#kumamoto prefecture
pangeen · 1 year
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“ I Can See The Light “ // ハルマニア
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florealegiardini · 2 years
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Scenic view of waterfall in forest ~ Masanobu Kozasa
Kikuchi Valley, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kyushu, Japan
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todayintokyo · 2 months
Beam of light by by Sho Kamasaki
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Aso volcano erupting in the Kumamoto Prefecture of Japan
Japanese vintage postcard
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touristinjapan · 7 months
Kyushu North to South 14-day itinerary
This itinerary takes you from north to south through Japan’s southern most main island, Kyushu in 14 days. All the way from the bustling metropolis of Fukuoka in the north, over the historic and picturesque pottery village of Arita, the culturally diverse Nagasaki, steaming onsen baths on valcanoes, and to Kagoshima’s active volcano Sakurajima and Ibusuki’s famous sand baths in the south. The…
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ichim-774 · 1 year
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The symbol of Aso Shrine, the "Roumon", has been unveiled for the first time in seven years.
阿蘇神社のシンボル「楼門 」7年ぶりに新しい姿が公開
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 762: The Inter High's starting line
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Pag 1
2: I'll run
4: Miyazakii!!
Good luck, Kyushu teams!!
Let's do it, Kyushu!!
Hirayama-kun, you can do it!
5: Senpai, I'll replace your empty bottle
6: Now
7: It's starting!
8: Uh... ah....
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Pag 2
1: In this Inter High!!
With my own legs!!
2: How many times have I pictured this?
3: How many times have I imagined this?
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Pag 3
1: Myself standing inside the course!!
2: I can't breath properly and my heart is pounding
3: Earlier, I wanted to drink but my hands were shaking and I couldn't open the bottle
4: I was about to give up
5: If.....
6: If it's a dream
If this is a dream
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Pag 4
1: Please don't wake up
I've worked too hard for this!!
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Pag 5
1: Five minutes until the start of the boys' Inter High's first day!!
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Pag 6
1: In the front, last year's champion, Sohoku High School, is lined up!!
Ah, there's the orange-haired guy again!!
2: Ah.....
3: Ah..... in the front......
4: Don't look around so restlessly
Ye-yessir, teh
5: O-no-da-kuun
He's so cuteee!! Look this way!!
6: Ah- those are Back-gate.... Onoda-san's!?
They're his die-hard fans
Waa, as expected!! As expected!!
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Pag 7
1: But he's so nervous that he turned to completely “ignoring” them
2: Huh!? I don't know why, but seeing Onoda-san so nervous, is naturally.... making me relax, teh
Ah!! That was his goal!?
3: No, that's just his pre-race ritual
Don't worry about it
4: Also lined up in the front are the members of the local team of Fukuoka, the Fukuoka Josei High School
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Pag 8
1: Behind them, are Kyushu's veterans, Kumamoto Daichi from Kumamoto
The super express of Higo country!!
2: Fukuokaa, Kumamotoo, take the stage!!
I'm looking forward to it.!!
3: We're looking forward to your race
Do you want to say a word?
Yes, uhm.... Higo
4: will work hard!!
We'll work hard!!
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Pag 9
1: Wh... what are the conditions!?
2: Earlier you said “there are difficult conditions to meet in order to run”...!?
3: It's simple.... but hard
4: Sugimoto, the fact that you're running in the Inter High
5: means that Sohoku now has seven members
6: Despite the rule that says that each team can only have up to six people, there is one that has seven
7: It's the same situation that would happen if, for example, you took a reserve from another team
During the race, they could do things like blocking the wind, or attack; the higher your number, the more at an advantage you are
They could even help preserve the ace
8: So, in order to maintain equality
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Pag 10
1: during the race you cannot get close to “Sohoku”!!
2: It's better... if you avoid conversations with them too
You have to run like you're a member of the “selected team”
These are the conditions
3: It means that you have to break away from “Sohoku”!!
