatly lacking in.
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stateofsport211 · 2 years
[Late Post] Nonthaburi Ch MD R1: Charles Broom/Daniel Cukierman def. Nicola Kuhn/Illya Marchenko 6-0, 7-5 mid-match stats (2nd set)
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📸 ATP Challenger Livestream (via website)
Reflected back, it seemed like Kuhn/Marchenko tried to raise their level in their service games in numerous occasions, especially there were notable deciding points, until they got broken. They have had their chances, but to no avail.
Broom/Cukierman stayed solid in their service games, with winning 80% of their points from their 1st serve. However, Kuhn/Marchenko's 2nd serves were not as reliable as their first, with only 33% won from their 2nd serve. Additionally, Broom/Cukierman scored 3 aces to complement their already-solid first serves.
Somehow, I thought about the shot choices when it comes to their return games. Kuhn/Marchenko had 6 break chances, something that if they managed to break, they could take this match into the match tie-break when they capitalized on it (seeing the crucial points). However, Broom/Cukierman successfully capitalized 40% on their break points, crediting mostly their swift returns and the net game. To be frank, those defenses were fire!
In the next round, Broom/Cukierman are going to face Dane Sweeny/Tristan Schoolkate, who earlier defeated Billy Harris/Courtney John Lock 7-5, 6-3. Knowing Sweeny and Schoolkate, this should be really fun.
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wufuxipeso · 2 years
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mayfives · 2 years
5 Best Can Openers
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It’s for sure – every kitchen needs a can opener. The can opener had been part of every home cook for several years now. Be it vegetables, meat, fish, or Sause, canned food is a constant visitor to every home. That is the situation when you would be looking for a handy can opener. From the time can openers were invented first, they have come in various styles, sizes, and designs. Most houses will have a manual can opener which is easy to use. These are small and compact. In the modern world, you can also opt for an electric opener. This saves you from all the struggle of twisting that a manual can opener is designed for. Some variants can be mounted on a wall. Choosing a can opener depends on personal preferences. Yet, you also need to consider safety and convenience when deciding on a can opener. We have picked the 5 best can openers considering their quality, efficiency, safety, and features.
Best Can Openers
1. Swing-A-Way Wall Mount Can Opener with Magnet
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Best price on Amazon Key Features - Material: steel - Blade material: carbon steel Operation mode: manual - Can be mounted to walls - Durable metal construction - Smooth and easy usage - Magnet to lift lids off Specific Review Points - Excellent Hand tool - Easy to use - Doesn’t take counter space - Best for arthritis hands It is an amazing piece of tool for every kitchen. The Swing-A-Way magnetic wall can opener is easy to mounts to walls. That saves your counter/drawer space especially if you have a small kitchen. This can opener locks in three positions. It can be swung to the right or left when not being used. It is well built and is highly durable. The integrated magnet is a blessing. It safely lifts the lid off the can. Thus, making it easy to open cans of most sizes within seconds. This can opener is arthritis-friendly as it can be screwed into the wall. This can opener is much easier than any hand-operated one. Have a go at it. 2. Kuhn Rikon Auto Safety Master Opener for Cans
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Best price on Amazon Key Features - Material: plastic - Blade material: stainless steel - Operation mode: automatic - Five separate opener functions - Automatically attaches via ‘lock-on’ technology - Lids are removed via mini-pliers Specific Review Points - Great functionally and quality - Easy gripping - Sturdy and strong - Works for lefties It is a genuine all-rounder. When many automatic can openers result in being thrown into the trash, this one does its job impressively. The Swiss-designed 5-in-1 Auto Safety Master Opener from Kuhn Rikon is comparatively small that does not take a lot of space in your drawer. It is acclaimed for its versatility; it works well with ring-pull cans/tins, crown-cap (beer-style) bottles, screw-top (PET) bottles, and jars. It is sharp and cuts the edge. We tested this can opener with several types of cans. It is the best can opener for all lefties out there. So, grab this excellent tool for your kitchen. 3. OXO GG Smooth Edge Can Opener