5: This is all I can help you with
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Pag 11
3: Don't worry about Sohoku
They have Miki, and Sadatoki and Kinaka are reliable too
5: Are you Sohoku's Sugimoto-kun!?
Ah, ye-yes
Quick, wear this, and the number bib....
6: Thank you, Touji-san!!
7: Can you follow it? That rule
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Pag 12
1: Yes!!
2: I'm a man who follow the rules, after all!!
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Pag 13
2: From now on I'm not a Sohoku member... but I'll run as a member of the selected team!!
3: There wasn't much time but I remember
4: Iwatani-kun from Nishihori Hisch School in the Saga prefecture
Ah- yes
5: You.... you remember my name!?
As expected, Sohoku is amazing!!
I'm counting on you
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Pag 14
1: First year, Uchikawa-kun, from Matsushima Business school in the Miyagi Prefecture
2: I've always done track and field, so I don't know much about road racing, but thank you!!
Yeah, do your best
3: Second year Kobayashi-kun from the same Matsushima business school
4: Babagome-kun from Toyotsukita High School in the Aichi prefecture
I'm a second year!!
And the first year Shingi-kun from Izumobata High school in the Shimane prefecture
5: Hyoo, thank you so much!!
6: As expected from Sohoku, huh
That's why they're the two-times in a row champions!!
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Pag 15
1: I'm a third year from Chiba, Sugimoto
2: I'll cheer for you from behind the scenes
3: Run without regrets
4: Yes!!
5: Sugimoto-san!!
We're counting on you, Sugimoto-san
6: And everyone.....
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Pag 16
1: Thank you
2: Without realizing it, my shaking has calmed down
3: I'm prepared!!
4: Hydrate yourself frequently, and eat supplementary foods at fixed time
Once every forty minutes, remember it
Ohh, such a precise advice
5: I'm glad, it's so reassuring! Who would have thought that there would be a member of Sohoku
When I heard that our coordinator, the third year Yamashita-san, was absent due to illness, I wondered “what do we do now”
I'm so glad!
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Pag 17
1: Let's run!!
2: No matter how hard the road may be!! Without giving up!!
3: We'll fight, with all our strengths
But I'll tell you one thing first
4: Even if we give our everything, the probability that we'll lose is high!!
Prepare yourself
5: Because I know
6: The opponents we have to fight that are lined up before us....
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Pag 18
1: I know how strong they are!!
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Pag 19
2: And how much they long to win
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Pag 20
1: And how hard they have worked!!
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Pag 21
2: The first day of the Inter High tournament in the Fukuoka Prefcture, starts now!!
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toweroftunes · 2 years
Can’t stop thinking about how clever this is:
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How Fujimoto is illustrating the emotional distance between Asa and Denji physically, by putting space between them, then heightening that with the speech bubble?!
Asa’s posturing is creating a wall. She's more concerned with spitting out these facts rather than getting to know Denji, or showing any vulnerability herself. She’s leaving no space for them to say anything else or to understand each other.
Even the facts themselves reinforce this distance, serving as an allegory for the situation. Indirectly, they reference Asa and Denji’s traits and secrets.
How anemones can go a long time without food or proper care? Denji grew up hungry, without anyone to look out for him.
How anemones actually house anemonefish? How they survive alongside each other in a symbiotic relationship? Couldn’t be that both Asa and Denji also have symbiotic relationships with the devils living inside of them!
How there are lots of types of starfish but not all of them are star-shaped? There are lots of devils/fiends and they don’t all look like what we might expect. Asa and Denji similarly don’t know that the other is a fiend by appearance.
How starfish can eat practically anything? Uhhh. Denji. No further explanation.
How they’ll rip off their own arm to survive a predator? Asa is currently sacrificing her own morals to turn Denji into a weapon and escape Yoru. (This could also be possible foreshadowing where Asa will sacrifice herself/her physical body to save her morals instead — idk only time will tell). And let’s not forget how Denji sold his body parts to pay off his dad’s debt. Also the ripping out of his heart.
How they strip starfish down to eat them in the Kumamoto prefecture? Asa has to get to know Denji beyond surface level to create a good weapon out of him (which she’s currently avoiding doing now). Also also, to put it mildly, Denji's stripping down of the Control devil.
Alternatively, we could also say that the speech bubble is bridging the space, but with nothing but pretense.
Anyway. More than excited to see where this all goes. I can’t freaking handle it 😭!!
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Sean bienvenidos japonsistasarqueológicos, a una nueva publicación en esta ocasión nos trasladamos a prefectura de Akita una vez más para hablar de la tumba de Ono no Komachi una vez dicho esto comenzamos. - Fue famosa como poeta, si no también tenía una belleza incomparable: ¡Fui a cubrir la tumba de Ono no Komachi en la ciudad de Osaki! ! La ciudad de Osaki, fue donde se refugió tras, ser expulsada del mismo, tuvo que regresar a Akita su ciudad natal. Después de eso, realizó una visita de 100 días para orar por la recuperación de su enfermedad, pero falleció el día en que se cumplió su deseo. Se dice que cuando los aldeanos la vieron, se apiadaron de ella y erigieron una lápida por su triste muerte. - ¿Quién fue Ono no Komachi? Fue una poetisa del periodo Heian, se desconocen cuando nació y murió, pero se la conoce como "Rokukasen", se baraja la posibilidad de que viviera en Kioto, además de la prefectura de Akita, como la prefectura de Kioto y la prefectura de Kumamoto, sobre dónde se dice que nació. - Espero que os haya gustado y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones, ¿Conocían esta historia y a la poetisa?. 今回も秋田県に場所を移し、小野小町の墓についてお話しします。 - 歌人として有名な小野小町だが、その美しさは比類ない。大崎市にある小野小町の墓を取材した!!大崎市から追放された彼女が避難した大崎市は、故郷の秋田に帰ることになった。その後、病気の回復を祈願して百日詣りをしたが、その願いが叶った日に亡くなった。その姿を見た村人たちが憐れみ、悲しい死を悼んで墓石を建てたという。 - 小野小町とは?平安時代の歌人で、いつ生まれ、いつ亡くなったかは不明だが、「六歌仙」の名で知られ、京都のほか、秋田県、京都府、熊本県などに住んでいたと考えられている。 - この物語と歌人をご存知でしたか? Welcome to a new publication, this time we move to Akita prefecture once again to talk about the tomb of Ono no Komachi, so let's begin. - She was famous as a poet, but she also had an incomparable beauty: I went to cover the tomb of Ono no Komachi in the city of Osaki! ! Osaki City, where she took refuge after being expelled from Osaki, had to return to Akita, her hometown. After that, she made a 100-day visit to pray for recovery from her illness, but died on the day her wish came true. It is said that when the villagers saw her, they took pity on her and erected a tombstone for her sad death. - Who was Ono no Komachi? She was a poetess of the Heian period, it is unknown when she was born and when she died, but she is known as "Rokukasen", and it is thought that she lived in Kyoto, as well as Akita Prefecture, Kyoto Prefecture and Kumamoto Prefecture, where she is said to have been born. - I hope you liked it and see you in future posts. Did you know this story and the poetess?
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udonangya · 8 months
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玉名郡南関町上長田の、うどん処 関所亭で、冷やし素麺720、南関あげ丼(ごはん半分)620、〆て1,340円也。
Cold dipping Nankan somen noodles and Nankan fried tofu and egg rice bowl at Sekishotei, Kaminagata, Nankanmachi, Tamana county, Kumamoto prefecture.
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 6 months
U.A. High School Field Trip Around Japan: Day 6 Translations
This is Day 6 of Shonen Jump’s special commemoration of My Hero Academia reaching one hundred million copies worldwide, which is being rolled out daily across one-week in each prefecture’s newspaper.