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Best price on Amazon Key Features - Material: stainless steel - Blade material: stainless steel - Operation mode: manual - Oversized side-wind mechanism - Sharp stainless steel cutting wheel - Built-in pliers for contact-free lid removal Specific Review Points - Well durable - Smooth operator - Excellent product Keep In Mind: The can opener is a little pricey Any can opener from OXO can be trusted. This model from the brand is easy to grip and use. You do not need many gadgets in the kitchen. This is an excellent opener. The Smooth Edge Can Opener leaves no sharp edges. The lid removal pliers remove the lid, so that, you don’t get hurt running your finger around the edge. It is safe. The Oxo can opener may seem expensive. But it is worth every penny you spend on this can opener that cuts the lid efficiently and smoothly. 4. Hamilton Beach Electric Automatic Can Opener  
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Best price on Amazon Key Features - Material: Plastic, Metal - Blade Material: Stainless Steel - Operation Mode: Automatic - It Opens pop-top and regular cans - Sleek chrome and black design Specific Review Points - Very well designed - Looks and works impressively - Great for elderlies - Highly recommended The Hamilton Beach Smooth Touch Can Opener comes with a classy design. This automatic can opener is easy to use and handle. It gives a smooth edge. It does not leave metal shavings. This can opener has an easy push-down lever that works well removing both pop-top and regular cans lids. The large, designed-for comfort lever is easy for anyone to use. It suits even the elderly and anyone with a weak hand. A few consumers have complained about the metal slivers after cutting the edge. However, we did not notice that. Follow the instructions and never run the blade several times on the same line. This leaves a smooth edge. Highly recommended and top-rated can opener, grab it. 5. ZYLISS Lock N’ Lift Manual Handheld Can Opener
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Best price on Amazon Key Features - Material: TPE, PP, Stainless Steel, POM, GF Nylon & Brass - Blade material: stainless steel - Operation mode: manual - Locking mechanism - Smooth & easy turning handle - Built-in magnet - Modern design fits well with all kitchen styles - Durable cutting mechanism Specific Review Points - Nicely designed - Smooth and effortless operation. - Durable and sturdy ZYLISS Lock N’ Lift Manual Handheld Can Opener is an amazing traditional can opener with a touch of technology. It is best for those who don’t trust electronics and those who can not abandon the traditional. The soft-touch handle is smooth & easy to turn. The well-grip makes it easy to open the can. It has a ‘Lock and Lifts’ technology that locks and opens the lid well, leaving you with less effort. One of the best manual-can openers. Go for it.
Why do we choose these 5 Can Openers the best?
Can Opener is a must-buy tool for every kitchen. But you have only two options, manual or automatic. These are generally inexpensive and handy. We have settled for those can openers that are easy to use, cut smoothly, leave no metal slivers, and are durable. While testing and evaluating we found a few more Can Openers that are efficient and durable. Here are the recommendations.
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Rosle Stainless Steel Can Opener with Pliers Grip
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kpoplocks-web · 4 years
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everythingnerdyxoxo · 2 years
Borinwood Asylum - Ryan Kuhn x OC - Thirteen Ghosts
Summary: Living in darkness for all these years she'd adapted to the dark. She could hear their screams, cries and his laughter. How curious it made her.
Pairing: Ryan Kuhn x OC
Chapter Six
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She would see him again today; Dr Kirkland had said so in their session yesterday. She wanted to show emotion, to show him that she was interested in him, perhaps if he knew, he would save her, they could get out of here together. But she couldn’t, Dr Kirkland would be watching her like a hawk, she knew he would. Perhaps her thoughts were to be her only escape, realistically, her and Ryan could never be.