The schedule:
April 4th, Day 1: Hokkaidō & Tōhōku regions
April 5th, Day 2: Kantō region
April 6th, Day 3: Chūbu region
April 7th, Day 4: Kansai region
April 8th, Day 5: Chūgoku & Shikoku regions
April 9th, Day 6: Kyūshū & Okinawa regions
April 10th, Day 7: Nationwide release
You can see the illustrations on their website here, where they are released digitally the day after the newspaper release.
Here we go!
Kyūshū Region
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Photo credit: twitter user nika2_prpr
Hawks: "Aren't we all just dying for free time? I just want everyone to be happy, you know." Tokoyami: "That ambition is what I, too, wish to realize." Jirou: "He has a rockin' vibe even when sleeping, doesn't he!!"
Nanzo-in Temple is home to one of the largest bronze statues in the world depicting a reclining Buddha, called Shaka Nehan (Nirvana). The statue holds ashes of Buddha and two adherents, which were gifts from Myanmar as thanks for Nanzo-in's donations of medical supplies.
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Photo credit: twitter user yukino_096
Ashido: "The squid are dancing!!" Tokoyami: "The squid, such speed!" Aizawa: "For drying a large amount of squid at once, it's a really reasonable method." Tokoyami: "A magnificent display of stormy turmoil!!!"
This is a fixture at Yobuko Town's morning market which rapidly dries squid by rotating in circles. The Japanese name, ikaguruguru, uses an onomatopoeia for going around in circles so you could call it a "squidy-go-round." Tokoyami uses the Japanese term for the German aesthetic Sturm und Drang. By the way, the term for dried squid, surume, is also used to mean something that grows on you over time. It's one of the most popular snacks in Japan!
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Photo credit: twitter user ssb_uchuubar_
Aoyama: "Merci for the million dollar nightscape~" Asui: "The night views from the sky are exception!"
Nagasaki is considered to have one of the top three best night skylines in Japan. You can visit Mount Inasa's Observatory to see it for free, but they got something even better!
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Photo credit: twitter user 18Miyakonbu
Sero: "Bakugou... did you do that!?" Kouda: "The mountain is burning!" Shouji: "Quick, put it out! Bakugou, you help too!" Nedzu: "Hang on! Dry grass being burnt down helps new grass sprout. This nurtures the animals as well. Humans and nature in symbiosis, that's what burning the fields represents!" Bakugou: "Hey, you bastards, APOLOGIZE!"
The city of Aso lights its mountain on fire every year as part of the Aso Fire Festival, a coordinated effort between farmers to replenish the fertility of their soil. My favorite part is that Katsuki doesn't deny that he blew the mountain up in flames... he's saying, "see, I'm helping, all right!!"
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Photo credit: twitter user im_mim_966
Kaminari: "Now then, who's getting in!! To soothe your travel weariness!" Iida: "STOP! Do you want to be boiled alive!? Swimming in the Blood Pond Hell area is prohibited!!" Kaminari: "So this is a 'bitterness of denied entry' type hell, then! (cry)"
They are trying to bathe in the Blood Pond Hell in Beppu City, where iron oxide and magnesium oxide mix and get pushed to the surface to turn the water blood red. Beppu is known for its Eight Hells, hot springs that are so hot (often greater than 200 degrees Fahrenheit), they are meant for viewing rather than bathing--hence their being called a "hell," not a "hot spring!"
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Photo credit: twitter user
Yaoyorozu: "The myth of Princess Toyotama and Yamasachihiko exchanging love letters has been passed down in Aoshima, so there is a legend that if you send a love letter with this postbox, your love will come true." Kaminari: "Make a postcard for me right now, Yaomomo!" Mineta: "Make me a hundred! It's my lifelong wish!!" Yaoyorozu: "It's just one apiece for someone special..." Postboxes in Japan are red, so this one, called the "Yellow Postbox of Good Luck," is unique. The couple Yaoyorozu mentions are from the Kojiki and Nihon Shiki, which contain some of the earliest written records of Japanese myths and ancient history. Poor Kaminari... he just asked for one!
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Photo credit: twitter user Door_20200783
All Might: "Continuing to watch over everything for all eternity!! This here, this is the Symbol of Peace!!" Izuku (mumbling): "It's a well-known fact among fans that All Might loves Yakusugi--" Izuku (out loud): "I'm thrilled we can all go together!! Right, Kacchan!!?" Kacchan: "I... Don't drag me into this!! (pleased, though)"
Yakusugi refers to cedars of at least a thousand years old on the island Yakushima, where there are dense coniferous forests with many old-growth trees. The most famous is the Jōmon Sugi, which is estimated to be at least 2,000 years old. Did Kacchan follow them on their tree tour, trying to not be noticed, and Izuku called him out on it~? Or did they companionably embark all together while he put up a grumpy front? Hee!
Okinawa Region
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Photo credit: twitter user kkko25
Endeavor: "Shouto, how is it? How is the soba!?" Todoroki: "Okinawa soba is tasty." Endeavor: "RIGHT!? SHOUTOOOOOOO!! (joy)" Todoroki: "Let me eat in peace."
Unlike Todoroki's beloved mainland soba, which is made with buckwheat flour, Okinawa soba is made with wheat flour and is closer to udon noodles.
Aaand that's Day 6, the last release is the grand finale!
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colourful-jack · 1 year
Paper Talk Special: YOSHIHARA Rieko's interview (1989)
“Riki is an almost full-grown black panther”
YOSHIHARA Rieko has written in a wide variety of genres, from high-school stories to fantasy and science fiction. If there is one thing her characters, like Aki and Kacchan or Iason and Riki, have in common, it’s their impressive charisma. We had the opportunity to ask her more about Ai no kusabi in this interview.
Pen name’s origin: My birth name. My family name changed when I got married, so I thought “nobody would know it’s me!”.
Date of birth: October 4th, 1954
Blood type: B
Place of birth and residence: born in Fukuoka Prefecture, living in Kumamoto Prefecture
What made you send your manuscript to the magazine: It had been a long night…
1. What made you start writing Ai no kusabi?
I didn’t really… want to write about “pure love” in a science fiction setting (ah ah ah), because I wanted to write about an “encounter” than would not just be casual, the bonds it would create and the various feelings they would draw along.
2. Which character can you empathize with the most?
Probably Riki, as one could expect. Because, even though he has a sharp tongue and is quite mature, his way of thinking is fundamentally straight. Him running around struggling yet unable to act, because he’s caught between two feelings of different natures, makes him seductive, I like it.
3. What is your favourite scene? And what is a line you like?
My favourite, hmm… It would have to be the scene where Katze cries while stifling his voice. But I also cannot put aside the scene where Riki is kept waiting in vain in the rain by Guy… As for the lines, those would be “there’s no way I’m letting him die alone” or “you may be able to look the other way despite everything, but I… wouldn’t be worth more than trash if I did. I couldn’t go on living.”
4. Could you tell us about the creation process of the characters, like Riki and Iason? (size, weight, blood type, date of birth, etc.)
I had their personality roughly figured out, so I didn’t think about their finer characteristics, but…
Riki: Because he’s a slum mongrel, I pictured him as an almost full-grown black panther. Not frail, but slender and lithe. As for his appearance, his intelligence shines through the strength of his obstinate spirit, that’s all.
Iason: Since he’s an absolutely perfect member of the elite and the Black Market’s king, he should definitely be like the God of the Sun Apollo, but raised in the depths of the sea (or something). He’s shrewd and good-looking, incredibly proud, and wouldn’t collapse under any circumstances. Regarding his height, all things considered, he’s a head taller that Riki.
Guy: In my first draft, he was a tolerant and broad-minded herbivorous felid… that was my intention, but I wonder where and how things went wrong.