The seating plan remained the same as yesterday, she sat in her chair, Michael opposite her now with a smug smile and Ryan to the side of them. At first, she held her eyes firmly to the ground, not looking at him but she couldn’t help herself. His face was beaten badly, one arm sealed up and the other watching her, eyes locking for the briefest of moments as she turned her attention to the floor once more. His arms and legs were shackled into place this time, iron chains wrapped tightly around him.
Another doctor was present today, she presumed her to be Ryan’s, her long dark hair was pulled into a tight bun, and she tapped quickly onto the computer in the room. she could feel the tenseness in the air.
‘So, what’s on the agenda today, docs?’ Michael’s voice was full of arrogance as he spoke. ‘Who is the lucky ducky today?’ he laughed, loudly, it took every ounce of her not to roll her eyes at him. She glanced towards Ryan, his one eye fixed solidly now on Michael, she could see the hate in them.
‘We thought we would try something different today.’ The female doctor, spoke now, she was very formal, straightening herself up as she motioned towards the nurse to bring in the weapons. ‘We want you to choose.’ She motioned at the three of them, smiling sickeningly at them all. Something about her didn’t sit right with her, she felt more afraid of this woman than the other two doctors combined.
‘You want us to choose?’ Ryan spoke this time, his voice was smooth, deeper than she thought it would be, but she could hear the disdain in it.
‘Yes. Why don’t you go first Ry-Ry!’ she giggled like a schoolgirl, the nickname ‘Ry-Ry’ felt uncomfortable for her, even Michael across from her seemed uneasy. The nurse took the weapons over to the doctor, who started picking around inside it.
‘You have the choice between… this mace and this pair of scissors. What do you choose?’ Charly and Michael looked at one another, this woman was more insane than all of them. Her grin was positively manic.
Ryan remained silent, taking his eye to the floor, ignoring the woman at his side. She could hear the annoyed tic sound she made at the response. ‘Fine. Michael, mace, or scissors?’
She could see the cautious look in Michael’s expression as he looked between the heavy mace and the small scissors. ‘Scissors.’ His voice came quietly, the quietest he had been since their sessions had begun.
‘Wonderful! Now then Michael, next choice! Ryan and Charly?’ her smile was now dangerous, she could see Ryan’s head whip up at her, anger in his expression.
‘Your sick bitch!’ he pulled at the iron restraints, unable to move but the female doctor ignored him. Michael was smiling at her now, he was now enjoying this as much as she was. He slid his tongue over his yellow teeth as he looked at Ryan and then turned to Charly. A deep throaty laugh escaped him as he gazed in Charly’s direction longingly.
‘I choose blondie.’ His smile made every ounce of her want to throw up, but she contained it, locking eyes with Dr Kirkland in the corner of the room, who was watching carefully.
‘Fuck you. Choose me not her!’ Ryan’s voice was raised, angry as the iron restraints on his chair pulled at his skin.
‘Now, now Ry-Ry, you had your chance to choose.’ Michael spoke sarcastically at him, revelling in the new nickname.
Charly watched the female doctor in front of her, the scissors were only small, but they could still do damage. She flicked between her and the other two, Michael laughing but Ryan continuing to fight his restraints, anger in his expression as he looked between herself and the doctor.
The female doctor bent down, getting close to Charly, eye level in fact as she brought the scissors to her face. Opening the blade, she lined it up to her right eye, but she remained motionless, stoic, unmoving.
‘Not the face!’ Dr Kirkland had been the one to interject at this point. Aiming to protect at least the only part of Charly that had not been damaged.
‘Very well.’ She brought the scissors down, to the nape of her neck, just above her collar bones as she pressed the blade against her skin, deeper until she felt the blood drip down over her patient uniform. She pulled the scissors across to her shoulder. Each time, making a sawing action with the blade as she did so. The blood stained her clothing, but she continued to make eye contact with the doctor, unmoving, stoic, not even a flinch. The doctor smiled at her in response.
‘I like this one Kirkland. You have her well trained.’ She smiled back at him, before bringing her face closer still to Charly.