Raoul: His looks, intellect and handsomeness are on par with Iason’s. He has a sense of humour and, even more than Iason, nerves of steel.
Katze: Went from being raised in the slums to being a Furniture in Eos to being a broker on the black market. Putting aside the protagonists, he’s the one with the most dramatic life, so that’s probably why I gave him a tragic handicap, like being a scarface or being a man without manhood…
Kirie: Representing slum dwellers in their late teens, he’s overconfident and reckless. He has a very limited worldview, so he’s the most fragile yet also the most dangerous character.
5. Concerning the way you chose the characters’ names, you previously said you were “drawn to the “dragon” kanji”, were you fixated on something like that for Ai no kusabi?
This time I wanted to give them names that would fit their character, so… I gave Riki a name conveying “power” (riki is one of the few ways to read the kanji meaning “power”), I named Iason after a hero from Greek mythology, and Guy after the goddess of the Earth, Gaia, for his ability to embrace everything. But when you list them, they’re not consistent. All things considered, you could say they’re just far-fetched choices, ah ah ah…
6. Writing Ai no kusabi, what did you enjoy? What did you find difficult?
For the most of it, the story was ever changing with the characters’ feelings, so until I had reached the ending, I had fun worrying (somehow) while writing. Difficult things that would bring wrinkles to my forehead, I tend not to think too much about them.
7. A number of different types of Pet Rings appear in readers’ four-case mangas, but how do you picture them yourself?
No, well, when it comes to Riki’s, its basic image was something like Sun Wukong’s circlet. Looking at it like this makes Journey to the West quite salacious too… don’t you think?
8. Could you tell us your thoughts about the cassette adaptation?
I thought “Are you sure we can really do that?”… but when it became real, well, I mean, ah ah ah, what could I say? As you know, this work involves many human relationships, some violent lines, and it’s quite heavy on that. “How can we make all that fit in 60 minutes?” I wondered… When I heard the tape for the first time, it dawned on me that letters and voices are truly two completely different things, obviously. I wrote it, so it’s weird for me to say that, but I thought “can I really make Mr SEKI and Mr SHIOZAWA say those things?”… on the other hand, when I wondered what faces they made then, Tokyo felt so far away… So those were my thoughts. But everyone used their beautiful voice to give impassioned performances, so I’m very happy!
9. And lastly, what is June to you?
A breather between child rearing and house chores, a teatime friend… or something like that. (October 1989)
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Planning a somewhat ambitious trip for the end of June, so I just went ahead and booked all the hotels tonight. They can be cancelled for free if I change my mind on any of it, but I'm aiming to do Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, and Kumamoto. Kumamoto is the one I'm most on the fence about, but it would sweep half of Kyushu in one go.
What the fuck I'm going to do in Saga is a bit of a mystery. And Fukuoka is just to eat. Tonkotsu ramen, unagi seiromushi, gyoza, apparently the yakitori is particularly good. I don't love mentaiko, unless it's in monjayaki with mochi and cheese, but Fukuoka is known for it, so I'll probably eat some anyway.
(I've been in Japan too long. When I travel, my top priority is always the food.)
This has been: Noe's ongoing adventures in trying to visit all 47 Japanese prefectures.
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castleintheskye · 10 months
Speaking of lore, I am still waiting for the explanation behind Hakka and Shinri's last names and why they both include characters for "temple". They are the only two in Tempus without star-related names, so did they get to choose them themselves?
万象院 Banzoin - 万象 is the word for "all of creation" and 院 is a word for temple that also means institution or school. I think it's safe to interpret this to be referring to the clan's main estate. So what does 万象 refer to? That the clan serves all of creation? Is 万象 the technique the family created?
定水寺 Josuiji - Let's get the easy one out of the way, 寺 is specifically a Buddhist temple. 定水 seems to translate to stagnant water or a water supply. 定 translates best to "fixed, regular, certain", so a source of still water that is dependably always where it's supposed to be. If we're being generous, we can interpret it as "pond" even though that's not how those characters are used in Japanese.