‘Now then, your turn, which weapon, which patient?’ Charly remained silent, but her eyes remained cold, bearing into the doctors in return.
Ryan watched her, it was unnerving. When Michael had spoke about her indifference to the torture, he thought he was talking nonsense. But here she was, completely unbothered by it. He admired her. His hatred for women hadn’t changed, there wasn’t a single woman in his life that hadn’t hurt or taunted him, but this girl was different. She wasn’t like his mother, the nurses or even the prostitutes he had come across. She was the furthest thing from the demon doctor leaning over her now. She was innocent but strong. He had an overwhelming urge to protect the girl in front of him, for the brief time he had known her, she had become important.
He watched her, as she glanced between the mace and the blood strained scissors. Her neck wound continued to bleed, if the doctor hadn’t known basic anatomy, he was sure he could have nicked an artery, killing her instantly, but she didn’t. Dr Jameson, the female doctor was impressed with her, he could tell. Her eyes lingered on the mace, gaining a sadistic smile from the doctor. She waved it around in her hand, motioning between Michael and himself, he hoped she would get her revenge, hoped she would wipe the smug smile of Michael’s face, but what if she chose him. Perhaps this girl wasn’t what he thought she was. He had gotten her into trouble during their first session as well. Perhaps her revenge would be against him, not Michael.
She watched as Dr Jameson waved around the heavy mace, waiting for the next question, who she would choose for this next stage of the session. It was an easy choice, Michael. But the question she asked surprised her.
‘Now then, who should I use this against? Ryan or you?’ she smiled sadistically. Michael laughed at the question; he was enjoying every moment. Ryan beside her was just as shocked as she was, she could hear a guttural growl coming from him as a response. She knew what the doctor wanted her to say, her eyes glancing quickly to Dr Kirkland behind, watching cautiously. The doctor would not get what she wanted.
In fact, she would get what she least expected, Charly smiled at her. Mimicking the doctor’s, earning a shocked response. She would not look at Ryan, even the slightest glance would be an answer to Dr Jameson. She glanced at the mace in her hand once more, and then smiled again, closing her eyes with the smile on her face.
Ryan watched; he had expected her to look his way. He would forgive her, a decision between himself and her, even he wouldn’t be sure to choose himself. But when she smiled, exactly as the doctor did in front of him and closed her eyes, he knew her response. He saw the doctors smile leave her face, an angry expression in return as she brought the mace above her head, smashing down against Charly’s thigh. An audible crack was heard, the mace had crushed the bone in her thigh, but the smile remained on Charly’s face. Dr Jameson took a step back, her neat bun became loose, hair covering her sweaty forehead she watched as Charly opened her eyes once more, locking eyes with the doctor before looking back to Dr Kirkland, uninterested almost.
Dr Jameson laughed, a manic laugh, much like Ryan’s. ‘Incredible. Fucking incredible.’ She panted slowly as she dropped the mace, applauding slowly in Charly’s direction. ‘You’ve outdone yourself Kirkland.’
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The Jackal
Ryan Kuhn, the man who became ‘The Jackal,’ was born in 1887 to a prostitute. Ryan later developed a sick and insatiable appetite for the female gender, attacking prostitutes and stray women with the cunning of a wild animal.
As a means to cure his insatiable appetite, Ryan committed himself to Borhamwood Asylum. After years of imprisonment in a padded room, he went completely insane, scratching at the walls so violently that his fingernails were torn completely off.
The doctors kept him permanently bound in a straitjacket, tying it tighter when he acted out, causing his limbs to contort horribly. Still fighting to free himself, Ryan gnawed through his straitjacket, until the doctors finally locked his head in a cage, and sealed him away in a dark basement cell.
There, he grew to hate any kind of human contact, screaming madly and cowering whenever approached by people. When a fire broke out in the asylum, everyone but Ryan escaped. He chose to stay behind and meet his deserved fate.
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