There's also 浄水寺 Jōsui-ji Temple in Kumamoto Prefecture, an actual Buddhist temple pronounced the same way but means "clean/purified water". So perhaps an inspiration that was changed to "pond" per Shinri's decision to have a koi theme. But why does Shinri, a ronin with no Buddhist/temple background, have 寺 in his name?
How do these names reflect Xenokuni and its worldbuilding? Does each city/town have a temple that people take their names from? Does Elysium have gods/religion? Omega exists but isn't worshiped as far as we know.
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Yoko Ikeda (Japanese, b. 1965)
Misato Town, Kumamoto Prefecture, 2011
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translations101 · 2 years
The 47 prefectures of Japan/47都道府県 (とどうふけん)
In Japan there is 47 prefectures and they are divided into 都 (と), 道 (どう), 府 (ふ) and 県(けん)
都 (と) - metropolis
道 (どう) - territory
府 (ふ) - urban prefecture
県 (けん) - prefectures proper
(from north to south)
北海道・東北 ( ほっかいどう・とうほく)
Hokkaido / Tohoku region
北海道 (ほっかいどう) Hokkaido
青森県 (あおもりけん) Aomori - ken
岩手県 (いわてけん) Iwate - ken
宮城県 (みやぎけん) Miyagi - ken
秋田県 (あきたけん) Akita - ken
山形県 (やまがたけん) Yamagata - ken
福島県 (ふくしまけん) Fukushima -ken
関東 (かんとう) Kanto region
茨城県 (いばらきけん)Ibaraki -ken
栃木県(とちぎけん) Tochigi - ken
群馬県 (ぐんまけん) Gunma- ken
埼玉県 (さいたまけん) Saitama - ken
千葉県 (ちばけん) Chiba - ken
東京都 (とうきょうと) Tokyo - to
神奈川県 (かながわけん) Kanagawa - ken
中部(ちゅうぶ) Chubu region
新潟県 (にいがたけん) Niigata - ken
富山県 (とやまけん) Toyama - ken
石川県 (いしかわけん) Ishikawa - ken
福井県 (ふくいけん)Fukui - ken
山梨県 (やまなしけん) Yamanashi - ken
長野県 (ながのけん) Nagano - ken
岐阜県 (ぎふけん) Gifu- ken
静岡県 (しずおかけん) Shizuoka - ken
愛知県 (あいちけん) Aichi - ken
近畿 (きんき) Kinki region
三重県 (みえけん) Mie - ken
滋賀県 (しがけん) Shiga- ken
京都府 (きょうとふ) Kyoto - fu
大阪府 (おおさかふ) Osaka -fu
兵庫県 (ひょうごけん)Hyogo - ken
奈良県 (ならけん) Nara - ken
和歌山県(わかやまけん) Wakayama - ken
中国・四国 (ちゅうごく・しこく) Chugoku/Shikoku region
鳥取県(とっとりけん) Tottori - ken
島根県(しまねけん) Shimane - ken
岡山県(おかやまけん) Okayama - ken
広島県(ひろしまけん) Hiroshima - ken
山口県(やまぐちけん) Yamaguchi - ken
徳島県(とくしまけん) Tokushima - ken
香川県(かがわけん) Kagawa - ken
愛媛県(えひめけん) Ehime - ken
高知県 (こうちけん) Kochi - ken
九州・沖縄(きゅうしゅう・おきなわ) Kyushu/Okinawa region
福岡県 (ふくおかけん)Fukuoka - ken
佐賀県(さがけん)Saga - ken
長崎県 (ながさきけん)Nagasaki - ken
熊本県 (くまもとけん) Kumamoto - ken
大分県(おおいたけん) Oita -ken
宮崎県 (みやざきけん)Miyazaki - ken
鹿児島県 (かごしまけん)Kogoshima- ken
沖縄県 (おきなわけん) Okinawa - ken
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